#even though that is. technically not the one they sketched lmao. WHAT ARE THEY DOING.
bravevolunteer · 1 year
what is steel wool doing i'm scared
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mi-ni-me · 8 months
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Here are my first batch of sketches! I apologize if the text is very light or sloppy looking, when I’m drawing I’m not thinking of anyone reading but me lol! Below are text and translations as well as context.
1 + 2.) Simply wanted to draw bara Paps in my style but with daisy dukes, no I’m not going to apologize. (1.) Bara Papyrus aka BEEFCAKE)(2. Hood instead of scarf)(3. Daisy dukes)
3.) Small doodle* Money being a little shit n getting caught stealing Mutts (sf!red paps) cash, I hc Money being very skilled at pickpocketing and being able to get into almost anyone’s pockets without noticing, until recent moments..
4.) Small doodle*anotha one. No im just playin lol but just two swapfell Sans’ minding their business not much to say on this page considering it’s so empty! I do wanna say I used a ref for Maroons jacket cause I couldn’t for the life of me remember how exactly leather looked on paper, references are truly a blessing.
5+6.) Finally! A warm up doodle of Sans that turned into a skelesona spread🌚. In truth I always told myself I would never make one of these because of cringe, but let’s be honest this is a self insert tumblr how much lower can I get😂. All jokes aside I made this in inspiration to @absurdmageart ‘s fic Making a Monster bc that fic is SO GOOD!!!! Probably some of my favorite interpretations of some of the skeletons! Especially the swapfells, I feel like they never get enough love 💔. Anyways,, I decided to keep her with a human soul even though she’s technically a skelesona, I kinda wanted to pay homage to the fic (even though I can’t really remember if Lisa had a human soul or not it’s besides the point). She was obviously very shook when the transformation first took hold, but after a few days you can see she’s adjusting fine(especially when she finds out limbs are detachable and pain free~)(1.First day, Skelesona lmao, “oh god”, “Y’all look what I can do lol”, “Y-you guys?!”) (a lot of the stuff on this spread is just rambles and such so most can go ignored)
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ganondoodle · 6 months
Hello 👋
Swallowing my nerves at last to send you an ask! I was just wondering, what inspires your designs? Are their inspirations in stuff like movies or games? Or just things you come up with yourself?
i .. honestly its kinda hard to tell, sometimes i just randomly think of something, like some detail, or color combination and try to incorporate that into a design somehow; it can come from anywhere, like the color scheme of a pithaya/dragonfruit is something i have been wanting to make a design with for ages but havent come up with anything good in all those years ;O;
im a very easily fascinated by color, espeically in nature, like sometimes i just stop and stare at something like i froze in time bc i just woooooooooooooah color! i probably look like a weirdo doing that though
its really hard to pinpoint anything specifically, the most is probably .. other artists? i guess? which always makes me nervous bc my memory is shit in most areas of life and i worry myself to pieces whether i unintentionally "stole" an idea and just dont remember and think it was my own, it goes further that sometimes i see something that makes me want to draw a similar concept but dont bc i dont want to 'steal' even if that couldnt be further from my intention (have been accused of that before ..)
that said for my ocs specifically .. most are rather old and have just kinda evolved out of their awkward first iterations (shargons first iteration was a hauro-howl- copy that was really just some human covered in feathers .. another oc was once a hellboy copy but in green- havent drawn nor redeisgn them in ages lol), the biggest inspirations for them is a mix of animals, bonus if you dont see them often- im a big shark, whale and sea creatures in general nerd so i tend to take from them as a priority but always trying to be less directly animal and mostly just .. features that work together
Eadrya is one of the newer OCs- i started to write but then looked at my folders and oh they are from 2017 .., i even made a design timeline for them how much they, and my art, have changed back in 2020, so thats also way outdated now lol (they apparently started as a whale .. thing? its like a pokemon evolution lol)
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this is them now (i like this sketch still, though shargons design is now also outdated lmao)
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this ones from early 2023 so also outdated now but you get the point
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for demons i try to be a bit more wild on shapes and colors while still adhering to the rules of how they work (humanoid form, demon form, animalistic, one element each and more or less made to fit that, 4 arms is very common, look to be bost scary and wild but also something that would make you stop in tracks and stare in awe and fear if you crossed paths)
often times designs just kinda .. happen, i have maybe the idea ok i wanna make something with a white and red pattern also moose or those big horned cows are cool and kinda scary so maybe sth akin to that (though this one is technically a redesign too- its also pretty much entirely different)
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for non demons but still non human i go for a much more restrained design, mainly inspired directly by an animal and giving the color scheme a good spin, plus adding unconventional body shapes, like ki'ita is also a good example, her old idea was just orca anthro pirate and just by making the white green instead in her most recent redesign already adds that little spin to it
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that can have its pitfalls though, as i often fall into the big arm small head small legs scheme over and over xD
alot of it is trial and error, deciding on the colors can take me hours bc im always searching for my little rule of having one contrast color that shows up in very few places to draw attention to it (like with Eadrya its those bright yellow eyes and thingy at their tail)
and that is all about myy own ocs, when its fandom stuff it works kinda similar though, either in the connections i wanna draw or just thinking it further- like how deities in destiny work also just kinda .. happened like an ever derailing train
like for demise i was at first really just im gonna give him horns bc horns are cool and he got those on the starting mural in the game- so how his hair work? well maybe it isnt hair actually and just unbound energy, im making him a deity too and fit hylias design to his so, yeah, then so how does it work, ok he gotta have a skeleton still, but what if his entire actual body is made up of pure magical energy with its core in the ribcage? with the core in the ribcage >:3c and the scales you see are just like cooled down lava as an armor bc his thing is fire and earth !! the normal blood? is a thin layer of skin imiated from mortals to keep the scales together and flexible so if he ACTUALLY gets hurt hed bleed magic that looks more like lava and any normal blood you see is just the armor- so why does he have a skeleton still instead of being just energy? maybe its gotta be bound to something OH and what if all of the deities started as mortals like a mirror to the trio later on and the gods cannot have direct influence to the worlds so they needed a right hand that is neither god nor mortal but both by killing a mortal by whatever their element will be (demise burned, hylia drowned etc) and their skeleton and spirit is kept but put into a body of magic- OH what if their spirit core is like almost piloting their bodies like a mech in a way bc if youd look close youd see that every strand of magic is actual a hand of their spirit so it makes it more weird and other bc hed be able to reach out with thousands of burning claws of all shapes and sizes like the beheaded forest god at the end of mononoke- SO if hed lose and arm or something all those strands would untangle and rearrange his bones back together-OH MY GOD the whole armor idea works so well for ghirahims dark armor so what if demise had two swords once and lost one and since has forged an armor similar to his own for ghirahim out fo fear of losing him t---
and that all is a process that happens over several weeks and months not rarely while i am drawing something mindlessly and suddendly *have a thought* and omg that makes so much sense-
so "what" inspires my designs? an ever derailing train of thought about making cool thick monsters that arent the evil thing to get rid of for once? cool color schemes? idk it just kinda happens??
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A lot of replies! A bunch about a Florid Prison Warden AU comic from yesterday, a couple about other fandoms, one about antis, a bunch of shippy stuff (Falena/Leona, Lilia/Silver), some spicy stuff etc.
Anonymous asked:
Prison Warden au is back!
Yes!! After almost a year... I am amazed that so many people remember this AU. Thank you...
Anonymous asked:
How long can Floyd possibly hide Riddle in his cell? Also, how did he knock him out to begin with?
Riddle is currently far away from the prison, he was knocked out pretty much for the entirety of Floyd’s escape and has no idea where he is. He is technically in a cell right now... but in a different kind of cell.
Knocking him out wasn’t that difficult, Floyd just went ahead and squeezed him very tightly~ Until Goldfishie fell asleep...
Anonymous asked:
So what will they do to Riddle now?
Anonymous asked:
So Riddle got kidnapped after Floyd escape? Now I wonder what happened.
Well, for now Riddle will stay at an undisclosed location in the middle of nowhere in some dark room, and Floyd will have to take care of him. How the turns have tabled, eh? Now Goldfishie is the one being locked up <3 These two will have a lot of fun during Riddle’s stay! And Riddle is going to end up being traumatised for sure...
But they probably won’t be able to keep him there forever, so who knows what will happen next?
Anonymous asked:
You have made Sukufushi art before??? Omg why was I not aware of this
Hehe yes!! It was ages ago, but I used to draw these two a lot. We didn’t post the majority of my jjk sketches though because we didn’t really post very often back then + didn’t think anyone really wanted to see them, which was kind of true lol
Anonymous asked:
I'm the one who asked about Bobobo.  It's a very silly, nonsensical, random show.  An evil empire is trying to make everyone bald and a man fights them with his armpit and nose hair.  There's also a guy who fights with farts.  It's been awhile since I watched it but I think there were a few serious, dark moments, though most of it's a lead up to a joke.  I wondered if you and Katsu would like it cause the reason I watched Gintama was cause it reminded me of it and iirc you've Gintama
Oh god, so it’s this kind of show (in a good way)!
Dark and heavy moments that are a lead up to a joke is honestly one of my favourite ways to treat comedy+drama, this is why we love Gintama so much (and also Osomatsu-san and also South Park lol). Bobobo really does sound like it has this same vibe.
I don’t know if we’ll watch it anytime soon, but I’ll definitely keep it in mind. Thank you, Anon!
Anonymous asked:
Regarding the sneezing HCs, do you think Malleus will spit fire and roast everything in front of him when he sneezes? Bro has pretty bad control over his magic after all LMAO
Hoo boy, just imagine Malleus feeling like he is about to sneeze and Lilia running from the other side of the dorm to grab his nose because he knows it never ends well.
Anonymous asked:
About the response talking about antis, yeah it's hard for me to look for fics and fanart because I'll often run into antis...
I feel like part of it might be that they don't look at who a game is for or what genre it is apart from RPG/visual novel/ect, I don't think they know what joseimuke is (and I'm a still lil confused on the target audience of those as well, but I think it's mainly women with a disposable income?) and they think the target audience's age = casts' age, so since the cast is teens, then it's for teens by their logic...even though shows like South Park exist and I ain't showing that to a young kid.
I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they genuinely think they're helping people/doing good things/ect since a lot of them aren't adults, but I can't.  I just can't get that impression from them at all.  The "nicest" I can be towards them is that they're young and dumb and will hopefully grow out of it or they need therapy but can't get it for some reason and this a kind of cry for help
Let’s be honest: if they weren’t dicks about it, no one would even care. We all understand that people don’t like some things, and all of us don’t like certain categories of people in our own fandoms, this is just a human experience. Minding your own business is what matters, and this is what they can’t do.
The majority of them are young and dumb, and a lot of them will grow out of it (or switch their aggression elsewhere because they’ll lost interest in fandom stuff) though. Some won’t, but there always are immature people that are much older... this is where they’re coming from lol
Maybe some of them really do believe that they’re doing the right thing and genuinely don’t know better, but I think for a lot of them finding a convincing enough reason to shit on others is the entire point of fandom experience. So even knowing what joseimuke is won’t stop them, only them losing interest and moving away from these spaces will.
All we can do is shrug and wait... and block people left and right lol
Anonymous asked:
What kind of hentais does Idia read or know of? Does he play eroges? If so what kind?
I think Idia knows every single hentai there is, even if he hadn’t read/watched/played all of them. Alright, maybe not every single one, but quite a lot lol But at the same time, he strikes me as someone who would be into it art-wise and would legit watch porn for the plot. So his favourite eroges are the ones with engaging stories and good character writing... I guess asking for that from a hentai game is a tall order, but Idia would argue and rant about some of his favourite titles if he was told “it’s just porn”. It’s not just porn, it’s an entire experience, the buildup that makes the porn good!
I know a part of me wants to say that he would play “oniichan” kinds of games, but I think he would ironically stay away from those... it feels weird to him somehow... too embarrassing.
He also doesn’t mind really fucked up tropes and scenarios. He could look at a tentacle hypnosis scene or a scene where someone is pushing out an alien egg and say “heh classic”. Truly, the greatest enjoyer of art.
Anonymous asked:
Hello! So I’ve been wondering of all the TWST tops, who’s winning the girth-and-length off?
Personally it could go either for Jack, Rook or Sebek. the Octatrio kind of cheats tho? their merform could pull these off easily.
anyway very curious to hear your thoughts!
Anon, this is such a good answer and I agree with you, even though I did write a post about peen sizes at some point, and I had a bit of a different top3 lol
To us, the winner is Lilia both because we are very committed to this joke + apparently for bats dick-to-body proportions are insane, so I guess there is some meat (heh) to this joke after all.
The second one was Floyd, and I still think the Tweels are one of the hugest, but... Jack and Sebek are absolutely up there, and I think they’ll grow bigger and girthier. They’ll become the biggest ones in a year or two.
I agree that Rook is big, but I think Trey is longer than Rook while still being quite girthy.
I am also 100% sure Yana has a list for this that we will never see...
Anonymous asked:
Firstly, I’m new to your blog and I LOVE YOUR ART AND HCS SO MUCH! They’re beautiful and amazing and it’s incredible seeing a blog being so unabashedly problematic with no shame!
That aside, I’m not sure if you ever talked about him before, but what do you think about Falena. Specifically for Falena/Leona?
I’ve seen some works (all super incredible, of course) of Faleleo stuff in Leona’s perspective, so I was wondering how do you think Falena would be like in the situation he’s loving his little brother a bit too much? We all know Leona’s gonna be a tsun about it but what about niisan?
Anon! First of all, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay. Second of all, thank you so much for appreciating our stuff and being supportive of our self-indulgent selves! lol
We love Falena/Leona in theory; we haven’t dived into them because we haven’t seen much of Falena + don’t care much for Leona. Still, we are 100% supportive of this ship! Every time we rewatch The Lion King, I get more and more into Mufasa/Scar...
Regarding your question, it’s interesting because I think the default really is to think that it’s Leona who is obsessive over Falena, and Falena might not even have a clue about it (or have a clue but still choose to be a proper future king instead of fooling around with Leona). But it’s entirely possible for him to also be very into Leona, it could even be more fun this way.
I feel like Falena has always been an adoring brother and Leona greatly underestimates just how much Falena loves him. Not only he worries about his future and cares about him (that’s a given), he also is genuinely impressed by his wit and intelligence; I wouldn’t be surprised if Falena talks about Leona all the time lol Maybe he gets as excited as Cheka sometimes, which is endearing at first, but then feels like Falena is um... a bit too much into him...
Falena also feels like someone who would rationalise his feeling by thinking that him being a king and having a wife and a son is one thing, but being with Leona is another thing, their private special thing that could actually still improve things for the entire Kingdom: if Leona is by his side and works together with him, they will be unstoppable. This is something that Falena wants the most... even if it’s just a way to justify his desire to have access to Leona (and his body) all the time. He needs to give Leona some attention, right? He wasn’t able to do it lately, right? This has to change.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if they had a bunch of “iffy” moments when they were younger. A sudden closeness during sparring, a hug that lasted longer than anticipated, a bite that was meant to be playfully teasing but ended up being too sensual and dominating. That tension existed for a very long time, and it only gets stronger with time.
Anonymous asked:
God... I am enraptured by Them. Completely obsessed with those first days Lilia started playing with Silver. You think he went slow with touches and inappropriate kisses, or just one day told him they're doing something new and put his whole dick inside him at once??? Silver couldn't have gotten so good at handling anything without trial and error... Have there been times Lilia overestimated him and left him overwhelmed and SOBBING sobbing, like he had to stop immediately or his kid wouldn't be the same person again kind of overwhelmed. Ughhhh I'm obsessed with them and their awful history
Anon, I am so happy you like these two this much. I feel like this awful history is such an obvious but tasty and amazingly working trope for them, it just works.
I guess it’s fair to say that Lilia went slow with his inappropriate behaviour, I honestly think that Silver didn’t even notice the switch, as if it was never there. He’s always been his father’s cute boy. Of course it’s just the way he remembers things... But he does remember the first time he had Lilia’s whole dick inside him!
But also yes, of course there had been a bunch of times when Lilia got too excited and overdid it with Silver. Even though Lilia did try to pace himself, I think he completely broke Silver all over like 10 times; and sometimes he is amazed that he turned out okay with what he went through. But he got better very fast! A miracle of true love <3
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sobredunia · 6 months
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Also here's a quick sketch of where the cartographers live!! It's a giant observatory in the middle of space. The stars are the AUs and they locate them through the telescope
More details under the cut
The giant bookshelf filled with scrolls is just for quick notes/general maps of the locations of the stars, the real detailed notes are on the room under the main floor, the giant square that you access through the trapdoor
Can you tell which desk is Mar's and which one is Jin's lmao
The giant nest thing right under the telescope is Mar's. She built it as like a side project when she was younger and Jin was away exploring. His jaw dropped when he saw what his creation had been doing when he wasn't looking lmao. She still brings in torn pieces of paper and feathers to this day to make it even more comfy for herself
The stars have different colors and intensities depending on the AU. Most of them are yellow bc. Y'know. Undertale yellow. But they can be any color. They also shine more or less intensely depending on how long ago they were created and how complete the AU is
The most bright star in the sky and the first one to shine was named Star 0, and it's the original game. Jin tells Mar stories about "back then", when the sky was pure darkness save for one small dot in the distance
Mar's compass halo was designed to always point towards the observatory, so she could fly in the endless sky and never get lost. When she goes to an AU it translates to north
Technically, if Mar flew long enough, she could reach a star, but they're so far away and the task would be so tiring it's not worth it
As I said, this is just a quick sketch, so there are a few things that I haven't put there, like a hammock that Jin sleeps in sometimes
...Though it's not like he's currently available to use it
@rotkad @butchlesbianyaoi-deactivated2024 @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole @h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
Art taglist :3
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
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15 - Loyalty
‘I am here for Britta,’ [Jewel] said. ‘And so is Sky of Rithmere.’ Her voice sounded harsh and strange to Britta’s ears. It was almost as if Jewel was afraid.
‘I know that,’ Kay said, ‘and I am glad of it.’
STAR OF DELTORA The Hungry Isle Ch 1 Closer
pov your queer friends meet your straight friend
asdKDJF so i sketched this one aaaaaaaaages ago because i knew straight away that i wanted to express jewel and sky’s loyalty to britta like they’re ride or die bitches ya know
anyway when i was working on the jantsy and britta art way back when i had a sudden question out of the blue. they’re the member of Britta Protection Squad. but jantsy has been looking out for her for years. so technically he’s also part of it. but would they let him? would they be like GET THE HELL OUT even though he’s the sweetest thing lmao. like not actually aggressive. theyre just messing around. but i just think it’s so funny if it’s like. britta’s birthday or something. and theyre her body guards or whatever. and jantsy just wants to say happy birthday but theyre just like gO AWAY DO NOT TOUCH DO NOT BREATHE DO NOT SPEAK
also i just wanted to say that i asked the discord about what sunglasses i should give sky and we juggled a bunch and laughed at some silly ones. anyway shout out to zahro for the sky’s sunglasses <3
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hugduckhesgay · 2 years
Can I ask what you use to animate??
Yus of course! I'm always very excited to help other people get into animation.
Right now I use Tahoma2d, it is free and a more user-friendly version of OpenToonz which is the famed, also free, software used for a lot of Miyazaki films. I used OpenToonz before Tahoma and def found Tahoma more intuitive. (Side note, you do need a decent computer to run it and not lag. I get by on an old, no-upgrades microsoft surface pro with a little finagling, though.)
It took a while for me to figure it out, and I probably am only familiar with 1/3rd of its capability tbh, which is enough to make what I want to make, tho I'm constantly learning more. I used tutorials on youtube to learn, there's a lot of good ones! You can use the opentoonz tutorials for tahoma too, basically the same interface
I never pay for art programs and thankfully there are plenty of people who believe they should be accessible that there are a lot of free resources.
I have also dabbled with GreasePencil in Blender, but yikes the learning curve is so steep, there are so many little technical details in the software that hold me up for hours. I want to learn it more someday, when I have the time, because it can do sooooo much!
I'll also add, that when I was first starting out and just wanted to be able to produce animations without much fuss, I used Pencil2d. Very simple! It helps to use that if one gets frustrated with learning a more complex program like Tahoma. Take a break, animate something easy that makes you happy, then try figuring it out again.
I do my thumbnailing, sketches etc in Medibang Paint, and if I need some video editing stuff, (like piecing together segments of a scene because i learned the hard way you're not meant to animate full 5-minute long scenes in one file lmao) I use Davinci Resolve, but I barely know how to use that one lol. That one is massive with effects and capabilities also. That one lags my laptop a lot more than tahoma..
You didn't ask for all this, but I tend to info dump because there are so many things i wish i knew when i first started animation. The downside of self-taught -- not knowing what questions to ask!, That said, idk if my information is even that great, being that I have no experience with the professional industry. Oh well, I hope this is helpful!
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sawdusst · 1 year
Coroika Pirate AU part 2 (?)
Alright we’re back again :D I have a bit more info on the pirate AU which I’m gonna ramble about ig 
Here is part 1 of the AU if you’d like to read that first! 
I didn’t really get a lot of other character sketches done, other than Rider--- So i guess in this post I’ll be talking about him & some other characters in this AU! :D There won’t be any drawings in this post unfortunately, just more stuff about the characters :’) 
Enjoy :D 
(the infodump is after the cut, this might be another long post lmao----) 
I might try to make a full character thing eventually--- I just haven’t had the chance to draw it out. So, I guess I’ll post that separately :/ Anyways! 
He’s technically a part of the S4 pirates, but he’s not on board with them. He’s an ally to them, but they’re not in the same ship.
Captain of the Chartreuse Pirates, which are another band of fearsome pirates. He’s also friends with the Blue Pirates (Goggles, Bobble Hat, Headphones, Specs) 
The Chartreuse Pirates is such a cool name fr
Sworn enemies with Captain Gloves (it’s more of a rivalry between the two, nothing serious)
He’s also somewhat well known across the seas for being as strong as the S4 pirates 
So basically, he was captured by Emperor’s army (Emperor’s family rules a kingdom in this AU) and separated from his crew. He manages to escape with a few injuries. After running away for some time, he eventually collapses somewhere because of his injuries. Aloha finds him and recognizes him as Captain Rider. After asking Skull what they should do, they decided to bring him aboard since his crew was nowhere to be found.
Rider wakes up a few hours later and he freaks out because he’s in the middle of the ocean aboard Captain Skull’s ship and his crew probably thinks he died or something and now he’s probably going to actually die because Captain Skull whatever evil pirates grrr and he has no boat and he can’t swi--
Anyways, Rider tries to escape but you can’t exactly get too far with a twisted ankle. Aloha found it pretty amusing though, hysterical even. 
Mask manages to catch Rider, sits him down, and gets him to chill out. He explains what happened and a whole “we’re not gonna hurt you” spiel
Eventually the S4 helps Rider reunite with his crew and as gratitude, Rider and the S4 become allies and help each other out whenever one needs it.
Rider is trying to be a kinder person
He’s pretty good at playing cards, specifically Blackjack and Speed.
Captain of the Dualie Pirates, a crew of pirates known for using two weapons. Two swords or two guns-- because they’re cool like that B) 
Captain Gloves is fairly new to the whole “pirate” biz, he thinks they’re cool and wanted in on the action overseas. 
He thinks Captain Skull is cool and wants to meet him someday, although his crew is HIGHLY opposed to this (they could probably die)
He also thinks the Wireglass Pirates are cool too and wants to be friends with their captain.
His crew also HIGHLY opposes this, as they are definitely going to die if they ever cross paths with the Wireglass Pirates. 
Gloves is bummed that he can’t meet the S4 pirates, but is still hopeful he’ll run into them eventually.
He’s friends with the Blue Pirates & Captain Hachi 
He’s fiercely competitive, he doesn’t take losing very lightly.
He doesn’t have any scars of his own-- yet, but he thinks they’re cool 
Gloves is friends with Prince, and sometimes sneaks into the kingdom to visit him 
He’s rather clumsy even though he tries to look cool
Emperor & Prince: 
(I put them under the same header since there’s not much about either of them) 
Emperor’s family rules over a kingdom, Emperor is next in line for the throne and he’s still learning to be a king alongside his younger brother.
Prince often sneaks out of the palace to wander around the town square. His brother actually knows about this, but chooses not to tell their parents. 
Emperor doesn’t really like pirates, but he does know a few of them. 
Emperor is aware that Gloves sneaks in to visit Prince, but he chooses not to do anything about it since his brother seems to enjoy Captain Gloves’ company.
Prince helped Rider escape after learning Rider knew Captain Gloves. 
The Wireglass Pirates: 
Everyone knows to stay out of the Wireglass Pirates’ way, as they are some of the most powerful pirates to patrol the waters. Even the S4 pirates steer clear of them. 
They supposedly got their name from their Captain, but it’s not really known where the name came from.
The Wireglass Pirates will try to take any ship they encounter, regardless of who it is. Very few survive their raids.
There are some rumors that the Wireglass Pirates serve Emperor, which explains why he hasn’t ordered anyone to stop them. However, it could also be because a lot of sailors are absolutely terrified of them.
Ocho is thought to be a part of this crew, but nobody really knows for sure. He’s mostly found away from the crew and hanging out by himself.
Ocho sometimes interacts with the S4 and Captain Rider. 
The S4 could probably beat them, but they don’t want to risk trying.
The Wireglass Pirates are also in possession of these things called “Black Labels” which temporarily disable weapons. But only the Captain is in possession of these. 
“Black Labels” are illegal and supposed to be outlawed in the seas. Not a lot of pirate crews use them. 
If Black Labels were stuck onto a pirate, they are unable to use their special ability for a little bit. 
aaaaand, I think I’ll just end the infodump here in case it gets too long to read :’] Thank you for reading! :D 
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rin-yellow · 1 year
Shitty Fan Theory Corner: G-Witch is giving me M3 vibes and this makes me very scared for future episodes lmao
Okay I might just be going insane from the fact that they left us with THAT ending before hitting us with a recap episode today I am SEETHING
(for the record, future readers: this was written on the 14th of May, 2023, but depending on your timezone it might already be the 15th)
(AAAANYWAYS , here’s to what might be my first longform post on this blog that’s not totally an art post lmao)
Okay hear me out.
If you’re here, you probably already are a G-Witch fan, if not: WATCH THE FUCKING SHOW, THEN COME BACK HERE. IT’S WORTH IT and also you will understand my pain.
Anyways, this might be surface level shit, but while watching G-Witch, alot of the plot beats have reminded me of one of my old favourite guilty pleasure shows. Specifically, M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane/”The Dark Metal”.
For those unaware, M3 is essentially this randomass mecha show from 2014 that I’ve seen nearly nobody talk about since 2014, probably because alot of people thought it was kind of trash.
While I admit the show is VERY flawed, I have a huge soft spot for it. I actually planned on posting fanart of it here at some point and then promptly forgot like a doofus, so might as well post that here now actually, just for the fun of it.
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(above: Raika Kasumi, one of my personal favourite characters for the sole reason that she’s kind of a girlboss and always pilots the “normal” mech in the show and still somehow manages to kick ass.)
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(above: the “Vess” mecha she pilots. These are OOOLD sketches but yea. Raika is the only straight person that matters)
Anyways, M3 is a story that is like 100% different from G-Witch wherein it follows this world that’s slowly being covered by a place called the “Lightless Realm” and a bunch of fellas who are technically in a school but also a military organization but not have to pilot mechs in order to fight off the monsters that come out of the lightless realm. So like, not even close to G-Witch.
Big takeaway is the fact that it tries super hard to be Gasaraki but it is not Gasaraki and so popular 2014 anime fanblog mcfuckface hated it and so everyone hated it and then it faded into obscurity even though the show went like,,, super hard despite its clunkyass flaws.
‘Coz Gundam’s y’know, it’s Gundam, the mechs fight other mechs, not kaiju. ANYWAYS,, the reason why I found them similar is in their plot, rather than the world and the characters.
See, M3′s mechs, the VESS, have only a very limited effectiveness when piloted into the Lightless Realm, wherein piloting a mech there for too long will kill the pilot, having their bodies get infected with “NecroMetal”, the titular “dark metal”, so to speak. This is a problem until really early in the show when a mech known alternatingly as the “MA-VESS” or “Argento” or “The Shinigami/Reaper” is introduced, who is seemingly immune to the effects of the whole “pilot is slowly being fucking murdered thingy” going down.
I think you see where I’m going here, but if not, let me spell it out for you:
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the “big plot twist” with Argento is the fact that the mech is being essentially powered by the main pilot’s older brother, hence why he’s the only one who can pilot it, and why it’s immune to the “slowly fucking killing you” effects of the lightless realm.
I don’t even gotta say who that reminds me of.
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(I apologize for the edit, I literally found an SD Aerial finally in-stock at my local hobby store and knew what I had to do LMAO)
I’m not fucking done, by the way.
Alongside this, we also have the fact that Emiru, a character who was thought to be a major player early on in the show fucking “dies tragically” in an early episode and then we never actually see her body, only to reveal that she��s actually powering another mech: Sable.
The “early tragic death” part makes me think that maybe El4n might be powering the Pharact (similarly to Eri’s whole deal) due to its dark colour scheme (”Sable” means something along the lines of ‘dark’, iirc) and also the fact that every other insane fan theorist seems to think so too.
Also they experiment on children.
Literally a Belmeria moment.
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(above: seriously, this bitch is just like Bel fr fr)
(operates the fuckin’ child broiler and everything)
(pretty sure we get the main science dude’s assistant and Belmeria both vomiting over the main science character, in Witch’s case Prospera, explaining their evil science things. Which makes me scared. Because the Evil Science Dude dies by being torn apart by the ghosts of the people he wronged and like,,, Prospera is WAAAY too cool and sexy to go out like that. If anyone should do it, fuckin’ Delling should be torn apart by the ghosts of Vanadis, that’d be funky and cool lmao idfk)
Also, later in the show, the Argento gets this cool powerup that has really similar vibes to Aerial Rebuild’s weird EMP thing that killed Sophie, and then just like Suletta, the pilot of Argento basically is expected to use it every episode going forward up until like midway through M3′s second season, shit just STOPPED WORKING midway through the buildup to a super badass scene wherein the protagonist claims he’s gonna “save everyone” or something. And then it turns out that the older brother inside the suit just up and FUCKING DIED because it overstrained him.
While Eri didn’t fucking die, she did do the that thing in the most recent episode when Suletta was building up to deep fry Guel. Yes, that WAS Miorine’s betrayal, but everyone has basically decided before the next ep. even aired that this is Eri leaving Aerial’s body. Which is basically just the upgraded main mech turning “useless”, just like in M3.
And M3 ends with the character the audience assumed was “just a funky guy” who was actually more fucked up than he let on who asserts himself to be “a better fit” for the main love interest fighting a reinvigorated version of the main mech powered entirely by, if I remember correctly, the protagonist empathizing with “the machine itself” or something like that, whilst being haunted by a fucked up guy. If Suletta fights shaddiq again at the climax of the show, and one of her allies is fuckin’ El5n or Guel, or HELL, maybe even fuckin’ Sophie’s ghost,,, I will go even more insane.
Also Mahmu and Emiru have proto-Sulemio vibes and I think at this point that’s just the “I’m going insane from trying to cope” rather than rational thoughts but like I figured y’know. Might as well say that while I can lmao.
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(she does not run and thus gains two: a cool robot AND a girlfriend! I need to publish my 10k word long Mahmu x Emiru M3 fanfiction somewhere before I go FUCKING INSANE,, seriously I am going fuckin’ bonkers these two have such SuleMio vibes with the whole “Sassy Boss Bitch who is actually really emotional but has no clue how to express that x Shutin SoftGirl who WILL FUCKING shank you” dynamic)
(plus there’s the whole thing about Emiru essentially forcing Mahmu to hate her in order to try and get her to open up to people and shit. And Mahmu misunderstanding this and being emotionally devastated every time she sees Emiru up until she realizes it was an act because Emiru actually wanted to be closer to Mahmu. Also having the realization inside of a giant fucking human-powered robot. Plus Emiru throwing essentially her life away because she wanted to be something. If that’s not a SuleMio type vibe, idfk what is.)
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Look at how fucking gay they are even though M3′s producers were COWARDS and didn’t explore their relationship more also the fucking quote about fighting “for happiness [instead of] revenge” AAA I hope that becomes a SuleMio thing too. I am going insane.
Also both M3 and G-Witch have EXTREMELY banger 2nd ED songs that totally give away the “big twist” kept hidden during the first season (”put the big sibling into the fucking robot” lmao)
Y’allready know Red:Birthmark by Aina The END,,,, but give SABLE by Nano a fucking listen, this shit is SUCH A FUCKING BANGER. Ik it’s in english entirely but that just means you can sing along and I fucking LOVE the song it is driving me insane lmao
This shit goes hard, it goes crazy, fucking hell.
There’s actually more, this is mainly a surface level observation. Anyways someone PLEASE fucking remind me either right before or after the next episode airs to elaborate because either this will be confirmed or I will be totally wrong and if I am wrong I will be very happy because I don’t actually like predicting shows but G-Witch has me going CRAAAZY.
Anyways if you got this far I apologize. I will probably regret this entire post in the morning.
But yeah, what did we learn? G-Witch isn’t just The Tempest and Utena mixed with Gundam, it’s also M3 but with better writers and even gayer. Also I am going insane.
BUT THAT’S JUST A THEORY, A GAY THEO- [i am shot numerous times]
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ace-the-fox · 1 year
Based on what I see on your blog, i know you have other jojo oc kids besides Haruka and Momo. Is it alright if I know who they all are?
I was gonna maybe do quick sketches to go along with this ask, but I don't have the time rn and I drew them for this dumb meme a while ago anyways. I'm just really talking about my main villain kids here, and also a bonus girlie 👀. Also some of these aspects, especially in later parts, are a little underbaked. I haven't really rewatched Jojo in a while (and I also have yet to finish part 6, let alone even sniff at the manga) so if it contradicts with Jojo canon... don't talk to me lmao /lh
So, let's start off with Ciliegia, my DIO kid. She's also Giorno's twin sister. She seems aggressive and a little scary, but she's actually just a lil chihuahua. She can and will hurt you if deserved, but she's also just a lil guy you know? A lil vampire lady who just wants head scratches and cherry lollipops. She goes with Giorno to join the mafia, but it's kinda just because home and school suck and she wants to help keep him safe. She's got a crush on Fugo, which eventually develops into a real relationship later on (when exactly is a difficult question, because I haven't decided wether I want her to get on the boat or not. I have reasons for either side, but this section is long enough as it is...) She's also kind of "One of the Boys" but not in a Pick Me girl way (she and Trish have a very nice friendship :) ). Her stand, Dresden Doll, can essentially disintegrate anything (or anyone...) into an ash like substance, but she doesn't use it after a... pretty traumatic experience of her accidentally activating it.
Izei is my Kars and Esidisi kid, who was in the care of Santana as an infant during the events of Part 2. He, thus, was adopted by Stroheim without literally anyone else's knowledge... oof. Stroheim kept him to have further insight on Pillar Man development, but kinda had a father/son bond but the experimentations and the fact that Izei was cooped up in the facility all day really hindered that. He does end up in the care of Joseph and Suzi Q somehow as a teen though, and becomes besties with a younger Holly. He also joins the Speedwagon Foundation later, around Part 3, specialising in animals. I like to imagine, in this universe, he drops off Iggy to the crusaders. He doesn't get a stand, because he obviously doesn't really need one with his ultimate being ass dad, but he does inherit Esidisi's nifty heat powers (they are mostly used to reheat Joseph's coffee). He's a good, quiet lad, if a little snarky and rebellious at times.
Livia is my Diavolo kid, the product of a one-night stand. Her mother quickly became a drug addict when she was little, to cope with her young and single motherhood and being kicked out by family due to it. She has, therefore, probably had the worst backstory. Taking care of her mother, dealing with the often sleazy and aggressive boyfriends she brought home, living in poverty etc. And then her mother died of an overdose and Livia, not wanting to end up in foster care, ran away and got donuted by Diavolo in the process... but then her stand kicked in. Nine Inch Nails' ability is literal immortality (and also makes wounds heal faster - she can heal a papercut in under five minutes), but she can still feel the pain of everything, she just can't die, so it's not as fun as you might think.
Miel technically doesn't count, as she has no biological or even legal relation to Pucci, but idc lol. She sees him as a father figure anyways, as their dysfunctional family were very attentive in the church he preached at. I'm not sure exactly what role she plays in Part 6, but she is very much aware and on board with his whole plans, as he's one of the two people they trust. The other being a boy named Peter who they have a crush on, and he does reciprocate those feelings but she turns them down. She claims it's because she wants to be a nun and doesn't want to affect that, but it's really because witnessing her parents' terrible relationship really affected her. Their stand, Oh Klahoma, makes them able to disguise themselves in objects like desks and walls while still being able to see and hear.
Jamie is my Funny Valentine kid (even though I despise that man), originally from a separate universe where his wife can have kids and then brought into Part 7 by D4C. He actually really looked up to his dad until he met Lucy Steel shortly after being brought to this universe, which just so happened to be after the... you know. He didn’t look upon him so favourably after that (mmm... yummy rebellion arc). There's also stuff going on before he switched universes, like his dead boyfriend who was also engaged to someone else at the time... yeah. His stand, Achilles, can also see into the future, meaning he can change the future. It's a little tricky, though, as 1) he can't just choose to see the future, they just come as random prophetic visions and 2) he has no idea when these future visions are meant to be, they could be anything from five minutes to five years away.
Kia is my Tooru fankid. Not sure how exactly it happened, but one day a 17 year-old just popped out of the dirt like nothing. They were immediately taken in by a teenage boy who they almost immediately developed a crush on. Unfortunately, he's taken. Fortunately, Kia's stand, "Breaking Glass", allows him to shapeshift. So, he pretends to be the guy's girlfriend. If you feel bad for their crush, I would also like to say that he had a feeling it was Kia the whole time BTW and let them do it anyways... *sigh* men.
And lastly, as a bonus, Concetta! My Cioccolata/Secco kiddo. They should probably not be allowed anywhere near children, but their aesthetic and relationship is fun and I just had to. Concetta was raised by her dads up until the colleseum fight, which she was present for, and the police found her as a newly made orphan at ten years old. She goes through foster care for a couple of years, and then runs off to get revenge on Giorno. Just teenage girl things, yk? Her stand, Brittle Bones, allows her to take off her own limbs and have them still be fully functional without causing her pain... fun!!
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humanmorph · 1 year
dont mind me just some of my palisade liveposting from twitter. ignore it. i just want them here. this is long and annoying but its my blog and also under a read more smile
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(technically not yet palisadeposting just funny to me)
Road to PALISADE game rankings (29. Mai)
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PALISADE 03 (4. Juni)
guy whos only listened to friends at the table listening to friends at the table: this is just like fr-
this is about me thinking of hieron & some archivists constructing patterns by manipulating events when they talk about the paint shop & bringing palisade on cycle. im also jokin
WHICH. i am pretty excited about (the cycle). its an incredibly cool concept that mostly existed in the bg in twilight mirage (or well, the intros?) but i love it.love to see it come back in a weird and bad way (different weird and bad than the original
& i guess it makes sense for kesh to pull on ideas/ideals/visions their ancestors had, when this whole 'going back to the twilight mirage' is for nideo a reclaiming of their home/origin
dont need rot13 for this though its vague enough that was cool as fuck of jack. i was kind of cruising along like yeah this is pretty nice so far theyre just getting set up with this faction game thing and then woooowww. wah. banger
PALISADE 04 & 05
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PALISADE 07 (13. Juni)
some PALISADE 07 thoughts. im thinking them
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(? idk which episode this related to. 12. Juni)
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(the rot13 says clementine. lol)
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PALISADE 13 (1. Juli)
this doesnt have anything to do with what i wrote here but im very excited for the next arc (even if ill be fully caught up then...) with the way the cast has been talking about it
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also idk what it was about this downtime but something happened halfway through ep 12 where it clicked and now i am enjoying myself way more. just took me a bit i guess
PALISADE 15 (12. Juli)
palisade 15 thoughts (from like, last week. its just still vivid in my mind) . this made me go crazy
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(this still makes me smile god i wanna know whats up with this so badlyyyy)
PALISADE 17 (17 Juni)
god upon our grace fucking ruled
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this arc was soooo much. just in the sense of things sure kept fucking happening oh my god
(oh this is the one i was looking for the other day after the brninegucci convo. (BLOWS UP) indeed)
PALISADE 18 (18. Juni)
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(man i was straightup not having a good time huh)
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(yeah there we go. and i do feel better about it now)
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(just for posterity because this is when i did the first sketch for that long comic. smile)
I'm at work with my phone on 10% but PALISADE 19 but dice ARE one side of the authority I'm halfway through this shit and the Cause has not gotten a win. I mean it did but that got rerolled & they still have one of those left it's not happening folks
Putting my head on my desk. "But you will win anyways. You must."
Gathering Information 04 (23. Juli)
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wait hold on i didnt think this through IF something tragic happened to phrygian and then leap coming in on the blue channel after oneof their crew members / friend / brnines second in command just died or worse(things can always be worse than dying. see gur). that. yeah. hmmmmmm
(tee hee hee) (im actually still thinking about that last tweet currently im turning it around in my mind. the dynamic. also "what if [things] got worse and also leap was there" still makes me laugh)
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shadowed-dancer · 2 years
Thoughts on Episode 120 (S6 E7)
Protective professors, growling giants, and Miss Midnight. Let’s talk about it
Spoilers for the episode. No manga spoilers but like, if you know you know
This episode was SO GOOD holy crap. They even put the scenes of the families going about daily life! I’m so happy!
Makes me wonder what happened in the writing room lol. “Yeah so everything we cut last season ended up being important so we’re just gonna not do that ever again”
Actually a lot of this episode was like… scarily manga accurate. There were so many scenes where I could tell the exact panel it was adapting because it was THAT similar. It’s not necessarily bad when an episode doesn’t do this, I just thought it was neat. And idk why but I noticed it with this episode specifically
However, I did not need to see buff Gran Torino. That is something I could have lived without
The entire fight with Shigaraki was chilling. “Little brother” BROOOOO
“Let’s do this rationally” BAKUGOOOO
Ugh everything was so good
I think the way they adapted Aizawa thinking of his students was done well. I know the manga has him shouting with all their pictures in the background, but when you switch mediums sometimes visual tricks like that don’t work anymore. This was a clever interpretation
“The worst thing would be losing Mr Aizawa!” HELL YES! In this house we love and respect Mr Aizawa!
They! Added! The! Dadpress! Scene! My life is complete. My skin is clear. My crops are thriving.
(For anime onlies who didn’t know, that scene was a messy sketch included as a volume extra. Horikoshi wanted to put it in the series proper but ran out of space)
Dabi floating away when Gigantomachia grabbed Compress is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day. I love it so much
That said, I did always think Dabi was running to Skeptic rather than casually sauntering around, but that’s how the anime usually characterizes him lol (see episode 2 of season 6). Still a good interpretation of the scene, I’m just glad they included it at all
Also… Dabi… do you maybe want to rephrase what the FUCK you said? Like manga readers know what’s going on (and a translator is technically the one who picked the words) but still… there’s gotta be a better way to phrase that lmao
Also also I like the implication that after Skeptic’s office melted into nothing, he just crouched on the ground and kept working. Big mood
Wow Geten and Re-Destro are so cool! Sure is a shame half their characterization got axed last season (I’m sorry, I’m still salty about it)
Midnight pretty, brain go burr
Lol remember when that Midnight scene was in the trailer and even MHA haters were simping for her? Good times
Speaking of Midnight, I was hoping we would actually see her fight. In the manga it all happens off screen, so I thought maybe they’d add it in. It’s possible we’ll see it in the future, I guess, but it would have been kind of nice to see even a little now
It hurt seeing her all beat up though :(
Overall? Really solid episode. 10/10. I wasn’t expecting this episode to be anything particularly special but it was such a pleasant surprise! I loved it!
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arlecchno · 2 years
lmao the blonde parts are supposed to be teal but i havent had a chance to redye them in foreverr … also yes ! my xiao jacket ! its not the only one out there though LOL
the wall youre seeing is actually my best friend roofs long lost sibling , wall /j
BEFORE 6 !? i could never i always go to bed at like 12am …. im so sleep deprived on school days lol
ME AND THAT FRIEND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS IN OUR MATH/STEM CLASS LMAO we used to play genshin wish sim (im very young T_T) and say weird things to summon characters (i told the computer id help make kaeya dilucs brother again to get diluc , and BOTH OF THEM CAME HOME IN THE SAME PULL) tbh ive always complained ab stairs so ,,, i cant even take the stairs in my building anymore bc i live on the 9th floor itd take way too long 😭
we have a lot of the same top 5s , kaeya , diluc , and scara share #1 because … yes . my favorite gal is fischl i love her sm -
i have 11 5*s (not including aloy) , and im currently pulling for sir acting grand scribe himself ! im at around late 30 pity , if he does / doesnt come home i will make self ship art because i dont think he would like that >:)
GOOD TO KNOW ITS GOING WELL im actually making notes for a fic i wanna write on call w my previously mentioned friend roof LOL ive had the idea ever since the nilotpala cup event , i really wanted to make like an actual fic based off of it bc that girl from the yae publishing house was supposed to or wtv HAHAH but im procrastinating on a title so im just . UGH - yk ?
i did have a good day both the day you replied and today ! i am injured but its not bad (only hurts when i move certain ways) , i went on a field trip for school today and got to go in a ✨stream✨ and pick up a little crawfish >:D i hope youre doing good as well !! its so nice talking to you lmao youre so cool
i might start sending doodles every ask , so heres a sketch of my genshin oc !!
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my “question” issss guess what region theyre from ! or who they live with LOL the hint is that there are already playables from their region , and there are technically two regions theyre from ?? you can guess just one though ill give you the answer next ask :P
- jellyfish
i think it's because i'm already used to waking up early... even tho i'm a very sleep deprived student that sleeps at 12-1 and wakes up at 5 😔 i'm fairly a light sleeper so no matter what time i sleep, whenever my alarm goes off i'm always up by the second 🥲
and LMAOO i've played a ton of those wish sims to prevent myself from rolling whenever i'm saving up for a character, it works wonders
i didn't really expect you to like fischl!!! i like using her in events where we have her as a trial character lol using oz in her burst and flying around is so silly but i always have fun with it!
seems like we're both on the run for alhaitham :D currently have 72 pity and he still has yet to arrive... i do not have a guarantee whatsoever so the next time i pull i'm gonna be praying for him to come home 😔 i've already explored most of the new area for him
and that fic idea sounds interesting! i briefly forgot about that event so when you mentioned it i'm suddenly reminded of how fun playing with the fungi was!! hope you'll find many inspiration for your supposed title, and who knows, next thing you know you're hitting the post button for your fic 🤭
hope you're healing well from your injury also!! have lots of rest and don't overexert yourself too much, resting is very important hehe
it's nice to know that you went on a field trip :O i haven't been to one in a while so hearing it from you reminded me how fun it always is to go on one and escape school (tbf i think we can agree at least half of the students that volunteer on field trips only do it to skip classes LMAO #guilty)
i think if i had to guess, it's a mix between mondstadt and sumeru, maybe? i'm either really wrong or really right since my basic skills of knowledge on each regions' outfits are very minimal 😵‍💫
a question for you; how was your week? tell me all about it!! hehe i honestly like hearing people talk about their day and week because it's undeniably so interesting to know what others have been up to and how different some people's lives can be from ours! hope i'm not rambling too much... i just really like listening to people talk and talk about their life
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
7, 8, 17, 23, 31, 35, 47, 52, 57, and 70 for the fic writer ask game!
Ooooh thank you so much!!
Ask Game for Fic Writers
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
Technically it was this 5-page-long, super shitty fic in the Terfy Wizard Fandom that I wrote when I was 10 or 11. But we're not gonna talk about that.
My first fanfic that I wrote with the knowledge of it being fanfic, and posted on AO3, was an X-Men fic featuring an OC named Mira Hart. The plot basically just walked through the events of First Class and DOFP with Mira included (and in a semi-tumultuous relationship with Hank McCoy), and I had plans to eventually include Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix, and some original plotlines as well (though that hasn't happened, and I kinda doubt it will. Maybe maybe one of the original ideas but I'm not sure)
Given it was my first fic, I think some of the ideas still do hold up, though the writing does make me cringe a little lol. I think it would be cool to rewrite/revamp it and give Mira the love she really deserves, but on the other hand I have a much more interesting idea to write between Hank and a new OC that I think I'd rather focus on first. Not to say I can't write both eventually, but... Delphi is really fucking cool dude you'd love her.
8. what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
Hm... that's a tough one. I'm used to seeking out and receiving feedback thanks to theatre and FX work and all that (though the RSD is brutal sometimes and I hate that), but unsolicited feedback is one of my biggest pet peeves. I can take feedback pretty well when I'm expecting it, but when it comes out of the blue then my brain just will not let go of it and it leaves me feeling insecure and awful.
When it comes to fic writing, I don't usually seek out constructive criticism. I'm posting my fics for free, for fun, and to relax, I don't need people picking them apart (unless it's to point out what they enjoyed!)
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Answered previously, but I also can never decide lmao
23. how do you deal with writers block?
In the short term, I try to switch to a different task to give my brain a break. I'll walk my dogs, play a video game, practice guitar or draw a couple sketches, whatever I feel like that doesn't require the same type of concentration. It helps unstick the gears a little.
In the longer term, I'll pick up a few new books or reread some old favorites. I call it "recharging my words", it's something I've done since I started writing and it really helps! I do still love to read even when I'm not under writer's block, but making a targeted effort to notice the author's voice and style can sometimes help me get back to my own author's voice.
31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
QUINN!!! Holy shit she's SO fun dude you have no idea!! Sometimes writing her is fun because it's cathartic, since some of her experiences with disability, counterculture, and gender are reflections of my own, and sometimes it's just fun because it's fun - she's so sassy and just a total ball of chaos, there's never a dull moment!
35. tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
All my OCs tend to reflect me in some way or another, even if that's just a single trait or interest of theirs, but I think the one that's the least similar to me is probably Eris. I'm not a violent or angry person in the slightest, and their experiences are vastly different from my own, but he has just such an interesting view on the world and I love her to the ends of the earth.
47. what story are you most proud of?
Oh man... all of them? In their own ways? They each accomplish something a little different, and it's hard to compare them directly.
But if I had to pick one... Heartstrings. I love the dynamic between Jasper and Kyle, I think there's a lot of emotional depth to it, and we're at the point in the story where the plot is starting to pick up a little speed.
52. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
Oh man... I think I'm running at 7 simultaneous longfics (Smoke and Mirrors, Catch and Release, Who Waits Forever Anyway?, Heartstrings, Taking Flight, Heart in Your Hands, and Desert Song) at the moment, plus... I don't even know how many separate pieces. Let's see...
Eris (oneshot series, got 3 upcoming ideas)
Nikoletta (oneshot series, got 2 upcoming ideas)
Gia (oneshot series, need to start writing out her main story, no idea how many fics that'll end up being)
2 upcoming ArchAegis oneshots
Vivienne's story (probably a longfic but I need to start writing it)
Spider's story (also probably a longfic, albeit a shorter one, still needs an outline and a full OC bio and everything else)
Plus my writing ideas masterlist has 43 other ideas, in various stages of complexity and readiness, that I haven't even begun to start writing yet
57. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
HAHA okay
"friends singing to marcel"
Context: mentioned it as a throwaway detail in the new chapter of Heartstrings, I was pretty sure the song was The Lion Sleeps Tonight but was just uncertain enough that I had to check
70. are you very critical of your own writing? how much do you find yourself editing (either during the writing or after the fact)?
I used to be very critical of my own writing, but now as I've gotten more comfortable with my style and voice, I'm a little more comfortable with it. I don't do a ton of editing, honestly: each writing session starts with me rereading what I wrote last time and making some minor tweaks as needed, followed by one more quick scan as I'm in the process of posting the finished piece/chapter, but I don't do a lot of intense editing.
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its-tortle · 3 years
Hey Luisa my dear
Since you asked so nicely for asks let me ask you nicely to give me your headcanons about stucky on a rainy Sunday. Please feel free to suffocate me with all the domestic fluff
hey anna! <3
i've made myself a cup of tea and am ready to (hopefully) engulf you in fluff which got way too long lmao
steve always wakes up super early (partly because of army habits and partly because of the serum) so he wakes up around 6am
often, he'll go on a jog, but he hears rain pattering on the windows and bucky is still sleeping soundly beside him, soft and beautiful, so he decides he's not getting out of bed
he brushes some hair out of bucky's face and just watches him for a long while, reveling in the fact that bucky is safe and peaceful in his own home, and that steve gets to have these mornings and nights and days with him
also, bucky has a pillowprint on his cheek and his hair looks like a bird's nest, so he looks absolutely gorgeous.
steve sits up just to grab his sketchbook from the nightstand and fill a page or five with bucky's tangled hair and parted mouth and bare legs tangled in their bedsheets
bucky wakes up because the neighbors upstaris start vacuuming at around 8:30 (who does that??) and groans as he rubs at his eyes, not quite awake yet and not expecting steve to be there
but he is, and when bucky notices, his tired glare turns into a tired fond smile
"morning" steve says
"morning, baby"
(steve blushes because he's still not over the stage of being smitten with pet names. somehow)
"who the fuck vacuums on a sunday morning?"
"someone with cleaner floors than us."
"can't argue with that."
steve throws his sketchbook aside and drapes himself over bucky, kissing him even though they still have absolutely disgusting garlic bread breath from last night
it takes them another two hours to get out of bed, maybe three
when they do, bucky makes pancakes because he, for good reason, doesn't trust steve in the kitchen
and steve makes stupid food puns and unsuccessfully tries to keep alpine from jumping up onto the counters
it's noon by the time they eat breakfast, with thirty-seven pancakes and a liter of coffee between them
they leave the dishes to deal with later and end up under a blanket on the sofa, one on each end with their legs entangled
a sinatra record is playing the corner of the room
the rain is still pattering on the windows, louder now than it was a few hours ago
bucky has been learning to crochet, and resumes what he hopes will be a sweater for steve
steve is reading some obscure fantasy novel that he keeps sketching in the margins of -- their bookshelf is kind of just a collection of sketchbooks with text now
they order indian takeout for lunch (butter chicken for bucky and biryani for steve and a whole lot of bhatura to share) and eat it to a few episodes of brooklyn nine-nine
the rain has calmed some, so steve convinces bucky to take a walk after, just for some air and because he loves the glow off the pavement when the street is wet with rain
they throw on their coats and some boots and grab a big umbrella -- even though they technically have two
(bucky looks ridiculous in the giant yellow rain coat wanda gifted him at some point)
they walk around brooklyn in the rain, holding hands and leaning close to stay dry
they point out all the cute dogs they see in raincoats and stop for a hot chocolate at the corner coffeeshop
bucky is grumpy by the time they get back, because he stepped in a puddle and now his sock is wet
(steve jokingly announces that he will kill the puddle, or maybe whichever one of thor’s relatives made it rain)
and when they get back, bucky goes to take a shower while steve throws some frozen pizza’s in the oven (because he is a Chef TM)
and they curl back up on the sofa after, back to chest this time, trying not to get pizza and potato chips on each other
they watch notting hill because it’s fun and romantic and warm
and when steve dozes off somewhere around the middle of the film, bucky just kisses his head and hugs him closer
wind whips rain across the windows and it’s way too cold for september, but julia roberts is confessing her love and alpine is dozing on the armchair and steve is warm in bucky’s arms, so it really doesn’t matter
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
love how much mental gymnastics you guys have to do to make out that mobius is a bad person. he is literally the only one who believes in loki from what we've seen and is putting his job on the line to help him. as someone who has adored loki since 2012, he has committed a lot of hideous crimes, his anger was only influenced by the sceptre (he was not mind controlled), and he was literally about to assault mobius. should mobius have just let loki hit him?? you guys are mental lmao
1) “You guys”?? Last time I checked I was one person. Are you under the impression that I am a colony of super-intelligent bees stacked on top of each other under a trench coat? Well. I suppose since I’m a stranger and you know nothing about me, technically that could be (bee?) true.
2) Given your behavior I can certainly see why you aren't able to understand why what Mobius is doing is wrong since you seem unable to behave in a moral, ethical, and kind manner and seem to feel compelled to be cruel and to try to control others. Perhaps you should consider a career with the TVA.
3) Seriously though. Regardless of whether my interpretations are correct or not, this isn’t an appropriate ask to send. You need to learn to cope with strangers on the internet having different opinions from you on a range of subjects. I’m not attacking anyone who has different opinions from me because that would be stupid and also not nice. This is a fictional tv show. It’s not even that serious. Why would you think it’s ok to send harassing messages filled with insults to a stranger because they posted something online about a fictional character that you disagree with? I really hope you wouldn’t do that in real life. It’s abominable behavior. If you truly find yourself unable to control your anger over insignificant things like someone having a different opinion from you about a character in a comic book movie, I do suggest you see a professional.
4) I don’t really have to do much mental gymnastics at all. From his first appearance in the first trailer Mobius has mocked and humiliated and denigrated Loki. He’s also made a lot of incorrect and insulting statements about him - that he likes to talk (not true, from his first appearance he is defined by his silence), that he likes to lie (also not true. his deceptions work because they are unexpected) and that he frequently stabs people in the back. He doesn’t believe in Loki. He believes that Loki can be useful to him. We have seen no evidence of Mobius showing sympathy or empathy towards Loki, advocating for his rights, having any issue with him being ensalved or hurt, or caring that he ws just recently tortued by Thanos. He also has no compunctions about shocking him or hurting him. Mobius is Loki’s captor and just because he doesn’t want him to be killed doesn’t make him his friend.
5) What should Mobius have done? Gee. I dunno. Maybe not be complicit in an organization that routinely murders people and is currently enslaving Loki. Loki is a prisoner who is being held against his will under threat of death and forced to labor without compensation. He has every right to fight back. Also he’s not lunging at Mobius. It looks like he’s trying to leave.
6) If Mobius is intended to be an antagonist then he’s a brilliant one and as of the latest trailer that seems to be more the intent, given the sinister framing and music. I hope they continue to go in that direction because that makes for a much more interesting narrative. As the protagonist Loki should have threatening antagonists to deal with
7) Where did I say Loki has never done anything wrong? I like him because he is a grey character. Also why do you single out my liking for Loki? I like Thor too because I also find him an interesting character. Thor has killed way more people than Loki and yet you don’t assume that I am ignoring that. Actually a lot of the Avengers have done sketch things, but only Loki seems to provoke people to swarm into others’ inboxes going ‘but you know he did bad things right??” Also Loki's whole motivation in Thor 2011 was to prevent a war and STOP violence, despite the fact that he comes from a warrior society where warfare is considered glorious. He is raised in a society that has genocidally hateful attitudes towards the Jotnar. Loki is actually much more reserved in his opinions (unlike Thor who openly talks about wanting to wipe them out, and receives no correction, indicating this is an acceptable attitude in Asgardian society). Only once Loki becomes consumed with hurt and self-hatred after he learns his own origins and has a suicidal mental breakdown does he try to destroy Jotunheim. Thor meanwhile murders dozen of Jotnar over an insult (something that is considered totally cceptable in his society). So why do you single out Loki? Loki then is captured, tortued, mind controlled and indoctrinated by Thanos and forced to attack New York. And that’s really it on the horrible crime front. Pretty mild by his society’s strandards. This is not to say he’s done nothing wrong, but it’s kind of weird of you to single him out when so many other characters in the MCU are also grey. And again. Why do you need to come into my inbox about it???
8) Ultimately these are fictional characters and I can enjoy them and interpret them however I want. To me Mobius is very clearly evil and part of an evil organization. I also prefer him that way because I find him much more narratively interesting as a clearly framed antagonist and villain. So I certainly hope that's the intent. That’s my prerogative. Similarly if Loki were irreeemdably evil and I just wanted to woobify him and engage in the fandom that way and excuse his every bad act that would be ok too. I can have fun however I want. It’s not healthy or appropriate for you to come in my inbox and try to police that.
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