#even though he won’t be there
ing3nues · 2 years
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poppedbubblgum · 1 year
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The battle nexus is a rather lonely place…
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie is walking around what he thinks is an empty house while he live-streams. He walks passed the living room, pauses, and then turns around.
Steve is in the living room. He is in the living room with Max. Eddie dropped Steve off at Max’s house over an hour ago so, “How did you get here?”
Steve: Max drove me
Eddie: Max doesn’t have a license
Max, not looking away from the tv: It’s never stopped me before
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
it is quite funny to me as someone who studies philosophy and has had to have the conversations that bh and ludinus have been having many times over and often with people who like ludinus do not have any reading comprehension and truly like. the notion of “this shouldn’t exist” is almost always one that comes up regardless of whether it’s a discussion on the metaphysics of a potential God(s) or divinity, high political powers, or vehicles of systemic oppression. and what anyone who cares about people more than their ideals (even, sometimes, ideals that started out being about people but quickly come to be about the ideals themselves) realizes very quickly in a philosophical discussion about what should and shouldn’t exist is that it does not matter if what you’ve decided ‘shouldn’t’ exist does in fact already exist. like that tends to be the difference between sociopolitical philosophy that actually has teeth and substance in the world — a willingness to engage with the world as it is, not as it should be. because you can have the perfect image of a just and wonderful future world, but if you do not at every step reckon with the unjust world from which you are aiming at that future, you’re doing nothing. ideals are helpful because they aim us toward goals and hopes, but they’re nothing without a reality that grounds them.
and so people like ludinus, who in the real world would play the role of a graduate student with critical thinking skills that make every professor he comes across question how he arrived at his level of study, they don’t have Wrong ideals, there’s obviously plenty of reasons why an exandria without gods might in fact be a better place for mortals (there are also many Many reasons why it would not). but ludinus has also chosen his ideals to weigh heavier than the mortals he claims to uphold them with. i think ashton is also interesting, because i think a lot of their positions have a fun fluctuation between being ideal focused and person focused, where sometimes they’re focused on how unfair life is in a very nihilistic position, and at other times they seem quite clear about how much ideals help no one if they’re not second to the desire to help others. and i think that made their role in the convo with ludinus in 102 especially interesting and irritating (but in a narratively fulfilling way). anyway, truly so fun watching ludinus argue with the amount of fallacies and undeserved confidence of like right wing first year students in an ethics class explaining how actually the ends justify the means and thanos had the right idea actually if it means no more starvation. get a grip old man.
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nefariouslydinkle · 4 months
ihnmaims art, trying figure out styles 😭😭😭
feat @egg-on-a-legg s design of AM
and oc doodles ( am gets the ick from Charlie )
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seriouslycalamitous · 6 months
Imagine: Timeloop AU, except it's just Ramón using dragon magic to continuously loop the day before qFit disappears over and over again - because he's not strong enough to stop him from leaving, not strong enough to save him completely, but if they stay right here, like this, it's almost enough. Almost perfect.
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giddlygoat · 26 days
as much as i want to see fiddleford recover and enter his much-deserved era of good mental and physical health, i also want to see the effects of his head trauma follow him forever. it’s important to me that while he heal and find a level of normalcy and peace, he never return to his old self.
kind of a side bar, but it’s relevant so: i also think there’s something to be said about old man mcgucket’s confidence. boldness? idk how to describe it. i wouldn’t say his paranoid tendencies have vanished, but for the most part he’s. breezier. part of it is the brain damage, and maybe part of it is genuine self-evolution in the right direction. but i think the obsessive mind-wiping just… broke that part of his brain. it’s like he’s no longer affected by fear in the same way. and i hope we see strong traces of that damage until the day he dies.
it’s important to me that fiddleford heal and emerge into self-awareness once more. it’s important to me that ford still look at him as very much the same person, despite all of the damage. but he’s also changed severely and irreversibly. i think of old man mcgucket as a much rawer version of fiddleford in that he holds less reservations and has no filter. he’s healing but he’s also broken, and those scars will forever be visible. and that’s important to me because it also changes ford and fiddleford’s dynamic a lot.
ok one last sidebar, then i’m done. when i say it changes their dynamic i mean it in the way that because fiddleford now wears his heart on his sleeve and ford himself is a bit wiser about relationships, there is less self-sabotaging going on between them. romance or friendship wise. and if nothing else, they both feel they’re getting too old for biting their tongues, so i imagine the discussions of certain difficult topics comes a bit easier now.
like, given that they’ve both made many catastrophically terrible decisions over their lives, they have a better perspective on life in general and have had time to reorient their previously fucked priorities. ford lives with a lot of shame for how he treated stan, dealing with the devil, and bringing about the end times. fiddleford lives with a lot of shame for how he treated emma-may and tate, starting a cult that ruined lives [especially his own], and not to mention the multiple death robot incidents. even though they both had good intentions or else thought their actions were justified at the time [mostly], it all collapsed on their heads because these actions were ridiculously stupid.
i think all of this is part of why the rekindling of their friendship happened so easily. fiddleford is eager to forgive ford and embrace him because he’s learned first-hand what grief and paranoia can drive a person to do, and so he feels the best thing he can do is accept his old friend back into his life, no questions asked. maybe ford will forever think he doesn’t deserve it, but he learns to accept mcgucket’s kindness and tries to learn from it. they’re both healing even if it’ll never be Backupsmore again. it’s still them, despite it all.
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kinardscake · 3 months
Tommy lets Buck set the pace. And this line reminds me of someone else who let their partner set the pace when they first started dating.
Didn’t Bobby and Athena date behind closed doors for months because that’s what Athena wanted? Hmm 🤔 And Bobby went along with it, taking it as slow as Athena wanted to, keeping their relationship a secret.
And judging by how fast they went from announcing their relationship to Bobby proposing, chances are Bobby would have married her the day after their first date if she let him :)
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exhuastedpigeon · 6 months
Buck when Eddie can’t hang out because he’s got plans with his girlfriend: Bummer man! We can hang out after our next shift then.
Buck when Eddie can’t hang out because he made friends with a hot, older firefighter with access to a helicopter: OH I SEE. I guess he hates me. Our friendship must have meant nothing to him. He’s going to leave the 118 and leave me and I’m going to be all alone forever. I guess I should try to ruin the friendship subconsciously by being a petty asshole.
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hplonesomeart · 17 days
Hehe this man is broken and severely emotionally distressed. Silly lovable guy but given self esteem issues because of the crushing weight of perfectionism. Not so funny if you think about it too long. But at least on the upside he cries pretty :))
No but seriously for all those who relate to Mr. Puzzles just want you to know your accomplishments alone do not define your value and worth as a person. Even when you’re a messy work in progress, you are loved and appreciated more than you may recognize. Thank you for being here. Don’t get me wrong it’s good to be idealistic and set goals, but don’t undermine yourself if you don’t get that perfect score….or if you start to fall behind compared to everyone else. Everyone goes through those moments of doubt or perceived failure. We need to fail every once in a while. And that’s okay
…a-anyways funny goofy dramatic TV guy we love him so much so silly so slay he lives in my head rent free yipeee. This animation is dedicated to him because if anyone in the cast deserved a feature length film it was definitely him, and he sure took up the spotlight in Puzzlevison and absolutely owned it. I’m excited for his future endeavors ✨
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me when i remember that gojo isn’t even really afraid of intimacy in the true sense of the word, but rather entirely resigned to the universal truth that it’s something he will never have
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peteytheparrot · 7 days
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Lil messy comic I made for the shits n giggles
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internetaddict104 · 4 months
Tbh this was the only thing I could think of when 15 and Rogue first met
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alicentflorent · 3 months
I wish that they hadn’t cut the baela scene last season where she is the first to declare that she will go to war against the greens and a teary eyed rhaenys says “I just saw my daughter (laena) for the first time in years” because now I keep seeing baela being described as her fathers daughter and her bravery and fearlessness being credited to daemon when it’s canon that Baela is a mix of both her parents, she is the best parts of Daemon AND Laena and that’s what makes her who she is. Laena was also a badass dragon rider who rode Vhagar of all dragons and would’ve gone to war to protect her family in a second. Even in her dying moments she showed bravery and died by dragon fire, like a warrior. Baela is her mothers daughter as much as she is her fathers daughter and that is precisely why she survives.
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general-yasur · 1 year
I think Lloyds secret guilty pleasure that he keeps from the ninja is reading cheesy romance novels. There’s something about those stories where the only problems/qualms characters have to worry about is their love for another that Lloyd finds amusing
Lloyd: [ This is so silly, why are you so worried over how he thinks of you….oh my god he looked at you…hold hands now or I will throw this book]
​there’s so much violence and chaos in his life that he just consumes media that is the complete opposite
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Jon’s immediate reaction to R+L=J is basically him spending all his years insecure about his bastard status and carrying the weight of being the one stain on Ned Stark’s honor, only to hear that he wasn’t Ned’s source of shame at all and going “you know what, as long as I get to be yours, I’d rather be your bastard”
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