#even though celina is no longer one here
pianocat939 · 2 years
Celina! I just had the weirdest idea!
Coralline au!
M/c lives in a world identical-if not exact- to ours…
There is a small door in m/c’s room that takes them to the rottmnt dimension.
The turtles are the ‘beldams’ of the story, the only difference being their world isn’t a fake trap used to kidnap children and devour their souls. Their world is literally rottmnt only they are yanderes with button eyes. Also every other character that isn’t one of the turtles is strangely not there-
M/c’s home dimension- to help follow some of the plot from Coraline- kinda sucks. Neglectful parents who are so strung up in their work, they don’t notice m/c. M/c would live in a two-story small house (mainly because I don’t know how I would fit the other characters into this, so they don’t exist here).
M/c loves rottmnt, and so finding a doorway that leads them to a parallel universe with the rise characters only they have sewn on button eyes would surely make m/c really happy at first, given her current circumstances. Yeah sure, they act a little different and kinder compared to the show, but they seem really nice! What’s the worst that could come from staying a little longer?
I can imagine the turtles seeing m/c as their own kin- but not in the delusional “ I am related to you by blood way. More in a “you are our adopted sibling/child” kind of way. They believe they should be the ones to take care of m/c because, clearly, their parents aren’t doing that good of a job at it.
I also wanted a huge motivator for the turtles going platonic yandere on m/c, so I decided to add a bit of angst to this au. Everyone but the turtles is dead, minus background characters.Either by the Shredder or Krang, they are all dead. Or they never existed in this world! Either way, m/c still has no answer as the turtles never talk about them.
Also, Donnie has most likely already stalked m/c before their arrival in their world, which allows the other turtles to already have crucial knowledge on m/c that will aid them in their goals. Poor m/c still hasn’t noticed the cameras-
Once m/c realizes what is going on, it would be far too late to stop it. M/c’s only contacts in their world is their parents, and they won’t believe m/c! Though, it may not be too hard to convince them, seeing as they are already kidnapped and locked away-
The only thing m/c can even do to escape is run and hope to find a new caretaker, because they ain’t getting their parents back from the turtles. I guess the other option is to re-enter the other-world, which would most likely result in m/c being tied down whilst Mikey stitches buttons on their eyes don’t worry, Donnie has already gave them something to make them go numb. They don’t feel a thing physically!
Now, let’s say m/c somehow freed her parents and escaped. Now, m/c would have to burn down the entire house and find a new place to live, because they WILL find a way to get through the door if it is intact. Though, this may not even save m/c, because Donnie could easily make another one in their new home…
(Is this good? I hope it is. I love how we both just torture m/c with fictional mutant turtles with superpowers-)
Yes, it's very detailed! It's great.
Tw: restraints, implied forced surgery(?),
"Look at you! So pretty with your button eyes!" Mikey holds your face in his hands. "Now you're officially a member of the family!" His grin is wide, and a sense of glee is evident on his face.
"Yeah, you have a nice pair of buttons, bud." Raph also smiles at you, kneeling down to be closer to your eye level. His onyx, dead button "eyes" stare back at you. "I'm so happy to have you as our new member."
Leo strokes your head, "No more having to go back to the place...That wretched place where your so-called parents harboured you. But it's alright, no more having to be neglected by them! You'll just be coddled with all the brotherly and parental love you deserve!" His expression darkens when he mentions your parents, malice seeping through his words.
"And as a celebration and in memory of this wonderful event-" Donnie turns his back to you, his metal spider arm holding his phone, "Say 'Buttoning!'" Everybody poses as the camera clicks, cheering the word 'Buttoning!' alongside Donatello.
But you...You weren't smiling in the picture, you had a look of horror. Restrained in Mikey's chains, unable to speak in fear of what they would do.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
Daughter of the Rain and Snow
Concept: Around ten years after the events of Crooked Kingdom, 25-year-old Captain Inej Ghafa frees Maya Olsen from a pleasure house in Ketterdam. Maya is looking for revenge against the man who put her in her position, a man who she knows nothing about except his name: Kaz Brekker.
Tags: @wraith--2 @lunarthecorvus @just2bubbly @real-fragments7 @cartoon-clifford @origami-butterfly @lady-a-stuff
If anyone wants to be added let me know :)
Content Warnings: in more general terms I want to remind people to be aware of the nature of Kaz and Inej's experiences and relationship since even if I'm not directly addressing these things they tend to be implicit in any writing about them, but specifically to this chapter there's ptsd, religious trauma, abuse references, description of wounds, death references, blood, and grief.
Note: Same note as the previous chapter sorry this may have more typos than usual as I wrote it on my phone
Chapter 72 - Maya
Maya only realised she'd fallen asleep when the footsteps woke her. Someone paced up the stairs and past the door of the study, and then someone else followed them - someone with shorter legs than the first, hurrying faster up the stairs.
“What else would you have me do?”
Inej’s voice.
“Anything,” shouted whoever was closest to her door.
Maya felt her breath catch in her throat. She was on the floor, she realised finally, and as soon as she tried to move the pains began to burn through her once again. Her chest, her face, her shoulder. She was on fire.
“She is every bit as responsible for what happened last night as Rollins is,” continued the stranger.
And they were right.
Maya managed to right herself, just about, and sat leaning against the side of the desk. Her fingers clawed into the hardwood so deeply she was surprised her ragged nails had not scarred it, or splintered right off her fingers in the bloody process of it. She tried to breathe through the pain, but breathing made it worse. The argument outside seemed to die away, she had missed most of it over the screaming in her head, and so she sat and waited for the door to open. For it to end.
But it was hours later that Inej appeared. Maya had dozed again at some point, though she didn’t think for long, but had still not managed to drag her body anywhere but the little section of floor she had claimed as the last piece of the world she could touch. Her blood streaked on the wooden boards, and she sighed. She had told herself she would carve her name out, carve Celina’s name out, so they would be remembered. So the world would know what it had done to them. But all she was going to leave behind was grief, a dead tree, and a few slippery lines of blood to be wiped silently away. If there had been anything left inside her, she might have cried.
She watched the clock for hours. The morning slipped away from her in slow, painful seconds, and Maya wondered if she ought to pray. She wondered if she deserved to pray anymore.
She flinched when the door handle began to rattle but she did not move or hide; she wasn’t sure that she could have, anyway. Inej appeared in the doorway, and Maya raised her head slowly to see her. The door creaked shut behind her, but Inej didn’t move. She didn’t draw her knives. It only took several long seconds passing in the dark until Maya could not stand it any longer.
“Why haven’t you killed me yet?” she whispered, “How much longer do you want to make me suffer?”
Inej turned the gas lamp on.
“I’m not here to kill you, Maya,”
“What then?” she whispered, “You want to torture me first? I can’t tell you anything; I don’t know anything. He didn’t tell me anything,”
Inej frowned. Maya looked away.
“Maya I’m not going to hurt you,”
“Why wouldn’t you?” she spat, “You should. I hurt you - all of you. And I killed her,”
“No-one thinks you killed Esme, Maya,”
She almost laughed.
“You should. And anyway, I could hear you all earlier. I killed her,”
“No you didn’t,” said Inej, so definitively that for a moment Maya thought of her father.
It was how he would end almost any disagreement - how he would end almost any conversation. With a statement so confident that it was simply the truth, and both of them would accept it or stay silent.
Please - No, please, Papa, there has to be something else we can do, pl-
There isn’t.
And that was the end of that.
Maya shivered her way back to the present. She had obstinately not thought of that for four years, and she would not start thinking of it now. She pictured herself as she had been when she was Aimee’s age; scared and stupid and ready to think the world would end if she made her father turn his back on her. It had been the only decision. She had to keep believing that.
“No you didn’t,” Inej had just finished saying, “And Jesper doesn’t really think that either. But he has every right to the way he feels right now,”
Maya closed her eyes.
“Then why am I still here?”
Inej was quiet for a moment. She pulled one of the chairs out from behind the desk and sat down. For a moment it was unclear if she had anything else to say, but just as the silence grew too much again she began:
“You didn’t kill Esme, Maya. But you did hurt Kiada. And Aimee,”
“I’m sorry for it,” said Maya, truthfully. She remembered the fear of realising what she’d done, what she’d let herself become, “But I don’t know what to do,”
“Djel demands penance,”
Maya scoffed.
“Why would I care what He thinks? I don’t care what He thinks,”
“Yes you do,” said Inej, quietly.
Again, so definitively. And yet not quite in the way Maya’s father might have said it. Like it was actually the truth and they both knew it, not like it was simply what she had to accept. She thought of the flare on the mountainside as she looked at Inej.
“He spurned me, my entire life,” she whispered, “Yet I always returned to Him. What does that make me but a fool? Perhaps I was not a gift to him after all - perhaps I am an abomination to Djel’s world. Why would I show Him love? He hates me,”
“Djel does not hate you, Maya,”
“He should,”
The words burned through her like hot iron, searing her flesh. When Celina died, and Yen carved the bloody tulip into her cheek, Maya had thought that she would do something. That she would scream or cry or even try to fight. She’d done nothing but stand blankly, watching, unable to draw her eyes away. And she had not moved until Yennefer dragged her, until the blows started to fall.
Maya had not cried when Celina had died, and yet she was crying now. She was pathetic.
“I cut down a tree,” she whispered.
The tears were wet and disgusting on her cheeks. She could not look at Inej.
“I saw you,” murmured the Suli woman, calmly, “I also saw you back and pray for it,”
“What difference does that make?” she muttered, “It’s still dead. I called out Djel just to spite Him, why would He accept my prayers or my apologies?”
“Because that was penance, of a sort. I don’t know most of what you said - I don’t speak Fjerdan - and I won’t ask you to tell me, but I heard what you said in Kerch before you came back,”
Maya turned, slowly.
“Teach me how to deserve forgiveness from them,” Inej murmured, “And teach me how to forgive You,”
“So I’m going to do something ridiculous, Maya. I’m going to do something foolish, and reckless, and stupid: If you let me help you deserve it, I’m going to forgive you,”
She stared at her.
“Because the things we do when we’re sixteen don’t have to define us for the rest of our lives. Because sometimes, when we’re in pain, when we’ve been put through the kind of suffering we don’t know how to define and we don’t know how to fix, we make mistakes that aren’t really who we are. So we own up to them, we apologise for them, we find ways to mend the things we broke and we pay our penance. And, one day, if we can, we learn how to forgive ourselves. Or the people we used to be,”
“I don’t understand you,”
“You don’t have to understand me, Maya,” Inej replied, “But I understand you,”
A moment passed, before Maya attempted to move once more. She gritted her teeth and managed to stand, leaning against the desk as she turned to finally face Inej properly.
“Inej, I don’t… Inej?”
The Suli woman’s eyes had rolled back into her head. She swayed for half a second, and then collapsed to one side and crumpled as she fell off the chair.
Maya’s panic was louder than her pain as she began to pound on the presumably locked door, begging someone in the house to hear her.
“Help! Inej needs help - Help!”
She fell backwards as the door was thrown open and straight into her, the handle bashing hard against what she thought might already be a broken rib. The Ravkan woman flew into the room and pulled Inej’s limp form into her arms.
“Inej? Inej, can you hear me?”
Maya had taken several paces back, trying to ignore the screaming pain in her ribs. The woman whirled on her.
“What did you do?”
“Nothing!” Maya was shaking, “Nothing - I swear I didn’t touch her, I-”
“Stay back,” she hissed.
Maya pushed herself against the wall.
“I swear, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t do anything - I -”
The woman was already leaving. She carried Inej out of the room and slammed the door shut behind them, leaving Maya alone once more.
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theflyindutchwoman · 8 months
Who's your top 3 characters from the show ? And top 5 ? Also, Who's your less favorite ?👀 As I'm asking you this, I realize the rookie have 10 characters and it's a lot. I hope in the futur no news characters will be add so the show can focus on the current cast and give them proper storylines. That's why I kinda want Nolan to change from T.O we don't need new rookies please. 😬
My top 3 : Lucy, Tim and Nyla. Add Angela and Tamara, and you have my top 5 (though Grey and Aaron are really not that far behind). Less favorite :  it's a toss up between Nolan and Bailey, depending on the episode. What about you?
You're right, it is a big ensemble cast now, with so many main characters… It is getting a bit crowded. And what probably didn't help either was the expansion of the Rookie universe. Until s4, the show was focused mainly on patrol and the rookies, which made it easier to limit the number of plotlines and keep a certain structure for each episode. But now, the storylines have to include the fact that there are 2 detectives, 1 Metro Sergeant, 1 ADA and 1 firefighter in the main characters… Which makes it trickier to properly balance everything. Especially once you add the personal arcs. Not impossible, just harder.
So I agree with you, I hope the show won't add any new main characters - not without demoting someone from the main cast first (or killing one of them)… As you said, Nolan being a TO could become problematic with the introduction of new rookies. Though, I have to admit, I actually like the idea of him being a training officer. Starting with the fact that it allows the show to stay true to its origin, so to speak, by keeping a link with patrol and the TO/rookie dynamic. That was part of what made The Rookie stand out from so many other cop shows, so I think it's important to still have this. Even more so now that everybody seems to be moving on from patrol. Having a TO also means that we might get new rookies, which can introduce some fresh blood and energy on the show. That can be good. But for this to work properly, these new rookies need to be able to leave - either because they fail, or because they graduate. I have nothing against Celina, but once her probationary period is over, she no longer needs to be part of the main cast. I'm not saying that she should completely disappear… But she could be like Smitty, making appearances here and there. I mean, we have never met any of Tim or Angela's previous rookies, so there's no reason that all the new rookies should stick around Mid-Wilshire. Otherwise the number of characters will keep growing and it will become unbearable. That and minimising the number of different plots per episode would help a lot. As it stands, Nyla barely had any character development this season… Same with Aaron, who had a whole storyline about prison and justice reform that completely disappeared…
On the bright side, I'm pretty sure that there won't be any new main character this season. That should be one upside of having only 10 episodes.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
The Legend of Hana Chapter 139
Warnings: More angst. You guessed it 
Rating: SFW
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It was dark. Sora couldn’t see anything other than pitch black darkness. Though it felt like there was something covering his face, preventing him from seeing. He heard shuffling around, meaning that there was someone else in whatever place he was in. 
“Anything?” he heard a woman ask. 
“Still nothing,” another woman replied. The two women heard Sora shuffle around with the covering still on his face. 
“Seems like the boy is awake,” the first woman said and stood up to take Sora’s covering off his face. He winced at the change of lighting, but his eyes soon relaxed and looked at the two women. Standing in front of him was the woman who took Lily after he defeated her but he didn’t recognize the woman standing next to her. She wore a crimson dress with black frills, making her have the appearance of a gothic lolita girl with her uneven pigtails. In between them, she wore a crimson net bow to match her dress along with a crimson and black choker around her neck. 
“Who are you?” Sora asked the two of them.
“We could ask you the same thing,” the first woman said. Sora then explained everything to them. Who he was and how he got here. Along with how he was on a mission to save Hana and get back to his friends. The two women looked at him in shock when he mentioned his girlfriend. 
“What?” he asked. The two women looked at each other before speaking to Sora. 
“Do you know the Legend of Kingdom Hearts?” the first woman asked him.
“No? Should I know it?” He then listened carefully as they explained the legend and how it may have to do with Hana. “You mean, Hana is a princess?” 
“We don’t know for sure, but given what you’ve said about her, there’s a big chance,” the second woman said. 
“You never introduced yourselves,” Sora commented. 
“Oh, right. My name is Celina,” the first woman said. “And I’m the Siren Spirit.” 
“And I’m Kumiko. The Time Spirit,” the second woman said. Just then the door burst open and Hana’s imps revealed themselves.
“Sora!” they exclaimed as they saw him. Following them was another woman, dressed in an elven-like dress, giving her the illusion of a forest fairy. 
“I’m sorry! But they’re just so quick! Not even my powers could stop them!” she said. 
“It’s alright, Diana. But just, who and what are they?” Celina asked. Sora was quickly untied by the imps and he stood up, while rubbing his somewhat sore wrists. He then explained who they were and how they were a part of Hana’s power, once again shocking the women in front of him. 
“I’ve never seen anything like that before,” Celina said as she observed the imps. It seemed as though Sora was going to have to explain a lot to them. 
After visiting Yuuko in Japan, Luna and the girls were now finding clues as to how to find Hana and Lily but unfortunately, they couldn’t find anything. They found a hidden place at a nearby park and began brainstorming ideas. But none of them would work no matter how hard they tried. 
“Ugh, it’s hopeless! We’re never gonna find them!” Roxy said as she threw her head back. 
“There has to be something. A clue, a hint, anything!” Yui said. 
“What the fuck do you think we’ve been doing, Yui?!” 
“Roxy, l-language,” Aine scolded calmly. Roxy sighed and sat down on a bench, her leg bouncing in nervousness. 
“Maybe we can go see Yen Sid. I mean, he’s the one who helped Luna find me in Towa City,” Mukuro suggested. 
“It’s worth a shot,” Luna agreed. Soon, the girls headed back to Yen Sid’s tower to see if he knew a way to find Hana and Lily. 
Back in Quadratum, Hana sat in front of her vanity, staring blankly at the mirror. She had sat there for two days just staring at herself. Except, the only difference was her eyes. They were no longer her crystal blue. They were now a crimson red but still held no emotion in them. The time of the Queen of Darkness was approaching. Approaching fast. 
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isca-tide · 2 months
5x08 Here we go. So Celina is Nolan's puppy, right?
Oh god Chris, you're more oblivious than Lucy and Tim. Look at her face, that is not the face of a sure woman. Aaaaarooon why. Lucy's little blink when Tim says he can ride alone. She said yes right away, even if it was an awkward yes. Aaron's shipper radar setting off. These two awkward idiots being awkward and oblivious. It's amazing how quickly the awkwardness disappears between them once they get back in the shop. It's where they started, where they grew together, where they became more comfortable with one another. Despite what's going on in every other aspect of their life, the shop is this neutral ground where everything just seems to work. Tim picking up on her discomfort instantly, wondering if he should say something, not being able to help himself. Just like when Lucy notices he's uncomfortable about something, she can't let it go. Also Chris come on. I know you're oblivious but you mentioned maybe moving in together that morning and now you're swining by open houses? Ease off a little. Angela and Nyla taking their new adorable son Aaron on a detective fieldtrip. Agh, this storyline is really quite upsetting. That poor woman. The absolute lack of control she has over this whole situation. Just helpless. And not that she or the others know this yet, there's absolutely nothing she can do and no orders she can follow that'll keep her safe. They got a good actress for this character.
You know, I've always liked this episode for the obvious Chenford reasons, but it's actually a pretty decently put together storyline. I love it when they're able to tie all the different groups together, despite them not always being in the same scenes together.
Chris are you fucking serious. You can see her face. She's physically fine but she just watched a woman get blown up. Whether you think she's ready to get a place with you or not, now is not the fucking time. No matter what your realtor buddy says. My god these Chenford moments though. Just. Tim is aching to say something and he feels like he can't, it's not right for him, she's in a relationship and his own feelings for her aside, he can't tell her something that might ruin things just because he's single again. But he also can't sit and watch her spiral and end up doing something she'll regret. And you can see her processing things, you can see her wondering, tentatively, if he's saying what she thinks and what she hopes he might be saying. Feelings she's been squashing down and not really understanding are just all bubbling up at once and she's overwhelmed and terrified. Their own feelings for each other aside he knows her, and talking this through with her and forcing her to confront why she doesn't want to move in with Chris is the best way to get her to realise what is going on in her head. Awkwardly timed radio announcement is awkwardly timed.
Tim throwing her behind the car door and shielding her. Holding onto her that little bit longer. Uuuuugh my heart. I am really not going to have any more insight into these moments than anyone who's come before me. So many people have said things a million times better than I ever could. So this'll mostly just be me flailing and being giddy. Chris, seriously. It's all over the news. Give her a break! Oh my god Tim's expression here when he asks her if she loves him. Just. AND OH MY GOD. The 'he's just not' and the look over to Tim. The missed glances between them. It's all bubbling up so close to the surface and they're both so anxious and terrified and, probably, the tiniest bit excited. God, the butterflies they must be having during this whole situation. So I agree with other folks who've said that them meeting in the parking lot wasn't planned. Their dialogue would imply they're meeting by chance. So she's seeking him out. God they're sat so close. Lucy immediately trying to deflect and getting defensive but Tim pushes her back on track, and she comes out with that line. And his expression. Oh my god his expression. Maybe he'd hoped, hoped that she might say something like this. But I don't think he ever imagined she would. And then she's just saying it. And they know each other so well so he knows what's she's talking about. They've both been dancing around it but HIS FACE. And her face! She's terrified! She said it without thinking and now she's absolutely terrified she's done just that, she's ruined what they have. And there's that bloody miscommunication rising up for a second between them. They're so good at communicating when it comes to the job, but their own feelings are another matter. But Tim finally just pushes through. It would be so easy to agree with her, to back down like in the past when she answered his question with a question. Right? But this time he can't let it go again. His expressions are perfect. Eric and Mel are such expressive actors. He's terrified and nervous and excited and that smile he gives her. This is his best friend and he loves her and he's not going to let them back away again. At least not without telling her what he thinks. And her face! Oh god. That fear and nervousness and then that smile. The disbelief and the relief and the joy. How he steels himself with a deep breath because he's come so far and he's not backing down now but he's still terrified. The smile. Oh my god. He's letting himself think about them being together and he can't stop himself smiling. And then he fixes her with the most earnest expression, closing the distance between them just the tiniest amount. They don't break eye contact and you can see that fear in her for a fleeting moment until she gives in to. She pushes forward and the excitement and joy in her voice when she says yes. And the smile she gets back from him. He's weightless hearing her say yes. Of course the no makes him instantly try and crawl back behind those walls of his. He holds up his hands, he turns his head, he breaks eye contact. Their miscommunication rides again. And even when she explains why she said no, he's still closed off and tense. Until she shows him that this isn't a permanent no. She wants him to ask again. This isn't a 'can we talk about this another time'. This is a 'ask me the second I end things with Chris'. This is a promise. And the smile comes back for both of them. These adorable awkward idiots in love acting like giddy teenagers. Aaaghgh. MY HEART. These two are the actual death of me.
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corndoggod · 1 year
Vic’s Birthday, Part 1: Alligator’s Lounge
“Last minute pivot! We’re meeting at Alligator Lounge instead,” Vic texted the birthday group chat.
I looked at Celina, why the hell would she choose Alligator Lounge? That’s where you go when you first move here and you want to drink your dinner.
Celina shrugged and walked off to get another plateful of cheese cubes, crackers and fruit. We were in New Jersey for a baby shower and I was four beers deep. I was no longer interested in talking, but I was interested in partying when someone fork-tinked their glass calling to attention a crowd of dressed-up parents and casual peers. The toast was unremarkable, but the bird-shaped sugar cookies with watercolored feathers were magnificent.
I didn’t know anyone aside from Celina and the parents-to-be, and even they I barely knew. But I felt a fast-tracked closeness with them that I privately enjoyed, though I’m unsure if it was shared. The only small talk I could make was housing-related since we’d gone through the meat thresher of apartment hunting for the last six months and emerged tattered, exhausted and demoralized. We wanted more payoff for our struggles than a garden unit sublease with a rat racetrack in the backyard.
I had spent Friday night scrambling for last-minute gifts and learned Whole Foods is not actually that expensive. It was cheaper than the fancy deli, and better quality too, though not always organic. The inflation markups have gone unchecked in bodegas and they’ll never come back down.
But anyway, I wandered to the soaps and vitamins aisle and facetimed Celina to advise me on what to get. I spent a good hour nosing around for a body brush, bath bombs, moisturizer, face oil, fern and moss candles and more.
Then I biked to Greenlight to get On Immunity by Eula Biss and Lost Words by Robert MacFarlane, a gorgeously illustrated book for toddlers.
The parents of the father-to-be handed out cards for us to pencil in our best guesses as to the baby’s stats including time and date of birth, weight, name and qualities from each parent. I guessed Marsh Mallow for the name and put down Nicky’s birthday and gave a punishing 4:35am birth time.
That concluded the party. We all got in line for the bathroom and bid farewell and the sky clouded over and began to weep. We loaded up on gas and ventured back toward the Lincoln Tunnel where we sat in traffic for an hour.
We met the VIP crowd at a Dominican restaurant and I ordered a chicken sandwich with crust so hard it cut my mouth like a machete. Bloodied and full, I finally took my bump, which put me in higher spirits.
We packed into the car and drove back in time. The whole backroom was reserved. We had one set of tables and were the first to arrive of the three parties. Within ten minutes, we had exhausted all the amenities -- Duck Hunt, ski ball, a broken photobooth -- and karaoke, my arch nemesis and greatest fear and the reason we were there, was still two hours away. The drinks were strong and I wanted to pace myself, but I was bored and uptight.
Francesco rolled up with a friend he met at his architecture firm who also happened to be Italian. Like me, he worked on the business side dealing with contract negotiations and logistics when he’d prefer to be at the drawing table penciling designs like Francesco. I understood deeply and shared my own inferiority complex.
It was nice to meet someone who shared my unique predicament. There’s a low but constant ache being that close to what you want to do. Many of my friends had made it in some way. In attendance that very night was a video journalist, an Oscar-nominated film editor, a painter, an architect, a musician -- all with varying degrees of success and security, but all appeared to have solid footing.
And my friends were really talented at singing as well. Emma’s opener devastated us. The room was already full but her voice lured in stragglers from the bar and by the end it was packed, running five bodies deep.
“This is a better crowd than SKORTS shows,” she beamed. A couple of jabronis took the mic and butchered a Sheryl Crow song, but the crowd was massively supportive, headbanging and singing along.
Cale arrived wet and not smelling of puke. He sang an all-time classic, Sunday Morning by Maroon 5 from the album Songs of Jane, which I actually love. And Cale was tickled by the fact that it was actually raining and it was technically Sunday morning, a fact that tickled Cale. That, and it was his birthday now. The handoff was complete.
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crimsonvelvet · 2 years
The meanings of Batman’s rogues’ names
So I decided to find out the meanings of the rogues’ names. Idk why, but I find this sort of stuff really interesting.
First of all, I’m not putting here those rogues, whose real names are unknown(like Bane or Joker). I am also putting here the prominent villains. I would love to do them all, but that would take me WAY too long. But who knows, I could make this into a series...
Let’s go with alphabet order.(btw I’m using the Batman wiki for the characters’ order and various websites for the meanings)
First up is Bane. Like I said, his real name is unknown, so there’s not much I can do.
Next up, Basil Karlo, AKA Clayface.(Wow didn’t even know he was considered a primary antagonist...)  Basil comes from the Greek name Βασίλειος (Basileios), meaning "king". Huh... 
Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman. Selina is a variant of Celina or Selene. Selene means "moon" in Greek. This was the name of a Greek goddess of the moon, a Titan. This is actually quite fitting for her.
Harleen Quinzel, AKA Harley Quinn. Harleen is, in fact, a name created primarily for Harley’s character in BTAS! So there really isn’t a meaning for it. (But the fact that they made up a new name is actually really cool)
The Joker. Yeah sorry, nothing here. Just like Bane.
Waylon Jones, AKA Killer Croc. Waylon is a variant of Wayland, which, in turn, comes from Wieland, meaning “uncertain”. Hmm, maybe it is a spin on his uncertainty whether he is human or a monster...
Jervis Tetch, AKA Mad Hatter. Jervis is an alternate spelling of Gervase (Old German): possibly derives from "spear". For such an unsual name, it has a really boring meaning.
Kirk Langstrom, AKA Man-Bat. Kirk comes from an English and Scottish surname meaning "church" from Old Norse kirkja. Uhh...maybe Kirk is religious?
Victor Fries, AKA Mr. Freeze. Victor is a Roman name meaning "victor, conqueror" in Latin. Could imply that one day he may achieve victory and find a cure for his wife.
Oswald Cobblepot, AKA The Penguin. Oswald is derived from the Old English elements os "god" and weald "power, ruler". Well, he is a very prominent mafia boss, so you could say he is the ruler of Gotham’s underworld.
Pamela Isley, AKA Poison Ivy.  Pamela as a name was invented in the late 16th century by the poet Sir Philip Sidney for use in his poem Arcadia. He possibly intended it to mean "all sweetness" from Greek πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and μέλι (meli) meaning "honey". She sure is sweet, though. Dangerously so.
Ra’s al Ghul. This name is arabic for "Head of the Demon", as revealed in Robin#10. Should’ve guessed.
Edward Nygma, AKA The Riddler. Edward means "rich guard", derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and weard "guard". Uhhhhhh... He is the guard of his *cough* rich intellect?
Jonathan Crane, AKA Scarecrow.(Yay, my favorite DC character:D ). The undisputed origin of this name is that it comes from the Hebrew name Yonatan. This is taken to mean “Yahweh has given” or, “God has given”. YES oh hell yeah he’s a gift from God!
And finally, Harvey Dent, AKA Two-Face. Harvey comes from the Breton given name Haerviu, which meant "battle worthy", from haer "battle" and viu "worthy". hmmm, I mean, he is worthy to battle with Batman.
Aight, that’s it for now. Wow, that took longer than I expected... Sure was fun, though. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll do a part two with the less prominent folks like Firefly or Hush. We’ll see.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Southern Generation - Part V
Summary: The morning after Lily and Sy’s night in the barn, the magic doesn’t last as long as they both hope, but neither does the darkness that falls over the farm.
Pairing: Syverson/OFC
Word Count: 8,274
Warnings: M - Language, Violence, Attempted Kidnapping, Blood, Protective!Sy, Mentions and Light Smut, Fluff, Angst, Flu/Cold, Soft!Sy, Trypanophobia
Inspiration: I always wanted to write a Sy story.
Author’s Note: Thank you to @wondersofdreaming​ for all the love and support.
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A harsh and wet sounding cough filled the bedroom, making Lily curl up on herself, shivering, and groaning as her body throbbed under the mound of blankets Sy had covered her up with, when her first round of coughs woke him, mid-morning.
“I'm here.” Sy called, coming into the room with a cup of steaming hot tea and a small saucer of dry toast for her. “Here.” He whispered, setting the cup and plate on the nightstand and fished Lily out of her blankets, then fluffed some pillows behind her back so she was comfortable, when she sat up.
“Thanks.” Lily replied, her voice weak and raspy.
“You're welcome.” He replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she nibbled on the toast. “Do you have any cold medicine?” He asked, going into the master bathroom, to open the medicine cabinet.
“I don't think so.” She answered, hoarsely.
Sy frowned into the open cabinet, drumming his fingers against the door and tapping his foot on the worn, black and white penny tile floor, trying to make a decision and calculation, before making up his mind and swung the cabinet door closed.
“All right, I'm gonna shoot over to store and pick up some cold medicine for you, maybe a bag of cough lozenges too. I know your throat must be killing you by how raspy your voice is.” He said, standing beside the bed and gently pressed his palm to her flushed and sweaty forehead. “Yeah.” He nodded, pressing his lips together.
“Do you need anything before I leave?” He asked, staring down at her, tenderly.
Shaking her head, Lily rubbed her goose-bumped and shivering arms. Frowning a bit more, Sy moved around to his side of the bed, nicking his hoodie off the back of a chair, and held it out to her with a gentle smile. Letting out a soft huff through her nose and smiling back, Lily took the black garment from him and slipped it on. Sy kissed the top of her head and went downstairs, grabbing his keys off the small table by the door in the entryway and left for the store, fifteen minutes away.
Lily nibbled on the last bland triangle of toast and was about to wash it down with the few remaining sips of her warm tea, when Aika started barking downstairs, making Lily sigh. It was a common occurrence, Aika loved lounging on the window seat in the living room and would go ballistic when she saw a squirrel, even more so, when the door was closed and she couldn't blow out of the screen door and chase after the poor, puff-tailed critter. She had told Sy, countless times, that he should just put a doggy door in either the front door or in both the front and the back doors for Aika, solving the issue of the German Shepherd barking and clawing at the door until it was opened for her.
But, even then, she would rush out onto the porch, scan for the squirrel, see it had disappeared and whine at her and Sy about it for the rest of the day, or until the next squirrel or chipmunk showed its plump face.
Throat far too sore and voice too weak, for Lily to yell out to Aika, she set her teacup aside and got out of bed, a strong shiver racing through her as her bare feet hit the cold floorboards. She had just made it out of her bedroom and into the hallway, when she heard distant whimper and Aika go eerily silent. Frowning, she slowly went down the stairs leading from the top floor into the kitchen, jumping in her skin and Sy's hoodie at a deafening slam that filled the otherwise quiet house.
The kitchen floor gently creaked under her feet as she slowly crossed it, to peek around the corner into the living room and entryway. Hugging herself against the wall, she didn't see anything. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but the feel in the air was anything, but ordinary. Aika was nowhere in sight, and Lily didn't hear a peep from her. She knew it wasn't Sy either. He couldn't be back from the store yet, even if he was, Sy was a mountain of a man, his footfalls were always heavy as he bumped around the house, and he would have called out to her, announcing he was back home.
None of that was happening in the dead silent house.
Her hands started to shake and she felt lightheaded, gripping the wall to keep herself steady, tears blurring her eyes, as nausea filled her stomach. She knew what this silence was, it was a silence she had feared for almost ten years, a fear she had been slowly learning to forget, but had started to build around her again.
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Lily climbed the two flights of stairs up to her and Jak's second floor apartment, lugging her heavy shoulder bag with her. She was returning from an early afternoon class, already tired and wishing she didn't have one more class later that afternoon as she slipped her key into the deadbolt and opened the door. She froze in the open door, taking a moment to figure out what was wrong. When she realized that the tv she had left on when she left that morning for her first class was off.
A cold shiver raced down her back with a shuddered breath as the apartment door slowly closed behind her. The apartment was silent without the tv going in the living room, which was never a good sign. Usually, when Lily returned from her early afternoon classes, the tv was still on the news or whatever channel she had left it on when she left that morning.
On the days the tv was off, when she got home?
“Where've you been, Bunny?” Jak's voice asked as he entered the living room, arms crossed over his chest and looking cross.
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“Hey there, Bunny.” A familiar voice chuckled behind her.
Lily yelped and spun around, pressing her back against the wall. “Jak.” She whimpered, looking up at him.
Jak was different from the last time she had seen him in Richmond, four years prior. He was still tall and lean, eight-ish centimeters shorter and nearly twenty kg lighter than Sy was. His ash blonde hair was pulled up into a bun and the sides of his head were shaved, his cheeks stubbly and his bottle-green eyes boring into her, like a power drill. The last time Lily had seen him, he had the traditional boy cut and his face was smooth, the camouflage of a good, church going boy.
But, there wasn't a trace of that boy now, that façade had broken away to the true monster residing inside the man, Jakson Abernathy, had turned into.
“I've missed you so much, Bunny.” He said soft, reaching out and gently brushed the knuckle of his forefinger against her flushed and feverish cheek, then brought it to his lips, licking off the tear he had collected.
Lily gulped, the agony of her sore throat forgotten in her panicked fright, facing him. “Please, Jak.” She pleaded with him, her voice a soft and raspy whine. “Just go. We don't have to do this. You don't have to do this.” She told him, hands twisting up in the pouch of Sy's hoodie.
“Move on.”
Jak snapped forward in a burst of rage, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the wall, the back of her head thumping against it with a hard smack. “Move on!” He roared, spittle flying from his lips and hitting her face. “Move on! I've been looking for your ungrateful ass for five years and the only thing you have to say to me is, move on.”
Lily's lips started to change color as the pressure of his hand around her throat increased, her arms shot out and gripped his arm, digging and scratching at his forearm and struggling against him, black and bright spots flashing in her eyes.
“I'll move on, when we get back home.” Jak told her, his thumb moving out to wipe across her lips.
“No, I'm n-not going w-with yo-u.” She choked, struggling to breath.
“Yes, you are.” He growled, nails breaking the skin of her neck. “You belong to me, since the day I met you, you've been mine. You think that fucking caveman loves you?” He taunted her. “You think him fucking your little cunt means he loves you, you're a fucking idiot. He's just fuckin' you for room and board, once he gets his fill and bored of you, he'll skip out.”
“But, me?” He brought his face closer to hers, their lips brushing. “I will always love you, Bunny. I will always come and find you, take you back home, where you belong. I'm the only one for you.”
Lily tried jerking her head sideways, away from his lips, but only earned a punch to the gut, knocking the teeny bit of air left in her body out.
“You always make shit so complicated.” Jak grunted, between gritted teeth. “Some things never change.” He berated her, shaking his head and about to strike her again, when the crackle and pop of tires on the driveway up to the house reached them.
“Fuck.” He hissed, hearing a car door slam, knowing Sy had returned from town.
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Sy searched the cold and flu aisle of the small Celina store, trying to figure out which one would be best for her. “Why do you need eighty products that do the same thing?” He mumbled to himself, looking between the liquid and the pill form of the medicines. “Liquid would be easier for her to swallow, though, with her sore throat.” He reasoned, finally picking a product, then grabbed a bag of cough lozenges, even stopping to grab a bottle of her favorite juice, before heading for the check out line.
He sighed, impatiently shifting foot to foot, as the long line slowly progressed. He glanced at the other two open cashier lines, but they were even longer than his, making him growl, wanting to get back home to Lily already, before he froze, realizing what he was feeling. Lily and her place had become home to him. A real home. More of a home to him than his apartment in Austin or the place where he grew up with his parents. He felt like he belonged there with her and Aika, as if the three of them had created their own little family on the rag-tag farm.
So, when he finally got through the line and paid for his items, he rushed back home to her.
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Quickly searching the kitchen, Jak grabbed a knife from the knife block on the kitchen counter beside them, then changed his hand from her throat to the back of her hair, turning her around and pressing her back against his chest. They stood in the kitchen, the tip of the knife pressed into Lily's throat, while they heard the screen door open and Sy's cautious footfalls step into the entryway.
“Lily?” Sy called out, his body tensing. “Aika!” He slowly set the grocery bag down on the floor, his nerve endings coming to life. “Hello?” He barked, his jaw tight, instinct telling him something was deeply off.
Jak pushed Lily forward, moving with her to stand in the entryway of the kitchen and living room, his and Sy's eyes meeting. Both men looked each other over, squaring each other off, trying to find their weaknesses and strengths, whether they could successfully take each other on; and win. Sy was purely confident he could take Jak out, but what he wasn't sure of, was if he could get to Jak before he hurt Lily with that knife he was gripping.
“So, you're him.” Sy said, his eyes hard and locked onto Jak, his blood was pumping and his hands were clenched into such tight fists, his knuckles were white.
“I am.”
Sy nodded, pressing his lips together. “If I were you, I'd let her go.”
“And if I were you, I would take yourself back out to your truck and leave this place.” Jak replied, motioning out the living room window to Sy's truck. “She's mine, caveman.”
Sy chuckled. “I don't think so, boy.” He grinned, taking a step forward.
“Ah!” Jak barked, taking a step back and pressing the tip of the knife harder into Lily's neck, a bead of blood trickled down and disappeared into the neck of Sy's hoodie. “Unless you want both of us to lose her, you'll back off.”
“I'm no-”
“Just listen to him, Sy.” Lily cried, gulping and whimpering.
“Lily.” Sy shook his head at her, trying to keep a handle on himself, for her safety.
“Please, Austin.” She begged him, a wash of tears streaming down her face and neck. “Please, just go.”
“I'm not leaving you with this prick.” Sy barked, not believing the words coming out of her mouth.
“You are, so just leave.” Lily told him. “I love him.” She sniffled, reaching back to grab Jak's shirt.
“Lily.” He barked, shocked.
“Don't worry about him, Bunny.” Jak cooed into her ear, but was grinning victoriously at Sy. “We're leaving here.” He said, slowly backing them into the kitchen and out the door.
Sy stood in the entryway breathing heavily and rocking on his heels as rage and confusion coursed through his body, but his breathing quicken and his mind became laser focused, causing him to snap into action. Going into a drawer in the living room, he pulled out the safety case the gun was in, opened it, and ran out the back door after them. Sy made it out the back door in time to see Jak dragging Lily towards an abandoned field to the right side of her property.
Running in that direction, he hopped over the porch rail to cut down time on reach them.
Making it a couple yards behind them, Sy could see where Jak had been hiding out while he'd been tormenting Lily. There was an old barn in the field from a bygone farm on the property beside Lily's. So, he slowed down, watching as Jak dragged Lily towards the decapitated barn by the wrist, the kitchen knife was in his other hand. Biting his lip, Sy stopped and pulled back the slide on the Taurus, taking very careful aim, he took several deep breaths, calming and slowing his breathing and heart rate, before squeezing the trigger. A loud pop rang out in the air and the bullet clipped Jak in the thigh, causing him to let go of Lily and the knife and drop to the ground.
Surprised, Lily looked back and saw Sy standing there, dropping the arm he was holding the weapon with and motioned to her with the other. Without hesitation, Lily broke out into a run, sprinting straight towards Sy, all but colliding with him and knocking them both to the ground. Sy hugged her, pressing his lips to her forehead, then pushed her behind him, as Jak struggled on the ground, cursing and swearing.
“You son of a whore!” Jak spat, rolling over, and pressing a hand to the seeping red patch on his jeans. “I'll fucking kill both of you!”
Sy's body, tight as a piano wire, suddenly relaxed and he took a step forward, but Lily clutched at his shirt. He looked back at her, giving her a reassuring expression, before approaching Jak, who continued to writhe in pain.
“Listen carefully.” Sy growled at him.
“No!” Jak roared, pointing a bloody finger at Sy, his face pale and angry. “You fuckin' listen! I'm going to make your lives hell! I'm going to fucking—whoa!!” He shrieked as Sy let off another round into the dirt beside him, getting his full attention.
“As I was saying.” Sy barked, his body stiff again. “Listen carefully.” He hissed, teeth gritted together. “I have a lot of friends in very high places, that if I kill you, they will help me erase your weaselly little fucking existence off the face of this god damned planet.” He told him, heatedly.
“She's mine. My girl.” He said, pointing back at Lily.
“So, if you're don't to get your ass out of this town, out of this state, and if you ever look for her again, let alone think about her, I will hunt you down and finish you off.” Sy told him, towering above the other man, and lowering his head to keep his eyes on Jak's.
“Do we understand each other?”
Jak gulped, looking up at Sy, like a tiny mouse cornered by a Cougar, then glanced around him to Lily, who stood watching the two men, terrified and exhausted, unconsciously wiping her runny nose on the cuff of Sy's hoodie, but her eyes were on Sy. It was in that moment that Jak realized that as fearful as Lily was, it wouldn't override her knowledge that Sy would protect her with his life, making his use of it to manipulate her, null and void. His grip on her was gone, he was nothing but a ghost, fading and being replaced.
His eyes shifted back to Sy. “Yeah.”
“Good.” Sy snapped. “Now, I don't care if you have to crawl, hop or limp, but I want you gone.”
Struggling for a moment, Jak managed to pull himself up, carefully balancing on his feet for a moment, before turning on his good leg, then limping and shuffling away from them, towards the dilapidated barn, where his car was hidden. Sy didn't move from his spot or relax, even as the 2013 Honda left the structure, tires kicking up dirt and dust as he tore down the neglected drive, blowing out of the gateless driveway onto the road with a loud screech. It was only when the car and its sound disappeared that Sy relaxed, flicking on the gun's safety with his thumb and pushed it into the waistband of his jeans, then turned towards Lily. Taking two steps to close the gap between them and collecting her in his arms, Sy scooped Lily up and head back towards their house, only stopping once they were back inside the living room and dropped onto the couch, with her in his lap.
Lily let out a weak breath into his chest, tears dripping down her face and arms locked around his neck. Sy pressed his cheek to her hair, his own chest tight with emotions, and squeezed his eyes shut, tears dripping from his dark lashes.
“Aika.” Lily whimpered, pulling back, wiping away her and Sy's tears.
“Oh shit.” Sy panted back, glancing side to side, alarmed, letting Lily get up and stood. “Aika!” He called out.
Both of them paused, listening quietly, then looked at each other, hearing pitiful whines and whimpers coming from the entryway. Having heard a door slam after Jak had entered the house and not seeing Aika, but clearly hearing her whines, Lily knew there could only be one place for the German Shepherd to be and rushed to the coat closet in the hallway, yanking the door open.
“Oh, good lord.” She gasped, finding the dog inside the closet, front and back paws were taped together, as was her muzzle. “My poor baby.” She cooed, dropping to her hands and knees, gingerly peeling the tape from around Aika's mouth.
“That fuck.” Sy barked, standing behind Lily, and seeing what Jak had done to his beloved Aika, hating him even more for hurting his girls. “Here.” He said, kneeling down beside Lily, and removing a small, folding knife that was clipped to his belt, then carefully cut the tape wrapped around Aika's legs.
Lily removed the tape from around her paws the best she could without causing Aika anymore discomfort and pain. “Oh, I know, such a sweet girl.” Lily murmured, as Aika got up, licking at her and Sy's faces, her shaggy tail beating against the walls of the closet. “I'll give you the entire container of treats, promise.”
Sy chuckled softly, gently petting Aika, relieved that both Lily and the German Shepherd were safe and sound again, and for the most part, unharmed. “Let me see your neck.” He said, cupping her chin between his fingers and turning her head to look at the nick and line of dry blood on her neck. “It's nothing too bad, but I should clean it up.” He told her, standing, then helped her up to her feet.
Grabbing the bag that had been discarded and forgotten on the entryway floor, Sy went upstairs with Lily, Aika close behind them. Setting the bag down on the bed and taking her into the bathroom, he easily moved about the small space. Sy had become familiar with the master bathroom in the few weeks he had started sleeping with Lily in her room, as she helped him combat his nightmares. He grabbed a bottle of antiseptic from the medicine cabinet and squeezed some of it on a fluffy, white cotton ball, then turned his careful attention onto her. Gently lifting her chin and dabbing at the cut, making Lily hiss and bite her lip, he gave her a sweet and sympathetic look, cleaning away the dry and flaky blood.
“There, all better.” He smiled, tossing the bloody cotton ball into the bin.
“Thank you.” Lily smiled, before subsiding into a coughing fit.
Sy snapped back into the reality before Jak rocked their usually peaceful life, recalling why he had left the house in the first place, going to grab the bag off the bed and brought it back to her, taking out the bottle of cold and flu medicine. Tearing the safety seal off, Sy poured the nasty looking green syrup into the clear, plastic measuring cup and held it out to her. Lily's face twisted with disgusted, shivering, but she took it from him and quickly downed it.
“Ew, that is so nasty.” She laughed, nervously, setting the cup down.
“As long as it works.” Sy replied, closing the bottle.
“I thought you were going to kill him.” Lily whispered as she sat down on the bed.
Sy stopped in the doorway of the bathroom, biting his lip and pushing his jaw forward, slowly nodding his head as he thought about it. He thought he was going to end up killing Jak too. He had thought a lot about what he would do if, and when, he met Jak in person, ever since he answered his call and Lily told him about their history, over a week ago. He had pictured beating him to a pulp, killing him and just giving him a good talking too; making a point that Lily was no longer his.
But, even Sy knew, you don't know how you'll react to a situation until it happens.
“I thought I would kill him too.” He admitted out loud, moving to sit down on the edge of the bed, beside her. “Part of me wanted too.” He added with a soft sigh.
“But, then he would have taken you from me.”
Sy reached out and took her hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb over her wrist. “My life would be an equal trade for your safety, Lily.”
“But, not for my happiness.” She countered, lifting a brow at him.
Their eyes met and Sy smiled at her, leaning forward to gently kiss her.
“Rest.” He whispered against her lips. “It's all over now.”
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Lily sighed softly, then chuckled, feeling Sy's heavy palm press down on her belly. “So vain.” She giggled, splaying her legs open and resting her ankles on his calves.
“Am I?” He chuckled back, feeling himself moving inside of her.
“You're always pressing your hand to my abdomen, when we have sex. Always enjoying the feel of that fat cock inside of me.” She told him, locking her dainty hand around his thick wrist as his hand stayed on her stomach. “I don't know who takes more pleasure in it, me or you.”
“Both of us.” Sy laughed, leaning over and gently kissed her.
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Sy wiped his sweaty forehead on the sleeve of his painting coveralls and took a step back, lowering the long handled paint roller into the roller pan, that was filled with moth gray paint that he and Lily had picked out to paint the house with, accented by slate blue shutters, dark stained porch support posts and a white door.
“It's looking good, Bear.” Lily said, stepping out onto the porch, carrying a glass of iced tea.
“Thanks, Angel.” Sy smiled, carefully setting the roller down and took the glass from her. “Hopefully, I'll be done soon, and I'll start putting up the roofing.” He told her, between sips. “Do you want to see it?” He asked her, setting the cool glass on the porch rail.
“Sure.” Lily nodded, pressing her lips together and gulping down a sudden nauseous ump in her throat, before following Sy around the other side of the house and off the porch, towards the barn, where the roofing material was stored.
Sy pushed open the barn door, smiling as it glided on its rollers, he had replaced and greased the track, so when the roofing material was delivered it would be easier for him and the delivery men to get in and out of the structure with the heavy boxes. Entering the barn, Sy opened one of the cardboard flaps to the roofing materials and showed Lily what was inside.
“I thought the black would accent well with all the other colors we have going with the house.” He started to explain to her.
“Is it metal?” She asked, reaching out and touching it, finding it cool under her fingertips.
“They are.” Sy nodded, smiling at her. “They last longer than asphalt shingles, you know, the shingles that normally go on houses. But, they're lighter than tile or slate. I also know you love the sound of the rain and hail on the barn's roof, and it's metal, so, I thought you'd enjoy it in the house too.” He told her, proud of his methods. “I'll insulate the roofing a bit. so it won't be so loud, when we get a really bad storm.”
Lily smiled, incredibly touched by Sy's thoughtfulness, as she often was. “Thank you.” She replied, moving over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tight for a moment, until the strong smell of the paint on his coveralls hit her nose and went straight to her stomach. “Oh god.” She gasped, whining, and tore away from him.
Racing out the barn door and skidding around the corner, Lily doubled over and spilled her guts, puking and wrenching into the tall grass and weeds growing alongside the barn wall. Sy's hot hand pressed to the small of her back, concerned, as she continued to dry heave for several more moments.
“You all right?” He asked, rubbing her back and making sure her hair wasn't in her face.
“Yeah.” She nodded, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, and stood up. “I just think all the paint fumes are getting to me.”
Nodding and letting out a slow breath, Sy walked back into the house with her and brought the portable fan into the living room, hoping to reduce the strength of the paint smell in the room for her, seeing how pale she was.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked, bringing her a glass of water.
“Yeah, I'll be fine, Bear.” She replied, slowly sipping the water.
“Okay.” Sy nodded, chewing on the corner of his lip. “I'm going to try and finish this side of the house by the end of the day. If you need anything, just call. All right?”
Lily smiled up at him. “All right, Sy.”
Smiling back at her, Sy kissed her temple and went back out onto the porch. Lily sat on the couch for a little while longer, pressing her hands to her face, tired and her stomach still acting up, the smell of paint wasn't as strong with the windows open and the fan blowing, but it was still lingering. So, she went upstairs to the master bedroom, where the air was clear. She dropped on the bed and picked up her phone, figuring the hormonal change from her upcoming period was causing her to be nauseous, and opened a period tracking app she used.
“Oh, fuck.” She gasped, seeing the date on the tracker, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, foot tapping with nervous and antsy energy. “Fuck it.” She snapped, jumping to her feet and went back downstairs, swiping her keys off their hook.
“Where's the fire?” Sy asked, as Lily breezed out the front door.
“I'm just going into town.” She replied, biting her lip.
“All right.” Sy answered, turning back to the section he was painting. “Wait.” He froze, just processing what she said to him. “What?” He squeaked, turning back towards her.
Lily's mouth worked for a moment, flustered. “I'm...going into town.” She repeated, slowly.
Sy set down the paint roller. “Do you want me to go with you?” He asked, eyes scanning her, he could tell something had her distressed, but couldn't put his paint covered finger on it.
“No.” She shook her head, and took a deep breath. “I know you want to finish this, and I think I can do it.” She told him, feeling a slow confidence wrap around her anxiety of going into town by herself for the first time since she came to Celina, nearly five years before.
“As long as you're sure.” Sy replied, regarding her, a soft light of pride in her glowing in his blue eyes.
“I am.” Lily nodded, smiling at him, even more fortified by his pride. “I'm no longer afraid of what's out there, like I used to be.”
“I'm proud of you, Angel.” Sy cooed, beaming at her.
“Thanks, Bear.” Lily blushed, shyly brushing her hair behind her ears.
“Hey, since you're heading out that way, could you get me another roller?” He asked, looking down at the one he had been using.
“Sure, do you need a specific kind?”
“Yeah, a roller with a three-fourths nap.”
“Three-fourths nap, noted.” Lily replied, committing it to memory. “Anything else?”
“Nope.” He shook his head, giving her a quick kiss, before she stepped off the porch and got into her usually unused car.
Lily let out a deep breath as she pulled off her property, her heart thundered in her chest as she approached the small town, nervous about why she was going out there to start with and what the residences would say when they saw her out and about on her own, she knew they would whisper and talk, especially when they saw the items she bought. Lily contemplated going over to the next town of Prosper to get the items, not wanting the gossip to be running rampant around Celina by morning, but shrugged it off.
“Let them talk.” She said, pulling into the parking lot. “It won't change anything.”
Going into the hardware store first, Lily got the paint roller Sy had asked her to get and dropped it in the car, before going into the grocery store for what she had gone out for.
“Hey, Ms. Lily!”
“Hey, Travis.” Lily smiled at the teen.
“You're out and about!” He grinned at her, abandoning his spot at the end of a cash register, where he was supposed to be helping bag groceries, to walk with her.
“I am.” She chuckled at him, biting her lip and blushing.
“Are you trying to overcome your fear or something?” He inquired, tilting his head at her.
“Something like that.” She replied, offering him a sweet smile.
“I'm glad.” Travis smiled back at her, really looking proud of her. “You really deserve to live life to the fullest.” He told her, with a sweet earnest.
“Thank you, Travis.” Lily chuckled, gently touching his arm.
“Marlowe!” A voice barked, startling them both into looking behind them. “Bags.” A heavy set man in a creased pair of slacks and white polo shirt snapped, pointing at the checkout stand Travis had walked away from.
“Sorry, Mr. Gillis.” Travis replied, sheepishly. “I was just giving Ms. Lily aisle directions. The Tylenol is on aisle seven.” He said, looking back at Lily.
“Thanks, Travis. You're a lifesaver.” Lily replied, going along with it.
Travis winked at her and went back to his job and Lily went on her way, weaving around until she found the aisle she was looking for, finding three different types of the product she was looking for and was unsure which would be the best to use. So, she grabbed one of each and started for check out, but back tracked and grabbed a bottle of Tylenol, before going to pay for her items. Thankfully, Travis wasn't upfront, when she got up there, causing her heart to slow down, greatly, in her chest. Even though, the cashier gave her a knowing glance as she rang Lily up, but Lily pretended to not see it, staring at the headline of a magazine beside the register.
Returning home, Lily crammed the three boxes into her bag, before getting out of the car, and Sy was still working on the porch. He turned his attention to her, smiling as she stepped up onto the porch with him, holding out the new roller brush to him.
“Thanks.” He said, taking it from her. “How'd it go?” He asked.
“It went really well.” Lily smiled, her anxiety level starting to go down again, but was still anxious. “I ran into Travis.” She chuckled.
“Oh, how did that go?” Sy laughed back.
“He got in trouble with his boss, but he's a good kid.” She smiled, jiggling her bag of Tylenol.
“Is that what you went for?” Sy asked, lifting a brow at the bag.
“More or less.”
“Hm.” He hummed, pressing his lips together. “Well, I'm glad you did it, I knew you could.”
“Thanks, Bear.” Lily smiled, pushing up on her toes and kissed him on the lips. “I'll get dinner started soon.”
“Good, I'm starved.” He replied against her mouth.
“Always and forever.” Lily teased him, giggling, then went inside.
With Sy still distracted with the porch, Lily went upstairs and closed herself inside the master bathroom, dumping the three boxes onto the sink counter and letting out a shaky breath, glancing at herself in the mirror.
“Here goes nothing.” She sighed, tearing open the boxes and read their instructions. “Seems easy enough.” She talked to herself, trying to keep her nerves under control, pausing when she heard whining outside the bathroom door. “Come on, quick.” She whispered, opening the door for Aika, then closed it behind her.
“You wanna take this for me?” Lily quipped, holding up one of the test sticks. “I didn't think so.” She huffed, when Aika just stared up at her. “It was worth the ask.” She babbled, nervously, before working up the nerve to take two of them.
She nervously paced the bathroom, chewing on her lip or on her fingernails, trying to figure out a way to tell Sy if either of them came out positive. If they didn't, it was easy not to tell him, there wouldn't be a need to, it was just her own silly paranoia. Maybe her tracker was just off, she was bad at remembering to update the thing after her periods ended and things had been crazy around that time, dealing with Jak. But, what if her tracker was right, what if she was really a week late. Ever since their first time in the barn during the storm, Lily and Sy enjoyed having sex with each other every chance they got, for God's sake, they had sex up against the kitchen table the night before, while they were supposed to be making dinner, only to end up burning it and having to call out of pizza instead.
There were so many moments in the last month that could have ended up with Lily being at this point, that it was nearly impossible to say which one it was.
The five minute timer on Lily's phone started to ring and she tapped it off, but still didn't have the courage to look at the two sticks balanced on the sink's edge. Pressing a hand over her eyes and stepping up to the counter, Lily counted to five under her breath, then yanked her hand away from her eyes, quickly looking down before her spur of the moment courage failed her again and felt her stomach drop.
“Oh fucking shit.” She snapped, despite the grin on her face.
Staring at the tests for a moment longer, Lily opened the bathroom door and walked down the hall, to the main staircase, that was closest to the front door, but froze. A chill of fright filling her, what if Sy wasn't happy about the results, what if he freaked out and left or worse.
“No.” Lily shook her head, pushing that fear down. “Not my Bear.” She said, gulping. “Austin.” She called down the stairs to him.
There was a quiet moment, before the screen door opened and slammed shut again.
“Yeah?” Sy called back up the stairs to her.
“I need you to come up here.” Lily replied, biting her lip and taking a calming breath.
Sy's heavy footsteps came up the stairs, then he appeared before her, brows lifted in question. “What's up, Sugar butt?”
Lily motioned down the hall with her head, then moved back into the bedroom. Sy smirked, his step picking up a bit, figuring she was in a mood, and was more than happy to oblige her. But, he frowned at her, when she stopped beside the bathroom door and pointed inside of it, her eyes meeting his. Blinking once at her, Sy stepped into the bathroom, figuring now, that something had broken and she needed him to fix it, but what he found wasn't anything that was broken.
Far from it.
Sy's eyes instantly found the two used pregnancy tests on the bathroom counter, one of them showing two noticeable blue lines and the other one with the clear word, pregnant, in their indication windows. His mouth fell open and his eyes grew wide with surprise and shock, his brain going blank for a moment, unable to compute anything more than those two positive tests, before looking at Lily.
“You're sure?”
“I took two for a reason.” She replied, stared back at him, just as wide eyed. “I have a third, but I didn't think there would be a need for it, if the first two were the same result.” She explained, licking her lips.
Sy turned on his heels and strode over Lily, who spooked slightly, taking a step back from him, unsure how he was reacting, despite trying to reassure herself he wouldn't be angry about it. But, Sy caught her up in his arms and picked her up clean off her feet, nearly crushing her in his thick arms and against his chest, spinning her in a circle and burying his face into her neck, smiling and laughing, overjoyed, beyond belief.
“So, you're not angry?” Lily asked, holding onto him.
“Are you kidding me?” Sy laughed, pulling back and looking her in the face, beaming with tears in his eyes. “How could I ever be angry?” He asked her, like it was the most absurd thing in the world. “I love you, Lily, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He said, setting her back down on her feet and brushed his fingers through her hair, tenderly.
“I, sure as hell, want to have kids with you.” He told her, sincerely, cupping her face in his hands.
“I do too.” She whispered back, overcome with relief and joy, and grasped his wrists.
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With the two pregnancy tests reading positive, Lily called the closest OBGYN in the area, which was twenty minutes away in the town of McKinney, and made an appointment with them for the earliest availability, which was three days later.
“I was thinking.” Sy said, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel as he drove them to the appointment.
“Oh?” Lily replied, looking up from the ultra-soft, dove colored, yarn in her lap.
“I want to give up my apartment in Austin, and permanently stay out here with you and the baby.” He told her, glancing at her for a moment, smiling at the baby blanket she had started to crochet the night before.
“I already thought you were here permanently?” Lily chuckled, eyes sparkling at him. “Place in Austin or not.” She said, eyes turning back to her needlework.
Sy reached across the center console and gently took her hand in his. “You have no idea, how much you have made that farm a home for me. How much you've become home to me.”
Lily gripped his hand tighter, feeling the deep emotion of the moment. “I feel the same, Austin.” She whispered back, tears filling her eyes and spilling over, dripping onto the yarn. “So much, the same.”
They made it to the building Lily's new doctor worked out of and signed in for their appointment, filling out paperwork, while they waited for their turn to go back. Both of them were nervous and excited about the appointment, to find out more about the baby and what life would be like from here on out. Sy wanted to know what the gender was, but knew that wouldn’t happen for several more weeks, while Lily just hoped she wouldn't have any major complications during the pregnancy, her nausea was already starting to get more frequent, having been woken up early that morning to rush into the bathroom to throw up.
“Ms. Moore?” A nurse called out.
Lily and Sy stood up and the nurse showed them into the back, pausing for a moment to hold out a small urine sample cup to Lily.
“There's a bathroom two doors down, on the left, fill it to the line, and when you're done, leave it on the little counter in there, then I'll show you both to the exam room.” She explained to Lily.
Lily nodded, a slight shake in her hand as she took the cup from her and went down to the bathroom, doing as she was told. It took Lily a moment to get going, her excitement and nerves taking up so much of her attention. She squeezed her eyes shut, taking a shaky breath, her mind flashing back and forth between every conceivable scenario between her, Sy and the baby. Her belly growing rounder than a ripe watermelon in summer, Sy finished up the house and working on a nursery, while she crocheted the blanket. The patter of feet in the house, the sound of laughs and barks in the yard as the baby and Aika played together.
But, also the fear of Sy suddenly deciding he didn't want a life with her and going back to Austin, leaving her to raise the baby on her own, or the absolute worst, losing the baby all together.
“Not going to happen.” She chanted under her breath. “He loves me.”
Taking several deep breaths, Lily managed to fill the cup to the line, secured the lid on it and set it down on the small shelf screwed into the wall across from the toilet, before washing her hands and going back out into the hall to join Sy and the nurse.
The nurse smiled at her and showed her and Sy into a sweet little exam room, where Lily took a seat on the table, letting the nurse take her vitals.
“The doctor will be right with you, Ms. Moore.”
“Thanks.” Lily smiled at her, legs gently swinging and hands clasped in her lap.
Sy stood in front of Lily, untangling her hands and held them in his, squeezing them as he felt them shake. “It'll be all right, Angel.” He cooed at her, pressing their hands to his chest and stood between her legs. “You're doing so good, my sweet thang.” He chuckled, starting to tease her a little bit, knowing it would lighten her mood.
Sy tried to cover his own worry and fear, wanting to look and be strong for Lily, knowing she was just as terrified as he was. He had wanted a family, a kid, for a long time, but not just a kid to have a kid for the sake of it, to have someone to carry on the bloodline and legacy. He wanted to have a kid with someone he loved, to have a life. To be someone more than Captain Austin Syverson of the U.S Army. To be, Austin Syverson, Father, Dad and husband, maybe even grandpa one day.
That had been Austin's dream.
And here was Lily, his beautiful, sweet Angel, who had saved him. He loved Lily with his entire soul, he would live for her and he would die for her, and now, she was carrying his daughter or son, proving him wrong, when he thought he couldn't love her anymore. Giving Sy one more thing on his bucket list. She gave him a purpose, she gave him a place to belong, and she gave him unconditional love and support. Lily made Sy feel wanted and complete. He couldn't think of anything more he wanted, but he had a feeling that Lily might give him more than what he expected.
“Snookums.” He laughed aloud.
“Oh god.” Lily laughed back, shaking her head at him, starting to feel better. “Watch yourself, Pooh Bear.” She teased him back, pressing her palms to his chest.
Sy rolled his eyes at her, leaning slightly forward and gently rubbed noses with her, with a soft knock on the room door and it opened, a short lady with smooth caramel skin and a white doctor's coat stepped into the room, smiling sweetly at both Lily and Sy.
“Hello.” She greeted them, extending her hand. “I'm Dr. Evers.”
“Hi.” Lily greeted her back and shook her hand. “Lily.” She smiled.
“Sy.” He replied, shaking her hand next.
“So, you're expecting?” Dr. Evers beamed at Lily, genuinely happy for them.
“Yeah.” Lily grinned, excited and shy. “I've been nauseous, which usually happens on my period.” She began to explain. “So, I was checking when my period was due to start, on a tracker I have on my phone, only to realize, I was nearly a week late.” She said, glancing over at Sy.
“I took two pregnancy tests and they both came back positive.”
“Great.” Evers nodded. “The urine test you took came back positive as well, but I'll also want to take a UPT test as well, to be extra sure.” She explained to Lily, just as the door opened again and the nurse came back in, pushing a small metal cart with two plastic tubes with rubber caps and a needle inside a sterile package.
Lily's hand instantly shot out for Sy's hand, eyes wild, gulping and paling slightly. Sy let her squeeze his hand as hard she wanted, while rubbing her back with his free hand, leaning in and pressing his lips to her temple. Lily, reluctantly, held her arm out to the nurse, who gently sterilized the inside bend of her elbow and took out the needle, that had a thin tube and cap-like object attached to it, that she slotted one of the test tubes into, before skillfully inserting the needle into Lily's arm.
“See, not so bad.” Sy smiled at Lily's soft hiss, watching her rich blood fill up the tube, and gently pet her hair. “Proud of you.” He added, softly.
The nurse filled both tubes, removed the needle and covered the injection site, smiling sweetly at Lily, then left the room with the blood samples.
“So, the test results will take two-= to three days to come in.” Evers explained to them, once the door closed. “The office will give you a call with the results. Until then, I want you to rest and take it easy. I'll prescribe you a prenatal vitamin and something for your nausea. Once we get your results and they’re positive, we'll set up another appointment and go from there.”
“Sounds great, Doc.” Sy grinned, giddy as a school-boy about being a dad.
“That it does.” Lily agreed, ecstatic as well.
-- Part VI --
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riversofmars · 3 years
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Well, well, well, here we are, forth and final part to this story! Thank you everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it! I'm happy to say, I'll probably be posting another fic for them next week, plus, I'm working on some bits for them for Whumptober! Until then, hope you enjoy this last part <3
Home Is Not A Place - Part 4: The Way Forward
When Caroline stepped out of her SUV, she narrowly avoided a puddle and congratulated herself on the small achievement. She walked around the side of the car to get Flora out of her seat. The week had gone by in a haze and by the time the weekend came round again, Caroline hadn’t been able to face being cooped up at the farm. So she had invited herself and Flora to her mother’s and Alan’s for the day, a course of action she had started to regret the moment her mother turned her visit into an interrogation.
“What’s the matter with you?“ Celia’s sharp observational skills had picked up on Caroline’s discomfort within moments of her entering the house.
“It’s been an exhausting week.“ Despite Caroline’s best attempts at making her drop the issue, Celia was like a dog with a bone:
“Did something happen? I told you it would be a bad idea, this. You and Gillian, you’re like fire and water, cats and dogs, it was never going to go well, I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did,“ Celia had huffed with no small measure of self-righteousness.
“Nothing happened! Everything is fine with our living arrangements.“ In hindsight, Caroline wasn’t sure how convincing her assurances had been but her mother wouldn’t have dropped the issue either way.
“That’s not what Alan said,“ her mother had countered, which came as a surprise to Caroline. Alan had been nothing but supportive of her move to the farm.
“I didn’t say anything of the sort…“ Alan had intervened, but Celina had a habit of twisting his words the way they suited her.
“You said Gillian sounded strange on the phone, like something had happened.“
“Yes, but that could be any number of things…“ Alan had tried to appease, but the damage had been done.
Now, Caroline was back at the farm contemplating how they could move forward from here. She didn’t want her mother to have been right but the more she thought about it, the harder the current situation appeared to maintain. Watching Flora skip up the stairs to the farm house, calling for Calamity, was a particularly painful reminder of what she had ruined.
“Hiya Caz!“ A voice called to her as she hung up her coat in the front room and she tried to ignore her disappointment with the fact that it was Raff, not Gillian.
“Hello everyone,“ Caroline smiled as she came into the lounge. Flora had pounced onto Calamity on the sofa, next to Ellie, who was feeding the baby and gave her a quick wave of greeting. Caroline turned her attention to the kitchen where Raff was setting the table. Gillian was nowhere in sight which was both a relief and a disappointment. “Date night, is it?“ Caroline asked with a smirk as she noticed Raff had only set the table for two. There were wine glasses too, which the headteacher thought odd, as Raff didn’t drink wine really, but maybe he was making an effort for Ellie.
“This? Oh no, that’s not for us,“ Raff was quick to explain. “We’re gonna take kids to Harvesters if that’s alright with you.“
“Oh…“ Caroline didn’t know how else to respond.
“You and me Mum really need to sort out whatever it is you’ve got going on,“ Raff explained and opened the oven, checking on what looked like steak and ale pie. “I know she’s a lot to handle but…she’s better with you around so, whatever she’s done, just… try and move on from it?“ He retrieved the pie and put it on the table.
“It wasn’t her…“ Caroline said softly. “She didn’t do anything…“
“Oh well, then…you just sort it out, yeah?“ Raff reached out and put his hand to her arm, a gesture of understanding and support that Caroline didn’t feel she deserved, but was grateful for anyway.
“Right.“ She managed a thin smile and Ellie announced from the sofa:
“We’ll get the kids out of your hair.“
“What’s all this?“ As if on cue, Gillian appeared in the doorway of the lounge.
“Dinner.“ Raff smiled, setting the oven gloves down and following his wife who was shepherding the kids out.
“You not stopping?“ Gillian frowned, confused.
“Promised Calamity and Flora we’d go to Harvesters this weekend so you guys enjoy,“ Raff explained, gesturing towards the table.
“Raff!“ Gillian exclaimed, panic evident in her voice at the prospect of being left alone with Caroline. The headteacher just stood by the kitchen table, grabbing on to the back of a chair far more tightly then necessary.
“See you in a bit… come on little monsters, off we go!“ Raff paid no attention to his mother’s protest and silence fell upon their departure.
“Dunno why he did this…“ Gillian was first to break the awkward standoff, pushing her hands in her pockets self-consciously.
“Cause he wants us to sort things out,“ Caroline replied without looking at her. She decided it was best to sit down. Raff had gone to a lot of trouble for them and so it would be ungrateful of them to not at least try.
“Did you tell him?“ Gillian’s voice was shaky and accusatory in equal measures.
“No. Of course not…“ Caroline huffed. “Did you?“ She looked up to Gillian who sat down across from her, even if it was reluctantly.
“Course not!“ The sheep farmer shot back as if it was a ridiculous notion.
“Right…“ Caroline hummed. “Well, it’d be a shame to…let this go to waste…“
“I guess…“ Gillian had to agree and took the initiative of dishing out the food. “How’s me Dad?“ she asked without looking at Caroline.
“Fine, yeah, it was a nice day,“ the headteacher replied in a non-committal sort of way.
“Was it?“ Gillian’s voice let on how much she doubted that and Caroline couldn’t help a small smile, at how well Gillian was able to interpret the situation.
“Well, apart from my mother giving me an earful as usual,“ she admitted as she took a bite of the pie.
“What about?“ Gillian asked as she started eating as well.
“Oh just her usual high and mighty nonsense, how she’d been right, us living together would never work,“ Caroline answered thoughtfully. She wanted to be outraged by the very suggestion but she couldn’t be. Not when she had to entertain the possibility that maybe she had a point.
“Hm,“ Gillian huffed a response. “Hate it when your mum’s right.“
“She’s not right,“ Caroline shot back quickly, refusing to believe that, and Gillian held her hands up in defence.
“If you say so…“
Conversation stalled and they focused on their food instead. Where before, silence had been comfortable and peaceful between them, it was now laden with unspoken accusations and bitter disappointment. So much so, that eventually, they couldn’t take it anymore and Gillian was the first to break. She downed the rest of her wine and got to her feet though she was nowhere near done.
“Gillian…“ Caroline felt obliged to try and stop her from walking away.
“Just got to go check on sheep…“ Gillian said and Caroline shook her head:
“No, you don’t.“
“How would you know, you don’t know first thing about farming,“ Gillian snapped as she made her way into the lounge.
“I’ve lived here long enough to pick up a thing or two,“ Caroline countered and got up herself. “You’ve just been to feed them before we sat down.“ She followed her into the living area.
“Maybe I’m just looking for an excuse to go for a walk then. Fucking hell, Caroline, just give me some space, would you?“ Gillian yelled, and the expression of shock and hurt on Caroline’s face must have been all too obvious. “Sorry…“ The sheep farmer mumbled quickly. Her reaction had been over the top and it was impossible to deny how bad things had gotten. They couldn’t ignore it any longer, they needed to sort it out. Gillian perched against the sofa and crossed her arms in front of her chest, a gesture both defensive and protective. She didn’t look at Caroline, who lingered a few meters from her, she just stared at her own feet.
“Maybe this was a bad idea, us moving in here,“ Caroline said at last, admitting to something she neither believed nor wanted to be true, but it seemed the easiest way to alleviate the pain they were clearly both in.
“Don’t say that,“ Gillian mumbled, kicking her feet on the thick rug.
“It was, it was a bad idea. On paper it was perfect but in reality…“ Caroline gave a bitter laugh.
“It was too. It was…perfect, in reality, I mean…it was so…good…“ Gillian admitted, her voice soft and full of regret. It hurt Caroline more than another angry outburst would have. That disappointment that everything had gone up in flames after it had been so good, for all of them.
“But only until…it’s made me… I don’t know… the other day, that shouldn’t have happened.“ Caroline couldn’t get her words out, not properly, but Gillian understood anyway. There was, after all, only one thing she could be referring to.
“Caroline-,“ Gillian started but Caroline interrupted her:
“No, it was wrong, I read too much into what you were saying, it won’t happen again, I promise. But if you want me to go, if you feel like that’s going to hang over us from now on, I understand, I…“ It was the last thing she wanted but if that was what it took to make things go back to normal, she was prepared to make that sacrifice. She would sooner have Gillian as a friend with a healthy distance between them, than push their relationship beyond repair by forcing closeness that wasn’t good for either one of them.
“It’s not that, Caz,“ Gillian actually started laughing, in a desperate, disbelieving sort of way that stunned Caroline.
“It’s not?“ The headteacher echoed incredulously and Gillian shook her head.
“Then what?“ Caroline asked, desperate for an alternative explanation. “Give me a clue.“
“Given you lots of clues, haven’t I, and you picked up on ‘em too and then… I just… don’t know, I freaked out, didn’t I. Like the utter pillock I am…“ Gillian mumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
“What do you mean?“ Caroline frowned, she wasn’t sure whether she had heard her right or if she was getting the wrong end of the stick again.
“You know when you…“ Gillian cleared her throat awkwardly, but managed to meet her eyes at last. Caroline was surprised at the depth of emotion she found there. Negative ones, yes, like Gillian’s constant self-doubt and anxiety, but positive ones too, like admiration and something akin to longing. “Been wondering what it’d be like to… have someone like you, you know… and then, you’re here and like I was saying, it’s everything but the sex, isn’t it, and I meant what I said, I’d never been… happier…“ She paused and took a deep breath, she looked back to the floor as if she didn’t want to face Caroline’s reaction as she carried on: “I like you Caz, like really like you, for God’s sake, I’m sharing my f-bloody life with you, aren’t I, for what that’s w-worth and I… I thought maybe…“ The sheep farmer broke off her stuttering explanation as her courage left her.
“Gillian, I…“ Caroline took a step towards her, she reached out, intent on taking her hands but Gillian flinched back, clasping her arms around herself again as a means of protection.
“You’re too good for me, Caroline. In like, every way, and for some s-stupid reason… you seem to want to be here and I can’t figure out why! Sure, makes childcare easier, dunnit but… you always have to put up with me and Raff, Ellie, little ones… you could just pay for f-bloody wrap-around care, couldn’t you, it’s not like you can’t afford it…“ The sheep farmer burst out, shaking her head vehemently.
“Gillian,“ Caroline tried to appease her but there was no talking to her when she got like this, into a self-destructive, self-deprecating spiral because she believed nothing good would ever happen to her and if it did, she surely didn’t deserve it.
“So yeah, guess I… can’t blame you for wanting to leave, like, what were you doing here in the first place…“ Gillian took a deep breath, coming to the inevitable conclusion.
“Has it, at any point in that convoluted reasoning of yours, occurred to you that maybe, I like sharing my life with you too?“ Caroline asked, slowly, testing the waters as her heartbeat started to thunder in her ears upon the realisation that she had looked at things all wrong. The reason Gillian had rebuffed her advances was not that she wasn’t interested, that she had overstepped, it was because she had got scared and pulled back at the last moment because still, after all this time, she still didn’t believe she deserved to be happy.
“Oh…“ Gillian’s response was barely audible, she still stared at the floor, and Caroline decided this was her moment to put everything right. Things couldn’t get much worse, could they, so with a sort of dead man’s courage, she decided to put all her cards on the table. She retreated to a safe distance over by the fire before turning back, arms crossed in front of her chest.
“Yes, maybe it was a stupid idea to move in together, God knows I usually have better judgement than that - but then, looking at John, maybe I don’t,“ Caroline announced and was relieved to see a little smile cross the sheep farmer’s features, even if it was just for a moment. It encouraged her to keep going. “Maybe, I was tempted! Maybe I liked the idea of this, of us! And I always knew that there was a good chance I would only be making things worse for myself. Bad enough that I fancy my step sister, I put myself in the same house. With you right there, in arm’s reach! Cooking for me, looking after my daughter. You were changing in front of the fucking fire for God’s sake! Do you have any idea what that did to me?“ Caroline sigh, exasperated and Gillian huffed:
“Well, I can tell you, it made things quite a lot worse, otherwise I would never… because I knew you wouldn’t be interested. I knew! You’re straight as an arrow. Except for when you’re not, which you just happened to drop into the conversation! Honestly, Gillian, what are you trying to do to me?“ Caroline laughed in a desperate sort of way at the irony of it all.
“Well, I don’t know, Caroline, maybe I was trying to say that yeah, maybe I’m like, I don’t know, interested! In you! As f-bloody mad as that sounds. You drive me crazy!“ Gillian exclaimed, breaking out of her stupor at last.
“We drive each other crazy, that’s not just on me,“ Caroline shot back, but not unkindly.
“You’re impossible!“ Gillian groaned, shaking her head at her.
“I’m impossible? You’re the one that pushed me away! I would have been quite happy to make all your sapphic fantasies come true, which, for the record, would have put you off men for good, I promise you that! You pushed me away,“ Caroline insisted sternly and this time, Gillian held her gaze defiantly.
“Yeah, well, maybe I was scared!“ Gillian declared and Caroline laughed at how ridiculous that sounded.
“When has sex ever scared Gillian Greenwood?“
“Not the sex, fuck’s sake, the commitment! Everything else! Our parents finding out! Ellie and Raff, they live in the same house as us. And the kids! And what will your colleagues say?“ Gillian gestured wildly, her emotions getting the better of her. “Did you hear, Dr. McKenzie-Dawson is dating again, yes, a sheep farmer, would you believe it?“ She faked a posh accent that she couldn’t maintain. “Caroline, I have nothing to give you, that’s what put us in this position, my f-bloody ineptitude at life.“ Gillian ran her hands through her hair, desperately trying to make her understand, but all Caroline did was take a step closer to her.
“I don’t want anything from you, I don’t have any expectations,“ she answered softly in response to her emotional outburst.
“You say that now but I bet when…“ Gillian averted her eyes again, looking at anything, everything, apart from the attractive headteacher who stepped into her personal space and simply took her hands, forcing her out of her defensive posture. The sheep farmer didn’t struggle, she couldn’t.
“Gillian. I am already sharing my life with you. We live in the same house. You look after my daughter. We share the burdens and we share the rewards, we are already, for all intents and purposes, partners. Do you really think I care what people say?“ Caroline asked softly and a strangled sob escaped Gillian’s trembling lips.
“I care,“ she declared and cleared her throat, struggling for composure. “Not ‘bout… what they say about me, like, I know what they say, don’t bother me anymore, but you…“
“Gillian, shut up,“ Caroline said and Gillian gave a bitter laugh:
“Don’t just tell me to shut up, you’re not headmistress here, are ya, you…“
“Gillian, you really need to learn when to shut up. I don’t care about other people. Yes, maybe, seven years ago when we first met, I would have, but not now, not after everything with John, and Kate, Flora, the new job, you… I don’t care anymore. I just want to be happy… don’t we deserve nice things, after all that?“ She let go of her hands and instead cupped Gillian’s cheeks. She tilted her head up, made her look at her.
“You deserve everything, Caroline, and I can’t…give that to you,“ Gillian mumbled but Caroline gently shook her head.
“I don’t want everything. I’d be quite content just having you, if it’s all the same to you,“ she hummed and leaned down to kiss her. This time, Gillian didn’t pull back. If anything, she allowed herself a moment of weakness too. She kissed her back, wet and sloppy, as tears fell from her eyes that Caroline was quick to brush away.
“Well, you can… have me… if that’s what… you want…“ Gillian rested her forehead against Caroline’s as they broke apart.
“Yes please…“ Caroline pulled her close, wrapping her arms around her. Gillian was shaking still, insecure, a bundle of nerves, and Caroline was determined to make it all better for her. She knew she could. “Do you remember how hung up I used to be on that house in Harrogate?” The sheep farmer gave a little nod but frowned, confused as to what her point might be. Caroline gave her a warm smile, pulling her close. “I’ve come to realise something since then.“ She gave a little chuckle and pressed a kiss to the top of her sheep farmer’s head. “Home is not a place, it’s not four walls and a roof… it’s the people you live with. I feel at home with you, Gillian.“
“Alright then…“ Gillian mumbled into her shoulder, obviously fighting back tears as she rested her head there. They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, taking comfort in the other’s closeness that they had missed so dearly over the course of last week.
“So you were dropping hints, were you?“ Caroline chuckled, as she straightened herself up again at last and ran her hands along the collar of Gillian’s plaid shirt.
“Maybe…“ Gillian admitted sheepishly, wiping a few stray tears away. She took a deep breath, focusing on Caroline, who regarded her with a warm smile.
“Getting naked in the lounge?“ The headteacher raised her eyebrows at her.
“I had to get out of those clothes, you said so yourself…“ The sheep farmer countered and Caroline laughed:
“It was a cheap ploy.“
“Worked though?“ Gillian smirked, seemingly feeling more confident with every moment.
“Worked very well… I was lying awake all night thinking about it…“ Caroline admitted with a hum and she looked down at Gillian’s body.
“You were?“ Gillian grinned and Caroline leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on her neck, just below her ear.
“You have no idea…“ She hummed and delighted at how Gillian seemed to stiffen a little.
“Well, maybe you can tell me about it…“ The sheep farmer suggested, her voice a little more breathless than before.
“Show, don’t tell…“ Caroline grinned and captured her lips in another kiss.
“Fine by me…“ Gillian whispered into the kiss and started tugging at Caroline’s blouse.
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What about some Shaiapouf relationship headcanon?
Shaiapouf relationship headcanons because y'all need some Pouf in your life (I think that's something admin Celina would say she's a Pouf stan lmao) but without any further ado here are the headcanons, enjoy!
• At the beginning of your relationship with him he might act a bit brusque towards you but that's only because he isn't used to any kind of affection, especially in a romantic manner.
• Cuddles, cheek kisses, tickling wars. This man could never say no.
• He’s super clingy and because of that, he despises it when you want to leave him, even though it’d be just for a short period.
• He likes PDA but not like hardcore. He wants to keep private and work separated and wants to avoid PDA especially in front of king Meruem.
• He would still make sure that everyone acknowledges that you are his and he is yours.
• Sometimes he has those down periods where he thinks of himself very poorly as in he doesn’t deserve you. At those times some simple actions mean everything to him. Just give him a hug and some gentle word or even a kiss and he would immediately feel a bit better
• He also enjoys cooking. I imagine him pretty decent at cooking but when he’s cooking with his s/o I think it would end without any dinner and a messy kitchen
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• Pouf would probably give you cute nicknames like Honey, Sweetheart, Princess, Darling, Gorgeous, etc.
• But he would get easily flustered if you gave him any nicknames or you call him “your butterfly”.
• One word: JEALOUSY. This man is super jealous. Does another guy look at you? Well…let’s just say he can’t without his eyeballs.
• But he would hold himself back if you ask him to do so.
• At times when he doesn’t have much time for you because he has to work to do, he would leave a tiny pouf behind so you could play with him and don’t feel lonely.
• He loves playing the violin for you. And if you were able to play any instrument he would gladly play some pieces with you. It just makes him feel at peace.
• He also expresses most of his emotions through his plays. Like anger, sadness, loneliness and even when he is the mood to do the deed if you know what I mean.
• Be warned. You are the most cherished being in this word to him and in his opinion, he HAS to spoil you. Did you look at something for longer than 20 seconds? Don’t be surprised if you find it at your dinner table the next day.
• Even though he likes to spoil you he doesn’t want anything in return. He feels like he’s the man and he has to get you all the things you want.
• For him, you are the greatest gift he could get.
• He likes to end every day with a kiss on your forehead. It's his way of saying: "I love you...sweet dreams"
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An Apple a Day Doesn’t Keep the Med Student Away-Huang Renjun (College AU)
A/N: Hi, so...I guess I’m trying this again, instead of our unfamous Y/N however I’ll be using my beautiful friends my kakao chats names so maybe you share their name maybe you don’t hopefully you all can still enjoy. This one goes to my bb @aiurjins​ who also posts some really great content  so y’all should check that out. Hopefully this doesn’t suck as it’s been 10 years it feels since I’ve written and I don’t know where this is going, but it’s a beginning. :))
Teri’s P.O.V: College was supposed to be the best days of my life, but freshmen year was already kicking my ass and I really needed a break, but we were only two days in.
“Teri!” A familiar voice called out.
“Hey, Celina.”
“You look like absolute shit, but hey, you know how you said you owed me a favor??”
“No I don’t.” I sighed.
“Well you most certainly did as I let you take the bottom bunk in the dorm even though I got their first an-”
“Okay, okay, what favor?”
“Double blind date. Saturday.”
My first day off to do stuff I needed to and she wanted to go on a blind date.
“Celina...it’s our first weekend as actual students...why are you rushing the whole dating thing.”
“Hey, hey, hey. I don’t want to go alone, and the guy setting us up is that cutie in my Psych 101 Na Jaemin so his friends can’t be unattractive so he set me up and said he could set you up too. Please say yes!”
“I don’t know-”
“Nope, this is the favor. Saturday at seven, you better look decent and not like a homeless person who had one to many shots of espresso this morning.” She waved and ran off.
I need her energy, and I probably need more espresso anyways.
Renjun’s P.O.V:
“A blind date?”
“Yeah, Jaemin said he got me set up, but the girl doesn’t want to go alone so he asked me if I knew anyone and then we both went...oh...Renjun is single and lonely...so now you have to come...if not for you then for me.”
“I don’t know Lucas, the semester just begun and I already have quizzes to study for for three different science courses.”
“I am asking for one night. Just one...unless...” The tall socialite wagged his eyebrows, “She’s cute and you can spare a few more?”
“One date, and you owe me a drink as well.”
“Deal, I’ll let Jaemin know and be sure to look nice and smell good, girls dig that I think.” He ran off to who knows where and I felt my own feet continue to drag to microbiology.
“Maybe a date wouldn’t hurt.” I convinced myself.
~Saturday because who wants a dragged out prologue~
Lucas insisted we arrive half an hour early, and that’s when I realized he was genuinely excited about meeting...whoever it was we were meeting.
“Her name is Celina.” He said, “And her friend is Teri. Behave and smile, you look intimidating when you’re all serious.”
“What if I don’t know what to say?”
“Ask for help in Chinese and I’ll butt in. Just don’t mess up my date.”
This was going to be a very long night if he kept this up.
Teri’s P.O.V:
“I look ridiculous, this is ridiculous, you can date on your own.”
“In this world, I think not.” Celina scoffed, “It’s safer this way, for both of us.”
We got to the restaurant, a little corner place right off campus, also filled it seemed with couples. Celina led us in and gave Jaemin’s name, he really pulled all the strings setting this up I thought. We were led through the building and up to the second floor and to a corner table where two backs faced us.
“Lucas, right?” Celina smiled first, and the taller of the two stood and reached out his hand.
“That would be me, Celina right? This is my friend Renjun, sorry if he looks a little dead on the inside, he’s taking a full load of pre-med classes.”
“No worries, we’ll try to be exciting, this is my friend Teri, she’s a bit on the shy side, but really cool.”
My roommate of a little over a week was talking it up like we’d known each other a lot longer, but it seemed to be working for her and Lucas who really were already entertaining each other. We both sat down across from them and I took the chance to look at the boy across from me. Renjun, pre-med. He did have some dark circles and he was still smiling a bit while listening to the continuous jokes streaming from Lucas. He then looked to me and a brief moment of eye contact sent me looking just about anywhere else in the room. He was cute, at least, at least I could appreciate looking at him as a distraction from the fact I wasn’t doing any of the work I should be doing.
“What’s your major?” Renjun spoke up asking me as Celina and Lucas forgot the two friends they brought along.
“Oh...uh...psychology...but...I’m not sure about it.”
He nodded at that, “I feel that.”
“Really...you’re pre-med?”
“Yeah, but I overthink so I’m sure if that’s a good quality for a doctor.” He laughed a bit, but it sounded empty.
“I get it, I enjoy writing and want to major in a field that can teach me more and give me more opportunities there...but my family...”
“Same here, I just want to make them happy, so, I just have a lot of studying to do and confidence to build.”
“Oh, is that why you said yes to the blind date? Confidence booster?” I pried.
“What? No! No, no, no. No.” His ears turned pink and he waved his hands, “I came to help this guy, but I don’t think he really needs me.”
“Same here, I was kidding, you don’t come off the type to use this setting to your advantage. My humor is kind of dry I guess.”
“You’re fine...want to go somewhere else...I don’t know if you looked at the menu but I know plenty of better places?”
I glanced at Celina who had eyes only on Lucas anyways.
“I’d really like that.”
At least I hope I really liked that, and maybe even he would like that too.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 114
Warnings: I’m about to make this a little bit like Danganronpa
Rating: SFW
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Sora sat in his cell, trying to figure out a plan to get out of here and back to you. As he was working on his plan, he heard a faint giggle. 
“Who’s there?” he asked. 
“So, you’re the guy that hooded freak wants,” a feminine voice said. 
“Who are you?” 
“I’m known as a lot of things. Fairy, mythical creature, Storm Bringer.” 
“Huh? What’s a Storm Bringer?” 
“Not important. What is important is that you understand what the rules are for this game.” 
“Game? What game?” 
“Why, The Game Of Killing of course! The goal of this game is to kill a Spirit.” 
“Ooh! I think I hit a sensitive spot. No wonder hood freak wanted you. So, who’s this Spirit that you want to protect? I bet you that she’s here.” 
“Like I will tell you.” 
“Fine. But don’t blame me if I kill ya!” The Storm Bringer left and Sora sat in his cell, processing the new information. 
“I gotta get out of here. (Y/N), please stop this game,” he whispered. 
“(Y/N) DID WHAT?!” Vanitas and the Spirits shrieked. 
“Guys, quiet!” Muki scolded as she was rocking Akaya to sleep. 
“Does (Y/N) know how dangerous this is? Even with Riku?” Yui asked. 
“I know. But they’re both fit for this mission,” Kairi said. 
“Grr...I’m going after her!” Celina said. 
“Are you insane?” Vanitas asked.
“Look, it’s way too dangerous for her to be out there. Someone should go after her. And it’s gonna be me.” 
“If you’re going, then I’m going with you.” 
“Me too,” Ansem said. 
“Me too,” Xemnas said. 
“Family sticks together, Celina. If you’re going, then we’re going with you,” Vanitas said. Celina sighed and looked at her brothers.
“Fine. You can join,” she said. Her brothers smiled and they got ready for their mission. 
“I’m going too,” Roxy said. 
“Roxy, no,” Xemnas said. 
“Why the hell not?! I’ve known her longer than you have!” 
“Roxy’s right. Sure you’re related to her but you don’t have a close relationship like we have,” Yui said. 
“Girls, listen to your father,” Muki said. The twins sighed and looked at the ground. Xemnas walked over to them and placed a hand on their shoulders. 
“She’s gonna be okay,” he said. 
“You don’t know that,” Roxy mumbled. 
“You’re right. I don’t know that. What I do know is that she’s strong.” 
“Just like her father,” a familiar voice said. Everyone looked over and saw Xigbar sitting in one of the chairs.
“What are you doing here?” Muki sneered as she summoned her gun. 
“Woah! Relax, your majesty! I didn’t come here to fight!” Xigbar said. 
“Then why are you here?” Xemnas asked. 
“You might say that I’m here as moral support?”
“What the hell do you mean by that?” Yui asked. Xigbar waved his hand and the Foretellers came into view. 
“May I introduce you to the Foretellers. (Y/N)’s actual family, including myself,” Xigbar said. “Meet Aced, Invi, Gula, and her birth father, Ira.” 
“What’s up with the masks?” Rumi asked. 
“Sorry, but we’re not allowed to say,” Gula said. 
“Bitch,” Roxy mumbled. 
“Okay, so you’re (Y/N)’s family. Do you know how to get to where she is?” Celina said.
“Easy. Just got a use a little dream magic,” Xigbar said. 
You and Riku have been exploring the city for over an hour and there was still no sign of Sora. Even with your bond, you still couldn’t find him. 
“He’s gotta be here somewhere,” you said. Suddenly a fanfare went off.
“What the hell?” Riku asked. 
“Welcome to the Game of Killing! We finally have our goal here with us! Everyone, you know the rules. Kill the Spirit in any way you can!” a familiar voice said. 
“Wait, I know that voice,” you said.
“Huh? You do?” Riku asked. 
“Yeah. It was from my dream. I can’t figure out his name though.” 
“Well, we might wanna start running.” You and Riku saw different mythical creatures with insane looks on their faces, approaching you. 
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” you said. You and Riku ran away from the creatures and the game had begun. 
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blookmallow · 5 years
whos up for a 
i know, i know, try to contain the excitement
theres... a big spoiler in here but i cant figure out how to talk about this without it lmao so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i dont think it rly matters to anyone anyway but the section its in is marked. this is still a work in progress but here it is anyway
All soul collectors (and familiars) have two alignments: life or death and light or darkness 
these do Not mean “good” and “evil” however, and all collectors have some connection to them all (and magic can be learned, as well)
Life aligned are often immensely powerful, but at times difficult to control without proper focus and discipline. They have high stamina and heal quickly, often have skill with healing and protection magic. Often have very high magic levels. They are often able to create small forms of life, with lesser sentience - such as Venus’s plants, Chris’s robots, Mayzie’s sugarsprites, etc. Shuri is an exception - she is a Death aligned, but studied extensively under Mother’s guidance and has learned (and even mastered) Life magic. Life magic at that level (creating forms of life) is inaccessible to humans, though some Antis in very rare circumstances can use it (though creating sentience is only possible to soul collectors). Lumeni who are not soul collectors often have life magic as well, but do not have the power that soul collectors have. Creating little motes to help out around the house (which disappear after a while) is a fairly common ability, but creating a lasting, real living creature with sentience would not be possible for those who are not soul collectors. 
Death aligned generally cannot make life (at least not without extensive training), but are very perceptive and empathetic, often skilled in divination and prone to visions or premonitions. They are very good at communicating with the dead - all soul collectors can do this, of course, and all can see ghosts (thats. Their Job) but Death aligned are particularly good at it, and often will pick up lost or abandoned souls that were not claimed by their collectors (either through unusual circumstances, negligence, or whatever the case may be) or will take over for others when dealing with particularly volatile souls. Souls of children are often transferred to Death aligned as well. Humans with Death magic in them can almost always see (or at least sense) ghosts. Premonitions and visions are common as well, often stronger in Antis. Most Antis can see or sense ghosts regardless of alignment, but Death aligned will have greater skill (and a better sense for the situation - a Death aligned Anti or human will be much more likely to figure out what an angry spirit wants, while a Life aligned might be able to see it, but not know what it is trying to communicate). Death aligned tend to have a higher comprehension of Time and Mortality. 
i havent sorted out Light and Dark as clearly yet, but 
Light energy is very strong and focused; can be difficult to control, especially in children, but can become highly powerful when used correctly. Often very physical, such as manipulating environments or elements. not well defined yet
Dark energy is chaotic and often destructive, frequently involves psychic abilities or altering the flow of time in small ways. also not well defined yet. probably even more undefined right now, :’) 
All soul collectors have these alignments, again, they all have a little of everything but will naturally be drawn to one side or the other in both aspects, and the abilities they have also depends a lot on what they study and what they practice. 
Familiars will almost always have the same alignment as their masters, but often will mirror in one aspect and have different tendencies in the other (like, SC has Light/Death, familiar has Light with Life tendencies, etc), and the souls in a collector’s possession will often have traces of the same alignments as their collector. this manifests in really weird ways with antis sometimes. more on that later
Soul collectors are born from eggs that form in an underground spring, drawn from the magic in the planet’s core (which is why their magic levels are so much higher than anyone else on their planet - other Lumeni bear children the same as humans. They are deeply affected by the planet’s core, but not born from it) 
there’s a lot of debate as to whether this is a strictly natural occurrence, or if the core has some kind of sentient will to intentionally create the eggs (or, if this core is possibly controlled by some higher being) (or if the core IS a higher being)
the First Egg was a twin egg - a single egg containing two collectors (and their two familiars), this being Rachna and Shivari (who would later come to be known as the Great Mother)
these two represent a perfect balance of the alignments - Rachna as Death and Darkness, Shivari as Light and Life. Again, not “good and evil” - there’s no evil twin (and they’re not remotely identical either lmao) and no conflict between them, they work Together, always, neither of them ever takes action without consulting the other first 
their familiars mirror them, “Muffin” is also Death/Darkness, and Jacinda is also Light/Life
Twin eggs are not exactly “siblings” the way humans think of them - they can look drastically different and have very different powers/attributes/skills, but will usually see themselves as akin to siblings 
Shivari created, over time, all the plant life on Lumenia. the legend goes that she also created all the animals and the first Lumeni themselves, but she won’t confirm it either way. she probably did not create the lumeni, though, in any case
Lumeni look up to her as their high queen, and some worship her as a mother goddess as well; she has temples across the planet 
Rachna is said to be the first to have realized the ability to create Underworlds and the whole system of soul collection and judgement. The extent to which this is actually true is unclear, but probably more likely than the “mother created lumeni” theory.
*** this is the part where the spoilers happen ***
the second egg was another twin egg - this time containing an unbalanced pair: Kadri and Nahbi. Kadri is a necromancer - she is simultaneously Life and Death at once, with Dark energy. Nahbi was Death aligned, with both Light and Dark at once, and therefore incredibly powerful, but very, very dangerous though he never intended to be. 
Nahbi is dead. The story goes that he was murdered by an Anti, but the truth may be that he was in fact destroyed by his own power (which destroyed his familiar in the process, and destroyed the Anti’s body). He has a statue in the tomb beneath Mother’s temple garden, but is rarely ever spoken of now. Kadri cannot talk about him without getting extremely distressed. Not many people know about him at all. 
after that, the core produced another egg - this time, the first single egg, containing Kali and Dasa, a Death/Darkness aligned pair, though Kali has some light tendencies as well. This is said to have been the universe attempting to rebalance itself again after the last egg. They were the first born without a twin, which possibly may have influenced their eventual decision to join together - a sense of missing a twin that never was. 
*** ok the spoilers are over ***
Shivari, Rachna, Kadri, and Kalidasa are known today as “The Ancient Ones.” They are the only collectors hatched from single eggs forming one at a time - after this, the core began producing batches of several eggs at once in varying amounts, now referred to as “cycles.” The new cycles are highly varied and much more balanced, though twin eggs have become increasingly rare. 
alignments and notes about them if i have them but this is already getting to be way longer than it needs to be. also some mentions of their souls where i remember them bc i dont want to look up who everyone was assigned to right now lmao
Shivari (”Mother”) || Life/Light --- Jacinda || Life/Light
- Bee and Dan are both Mother’s souls, both tending toward Life/Light too 
Rachna || Death/Darkness --- (the unspeakable name only the ancients can pronounce) (”Muffin”) || Death/Darkness
- Lex has a high Death alignment; he’s good with ghosts and has a very strong sense for bad vibes and such. sometimes gets premonitions about things, not straight up visions of the future but just strong “I really should not do this” or “something bad is going to happen if I do that” or “there’s bad energy in here something really bad happened here” senses. his origin has it too but denies it violently and thinks its influences of the devil - which might be why lex trusts it and embraces it, as her opposite
Kadri || Life-Death/Darkness --- Skrab || Death / Darkness 
Kadri is an exception: she has a command of both Life and Death. Her powers are in fact weak necromancy - she can’t literally bring someone back from the dead (though it might not be impossible), but she can reanimate corpses and create skeletal minions with lesser forms of sentience. any zombies or skeletons she creates do not have souls and will just go back to being dead once she stops powering them, they’re basically just puppets, but a lot of collectors (especially Death aligned) think this is a complete abomination just on principle. kadri does not care. she has not spent any time honing her Death magic skills, so her ability with time/divination/etc is basically nonexistent even though the potential is there
- kadri’s souls tend to be especially chaotic because of that power imbalance and that’s why we have people like laelia 
Kalidasa || Death/Darkness
Venus || Life/Darkness --- Dahlia || Death/Darkness
Celina || Death/Darkness with some Light tendencies --- Cesare || Death/Darkness 
Shuri || Death/Light, with Life tendencies brought out through study --- Stasia || Life/Light
- dreyden has death alignment but is completely oblivious to it. he could probably see a ghost but wouldn’t notice it at all, or wouldn’t notice it was a ghost. he thinks he just has really bizarre luck sometimes and has no idea whatsoever that its often actually premonition - “i got off at Brookton because i just felt like it i guess, i dunno” actually ended up being the place he met his future boyfriend, made the best friends he’s ever had, finally found a place to live, etc, but he would never even consider “I had a premonition about this place” as like, even a Possibility 
- Skye seems like the last person you’d expect to have a Death alignment but he actually definitely does; he’s incredibly empathetic and sensitive to the energy and emotions around him, he can see ghosts, he’s had actual direct prophetic dreams before, he trusts instincts when he gets them because they’re usually right. He also has a very high Light affinity. this manifested COMPLETELY backwards with damian, possibly Because skye’s alignment is so solid and strong - damian’s powers are literally darkness, and despite being a piece of shit murderer obsessed with death, he actually has basically no skill with Death magic at all. he’s barely aware of ghosts. he acts on impulse and self interest, he ignores Vibes and Energy because he feels he’s above it and knows best himself regardless. he has No empathy. he loves to kill but he does not understand death. he doesn’t see himself as a person who can die. the dead want nothing to do with him
Chris || Life/Light --- Phoebe || Life/Light
chris doesn’t seem to match his alignment - telekinesis seems like it’d be a Dark magic, but it’s actually highly physical, you can actually see it manifesting as light in his eyes when he uses it, and it’s all about physically manipulating objects in his environment. He cares very deeply about his souls and has learned to communicate well with the dead, but struggles to connect emotionally in a way that makes sense to others around him. He cares fiercely, intensely, with everything in his being; he stores collected souls in a mechanism he integrated in with his own actual physical heart, but he has a very difficult time expressing and showing it, so he still often comes across as distant and emotionally oblivious, especially to Death aligned people 
- Gavin and Kayzee both have strong Light tendencies too. kayzee especially is a definite Life person 
Mayzie || Life/Darkness with some Light tendencies
mayzie is very very very bad at Death magic, which is. probably a big reason she dropped out of her training
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kaijuguy19 · 5 years
Angelic Friendship
A BATIM fan fic for a contest held by @celina-melody Wanted to give my try at it. :) 
Celina Angel hummed a merry tune as she walked along the streets that are adorned with the many rainbow colored light posts that reminded one of a cave filled with jewels. It was rather a good day at work since she was able to get her daily tasks as general done on time which leaves her a lot of free time this weekend. She thought of how to spend it when she heard sobs or at least what she thought was sobs around the alleyway. Both curious and saddened at the noise, she went towards it to help out this person though she had her sword in ready in case if it was a trick. After all she was compassionate but that didn't mean she was gullible.
She reached the spot then looked at the corner to find a female angel, sitting down at a sidewalk covering her eyes as she sobbed. she had a black dress with black hair which reminded Celina of someone she knows well. Carefully walking up to the female angel she sat down next to her.
"Alice?" Celina asked. The female angel looked up in surprise to see Celina then looks relieved.
"Oh....Hi Celina." Alice replied. "I didn't see you there...I'm sorry I need to be alone for a while."
"Are you sure?" Celina asked her with a concerned look. "You look pretty upset I mean extremely so. Are you sure you want to be alone?"
"Well..." Alice said in a drawn out sentence but then she sighed. "Actually no...I...I don't know what to do..."
"It's ok Alice." Celina said to her putting her hand on Alice's shoulder. "I'm your friend you can talk to me."
Alice looked at her in both relief and emotional. "Thanks....The Guardian Angel council found out about me and Bendy."
"Really?" Celina said in surprise. "How did that happen?! You were so careful about keeping a secret for a long time! What changed?"
Alice looked down again but with a more angry tone. "Someone tipped them off. I have a feeling that it's one of the demons that had a beef with Bendy and him ratting out on my friendship with Bendy was his way of hurting him. So the council stripped me f my guardian angel rank, then they made sure to not have any high end place in Heaven take me in."
Her voice then cracked with sadness as she struggle to keep on but tears again started to flow. "To add insult to injury they kicked me out of my own house as a way to make my punishment worse. I have no where else to go!"
She sobbed again making Celina hug her tightly. Celina has heard about that sect of angels and how they deal with any demon related incidents even more severe then in her own unit even if it was minor so seeing it happened to one of her best friends was heartbreaking. She knows too well what it was like to be faced with persecution by angels who weren't understanding of her history with demons in her family. As Alice stopped sobbing, Celina began to have an idea of how to help Alice.
"You know Alice" Celina said at last. "There's no law saying that you can't work or live on one of the lower levels of heaven. My level's just one step down from yours so you can always move into my place and go to my other job."
"Ot-Other job?" Alice asked in confusion.
"Yes." Celina said. "My other job is at a nightclub when I'm not spending my hours as a general. I work as a singer,dancer along with other "fancy" professions." She giggled at the last part.
"Celina I...I don't know what to say. You don't have to do that." Alice said.
"I know. It's because I want to." Celina held Alice's hands. "I can't ignore someone who needs to help especially a friend like you."
Alice looked at Celina with joy then hugs her. "Thank you so much Celina!"
Celina hugged back, Happy that Alice's now in a better frame of mind, and getting out of a horrible situation.
They soon left for Celina's house which isn't far off from the alleyway thankfully. When they've entered the house, Celina wasted no time showing giving Alice a tour of her house along with the room Alice will be sleeping in. When it was finished Celina guided Alice to her dressing room.
"If you'll be working at the club you'll need the right clothing for it." Celina went over and searched for some clothes. "Is there a specific job you'd like to take there Alice?"
"Hmmm tough choice." Alice pondered. "I guess....I'd like to show off my singing and dancing to the audience still."
"Good choice." Celina said with a smile "but you can get to do more then that for them if you want." She giggled with a coy look.
"What do you mean?" Alice asked in confusion but then she quickly figured out what she meant and blushed deep red. "Oh Celina I don't know about that."
"Listen you don't have to go that far if you don't want to!" Celina said quickly, not meaning to make Alice uncomfortable. "It's that if you wish to do more for the crowd other then singing and dancing like getting intimate with a male guest, you can."
Alice pondered for a bit, She's always been a more conservative angel despite being in fancy clubs but deep down she's always wondered what it's like to be more sultry and seductive especially with wearing sexier clothing. In the past she didn't want to show it due to her status as a guardian angel but things have changed now with her no longer being an angel meaning that she doesn't have to follow rules like that anymore. In a way it's liberating.
"Well..." Alice finally replied. "I can grow into this overtime. After all I don't follow the guardian angel rule anymore."
Celina smiled. "That's great Alice! I promise you won't regret this!: She finally found some clothes and gave it to Alice. Alice took them and went into the dressing room to change. Celina at down to wait then started to write letters to her brother and sister about the news. Celina looked up when she heard Alice coming out of the dressing room to present herself.
Alice is now wearing what seems to be a showgirl outfit that does evoke a green sleeveless leotard used for ballet. Celina noticed how it brought out how big and lovely Alice's breasts looked along with how the outfit brought out Alice's curves. Alice is also wearing fishnet tights with blue heels that made her already attractive legs even more desirable. Alice's rear end showed some blue feathers coming out from the back. On Alice's arms Celina saw that she was wearing blue elbow high gloves similar to her black ones from before. Completing the look was Alice's head piece that was both green and blute complete with a black feather at the center reminding one of the fashion women wore at parties in the 20's and early 30s. Alice blushed as she showed off her new suit.
Celina was taken aback about how amazing Alice looked in it that she rushed over and hugged her. "You're going to make everyone fall in love with you!"
"Th-Thanks Celina." Alice said as she adjusts her suit still blushing. "I won't lie I feel pretty exposed even though I know I'm not that exposed....But I like it."
Celina looked at Alice with a confidant grin. "Glad to hear it. I get the feeling that your debut at the club will be a hit."
Three days passed since Alice moved into Celina's house and started training for her debut night at the club. The night eventually came as dozens of angels in the district including her brother Ciel, and interesting enough Bendy and Boris who disguised themselves to not be discovered.
"So Celina invited you two as well?" Ciel whispered to Bendy.
"Yeah." Bendy replied. "Well Boris convinced me to do anyway."
"I figured it'd be good to help get his mind off what happened." Boris replied, looking at Bendy with sympathy. "After what happened with Alice getting the boot he needed something to get his mind off."
"I appreciate it Boris but that feeling ain't gonna leave anytime soon." Bendy grumbled. "Least seeing some hot women will distract me." He sighed.
The curtains then ruffled as Celina stepped out into the stage. She was wearing a blue waist jacket covering a white shirt with a vest and tie. She was also wearing a purple leotard underneath the shirt along with fishnet tights and purple heels. On top of her head was a big purple top hate with a blue stripe going around it. She looked quite stunning and got a lot of whistles from a lot of angels. she giggled as she took off her top hat to speak.
"I'd like to thank you all for attending this night." She said "Because I'm here to introduce a new member to this family. She's pretty well known in heaven but this is where she'll begin anew. I would announce her name but she'd like to do the honors herself."
She then placed the top hat down on the stage floor then the hat comes back up slowly on it's own to reveal someone that was inside it. First came the blue heels then the legs covered in fishnet tights followed suit. Afterwards came beautiful birthing sized hips with a curved body coming with it. The other reveals came in two beautiful breasts covered in a green leotard like outfit with slim arms covered in blue elbow high gloves . The audience looked in amazement at this transition as it led into the body being fully revealed with only the hat remaining covering the head. Finally the arms came up and pulled the hat away from the body revealing Alice Angel's head with her headdress who then gave it back to Celina. Bendy and Boris stared at the sight, mouth opened comically at the stunning sight of Alice Angel wearing such a sexy outfit. Ciel in kind was smitten at the sight of the lovely angel. Alice smiled as she heard the music begin playing then began singing.
I'm just a lonely angel Sittin here on a shelf At times it seemed If I just dreamed I'd not be my myself
I never gave up hopin That you would come along How bleak it seemed Till you found me So now I sing this song
Alice then swayed her hips back and forth as she began to dance to the music almost hypnotic like. She continued singing.
I'll Be Your Angel
I'll be your angel sent from heaven above Your little angel cast down for you to love I'll be your angel Ya fit me just like a glove So wontcha say a prayer to me baby
As she sings, she keeps on dancing in a pretty sexy manner such as bending down to reveal her cleavage mostly to Bendy who if it weren't for Boris holding him back would've leapt at the chance to be smothered in them as well as leaning on walls then slowly coming down sensually.  Ciel tries to get his nose to stop bleeding but to no avail.
Cause I've been waiting And I've been so alone Ain't had nobody I could call my own So be my angel and say a little prayer to me
Celina joins in the dancing, wanting to join in the fun. all around the audience started to cheer as they grew to love the act more and more. Alice and Celina then walked off the stage and into the audience. Celina went around giving some lucky audience members some attention by sitting on their labs and caressing them. Alice meanwhile went into Bendy's direction, much to the Ink Demon's joy. Alice then sat on Bendy's lap then wrapped her arms around his neck knowing well that this is her beloved ink demon coming to see her.
And when I fall it's into your arms I never could resist all your charms you devil!
It's far too late my soul cant be saved Cause When I hear hear ya callin my name you angel
Alice then kissed Bendy's forehead which made Bendy almost faint with happiness. Alice giggled then got back up singing more.
My heart goes she boop de boop boop she boop bee do wow!
Both Alice and Celina got back on stage as they both sing the last few verses of the famous Lonely Angel song.
Brush off my halo and try out my wings Im just your puppet When ya tug on my strings I'll be your angel And fly straight into to your heart I'll be your angel And fly straight into to your heart Sha boop de boo boop she boop bee Doo Bow!
They finish it off with them waving at the audience who cheered and clapped then with a gust of wind they flew back to the curtain. the rest of the evening consisted with other angels both men and female serving the guests refreshments and fanservice. Ciel, Bendy and Boris were still stunned about the inclusion of Alice Angel whom they thought wouldn't show that side of her. Well they were proven wrong and they had a feeling Celina helped her in that. Not that they had a problem with it not by a long shot.
When closing hours came, Celina came and led them into the dressing room where they met Alice still wearing her suit greeted them.
"So what did you think of my act boys?" Alice asked in a coy voice. "It took you all by surprise didn't it?
"Well-Uh-Yeah-Errrrrr…" Bendy stammered still blushing at the sight of Alice Angel's outfit.
"Well of course Alice! You did all sorts of things that we'd didn't think you'd try in million of years!" Boris replied "I mean yeah we all love it but still talk about coming out of your shell!"
"That's one way of putting it Boris." Alice chuckled.
Ciel looked at Celina with an amused look. "You've really managed to turn Alice's life around Celina."
"I know." Celina replied. "It took time yeah but still Alice really came to grow into this act. Best part is that since she's now a hit, the higher Angel council won't bother her much since she's out of their jurisdiction."
Alice hugs Celina. "I know I've said this many times Celina but thank you so much. You're really a good friend."
"Thanks too Alice." Celina replied with a smile. "I mean friends need to look after to each other."
Alice nodded then turns to Bendy. "I hope after what we've been through we can still be in touch. I know I'm out of a lot of clearing but still."
"You kidding me angel of course!" Bendy replied. "I wasn't gonna give up seeing you before but with all of this amazing stuff you have going I ain't gonna miss every night you do!"
"I figured you wouldn't." Alice smiled. "You may want to change your disguise up every now and then. After all wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache isn't going to fool anyone twice."
"Heh fair point." Bendy chuckled.
Boris looked happy about seeing two of his friends this happy especially with what they had to go through. He still couldn't stop feeling sorry for Bendy when he first heard about Alice being kicked out and trying to hide his anger and guilt. But now things are now going smooth from now on. a thought came to his mind all of the sudden then looked at Alice.
"There's one thing that I'm still wondering Alice." He asked her. "How the heck were you able to pull off that coming out of the hat trick you and Celina did?"
Both Alice and Celina giggled. "Oh Boris a magician can't reveal her secrets." Celina replied.
Celina Angel and Ciel belong to @celina-melody
Alice Angel,Bendy and Boris the Wolf belong to TheMeatly/ Kindly Beasts.
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firegrilled · 5 years
Mommas’ Boys - Part 3
@erejeanweek2k19 Prompt: Danger
Part 1 | Part 4
Summary: Jean takes it upon himself to show his whole school that he’s turned a new leaf, but he didn’t expect his and Eren’s moms to bear witness to the rather embarrassing moment.
 Glancing at her watch, Celine smiled.
“Thirty minutes to spare,” she mumbled to herself as she walked around the corner of the city block, her heels clacking with each step. Her eyes honed in on the cozy little café at the end of the block. “Carla should be proud of me this week.”
Celine was barely inside the building before she noticed her lunch date already sitting in a corner, typing furiously at a computer. Her mouth fell into a frown when she noticed Carla’s frazzled appearance. While Mrs. Jaeger was hardly the picture of business, a wrinkled shirt and barely combed hair were unusual even for her.
Rather than order a coffee she walked over to her friend, pulling up a chair.
“Someone is here early,” Celine commented, spooking Carla.
Her friend jumped in her seat, placing a hand over her chest. “Celine! I wasn’t expecting you for another hour… Wait, you’re early today!”
“Perks of managing one of the smaller branches. Same pay but much less hours and work.”
Celine rested her purse on the table as she took a seat.
“Oh I’m so glad to hear. I’m sure Jean must love that,” Carla smiled. “After being away for so long…”
Dark bags drooped under Carla’s eyes but Celine remained silent.
“Yeah, a summer turned into a year abroad but it did him a lot of good. My maman always had a firm hand. Can you believe Jean actually does the dishes and is so incredibly polite? And I haven’t heard from Erwin at all this first semester.”
“Really?” Astonishment evident in Carla’s voice. “Eren has mentioned he’s better behaved even if he’s still hanging with those same hooligans from middle school.”
Sighing, Celine nodded. “I’d heard that but he doesn’t see them after school anymore. I pick him up straight from track. He might’ve been way out of line but he was right, I wasn’t there for him so now I’m going to make sure I am.”
Carla placed her hand over Celine’s, grasping it.
“I’m so proud of you, both of you.”
“Thanks, dear. But that doesn’t explain why you’re here so early, and on a laptop no less. What’s going on?”
At that question the light behind Carla’s eyes faded. She pulled her hand back and reached into her pocket to pull out a tissue. Water formed at the edges of her eyes but she dabbed them away before they fell.
“I suppose it was only a matter of time before you found out, but Grisha… the world learned he faked the results of some of his papers. He’s lost all credibility in the scientific world and the hospital fired him for academic dishonesty. He left home a week ago and never returned,” Carla answered in a hushed tone, sorrow hanging over her words.
“Oh honey, that was his lab in the news?”
“Yes. I thought he just needed some time to clear his head but today he reached out to me. He doesn’t know when he’s coming back and he withdrew most of our savings, his savings. Now we need to move before the end of the month and I need to find a job to provide for Eren and Mikasa.”
A sob escaped Carla causing her to hunch over. She wiped away the tears as they came but she kept her voice steady.
Déjà vu hit Celine like a ton of bricks, unearthing long repressed memories. She trembled thinking about Carla’s situation but soon regained her composure. Placing a firm hand on Carla’s shoulder, she looked her right in the eyes.
“You will get through this, Carla. It’ll be long and it won’t be easy but you’ll do this. Even though it feels like your entire world was wrenched away from you, you’re gonna pull it right back and continue being the best damn mom to those kids. I’ve been in your shoes before and I’ll help you as best I can.”
Sniffing, Carla tilted her head in confusion. “You have?”
“Yes, many years ago. Jean’s dad passed away when he was just a baby and he left me with the most wonderful child to raise by myself. I know it hurts so much and you feel defeated but it’s temporary. The world won’t stop turning because he’s gone. And Eren and Mikasa won’t stop needing you. Just focus on one step at a time and everything will slowly come back into place.”
“One step at a time… I need to find a home. We at least have enough for that and a little while longer,” Carla tried to clear her mind. She took long and deep breaths until she regained her composure.
“Right, and then we can work on finding a date for you to start your new job.”
Carla snorted gracelessly at that remark.
“Start my new job? I need to find a place that’ll take a resume of ‘housewife and mother – sixteen years’.”
“Not a problem, we have an opening at my branch that I’ll hold for you,” Celine offered.
Carla’s jaw dropped.
“R-really? You’d do that for me?”
“Of course! Just focus on the other important things like your kids. They need you.”
For the first time during their conversation, Carla’s expression relaxed and the life returned to her eyes.
“Thank you so much!”
As if on cue, Celine’s phone rang. The two women glanced down to see Erwin’s picture flash across the screen, wearing his usual stern expression.
“I think I might’ve jinxed myself,” Celine sighed, ignoring her friend’s chuckling. She swiped a finger across the screen and took the call. “Hello Erwin.”
“Hi, Celine-”
“Jean again?”
“-yes. We’ve had a rather awkward situation develop and I’d like you to come down.”
Rolling her eyes, Celine gave Carla a dull stare. “Should I bring Carla? We’re currently having lunch together.”
“Ah, give her my regards. Yes, please bring her too.”
Carla cocked an eyebrow until Celina nodded at her, causing her to hang her head. “Oh, Eren…”
“Alright, we’ll be right over,” Celine confirmed. Hanging the phone up, she gestured to the door. “I’ll drive.”
The two women paid the bill and left in a rush. Much to Celine’s surprise, Carla pointed out a quicker route to the school that she was unaware of and beat her personal best time. As they pulled up to park, they saw Erwin waiting at the doors to the school.
“I hope they didn’t get in a fight again,” Celine sighed. Her son was so close to making it one semester without trouble. So damn close.
“Here’s to hoping,” Carla shook her head, unbuckling her belt.
They carefully shut the doors to the Honda Civic before joining Erwin on the sidewalk.
“Carla, Celine, I hope today has treated you well… Or at least as best as the circumstances allow,” Erwin greeted, his eyes focusing on Carla for the latter part of his statement.
“It was,” Celine said. “What happened? What did they fight about this time?”
Erwin frowned, shaking his head. “I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Good news is that the boys didn’t fight each other for once.”
Celine flinched at those words. “Come again?”
“From what I’ve gathered the boys didn’t fight each other. In fact, Jean defended Eren this morning from his friends.”
“Jean defended Eren? From what?” Celine interrogated the man, disbelief in her voice.
Eren wasn’t a boy that needed defending.
“Mr. Wagner and his little group were harassing Eren about his father,” Erwin started, pausing when Carla’s mood instantly soured. “Jean took exception to this and verbally lambasted them.”
“Oh he didn’t throw a punch, thank goodness,” Celine released a held breath, wiping her forehead she smiled.
“Correct, but he might as well have. His so-called friends saw fit to tape these to every locker in the building.”
Erwin pulled a neatly folded paper from his breast pocket, extending it to Celine. She quickly unfurled it, nearly dropping it when she saw the contents: a grainy picture of her son with large words underneath it.
“’Jean Kirschtein is a faggot’?” Celine read aloud, her blood freezing in her veins. “His friends did this?”
“Yes, we have them on camera. We currently have Jean in the office to shield him from harassment. Eren is also present since he took it upon himself to avenge Jean’s honor,” Erwin informed the mothers. He gestured to the building, “If you’d follow me we can go see them.”
Carla shook her head at the news.
Just as the three stepped towards the building, the doors swung open to reveal Levi dressed in a custodial outfit. “Erwin, get to the office. Now!”
“What?” Erwin tilted his head in confusion as they walked to the building. He quickly realized something was off when he heard the school’s PA echoing in the halls.
“…and the time we thought Connie shat himself on the bus to DC? That was Mina after she ate Taco Bell for the first time. Totally just blamed him and everyone bought it. Oh and she cheated on you Connie with Thomas. And then cheated on him with Franz who then cheated on her with Hannah,” Jean’s distinct voice announced.
Celine placed a hand over her mouth as the color drained from her face. While she listened to her son’s speech she noticed the posters lining the halls. Every locker with a picture of her son’s face with those nasty words underneath them.
“Let’s go, now,” Erwin stated, immediately power-walking for the office. He didn’t miss the smirk on Levi’s face as the janitor listened to the juicy gossip.
“But Thomas, you hypocrite, you’re the one that made out with Franz when you were both tipsy. And I just love how you told everyone you lost your virginity already. News flash, you fucked your stuffed bear Mr. Tinkles and pretended it was a big deal,” Jean continued. Repeated dull thuds could be heard in the background but Jean seemingly ignored it.
Celine kept her mouth bolted shut as she heard her son using such brazen language.
“And what about Franz? You really haven’t done too much. Besides the fact you like to pick your nose and eat the boogers. And that you wet your bed until like three years ago.”
The three adults were almost at a jogging pace when they could faintly hear someone shout, “Liar!”
“Call me what you want but I’m not a pants shitter, a toy fucker, or a cheater. Or a toy fucker. Poor Mr. Tinkles. In conclusion, fuck you three.”
Erwin and the mothers arrived at the principal’s office in time to see Hanji shoulder-checking the door. Each attempt was in vain as the wood held strong.
“Hanji, where are the keys?” Erwin asked, leading Carla and Celine inside.
Turning to reveal crooked glasses, Hanji raised a finger and opened their mouth but no words came out.
“Oh, right. Those,” Hanji eventually spoke.
Quickly retrieving the keys from their pants pocket, Hanji unlocked the door to reveal Jean sitting in Erwin’s chair facing the window with a sorrowful look while Eren was on the floor wheezing. Eren grabbed his sides while laughter wracked his body.
“Jean Alexandre Kirschtein, what have you done?” Celine asked, catching the attention of both the boys.
Jean spun around in the chair, his expression now akin to a deer in the headlights.
Carla’s eyes fell to her son who struggled to regain his composure. With a concerted effort Eren managed to stifle his laughter.
“He just straight up murdered Thomas Wagner, Mina Carolina, and Franz Kefka. Good riddance,” Eren explained, wiping a tear from his eyes. “Oh this is the best day of my life.”
Carla covered her mouth with her hand at her son’s reaction. It wasn’t disappointment or anger that kept her silent, but awe. Jean managed to bring a wide smile to her son’s face.
Erwin crossed his arms as he stepped into the room, clearing his throat. “My chair?”
Not needing to be told twice, Jean scampered away from the leather chair and into one of the plush chairs on the side. “Sorry, sir.”
“Why, Jean? They would’ve been disciplined and punished accordingly,” Erwin wondered as he pulled a pink sheet from his desk. He started scribbling on it, looking at the calendar on his desk for the date.
“No offense, sir, but they wouldn’t have learned their lesson. I know them. They’ve never known what lines shouldn’t be crossed and a suspension wouldn’t do anything. Now they know what happens when you go after low hanging fruit.”
Celine pursed her lips, processing her son’s explanation. While she didn’t know what to make of her son’s very public stunt, she was moderately impressed by his reasoning. Not that she’d ever tell him that.
“Ms. Kirschtein, you know the drill. Please sign here that you understand the reason for his detention,” Erwin said as he slipped the pink paper across the desk.
“Only a detention?” She asked.
Even Jean perked up at that news.
“Yes, he’ll be in detention Monday morning for using the intercom inappropriately and slandering students. He’ll be joined by his friends of course but this is no reason for suspension,” Erwin explained.
“Of course, thank you,” Celine nodded as she signed the line.
“You may take him home early today, I don’t wish for any further disturbances to our educational environment.”
“Okay, thank you.” Celine turned for the door when she noticed Carla. Before she could respond Carla held up her hand.
“It’s ok, I’ll get a ride with Levi. His shift should be ending soon and he was due to clean our house today. Go home Celine.”
Smiling, Celine replied. “Okay. We’ll talk about the other thing later. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything else. Now, come along Jean.”
Carla nodded.
Jean got to his feet, shoving his hands in his pocket and keeping his eyes to the ground. Before he got too far, Eren called out to him.
“Hey, Jean. Thanks,” Eren grinned at him.
Jean returned a tiny smile and shrugged. “No problem.”
Celine almost tripped upon hearing those words but thankfully caught herself. Today was really full of surprises.
To Be Continued
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Ask Jane’s Creator (Part III)
I have two questions: How did Jane and Jester meet, and when did Jane first come to the castle?
-From Tara
Jane was born at the castle. Her mother and father were already in service to the Royal family. And so Jane first met Jester when he arrived with his family of traveling players to perform for the King. You can find that part of Jester’s history on the profile pages. 
Will Jane ever get sent on an "urgent" mission for the king where she actually leaves the castle and travels to a different kingdom? And if she does, how do they react to Dragon?
-From Jolly, 12
Jane has been on several diplomatic missions. Part of the reason is so that the King can show off the fact that he has a young apprentice with a rather powerful dragon at her disposal. It’s a smart way to send a message when you know that your castle is under-powered with soldiers and guards! 
In the episode "The Tooth Fairy," I noticed some cave paintings on Dragon's cave wall. I saw different animals such as a giraffe, a dolphin, and also a ship. Do these mean anything?
-From Rachael Jane, 15, Celina, Ohio, USA
Some of paintings were done by Dragon before he met Jane, when he first returned to his cave after all his adventures. He tried painting all the different animals and large vessels he’d seen in different countries. He calls them his "musings" and told Jane that he had seen others on cave walls all around the world, and hoped they were also the musings of other dragons from thousands of years ago. But some of the runes and paintings in Dragon’s cave are much older and were there 300 years ago when Dragon was born, though he was too young to remember them. 
When will Jane be strong enough to wear full armor like a breastplate and vambraces and all that great stuff? And will she ever use any other weapon besides a bow and a sword?
-From Rhapsody, 15
Jane has also learned to use staves for single combat and lances for mounted attack. She also has to learn the assault machines such as the trebuchet and the catapult. She can wear her armor now as it is very light and strong, made from the same steel tempered in dragon fire as her sword. 
Do Jane and Pepper wear bras? I was just wondering because they are the right age to wear them. I love Jane and the Dragon!
-From Tara, 12
Bras are quite a recent invention, but women have improvised clothing to give them support from as long ago as 2500 BC. In Jane’s time, they would tie strips of material rather like wide scarves around their chest as an undergarment. 
I know that Jester wants to see his family again. Will he ever leave and try to find them?
-From Dingo, USA
Because Jester's family are travelling players, he gets word from them occasionally from traders and other travelers passing through the Kingdom. He hopes that one day he will be able to show them his own skills in the hope that they will be proud of him, and also to reassure them that the hard decision they made years ago for his betterment was well placed. 
Hello! I was wondering whether you will create any progressive, chronological episodes instead of a different story each time? And I really love the show, I just discovered it last week!
-From Melody, CANADA
We have written some episodes like that. It remains to be seen if they will work within the series format as chronological episodes. Some territories where Jane airs will shuffle the episodes so much that it can be confusing. But I would love to see if we can achieve it! 
I read that Jane wears leggings to annoy her mother, but shouldn't her skirt be longer? During her time, it was considered immodest for anyone, even men, to show their knees (unless they were very young children).
-From L-Michelle, 14, Woodstock, Georgia, USA
Jane refuses to wear dresses so that her mother will take her decision to train as a knight seriously. She wears leather leggings because that was a standard knight garment, just as bike riders wear leathers today for protection from scuffs and scrapes if they fall off their bikes. Jane isn't really wearing a short skirt over the leather leggings though, it's a fabric lining behind the waist armor she wears round her hips so it moves like a pleated skirt. I think Jane wears this so that she can look a bit feminine - a small token to appease her mother! 
Do you illustrate your own books? I love the drawings in your books; they are so colorful and expressive. I love to draw dragons...not the scary and evil kind but those like your lizard-lipped Dragon. How would I go about becoming an illustrator?
-From Rachael Jane 15, Celina, Ohio, USA
I do illustrate my own books. I illustrated the Jane and the Dragon books over twenty years ago now. I like to use coloring pencils and pick out the edges and highlights in brown ink. To become an illustrator, the most important thing is to get lots of practice, especially drawing faces. I found the best time to practice was when my family were watching TV. I could watch them and sketch away as they went from happy, to sad, to frightened all in the space of one program! 
First: Thank you for the wonderful show! I really enjoy it and appreciate all the work you and the people at Weta put into it. Second, I have recently acquired a copy of the illuminated manuscript "Jane and the Dragon" and it has brought up a question. If Jane's armor is special, as you have said in a previous answer, how did Jester get a hold of it?
-From Mara, USA
Yes, indeed, there is a long history behind the armor that Jester gives to Jane. How he came to own it, and the true nature of that armor and its link to Dragon, are all part of the long chain of discoveries that Jane and Dragon make as they uncover the truth about dragons and their own destinies. But I can’t give away those secrets here...sorry! 
I love your show! My mum and I watch it all the time! But I have a question to ask. So, if dragon's fiery breath can melt a dragonblade, how can it be forged in dragonfire? It makes no sense to me!
-From Annelise, 9, Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Any metal has to be heated to the point that it goes soft if it's going to be beaten and worked into the shape of a blade. Metalsmiths heat blades in hot open braziers to soften them to be worked with a hammer and anvil.  A dragonblade needs the extra heat of dragon fire to soften it enough so it can be beaten into shape. But if too much heat is applied, the blade will melt completely, just as other metals will if too much heat is applied. The trick is to get it hot enough to be soft, but not so hot that it melts! 
I've been watching some of the more recent episodes, and Gunther seems to be softening up a bit. Will the poor lad ever go against his father and just stand up for what is right instead of just simply complying to his dad's wishes?
-From Kenzie, 15, USA
You are quite right, he is growing as an independent young man able to stand up to his father, but just a little. Gunther defies his father completely in one episode when Dragon is threatened with expulsion from the kingdom. It's the first time that we see the knight's code of ethics winning out in Gunther's heart over his fear and his sense of duty to his father. 
Does it ever rain in the show or is it always sunny and beautiful?
-From Alissandra, 15, Albany, Oregon, USA
It certainly does rain! Have you seen the episode where Jane falls off her horse during a thunderstorm? The whole castle staff have to take shelter in the Throne Room where Jester tries to keep their spirits up with brilliant jokes. Gunther reckoned it would be less painful back outside in the driving rain. 
Are there any other games Jane and her friends play besides Bandyball and Rock, Parchment, and Sword?
-From Ryan, 13, La Puente, California, USA
Some of the games and sports we play today were popular in Jane's time. Individual sports like archery, wrestling and hammer throwing were designed to develop fighting skills and fitness and were mostly played by boys and men. Team sports like bandyball, which was an early form of hockey, were played by everyone, as was a simple version of soccer called gameball. Cricket started a little after Jane’s time and was called stoolball because two milkmaid stools were used as the wickets. And a form of bowls called skittles was popular as were two early forms of golf called paganica and suigan. 
How far do you plan to take this series? Will you keep on writing new stories about Jane and Dragon until they fulfill their destinies together?
-From Aly, 13, Houston, Texas, USA
Jane and the Dragon is doing very well all around the world with a wonderful and passionate following. If the series remains popular and the TV stations keep on playing it, then we hope to be able to go on making new episodes for a long time to come. I also plan to tell more of those adventures through books so that the everyone can see how both Jane and Dragon's destinies work out! 
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