#even leitner points out its dumb
catgirlthecrazy · 4 years
Imposter Syndrome
Fanfic partially inspired by episode 161, and also these excellent bits of Archivist Sasha AU/Not!Jon related fanart by @skyberia
Summary: Martin doesn't have much left of the real Jonathan Sims. He doesn't even have a face. Not a real one. Just a recording on a tape recorder.
"Come on…" Martin strains against the super glue cap. "Come on." The damn thing won't move. Frustrated, knowing it's a dumb idea but with no better ones to hand, Martin grips the cap between his teeth and twists.
"What are you doing?"
Martin yelps and fumbles the glue bottle. He frantically grabs for it, but his flailing arms just knock the tape recorder off the table and send it clattering onto the floor. He scrambles to pick it up. Please don't be broken, please don't be broken. There doesn't seem to be any damage. No new damage, anyway.
(He fails to notice that the record button was pressed on by the fall)
Jonathan Sims, Martin's fellow archival assistant and target of an extremely inconvenient crush, raises an eyebrow at him. "Um, sorry, I didn't see you there. You startled me." Curse Jon and his inconvenient good looks. He'd always had a weakness for dark hair and hawklike features.
Jon grunts. "I suppose that's to be expected, given the circumstances." He glances around the storage room. "No worms?"
"What? No, not in here, anyway. I've seen a few around the institute. Been stomping on all of them. Kind of satisfying, really."
Jon grimaces. "Lovely. You never answered my question by the way."
Martin racks his brain, but the last few minutes are a fuzzy, giddy panic to him. "Sorry, which question is that?"
Jon makes an inpatient noise. "What you were doing just now." He motions with his hand.
Martin glances at the tape recorder. "Oh, that. Just trying to fix the tape recorder."
"You? Fix a tape recorder? I thought your degree was in parapsychology."
Guilt gnaws at his insides. Martin does not want Jon thinking too much about his qualifications. "It's nothing complicated! Just one of the buttons broke off. Thought I'd try and glue it back on." He looks at the glue bottle morosely. "Or at least, I was. This seems to be glued shut."
"And you thought you'd pry it off… with your teeth? You do realize that's a good way to end up in A&E with your mouth glued shut." The raised eyebrow is back. He's good at that. Unfairly good at it. It makes Martin's insides leap with excitement. It also makes him want to curl up in a corner and die of embarrassment.
"I know, I know, it was stupid. I'm just frustrated, I guess."
"Understandable, I suppose. Not exactly pleasant accommodations here in storage." Jon pauses. "Are you alright down here? Do you have everything you need?"
"What, me? Oh I'm fine. Totally fine. No need to worry about me." He laughs nervously.
"I believe current circumstances have proven there is plenty of cause to worry." Jon coughs and looks away, his cheeks darkening. Martin has to suppress a lovesick grin. Jon always does this when he crosses his own personal definition of professional boundaries. Which as far as Martin can tell, encompass pretty much anything approaching genuine friendship. Not that Jon is very good at staying inside those boundaries these days. Not since the Prentiss incident.
"Anyway," Jon says, recovering himself. "Do you still have those files on Pinhole Books? Sasha said she'd assigned them to you." He's all business now, as if he hadn't just unbent enough to be outright friendly.
"Those? I think they're somewhere in my desk. Why?"
"Just looking into a few things related to Leitner."
"Alright. I'll try to find them after lunch."
Jon nods, and starts to leave, but hesitates. "You might want to try hot water." He leaves.
Martin heaves a heartfelt sigh. Then he realizes the tape recorder has been recording the whole time.
Months later, Jane Prentiss attacks. Jonathan Sims flees into Artifact Storage to hide. Something else comes out.
"Here you are Martin."
Martin blinks bleary eyes at the steaming mug that's just been set in front of him. He looks up to see Jon, a kind expression in his eyes. "You made me tea?"
"Of course." Jon smiles down at him. "You do it for me often enough. Seemed only fair."
"Wow, um. Thanks." Martin sips the tea. It's brewed exactly how he likes it: hot and strong with plenty of cream and sugar. "This is… this is really good!"
"Glad to hear it. And how've you been doing? It must be good to have your own place again."
"Not bad. Got a new flat not far from the old one." He'd lost the lease on the old place during his months in the archives. Not that he could have stomached going back there. There might still be worms. "Still unpacking boxes from the old place. At least the neighbors are quiet."
Jon nods. "Say, Tim and I were going to step out a bit early for drinks tonight. You want to come?"
Martin straightens. "Y- yeah, that'd be great." At that point, Sasha pops in with questions about the Herbert Knox file, and the conversation ends. Jon gives him a little wave and wanders back to his desk.
It isn't until later that Martin realizes: the rushing giddiness is gone. He'd had an entire conversation with Jon being nothing but nice to him, and his insides hadn't done one single swoop. He's still plenty fond of the man, but only that. Is his crush evaporating already? That was quick. Martin had expected to be pining after Jon for months yet.
It's probably for the best. Nothing would have come of it, except possibly Martin making a fool of himself. More of a fool of himself. And really, it's remarkable Martin ever had a thing for him to begin with. He doesn't usually go for blond hair.
Sasha takes Tim and Martin out to lunch. That's not particularly unusual. Jon is out following up a case, so he can't come, but that's not unheard of either. It isn't until she leads them away from their usual place and towards a park that Martin worries. He's not at all prepared for what she tells them.
"What do you remember about 0070107? Amy Patel's statement?"
Martin and Tim glance at each other. "That's the one where her neighbor was eaten and replaced by an evil drain pipe, right?" Tim said.
"I remember something about… changing photos?" Martin ventures.
Sasha pulls out a tape recorder. She doesn't look at it as she presses play. She doesn't even look at them. She's staring at some indefinite point in space to Martin's left, like it's a window to hell. The recorder plays.
"You're aware it's pronounced Kuh-ly-o-pee, right?" A man's voice, acerbic and dry, that Martin doesn't recognize.
"Really? I've always heard it pronounced ka-lee-o-pee." Sasha's voice.
"I suppose technically there's no correct pronunciation. But the organs are named after the Greek muse Calliope, so…"
Tim frowns. "Isn't that Leanne Denikin's statement? Who's that you're talking to?"
Sasha closes her eyes. "Jonathan Sims. The real one."
It takes them a week to find a way to deal with NotJon. During that week, Martin has to pretend that nothing has changed. That he isn't aware that his coworker and one time crush has been replaced by this… thing that calls itself his name. Martin has to smile when he says hello. Thank him when he brings tea. Laugh when he tells a joke. Just like normal.
(Were any of those things normal Jon behavior?)
Sasha's background in artifact storage provides the answer: an old diving bell with a penchant for disappearing people to infinite crushing depths. In his nightmares, Martin can still the the way the thing distorted, when it realized it had been caught. The way its limbs stretched into a grotesque parody of the human form as dark water sucked it in.
And then… things are normal again. There isn't even a police investigation. Jon apparently had no surviving family to raise a fuss about his disappearance. They get drinks, but even that is hard. It's hard to remember which of their fond stories belong to the real Jon, and which to the imposter.
One day, Martin finds an unmarked tape in the storage room. Thinking it's an old poetry tape he forgot to label, he pops it in a recorder to play. He could use a pick me up.
It's not poetry. The recording starts with a loud clatter, like the recorder being dropped. Then, Martin's voice. "Um, sorry, I didn't see you there. You startled me ."
"I suppose that's to be expected, given the circumstances ." A man's voice. Acerbic and dry. Martin can't breathe. He remembers this conversation. The voice on the tape is saying all the words that Martin remembers. It's not the same voice.
How long has this tape been sitting here? NotJon had hidden all the tapes containing the real Jon's voice, but apparently he'd missed this one. If Martin had found this earlier, if he'd managed to keep his poetry tapes in some kind of order for once … But Jon had already been dead by the time Martin had first met the imposter. His research on the NotThem made that abundantly clear. They might have caught on sooner. But it wouldn't have saved him.
"You never answered my question by the way."
"Sorry, which question is that?"
God. Had it really been that obvious, how much he'd liked Jon? Martin on the tape sounds like his head has floated off like a child's lost balloon. Jon's annoyance is audible even via tape. He remembers recognizing it as cover for genuine concern. It's so totally unlike the kind, smiling man Martin has known for the past year. How the hell did he never notice the switch?
Maybe he had. Hadn't his crush dissipated around that time? That makes Martin queasy to think about, but he clings to it anyways. That crush might be the truest thing he has left for Jon.
"Are you alright down here? Do you have everything you need?"
Martin blinks away wet, stinging tears. He remembers clear as day the kind and concerned look on Jon's face as he'd said these exact words. Except… those memories were fake. Had the real Jon looked at him like that? What would that even look like? Martin still doesn't know what the real Jon looked like. All he has is Melanie's vague description ("Short. Greying hair. Bit of an arsehole. Definitely not white."). All Martin's photos show only the imposter. He hasn't been able to find any Polaroids. God knows he's tried. He spent a week tracking down old yearbooks and photo albums and anything else he could think of. Plenty of photos of the imposter at varying ages. Nothing else.
Martin tries to construct an image of Jon. Take the few details he does have and paste them over the memories of the imposter. It feels less real than the fake.
Maybe that's the real horror of this monster. When someone you care about dies, you can normally take comfort in your memories of them. The NotThem has stolen that from him. No, worse than stolen. Corrupted. Taken Martin's memories of Jon and plastered them over with a false, smiling face.
All he has now is a tape and a voice.
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jordankennedy · 4 years
ok less flip phrasing but: why i think amherst was never an a avatar, per se, but rather smtg more like breekon & hope / the not-them / vampires / MR. SPIDER / etc. like a direct manifestation of an entity, not an individual human that got in too deep. (1/?)
“first: Name. THE most boring placeholder first name + bioweapon pioneer surname. its like a desolation avatar named jane fawkes or smtg. fake n badly made up sounding. (native genocide is not in jonnys lane so i dont think a connection between john and jeffery beyond just the surname will be confirmed so, uh, point to me?) (2/?)
second: Immortality. amhersts immortality is WEIRD. like hes not the only unnaturally long-lived character but every other avatar either ages v slowly, ages not at all, or body hops via eyes. the resurrection is limited to some end avatars (makes sense, end is all abt death n cheating it) and hunters but only for unHuntlike causes of death (trevor's lung cancer) (makes sense, hunt is all abt Not Stopping). (3/?)
every time theres a clear thematic connection between the patron entity n the not-dying, which isnt true for the corruption n amherst beyond perhaps the "can't stamp out infestation" approach, which makes more sense if amherst is HIMSELF the filth, not something that simply hosts it (eg the various flesh hives, beetle wife guy, maggie n gordie). (4/?)
GRANTED its extra weird how amherst survived getting set on fire, when fire is consistently presented as a way to "cleanse" the corruption (eg worm sex apt, wasp nest, janes body, ivy meadows, klanxbull). but i guess u could say it shows amherst is a more intense manifestation of the crawling rot. idk (5/?)
(fringe offshoot subtheory i dont fully subscribe to: amherst is literal brain fungus n hijacks ppl to eat most of and then use as organic scaffolding to build up typical appearance? hence massive height n form concealing outfit??? like i said im not sure abt this one. :/ like i think theres smtg there abt the clothing detail but ehhhh not too hot on on the rest) (6/?)
anyways, third: Timeline. chronologically, amherst first appears in 2003 and he doesnt even properly show up, hes just a character in a leitner. a leitner that gertrude burns. hey, u kno who canonically survived getting set on fire? yeah. ("what was he doing in the 8 yrs between 2003 n ivy meadows" uh obviously he was catching up w the 21st century. learning how to drive and buy property. next.) (7/?)
which brings us to fourth: Leitner. only 3 canon examples of lowercase-e entities tied to a leitner book, and theyre mr. spider (feeds via a guest for, and the jp book in mag 110), the lichtenberg figure (bound to ex altiora), and john amherst (features in evil papercut book). and the keay ghost book ig but imo that feels like a totally different kind of "being tied to" so im not counting it. (8/?)
the other 2 are definitely inhuman monsters so why not amherst? i think amherst was contained in the book somehow (not forcibly the way the lichtenberg figure was) n got released when gertrude burned it. i do feel like in that case gertrude arsonized him immediately (HENCE.... WHY MAG 68'S STATEMENT GOT SCORCHED AS WELL AS THE BOOK I JUST REALIZED) but You See, Doctor, He Is Such A Restless Man. (9/?)
the handshake fumble, the totally gutted ant house, and "saluted on the spot and died on the spot of typhoid" all have colossal anatomy student energy. extreme fake person vibes. i will not elaborate on this one (10/11)
finally, everything abt john amherst—the bank account, the medical fraud, the dinky little car—becomes approx at least 30x more hilarious if u imagine he was never even a person just an overgrown mushroom. purple drain fungus final evolution. i slammed this out on notes so forgive any typos, if jonny kills this theory itd be worth it for the amherst lore i guess. thank u for reading. (11/11)“
reading this genuinely was like getting hit over and over again with a sledgehammer. when you sent me the original ask i was like haha thats dumb but now after absorbing all of this is think youre completely right and unironically im really, really impressed by the level of analysis here. literally i did not even think about the idea of him being tied to the leitner book. can you come off of anon so i can follow you if i dont already
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spiralesbian · 4 years
here’s my full Stranger Avatar Sasha Archivist timeline:
(also, thanks to @artbyblastweave for being so interested in my lil au!)
sasha james is hired as the head archivist of the magnus institute!
her assistants are jon, tim, and martin
tim takes the thematic role of martin (aka getting tormented by my worm wife jane, and stays in the archives)
sasha reads thru statements and is a skeptic! she really does not believe it’s real until jane comes along.
“tim……………………..did you die here?”
“no, but every time i come to work i die a little more inside.”
cute timsha moment in the supply closet tho.
until martin kool-aid-mans through the door and gets them out of there
jon used to work in artefact storage so he hides in there. he’ll be fine
i actually can’t remember how they all get out but they do it KKJSDGFJHD
sasha takes everyone’s statements. tim is fucked up, martin is also fucked up, jon is actually fine though he seems pretty normal about this whole situation most definitely.
sasha realizes this is a bit more than a regular archivist job.
sasha gets paranoid of course. she learns more about gertrude because she never got the chance to meet her
she takes a statement from a guy named michael shelley. weird dude. then helen shows up :)
jon is most definitely himself he is just a normal regular grumpy jon i swear :)
sasha starts to manifest her powers a little bit. she doesn’t know it, but she is an avatar of the stranger, and a prisoner of the eye.
she starts to notice more things about jon? similar to this comic but with jon
eventually she + tim + martin help get jon out of the grip of the NotJon. this is my au and i get to choose who dies (it’s no one because i miss the s1 archival assistants too much).
jon is pretty fucked up from this though and at like a season-3-tim mindset already.
fucking goddamn leitner avatar of the fucking whore shows up to trap the NotJon in one of his shitty fucking novels. fuck this guy tho
he’s like Sasha We Must Talk and shes like okay but stay 8 ft away from me at all times you bitch
she leaves the room for 10 minutes and pipe murder occurs. good riddance
wait are the cops in the season i genuinely can’t remember. if they are, their roles don’t change very much. melanie and sasha feud, battle of the bi queens
uh oh! girlie’s be framed for murder! she crashes at her ex gf georgie’s flat. also the admiral is there don’t think i would EVER cut him out of this story
(also jon is georgie’s ex too because i think that would be fun JDHBFHS)
sasha learns abt an upcoming web ritual (mirroring the unknowing), all that shit. gets kidnapped a ton of times, as usual.
helen is like “i am going to kill you because i hate gertrude <3 i was that dumb bitch’s assistant for too long” but michael busts out of the door like Hi Guys and traps her in the hallway.
sasha also gives her statement about a leitner she found as a child that marked her. its a stranger book and we learn her edgy orphan origin story how her parents were both murked by the stranger. fucked up if true!
back at the archives jon is like so fucking tired of this shit honestly and now martin is also pretty paranoid. also jm romance subplot is still very present!
tim is just trying to protect sasha at all times and he’s pissed she keeps leaving the country and getting fucking kidnapped
(remember when jon persuades the traffic cop?) sasha starts to fill her archivist role in a different way. she can shapeshift into the subject of a statement and uses her affiliation with the eye to coerce statements or info out of people. (example: if she needed a live statement from the guy in #90 Body Builder, she could temporarily make herself look like jared hopworth to the guy and ask “what happened to me?” or “what did i do?” and the guy would be like well he built some fucken bodies i guess let me tell you all about it) while reading the statements in america that refuel her, she fully shapeshifts into the statement giver while reading out loud.
once again i truly can’t remember daisy + basira’s roles until the end of the season. also melanie get shot by the ghost at some point
anyways sasha gets kidnapped by trevor and julia and they gerry lays out all the shit for her and she’s like ah! i’m fucked
tim offhand mentions the web ritual to martin and he loses his shit cause he’s marked by the web blah blah this isn’t a web!martin thing i swear i just need someone to fill tim’s role in the ritual and a lonely ritual would be fucking boring as hell as we learned from ass man peter lukas. i hate that man
so they make the plan to stop the web ritual (which is fucking hard when the offense knows your every move) so sasha, basira, daisy, jon, and martin go.
tim stays back at the institute to burn shit and distract elias. elias does some fucked up shit as usual and it makes me sad
the ritual starts! they have a plan to blow it up and run but like. u know how it goes
instead of the unknowing-stranger-dream-sequence, we get everyone kinda mixed up in a huge spider’s web on the big stage and its still quite confusing because this ritual not only manipulates the prey, but also the prey’s perceived reality. the web is also in current control of the buried coffin cause they think that shit is kinda fun. they yeet daisy into it.
hard to describe what happens, but basira keeps her cool, jon is a bit lost in his own mind, sasha tries to use her powers to escape but fails. she manages to get through to martin through the strings and mounds of spiders and she tosses him the detonator.
[squishing spider noises]
martin doesn't die, i told you i can't kill the og archival assistants! he does lose most of one leg though, he took the blunt of the explosion.
sasha in da hospital in da coma. tim is mad he can’t wake her up and then my man ollie says “ur fucked up mate” and she wakes up
(and because coma jon has such wild hair controversy, i’m establishing that her head was shaved when she was in the coma. it grows back thru s4. it she keeps one side shaved cause she’s cool)
meanwhile tim is recruited by that dumbass man you know who i don’t even wanna say his stupid fucking name
sasha gets daisy out of the buried. they become avatar pals!
(there is the biggest blank in my memory where all of season four should be. at this point i should just relisten to the entire fucking show but i would literally just forget it all again)
melanie says hm. fuck this! and blinds herself. she goes to live with georgie (and that’s the moment jon and sasha realize they are both georgie’s exes FHFHDJD)
tim continues to fight the lonely pull. he thinks that since p*ter l*kas is tied to the institute, he can blind himself out cause melanie was successful. he is wrong. he is also interrupted by elias midway, and only blinds one eye, and loses most of his sight in the other. elias’s hold on him is weak, but this just drives him way farther into the lonely.
gotta be honest i remember the end of season four but like i couldn’t visualize what was happening at the end so i like don’t understand what happened JGDKFJGD but sasha intervenes (???) and peter yeets tim into the lonely (???) and sasha jumps in (??????) after him. elias is just there i guess?
instead of “look at me martin,” sasha finds tim and at this point her form is warped and hard to recognize because of stranger powers, and tim is almost 100% blind, so she says “don’t look at me, see me. see me tim, it’s me.” and finally creates a clear image of herself. “it’s...it’s you. you’re my sasha.”
they break free and go to scotland i guess KHSDDKDSF
idk what happens with jon and martin im losing continuity at this point. fuck it, they smooch <3
“ah these are the statements.”
“yes. basira said last week she’d send some up as soon as the archives weren’t a crime scene. and she wasn’t sure which ones you’ve read already, so she, she just said she’d send a bunch.”
“.........Hello Sasha.”
(alternate ending: personally i think sasha would read through each statement before speaking them aloud cause that’s what i would fucking do, so she would get this statement and be like “lmao tim come look at this elias trying to prank me dumb bitch think i’ll start the apocalypse for him. fucking little puny bitch boy. anyways what do you want for dinner?”)
“just. listen.”
“...i’m dead. and you have been chosen to be my replacement as head archivist. hopefully, this means you, jon, but if someone else is hearing this, and elias has made a different choice for some reason, then these words are still very much intended for you.”
sasha in full stranger avatar mode and is like 8ft tall and her faces shift a lot as they go through the realms. except the stranger is the second to last one (the panopticon is last obviously).
helen and michael actually talk shit out in the spiral hallway and now they are mlm wlw solidarity and both like tim and sasha are such bi and trans icons <3 this is so fun don’t you love the fearpocalypse <3
oh daisy n basira trapped in the hunt, and jon and martin are trapped in the stranger. wtgfs + the admiral are like in space or some shit idk but they are ok :)
not much to report other than she is my monster wife <3
i really don’t have many theories to how everything in s5 is gonna pan out, and i would like to closely mirror the actual show, so maybe as we get closer to the end i’ll build more on to this! thanks a lot for all the notes on my first sarchivist post!! also if u wanna make art this specific au DEF tag me in it i’d love to see!!
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yaboyspodcastpalace · 3 years
For the character asks: Jon, Peter Lukas, Annabelle Cane? (giving multiple suggestions so you can pick one in case you get the same character twice in different asks)
very kind of you to assume i get many asks :') THANKS ill do all of them u_u
[Send me a character and i'll tell you...]
(under the cut bc i love talking and this got long lmao)
First impression
he's a uptight prick with obvious favoritism for sasha and tim and i love him so! much!!!!!!
Impression now
my poor little mew mew hm................I've got a complicated relationship w/ jon bc i love him a lot, but i loved s1 him the most, and literally everything else just makes me really, brutally, sad ;_; The way he tries so desperately to cling to his humanity and how other characters just call him by the title imposed to him makes me wanna cry
...also he just cares so much ;_; i cry
Favorite moment
probably his interactions with georgie at the beginning of season 3!!! From s5 id say when he killed not!sasha, it felt vindictive ù_ú
Idea for a story
Dhfhdh im p basic when it comes to him ngl, either jon/tim/sasha friends to lovers or jon and desolation!tim or *something*!sasha trying to stay as human as possible, together 😔 (or just any of them living and coping together in s4 n s5)
Unpopular opinion
Im just not a fan of monster jon, at all! He's not the type of character that i enjoy seeing having a corruption arc unfortunately!! It just hurts!!! (and this Is from someone that Loves corruption arcs!!!)
Also i really hate moth jon imagery??? For not particular reason, moths are pretty, but i still hate it u_u AND THE ASSOCIATION OF GREEN W/ JON (or the beholding in general!) I CANNOT STAND IT!! i know its bc of the tma logo but guess what! Its wrong! Purple jon rights!!!
ALSO ALSO the so called pining he had for martin just.... didnt felt like that at all! i have Many feelings abt this!
Favorite relationship
either georgie in s3, or sasha!!! i love how he always praises sasha in her research in s1 and even thought he's at his driest & sharp Trying-To-Project-Professionalism-And-Skepticism she still rolls into his office, interrupts him mid statement to banter w/ him abt pronunciation n stuff and its just Normal, like that speaks volumes of how comfortable they felt around each other! they were friends gdi! the moment he realizes she died and then everytime the not!them mocks him w/ her death makes me wanna break smth q_q
im not even gonna mention tim bc even though i love their relationship It 👏 makes me👏 very 👏 sad 👏
non shippy and also staying strictly canon, i love his relationship with melanie!
Favorite headcanon
sometimes i think abt that one hc that hes really good with arcade games bc he lived near the coast and i smile bc thats cute :) also hes a trans man 💙💗🤍💗💙
First impression
Mystery evil captain man!!! Fog?? I LOVE him :)
Impression now
I STILL LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Hes an asshole and has a lovely voice and smile and hes not, hes not Dumb but also he's far from the whooooa evil lonely influence he think he is (played like a cheap fiddle). He also makes me sad in ways i cannot and wont describe, and its a shame that he died cuz he was the best part of season 4 😔 rip you beautiful bastard man i still miss you </3
Favorite moment
"It has blood on it" "thats Leitner's too :D". Also when martin was angry abt idk, breekon? Jon going into the coffin? Cant remember, but peter was like I said id protect the institute, that guys not my problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Idea for a story
dfgdfg i have..... a petermart story that dealt with the different flavor of loneliness they both had, half smut half genuine meta of both of them and theorization on the branching of an Entity & how their powers manifested in other people...
basically, peter thinks hes hot shit when it comes to loneliness but gets overwhelmed when martin accidentally projects his feelings abt *fic's plot stuff* on him, its fun stuff!
Unpopular opinion
people either paint him like an absolute devil or an incompetent idiot and hes neither of them! hes an asshole who loves being an asshole but far from the worst monster in the show and he tried to do a clever scheme TWICE on his life and 1. while it was established that any of the rituals wouldnt work singularly the Silence was still a pretty clever attempt if it weren't for gertrude! and 2. well... he tried to manipulate someone petty and formerly supposed to be a web avatar, again not his fault, cant call him stupid for trying dfgdfg
i Do think hes kinda pathetic in some sense considering his backstory, but more out of personal pity than anything else
Favorite relationship
Canonically speaking him and martin! The pull and push of them was The best thing about season 4! Peter being a quite dangerous avatar and martin, beautiful and scared and kinda feisty, confronting him every chance he gets, peter doing his best to manipulate him and martin letting him believe hes succeeding (even thought, he is, partly). They're fascinating characters to have side by side
Favorite headcanon
Partly canonically speaking him and mikaele salesa :) they do bets together! They're lonely sea men! What else could you possibly want?
Also non shippy i like thinking abt peter's and simon's relationship but thats entirely non canon ♡
Diversity wins! The heir of the lonely is a gay man!
Also I think as every rich household(?) the lukases had many paintings and peter as a kid saw the ones w/ sailing ships and imagined sailing far far away from his family. That and seaman aesthetic fucks, which is why he always has the same vibe going on as an adult. He does Not know half of the things he'd need to know to have a ship though but hey he's rich and thats all he needs
First impression
thats a horrible psychological experiment they're making there D:
Impression now
THATS STILL A HORRIBLE EXPERIMENT AND ANNABELLE DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER............. idk! she makes me sad in the same way jon (and to a degree, peter) does! to be a living puppet for the thing that traumatized you as a kid and that later kinda killed you / is the only thing keeping you alive, to be devoted to it scrambling to believe in a higher reason for all of it to happen bc to believe otherwise is............. anyway. i love her, and i feel so so sorry for her
Favorite moment
her "maybe ive never been to the beach" at the end of ehr statement (that i fully believe its bullshit but, yknow, i love that she adds that), most of her convos with martin, her "i told you this might happen" "you did, you did" with mikaele
Idea for a story
i think a lot about her having conversations w/ either mikaele (platonically) or sasha (shippy) and their different points of views and treat with her making her doubt the web a bit
Unpopular opinion
listen, listen, i know it sounds like im woobifying her i Know it but reading the scraps of her story how can i Not feel sorry for her? when the story framed her very similar to jon? the supernatural childhood encounter that gave them arachnophobia and the subsequential joining with an Entity against her will? the fact that both the story and the fans treat her like a spider woman always sat very very bad to me, and the fact that the story itself always framed her like a villain (considering All The Other Characters that get the benefit of the doubt) was extremely disappointing
Favorite relationship
her and mikaele!!!!!!! wish we could have seen more scenes of just the two of them!!!!!! *singing* he is her daaaaaad, hes her dad! boogie boogie boogie! (ok no but like... their offscreen friendship is my favorite thing of season 5 ;_;)
Favorite headcanon
Sigh i dont know...i still think she's scared of spiders which make her current existence harder but thats a sadcanon :/ umm...... i love the idea of mikaele and her cooking together from time to time! Mikaele showing her some plates he used to eat as a kid as he talks stories about his life :) and she listens and sometimes tells a story of her own! its been so long since he had a quasy normal conversation! its weird yet nice!
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meadowmines · 5 years
I am a little behind on my babbling and kermitflailing so bear with me here
MAG138: [obligatory “FUCK YOU, ELIAS”]
“Statement of Robert Smirke” OH SHIT HERE WE GO
So, Bob and Jonah Magnus were buds, and they’ve been messing around with stuff man was probably not meant to mess around with, and Bob wants out but apparently Jonah is having too good a time with Eye shit. Cool. Cool cool cool.
“What they built in Millbank.” Oh. Oh boy. There’s still a lot we don’t know about all those tunnels under the Institute and--okay hang on one fucking second here, if Smirke croaked while he was writing this--I thought he designed Leitner’s library!? *checks* ...ok okay no he was just inspired by Smirke’s work, it was just ...Smirkesque. Gotcha. Glad we cleared that up. Moving on. 
...so he’s not sure whether he himself devised the Rituals, or if they were already a thing and he was just the messenger. Hmm. Nope. Don’t particularly like either of those options there.
He mentions Maxwell Rayner, and “Lukas,” and... who the hell is Scott? ... ... ...this guy maybe? 
Soooo... in 1867 the Flesh was either new or was just then really starting to get its shit together, and it’s taken less than two centuries to get from “could be new???” to Gertrude having to blow up the MEAT PIT to disrupt a ritual and Jared Boneturner out there turning bones for fun and profit. And theoretically the Extinction is powering up even faster than that. GREAT. RAD. 
You know what else I don’t like? The suggestion that the Entities were actually summoned on purpose by some ancient dumbasses who thought they might be able to harness their power for *handflap* Reasons, and also the suggestion that maybe Jonah and Bob were thinking about trying the same thing before Bob decided to rub his two brain cells together and generate a spark of common sense. 
“Good luck, Jon. I... stay safe.” fffffffffffFFFFFFFFFFFFFF HUG GODDAMMIT
MAG139: Uh... Agnes Montague, huh? Weird time to bring her up again?
.......or maybe not.
The whole thing about her relationship with the coffee shop dude rendering her unfit for Chosen One purposes because it made her doubt her faith. HMMMMMM NOPE CAN’T SEE ANY POSSIBLE PARALLELS TO CURRENT EVENTS HERE NOPE NO SIR NOT A ONE for fuck’s sake Jon do the math and then go hug Martin
...or try and do your Beholding thing to see what Peter is up to and end up boiling your brain from the inside out, sure, whatever floats your boat. OH MY GOD Y’ALL ARE HOPELESS.
MAG140: ...ahahahaha holy shit, the Original “””Maxwell Rayner””” was Edmond Halley. God, I love it when Jonny works Real Historical People into this show. And apparently the real Edmund Halley and the real John Flamsteed did have beef at one point involving the latter casting aspersions on the former’s religious views! 
So. Halley’s meeting up with the Dark’s fandom and doing Dark stuff in the woods, John murderates him, or so he thinks, and then he turns up pretty much alive again except eat up with Dark cooties. 
The post-statement, God. Basira asking Jon for a pen, opening the wrong drawer, finding Jon’s rib and Jane’s ashes and you can just hear her thinking about how she both does and very much does not want to know why either of those things are in the drawer.
And then Jon, Knower and Seer of Maybe Not All But Certainly A Whole Lot, asks the dumbest possible question re: Basira maybe calling up some of the officers that helped take Rayner down last time, and yes Basira that was a spectacularly dumb question but...Basira! Stop! He’s already dead!
Cool, they’re gonna go kick some Dark butt. This ought to be fun.
MAG141: aw, seasick Basira. ...tape recorder? Jon? Jon what the fuck are you doing oh my god you can’t just pry statements out of random ass people
...aaaand that’s exactly what he does. Pretty bog-standard Weird Shit of the Week involving Mikaele Salesa, some Spiral flavor, and... camera with a broken lens? Huh. 
Well, RIP in peace Mr. Salesa, shame about that, I was kinda hoping he’d turn up in person someday. ... ... ...him being dead does absolutely nothing to negate the possibility of him showing up in person someday, who the fuck am I kidding here really
That said, I sort of wanted to gently grab the nameless subject by the shoulders and shake her and yell “GET ON WITH IT” a few times. Not quite as cringey as Martin’s attempt at taking a statement in MAG100 but GOD. Focus, lady. Please.
...Martin, no. The distance might be easier but that doesn’t mean it’s good. Please do not feed yourself to the Lonely.
...o hai Daisy. I liked this little bit, both of them just sort of throwing up their hands and talking shit about their respective crushes flinging themselves into danger. Bless ‘em.
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