#even though i should. because my specs say I should. oh well
baratiddyappreciator · 8 months
I was so upset that your NSFW cuddling scenarios got flagged 😭
But I have to ask, what would spicy cuddling with musashi, spec, and Doyle be like?
you’ve reawoken my old man thirst
omg wait it did?! SKskks I didn't even notice- But yes, if the beloved moot asks, they shall receive! Spec was the hardest to write for by far because I couldn't figure out if this man would actually cuddle but fuck it we ball(s deep in this bitch someone please throw me a rope to climb out it's wet in here) Kids: get bent lmfao
Musashi: His stare was intense enough to make you feel naked normally, but now that you were actually naked, his eyes locking on yours in the mirror only made you feel hot, his hips meeting yours from behind, slow and methodical, but not gentle. No, anything but gentle as he grabbed your throat, leaving you to make choked noises as his hips met yours over and over again in a slow, powerful grind that had your eyes rolling back into your skull with little to no effort on his part. Mean? Oh absolutely, he was so cruel, driving you insane by moving so slowly, and god you regretted asking him to cuddle you within view of a mirror, because you really should have known that he was going to make you watch him watching you taking him. And you could see him perfectly, each forward thrust of his hips making his shaft disappear deep within you, before it would be slowly dragged out only to slam back into you with dizzying force. Trying to turn your head to the side to nuzzle into the blankets only had him snatching your face to turn you to face the mirror again.
"Don't look away, I want to watch you come undone."
Spec: He didn't really cuddle, no, he was too tough for that. But him lounging around the place only to have you plop down on top of him to join him? Yeah, that was about as close as you'd get. Though if you were hoping for a peaceful nap with him, then you were sorely mistaken, since most of the time you did this there was a 50/50 split that he would wind up fucking you right then and there, and this was a gamble you'd lost (or won) as he bounced you up and down on his thick shaft, smugly chuckling as you were winded time and time again as his thick head kissed your insides, making room for itself so he could nestle deep inside of you. It was like he was trying to stab you to death with his dick, but instead of killing you, all he manged to do was succeeding in having you shaking and crying on top of him as an orgasm was forced out of you, one so powerful almost all your upper body strength vanished, leaving you slumped against his chest as he kept fucking you through it, pressing a sloppy kiss to your forehead with a breathy chuckle.
"That's right darlin', just like the perfect fuck toy fer me."
Doyle: It had been perfectly peaceful until you'd moved your hips an inch. A singular inch, not even, and he'd pounced on you. No more peace and quiet for you, the couch repeatedly slamming into your wall (god your neighbours would hate you if they didn't already) to the rhythm of Doyle's harsh thrusts. Fast but deep, there was no mercy as he left your head spinning from the pleasure and slight sting that it brought along, his hand sealed around your throat teasingly as he loomed over you smugly. He didn't need to say anything to get his point across, he knew how turned on you already were from him using you like a pliant and obedient doll, and honestly, for him? That's what you would be. Each snap of his hips was driving you closer and closer to your climax, and almost like he could taste it, he grinned, licking his teeth, and leaned over you, staring right into your eyes.
"So needy, you're behaving so well for me. Let's see if you can keep it up for just a bit longer, hm?"
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
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The trains roll along the tracks behind Michelle’s house in succession, one after another, iron wheels on iron tracks. They usually can’t be heard inside the house, but in the garden the sound of them mingles with the rustling of new leaves in the trees, the faint buzz of midges congregating beneath the canopies and catching the light just so, little glowing specs that almost remind me of fireflies.
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It’s a day wasted indoors, that’s what Debra said before hauling a basket load of damp washing out onto the lawn, and that’s where she is now, pegging up bed linens as she keeps one paranoid eye upon the barbeque.
Michelle is cooking, prodding and turning the chicken skewers a bit too soon, but it doesn’t matter, because Debra insisted she would take them inside and put them in the oven afterwards anyway. She's got this fear that we’ll all go home with salmonella poisoning and waste precious exam study time being violently ill. 
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Jen is nervous. The barbeque was her idea, a way for her to get closer to the girl she wants to ask to the debs without it seeming obvious about her intentions, so she’s hauled Michelle and I along to sit in and make conversation under the strict orders that if things go well then we should make an excuse and then conveniently disappear. 
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I don’t know Hazel well from school, we were never in any classes together but I know vaguely that she’s the girl with that lanky skeleton man pattern all over her school bag. She is tiny with hair the colour of straw and eyes, big wide and pale blue, an intense, unblinking gaze about them as though she knows how and when you will die. 
When she appears in the garden twenty minutes late, smiling serenely with a kitten in her hand, we all pause. 
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“Hello,” I say. To her or the kitten I’m not completely sure. 
“Hi, am I late?”
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“No, not at all, um!” Jen gets up from the patio table and rushes to give her a side hug, being careful not to squash the kitten in the process. She scratches its tiny head with her fingernail and it purrs. “Who is this?”
“Goose,” Hazel explains, “I found him under a car in the housing estate last week and I’ve been nursing him back to health. He was so hungry, gosh.”
“He’s cute,” Jen pets him again and he strokes his downy grey fur against her fingers, his eyes closed in bliss, causing an explosion of protective adoration inside me for this little creature. It’s possible I've never seen something so cute. 
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“Do you want to hold him?” Hazel asks me, and I nod, holding out my hands as she deposits the little warm ball into my hands. Such a small, fragile, trembling ball of energy he is, I've never been so keenly aware of my size, my hands are practically the length of him save for his slinky tail, pointed straight out as I nestle him in the crook of my arm. Goose mews at me, mouth clean open, four sharp teeth and dove grey eyes that look in two different directions. He’s got a weird face, like he doesn’t know he exists or where he is.  
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“He’s sweet, isn’t he?” says Hazel at my shoulder.
“Yeah he’s a cool little guy. Do you think he was abandoned?”
“I don’t know, perhaps he ran away,” she reaches for him and he clambers up her sleeve, where she grabs him before he can start clawing at her hair, “he’s skittish. He doesn’t like to be alone, yet paradoxically he’s always trying to escape.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, he yearns for life on the streets,” she sighs and says to Jen, “I hope it’s okay that he’s come along, he would just be so unhappy at home.”
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“No, of course! Oh my God,” Jen says with a big, dippy smile. “You can bring whatever, like, whoever you want over. We can keep him inside though if that’s better?” She’s touching her hair and smiling a lot, something I make a mental note of so that I can torture her about it later.
“I think if he’s there in the dining room and he can see me through the window he’ll be comfortable,” Hazel agrees, “I think he prefers to feel included.”
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I don’t know if Goose has even a remote concept of what he does and does not prefer, but she and Jen head inside to lay some newspapers on the floor and fill a little bowl from the kitchen with water for him anyway, laying them right by the door so that he has the best view of the garden. I’m transfixed by him in there as they set things up, weaving himself between Hazel’s ankles, pushing his fuzzy cheek into the smooth leather of her Dr. Martin boot, and I grin as his claw catches in her lace, which sends him frantically swatting his paw to free it. 
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“It’s so cute how much you love cats,” Michelle comments as she slaps a raw burger over the coals, “I would have never thought you were a cat person if I hadn’t witnessed it myself.”
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“Well look at him! He’s just cool.”
“It’s not just him, it’s all those cats along your street! I just think it’s so funny whenever you step out of the house and they just emerge from somewhere.”
“They know they’ll get pets from me.”
“Yeah, and food.”
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She smiles over her shoulder, “Maybe when we move in together we should look for a flat that accepts pets. Then we can get a cat of our own.”
“Mm. It’s a big commitment, a cat, though, isn’t it?”
“No, we would just feed it and clean out the litter box. It’d be very easy.”
“Yeah, I dunno.”
“What don’t you know?”
“I’d have to think about it.”
“Oh, okay.”
Debra finishes hanging the washing and quickly slips back inside through the conservatory door. 
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I listen to the sounds of the garden instead of talking. A lawnmower drones somewhere across the suburban fences and there is the aroma of something sweet, heady and floral under my nose each time the breeze comes. When it’s still it smells like charred meat and smoke, which is welcome because the afternoon is getting on and I haven’t eaten since before dropping Ivy off at her friend’s house at ten. 
“Are you mad at me?” Michelle says. 
“No. I’m just hungry.” 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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smusherina · 5 months
the intricacies of werewolfism (and other afflictions) - chapter 2 (wenclair)
fandom: Wednesday (2022), Addams Family (all media)
pairing: (romantic) Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair (platonic) OFC/Reader x Wenclair
summary: You'd been keeping an eye out for Enid Sinclair since freshman year. There'd been a silent camaraderie between you, both sitting in the very back of the room during Furs specific classes. Things changed, though, after Wednesday Addams came around. For one, Enid shifted.
additional clarification: Wednesday and Enid have an established relationship. Story follows the POV of an outsider.
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You stood in the middle of the room, hands fiddling with the clicker as you tried to look for anything amiss. The sheet was set up on the wall, the projector was powered up and ready to go, the cushions were on the ground, and the additional reading material and the pamphlet you'd printed out were all there. You hadn't wanted to be presumptuous, so you hadn't gotten any snacks. Well, you'd gotten them, in case they asked. They were stashed in your cupboard space. But you didn't want to seem weird or too eager, or something.
You weren't sure if this was more of a casual hangout with a slideshow, or just a purely academic pursuit. You couldn't even say which was preferable. You wanted friends, but the journey of making them seemed so stressful.
As it was the weekend, you were out of uniform. You'd contemplated just wearing it to save you the trouble of having to pick out an outfit, but in the end, even a shitty outfit seemed less weird than the stiff school uniform. All of your clothes were hand-me-downs and thrifted, not in the trendy way, so you'd put some real effort into looking presentable.
You had on the best pants you owned, a pair of black trousers that were only slightly too big on you. You'd cuffed them yourself and were pretty proud of your handiwork. Because they were black, the slightly uneven stitching wasn't even that noticeable. You'd put on your cleanest tee shirt, a grey one with an old Autoshop logo on the front. It was a bit worn, the logo chipping away, but it had no visible stains.
You inspected your glasses, squinting your eyes. You held them up in the light. You wiped at the lenses with the hem of your shirt. No smudges, please.
The specs almost clattered to the ground when somebody knocked on your door. You shoved them back onto your nose and rushed to the door.
"Hi!" Enid chirped, dressed as colourfully as ever and with Wednesday in tow.
"Hello," You said and opened the door wider for them. "Please, come in."
"I'm so excited! I've never heard of different types of werewolves!" Oh, Enid, she was so pure. You could only smile, feeling a little dread already. The subject was pretty darn bleak.
"I'm curious as to how the nature of lycans differs from that of werewolves." Wednesday's sharp eyes caught yours. "Is this seating for us?" She pointed down at the cushions.
"Yeah! I figured the floor cushions would be more comfy than the chairs. One of you can borrow my desk chair, if you'd rather do that. I, um, I heard you're allergic to, uh, colour, Wednesday, so I put a black towel on it." You motioned to the floor, walking to your spot next to the white sheet. "If that's okay."
"Hmm," Wednesday said nothing as she primly sunk onto the towel-covered cushion. Wordlessly, she dug into her bag and pulled out a little notebook along with a fountain pen. Alright. So, she was all good.
You turned to Enid, who was looking at you with a quizzical look on her face.
"Would- would you like some water or something?" You'd never played host before. You hoped you were doing alright.
"Thanks, but we're good. We might go grab a bite to eat later, though. You should come with!" Enid said as she settled down next to Wednesday.
Oh. My. Gosh. More hanging out. You hadn't even proved yourself to be okay company yet. Enid's generosity really knew no bounds.
"Yeah!" Your voice cracked. "Uh, yeah, sure. Sounds great." You gave a jerky thumbs-up. Internally, you berated yourself for being so uncool.
Better to start now and breeze over your disastrous handling of social interaction. You flicked the lights off, save for the little lamp on the floor next to the cushions. So they'd see to take notes. You'd really thought of everything.
Clicking to show the first slide, you pointed between the two figures of anthropomorphic wolves standing somewhat upright. One was ragged and frothing at the mouth, bigger in stature, and sported a generally mangy appearance. The other had a smoother coat, looked perfectly calm, and had a more hunched back.
"This one," You stopped on the mangy-looking wolf. "Is a lycan. That one," You went back to the tamer-looking wolf. "Is a werewolf. I'm first gonna touch on some general stuff, like history, then what the specific differences are, then why those differences exist, and then I'll talk a little more about, uh, the social aspects."
Your two pupils nodded along. One did so enthusiastically, her head bobbing up and down rapidly, and the other nodded so minutely you wouldn't have caught if you weren't focusing on their reactions like a hawk. Swallowing, you gathered every smidge of confidence you could find and got on with it.
"Werewolves came first. Technically. It's a little unclear as to how they came to be as there's little written history. Different communities and old packs all have their stories, mythology passed along from generation to generation. It could be a curse, a blessing, an omen." You clicked to the next slide, where there were some specific origin stories. "For example, the O'Brien pack-"
"My dad's surname was O'Brien!" Enid perked up.
"It's likely he used to be a member! Where is he from?"
"He's originally from Northern Michigan."
"Oh, there you go. It's very likely he's the current alpha's son or grandson, depending on how old he is. He's probably got a more submissive temperament, which is why he took your mother's name." Oh no, you shouldn't assume her parents were married. "Or why you got her name."
"Yeah, he took her name. I thought they did that just 'cause..." Enid murmured.
"I... I don't know your family's specific traditions. It's just, uh, it's common for wolves to take the more dominant partner's surname when getting married." You glanced between them. Wednesday was writing down notes, eyes honed in on the projection. Enid looked at her girlfriend, biting her lip. You decided to continue.
"Um, so... The O'Brien pack is largely credited for bringing the monotheistic belief in the moon goddess over to the States in the 1800s. There's a lot of bloody, violent history in the conflict between native werewolves and settler werewolves, just as with humans- or normies, whichever term applies. I'm sure you two are familiar with that aspect of history, so I won't go into detail. Um." You checked to see if they were still on board.
"Question?" Enid asked, raising her hand tentatively.
"Yeah, go for it!" You fiddled with the clicker anxiously.
"My family believes in the Greek pantheon, specifically Selene." Enid scratched at her cheek. "How's that tie in with everything?"
"Oh yes, so basically werewolf religion can be split into two baseline camps, so to speak. Camp One consists of worshippers of a singular moon goddess and Camp Two is a belief in spirituality and natural forces. Within these camps are kind of sub-groups. For example, werewolves of Irish origin tend to believe in Irish mythology and, in turn, those of Greek origin believe in Greek mythology." You beamed, happy to answer her question. "Of course, in some cases, ancestry has nothing to do with anything, since culture and religion spread through people, not blood."
"I don't think we have Greek ancestry..." Enid muttered. "Maybe? I'm gonna have to ask."
"It's possible you don't, 'cause there was a uh, a trend in the 1950s that led to a lot of spiritually aligned werewolves converting to Selene." You shrugged. "Could be either way."
Enid also shrugged.
"So, uh, factually and scientifically, that's all, like... Wrong." You didn't know how else to put it. "Obviously, the point of religion is not to be correct, it is largely a comfort for people to believe in something greater than themselves, but there have been several, ill-received studies on exactly what werewolfism is."
"I assume this is not material that has been taught in your classes." Wednesday looked to Enid, who was gaping at the projection currently on a slide that had a picture of a DNA strand. "Why?"
"Well... I assume it's 'cause the teacher is a firm believer in werewolf creationism, which as a story is really convoluted and, just, impossible to summarize, so he doesn't spend much time teaching things he doesn't believe are true."
"That is..." Wednesday trailed off. "Alarming."
"I did file a complaint to Principal Weems during freshman year, but it didn't really go anywhere." You said meekly.
"I- I didn't know there was actual, I dunno, medical research on werewolves!" Enid blurted out, the words tumbling off her tongue.
"Fascinating, is it not?" You perked up. "Human doctors have done a fair bit of it, too! That's why werewolves can go to the hospital and get bloodwork done without being outed. Basically, all werewolves have a gene that makes it possible for them to shift forms. Studying it is hard, possibly due to some innate magical interference, not everything can be explained with science, but so far only werewolf researchers have been able to glean that this is, in fact, the source of their power. Humans have determined that the gene is responsible for some passive traits, such as a more efficient immune system, higher average body temp, and a faster metabolism.
"And this does bring us, finally, to the lycans. Lycans are humans subjected to the bite of a werewolf. It's been speculated that the werewolf gene is a mutation that evolved in response to exposure to the Lycan Infection over centuries. For the body to sustain the transformation, it needed to change, get stronger. Survival of the fittest with some supernatural road blocking, the results were remarkably successful."
"The Lycan Infection?" Wednesday uttered, looking up from her notebook to stare at you. You shivered, a chill travelling up your arms to your neck.
"Yes- yes, um, that's... The Lycan Infection is what made the majority of werewolves today. That's what the pathogen is called. It's unclear where it originated and how exactly it came to be." You clicked through a few slides. "There are some records of werewolves before the infection, but by no means enough to determine population numbers or anything substantial."
"So, we're all sick?" Enid asked, sounding downtrodden.
"Well, no, not really." You said, prompting her to tilt her head. She was precious. "Werewolves only carry it passively. Only lycans are, well, sick." You pursed your lips.
"Oh. I'm sorry." Enid said, eyes all sad and lips pouty.
"No! No, there's no need to be sorry! I like being a lycan." For the most part, you left unsaid. "It's totally fine."
"You were bitten, yes?" Wednesday asked poignantly.
"Wednesday!" Enid hissed, hitting her on the arm. Wednesday was unfazed, eyes locked onto yours.
"Yeah." You nodded slowly, trying to keep calm. "I was eight."
There was an awkward pause.
"Um! That happened, but I'm so fine right now. So fine. Nothing is wrong. Like, ever." You tapped your hands together. "So, lycans."
The lesson continued. Lycans looked like that 'cause the pathogen intercepted the growth of fur, caused an over-production of mucus and saliva, and accelerated nail growth. Due to lycans missing the werewolf gene, they retained more human features during the shift whereas werewolves could pass as normal wolves for a second, though only for a second. The absence of the gene also caused transformations to be more painful, a lack of mental agency in wolf form, and added stress to joints and ligaments.
"Yeah, lycans have a life expectancy of about thirty-five to forty-"
"You're- you're expected to die at forty?" Enid screeched. "At the latest?"
"Yeah?" You tilted your head to the side. "Y'know, it's been on the rise for the last ten years! It used to be thirty to thirty-five!"
You kept talking, kept showing slides, and Enid continued to be stunned, Wednesday remaining passive. Lycans were shunned from werewolf communities, generally denied access to packs and werewolf-specific health centres, and more often than not infertile. Lycans, due to their uncontrolled nature, were unable to form structured packs or support systems, leading to isolation and loneliness or unstable, abusive psedo-packs. Due to these issues, the most perpetuated stereotypes of lycans were that they were involved in street gangs, did drugs, and resorted to violence easily.
By the end of it, Enid was pretty much holding back tears. You'd fucked up. This was a mistake. You should've kept her ignorant. What would she even do with all this info? It wasn't like any of this was actually useful. The textbook section about lycans was basically cautions and warnings to stay the eff away.
"That's so tragic. You're just ill, is all. You need help, not exile." Enid sniffled. She wasn't quite crying, but her eyes were welling up. Wednesday was even holding her hand. You knew the goth didn't like touch, so that was probably a huge deal.
"I'm sorry." You didn't know what else to say. You sat down on the floor in front of them, feeling uncomfortable standing while they sat. You shuffled your weight, trying to think of something to make this better.
"You def have to join my pack. I've been looking for people to run with and I thought to ask you first since we've been sitting together for so long."
"Um." Thing was, you would've loved to. You'd have really loved to run with her. "I- uh, there's a great possibility I'd try to hurt you. And besides, I'm not allowed out on full moons."
Werewolves had the added benefit of not needing to shift much aside from when the moon was full. If you wanted to not be in utter agony, you needed to shift at least once a day. You had an allotted free period every weekday so you could go for a run on the grounds.
So, even if you could technically both run as wolves at the same time, Enid only really had reason to shift during full moons, conveniently the only time you'd be unable to join her. Fate was playing tricks on you, dangling a treat just above your nose. You felt like a dog with a piece of cheese on its nose, being told to wait, wait, wait.
"We could break you out." Wednesday pointed out. "I need to investigate the broken cage either way."
"Yeah! And I beat a hyde! No offence, but I could handle you."
How to say yes without sounding too excited by the prospect? How to quell a sense of foreboding doom, because there was a possibility, however small, that you too had beat a hyde?
You wanted to run with her. You wanted to be in her pack. You wanted, you wanted, you'd wanted for so long.
You were gonna do it.
"Sure. Yes! If- if you wanted to do that, you totally should! If you wanted to. And it wouldn't be too, uh, too complicated." You swallowed thickly, shrinking under their gazes. Both had such intense eyes. "And, um, just as a precaution, I could get some horse tranquillizer darts for Wednesday to have in case I get... Nasty. Just in case!"
Wednesday grinned. It was a terrifying expression. You couldn't look her in the eye. Cold sweat dampened your neck.
"Don't look so excited." Enid chastised her girlfriend and got up. "Aw, fuck, my knees." She whined, rubbing them. You got that. Your knees hurt, like, all the time. "Let's go eat!"
"Hm. Acceptable." Wednesday rose smoothly and deposited her pen and notebook back into her bag.
"Have fun," You waved.
"Oh, aren't you coming? I heard there's good dessert today." Enid, gracious soul, good heart, you'd never forget her kindness.
"I'll come! If you want!" You glanced at Wednesday. She didn't seem particularly offended by your presence, so you took that to mean you two were cool.
"Yeah!" Enid laughed a little, motioning for you to join them.
You skipped over to them, unable to hide the glee pouring off you. It would be fine. It would be so fine. It would be so fine that it'd actually be so unremarkable that after the fact you'd wonder what you'd even been so worried about.
It probably wasn't even you.
Taglist: [completely honest, i totally forgot about the taglist. adding it hours later lmao.] @screechcat, @filthy-sanvers-paws, @atticus-shits-n-giggles
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mythicalrobyn118 · 9 months
I Can Fix That
This little fic is for my @mythicalsecretsanta @link-sans-specs ❤️ I so hope you enjoy it! Merry Christmas
Summary: Rhett is smitten with the new man who works in the town library and offers his help to fix a few things.
Author Notes: I've had this idea sitting in the back of my mind for a while now and I'm glad I finally got around to writing it. It's based off Sam and Kate's relationship in Holes... it literally lives rent free in my head.
“I can fix that.” Rhett hears himself say to the stranger that's currently on the floor of the town library.
The man looks up from where he's crouched down next to a book cart and Rhett is sure he's never seen eyes that shade of blue before. He's still staring in awe when he realizes that the man is speaking to him.
“Sorry,” Rhett shakes his head to clear it of any inappropriate thoughts. “What was that?”
“Could you really fix it?” the man stands up, smoothing down the front of his trousers.
“Y - yeah,” Rhett clears his throat to try and regain control of his voice. “I have some tools in my bag outside. Wouldn't take long at all.”
“That - that would be great. Thank you.”
Rhett drops the books he was carrying on the table and quickly walks outside to retrieve his things.
He's back quickly and sets to work on the broken wheel.
“I, uh, I'm Lincoln, by the way.” The man says as he keeps a close eye on Rhett working.
“Rhett,” he introduces himself, reaching a hand up to shake the other man's. He sees the dirt smeared all over it and quickly withdraws it as Lincoln is reaching out. “Sorry, my hands are always dirty these days.” He chuckles a little and goes back to fixing the wheel, changing the subject. “So, are you the one replacing Ms. Cartwright?”
“Yes - yeah. That's me.” Rhett swears he hears the smile in his voice even though he can't currently see his face.
“Well, welcome to town. We're glad to have you.” Rhett says, perhaps a little too eager.
“Thank you. Do you come to the library often?”
“I do. Usually try to hit it up when I come into town… ‘bout every other week to get supplies for the farm.”
“Good to know. Did you like Ms. Cartwright?”
“Of course, when she wasn't getting on to me ‘bout keeping the books for too long or bringing them back dirty.” That makes Lincoln laugh and Rhett's pretty sure he would do anything to hear that sound over and over again.
“So, you have your own farm?”
Rhett let's out a dry chuckle, “My father does - I just work it.”
Lincoln follows Rhett with a little laugh of his own, almost as if he understands - maybe even also has a strained relationship with his own father.
“I didn't used to come by at all,” Rhett starts, needing to fill the short bout of silence for his own comfort; because if he starts thinking about things the two of them may have in common, the chances it could grow into a friendship… Rhett has to concentrate to ease the blush he knows is creeping up his neck right about now. “My neighbor, Ms. Ruby, she can't make the journey to town anymore. I help her out when I can and she loves to read. So, I figured I may as well get myself something when I come.”
Rhett tightens the last bolt on the wheel and gives it a spin for good measure. After it makes the circle, Rhett nods his head at his handiwork and claps his hands together. “I think that should hold it together just fine.”
“Oh, goodness. Thank you so much!” Lincoln says, grabbing the handle and giving it a push himself. When it rolls fine he turns his attention back to Rhett. “That's very nice of you - to do that for your neighbor, I mean.”
“Well, after she lost Ed - I like to keep a close eye on her; just to make sure she's taken care o –”
They’re interrupted by the ring of the bell that sits over the door. Both of their attention drawn to the group of ladies entering the library.
“Well, I'll be! If it ain't Rhett McLaughlin. What on Earth are you doing at the library?” Their leader, Savannah, called out.
Rhett held back the eye roll, as this wasn't the first time she's tried to gain his attention. “I was just fixing the cart wheel for Mr. —” Rhett looked back to the other man, not knowing him beyond ‘Lincoln’.
“Neal. Lincoln Neal.”
Rhett nodded, giving Link a small smile and turning to pack away his tools. “Since that's done - I guess I'll be taking my books and bein’ on my way.”
Not that he didn't want to stay and talk to Mr. Lincoln Neal, he very much did. But, he knew Savannah would think he was staying for her and he's positive he couldn't handle any more of her undivided attention.
“Oh, okay. Can I get these checked out for you?” Lincoln grabbed the stack Rhett had discarded earlier to grab his tools.
“Yes, please.” Rhett followed him to the desk toward the front of the library, leaving the gaggle of girls to themselves. “Thank you, Mr. Neal.”
“You can call me Link.” He said, almost shyly and Rhett thinks he sees his cheeks tint a pretty rose color.
Rhett grabbed the books that Link held out to him. “Well, Link, you have a good afternoon.”
Link has kept an embarrassingly close eye out for the tall farmer during the last week. Rhett had said that he only made it to town every other week but he couldn't stop himself from watching outside for the handsome man that stood a head taller than everyone else.
Link knows better than to do this - latch on to some stranger that he doesn't even know and make it out to be something more than it is. But, Rhett just seems like such a genuine man and Link couldn't help but think that maybe they could be friends.
His short time in the new town has been anything but easy. Moving to some place where he didn't know a single person was supposed to be freeing. Turns out - it's also very stressful.
Link is walking across the street when he hears that laugh; he almost pulls a muscle in his neck trying to find the location of it. His eyes finally settle on the messy blonde hair and freckled skin coming out of the post office.
He knows he's probably being way too eager, maybe even a little creepy - but he makes a bee line for him but hoping, somehow, he can manage a greeting that's casual.
“Rhett!” He says, hardly able to hear the squeak in his own voice. “How are you today? I wasn't sure when I would be seeing you again.”
Rhett turns quickly at the sound of his name and Link is not disappointed when his face splits into a grin. “Well, hi there, Link! I can't complain - ‘specially since running into you.”
Link feels the blush instantly, knowing Rhett will be able to see it too but hoping he won't call attention to it. “W - will you be stopping by the library today?”
“I did plan on it.” Rhett says with a sly smile. “I hope that's okay.”
“Yes, yes, of course. I was actually going to see if I could bother you to fix a shelf that's come off the wall.” Before Link can offer to pay him for his services, Rhett is agreeing, maybe Rhett is a little eager too. That thought makes his stomach feel all fuzzy.
“Absolutley, you could!” Link isn't sure how it's possible but his smile gets bigger. “I have a couple of more stops to make and I'll head over that way.”
Link nods his head, unable to stop the huge smile gracing his own face. “That sounds perfect. Thank you.”
Rhett was practically giddy the rest of the morning, going through all his usual stops but with a bit more pep in his step. Now, he is finally walking up the old wooden steps and opening the familiar door.
He doesn't hear or see anyone so he speaks up in the silent space, “Link? Are you in here?”
He hears some fumbling coming from the back room and then a voice sounding out too. “I'm here. Be right out.” Rhett follows the noise and Link emerges from the small door. “Thank you so much again for helping me out with this. I'm just all thumbs when it comes to this kind of work.”
“It's really no trouble.” Rhett insists, waving his hand. “What exactly needs fixing?”
“Oh, it's right over here.” Link gestures with his hand and Rhett follows him around a shelf to the back wall. “The shelf just kind of buckled when I started putting books back on it.”
Rhett immediately starts to work, taking a closer look at the shelf. After a moment, Link asks, “Do you think you can fix it?”
“Oh, yeah. I can fix that.” Rhett says, maybe a little more sure of himself than he needs to be. “Looks like I can put a couple of nails in and it will be good as new, the wood's not rotten or anything.”
“That's great. I'd be more than happy to pay you for all the trouble –”
“Nonsense,” Rhett cuts him off before he can finish the sentence. “I’m glad I could be of help.”
Rhett sets to work, taking the old nails out, Link's attention is pulled away from Rhett when he hears the door open, he turns back to him with an apologetic look, “Sorry, let me go and tend to them. Will you be okay for a moment?”
“Absolutely. Go ahead.”
Rhett zones out for a bit, doing what he needs to do to get the shelf ready to be installed while Link is tending to the other patrons. He hits a stopping point, needing an extra set of hands to finish it up.
He dusts his hands off and makes his way down to the end of the aisle. Link is squatting down talking with a child, little William, Mrs. Doris’ grandson.
“Well, I’ll tell you what, you can keep that book for an extra week but when you bring it back, we can read it together, cause I want to know what happens, okay?”
The little boy giggles and gives Link a hug, which seems to take him by surprise but he soon leans into it and wraps his own arms around the boy. Rhett chuckles to himself at the scene and gets back to work.
He hears the bell above the door ring once again and Link's footsteps coming back toward him.
“Sorry about that.” Link starts, but Rhett is already waving him off.
“No problem at all.” Rhett says, holding up the shelf, “I could use your help for a moment.”
“Oh, okay.” Link says eagerly, stepping toward Rhett. “What can I do?”
“I just need another set of hands to hold the shelf up so I can hammer it in.”
“Oh, okay.” Link stands close to Rhett with his hands out. “Just tell me what to do.”
Rhett holds the board out, instructing Link on how to hold it properly and Rhett goes to nail it into the wall.
The both of them are pressed close together, Rhett hammering the nails while Link is trying to keep the shelf in the same spot that Rhett instructed. They are so close, breathing the same air, Rhett inhaling the scent of cloves and freshly baked bread. Rhett tries to concentrate on the task at hand but he’s getting very close to losing his cool.
He finally manages to get finished but can't seem to pull himself away from the other man.
“I, uh,” Rhett starts. “I think that should do it.”
Link isn’t backing away either, he just keeps his impossibly blue eyes locked on Rhett’s. “Y – yeah, I think so.”
They are both startled apart by the ring of the bell and Rhett springs away from Link quickly, not knowing what exactly he was thinking, letting himself get caught up in the moment.
He clears his throat, putting even more distance between them. “Uh, you better… see who that is.” Rhett moves out of the way, extending his arm to let Link pass. Link hesitates but eventually bows his head and goes toward the entrance.
Once he is out of sight and greeting the patrons that just came in, Rhett hurries and packs his things into his small toolbox.
He doesn’t think much after Link is no longer standing there, he only gets his things and heads out the door. He sure he hears Link call his name but he can't be bothered to stop.
A couple of hours later, Link is finally closing up shop on the library. He's trying to balance the large basket of food that Mrs. Sutton dropped off to welcome him to town. He's going to have to push his bike home since he can't carry everything and steer. He isn't looking forward to the drive; it will give him plenty of time to think about what happened today.
He can't get the way Rhett looked at him out of his mind. No wonder the man practically ran away from him. They were incredibly close and Link was having a hard time keeping his breathing under control. Rhett's eyes seemed to be staring right into his soul and his cheeks were the prettiest shade of pink.
He's usually really good at keeping that side of himself hidden, now he's afraid he's messed up and may have to move towns again just to be safe. He couldn't believe he was so stupid.
He hears horse hooves coming up behind him and is surprised when someone calls out his name.
“Link,” he hears again and turns around to be greeted with Rhett galloping up on a large horse.
Link flinches back, not knowing exactly what the other man has planned but he has a hard time believing Rhett would hurt him.
He's off the horse and walking up to Link slowly. A sad smile gracing his face. “Link, I'm glad I caught you.”
“Rhett,” Link stumbles over his words. “W-what are you doing here?”
“Listen,”Rhett gets closer, crowding into Link's space. “I'm sorry about earlier. I - I shouldn't have just ran out on you. I just –” he trails off, his eyes glued to the ground like the words he is searching for are written in the dirt below their feet.
Link understands without Rhett needing to say more. He says as much and Rhett nods, his smile still faltering but at least it's reaching his eyes.
“Are you headed home?” He asks, changing the subject.
“Umm, yeah. Just got the library locked up for the night.”
“Would you… like some company?” Rhett asks almost shyly, reaching up with a big hand and rubbing the back of his neck.
Link can't hide the shock on his face but agrees despite the swarm of butterflies he feels in his gut, or maybe it's because of them. “That would be nice.”
“Can I hold something for you?” Rhett asks as he takes the reins of his horse.
Link gives over the basket of food so he can free up his hands to push his bike. They are walking close, Link is afraid Rhett can hear the thump of his heart. “Who's this?” He asks when he can't stand the silence between them anymore.
“Oh, this is Barbara.” He says, reaching up and giving her a rub on the nose. “I've had her since I was young, we basically grew up together on the farm.”
“That's sweet.” He smiles, watching the fond smile spread across Rhett's face as he looks at the horse.
They talk the whole way to Link's small cottage just outside of town. The conversation flows easily and before Link knows it, they are at his porch and the sky has turned a beautiful pink color as the sun sets.
It seems they are both reluctant to end their time together, so Link conjures up all the courage he can muster and asks, “Um, Mrs. Sutton gave me this enormous basket of food and there's no way I could possibly eat all of it. Would you want to come inside? I don't have anyone to share it with.”
Rhett hasn't stopped smiling since Link started talking, which Link can only assume is a good thing. He tries not to jump for joy when Rhett says with a sly smile, “Yeah – I can fix that.”
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letters-to-rosie · 7 months
Minutes to Midnight is seriously and envy-inducingly good! But I just want to say that, when you said "one shot of all time", my mind immediately went to you've got your demons, and darling, they all look like me. And then I got reminded of why it's my personal favorite (other than it being plain good, ofc): the summary. A well-written fic is a well-written fic, obviously, but the perfect summary really adds to the experience. Like how it catches your eye and makes your heart race because you know that an author who can write such a summary... well. They also can and probably did write a fic that blows your clothes off and turns them inside out before sending them to the hamper. It's about the anticipation.
Ahem, so anyway. I started thinking about how few words one needs to evoke an emotional response, and I wanted to share my excitement about that.
ahhhh thanks for the recommendation!!
I'mma use this as a little bit more time to gush over Minutes to Midnight just because, and then gush over you've got your demons as well because oh man. thank you for sending it my way!!
Ekko is my favorite character, but I am also a big fan of making him Worse, and I love how Minutes to Midnight does it in a way that feels so authentic. like I can extrapolate him right away from what we see in the show. and this is the only fic I can think of that really takes it to such an extreme, but again it's done so compellingly that it really feels like a Jinx version of Ekko, even if Jinx remains similarly filled with rage. there are just so many lines I love and I could list them all day but when it culminates at the end, tying together the time themes and the regret and the betrayal it's just... I love it so much
one line for fun: She’s bleeding, choking, underneath him, and he hits her, and hits her, don’t you get it, I could have done this anytime I wanted but I didn’t, I didn’t, I gave you my life and you threw it back in my face, even as she claws at him alley-cat-desperate.
every time I read it, I'm just in my room, actually screaming lol
and now for you've got your demons!!!!
there were also a ton of lines I could have pulled out but then we'd be here all day but
Dark against light - though the light has always been Ekko. i cry She chose him long before he chose her. i cry endlessly Powder never asks Vi her favorite color, because she doesn’t know what she’d do if she didn’t say the same thing Ekko did. a never-ending stream
but man it's just so stunning. like you said, I love how few words it uses to get its story across. getting to read prose that packs that sort of punch is always so special. Powder/Jinx is just so relatable and you really feel her struggles come through. her tangle of confusion and not getting things like marriage really resonated with my ace self (and I always enjoy an ace-spec Jinx). but her crush was so precious I just wanted to hug her and let her be happy with Ekko and maybe my delusional ass can imagine that they are someday in that fic universe lol
and the way the summary gets entirely recontextualized at the end????? INCREDIBLE truly a one-shot of all time. we have to make it an indefinite article now lmao
I got super lucky because the author of "you've got your demons" wrote my gift for the secret santa we just had!! that fic is called Moonlight Refuge and let me tell you if it didn't convey every emotion I wanted, which is the "I should want nothing to do with you but I can't help myself" part of timebomb, and in this one it's mutual and just fantastic. I spent like half my comment writing AHHH because the emotions were just everywhere it was a good time
also hi @cranechel we're in the corner gushing over your fic... I will leave a comment soon but wanted to answer this lol
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mysteriouschar · 2 years
also available in wattpad
In a Cafe
A bluenette with pretty blue eyes was sitting at a table looking at the window while lightly tapping the table waiting for someone.
The bluenette was none other than Marinette Dupain Cheng ,a young designer in her mid 20s. She had light make up with hair slightly longer than shoulder length. Her white purse sat atop the table.
She is wearing this
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Just then four people enter a blonde male(adrien),a guy wearing headphones(nino),a bruenette wearing specs(alya) and a sausage roll(lila)
"what are you doing here ?"said Alya accusingly pointing at Marinette.
"oh I am sorry ,I thought this was a free country and people can come to a cafe if they want or do they have to take your permission?" Marinette said in a sarcastic tone.
"Why you!!" said Alya who was red in the face.
"not cool dudette" said N ino.
"How else should I speak to someone who is disturbing me ,who was also uninvited mind you mister" said Marinette coldly.
"You don't have to be so rude because of me Marinette, if you want I can leave." said liela.
"Look what you did Marinette you made Lila feel bad again and its not like someone is going to meet you, looking as you do "said Alya even though she thought Marinette looked nice, even cute like this.
"There is no such rule that one has to meet someone to be in a cafe ." said Marinette
"Oh that's ok Marinette I will introduce you to one of my friends "said Lila
"you are so nice Lila" said Alya
"Its none of your business what I do , and if your friends are like you or these stupid followers of yours wouldn't want to meet them let alone talk to them" said Marinette with a smirk.
"Why are you being like this Marinette Lila was just being nice" said the naive sunshine boy aka Adrien.
"Well she doesn't need that bloated sausage's help, dear cousin of mine "said a voice from behind.
"Felix?,what are you doing here?"asked adrien.
"it doesn't concern you so don't interrupt us" said Alya.
"oh but it does when you are saying rude things to my girlfriend and ruining our date. Just so you don't misunderstand Marinette here is my girlfriend." said Felix with a smirk.
"girlfriend?" said Alya and Lila.
"date??" said Adrien and Nino
"you are late." said marinette.
"Sorry berry, I just had difficulty finding flowers worthy of you."(giving her a bouquet of pale pink roses)
"thank you, my knight"said marinette while blushing and accepting the flowers.
The couple walked out hand in hand while the bunch of morons stood there shocked.
Do you guys want me to post my felinette oneshots here in tumblr also?
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my-castles-crumbling · 8 months
Ok so I’m the same anon that keeps popping up asking about gender (the one from last week also asking about being on the ace spec) well anyway I’m going away with some friends for a few days. These friends aren’t like my best best friends (key information for later)
Anyway these two friends always refer to me as a girl. Like all the time!!
“Hey girls, …..”
And it’s so annoying, especially bc sometimes I doubt my genderqueerness. It just makes me upset and I know I have no right to be upset bc they are assuming my gender bc I’ve given them no reason to assume otherwise, it’s just it gets me a bit frustrated at them.
So, I’m going away with them now for a few days and I’m thinking maybe I should tell them how I feel about them always referring to me as a girl.
A few problems arise with that however, firstly, I haven’t told anyone about my gender crisis’. Preferably I’d like to come out to a more trusting friend first, like some of my closer friends who know I’m bi. (These two friends don’t know that about me)
Secondly, I have no idea how they would react! They seem open minded sometimes but the very first time I spoke to one of them she said “society these days are too much” literally referring to the lgbtqia+ community. So there’s that.
Any advice? Should I tell them I’m bi for starters, see how they react with that and then talk about gender if it goes well?
Or should I make a subtle comment about like how people should try to be more inclusive with language etc - that way i don’t need to out myself, especially as I’m not ready for that conversation at all as I’m still working it all out.
I just want to feel better, bc everytime they say “girls” it makes me sad.
Other than that… thank you so much for helping me!! I think I’m closer to working out my gender now. Ever since you told me I could be genderfluid things are making more sense. Just one more question… could the genders I be fluid with (idk how to word it) be agender and demigirl?? Or does that make no sense!!
Thank you again 💜
Oh my god, "Hey, girls" always gives me the biggest ick! I think it's important to say: it's okay to feel upset about it, even though you haven't said anything. Though I think you're right in saying it's not really their fault, it also sucks to be misgendered.
Okay so with these friends, I think you might be right to feel them out a bit first before you say anything about your actual gender. In an ideal situation, you could just tell them, but since you're not sure how they'll react and this would be your first people coming out to, it would be nice to make sure it's a positive experience.
However, I think you should say something about them referring to you as a girl, before going on a trip with them. But you don't have to get deep into your gender if you don't want to. I'm imagining a conversation like:
You: Hey, I noticed you say things like "hey, girls" a lot. That makes me uncomfortable. Do you think you could not do that?
Them: But why does it matter? Aren't you/we girls?
You: It's not really important what I am, it's just that I'm more comfortable if you say something like "Hey guys" or "hey everyone." You're my friends and I wanted to make sure you know what makes me feel comfortable, because I know you care.
And now it's not as much about your identity, and if they argue, it makes it seem like they don't care about you. Also, I think their reaction to this could be a hint about their reaction to you actually coming out.
Last, as far as what genders you could be fluid with- it could be any genders! What you said makes sense to me, but if it makes sense to YOU, that's most important!
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swordofazrael1992 · 10 months
🏳️‍🌈 jean paul valley!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH I AMM. BITING i will talk abt this topic FOREVER
jpv’s gender is truly girlfag to me. and imo her breaking away from the order of st dumas and her + azrael deciding to use their abilities to protect and save can be a trans narrative—EVERY prior azrael in their lineage was male, and every prior azrael was a weapon used by the order to deliver vengeance. and of course there’s the obvious gendered implications of those two paths (being merciful and protective as “feminine” and then aggressive and vengeful as “masculine”) that i think are SO interesting to explore. at the same time though i don’t think her gender identity lacks masculine facets, or is completely separate (or even separate at all) from masculinity. and this of course adds nuance to the prior conversation: azrael is now the angel of mercy, but that doesn’t mean they’ve completely divorced themselves from the concept of vengeance. that long ass ramble is to say: i see jpv as bigender, preferring a more gender nonconforming presentation and also identifying with transfeminine identity. i do also tend to say that i think she uses she/he pronouns, but most of the time im talking about her i end up using she/her
and for sexual identity: girlfag also, obviously, applies here. i’ve never been able to recognize her on-panel attraction to women as genuine or even present. it really feels like how i (boydyke) would look at men as a “i want to be them” and everyone around me interpreted as “i want to be with them” to the point that i assumed that’s what it was as well. admittedly, this is probably influenced by the fact that the first thing i ever read of her WAY before i became obsessed with her was tynion’s TEC comics, and she and luke are very 🏳️‍🌈 in that, but i also should mention that her and luke’s relationship is the only one of hers i’ve ever been able to interpret as romantic.
and thus i have recently been toying around with her being somewhere on the ace/aro spectrum, although im not 100% sure where. the majority of her expressed attraction has, as previously mentioned, felt very surface level to me, while SO MANY of her most important relationships have been platonic. i’ve also been thinking about the idea of her and luke as platonic/queerplatonic, and i think exploring some of her other relationships as queerplatonic could be SO interesting. like qpr jpv and babs???? i need to eat them
in summary: girlfag, transfeminine, aspec
and then there’s ALSO azrael ofc. i see him as genderless but not in an identifying as agender way more of like a. never occurred to him to have a gender and he’s so genderless that identifying with a gender identity term doesn’t fit for him. like “what’s your gender” “i am the angel of vengeance” “okay but what’s in your pants” “i have a flaming sword” “is that a euphemism” “*pulls out actual flaming sword* no”. i mostly use he/him for azrael because i genuinely just think it doesn’t occur to him to use other pronouns, and if someone were to bring it up he’d just see no reason to try and change. not in a denial way i just think he’s genuinely like. transcended the need for pronoun changes. although i do occasionally fuck with the idea of him using hy/hym pronouns. his gender makes sense to me but i cannot explain it. and then similarly i can’t explain his sexual/romantic orientations he is just. i think he’s similar to jpv in that the majority of his meaningful connections and relationships are platonic but i think (for example, if jpv was with luke romantically) he could end up building a connection with a partner that wasn’t strictly platonic. whether that would become romantic i can’t currently say because i haven’t fleshed out my jpv and azzy ace/aro spec headcanons. although at the end of the day i just don’t really think labels are super important to az? like he’s just kinda *waves hand* there. although i DO think identity is important to him. that might seem contradictory to what i’ve said previously in this ramble but i think that while he doesn’t identify with labels i do think he identifies as like. being other than what the order of st dumas would force him into being and being other than what the world would force him into being. azrael as a character, especially recently, is about forging your own path and that you are more than what people might force you to be and i think he would find comfort (or at least vindication) in the fact that there are these core parts of himself that are so incongruous with what would be expected of him, yknow? like as previously discussed with the concept of azrael being forcibly masculine, and him (not just jpv) being able to move past that and both define what being azrael means to him and define what gender means to him. overall i have a lot of thoughts on azzy but i haven’t been able to solidify them and Decide on them the way i have jpv which is something i must change immediately
in (outer world) presentation i’d say that azzy is also gender non-conforming but in a far more fashionable way than jean paul. azrael would be coordinating like runway ready looks while jpv has the worst fashion sense imaginable which is so funny to me. also i think azrael would be absolutely CRACKED at makeup don’t ask me why i just think he’s very good at it
LONG ASS POST OVER. i’m less insane now
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thatiranianphantom · 2 years
i wanted to give jt a chance because i love jug and i wanted him to be happy while betty went off to do whatever with archie for awhile. the jt friendship seemed like it had potential and i was optimistic this would be a fun ‘in between’ romance for both jug and tabitha.
then they started dating. ive really never seen anything like it. both very lovable characters, perfect situation, HORRIBLE execution. i’ve never seen two people have less chemistry in my life and this is coming from someone who has sat thru way too many bad tv shows. what is the deal there though fr? why do you think it’s so bad? i still can’t figure it out tbh—
i think i’d rather watch ba and trust me that is really saying something because i freaking HATE them lol
Agreed, anon!
I will openly admit I am biased to BH but that tends to shut me off of ships like BA, but I'd venture to say my dislike of JT had very little to do with ship preferences. I didn't like it, wouldn't have chosen it, but if it was a brief fling it could have had some potential before inevitably going back to their OG ships.
As you said, then they started dating. It truly looks like they're being forced to interact at gunpoint. As I've said I've seen LOTS of ships I hated on TV, but I've never seen two actors more clearly communicate that they cannot even stand to be in the same room as each other. At a certain point, I was less looking for chemistry and more looking for them being somewhat tolerant of each other? It was that bad. The J*bitha effect should be studied. Should I ever take a pop culture course, I will do an analysis on this very phenomenon, and why instead of saying "oh, this is actually the most unpopular pairing CW wide and is dragging the most popular character down, maybe we should end this" they just pressed in harder. Truly incredible. Could only be the work of a mediocre man failing up.
As to why, well...you know what my opinion on this is controversial, as is my wont and my reputation but I'll stick it behind a cut anyway.
First of all, part of it is acting ability. I'm sorry, I have nothing against her as a person, but Erinn Westbrook is not a good actress. She just isn't. In her earlier scenes as more of a side character, they could get away with it because she wasn't on screen much and was kinda propped up by other, better actors? But Cole is the kind of actor that needs a good scene partner. Lili is one of the most talented actors, so they work well as a pairing. But Erinn...she just reads her lines. It is truly to her detriment that they had more scenes with her in later episodes. She and Cole can't pull any genuine responses out of each other, and the chemistry dies there. It's not just Cole, too. In her scenes with Cami, you can see Cami trying to pull some genuine responses out of her and getting nothing. Again, nothing against Erinn as a person. Maybe she'd do better in other roles, who knows. But this was in my mind a contributing factor to why JT was so bad. Also, while I don't think the actors disliked each other and don't think there was any sort of drama on set, I think they did have different personalities and they don't strike me as the type that would hang out ordinarily if given the choice. That's pure spec, but yeah.
I think the other elements just came down to bad writing, bad storylines and whatever the opposite of lightning in a bottle is. A perfect storm for good, but kinda the opposite as a perfect storm for bad.
I don't like BA obviously but at least it appeared they could stand to be in the same room? It was quite a time that season. Part of what made the OGs work is it paired up weaker actors with stronger actors, but they threw all that in the trash in 5 and 6 and paired their weak actors together. And the result was....this.
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i wasn't sure which one of the aro questions i should ask so answer whatever 3 questions u like most
Oh bless you anon, you could ask any that you fancied!
But OK fabulous I will pick some.
Where do you fit in the aro community (ex, alloaro / aroace / nonSAM aro / etc)?
Alloaro, sexual attraction is the uncomplicated side of life LOL. I’m also arospec rather than aromantic, because I have experienced romantic attraction before.
How long have you known you are aro? 
(more frustrated horse noises). I swear I had posted something on tumblr about this realisation, but can I find it??? Of course not. Some time early 2021 was announcing it to myself.
My whole life I’ve never had a romantic/sexual relationship with anyone. It tends not to bother me, other than what I would phrase as “I want to be someone’s most important person”, which is the desperate attention whore in me lol and technically isn’t a romantic or sexual desire, though of course it’s unlikely to be  fulfilled any other way (mumbles about amatonormativity). My mum still believes I’ll find someone, which,like, I am in my 30s. I have had a lifetime of not sharing my life, my bed, my time. I’m not sure I could comfortably accommodate another person in stereotypical couple living conditions now even if I did love them.
In 2020 I had an unsuccessful (for several different reasons, including covid) attempt at starting a relationship, which made me realise that I might actually be less likely to create romantic feelings than other people (previously i’d just assumed that you either found The One immediately or that romantic feelings just grew for everyone over time. I had to explain dating to myself somehow lol. the whole dating thing feels like nonsense to me.).
Then in about Feb 2021 my best friend of a decade started Going Through Some Shit and I discovered that adding the resulting increase in emotional intimacy to the cocktail of ten years of bestfriendship + existing lowkey sexual attraction = romantic feelings. Mainly of the “I wish I could fix it for you” variety, but romantic feelings nonetheless. And then I was like, ooooh okay, so this is the deal. This is an unusual feeling, I don’t know if I’ve had this before.
And then (thank you a decade on Tumblr steeping me in both microlabels and anti-gatekeeping concepts) I just shrugged and said okay, and called myself demi. I’m still not sure if that’s the correct label, so sometimes I use greyaro or arospec.
Do you have any aro-spec headcanons?
Oh yes! I have blathered about all of these before but yes, let’s go over them again.
Annis is aromantic and allosexual. She doesn’t feel romantic attraction like she knows other people do, and she’s not bothered by it. Happy in her skin.
Glain is ... well, I waver constantly between making her aroace or aroallo, but regardless, she’s aromantic, and romance-repulsed.
Wolfe is. Hm. We say Nic-sexual a lot on here, and like, basically that lol. Wolfe has had one romantic and probably one sexual attraction his entire life, and it’s to his Niccolo. Exactly which label to pick for that, who knows? Demi? Definitely neurodivergent??
Morgan is arospec, label unknown to her or me lol. Based on her thoughts in Smoke and Iron, where she admits that she really cares for Jess, but doesn’t love him.
I was browsing microlabels yesterday and oops now i have a new headcanon: Thomas is nebularomantic, which is basically quoiromantic (can’t distinguish romantic from platonic feelings) but exclusively for neurodivergent people. Because I also headcanon Thomas as neurodivergent of some sort, and I absolutely interpret an awful lot of his canonical relationship with Jess as blurring that line between friends and “in love”.
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londiall · 2 years
SEAL Team S2 E2
And on to episode 2. Lets go:
S2 E2 - Never Say Die
Bio hazard? This looks like a not awesome way to start a show lol. Also, the name of this episode doesn’t help me any with the anxiety lmao.
Oooh. I like how the intro is them coming up out of the water from episode 1. Cool.
Congrats Jason, you figured out coffee.
What is Elmo though?
It doesn’t surprise me a million times over that Sonny got into a literal fight with a literal fucking tree lmao.
Ray, no sir. No. (Even if I know you’ll be back bc internet).
HIS HEAD IS NOT FINE. Why does no one know this?? 
OOOOh, we’re gonna meet the parents. (No - well, yes. I’m glancing over shirtless scenes from now on. All that really happens is staring and not really thinking anyway so it’s not really necessary........) This will end badly, I imagine. No parent wants that kind of pain for their kid. So they’re probably going to try and change Stella’s mind about being with Clay before something serious happens (also, wahhhhhhhhhh bc spoilers bc again, I have the internet) because of how dangerous is job is. Just my thoughts lol. 
I don’t care what anyone says, I really think Jason is a great dad. Home family and Bravo family can’t be easy to juggle. But then again, I feel like spouses or partners or whoever should understand what they’re getting themselves into marrying someone in the military. Especially a spec ops team member. Again, just my 2 cents.
Damn guys, 10 minutes into this show and I’m already getting wordy. That doesn’t bode well for the next 33 minutes of my life lol.
Oh good, they’re going into tunnels...I’m sorry, with ANTHRAX? Oh boy. Yep, worried about my boys rn. Nothing can go wrong? Sure. Then I wouldn’t have 31 minutes left of this show, huh?
So Mandy is in Mexico? Idk, I was writing a novel of a thought when she first came on. Didn’t pay much attention. Oops. Yep, that’s a body.
Oh Ray. I’m so sorry buddy. Of course Jason’s still being stubborn Adam.
I hate tunnels. Just saying. Lmao Sonny. Spiders. I’m sorry, no comms? I don’t enjoy this. Not good. Bad. Very very bad.
Hah. Hahahahahahahahahaha. Oml. Suckstart a pistol is a new one. Sonny, poor baby. It’s ok. Stinky boots and all, they still love you. Blame it on the dog lol.
Sorry, realized I watched into the tunnel scene without stopping to type haha. I’m still watching the tunnel scene. 
Oh good. An explosion. Because fucking TUNNEL. Jesus.
WOOOOOW that tunnel scene was intense. I also had to watch it 2 times bc my kid started throwing up while I was watching the first time. FUN STUFF. The eldest got sick first, about 4 days ago. Then the youngest started puking this morning. It’s fun having multiple kids. Anyway. That tunnel scene had me for a minute even though I knew they didn’t die in it lol. That play by Mandy and Blackburn was genius!!! I’m glad the boys pulled through lol.
I really need to find out how many nicknames Sonny has for Clay.
Ooop. Jason. Ray. Again, ooop.
Oooooooh, the parents!!!! Yep, I kinda had an idea how this was going to go. “I DON’T PLAN ON DOING THIS UNTIL I’M DEAD” I’m dead Clay. I’M DEAD. Dammit I HATE EVERYTHING RN.
Oh shiiiiiiiit Alana. Ok, for all the things on the internet, I must have not read up on Jason Hayes as I thought I did hahaha. Cause I was, indeed, shocked by that one.
Well, onto Episode 3!
All the love - A
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everygame · 6 months
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Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story
Developed/Published by: Jeff Minter, Digital Eclipse / Digital Eclipse Released: 13/04/2024 Completed: n/a Completion: Played and viewed all of “The Early Years” and part way through "The Hairy Years" and still digging into the rest of it.
I know, I can’t believe it either. Every Game I’ve Finished topical for two weeks and even posting a write up of a game on its day of release (well, for supporters, anyway). It’s like I’m a games journalist again (spit).
I was hugely excited for this after enjoying what I’ve played of Atari 50 (better than those flashback collections!) and The Making of Karateka, and although this is absolutely, 100% not what I would choose to put out if I was attempting to be commercial after The Making of Karateka, I’ve gotta say… fair play to them. Though they’re pretty much nailing their flag in the terrain that says the Gold Master Series is not so much The Criterion Collection of games as it is like… Vinegar Syndrome or something. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that! Someone’s gotta put out deluxe versions of Bruno Mattei films [checks notes] oh hang on, no.
(To be fair, it’s actually a lot more like my buddy Justin’s boutique label Gold Ninja Video, which actually does insane work to put out work by filmmakers who should absolutely be known better.)
Anyway. They say there’s a stonking 42 games on this, but that’s a slight exaggeration because there’s technically on 33 different games with a few offering different versions based on system (Gridrunner, for example, is on VIC-20, C64, Atari 8-bit and as a remastered version) and most of the games are pre-1985 so there’s a lot of stuff here that’s really only going to be of interest if you like diving into some very dusty cupboards. This is something I honestly enjoy very much, so I loved pulling out a VIC-20 game and trying to make sense of it, but for many, I assume, the main draw here is the fact that it’s a proper re-release of his beloved Tempest 2000, a well that Minter has been back to a bunch of times–I loved TxK to pieces. It’s a slight bummer that this doesn’t re-release Minter’s more recent games which have been delisted like the iOS “Minotaur Project” (of which only a couple of games have been re-released as Minotaur Arcade.) However, it seems pretty obvious that would be a ton of fucking work to port, as would, say, getting a Nuon emulator up to spec so people could play Tempest 3000, so that's... fine.
(There’s also no Defender 2000, but that’s rights issues, and as far as I remember people don’t think that’s any great shakes.)
Presentation-wise, you know what to expect with this release, the same wrapper as in Atari 50 and The Making of Karateka with some different colours and music. This is fine! I think I’ve settled into this three releases in. You get a ton of interesting images, details, and box art to look at, though I still have issues with the layout of the documentary/museum (I can't remember which terminology Digital Eclipse would prefer.) I have small quibbles: in “The Early Years” if you go through it in order you play a version of Bomber on ZX Spectrum before they introduce the system into the narrative (admittedly the kind of thing you won't spot unless you're brutally anal on these kind of things like myself.) Then the final video you watch recaps everything you’ve just learned in a way that makes you feel like it should either have come first, or been split up into more videos. 
But I’d argue there’s deeper structural issues if you’re really trying to get people excited about video game history, and I again place it at the decision to go pure chronological* (as I did in The Making of Karateka.) If you play each game as you go, you’ll play a series of games so old and so ropey that you have to already be interested in this story to see it out. If you don’t know why you should care about Jeff Minter, I’m sorry, but a video of some talking heads and then immediately playing 3D3D, a baffling and slow first person maze game for ZX81 that has literally no analogue in the entire rest of his career is… not going to help! And I have to again bang on that I feel they just don’t place the games in enough context of the wider games industry at the time.
(*There's a quirk in that it's not exactly chronological, because all the Atari 8-bit ports are later in the documentary, which is a bit weird when you, for example, play two versions of Gridrunner and then the Atari 8-bit version several games later. I'm unclear on the exact reason if it, and if you're going to be even that irreverent, feels like you might want to just wildly reorder the whole thing for the audience anyway.)
I think Digital Eclipse’s counter overall would be that I probably want something more verbose and detailed which wouldn’t be as accessible, which isn't wrong. They might even argue that I'm basing my criticism on a hypothetical consumer who isn't even their intended audience! It's a hard line to ride, but I’d still argue that there’s a sense for storytelling in the curation here that’s missing--and I really don't want them to limit their audience because as critical as I might be, I love this series already and I want it to go on forever.
So yes, this is still the exact kind of thing I want to be released and if it’s opening up people to learning more about Jeff Minter and Llamasoft on their own time then I think it’s brilliant. I just think that anyone who picks this up who isn't already steeped in this era needs to be a bit forgiving and skip past all the ropey old games after looking at them for a couple of minutes tops and just enjoy reading the text and watching the videos until they get to the good stuff, so consider this fair warning before you buy it (because you should buy it.)
I mean if you only want this to play Tempest 2000 (and Llamatron 2112, actually) there’s nowt wrong with that, and that’s already worth the money.
Will I ever play it again? I’m still working through it!
Final Thought: I will, of course, be playing every game on this, and although I won’t be giving every Llamasoft release a full post, I have at least started with a write-up of each of the games in "The Early Years", as an introduction to the kind of things you’d be playing if you pick this up (and which sadly explains why you probably won’t want to play most of them... it gets better by the time you get to The Hairy Years, and significantly). If you want to read it, it's a supporter-only post over at my ko-fi. I suppose saying that makes my usual please subscribe stinger a bit pointless but let's hammer the point home why not. Support Every Game I’ve Finished on ko-fi! You can pick up a digital copy of exp. 2600, a zine featuring all-exclusive writing at my shop, or join as a supporter at just $1 a month and get articles like this a week early.
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triple-u-vvv · 1 year
yeah, I guess I’ll hop on the bandwagon
Newsies characters as things me and my friends (and cast of our production) have said or done! I might end up adding a few drawings, too.
Jack: I don’t know who John Smith was, but from my research he’s either a YouTuber or a wrestler.
Snyder: this show would end a lot quicker if we gave Jack a gun.
Henry and Jack: (testing theories about Snyder being able catch Jack if he was on heelies)
Race: (finds old rat costume in an old prop bin) IMA FURRY!
Jack: Albert got possessed by Cthulhu last night.
Crutchie: really?
Davey: yeah, we got the entire thing on video. He walked out of the downstairs bathroom with shreds of toilet paper all over his face.
Jack: he kidnapped Race after that.
Mush: I have an accordion that’s two times as big as me, and it’s marinating in the dining room.
Les: hola! Soy Les! Can you say ‘Les knows where you live’?
Finch, during rehearsals: whatever you do, DONT go into room 105. That’s where the boys are. Go into 107 instead, even though it gives off a creepy aura.
Albert: (becomes Michael Jackson during choreo)
Crutchie: (uses his crutch as a machine gun constantly, Jack and Albert play along and it ends up turning into a fake fight scene in rehearsals)
Specs: look, Jojo! A type writer!
Jojo: (genuinely panicking about the aforementioned typewriter hitting him in the head)
Romeo: Is your type emo girls?
Sarah: what is that?
Katherine: it says ‘man scent’.
Sarah: (smells the candle) that doesn’t smell good. And if I out of all people say that something smells bad, take no chances.
Spot: ok, who’s here?
Spot: I didn’t know how I didn’t expect that.
Oscar: I will not hesitate to punch you if you do that one more time
Jack: da horse’s name was Friday!
Jack: (talking about horses) ok. What’s this thing called?
Crutchie: that’s a bit.
Jack: wow. How did you know that?
Crutchie: oh, I don’t know, maybe because you annoy me with this crap all of the time and point out every inaccuracy in every movie and every game?! JUST LET ME ENJOY ZELDA IN PEACE.
Les: can I use a swear word?
Race: sure, fine by me.
Les: (says a word that’s only on the verge of being a swear)
Race: you know what, you’re too innocent.
Romeo: we should buy those matching jackets. We can be like those football guys from high school musical!
Katherine: DONT BE A MAN!!!!
Davey: I cant smile.
Sarah: well, what are you waiting for? Give it your best shot.
Davey: (awkwardly grins)
Les: not gonna lie, you look like you’re being held at gunpoint.
Finch: today, I dislocated my right buttcheek
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chocominnie · 3 years
One Last Time 01  —  Pjm. (M)
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, Exbf!Jimin, model!reader, sad au, fluff, tons of smut, angst
⇢ Synopsis: Your idol ex boyfriend Jimin cheated on you. You two have been broken up for a while now and the media has been keeping track of you and him. You’re trying to get over him, but the things that happen inbetween makes you re-think the entire breakup, and so does Jimin…
⇢ Song : xxxxx
⇢ Word Count : 4.3k
⇢ Warnings: dominant jimin, makeout sessions, this is honestly a sad angsty au, cheating, pregnancy, unprotected and protected sex, a bunch of sex, no really a LOT of sexual themes too, I know I’m forgetting some but sorry in advance!
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Authors note: This is my mini series for the summer! Get your tissues, things to take your anger out on, and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Shall we begin?
The winter’s coldness is hardly enough for you to bear. Even though it’s just the beginning, Seoul is known to just go from season to season without a fucking warning. Not only that, but the first snowfall is going to come soon. The weatherman has been talking about it non-stop for the past few days. It’s going to be a brutal one he says but he says that every year so why believe?
Turning off your alarm, you take a few minutes to collect yourself and stretch. Barely any sleep once again but that’s an everyday thing now.. without Jimin. It’s been some rough months not having his body wrapped snugly onto yours. These days you long for his touch, but completely dread at the same time for very good reasons.
Your kitten greets you with small licks on your thigh in which in return you pet her head softly with a smile.
‘‘ At least I still have you babygirl. You keep me company. “ You coo softly while grabbing your phone off the charger. Texts from your best-friend just spamming you with love and apparently she’s coming over. Great. That’s normal.  But one text catches your eye. Jeon Jungkook.
You furrow your eyebrows as your finger slides to open it after typing in your password. In relief, he’s just checking up on you as always. Rolling your eyes, you muster enough strength to actually pull yourself out of bed. The cold tiles hit your feet like icicles. You jump from from foot to foot cursing yourself for not turning on the floor heaters as you walk out the room. Clara, your kitten, follows you out purring nonchalantly with a few meows here and there.
‘’ Alright Clara I hear you. Im getting your food now.’’ You chuckle, grabbing her food from the bottom kitchen cabinet right under the sink and pour her half a cup of cat food and a whole bowl of water.
After snacking on your morning granola bar you prepare yourself for your morning routine. Shower, brush teeth, skin care, get dressed, clean. Your phone dings once more just before stripping yourself of your clothes. You don’t bother to look it’s probably just a social media notification.
Drying your hair with a towel as you get out the steaming hot shower, you head straight for the mirror. Dark circles remain under your eyes from months of barely any sleep. You sigh, and gently rub under them. Jimin is the cause of this. Why would he do this to you. Surely enough he would not like to see you like this at all. The worriedness he would have over you is huge. But he has moved on and you just have to accept it no matter how in-love you still are with him.
As you clean up around the living room, another ding from your phone occurs. A groan escapes your lips as you place the pillows back as they should be. In hopes of it just being your manager giving you some good news, you let out a sigh and plop yourself down on the grey suede couch. Three new messages. Jeon Jungkook, who has text you twice, and Ryan your bestfriend. 
‘‘ Damn it Ryan why must you consistently text me twenty four sev- “
“ Beause I need to know if you’re okay.”
You jump and drop your phone onto the hardwood floor from the voice that comes from around you.
“ Holy fucking shit you scared me! “  You whine, turning around to face your best-friend. She smiles and holds out her arms for a hug. You roll your eyes and open yours waiting for her embrace.
“ Oh i’ve missed you so so so so so so so-”
“ You just seen me yesterday..” Your voice sarcastic and bland as you let go of her. You sit on the couch first followed by Ryan sitting right next to you.
She looks good today, the navy blue coat she has on suits her very well. Although, you cannot figure out why she decided to wear leggings today. It’s going to rain a bit later but you disregard that seeing as though she’s the fashion deisgner and not you.
You. The model and seemingly ex girlfriend of one of the biggest solo idol in the world right now. Thats what they call you in the news, headlines in magazines, and real life as if you don’t have a real name and just was his acessory. Your modeling career had taken off way before dating him. The world, or Seoul to say the most, didn’t acklowledge you to that point yet. 
“ Okay but still. You know we should be roomates. It’ll be easier for me to watch over you. “
Your head turns towards her quickly shaking no, “ I don’t need to be looked over im 20 years old.”
Silence takes place for the next few seconds. You know what she’s going to say next but pray she doesn’t. Those words will just make you even more upset. It’s already enough you have that constant reminder in your head. 
You watch her fiddle with the rings on her index and pinky fingers. “ But you know… you haven’t been the same since you and Jimi-”
“ Don’t fucking say it. I don’t want to hear it.”
She sighs harshly and stands up, “ Im just worried about you Yn”
“ Don’t be. Im fine. “ That lie escaped your tongue way too easily. 
Truthfully you haven’t and won’t be fine. Everyday there is something new about that girl and Jimin on twitter. Gossip pages, twitter fanpages, and online entertainment pages just always talking about them. They did this, they did that today. Oh we caught them going to this and that restaurant. That used to be you and him.. but now everyone has forgotten about you and focused on them.
Ever since you’ve told reporters and paparazzi repeatedly that you will not be holding or going to any interview they just stopped. A few calls here and there to your manager about scheduling one but she knew you didn’t want to do them so every request is denied. Although its been a year and some change, they still seem to want your side and your opinion to weigh in on. I guess that’s what happens when you date an Idol.
“ The door.. Y/N the door somebody is at the door.” Ryan says, tapping you over and over. You shake your head interrupting your thoughts for the time being. A few more knocks come through.
Finally up onto your feet you harshly walk to the door with each step making noise. It’s to early in the morning for someone to actually be knocking at the door right now. Whoever it is better be dropping off some sort of package, or they’ll surely get a piece of your mind.
Your frail hands grab onto the doorknob and swing it open. Your eyes almost pop through your sockets. How? How did he know you were here? You certainly did not tell him your knew address.
There he stands, his tall frame looking down on you. Lips formed into a tiny pout along with his eyebrows scrunched slightly. His brown eyes forming an ungodly stare into yours with his specs on.
“ Yn! Do you know how worried I was about you? Why did you not answer my messa-”
“Jungkook how do you know where I live?” You pace your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him. To your knowledge, you never gave Jungkook your new apartment address.
Jungkook swallows slowly and puts on his best innocent face on. Oh please like that would work in this moment right now. The only person who has this address is Ryan because she’s the one who helped you move. Even if you had the choice of not giving it out to Ryan you would of but you couldn’t do that to her. She would of been so upset.
Ryan’s voice blares in the background full of excitement. Here we fucking go. “Jungkook! Come in Come in.”
“ Ryan says I could come in.” He says quickly, brushing past you and removing his shoes.
You heavily sigh and slam the door shut. What is this a family reunion? On your way back to the couch you notice them laughing and giggling like two five year old children. They don’t even notice you when you sit right across from them.
You study their expressions. Their chemistry is something so strong. The way their eyes light up when they meet, the way that Jungkook smiles and scrunches his nose more often when she’s around. You miss that. You miss doing that.
“ So are you both coming along this afternoon?”
Your attention focuses back on them. Of course you weren’t paying attention once again.
Your eyes slowly meet with theirs, “ Huh? Where are we going?”
“ Kookie finally bought a house! He wants us to come tonight for chicken and beer. You’re coming right?”
A sharp pain goes through your heart. If the both you you guys go then theirs a possibility that Jimin was invited too. After all, that is his brother. If Jimin comes then he’s most likely going to bring Isabel. A recipe for disaster. Your poor heart, that most likely could not bare the sight of them infront of you, would shatter into a million pieces.
Jungkook’s expression is ready to burst into happiness or to turn into a pout awaiting for your answer. If you let him down he’ll surely be mad at you. But putting yourself before him this time would be the right thing to do right?
“ Listen Jungkook I.. don’t think I can go.” You start off, playing with your hair with your head down.
“ I’ll space you two apart.”
Your face automatically lifts itself up in shock. Somehow, that little confirmation of Jimin being there, gave you some hope. Hope for what though?
 “ Wha-what do you mean?”
Jungkook sighs heavily with his hand going up to his brown hair running it through lightly. “ I’ll make sure you two are distanced apart. You don’t want to come because of Jimin but I’ll make sure I’ll invite more people to keep you company and away from him. Okay?”
“ Please Yn. I’ll be there too.” Ryan begs, laying her head on Jungkook’s shoulder. Jungkook smiles a little, caressing her cheek with his other hand upon waiting your response.
Weird. When did they get so close?
The first thing you want to say is that you really could not go. But they already know the excuse now. You might as well just give in.
‘‘ Fine. What time tonight? “
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Skincare and makeup products are scattered everywhere on your vanity. You needed the perfect look for tonight that says ‘Yes im doing fine without you’, but in reality you’re doing worse. This is the night where you’ll actually see him. Damn it’s been a while.
After you apply your highlight you step back and take a look at yourself. Not bad at all. You smile to yourself and start cleaning up the mess of products you had  distributed across the vanity. A new text appears on you phone as soon as you gather everything up and put it back in it’s place. Grabbing your phone, it’s Ryan giving you the address to Jungkook’s new house.
You sigh and mentally prepare yourself, ‘‘ Okay Yn. You can do this. It’s just one night of conversing among people. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone new.”
Before heading out you grab your coat and scarf. Clara follows you all the way to the door letting out her little meows once again. You bend down to pet her head lightly with a smile. “ Clara im coming back. I’ve put food in your bowl babygirl.”
She purrs under your touch then walks away to settle herself in her bed. You take one last final look at your decent sized apartment before heading out.
The subway ride was agonizing pain for you due to it being 30 minutes long. Well, at-least you can ride the subway now. Your mind wouldn’t even of thought of that when you were with him. Everybody would have noticed you and bombard you with questions.
The outskirts of Seoul is peaceful and quite. Not many people live over here. Mostly famous actors and idols. The taxi takes a few minutes to get to the fairly clean subway station. Once you’re inside you take a good look at the driver who seems to be eyeing you in suspicion. You pull out your phone and read the words to the address exactly to him. The taxi man pulls of into the empty streets of god knows where.
All it took was a ten minute ride and then you’re there. The taxi man pulls up to a security guard booth. Just beyond the gates is more street but  by squinting your eyes you can make out just a few newly built houses.
‘‘ Who are you here to see?” The taxi driver says.
“ Jeon Jungkook.?
The driver talks to the man for a few seconds before you see the security guard pick up a phone and start dialing. The security is extremely uptight, thats good. After a few moments of speaking the security guard finally opens the gates to be let through.
As you pull up to the house you’re automatically mesmerized on how big and beautiful it is. There’s fresh bushes and some white roses growing in the front of it complementing the white modern style home. The roundabout is full of luxurious cars, in which might be all the other guests.
‘‘ 10 dollars’‘ He says. You give him the ten, thank him, and grab your purse, closing the door behind you.
Your eyes meet face to face with the expensive house. Behind you is the tire wheels backing up and running off back down the roundabout. The time on your watch reads 8:15. Only fifteen minutes late, not bad right?
With each step you take fear quivers inside of you. What if he opens the door? What if that girl opens it instead? The wind blows harsh-fully hitting your cheeks making them turn slightly colored. You raise a small, shaky fist to knock on the door. Your blood turning cold, and face turning pale already. Your anxiety already taking its place inside of your body.
The door swings open revealing Ryan smiling from ear to ear. She pulls you inside without even a greeting. You kick your shoes off in a hurry as she pulls you more and more inside. Scanning the area around you, its a nice huge place. First the both of you pass the entrance, then the chef sized kitchen, which then leads you to the spacious living room where everybody seems to be sitting.
All eyes are on you now with some familiar faces and some not. They smile and greet you one by one and you slightly bow your head with a fake smile.
‘‘ Ah Yn, nice to see you again huh.’‘ Hoseok, the smiley one says, getting up from his seat to greet you once more.
‘‘ Nice to see you to Hoseok. Is Chae-Yeon here? I’ve baked the cookies she likes.’’  You say, holding up the big tuba-wear of freshly baked cookies. Nobody can resist those.
‘‘ No she had to work sadly, but I will enjoy them for her.’‘ He chuckles, bringing the tuba-wear out of your dainty, cold hands.
A very familiar voice booms from behind you causing you to turn around. “ Yn! You actually did come!’’ Jungkook, the owner of the voice exclaims. He wipes his hands with a napkin just before pulling you into a hug.You pat his back just before letting go.
Ryan smiles and shakes her head, “ I told you she would come.’’
Only one hour and 30 minutes into the festivities and half of the people here are drunk or nearly there. You on the other hand do not drink at all. Staying sober throughout this whole party is a must. Who knows what would happen if you start drinking and saying things.Ryan seems to be doing good with Jungkook who’s laying on the floor laughing and cracking jokes with her head laying on his stomach giggling along with him. The others have casually invited themselves into the guest game-room to play some pool.
You just sit there on the couch, munching on a cookie and smiling and laughing here and there at one of Seokjin and Jungkook’s back-to-back jokes that seem to never leave the air.
Only for a knock on the door to interrupt  their flow of jokes.
‘‘ I got it I got it.” Seokjin stammers, placing a beer bottle down and stumbling towards the door. You freeze, face turning pale once more. It’s them. It could be them. Your teeth find their way to your lips and you begin to chew on it excessively.
Ryan notices it and automatically gets up from Jungkook, ‘‘ Come Yn, lets go see if the game of pool is interesting.’‘
You nod your head slightly as you get up from the couch. What are you worrying for? You look extravagant tonight. No need to worry yourself.
Just before taking your first few steps you stop, that voice. That oh so familiar voice begins to inch closer and closer. The famous laugh that he always tries to stifle by putting his hand over his mouth, that you’ve always thought was so fucking cute, fills the air.
You don’t know what got over you, but you sit back down dragging Ryan down with you. “ Yn? What are you doing I thought you wanted to avoid him.’’
‘’ No it’s okay. Im going to be fine.’‘ You say, awaiting upon his arrival into the room.
The footsteps are haunting you with each step they take.
‘‘ Everyone, Isabel and Jimin are here.’‘ Seokjin stammers, smiling wide clearly drunk from all the beer consumed.
Your eyes go directly towards his. The pit of your stomach flutters with nervousness as you hold the long stare with him. His facial expression shocked but not showing it at all. His partner, who’s arm is linked with his, smiles brightly at everyone bowing her head slightly to them including you.
‘‘ Sorry we are late. Jimin didn’t want to come out of his home studio but I’ve made him come along with me.’‘ Her voice gentle and soft.
‘‘ Yn I forgot let me show you my new painting i have received.” Jungkook says quickly, trying to escape you from the awkwardness.You can bare it though its not as bad as you thought.
‘‘ Maybe later Kookie. I’m going to grab some juice.”  You say, getting up from your spot. You brush past Jimin lightly with Ryan tailing along with you.
The spacious kitchen was perfect for you to escape for just a moment. Silence is golden. Ryan sighs, pouring you and her a glass of juice. Nothing is to be said yet. But you know she really wants to have her input.
Raising the glass to your lips, you take a sip letting the tanginess run across your tongue and down your throat. ‘’ Say it Ryan.’’
She puts her cup down and looks at you with your eyebrows furrowed, ‘’ You aren’t fine. Please just avoid them for the night.’’
You knew it was coming but you have to face the fact that they area couple anyways so why avoid it? Maybe your mind will finally accept it to see it in person.
‘‘ I have to face it one way or another so why not now?’‘
She shakes her head in disapproval, finishing the rest of her juice. “ No you don’t. You’re making yourself suffer and I don’t like it.’’
‘‘ Yn.. did you make these cookies?’‘ A voice says behind you. Ryan’s eyes go wide and then looks at you signaling for you to not turn around. But you do it anyways.
Isabel. How dare she call you by a pet name? You don’t even know her like that and she’s doing this. Anger wants to get the best of you but you remain humble and calm.
‘‘ Yes. Is there a problem though? Are they not good?’‘ You say, putting on your best innocent act.
She smiles as she moves a piece of hair of her perfectly framed face, ‘’ No they are great! I was wondering if i can have the recipe.. for Jimin’s purpose of course.’’
You breathe through your nostrils with your eyes closed. She knows what she’s doing. She likes seeing you suffer huh? ‘’ You can follow any recipe online. I just add almond extract and substitute white sugar for brown.’’
Ryan shakes her head slightly while sticking her cup into the sink. ‘’ I’m going to be back I have to use the restroom.’’
Once she leaves Isabel’s smile drops.’’ Almond? Im- Im allergic!” She says, semi yelling at you. You’re shocked more or so at the sudden outburst that you can’t speak. You had zero knowledge of her being allergic, it’s an accident for sure.
 “You did this on purpose!’’ She says, tears filling her eyes as she goes into a coughing fit.
Shit. You didn’t know if anyone was allergic to nuts here but you had put it in anyways because that was the secret ingredient
‘’ I- I didn’t know im sorry is there anything I can do?’’ You say, guilt taking over you while you rush to her side patting her back. 
‘‘ Get off of me! You did this on purpose! You never liked me anyways. Jimin! Jimin!‘ She scream’s, coughing and wheezing making her face red.
Multiple footsteps rush into the kitchen. You don’t know what to do at this point so you just back away and let whoever take over. All the commotion going on and yelling is starting to give you a slight headache. All of the boys surround her, bombarding with questions and asking each other what to do. 
‘‘ What’s all the yelling about? What happened! “ Jungkook exclaims rushing towards her hunched over body.
‘‘ What’s going on? “ That voice that haunts you everynight finally comes inside the kitchen. When he see’s Isabel he automatically rushes towards her side. It pains you to see him rush to another woman’s body. But that figure is no longer yours so he has every right to do that.
‘‘ She-She put almond in the cookies on purpose! She’s trying to–to-’‘ She manages to wheeze out before another coughing fit.
Jimin’s eyes meet yours full of rage but then taken over by concern. He knows your hurt. Still hurt from the past and from this very situation now. You don’t manage to keep eye contact, so the floor is your eyes’ bestfriend right now.
‘‘ Yn. is this true? Why would you do that?”  He says, eyes never leaving yours and voice soft.
You shake your head quickly, “ I didn’t know she was allergic. I always put almond extract an-’’
“ You knew better than to put any type or form of nut in a dish when bringing it to ones house. You never know if someone has an allergy to it.’‘ Jungkook scolds you, eyes furrowed in shame.
‘‘ Don’t blame her. She didn’t fucking know.” Ryan’s voice enters the room in madness. She comes to your side with her arms crossed. Your own personal savior. Without her, you’d still be feeling guilty and taking the blame.
‘‘ Besides, you knew better than to invite him if you knew he was going to bring the girl he cheated on her with.. right?’‘ She says, cocking her head to the side as her attitude takes over.
The room is silent again. Good girl Ryan. 
Isabel lifts her head in disbelief along with Jimin. “ Listen that’s beside the point. Just don’t do it again.” Jimin says, focusing his attention back on Isabel. He reaches into her purse to grab her Epi-pen.
His scolding is enough to send your eyes into tears. You shouldn’t of agreed to come. This is a disaster. You take the tuba-wear of cookies from the counter on your way out of the kitchen and dispose of them. Your vision is blurry and you don’t know where your going but you just need some air. You make lefts and rights down long and short hallways till you reach a room that has a balcony.
You slip on who-ever’s house slippers and open the sliding door revealing the winter’s cold harsh air. You lean on the railing and close your eyes breathe in and out heavily.
Wiping the tears away, You open our eyes and look straight ahead. The whole city is lit up such a beautiful view for a sad moment. The sad moment is cut short by the sliding door opening and closing. You don’t bother to turn around it’s probably just Ryan checking on you again. When are people going to stop doing that?
“ Yn.”
Thats the last voice you wanted to hear.
‘‘ Are you happy? Happy for scolding me infront of everybody.”  You sniffle, wiping away your leaking nose.
You hear some rustling before something is placed on your shoulders. You look down at the material and shrug it off of you.
‘‘ Give it to your girlfriend.”
‘‘ I can’t let you be cold. Put it back on.’‘ He sighs, picking it back up and coming closer to you. You both stand side by side. Jimin puts his jacket around you once more and before you could re-do your action just before, he speaks.
‘‘ Shrug it off again and I’ll scold you. Do you understand?’‘ He says firmly.
You don’t bother to speak. Silence is golden.
‘‘ Listen.. i know you still aren’t over the fact that we are through but-”
‘‘ Shut up. I don’t want to hear it. Please go tend to your dying girlfriend.’‘ You say, sarcastically.
He huffs, “ She’s resting right now. She wouldn’t have to be if you wouldn’t of put-’’
You turn towards him slowly and meet his eyes daring for him to finish the rest of his sentence. ‘’ Don’t you fucking dare Park Jimin.’’
‘‘ Honorifics.’‘ He says, slightly looking down at you due to the height difference.
‘‘ You’re right Jimin-ssi.’‘
Jimin’s expression is taken a-back. You knew that one honorific word would hurt him.
‘‘ If we are done speaking I will take my leave now.” You say, eyes never leaving his as you take off his jacket and toss it to him, leaving him outside in the cold
This night was one of your worst mistakes. You thought you could handle it, but couldn’t. So maybe Ryan and Jungkook were right. Maybe you can’t handle it at all..
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mirrorofliterature · 3 years
expanding on the reyna avila ramirez-arellano point: why she reads aro to me, a post
first of all, I think the way that rick riordan made this revelation was incredibly distasteful and hurtful to the legions of w|w pjo fans and people who saw reyna as w|w. I respect people headcanoning reyna as sapphic and think that theyna is an excellent ship with much potential. that said, textually, what reyna says in the book itself reads [to me] as a lack of romantic attraction, not necessarily sexual attraction. it frustrated me when rick one: confirmed that reyna was ace on twitter after a half-botched execution attempt with a dig at fans who like sapphic reyna and two: that it did not match with what he had written in the tyrant’s tomb.
let’s get into the textual analysis! this got long, so I added a read-more. again, this is my subjective take. all aphobes will be blocked.
‘Venus took one look at me and decided... I don’t know. I was broken.’
I would like to hone in on word sentence in particular: I was broken. This is a common a-spec experience. It is untrue. Not experiencing a particular type of attraction does not make you broken. Damn anyone who says otherwise.
‘I needed romantic healing. Whatever. I wasn’t back at camp a full day before the whispering started. Nobody would admit that they knew, but they knew. The looks I got: Oh, poor Reyna. The innocent suggestions about who I should date.’
There is a focus throughout Reyna’s conversations with Apollo regarding her feelings on being uncomfortable about being pressured into a romantic relationship. Lack of sexual attraction is, comparatively, not as heavily implied in the text (word of God aside: I’m just a humble ex-literature student performing ‘death of the author’).
‘The thing is,’ she continued, ‘I’m not broken.’
Good for her! I do like this part. The remainder of the scene where Reyna rejects Apollo, whilst funny, is kind of beside the point because all it demonstrates is that Reyna is not interested in Apollo in particular. Moving on:
‘But the whole time I’ve been a leader here,’ she forged on, ‘I was looking for a partner. Praetors often partner up. In power. But also romantically. I mean. I thought Jason. Then for a hot minute Percy Jackson. Gods help me, I even considered Octavian.’ She shuddered. ‘Everybody was always trying to ship me with somebody. Thalia. Jason. Gwen. Even Frank. Oh, you’d be perfect together! That’s who you need! But I was never really sure if I wanted that, or if I just felt like I was supposed to want it. People, well-meaning, would be like, Oh, you poor thing. You deserve somebody in your life. Date him. Date her. Date whoever. Find your soul mate.’
This is almost textbook amatonormativity: the societal pressure that Reyna describes here matches our society’s constant expectation that everyone will couple up and be with someone romantically (side-eyes the ‘love is love’ campaign which reduces queerness to one thing, ignoring some a-spec people and trans straight people). If it wasn’t for how Rick was shooting sapphic fans in the back, this would be textbook perfect aro representation. Look at what she emphasises, repeats: she doesn’t want a relationship, she doesn’t want romance. This suggests aromanticism, to me. Not asexuality, although the two can be intertwined. Personally, I don’t think we are really given enough information to conclude on whether Reyna is asexual or not (as she emphasises not needing/desiring a romantic partner), with nothing telling us, really, her thoughts on sex. We do have word of god, though! A blessed tweet. The absolute pinnacle of ace representation, really.
‘But you showed me. When you proposed dating...’ She took a deep breath, her body shaking with silent giggles. ‘Oh, gods. I saw how ridiculous I’d been. How ridiculous the whole situation was. That’s what healed my heart - being able to laugh at myself again, at my stupid eyes about destiny. That allowed me to break free - just like Frank broke free of his firewood. I don’t need another person to heal my heart. I don’t need a partner... at least, not until and unless I’m ready on my own terms. I don’t need to be force-shipped with anyone or to wear anybody’s label. For the first time in a long time, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. So thank you.’
Reyna: I don’t need a partner. Me: sounds aro to me! I will concede that this line in particular:
at least, not until and unless I’m ready on my own terms.
does leave the door open for Reyna later figuring out her sapphic identity, away from the pressures of amatonormativity. Amatonormativity is a force that kind of falls alongside heteronormativity but also expands beyond it: it’s not about pressuring people to comply to a m/f romantic relationship, but to a monogamous romantic relationship that fits societal expectations (whilst it is often mentioned in conversations regarding a-spec ppl, I suspect it is also a key issue for polyamorous ppl). Maybe she’s arospec, or demi. But again, that’s pure speculation. Romantic orientation is fluid. In the text, in the moment, Reyna reads as aro to me. This could change. But (at least the mere idea) that she lacks romantic attraction should be respected, should be acknowledged. Just as much as sapphic Reyna headcanons should be (after all, I’m just inferring from the text).
Anyway, I interpret Reyna as aromantic and there is nothing you can do to stop me (except by throwing the occasional theyna fic in my face). Rick did not go around this the right way, by spitting in the face of sapphic fans. But the accidental rep? Well, at the least the sentences are good.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 2 Here!/ Part 3 Here! / Playlist Here!
* Sorry guys but this mans been living in my head rent free
* So the first time you see Satoru it’s with those black specs he likes to wear and you get a glance at those GORGEOUS eyes
* He meets your eyes for a second before looking away, it’s the briefest of interactions
* But your heart is racing and you can feel the familiar heat of attraction starting to lap at your face
* ‘He looks just like a prince’ you think
* You find out pretty fast the ‘prince’ similarities stop at appearance
* “Ah it’s not my fault you’re so weak~” You hear him say with the princely smile as he teases Utahime
* It looks like he’s held something so high she can’t reach it
* “Try your best, if you drink plenty of milk I’m sure you’ll be tall enough one day~” he says before laughing with that same princely face
* “You shouldn’t pick on those that are weaker than you” Geto intervenes, somehow making the entire situation worse
* You watch as Gojo laughs
* You’re starting to think he might be the real curse you need to exorcise
* You continue watching him as Utahime tries to kick him in the crotch
* “You silly girl, did you forget there’s an infinity between us?” Cue Gojo’s “A-hahahahaha” laugh
* Yeah, he’s definitely a demon
* You keep your distance, Gojo’s beautiful and all, but you’re not dumb, you’ve heard about the Satoru clan.
* “Hey Geto-Kun, who do you think would win in a fight me or a lion?”
* Besides that guy is way too reckless, you’d rather not get all mixed up in that if you can help it
* You watch as Satoru takes his shirt off, his well defined chest glistening
* Still, you’re grateful for the show
* Little do you know the famous Gojo Satoru has taken note of you as well
* Naturally given his ability he notices everyone, but he especially takes note of you
* It’s not because you stand out, quite the opposite
* You blend into the background easily, supporting others when needed
* But not to the degree where you unable to defend yourself, or you’re sacrificing your own life for someone else
* He grins
* Looks like he found something interesting
* You’re at the vending machine eyes racking over the drink selection
* But there’s another thirst quenching sight right next to you, their hand resting on the vending machine, that princely smile aimed right at you-
* “So what do you say?” Satoru asks, and you start to wonder if that princely smile seems just a bit wolfish “Do you want to be my lover?”
* You’re kind of annoyed
* What an impetuous question, you can count on one hand how many times you’ve spoken to each other, and you only need both hands to count the words said in each of those encounters
* “No”
* You turn your attention back to your drink choices, it’s pleasant weather so you don’t want anything hot.
* Anything carbonated is out of the-
* Gojo moves closer, peering into your face with that grin
* Ugh does he have to stand so close
* “Why ‘no’? I know you think I’m attractive”
* “I also think you’re a womanizer with a god complex”
* And really why shouldn’t he be?
* He’s probably the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen in your life, not to add the sheer power he contains in that body of his
* But just as he has the right to be a womanizer with a god complex, you have the right not to take part in that narrative
* He backs away, leaning back against the wall
* So he’s not going to deny it
* Well, at least he’s somewhat self aware
* Those clear blue eyes catch yours again, and you have to fight against every human instinct from showing any human reaction
* You turn back to the vending machine making your selection when a smile lilts onto his mouth
* “Friends then”
* “Just colleagues” you reply, grabbing your drink
* But as you walk by you push a canned beverage into his chest.
* It’s a can of green tea
* It’s his favorite drink
* He looks to you seeing a bottle glinting in your hand
* So you didn’t sacrifice your own thirst, but you also didn’t ignore his needs
* He feels that same wolffish grin curl onto his mouth
* “What an entertaining person”
* After that if you’re anywhere within a 50 feet radius of him he’ll go out of his way to get your attention
* “Oh wow, looking especially radiant this morning (Y/N/N)” he’ll say with a playful seductive wink
* When you don’t respond he tries annoying you instead
* “Ah you can’t reach that? Here let me-” and then he’ll proceed to hold it even further out of your reach
* He’s expecting you to jump up and down, or at least give some sort of response but you just walk away
* Well that wasn’t what he expected
* He feels that grin spread across his face again
* Very interesting
* His attraction to you is pretty shallow
* He’s interested you because you’re entertaining
* And you’re entertaining because you aren’t interested
* Which only makes him that much more interested in you
* Its a paradox
* You watch him flounder around, annoying Utahime for a giggle
* Well it doesn’t matter anyway, you know how he is, he’ll get bored soon enough and lose all interest in you
* He’s not the strongest {f*ckboy} for nothing
* You see him turn to meet your gaze, offering a boyish smile and a wink
* You make sure not to give any reaction, turning to listen to something Shoko is telling you
* You hope he can’t sense the twinge of heat you feel on your face
* You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find the attention a little flattering
* I think for the most part you’re right, Satoru is mostly playing around-
* At least at first.
* You’re just something new and fun no one knows about, and wildly entertaining since you never respond the way he thinks you will
* You’re kind, but not at the expense of yourself, and he likes that
* Besides you’ve got this quite sort of consideration for others-
* It’s not flashy, it’s so subtle most people hardly notice
* It’s in the way you bring an extra snack for Utahime when she’s running herself ragged training
* “They were having a two for one special”
* Or the way you’ll get your teacher a plushie you saw at a shop at the station because you know he needs more
* “I just thought it was cute, but I haven’t got any room for another one”
* You’re quiet, someone who hears things and she’s things, but never says anything about them
* A wallflower
* But you’re not weak
* There’s something about those two things put together in the same person that entertains him to no end. Like a paradox or a puzzle he can’t seem to solve no matter how hard he tries
* Satoru’s had at least a hundred lovers, and a great many of them had provided him with their own brand of kindness and consideration
* But he’s never felt something as warm as when he see’s a lunch box in his dorm after he hobbles back from a mission that lasted a little longer than expected
* He peers at the note attached, it’s not even signed but he knows it’s from you
* “I know you think you’re god or whatever, but even gods have to eat”
* He doesn’t know why, but he’s overcome with the urge to cry
* He gulps hard- it’s not like this a lunch you made by hand or anything, it’s just something from the convenience store
* And it’s not like this note is particularly affectionate or special either, he’s gotten entire love letters from his previous lovers
* So he’s not sure why he saves your note, placing it behind a picture frame where only he’ll know it is , or why he thinks that convenience store lunchbox is the most delicious thing he’s ever had
* Even though he knows he cares about you, and that he’s grown quite fond of you -
* I don’t think it clicks for him
* And part of that is because well, he’s Gojo Satoru
* He collects lovers like some people collect photographs or memories
* They serve their purpose, and he lets himself be entertained by pretending all the feelings are real, and then he moves on to the next one
* It’s just what he’s used to
* And this whole paradox you two have going on could go on for a few years until something finally shifts
* He went a little too far with one his half-flirting-half-tormenting pranks
* And for the first time you give him a reaction, it’s only for a second, but annoyance and anger mar you face
* And then just like that, it’s gone and you turn and walk off in the other direction
* Sh*t.
* He went too far didn’t he?
* It should be fine right? You’re not too mad at him right? You’ll get over it-
* Right?
* But for the next few days you don’t speak to him, and you don’t make eye contact
* It bothers him more than it should
* Normally he would be annoyed that his toy would have the gall to blatantly ignore him like this-
* But this is different than that.
* He’s-
* He’s feeling regret
* He shouldn’t have acted that way to you, maybe if he had just done something differently, or said something differently-
* It’s not like the way things were between you two was ideal or anything,
* But at least then you would at least speak to him
* ... and every once in while he would get to see you smile
* It’s never at him, it’s mostly when you’re with Shoko or Utahime
* Occasionally when you’re with Nanami or Geto, who you’ve been talking to more recently
* He’s pretty sure you three are talking about him, just one day away from forming a “down with Gojo Satoru” club
* Still that smile when you laugh-
* The way you look so carefree and young and so full of life is worth all the slander in the world to him
* He needs to see that smile, to know something that wholesome and kind exists somewhere in this cruel world
* Satoru’s thinking about how to go about apologizing to you
* He’s caught between buying you a Lamborghini or buying you a special grade tool when he ends up running into you
* “Ah, could you help me with something?”
* He would quite literally give you the clothes on his back right now if you asked
* You stand up on a a chair holding a glass of water
* “Apparently this is supposed to help with concentration or something” You say pressing the glass full of water to the ceiling
* “Can you hold this broom?” You ask and Satoru nods, holding the broom handle steady as you make sure it’s pushed against the glass holding it steady
* You nod approvingly down at him
* The rest happens pretty fast, you’re off the chair, carrying it away
* “The broom is actually a special grade tool, so cursed energy won’t work on it”
* You grin
* “Have fun figuring how to get out of that Baka Prince!” You say with a laugh
* And Satoru is dumbfounded
* But not because you just pranked him into a holding up a glass of water with a broom
* But because as you were rushing away, you showed him your teasing grin
* It’s the first time you smiled at him
* And as he looks up at the glass of water, a smile slowly spreads across his face
* It’s not the wolffish smile he usually has when he’s around you, or the princely smile he uses when he’s trying to get something
* It’s a genuine smile
* Ah, so that’s it
* He’s fallen in love with you
* If you’re not the one entertaining him, then he’s just not interested
* Ah geez
* He was so focused on trying to get you to fall in love with him that he really didn’t see this coming
* Well he’ll have to start being serious about pursuing you now-
* Though for you to pull off something like this on him tells him you’re his ideal match without a doubt
* A wallflower with a mischievous streak, he likes that.
* He scratches his head with his free hand
* “I wonder how I’m supposed to get out of this?” He muses looking up at the glass full of water
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