#eventual intruloceit
edupunkn00b · 1 year
Overruled, Ch. 5: Philosophy of Love Meets The Science of Attraction
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You got peanut butter Intrulogical in my chocolate Loceit. You got chocolate Dukeceit in my peanut butter Loceit. Oh, no wait, we've just discovered peanut butter cups Intruloceit. For Day 5 of @loceitweek, Philosophy/Science. Yes, this is still a Loceit story. :)
WC: 3237 - Rated T - cw: suggestive, alcohol, swearing, unhealthy coping mechanisms ---
“You have to check your calendar?” Janus blurted out, staring incredulously at him. “No, he’s free,” he said to Remus. “What time can he pick you up?”
“Janus, really, I—”
Janus cut him off with a look.
“You can pick me up at eight.” Remus’ voice wasn’t as confident as it had been a moment ago, and his eyes danced nervously between them even as he smiled. “My brother’ll be busy with some tech break down shit tomorrow night…” Warm fingers played at the edges of his hair, ostensibly clearing his vision. “We’ll have the place to ourselves.”
Logan tugged at the label on his water bottle and tried to catch Janus’ eye. He understood his reluctance, didn’t he? “I… I merely need to be certain I have not committed to anything else before I said yes,” he finally said to Remus.
“You haven’t,” Janus insisted and stood, offering a hand first to Remus and then to Logan. The finality of his answer echoed against the fitness room walls and suddenly Logan was a lot less warm.
Janus gripped his hand for a moment longer than necessary and Logan again tried to catch his gaze. Despite his smile, he steadfastly avoided his eyes. Finally, Logan nodded and turned to Remus, smiling. Bright green eyes stared back at his, their earlier nervousness burned away. “I’ll pick you up at eight, Remus,” he said. “Wear something casual.” Janus left with a little wave and Logan followed, calling back over his shoulder. “And warm.”
At eight o’clock sharp, Logan knocked at the door number Remus had text him, a picnic basket and plaid blanket tucked under one arm. 
“Hmm, don’t you look delectable,” Remus purred, looking him up and down. “Punctual, too.” He closer and trailed two fingers over the constellation pattern on his tie. “You smell tasty, too.”
“That is more than likely the fruit tray and sparkling cider,” he said, giving him a crooked grin.
“Sparkling cider? As in Martinelli’s or,” he made exaggerated air quotes.“‘Sparkling cider?’”
“It’s a berry apple blend, and yes,” Logan nodded. “It is nonalcoholic. You are under twenty-one, are you not?”
Remus waggled his eyebrows, hand resting on his chest. “Are you this exacting in bed?”
“That remains to be seen,” Logan said smoothly and offered his arm free arm. Remus was dressed in low-slung ripped jeans and newly polished combat boots, laces undone but not dragging on the floor. His sleeveless teelooked cropped, the edges curled and revealing his navel and a faint trail of auburn hair. “Do you have a jacket?” he asked, not at all convinced Remus had been listening when Logan had said to dress warmly .
“Got it,” he grinned, grabbing a heavy leather jacket from behind the door and draping it over one shoulder. He took Logan’s arm and followed him out to the hall and toward the elevators, letting his dorm door slam behind him. “So, where to, hot Daddy?”
“I am not a father,” he said, eyebrow raised. “‘Logan’ will suffice for tonight.”
“Yes, Sir,” Remus laughed, drawing closer as they stepped into the elevator.
Once outside, Logan set a brisk pace across the quad. “We are going there,” he pointed to the clock tower on top of the library.
“Oooo,” Remus cooed, tightening his grip on Logan’s arm with a little shiver. “Are we off for a ‘study’ session?” Head tilted to rest on his shoulder, they walked in tandem and he shivered again. “Care to study me?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Logan murmured. Dropping his arm, he unbuttoned his pea coat and threaded Remus’ hand between the back of it and his waist, his own arm draped around the sophomore’s. “You are cold. If you insist on not wearing your jacket, at least stay close.”
“Oh,” Remus began, voice sultry as he shimmied closer. With nothing but his linen shirt between them, Remus’ hand and arm felt cold. “Hmm…” Whatever he’d been about to say melted into a pleased hum. “You’re warm,” he finally said. “Thanks, Professor.”
Arm curled around his waist, Logan nodded as he felt the cold from Remus’ skin disipate with his body heat “You’re more than welcome, Remus.”
They approached the door and Remus frowned at the sign announcing the library closed at 7:30 on Sundays. “Are we breaking in?”
“Not quite,” Logan murmured, producing his school ID and tapping it against the reader. The door buzzed and popped right open. “The law library has extended hours. This will grant us… certain access.”
“Holy fuck, Logan!” he laughed, face blooming in a giddy grin. He bowed dramatically as Logan held the door for him and practically skipped inside the darkened library.
The warmth filling Logan’s chest had nothing to do with his wool pea coat or the blast from the library’s HVAC system. He gestured to a winding staircase to the left. “Ready for a bit of a climb?”
The library was glorious. It was near silent, none of that seemingly ever-present hum and buzz of machines and people doing their best to be quiet, no clacking keyboards or the random dropped book. Even the self-checkout machines near the door were powered down, only the red lasers flickering against empty tabletops.
Most of the lights were turned off, with only a strip of exit lights illuminating the aisles between the sections and stars and streetlights streaming in through the skylights over the reading room’s atrium. A series of lights lined the spiral stairs Logan led them up, and their legs cast long shadows across the main floor below.
Logan had let go of his hand as they walked, slowing his pace and waiting patiently while Remus peered over the railing at the darkened stacks below. “How do you not just come here all the time?” he whispered, his voice deafening in the silent space.
“Who says I don’t?” he smirked back, not in a whisper, but low and rumbly and delicious. Remus could listen to him talk all night. “It’s just a bit further, when you’re ready,” he murmured, gesturing to the top of the stairs and a bright green EXIT ONLY sign.
Taking the stairs two at a time, Remus followed him through the door, smiling at the bit of duct tape covering the latch. “Maybe you do come here often,” he said with a little shoulder dance.
“I like to be prepared,” he answered and let the door close slowly behind them. He gave it a tug to demonstrate to Remus they were not locked outside, then pointed to an open area just to the right of the clock tower. “Let’s spread the blanket there.”
He set down the basket and flipped open the blanket, one of those heavy flannel ones with the plastic cores to protect against the wet ground. Fuck, he really did like to be prepared. Remus eyed the picnic basket and wondered what else he’d prepared for.
“Please have a seat,” he murmured and they sat, looking out over the campus.
“Oh,” Remus breathed. They could see the entire campus from here, the bright yellow ginkgo trees lining the paths, the ornate street lamps dotting the edges and casting thin, warm light against the darkened buildings. To the West was the Sound, big barges looking magical in the dark, just floating lights reflecting off the water. To the South was Mount Rainier, her snowy top illuminated by the full moon.
His fingers itched, wishing he had brought his sketch pad and charcoals. He glanced at Logan, busily organizing two glasses and a platter of strawberries, grapes, and pineapple in front of them. He pulled out the promised bottle—chilled, no less—of Martinelli’s and—
“I noticed how you’d been drawing at the fitness center,” Logan said, passing him a blank sketchbook and a small box of charcoals. The exact fucking brand he’d used before their sexy little law school smack down. “I’ve always enjoyed the view here and I thought perhaps…”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Remus grinned, reaching for the sketchbook and pastels. They were brand new, still wrapped in the plastic film. “Thank… thank you, Logan. D—do you really not mind if I…” He gestured to the sketchbook and the water in front of them. He knew this was a date, right?
Smiling, Logan moved closer to him and draped his jacket over his shoulders, then handed him a glass. “I was rather hoping you would.”
As the evening wore on, the pair finished their drinks and most of the platter. Remus sketched quickly, filling page after page. He and Ro had made it out to Seattle just before the start of freshman year and he’d never… never seen the sky quite like this. Most nights were cloudy and even he hadn’t yet dared to climb up to the clock tower just for a look around.
He turned to a fresh page again and shifted, keeping the very southern tip of the Sound in his field of vision along with the mountains. Logan moved behind him and, as he drew, Remus leaned back, resting against his chest. A gust of wind whipped at his hair and Remus blew up sharply, hands busy with the pastels.
Humming quietly, more a rumble against his back than anything Remus could hear, Logan tucked his hair back behind his ear. The warmth from his hand sent a little shiver down his back and Remus tore his eyes away from Mt. Rainier and grinned up at him. “Thank you,” he whispered. 
“My pleasure.” Logan smiled and Remus shivered again. Moonlight sparkled in his eyes and, before he really thought about it, Remus turned to a fresh page and started sketching him.  
“The mountain is back there,” he murmured, tilting his chin toward Rainier. Logan sat with one knee bent and Remus settled between his legs, leaning against him as he sketched a close-up of his face.
Remus grinned. “The view from here is even better.” He started with broad strokes, then tentatively reached for Logan’s jaw. “May I?” he asked, surprising even himself.
“Of course.”
He adjusted the angle of Logan’s chin and nodded rapidly. “Hold just there for a moment,” he muttered before returning to his work.
When he finished the sketch, he closed the book. “No peeking,” he laughed. “I’ll show you after I’ve colored it.”
Logan laughed back, a low chuckle that sent vibrations up and down Remus body. He was practically seated in his lap, with his own legs draped over one of Logan’s. Leaning in, he traced the edge of Logan’s jaw. It was just as smooth and firm under his fingertips as he’d imagined it. “I’ve got lots of things you can peek at in the meantime.”
“Is that so?” he asked, wrapping his arms around him and drawing closer. One more inch and their lips would touch.
“Please kiss me,” Remus blurted out.
“My pleasure,” he murmured and finally—fucking finally—pulled him into a kiss.
Logan’s kiss started gently, tasting his lips as one hand moved up to cradle the back of his head. Fingers gently curling through his hair, he slowly deepened their kiss. 
Remus hummed into his mouth, lips parted, and pushed against him, following him as he lay back onto the blanket. When he broke away for breath, Remus mouthed along his jaw and down his neck before sitting up, straddling his hips. 
“How do you like it?” he asked, dragging his hands down Logan’s chest and playing at the top of his belt buckle. 
“Remus,” Logan shook his head, just a little, then pulled Remus’ hands from his belt and brought them up to his lips. He kissed his knuckles and shook his head again. “Remus, I’m not going to fuck you on a rooftop.”
“Oh!” he said, climbing off. Logan sat up immediately. His face was tricky to read in the dark. But they way Remus had been sitting had made it easy to feel just how interested Logan was. “Why didn’t you just say so? There are…” He waggled his eyebrows and licked his lips. “Other things I can do or we could go back to your place…”
Logan knelt in front of him and cradled his face with both hands. Steel blue eyes stared right into him, thumbs brushing over his cheekbones. “It is quite late,” he said after a long moment. “Perhaps it’s time I walked you home.”
“I had a wonderful time with you tonight,” Logan murmured at his door. He brushed back the curls from his eyes and then his hand lingered, carding gently through his hair.
Remus turned and rubbed his cheek against Logan’s palm, then nipped lightly at the fleshy part of his thumb. “No need for our wonderful night to already end.” He looked over his shoulder at the empty dorm room. “My brother won’t be home tonight. He’s crashing with the rest of the tech crew. Stepping forward, he pressed close, close enough to know what Logan’s body wanted. He looped one arm around Logan’s back, then took a small step backwards. “We have the room all to ourselves.”
His cheeks and lips were flushed a deep pink and, even under the bright hallway lights, Logan’s pupils were big and black, a copy of the night sky they’d just seen. He swallowed hard, then pulled Remus’ hand away from his back and pressed a soft kiss against his knuckles. “I’d like to take you out again sometime,” he said and Remus’ stomach sank to the floor.
He opened his mouth, but he didn’t know what to say. If he didn’t want him, then…
“May I call you tomorrow and we can make plans?” Logan continued in that same low, smooth voice.
“Yeah,” Remus finally managed, heart twisting in his chest. Everything had been going so well. What did he do wrong to get this whole ‘I’ll call you’ bullshit? “Yeah, of course,” he grinned, giving his shoulders a little shimmy. Ro wasn’t the only actor between them.
“Sleep well, Remus,” Logan said, cupping his cheek as he kissed him again, soft and sweet.
It felt like a send-off.
“Yeah, you, too, Logan,” he said and watched him head for the stairs, escaping his view as quickly as he could.
Remus closed the door behind him and sank down onto the beanbag chairs to figure out what the fuck had gone wrong.
An hour later, Remus was no closer to figuring out how he’d fucked everything up and he’d taken to pacing the tiny room in an effort to work it out. Why didn’t he want him? He’d made it really obvious he was ready, willing, and able, and Logan was clearly into it. Had he just revved him up to go be with someone he really wanted?
The scars on his arm itched like a motherfucker and Remus knew if he spent another minute in here alone, he was not going to be able to keep his promise to Ro. He needed some air. While he'd paced, he’d thrown his jacket on the floor. He tooped to pick it up on his way to the door, but then straightened, hand empty.
Fuck it. It’s not that cold out.
He’d thrown out all his clove cigarettes after that fucking party, part of another promise to Ro to try harder. But he didn’t toss his gum, so he shoved his last two pieces in his mouth and chomped hard, then opened the door and fled from his thoughts. 
Janus sat in his armchair, half-empty glass of scotch on the table next to him. The room was dark, the diffuse light spilling in from the streetlamp across the road doing little to illuminate the space. The sun had still been shining when Janus had come home from the grocery store and he’d taken out the bottle Glenlivet and shoved the rest of the bag into the fridge to deal with later. He sat down in the living room and poured his first glass.
That was a half a bottle ago.
‘I merely need to be certain I have not committed to anything else before I said yes…’
Logan’s eyes had pleaded with him, explaining with a look what he couldn’t—wouldn’t—with words in front of Remus. Janus knew what he’d been trying to say.
‘You have not.’
What else could he say? What else should he have said? He’d literally told Logan to find someone else to pursue. He’d told him he wasn’t interested in a relationship, he’d told him he didn’t love people. He’d told him he didn’t want to love anyone, that he didn’t want more of that soft warm touch, of those kind eyes looking back at him. That he didn’t want to know more, to learn if his kisses tasted as good as he smelled and to discover what it meant for his heart to leap out of its chest each time Logan smiled.
He’d lied.
Janus tipped back his glass and discovered it was, in fact, completely empty. Fumbling with the bottle cap, he set down the glass and tried again. Just before he got it, the bottle leapt from his hands and hit the hardwood floor, shattering and soaking the area rug with the last of his scotch. Fuck.
It took him far too long to clean it all up and by the time he was done, Janus was more than ready for another glass. He looked up at the microwave clock. If he left now, he could make it to Safeway before they closed.
The only open grocery story was only a block from campus, but the fresh air made the hike shorter than it usually felt. Before long, he was sauntering inside, walking carefully to ensure they wouldn’t turn him away. The cashier hadn’t even looked up to ring him out.
Moments later he strode through the doors, bottle in hand—and right into Remus.
“Oh, fuck, Janus, sorry,” he muttered, grabbing him with those strong, callused hands before he could stumble. Remus had been drawing, charcoal dust under his fingernails and a bit by his jaw.
“No ‘pologies needed,” Janus said slowly, annoyed at the slight slurring in his words. Remus didn’t release him and Janus stared back. He was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and jeans, no jacket. Before Janus could form the words to ask if he was cold, he shivered.
“What are you doing out?” He clutched his bottle to his chest, head tilted to the side. “I thought you’d still be with Logan by now.”
Drunk, standing in the middle of a poorly lit street, Janus couldn’t miss the hurt in Remus’ eyes. He shrugged but didn’t explain.
Janus couldn’t believe what he was seeing. How could Logan have possibly rejected him? He reached out and tapped the edge of Remus’ jaw. “You know what?”
“What?” he huffed out a little laugh, leaning in to his touch like a lost puppy. 
“You look like you could use a drink. And I know I sure as hell could use one,” Janus nodded, holding up the bagged bottle. “I live twenty blocks that way,” he said, pointing with one end and offering his arm. “Would you like to join me tonight?”
Remus stared down at the bottle, then lifted his eyes and met Janus’. A shaky smile pulled up one corner of his mouth and hooked his hand into the crook of Janus’ elbow. “Lead the way.”
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typically-untypical · 9 months
Hiring: Drummer Wanted
AU: Band AU
CW: None that I can think of
WC: 1,100
Date: 12/19/2023
"We don't need a drummer," Janus rolled his eyes, gently setting his guitar in it's case, looking over to Logan for verification. The man sitting at the synth board looked up and nodded before adding his two cents. 
"I don't believe we could offer gainful employment to a percussionist. We very seldom use a standard beat in our songs and though we have used drums in the past it wouldn't be enough to justify having someone on our payroll full time." 
"Right, I thought about that," Remus said shifting on his feet. "But I have an idea for a few songs and those songs would require more of a drum aesthetic, and the guy we normally work with is going off and doing his own thing next month right? So like we need to start feeling out for people who might work well with us and I have an idea."
At those words, both Janus and Logan looked up each sharing a matched expression of amusement.
"It's the emo you met at the poetry bar isn't it?" Janus asked, letting out a sigh, taking a seat so Remus would have his full and undivided attention. Their lead vocalist was blushing a bit at this point but smiling his stupidly big grin, eyes sparkling with mischief and knowledge. Yes, it was definitely the emo and once Remus got onto an idea it was hard to get him away from it.
Logan joined Janus on the small couch in their recording space and gestured in front of them for Remus. "Present your case." This was their normal procedure when one of them wanted to do something unorthodox. It was normally Remus, and it normally turned out well, but there had been a few times he had suggested something that had to be completely shut down.
Remus' whole body moved with his excitement and he allowed his eyes to go wide as he shuffled in front of them.
"Our music is good, no one doubts that except us occasionally but like our tastes suck." He laughed a little, "But it's also important we try new things and expand our repertoire of possibilities."
"You aren't going to win me over with fancy words," Logan teased, reaching over to Janus and taking his hand gently.
"I can certainly try," he laughed his little meniachle laugh before continuing his sales pitch. "Expanding what we do isn't just good for our listeners but it's good for us too. Different styles and genres can help us express ourselves better and isn't that why we all go into music in the first place? Anyway, we normally work together on songs, and I still think for the final thing we should work together to make sure we all agree on the sound and the flow, but I also think we should all try writing our own songs for this next album. A little look into each of us separately as well as together. Logan is always talking about how it's important that we maintain our individuality even when we are existing as a throuple."
"Counter point," Logan started, holding out his free hand to Remus who took it willingly. "Our current album is almost finished and we shouldn't attempt to change it at this point."
"Counter counter point," Remus squeezed Logan's hand. "We don't need to make changes on this album but we aren't doing tours yet, so as soon as this album is done we're going to be focused on the next one, right?" The tour thing wasn't an issue of popularity, it was an issue of energy. Most likely they were never going to be able to do tours. Logan had a few health issues that kept him a bit grounded in this city which meant touring was really difficult. Remus and Janus both knew he felt guilty about that so they typically tried to avoid that topic but Remus was hoping to show that this time it might actually be a good thing. 
"True," Logan whispered, squeezing Janus' hand before looking back up at Remus. "So you aren't suggesting this to be for the current album we are about to release but rather then next album we work on?"
Logan looked over to Janus who was rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I don't see why we can't pursue some new sounds, but we aren't doing it for a full album. We can add two or three new sounds to the album but the rest needs to be similar to what we've already produced, we don't want to ostersize old fans in search of new ones." Janus sighed, leaning forward a bit. "We can invite him out and see if we gel with him personally before we try to get along professionally." Janus took in a deep breath, rolling his shoulders back and tilting his head to the side before he opened his eyes. He looked at Remus with the cocky ass smirk he knew both of his boyfriends loved. "Afterall, that's what you want isn't it? A date with the pretty emo boy?" 
Remus blushed. "What if it is?" He asked. "Pretty emo boys are pretty, but no. It's not just because pretty emo boys are pretty. It's also because we're going to need a new drummer we trust!"
Janus and Logan both laughed soft chuckles. "Fine," Janus whispered, "Go get the pretty emo boy and set up a date."
Remus cheered, dancing a bit before he leaned in and gave both Logan and Janus a kiss. "I'm gonna go call him now." He pulled away, dancing about as he grabbed his phone. He was already talking to the other man before he was even out of the door. Logan leaned against Janus, closing his eyes as he took in a slow breath.
"How long until the two of them are dating?" He asked quietly.
"I give it two weeks," Janus said shaking his head. "The real question is, how long until we fall as well." He wrapped an arm around Logan, pulling him closer and running a gentle hand along Logan's arm. It seemed like this recording session might have been a bit too much for all of them. 
"You genuinely believe that will happen?" Logan looked up at him, his eyes were filled with exhaustion.
"It happened with you didn't it?" Janus teased and Logan blushed a little, closing his eyes to avoid Janus' knowing stare. 
"Yes, I guess it did."
Janus leaned in, giving Logan a soft kiss. "Now get some rest, I don't need you pushing yourself too hard."
"Very well."
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monkeythefander · 8 months
Intruloceit Headcannons💚💛💙
Here are some Intruloceit (Remus x Logan x Janus) Headcannons as requested by @sapph_draws_stuff and @_cloudy.kaz_ on Instagram. These requests reminded me how much I like this ship. I hope you all enjoy.
Content warnings: Feeling like/worrying that your feelings are unrequited (don’t worry, they aren’t unrequited), mention of accidently punching someone in the face (no serious harm is done though). Let me know if I missed anything else.
Click below the cut to read the headcannons.
- In terms of how the three of them got together, this is how it went. Remus and Janus had crushes on each other for years, but didn’t want to say anything and risk ruining their friendship. They were the only company they had after Virgil left after all. Eventually, Remus and Janus are somewhat welcomed by Thomas and the other sides, and the two start to get to know Logan more. They both admire how clever Logan is, and notice how sweet he can be towards those he cares about despite saying he’s not an emotional person. (I’ll continue this as the next bullet point)
- Janus and Logan start having fun debates with each other, and Janus makes sure Logan is taking proper care of himself. Meanwhile, Remus and Logan conduct cool science experiments and watch crime documentaries together. Through these bonding activities, the two dark sides realize they have feelings for Logan. Janus notices that Remus likes Logan, and feels slightly upset about this since he also likes Logan and he still likes Remus as well, so now Janus thinks that he truly has no chance with either of his crushes. Meanwhile, Remus is having similar feelings about his crushes on Janus and Logan. The two dark sides both think they have no chance with their crushes, so they decide to be supportive friends and get their crushes together. (Continuing this in the next bullet point)
- Janus tries to push Remus into confessing his feelings to Logan, but Remus tells Janus that he knows he likes Logan too and tells him to confess to the logical side as well. This leads to the two dark sides agreeing to both confess to Logan, so they can get their feelings off their chest and figure out who Logan likes. They agree to be supportive of each other still no matter who, if either of them, ends up with Logan. Their joint confession leads to Logan saying he likes both of them as well, but that he didn’t say anything before because he thought they had crushes on each other or were secretly dating. This leads to Janus and Remus staring at Logan and then each other in surprise before the two dark sides confess to liking each other. The conversation ends with the three of them agreeing to all date each other, and they have a group hug.
- After they got together, Remus started to pick up and carry around both Janus and Logan. Remus does this since he likes to show off how strong he is, and likes having his loved ones in his arms. Janus is used to be carried around by Remus since the creative side would do so back when they were just friends. But the first time Remus picked up Logan, the logical side was very caught off guard and ended up accidentally hitting the creative side in the face out of shock. Logan immediately apologized but Remus said it was fine, and that he was impressed by how strong of a punch Logan had.
- When Logan is relaxing on the couch and reading, Remus will walk by and sit down on the logical side’s lap. Then Remus will ask Logan if he can read out loud so he can listen to the story as well, and Logan happily fulfills his boyfriend’s request. Janus will then end up walking by and sitting next to Logan on the couch to listen as well. The deceitful side usually ends up resting his head on Logan’s shoulder and falling asleep to the sound of Logan’s calm voice.
- Since Logan often struggles with expressing his emotions, Janus got him a reversible octopus plushie to use to show when he’s feeling calm/happy or upset. The plushie is yellow on the happy/calm side and green on the upset side. The upset side has a mustache and the yellow side has scales. Logan appreciated the thoughtfulness behind the gift and liked how the plushie resembles his boyfriends.
End Notes: Thanks for reading! As always, if you like any of these Headcannons and want to make a fanfic or fanart based on them, you can do so. You just need to ask me first and then tag and credit me in the post so I can see it.
AO3 link to headcannons: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53418583
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anxiousgaypanicking · 7 months
Sanders Sides: Miscellaneous Smut Masterlist! (Part Two)
The kinks, ships, and prompts listed for each post so you can know what you want to read (in case the titles aren't descriptive enough)!
(Listed in order of oldest to newest!) (And how they're formatted on my AO3)
Part One
1. Rules + Info + Requests
2. Chapter Summaries
3. Payment:  DRLAMP (Janus x Remus x Logan x Virgil x Patton x Roman), Sex, Double Penetration, Riding, Handjobs, Face Fucking, Degradation, Tears, Spit Prompt: Can you do one with Bottom Sub Patton x Everyone where he just likes to pay with sex
4. Video Games: Dukexiety (Remus x Virgil), Exhibition, Sex Prompt: Smaller person (likely Virgil), and bigger person (likely Remy or Remus.) Of course they play video games, however, Virgil wants attention and R won't give it to him because "but video games, babe!" So, Virgil ride's R while he plays video games. Probably in a voice chat too.
5. Vulnerable:  Logicality (Logan x Patton), Sex, Breeding Speak, A/B/O Dynamics, Hickeys Prompt: Hurt comfort and a/b/o where Patton(Alpha) and Logan(Alpha) have been married for a while and lately they've finally started to have sex because Patton grew up in a very traditional family and he has a hard time submitting to Logan without feeling shameful and humiliating. Logan realizes and softly helps Pat into sub space. Top!Logan and bottom!Patton. Plus points if Logan's a sweet husband
6. Bug: Intruloceit (Remus x Logan x Janus), Vore, Detailed Digestion, Sex, Felching Prompt: Plsplspls intruloceit vore
7. Boob Job: Loceit (Logan x Janus), Nipple Play, Oversensitivity, Humping, Dacryphilia Prompt: Maybe Janus would even have to press his pecs together and fuck the fat tits Logan essentially has.
8. Home Alone:  Demus (Janus x Remus), Toys, Plugs, Hair Pulling, Thigh Fucking Prompt: A roommate who constantly makes noise like he's getting off/fucked and like, lays in bed twitching like he's got somethin in his ass, so what happens when someone buys him a thrusting/vibrating dildo/plug via amazon and it shows up when he's home alone? Does he use it alone? Does he get caught by the roommate who bought it? That day? Eventually? Ever? Pairing of your choice
9. Assume: Intruality (Remus x Patton), Sex, Degradation, Restraints, Spanking Prompt: Could you maybe do something with intruality where Patton's like assumed by everyone that he has no idea what sex is while Remus is the opposite and no one knows how they're together. And behind closed doors Patton's really dominant and dirty, his pure an innocent act is all fake and he loves putting Remus in his place, tying him up, spanking him and degrading him until he's begging for Patton to fuck him
10. Human Need: Logicality (Logan x Patton), Sex, Breeding Kinks, Cockwarming Prompt: How about some logicality with Logan having a breeding kink and denying it and Patton telling him he has a breeding kink (and that's okay) but Logan keeps insisting it's just his 'human need to reproduce, so of course he'd want to get the person he loves pregnant.' and Patton's just like 'yeah, okay, sure.' top Logan and bottom Pat
11. At Long Last: Dukexiety (Remus x Virgil), Voodoo, Sex, Felching Prompt: Hey mate so I'm a sucker for Virgil being rendered helpless and overstimulated so like could I put a request in for Virgil × Remus with Remus finally getting a hold of Virgil's voodoo doll?/Remus finally getting a hold of Virgil's voodoo doll?
12. Spring Break:  Anxceit (Virgil x Janus), Feederism, Handjobs, Blowjobs, Finger Sucking Prompt: Any case I can get more feederism my way? Maybe sub! V and dom!pat or jan or both yk- Dom is worried sub isn't eating enough bc busy college life and decides durin a spring vacation or smtg to have a feedin session to fix it :D
13. Begging For Your Body: Intruality (Remus x Patton), Sex, Overstimulation, Grinding Prompt: Intruality with soft!dom Patton and bottom Remus. The main plot of this would be that maybe Remus was feeling down, having intrusive thoughts (as he does), specifically about his body image, and Patton is there to comfort him and love up on him <3. Kinks are praise, grinding, begging (from the dom perspective, (ex: "Please, Please let me make you feel good, baby?"), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, and a lot of pet names-)
14. Aftercare: Analogical (Virgil x Logan), Sex, Bondage, Degradation, Choking Prompt: I'm a sucker for big aftercare- especially after something like a brutal scene with a partner lol Analogical Kinks: Choking, praise, degrading and bondage- but ending with explicit aftercare? For the base storyline do whatever you wish! Have free-range :))
15. Cock Snack: Analoceitmus (Virgil x Logan x Janus x Remus), Micro/Macro, Oral Play, Cock Vore, Restraints, Cum Digestion, Sex, Fingering, Edging, Crying Prompt: P. 3 of c vore fic? 
17. Doll-ightful Destresser Logince (Logan x Roman), Voodoo, Sex, Gagging, Overstimulation, Premature Orgasms, Crying,  Prompt: More voodoo please any ship
18. P.E.T. Intrulogical (Remus x Logan), Robofucking, Computer fucking, Wireplay, Machine Oil, Overstimulation, Objectum Prompt: Logan whos a sentient P.E.T. computer who remus gets by means of a gift or something from his grandparents. logan has programmed sentience, and remus plays with his wires and fucks his insides while logans screen displays a wall of overwhelmed binary. with remus calling logan his pet throughout bc thats whats on the body so thats clearly his name
19. Wallet Roceit (Roman x Janus), Inanimate Transformation, Wallet Transformation, Fingering, Edging, Overstimulation, Handjobs, Premature Orgasms Prompt: Janus turning roman into his wallet and using him to pay for things. roman feels continuously full from the coins and money, and feels like he's being fingered or stretched open whenever januss fingers dip inside of him
20. Pleading And Punishments Loceit (Logan x Janus), Caning, Premature Ejaculation, Overstimulation, Handjobs Prompt: Could you do a Logan x Anyone, Logan being bottom, Logan overworking himself and gets stressed from it. He jerks off to calm down and his lover walks in on him. I was thinking for this one basically a sexy punishment for Logan, any kinks you wanna put in is alright!
21. Preening Prinxiety (Roman x Virgil), Preening, Handjobs, Overstimulation Prompt: I was wondering if you'd be able to write something with prinxiety or Virgil/Roman/Janus in some kind of winged!au where the wings are pretty sensitive and one of them has feathered wings and kinda gets off on having them groomed/preened? Maybe they get embarrassed about it so let their wings get a little messy before the other(a) step in to help and find this out? And then maybe decide to make things fun (wink) Idm necessaily who's in which role :3 I just never see smut with a focus on wings and think it would be really cute <3 no pressure tho!! /Gen
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mochasandwords · 5 years
You Are Loved
Word Count: 1,561
Warnings: Sympathetic Remus, Sympathetic Deceit, Unsympathetic Roman, Unsympathetic Patton, self-deprecation, touch starvation, exclusion, crying, kidnapping (let me know if there is anything else!)
Ships: Unsympathetic Royality, Platonic Analogical, Eventual Intrulociet, Intruloceit
This is based on @strawberryjellystuff‘s angst comic. I hope I did ok!
It started slowly.
A video or conversation he was excluded from. His favorite Disney movie watched without him. Only Virgil coming up to his room to check on him after he had taken a long work week holed up in his room. Strained smiles emerging when he entered the room.
Eventually bigger things happened.
Patton only setting the table for three because he ‘didn’t want to interrupt Logan while he was at work’. Being excluded from game and movie night more and more, as his alarm had been shut off mysteriously on multiple occasions. Roman and Patton embarrassing him on camera. No longer being asked for help because someone had told Thomas that he was ‘too busy’ nowadays.
Logan knew he wasn’t cared about anymore.
Sure, Virgil was still kind and open to him, but strained smiles and sharp glares from Roman and Patton kept Virgil’s mouth shut when all four were together. Which had become very rare. The only reason Logan hadn’t ducked out or just locked himself in his room was that he had the slightest sliver of hope that he could be good enough for the others.
Ironic that logic felt hope.
Logically, Logan should have left a while ago, as it would’ve rid Thomas from the restlessness he felt whenever Logan was with the others, but stupid, irrational hope stayed. Logan tried his best to push down the hope, and slowly he was. He was currently standing in front of his mirror, running through the facts in his mind.  
“You’re logic. Thomas doesn’t need to see you to feel you. Making Patton and Roman uncomfortable and even angry only makes Thomas uncomfortable. Virgil has gotten strong enough to hold his own and would be taken care of better with Patton. His emotions would be listened to. Thomas doesn’t ask for my help and has been doing fine.” Logan recited the facts, staring at himself, “Thomas didn’t even like the help you tried to give about lifestyle. Logic is needed but Logan is not.”  
“Lo?” Came a soft voice from the other side of his door. Logan glanced at his clock. 1:30 am.  
“Yes?” Logan replied. He walked to his door. Virgil stood in the hallway, eyes darting from side to side.
“Can I come in?” Virgil asked. After a moment of hesitation, Logan nodded and closed the door behind Virgil.  
“Nightmares?” Logan asked. Virgil shook his head.  
“Felt more anxious than normal. You ok, Lo? You look like you’ve been crying.” Virgil asked softly. You’re keeping the others up. The thought flashed through Logan's mind and he set a mental reminder to write down that mess up later.  
“I can assure you, Virgil. I am fine.” Logan said calmly, wiping at his face. Had he been crying? Logic shouldn’t feel emotions. Another to write down.  
“Logan. It’s not fair how Roman and Patton treat you.” Virgil blurted out. Logan sighed and put his hand on Virgil's shoulder.  
“Don’t waste time worrying about me. I’ll be fine, Virge.” Logan said. Virgil opened his mouth to retort, but Logan shook his head.  
“Go back to bed. I’ll calm down soon. I just had a bad night. We don’t want Patton or Roman finding out that I kept you up.”
“I don’t give a damn!” Virgil growled.  
“Virgil, please. I’m fine. Go back to bed.” Logan sighed, exhaustion crashing down on him.
“I need to as well,” Logan muttered. Virgil pursed his lips but nodded. He turned to leave, then whipped around and pulled Logan into a hug. Logan inhaled sharply and held back the groan that wanted to escape his mouth. The touch felt so good. Logan let himself pat Virgil on the head once.
Virgil pulled back hesitantly before exiting the room. Logan put his arms around himself to try and make some semblance of warmth. Get a grip. He grit his teeth and walked to his bed, collapsing on it and wrapping a blanket around himself. It was close enough to bodily warmth
Suddenly two pairs of arms wrapped around him and pulled him toward the floor of his room. Logan grunted in surprise as he was dragged down. He felt himself pass through the barrier that kept the Light Sides and Dark Sides apart. A blindfold was thrown around his eyes and he was pushed into a chair.
His heart rate shot up, as names of who the kidnapper was raced through his mind. Roman, Patton. He gulped and tried to calm himself down. 7-4-8. No, wait. Wasn't it 4-7-8? Yeah. Logan’s breath was ragged as he ran through the exercise.
“He’s scared, Dee! Golly, I didn’t know I could do that.” Remus giggled. Logan instantly relaxed, slipping down in his chair as low as his dignity would let him.
“I think so too Remus.” Deceit tisked, “I think it was you.” Logan’s blindfold was lifted, and he had to blink at the bright lights.  
“Deceit. Remus. What is the meaning of this?” Logan demanded. To be honest, he was a bit afraid. While these two weren’t as bad as Patton and Roman, but they could still be dangerous.
“We wanted to rattle the Light Sides a little. You stole one of ours. Only fair we do the same! And maybe a bit more.” Remus smirked, shimmying. Deceit rolled his eyes.
“Yes.” He sighed, “Remus is partially correct. We wanted you all to feel how we felt when you took Virgil from us.” Deceit snarled.
“So you want to get revenge on the Light Sides by taking... me? Why not take Virgil back?” Logan asked.
“Eh, too predictable. We wanted to take someone very important to the Light Sides!” Remus chittered and Logan couldn’t stop himself from flinching.
“So! How does it feel to wait for your little Light Sided friends to rescue, huh Logey??????” Remus bounced with Deceit standing behind him with a skeptical look on his face. Logan couldn’t hold back the laugh. Patton's strained smile and Roman's barely hidden envy and hate flashed in his mind.
“Don’t even bother to wonder about it. They won’t come for me, Remus. You’ll see.”
“Nonsense!!! I’m sure they’ll come in a heartbeat!” Remus laughed, sinking out. Deceit remained, staring at Logan with a confused expression.
“You’re not lying.” He whispered.
“They don’t love me as much as they love Virgil. Or as much as you and Remus love each other.” Logan chuckled. Deceit walked closer and leaned down to Logan’s level. Logan’s heart started to beat faster. Deceit was so close. All Logan had to do was lean forward and their foreheads would be touching. Logan could reach up and grab Deceit’s arm. Logan yearned for Deceit to move closer. He needed to be touched.
“You must be misguided.” Deceit said with a hiss of breath, pulling away, “You are essential to Thomas. And you don’t hinder him in any way, so they don’t see you as a Dark Side. They won’t panic. Just watch.”
Days passed slowly and no one came. Remus and Deceit made sure Logan had everything a side needed, water, food, blankets, and a pillow. They had even given him books. (Though Remus’ were a bit more... voluptuous.) The thing was, with the silence of being in the Dark Side kitchen 24/7, Logan’s thoughts had time to run wild. Without something to write his thoughts on-. His breath sped up and panic settled in. He needed to get the thoughts out of his mind. All of them building up would harm Thomas and make him more self conscious and-.
Logan shook his head. It’s ok. Everything will be ok. Thomas is probably doing better with me not in the Light Side area. And this distress can’t get to him from here. Yeah. This is better. Logic is without emotions. I’m still serving my purpose. I’m doing better than normal, in fact. How long have I been here?
“A week.” Came a snarl. Logan flinched.
“I apologize, I didn’t realize I spoke,” Logan muttered.
“Logan,” Remus said quietly. Logan hummed in response and looked up, glasses slightly falling down his nose. He was surprised to see tears running down Deceit and Remus’ face.
“You are NOT going back there. EVER.” Remus growled, moving to Logan and pulling him up from his chair. Logan gasped loudly at the contact.
“If they won’t love you, we will.” Deceit hissed, going to Logan’s other side and hugging him. Remus joined in. Logan couldn’t move, he was so overwhelmed. He started to collapse, but Deceit and Remus were ready. They helped him to the floor slowly.  
“Logan, we’re so sorry.” Deceit whispered, surprisingly soft.
“We should’ve kidnapped you sooner,” Remus said, burying his head into Logan’s neck. Logan sighed and let himself relax. He felt tears stream down his face. He tried to wipe them away but an arm stopped him.
“Logan. You don’t have to hide anymore.” Deceit whispered. Logan started to sob. The contact felt so good. He could feel their love and anger waving off of them.
“I don’t deserve-.” He tried to choke out.  
“Shhh.” Remus hushed, hand caressing Logan’s face.
“Yes, you do.” Deceit smiled sadly, “That is no lie.”
“You’re gonna be okay. We promise.”
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small-teacup · 4 years
Kidnapping? I Think You Mean Human Borrowing
Requested by: @languortears
Notes: I'm so sorry I took so long!!! D: It's a bit rushed
Ships: Intruloceit
POV: 3rd person
TW: Kidnapping, sympathetic Remus and Janus, panicked thoughts, mention of torture, skeletons and implied blood, impersonation
Let me know if I missed any, please! :D
Word Count: 1367
“That’s KIDNAPPING, Remus,” Janus explained for the 43rd time that day.
Remus opened his mouth and held up a finger, ready to say something in response before he paused and lowered his finger slightly. He seemed to have multiple ideas, instead keeping his mouth open and looking like he would finally get a few sentences out of his mouth before deflating. It was comical, to say the least. Janus sighed and shook his head, “Take your time...”
After what seemed like forever, one word managed to escape Remus’ mouth, “Borrowing.” “What?” “Kidnapping makes it sound like we’re doing some kind of crime!” “IT IS A CR-”
“What I think you meant was ‘human borrowing.’”
Janus groaned and put his face in his hands. “You know what? Fine. Human borrowing.”
Logan sat in his room, peacefully typing away on his laptop. Just a normal day. Nothing different, nothing new, just the same as it was the day before. He actually liked the lack of change, despite his ability to adapt to circumstances easily. Well, he’d usually be able to adapt to new circumstances. As he was working, someone came up behind him and clapped their hand over his mouth so he couldn’t scream. It didn’t seem to be needed since Logan wouldn’t have screamed anyways. Nothing could hurt a side in the Mindscape. He was about to see who it was until something hit him over the head, darkness quickly taking over his vision as he went limp.
He woke up tied to a chair in what seemed to be a basement. There was barely any light besides a flickering lightbulb hanging from the ceiling right above him. He looked around, unfazed at the shackled skeletons on the wall or the suspicious red stains on the floor. Someone suddenly covered his eyes from behind, shrill laughter filling the air.
“Guess whoooo!~” They sang, disturbingly close to Logan in a failed attempt to make him scared.
“Judging from your behavior, I’m guessing Remus?”
“Nice guess, Logan. But no, it’s Janus.” “What?? How?” Janus uncovered Logan’s eyes and stepped in front of him, a little mischievous smile playing on his face.
“I imitated Remus’ voice and attitude to trick you.”
Logan frowned and tilted his head in confusion. “But what was the point of that?”
The deceitful side shrugged and said nonchalantly, “I don’t know. There really wasn’t any. However, I find it a bit amusing considering the fact that Remus is sitting right next to you.”
Sure enough, when Logan turned his head, Remus was sitting like a puppy on the floor next to him. He gave the logical side a seemingly menacing grin, revealing his razor-sharp teeth. Logan simply blinked at him before looking back at Janus, much to Remus’ disappointment.
“Is there a point to any of this?” He asked, half-heartedly tugging the ropes that bound him to the chair. It wasn’t that he was making an attempt to escape, it’s just that it was starting to feel uncomfortable.
Janus had summoned himself his own chair, a velvet one with hints of gold. He crossed his legs and examined his nails boredly, which confused Logan even more since he was wearing gloves. “Ask Remus, it wasn’t my plan this time.”
Logan glanced to the gremlin next to him, sighing. “Before I say anything to him, do you mind if I ask you one more question?” “Go ahead, darling.”
“You don’t seem to be lying to me at all. I’ve seen that you only lie around everyone else except Remus, which leads me to infer that you don’t lie to people you like. Do you like me in some way?” Janus froze up, a light blush finding its way onto his face. “No I don’t! Why would I like you? That’s impossible, you’ve got it all wrong. Stupid…”
He crossed his arms and looked away, huffing. It was supposed to be him and Remus getting Logan all flustered, not the other way around!
Logan turned to Remus, “So why was I kidnapped?” “Not kidnapped, you were borrowed!” Remus corrected. “...That doesn’t make sense.” “It makes perfect sense to me!”
“Answer my question, please?” “Oh! Yeah yeah yeah- so, when the others come to save you, we’ll have this epic bloody fight! Or maybe not...I dunno. And then you get saved, BUT we get to torture you until they get here! And it’ll be so fuuuuuuuuuuunnn!!!”
Logan blinked, then sighed, “I doubt there’s anything you can do to ‘torture’ me. Besides, the others aren’t coming anyway.”
The duke’s face dropped as he suddenly stood up and leaned close to Logan, his hands gripping and clawing into the chair arm. “HUH???!”
Janus had been listening to the conversation, even if it seemed like he wasn’t. The unexpected taste of truth surprised him, causing him to turn curiously to the pair in front of him.
“The others aren’t coming,” Logan repeated, assuming that Remus just didn’t hear him.
“What do you mean??! They have to! They’re your friends, aren’t they?? Plus, that sounds REALLY depressing. How’re you so okay with it??” “I’ve simply accepted it. It just seemed to be the logical thing to do. I can’t change it anyway.”
Janus said, almost a bit too calmly, “And do you think that’s a normal thing? That your friends won’t come and save you?” The logical side shrugged, “I guess not. You can’t really blame them.”
“Elaborate.” “...No,” he muttered, his eyes glazing over as he stared at the floor. Remus deflated and sat on the floor, resting his elbow on the chair arm. The next few moments were a blur for Logan. ‘They weren’t coming. I could be anywhere, dangerous or not, and they wouldn’t care. I could be dead and they wouldn’t notice. The Dark Sides might not be able to kill me, but torture is not out of the question. Mental torture, I mean. I could try and pretend that it doesn’t affect me, but I’ll eventually break and when I show my weaknesses, they’ll laugh. They’ll laugh and treat me like a joke and at that point, I might as well duck out because everyone knows that Logic is essential but Logan isn’t and they’ll be so glad to have someone else in my place that they won’t miss me at all…’
The voices around him were becoming muffled as he sank deeper into his thoughts. How much time had passed? It felt like hours already… There was a ringing in his ears that he couldn’t get rid of, considering his hands were tied behind him. In fact, he was starting to lose feeling in his arms. Was he panicking? Spiraling? But what caused it? Why was he feeling this way? Why now? What’s happening-?
The sudden shout pulled him out of his thoughts, looking up at the two sides that stood by him, concern and worry clear on their faces. Only then did he notice his shallow breathing and the tears slowly streaming down his face. Before he knew it, a pair of arms wrapped around him in a warm hug. Without thinking, he latched onto the person, recognizing the smell of trash and about a thousand years of no showering. Wait- what? He was surprised at the sudden freedom. When did they cut the ropes? Nevermind that…
A gloved hand cupped his face gently, the scent of crisp apples and linen going along with it. He leaned into the touch. It felt..comforting. It felt like home. Maybe this was where his home really was..?
“Remus? Janus?” The two sides looked at him, a silent cue for him to go on.
“..Can I stay with you guys? If that’s alright.”
Remus let go and stared at him wide-eyed. He looked over at Janus and back at Logan. It seemed like Janus was doing the same.
“Of course you can-!” The deceptive side blurted out before clearing his throat and pulling his hand away, inspecting his nails that he couldn’t see. “I mean- I suppose you could.”
Logan laughed, to both the dark sides’ delight. It sounded magical like bells ringing.
Never in Logan’s life had he been so glad to have been kidnapped.
(This fanfic wasn't proofread and neither was this post-)
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
Day 9: Intruloceit (Pt 1)
Day 9: When you write something on your own skin, it appears on your soulmate’s skin as well.
Content warnings: implied abuse (nothing graphic), self deprecation, some internalized homophobia concerning polyamory, angst. 
(Happy ending in next part)
Word count: 1.7k
Janus didn’t sleep the night before his eighteenth birthday. Instead, he sat curled up on his bed, wrapped in his blanket, watching the minutes pass in the dim light of his alarm clock. His heart pounded as it drew closer to midnight, feeling like the numbers on the display were a countdown to his death.
He didn’t have friends, and that wasn’t a topic he would ever admit to being sensitive about. Most people would spend the eve of their eighteenth birthday surrounded by their loved ones, count down the seconds until they reached the strike of midnight, and then huddle around the birthday person as they wrote a message to their soulmate for the first time. A little greeting, an introduction, something to begin the process of meeting the love of their life. In a decent amount of cases, probably half, Janus would speculate, they wouldn’t get a response until their soulmate also turned eighteen, but the first note was still a special moment; something to celebrate. He’d never been a popular person though, by any standards.  Even back in elementary school, his general dark demeanor and habitual lying kept people away from him. Sure, it would be more fun to play at recess with the other kids instead of laying in the sun and watching the clouds float by, but his defense mechanisms were not something he was going to let go of any time soon.
When his bedside display finally read 12:00, he expected to feel something. A shiver up his spine, a tingling under his skin, anything. But nothing happened, and he couldn’t tell if he was more grateful or upset. He stared down at his skin, pen held in his shaking hands, debating if he should do it. The minutes ticked by, suddenly a lot slower than when he’d been fighting for breath in anticipation and fear, and the pen continued to shake.
Downstairs, the front door slammed shut, causing Janus to flinch so hard the pen clattered to the floor. His dad wasn’t supposed to be home for a couple more days, and he could hear his mom voicing similar confusion as she made her way downstairs to greet him.
“Darrel? Did the trip end early?” He could hear the hesitation and uncertainty in her voice even from behind his closed door. His father had left with the excuse of a work trip. They both knew that wasn’t true, and both had an unspoken agreement to not say a word about it.
“What are you doing awake?” The man’s voice was gruff, sleep starved, annoyed. He clearly hadn’t intended to run into his wife, the soulmate he had stopped loving years ago.
“The headlights shone through the window, they woke me up.”
“Well, go back to bed. I don’t want to be grilled by you right now.”
“Do you want some dinner? I think there’s some leftovers in the fridge-”
“I said, go back to bed!”
“Darrel, please! You’re going to wake Janus!”
Janus shut his eyes and ears as the yelling started, abandoning the pen and what little excitement he’d had previously. Like every night, his sleep was as restless and chaotic as the day time, haunted with flashbacks and nightmares that he had no way to escape. Words hit with as much impact as fists, reminding him of how he was meant to be alone. A soulmate could never love a royal fuck up like him. His dad’s words echoed and distorted as the blows landed, shouts of unlovable and worthless setting in his mind as tombstones. Images of his parent’s failed bond rifled through his mind’s eye at record pace. Whether they were a one in a million flaw or just a cruel reminder that soulmates are never as perfect as displayed, he’d never know. All he knew is that he’d rather be alone for the rest of his life than be submitted to the fate that had befallen them, abuse and hatred but unable to leave, not with the expectations and stereotypes they lived under. ‘Soulmates were perfect, never failing, an unshatterable bond.’ Bullshit. He knew he was also subjecting his soulmate to a life alone, but his fear easily outweighed his desire to be loved, or his sense of compassion. 
He woke up the next morning with a new heaviness in his heart, glancing at the time habitually. It was ten minutes before his alarm, but the thought of going back to sleep was too daunting a quest, so he rolled off his bed and padded to the bathroom to get ready for school. It was his senior year, and no matter how much he would rather stay at home and mope in his room, zoning out as he tended to do, he needed his grades to stay decent. It was the only way he was getting out of here. Half asleep, he threw on his yellow comfort hoodie, a stark contrast to his mood. It had been a present from his mom a few years ago, given with the uncomfortable smile between two people who lived together but rarely spoke. 
He clambered down the stairs two at a time, freezing on the last step as his eye locked on the person in the kitchen. His mom sat at the table, nursing a cup of coffee silently, barely acknowledging he had entered the room. Without so much as a word, he scooted by her, eyeing the bruise forming on her left cheek and slunk out the door. They didn’t talk much anymore, why would today being his birthday change that?
The day was nothing out of the ordinary, and Janus didn’t know why that made a certain hole open up in his chest. Boring classes followed by lonely breaks, a quiet lunch hour in an abandoned classroom and an uneventful walk to the park after school. He preferred doing his homework anywhere that wasn’t home, especially now that his dad was back in town. He needed to get these done, and who knew what would pull him away from his work there. Besides, the grass was soft and the sun wasn’t too overbearingly hot, and he desperately needed a tan. The darker his skin, the more unnoticeable was the huge birthmark that covered the left side of his face, a little something that just made him that much more avoided by his peers.
His pen had barely scratched the paper when a tickle over his right arm made him gasp, like a feather ghosting over the skin. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what it was, and after a moment of adrenaline and panic, it occurred to him that no amount of putting it off would prevent the inevitable. He’d have to acknowledge his soulmate’s existence eventually. With a deep breath, he tugged the sleeve of his hoodie up, eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
From wrist to elbow on his forearm, a deep blue ink had scribbled down bullet points that he must have not noticed throughout the entire day, since there were too many for them to have happened in the last few minutes. He started at the top, eyes drifting hungrily over the writing until he reached the last note, still being finished.
Chemistry test next Friday, study cephalopods
English paper on William Shakespeare, ask Roman for advice
Talk to Patton about moving movie night to next weekend
What far away is Andromeda from earth?
Fix V’s pin 
Yell at V to stop breaking their pins
Get dad to sign detention slip
Extra credit for calculus due tomorrow
Do you want to get coffee?
Janus froze. That last one… what the hell? Sure, his brain was decently sleep deprived, but he was almost certain he hadn’t written to his soulmate last night. Except, damn, that question certainly didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of his notes; it seemed aimed at someone. Nevermind how they knew he was there, knew he had turned eighteen, they were trying to contact him, and that was more important. He picked up his discarded pen off the grass, twirling it in his fingers. What should he say? Should he even say anything? His original plan to ignore his soulmate was suddenly significantly more difficult, now that they were making the first move. They were a real person, not just a stranger, no longer a figment of his imagination twisted into something evil. 
But before he could touch the tip to his arm to respond, to maybe introduce himself or ask where they were in the world (why were they offering coffee if they’d never even established where they lived, he wondered distantly), a barrage of green script exploded under his poised pen.
YES PLEASE! I was awake all night. I just saw your notes, you want help with the cephalopods? I can quiz you, I know everything about them. And I guarantee I know just as much about ya boi Billy Shakes as Roman, and I know the FUN stuff too! Not the prissy romancey stuff. Did V tell you their pin broke because they tried to stab me with it and hit my pocket knife? Because they did. What did you get detention for this time?
Even with the small writing, Janus had to rotate his arm to follow the messy scratching as the… new person continued to rant about their day. He sat in shock, not able to process what was happening. This had to be a mistake, right? It was astronomically rare to have more than one soulmate, and there was no way he was one of those people. He had never been special before in his life, in either a good way or a bad, so he in no way was deserving of… this. Maybe this was a mistake after all, just like his parents. Another cosmic fuck up, where he’d have to live out the rest of his life, watching the two people fall more and more in love while he looked on like a creep. Isn’t that what he deserved, though? The two other people obviously knew each other; two soulmates who must have turned eighteen before him and met a while ago, if their casual interaction was anything to go by. And… he couldn’t intrude on that. Even if he did, if he popped up out of nowhere like a bad cold, they wouldn’t want him to join their pre-established relationship already. They probably weren’t even polyamorous, and the whole idea would just make them uncomfortable. 
His mind was too far gone for homework. So with a lump in his throat the size of a meteor and tears stinging the corner of his eyes, he capped the pen, rolled down his sleeve resolutely, and packed up his supplies. Anything his dad would do to him would surely hurt less than this. 
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anyarally · 4 years
Sanders Sides Secret Santa Gift!
For: @authorgirl0131  Wish 1: Intruloceit Christmas fluff Wish 2: Sympathetic Deceit whump Wish 3: Logan and Deceit Christmas fluff Ao3 (it’s formatted better on there lol)
Janus, Logan, and Remus Have the Best Christmas Ever
Janus is upset after SvS Redux, so Remus and Logan try to help. Plus Christmas fluff!
We are ethically compromised if we give him a seat at the table
The Light Sides’ words haunt Janus every night, only getting worse once Virgil leaves. The worst part is… he knows they’re not lying. Every insult, every implication, every rude remark, every single one was true. At least, to those who spoke them it was. 
He sits alone in his room every night, Remus usually coming to check on him. Tonight, though, is special. Janus just fought with all the Lights, and told them his name! It was one thing when Remus did it, he’s crazy and unpredictable! When Janus does it… it’s serious. 
Remus knocks aggressively on the ornate gold door, “Hey, ‘Anus?! You wanna hang out some? We could decapitate some of Roman’s dumb unicorns in the imagination, I sensed some trespassing earlier!”
Deceit startles on his bed, throwing back the covers (which he really shouldn’t be under this early in the evening) and mumbles just loud enough to hear, “Not tonight, Ree, I’m too tired.”
“Is it because of something they said again? I told them not to get to you, just because we’re different doesn’t mean we’re bad.”
“It doesn’t matter, Remus, just go take care of those unicorns. Maybe tomorrow we can hang out, ok?”
“Oh, um, ok. See you at dinner?”
“I don’t know if I’ll be up to it. Sorry.”
“Alright, let me know if you need anything?”
There was no response. Remus sighed, slumping away to his room. 
This went on for weeks. Every day, Janus would come out for breakfast, unhinge his jaw and eat enough for the day, even though he used to eat the same as Remus(in moderation, he refuses to eat eyeballs and pubic hair). Eventually, after about two and a half weeks, Remus had had enough.
When Janus slouched into the kitchen for his daily meal, Remus slammed his hand on the table, “You are coming with me to the imagination!”
“No, Remus. I’m too tired.”
“Nope, nuh-uh, none of that ‘tired’ bullshit, you’ve said that every day for the last month!”
“Nope nope nope! Come with me!” Remus yelled, grabbing Janus’s arm with an unsurprisingly terrifying grin on his face. 
Remus dragged Janus to the sickly stone mirror with green ooze globbing out that leads to the imagination, the snake complaining and protesting the whole way. 
Once they got there though, none of the things that usually made him happy worked. When Remus had him attack Roman’s unicorns, he only said he didn’t want to make their relationship with the Light Sides even worse. They visited Janus’s giant golden two-headed snake, Eilonwy and Ethelinda, and Janus couldn’t even look her in the eyes(either set of them!). Remus even tried having him watch live musicals by sneaking into Roman’s side of the imagination, but it only reminded him of the movie nights everyone but the Dark Si- now, just Janus were invited too. Remus had stopped going, but still.
After the day spent trying to cheer Janus up in the imagination had no success, Remus decided to bring in the big guns. 
The next day, Janus surprisingly didn’t get any visits from Remus. Just one text of a .gif that was weird as hell. 
The day after that, however, Janus heard three precise knocks at his door, at precisely 9:00 am. He yelled out, “Remus! Just stop already! I’m fine!” The only response was another precise three knocks at his door at 9:01 am. He only grunted and curled into his heated blanket more, assuming it’s just another one of Remus’s dumb pranks. 
After three knocks every minute on the minute for half an hour, Janus caved and opened the door, immediately protesting, “Remus, I swear to Thomas, I-” he stopped dead in his tracks when he looked up and saw who he was objecting to, “Logan?”
“Hello, De- Janus. Remus informed me he was concerned about you, so I have come to see,” Logan pulled out his notecards, “What is up?” 
Janus chuckled, pulling the door open wider, “Okay Logan, you can come in.” 
Janus puts his hat on as they walk inside, Logan looking around and noticing so much clutter. From what Remus had told him, Janus was a very organized person, almost obsessively so. Plus, the room wasn’t very warm at all, which cannot be good for someone cold-blooded. 
When Logan comments on this, Janus simply brushes him off, saying he hasn’t had the time to clean up and his usual heaters would be a fire hazard with the mess. 
They sit on some large extravagant armchairs in front of a fireplace, Logan favoring the black one with gold beading while Janus takes the deep yellow one with shiny black beading. 
As they sit down, Janus lights the fire with a wave of his hand, trying (and failing) to subtly change his outfit into a clean one from his closet. Logan notices, but decides not to comment. 
“So, what did Remus send you for again?”
“Well he didn’t exactly send me, per se, I reached out to him because I hadn’t seen you in a while, he said he would handle it, then he got me when that didn’t work.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yes, of course. I tried to bring it up to the other Light Sides, but they would not listen. Therefore, going to Remus, and consequently, you, was the best option.”
“Wow, uh, thanks, Logan, I really appreciate that. I assumed none of the Light Sides thought about how things would make us feel.”
“Granted, that is a fair assumption,” Logan quieted down, facing Janus’s bookshelves and silently reading the titles he has, mentally comparing it to books he’s read. 
Janus wanted to question Logan about that, but decided to try and get to the point gradually instead, saying, “Logan,” said Side looked up at Janus, “I just want you to know that I’m sorry.”
This made Logan pause and think. After about fifteen painfully silent seconds for Janus, Logan started speaking again, “I apologize, but I do not understand. What are you sorry for exactly?” 
“For, ya know, the last video.”
Logan stares at Janus.
Janus groans, “You’re really going to make me say it, huh? Okay, I’m sorry for taking your place earlier in the video.”
“Oh. Yes. That.” Logan stops, trying to formulate a response, “It is quite alright, Janus. While I was a bit hurt in the moment, I appreciate you figuratively beating some sense into the others.”
“Are you sure that you’re actually alright, though?”
“I… well, I do wish you had simply told me.” After Janus sends Logan a questioning look, Logan adds, “I know I would’ve been happy to step down and even let you disguise yourself as me, you didn’t need to knock me out. With those two, it’s very… difficult to get them to actually consider things, I know that first hand, so I entirely understand why disguising yourself as me was the most efficient way to get through to them.”
“Oh, I… I’m so sorry Logan, I hadn’t even considered that. I’m just used to expecting a no, I…”
“As stated before, it’s quite alright. Besides, I’m the one who should be apologizing.”
“What do you mean?”
Logan sighs, looking down at his shoes, “I should’ve spoken up sooner. About the Lights’ treatment of you, I mean. They were unnecessarily cruel to you, and I just stood by. I was… scared. I almost spoke up when Virgil hissed at you when you came to get your hat back from Roman, but I don’t know the whole story between you and Virgil, and I didn’t want to impose. Additionally, I…” Logan took a deep breath, doing a round of the 4, 7, 8 exercise Virgil taught them, “I was scared of being left out. I know I’ve said I don’t have feelings, but I was,” Logan chuckles, “deceitful, in that aspect.”
“Logan,” Janus seemed to be on the brink of tears of relief, “thank you so much. That means so much to me, I… hey, uh, would you want to come over for a movie night this Friday? I know movie nights with the Lights are on Saturdays, so…?”
“That sounds delightful,” Logan started to get up, “I will see you then. I apologize, but I must go. Thomas needs me at my best, I sense he’s about to start editing a new video.”
“No worries, Logan, I’ll see ya Friday.” 
And so, Logan came over that Friday, and the Friday after that. After weeks of being holed up in his room, Janus started to come out more often, and Remus was very happy to see more of him. Logan started coming over every Friday, and as time went on, he even started coming over more often just to enjoy Remus and Janus’s company. Sometimes, he would visit Remus’s side of the imagination with them, other times, he would exchange books with Janus and discuss them, and eventually, he would even start inviting Janus and Remus over to view the constellations with him as he explained them and showed them the stars with his telescope. 
This went on for months, and eventually, the Light Sides noticed. Whenever asked, though, Logan only stated he needed more time to himself. They laid off for a while, but eventually, it got a little suspicious, especially when they started hearing other voices coming from his room. 
Finally, Patton decided to investigate. He heard the voices in Logan’s room while getting him for famILY dinner, and leaned up against the door before knocking. 
“And here you’ll see MACS 2129-1, often referred to as the ‘Zombie Galaxy,” Logan happily explains.
“Oh fuck yes!” Remus yells, in turn causing a chuckle to emanate from Janus. 
Logan chuckles as well, “Fuck yes indeed, Remus,” Patton gasps almost involuntarily but stays quiet enough so no one notices, “This massive, disk-shaped galaxy spins twice as fast as the Milky Way does, but it's still not nearly as active. Hubble observations of the distant galaxy reveal that it hasn't made stars for approximately 10 billion years. MACS 2129-1 is what's known as a ‘dead galaxy,’ since stars no longer form there. Scientists believed that galaxies of this sort had formed by merging with smaller galaxies over time, but MACS 2129-1's stars didn't form from these sorts of explosive mergers; they formed early on, in the disk of the original galaxy. The findings suggest that dead galaxies somehow internally rearrange their structure as they age rather than changing shape because they combine with other galaxies. I, er, I’m sorry I’m babbling, aren’t I?”
Janus shushes Logan, “No, Logan, we’ve been over this,” Janus gently places his hand on Logan’s slowly reddening cheek, “We love to hear you talk, especially about things that make you happy. Isn’t that right, Remus?”
“Hell yeah, Lo! I love hearing you get so excited about stuff, and I love learning about the stars with you, you’re a great teacher!” 
By now, Patton had decided he didn’t want to intrude, he was proud of his kiddos. Logan, for reaching out and making more friends, and Janus and Remus for making Logan feel loved in a way that Patton just couldn’t seem to. He leaned back from the door and walked by, deciding to text Logan to let him know about dinner so he could come if he wanted but he didn’t have to cut his time with the Dark Sides short. 
Meanwhile, Logan looked down at his phone and sighed.
“What is it, Lo-Lo?” Remus tilted his head so far to the left his head broke off.
As Remus smacked his head back in place, Logan sighed, “Patton says dinner’s about to start. I really should go.”
“You don’t have to, Logan, you know that right?”
“Yes, I’m aware but I haven’t gone all week and I’m concerned the Lights will think I’m not eating at all. I wouldn’t want Patton to get… upset.”
“Okay, okay, we all remember when Patton went all Hop Pop.”
Logan looked at both of them again with a small, but genuine, smile, dropping it as he sank down to the Light Side’s dining room. 
Dinner was… awkward, to say the least. 
Patton tried to break the ice, “So, Logan, you’ve been spending a lot of time in your room?”
There was a long, long pause.
“Apologies, I now realize that was a question. I assumed it was a statement. Yes, I have been spending a lot of time in my room.”
“May we ask why?” Roman sarcastically asked.
“I find that I’m more productive when I stay in my room.”
“Well, I’ve heard some other voices coming from your room…” Patton hesitantly added. 
“What are you insinuating, Patton.” Logan harshly said, not asked, eyes harsh and cold.
“Well, I, uh-”
Virgil gently cut off Patton’s scrambling, “You know that we won’t be mad if you want to hang out with Remus and Janus, right?”
“Right!” Patton started, “We were actually talking about it some earlier, and we’d love to start having them over for famILY meals too!”
Logan raised an eyebrow, “Is Roman on board with this?”
Roman sighed, “I may have some issues with my brother, but a true prince wouldn’t stop other relationships from forming just because he didn’t like the other party. I know Remus, and he won’t hurt you,” he thought back to the shuriken, “well, not permanently at least.”
Logan smiled, the first genuine smile he had shown the Light Sides in months. “I can tell them.”
“Wait, Logan,” Logan looks back at Patton, “Christmas is this Friday, and well I can’t think of a better day to expand our famILY!”
Logan chuckled, “I’ll let them know,” he started to head back to his room but paused and turned to look back at the Lights, “Oh, and I’m staying with them on Christmas Eve. Apologies.”
“No problem, Logan! Thanks for letting us know!”
Once Logan got back to his room, he gave the Dark Sides the news. “Remus, Janus, I have some news.”
Remus popped up from where he was looking at his newest dagger under Logan’s covers, “Oooh? What is it, Wolverine?”
“Patton, and subsequently the other Light Sides, have invited you two and I to a famILY meal on Christmas,” Logan noticed how Janus and Remus’s eyes lit up but ignored it in favor of finishing his announcement, “I have informed them that I will be with you on Christmas Eve.”
Janus smiled, “That’s great! So, you told them about us?” Logan sat at his chess table with Janus, “Well, technically they guessed, but yes. They asked about me spending time in my room, then stated they did not disapprove of our… relationship, I suppose.”
Janus smiled, “That’s great, Lo.”
That Christmas Eve, the trio sat around the fireplace in the Dark Side’s living room. They cuddled together under a Big Hero 6 blanket while watching Die Hard, which they all of course agreed was the best Christmas movie. They had stayed up pretty late, and once the movie was over, Remus started excitedly jumping up and down, “It’s after midnight! It’s officially Christmas!”
Logan sleepily checked his watch, “You are correct, but I do not see how this is currently relevant?”
“Now I can give you guys my presents!”
Remus kept bouncing on the balls of his feet until Janus happily sighed, “Alright, what did you get us?”
Remus squealed, “I’ll show you!” while running to his room.
Janus and Logan chuckled together until Logan spoke up, “I, ahem, got you gifts as well. Would it be adequate for me to go get them?”
“Sure, I actually got some for you guys too. We’ll all go get them and meet back here.”
Logan smiled, nodded, and sank out.
When they all returned, they all had light blushes on their faces. “Who would like to go first? In handing out their presents, that is.” Logan awkwardly asked. 
“I do!” Remus excitedly shouted. Logan and Janus were very much not surprised, and they all sat down on the carpet in front of the couch. 
Once they were seated, Remus yeeted the presents at their recipients, both of which catching their present with ‘oof’s. 
Janus ripped his open to reveal a long black cape with golden lining. He was about to start thanking Remus for the warm fabric when the clasp on it caught his eye. He looked closer, seeing a beautiful silver clasp depicting a snake and eight tentacles wrapping around a unicorn. Not trapping it, it felt more like… hugging. Protecting. He flipped it over to see an engraving, ‘J.L.R.’ “Thank you, Remus! I especially like the clasp, and the warmth and style are both surprisingly practical!”
Logan respectfully undid the poorly done tape and placed the wrapping paper to the side, opening the box to see some soft black and white fabric. When he took it out of the box and unfolded it, he saw it was a new unicorn onesie, this one black with stars instead of white, with a rainbow horn, lining, and wrists. Logan started to tear up, holding it back when he addressed Remus, “Thank you, Remus, this is… perfect.” 
Despite how calmly it was stated, Janus and Remus both knew how much something had to mean to Logan for him to call it perfect.
Logan went next, getting Janus a new heated blanket with his yellow two-headed snake logo on it, which he loved. Next, he looked at Remus, “So, I did some research, and I got you something. But before I give it to you, I require confirmation that you will not use this on another side.”
“Ooo! Is it a torture device!?”
“Yes. But you cannot have it until you at least promise me that you will not use this on another side. You can use it on as many of yours or Roman’s unsuspecting imaginary townspeople as you wish, but not. A. Side.”
“Jeez, Wolverine, I promise, okay?! Now gimme.” Remus made grabby hands at Logan.
Logan reached behind his back and emerged with a metal dark grey and green pear-shaped object. He holds it out to Remus and he grabs it, “Remus, this is a Pear of Anguish. The first known account of one is in the 17th century, and it is operated as so,” Logan gently pulls the device back from Remus’s hands and twists the circle at the top, making it pop out into expanding segments, “This simple pear would be placed inside the orifice of a person and then gradually expanded. The kindest use was in a person’s mouth where it would ultimately shatter the skull, causing death. More gruesome is when it was used on parts in the lower half of the body which was rarely fatal, but excruciating.” 
Remus giggled at ‘lower half of the body’ “Thank you so much, Logan! I can’t wait to try this out, you’re the best!”
Janus went last, giving Remus a silver tentacle-themed ear cuff, which he enjoyed very much, putting it on right away. Next, he gave Logan a gigantic telescope with stars and math equations all over it, with Logan’s logo big on the side. Logan teared up at the thoughtfulness and hugged Janus tight.
The three ended up spending the whole night and day following snuggling together watching cheesy Christmas romcoms, and drinking hot chocolate. 
That evening, on the Light Side of the mindscape, the Lights once again did a Secret Santa. Sadly, Janus and Remus weren’t included since their attendance was decided so late, but Patton made sure to get them each something.
Logan got Roman this year, so he got him a journal full of prompts in which he could write, draw, or brainstorm. Patton got Logan, and he made him a bunch of cupcakes with the Logan’s Berry Crofters Jam, which Logan was eternally thankful for. Roman got Virgil, and he got him a grey weighted blanket which he altered by sewing on purple plaid patches with white thread to match the emo’s hoodie. Virgil was thankful he got Patton, getting him a better gift than before by hand sewing small toys of all of them, sheepishly adding he’d make Remus and Janus too “I guess.” Patton got Remus a stuffed animal of a green octopus with a mustache and he got Janus a stuffed animal of a yellow snake with a bowler hat that had a small heater inside.
Everyone loved their gifts and had a great time, but Logan couldn’t decide what his favorite part of that Christmas was; unwrapping presents with the Dark Sides at midnight or eating Crofters-filled cupcakes with them late Christmas night when all the Light Sides had gone to bed.
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littleboy-logan · 4 years
Little No More
Here, have a gigantic one shot lol, it’s my longest agere fic so far, and I hope you enjoy!!! 🖤🖤🖤
Summary: Logan decides to tell Roman, Patton, and Virgil about his age regression. It doesn’t go as planned and the consequences are unexpected
Characters: Logan, Virgil, Roman, Patton, Janus, Remus, C!Thomas
Pairing(s): intruloceit (platonic or romantic, you decide)
Warnings: Patton, Roman, and Virgil being judgmental about age regression (not exactly unsympathetic sides but read with caution i think), crying, hurt/comfort-ish, Logan angst, and i think that’s it but lemme know if I missed anything!!!
Word count: 5,857
Logan had to tell the others about his age regression.
They would find out on their own somehow eventually, he knew this. He would much rather be the one to tell them upfront. At least Remus and Janus knew already, so he only had Virgil, Roman, and Patton to tell.
Not an intimidating task at all.
He stood in his room staring at the door. He could do this. He glanced to his bed where his unicorn stuffie, Rainbow, sat. He picked her up and gave her a quick hug and set her back down.
For good luck.
He went out to find the others. Virgil and Roman were in the living room, Roman watching a movie while Virgil listened to something in his big headphones and scrolled through his phone. Where might Patton be?
"Oh, hey, Specs," Roman greeted. "Come to watch The Little Mermaid?"
"No, I actually needed to talk with all of you about something. Where's Patton?"
"Uh oh! My ears are burning!" Patton said cheerily as he entered the living room.
"Do you need some type of ointment for that?" Logan asked, Patton chuckling.
"Oh, no, I'm fine. What's up, kiddo?"
Logan opened his mouth to speak, but then turned to look at Virgil. He was still listening to music, seemingly unaware of Logan's presence. Logan sighed and gently tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped slightly before removing his headphones.
"What?" he asked.
"I needed to speak with the three of you about something important. Something that's... been on my mind."
"Oh, what is it?" Patton asked, and Logan noticed the hint of concern in his voice.
"Nothing's wrong, it's just... I wanted to... open up a bit."
"Oh, okay!" Patton sounded relieved. "Whatever it is, we'll be open minded! Right, you two?" He directed the last addition to Roman and Virgil.
"Absolutely!" Roman declared. "We're not here to judge, only to listen!"
"Yeah, how bad could it be, anyway?" Virgil agreed.
Logan swallowed. Their words of encouragement were helpful, though he was still wrought with anxiety. He noted humorously that it was ironic that it was him instead of Virgil facing anxiety.
Logan cleared his throat. "I'm sure it will be a shock to you, but I... I age regress."
There. It was out in the open. Logan couldn't stop glancing amongst everyone's faces, gauging their reactions. It seemed to be mostly confusion, which was valid and understandable.
"Uh... you mind explaining what that means?" Patton asked shyly, possibly nervous about upsetting him.
"Of course. Age regression is when someone mentally shifts to a younger headspace. It's a common reaction to stress or trauma, and helps the person cope with it. There is also voluntary regression, which I sometimes do. It's... basically a good way for me to unwind after a difficult day. Does that make sense?"
There was a pause until Roman spoke. "So... you act like... a kid?"
"It would be more accurate to say I am a kid, I suppose. Not physically, but mentally."
"How, though?" Virgil asked. "I don't... exactly get it."
Logan took a pause to gather his words. "It's a reaction that the mind has to certain stimuli, be it positive or negative. For instance, I... often find myself in a regressed state while watching certain movies or wearing certain clothes. Other times... it's due to... certain stressors. Sometimes it's easier to deal with the stress in a more childlike state, where everything is a bit simpler."
Roman chuckled. "So Mr I-Have-No-Feelings has stress?"
Logan took a deep breath. "Occasionally. My work can be... tiresome at times."
"It is a little weird that the embodiment of logic goes through enough stress to turn into a child," Virgil noted.
An ice cold spear went through Logan's heart. He had to convince himself that Virgil didn't mean it like that, but the phrasing was not particularly kind.
"And you do this... intentionally?" Patton asked.
"Y-yes. More often than not, it's voluntary. Although I have had a few moments of involuntary regression."
"I just don't get it," Roman murmured.
Logan was nervous, but continued on. "What don't you get, exactly?" he asked patiently.
"Any of it. I've never even heard of this before now. Are you sure you don't just... act childish sometimes?"
Logan's heart hurt. He looked down at the ground away from Roman. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but this wasn't it.
"I'm sure Roman doesn't mean to offend," Patton said with a nervous chuckle. "I mean, we all know I act childish sometimes! How do we know it's not the same thing?"
"There's a difference between acting like a child and actually being one," Logan stated firmly.
"But you're not one!" Virgil exclaimed. "You're Logic, you're the one who, like, knows what to do! You're probably the most mature one here! Maybe you like... kid stuff or whatever, but that doesn't mean you turn into a kid!"
Logan was on the verge of tears. He didn't want to be invalidated like this, but what if Virgil was right? What if he was wrong about his regression?
"Logan, I think Virgil's right," Patton spoke up. "While I don't know if age regression is a real thing, I doubt that's what you do. I mean, if you did that, Thomas probably would too! And the rest of us! It wouldn't make sense for it to just be you."
Logan's heart dropped when he realised they were right. He couldn't possibly age regress. This was something else entirely.
"You're right, I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"Don't be sorry," Patton cooed. "I'm glad you told us so we could sort this whole thing out."
Logan nodded rather numbly. "I... I should go." With that, he sank out to his room.
He couldn't believe he'd been so foolish this whole time. He actually believed he was turning into a child when there was no evidence to support it.
Logic, an age regressor. What a silly idea.
He spent the next several days avoiding Remus and Janus. They would want to know how things went. They would want to care for their little regressed Logan.
Logan didn't have the heart to tell them it was all a lie.
He was surprised that Janus hadn't caught onto the deception. He could detect lies, everyone knew that. Even still, Logan knew the truth. He couldn't possibly be an age regressor.
He also repressed any possible feelings of childishness. Whenever he was tempted to snuggle a stuffie, he pushed the thought away. He occasionally wanted to suck on his pacifier, but refused. He knew repression was unhealthy and wouldn't do him any good, but what else could he do?
Though, of course, he couldn't avoid his former caregivers forever.
Janus and Remus had both been knocking on his door all week, but he never answered. This time, however, instead of knocking, they barged right in.
"Alright, what's going on?" Janus asked.
"Yeah, what gives, dude?" Remus exclaimed. "If you've been regressing alone—"
"I'm not regressing," Logan said firmly.
Janus's face twitched. "Half truth. What's going on?" he repeated more sternly.
"I'm not a regressor, it was never that. I simply... have more childish needs sometimes. And I'm putting a stop to it."
"You dumbhead, of course you regress!" Remus argued. "I've seen you regressed and you're adorable!"
"No! If I was a regressor, why isn't Thomas one as well? Or any of you?"
There was a pause before Janus spoke. "They didn't take it well, did they?"
Logan's stomach twisted into knots. "They helped me realise the truth. And the truth is I'm not a regressor."
"Janny, tell him he's lying," Remus said with a smirk. Janus said nothing and Remus looked over at him. "Jan?"
"He believes his words too much for me to say. They really broke him."
"No one broke me," Logan said. "If anything, they fixed me."
"Oh, Logan, there was nothing to fix," Janus said gently.
"I think maybe you should leave."
Remus whined. "But Logan—"
Janus sighed. "Come on, Remus. It seems we're unwelcome here."
Remus pouted and crossed his arms. "Fine. I missed you, you dumb nerd."
They left, and Logan let his tears slip away.
Their presence made him feel like a child, and he had to push that away. So he pushed them away.
It was late, so he got ready for bed, silently crying all the while. He wiped away his tears and climbed into bed. He turned off his lamp and wept into his pillow.
He cried himself to sleep, and no one could have predicted what happened when he woke up.
Janus was rather upset with how things went. He decided to have a talk with Patton the next morning. He didn't tell Remus what he was doing, since he knew he would want to tag along.
He knocked on Patton's door, hearing Patton's ever cheery voice tell him to hold on. After a moment or two, the door opened, and there Patton was, though his smile faltered slightly upon seeing Janus there.
"Oh! Hi! This is unexpected! What's up?"
"Logan told you, didn't he?"
Patton seemed confused for a moment before realisation struck. "Oh, about... the kid thing."
Janus took a breath and restrained himself. "Yeah. That. The age regression. Did you tell him it wasn't real?"
"Oh, no! We helped him realise he doesn't do that! I never said it wasn't real!"
Janus wanted to punch a wall. "I see. I'm one of his caregivers, and I can assure you, he very much does. You hurt him. Quite a lot, actually. To the point where he seems to believe whatever lies you fed him. I've been with him when he's regressed. He's very different from the Logan you're familiar with."
Patton seemed rather uncomfortable, and if Janus was being honest, he considered that a win. "I just don't understand why Logan would do that when the rest of us don't, including Thomas."
"You don't have to understand. You just have to be respectful. Because he's not hurting anyone by being open and honest about who he is. But you hurt him when you invalidated a part of his identity."
Patton let out a breath and looked down at the ground. "Did I... did I really do that?"
"You did. And I'd like for you to make it right."
Patton nodded. "I will. Right now."
Janus went with Patton to Logan's room. He had to make sure things went well this time. Patton knocked on the door.
"Logan? You awake? I wanna talk about last week." There was no response, which Janus was expecting. "Please, Logan? I wanna make things right. What I said wasn't fair, I should've respected you and... understood that you... have your own experiences. Just because the rest of us don't do the age regression thing, that doesn't mean it's impossible for you to."
Janus forced back a smile. He was glad he was able to convince Patton that his words had hurt. He hoped Logan was willing to listen.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Patton apologised, and Janus knew he meant it. "Please... say something?" A pause, and Logan didn't respond. "If you don't say anything, I'm coming in."
Logan said nothing, and as promised, Patton opened the door. Logan was sitting on his bed with his covers pulled over his head. It looked almost as if he was hiding, and Janus hated that.
"Logan?" Patton murmured. No response.
He approached the sheeted figure and removed the blanket. He gasped at what was revealed underneath.
A very small child was on Logan's bed. Wearing his clothes?
Janus stared in awe at the child, who cowered away in fear. Patton's paternal instincts seemed to kick in at that moment.
"Oh, hey, it's okay," he soothed. "We're not gonna hurt you, kiddo, okay? What's your name?"
The child didn't respond immediately, but Janus had his suspicions. The curly brown hair, the crystal blue eyes, Logan's pyjamas, it was fairly obvious.
A chill ran down Janus's spine while Patton softly gasped. They exchanged a look, both of shock, before looking at the child once more. Logan was staring at Janus's scales it seemed, which only served to make him self conscious.
"Logan?" Patton asked. "You're... so young."
"Who are you?" Logan asked frightfully. "And who's Logan?"
There was a pause until Janus spoke up. "That will take some explaining, I would imagine. If you truly don't remember us."
"I don't. Should I?"
Patton put a hand over his mouth, likely to keep from crying. Janus had to admit, he was rather emotional as well. He wanted Logan to remember him.
"We're Thomas's Sides... all grown up," Janus explained.
Logan's eyes widened. "But that's impossible! Thomas is six!"
"I'm afraid not. He's currently thirty years old. You have... as it would seem, age regressed to the point of both physical transformation and amnesia."
Logan blinked. "I... shapeshifted? But... only the king can do that."
"Oh my gosh," Patton murmured, another chill going down Janus's spine.
"Yes... about that... we'll have to update you on everything that has happened since Thomas's youth. Uh... let's see, six years old. Thomas was... I believe seven or eight when the divide occurred. The king is... no longer the king. He became two separate Sides known as the prince and the duke. After that, we stopped going by our... functional names, and adopted human names. You chose the name Logan."
Janus gave him some time to process all of that before continuing. He seemed quite surprised, which was understandable. This must have been rather shocking information.
"The king is gone?" he asked.
"I'm afraid so."
"And my name is... Logan?"
"Yes. And this is Morality— no, wait, at six you were called Emotions. He now goes by Patton. Mine is Janus, but you know me as—"
Janus paused for a moment. "The scales made that one obvious, didn't they?"
Logan grinned. "You're funny."
Janus smiled, his heart fluttering in his chest. He cleared his throat and decided to continue.
"Do you remember Fear?" he asked. Logan nodded, though he frowned. "Thomas knows him now. But he knows him as Anxiety, also known as Virgil."
Logan raised his brows. "Really? Does he know you too?"
"He does. He even knows my human name, which I was reluctant to give for some time. Though I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that."
"Why did the king change?"
Janus's heart hurt quite a bit hearing that question. As much as he enjoyed the company of Remus, and appreciated Roman when he wasn't attacking him, he truly missed the king.
"Uh... Thomas repressed the... darker creativity that... the king sometimes indulged in. When they separated, the prince took the... butterflies and rainbows, while the duke... he took the, uh... monsters and... scary storms."
"Oh. Interesting. So... why did I lose my memory and get so young?"
"That I'm afraid I don't know. This is... a new development. I know that last night you were upset, and you've been repressing your age regression, but I—"
"What's that?" Logan interrupted.
"Oh, it's when someone mentally becomes younger. It's a coping method."
"Then maybe I did that so hard that I shapeshifted. If I repressed it, it must've gone wrong."
Janus knew he made a good point. He just wished he knew how to undo it.
"If you repressed your regression so much that you mentally and physically regressed back to your six year old self, then how on earth do we rectify that?"
"We need the others," Patton spoke up, his voice thick and his eyes glossy. "They can help us fix this."
Janus gave a quick nod. He held out his hand towards Logan. "Come on, follow us. We'll introduce you to Virgil and the twins."
Logan blinked. He slowly got out of his bed and struggled to keep his now oversized pyjamas on. Janus realised he would need new clothes.
"Um, Patton, can you—"
"Of course," Patton waved a hand and Logan was in a short sleeve navy button up, a red bow tie, and blue jeans.
Janus smiled. "Better?"
Logan returned the expression. He looked up at Patton. "Thank you."
Patton smiled but Janus knew it was forced. "Of course, kiddo."
Logan took Janus's hand and they all walked to the living room. Janus had Logan sit on the couch next to Patton and he summoned the other three. Which, of course, meant that only the twins rose up. Typical.
"Who's the kid?" Remus asked in a delighted voice.
"Why is there a child here, exactly?" Roman asked, sounding more along the lines of confused.
"I'm Logic," Logan introduced. "Or, I guess Logan. Hm, I like that name. No wonder I chose it."
"What?" The twins both exclaimed, an equal amount of concern in their voices.
"Long story, but first, where's Virgil?" Janus asked rather impatiently.
Roman rolled his eyes. "Virgil, listen to the snake!" he said as he raised an arm, Virgil rising up and stumbling slightly.
"God, I hate doing that," he grumbled, freezing upon seeing Logan. "Who's the kid?"
"That's what I asked!" Remus said. "It's Logan!"
"No seriously, who's the kid?" Virgil asked.
"I really am Logan," Logan said. "I seem to be... smaller."
Virgil's eyebrows shot up. "What? That- what? How? Why? What?"
"When and who!" Remus added gleefully.
"Logan has been repressing his age regression to the point where it has caused him to not only shapeshift but to also lose his memory," Janus explained. "As far as he's concerned, Thomas is a six year old boy."
Remus approached Logan and knelt in front of him. "Hey, little guy! I'm Remus! You want a lollipop?"
Logan smiled and nodded. Remus summoned two identical lollipops, one in each hand.
"One of these tastes like butterscotch, and the other tastes like frog's breath!"
Janus sighed sharply. "Remus—"
"Choose carefully! Hope you like butterscotch!"
Logan giggled and looked between each lollipop. He put a finger to his chin in thought before picking the one in Remus's left hand. He put it in his mouth and smiled.
"I love butterscotch!" he spoke around the candy.
Remus ruffled Logan's hair and got to his feet. He glanced over at Janus. "Frog's breath lollipop?"
Janus rolled his eyes. "We need to focus. We have to find a way to reverse this."
"Wait, you said he's been repressing his age regression?" Virgil asked.
"He doesn't age regress! We talked about that like a week ago."
"Makes you wonder why he might have been repressing it," Janus snapped.
Patton stepped in before Virgil could fire back. He got to his feet and held up his hands between the two of them.
"Hey, now, let's not argue. It's true, Virgil, we were wrong. Let's not debate on whether or not Logan regresses, now is not the time."
Virgil sighed and shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets. He said nothing, and neither did Janus.
"Didn't he say he does that when he's stressed?" Roman asked.
"He does, yes," Janus said softly.
"Maybe if he's relaxed enough, he'll go back to normal."
"It may not be that simple, Roman," Janus said. "This is more than just Logan being shapeshifted, this is also an amnesiac episode."
"Do you have any better suggestions?"
Janus sighed shortly. "Well, no."
"Then we might as well try, right?"
Janus paused before conceding. "Fine. What do you propose we do to relax?"
Roman snapped his fingers and the living room had suddenly changed. There was a blanket fort on the couch, there was a table with bags of popcorn, and with a flourish, Roman had changed into his Beauty and the Beast onesie.
Janus raised a brow. "A little extra, wouldn't you say?"
Logan giggled from inside the blanket fort. He poked his head out. "You gotta teach me how to do that!"
Roman smiled. "How does a Disney marathon sound?"
Logan clapped his hands. "Yay! Can we start with The Lion King? I haven't seen it since we saw it at the theatre!"
"Oh, but of course!" Roman snapped his fingers again, and Disney+ was on the screen ready to play The Lion King. "Everyone get changed into a onesie!"
"I don't have one," Logan said.
Roman waved his hand. "Of course you do."
Logan looked down at his fluffy Stitch onesie and gasped. "I don't know what this is, but I love it!"
"Oh, that's right, you wouldn't remember Lilo & Stitch. We shall watch that one next!"
Everyone changed into their onesies, though Janus was rather reluctant. He wasn't sure that this would help, but at least Logan was having fun.
"C'mon, snake eyes!" Remus said, wearing the rat onesie he wore when Logan was regressed. "Get into the spirit!"
"For once, I agree with my brother!" Roman teased. "What, don't you have a onesie?"
Janus waved his hand and changed into his snake onesie, the hands shaped like extra snake heads. "I still don't think this will work."
"Let's hope you're wrong."
They all got settled in to watch the movie. Janus sat with Logan in the blanket fort, holding him in his lap as he ate from one of the popcorn bags. He didn't like to admit how protective he was over little Logan, but he very much was. Now that he was this... size, that protective nature only doubled.
He kept an eye on Logan more than watched the movie. He seemed plenty relaxed, and yet still no change. Janus couldn't wait around much longer, he wanted to find a solution as soon as possible.
"I still don't understand why Scar sent the hyenas after him after sending him off," Roman complained. "They couldn't finish the job the first time, so why didn't he just buckle down and get his claws dirty?"
"You know, I'm beginning to suspect that watching a children's movie is no way to get Logan back to being in his adult form," Janus pointed out.
Roman paused. "Maybe so. But what do you suggest?"
Janus gave it some thought. He looked down at Logan, who was still watching the movie. He thought about everything he knew about Logan, and then it hit him.
"What does Logan do to unwind other than age regression? Puzzles. What if we all start putting together a puzzle? That might work."
"Ooh, good idea!" Patton exclaimed. "He's got plenty of puzzles in his room, let's get a big one!"
"I do?" Logan asked.
"Yeah, you wanna pick the one we do?" Janus asked, subconsciously putting on his caregiver voice. It seemed to delight Logan as he excitedly climbed out of the blanket fort.
Janus went with Logan to his room to pick out a puzzle. They were all kept on his bookshelf, and Logan immediately went with the one with a fox in a forest. They went back to the living room with it and Logan was quick to begin setting it up.
The Sides all gathered around to sort out the different pieces by colour, keeping the edge pieces in their own pile. It wasn't long before Roman began complaining.
"This will take far too long!" he whined.
"Nuh uh," Logan argued. "If we do this together, it'll be easy."
Roman groaned dramatically, but conceded. They all continued sorting through pieces and putting them together. It was a fairly large puzzle, so they had their work cut out for them, but they could easily have it done before the end of the day.
"Any memories coming back?" Virgil asked, connecting a couple edge pieces.
"No," Logan responded. "But I am enjoying the puzzle."
"You would," Roman teased, Logan giggling.
"Just so everyone is aware," Janus began. "Once we get Logan back to normal, we will be having a discussion about his age regression. All of us."
There was a pause before Virgil spoke up. "I still think it's weird."
Janus clenched his fists. "I will sucker punch you."
"Let's not get violent," Patton said calmly. "We all do weird things, let's not be judgmental."
"I don't think it's that weird," Logan stated matter of factly. "I can see why someone would want to be six. There's not as much stress as grown ups deal with. You can do pretty much whatever you want. Who wouldn't want to be six?"
There was silence amongst the group. They all exchanged a glance and continued working on the puzzle. It wasn't too much longer before it was completed.
"Still nothing?" Janus asked.
"No. Maybe we should get another puzzle."
"I don't think puzzles will help," Janus murmured. "There must be something else to try."
They spent all day exploring different solutions, all of which ultimately failing. Logan found it particularly exhausting. By the end of the day, he was dead tired.
Everyone went to bed, Janus helping Logan get ready. He got Logan changed into his Stitch onesie and summoned him a simple nightlight. Janus left, and Logan could finally sleep. Though just as he thought he was about to drift off, he felt the ever familiar internal tug from Thomas.
He was being summoned.
He rose up and saw who could only be the grown up Thomas sitting in bed. He thought seeing the Sides as grown ups could prepare him for what Thomas would look like, but he was quite wrong.
Though, of course, he did look just as shocked as he had imagined.
"Uh... okay, I know I summoned Logan," Thomas said.
"You did. I'm him."
Thomas raised his eyebrows. "Okay. Why do you look like that?"
"It's a long story."
"I've got time."
Logan sat down next to Thomas on the bed, realising he was still holding the unicorn stuffie he'd been snuggling in bed. He held it close and began explaining.
"Well, I'm not s'posed to be six. I do something called age regression. From what Janus said, it means I turn into a kid in my head. But for some reason, I turned into a kid physically too. I also lost my memory, so I don't know why this happened, but it did. Questions?"
Thomas blinked. "Uh, yeah. So... you age regress?"
"I guess. I don't know much about it, since I'm six, but it's a way to cope with stress. I think it makes the others uncomfortable."
"Why do you say that?" Thomas asked, sounding somewhat concerned.
"Virgil said it was weird. Remus and Janus are nice about it, though. Maybe it is weird. Maybe I'm weird."
"Logan, no," Thomas said firmly yet calmly. "You're not weird for coping with your stress however you need to. If that means... reverting back to being a kid, that's absolutely fine."
Logan smiled at the warm feeling in his chest. "So... you don't think it's weird?"
"No way, kid. It makes you special. I accept you for everything you are, including regressing." 
"So Mr I-Have-No-Feelings has stress?"
"It is a little weird that the embodiment of logic goes through enough stress to turn into a child."
"I mean, we all know I act childish sometimes! How do we know it's not the same thing?"
Everything flooded into Logan's mind all at once. It was almost too much to bear. 
"Oh, shut up nerdy Wolverine!"
"I'm gonna prohibit your breathing if you keep this up!"
"Logan, can you stop? Please?" 
Tears filled Logan's eyes as he remembered it all. His head felt as though it was about to crack from the strain. 
At least when he finally collapsed onto the floor, the last memory to flash through his mind was of Janus and Remus caring for him. 
Logan awoke rather slowly. His head still hurt, but not as badly. He opened his eyes. He was back in his room. 
His memory had returned, but at what cost? His precious innocence, his joyful youth. Every reason he regressed, the intangible things that he wanted to remember. 
He looked to the side of his bed and saw Janus in a chair with his head in his hands. He seemed distraught. 
"Janus?" Logan asked roughly. 
Janus's head snapped up, eyes wide as they landed on him. "Logan. I was worried, we all were. How do you feel?"
"Headache. Were you really worried about me?"
"Of course. When Thomas called us in after you passed out, I... I didn't know what to do. I'm just glad you're okay."
Logan didn't know how to feel. He sighed and stared up at the ceiling. After everything that happened, he didn't like admitting how close to regression he was, but he knew he couldn't push the feelings away anymore. 
"Papa Jay?" he asked in a small voice, Janus immediately taking his hand. 
"Yes, my little starlight?" 
"What if the others treat me different?" 
"Well... I can't promise that they won't. But if they hurt you, you can always come to me, and I will never judge you."
Tears rose to Logan's eyes. He glanced around for Rainbow, and when he spotted her he immediately grabbed her and held her to his chest. 
"I should talk to 'em. But... what do I say?"
"Explain that their words hurt you. I'm sure that, given recent events, they'll listen. Do you want me there with you when you talk to them?"
"Yes, p'ease."
Logan figured there was no time like the present, so even in his mostly regressed headspace, he decided to talk with them. He held Janus's hand and they walked through the mindscape in search of them. Patton and Virgil were in the kitchen, Patton doing dishes while Virgil sat on the counter scrolling through his phone. 
"Hi," Logan murmured, getting both Sides' attention. 
Patton dropped the cup in his hand and went over to give Logan a hug. He slowly reciprocated, fiddling with the fabric of Patton's shirt. He saw Virgil get down from the counter and put his phone away. 
"Good to see you, L," he greeted. 
Patton pulled away, holding Logan's face in his hands. "I'm so sorry that I made you feel bad, Logan! I didn't mean to! You - you can regress all you want! I support you, okay?" 
Logan's tears returned, and this time they fell. Patton wiped them away with his thumbs. 
Janus placed a hand on Logan's shoulder, which reminded him of what he came out here to say in the first place. 
"Where's Roman?" he asked with a sniffle. 
Patton raised a hand and summoned Roman. He seemed mildly annoyed until he saw Logan and a small smile graced his lips. 
"Oh, thank god!" Roman suddenly lifted Logan in the air with ease, spinning the two of them around. Logan broke out into a fit of giggles, squealing with delight. He finally set Logan down, but continued to hug him. "You scared me a little."
Logan's heart jumped in his chest. "I did?"
"Yeah. I wasn't sure when you were gonna wake up."
"I thought princes weren't scared of anything."
Roman was about to speak until he pulled away and carefully scanned Logan's face. "Are you... regressed right now?"
Logan blushed and looked away. His stomach tied itself up in knots. He was suddenly very shy about speaking until Janus took his hand. 
"Hey, it's okay," he whispered. "Tell them what's on your mind."
Logan took a deep breath. "When I said I regress... you said I was weird. You made me think I made it all up. It hurt. 'Cause I trusted you, and... I... I'm really mad at you! All of you!" 
There was a long silence as they all took that in. Logan was on the verge of tears again but he didn't want to cry. He was done crying. 
"You have every right to be mad at us," Patton said forlornly. "The way we reacted was... shameful. And I'm so sorry if we broke your trust in us."
"Yeah, I never should've said it was weird," Virgil spoke up. "I... I never meant that you were weird, I just meant the age regression itself... which I guess isn't much better. Still, I... I'm really sorry. We hurt you — I hurt you. If age regressing makes you feel good, then... I shouldn't have reacted the way I did."
"Oh, Logan," Roman murmured. "I'm so very sorry for invalidating you. I just... didn't understand. But that's no excuse. I... I did research last night, about age regression, and I understand now that it's a healthy way to cope, and... I never should have judged you." 
Logan was overwhelmed by everything that was said. He hadn't expected such a warm response. Of course, it would still be difficult to trust them, but this was a good first step towards that. 
Over time, Logan felt more and more comfortable regressing around Roman, Virgil, and Patton. It took some patience, but they managed. 
Logan was mid-regression with Virgil in the living room, but he felt too awkward to say anything. Although Virgil must have picked up on it because he started showing Logan cat videos on his phone. It wasn't too long before he was fully regressed with Virgil there to watch him. 
Not long after that, he was working with Roman on the next Sanders Sides script and became stressed, which led to an involuntary regression. He tried to hide it and get back to work, but Roman casually said they both needed a break to watch some Disney in onesies. 
A week later, Logan was making dinner when he felt he was about to regress. He didn't want to, but it was inevitable. How would he be able to cook if he was regressed?
Patton walked in. "Hey, Lo! Ooh, smells good!"
Logan didn't respond, frozen on the spot. He couldn't figure out what he was supposed to do next, why couldn't he remember? 
"You good, kiddo?"
The kiddo was what sent him spiralling. 
Logan whined, on the verge of tears. He didn't know how to tell Patton he was too little to be cooking. Dinner was going to be ruined, all because he couldn't keep it together for ten minutes. 
"Hey." Patton gently placed a hand on Logan's back, approaching his side. "You feeling little?"
Logan nodded. Patton led him to the kitchen table and sat him down. He went back to the stove and fiddled with a few things. Logan felt awful. He couldn't even do this one simple task. 
Patton came back over. "You still wanna help?" he asked. Logan hesitantly nodded. "Okay, you get to be in charge of spices! I tell you what to sprinkle in, and you put it in. Think you can do it?"
Logan grinned and nodded again. He could do that, no problem. 
He was so worried about being treated differently. Little did he know, being treated differently was just what he needed.
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
Overruled, Chapter 6: History Lessons
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Day 6 of @loceitweek , Blast From the Past. His time with Remus makes a few things clear to Janus. WC: 1881 - Rated: T - implied sex, swearing
Bright, mid-morning sunlight streamed into Janus' bedroom through a gap in the curtains. But the sun had nothing to do with the warmth he woke to. Remus was still asleep, face buried against his chest, each breath warming his bare skin. One leg draped over his hip, the other tangled with his, Remus slept so close, sleeping on him might be a more apt description that sleeping with him. The closeness was… welcome.
“Jay,” Gabe would laugh, tickling his ribs to get him to move away in the steamy Georgian summer nights. “You’re too warm…”
“Too warm?” he’d laugh back, nuzzling against his belly. “That’s not what you said last night…”
Janus squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face in Remus’ hair. He wasn’t Gabe. Neither of them were. No-one was.
Last night, after their time together, Remus had pulled the blankets over him, then turned away, searching for those tattered jeans of his. The room had been dark, but the streetlamps outside cast a single beam across his face and Janus caught that same lost look he’d had outside the grocery store.
“Remus?” he sat up and reached for him, his alcohol-fuzzed reactions too slow to stop him from getting up. And too slow to keep Janus from wanting him to stay. “It’s late…”
He nodded, grabbing his jeans. “I know, Janus. I’ll let y’sleep.”
“No, ‘mus…” Janus tried again, this time catching his arm and tugging him closer. “Come to bed.”
“Didn’t I already?” he laughed, thin and brittle. He hadn’t pulled away, though.
Throwing back one corner of the blankets, Janus smiled, “Sleep here. Morning will arrive soon enough.”
He fiddled with the loops on his jeans. It was now too dark to see his face. “Really?”
“Really.” Janus tugged him closer. “Please?”
Remus melted into his arms, curling around him with those same strong, lanky limbs he’d touched and mouthed and tasted. “You’re warm,” he murmured, voice already sleepy.
Hand nestled in his curls, Janus whispered into his hair. “So are you.”
The first time with Gabe, they’d stayed out as long as they dared. Cocooned together in car blankets and an old sleeping bag, they’d held each other under the protective branches of an ancient oak deep in the forest behind the old school. Stars peeked out between the leaves and they’d spent hours afterward gazing up at the sky and sharing soft touches and kisses. They’d hiked back to Janus’ car long before either was ready, each all-too-aware of the consequences if they returned home much later than the end of the Homecoming dance.
Gabe had kissed him one last time before they got too close to the edge of the trails where the chances of being seen were greater. “Being with you is like coming home,” he’d whispered in his sweetly frayed voice.
Fully awake now, Janus’ head throbbed and a panicked voice screamed through his veins to slip away, to get up, to go… anywhere. But, just like that night with Gabe, he was in no way ready to let go. Careful not to wake him, he nuzzled against Remus hair, breathing in his scent of cloves and cinnamon, a faint sour whiff of whiskey. A tang of sweat. His phone buzzed but he ignored it. Whatever it was could wait.
The sunbeam spilling through the curtains traveled up the bed from their feet to their knees and his phone buzzed three more times before Remus groaned against him.
“Headache?” he murmured, reaching up to massage the back of his neck.
He groaned again. “A herd of elephants had a party in my head,” he mumbled, voice fuzzy. “They busted shit up.”
“You need fluids,” he nodded, pulling himself away. The panicky voice stilled, mollified. “And so do I.”
One eye peeking out from under the covers, Remus watched him stand, then stuck his head out all the way. “It looks like you need something else, too,” he purred, looking pointedly below Janus’ waist.
He chuckled and instantly regretted it, massaging his temples with one hand. After a moment, he pulled on his robe. “If I stayed in bed every time I was…” He closed his robe and Remus pouted adorably. “I’d never leave this room.”
“There are worse ways to go,” he laughed then winced and wiggled deeper under the covers.
Janus rubbed what he guessed was Remus' chest through the comforter, humming quietly. “I’ll return with some tea.”
“More dead leaf water?” Gabe laughed, nuzzling against his neck. 
Grinning, Janus pressed his hand against his heart. “Agh! The disrespect,” he laughed. “It’s good. Here, just smell…”
Gabe leaned over his shoulder and scrunched his nose. “I don’t know…” But he inhaled deeply and his eyes fell closed as a soft smile replaced his grimace.
“See?” Janus grinned, turning and placing the cup in his hands. “What’d I tell you?”
“Um, Janus?”
Lost in thought, Janus hadn’t heard Remus come in. “Yes, Remus,” he nodded, “The tea’s nearly done.” The kettle was steaming and he quickly filled two cups.
“No, um, not that… I mean, it smells great, but…” Remus held out Janus’ phone. “We have the same phone and… yours buzzed and I thought… and…” He glanced over at the door, twisting his fingers together. “I didn’t mean to peek, but… You’ve got a lot of notifications from Logan. He… he sounds worried.”
Janus blew on one of the cups, then handed it to Remus. Then he sat, almost falling into a chair as he stared down at his phone. Remus grabbed his tea and set it in front of him, then moved a chair to sit right next to him, rubbing against his shoulder.
“It looks like he really cares about you.” Remus sipped his tea, both hands wrapped around the mug and his heels tucked up on the chair seat with him. “You know, when he didn’t want to…” he shimmied his shoulders halfheartedly, “Come inside last night? I…" He looked down at his tea. "I figured he was probably going to go find you.”
“Me?” Janus set down his cup and stared. “Why would he go looking for me?”
Remus shrugged. “He likes you?”
“How did you—” He stared back at him. “Did he tell you that?”
Shaking his head, he smiled sadly and leaned his head against Janus’ shoulder. “Didn’t have to.”
Remus drank the rest of his tea and finished dressing. Janus watched him pull on his clothes, his thin cotton shirt just as much armor as his heavy combat boots. Fingers rapping against the sides of his mug, Janus nursed his tea, desperate for anything to think about than the moment when Remus would actually go.
What the fuck was wrong with him? This was meant to be his—second—favorite part of a bit of company. A return to his quiet, peaceful home, his privacy. Independence. Instead, dread pooled at his shins, rising with each passing second as he watched Remus get ready to leave.
He knew there was no delaying it further, but still he tried, lingering at the door for just one more kiss. Then one more. “I don’t ordinarily do this, but…” He brushed another kiss against the corner of his jaw, then just below his ear. “But I’d like to see you again. Can I call you?”
“That’s okay, Janus,” Remus hung his head and bounced on his toes, hands shoved into his pockets. “You don’t have to say that. I get it. That’s what everyone says but… they don’t.” 
“Wait—” He'd started to turn away but Janus grabbed his hand and followed him out to the hall. “What? No, Remus…” Still holding his hand, Janus cradled his cheek and slowly turned his head to face him. He met Remus' eyes, and his heart cracked at their glossy sheen. “Remus, I want to see you again.” Remus stared back at him, rubbing his cheek against his palm, hand covering his as though Janus might rip it away at any moment. “Would you… would you like to see me again?”
Eyes wide, Remus’ head bobbed, ever so slightly. “Yes,” he whispered when Janus remained silent, a tiny smile brightening his face. “Yes, I would.”
“That’s settled then,” Janus murmured and pulled him in to a kiss.
When they broke away, Remus frowned. “So… you really meant you would call me?”
Fear clawed at his throat, threatening to choke out his words, but Janus was more afraid of what it would mean to let Remus go, to never hold him in his arms again. To never wake up to the scent of cinnamon and cloves. “Yes,” he whispered. “Yes, I meant it.”
“Okay,” he nodded, smile growing. “Are you gonna call him, too?”
“I…” His phone buzzed loudly from the dining table and they both turned to look at it.
“You’d better.”
Janus picked up his phone and re-read the series of messages Logan had left him, then scrolled back through the history until he hit their first exchange.
Personal favor, 👔. 🏠 
He closed his eyes and Gabe's voice filled his mind. ‘Being with you is like coming home.’
Janus had felt anything but at home when he’d returned to his empty apartment after that strange morning with Logan. He’d missed the little sounds of him puttering in the kitchen, of waking up to the presence of someone else, that almost sixth sense of knowing someone was there. Of knowing he wasn’t alone. He'd felt more at home sitting with Logan in his unfamiliar apartment than he'd felt in his own since…
The longing wasn’t for just someone, for just anyone to be there. Either because the weather was atrocious or it was stupidly late at night, he’d had dates sleep over before. But instead of soothing him, their tiny sleeping sounds or pattering about the next morning as they got dressed had… irritated him and he’d been relieved when they’d left. Clearing away Remus’ empty tea cup, all he felt was alone.
He tarried, delaying until he’d finished the dishes before responding to Logan’s texts. Surely Logan was still in class and wouldn’t respond to a text message anyway. The additional message he received while drying the tea kettle demonstrated the fallacy of his argument.
Finally, Janus sat down and picked up his phone.
I'm safe, Necktie. I overslept. I'm sorry to worry you.
There was so much more to say. Logan replied as he was still composing his next message and his cheeks warmed.
I am deeply relieved. Is there anything you need?
No immediate admonition for missing classes, no guilting him for not responding sooner. Just… concern. Care. He closed his eyes and he was instantly back on Logan’s couch, hands shaking as he tried to drink his ginger tea. Logan was right there, those wonderfully strong hands wrapped around his, steadying the cup.
He could picture Logan holding his phone, watching the bubbles pop as Janus typed and retyped a message. Was he at the café again? Sipping his coffee with one hand, phone in the other? Or was he already home, stripping off his tie and—
‘Look elsewhere…’
Tears burned his eyes and Janus tapped out his next message, smashing down send before he could chicken out.
We need to talk. Are you available this evening?
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clearlynotjanus · 3 years
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Summary: In the months that follow Redux, Patton & Janus discover through arguments, discussions, shared hobbies, & eventual dates that they have a lot to work on before they can manage to help Thomas together. CW: Body horror, trauma, light kissing with minimal description, food mention, ghost mention, non-character death mention (general Halloween talk), snakes, crickets, live feeding of bugs to snakes, religious conversation, haunting atmosphere, Moceit is fighting & it’s pretty bad, Patton cries, enemies!anxceit fights & it’s pretty brutal, swearing (the F bomb like 3 or 4 times), moral ambiguity, alcohol/wine mention, insinuated swearing Word Count: 25,859 Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff Rating: Gen-Teen Ships: Moceit, Dukeceit, implied Intruloceit, implied intrulogical, anxceit as exes
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All the art for this project was done by my amazing partner, @nonchimerical​. view the title pieces these chapters were originally posted with here & please enjoy the playlist paired with this work.
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CHAPTER ONE :: AFTERMATH - In the settling dust of Redux, Janus seeks out Patton for a conversation that continuously gets dodged -- until it can't be anymore. TUMBLR // AO3
CHAPTER TWO :: BAKING - Janus & Patton decorate cookies & have an unproductive conversation about the opposing sides. TUMBLR // AO3
CHAPTER THREE :: DATE NIGHT - The two go grocery shopping in Janus' Dream Space for their dinner date night but get rudely interrupted by a reminder that not everyone's okay with having Janus around. TUMBLR // AO3
CHAPTER FOUR :: FAMILY - Spurred by the realization that Virgil & Janus don't get along, Patton confronts Janus with what he thinks is a brilliant revelation. TUMBLR // AO3
CHAPTER FIVE :: ANIMAL - Wanting to know Janus better, Patton seeks entrance to his room. Through narrative world building, Patton realizes there's a lot he doesn't understand. TUMBLR // AO3
CHAPTER SIX :: WARMTH - Janus & Patton share a cup of hot cocoa in the fall weather. TUMBLR // AO3
CHAPTER SEVEN :: ANNIVERSARY - After a flashback about the day Janus disappeared to the Dark Side from both Patton & Janus' point of view, the two have a rare heart to heart moment that leads to something long overdue. TUMBLR // AO3
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sidespromptblog · 4 years
Do you have any Intruloceit headcannons? - Anon 👽
When the camera is no longer rolling it's more likely to see Logan in Remus' clothes, than Remus in Remus'clothes. Logan has at one point stolen every article of Remus' closet, and worn it. Just to wash it and eventually return it, before starting the whole cycle over again. Remus doesn't mind to be honest, Logan looks cute in his clothes, and he'd soon stake his own heart than tell Logan to stop.
Remus' prime napping spot is one hundred percent Logan's thighs. They're fuckin warm, soft, and perfectly squishy so therefore, they are his pillow and he will let out a demon growl at anyone who tries to take his napping spot from him. Roman learned that the hard way unfortunately, when Remus made a sound like something from Tartarus' asshole.
When Remus is in an unfortunate art block, Logan will often help by just word vomiting random things. Facts, words, or scenarios. He has it all until he says something that manages to inspire Remus to create something if he really wants to create. And if that doesn't work, Remus gets his napping spot and a bunch of movies to take his mind off of it.
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gaylotusthatexists · 4 years
ten minutes
pairing: intruloceit
summary: Logan’s boyfriends, Janus and Remus, drag him out to a pool. This is not something that Logan wants.
trigger warnings: sympathetic janus and remus, casual discussion of murder (jokingly), please let me know if i need to add anything
word count: 920
a/n: day thirteen!!! today’s prompt was ‘fun in the sun’ and once again i am projecting onto logan haha, i hope y’all enjoy this ^^
Logan sat at the side of the pool, reading a book as usual. His boyfriends had dragged him out to the local pool, since it was summer and he apparently needed to get out more, get some sun. Logan didn't really understand the appeal of swimming or sitting the sun - all it did was get him wet or sunburnt respectively, neither of which he particularly cared for. But, his boyfriends had both thought this would be good for him, and of course he'd never refuse an offer to hang out with the two of them, even if he wasn't exactly talking to them as they were both in the pool and he was sat safely on the side. In all honestly, Logan was quite happy to be alone with his book - being outside was nice in a way, peaceful almost.
That was, until Janus climbed out the pool and came to sit besides him, his hair stuck to his forehead and skin almost sparking in the sunlight. Logan tried his best to remain calm upon seeing his boyfriend shirtless - it wasn't as if this was the first time he'd seen him shirtless, but he'd never seen him get out of a pool before. Logan shuffled a little away from Janus, further under the shade, and cleared his throat.
"If you touch me whilst you're wet, I will not hesitate to kill you," he said, slowly placing his book down.
Janus smirked. "You don't have the guts to kill me."
"Says who?"
"Logan, you won't even kill a spider."
"Spiders are very valuable to our ecosystem, Janus," Logan argued, "and they don't do anything to harm us. Do you want the house to be filled with flies?"
Janus just continued to smile, fondly. "You should come in the pool," he said, changing the conversation.
Logan grimaced. "No thank you."
"Why not?"
"Firstly, I'm not a massive fan of getting wet," he began. "Secondly, public pools are incredibly unhygienic. Thirdly, I know for a fact that Remus will immediately splash me in the face and I do not care for that at all. Fourthly-"
"Okay, okay." Janus sighed. "Just for fifteen minutes. It seems a waste if you come here and don't even go for a little swim."
"I'm quite happy sat reading in the shade," Logan said. "Honestly, it's worth me coming here just to see you two having fun."
"Yeah, but we want you to have fun as well."
Logan sighed. "You're not going to drop this, are you?"
He stared at Janus for a moment longer, in consideration.
"You can keep your shirt on, if you want," Janus said. "I promise not to splash you. I'm sure Remus can control himself enough for me to explain to him that you don't want to be splashed."
Logan drummed his fingers on his legs. "Alright. I'll give you ten minutes."
"Ten," he reiterated.
"Alright, fine. Ten."
Janus grinned. The two stood up and made their way to the side of the pool, Janus getting straight in but Logan starting by just sitting on the edge, his feet only just in the cold, cold water. He stared down, noticing a few pieces of grass and dead bugs floating around - gross. He also glanced around at the amount of kids swimming around, not exactly the cleanest of people either. But he'd already made his decision, and he didn't want to disappoint either of his boyfriends.
"C'mon, Logan!" Janus called, from a few metres into the pool. "Just jump in!"
Logan groaned. This was not what he'd been wanting to do with his weekend. Taking in a deep breath, he slowly lowered himself into the pool, cringing again at the cold water. He feet touched the ground, the water going up to his waist - Logan was taller than both of his boyfriends, with the water at Janus neck and Remus' armpits, although he imagined both of them were sunk a little further into the water whilst he was stood up straight. He slowly waded his way towards them, arms up in the air and refusing to touch the water. He could do this. Just ten minutes, then he could dry off his legs and get back to reading.
He felt someone collide against him and he stumbled down into the water with a splash, head going underneath the water for a terrifying second. He reemerged from the water, gasping for air, and noticed Remus latched onto his side, a manic grin across his face. "Logan!"
Logan pushed himself away from Remus, trying to recompose himself. The water was now up to his shoulders, as he now crouched rather than stood straight, and his hair was soaking wet. Everything was blurry - he'd left his glasses at the side, and could now barely make out Remus' face just centimetres in front of his. Well, this was just perfect.
"Remus, I'm going to murder you," Logan said, monotonously.
"You'll have to catch me first!" Remus retorted, grinning widely and swimming away.
Logan swam to catch up with him, tackling him into the water as well, a taste of his own medicine. Remus didn't seem angry or annoyed - he was giggling, playing, splashing Logan. And Logan was splashing back. Janus joined the fight, all three soon exploding into a fit of giggles, and eventually hugs and kisses in the water, playing games and racing and perhaps having a little more fun than Logan had expected.
And maybe Logan stayed in a little longer than ten minutes.
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ambersky0319 · 5 years
A human AU where the Light sides were all like a found family, until Logan runs away and they are determined to bring him back no matter what, only to find him with Dexter(Deceit) and Remus and looking far happier than with them. But Virgil hates it, pushing the two away from Logan and trying to force him back before screaming "They're fucking monsters, they could never love someone like you!" Which causes Logan to fight against him and leave the lights for good
Hope you’re happy with this! It was super fun to write but also fuck Virgil in this-
Can be seen as either platonic or romantic Intruloceit, your choice really
Warnings : Unsympathetic Virgil, Somewhat Unsympathetic/Highly Implied Unsympathetic Roman, Morally gray Patton, past suicide mention(none of the main characters), mention of a panic attack, lmk if I need to add anything else!
It was just by chance, meeting Dexter and Remus. Though Logan had known about them for a while. They had a small community on YouTube for their random and often insane ideas, usually done in the name of “science”. They did have some more serious videos, though, one that caught Logan’s interest the most being one where they talked about toxic relationships. They had still made some jokes, mostly about their past experiences, but the video was extremely heartfelt and made Logan curious enough to do some research on his own.
What Logan didn’t know, was that Dexter and Remus actually lived in the same city as him.
Logan had left his and his friends’ house after a particularly harsh argument with Roman, and took a bus further into the city to find a place to relax. He remembered a coffee shop from a few weeks ago that Patton had dragged him to. While Patton didn’t really like it as much as he thought he would, Logan really liked it as the people inside always seemed to be full of life and had hearts of gold(seriously, the barista he talked to looked as though she was glowing in the afternoon light).
Stepping inside, there was only one table open which he took quickly, setting his things down before ordering his coffee. The barista, the same as last time he had visited(a shock to Logan in all honesty that she’d keep the job), made his drink quickly and handed it to him with a bright smile, wishing him a good afternoon. Once back at his table, he took out his laptop to work on one of his many projects. He lost himself in one of his favorites, a novel he was writing. Eventually though, he was pulled from his focus.
“Hey um, sir?”
Logan looked up, and he nearly gasped. Nearly. Standing before him was none other than Dexter, looking rather sheepish as he interrupted Logan.
“Sorry to bother you, but all the other tables are full and I was wondering if my friend and I could sit with you for now, at least until one opens up?” Dexter jabbed his thumb over to the counter, where Remus stood chatting with the barista as she made their drinks and another prepared some food for them. Logan almost forgot how to speak, and he cleared his throat.
“Um, yeah, sure. I don’t mind.” Dexter smiled and slid into the seat across from Logan. Remus joined them not long after.
“I’m Dexter, by the way. And this is Remus.” Dexter slung his arm around Remus once Remus settled beside him.
“I kinda knew. I really like your videos, they’re far more informational than I thought they would be.” And then, it was as if Logan just remembered that he didn’t know these two personally, and his cheeks felt a bit warmer all of a sudden. “Oh, and I’m Logan, by the way.”
“Well Logan, it’s always great to meet a fan,” Dexter said, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah! Especially since most people just think we’re two idiots online, huh Dee?” Remus wasn’t really asking him, but he still got an affirmative hum. Remus tilted his head as he studied Logan for a moment. “Hey wait, I’ve seen you before! You’re in that one psych class!”
And that’s how the rest of Logan’s afternoon went. Other tables cleared, but Dexter and Remus didn’t leave Logan’s table as they spoke with him. And Logan’s computer was moved to his bag as he let himself open up to some people other than his main friend group. He wasn’t all too surprised that they had similar interests, and it was fun getting to complain with Remus about the number of projects their teachers gave them.
Over the following months, Logan continued to meet up with them and talk with them late into the night. He learned Dexter wasn’t in college and worked freelance as an artist to pay their house bills so Remus could focus on becoming a psychiatrist(Remus did do art commissions as well to chip in, but Dexter took care of finances the most). Logan also learned that Remus was the younger brother that Roman so often complained about, which initially pissed Logan off. When Remus learned that Logan was living with his brother, and heard of the things Roman had said, just shrugged and told Logan to not tell any of them they hung out. Dexter knew Virgil as well, though he was far less inclined to tell Logan what had happened, and just said they had a major fallout a few years back.
About two years into their friendship, Logan had sent the duo a text during their livestream(Logan had been doing homework and hadn’t noticed the two were busy). It was frantic, and Logan was stuffing essentials into his bag as he waited anxiously for either of them to text back. All Logan’s original text had said was “guys I need OUT”.
Dexter texted him back after ten agonizing minutes, asking what was wrong, and Logan called him, his voice unsteady as he explained the situation. Dexter listened as Remus ended their video so he could hear what was happening too. He and Virgil had gotten into a rather heated argument, and Roman had somehow been dragged into it. Normally Patton was there to calm them all down but he was working at the time, and Logan just couldn’t take any more arguing like this, not when it got so personal and to the point that Logan had been reduced to silence because of a panic attack.
“Do you want me to come pick you up? Lo, where are you?” Remus had snatched Dexter’s phone from his hand.
Logan swallowed thickly, his hand trembling on his own phone as he told them their address. “Virgil and Roman are both home though-”
“Just say you’re going to a last-minute meeting because our teacher is a jackass who does that and the things in your suitcase is this huge project he wanted us to do.” Further away from the phone, Remus called over to Dexter. “Got the keys?” Logan heard Dexter say something along the lines of ‘yes’ and Remus was back on the phone. “Alright, I’ll text you once we’re close by, kay?”
“Mhmm.” Logan took a deep breath, and before Remus could hang up he said, “Thank you, so much.”
He could almost see Remus grinning on the other end. “Don’t worry about it, Logan. See you in a bit.”
Twenty minutes later Logan was in the back of Dexter’s car, having faced no troubles in leaving the house and now on route to Remus and Dexter’s home. The drive was pretty quiet, the silence only filled by the radio playing some random songs softly. 
They showed Logan to his new room, offering to take him out over the weekend to buy some paints if he liked and some other things Logan might want to add to his room. They had just given him their guest room, which was usually for the occasional friend to crash on(they claimed their friend Remy visited the most, but both were sure Remy wouldn’t care if Logan took the spare room). Logan declined their offer for going out shopping, saying that them just letting him stay was good enough.
He was able to move his things in quickly(he really didn’t have much while living with the others anyway), and Logan got to enjoy takeout with his new roommates as they lounged on the couch. Dexter was the first of the two to ask Logan if he wanted to talk about what had happened earlier with Roman and Virgil, to which Logan just shook his head.
“Maybe tomorrow,” Logan said after some thought, and Dexter hummed but didn’t push. He instead returned his attention to the documentary they had picked to watch.
Over the next few days, Logan ignored the explosion of texts he was getting from Roman, Virgil, and Patton, having already told them that he’d moved out about an hour after Logan had initially left. All of them just chose to ignore his message though, it seemed, and Logan actually grew frustrated with how many times the trio was calling him. Eventually, Logan just blocked their numbers and returned his focus to his papers that were due a few days from then.
About two weeks since Logan left the trio, and there’s an unwelcome knock on their door. Remus answers it when he realizes Logan is too caught up on writing and Dexter is busy making dinner, and he stares in shock at who he finds.
Logan looks up when he notices Remus frozen in the doorway to their home. “Rem?” He snaps Remus out of his daze, and Remus glances at him worriedly.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Remus, just let us see him so we can talk this out!” Logan tenses at the voice, it’s unmistakably Roman’s, but then he just lets his shoulders fall and sighs. Taking this as an 'okay I’ll deal with it’, Remus lets Roman, Virgil, and Patton inside.
Logan closed his laptop, setting it to the side and staring up at the trio, the people he once called family. He still remembered the argument though, the words used which cut through him so badly Logan would have preferred to have been stabbed. “What is it?” He asked, resting his chin on his hand.
“What is it? Logan! You just up and disappeared for two weeks!” Patton exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air. “You can’t just do that and make us worry!”
“Roman and Virgil were truly worried about me?” Logan sounded unimpressed. Patton glanced at his other friends as if daring them to answer otherwise.
“Of course we were worried, Logan, you’re like family-”
“So your ideal family is where you threaten to prohibit my breathing? Or claim that I was so annoying, always ruining everyone’s fun and curiosity with my 'boring facts’ and 'unwanted ramblings’ and 'caution’, and that it would just be better if I could disappear for a few hours? And that was just from our last fight!”
Dexter appeared from the kitchen, leaning against the wall that separated it from the living room.
Virgil bit his lip before letting out a fake nervous laugh. “Lo, you know I was only-”
“Oh Stormcloud, don’t play it off as a joke. You knew damn well how that would affect Logan.” Dexter cut Virgil off.
“Plus so many other things you two said!” Remus sang as he plopped down next to Logan, glaring at his brother momentarily. “Honestly, hearing Logan recount the argument, plus so many others you lot apparently had? It’s like none of you changed since we last talked.” Remus slung his arm around Logan, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “And Roman, reducing someone to a panic attack is low, even for you.”
Roman rolled his eyes, huffed, and blatantly ignored his brother. “Logan, c'mon, you can’t really just stay here.”
Logan glanced at Remus, then at Dexter across the room. He leaned into Remus’s embrace. “Actually, I can.”
Virgil glared, and he honestly hated how Logan didn’t even blink when he yelled. “But they’re fucking monsters! I mean, Dexter drove his mom to suicide and Remus is fucking Remus! What could either of them have that is even close to what you had with us?”
Dexter had wide eyes now, his confidence gone and Logan couldn’t tell if the look on Remus’s face was hurt or anger. Logan just stared at Virgil in shock.
“I mean, really! Neither of them could ever love someone like you, Logan, hardly anyone can put up with you-”
That got Logan to his feet, and as quick as the words had left Virgil’s mouth he was being shoved out the door, followed by Roman and then Patton(who was the only one of the trio to apologize to Dexter and Remus, and whisper his apology to Logan as he passed). Logan glared down at Virgil, and for once Virgil couldn’t come up with anything else to say.
“You know, there might have been the tiniest chance of me coming back. But now? Now I just hope you stay out of my damn life.” And with that, Logan slammed the door. He could hear Virgil and Roman argue with Patton about trying again, but it seemed Patton had convinced them to just leave.
Logan grabbed Dexter from where he was frozen by the kitchen entrance and dragged him over to the couch where Remus still sat. Once they both sat down, Dexter wiping away a few tears that had sprung to his eyes, both Dexter and Remus cuddled up to Logan. Remus laughed. 
“Remind me to never get on your bad side!”
“Hush and enjoy the fact that the assholes are hopefully gone for good,” Logan muttered, and Dexter just hummed in appreciation. Their food was burned as they had all fallen asleep, and they just ordered a pizza and opted to watch some trashy horror film Remus had rented the day prior.
Midway through the movie, when Remus had passed out from sheer boredom, Dexter had looked up at Logan. “Lo?”
Logan looked away from their television just as one of the main characters was slaughtered(Logan couldn’t remember his name, he was destined to be murdered anyway so Logan didn’t bother to try and remember it). He tilted his head as he waited for Dexter to continue.
“You know we do love you, right?” Logan smiled slightly, looking back to the TV and he leaned his head on Dexter’s.
“I do. I love you guys, too.”
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"They'll forget."
warnings: implied suicide attempt(non-specific about who), long with no cut cuz mobile, angst, hurt/comfort
summary: "Remus cackled. 'Don't say that! They're definitely going to try to rescue you, and they'll fall for our trap!' Logan sighed, and his head drooped. 'No.' he said in a hollowed tone. 'They'll forget.'" (not an excerpt)
ships: implied dukeceit(beginning), implied intruloceit(end)
au: super au(my au)
notes: based off this post. sorry if you guys didn't want an au tied to it hgdjfjs. lmk if you want a sequel
(Logan's POV)
Day 1
I woke up with a massive headache, and lacking the ability to see. I couldn't move any part of my body except my head. Where am I? What happened? I questioned internally. I didn't want to alert whoever put me here to the fact that I am awake.
My memory is a foggy mess. I can't remember much. There was... yelling. Or rather, fighting. I wasn't participating in said fight. I don't even think I was allowed to.
Then I was walking home. I remember having my hands in my pockets, staring at the ground. Not caring about the world ahead of me, just below. Maybe a tear or two slipped out, it's hard to remember.
Then I remember someone grabbing me. Pulling me into an alley, and kicking me to the ground. I saw two familiar faces. I got a baseball bat to the face, then darkness.
I coughed, loud. It wasn't intentional, my throat was really dry. How long was I unconscious? It felt like a whole day. Not good for my sleep schedule. Speaking of schedules, I'm worried that my boss has fired me from work by now. He has no patience.
"Hey, L's awake!" a familiar voice called out to another, the sound echoing down the hall. A chill went down my spine, trouble was coming. Footsteps came after the echoing voice. They got louder and louder, fast.
"Heh, You sure that wasn't the other guy?" another voice appeared. It sounded sinister. "Dee, what other guy...? Did you proceed with a kidnapping without me?!" The first voice again. "No no, I'm kidding, Logan's the only one we got right now."
I tried my hardest to appear unconscious, but hearing what was supposedly my name caught me off guard. Logan. That's who I am, right.
It comes back to me now. I am Logan Everton. Natural-born Super with technologic-based abilities. I go by the codename Digit. I am a Super with good intentions.
I remember what happened before I got here. My common allies(though they would refer to us as "friends"), Patton 'Heartbeat' Harper, Roman 'Magma' Aveyard, & Virgil 'Specter' Deckett, were at Roman's place, having a fight. Our team ethic was going awry and it was making everything harder, our successful missions being smaller than our unsuccessful ones.
I had remained quiet most of the conversation, but that's because nobody would let me speak. I'd try to pitch in, steer everyone to a positive outcome, but they'd either yell over me or tell me to stop.
11. I counted. That's how many times I had been shut down. After that, I had enough. I grabbed my backpack, and left without a sound. Nobody called out for me, telling me not to leave, that they would listen to me now. Not at all.
As I shut Roman's front door, I had let out a big sigh. Hands in my pockets, I walked down the sidewalk to my house. It was just a couple blocks away, I would've made it. But back then I didn't care. I started to cry, but I didn't care.
But suddenly I was pulled into an alleyway. I was so caught off guard that I was unable to resist being kicked to the ground and knocked out with a baseball bat. I remember seeing the faces of the two men who grabbed me; Roman's ostracized brother, Remus 'Psycho' Aveyard, and Ethan 'Deceit' Helquist. A common enemy of ours. I now was able to match the voices I just heard to the faces. They got me, and now I'm doomed.
Somebody pulled whatever was over my eyes off my face. Regardless I still tried to look unconscious, but they weren't having it. "Open your eyes Logan, that's not going to work on us." Ethan sneered. I opened my eyes and glared at Ethan. "What do you want from me." I wanted answers.
"Ooh, straightforward now, aren't we nerd? You usually want to know details first, haha!" cackled Remus. "Shut it Rem, this is my turn." snapped Ethan. "We don't want anything from you... yet. For now, you have one, simple purpose... heh..." he chuckled. This could not be good. This guy is a expert manipulator; which is boosted by his powers of deception, hypnosis, and "glamour"(which according to Lo's research, meant you can disguise yourself). Ethan's powers didn't last long, but they were effective.
"I said it once. And I'll say it again." I started to demand. "What. Do. You. Want. What is your plan." I needed to contact the others and let them know what is happening. They wouldn't know otherwise.
Ethan put his hands down on the arms of the chair I was strapped to, his hands just barely touching mine. His face was 1/2 of a foot from mine. "I know your tricks, Lo~. I confiscated your technology, you cannot contact your little 'pals'. Anyways, until your teammates get here, you're just bait. You will lure them here. After all, what will your team be without their smart team member?" Ethan explained with an evil smirk. Right, how did I not realize that? My head still hurts, it's making it hard to think clearly.
"And yet, your plan is still flawed." I dead-panned. "What. Did you. Say?" Ethan growled back, moving his head back a little and grabbing me by my shirt.
"I told you, your plan has a loophole, and it's being exploited right now whether my friends know it or not." "What are you talking about, dork? Our plan is perfect!" Remus cackled once more.
"They're not coming."
Silence settled upon the room. A stunned Ethan gently let go of my shirt, & took a couple steps back. He let out a laugh of disbelief. "You must be joking! Seriously?! Why wouldn't they come for YOU?!"
"Because they don't know I'm missing. And they never will, because they don't want to know." I paused for a moment, tearing up a little. Not enough for them to notice, but it's there. "They don't care about me."
Remus started laughing, killing the sad moment. "HAH, I don't believe that for a second, four-eyes!" His face was filled with disbelief and mania. "You...Your friends need you, why wouldn't they come for you! You're so valuable to them, which is why we chose you in the first place!" he cackled once more.
"Well, you made a poor choice then. Anyone would have been better than me..."
Ethan snapped out of his stunned state. "Don't think that you can fool us so easily, Digit." he glared, putting emphasis on my nickname. "Remus?" he called for the male's attention.
"Yes, Double Dee~?" he responded with a wink.
"I told you, stop calling me that. Now, go get our prisoner food. Probably McDonalds or something."
"Will do, ya snake-charmer!" Remus winked again. Remus ran out.
"Oh, and one more thing, dear prisoner." The words felt like acid on Logan's skin. "They have 7 days to get here. Whether you say they'll come or not, they have a time limit before there's... consequences" Ethan warned, with a hiss at the end. He presented an evil smile before leaving Logan alone in the dark.
(No POV)
Day 2
Ethan & Remus returned to their prisoner early that morning, and hung around. Eventually they transferred Logan from being tied to a chair to a window-less bedroom with a locked door. It was actually a nice room to be in. The bed was super comfy, there was a TV with a DVD player(plus many dvds), a table and chair, and a bookshelf. On the table, Remus left him a notepad and pencil to write on if Logan needed anything, as there was enough room under the door to slip paper through. Logan never used it that day though, he just sat around in his room and sulked, knowing how this wasn't going to turn out for his enemies. The only time he got up was for food, which was always fast food. At least they were generous enough to give him nice(ish) things. They could've just gave him a burger and left, But Logan didn't care either way.
Ethan & Remus never stuck around in the room, just checked up on him. But seeing Logan just laying there on the bed filled the two with an emotion they could not identify yet.
Day 3
Almost the same as yesterday. Today was a Monday, so surely someone from his job would wonder where Logan went, right? Nope. Ethan kept Logan's phone with him at all times and there were no texts, no calls, not even a message on any social media.
Logan hesitantly got out of bed to do stuff aside from eating meals. None of the movies available were ones he was interested in, so he got Remus to bring him some documentaries, as well as Logan's personal notebook from his bag.
In fact, the little maniac decided to hang around Logan a bit. Some of the documentaries Remus grabbed were unintentionally ones he liked, so he decided to watch them with his prisoner.
Ethan still didn't like Logan. That's what he says, at least.
Day 4
Not much happened, just the usual. Except Remus had brought Logan a cookie with his dinner, a nice change.
(Ethan's POV)
I was sitting at my kitchen table, just staring out the window. I had my arm supporting my head while I thought about things.
Logan's proving himself right and I don't like it. But I don't get why. I should be upset because my plans are going wrong, but... I'm not.
Suddenly I felt hands covering my eyes. "Guess who~?" a voice asked in a sing-songy tone. I chuckled. "Obviously it's Remus. There's nobody else it could be."
Remus uncovered my eyes and pulled me into a hug, causing me to yelp. "You got me, babe!" he confessed, kissing me on the cheek. "Sorry for the hug, I forgot you don't like large, sudden moments of physical contact." Remus pulled away slowly and apologized, looking a bit embarrassed. Overstepping my boundaries is the only time he ever seems embarrassed.
"It's ok, Rem." I unintentionally sighed. Logan's still on my mind. My expression became a but more sad as I continued to think about the situation.
"Something wrong, Double Dee~?" Remus flirtatiously chuckled. He then noticed my facial expression and his smile fell. "...Seriously. Is everything ok? You usually let this kind of thing slide, Ethan." he queried worriedly. You could see the concern in his eyes. He only uses my full name when he's genuinely troubled.
"No no, it's not that." I reassured with a smile, as I grabbed his hand and held it with both of mine. Then the frown of mine returned right after. "It's Logan."
"Oh... is it because of you-know-what?" he questioned again.
"If "you-know-what" is the fact that his "friends" still haven't come for him? Yeah. It is..." I responded once again. Remus's face said everything. He recognized that Logan had told the truth.
"What's more, they haven't even shown a sign that they're planning to come get him. I tracked their movements across the city, not even a little bit of time was spent doing any sort of planning." I added on. Remus & I looked into each other's eyes. We saw the pain within ourselves. A familar feeling. An experience we remember all too well.
Seconds that felt like hours passed by. We wanted to cry. We were abandoned by those we trusted so dearly. Cast aside, all because of mistakes. Look what it did to us. We know the feelings experience during that time of loneliness. I don't want Logan to feel what we did, and I know Remus agrees.
"He... Logan's just like how we once were."
"Indeed, he is. And we're not going to let it remain like that."
(No POV)
Day 5
Remus & Deceit, to Logan's suspicion, made an effort to slowly welcome him. Remus was already doing so but only out of "sheer pity for the nerd". At first, Logan was hesitant. He had a bias against them due to them being villains.
Day 6
But by mid-day Wednesday, Logan had opened up more. He didn't understand it, but he just let it happen. He didn't care anymore. They're probably earning his trust so they can manipulate him against the others later.
Logan just wanted it to be over. During this past week, he had a lot of time to think. Enough time to lose hope in humanity. Nobody was going to rescue him. He was going to be forced to kill those he once loved.
He didn't want to admit it, but Logan was actually looking forward to his revenge. Not towards his kidnappers, no. They've actually shown him more acceptance than he's felt in a long time.
He wanted revenge on his former team.
(Logan's POV)
Day 7 - The last day.
Remus returned to check on me right on schedule. We talked a bit, watched a movie, he even brought a few puzzles for us to do.
Ethan, however, did not return until the evening. I had forgotten today was the "deadline" until the sinister man entered the room and dropped his backpack beside the now closed door with a glare towards Remus.
"It's time." he snapped. "Do you want to leave the room, Remus? I do not want to upset you, after all."
Remus gulped. "No... I want to stay. This is important for the three of us." he shook his head.
Important for the three of us? My body stiffened up and I squeezed my lower right arm. That cannot be good. Remus & I were previously sitting on my bed, angled right across from the door. The now terrified man got up and stepped beside his partner, who was now in the middle of the room, a few feet away from me.
"Should I hold him back, to make sure he cooperates...?" Remus questioned worriedly.
"No. You'll scare him." said Ethan as he stared into my eyes, never moving his attention. "But you already are, look at him." Ethan's previously tense stance had instantly loosened, realization dawning on him. Remus was right, I had now realized I was shaking, sweat was dripping down my back.
"Oh... Oh! I-i'm so sorry, Logan. It wasn't my intention." He bent down to my level and apologized. I was still stiffened up, though, and I turned my head away. "I'll let it pass." I finally let out as he waited for my response. His expression became sad.
"Logan, look at me. You need to listen." I hesitated for a second, but then turned to look him in his heterochromatic eyes. He seemed genuine.
"Today marks almost exactly a whole week of your friends not coming to save you. I originally had one plan, which you had no choice." I glared at him, moving back slightly. "But now that it hasn't worked, you have three choices." My eyebrows raised at the sudden proposal. I still remained like a statue, but now i'm truly listening.
"Number one. We let you go free, but... under one condition." Ethan paused for a moment. "You either give up all your technology-period-or, you let us keep track of what you do with any technology you use. We know your powers rely on having a gadget with you, Logan. We can't let you continue being a threat, but we also no longer want to see you hurt. You're a good man, you know." he confessed solemnly.
My expression softened. In the end, I didn't want to give up being a hero. The world needs me. But if this ends up being my best option, then I will agree.
"Option two, our backup plan in case you refuse option 1 & 3. In the situation where you refuse the before mentioned options, we will proceed with our original intentions. We hypnotize you with the intention to use you against your friends. We no longer want to do this to you, but if you refuse to cooperate we will do this." once more, his offer came solemnly.
I tightened up again, prepared to defend myself. I didn't want to know option 3, I just wanted to be as free as I can get. But before I could open my mouth, Remus spoke up.
"Why didn't you save that for last? I thought that would've made a better ending."
"Trust me, this one is a better closer in my opinion, Remus." he sighed.
"Finally, option 3." Ethan took a deep breath. This sounded like nerve wrecking answer for him to say. I wasn't sure whether to care or not. I just remained defensive.
At last, he let it out. "You join us. Leave your troubling life as a hero behind. Get payback for what the world has done to you. Or if you want to remain 'heroic', the three of us can become anti-heroes. Whatever it takes to make you happy." Ethan sounded serious.
Remus chimed in again, to Ethan's frustration. "Don't you want to show those losers how you feel about them now?! Smash their heads in?! Make them regret even wronging you once?!"
"No!" I lied, curling up into a ball on the bed. I didn't know what I want one bit. My morals are split in front of me, forcing me to choose one half and discard the other permanently.
The more serious of the two grabbed me by the shoulders, remaining at my eye level. "Look. I know you're hesitant to leave it all behind. You're used to one path in life. But we want what's best for you in the end. I know that anger is going to fester within you until you can no longer handle it, and end it all because there's nothing you can do about it." In that moment. Remus started shaking, crossing his arms and trying to calm himself. Ethan didn't notice, he was too focused on reassuring me.
"We were exactly like you once. Abandoned, by those we trusted most!" Ethan too, was now breaking down. "Cast away, all because of some mistakes! We had never known better! The problems built up within us, and corrupted us! And all the painful emotions of loneliness and betrayal along the way..." he choked out that last bit with a sob. "We want to help you avoid that part. We've turned out to want to care for you... W-we want-" the manipulator was now crying. Remus came up to him and slowly pulled him into a hug to comfort him, crying too.
"Shh, it's ok, Eth. It's ok, deep breaths." the maniacal one said in a way that seemed out of character for him. As Remus cried too, he rubbed Ethan's back.
I, Logan, have now come to a realization. They're serious. They genuinely care about me. Unlike anyone currently alive and in my life. I decided in that moment that my heart is right. I want what will satisfy my fury.
I got down to the ground with them and grabbed Ethan's hand, squeezing it periodically. "Ethan, listen. I'm here. Do as I say. Breathe in for 4 seconds..." As I began to help calm him down, he followed along. "Hold it for 7 seconds... And now let go for 8, and repeat." After about a minute Ethan was calm.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that side of me. You didn't deserve to know all that." he tried to confess. "Eth-..." Remus began to reassure, but cut himself off.
"I'll do it." I agreed, catching their attention. "I'm going to join you. You're right." I said as I stood up. I was going to say more, but I was stopped by the both of them getting up, and Remus pulling me into a tight hug.
"Don't worry, you'll fit right in with us. Everything will be just fine. We will never forget about you."
And in that moment, I knew they were right.
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cress-the-fander · 5 years
Part One: The Only Fall
Description: Logan has been trying his best lately. He really has been. But at some point, even Virgil’s support isn’t enough. That’s when the “forbidden” sides come to him.
Ships: Intrulogical, Loceit, Intruloceit, Intruceit/whatever the Remus/Deceit ship is called (not yet, but they will be eventually).
TW: Remus being here, emotional pain, Accidentally Unsympathetic Patton, Purposely Unsympathetic Roman
Notes: It’s an idea I’ve been obsessed with recently. Something about these ships gets to me. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave feedback if you feel you want to do so!
Part 2 is here.
Logan was trying his best. Really, he was. See, they just finished another video with Thomas and the other Sides. It was a video in which Thomas was dealing with an emotional issue-something to do with Thomas dealing with a betrayal of a good friend. Logan hadn’t picked up on the details, because he was called late.
The others had been talking for exactly fifteen minutes and twenty-seven seconds before he was invited to speak. From what he is told after the fact, Thomas had wanted to bring him in from the start, as well as Virgil. However, Patton was convinced that they would only be bothering Logan, and Roman was confident that Logan wouldn’t be able to help at all. He is the robot, after all-what would he know about a betrayal?
Still, Logan didn’t hesitate to rise from the floor when he was called. He finally had his chance to speak-he simply would not let this chance to go to waste! Except...they didn’t listen.
Well, that is a falsehood upon closer expection. Patton and Logan did not listen at first. They seemed unbelieving that Logan could possibly have anything to say to help Thomas.
Long story short, he managed to do what he set out to do-except that he still had that empty feeling on the inside. It’s common, really; a lacking of anything within his chest. He believed that this is how it was supposed to be. After all, he is Thomas’ logic, his prefrontal and frontal cortex. He does not deal in emotions.
Yet after that video, something was different. Logan had entered his room, the door shutting the door behind him. He was planning on going to his desk to continue his work, as he always does. Nothing should be out of the norm.
But his legs wouldn’t move. It didn’t make sense-he was physically able to walk, because he walked from the common room to here. Yet the muscles were now frozen. The only thing he could do was lean back against the door, sliding down it until he was sitting on the mahogany floor, knees to his chest.
Why can’t he see? His glasses are being worn, but...ah, that is why. There are tears.
Why are there tears? There are no irritants anywhere in the room to activate his tear ducts to cause him to release fluids from his eyes.
Then he realized that the empty feeling in his chest was gone. Actually, that is incorrect. Rather, it had changed. Now, it was stabbing him from the inside. But it was a stabbing he couldn’t feel. But it wasn’t like when Remus attacked him with that throwing star. He felt it for a moment, yet it didn’t matter, because it wasn’t real.
But this? It was too real. He didn’t know how much time had passed as he sat at his door, shaking and crying, yet saying nothing and not moving a muscle. He didn’t realize it, but he had missed dinner. No one came to find him.
At least, not the people he expected to. You see, it was the middle of the night when Logan had felt something change in his room. It went from a more temperate measure being cold, yet comfortable. Nothing was said as he looked up, blinking away the tears.
It was them standing there.
“Hello, Logan. It seems we have some things to talk about with you, don’t we? Let’s get to it, then.”
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