#even though you can make some similar arguements with him
dizzying-faust · 5 months
I'm in the minority that dislikes Blitz//bee that isn't related to Bumblebee's age.
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The last ageswap post gave me an idea!
After Yoshi falls out with his uncles, no one can find him. Following the argument he ran out of the Lair without thinking, so didn't stop to grab his phone or a jacket.
This means that not only does no one know where he is, they've also got no way of reaching him.
The Turtles don't realise that at first, largely because Yoshi had just found out something major and they decided to give him some space for a bit. It wasn't until a few hours later when he still wasn't back yet that they figured it out. They were getting worried, so tried to text him. When he didn't respond to that they tried calling, and were horrified to hear his phone going off in his room.
At this point, hours since they'd last seen him and with no way to reach him, they start panicking. The Turtles called April and Casey to ask if they'd seen him. They hadn't. June, Mayday, Shadow, Kirby and Shen hadn't heard from him either.
April and Casey left their apartment to go look for him. The kids were told to stay home and wait in case he showed up there whilst everyone else was out looking.
No one found Yoshi that night.
The next day rolled around and Casey and April kept looking on the surface whilst the Turtles searched the sewers. By nightfall there was still no sign of him.
Telling the kids to stay home also didn't work. By this point the ageswap kids had been a team for the better part of a year, and even the newer members of the team (Kirby and Apolex) weren't willing to sit by whilst Yoshi could have been in trouble. Also, considering what the arguement was about, the kids had all quietly considered that maybe Yoshi didn't want to be found by their parents, and believed they'd have a better shot at it.
It's part way through that second night when Shen remembers the hangout her and Yoshi had made.
No one else knows about it. It's quite and out of the way, making it the perfect place to hide if you don't want to be found, and also carries little chance of random humans coming across it. Her and Yoshi had left some supplies there: first aid kids in case they got hurt on patrol, food for when they got hungry, bottled water, and blankets. Yoshi could easily hide there for a few days without having to leave to scavenge for food.
The ageswap gang make their way there, not telling the adults what they're doing in case Yoshi isn't there. Some of the kids might have been there before, I'm not sure at the moment if it was just a hangout for Yoshi and Shen, or if it was a place where all the kids liked to hang out.
Much to their relief, they find Yoshi. He looks wrecked, like he's not slept or eaten much at all the last couple days, and the fur around his eyes his is damp. Yoshi doesn't cry - things have to be really bad for him to start crying - so his sisters' relief quickly gets replaced by worry.
They all sit with him for a while, helping him calm down and talking about what happened. They try to figure out what to do now.
Yoshi doesn't want to go home - he loves his uncles, but he's furious with them and heartbroken, and the idea of being around them right now makes him feel sick. He doesn't want to stay at Second Time Around for similar reasons, though he's not as angry with April and Casey. Kirby lives with an older sister, and he struggles to hide being a mutant from her as is (she would accept him, Kirby is just far from ready to tell her). Shen suggests her parent's apartment - her parents are never home, and there's plenty of places Yoshi could hide. In theory, he could stay at the hang out during the day, and then stay at her home during the night.
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this-old-catte · 7 months
"Maybe you can tell her to sit down."
Dimitri arrived right as the door to the house swung open and the handle slammed into the wall making him cringe at the sound of the wood buckling to the fury of the petite and normally demure Liri who stormed out with her nose in the air and her child squealing in delight at the chaos that had erupted, on her hip.
"Dontcha come back here lookin for no super later either girl" Xixa yelled after her oldest "Ungrateful child, s'what I get for sleepin' with a Seeker." That was another cringe that made the Sharlayan clear his throat to try and hide the words alas it was too late and after one more burst of rage off ran Liri in tears while the wee one babbled happily and waved its little hand at Dimitri over Liri's shoulder.
"Again?" This had been the last few visits to the Loonsi House. He had arrived each time on the cusp of yet another arguement.
"Again" Xixa replied, voice colored with a rather noticeable irritability. "Thinks she knows everything that one. Well don't stand in the yard Sonny. Ain't gettin' any younger neither of us."
Carefully the giant stepped through the door made for Miqo'te and then turned to examine the damage to the wall where the door handle had hit. For a young woman Dimitri had found himself wondering if Liri had super strength a few times now, her ability to damage things, far greater that someone her size should have been able to pull off.
"What happened?" The words were soft and kind with just a bit of a rumble to them that often sounded like a moving storm, kneeling down he ran his hand along the wall checking first for an indent and the secondly for any slivers or shards that could harm someone who came in contact with the door.
"The usual, girl has her knickers in a bunch because I went outside." The tapping of a cane filled the Sharlayan's ears and his head turned to find the Miqo'te nearly at his side already.
"She ain't aether sensitive like me and her Sisters. Took after her Father she did. Not a whole lot of Aether of her own but what she does have is thick and strong. Tough for her to understand I can see even though I'm blind."
Rising to his feet he moved closer and rested a hand on his mentors arm, she looked more tired than usual and her hair was pulled up into a bun that exposed her moon-like face making her look far younger than he thought she was due to the long grey streak of hair that rested along her right cheek and then spilled down her robes.
"Hmm I was wondering how similar your talent was to Y'shtola Rhul. Had a chance to hear her speak once or perhaps it was more yell? Quite the impressive woman really and quite blind. Her eyes glow like your however, alas I could not get closer to meet her. She was arguing with members of the Forum." Something that was not new to those who live in Sharlayan, the memory bringing a smile to his lips.
"Not quite. Shtola's gifts are stronger than mine. While both of us had rather scary expierences that woke them, her turns learning with her fancy mentor makes her far more advanced than me, not to mention the time in Sharlayan learning as well. Did you know she is younger than me, about ten turns perhaps twelve? She is a Keeper as well." Xixa cracked a smile showing off the very notable Keeper fangs. "Lot of gifted Witches and Sorceresses are. Only thing better are some of the lalafell you find at the Ossuary in Ul'dah."
Dimitri couldn't help but chuckle at the pride in her voice. She loved being a Keeper and it was apparent when she spoke about those who had been extraordinarily successful on their path. "I would have thought you were younger."
The words slipped out of his mouth and sounded perhaps a little charming, before he started to cough from how forward and flirty they felt, something he was just not good at in any way. In fact he could not figure out for the life of him how he had caught Laurent's attention with how bad his flirting was.
Xixa barked a laugh "Flattery will get you everywhere Sonny. Best way to get a woman in your bed is to pay them a compliment like that." She said it so quickly that at first it didn't register between his long ears, his mind still occupied with thoughts of Y'shtola but once his brain sped up from a good few moments of a fantasy he let out a strangled sound then sputtered like a defective piece of magitek.
"Xixa!" He choked out as his ears flushed only to be met with the Keepers cackling, it was a sound that was both eerie and attractive at the same time. "I am about to be a married man. I would never, I could never." And out came his well known seriousness which made Xixa groan.
"Too bad I wouldn't mind a couple of Elezen in my bed. Rather found of Elezen. My, hmm friend with benefits? Is that how you kids say it? " the smile on her face had grown wicked and spread from pointy ear to pointy ear, making him blush even more. She knew what she was doing and she was enjoying herself a little too much in Dimitri's mind.
"Xixa you are my mentor I do not need to hear about your sex life!" He protested as he focused on turning the temperature down on his face. "Besides you know I do not have sexual relationships with women." He cleared his throat then took a deep breathe trying to steel his nerves again.
"Right I could hear your cock when it sprung to life thinking about Shtola. Don't worry, I won't tell no one Sonny but you might want to watch that conversation. Fastest I've even felt a man get hard."
"XIXA!!" He yelped out mortified at how relaxed she was about sex in general. Let alone her teasing him about it. There was no doubt in his mind that if he looked in a mirror right now he would be as red as a Rolanberry.
"HA!" She called back, her cane tapping on the hardwood floor again. "Let's get some tea, then you can tell me why you stopped by. Don't smack that thing on the furniture while you walk. The aether signature is very noticeable. Never seen one quite so big."
"XIXA STOP" it was too late, however, in the time he had taken to yell again, she had already disappeared into the kitchen her cackle still spilling from her lips and echoing down the hall.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hii❤️🥰 how’re you doing?🌸 can you please write headcanons (or scenario, whatever you’re comfortable with!) for Shanks, Benn, Ace, and Sabo reacting to their female partner flinching during an arguement? Tysm><
I am gooood thanks, hope you are well! and I hope this is what you had in mind.
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Sabo + He’d never raised his voice around you, let alone at you and seeing you shrink the way you did hurt his heart. He’d instantly wave his hands trying to disarm the situation. + Pulling you into a hug he’d hold you tight and whisper sorry over and over, that he didn’t mean it and the last thing he’d wanted was to make you scared. + At some point you’d break down and tell him about the things in the past that caused you to flinch at the first sign of his voice being raised. + He’d be mindful on his tone in the future. + He’d feel guilty about it for awhile even though he said sorry.
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Ace + He’s very passionate and it wouldn’t take him long to raise his voice in an argument, things would be heated [excuse me please] and he’d wince at seeing how you flinched when he moved, he’d lower his hands and voice and try turn the argument into something more productive + Would say sorry soon after, he’d try and reassure you that he would never hurt you, he’d never raise a hand to hurt you and if anyone ever dared to harm you he’d straight up set them on fire. + Would baby you after he’d calmed down, he’d explain he had a slight temper and even though he’d shout he would never hurt you and that his anger was only ever spur of the moment. + Would need to go take five before an argument got bad in the future as not to scare you and come back with a level head.
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Shanks + He was so laid back and friendly most the time that it was a shock to hear him raise his voice, you’d never seen him snap the way he did and you’d cower. He would stop whatever he was saying, no point was worth seeing you scared of him. + His hand on your knee as he tried to calm you down, his voice becoming soft and calming, he’d give you his gentle smile and pull you close. + He would tell you he was sorry, that everything was ok and he wasn’t really mad, please don’t be scared of me he’d gently tell you, stroking the side of your face. + He’s a very powerful man and so many people are intimidated by him, he didn’t want you to be one of those people.
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Benn + Very similar to Shanks, will stop as soon as you react that way, he would help you unpack the trauma that caused you to have these reactions and help you with it. + He would also try and work on his gruff demeanor around you, try be softer with you, make you feel safer. + Every time something escalated to a fight he’d try and take steps before it got to the point he’d have to raise his voice.
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mageofseven · 4 years
Brothers react to MC who has been running on little to no sleep and coffee for days but keeps saying they’re fine and not about to collapse
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Decided to put these together since their prompts are pretty similar.
Also, Belphie's section kinda took it's own turn 😅 it's not bad, simply went heavier on the nightmare aspect of the one ask and doesn't really have much in the way of the caffeine or sleeplessness, but I hope you like it nonetheless~
Not the habit of his that he wished them to mimick, if he's honest.
Is very worried about their health, both physical and emotional.
Confiscates the rest of their energy drinks and refuses to let them attend RAD the next few days so they can stay home and sleep.
Any arguements on the matter fall on deaf ears
And if they try the pull the "You do it too!" card since he often uses caffeine to get him through sleepless nights of work, he will remind them that he is a demon and his body can take a lot more strain than theirs.
Stays home with them to make sure they sleep; after all, he has been tasked with keeping them healthy just as much as he has with their physical safety.
Catches them trying to work on homework in their room on the first day and all but carries them to his room.
Makes them sleep in his bed while he does paperwork at his desk.
Whenever he'd hear them whimper in their sleep, he'd wake them and help calm them.
Has to do this a lot over the course of the next few days and becomes even more concerned.
Eventually asks if something is bothering his Love that is fueling these nightmares
And if they'd rather not talk to him about it, he offers to help them get in touch with a therapist that they can talk to.
Ends up setting the human on a better track physically, but acknowledges that their emotional wellbeing is more difficult and more so depends on what they are willing to do for themselves than anything he can do for them.
Oh lord, they got this boy worried.
Not that he will straight up tell them, but still.
Gets Lucifer to let the two of them skip school for a few days to try fix them up (normally this would be a hard no from the oldest, but even he noticed how sleep deprived the human was and knew that it was necessary to fix their sleep schedule and have them rest).
Mammon was the only one that knew about his Human's nightmares though and honestly, he wasn't sure how to handle that part.
Step one! Put down the Monster, human!
Step two! He's dragging them to his bed and they are staying put till they fall asleep!
After that...the Avatar of Greed has no clue what to do.
The man lays down with them and relaxes them enough to fall asleep.
He stayed by them, just in case. He tried laying in bed with them, but eventually the man got uncomfortable so he switched to walking around the room or sitting on the couch. He avoided leaving the room or doing anything too loud though.
When he first noticed their cries from the bed, the man dropped his phone on the couch before rushing over.
He hovered over the bed for a minute. Should he wake them? Is it better to let them them sleep through it?
But as MC let out another whimper, the man knew he couldn't just do nothing.
"Oi! Babe!"
The human woke with a start and clung to their boyfriend before they were even aware of it.
Mammon sat on the bed and let his Human lean against him and cry. He didn't really know what to say so he just stroked their hair awkwardly as they cried.
"Was it the same dream?" He mumbled once they calmed down.
Silence. How was he suppose to help if they didn't wanna talk about it?
"I'm sorry..." MC whispered.
"Don't be sorry, babe; just talk to me 'ere."
MC tugged at him so the two of them could lay back down together.
"I don't wanna think about it..."
The second brother shut up at that, feeling like an ass for pushing them. Of course, MC didn't see it that way though; they knew he was just worried.
Mammon stayed in bed with them this time, not leaving their side even once after they fell back asleep.
After about a week of focusing on sleep, MC gets better physically, but the nightmares were still an issue.
It helped having Mammon close to them though so they were at least less frequent. The demon still has no clue what they keep dreaming about that scares them so much, but his Human feels safer with him there so that's something.
MC tried really hard to hide their issue from him so he didn't worry
But of course, the third brother isn't blind and eventually noticed the extreme caffeine intake and lack of brain power
Leading him to ask questions and finally make his Henry admit they've been avoiding sleep for the last few days because of some really bad nightmares.
Immediately blames himself. The Avatar of Envy falls into a pit of self hatred, telling himself he should know this stuff and that MC kept this from his because they think he's weak and worthless and--
Yeah. MC has to spend time and what literally energy they have assuring him that none of that is true.
It was a Friday evening so no school to miss. Instead, Levi gets MC to go to sleep early
Which they agreed...as long as they could sleep with him.
Cue the blushing. The couple had yet to actually sleep in the same bed together yet or in the case of his room, the same bathtub.
Didn't really feel he could say no though with his Henry needing him so badly though.
MC could feel their boyfriend's heart pounding from nervousness as they curled up in the tub together; it didn't really calm down till the human fell asleep and Levi heard their soft breathing. It was actually pretty calming.
Not enough for him to fall asleep though. I mean, this boy usually stays up all night playing video games.
Ends up playing a game on his phone with the volume muted.
Eventually feels MC pressing up against him in their sleep and crying into his shoulder.
The boy freezes.
What was he suppose to do?! Does he wake them?? But they need sleep! But they're having a nightmare! Gaaah
The demon debated this for a few minutes before finally shaking them awake.
Even when they awoke, MC still cried against him.
Surprisingly enough though, the human was willing talk about their dream.
The nightmare they kept having...was about about him leaving them??
The envy demon's brain was stuck on buffering...what did he just hear?
The man didn't even feel like he deserved them, but some part of them was actually afraid he'd break up with them?
Dude couldn't even wrap his head around it, if he's honest.
"That'd never happen... I'm not dumb or anything, Normie..."
Though he doesn't like that they've worried about this so much that started having nightmares about it...their boyfriend is also kinda relieved because of them? Like, the bad dreams are proof that they actually love him just as much as he loves them, despite his self esteem (or lack of) always trying to tell him otherwise.
Caught onto things pretty quickly and tried to simply ask them to go to sleep at a reasonable time that night
Just to discover the next day that they had lied to him and stayed up all night doing school work.
Annoyed, the blonde becomes a lot firmer with them. No more caffeine.
Once the human started to crash, Satan led to his room and had them sleep in his bed.
"I don't want to...dream it again."
"What is it that you keep dreaming, Kitten?" He asked, eyebrows raised
But they had already fallen alseep.
Concerned, the blonde stayed right next to them, sitting on the bed and reading a book while his other hand on top of theirs as they slept.
At some point during the night when Satan was ready to go to sleep as well, he felt the human's body suddenly tense up and their breathing became heavier.
He got up to put his book back on the shelf and MC almost instantly cried out in their sleep.
He dropped his book down on a randomly pile before sitting back down, calling out to his Kitten and shaking their shoulder.
The human woke up and found themselves clinging to his leg.
Satan stroked their hair.
"Shh. It's okay, Kitten; you're alright."
When the human calmed down, he discovered that they have been having the same dream the last few nights--or they believe it to be the same dream. They always forget it once they wake up, but it always makes their heart race and they just cry till feel empty inside, like they are not even inside their own body, but hovering outside of it.
He could feel it, how disconnected they had now become from themself, the world, even him. They were with him yet not.
The next few nights, he runs different magical tests on them to see if he can find the source of these strange nightmares that seemingly force themself out of their own body.
He will get answers. Satan cannot leave his sweet Kitten with this issue.
One of the few brothers that MC never tried to hide their problem from, though partially because they usually sleeps in his bedroom so Azzy was woken up by their thrashing and cries from the nightmare a few nights before they tried to use caffeine and sleeplessness to fix their problem.
Keyword here is tried; their boyfriend refused to let them do this to themselves. He knew better than most how important sleep was for a person's health and beauty and wasn't about to let the human sabotage themselves.
Ends up lighting a calming incense and massaging their back and shoulders before launching into a talk session. What's the dream about? Has anything been making you stressed lately? Azzy needs to hear all of it.
Finds out that they've been dreaming about...well, their past with their family in the human world. Some bad memories that get twisted into something even worse in the dreams.
"Doll..." Asmo, still sitting behind them from the massage, wraps his arms around their waist and kisses their neck then cheek.
Has mega long vent session about their family in the human world. Asmo lost some precious beauty sleep, but it was worth it because when the two finally went to sleep, MC didn't have a single nightmare that night nor the next few nights after.
As long as the human vented every once in a while instead of bottling it up, his Dolly was able to sleep with no issues.
Another one MC shared a bed with and knew about their nightmares.
In all honesty, I just can't imagine MC trying to hide anything from him and make it far enough to even have the caffeine and sleepless night issue.
Beely is simply too caring and observant. He's also someone I'd personally have trouble lying to since he's so sweet and I think many others would feel the same.
Instead, the big guy would comfort them each night, waking them from their nightmare and hold them close for a while before asking if they want some water or snack.
He'd listen to his Muffin talk about their the nightmare if they comfortable with it and promise them that regardless of what the dream was about that they're safe with him.
Would probably go to Satan and ask what he knows about the topic and if there's anything he can do to help stop MC's nightmares.
The poor guys just never wants his Muffin to feel scared or unsafe, even in their sleep 😔
Another brother they never lied to about it, but honestly, only because MC was never given the chance to.
I mean really, how do you hide sleep and dream issues from the freaking Avatar of Sloth?
The very first night they had the nightmare, Belphie was woken up by some of their thrashing and cries.
Instead of waking them up however, the demon used his powers to slip into their dream to see what was causing them to break down so hard in their sleep
And didn't like the answer he found.
When he peaked into their dream...he discovered that it was about that night. About the Incident™️.
He watched another version of himself with his hand wrapped his Human's throat, killing them all over again.
Honestly, the sloth demon isn't when he did it, but found his real self materialized in the dream and on top of his dream version, beating down on the fake him and eventually choking him till the fake simply disappeared in a puff of smoke.
MC was on the ground, regaining their breath as they watched the two Belphies fight. When the fight was over and the remaining Belphie was alone on the floor, crying angry and frustrated tears, the human got up and rushed over to him.
Belphie pushed them away, avoiding their hug.
"Dummy. You shouldn't try to comfort me. I haven't even told you this is a dream yet..."
MC had no way of knowing what was happening then was a dream so from their point of view in this small memory turned dream, Belphie was nothing more than a copy of the man who tried to kill them, but they still felt the need to comfort him...
Devil, he didn't understand them. Not in this moment in the dream or in the waking world. This human... after everything, how can they care about him? How can they love him?
And with that, Belphie made them wake up and the two were back in the real attic, curled up in bed.
The man sat up and scooted over to the edge of the bed, feet on the floor and head in his hands.
It took the human a few moments to adjust to what just happened, but eventually they wiped a few tears away and scooted behind him, hugging their boyfriend from behind.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't. You didn't do anything wrong, Butthead..."
Man, what's wrong with them? Belphie just didn't understand them. His brain was stuck on a loop with that thought.
"Belphie, I know you're different. You're not the same now as you were that night."
"Yeah, but I still did it," He raised his head and turned around to face him. "And don't pretend that it doesn't matter anymore because you wouldn't being having a nightmare about it if it didn't matter."
Their boyfriend had a point. The Incident™️...it was a traumatic experience for them. I mean, they died. Yet because MC forgives him and has fallen for him, they try to so hard to downplay it so they won't hurt him, but in truth, all it does is drive the seventh brother crazy.
"...You're right. It does matter." MC said softly. "But not as much as you matter to me."
MC took his hand and squeezed it.
"I love you... I don't want you hurt over this anymore."
"What, like it's okay that you hurt over?" Belphie took his hand back and stared intensely at them. "Promise me. Promise you won't keep downplaying this and you'll let me...shit, I don't know. Do anything you need."
"I..." MC lowered their head. "Okay."
Belphie pulled his Human into a hug.
"I love you, Butthead." He mumbled. "Don't ever try putting me before your own feelings or even your mental health. I'm not worth that..."
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majolishious · 4 years
The brothers reaction if MC yelled "I hate you" at them during a heated arguement?? :0
Sorry about the wait! Hope its okay. Warning for angst!
He would be dumbfounded, but a little impressed that you had the guts to say that to him - though it did damage his pride a bit. Lucifer glared at you, his red eyes almost piercing through you, “If that’s how you truly feel, (Y/N), then leave”, his words were coated with venom while he continued to stand his ground, eyes not moving away from you for even a second, as if he was daring you, challenging you to say more. In that moment, it was easier to walk away, and allow everything to cool down. You didn’t say a word to him as you exited the room, nor did you speak to him for a few days after the argument. The eldest of the brothers would never admit it, but you leaving like that truly did sting, but his pride would never allow him to come to you first in an attempt to patch things up.
He looked stunned, but his eyes began to glaze over once your words settled, “Yeah? Well I hate ya too!”, he screams back, storming out of your room, not even bothering to look back or say anything as he darts to his own bedroom, curling up in his sheets and crying softly to himself. The argument was stupid, but while he cried, he could think of nothing other than the look in your eyes while you told him you hated him. When he calms down, Mammon avoids you like the plague, worried he’d burst into tears again should he see you - the other brothers even take notice of it, making the occasional comment. Mammon is still Mammon though, and tries to catch your attention in subtle ways, though you’d still have to apologize to him first.
He’d be the most hurt by your words, and wont be able to think of what to say, never mind actually saying anything in response. Levi just turns away from you, trying to give you the hint to leave his room while he processes what happened, snapping back to reality when he hears his door slam. Once he knows you’re gone, he curls up next to Henry’s tank, and starts sobbing, trying to stifle them with a pillow in case you happened to be near and heard him. Levi wouldn’t be able to face leaving his room, feeling like his own thoughts about himself were just confirmed; that he truly is a pathetic and gross otaku that nobody likes.
He’s just even more mad, and continues to argue with you until someone steps in, fearful that he may go just a bit too far. The atmosphere in the house is incredibly tense, with everyone worried that you both may just blow up at each other again. Satan decides to get his own back by being petty - messing with you in similar ways he does with Lucifer, though he’s far less malicious about it, not wanting to get into trouble should he accidentally hurt you. Satan won’t apologize until you do, or until he’s forced to.
“You don’t really mean that, honey”, he says with a condescending smile. Asmo is super mad that you said that though, and refuses to speak to you again until you apologize for it, but he ends up driving the brothers mad by talking about it, “How could they say that? I mean, look at me! How could anyone hate me?”, followed by him looking at himself in the mirror. Like Satan, he does get a bit petty, but he’s also pretty hurt by it - constantly having to stop himself from texting you when he wants to tell you about some new beauty products he wants to share.
He’s honestly hurt, and looks incredibly dejected by your words. Beel doesn’t say anything, or even make eye contact with you - instead just walking away. He doesn’t feel like eating, all he can think about is what you said. Beel worries everyone by skipping out on dinner, and it’s hard not to feel guilty about it, but, Beel would approach you first, and want to make things right. He really can’t stand the thought of you hating him, and not being able to share his snacks with you.
Belphie kind of just shrugs your words off with a, “Whatever, just leave me alone”, despite being genuinely a little hurt by what you said. He tries to act like it doesn’t bother him, and that the opinion of one human means very little to him, but he ends up crying himself to sleep over it, and even then he isn’t safe as your words end up invading his dreams.
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felswritingfire · 4 years
Relationship Headcanons (SFW)
Kaioh Retsu:
I'd like to start this off that he'd be really picky with his partner. Like, super picky not because he means to- it's just diffcult for him to be genuinely attracted to someone enough to pursue a relationship with them.
Looks aren't all that important to him, but personality is an extremely important aspect. He prefers people that are a tad more outgoing, but knows when to reign in their excitableness- that being said he also really likes shyer people as well; he thinks that they're very cute (what I'm getting at is that I high-key headcanon him as Pansexual-)
Before he got with you, he made sure that you understood his fighting career and how dangerous it could be. He'd leave it up to you if you'd like to pursue a relationship after he tells you, but he'll respect your decision if you say no. But he will be e l a t e d if you say yes
Away from that, though, when he does find a partner that he wishes to persue a relationship with- he is super, super sweet!
He's an extremely considerate and understanding partner and just really wants to prioratize you're comfort
If you want a more laid back partner, he is your man- there's barely any arguements in the relationship, and if there is anything bothering you and/or him, he'll bring it up in a conversation so you guys can talk about it
It takes him a bit to be completely open to physical affection, even when he does get used to it, he's still a soft maybe on PDA; he won't hesitate to hold your hand tho. He loves holding your hand. LOVES IT.
The first time he held your hand though, it was about 1 1/2 months into the relationship (no one else knew about your relationship prior to this), and Katsumi, Katou and Doppo almost shit themselves because "oH MY GOD, RETSU'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/SIGNIFICANT OTHER! RETSU'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND/SIGNIFICANT OTHER! RETSU'S GOT A GIRLFRIE-/BOYFRIE-/SIGNIFICA-" (and yes, I have a feeling these three have just enough dumbass bastard vibes enough to chant this)
Retsu was red for a week because these guys are (lovable) assholes. And Katou gets socked in the face because he just straight up went: "So, you bend them over ye-" and then he got a broken nose
On a different note, he's really touchy-feely in private
And if you can cook- then, baby, it's partner cooking
You are 10/10 meeting his master, he's also excited when you guys get along
You also end up becoming well acquainted with the others (Katsumi, Doppo, Baki, Etc.) If you weren't already. And, boy, do you end up with some life long friends from that (and good training partners if you fight!).
Even if you do fight, he's protective of you. He'd try to sheild you from anything- even Yujiro if you, God forbid, caught his attention (this could be from just being a pretty face that appeals to him or a SUPER strong fighter that he wants to be his pray). This man is very ride or die.
If you're with him for the Convict Arc, and you are a skilled fighter, be prepared for the fact that he almost shit himself if one of them attacks you. It's their funeral if they end up hurting you- no matter how bad- they're dead.
Now you manage to fuck one of their shits up? He is both simultaneously worried about you, proud of you and being like: Oh shit that's hot-
Retsu doesn't get jealous. He gets mad if someone is trying to come onto you and making you uncomfortable and will not hesitate to get in their face. But not jealous. He's a man who is every comfortable with himself and the relationship. He wouldn't have started dating you if he had even the slightest inkling that you were going to cheat on him.
No matter how tall or short his partner is, he likes to rest his face on their chest.
Jack Hanma:
You two, MOST LIKELY, met a Restaurant- like, maybe you got stood up by some asshole and you just happen to notice this monster of a dude sitting at the table right next to you shoving an entire steak in his mouth, holy shit?????
When he catches you staring at him in bewilderment, he just gingerly dabs his mouth with his napkin and says, "What you've never see someone eat before?"
"Oh, I've seen that plenty of times- I've just never seen someone shove a whole steak into their mouth." You snark back.
He's honestly a little flustered on the inside, because yeah, you're right. But on the other hand, this (he thinks) is prime flirting time. So then you guys hit it off from there and by the end of the night you two have become friends and exchanged numbers.
If you have daddy issues too, prepare to bond over them, because he will not hesitate to bitch about his dad, because fuck that guy
Once you do get in a relationship, you realize Jack is a very quiet lover. He's calm and collected and he doesn't say much
But he listens and you know he does because he'll hum and grunt, stealing little glances at you if you're chattering away
He's really attached to you and is another extremely sweet partner
He's also really observant and will snag things that he knows you've been eyeing
Meeting his little brother is a must, you gotta meet Baki and be approved, which you most likely will be because Baki is a super sweet dude and he knows that his brother would pick an asshole to date
He dreads the day that his dad will meet you, because it'll happen inevitably, but he doesn't want you to happen
When it does happen I feel that it's a similar situation to Baki and Kozue, the only difference is is that Jack is hella pissed and on the verge of going ballistic, because what the fuck, dad???? ME AND MY S/O WERE HAVING A MOMENT, ASSHOLE-
He's a soft maybe on PDA, it reay depends on the time of day with him
When he is in a mood though, he'll hold your hand or wrap an arm around you to keep you close
He likes to lay his head in you lap at home and just stare up at you
You're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
Likes to give you kisses on your cheek and forehead
He also likes to pick you up and carry you: you talking your friend? Sorry, baby, it's time to go. Shopping? I don't want to be here any more and I'm bored, let's go. My dad's here? TIME TO SKADDADLE, BABE.
He's huge, so I doubt your taller then him, but, hey, I might be wrong, but he really likes pulling you into him and holding you to his chest
He takes you out on dates to fancy resturaunts
He has some insecurities from whenever he was young, so when he gets jealous he gets HEATED
Like he is ready to kill a man, pls do not push his buttons when he's like this, just take him out of the situation and shower him in love snd affection because he worries he's not good enough
Please smooch him. He's sweet
If you're a fighter, he'll spar with you, but very gently, which may or may not piss you off tbh
But he means well
Absolutly head over heels for you
Hector Doyle:
Ok, I want to say, Doyle is a very tricky man who loves his teasing.
It'd be pretty "obvious", from his stand point, if he had a thing for you and wanted to pursue you. To you and everyone around you though, he just kinda comes off as,,,,a creepy dude???
Like, this poor guy has the shittiest time with... Personal interactions, unless it's fighting or social situations where he has a "word template" to go off of. He's just a real awkward dude and he kinda, low-key, has no tact sometimes; like when he just stares at you from across that Café you like to go to like some sort of freaky stalker guy planning to kill you. It doesn't help that you two bump into each other a lot and he just blurts out "You're hair looks really soft" BUT YOU TWO DON'T REALLY KNOW EACH OTHER AND WHY IS THIS DUDE TALKING ABOUT TOUCHING YOUR HAIR??????
When you two do, somehow, finally manage to talk to one another, he explains all the freaky stares and comments and he's like obviously I was flirting? Isn't that how it's done?
No Doyle. That is not how it's done.
Once you two manage to establish a relationship, it's kinda up to you to make a lot of the first moves again, Doyle is very ignorant to how social interaction works, this applies to relationship etiquette as well. That being said though, he has some sort of knowledge about how relationships work from books and shows, that also being said, his version of relationships is probably outdated because of the type of books and shows he watches/reads (Pride and Prejudice, The Great Gatsby, The Picture of Dorian Grey, etc.)
You gotta be prepared to put in the work to reap the rewards in this relationship-which are a lot actually!
For one thing, he is an extremely loyal partner and a really good listener (this not pertaining to the end of season 3, you know?) And he surprisingly has really good advice to offer
And! Once he figures out flirting, he's really good at it! He end up flustering you a lot, so be ready for that.
He's an unintentional hard yes on PDA. He just doesn't care. Your his and he's yours- he can smooch you when he wants. BUT, he is still really weary of this since he is a convict and he doesn't want you to be used against him. Or get hurt because of him. But he does end up touching you in whatever ways he can to be close to you: so, a slight bump of the hands her; maybe if you two are in a crowded enough bar, his hand caressing your lower back or resting in your back pocket; feet resting on top of one another under the table in the very back of that Café where no one can see you two-
At home it's a completely different situation- he likes to grab your hips and press you against the wall and just kiss the ever loving F U C K out of you; his hands will wonder and this usually leads to some fun times, but sometimes it just ends in some cute ass cuddles.
And might I just add on to the whole Convict part: he didn't tell you that he was a deathrow inmate until the fourth date. And he just brought it up casually, on the inside he was nervous as hell, but on the outside he's like, normal calm and collected Doyle (I mean, if you didn't already know).
Doyle gets jealous every once in a while, but it's still pretty rare, usually he just, kinda shooes them off. But, when those rare moments do occur, get ready for a blood bath because whoever thought it was smart enough to try and flirt with you is either getting a verbal beating of a life time or a physical one. And let me tell you, either one is crippling, one just means you can walk away in tears while the other you're most likely dead
After that mess Doyle'll drag your ass out of there and take you back to the apartment where he's even more touchy then usual.
He tries his absolute hardest to shield you away from the other convicts. He doesn't trust any of them and is so, so afraid one of them will do something to you.
Similarly with Retsu, even if you do fight he'll be protective of you, but he'll most likely be more relaxed about it if you can fight.
In that same vein, he'd totally spar with you. And if it gets heated that just means he manipulate it into some fun times ;)
Really like movie night as a date night. He's been exposed to so many mainstream shows/movies because of you, it's great.
He walked into wherever you were and pinpointed you, out everyone else in the room, as the hottest piece of ass in there. Waited for you to notice the heavy weight of a heated gaze on you, look up and make eye contact with him before he gives you this lazy smirk and saunters, easy, slow steps, with all the confidence of Apollo, over to you and leans against the wall with one arm and starts chatting you up. It doesn't matter if you're taller then him, you will feel small and a lil' intimidated/turned on.
I ain't gonna lie, you guys probably start out as a one night stand and became a friends with benefits after you fed him waffles in the morning after aforementioned one night stand and got to know each other, knowing Sikorsky- he just ends up coming to you every time he needs to blow off steam, which is, admittedly, a lot.
Sikorsky is a big ol' dumbass when it comes to the dreaded things called emotions, so he drops of the face of the Earth (at least to you) after he realizes how bad he's got it for you.
He pops up again after he had time to think about it and mull it over. And, would you look at that? He brought flowers and chocolate!
He's real shit at using his words to express himself, he's more of a actions type of guy, opposed to words, that doesn't mean can't be eloquently spoken, he just has a hard time when he's getting frustrated/experiancing heavy emotions; so gift giving is his go to as an apology!
He's actually a really observant lover due to this! He also remembers really important dates too!
He's really good with his hands so more often then not, he'll offer to give you a message after you had a long day at work, this sometimes leads to some sexy time; even if it doesn't though, his hands still feel amazing: they're rough and calluses, sure, but it sends such nice tingles down your back, you can't help but sigh.
He's really gentle when he holds your hands because he knows that his grip strength is off the wall and, he won't tell you, but he is terrified of hurting you.
Another hard yes on PDA but this time it's intentional. Sikorsky likes to prove his dominance over you, which may or may not lead to some arguements between you guys, and flaunt you relationship so he will openly shove his tongue down your throat to prove a point.
He has a tendency to grab your hips and press you flush against him, or even pull you onto his lap in resturaints, he'll whisper dirty things into your ear like this, so be prepared.
He likes to push your buttons once in a while because he thinks your hot when you're mad. He's a little shit and sometime has the mental fortitude of a 12 year old boy. It just comes with the territory of dating him, unfortunately
Sikorsky gets jealous easily and flies off the handle way too much, you'll have to really talk to him about that. But afterwards he'll drag you of there and, instead of making it to your guy's humble abode, he'll take you into the closest alleyway and start making out with you hard. It's almost too much, but it's kinda hot????
Anyway, Sikorsky may not seem like it, but he has your back. He wouldn't let anything happen to you without a fight. Even if you're a fighter.
You will def. be his training partner, whomst he will smooch and smack your ass at any given opportunity
He likes to lay his head on your ads and straight up be like "don't fart, babe, or I'll slap your ass so hard that you won't be able to walk for a week" and you've never want to slap a man more in your life.
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projectshadovv · 3 years
Thoughts on shadamy? Or how you see the potential behind their dynamic? 🥺👉👈
gosh i havent thought that much about shadamy in awhile!! i was REALLLLY into it tho, just as much as i was into sonamy, like i honestly couldnt decide which i liked more.
(under read more cause once again i am Just Talk Talk Talk)
obviously now sonshadamy is the way
but ok well, i think i ship them more platonically firstofall (tho im not against romantically, we just haven't seen them together that many times? i would LOOOVE more interaction with them) and she'd be really good for helping him open up more about his thoughts and feelings, encourage him to be kind and thoughtful. people like to say that Sonic is a lot like Maria, and maybe they are similar!- Maria never got the chance to be adventurous or active though, and in SA2, Amy clearly reminded Shadow of Maria just as he was about to watch Earth be destroyed. She reminded and showed Shadow the actual meaning in Maria's words, what she wanted for Shadow and thats how he was able to save the world.
Amy's a really 'get into her feelings' kind of person and i can see her and Shadow having a few arguements and disagreements and lack of communication and understanding between them. It would def be really rocky at first (while Sonic on the other hand, just *understands* Shadow and leaves him be if needed, or confronts him directly and straight to the point). It would take a long time for Amy to really understand Shadow who's a closed door, and Amy's a open book and maybe that scares Shadow. He doesnt understand someone like her, who is so selfless and kind and lends a helping hand to anyone in need, and maybe he hates being on the other hand of that dynamic- he sees it as being weak, and Amy could teach him that theres bravery in kindness.
On a happier note tho, some activities i can see them enjoying together. Clearly Amy cant keep up with him in combat or speed, but she has a good endurance, and i can see her taking him out shopping or to local game arcades, or maybe help him with gardening. he grumbles and complains at the thought of being around people and doesnt like the center of attention but i think he'd think the experience is worth it
In battle, he'd be pretty annoyingly worried about Amy, she's not as strong or skilled as him and Sonic, or as elusive and cunning as Rouge- and you know, he wouldnt wanna lose someone close to him a second time, so he'd prob jump in front of Amy all the time and Amy would get soooo pissed off at him and theyd just get into a yelling match in the middle of the battlefield and everyone else is just face palming and its sooo awkward for everyone.
Finally, sonic who's known amy like his whole life, assures Shadow that shes more than capable of taking care of herself. Yes she was the damsel in distress in the past, but she's gotten stronger, not only for her friends but for herself and he's seen the improvement. it takes a lot of convincing to calm Shadow and so maybe he tries to work together more as a team with her. He's not used to that, so he'll still mess up and still try to get the most enemies defeated, but thats because he wants all the glory. it's still kinda annoying to Amy but he's trying i suppose!
Or maybe I'm giving Shadow too much credit, maybe he leaves Amy by herself TOO much, leaves her to fend for himself, refuses to work as a coordinated team. He's always worked alone, and when he doesn't its with Rouge, and its more like theyre fighting alone but together- if that makes sense. This irritates Amy cause 'arent we friends? friends look out for each other' and he'd be like, ive always been able to look out for myself' and she'll say 'yes but not all of us are Ultimate Lifeforms like you. What's all your power and strength for if not used to protect those who need you?' and once again she reminds him of Maria's promise. She's really good at humbling him and gently or harshly putting him back in his place depending on whats going on.
Amy of course finds herself stumped from time to time and goes to Rouge a lot for advice, to which Rouge is happy to help but says sometimes its best to leave things alone as she's learned to do when it comes to Shadow. Rouge is kinda relived too, now that Amy's trying to take over as some sort of caretaker for Shadow. Takes some of the stress out of the older girl's hair. Amy can't leave things alone though and just pushes and pushes Shadow until he snaps at her and lets her have it. It sucks but at least he's communicating. Again, Amys not one to back down and tells him that what he does hurts her and his friends. Shadow grumbles that he doesnt care but he doooes when it comes to Rouge and Amy, and eventually learns that to have the girls stop pestering him is to just *tell them* what hes thinking or feeling. He learns its just easier to do that than have them bothering him for days and days.
this is a lot of "amy makes shadow a better guy" so let me think of how Shadow helps Amy for once, okay so obvs i think he'd be up to sparring with her on a lower level to help her advance her skills. She becomes a much stronger fighter. Since she doesnt have the speed he or Sonic does, he teacher her to put all she has into her Piko Hammer, helps her go through rigorous training to better wield the weapon in a more convenient manner rather than just swinging her hammer around and wasting energy when it doesnt hit. He'll even rope Omega in who's more than happy to shoot a moving target. Amy will have to skillfully weave and dodge through it all, or use her hammer to block or deflect the projectiles.
I guess he'd tried to teach her to be more careful of the people she trusted, not to trust so easily and openly. But I think she'd be pretty adamant about it, after all, she trusted him pretty much as soon as she met Shadow, and when she met Omega (E 123 Gamma? sorry cant remember if theyre the same character), along with a bunch of other baddies. She's not afraid of getting hurt or being wrong or trying to be the try hard good guy, she cares more about giving second chances to those who want it. Shadow and Amy agree to disagree but its brought up when its relevant.
hopefully this is good enough?? idk the shadamy fanfics i read back in the day, Shadow was either a really emo guy in highschool or some guy in a gang or mafia, and along came amy this really preppy girl who'd bring him out of his shell and into the sunshine, until one day her life was in danger and he'd have to save her, and sonic was either the villian or some asshole jock kid who get jealous now that amy wasnt always on him, or it was shadow's dad LOL that was THE formula for shadamy fics back then.
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sabresisters-quoted · 4 years
I'm sorta thriving off AUs at the moment so take a Ducktales Hunger Games au
So I guess take Duckburg as District uhhhh idk.... let's say 7
So obviously, there will only be two cannon characters taking part in the hunger games
After careful consideration I choose Violet and Louie because one, they are an awesome duo, and two, Louie with a sword and Violet rocking a bow?
The rest of the fam (Huey, Dewey, Lena, Webby, Gos, Boyd ect.) p a n i c
However they can't volunteer as there were rules put against that
Scrooge is friends with a sponsor, so he gets his boatloads of money ready to bribe her
Louie had no idea how to use a sword but before they left, Dewey and Webby gave him a list of tips
Again, before she and Louie left, Violet and Lena spoke to each other (bc you know... sabresisters)
Lena promised to bring down the leader of the operation if anything happened to her
Because you know guys... its Lena
Huey gave Violet and Louie his JWG to help them
Then they had to leave
Its like the normal hunger games, except they're given no instructor, they need to figure things out themselves
They don't get to try out for sponsors, they just get chosen depending on how they look on the battlefield
Violet was practicing her aim and this random tiger guy (Lets call him.... Ben) kept standing in front of the target so she pinned him to it by shooting an arrow through his clothes
Cornucopia now
Standing on the platforms, Violet plans to just run away, but Louie didn't train with sword for nothing
Louie runs headfirst into the battlefield grabbing a sword and a backpack full of medical supplies and a rope, he then legs it
Violet runs away, grabbing nothing and almost immediately gets stabbed but pushes the person off her and grabs their dagger
Louie and Violet meet up about ten minutes later
There are 19 tributes left
Meanwhile everyone watching at home is nervous
Scrooge has no reason to bargain yet, but he's ready
Lena is trying to keep her dads from having a mental breakdown while having one herself
Della is terrified, she just got her kids back, now she could loose one of them, she doesn't want that
Donald is in a similar state
Remember the tiger Ben? He is the evil guy. No one can even breathe in his direction without getting cut in half, which is weird because his chosen weapon is a warhammer
It must be their lucky day because Louie and Violet find a fallen tribute, with lots of gear, supplies and a bow and a ton of arrows
So Violet now has her primary weapon
First night has almost came, Louie and Violet still don't have food
Which is a problem really
They decided daylight is safer, and go hungry for the night
They find an abandoned cave, and after making sure it was empty, took camp there for the night
Ben kills five tributes in one night
14 left
Next day Louie and Violet find a river, they fish, cook, and enjoy some food for once
Unfortunately, other tributes found the river as well (two, two tributes)
Louie and Violet don't want to kill people, why would they? They're children
Couple of days pass nothing exciting happens, but Louie and Violet get into an arguement
Violet thinks they should try find the edge of the arena, away from everyone else
Louie thinks its too much of a risk and they shouldn't go
They split up
Bad choice
Louie ends up having to kill someone
Baby boy is traumatised
Violet gets to close the the edge
Operators start a forest fires where she is
Turns out she was being followed, another tribute was there as well
So Violet is now outrunning the tribute and the fire
She climbs a tree
Bad choice
Turns out other tribute also has a bow and shoots Violet in the leg
Violet falls from tree
Luckily, earlier, Louie saw smoke in the distance and realised holy fuck that's where Violet is
He is a smart boy and goes in that direction
He knocks out the other tribute and manages to help Violet out
However the tribute didnt come to in times and died in the fire
12 tributes left
Louie tried to treat Violets leg but, ohbno, medical supplies where stolen!
Opportunity for so many things here
If people at home where panicking then... imagine now
The Sabrewing family are all having a mental breakdown
Webby, Gosalyn and Lena force Scrooge to bribe the sponsor even though he was on his way to do that
Sponsor accepts send medical supplies
This is good
Violet will be fine
Forest fire spreads, killing five more people
7 tributes left
Louie goes to Cornucopia while Violet rests her leg
While he's gone, two people find the cave forcing Violet to have to shoot them
One tribute kills another, but then succumbs to injuries
Only 3 tributes left
Violet, Louie and Ben
Louoe and Violet realise they can win, and go off to find Ben
They find each other at Cornucopia
There's an epic battle, eventually Violet shoots him in the neck
They win the hunger games
When they get home Louie constantly has nightmares and keeps thinking he sees blood on his hands
Violet just doesn't sleep
They eventually get therapy, thank god
Thats uh, all I can think of for now
I might post some edits of their designs for this
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Spider Virgil! (Introduction)
So, I guess this is a bullet fic? I always liked to write like these but never knew they had a name lol. Anyways, lets go!
If you’d like to talk more about this AU, you can send me an ask at @foxfire-and-midnight-wings​ or on here. (Preferably only using this one for asks that could bring potential to expand on the story or universe, with the other one for smaller asks and non-canon talk)
[Fanfic Masterlist]
Warnings: super long post, talk about spiders and spider traits (fangs/venom, extra eyes, extra legs, etc.) and the usage of them, talks of spider and snake bites/venom (aka non-sexual biting), general anxiety thoughts and cognitive distortions
[This is basically an AU where Virgil has some spider-like traits, similarly to Remus and Janus with their respective animals. No one is unsympathetic!]
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First off, he has a little set of extra eyes underneath his 'real' eyes (only four eyes in total)
He got nervous before introducing himself to the other sides (aka the ‘light sides’) so he had Janus and Remus help him use makeup to hide them.
Janus & Remus understand bc while they like their animal traits they know he's always nervous about them.
While Remus only hides his octopus tentacles, Janus tends to hide his fangs, most his scales that aren’t on his face (ex: neck and shoulder), and his extra arms around many of the others.
Virgil has setules so he can climb walls and stuff, which is how he gets up and sits on places that shouldn't be sat on.
Also, he has 4 spider legs that are connected to the muscles on his back
One pair is positioned just underneath his shoulder blades, the other pair is around his mid-lower back
When he’s not hiding his legs, they usually are positioned as if they were giving him a weird hug (top are resting on his shoulders, bottom are wrapped a little bit around his torso)
Also fangs!
He has extended canine teeth that (surprise!) connect to a pair of venom glands on his neck
This means that his teeth are really sensitive too, though, which can suck at times
He had a bad habit of instinctually injecting venom into meat and stuff he eats, but luckily it doesn’t hurt him. Now that they’re all older though, all the ‘dark’ sides were able to adjust to their animal traits or habits.
In this case, that meant he trained himself not to automatically inject his venom into stuff
Remus was the first to find out about venom milking, because it’s Remus
Because both Janus and Virgil have fangs + venom, he knew that they were constantly worried about accidentally hurting someone and not having an antidote. So he brought up the idea to them
Luckily, they were all young when they discovered this so there weren’t any inappropriate jokes about it, but Remus makes them a lot in the present (along with the vore jokes, which everyone hates)
Basically, for those who don’t really know, the way people make antidotes and medicine to help with venom from animals like spiders and snakes is through extracting the venom by a process called “milking”
So they ended up experimenting a lot and they eventually made their own antidotes to both Janus and Virgil’s venom
And once they both also learned how to bite things (and as a result each other) without using their venom
(Snakes and spiders can do what’s called a “dry bite”, basically they bite without injecting venom into what they bit)
This revelation ends up with Janus and Virgil often threatening to bite the other person, sometimes if they fight they actually do
The antidotes have been helpful on the few occasions one of them injects a tiny bit of venom by accident (which was extremely rare, and only ever happened when they were younger)
Virgil and Janus still regularly milk and make their antidotes, and they usually keep some of both in all three of their rooms for emergencies
(sometimes they do it just because they can, and end up giving it to Remus so he can do weird experiments with it in the Imagination)
Also, the hissing? Janus is a snake, so that makes sense. But Virgil?
Well, after a little research, they ended up finding out that spiders make a low hissing noise called “stridulation”. So technically, spiders hiss too.
Virgil uses that against Remus when he tries comparing him to a kitten, and he threatens to bite him
[The Present Situation w/ the Other Sides]
- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -
He was planning a big reveal for the ‘light’ sides at one point (before he was accepted) but he never went through with it
Because Accepting Anxiety happened, he was worried he'd lose the friendship/acceptance of the others due to his traits. (Anxiety and cognitive distortions, y'know? Plus, he saw how freaked out Patton and the others were by the spider decorations in his room, how could he expect them to react any different to him?)
And so he continues to hide them and his other abilities
which is an absolute pain because while he can easily cover up his extra pair of eyes, he has to be very careful about not showing anyone his fangs
And don’t get me started on how hard it’d be for him to get into his jacket and positioning it just right so his legs aren’t being squished but they aren’t very visible
Fun fact! That’s why he always appears on the stairs. he can easily hide them by leaning against the wall or positioning his back to where no one can see them
But he still gets little urges to do things spider-like because of his anxiety.
For example: crawl up the wall and go in corner = no people = safe
So to fill that little spider instinct to crawl up places to get away from people he takes to sitting in places he shouldn't.
Top of the fridge, the counter, anywhere he can get while being able to reason his way out of being questioned on how he got up there
To his surprise, no one stops him. If anything, Patton calls it cute and Roman basically encourages it
And so things go on like normal, and he always takes off his makeup once he's in his room.
Sometimes he indulges a bit and climbs the walls
He has a small resting area that looks similar to a hammock (but it’s practically a nest of blankets) that’s connected to his walls. Sometimes he’ll sleep up there because it’s off the ground and away from everything
he tends to lay on his stomach and to spread out as much as he can when up there
(Janus and Remus find it hilarious, but Virgil points out that Janus can’t say anything because he does that too)
No one has seemed to catch on that he has spider traits, and he is extremely relieved about that
Then Janus comes along and introduces himself to Thomas and the others.
And then Remus joins in too.
And while none of them are on bad terms, Virgil gets more and more worried someone is going to point out their animal traits and ask him if he has any.
And he worries because he doesn't know how to respond
He can't just say
"Oh yeah, all the 'dark' sides have animal traits and I've just been hiding mine from you in fear of rejection and that you'll all hate me. By the way, my anxiety is making me not say anything about this because I'll have a panic attack just thinking about telling you, and so I haven't said anything about it, and the more time that passes makes the anxiety about telling you guys worse which causes me to put it off even more. And it causes a spiral from there that often makes me whole myself up in my room for days on end."
So he tries to prevent anyone from asking about the 'dark' sides by making it seem like he left them on extremely bad terms.
It takes a minute for Janus to realize it’s not the normal banter they throw around, it’s something more desperate and anxiety-ridden
Janus catches onto his plan very quickly, and when he can he gets Virgil alone with him and Remus to talk it out.
Virgil tells them about his fears of rejection and how none of them know about his spider traits (especially because they went to his room once and Patton was freaked out just by the spider curtains, making his fears worse)
So they all make an agreement to help Virgil hide his traits and to make a plan to help the others not ask them about each other
And then Remus just goes "so you're saying I can fuck with my brother? That's the plan, right?"
Cause he is so on board as long as he can cause chaos.
And what better way to cause chaos than by pretending to be in an arguement or on extremely bad terms with a close friend, forcing the others to watch it happen and be uncomfortable as they argue back and forth
Janus just agrees because he likes being dramatic and it's not like they didn't banter a lot before now, they just get to make it public and more "serious" than before
(They all know it’s just because he wants to be part of the Drama™)
They make a list of things they can and cannot make jabs/remarks about
And then they prepare for the chaos
(Note: This is not them being “unsympathetic”, they all agreed on the plan and all know what they are signing up for. The entire purpose is to make the others think that they have bad relations with each other, which some may interpret the arguing/jabs as the characters being “unsympathetic”)
[The Chaos Time Begins]
- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -
So this all happens before Selfishness v. Selflessness, right?
Which is what makes the entire courtroom scene funny to the ‘dark’ sides, bc they all were planning to have that be when the drama really started to take off
When in the courtroom and Janus makes the comment about Virgil’s name, he really wasn’t expecting that, but after the initial panic passed he was like ‘I mean, alright I guess’
He didn’t really want them to know anything about his full name (Virgilius), but it wasn’t going to really hurt him
(He just wanted to avoid any of the references or jokes Roman and Logan would definitely make because he already got enough of it from Janus and Remus)
and the plan worked! almost a little too well, though...
After the courtroom scene ends, there’s a couple days of silence where everyone just. Doesn’t talk about it. At all. The ‘dark’ sides were prepared for this, so it’s not too bad for them, but it makes Virgil feel very awkward when around the others.
Then, after the third day of awkward avoidance, Patton and Roman gather all of them in the living room to try and make sure everything is okay.
Unfortunately for them, Patton had also invited Janus up there because he saw the tension between him and Virgil
And Janus physically restrains himself from showing how excited he is because this is the perfect way to make the Drama™ officially known
Virgil is just chilling on the couch waiting for everything to spiral, because while he appreciates the effort, the fighting is completely intentional. So there’s no stopping it now
It goes about as well as you can expect
While everyone else except Janus starts talking, Janus just patiently waits until someone brings him into the conversation to start making jabs. (mainly because he knows that the others actually have stuff they need to talk through first, before he derails the conversation)
They all are able to get to a good conclusion about the situation, misunderstandings are talked through, and now all that’s left is dealing with Janus
And as soon as Patton starts talking to Janus, he gets excited because the show can finally begin
Roman: Now, I know not all of us really like him, but- Virgil: like him?! That’s funny, princey, because I really fucking hate him! Janus: Oh, come on, Virgil! Just lighten up a little. You’re seeming a little... dark. Virgil: Don’t. Patton, trying to prevent them from arguing: Hey, now, kiddos! Let’s take a moment and just step back to breathe, yeah? We don’t want this to- Janus: become a truth-telling session between us and Virgil? Patton: become an arguement.
The others try to help Patton defuse the situation, but it doesn’t work. If anything, it makes the situation worse because Janus uses them as fuel for some of his arguments.
Virgil: Yeah, keep talkin’ pal! I’m sure they really want to hear it from someone who makes it his job to harass everyone Janus: Well, sorry about that Sir Emo, but I couldn’t hear you over the sound of you leaving us. Oh, wait! Sorry, you don’t want to remember being a ‘dark side’, now, do you? My apologies! Roman, frantically glancing between the two: Wait, wha-? Virgil, standing up: Oh shut it, you treacherous snake! Like you ever even wanted me there. You’re probably glad I’m gone, huh? The cold from your room is starting to affect your heart! Not like you had one, though. Janus: Why, you-!
They start arguing and slowly they start getting louder and louder
Eventually, they’re yelling insults at each other, and everyone else is at a loss for what to do
Then, in what seems to be the ending of the argument, Virgil yells “I never wanted to be there with you in the first place, you bastard!”
Janus takes a moment to pause, and then he just says “Right, of course. My bad, Virgilius”
The living room is quiet as Janus sinks out, and Virgil just stands there shaking
He knew it was going to happen, and he knew it was just his name, but the acting and drama was becoming a little too much. It started to feel too real to him, and he knows that’s just his anxiety speaking, but he still feels the tears gathering in his eyes
Patton tries reaching out to him, but Virgil says “I’m going to my room” in a broken voice
The others watch helplessly as he leaves, and eventually they all break off to their own rooms to think about what just happened.
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piracytheorist · 3 years
I am rewatching jacksepticeyes playthrough of RE7 (and debating actually finishing his village playthough but you know) and there was a huge arguement in the comments about Deputy Anderson and leading the player into the garage and how stupid they found it (someone also called another commentor a moron for saying Ethan was one of the kidnap victims- I don't know the responders definition of kidnap but the part where Ethan was knocked out and tied up does possess the hallmarks of a kidnapping)
watching him take everything out of the item box (like the drivers licence and email and keep carrying Ethan's car keys) and then watch his frustration at running out of space is really painful
I don't wanna sound crass, but Sean's case is a case of "likes attract likes". If Sean is a guy who will play the entirety of Village and come to the conclusion that Ethan is a bad husband and father, a lot of his viewers will tend to be folks with a similar way of thinking. Not all of his, like, millions of subscribers, but there are, like, some "categories" his viewers will fall into:
1) most of the viewers, who will not invest in Ethan as much as we have and will not care to make a comment on the character or Sean's comments and will just enjoy watching Sean play games.
2) viewers who will invest in Ethan and will either try to defend him or will ignore Sean's comments because they enjoy Sean's content more than they care to engage in fandom discourse.
3) viewers who will agree with Sean and who will openly engage in discourse with people in 2). And by the "likes attract likes" law, those will be more in numbers than the people in 2).
That is the case with any game a gamer might play, not just re7 or re8. I see it with my favourite gamer, Call Me Kevin, even though he felt sad for Ethan's death there were still a few people in his videos commenting how they thought Ethan was stupid because a b c... but most people were sad. I remember watching his twitch live and the chat being FULL of sad emotes during Ethan's final scene. Or in his gameplay of re7, Kevin immediately chose to save Mia and went like "I don't even know Zoe, why would I pick her" and still there were a few people saying that choosing Zoe should've been the "right" decision. Again, it's the likes attract likes. Despite Kevin mostly being a chaotic gremlin in his gameplays, when he's being "serious" he's pretty compassionate, like, he even felt sad about Elena's death at the start. And he does tend to attract chaotic gremlins who are also compassionate - in his shorter gameplays, half the comments are chaotic gremlin-ly, the other half are sweet comments about how they enjoy his videos.
That's kinda the opposite case with Sean - though I can't judge him too much because I've only watched like... his Untitled Goose Game gameplay two years ago and then just a bit from re8. But just from his conclusional comments on Ethan, I can pretty much tell that of the viewers of his who will care to get involved in fandom discourse, most of them will be people who will not invest in Ethan. Which is not a bad thing, of course. But we cannot watch and enjoy every single gamer's gameplay. And for Ethan fans... Sean has proven he's not the kind we will enjoy. He has enough subscribers, he can afford us not engaging with his re7 and re8 content. So as an advice, I'd tell you not to finish his re8 gameplay. There are many other gameplays out there that are much better for Ethan fans.
With that in mind, I'm not at all surprised to see people trying to make Ethan look so stupid that he's made responsible for his own kidnapping. I hate to bring rape culture into this, but it's the same thinking of responding with "Well, what were you wearing?" to a rape victim. Just because Ethan ignored the red flags of the Bakers' guest house doesn't mean he isn't a victim of kidnapping. If a stranger broke into my house unarmed, only arming himself with a gun he found IN my house in order to defend himself from an attack, I'd much rather get him the fuck out my house rather than knock him out and tie him to a chair. It's not like Ethan went in guns blazing and the Bakers tied him down while they waited for the police to come arrest him for breaking and entering.
And again, I feel like a lot of people who comment on Ethan being "stupid" do not understand that Ethan is just a character who is not, as tvtropes calls it, genre savvy. He is not aware that he is in a horror game, IN the story he's just a dude trying to get away from people who are legit trying to kill him (at the time you meet Lt. Anderson you've already experienced Jack chasing you with a shovel, and probably even having cut off your leg). And again, Ethan being Just A DudeTM is a story trait that makes the game survival horror. You don't have a plan, you don't have a strategy, you don't even have a lot of supplies, you just try to survive with what little you have. Exactly because Ethan is not a trained soldier/cop/operator - if he were, the game would have been a different genre. Some people may not like it... but that doesn't make it "stupid". It's just how the game works. That's called Author's Intent and sadly, most people can't get that concept; that stories happen in a certain way depending on what the Author Intended. In re7's and re8's case, they wanted a survival horror game. One way they worked around that was to give us a Normal Dude who was dragged into a nightmare and was just trying to survive. But some people are too thick-headed to understand how stories work.
Personally, the only reason I'm annoyed with how they handled Lt. Anderson's case is that he's the only POC in the entire game and he gets killed, horribly so, almost immediately after his introduction, and then his body gets defaced. Talk about Black Guy Dies First.
And yeah, I mean, I am a total video game noob. But when watching Kevin's gameplay of re7, the moment I saw the item box, I was like "Okay, you have to get rid of all the stuff that isn't directly useful; keep just the weapons and the heals". But like, even Kevin did some dumb stuff in his gameplay that made me go like NO STAHP!! Or, I'm watching Markiplier's gameplay of re8 now and I WANTED TO SCREAM when he sold the sniper!! The sniper!! After having barely used it! Or another time I was watching a first-time gameplay and the guy kept upgrading the LEMI even though he had gotten the better handgun. Sometimes, no matter how good or experienced or popular a gamer might be, they tend to do dumb stuff that can be painful to watch.
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
Let’s!! Play!! A!! Game!!
I have developed a new personality typing system— are you a Piles Person, or do you live with someone who makes piles of their stuff?
Now, sort the PJO characters into Piles Persons or Lives With a Piles Person and Genuinely Hates It.
I'm a pile maker, I feel like this is a callout (I only pile clothes and art supplies, and everything has its place, but I still do it sometimes); also sorry I took some time on this I was thinking and it was a decent bit to write out
Percy -> He's a pile maker; he mostly only makes piles when it's school work and clothes. His school work goes in 2 piles, "done" and "not done" and whenever he has to move his pile for some reason, the piles get stacked together with a piece of paper in between so he can keep them separate and return them to their place on his desk or the dining room table when needed.
His mom doesn't really think much of it, sometimes she gets after him about his clothes piles but usually those are kept in baskets of "clean" and "not clean" so she doesn't worry too much. Paul just kind of got used to the piles (he's a bit of a pile maker too), Paul doesn't think the piles are too bad since Percy is a good kid and he's not dirty just a bit cluttery at times; if a kid who has saved the world multiple times is a little cluttery, so be it. Annabeth isn't bothered at all by it, she's a pile maker too; she'll sometimes fold Percy's clothes when it bothers her but only because he hates that part of the chore and she likes it.
Annabeth -> she's a pile maker; Annabeth also just makes piles of clothes and work, again she sorts into "clean" and "not clean" and she sorts by "done" and "not done" as well. Unlike Percy, her clothes piles are usually folded, but she hates washing clothes (Percy does that part because he doesn't mind). Her work is significantly messier though, her piles are all over the house, on the kitchen island, her desk, and the coffee table.
Her dad and her step mom don't have many thoughts on the situation since whenever Annabeth lived at home she spent her time trying to make herself as small of a nuisance as possible and therefore didn't make piles in order to avoid arguements. Percy doesn't mind except for when her architecture papers are all over the kitchen and he's trying to cook; then Percy just sorts her stuff into smaller piles on the dining table or something so she can just move them back to the kitchen and resume her work later.
Jason -> Not a pile maker, typically; Jason only really makes piles during his work time. Whenever he's working on something he'll move things in and out of various piles during his work, there's no organization system as an outsider looking in but he says there's some sort of process everytime.
His organization process doesn't affect anyone and even when making piles he's very neat, he's probably got file cabinets for literally every aspect of his work; and since he cleans up after he's done there's no reason to be bothered by anything he does. Thalia appreciated Jason's cleanliness when she was raising him, and Reyna appreciated how quickly it made the Senate run.
Piper -> She only makes small piles; Piper doesn't make piles to any large extent and there's no things that she constantly keeps in piles. For example if she's wearing jewelry and takes it off she might leave it in a pile on her dresser or nightstand for a few days but it does get cleaned up within a week or two depending on the items and her stress level.
Her dad doesn't care much because overall Piper is a good kid and little messes aren't really a big deal, sometimes if it's a large quantity of stuff in a shared space he'll ask her to clean it up but if it's in her room he doesn't care much. He's never really upset with her over the situation because after one or two reminders the stuff gets cleaned up.
Hazel -> She's not a pile maker; if Hazel makes piles it's just because she's cleaning something out and putting it somewhere else, or it's art supplies she's currently in the process of using. She's fairly cleanly overall, and she only occasionally makes piles, whenever she does it's similar to how Piper does so people aren't really bothered by it.
Hazel is known for being pretty organized and on top of things, she's very good at color coordinating, she keeps nicely organized binders with information she needs to hold onto, and she's really cleanly as well; that's honestly probably her downfall if anyone is bothered by her, she's a bit too clean about things sometimes. Anything she gets out is put away before she goes to bed at night.
Nico -> He makes some piles; his pile making process and extent is heavily dependent on his mental health, the worse of a place Nico is at mentally means the more piles he makes, but when he's in a good place mentally he doesn't make hardly any piles. When he's in a worse place mentally his pile process resembles Percy's, "clean/not clean" for clothes and "done/not done" for work and it tends to just make Nico's mental space worse since he generally dislikes clutter. When he's in a good place mentally he falls somewhere on the scale between Piper and Hazel, he leaves small piles of hodge-podge stuff for short periods of time but typically he's known for his organization and cleanliness as well, is he has any piles they're going to collect on his nightstand.
Whenever he's not doing so well and starting to make more bigger piles, Hazel, Reyna, and Will often step in to give him a helping hand with stuff so he doesn't get overwhelmed because having a cluttered space only tends to stress Nico out more and make him feel worse. When he's in a good place his piles only ever really bother Hazel, and that's really only because she is so on top of things, they form some sort of agreement that Nico's small piles on his nightstand and desk are acceptable.
Frank -> Doesn't make piles; Frank's pile style works pretty much like Jason, he only keeps piles whenever he's in the process of doing anything. Sometimes when he's being casual he'll make small piles like Piper, just little things here or there that aren't a huge deal.
Just through spending time with Hazel, Frank eventually stops making piles, she doesn't really make him or anything he just finds her level of cleanliness contagious in some manner. They end up developing really similar organization styles which means over time they tend to help one another clean up, it's one of those small acts of care that people show each other overtime, kind of like splitting an orange.
Leo -> He makes piles in certain situations; in his cabin/house he has some small piles of projects he's working on, it's a mixture of tutorials, research papers, and blue prints... Sometimes he stacks tool boxes or the little knick-nacks he owns, but for the most part he's very kept up. He especially keeps a close eye and is very organized when working in the forges, being messy in the forges could be dangerous so you've got to keep a close eye on all of your stuff (kind of like a chemistry classroom) in order to make sure nothing bad happens and goes wrong.
Overall Leo doesn't make piles and is generally well kept in comparison to most of the people around him, so nobody gives him a hard time over it. Calypso finds his small piles endearing because she spent so much time alone and his little collections of things and his piles of work remind him that she's not along anymore; sometimes if he makes a pile that happens to be in her way (this rarely happens) she can get a little bit annoyed but he's very good about cleaning up quickly when asked.
Reyna -> small piles are her guilty pleasure; sure, Reyna is super organized and very on top of her things and she takes good care of her stuff, but sometimes it's late and sue decides to take the easy route and be a little lazy. Perhaps instead of hanging her cape on a hook or folding it neatly she just throws it over the back of a chair for a few, she might set a dagger and her bracelets on her nightstand table instead of putting them in their appropriate drawers. Overall she's neat and organized, but she can sometimes have an attitude of "I'll deal with it in the morning".
Most people don't really know she's like this, she tends to have space to herself where people aren't normally at so there's no reason for them to know, she doesn't try to hide this aspect of herself it's just one of those things there's no reason for anyone to know. Nico knows about it only because they spend so much time together, but it doesn't bother him because Reyna is almost always neater than he is. Her and Hazel have spent a good amount of time together via Nico over the years, and her habits don't really bother Hazel either. Hazel is usually asleep before she makes her small messes, and if Hazel is up before her then her little messes are cleaned up before the day is over so it's chill. Jason wasn't ever really aware of Reyna's little messes, Octavian was but only because he was extra nosey.
Will -> (I'm adding him to the A-list fight me) he's not really a pile maker; Will doesn't make many piles, he's worked in the infirmary so many years... In medical situations even just a small mess can be a matter of life or death, so it's very important to him that things are kept neat and orderly. Although he tends to be fairly laid back about piles he can sometimes rival even Hazel in his need for cleanliness, he doesn't make a pile for anything.
He could probably bother some people with how neat he is, but most people try to cut him q little slack on the situation since it's a trauma response for him (the idea that he always needs to be doing more and doing better). The only person who Will doesn't mind being a little messy is Nico, Nico helps will relax a little bit on his cleanliness in a positive way where he's not stressed about everything being perfect constantly. The only time Will can get a little stressed with Nico's messes is when they get bad, but he's always really understanding and helpful of it because he knows Nico doesn't let things get messy unless he's not in such a great place so Will is capable of picking up the slack if Nico needs a few days, they're a good parallel for one another in that way.
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panevanbuckley · 4 years
You already know who I’m gonna ask for! BradRay for the domestic ship ask?!
ahh yes you know me too well!! sorry this took so long to answer, i am but a dumb, gay procrastinator fighting the feral urge to (yet again) become bradray trash 💜
who reaches out to new neighbors:
ray. but like, in an obnoxious way? he just talks shit to anybody okay. neither of them actually go out of their way to introduce themselves to their neighbours though (especially not anyone new). ray moved in with brad at the house he'd lived for ages and it's not until almost a year after THAT that they finally learn the names of the elderly couple living next door
who remembers to buy healthy food:
brad. ray is junk food all the way. brad tries to at least treat his body with some amount of respect (as he tells ray daily). although ray has a strange love for fruit and makes sure to buy a different one each time they do the groceries (one week he brings home tomatoes and brad bitches about then not being 'real fruit', leading to one of ray's infamous rants. brad wins, kinda, when he makes ray use the tomatoes in a fruit salad)
who remembers to buy junk food:
oh ray. no doubt about it! he has hoards of junk food stashed in all kinds of crazy places (cupboards, the bathroom cabinet, under the mattress...brad even found a snickers bar tucked by a damn plant pot). brad can't complain though because half of the treats are shit he loves - and, yes, ray bought it specifically for brad because he's, not-so-secretly, head-over-heels in love with him
who fixes the oven when it breaks:
ray! okay, this one was legitimately a toss up for a second there because i always imagine brad in his garage fixing his bike up so immediately went to say him but like...mechanics is a whole other playing field compared to kitchen appliances. which ray tells him. brad CAN fix the oven, he knows how to, but ray is just better at that shit and that's just the facts. besides, why would brad stress himself out fixing it when he could watch ray getting sweaty and dirty, shirtless with a tatty toolbelt clipped to his low-hanging jeans?!
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s):
ray. ray has an obsession with house plants, particularly cacti - which he names. brad, on the other hand, is utterly hopeless when it comes to plants. before ray moved in, there was one flower pot on the kitchen windowsill and that was a gift from his sister. it was a fake plant. ray is also just more of an animal person than brad so he never forgets to feed their cat. brad is the one who sneaks her little bits of his own dinner
who wakes up earlier:
brad. he's a marine through and through, his body naturally wakes up at 6am on the dot, ready for his usual morning run. ray used to be like that but ever since he left the marines, he prefers to sleep in (unless he has class/work)
who makes the bed:
both of them. but only when they really have to. they're both messy okay, it's their house and their bedroom so why should they force themselves to keep it all tidy and neat?! that's their arguement when poke accidentally walks into their bedroom on his search for the bathroom
who makes the coffee:
they both do! they're coffee addicts and have long since memorised exactly how the other likes their coffee
who burns breakfast:
ray is surprisingly a great cook; he used to help his mom growing up, so it's rare he has any mishaps in the kitchen. brad however? yeah, brad can't cook anything but the basics. one time he tries to surprise ray by whipping up pancakes for breakfast and managed to stick the first one to the pan until it was nothing more than a crisp. ray found it hilarious, naturally
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house:
ray shouts absurdly loud no matter where brad is in the house, shit-eating grin no doubt plastered to his face. brad prefers to find ray and loop his arms around his neck, kissing his cheek with a whispered "see you later"
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home:
ray 100% tackles brad no matter what he's doing. napping mapping the couch? he gets the wind knocked out of him when ray jumps on top of him. on a video call with family? think again; he has ray clinging to him like a sloth as he takes over the conversation. trying to work out? okay well obviously ray is gonna have to kiss him breathless. brad is more normal. he'll shout that he's back and then get on with his stuff, only wrapping ray up into a hug and planting a kiss to his hair when he finally comes across him
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often:
neither of them are huge on this BUT, that being said, once brad finds out about ray's love of little plants he gets into the habit of buying cute cacti if he finds them in a shop
who picks the movie for movie night:
both of them! they have pretty similar taste in movies (unlike music) so there's not really any arguments on that matter
their favourite kind of movie to watch:
shitty or cliché action/comedy movies! collateral damage, top gun, fast and furious, pacific rim, the matrix...that sort of stuff. they're also both guilty of quoting these movies ridiculously well, to the point that their friends (if they're with them whilst watching) will start complaining about how they didn't come to hear their dumb fucking voices talk over the whole damn movie
who first suggests a pillow fort:
ray! he LOVES pillow forts and always wants brad to let him build one
who builds the pillow fort:
they do it together okay, two heads are better than one. brad is good with the structure side of the pillows, ray is great with the adding blankets into the mix
who tries to distract the other during the movie:
brad. because he's secretly a little shit. it'll start with making stupid comments, then he'll throw his arm casually around the back of the couch, sneaking closer to ray before finally peppering kisses up his neck. ray, depending on how into the movie he is, will either swat at him to get off or just give in completely
who falls asleep first:
ray. he sleeps everywhere. and if he's next to brad, snuggled up close to his own personal human radiator, then he has no chance of not drifting off to sleep. brad finds it endearing as fuck
who is big spoon/little spoon:
domestic ship headcanons
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marvus-xoloto · 4 years
Okay so. Someone asked me why I thought Marvus was a prince of time and I decided maybe to write a post about it! To be completely honest, this whole ‘theory’ started because I simply enjoy the thought of Marvus in the princely pantaloons lol. 
I want to start this post off with: everyone interprets characters and classes a little differently and classpects are more about personal growth, and I can only present my thoughts based on my own perspective of Marvus. In fact, I do think that you could make strong arguments towards other classes (mage being a strong contender, but I can see witch and bard, for example.... we’ll get to those later), but I feel personally that prince suits him best.
Also I am not a classpecting blog just for the record, nor am I trying to impart some big truth or my own views upon the fandom. This was purely speculation for fun’s sake, and because someone asked :) !!
So let’s start with what it means to be time bound! Very simply put, the time bound are goal oriented, chaos minded, in tune with rhythms and death, and are generally more focused on “the ends justify the means.” This absolutely suits Marvus: he is clearly working towards his own goal (or, my personal opinion, several of his own parallel goals), he definitely wants to “shake things up,” he’s a musician (see his friendsim route, people die to his music), and, well, just look at the end of act 2- he’s definitely justifying his treatment of Joey as end > means. So he’s pretty strongly connected to his aspect right away and takes control of it, which in my opinion rules out page and heir.
Let’s move on to classes to really narrow it down. 
Lord/Muse are reserved for two player sessions, and my personal headcanon is that these are cherub exclusive, so I won’t be looking into or considering those.
Witches take control and change through their aspect: this could definitely suit him! Marvus is all about control and he’s definitely patient enough, but to my understanding witch is that they are very inclined to take command and manipulate their object. Witches in canon tend to be very detached from people (Jade, Damara, Feferi), and Marvus is a people person, so I think we can rule this one out. You could argue that he’s rather detached emotionally, but I’m not going to. Doesn’t vibe with me.
Heirs are served a lot of their aspect without much control over it. Doesn’t sound like Marvus to me, plus I don’t see him as a passive player.
Seer.... I understand why this one is a popular headcanon- it’s all about influencing from behind the scenes, and Marvus definitely does do that- but seers focus their intents almost entirely though others. Marvus definitely inserts himself where he needs to be, and he’s capable of manipulating his aspect on his own when it suits him. And again, I personally don’t see him as a passive player, for all that he’d like to appear passive. He has big goals and he wants to- or, in his eyes, he will achieve them.
Mage is almost right: tbh I don’t quite understand mages, but my interpretation is “understand first, act second.” Suits Marvus, but I think he does have an inclination to want to act as quickly as possible. Plus, it’s implied that mages suffer through their aspect; Marvus is definitely not suffering. Other people certainly are, though, so I can see an argument in favor of Mage of Time Marvus for sure! Again, it simply doesn’t have quite the right vibe to me.
Maids and Sylphs lean more towards being healer classes.... no <3.
Thief and rogue have small themes of justice and stealing, and I don’t see that fitting Marvus.
Now bard.... bard is similar to prince! I only say no to this one because Marvus reads to me as an active class. I do like to imagine him in the bardly god hood, though. I wonder if it would be blasphemy, since those are the robes of the messiahs...? Anyway not relevant kjadslaskdj
So let’s move on to prince, and why I think it suits him.
Princes are destruction classes, and Marvus does have themes of destruction through time throughout his friendsim route and act 2. In friendsim, he did his best to delay (or destroy) the bad time line for MSPAR, and he’s actively helping Joey along the path of... not quite least resistance. It’s fair to say he’s working towards a timeline that suits his needs. Princes are fueled by their aspects, and Marvus definitely shines as a timebound. The strongest and most elegant arguement for Prince of Time; he’s an incredibly successful musician. and themes of prince of time can be found especially prevalent here: people are literally destroyed by his rhythm.
Princes also act as leaders working under an authority. I don’t really want to argue who he’s working for specifically- scratch and the clurch are definitely tied, but Marvus does seem to have his own agenda. This point can only be elaborated on the more we get to understand Marvus as a character, so I’m not going to argue it super deeply just yet.
Lastly, all princes need subjects. For Dirk, he had the carapacians and then later I guess the audience? Idk, i don’t read current homestuck, i don’t know her. Eridan had his angels. Marvus has his adoring crowds.
And on a more personal level, I can see a large personality trait of princes as feeling disdainful or having a complicated relationship with their aspect. Marvus definitely does not like when things stagnate; see how in act two he actively pushes Joey forward, and even pushes her into understanding Alternia so she can grow. 
So yeah those are my thoughts! I can talk about Marvus for hours, but I’d like to reiterate again that this is only my personal point of view and we very likely won’t ever get canon classpects for the fs/act2 trolls, so please have fun and do whatever suits you best! 
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Love in Darkness (Yandere Yami Marik x Blind Female Reader x Yandere Yami Bakura)
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“Quit pulling! I’m the one holding her.” A voice said from behind your back.
“It’s your fault for thinking you can have everything.” Another said from your front side, you could feel their arms around you, their lips on your skin... and the you could feel their auras... they were malicious and evil, just like them.
“I’m the one who met her first, you know!” The voice from behind you said, a possesive tone present, as a pair of lips landed on your neck. For once, you felt lucky that you were blind.
Ever since birth you had been forced into a world of darkness, never knowing what most of the world around you looked like. There were limitations to what smells, sounds and textures could do to ease your resentment for your condition.
Your nightmare started when you had bumped into someone, he said some nasty remarks about you and your sight only to realize that you really couldn’t see anything. Despite being born blind, you had a strong character. You had heard of people that had greater problems and yet showed their true worth. So when you actually became sassy with the guy that had insulted you... you had pretty much sealed your fate. He had spoken in an amused tone and had introduced himself as Bakura.
“Looks like I made an amusing discovery.” He said and you frowned.
“I’m not an item, I’m a person.” You said annoyed and with that left the area, not ever realizing that you had made a terrible mistake.
It had been a few days later that you had met Bakura again, this time though he seemed eager to get to know you. He walked with you, asked you about your life and about your lack of sight... he seemed pleased when he had heard that you had been born blind and had lived your life in darkness. You never told him where you lived or if you worked somewhere... but Bakura took it upon himself to discover it. He had decided that you were amusing, a being that would make a good toy. Though he never would have imagined that there was someone else after you as well.
Your meeting with Marik, took place a few weeks later, it had been similar to your meeting with Bakura. The basic difference was that Marik had seen you from afar, thought that bullying would be entertaining.... then he realized you were blind and actually took a liking to your snarky and sassy attitude. Marik wanted to learn everything about you, creating a fake story to make you like him and slowly listened to you. The more he was around you, the more he realized that he wanted to have you.
It wasn’t long before both males noticed that they had an opponent. The idea of sharing didn’t cross their minds at all as they originally decided to duel it out. However, they later decided that having you choose, would mark the victor of their little game. Which is why they both literally forced their company on you...  but the longer you refused to decide, the more obsessed they became.
“You seriously think that what you do, is called dueling?” Bakura asked mockingly as Marik glared at him. He had long since given in to his dark side, though that did little to help him get to you.
“At least I’ve won against opponents that had some sort of ability. You on the other hand, would loose to a newborn... given that there are brain cells left in your head.” He said with one of his twisted grins, you groanned and decided that you had enough of their arguement that had been going on for a total of three hours so far.
“Do you people live only to duel? There has to be something more interesting than a card game.” You replied and both stared at you shocked as you just went ahead, both smirked, seeing as you had no idea of the forces that you were hanging around with.
After two months, both males had been completely infatuated with you. Their obsession had also the bonus delusion... in their minds, you were something that they could give their dark, malicious hearts to and receive the warmth that your existence added to their darkness. By this point, they could see that fighting for you was pointless and, there was no way the could destroy each other without upsetting you... so they eventually found a nice old house, trapped the owner in the shadow realm and decided to use this place as their lovenest. And after that... you made the mistake of actually asking to see the house they said they had recently “bought”.
“ So, go ahead. Explore every room and tell us what you think.” Bakura said and you foolishly did just that. After a while you sat down and they sat next to you.
“So, what do you think?” Marik asked and you smiled.
“ It feels like a nice place to stay. I like it.”
“Good, then I’ll just bring your things over tomorrow.” Bakura replied and you frowned.
“My things? Why would you bring my things here? This is your house after all.”
“Not anymore. From this day forth this is OUR house.” Marik said as his lips landed on your neck with Bakura joining him seconds later. Both men groaned as they tasted your skin, finally able to let their desire of you to take over. Needless to say, they went all the way through with you that day, they would take turns as to who would pleasure you and who you would pleasure in return. When night fell, you were a fucked up mess that was kept by two lunatics filled with lust and a twisted sense of love. 
And now, both were once again fighting over who would hold you for the day. Whatever mission they individually had was kept outside of this house, when they were in here, the only thing that mattered was you.
“Hey (Name), who do you want to pleasure you first? Me or mister three eyes?” Bakura asked, licking the shell of your ear, Marik left a low growl as he pulled you closer, his face burried in your breasts. 
You didn’t answer, whenever you spoke and chose either of them, you’d end up in pain. Your body had been covered in bite marks and bruises, some were old and some were new. However, over the weeks you had spent trapped here, you’d get yelled at and at times they’d pull your hair or slap you if you showed preferences. Both Marik and Bakura were competitive... and so having you decide between them would unsurprisingly lead to disaster. 
“Looks like we’ll figure out by how loud she’ll get.” Marik said as he moved upwards, forcing his lips and tongue on yours. The only thing you could do was cry, even if you wanted to fight you knew it’d be pointless... escaping was nothing more than an illusion. 
As far as these two continued to “love” you, the only thing that was certain, was a world of darkness, lust and agony. A world from which you’d never escape for as long as they wanted. 
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hjh-ceilo-monster · 4 years
Miracle in December (Soulmate AU / Ot 7)
Do you believe in a winter miracle? Perhaps, such thing can be exist. Well, for me it was hard to believe too. Not until I met 7 guys during a christmas week. Who knows, not even me, that moment changed me for life.
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a/n : This is going to be my first poly bts story so bear with all my mistakes ok? Also, you might see hundreds of soulmate au. I will try my best to write this one, promise. (Sign : Tattoo)
Summary :  Jimin and Namjoon remembered you from the Christmas eve concert. They had the urge that you were their soulmate since then. One day, when everyone entered the cafe, they all met you. Perhaps this was the time for those two to find a prove.
21th December
I hated this pandemic so much. I sighed while sipping the tea. This was a week of Christmas, but nothing was going on. No celebration nor decoration around the town. The snow started covering some part of Seoul yet no one came out and felt excited about it. This was the first snow!
‘Ha, my favorite song.’ I glanced at my phone which now playing one of the songs in love yourself album, Her. I loved the meaning of this song. Every time I listen to it, I have an urge to glance at my tattoo.
In this world, a soulmate is common among people. By finding your partner, there must be some sign that connects you with him/her. For me, it was a tattoo. A set of butterflies with different colors were flying and white petals were also flowing along with them.
Sadly, I didn’t find mine yet and now I am 26 years old. Not like I cared since I had already given it up on my 24th birthday. The bell then rang and the door widely open. I glanced at the new customers. They were a group of men. I took my eyes off them before they noticed my gaze and thought I am a creep.
“Hyung I will take a seat there with Jungkook and Namjoon hyung. Order anything for me.” I heard one of them spoke. Hearing those names, my eyes widened a bit.
How could I not? They were BTS....my fav band ever. I was listening to their song a minute ago when the bell rang and they entered. I tried my best to not glanced toward them again. I didn’t want to act like  a stalker.
Author POV.
You were sitting in the corner of the cafe while gazing out the window. Little do you know that someone caught you glanced at them before you took your eyes off.
‘Why is she so familiar?’ Namjoon thought while looking at you. He kept thinking until he took a seat. 
“Jimin, corner table,” Namjoon whispered to the younger boy. Jimin's eyes then started searching until he found your presence. He gasped quietly yet Jungkook and Namjoon caught the sound.
“Hyung, she was that girl remember...when I told you guys last year after our Christmas eve concert...” Jimin chirped excitingly. Making the others who just arrived at the table wonder.
“This cafe is nice. You pick a good choice today.” Hoseok complimented Taehyung.
“What were you guys talking and why were you staring at that girl?”
“Shhhh hyung, you will make her notice us.” Jimin and Jungkook spoke in unison, replying Yoongi.
You then looked around the cafe. You were bored so you decided to order some snacks to fill up your stomach. Jungkook with Namjoon started standing up and followed you.
“I would like...red velvet macaroon please.” You ordered the cashier without noticing 2 men standing next to you.
“We would like to have the same as her please,” Jungkook spoke. Namjoon then took out the cash and paid for you as well as their order.
“Uhh thank you, but you didn’t need to...”
“We insist.” They answered. While waiting, Namjoon struck the conversation with you and followed by Jungkook. Then they invited you to their table. The other, except Jimin, was sitting there with confusion.
“Finally...hi I’m Ji-”
“Uhh well...I know you guys.” You looked at the floor while spoke. Hoseok and Jin glanced at  me with a smile on their face.
“This is akward. Why do you drag the girl here? She must be startled by us.” Jin spoke.
“But she is our...” Jungkook and Jimin tried to reply, but Yoongi interrupted.
“I know she looks familiar...you went to our concert last year, right? For the Christmas eve concert. These two told us they had a feeling that you were our soulmate.”
“I don’t think I’m...” You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence when Taehyung noticed the tattoo- imprinted the sets of butterflies and petals scattered around them. Representing different colors.
“Yes, you are.” He revealed his sleeves and showed his butterfly tattoo; Representing his color.
Poly soulmates were common, but 7? and with them all? You didn’t want to believe it. Not until when all of them decided to show their wrists. Each of them owns a colored butterfly. Not all of them had the same tattoo as yours, but adding together it was similar to you, except the petals that only you had them.
“Well...let’s call this our first quick date yeah?” Jin proposed.
22nd December
Finding yourself standing in front of their managers and Bang PD nim wasn’t something you expected to happen today. The boys told everything to them and introduced you.
While they were talking, you stood still in your place. You were sweating, despite the cold weather. Your hands were shaking like crazy so does your heart. The sound ‘Lub-Dub’ was so loud that you were so sure everyone could hear it.
“Y/N.... your wrist,” Yoongi called you. You snapped back to the real world and showed them your wrist.
“Unbelievable.” The manager's expression was beyond shock. They couldn’t believe the elegant mark that appears on your skin. Bang PD nim, however, only smiled and gently patted you on your shoulder.
“Welcome to Big Hit, this is such a surprise for me. I never know my boys will grow up so fast. Also, I heard from Jhope that you were their fan, right?” You nodded.
“Then be careful, I think after we have an official announcement, some fans will be wild. If they are too much, tell me and I will take action on that.”
Later on, all of you went to their dorm. They planned to show you around first so you will be familiar with it when you move in after the announcement. Their dorm was huge. Comparing this to your home, yours shouldn’t even call ‘home’.
“What do you want to do? We didn’t have any plan except give you a tour for today. We were sorry that we didn’t ask you what you like or dislike yesterday. It seems like we ranted about ourselves too much.” Namjoon gave you an apology look so do the others.
“No... it fines. Today, a lot happen to me.” You spoke with a soft voice. The feeling of anxiety didn’t leave you alone yet.
‘Then be careful, I think after we have an official announcement, some fans will be wild.’ Thinking of that situation, your face drained color. You were worry that those people would think you were taking advantage of them. This will be a rare case toward the public when the company gives an announcement.
They all looked at each other. Your face showed the word ‘anxiety’ clearly. They then decided to do some icebreaking activities. From playing games, eating dinner together, and having movies night at the end. Everything was simple-but thanks to their efforts, it calmed you down.
Lastly, they finally got to know who you are.
23rd December
Since they weren’t sure whether they will have any schedule on 25th December; they decided to divide today into half. In the morning half, you would be with the hyung line. The afternoon is for the maknae line.
“Ready?” Jin asked the others. They all sat scattered in the living room with patience.
When you stepped out of the room, all eyes were on you. Your palms sweated and your body shook a little. Each of them then started showing different reactions.
“Stop staring, I know I did a great job,” Jin spoke to snapped them back to reality.
“It’s because of Y/N.” Everyone mumble in unison. You who didn’t really know why they were staring got nervous even more.
“Ready, princess?” Jin asked. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jhope were already standing behind him.
‘Ahhh stop my heart is going to burst.’ You chanted in your head while you tried to calm yourself down and nodded as an answer.The maknaes sent you off and bidded you a good bye.
“It so quiet.” You looked around the places. The snow fell and piled themself up-Looking so soft like giant pillows. The atmosphere that usually would be loud with giggles and laughters was nowhere to be seen. You missed the old christmas. 
“It isn’t really fun this year, but at least we get to hang out without anyone bother us.” Jhope replied.
“Pandemic isn’t agood thing. However, we appriciate the time for ourselves. I don’t remember the last time I can walk down the street and relax like this as kim namjoon. This is refreshing.”
You felt guilty and delight at the same time. Guilty because what they had said after your comment. Still, you felt delight that you could walk around with them without creating any controversy.
This small date with them so far was lovely. Even though it was just walking around town, went to each of their favourite places and took pictures, you enjoyed the moment. You were happy they got to enjoy themselves and be themselves. This was how the date should be.
“Y/N...let selfie here.” Jin grabbed you and put you in the middle while the four of them gathered by your side.
“Y/N...Y/N...let’s play arcade.” Taehyung proposed the idea while his eyes shoned brightly as if they were stars.
“Yeah let’s pair up. Me and Y/N, you and Jimin hyung.” Jungkook wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Your body got tense. The other two scolded him for his action.
After a long long arguement of who should be your partner, you finally got to play some games. You told them you would pair up with all of them. That became a final decision.
“Both of you should seperate, you guys are too good.” Jimin whined and pouted. When you and Jungkook became a pair, to 95 lines, it was like they had zero chance to win. 
“No.. I’m not...that good.” You denied with a stutter.
“I didn’t know you are an arcade geek.” Taehyung teased. Your face which already turned pink became crimson red. You couldn’t really handle when someone compliment or tease you. 
“Anothe round?” Jungkook proposed.
let’s go!
24th December
“Anything more?” You asked Jin and Jhope who was checking carefully. They didn’t want to miss any decorations for tomorrow.
“I think that’s all. Hyung, do you want me to buy more meat? I think there’s not much left in the fridge.” Namjoon checked the fridge again to make sure what they need to buy more.
Yoongi stood with a car key ready in his hand. When Jin finished the list, he gave to you. Jhope also reminded you and Namjoon to get everything, especially Namjoon.
“Please, take care of this baby as well.”
“Uhh..huh?” You nodded while Namjoon protested in the back. 
Indeed, on the 25th December, they had to perform. You made sure to go there and support them. Their performance was perfect. You eyes glued toward the screen in the back stage. You heart beated accordingly to the songs and your own excitement.
“How was it Y/N?” Jimin asked you pridefully. You were still zone out even after the performance finish for awhile and they entered the room.
“Her eyes glued to the screen.” The manager crew then chuckled. Making you blush and hid you face with your palm. With that sight, all of them laughed with delight.
“Now it’s the time to celebrate!!!” Jhope hyped with Jungkook and Taehyung along his side.
Living with them for nearly a week made you see various things. You got to know who their real selves. Everything about them that you got to learn was such a surprise, in spite that, you fell for them. And for this time, it wasn’t because of how they were your idols with good looking faces, enchanted voice and hardcore rap skills. This was because of their personalities, how they get along sometimes and fight the other time, how they were like biological brothers and how they loved one another.
Penny for your thought
You snapped back to reality. It has been a week and a half. You didn’t think that day at the cafe would lead you here. Thanking youself and your decision, you then answered the owner of that question.
“What is running in your little mind,petal?”
“Nothing really, just trying to process...”
“You still don’t believe it, do you.” Namjoon sighed and took a seat opposite you. Sipping his favourit cup of coffee, he looked at you deeply. You felt like he was searching something within your soul.
“Well, if you were in my position, it would be hard to believe, wouldn’t it?” You threw a question back to him as your answer.
“It wouldn’t, we trust our feeling.” Another voice appeared in between their conversation. Jungkook who just entered with Yoongi appraoched you guys and took a seat.
“It hard to explain, but when we first took a glance in the crowd and saw you, there was this feeling pounding in our chest....”
“And none of us couldn’t ignore it.” Yoongi finished Jungkook’s sentence.
Three of them now looked at you. Their eyes were begging you to believe and have a faith in them. Even if, this was something out of ordinary. 
“What a serious convo...” 
The rest of them entered. Jhope spoke and gathered around the four of you. Taehyung and Jimin could see how the other three tensed up. Jin, who tried hard to understand the situation, looked at you for the answer.
“You didn’t reject us, did you?” Jin asked with his firm voice.
Now six pair of eyes stared at you, fully upset with what thir oldest has asked. In the pass week, they had already prepared for rejection. However, as a human, they protected themselves by thinnking positively that you wouldn’t say it. 
BTS, the world boy band, wouldn’t get reject from anyone especially their own soulmate. Everyone loved them...right?
The atmosphere filled with nothing but silence. No one dared to speak. Only looking around and to each other. They sat there sweating. Heart beated like a drum. They couldn’t even breathe properly anymore.
“If I rejected you that day, I wouldn’t be here. Am I right?” Your arms now widely openned. And like the kids who finally found their mother, they ran into you and hugged tightly. Gripping on you as if you would escape them.
“Happy new year guys.”
“Happy new year petal.”
Perhaps, december is the most miraculous month.
Hey hey hey, first of, happy new year. I hope you guys will have a nice 2021. I planned to put this up earlier, but guess who knocked out in front of the lap top? Thanks for reading this story. This is my first poly ff so again bear with me. See you next story and HNY again...
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