#eventual sirius black x female reader
captain-lessship · 2 years
Toffee Pt.2: War Time
a/n: this chapter contains smut. Beware. Somehow tho it is important to the story. But if you don’t want to read that part: allow me to paraphrase in a way anyone can understand:
Snape, having to stay with his true love while she is married to James, is about to have a baby and is in the next room over from the other pair of lovers: I am in misery... There ain't nobody who can comfort me...
Remus and You: I save dick by giving it CPR! Let's make porn and watch it on VCR!~
Death Eaters coming to attack after breakfast: REESE'S PUFFS REESE'S PUFFS REESE'S PUFFS EAT 'EM UP EAT 'EM UP EAT 'EM UP
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You were running as fast as you could, pine tree limbs hitting you across the face. You had to stop since it felt like you were bound to collapse, "Asencido!" you said as you were lifted up into the trees. You grabbed onto one of the limbs before steadying yourself.
"Come down, lovely... We just have a few questions." One of the Death Eaters called to you. You tried to steady your breath as you realized you very well could die if this went poorly. You were about to aim down the tree when you heard a booming voice ring out.
Fire blasted out and let a loud hiss out of the wand of whoever cast it. You heard screams and thuds as two black smoky stripes flew up and out to the night sky. You breathed heavily. 
"What does a Christmas tree wear?"
You smiled as you began to climb down, you turned to look at two very familiar faces. You felt as if you were about to cry. It had been a rough year and you didn't know if they were dead or imprisoned. "A skirt." you answered. You ran to Remus and hugged him. He hugged you back as you began to cry. You pulled away from his shoulder to grab his face and you began kissing it.
"Uhh..." the tall man in purplish robes felt like he was intruding. You looked at him, tears drying on your face.
He opened his arms when you came in for a hug. "What on earth were they chasing you for."
You pulled away and grinned, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. You handed it to him. "Some people have a lot of explaining to do, huh?" 
Remus grabbed your hand, "Well, back to the old office?" he asked. Kingsley shook his head. You were confused until you were apparated outside of a weird-looking house. You were so happy though: A hot shower, a warm bed, and a roof that wasn't leaking. You walked with Remus and Kingsley to the door before Remus opened it to let you both in. You almost cried when you saw the sight before you: Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Lily Potter, Severus Snape, and Albus Dumbledore.
You burst into tears when Lily jumped up to hug you. It had been so long. You had missed so much. You looked at the almost twenty-year-old woman and you couldn't help but cry out of envy and guilt. You looked at James, who had now stood up. He smiled at you and hugged you. Sirius Black's eyes were a little wet when he joined the group hug. Peter joined in with a 'Missed you, happy you're back.' The group hug faded and you looked at Snape. 
"You best give me a damn hug even though I smell like a swamp rat." You joked. He reluctantly hugged you. 
You looked at Dumbledore who smiled, "We have much to talk about."
"Damn right we do!" you said, "You said three months. It's been almost two years." 
Remus held your shoulder, "Another time. Something else..." 
You looked at him, confused. 
"Lily," he said, "Has some important news." 
You looked at her and that's when you noticed. She was sitting next to a book that read "What to Expect When You Are Expecting.", cards that said congratulations and she seemed bigger than the last time you'd seen her. You had noticed the last part first when she hugged but you didn't want to be rude. It clicked and you let out a happy squeal. "Lily! Oh my god! Is it a boy or girl?" 
"A boy," she said, lightly laughing. 
You held her hand as you beamed at her, tears coming back to your eyes. It was a wonderful thing for Lily had always wanted to be a mother. 
"There's a problem," James said. You looked at Lily.
"Is he..."
"He is fine but we need a place to hide."
You placed your hand on your heart. That couldn't be good. "Where?" 
"Godric's Hollow, we'll go right after Harry is born. I hate to be... Rude but that's one reason we brought you." 
You felt a sting but it was for the greater good. "Midwife, at your service." you smiled. "When is he due?" 
It was late May. "Alright. I will help you and I will defend you and little Harry to the death."
"That's why you're the godmother." 
You gasped and smiled, "Really?"
"And I'm the godfather," Sirius said. 
"Oh god, you'll kill it," you said, joking. 
"Hey! I can take care of a baby."
"You are a baby." Remus joined in. 
You all had a few laughs. 
"I see this is settled. We will stay for the night and leave during the early morning hours one at a time." Kingsley said. "But I have a few other things to manage. Albus and I will be leaving within the hour. Please get rest and you," he looked at you, "Shower. You reek of dog and mud." 
Laughter erupted as you huffed. You walked up the stairs to the bathroom, bag and wand in tow. You washed your hair with your shampoo and pulled out several sticks, leaves, and one or two bugs. You hated the damn woods. You scrubbed yourself clean of all the mud and dirt til your skin was almost raw. You got out of the shower to see two beautifully plush towels on the sink, Remus's sweater and pair of flowy pants that appeared to be washed and cleaned, and a note. 
"You need a little pampering. The towels are for you, fresh from the dryer and the outfit is clean and I am going to wash all your clothes in the morning -R" 
You smiled as you grabbed the towels, dried yourself off, and put your hair up in one. You placed the other one in the hamper before getting dressed and digging in your bag for a toothbrush and hairbrush. You brushed your teeth and sat the damp brush on the tiny rack you then stepped out and walked to the stairwell to see Sirius sprawled out on the couch and James sitting in his recliner. You were about to say something when you felt an arm snake around your waist and a head placed on your shoulder. 
"Missed you." He whispered. 
You sighed, "Missed you more."
"Let's go to bed." He nuzzled into your neck, while the offer was tempting.
"I need to check on Lily."
"She's a grown woman." 
You tilted your head to look at him, "She and that baby are my responsibility now." 
He sighed as he spun you to face him, "She's on the first floor, with the door wide open and two of the best wizards listening and watching over her." 
"It's a woman thing." 
Remus rolled his eyes as he let you go. You kissed his cheek as you walked down the stairs and looked into the room with the open door. Yeah, those two were totally watching her. She was trying to close the window to no avail. You walked her and gently grabbed her hand, "Lily, I got this. Go lay down."
She huffed, "I am pregnant, not elderly!" 
"I know, I know but you know as well as I do that'd I'd do this regardless."
She rolled her eyes as she walked back to bed, she crawled into it and folded the sheets over her before turning on her side. You shut the window and locked it, "Do you need anything else?"
You smiled and shook your head, you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. You got a few ice cubes and filled it up with water, on your way you stopped.
"James, go to bed, it's almost ten. Siri-" A loud snore interrupted you, and you sighed. "Keep up the good work."
James stood up and walked to you, "Be honest."
"Always am."
"Am I ready for this?"
"Oh hell no," you said, placing your hand on your hip. "But then again, no one really is. Every parent and child are different." You handed him the glass. "All that matters is that you are there. Every day, Every moment, every chance. You have to be there." 
He shook his head, "Thanks." he lifted it up.
"That's for her, you idiot."
You walked up the stairs to the second door and opened it. You walked in to see Remus sitting on the side of the bed, facing away from the door. You pulled the towel off your head and hung it on the back of a chair. You grabbed the hair brush from your pocket and began brushing your hair as you walked to the bed. You slid your knees on the bed and sat down the hairbrush as you looped your arms under his and leaned to his shoulder so you could rest your head.
"How is she?"
"Sleepy, happy, and hydrated," you responded. 
He turned to look at you and you stared back into his beautiful honey eyes that glowed in the barely lit room. He placed his hand on the side of your face and leaned in. He gently kissed your lips and you returned the kiss. After a moment, he pulled away, hand still on your face, "You're beautiful." 
You blushed and smiled, "Rem, let's go to bed. You look tired." 
He shook his head as he got up and walked to turn off the light switch, you moved to the right side of the bed and folded back the sheets so you could lay under them. Remus walked back to the bed and crawled in beside you. You were turned facing the window, he was right behind you, head in the crook of your neck.
"I missed you."
"You told me."
"You still love me, right?"
He placed a gentle kiss on your neck, "Forever is a very long time." 
"I know. It's a good thing." You said, eyes filling with sleep. He placed a few more kisses, going down your neck to where the sweater was blocking him, He reached up a hand to gently move it down your shoulder. You breathed out lightly.
"No hickies."
"They won't care. They know." 
You laughed lightly, "That's... Not the point."
"Do you want me to stop?" he whispered in your ear.
"I didn't say that either." You flipped over to face him but before you could finish your remark he pulled you into a kiss. It quickly turned heated as he nipped at your bottom lip, making you open your mouth, he slipped his tongue in your mouth as you both slowly started to grind up against each other. You pulled away.
"No, shh. They're asleep, they won't hear us."
You shook your head, "No I- Can we go faster?" 
His eyes glinted, "Oh." he said, more seductively than he should've. He flipped back the sheets and stood on his knees as you slid to be fully on your back. He slowly unbuttoned his pajama shirt and flung it to god knows where in the dark room. The only light was the moonlight, it glowed around him, outlining his features in silver light. You sat up and he took his hands and ran them up your shirt to gently pull it off you. He took a moment to look at you. You also looked stunning in the moonlight. He leaned in to kiss you and you roped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. As always, he left you breathless as you laid back. He kissed your neck, nipping and sucking ever so often. It made your breathing uneven. It had been a long time since you and he had done this last. Since you were both extremely faithful neither of you had pleasured themselves, done this with other people, or even thought about it with anyone else or on your own. Two years of pent of friction were about to let loose. 
He kissed all the way down til he reach your pant line, he looked up at you. You lifted up your hips and he jerked your pants down and off, he continue kissing as he then looped his finger around your panties, he removed those but he wanted to look cool so he swung them around his finger before flinging them away like his shirt. You sighed and rolled your eyes as you sat up on your arms. Remus looked up at you as he continued kissing down your thighs, your hand slipped to his hair, lightly tugging with impatience. He lightly laughed as he finally caved to your silent demands, he slowly licked a stripe up your slit, it made you lightly shiver. 
He licked your folds a few more times before moving to your clit, he also slowly moved a finger up to stretch you. You pulled his hair tighter as he started to speed up. He was having the time of his life as he licked and sucked, making you lightly moan. He had thought about this ever since you got given the assignment to watch a camp of Death Eaters. He missed you and doing this with you. He could barely wait so he decided to stop, which drew a whine from you.
You were about to protest until you saw him pulling at his pants, tugging them off as quickly as he could. You went to help but he grabbed your hand. He looked up at you with lust-blown eyes. "Let me do the work tonight." He let your hands drop as he moved to place a kiss on your lips. He kissed you hard and rough as he finally kicked off his pants. He released the kiss so he could grip your thighs and slowly move you closer to him. You breathed heavily, watching him with expecting eyes, you slid your hands down his back, lightly tickling him. 
He slowly pushed in, eliciting a moan from you, he gave you a minute until he started moving. In fluid motions, he dragged in and out at a pace that was becoming too slow for you, you bucked your hips, a sign for him to speed up. He slowly increased the pace, the headboard was hitting against the wall, denoting any squelched and heavy breathing .
"F-Fuck! Harder!" you called out, louder than you intended. He looked down at you.
"Shh.. They'll hear." 
You wanted to scoff but he sped up and started going deeper. You choked on your moan and he lightly laughed. You were clawing at his back and shoulders, turning to hold yourself together. You reached one hand up into his hair and pulled and he let out a moan louder than yours. You smiled at two things: your retaliation and the fact that Remus was reaching for the headboard. You watched as his hand splayed out to steady himself. But then you remembered who was in the next room over, you were about to object when Remus slammed into you, taking your breath away. He continued fucking you until you started grabbing at his arm, preparing yourself and squeezing him. 
"Re- Please. Please. Please." you let out a chorus, keeping tune this the bed lightly banging on the wall. He continued until you let you one last loud, guttural moan that could have been mistaken for a scream, out. He pulled out just as he came, staining the yellow sheets white. You both breathed heavily, eyes hooded with exhaustion.
"We have to clean this up," Remus said, interrupting the peace while reaching for his wand. You sat up and stumbled to the wash basin, you looked at Remus and motioned for your wand. He tossed it to you. You swished the wand, making water come out to fill the basin, you grabbed one of the washcloths and dipped it in the water. You cleaned yourself first, getting in all the places that would become sweaty or sticky. After you were done, you dumped the water out the window, grabbed a new washcloth for Remus, and refilled the water. You carried it over to the bed and reached your hand to the cloth, wrung it out, and slowly wiped Remus's back, where the marks left by your nails were turning red.
"Sorry about those," you whispered. A gentle, lovey air had fallen over the room. He turned his head to look at you.
"It's alright, I take them as a compliment," he said, reaching to take the cloth from you. You smiled as you looked at his back: your nail marks, the scars he'd collected, and his beauty marks that made his own personal constellation. You slowly connected them by tracing lines with your finger. When he was done with the washcloth, he handed it to you as you stood up and walked to dump this round of water out the window. He watched you walk, admiring you. You turned and saw him staring holes through you. You blushed as you walked back to bed, laying down beside him. You were both too tired to change back into your pajamas so you two gently touched each other's bare skin until you drifted off to sleep. Remus stayed awake for a moment longer, feeling your warmth as sleep invaded his mind.
"I love you," he said, just barely a whisper.
Remus felt a chill go across his shoulders, they woke up and scanned the room to see the window was cracked. He lightly sighed as he looked over to see you still sleeping. He watched your body rise and fall with every breath, stuttering ever so often, you were gently snoring. He brushed a few strands of your hair out of your face as he looked at your peaceful sleeping face, he was thinking about all the things you must've gone through. He wasn't there to protect you but he was now and he swore he was never going to let anything hurt you. He turned his head back to the window, the sun was barely up, he could get some more sleep or he could gently wake you so you two could make breakfast together. He decided to do that. He gently dragged his fingers across your cheek, down your back, and on your shoulder, whispering your name. Your eyes fluttered open, sleep stained and glossed over, you smiled when you saw his face, your own hand came up to graze across it. He grasped your hand as he sat up.
"It's early," he said, voice calm and quiet. "Wanna make breakfast?" 
You sighed, eyes threatening to close, "Yeah yeah... Hand me my pants and your shirt." 
"My shirt?" 
You sat up on your free arm, "Yeah, that's what you get for waking me up." 
He shook his head as he stood up, grabbed his own change of clothes, and tossed you his shirt. You slid it on your arms and began to button it up, it smelled like him. Old books, ink, coffee and chocolate. You looked up at him as he was about to slip on a new shirt, you let out a whistle, making him look at you. He flung a pair of shorts he'd dug out of your bag at you. You slipped them on. You both quietly walked the stairs and to the kitchen, trying not to wake anyone just yet. You walked to the fridge, looking for milk, eggs, cream, and butter while Remus found a pan, opened the bread box, and lit the gas stove. 
"Put on a pot of coffee," you said, quietly. He grabbed the kettle and put it on the eye, he then walked to you and let his hand rest on your hips while the other reached for the oatmeal. You smiled as you cracked the eggs into a bowl.
"Sweetheart, where's the-Oh." he handed you a whisk, "Thank you, could you put on a pan for the eggs? Add some butter to it."
"Sure, I'll cook them, you always burn them." he said, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
You whisked up the eggs and added some milk, salt, and pepper. You handed the bowl to Remus who poured them into a hot pan. You grabbed the kettle when it began to squeal. You poured the scalding water into the french press where Remus had put the coffee grounds and let it steep. You went back to the fridge and dug around til you found some lemons and a melon. 
"Some fresh fruit would be nice." Remus said when he looked at what you had pulled from the fridge. You pulled out your wand and flicked it to cut the melon to save some time, you put the cut cubes into a bowl to which you cut the lemon and squeezed the juice into. You ate a piece, enjoying the taste, you picked up another piece and walked to Remus. You tapped on his shoulder and he looked at you, saw what you had and opened his mouth. You both ate some of it until you heard footsteps to the kitchen, you both looked up to see a chipper Sirius Black. He looked at you both, smiling a mischievous grin. Shit. 
"Enjoyed yourselves?" he asked. You turned bright red and Remus began choking on the melon in his mouth. Sirius looked between the two of you before walking to the bowl and grabbing himself a piece. "Poor Severus. He must've gotten a worse earful." 
Speaking of him, Severus stumbled down the stairs and rounded into the kitchen where he looked at you three before looking at the pot of coffee. He walked to it, grabbed a cup from the mug rack.
"Not a word." 
He took a sip of his coffee, looking at Remus, then to you. 
"So... how'd you sleep?" Remus asked. Sour expression undying on Snape's face. 
"Perfectly. Fine." he bit out. 
You were about to say something when Sirius held up a hand, silencing the group. He looked up to the ceiling. Footsteps. You four slowly drew your wands. You wait a minute before you heard a crash, you grabbed Remus and Sirius grabbed Snape as the roof collapsed. You flicked your wand, creating a smoke screen. You all had prepared for this. You ran to James and Lily's room, fling the door open and slamming it shut behind you. You looked at the Potters, who had woken up from the crash.
"James! Get her out of here!" You shouted as you heard slamming and spells being cast outside the door. "Anywhere but here!" He shook his hand as he grabbed the emergency bag and then his wife. They apparated away as soon as the door blew in, with your wand drawn, you swung it toward the opponent, white sparks flying out. 
You dodged a spell, you yelled "Ventus Duo!" you yelled, a strong wind coming from you wand, you walked forward, repelling them back. "Petrificious Totalus!" your target stiffened up and fell to the ground. You ran back to the kitchen to see Snape and Sirius dealing some serious damage to the Death Eaters. You looked for Remus and saw him on the floor, you ran to him, and you held his head as he blinked rapidly. 
"Where.. am I?" he asked. He'd been knocked silly.
You looked at Sirius, "Sirius! We need to get out of here!" 
He looked at you, deflecting a spell. "Aright alright, lemme think." something clicked behind his eyes as he twirled his wand around in a circle, "Protego Diabolica!" he yelled, making a ring of black fire appear around the group. You grabbed a hold of Severus and Remus as Sirrus grabbed you and you apparated away from the house.
What rude interuptions.
Remus shook from the wind, it was a horrible night. He hurried up the path, following slightly behind you when you lifted a hand to stop him. He looked at you, words about to come out and say how he just wanted to go in already and how it was cold but they were stalled. The gate open, The door open, and the faint cries of a baby. You broke into a sprint, Remus following behind you. Remus got to the door, wand drawn, you followed right behind him and gasped at what you saw. 
The lamp was broken, the furniture was ajar, and James. 
James Potter.
Smile gone.
Deathly Pale.
Glassed over eye staring off, faint with tears.
You covered your mouth but then you heard Harry cry, you ran up the stairs, worried about him, you ran to his nursey, hoping he wasn't hurt. You opened the door, hitting a fallen table. Inside you saw Snape, instantly you drew your wand and pointed at him but you let it fall to your side when you saw what he was doing. He was holding her, rocking as he wept. You began to cry as you walked to Harry and picked him up. You looked him over, only seeing a scar on his forehead. You kissed it and looked at Snape.
"Sev... We need to get Albus." 
He stilled and looked at you, shaking his head. He gently laid Lily back down. Her eyes were closed, her face growing pale. You turned Harry away from her. "Shh... Auntie is here. Shh." you cooed, trying to calm him as you walked down the stairs, Severus following behind you. You Saw Remus just staring down at his friend, a million thoughts going on behind his tear-filled eyes. You brought a hand to his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He just walked away and out the door, you followed, wondering what he was doing. He rose his wand to the sky and slowly, white sparks flew out of the tip, lighting up the sky. The distress signal. 
After a few hours, Kingsley, Arthur and Molly Weasley appeared. Severus calmly told them what had happened. You rocked Harry as you heard what he said. Tears rolled down everyone's faces. You slowly slipped your hand into Remus's, he held it tightly as turned to take Harry from you. You were confused and pulled back.
"Give him to me."
"Why? He's sleeping now. You'll wake him."
Kingsley spoke for Remus, "hagrid is going to take Harry to Albus, he'll give them to Harry's new family." 
You were highly offended at that statement, "What does that old man know about family! Harry is my godson! We can take care of him! Can't we Remus?" you said, looking at him. Remus just looked at you with sad eyes, it clicked instantly. This had been the plan all along, you started to cry harder. Remus pried Harry from you, you would never forgive him for this. Molly walked to you, hugging you as you and she walked to the flying car she and her husband, Arthur had arrived in. 
"We are going to head to the Burrow, dear. It'll be okay." she said as Arthur opened the car door for you. You slid in and curled into yourself, finally letting the loud cries out. Molly sat in the back with you, slowly rubbing your back, comforting you. 
Remus looked as the taillight of the car faded into the night sky. He looked down at Harry, who was now awake, and looking up at him, he saw Lily's eyes looking back. Kingsley walked up to him. Looking at the baby, he spoke.
"He'll be here any minute."
"Is this really for the best?"
"Yes. he needs to be with blood family. I don't doubt her or your parenting abilities, rather, if it were up to me, you would be needing to babyproof your house."
Remus looked at the little boy again, he was just staring up, watching and listening. "We're going to miss so much. 11 years til she'll see him again, do you think he'll recognize her?" that was a silly question.
"I don't know." Kingsley said, reaching his hand to hold Harry's. A loud horn and a single headlight interrupted the moment. They looked up to see a motorbike. Sirius was in the side car while Hagrid was driving. With a slightly bumpy landing, they slid to a stop in front of the three men. Sirius got out of the sidecar and ran to Remus. 
"Is he alright?" he looked around for you, then remembered the plan. 
"He look al'ight, but that'll scar, won't it? " Hargird said, pointing at the cut. 
Sirius brushed the wisps of Harry's hair to see it clearer. "I think so but I hope not. Hagrid."
Hagrid held out his hands for the baby, Remus took one last look at the baby's green eyes before giving him to the half-giant man. Sirius looked at Remus.
"It'll be okay, Moony." 
"No. No, it won't."
You were sitting at the table, drinking a cup of tea, faint sobs radiating off you. You were interrupted by a poke. You looked down at the two-year-old twin, Fred. You smiled the best you could. It was getting light outside and from what Molly said, the twins were up the second they felt the presence of people. You looked at him.
"Where's George?" 
Another poke on your other side answered you, and you smiled, wiping the tears. 
"No cry!" Fred said, grabbing your hand.
"Smiles. Yes?" George said, grabbing your other. 
"Okay, see!" you smiled brightly, showing teeth. They smiled at you too. You laughed lightly as you stood up, "You guys hungry?" that was the right question to ask. A chorus of Hungry and Apple rang through the house. You reached for the apples and a knife, chopped them into thin slices after washing, put them on a plate, and helped Fred and George into chairs. You three ate apples. 
"Don't tell your brother but you two are my favorite." 
The twins grinned with apple in their teeth. You laughed lightly but you jerked your head when you heard the door open. Molly, Arthur and Remus walked in. You looked to the floor.
"Mommy!" the twins yelled as they ran to Molly, She picked up George and Arthur picked up Fred. you looked at them, waiting for news. Arthur satisfied your curiosity but it wasn't what you wanted to hear. 
"Harry is safe but Sirius is being taken to prison." He covered Fred's ears when he said this. You jumped up, knocking over the tea cup. 
"They think he told... You-Know-Who where they were."
"That's insane!" you said, wiping up the spilled tea.
"Well...we also killed... twelve muggles," Molly said. You just couldn't believe it. You walked to the table and propped yourself on your arms. 
"I... I want to go home..." You calmly said. You walked to them, you said goodbye to the Weasleys, and walked out, coat in hand. Remus followed you. 
You were kicking off your boots and propping them back up when Remus finally spoke to you. "Hey. I-"
"Remus! Don't." you snapped. He looked at you.
"Don't yell at me!"
"After what you did, I can do whatever I want to! You-" you stomped your foot in frustration, "Just you!"
"I tried! I tried okay?" he said, voice rising.
"Obviously not very hard! Cause where is Harry? Where is he!? Not here. Where he should be!"
"I know! But I did try! I didn't know they were even thinking of this until a week ago!"
"And you didn't tell me? What the actual fuck Remus!" 
He tried to breathe and not yell but he couldn't hold it, "I didn't want you to worry about something that until tonight, I didn't think would happen! I tried to do what's best for you! But you are too dense and selfish to realize it! I always try to! But do you do the same for me? No! No, you don't."
"You are just bringing this up now?! If you had a problem with how I was treating you, you could've said something dammit! I am not a mind reader!"
He looked at you, anger prevalent on his face, he turned, flung open the door, walked out, and slammed it behind him. You jumped at the noise. "Damn you!" you picked up your shoes and threw them at the door, tears of rage sprinting down your face. You fell to your knees as you pathetically threw the last shoe, barely hitting the door. You sat there and wailed for what felt like hours. Everything had gone wrong. You stood back up and walked to the door, you looked out the peephole to see him standing with his back turned so you couldn't see his face. You were about to open the door but you let your hand drop, you turned and walked to the hallway stairs and sat down. 
You were going to have a busy day tomorrow.
The funeral was announced in two days. You were getting dressed in your black outfit, it was a simple shirt, skirt, heels, and a hat. You watched as a raindrop dripped down the window pane, it was a fitting atmosphere for the day. You breathed in and out shakily, you turned to the mirror, looking at your face that seemed to have aged overnight. You had lost everything. 
Your best friend, Lily.
Your confidant, Sirius.
Your brother from another mother, James.
Your voice of reason, Peter.
Your lover, Remus. 
You felt tears burn when you thought about them all. You all were too damn young for this. You wiped the few tears away as you walked downstairs, grabbed your umbrella, and walked out the door.
It was a cab ride and walk. You and Remus had agreed that it was a beautiful place to live but you had moved back in with your mother. You knew you were getting close when you saw familiar faces and black umbrellas. You saw Severus, he didn’t have an umbrella. You walked up to him and covered his head with yours.
You two didn’t talk much but you enjoyed his calm presence, even though he had every ability to be sarcastic to the point to where he was just rude. 
“How are coping?”
“It’s… a lot harder than I thought it would be.” His voice lightly cracked. You put a hand on his shoulder.
“She was great. No one was prepared to be without her.”
“No, no one is ever really ready to let anyone go.”
“She’ll be in our hearts.”
You and Severus walked closer to the grave, holding the two white roses you were given to place on the two caskets. Your breath was becoming in even as you placed your rose on Lily's casket lid. You turned to James’s and we’re about to place the rose when you saw him. You stood straighter and looked back down the casket.
“Some other time Jamie? You would have been great for Harry.”
You placed your rose and walked away from the casket, Severus stayed with you and Remus stood a few people apart from you. You felt tears streaking down your face, Severus noticed, handed you his handkerchief, and reached for your hand. You wanted to just burst into tears, run to Remus, slap him, hug him and go back home but you would never do that.
Remus noticed you and Severus, jealousy and rage bubbling up, becoming visible on his face.
Everyone had said some nice words when you slowly began to leave. You and Severus walked to the mouth of Godric’s Hollow so you could get a cab and not look suspicious when you returned to your mostly muggle neighborhood.
He opened the door for you, “See you at Hogwarts?”
You had agreed to take the Muggle Studies position after the unfortunate passing of Professor Ordeailic. Forty-nine years of service, one year away from retirement.
“See you then, maybe sooner. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to come to visit or write.”
He shook his head and closed the door. He watched the cab drive away in the rain, he turned and saw Remus.
“Why were you no-“
“We called off the engagement.”
He was surprised, you and Remus were so in love. “I am sorry to hear that.”
Remus took a few steps closer, “Are you though? You and her seem rather close.”
Snape sighed, “She was crying and I did a courtesy by offering her something to wipe her tears with, and besides, she isn’t… she’s lovely but it’s a no for two reasons.”
“Which are?”
“She loves you and I don’t love her.”
Remus looked him up and down, he was right about the last part. “I don’t think she loves me anymore.”
“You’re an idiot.”
Remus was taken aback slightly. “What?”
“Now, don’t tell her I told you this but I heard from Albus, that Arthur had come to the Burrow for dinner and after dinner, she talked about you until she fell asleep. She’s too proud to tell you but she misses you.”
Remus just looked down. “I am sor-“
Snape just shook his head, “No need to be sorry. But I would go makeup.” He said, walking away from Remus and disappearing. Remus knew what he had to do.
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moonyspupp · 21 days
Just like old times
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Sirius Black X Female!Reader
CW: character deaths, smut
Post Azkaban
·.★·.·´¯`·.·★ ·.★·.·´¯`·.·★ ·.★·.·´¯`·.·★ ·.★·.·´¯`·.·★
The order of the phoenix is once again in need, as more cases involving Voldemort rise. With actions to be done, the members work hard together to devise a plan against him. The old home of the Black family is quiet and dark, yet filled with small chatter.
As a member of the order of the phoenix, You weren’t a stranger to the place, in fact, you’ve been there before. Before his imprisonment in Azkaban, you were close with Sirius Black and spent quite a bit of time in his home in secret.
You quietly walk around the place before the routinely meeting started. Silently admiring the intricate walls and antique furniture, almost as though you were walking through a distant memory.
“(Y/n)!” You hear a voice call
You turn your head and see Nymphadora , giving her a warm smile.
“Meeting in 15” she grins, you thank her and nod and make your way down the corridors of the house.
As you continue walking you come across a familiar room, one that you recognize just from the door itself.
You open the door slowly and look around to see a messy room with red duvets on the bed and of course; a gryfindor banner still proudly hanging on the wall. Smiling at the sight, you ignore the dust flying everywhere and step in, obvious that the room hasn’t been touched in many years.
This was Sirius’s room.
A soft solemn feeling washes over you along with the memories you held deep within you. The memories of your time in hogwarts spent with him. With nights filled with endless conversations and laughs, contrasting with the secrecy of your friendship with him, the memory was a bittersweet one. You remember how it all eventually came to an end soon after the Marauders fell apart. The many promises made to one another to stay in contact even after leaving hogwarts.
You slide a finger across the cover of a dusty book
You can’t help but remember the news you received learning about the death of James and Peter, along with Sirius’s imprisonment in Azkaban. All the fingers pointed to Sirius after the death of the muggles and Peter, even going as far as saying he betrayed Lily and James, but you knew that wasn’t true. You knew him far too well, but no one seemed to believe it but you. After that the thought of Sirius filled you with sorrow and worry, you knew he was supposed to be a free man.
Breaking out your trance, you let out a sigh and have a seat on the bed. Looking over at the nightstand, a thin layer of dust covered the lamp from head to toe, along with a framed group photo of everyone, including you. With gentle hands, you pick up the frame to get a better look. Blowing the dust off it you can now clearly see all the smiling faces you remembered and cherished. Even though the group was no longer complete, you couldn’t help but smile. Setting the photo back down onto the stand, you open its drawer. Inside the bottom was littered with numerous letters.
Your eyes widen at the sight, you wrote all of these many years ago over the summer when you and Sirius were apart. Lying near the faded parchment, your eyes darted to a small necklace with a gem pendant. The one you left at his home all those years ago. Your mouth parted slightly shocked that he kept them, you gently close the drawers and let out a small content sigh.
Though it’s been over ten years since you’ve seen any of them, the countless tears shed will always be a reminder of what things were before; you missed all of them dearly.
You missed Sirius dearly.
You would be lying to yourself if you said that you’ve never liked him at some point when you were in hogwarts. But seeing how so many girls swooned over the rebellious handsome dark haired Sirius Black, your teen self decided not to pursue him. Remembering how much James and Remus teased you about how your feelings for Sirius was as clear as day, a slight tinge of regret fills you. You ignore the thoughts of regret, what’s done is done anyways.
You get up and brush off the dust on you and leave the room, remembering the meeting being held. You make your way back into the main room, hearing dumbledores voice you worried you may be a tad bit late.
You peek over the corner of the door and see that the meeting has already starting, you jump when you hear dumbledore speak
“(Y/n), just in time, please have a seat” he smiles gently
Before you could even make another step into the room, your eyes widen as they fall on a rugged man at a table.
“Ah, you finally decided to show” Sirius says voice rough yet still melodious. Your heart does a little jump at the sound of his voice. The eyes in the room direct to you, all seeing your surprised face.
You nervously make your way to the table and have a seat, while your eyes left the familiar man, he stayed in your mind the whole time. With a relaxed expression Sirius’s watched you as you sat, his grey eyes never leaving you.
However you suddenly feel very aware, aware of the fact that you were sitting across from the man whom you missed so dearly. As the meeting goes on, your eyes peek back at him every so often, studying his face noticing the obvious change caused by Azkaban, nonetheless he was still the handsome boy from hogwarts all those years ago. A soft tender feeling along with one of relief fills your heart as you plan on reconnecting with the man after the meeting.
As you tried to focus still on dumbledores words, Sirius eyes dart across the room remembering in the familiar faces of old acquaintances. His eyes fall upon you and your nostalgic presence. He hadn't seen you since the fateful night everything changed. As he locked gazes with you, a mix of emotions shows on his face, one of regret and longing. Your face softens as you look at him, bringing your lips to a small smile.
The meeting continues on as the two of you share stolen glances at each other, both with heavy yet joyful hearts at the sight at one another. Your heart feels the same as it did all those years ago, so many questions yet to be answered.
The meeting eventually comes to an end, you and Sirius share a longing glance at each other as the rest of the members begin to get up from the table. Everyone exchanged their goodbyes for the time being while you and Sirius still sat quietly at the table.
“Still as pretty as always (y/n), you haven’t changed one bit” you hear Sirius say from across the table.
You roll your eyes playfully at his response.
“What happened to hello you sly dog?” You say laughing, a tender feeling fills your heart to see he was still the same as well. As the laughter dies down the room once again returns to silence.
“Sirius..” you say breaking the silence of the now empty room. The sound of you saying his name brought him a nostalgic warmth.
"(Y/n), I didn't think I'd see you again," he said with a soft yet regretful voice “been a while hasn’t it doll?” You can feel that his words carry years of pain and longing.
You nod, “it has hasn’t it?, we should catch up Sirius” you say getting up from the table. “Let’s walk around for old times sake, this time without fear” you laugh remembering you couldn’t freely roam around here in fear of his parents seeing you.
A grin appears on his face as he gets up from the table as well. "Ah, the good old days, I have to admit, I do miss causing trouble with you (y/n)” he said chuckling
The two of you walk side by side in the halls as the familiarity of the home begin to set in.
"How... how have you been?" Sirius asked his voice filled with curiosity. Despite the years and his own troubles, he wanted to know about your life since he had been gone. He missed you all this time.
Everyone knew he went to Azkaban shortly after the events of James and Peter for over a decade. But not everyone knew it was to be locked away, for a crime he didn’t commit. Being known as the man who betrayed his friends. Even then, you never left his thoughts, he was filled with regret and guilt being away from you. He had no one but himself those 12 years, he had desperately hoped at least someone would believe him.
“Been alright Siri, after hogwarts I started working at an apothecary now, so it’s been quite busy, especially with the meetings.” You say smiling letting him lead the way now.
"An apothecary, huh? That sounds... fitting. Potions was always your thing." Sirius said with a surprised but affectionate look
“I guess you could say that Siri” you grin widely
"I imagine you're probably quite successful at it too. Always were a bit of a secret genius, weren't you?" His smile cheekily as he continued walking
A sweet feeling washes over the two of you as you walked and made small conversation to catch up with each others lives. You see Sirius stop when he reaches his old bedroom door.
“Merlin… I haven’t been in here for forever” he said with a nostalgic but sad look on his face.
You gently hold onto his arm as he opens the bedroom door.
He moved further inside, his eyes lingering on the old memories in which the room held. He settled down on the edge of the dusty bed, with heavy thoughts; patting the spot next to him to signal you to sit as well. As the two of you sit the air grows weary by the second.
"It's strange, being back here... Seeing everything again..." Sirius says with his eyes wandering around the room still. You rub his back trying to comfort him and he lets out a soft sigh. The feeling of your touch comforts him, brings him back to a time before all those years In Azkaban, to a time where life was kinder. But deeper than that, it brought him back to a time where he was with you.
“It is isn’t it? I remember you used to sneak me over Siri, that was a lot of fun wasnt it?” You say looking at him with a smile trying to lighten the situation; hoping it’ll help him look past it
"Sneaking you in was certainly... eventful. I remember the risk... the moments where we laughed all night and told stories to each other, and the way you took up half the bed when you slept” he said laughing, but his eyes looked somber remembering those memories, the simplicity of youth so distant now.
You nudge him playfully at the bed remark and lean slightly on his shoulder.
"There's so much I haven't told you.” He said looked around
(y/n)..." Sirius said breaking the silence, his voice quiet. He stared straight ahead at the tattered curtains; avoiding your gaze. "After... everything. Azkaban too. So many things I wish I could explain... and apologize for..." his voice trailed on
You shake your head, “you don’t have to apologize for anything Sirius” you said quietly.
He lets out a dry laugh, doubting your words as he shakes his head.
"But I do,(y/n)... I owe you so much more than an apology." His eyes met yours eventually, looking remorseful “I never wanted to leave you, you know that, right? Everything that happened... feels like it was my fault.” He says with a sigh.
“But it wasn’t Siri, and you know that too.” You begin to rub his back again, you can tell that he’s still carrying all the weight from the past. He stirs slightly under your touch, but doesn’t pull away. Your heart hurts from seeing him like this.
"I should've... done more. Should've been there for you. For Harry. For James and Lily... I should've done something," Sirius said, his voice heavy with guilt.
“You did all that you could, you did your best, none of this was your fault Sirius, I know what you’ve heard what others have said but I’ve believed you from the start.” You say almost pleading
Sirius looks at you with a mixture of surprise and gratitude at your words. For the first time in years, someone believed in him, trusted him even. He feels some guilt wash away upon hearing it, a sense of comfort replacing it.
"You... believed me?" He whispered quietly, his voice still showing his disbelief.
“Of course, I’ve always have Siri” you said with a soft smile.
Leaning slightly closer to him you see small tears brimming in his eyes, with mixture of relief and regret. You reached out, your hand gently cradling the side of his face, your soft fingers caressing his stubbled cheeks. All you wanted to do was make him feel safe again.
"Thank you. You... you have no idea how much that means to me." He said his voice breaking.
His gaze lingered on your face, studying your features carefully full as if he was trying to make up for the years he spent away from you. The weight of his past seemed to lift ever so slightly with your presence. He leaned in closer, his face now inches from yours
"I've missed you, (y/n). So damn much. You were... the one thing I held onto during my darkest time, you were my light, the thing I looked forward to when I broke out." Sirius said his voice quivering as a tear ran down his face.
“I’m here now Sirius, I missed you so much too, I always worried about you while you were away, I missed everything we had before it all changed” you cooed as you continued to caress his face.
He closed his eyes, giving into your touch, your words soothing his aching soul. Sirius out a shaky exhale, a mixture of pain and longing. All he wanted was for time to stop, to keep this brief moment of vulnerability with you forever.
"(Y/n)... I've dreamed of this... seeing you again, hearing your voice. It felt like a lost hope, a distant memory I would never relive, I thought I was gonna die there..."
He pulled you closer, his arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you onto his lap.
You held him close as held you intimately, he buried his face into the crook of your neck, his arms holding onto you as if he feared you'd slip away from his grasp forever. He took in the familiar scent of you, the one always remembered.
“I really missed being held by you Siri.. it was the one thing i looked forward to when I hoped to see you again, I’m so happy you’re here.” You muttered quietly as you savored the moment.
"All those years... the loneliness, the fear, the despair. It's all faded now, just having you here... feels like I can breathe again." Sirius said softly still holding you right.
“And I’ll stay right here with you, where I’m meant to be, always” you say nuzzling into his neck.
Your breathing became more relaxed as you felt his hair tickle your face, everything felt like how it was meant to be in that moment.
Sirius pulls back slightly and lets out a soft huff, feeling his lips ghost over the skin of your neck, peppering kisses along it. You savor the feeling and let out a small content hum.
"(Y/n)... I need to tell you something. Something I should've said a long time ago. Before everything changed, I regret not saying it before...." he said his voice gruff.
You pull away to meet his gaze, head tilting slightly waiting for him to tell you, feeling his arms tighten around you, the air grew tense.
"I... I love you my sweet girl. I always have. From the first moment we met, I knew... I knew you were special. I just... couldn't admit it. Couldn't allow myself that happiness, that vulnerability, didn’t think I deserved it." He muttered quietly
Your heart leapt through your chest hearing those words, the words you dreamed of hearing ever since you met him, you stayed in his embrace just a little longer not knowing how to get the words out.
“Sirius.. you.. you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say those words” “I love you, ever since we were at hogwarts, I just couldn’t say anything because I didn’t think you felt the same.” You said your grip on his back tightening as you feel yourself begin to tremble slightly.
“you don’t give yourself as much credit as you deserve dear, only a fool wouldn’t see that.” Sirius lets out small huff as he sees your face full of truth and honesty.
Your expression softens as he admires your (e/c) eyes, he can’t help but let out a smile.
“I never want to let go of you (y/n), never again. I want to be by your side once more.” He said still looking into your eyes, his voice trembling with emotion
You respond by placing a rough needy kiss on his lips, one you should’ve done a long time ago, he pulled you closer deepening the kiss desperately. The kiss was ravishing and hungry yet still filled with love. You feel the desire grow as his hands roam around your body on his lap.
Countless years of pent up longing in such a brief moment.
His hands found their way under your shirt grabbing onto your bare flesh. you shuddered at the rough feeling of his palms, your need growing by the second. You grip his back even tighter wanting more. After what seems like an eternity, Sirius pulls away with a low growl.
“(Y/n).. Merlin I need you badly.. now.. here.” Sirius said panting.
You whimper at the lost warmth, looking up at him with pleasing eyes along with your swollen lips. The way you look sends him into a spiral, pinning you down on the dusty bed.
His lips roughly bit at your neck, desperate to mark you as he should’ve done so long ago. He continued to nip at your neck sucking at the delicate skin as you wince and squirm at the feeling of it. His hands come down to the bottom of your shirt, carelessly pulling it off and tossing it aside, his eyes growing hungry at the sight of your naked top half.
"You're so damn beautiful... How did I ever stay away from you for so long?" He says while his eyes roaming your body
“Sirius.. more please.” You say your breathing becoming shallow. Your hands trail down his tattooed chest, fuck.. you thought to yourself. You desperately wanted more.
Sirius let’s out a small chuckle at your pleas, his mouth met yours again as he obliged, tongue exploring every part of your mouth as his hands has free rein over your entire body. You felt pure bliss he touched you, you pull him close and nipped at his ear
“I need you.. all of you” you said panting in his ear
His lips down trailed your body, stopping and letting down a huff of desire as he reaches the edge of your shorts.
“You have no idea how much I wanted this.. I’ve only imagined it in dream.. may I?” He asks looking up your face
You frantically nod, Sirius laughs at your eagerness
He leans back slightly, his fingers hooking the waistband’s edge along with your panties, taking his time to inch them down your delicate hips. Your body was now fully exposed to him, he groans at the sight of your wet cunt, the sight of you undressed driving him wild.
“(Y/n).. my god.. you’re perfect in every way.” Sirius said his eyes not leaving your sopping pussy for even a second
You stir slightly in embarrassment covering your face instinctively at the thought of being completely bare beneath him
Sirius playfully laughed at your shy gesture and blushed cheeks, he gently tugged at your hands, a feeling of endearment filling him.
"No need to hide, love. You're utterly beautiful. Let me see you... all of you." He said placing a kiss on your lips
You removed your hands, feeling your shyness melt away under his reassurance, his eyes once again returns to roaming over your body, remembering every little detail of it.
"You're a goddamn masterpiece..." he said gruff and full of desire as he ran two fingers down your sopping cunt, making you shudder
He gently positioned himself between your legs, his hands gripping and caressing your thighs, He looked up at you, his gaze radiating heat and love.
"Can I...? I need to taste you... I need to... worship you..." you hear him say
“Sirius please.. I need it” Your legs shake slightly at his words.
His eyes darkened at your words, gaze locked, letting out a low growl as you feel his face not even an inch from your core. You let out a surprised moan as you feel his tongue run up and down your slit spreading them open.
“Sirius fuck!” You say with your back arching slightly at the pleasure
Sirius hums in response , not stopping for even a second as he continues to ravish your pussy, using one hand to gently rub on your clit while using the other to hold you in place.
You continue to wince and moan at his tongue, your face growing redder by the second, you couldn’t help but grab onto his long dark locks for more.
“Sirius more please don’t make m’ wait I’m begging you” you cry out loudly your breathing now heavy
“You want it that bad don’t you doll?” He says looking up from your trembling legs.
You throw your head back against the pillow and continue to spew out pleas and moans. Sirius laughs at your reaction again as he reaches back up to meet your face.
“You’re so beautiful..” he murmured. “Let me make you you feel even better, let me make you mine” he growls
You nod as you brush a strand of hair away from your sweating face. “Make me yours please Sirius.” You say pulling him into another kiss
He groans as you share another passionate kiss with him. He pulls down his boxers, his aching cock hitting right before his navel dripping with need, eventually pulling back to brush against your core before guiding himself to meet your entrance. and my god was he big..
You shudder at the feeling and spread your legs further, he looked up at you for final approval and you gave him a nod.
He pushed himself in slowly watching your face letting out a guttural sound, you moan out at the feeling of being stretched, being stretched by Sirius. You throw your head back at the feeling. He briefly stops to let you adjust to the feeling before pushing more of his throbbing cock into your cunt. His eyebrows furrow at the feeling of you clamping down on his length. Another minute or so goes on and he’s completely sheathed in your heat.
You felt so full.
Your breathing turned into pants and Sirius looks up at you and caresses your face gently, he inches back up to meet your face and places a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you (y/n)” he mutters softly with his eyes full of love and trust
“I love you too Sirius” you whisper back smiling
He holds the back of your knees up and pressed them to your chest as he quickens his pace. Your moans growing even louder. Sirius presses himself on top of you, allowing him to go even deeper inside your core, and you can’t help but yell out in pleasure from being claimed as his. Now balls deeps; he’s completely lost in you as his pace quicks once more. The feeling of his entire cock ravishing your core sends you over the edge wanting even more. Sirius’s pace becomes unforgiving as he pushes your legs down even further.
“Fuck you’re so tight.” he says gritting his teeth
“More Sirius!” You scream out trying to hold onto his neck and he pounds you from underneath,your arms grow weak as you give into the feeling as pleas for more turning into babbling as he gives you what you ask for. The bed creaks loudly under the two of you adding to the intensity of the situation. You continue to moan loudly as you dig your nails into his back. The wet slick sound of your hips slapping against his fueling your need even further. Your mind starts to give out as you feel his cock hitting the tip of your cervix. You look up at Sirius to see his shut eyes with sweat beading on his forehead. His hair falling over his shoulder was a sight to see.
And god was it all you’ve ever wanted and more.
“Don’t fucking stop Sirius” you groan holding him close to you. Your dripping cunt hugging him so well. As if you were meant to take his cock alone. You bite his shoulder to keep yourself from screaming your lungs out, making him moan at the feeling. His grip on your hips tightens; almost bruising as he continues to fuck you hard. You become a drooling mess under him and he loved seeing you come undone all for his touch. His hips rocked against your sopping cunt, as his breathing got even more ragged. You shut your eyes hard as you feel yourself grow closer to your climax.
“Fuck (y/n) I’m getting close” he groans as his thrusts become more sloppy as his breathing becomes more intense.
“Inside Sirius, cum inside please!” You babble loudly feeling myself grow even closer to finishing.
“Fuck doll you’re mine and mine alone” Sirius pants as he buries his face in your neck. You lock your legs around him to feel him ravish your pussy even further. It doesn’t take long for you to finish, a small dribble of drool leaving the corner of your mouth as you moan. A warm feeling fills you as Sirius lets out one final groan as he pushes himself into you as much as you can; his grip on your thighs feral, attempting to cum inside you as deeply as possible. You let out a cry as you feel your own climax come to you. Your legs now loosening their grip around his waist trembling.
Sirius lays on top of you for a while , placing kisses all around your face and neck before he pulls his softening cock out your cunt, letting the evidence of your love drip out slightly. He lets out a content sigh as he pulls away just enough to see your worn out face.
“You alright there doll?” He asks breathing heavily
“Yes surprisingly” you smile at him huffing to catch your breath.
He lets out a tired laugh before placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Wish I’ve done that sooner” he says
“Me too Siri” I mutter quietly
He pulls you into an embrace for a while, a much needed break for the both of you. The room is filled with laughs as you continue to catch each other up with minuscule stories. The house that you both cherished no longer feels bleak as the life it needed returns with the company of the two of you.
Just like old times.
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Always There - Prologue : S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, mentions of death and murder, mentions of Azkaban
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
Author's Note: It's been a long ass time my friends, but I'm trying to make a come back here. I was a bit out of my comfort zone with this one so I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 629
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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not my gif
Y/N Potter became an aunt in 1980 to a wonderful little boy named Harry. Her brother, James, had asked her to be the boy's godmother, as his best friend Sirius was named the boy's godfather. She of course accepted this honor, not knowing that a year later, the boy would be hers to take care of.
The night of Lily and James Potter’s death, as well as Lord Voldemort, Y/N was left by some of the most important people in her life. Peter had died, murdered by a supposed friend, Sirius Black, who was thrown in Azkaban after killing Peter and a dozen muggles. And then there was Remus, who had just left without a word, no note, no letter, just left. Remus was like another brother to Y/N, they had become friends before James and Remus became friends. So when he left without a trace, she was quite upset, she had just lost her brother and sister-in-law, one of their friends, another getting locked up and she was all alone with a baby that she didn’t know how to care for.
That was until she had run into Severus Snape at the late Potters’ grave not even a week later. He was leaving a fresh lily on the stone as she walked into the cemetery. They sat and talked for over an hour until Harry began whining to eat. This became a routine for the two adults. Eventually Severus began to help Y/N take care of Harry and herself, getting the Potter girl a job at Hogwarts with Professor Sprout after remembering that Herbology was her favorite subject. He helped her around the house and the two became unlikely friends. 
By the time Harry had reached 11, Y/N was offered the position as Herbology professor after Sprout had retired. She of course accepted the position, the first person other than Harry being told was Severus. She had gotten the job thanks to not only Professor Sprouts’ recommendation but also Severus, McGonagall and Binns. Getting a recommendation from Professor Binns was her greatest accomplishment other than being able to raise Harry when she was just barely an adult. She did give a lot of thanks to Severus for helping her raise the boy. 
Although Severus and James never got along, Severus had always been fond of the Potter girl. She was his favorite Potter that he had ever interacted with, which had only been four but that hadn’t mattered to him. Severus was quite fond of Lily but after realizing she was unattainable, he was able to move on from her. His fondness shifted to a different Potter, this time Y/N. Severus acted like a guard dog in a way, trying his damnedest to keep her safe and happy.
Not only did he act this way to her but also Harry. The boy grew up seeing Severus nearly everyday and had taken to calling the man Uncle Sev when he was 4. Severus had a fondness for Harry but nothing like the fondness he had for the boy’s aunt. Although her brother and his friends were terrible to him, Severus always liked the Potter girl better than her mischievous brother. He knew she was much different from her brother, more reserved, more intelligent, kinder.
The two grew closer and closer as the years went on, it got to a point that other professors were betting on when they would get together and students were constantly asking if they were a couple. Of course the two denied it but then later fantasized about being with the other instead of fessing up to their feelings. However, everything went astray during Harry's third year. Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban and Remus Lupin the new DADA professor.
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0blobthefish0 · 10 months
Snuffles Part 2
sirius black masterlist | main masterlist
part one
Sirius Black x Female Reader 1557 words
You hadn't spoken much for the remainder of your time spent at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place; you had been too shocked to even utter or form a word. If you weren't so polite you would have declined Molly's dinner to escape the presence of Sn- no- Sirius, but now, here you were, cautiously tucking into Molly's well cooked food as you avoided even glimpsing at the man. Before long, Molly began to collect the dirty dishes and you hurriedly stood up to help her; you walked around the table, Sirius' eyes following you, thanking everyone as they handed you their plates. However, when you got to Sirius you walked straight past him and used a helpful bit of non-verbal magic to pull the plate from out if his hand. Your hands were full anyway.
You heard the muffled noise of the members chatting as you washed up the night's dishes; a loud crack suddenly shot through the room causing you to drop a plate. You quickly looked for the cause of the noise and that was when you saw a gruesome looking elf, more shrivelled looking than any other elf you had seen before, glaring uglily at you from the corridor. He scowled.
"Shoo! you ugly beast, go back to whichever dusty cupboard you've been hiding in." The harsh command came from behind you and you quickly grabbed your wand from the side to cast Reparo. You watched, transfixed, as the plate pieced itself together and mended itself seamlessly; magic never ceased to amaze you. You hadn't heard him come any closer, so when you felt a hand on the small of your back, you let out a gasp. The pressure of the hand increasing as he bent down to pick up the plate. He stood back up yet his hand remained, only shifting slightly to rest around your waist. "Need any help?" Sirius asked with small smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. You looked around, hesitantly weighing out your decision before letting out a tired sigh.
"If you wouldn't mind," you smiled weakly, his beautiful grey eyes boring into yours and you drifted him over a cloth to dry. You had stupidly started without magic and you were too stubborn to start using it now, even though there had been no one to witness you 'giving up'. The two of you, eventually, found a rhythm and you both worked in silence, you being unable to even think of how to start a conversation with him.
"I-" he began, but his voice was hoarse from not being used. A smile tugged at your lips. "I wanted to thank you," he turned to you and you furrowed your eyebrows at him, "for calling me handsome." He teased and a not so subtle blush flushed your cheeks.
"That was a mistake," you quickly backed yourself and he threw a hand to his heart in feigned hurt, "not that you aren't- not that I find you attractive or anything- you're not ugly, but it's not like I'd- I'm not- I-" there was no end to your rambling and so you forced yourself to stop before you said something stupid. "You are handsome-" and Sirius smirked cockily at you, "- as a dog." You couldn't help but chuckle as his face fell. "Don't get me wrong, you're pretty, but I prefer Snuffles." You confessed.
"Are you saying you don't find me handsome?" He questioned dangerously as he took a step toward you. He threw the cloth to the side and took another step before he was so close you had to look up at him. "Well, that's a shame because-" his hands fell onto each side of your waist and butterflies fluttered lazily in your stomach, "- I think you're gorgeous." He smirked. No one could have prepared you for the flirt that was Sirius Black. The butterflies buzzed excitedly and crashed into the walls of your stomach. Your heart was thrumming. "Sleep well, Y/n." He smiled before leaving back though the way he came.
You glanced up to the clock and your eyes grew wide, Merlin's beard! It was nearing one o'clock in the morning. You needed to get home. You quickly threw on your coat and just as you were about yo open the door, Molly caught you.
"Oh Y/n! Did no one tell you?" Molly rushed out and you looked at her with a confused expression. "I was thinking you looked a tad luggage free," she mumbled, "you're staying here for a few weeks." She revealed looking abashed about bringing this, obviously new, information upon you.
"Oh.." you replied as you let your hand fall to your side. "Oh..."
It had been around two weeks since your first night at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place and the two of you, Sirius and you, had been dancing around each other like two teenagers.
You were hardly awake, your eyes were still closed and you were wishing yourself to go back to sleep. However, the desert-dry feeling of your mouth kept you from falling back into unconsciousness. You smacked your lips together in hopes of relieving the dryness, but to no avail. With an annoyed sigh, you peeled open your eyes and crawled out of bed. You were in desperate need of a glass of water. Apparition was not a thing to be attempted when half awake.
You grumbled. You hated this. Damn this stupid mansion of a house. Due to your not-so-awakeness you had left your wand behind, but you were already, at least, a third of the way to the kitchen. Besides you could see-
"Ow!" a raspy voice grunted. You breathed in sharply.
"Sorry Kreacher." You apologized, but you got nothing but an insult back.
- for the most part anyway. Finally, you had made your way, stumbling, to the kitchen. Unbeknownst to you, Sirius watched you with curiosity as you entered. He had become quite the night owl since coming back into civilisation. He watched as you moved around the kitchen, already so confident in your movement, so comfortable in his house, though it was not his home, it had never been his home and it never will be. His mind drifted. He liked the idea of having a new home, possibly one where you were there too.
He was thrown out of his daydream by a satisfied moan coming from you as you inhaled the waster as if it were liquid gold. He was glad that it was dark and that you hadn't noticed him because he could feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. He was not meant to be here, watching you, this late night trek almost seemed private. However, he'd feel guilty if he didn't make his presence known.
"I knew I heard someone creeping around." He announced as he casually walked out from the darker area of the dark. What he hadn't expected was you to choke. Water spluttered from you and he hastily rushed over to help. You leant over the sink, coughing, as he softly patted your back. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand as you composed yourself from your coughing fit. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry," he mumbled quietly from behind you. He pushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear before bringing you into a hug.
You didn't know what to do with your hands. You gasped trying to get in as much oxygen as you could, Sirius' palm rubbing soothingly across your back. After one last deep breath, you could partially breath normally again. "Your shirt's wet." Sirius whispered as he felt it seep into his own.
"That's your fault." You mumbled breathlessly and you felt yourself shiver, though not from the cold, wet t-shirt.
"Hang it up to dry," he suggested nodding toward the corner of the kitchen. Your eyebrows furrowed.
"But then I'd have to go all the way back to my room without a shirt." You commented with a laugh.
"I can just give you one of mine," and you felt him shrug beneath you.
"What?" You pulled away from him slightly, "the one you're wearing now?" Sirius' face pulled up into a smirk.
"If you wanted me naked, Y/l/n, all you had to do was ask." You gave him a light slap, you could already feel your shirt sticking to your skin uncomfortably. "Okay, okay, I have a spare shirt down here don't worry." He grinned and he left the room before returning shortly after. He passed you his shirt and you raised an eyebrow at him and spun your finger around, signalling for him to turn around. He did as he was told and you chuckled to yourself 'good boy, Sirius' you thought. You lifted your shirt over your head and let it drop to the floor before pulling Sirius' shirt over your head; instantly you were hit with a scent that was very much Sirius Black. You picked your shirt from the crowd and hung it in the corner.
"Okay." You announced once you were done. Sirius twirled around and his eyes widened slightly. There was something about seeing you in his shirt that made his heart contract, "Okay, goodnight gorgeous." You looked at him and gave him a small smile, hoping that the darkness hid your blush.
"Goodnight," you hesitated slightly, "handsome." And you left the kitchen.
Sirius stood there a soft smile on his face, you thought the was handsome.
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Sixty Two] OLD VERSION
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black/Original Female Character, Sirius Black/Daisy Evans, James Potter/Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black,
Word Count: 6845
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many. But it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sister’s as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, The Other Evans Girl, Sirius Black Fic, Sirius Black/You, Sirius Black x OFC, OFC, Marauders Fic, Eventual Sirius Black, Sirius Black x Reader Fic, Sirius Black Fic, James Potter is a bit of a dick but we LOVE it, Hogsmeade, Friends, Hate, Love, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Implied Sex, Potters, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Friends to Loves, Slow Burn, Eventual Sirius and Daisy, Teenage Angst, Insecurities, Fighting, Arguing, Bullying, War, First Wizarding War, Marauders, Marauder’s Era, 1970’s, 1970s Fashion, Canon Character Deaths, Loss of Virginity, Crying, Voldemort, The Other Evans Girl, Marauders Era to war, Multiple Parts, GORE, injuries, harm, fighting, blood, The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: this will be the last chapter until the new year as im busy with other fics/christmas etc etc so i thought i’d make it a long one for yas
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TAGS - @maeisafangirl@mysteriouslydelicateface
‘And you must come straight back, you understand that?’  ‘Yes Professor,’ Daisy and Sirius said in unison.  ‘And you know exactly where you are going?’ she said.  ‘Yes Professor,’ they repeated.  ‘Right,’ Professor McGonagall said her beady eyes watching them both. She was sitting behind her desk but stood as she finished speaking. Then she gestured to the large fireplace in her office and walked towards it, her students close behind. She gestured for them to step inside which they did, Sirius taking a handful of floo powder as he went.  ‘Just one more thing,’ McGonagall said, ‘please don’t do anything silly. Daisy, I’m trusting you.’ ‘Of course Professor,’ Daisy said sheepishly feeling Sirius roll his eyes beside her. McGonagall nodded throwing them a tight smile before Sirius dropped the powder to the floor and said, ‘the Leaky Cauldron.’
Seconds later they were spinning through countless fireplaces, catching glimpses of all the wizarding lives going on throughout the country, until finally they became stationary and the dimly lit main room of the Leaky Cauldron came into focus. As Daisy stepped out there were a few glimpses from people sitting throughout the pub but they were more or less ignored. Sirius stepped out quickly after her, slotting his hand into hers, as they headed for the entrance of Diagon Alley. 
It wasn’t too busy in the Alley today. Whenever Daisy had been it had been the summer holidays meaning that most of the street was jam-packed with students who had flocked to it in their downtime as a way to flee their homes and get some much-needed relief from their families. 
‘Do you know where we’re going?’ Daisy asked turning to Sirius who was looking at the piece of parchment McGonagall had given him with the solicitor's address on it. ‘Yeah I think so,’ he said as they headed down to the end of the street. Daisy felt a flip-flop in her stomach as Sirius lead her down Knockturn Alley. She’d heard about this place but she’d never been there before. Knockturn Alley wasn’t forbidden as such but the calibre of wizard that frequented the shops down here was definitely not the type she was used to. They were the type Sirius had known. The ones he talked about with disgust. And as she thought about that worry overcame her. If his uncle was associated with a solicitor down here maybe he wasn’t as far from the Black family as Sirius thought. 
‘Up here,’ Sirius said as they got to an old rickety metal stairway. Tacked onto the bars of the bannister was a sign that said ‘J.M Thicknesse and Associates first floor’. Sirius started walking up the old staircase and Daisy followed until finally, they were at a door. Sirius pressed the buzzer and waited, looking at Daisy with a small smile. She smiled back and slipped her hand back into his, her thumb caressing the back of his hand gently. Then the door opened and a thin-faced middle-aged man was facing them. 
‘Mr Black?’ he said.  ‘That’s me,’ Sirius said. ‘And you are?’ he said eyeing Daisy suspiciously.  ‘My girlfriend,’ Sirius said with a tight smile. The man looked between the pair of them for a moment and then nodded, opening the door fully so they could walk through. He shut it as they entered a long thing hall which was decorated with ancient wallpaper and old oil paintings of various witches and wizards. He led them down it without a word, turning into a room at the end o and gesturing for them to take a seat. There were two rickety chairs in front of the desk that he went to sit behind shuffling through the countless files and papers which were cluttering it. As he rifled through everything Daisy looked around. It was a small room made even smaller by the fact that bookshelves and filing cabinets crammed two walls of it. The man however didn’t seem to notice the chaos of it all as he produced a file and opened it. 
‘So you’re Sirius?’ he said looking at Sirius who nodded, leaning forward in his chair, ‘and you’re aware of why you’re here.’ ‘I’ve been named in my uncles will,’ Sirius said.  ‘Yes, yes, awfully sad business all that,’ Thicknesse said. Sirius’ eyes narrowed at the statement, ‘he wasn’t much older than me but alas we never know when our numbers up.’ ‘Right, yeah,’ Sirius said.  ‘Still, it doesn't do well to dwell on things when there's business to attend to,’ he said shuffling his papers, ‘now I don’t suppose you’ve been to many will readings before.’ ‘No,’ Sirius said.  ‘Well, I’m going to read through your uncle’s last will and testament and then we’ll chat about what’ll happen afterwards, okay?’ he said receiving a nod from Sirius, ‘well then. Let’s get to it.’
He popped his glasses on and thumbed through the papers in front of him before clearing his throat. Daisy and Sirius shared a look but turned back to him as he started to speak, ‘I, Marius Perseus Black, resident of the city of London, being of sound mind, not acting under duress or undue influence, and fully understanding the nature and extent of all my property and of this disposition thereof, do hereby make, publish, and declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament.’
He paused for a moment, looking at Sirius and Daisy who were watching him their brows furrowed, and said, ‘with me so far?’  ‘I think so,’ Daisy said. ‘Yeah,’ Sirius said.  ‘Well, let me make it a little simpler,’ he said, ‘first to be dealt with is expenses and taxes. Your uncle already saw to his own funeral and burial and that was already prepaid so there’s nothing to worry about on that front. I bequeath my property both real and personal wherever situated as follows. Sole beneficiary; Sirius Orion Black, my nephew, currently of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Property to be bequeathed; my motorbike, my flat and all its contents as well as the contents of my Gringotts vault in its entirety. I do declare that Sirius is free to do as he likes with these assets once he comes of age. Until then I require my assets to remain under the supervision of J.M. Thicknesse and associates.’ ‘Wait, he’s left everything to me?’ Sirius said dumbfounded.  ‘That’s about the top and bottom of it,’ Thicknesse said, ‘obviously things will have to remain under my care until you come of age but that will give us time for everything to go through probate.’ ‘Right,’ Sirius said stunned.  ‘I know it’s a lot to take in,’ Thicknesse said.  ‘Yeah just a bit,’ Daisy said.  ‘Why me?’ Sirius said, ‘I mean there’s like ten people he could’ve left everything to.’ ‘Lineage isn’t everything Mr Black,’ Thicknesse said placing the papers down on the desk. Sirius continued to look confused. Thicknesse interlaced his hands in front of him and leaned in, ‘I know this is a lot to take in and it may not make a lot of sense right now. But I’ve known your uncle for some time now. And whilst you may not have been close I can assure you that he saw the best of the Blacks in you.’ ‘You mean I’m the only one that’s not an outright idiot?’ Sirius said earning a small smile from Daisy and Thicknesse.  ‘That’s not for me to comment on,’ Thicknesse said, ‘but there's a reason he chose you. A reason he bestowed you with these assets.’ 
As Thicknesse leaned back Daisy slipped her hand into his and squeezed it earning a smile from Sirius. Thicknesse relaxed in his chair and took off his glasses before he said, ‘so shall we talk about your new assets?’
‘And the bathroom is just through here,’ Thicknesse said gesturing through the french doors that led from the living room to the bedroom, ‘now the bike will take a little longer for me to arrange. It’s currently in a storage facility and it’ll take a few days to transfer it to your name, but seeing as you cannot ride it yet, I don’t suppose there’s much harm in it.’
‘No, I guess not,’ Sirius said as he ran his fingers across the dusty table that stood behind the couch. They were at his uncle’s flat. It was a small thing, one large room seemingly separated into three pieces. The main chunk of it was the living room which held a couch and tables as well as an old desk and some rickety old bookshelves. Attached to that, in a somewhat open design was a tiny kitchen that barely seemed to be able to fit two people in at once. And separated by double doors was a bedroom which held a large four-poster bed and an ornate wardrobe. 
Daisy meandered through the room taking in every inch of it until she was by Sirius’ side. After meeting with Thicknesse, they’d gone back to Hogwarts and explained to McGonagall the long and short of it. And to their surprise, she had agreed to the terms that Thicknesse was suggesting, that she and Sirius be allowed to go and see the apartment themselves and sort through any items they may or may not want. Anything they decided against keeping would be sold on with the money going back to Sirius though Daisy was sure a tidy percentage would make its way into the solicitors' pockets. So, a couple of weeks later they’d travelled to Thicknesse’s office once more and he had used his floo network to take them to the apartment. 
‘So, I don’t think there’s much else to tell you,’ Thicknesse said slipping his hands in his pockets, ‘you’ve got the day to sort through everything. I suppose you’ll want to keep the basics cutlery, furniture etc it’s just the personals that you’ll have to go through so it won’t take too long.’ ‘And what do we do with the other stuff?’ Daisy asked. ‘Bundle it into those boxes and I’ll come back in the morning to collect,’ he said, ‘I’ll keep your house mistress up to date with any progress as it's all very boring.’ ‘I’m sure Minnie will love that,’ Sirius smirked.  ‘Yes well,’ Thicknesse said clearing his throat, ‘I’ll leave you two to it. Just floo yourself back when you’re done. I’ve made sure the network is hooked up to Hogwarts so there shouldn’t be any issues.’ ‘Right, thanks,’ Sirius said walking him towards the fireplace. Thicknesse stopped just short of it and paused, reaching into his pocket and producing a set of keys, ‘you’ll be needing these.’  ‘Thanks,’ Sirius said taking it from him.  ‘I’ll be in touch,’ he replied and then he stepped into the fireplace and dropped a handful of powder into it and disappeared into green flames. Daisy watched as the flames burned and slowed down revealing the now empty space he had habituated. Sirius turned and smiled at her, ‘let’s see what we’re working with shall we?’ 
They worked for a good few hours in that small apartment. Thicknesse had been right. Most of the stuff they needed to keep but the personals needed going through. Whilst Daisy busied herself with the bedroom Sirius stuck to the living room. She figured it would be easier for her to go through clothing and toiletries than things that might actually hold some sentimental value. She worked hard and by the time the room was complete, it looked quite bare. She’d stripped almost all the clothing out, most of it was wizards' wear which she doubted she’d be able to give to any of the boys, and there wasn’t much else in way of trinkets and knick-knacks. She did however snag a couple of nice blankets and pillows that she thought about taking back to school for the clubhouse. 
Once she was done she headed out into the living room with the boxes she had packed to find Sirius. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of a coffee table which was jam-packed with stuff he’d decided to keep. A half-full box sat beside him and he was holding a book in his hands. Daisy slid down beside him and put her head on his shoulder, peering down at the book he was leafing through. It was a photo album, mostly portraits of old stoic witches and wizards but as he went on it became more recent more relaxed photographs. 
‘Who are they?’ Daisy said pointing at a picture. There was a blonde-haired witch standing by a man with hair just as bright and straight as her own. She recognised one of them from somewhere. ‘My cousin Narcissa,’ he said ‘Do they go to school with us? I feel like I know them,’ she said.  ‘You’ll know him,’ Sirius said thumbing over the picture of the blonde man, ‘can’t help but get his ugly mug in the paper. A right-hand man to the minister it seems.’ ‘I take it he’s not quite the upstanding citizen he appears to be?’ Daisy said leaning up off him.  ‘I can’t fault him,’ Sirius shrugged, ‘but that’s because I haven’t spent any time with him on principle. In fact, this is from their engagement party which I refused to go to.’ ‘How do you know its from then?’ Daisy asked curiously.  ‘Because my mother couldn’t help but show me all the perfect cousins I have. Just had to boast about how wonderful it was that Cissy and Bella had found such extraordinary wizards.’  ‘Bella?’  ‘My other cousin,’ Sirius said curling his lip in disgust. He flipped through a couple of pages and showed a picture of them. It was a large group, all kids. Narcissa was there, hair pin-straight, standing looking at the camera with a pouted smile.
‘A maniac who’s more in love with what’s his face than my mother despite the fact she’s just got hitched,’ he said pointing to the witch standing beside Narcissa who was looking at her from the page with bedraggled black locks and an eerie self-satisfied smirk.  ‘Who’s the other girl?’ she asked. ‘Andromeda,’ Sirius said with a soft smile, ‘about the only one worth anything.’ ‘She’s not…’ Daisy started realising mid-sentence that she didn’t know how to phrase what she wanted to ask. ‘What stark raving loony?’ Sirius chuckled, ‘no. She got out. Well, not so much left as forced out.’ ‘Why?’ Daisy asked. ‘She married a muggleborn,’ Sirius said looking at her with sad eyes. Daisy felt a small pit form in her stomach, ‘oh.’ ‘Did she want to leave?’ Daisy asked quietly. ‘As much as I  did? I don’t think so. I don’t think she hated them but she wasn’t all gung ho on blood status and what have you. She was actually alright to hang out with…about the only one of them I could stand,’ he said quietly.  ‘Do you miss her?’ Daisy asked.  ‘A bit,’ he shrugged, ‘never really thought about her much. She’s got a sprog and her and Ted are happy. Guess I’d rather her be happy than inside the nuthouse with me.’ ‘Well you’re out now,’ Daisy said. Sirius nodded. Her gaze fell on Andromeda for a moment. She looked like a mix of her sisters. Except there was no smile on her face. Like Sirius, she wore a neutral expression. One that couldn’t be determined as feeling either way about being on parade in front of the camera. But as Daisy peered deeper she could see the look in their eyes. The pair of them. Trapped. Both in the picture and in the family. Luckily, one was forever the other not. Her eyes moved off Andromeda until she noticed her hand was on the shoulder of a boy. He had familiar grey eyes and wavy brown hair but he was too young to be Sirius.
‘Is that Regulus?’ she asked. Sirius nodded. He was by far the youngest in the picture. He was beaming a smile, his two front teeth missing, as he stood front and centre as if oblivious to the others behind him. Out of all of them, he seemed to be the only one showing his true feelings. Sadness struck Daisy. Not only that the four of them could be no more than thirteen in this picture but all of them seemed aware of the facade they were meant to be showing. Stoic and proper. But sad as she thought about pictures she had of her and her sisters. Her relationship with her sisters wasn’t perfect, she’d never claim that, but there wasn’t a photo of them together where they weren’t smiling. Another wave of sadness hit her as she looked at Regulus once more. That cheeky grin and the smiley young boy were something she had never seen before. Since he had come to Hogwarts he had always been a moody teenager. Reserved and cold. The opposite of his brother or perhaps Hogwarts was the only place Sirius didn’t have to wear that mask. She ached for them all. 
‘You okay Dais?’ Sirius said after a moment. He had been watching her quietly, watching as the sadness danced across her features. ‘Yeah,’ she said.  ‘You sure?’ he said raising an eyebrow. Daisy rolled her eyes. ‘It’s silly,’ she said.  ‘Try me,’ Sirius said closing the book and placing it on the coffee table.  ‘I just….don’t you miss them?’ she said. ‘What my cousins?’ he snorted, ‘hardly.’ ‘No that’s not what I mean,’ she said pulling away from him and moving to kneel beside him. Sirius leaned against the couch, turning to look at her. 
‘They’re your family Sirius,’ she said, ‘I mean surely somewhere you’ve gotta miss them. I mean…even on her worst day. Even when she’s driven me up the wall or I’ve made her face turn purple from winding Vermin up I would never give up Tuney. And looking at that book it's like you don't even care.’ ‘What you’re getting mad at me because I don’t love some muggle-born-hating scum?!’ he scoffed turning his head away from her. ‘No I just,’ she said biting her lip and placing her hand on his bicep, ‘that’s not what I meant…I just don't want you pretending you don't care because of what they're like. It’s okay you know…if you do…even a little bit.’ ‘Dais,’ he said turning to look at her, ‘I don’t miss them. Cissy and Bella are horrible people. And Andromeda? Like I said I’m happy she’s happy in her own world. Just because we’re family doesn’t mean I’d want to tear her away from that.’ ‘And Regulus?’ she said nervously. ‘If it was going to be anyone I’d miss him,’ Sirius said truthfully. His eyes closed for a moment before he peered back at her and continued, ‘he’s my little brother and sure I love him. But you gotta understand my life wasn’t like yours. Me and Regulus weren’t like you and Lily. Hell, we even make you and Tuney look like best friends.’ ‘Now that takes some doing,’ she giggled making Sirius smirk as he carried on, ‘the only feeling I have for him is that I failed. I tried so hard to steer him out of that narrative but it was no use…’ ‘You tried your best,’ she said.  ‘Yeah but I could’ve done more. The truth is I gave up on him…because I’d found my own family. When you talk about missing them? It doesn’t resonate. I don’t miss them like you’d miss Lily or Petunia. But if it were James? Rem? Pete? I’d miss them like that…they’re my brothers, Dais.’ 
Daisy nodded. Sirius dropped his gaze for a moment, fiddling with his fingers before he placed a hand on her knee and looked up at her with a sheepish smile, ‘and you Dais. You’re my family.’ ‘You’re mine too,’ she said leaning in so their heads were touching.  ‘I mean it y’know,’ he whispered, closing his eyes.  ‘I know,’ she said quietly. Sirius shook his head and pulled back, Daisy watched him carefully. ‘I’m not just saying it…’ he said with a little sigh, ‘I know we love each other and everything…and I know we’ve got the boys and Lil and whatever. I know that we’re part of a family. But for me…you’re it. You’re my family. Wherever you go whatever you want I’m right there behind you…you’re my home.’ ‘Sirius,’ Daisy said in barely more than a whisper as tears glinted off her lower lid. Her heart was swelling with happiness. She loved Sirius. With all of her heart and she knew he loved her too but this felt like something else. Something more. She felt something burning deep within her forcing an idea to the surface. ‘You don’t have to say it back,’ he chuckled shakily, ‘I won’t break if you don’t profess your undying love for me.’
Daisy didn’t let him finish. Instead, she fell towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in for a heartfelt tender kiss. Sirius kissed her back, pulling her onto his lap for a moment as they made out before the pair of them pulled back breathlessly. 
‘I guess that’s your answer,’ he said with a small chuckle as they parted.  ‘Yeah,’ she chuckled, moving a strand of hair out of his eyes, ‘and I feel the same too.’ ‘Good to know,’ he said, his fingers idly dancing against her hips as he watched her.  ‘And that being said there’s something I want and I hope you want it too,’ she said.  ‘Anything,’ Sirius said. ‘Good,’ Daisy said, ‘because I’m ready.’ ‘Ready?’ Sirius asked watching as she stared at him pointedly, ‘oh ready.’ ‘Yeah, that’s okay, right? I mean I know I said I wanted to wait and stuff but what you said made me realise. I want everything with you. The whole of our lives. What am I waiting for?’ she said. ‘If you’re sure,’ Sirius said. Daisy nodded. ‘Yeah,’ she said kissing him quickly. And again. And again, ‘in fact, I do believe we have a whole flat to ourselves right now.’ ‘What now?’ Sirius said. ‘Like I said why wait?’ she giggled as she peppered kisses along his jaw before pulling back a little, ‘unless your uncle like died in that bed then definitely not.’ ‘I think we’re good,’ Sirius chuckled capturing her lips once more. 
This kiss was slower than the last but just as loving. Sirius’ hands held onto her hips, his thumbs tracing gently against her skin. Daisy’s hands knotted in his hair enjoying herself as they made out for god knows how long. She could feel that spark from before inside her bubbling away gently. She couldn’t believe how scared she’d been of this. Eventually, she pulled away. Sirius watched her his eyes the darkest grey ever seen. 
‘You alright?’ he asked. Daisy nodded and pulled back, hoisting herself up until she was standing and offering a hand for him which he took quickly following her movements. She didn’t say anything, instead, she led him through the living room to the bedroom. Once they were standing beside the bed she moved back into him, her hands around her neck as she kissed him. Then she pulled back. Sirius watched in awe as she pulled her shirt off over her head, marvelling at every inch of her. Daisy dropped her gaze, a little embarrassed before she unbuttoned her jeans and kicked them aside pushing herself back onto the bed. Sirius was following her movements in a shot. He flung his t-shirt off and dropped his trousers faster than he ever had before climbing onto the bed until he was hovering over her. 
‘Sirius?’ she said quietly. ‘Yeah?’ ‘Kiss me,’ she said. It wasn’t a question. It was an order. And it was one Sirius couldn't ignore. It was hard to ignore the switch that had been flicked on between the living room and the bed. Everything seemed to be much faster now. Not with speed but with want. Sirius’ lips coveted every inch of her neck and chest. Daisy could feel herself becoming slicker by the second. Especially as she could now feel him, hard against her thigh. As Sirius unclasped her bra and pulled it off replacing where the fabric had covered with his mouth Daisy reached her hand down and palm him through the thin fabric of his boxers.
‘Dais,’ he groaned as she did making a tingle run through her.  ‘Is that okay?’ she asked as he pulled up to look at her. ‘Very,’ he said capturing her lips as she carried on. The more responsive he was the braver she got until she was pushing his boxer shorts down. Sirius moved back so he could remove them and Daisy moved to do the same with hers. He was back in a flash, kissing her neck, as her hand clasped around him. She teased her thumb across his head, smirking as his breath hitched, allowing the stickiness to coat her hand before she moved it. His hand was cupping her breast gently, his thumb running across her hardened nipple every so often causing that heat in between her legs to get all the stronger. 
She moved her hand slowly, building up a steady rhythm as they kissed. Sirius was enjoying the way her dainty hand wrapped around him but as nice as it felt he was acutely aware they were on uneven footing. He wanted to even the playing field so against every urge he was having he pulled back. Daisy looked at him confused.
‘Did I do something wrong?’ she asked. Sirius shook his head. ‘No but I wanna do something,’ he said pulling back and kissing down her body until he was between her thighs.  ‘Pads,’ she moaned as he teased a finger through her folds. ‘You alright?’ he said chuckling as she nodded. He kissed along her thighs until finally, he licked hesitantly. He was nervous. For all his bravado and talk he’d never actually gotten this far with a girl. He’d had it done to him and he knew what he was doing with his hands but he’d never gone to this. He’d never had the interest, why bother if the girl was up for getting him off? 
But as he tenderly lapped at her, watching as she squirmed underneath his touch he realised he’d been missing out. It was like nothing he’d ever tasted before but he couldn’t get enough. Daisy was breathing heavier, making little moans every time his tongue hit a new sensitive spot, making him hard as a rock. He rocked his hips against the bed, his cock leaking onto the bed sheets as she writhed underneath him. As his confidence grew he introduced a finger, knowing that at the moment she’d never be able to take him. He worked in rhythm, his tongue spelling words out on her clit as he pumped two fingers gently in and out of her tight pussy.  She was coming undone, her hands knotting in his hair as she moved in rhythm with him. Then he changed tact, sucking on her sensitive bud for just a second.
‘Pads, do that again,’ Daisy whimpered. She had never felt this good before. She’d enjoyed everything they’d done up to now and she’d touched herself in the past but this. This was otherworldly. As Sirius obliged with her instruction and combined it with his fingers curving up against her she felt a wave crash over her. Her legs trembled around him, toes curling into the mattress as white-hot pleasure ran through her core and out to her extremities as if finding a way out of her body. She was panting heavily now, whimpering as she became tender against his touch, so much so she had to tap him on the shoulder making him pull back. He moved back towards her until they were laying on their sides facing one another
‘Did that feel good?’ he said with a small smile. Daisy nodded still unable to string a sentence together, ‘am I gonna get words or?’ ‘Shut up,’ she giggled pulling him in to kiss her. Her hand slipped between them both, coming back to where she had left off, except now he didn’t want that. He wanted her.  ‘Dais,’ he mumbled, reaching down to stop her. ‘Do you not want me to-’ she said nervously though she stopped as he shook his head. ‘I want you,’ he said, ‘if you’re ready.’
Daisy nodded and pulled him into kiss her as he rolled her onto her back. They stopped for a moment, as Sirius pulled back and lined himself up with her entrance, pumping himself a couple of times. ‘You’re sure?’ he asked. Daisy nodded watching as he eased in gently.  ‘Just go slow,’ she said feeling a slight sting as he did. Sirius nodded and tried to ignore the blissful way she enveloped him. He didn’t want to hurt her. Instead, he inched in slowly though he stopped as he heard her hiss. ‘Dais,’ he said but she shook her head. ‘I’m fine,’ she said. ‘I can stop,’ he said, he would if he had to but he longed that she didn't ask him to.  ‘It’s fine,’ she said, ‘just kiss me.’
Sirius nodded and leaned back towards her kissing her deeply. When he finally bottomed out he didn’t move. He couldn’t believe how incredible she felt around him or how unfair it was that she wasn’t feeling as blissfully happy as he was. ‘Are you sure you want to carry on?’ he asked, her eyes were closed but he could see the glisten of tears underneath her lashes, ‘Dais you’re crying.’ ‘I’m not,’ she sniffled. She wanted this. She wanted him. She just didn’t expect it to hurt so damn much. Even with the warm-up act, he was just so big. ‘You are,’ Sirius said, ‘that’s it I’m stopping.’ ‘No!’ Daisy said opening her eyes and throwing him a weak smile, ‘no it’s fine just go slow okay? I’m sure it’ll get good again.’ ‘Right,’ he said moving his hips just a tad. Daisy took a shaky breath. They watched one another, analysing every flicker of emotion that came across their faces. Sirius couldn’t believe how good it felt and he couldn’t stop himself from moaning softly. That made Daisy smile. It was feeling better now, not like before, but enough that it didn’t hurt.
‘Feels better now,’ she said stroking his cheek softly as if encouraging him. He moved a bit quicker now, that familiar feeling in his lower belly rearing its head. Though it wasn’t complete bliss for her Daisy was enjoying herself. Watching Sirius chase his high was enough. The way his eyes closed when stroked his cheek. Or the way his head hung as he uttered a little moan. 
‘Dais, I’m not gonna last much longer,’ he panted looking at her. His grey eyes were almost black with lust. ‘Okay,’ she nodded.  ‘Need to pull out,’ he said though he longed not to. He knew that was too risky though. Daisy’s eyes went a little wide as she realised what he was talking about but then she nodded. As his hips started to falter he pulled back. Just as he pulled out he came, coating her as he fell against her. She ignored the stickiness on her inner thigh as she allowed him to tuck his head into the crook of her neck, running her fingers through his hair as his breathing returned to normal. As he pulled back she swore she saw the hint of a blush on his cheeks as he looked at the mess he’d made. 
‘Sorry,’ he said bashfully. ‘It’s okay,’ she said, ‘quick thinking to be honest.’ ‘Yeah, I suppose it’s better than risking it,’ he said pulling back onto his knees, ‘one minute.’
He shuffled off the bed and headed to the bathroom. He brought back some loo roll and cleaned them up before grabbing his boxers and putting them on. 
‘Pass us your shirt,’ she said. He bent down and handed it to her. She slipped it on over her head and as she pulled her hair out of the collar she found him standing by the bed something lacy in hand. ‘Your knickers,’ he smirked. ‘Such a gentleman,’ she said yanking them off of him and shimming them on as he climbed into bed beside her. Daisy came to cuddle into his side, her head on his chest. They stayed quiet for a moment. Sirius’ arm was wrapped around her his thumb stroking her arm as she traced shapes on his chest. He glanced at her but her eyes were closed a slight smile on her face
‘Dais,’ he said making her eyelids flutter open, ‘you okay?’ ‘Yeah,’ she said with a small smile as she leaned up to look at him. ‘You sure? Everything was alright?’ he asked. ‘Yes Sirius,’ she said rolling her eyes, ‘it was better than I could have hoped for.’ ‘Babe you had tears in your eyes,’ he said nervously though she waved him off. ‘I know, I know but that wasn’t important. It’s not like you meant to hurt me or anything you were just bigger than I thought,’ she said blushing as Sirius's face broke into a smug smile, ‘oh shut up.’ ‘No, no, continue,’ he chuckled, ‘where were you up to? Biggest and best you’ve ever had right?’ ‘I don’t think it counts when it’s the only one,’ she giggled. ‘Harsh Dais,’ he said, holding his hand on top of his over his heart. ‘Anyway,’ she said rolling her eyes, ‘I mean it. I’m happy this happened.’ ‘Me too,’ he said. ‘I think it was better this way,’ she said earnestly, ‘Lily freaked out before, during and after. At least this way we weren’t all in our heads about it.’ ‘Yeah, I get that,’ he said, ‘Lil alright?’ ‘Yeah,’ she said, ‘I think she just got her expectations up.’ ‘So I’m the best and biggest and a better shag than James Potter? This day is getting better by the second’ Sirius chuckled. ‘I didn’t mean it like that!’ Daisy said smacking him on the chest making him laugh even harder, ‘Sirius don’t you dare tell him that! I swear to god.’ ‘Or what?’  ‘Or we’ll not be doing this again any time soon,’ she said with a smirk which grew wider as Sirius’ face turned into a scowl. ‘Oh that’s harsh Evans, cruel really,’ he said.  ‘Well at least I know I’ve got that in my arsenal now,’ she giggled. Sirius’ eyes narrowed and then he was on top of her, flipping her onto her back as his fingers terrorised her sides making her laugh.
‘Sirius stop!’ she giggled as he carried on tickling, ‘pack it in!’ ‘Take it back,’ he smirked. ‘Sirius!’ ‘Dais,’ he challenged as she laughed, her breathing getting harder and harder by the second until she panted, ‘fine! Now gerroff!’ Sirius stopped and pulled back onto his knees watching as she pushed her hair off her face and sat up opposite him scowling as he smirked at her.  ‘You’re a right git you know that,’ she said trying to hide a smile. ‘A loveable one though,’ he said.  ‘Maybe,’ she said as he leaned down and kissed her. ‘Come on then,’ he said climbing off the bed as they broke apart, ‘Minnie will be out looking for us if we’re not careful.’ ‘We’re lucky she didn’t come looking for us ten minutes ago,’ Daisy giggled as she slinked off the bed and shrugged Sirius’ top off so she could change.  ‘Poor girl would’ve never recovered,’ he smirked. 
Once they were back suitably dressed and everything they wanted to get rid of was stacked neatly in its boxes they crammed the stuff they wanted into a remaining box.  ‘Ready?’ Sirius said as Daisy took a spot beside him in the fireplace. ‘Yep,’ she said juggling the box into her other arm so she could slip her hand into his. Sirius dropped the floo powder into the grate and they were off, whizzing through the network until the familiar backdrop of McGonagall’s office came into view. 
Though as they stepped out they realised that she wasn’t there. They shared a confused look figuring she’d be waiting for them as she had been last time, eager for every drop of information she could get, but he was nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, they headed out of her office and  made their way back to Gryffindor tower. However, Daisy couldn’t help but notice the corridors were less crowded than usual on any given weekend. 
‘Where is everyone?’ she said ‘I was thinking that,’ Sirius said, ‘it’s not a Hogsmede weekend is it?’  ‘No,’ Daisy said as they climbed the stairs.  ‘Probably too cold to be out. I’m a bit nippy even with my jacket on,’ Sirius said. ‘Maybe,’ Daisy said though her tone was still unsure. They were coming up on the portrait hole now and Daisy noted that they hadn’t seen anyone since McGonagall’s office causing worry to form in her stomach. ‘Mimbulus Mimbletonia,’ Sirius said causing the Fat Lady to swing open. 
Sirius allowed Daisy to climb through first and she was no sooner through the hole before Lily was on her, throwing her arms around her sister, her red hair burying Daisy’s face. As she pulled back Daisy saw her sister’s face and the pit of worry grew to a chasm. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot and her nose was red from sniffling. She noted James beside her, his hand on Lily’s arm as he tried to pull her back. 
‘What’s going on?’ Sirius asked. He had taken in the scene quicker than her, not having his vision blurred by Lily’s mane of red hair. As she looked around the common room he could tell something had happened. It was full of students all huddled in different groups though all of them had the same sombre faces as Lily. 
‘There’s been an attack,’ James said, ‘in London.’ ‘What kind of attack?’ Daisy said. ‘Death Eaters,’ Remus said appearing at Lily’s side, his hand sympathetically on her shoulder. ‘They’ve killed three muggles in broad daylight,’ Lily sniffled, ‘and a witch, muggle-born and young they said on the radio. I’ve been worried sick.’ ‘Oh Lil,’ Daisy said handing the box to Remus who took it form her graciously so she could hug her sister once more. ‘We said it wasn’t you,’ James said earning a scowl from Lily, ‘but they didn’t name her so.’  ‘I’m fine Lil,’ Daisy said pulling back.  ‘Yeah and anyway I can’t believe you’d think I’d even let them scum get a chance at hurting her,’ Sirius said putting his arm around them both. Daisy smiled at him sympathetically her heart swelling as she watched him trying to comfort her sister.  ‘I know it’s silly,’ Lily said, ‘I just panicked.’ ‘Well, we’re fine. I’m fine,’ she said as Sirius moved away to where the boys, Marlene, Alice and Frank were sitting ‘Right, right, yeah,’ Lily said wrapping her arm around her sister’s waist so they could sit down. James patted the seat beside him and Lily sat down though she didn’t lean into him as she normally would, instead she stayed stuck like glue to Daisy. 
‘What else have they said?’ Sirius asked, he was perched on the arm of the couch beside them. ‘Not much,’ Frank said, ‘only that they can’t confirm it’s a specific group of individuals.’ ‘That’s bollocks,’ Sirius said. ‘They were wearing masks,’ Alice said, ‘so they couldn’t be identified.’ ‘But it has to be them,’ Marlene said. ‘How do you know?’ Daisy asked. ‘Because they’ve got a new signature,’ James grumbled, ‘that stupid tattoo they have is burned into the sky right above it.’ ‘They’re getting braver,’ Frank said. ‘Sirius was right,’ Remus said solemnly, ‘there’s a war coming.’
The group fell quiet for a moment after that. Thoughts spun around in Daisy’s brain like a washing machine on a spin cycle. She couldn’t take it all in. In the space of ten minutes, she’d gone from absolute happiness to utter terror. She couldn’t get a grip on it. She wanted to cry. Or scream. Or run back to that flat with Sirius and stay in there forever. 
But she couldn’t. And she couldn’t go anywhere with him at the moment because her sister’s hand was still interlaced with hers, white knuckles peeking out from the end of her jumper. Lily noticed her looking and smiled at her, the weakest smile she’d ever received. Daisy smiled back, trying to be strong for her twin, but as Lily turned away she placed her other hand on Sirius’ thigh and heaved a sigh of relief when he placed his own over hers, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. She could be Lily’s strength. As long as he was hers. 
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padfootagain · 1 year
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Masterlist - Requests are still open! - The Tag list is open again!
Hi! Here is my posting schedule for the coming two weeks! I'm going to keep the current pace for posting my fics, which means a new fic every two days!
We're finishing up my Caspian series The King and You, and it makes me a little emotional... but I have lots of new projects that I'm very excited about too! I'm also going to start posting my first series for Wolfstar! I'm very excited about this one, it's gonna be very cute!
After the cut, there is a more detailed list of my projects and things I'm currently working on, so if you're curious, you can check that out :)
I'm also opening my tag list again, so if you want to be tagged in some (or all) of my fics, you can send me a little message and I will add you to the tag list!
03/05/2023 - Chapter 2 for Because We Are Made of Dreams : Sirius Black x Original Female Character + Jily, rewriting of my first fic ever (because my English was terrible then and I wasn't very good at telling stories...), Slow Burn, Mature (graphic depiction of violence, mention of child abuse, graphic depiction of torture, mature themes)
05/05/2023 - Chapter 18 for The King and You : Caspian x Reader, fluff, angst, on-going series
07/05/2023 - The Cockroach : Sirius Black x Reader, fluffy fluff, professor AU + angry love confession trope, one-shot, requested for my Comeback Event
09/05/2023 - Chapter 6 for Something Good : Ben Barnes x Reader, Professor AU!, angst, fluff, slow-burn, enemies to lovers, on-going series
11/05/2023- Chapter 1 for The Isle of Dogs : Wolfstar, fluff, angst, slow-burn, modern AU, bookshop owner x tattoo artist AU, new series
13/05/2023 - For Your Family: Sirius Black x Reader, fluff, Soumates + Arranged Marriage AU, one-shot, requested for my Comeback Event
15/05/2023 - Chapter 19 for The King and You : Caspian x Reader, fluff, angst, on-going series, final chapter.
Here are a few projects I'm working on!!
We still have three fics to be posted for the Comeback Event (all of them are for Sirius, I don't know why I kept them for the end... sorry?), including the two requests I've included in this schedule.
The King and You is ending!! Concerning our dear king, I have 4 projects I'm currently working on about him!!! (all are series, this includes Pirates! that I started a long time ago and am picking up again, plus three new series I am going to start writing in the coming weeks, but they need a little bit more time in the brewing-cauldron (aka my brain)...)
I am obviously continuing Something Good (my on-going Ben Barnes x reader series)
I'm going to continue the rewriting of my first fic Because We Are Made of Dreams... even if you don't seem very interested in it. It's okay, I still enjoy doing it, so I'll keep going.
I'm going to start posting a new series for Wolfstar! It's going to be a Modern AU, with a bookshop x tattoo artist AU... it's very cute! I have about 16k words ready (although they are scattered scenes throughout the whole series, so I only have the first chapter ready, in reality). I'm very excited about it, I've read so much Wolfstar along the years, I don't know why I haven't written anything for these idiots yet... but here I go!
To all these personal projects, I have no less than 18 requests that were sent my way these past few weeks (thank you for your requests again!!). And they are all for Ben Barnes so... I hear you, people, I hear you, I'll write these and give you an awful lot of Ben fluff! However, as you can imagine, with 18 requests, I have a lot of work to do, so please, be patient. I'll eventually get through all of them, but it will take me several weeks to write all these!
So... lots of things to write!! I hope you'll enjoy these fics I'm working on!
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The Eighth Step
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The Place Cachée was bustling but not overcrowded as you slipped through the magical bronze statue. You and Tonks waited outside the Baguettes Magiques de Cosme Acajor while Sirius took Harry shopping for a new wardrobe and in a show of support, Andromeda had followed Bellatrix into the wand shop.
“(NAME)! TONKS!” A familiar voice had you both turning around to see Barnaby.
“Finally left those old stooges in Britain?” He questioned after launching himself at both of you so that he could engulf you in hugs.
“Here on holiday actually.” Sirius answered smoothly as he and Harry returned.
“This is Barnaby Lee.” You then introduced Harry and Sirius to Barnaby, “He and I were at Hogwarts together with Tonks.”
“She and Barnaby dated in their seventh year,” Tonks revealed.
Barnaby smiled “Yeah, but we were better as friends.”
You returned the smile, “Besides you would always melt whenever Penny just happened to look at you.”
“Penny! Beatrice! How are you both?”
“This is my wife, Penny Lee and her sister Beatrice Haywood.”
Harry noticed that Beatrice was looking at (Name) the same way that Hermione told him that Ginny would look at him. She’d had called it “hero worship”.”
Shortly after, Andromeda and Bellatrix exited the wand store and the group bid goodbye to Barnaby, Penny and Beatrice.
When Harry walked into the kitchen later that night, he heard three voices.
“You mean to tell me that these Cursed Vaults were in Hogwarts that whole time and Dumbledore left the elimination of them to teenagers?”
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Perfect Little Family - Remus Lupin X Female Reader
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Title: Perfect Little Family
Remus Lupin X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Harry, Hermione (Mentioned), Ron (Mentioned), Hagrid, Albus, McGonagall, Sirius, Peter (Mentioned), James, Lily (Mentioned), Draco, and Lucious (Mentioned)
WC: 3,346
Warnings: Mention of the war, mention of bullying, mention of death, Harry being orphaned, change in the Harry Potter story, very very long
Holding little baby Harry in your arms, you held him close to your chest as you stood in a room with Albus, Minerva, and Rubeus. They were trying to figure out what to do with Harry; where to drop him off and live his life. Albus was wanting to leave Harry with his aunt and uncle, Lily's sister. But, you have heard about them from Rubeus. They sounded like despicable people. You didn't want to leave Harry with them. Not one bit. It made you feel sick to the stomach that they may be raising him.
The poor baby had lost his parents and you didn't want him to live with his terrible aunt and uncle. You were closer to James and Lily than her sister was. If you could, you would watch over baby Harry and raise him as your own.
"Minerva watched them, Albus. You know how selfish and terrible they are." You told them. "I don't think I can trust them. What will happen to him?" You asked them all.
"I feel the same way, Y/N." Minerva agreed, turning to you.
Albus fiddled with his beard, thinking, he looked to baby Harry, who slightly fussed in your arms, before seemingly falling asleep.
You knew exactly what he wanted to say. He was going to tell you to take Harry. To raise him as your own, and not let anyone else touch him.
At least that was what you had hoped he would say.
"Please, Albus. I can take care of him. I'll take ten years off and you don't have to pay me, I have enough saved up from my parents until then. We all know Harry is going to go to Hogwarts eventually. Once he goes, I'll come back and resume my teaching." You offered and the room went silent.
Rubeus nodded, a smile on his face. "I like Y/N's idea."
Albus frowned, looking at all three of you. He was torn between leaving Harry with them for the sake of being with his mother's sister or watching him grow up with you.
What did Harry want? Was it safe to give him away? Would you ever see him again? You had so many questions, but no answers.
Albus stood up, coming over to you. He looked to Harry in your arms, softly sleeping. He knew you cared for him as a mother would. He knew you wanted to be a mother, but you never had the time. Now was your chance.
"How does this sound?" Albus asked, placing his hand on top of yours. "Harry will stay with you. If you'll have him."
"It sounds perfect, Albus." You whispered softly.
He smiled, "Then it's decided. Harry will stay with Ms. L/N until he is of age to make his own decisions."
"Thank you, Albus." You spoke, tears in your eyes as you cradles Harry in your arms, brushing his unruly black locks.
Harry wouldn't stop crying. And you didn't know why. He didn't go to the bathroom, he ate moments before, and he had his nap before that. Bouncing him in your arms, you tried to calm him down but nothing seemed to work. Pacing the room, you tried to think about what Harry could possibly need.
"Harry, baby, please stop crying." You pleaded with him. "Auntie's here." You mumbled, rubbing Harry's back.
Even you were about to start crying from frustration and exhaustion until there was a knock at the door. You turned to the door, confused. You weren't expecting anyone. Hastily walking over you peeked through the peephole, smiling with relief when you saw who was on the other side.
Opening the door, you smiled at the man before you.
"Thank Godric, you're here, Remus." You sighed, leaning against the wall. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with him. He won't calm down. He keeps screaming."
Remus took Harry from your arms, holding the baby boy in his arms, and quietly soothing him, Harry's cries turned into simple whimpers until he stopped completely.
"How did you do that?" You asked in surprise and awe.
"He's probably just cranky," Remus said. "I'm sure you've been doing everything you can, but children are very sensitive. It's hard to figure out their needs sometimes."
You nodded, happy that Harry was okay now.
"Why'd you come over, Remus." You asked, shutting the door.
"Not like I don't want you here or anything, I'm just curious." You rambled, your face blushing from embarrassment.
"I wanted to see how you two were doing." Remus said with a chuckle. "I guess you're alright then."
"We are, thank you." You smiled at him.
Then you both fell into an awkward silence. You had known Remus for a long time. Ever since the first year of your time in Hogwarts. Later you became friends with James, Peter, Sirius, and Lily, and the rest was history. Throughout your time at Hogwarts, you had grown close to Remus. You two would study together, and sit beside each other during meals. Really, anywhere you were together, you sat or stood next to each other. You understood each other. You were both nerdy; loved to read. You even knew about his furry problem.
It wasn't until the third year that you realized you had a huge crush on Remus. You tried to hide it. You would try to act cool around him, but it got harder and harder to keep up the charade.
"So, Remus, do you want to stay for dinner?" You asked finally breaking the silence.
"Sure, I'd love to." Remus answered happily. "I haven't eaten yet today."
You smiled, going to the kitchen, Remus followed and watched as you began to make dinner.
Remus watched as you moved around the room, opening cupboards and grabbing the necessary items you needed. He would admit, that his crush on you had grown to love after all the years he had known you. He found himself staring at you often, wondering what it would be like to kiss you. Or have you in his arms.
"So," Remus said, trying to fill the silence, "What have you been up to lately?"
"Oh, well, I've been working quite a bit." You told him. "Albus sends me some paperwork, but other than that I just take care of Harry."
Remus laughed, "I bet he's keeping you busy."
"More than you could imagine." You giggled. "But I wouldn't change it for the world."
"Well, I'm glad you're happy. He seems happy too." Remus spoke, looking down at Harry who was distracted poking and prodding Remus's face.
Remus would like nothing more than to stay with you and Harry. But, he didn't want to be a burden, especially with his furry problem. But, the thought of you always beside him again, just like the old times, taking care of Harry together; watching as he grew up. Like a little family. That was all he wanted.
"So, how is life?" You asked, getting your hands dirty while making your pasta dish. "Anything new or exciting?"
"Same ole, same ole." Remus shrugged. "Just working when I can, ya know?"
"Sounds boring." You chuckled. "I haven't heard much from you either." You mumbled and Remus frowned.
"Sorry, I mean, I'm sorry I don't talk to you as much anymore." Remus apologized. "I'm not sure if we're friends anymore, but I still think of you."
Your cheeks flushed and you ducked your head. "Of course, we're still friends, Remus. There is no way we wouldn't be."
"I miss us," Remus confessed. "There was a time when you were the only person I talked to about things. Nowadays, I'm not really close with anyone."
Drying your hands on a dishrag, you walked over to Remus, the frown on your face matched his.
"I know we have both been through a lot. Even little Harry here." You spoke, smiling softly down at Harry who cooed at you.
"We've lost a lot of people dear to us," Remus said sadly. He looked down at Harry. "I wish we could go back to how it used to be. Before Lily and James died. When we were happy. I remember when we were all best friends."
Stepping closer, you wrapped an arm around Remus and Harry, your other hand petting Harry's messy hair. "We are all still best friends. Death can't stop that."
Remus smiled, you were right. He didn't want to lose that feeling of friendship. The one that the Marauders once had. And he didn't want to lose you, that was for sure. You were the glue that tied him together. You were the one who kept him sane.
"I want to get better," Remus confessed. "I want to move on and get better. For Harry's sake."
You kissed Remus's cheek, his cheeks flushing pink, "I believe you can. You have a good heart, Remus."
Remus nodded, closing his eyes, "You don't know how much that means to me, Y/N."
"Let's eat." You suggested, kissing Remus's cheek again.
"Alright." Remus agreed, sitting down at the table.
"Sirus, where is Remus?" You asked, but you didn't get an answer.
"He's sleeping," James spoke with a yawn, pointing to Sirius on the couch, his mouth open as well as his eyes.
"He sleeps with his eyes open?" You asked, looking at the playboy with raised brows before turning to the Seeker.
"Yep, I know, he's weird," James muttered, rubbing his eyelids tiredly.
Last night was a full moon, and the boys went out in their forms to make sure Remus didn't do anything too rash.
Crossing your arms, you frowned. "Is he still with Mrs. Promfrey?"
James nodded and before he could say anything more, you left the Gryffindor common room and went straight to the hospital wing.
Saying a quick hello to Mrs. Pomfrey, you quickly made your way to the furthest bed in the room. There, Remus lay, eyes closed, softly breathing. His chest rose and fell with each breath.
"Remus?" You called softly, sitting down on the bed, taking his hand in yours.
Opening his eyes, Remus gave you a tired smile. "Hi..."
You gave him a smile, eyes slightly watering. "Hey, you. How are you feeling?"
"I'm tired," Remus admitted. "I feel like a Mandrake knocked me out."
"I understand how you feel." You laughed gently. "Since that happened to me in our fourth year."
Remus chuckled lightly, his chest hurting as he did so. "I remember. I got so angry when James and Sirius did that prank on you. Real gits, they are."
"They are," You laughed. "But, Remus, are you alright?"
Remus smiled sadly, "You asked me that last time."
You nodded, frowning, looking down at his bandaged hand in yours.
"Yeah, I know. But I can't help it. I'm always worried about you."
Remus sighed, his voice soft as he continued, "I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you that I am fine, Y/N, but I can't."
Your heart broke for him as you brought Remus's hand to your mouth, pressing gentle kisses to his new scars. "It's okay, Remus. Please don't apologize. It's not your fault."
"It is though," Remus tried to argue, but you wouldn't have it.
"No, it isn't," You shook your head. "You should be proud of yourself for pulling through after all this time."
Remus sighed, resting back against the pillows, his eyes closing again. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it," You told him. "Do you want some chocolate?"
Opening his eyes quickly, Remus slowly sat up, nodding. "Yes, please."
You smiled at him, reached into your pocket, and pulled out a chocolate bar. Bringing it to his lips, you helped him eat it, one bite at a time.
"You know..." Remus began, munching on a piece of the chocolate bar. "I can feed myself."
You shook your head, gesturing to his bandaged hands. "I don't want you to hurt your hands more."
Remus chuckled, before wincing in slight pain. He took your right hand in his own, lifting it to his lips and kissing your palm. "You're so sweet, Y/N."
You blushed heavily, Taking his hand and pressing a kiss to his own palm. "Well, I try."
Remus gave you another soft smile, his blue eyes glimmering. "I know you do."
You smirked, "If you weren't bedridden I would hit you right now."
Remus laughed quietly. "That sounds fun." He spoke teasingly.
"It does," You agreed, leaning down and kissing his cheek. "Now, go to sleep, Remus. Get some rest because tomorrow is a school day, and I... We want you to get better."
Remus nodded, and you watched as he laid back down, his eyes closing immediately.
"Goodnight, Remus," You whispered.
"Night, Y/N."
"Bye, Aunt Y/N. Bye, Remus." Harry spoke, hugging the two of you.
You held onto Harry, ruffling his hair before kissing his cheek goodbye. Remus wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you waved Harry off. Tears falling down your cheeks.
"You know you'll see him tomorrow, right. You'll be his teacher." Remus teased and you nodded, wiping your face with your hand.
"I know, but he's just grown up so fast." You sighed. "I'm going to miss him."
Remus nodded, a sad expression on his face. "He'll be okay."
It had been ten years, and Harry got his letter from Hogwarts. He was starting school and you knew he was going to make friends. He was a special boy, even without his scar.
"I'm going to miss him too," Remus said, pulling you closer as the train began to pull out of the station. "Maybe I should visit you more often, so you're not lonely."
Harry waved to the two of you, and you both waved back, smiles on your faces. "Maybe you don't have to visit." You began.
Looking up at the man, you blushed. "You could just move in." You whispered. "Harry and I would love it."
He smiled, "I was thinking the same thing."
"Perfect. I'll be working only part-time, so I'll be with Harry at school half the week and come home to you the rest of the week. And Harry comes home for the breaks."
Remus grinned, "Sounds like a plan."
"The best plan." You added, kissing Remus's cheek.
Taking his hand, you turned to the brick wall, but Remus wasn't following. Confused, you turned around.
He said nothing, a small shy smile on his face. He pulled you in, your hands landing on his chest. Remus looked down at your lips and back up, silently asking permission. You nodded, stepping impossibly closer.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
You nodded, "Yes."
Remus leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. Your eyes closed as your mind went blank. He deepened the kiss, pressing his body flush against yours, wrapping his arms around your waist. You slid your hands up and across his shoulders, raking your hands through his hair at the nape of his neck. Breaking away from the kiss, you both stared into each other's eyes.
"I've been wanting to do that since our second year," Remus muttered, reaching up to gently place his hand on your cheek.
"Since our third year for me." You muttered softly, still in awe from his kiss.
Remus chuckled softly, "I'm sorry for the wait."
You gently shook your head, taking Remus's hand on your cheek into your hands. Kissing the small scars on his hand as you used to in school.
"Worth the wait."
Harry walked into his next class, excited to his aunt. He was really happy to have her class. Especailly with his friends, Ron and Herminone.
"Welcome to Ancient Studies. We're going to start off by learning about some simple ancient spells." You spoke, smiling once your eyes landed on Harry.
It took a bit to convince Albus to let Harry be in your class, but you were happy that you finally convinced the old man, letting Harry join in his third year.
It had been a very stressful beginning of the school year. Sirius had escaped Askaban. Rumors of him wanting to kill Harry were brewing. You knew Sirius, he wouldn't kill Harry. Remus, though, thought otherwise. On top of that, Remus was joining Hogwarts to teach DADA, which made you happy. You hated not being able to see him as much.
"Harry, why don't you answer the first question on the board?"
Harry looked to the board seeing, "What spell would conjure a Patronus?"
"Expecto Patronum." He answered and the blonde boy a few seats away from him, scoffed.
"Shouldn't we be learning about ancient spells. We learned that in Charms." He spoke rolling his eyes.
You just smirked back, crossing your arms. "Well, Expecto Patronum has been used since the seventeen hundreds by magic users, which makes it an ancient spell... Mr. Malfoy."
Draco just scoffed.
"Why don't you answer the second question, Malfoy? If you wouldn't be so kind."
The boy stumbled, before answering correctly.
You heard of the Malfoy boy, hearing he bullied Harry. You went to school with his father, Lucius, who had bullied you during most of your time at Hogwarts, until Sirius and James stood up for you. You didn't know the boy personally, but you had this sense that he wasn't like his father.
"Expecto Patronum!"
A bright silver wolf came out of no where, making Draco jump.
The class laughed, but you pointed to a kid in the back, "Jacobson."
The young boy froze, gulping.
"Good work on your pronounaction, but please refrain from using the spell in class, thank you."
Soon it was time for lunch, the kids all scurried out of the classroom.
"Harry, honey, stay after for a moment, won't you?" You called out to him.
Harry turned to his friends and back to you, heading over to your desk.
"I'll make this quick, I don't want you to miss too much lunch. But, I have something for you." You spoke, opening the drawer of your desk and pulling out a picture frame. You took a moment to gaze at the photo, smiling fondly. Handing it to Harry, he flipped the frame around, freezing.
It was a picture of his mother and father, Lily and James. They were together in front of a fountain, smiling at the camera. James turned to smile at Lily, her turning to nudge him, laughing. They were adorable.
"My parents." Harry mumbled and you nodded.
"Mm-hmm. I wanted you to have this, because... Well, I've been thinking. I have so many pictures at home, so you should have your own. If you want more of them let me know, you deserve them."
Harry smiled and tears formed in his eyes. "Thank you, Aunt Y/N."
"Anytime, sweetheart." You kissed his cheek and he hugged you tightly.
You left him to go to lunch, holding onto it as if it was the only thing keeping him alive. You closed your desk drawer, and pushed in your chair. Your classroom door opened again, Remus walking through.
"Did you give it to him?" He asked and you nodded.
"He loves his parents, and they love him very much."
Remus nodded, agreeing. "And we do too."
You sigh, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"He'll be okay." Remus spoke, wrapping his arms around you, holding you close.
"Yeah... I know." You mumbled, digging you face into the crock of Remus's neck.
Sighing, Remus rakes his hand through your hair, resting his chin on top of your head, rubbing your back.
"We will win this war, and we will get through this together." Remus promises, hugging you tighter.
"But what are we supposed to do now?" You whimpered. "Everytime we think we have it figured out, someone comes along and ruins everything."
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Remus spoke softly, kissing the top of your head. "But we have to keep fighting."
You nod against him, sniffling.
"Can you sit next to me at lunch?" You ask, looking up at him, wiping your eyes.
Remus just smirked, nodding. "I always do."
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tealeafgrimm · 2 years
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader Words: 1.8k Summary: After Sirius finally escapes Azkaban, he realises how much has changed. But some things remain the same forever. His feelings for you are one of them. Actually, none of this would be a problem if the two of you weren't so blind to your feelings.
When Remus saw the two of you together for the first time in over fourteen years, he knew that nothing had changed between you in all that time. He saw the looks, the little touches, wanted or unwanted, and the laughter you shared. He saw the glow in Sirius' eyes that only seemed to shine when Harry or you were there. It was as if not half a lifetime had passed, as if it had been yesterday that you had all gone to school together. However, your blindness towards each other hadn't changed either and it drove Remus to the brink of insanity. How could two people who obviously felt so much for each other be so blind? Of all the people he knew, how could Sirius be so blundering? If there was one thing Remus was one hundred percent sure of, it was Sirius' ability to handle the female species. At least when it wasn't you.
When you first saw Sirius after his escape from Azkaban, you didn't know what to do. He looked so different and yet as if no time had passed. You wanted to cry, scream, laugh, preferably all at the same time. But in truth you stood rooted to the spot and could only stare. It was only when he took the first step towards you that you woke up from your state of shock and met him halfway. Then you threw your arms around him, buried your face in the crook of his neck and began to cry. And after that, everything was the same. During your school years you had been inseparable. For seven years you spent almost every day together. Such a connection leaves traces.
Just a few days after your first reunion, you realised how VERY much you had missed Sirius in your life. After Lily and James' death and Sirius' arrest, Remus was all that remained of your old life, and as much as you loved him, he couldn't completely fill such a huge void. It was little things that made you aware of your feelings. Even during your school days, you had always felt a tingle whenever Sirius had looked at you piercingly, when he had laughed about something or when he was just close to you. You had always convinced yourself that they were feelings you felt for the others too. But Remus or James didn't have any of those effects for you, but you skilfully ignored that.
But now you were no longer a teenager. You were an adult and yet Sirius' closeness triggered the same feelings in you. But you were sure that someone like Sirius had no interest in someone like you. You were like a sister to him, you were sure of that. Just as James and Remus had been like brothers to him. To get your hopes up was childish and unrealistic, you were aware of that. What you didn't realise at the time, however, was the fact that you weren't the only one who felt that way.
Ever since Sirius knew you, he had always felt a special connection to you. You were one of the few constants in his life. One of the few people who knew everything about him and understood him like no one else did. And yet you were the only person he had problems showing openly what he felt. In the beginning he had convinced himself that he didn't really feel anything for you, but that it was due to the fact that you were the only female figure in his life with whom he felt a closer emotional connection. But when Lily eventually became a good friend, he noticed the difference. He noticed things about you that he didn't notice about Lily, or at least that didn't fluster him as much with her. Your hair, your perfume, your laugh. Everything about you had an appeal he didn't understand.
Over the years he had tried again and again to take the first step, but in the end, he had always backed away. What if you didn't feel the way he did? He didn't want to destroy your friendship? What if things suddenly got weird between the two of you? So, he had preferred to just wait at a distance, but nothing had happened. And now everything was the same again. He watched you from a distance, saw your smile and felt it trigger something in him that he couldn't describe. But he still didn't see that you felt the same. You were both blind towards each other. Everyone around you could see it. Except the two of you, and it was almost painful to watch you prance around each other without moving from the spot. It was Remus who finally gave himself a jolt. He could no longer watch the unfolding tragedy and decided to talk to each of you alone to give you the push you so desperately needed.
It was shortly after the start of the new school year when he decided to finally talk to Sirius. Since Harry was no longer there, you had taken to spending more time in Grimmauld Place 12 so that Sirius was not alone. At first, he had thought the more time you spent together, the sooner you might realise how each other felt, but that was wishful thinking. "I wasn't sure if you would come over tonight," Sirius said as he handed Remus a glass of red wine and motioned for him to sit on one of the recently cleaned sofas. He had deliberately chosen this evening, knowing you were taking a late guard shift. "I need to talk to you Sirius. Urgently." Sirius almost choked on his wine and looked at his friend anxiously and questioningly.
"Did something happen? Did someone die? Oh God, you shagged Tonks!", Sirius rattled off every possible scenario that flashed through his mind. On the latter, he received a kick to the shin and a scowl. "No, nothing like that. To be honest, it's about you." "About me? What have I done wrong now?" "Nothing. That's the problem, though. You've been prancing around Y/N for months now and nothing happens. Just tell her how you feel or just fucking kiss her. But do something!" Remus all but shouted the last sentence. "So I can make a complete fool of myself in front of her? Moony, I've told you so many times, she doesn't see me the way I see her," Sirius retorted with a mixture of annoyance and sadness. Remus would have liked to scream out loud, grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him to the point of unconsciousness, but instead he just slapped his hand to his forehead and wiped his face. How stupid could Sirius be?
"And what do I answer you every time? You are both hopelessly blind to each other. Why can anyone really see it but you? What have you got to lose by trying? Do you really think a friendship like yours breaks down over what you seem to think is a misunderstanding?" "Of course. Or at least it would take some time. I don't want to take that chance. Remus, she's one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I don't want to put it at risk, okay?" Sirius became unusually serious. "It's your decision. But just so you know, I had the exact same conversation with her and her response was almost identical." With those words, Remus took his leave, leaving Sirius dumbfounded and thoughtful.
In the weeks that followed, Sirius became increasingly aware of how much you meant to him and how much he missed you when you weren't there. You were the only person who could blow away the dark clouds that sometimes seemed to hang over him. You were there for him on days and nights when reality caught up to him. You held him when he broke down or woke up from a nightmare. You lay in bed with him and promised him again and again that everything would get better. That together you would get him out of this second prison. And when you were with him, he believed in those promises. But it was only around Christmas that Sirius realised how much he wanted you with him. Despite the events of the past weeks, the attack on Mister Weasley, the escape of former Death Eaters from Azkaban and the tyranny at Hogwarts at the hands of Umbridge, you were like a bright light in Sirius' life.
It was the little things that made him realise how much he loved you. The afternoons when you stood in the kitchen and asked him to bake with you, even though you knew it would end in an absolute disaster. Or the evening when you decorated the Christmas tree with the children. When he saw you and Harry together, he realised what he wanted in life. What he should have had long ago, in a perfect world, and what he was denied. But the defining moment was the night before Christmas. You were all sitting together in the living room of 12 Grimmauld Place. The mood was exuberant. The old radio was playing music, to the guidance of everyone except Molly, a Celestina Warbeck song. But you didn't let that spoil the mood.
"Come on, Sirius! Dance with me!" You lifted Sirius onto the couch and began to dance with him in an exaggerated manner while mockingly singing along. Soon everyone was dancing and laughing. This was the moment Sirius had been waiting for, he just had to tell you now. It was now or never. But just as Sirius opened his mouth to say something, Tonks jumped between you and pulled you away from him to dance with you herself. A little dejectedly, Sirius walked over to Remus, who had been watching everything from the side. "I almost did it," Sirius sighed, letting his head sink against the wall in exhaustion. "Done what?" asked Remus, turning to his friend. "You were right! I am in love! Hopelessly! I was about to tell her, but Tonks interrupted me." Remus looked at him with wide eyes.
"So what? Then tell Tonks to bugger off. Go tell her," Remus said, ushering Sirius towards you. "Have you come back to enjoy my fantastic dancing?" you laughed, taking Sirius by the hand to twirl him around. "Actually, I came back to tell you something..." "Oy! Sirius! Y/N! Look up!" One of the Weasley twins called over to you, pointing his wand at a spot above you. You both looked up and saw a huge, glittering sprig of mistletoe. As soon as you spotted it, you blushed, but it suited Sirius just fine. Without a second's hesitation, he pulled you close to him and pressed his lips against yours. Time seemed to have stopped around you. The loud whistling and roaring around you faded out. After what felt like an eternity, your lips parted. "I've waited so long for this," you whispered and without hesitation your lips were connected to his again.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Moony Wants, Moony Gets | R.L
Paring: Young!Remus Lupin X Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Moony has a natural wanting for his mate making his possessiveness visible the closer it gets to the full moon. 
He was always jealous. Blame it on the wolf in him, if you will, but Remus Lupin was highly possessive. Especially over what’s his - maybe not even what’s his but what he wants. She was gorgeous and his perfect mate—long tuffs of h/c hair and gleaming e/c eyes that glittered in the limelight. There was one problem with her, though—one major flaw in her mess of perfection. 
Y/n L/n, cunning, ambitious, resourceful, and charismatic. 
That was the problem. Y/n was a Slytherin, and Remus was a half-blood Gryffindor. To make matters worse, her closest friend was Regulus Black - Sirius Blacks brother. Remus’ best friend's brother. But Remus couldn’t help it. Her voice was like a siren's call, and her beauty was a rival to Aphrodite, but she had the wisdom of Athena. Y/n was a perfect balance of everything. 
Closer to the full moon, his possessiveness became more of a problem. Sirius was noticing the low growl that would erupt from Remus whenever someone stepped close to Y/n. James saw the lingering glares left on any male within a six feet distance of her. Even Peter observed his green eyes turn a shade darker as if someone mixed black paint into his usually bright eyes. 
Y/n sat at the Slytherin table, a cup of coffee beside her as she spoke intently with Regulus. Meanwhile, a Gryffindor across the Great Hall was glaring daggers at the younger Black brother's head. Sirius nudged him, grabbing his attention. 
“Mate, you’re growling again.” Sirius whispered, and Remus’ cheeks turned pink, “Am not.”
James gave an unconvincing grin, “Mhm, totally.”
“I was not growling.”
“I think you were.” James replied, “Definitely was.” Sirius added. 
Remus sighed, pushing his plate away to lay his head on the table, “What’s got Moony all wound up?” James queried, Remus, deadpanned looking at the laughing girl across the room. 
“I think I know.” Sirius simpered, “Do you now? Don’t be a tosser.” James stated teasingly. 
“Turn around. Slytherin, talking with Reggie.” 
He turned and looked back at Remus with his jaw dropped, “No- fucking- way.”
“She’s the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, you tosser!” 
James snorted, “Yeah, oh.”
“Looks like Moony found his mate.” Sirius winked, and Remus groaned, “Shut up about it, will you?”
It felt weird. James wouldn’t shut up about how brilliant Y/n was, how the Slytherin’s Quidditch team was able to make plays that no one else would’ve even thought about. Sirius wouldn’t stop offering to talk to Regulus to see if maybe he had any intel on her. Strangely enough, Peter was silent but had a guilty look on his face. Guilty sufficient for Remus to comment. 
“Why do you look guilty, Wormtail?” Remus inquired, and Peter's cheeks flushed pink, “She- Y/n isn’t- um….” 
“What do you know that we don’t, Peter?” Sirius queried, his voice harsh, “She isn’t what you think. That’s all I’m saying.” Peter stammered out nervously. 
James tilted his head at the blue-eyed boy, “And you know this how?” 
“She’s my ex-girlfriend.”
“Woah! Hold on a second!” Sirius exclaimed in shock, “When did this happen?!”
“Back in fourth year.” Peter informed, “She seemed nice enough until you start to get serious with her. Y/n’s sharp-tongued and extremely ill-tempered.” 
Sirius sniggered, “Sounds like Moony.”
“So, what does this mean for Remus?” James questioned further, “It doesn’t mean anything. Just be careful. I don’t care if you date her. Means nothing to me.” Peter replied, putting his hands up in innocent. 
Remus stared at Peter with curiosity swirling. How much did he truly know about Y/n? How did he manage to date her? Nonetheless, it didn’t mean anything to Remus because Moony wanted her. What Moony wants is what Moony gets. Later that evening, after prefect patrol, he padded into the library to dismiss any working students. But there were only two students inside. They sat in a secluded corner of the library. Regulus Black and Y/n L/n. 
Was it envy? Was it jealousy? He didn’t have time to ponder. Y/n had her head laid on Regulus’ shoulder and both her arms wrapped around his one arm. Regulus had leaned his head on top of hers, wavy black hair intertwined with her h/c hair. Both their eyes were closed, apparent they were asleep—potion and Transfiguration books placed on top of the wooden table along with an open sketchbook. 
What was he supposed to do in this situation? Wake them up? If it was just Y/n, perhaps he could’ve, but Regulus was with her, and Regulus wasn’t too fond of Remus for being friends with his older brother. Madam Pince had already left for the night, either choosing not to disturb them or didn’t notice them. Remus saw the inkpot beside the Potions book, almost empty. It was Y/n’s inkpot because the ink wasn’t black. It was a deep grape color. 
Remus sighed and grabbed the ink from his bag, charming it the same color. Discretely he took hers and swapped it out with his. Leaving a piece of parchment on top. Remus left the library without another word. Waking them up was a risk he’d rather not take. But now, he laid in his bed wondering how she’d feel about the new ink on the table. 
The sun began to rise, and Y/n’s body felt stiff. Carefully she began to stir awake after noticing a body beside her. Opening her eyes, everything seemed blurry, but after blinking a few times, she recognized the library books and the person's scent beside her. Regulus, her best friend. Y/n yawned and pulled away from him, about to begin packing their belongings, but she noticed a piece of parchment that lay on top of her ink. 
“Noticed you were out. You can have mine.“ 
Y/n hummed appreciatively. She didn’t know who gave her their ink, but she was eternally grateful for them saving her a trip to Hogsmeade. Y/n poked at Regulus’ right side, and he eventually stirred awake. His curls disheveled and his body just as stiff as she was. Regulus opened his eyes and met her e/c ones. 
“Did we fall asleep?” He groaned, and Y/n scoffed, “What do you think, dingus?”
“No need to be mean this early in the morning, Merlin.” 
“Someone saw us last night, though.” Y/n stated, and Regulus noticeably jumped, “Who?”
She shrugged, “Not sure, but they left me a new pot of ink.”
“Lucky you.”
“Lucky me.”
Both best friends cleared their table. Y/n put her Potions books away, and Regulus put his Transfiguration books away. Y/n stared at the writing on the parchment she had received earlier that day. The handwriting was almost unrecognizable. It was messy and sprawled. Whoever this was did not have good handwriting or was in a rush. But the day carried on. In Potions, Y/n sat in the front while the Marauders sat in the back. Remus stared holes in the back of Y/n’s head. 
“She’s gonna notice if you keep staring at her like that.” Sirius muttered. 
Remus sighed and continued to write his notes. If he tried hard enough, he could make out her elegant purple ink from here. It always baffled him why she chose purple over traditional black - suppose it wasn’t really any of his business, but he couldn’t help but wonder. The familiar sketchbook sat on top of the desk as well; he could see doodles in the same deep purple color. Occasionally Regulus - who sat beside her - would nudge her to pay attention, gaining an annoyed groan. 
Potions class always smelt weird. It was a mixture of glue, seaweed, and salt. It was also constantly humid. It brought shivers down Remus’ spine. He noticed it doing the same to the Slytherin girl at the front. Remus craved nothing more than to wrap his robe around her, but he was too late. Regulus was already doing the action, which earned him one of her jaw-dropping smiles. Unconsciously he began growling again. This time, James smacked his arm. 
Dinner was even worse. Y/n had yet to remove Regulus’ robes leaving him in a button-down white shirt and the usual uniform. Sirius was surprised at his younger brother's chivalry but didn’t speak much. The full moon was that night, and as dinner progressed, Remus only gained more possessive. James and Sirius gave up on trying to scold him. It was apparent Moony wanted - no - needed her. Slytherin captain be damned, Y/n was going to be Moonys. 
A dry winter night. As usual, Remus walked to the Whomping Willow with his three friends following him. Tonight was normal in the sense of his friends turning into their animagus,’ but the odd thing was letting him out of the shack. The werewolf and the dog ran around the forest together. The rat and stag lagging behind, allowing the two animals to play together. But a stick-breaking brought the attention of the werewolves to the new person. 
He could smell them. Hear their blood running through their veins. Their heart pounding at a standard rate. The dogs barking could be heard, trying to distract the werewolf. The scent was female, and she wasn’t scared. Instead, the girl approached with confidence sticking out her hand to the wolf. Padfoot barked loudly. Prongs backed down, looking nervous. Wormtail squeaked loudly. But she came with confidence and assurance. 
Moony growled, “Shh, shh, it’s okay.” She cooed, “You’re safe with me.”
The h/c haired girl knelt on the grass, “No need to be scared, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Moony hesitantly put his snout in the girl's palm, making her grin. His fur was soft to the touch, and his eyes turned soft. Her smile was beautiful, and Moony nuzzled his hand into her soft palm. She chuckled and patted him more. Padfoot barked excitedly and ran to her, but the werewolf started to bare his teeth again. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m yours.” 
The wolf seemed to calm down at her words allowing Padfoot to approach her. Smiling brightly, she pet both animals, “It’s okay, love.”
“My name’s Y/n. I didn’t know that there was a werewolf here.” Y/n greeted as Moony curled up beside her, his head on her thigh, Padfoot doing the same on the other side.
She caught sight of the other two animals and whistled for their attention, “C’mere.”
Prongs and Wormtail approached nervously, but Moony gave no sense of protectiveness. Y/n’s words resonated in his head over and over again, “I’m yours.” The wolf fell asleep beside her, Padfoot doing the same. Prongs approached, and Y/n patted the top of his head. Wormtail sat in front of her knee. They seemed at peace. It was the first time Moony ever felt at ease. They’d be lying if it didn’t make them happy. 
Y/n stayed up all night with the animals. Despite the animals not knowing, Y/n knew that the stag, rat, and dog were animagus’. The werewolf was unknown to her. The following morning when the stag turning into James, rat into Peter, dog into Sirius. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to find out who the werewolf was. When he turned back into a human with his clothes tattered. Y/n continued to run her fingers through his hair as he slept. 
“Morning, Marauders,” Y/n commented. 
“You’re- you-“ James stuttered.
She laughed, “Apparently, your moony really likes me.”
“Would you mind petting me again?” Sirius teased, “Maybe.” Y/n retorted, winking. 
Sirius laid down on her other thigh that Remus wasn’t laying on, smiling; she ran her fingers through their hair, “You’re a godsend, lemme tell you.”
James and Peter sat in front of Y/n, “What made you want to take a walk in the forbidden forest last night?”
“Just wanted some air.” Y/n answered. 
Remus groaned and began pushing his head onto Y/n’s hand, “Morning, Remus.”
The Marauders and Y/n had never seen him jump up that fast, “What- you- I- uh-“
“Didn’t know you were a werewolf.”
“I- uh…”
“Sirius, for the love of God, get off her lap.” James interject, slapping the boy on the head playfully, “But it feels so good.” Sirius drawled. 
James grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the grass. In the process, Sirius got a mouthful of dirt and grass, “You wanker.”
“Did I- erm- hurt you?” Remus questioned shyly, “Nope, I'm completely unscathed.” Y/n smiled reassuringly. 
Remus turned to his friends, “Nope! Y/n saved us all.”
“Are you hurt?” Y/n inquired to Remus, who took a quick look at himself, “I- I don’t believe so….”
Sirius blew a raspberry, “Thank Merlin! Dragging you to the hospital wing is bloody exhausting.”
Silence filled the forest until Sirius smirked, “You know, mate when you were talking about Moony wanting her. I thought you were joking. Turns out you weren’t.”
“Oh, Merlin…”
Y/n chuckled, “Well, Moony is rather cute if I’m honest.”
Remus’ cheeks blasted with pink, and Sirius laughed. James shook his head with a big grin, and Peter looked amused with Y/n’s confession. Without hesitation, Y/n leaned over to kiss Remus’ cheek, making him hide his face flustered. She stood up and ruffled Sirius’ hand, gently rubbing her nails across his scalp, making Sirius try to lean into her palm. They all stared at her except for Remus, who was equally embarrassed and flustered. 
“If you’re looking for a fifth Marauder, I know the Slytherin common room password.” Y/n winked as she walked to the castle. 
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the-marsh-harrier · 3 years
Who was Orion Black? (Pt 3) Orion Black x Female!Reader
***WARNING - symptoms related to a panic attack are featured in this part just under the "Keep Reading" tab - it has been highlighted in red so if you don't want to read this part, please skip ahead***
A/N: I wanted to explore Sirius’s childhood more in a non-traditional sense and give Orion and Walburga some interesting character development. This takes place after Sirius has broken out of Azkaban. Although this is a reader insert in parts, it is not the main focus and some chapters will have little or no mention of the reader. I have also altered the year Walburga was born to be 1940 instead of 1925 as it states in cannon (this is my fanfic and I’ll do what I want with the characters that are in it). Similarly, in some of the chapters to come, I already know I will upset some people with the way I portray Sirius and Walburga’s relationship - remember everyone is entitled to portray fictional characters as they want in their fanfics and if you disagree, please write your own. JKR's bigotry and opinions are not welcome here nor supported.
Finally, I am hoping to get Part 4 out this week as well as a sorry for missing last week's post.
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 (Part 3) Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Sirius thought he knew who his parents were, but did he really? After returning to 12 Grimmauld Place after his escape from Azkaban, he uncovers secrets that he never would’ve imagined
The Elf, The Key, and The Pensieve
As the night dragged on, Walburga’s portrait eventually passed out with her face rested against the frame. The repetitive nature of her snoring droning on throughout the parlour drove Sirius out of the room. Sirius found himself lost within his drunken thoughts and questions. It was during this internal monologue that he found himself aimlessly staring down the hallway toward the front door. The more he focused on it the more the chatter and noise from the outside world seemed to grow louder, voices from the past that were encapsulated in the walls began echoing back at him, footsteps that once graced the stair of 12 Grimmauld Place creaked back to life… and then as if a song reaching its crescendo… it all stopped... nothing but silence. Pure, unadulterated silence spoke louder than it ever had to him before; and at that moment, that singular moment, Sirius realised that he was alone. He was alone. No one knew where he was, despite a very small select few but they didn’t come too often nor stay too long. They all had their lives, they had their houses full, they had their homes, they had their lives. They had a life that Sirius knew he would never be able to possess. The silence in 12 Grimmauld Place had never spoken to Sirius in this way before, so cruel and haunted; jaded with time and loneliness as everything held in within its walls became. There's a dark force that seems to suck the life from everything within its grip, so much so that even the silence could be disturbed by the house's own hideous nature.
A tightness began to take hold of Sirius’s chest as tears began to swell in his eyes. Was this all he was ever meant to be? Surely not. What sick prophet would lay out a life like this before him? The tightness in his chest only grew and Sirius found himself braced against the wall for some sense of steadiness. Pain shot through his core like a white-hot poker as all his limbs turned an odd prickly sort of numb. He felt hot and cold at the same time. Like up was down and down was up, like left was right and right was left, like the world was still and he was spinning out of control.
He found himself sliding down the wall until he hit the ground. His hands gripping opposite shoulders as his body began to rock and shake uncontrollable like his breath escaping his nose. Both of his lips were drawn into his mouth as he bit and chewed on them to achieve some level of comfort, but it didn’t come. The feeling of dread and anxiety only rose with each tear that he shed. He felt himself falling deeper and deeper into a pit of anxious thoughts until there was a new sound… it was faint at first but the more he focused on it the easier it became to breathe. It was the piano in his father’s study, a mere twenty feet away. A soft melody that was all too familiar and comforting at the same time. One of Orion’s compositions danced from the study; one composition that he had written for Sirius when he was younger titled Merci, Mon Fils in Db Major.
The song continued until Sirius could breathe and the physical pain subsided, but the tears continued to fall. It was as if a new wound ripped open within him that was patched over a long time ago. A rusted pipe that finally bursts through the layers of paint and plaster that he had used to disguise it. Flashing images of his father’s face looped through his mind; knowing he’d never hear his voice again, never watch him play the piano again, never hear him open the door to check on him at night before… before everything happened, and it got so much worse. Never hear his father’s barking laughter when Sirius got back from Hogwarts and told him about all the pranks he had pulled. As much as Sirius hated to admit it… he missed his father, he missed him more than he thought possible… twenty years of pain, resentment and mourning hit him… that was until he heard the piano again… and it was all replaced with rage.
The only living thing in this house, aside from Sirius, was that elf. How dare he play his father’s piano? How dare he manipulate a song that meant so much?
Blind, drunken anger carried Sirius toward the warm orange glow that framed the door to Orion’s study. The keys of the piano moved quicker and more furiously as Sirius got closer. Stumbling over his own feet like a crazed bull, he threw himself toward the door that was slightly ajar.
“Where are you?” Sirius hissed through gritted teeth. “How DARE you use my father’s study for your own sick amusement?”
Kreacher’s sobs could be heard emanating from under Orion’s desk. Sirius ran around the back of the desk and ripped the chair out from behind it as he bellowed “OUT HERE NOW!”
Kreacher managed to shimmy his way out from under the front panel of the desk so he could escape from his new master. “What have you been doing in here?” Sirius screamed as he watched the elf run under the piano stool. “Play me another tune! Get out and PLAY!”
“I didn’t do anything, Master! The piano played on its own. I was dusting the shelves.” Kreacher croaked from under the stool.
“Oh, yes! So believable!” Sirius’s voice was like venom. “Why that song? Huh? Kreacher! Why did you play that song?”
“I am only permitted to touch the piano to clean it, Master! Late Master Orion would not allow for anyone other than yourself to play his piano.” Kreacher justified.
“Oh, I see! I see what you’re doing! Very clever!”
“Late Master Orion cared deeply-” Kreacher was cut off by Sirius drunken screaming.
“You think the old git cared about you! You think he would save you! You think he would help you! He hated you! He hated you!” Sirius continued. “The only thing that man loved was a bottle! He never cared about you!” Sirius swept his arms across the copious shelves still filled with rows of bottles and decanters alike, so they’d shatter on the floor. He braced his arms against the shelving unit for a moment watching the broken glass roll across the floor before looking back up at the shelf when he heard a gentle clinking. The shelves were replenished as if brand new. A frustrated cry left Sirius and rebounded through the house.
Marching over the elf’s hiding spot Sirius began to interrogate Kreacher. “What is it about this room that you cling to so much? Huh?” Sirius booted the stool from over the top of the elf before crouching down and grabbing him by his cloth smock. “You hated the old git! He used to boot you round like a ball when he was drunk while I was here.” Sirius caught a glimpse of himself in Kreacher terrified eyes and what he saw made his stomach turn – the likeness was uncanny. You could think that a drunken Orion was staring right back at you and this knocked Sirius back to reality and made him drop the elf.
Kreacher retreated toward the door as Sirius seated himself on one of the plush, dark green velvet armchairs. His elbows rested on his knees; hands buried in his hair while his nails softly scraped against his scalp. Sirius began to wonder if his monologue was really about the elf or about himself. "Kreacher," Sirius called out more softly than he had ever spoken to him.
Whether it was out of duty, fear, or a mixture of the two; Kreacher's whimpers could be heard reapproaching the room but he did not enter, opting to remain in the door frame. “Kreacher lives to serve the noble house of Black. What do you require, Master?”
“I want you to answer my question.” Sirius exhaled before forcing his drunken eyes to focus on the elf. “Why do you cling to this room so much?”
“Late Master Orion used to play every night after Master Sirius left. Late Master Orion used to get Kreacher to sit on the stool next to him as young Master Sirius had and watch him play. Oh, how Master Orion cried for young Master Sirius when he left. Master Orion used to hug Kreacher, wishing young Master Sirius would return.”
Sirius was taken back by this but managed to whisper. “He did what?”
“Master Orion struggled greatly after you left, sir; he insisted that he couldn’t lose you, he was desperate to get you to return. The arguments between him and Mistress when you had been burnt off the tapestry were… so destructive and violent. It took Great Master Arcturus and Master Alphard to resolve the situation. Master Orion set the whole tapestry alight saying if his son was not welcome on the family tree then there should be no tapestry.”
Sirius did not know how to process this. “But the tapestry is still hung in the house, Kreacher. Do not lie to me.”
“Great Master Arcturus and Master Alphard made it anew. That is why there are so many skeletons on the tree where neither could remember the relative face. They burnt every member that was not deemed appropriate. The faces were scorn from the tree once more.” Kreacher finished. “Is there anything else you require, Master?”
“Yes, actually. There is one more thing. The tapestry doesn’t note Orion’s first wife, Y/N L/N. I wish to know why.”
Kreacher’s eyes bulged from his head. “Kreacher is forbidden to say those words.” Kreacher put forward his arm to display an unknown sequence of ancient runes. “If Kreacher does, he will die and no longer be able to serve the noble house of Black.”
“You will tell me, Kreacher!” Sirius banged his hands off the armrest and stood up making the elf flinch. Kreacher meekly entered the room, quickly darting behind the door to Orion’s coat stand and pointed toward Orion’s jacket pocket.
“Kreacher cannot speak it. However, there is another way to find the answers you are looking for.” Sirius stumbled to the jacket and felt the pockets. He felt something hard within one of them. When he reached inside, he found a small ornate silver key. “Perhaps, Master can show you himself.” Sirius turned to Kreacher to see him pointing toward one of Orion’s untouched bookcases where one solitary cigar box was placed. “As Master aged and his alcoholic affliction worsened, Master couldn’t remember his life very well, so he began to store his memories as to never forget them. Kreacher was to tend to them and ensure their safety for Master.”
Once opened, Sirius realised it was a miniature Pensieve; miniature was a stretch – the box had been charmed to hold a large number of memories from his departed father’s life. Sirius summoned the memories about Y/N L/N. This was one secret Sirius wasn’t prepared to let the Black family keep any longer. He had to know who she was and why she was so important to Orion. Why did Arcturus refuse to let anyone say her name? Why wasn’t she on the tree or at least scorched off? When did Orion marry Y/N L/N? Why did she die? How did she die? Was her death linked to the reasoning for the marriage between Orion and Walburga so rushed?
Orion’s choice of labelling was rather simple yet personal fashion, with each vial associated with the names of his work and date. For a second, it felt wrong to go through all of Orion's memories but how else would Sirius find the answers he needed?
Sirius charmed the piano to play through his father's best pieces which matched with the associated memory. “How better to get to know you, dad?” Sirius bitterly thought aloud. The piano began to play a beautiful cacophony of notes which form The First Dance in C minor.
Pouring the memory into the Pensieve, Sirius dove headfirst into his father’s life.
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beekindacool · 4 years
Remus Lupin x Reader
Gender: female (she/her)
Word count: 2033
TW: none
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You sat in the Gryffindor common room, just right in front of the fire. Behind you sat your dear friend, Lily Evans. The two of you had known one another since pretty much birth. Your mothers were best friends and you had followed in their steps. It was pure luck that you and Lily had turned out to be witches together. Even more luck when you were both sorted into Gryffindor. Now, though, you were in your sixth year.
You looked over to Lily, she was finishing up her Potions homework when James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew obnoxiously came running down the stairs from their dorm rooms.
“Ladies! Lovely evening, innit?” Sirius hummed, dancing towards you and Lily. You scrunched up your nose slightly, mocking a face of disgust. In actuality, you enjoyed the presence of The Marauders, despite how over-the-top they could be. After all, they had been there for Lily after the fallout with Snape last year.
James scooted himself over next to Lily, he tried wrapping an arm around her shoulder but she shooed him away, a smile was undeniably growing on her face. Yes, Lily was into James but she always denied it.
Sirius made a comment, teasing them probably but you had turned your attention towards Remus. You didn’t realize it before but he stood next to you now.
“It’s painful watching those two, really!” The tall boy whisper-yelled to you, letting out a chuckle afterwards. You never really paid any mind to Remus. He was always a bit more quiet than James and Sirius. Peter, too, with all his anxious fits.
You studied his face for a bit, noticing the long pink scar that went across his face. His deep blue eyes that looked sad despite the small smile he had on. The light stubble on his chin. The way his hair was wavy and sort of swooped over like in the movies. Remus Lupin was *really* pretty.
Remus cleared his throat just loud enough for you to snap out of your daze. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment.
“I’m... I am so sorry. Merlin, I did not mean to come off as creepy or anything I just! I-“ You were cut off by Remus.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/L/N. It’s okay to be curious about my scars.” He consoled, patting your shoulder with his hand lightly.
Your time with Remus was cut short when James called for him as the rest of the boys were leaving through the painting. Remus said a quick goodbye and jogged towards his friends.
Letting out a sigh, you sat next to Lily and she laid her head in your lap. You played with her fiery red locks as she rambled on about James being absolutely ridiculous.
Later that night, you still sat in the common room but now alone. You laid on the couch and watched the dying fire. You thought about Remus: his hand in yours, cuddling, etc. All that romantic cheesy stuff. You couldn’t help it, it was the hopeless romantic in you.
As if on cue, though, The Marauders entered the common room again. James and Sirius greeted you and ran back into their dorms, giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls as Peter followed behind them. Remus didn’t follow them, instead he came over to you. Quickly, you sat up straight and made room for Remus. He sat down on the opposite side and turned his whole body towards you, lifting his knees up to his chest.
For the next hour, you and Remus talked about almost anything and everything. It was easy to get comfortable with him, everything about him made you feel warm and at home.
After that night in the common room, the two of you became almost attached to the hip when he wasn’t hanging out with The Marauders. He eventually trusted you enough to tell you about his “condition”. Remus was with you all throughout seventh year, too. And with each moment you spent with him, the more you fell in love with him.
It was Lily and James’ wedding day. You were the maid of honor and Sirius was the best man. The wedding was a small one; James’ parents, Remus, and Peter being the only others to attend due to the first war.
The summer breeze gently tousled Lily’s hair. She looked just like a princess would. The top of the dress hugged her torso and flowed out into a tea length. It was a little simple but easy to move in. You wore a light lemony yellow dress, it was an a-line with a small cape over it.
The ceremony had quickly ended and all of you went to Lily and James’ home to eat dinner. The whole night was full of laughter and utter joy, everyone was able to forget about the terrors outside for just a little bit.
That night, Remus took you home.
“I hope you know you looked absolutely beautiful tonight, Y/N. Really.” He commented as the two of you got to your doorstep. Remus had a cheeky smile on his face and he shifted awkwardly as he waited for a response.
“Thank you. You looked really handsome too, you git.” You let out a small laugh and avoided eye contact with Remus, your face was undeniably as red as a cherry.
He gently held your cheek with one hand, making you look at him. Remus pursed his lips for a moment before speaking again.
“C-can I kiss you?” He stuttered out, wincing as his voice cracked just a bit. You couldn’t help but grin ear to ear at him, he was absolutely adorable. You nodded though and leaned up, pulling Remus into a kiss. It was sweet. He was sweet. Remus tasted like chocolate.
After that, you and Remus dated for a bit. About three years, actually. It was going absolutely perfect with Remus until Lily and James had been murdered. It broke your heart. Both of your hearts.
You tried making your relationship work after the war. It just didn’t feel the same anymore with no Lily, no James, no Peter, or Sirius.
It was a mutual decision to split. Remus moved away to Merlin knows where. He didn’t send any owls. He didn’t contact you at all afterwards. You couldn’t blame him.
Things eventually began looking up for you as years passed. Dumbledore sent you an owl, offering you a teaching position as the new charms professor and had also mentioned Harry Potter would be attending as a first year. Without a second thought, you accepted.
Now, it was your third year teaching at Hogwarts. You were so unbelievably proud of Harry with the things he had accomplished in his first and second year. You were close with him, always telling him stories about Lily and James. Harry considered you his aunt... at least one he actually liked.
You sat in the Great Hall, waiting for the other professors to arrive. You were excited to find out who the next DADA professor was. Or anxious? The last two you met were interesting to say the least... one being a traitor and the other being a fraud. Becoming bored of waiting, though, you began to doze off.
Next thing you knew, Snape was sitting next to you and dug his elbow into your rib, causing you to let out a quiet curse. He not-so-discreetly motioned over to a man sitting at the opposite end of the dining table. You thought it was Remus.
Snape knew that you and Remus had been in a relationship. You told him everything. He apologized for everything that had happened in the past. You couldn’t fully forgive him, not after he had become a death eater. You were able to tolerate him enough, though.
“Is that... Lupin? Remus Lupin?” You asked Snape slowly, unsure if whether or not your eyes were deceiving you. Snape let out a low yes.
And on cue, Dumbledore stood up and introduced the man you loved for all these years. You watched as he did an awkward bow to the students. He was so handsome still. When he sat back down, you could’ve sworn he looked back at you for a second.
After everyone was finished with their meals, students were the first to leave the Great Hall, leaving the professors to mingle for a bit before their first classes.
You tried staying close to Snape, acting as if you were busy but that didn’t stop Remus from coming up to you.
“Professor Y/L/N. It’s been quite some time! You’re looking well.” Remus cheerily greeted, his hands were dug in his pockets as he looked you up and down, obviously checking you out.
“I’m right here too, you know...” Snape hissed, one side of his top lip slightly curled in disgust. Remus threw his hands up and acted as if he was surprised to see Snape.
“Merlin! Sniv- I mean Snape. Hello!” Remus chuckled, he looked at you as you tried stifling giggles. You remembered when The Marauders would call Snape “Snivellous”.
Snape, finding Remus to be unfunny, scoffed and left to prepare for his Potions class. Now, it was just you and Remus. It was awkward.
“How’ve you been?” You finally asked, your voice became softer. You knew he had a hard time finding work because of his lycanthropy.
“I’m... I’m better than how I was last time we saw one another.” His voice wavered a bit, your last memories together were painful to remember.
“I missed you. I hope you know that.” You choked out, pulling him in for a hug. Your forehead was pressed against his chest and arms wrapped around his waist. You felt him hesitate but Remus stroked your hair.
The two of you were interrupted when Dumbledore cleared his throat. “It’s time for your classes, professors.”
“We’ll talk later, okay Y/N?” Remus pulled away from you and ruffled your hair a little bit before setting off to class. You waited a few moments before setting off yourself.
The whole day you thought about Remus. You were unsure about whether or not you were excited to talk or if you were going to explode from nervousness.
After dinner and students were sent to their dorms, you met with Remus in the library. The two of you sat at a table in the back corner. It used to be where you held your study dates with him.
“Right... where should we start?” He asked, folding his hands over the table. You could tell he was nervous.
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“Have you been seeing anybody?” You blurted out, it was the first thing that came to your mind.
“No. No, I haven’t seen anybody since you.” Remus chuckled, raking a hand through his hair. He hesitated before speaking again.
“In all honesty Y/N, I couldn’t bring myself to be with anyone else. You were the only girl I’d ever loved. The only one I still love.” He said softly, lowering his head. You wanted to cry. To scream. To jump into his arms. Anything.
“I... I feel the same way. I love you still. Even after all these years. I always will.” You whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.
You felt tears start dripping from your eyes. It was barely noticeable at first but then they had just coming out like a faucet. Remus stood up, panicking.
“What’s wrong, darling?” He asked, picking you up and sitting you on the edge of the table. Remus stood in between your legs and wiped your tears best he could.
“I just missed you so much,” you choked out in between sobs, “I thought about you everyday and here you are standing right in front of me again. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since forever.”
Remus let out a soft laugh and shook his head. He took your face in his hands and kissed you. It was desperate and passionate. You tried making up for all the kisses you missed over the past thirteen years.
You were ready to build a future with Remus again. You were going to make it work with him through thick and thin.
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Nice Suprise?
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Sirius Black x gender neutral! reader
See here for the female verison
[Requested – see request here]
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Summary: Y/n has a very important question to ask Sirius
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, food and sex
a/n:  2.5k words, I written it in a way that would be the summer after the department of mysteries you can pretend the reader was there to save him but either way in my head Sirius never dies and as for the age you can choose if its Tonks age reader or same age as Sirius, thank you to the person that made this request this is such a cute idea i love it, enjoy xx
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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You were nervous, beyond nervous as you walked down to breakfast, today was the day you were going to propose. Well actually, Sirius was originally the one who was planning to propose but last week you and Remus had been talking when you picked up Sirius’ jacket to get your jumper and a small box fell out. Remus seemed to know right away and tried to snatch it before you could get to it but you were too fast.
“Y/n I can explain” Remus pointed at you but it was clear that he had absolute no idea how to ‘explain’ it
Eventually Remus being the terrible liar he is gave in and told you how he had gone on Sirius’ behalf to get the ring but when he was giving it to him, he had to shove it in his pocket so you wouldn’t see it. After that you placed the ring back inside his jacket pocket but as you lay with him on your chest that night you realised maybe you could do something a little bit brave and a little bit mischievous, you could propose to him first.
You schemed with Remus and Tonks, there was to be a party this Friday for the order members and, according to Remus, Sirius was planning on proposing to you at it. Therefore, last night you pinched the ring from his jacket and kept it safely in your pocket ready for when the time came. You were aware Sirius would probably be running around frantic all day so you, Remus and Tonks would have to keep your cool as not to give anything away
You took your usual seat at the end of the table, Harry on your left with Remus and Tonks across from you. The Weasley’s would be arriving in the afternoon, along with Hermione to help set up, then the rest of the order members would arrive shortly after in the evening. As everyone sat digging into their breakfast, Sirius entered looking a tad uneasy, walking up to the kitchen and grabbing his own breakfast before taking a seat at the head of the table.
“Morning Siri” you shine at him, the nerves starting to bubble into excitement as you see him
“Morning darling” his own worried state seems to vanish for a minute as he looks up from his breakfast to see you smiling at him, leaning forward to give you a quick kiss on your cheek
“Looking forward to the party?” Tonks asks, rubbing her hands together with a smirk, her hair becoming a bit brighter with her enthusiasm
“Yeah! I haven’t seen Mione, Ron and Gi…the others in a couple of weeks” Harry catches himself, cheeks heating up at his small slip up while the rest of you smile knowingly at each other
“I think it’s going to be one to remember” Remus taunts earning a stern look from Sirius and a smirk from you and Tonks
“You looking forward to it Siri?” you bite your lip as you place your hand over his
He tears his eyes away from glaring at Remus to you, his face softening “Yeah, I have somethings I need to…do before then…” he licks his lips as you see a familiar look almost like a small light bulb just when off in his brain “Harry you mind coming with me for a bit” Sirius gestures for the boy to follow him out
As Sirius stands walking through to the next room, Harry mutters a quick ‘yeah sure’ grabbing a bit of toast from his plate, munching on it as he follows his godfather out.
“I think he’s realised it’s gone” Tonks whispers biting back a giggle
“I feel bad making him stressed, but I think he’ll love it, right?” you say in a low tone looking towards Remus for conformation
He smiles nodding “Oh he’s going to fall for you all over again” you and Tonks smile as you all return to your breakfast while Sirius and Harry converse in the next room
“Close the door” Sirius ushers to Harry who shoves his piece of toast in his mouth while he closes the door
He takes the toast out of his mouth as he stares concerned at his godfather’s state “Are you okay?”
“Yes…no…yes” Sirius shakes his head as he paces
“I’m going to take that as a solid maybe” Harry says to himself as he walks over to the man, placing a hand on his upper arm “What’s going on?”
“Okay” Sirius nods composing himself finally “Sit down I was going to tell you before you came down for breakfast but well you’ll understand in a minute” he gestures for the boy to sit down with him “As you know me and y/n have been together for a while now…” he starts clearly nervous to tell Harry in case he doesn’t like it
“What is it?” Harry enquires as he sees him hesitate
“I’m going to ask them to marry me” Sirius smiles as he says it
Harrys eyes lit up “That’s great!” he exclaims smiling brightly
“You think so?” the boy nods making Sirius smile as well, feeling relieved that Harry approves
“Where you that nervous I wouldn’t like it?” the boy tilts his head in question
“No, well maybe a bit, I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with it. You see I was planning on doing it at the party later” he explains
“Oh, so you’re a bit anxious?” Harry asks a little surprised as he’d never really seen him like this
“Not originally” Sirius laughs a little shaking his head “But that was before I couldn’t…find the ring” he confesses feeling embarrassed that this wasn’t exactly an out of character move for himself, he was sure James was probably laughing at him from the beyond, which was true but not for the reasons he thought
“Oh no” Harrys eyebrows knit together as he frowns “How can I help?” he offers right away
Sirius smiles at Harrys sentiment “Oh no is right and yes you can definitely help. I need you to rake through our room it must have just fallen out somewhere in there and I need to you make sure y/n doesn’t come across it or know anything. If they find out I lost it they’ll tease me forever”
“On it” Harry nods standing up as he chomps down the rest of his toast heading to the door
“Oh” the boy turns back around as Sirius points at him “Don’t go in the top two drawers of the dark brown dresser in the corner of our room that’s the ones with our underwear, but all the others check in case I threw it in while I picking up clothes. And…” he points a little more firmly almost like a huge warning “… don’t open the black box under the bed, trust me you’ll never look at me or y/n the same”
“G…got it” Harry says going bright red his mind unable to stop the horrid image of what could be in it, before he leaves he turns back “Can I ask Hermione and Ron to help?”
“Yeah that’s fine, but don’t let Molly know under any circumstances, I love the women but she can’t hold her water”
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You were headed up to change your shirt after you split some chocolate down your top while helping Molly make dessert. Walking into yours and Sirius’ shared room you see Hermione looking under a pile of clothes on an armchair, Harry looking through Sirius’ jacket pockets in the closest and Ron searching under the bed. You close the door behind you, the click making Hermione and Harry’s heads whip to look at you who was smiling knowingly at them before you all let out a small giggle as Ron whacks his head in panic letting out a muffled version of his signature ‘bloody hell’
“What’ch ya doing?” you smile as you look between the teens
“Nothing” Harry says quickly shaking his head along with Hermione
“We definably weren’t looking for anything” Ron says quickly earning a disappointed sigh from Hermione and she holds her head with her hand while Harry just looks down in defeat ready to apologise
“Looking for this?” you pull out the engagement ring box, to which the all stare mouths ajar
“You know?” Harry looks at you in sheer shock
“Yes and now you all are going to be recruited to the dark side” you wink but none of them seem to get it “Star wars, no? Merlin we are having a movie night” you point at the teens a little disappointed none of them got the reference. As you are about to start explaining you see Ron had begun to pull out a black box from under the bed “Ron?”
“Yeah” he looks up at you
“I’d put the back where you found it if I were you” you warn him with a half curve smile
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The party was now in full swing, everyone dotted about the room immersed in conversation as the music played softly from the record player in the background. You saw Harry break the news to Sirius from across the room about how he couldn’t ‘find’ the ring anywhere, you felt a little bad as you saw his face drop so you decided to go over and comfort him. He doesn’t notice you as you approach seeming to take a rather large gulp of his drink as he took a deep breath.
“Siri you okay?” you rub his arm as you lean in planting a kiss on his cheek
This seems to calm him as he slithers his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him “Yeah, sorry. I know I’ve been a bit distant today I was a bit nervous about the party” he smiles sadly, clearly a little disappointed, on any other occasion you would have taken him to the side and made sure he was okay but since you knew he would be very happy soon you just nod leaning into him
“Okay” you say as you place a kiss on his jaw which makes him crack a smile
“How are you?” he gives your waist a little squeeze
“Good, I think the party’s going well everyone’s having a good time” you smile back at him, biting your lip for a second as you look around the room “Maybe you should make a little toast now everyone is here?” you suggest
Sirius’ smile falters as he remembers this was the moment he would have proposed if not for his own recklessness “Yeah good idea darlin” he leans in to give you a lingering kiss to the forehead before he steps forward grabbing one of the knifes from the buffet table nearby and clinging his glass to get everyone’s attention
“I’d like to make a little toast, don’t worry I’ll keep it short and…” Sirius’ announces but he stops hearing Molly’s and a few others gasp, oh god I better not have something on my face, he panics looking over at Remus who gives him a smile and a wink mouthing ‘turn around’
The man’s eyebrows knit together as he turns around slowly, his eyebrow raising as he sees you down on one knee behind him, box in hand. His eyes trail from your face to the box, recognising it immediately, his lips parting as he closes his eyes, a huge smile spreads across his face as well as a light-hearted chuckle escapes his lips as he puts all the pieces together
“Sirius, we have been together for a while now, and you are the most amazing, remarkable and wonderfully ridiculous man I have ever met” you giggle a little bit as does he “You make me, smile brighter, laugh harder and every time I see you my heart flutters like it was the first time I saw you all over again. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, so…” you open up the box, gaining more gasps and in your peripheral a fully crying Molly but your main focus is on the man looking at you like you were his entire world “Would you make me the happiest person alive and do me the honour of marrying me?” you ask your eyes a little glossy from the emotions running through you
If his smile could grow any wider it did as he took a couple of steps forward, dropping down to his kneels down in front of you placing the glass and knife on the floor next to him in front of you “Yes” he nods his head “Merlin yes” he declares with such joy in his eyes
Sirius wastes no time as he cups your cheeks, gently pulling your jaw towards him by his fingertips, lips meeting softly before moulding together seamlessly. The party goer cheers and applauds around you forgotten as you drop your raised knee, letting you both shuffle closer to each other as your kiss deepens. As you pull away he rests his forehead on yours, kissing your nose gently as he does
“You’re a sneaky little thing aren’t you” he shakes his head lightly as you tug your bottom lip between your teeth “Merlin I love you so much” he nuzzles his nose with yours as you both are unable to hold back your smiles
“I love you too Siri” you take his hand in yours placing a chaste kiss to his knuckles “Nice surprise?” you ask even though you already know the answer from the proud grin painting his face
“I knew I wanted to married you for a reason. May I?” he gestures to the box
You nod, handing it over as you raise up your hand for him. Sirius removes the ring out of the box, sliding it smoothly onto your finger “It’s beautiful” you say looking directly at him
“As are you my love” he compliments as he helps you stand, both of you smiling like the happiest people in the world he leans down to whisper in your ear “How many people were in on this so I know who to get back at?” you don’t say anything merely glance over in the direction of Remus, Tonks and the trio “They are so dead” he jokes as you both laugh together, as you both are about to walk away you gasp as you feel Sirius pinch your arse “Don’t think I won’t be getting you back either, future spouse or not” he smirks before he pulls you in for another kiss
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13 notes · View notes
The Other Evans Girl [Part Sixty]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black/Original Female Character, Sirius Black/Daisy Evans, James Potter/Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black,
Word Count: 3716
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many. But it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sister’s as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, The Other Evans Girl, Sirius Black Fic, Sirius Black/You, Sirius Black x OFC, OFC, Marauders Fic, Eventual Sirius Black, Sirius Black x Reader Fic, Sirius Black Fic, James Potter is a bit of a dick but we LOVE it, Hogsmeade, Friends, Hate, Love, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Implied Sex, Potters, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Friends to Loves, Slow Burn, Eventual Sirius and Daisy, Teenage Angst, Insecurities, Fighting, Arguing, Bullying, War, First Wizarding War, Marauders, Marauder’s Era, 1970’s, 1970s Fashion, Canon Character Deaths, Loss of Virginity, Crying, Voldemort, The Other Evans Girl, Marauders Era to war, Multiple Parts, GORE, injuries, harm, fighting, blood, The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: can i say i dont know how ive churned out sixty parts but oh my i love writing this series
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TAGS - @maeisafangirl@mysteriouslydelicateface
As January rolled into February excitement started to buzz around the school as Valentine's Day was just around the corner. As everyone scrambled to get a date for the Hogsmede weekend that followed Daisy revelled in the fact that she needn’t worry this year. It wasn’t that she cared much in previous years but she was happy that a day all about love presented an ample opportunity for her and Sirius to make their debut as a couple.
Though it seemed that Daisy hadn’t been the only one doing some thinking. Since Lily had laid her revelation at her sister's feet she’d also been thinking over her decision meticulously. Like everything in the girl’s life she had it planned with military precision which is how she came to speak to her sister the Friday night before Hogsmeade.
They were tidying up the attic after a club meeting. Everyone had left bar the boys and those two, though the boys seemed to have no interest in making the room presentable after they’d spent the night practising how to use and stop the oppungo charm a spell Frank had taught them that made objects come to life and attack leaving quite the disarray in their wake.
As the girls gathered the objects that littered the floor the boys were lounging around on the sofas with Peter boasting about how he was sure to defeat everyone in the gobstones tournament the following morning. Daisy listened to him ramble as she placed the last of the books back on the shelf where they belonged. Once she finished she padded gently over to where Lily was sorting items on a table.
‘I’ve put them all away,’ Daisy said. Lily nodded but didn't say anything, ‘maybe I can do the cushions next?’ Again Lily gave a nod though she didn’t seem to be listening, well, not properly, ‘or I might just put them all at the bottom of the astronomy tower? Fling myself off and see if you’ve actually learnt that slowing charm you were on about?’
‘Yeah, okay,’ Lily mumbled as her fingers arranged the quills in the pot she was holding.
‘Okay so you weren’t listening then,’ Daisy grumbled. 
‘What?’ Lily said, looking her sister in the eye, ‘oh sorry.’
‘It’s alright. What’s up?’ Daisy asked. Lily bit her lip and glanced past her sister to where the boys were sitting still wrapped up in whatever Peter was telling them. 
‘I’ve decided,’ she whispered. 
‘Decided what?’ Daisy said all too loudly causing her sister to hush her. Sirius looked up at them and Lily gave him a small smile before looking back at her sister. Sirius dropped his gaze, whatever they were talking about he was out of earshot and if he got up they’d stop talking altogether. Daisy glanced over her shoulder though she couldn’t see the boys from where she was standing but the way Lily continued made her sure they couldn’t hear. 
‘About…well you know,’ Lily said. 
‘Oh,’ Daisy said quietly. 
‘Yeah, and actually,’ she whispered, ‘I need your help.’
‘What do you want me to draw you a diagram?’ Daisy snorted, earning a swat on her arm from her twin. 
‘Of course not!’ Lily said in a hushed tone.
‘Then what?’ Daisy asked genuinely intrigued about what her sister might need from her for this. 
‘Well we’re going to need somewhere for…well we need to make sure we won’t be disturbed.’
‘And the easiest place is going to be the dormitory,’ she said, ‘obviously.’
‘Still not seeing how this has anything to do with me,’ Daisy said. 
‘Well, Peter’s going to be at his gobstones thing. You can handle Sirius but…’
‘You need Remus out of action,’ Daisy said, catching on. 
‘Well…yeah,’ Lily said, flushing deep crimson. Daisy giggled, making her sister’s face darken even more before she whispered, ‘so will you help me?’ 
Daisy watched her for a moment. This decision had put her in quite the tailspin recently but, of course, that had nothing to do with Lily. Her insecurities were hers only, she knew that. And her sister was asking for her help. She couldn’t refuse.
‘Of course I will.’
As Daisy dressed for breakfast the following morning she couldn’t help but mull over what excuse she was going to use to get Remus out of the way. Lily had made it quite clear that she was to inform no one, not even Sirius, about what they were up to until after the fact. Before she could dwell on it more Lily came out of the bathroom. 
‘Oh good you’re up,’ she said, watching as Daisy slipped on her boots. 
‘I’ve been up for half an hour,’ Daisy grumbled, ‘and I’ve needed a wee the whole time.’ 
‘Sorry,’ Lily said apologetically. 
‘It’s alright,’ Daisy said, ‘I figured you might be a little long in the bathroom today.’ 
‘I couldn’t decide on what eyeshadow to wear,’ Lily said nervously. She took a seat on the end of her bed, chewing on her nails as she did so. 
‘Lil,’ Daisy said, ‘I can hand on heart tell you that James Potter does not care about what eyeshadow you’ve got on.’ 
‘I know,’ Lily said. She looked beautiful but effortlessly so. Her pale complexion was a shade darker now due to her foundation giving her a little more colour than usual. Her eyes were dashed with a variety of nude shadows and a slight wing of eyeliner that she never usually wore and her lips were blood red giving a little glam to her otherwise natural look. And her normal outfit of jeans and a T-shirt was gone, replaced by a skirt and a v-necked shirt Daisy was sure Lily had told her was ‘far too low’ to be worn when it had been hers. However, despite her put-together outfit she looked nervous, Daisy could tell. 
‘You know you can change your mind right?’ Daisy said, ‘that’s okay.’
‘I know,’ Lily said. 
‘No one’s gonna care if you change your mind,’ Daisy said. 
‘I know,’ Lily repeated. 
‘Are you gonna get rid of that massive weight from your shoulders then?’ Daisy said. 
‘Yeah,’ Lily said, ‘I guess I’m just nervous…what if it’s…’
‘Shit?’ Daisy finished earning an eye roll from her sister. 
‘I was going to say not what I expected but yeah,’ she said. 
‘Well, I suppose it doesn’t really matter?’ Daisy said, ‘I mean surely the good thing about it is that you can practice and get better.’
‘Yeah I suppose,’ Lily giggled. 
‘It’s right up your street isn’t it?’
‘I mean it’s just revision,’ Daisy chuckled, ‘and you’re really good at that.’ 
‘Oh shut up you,’ Lily said standing up and grabbing her bag. Daisy stood too grabbing her bag and coat and said, ‘ready?’ 
‘As I’ll ever be,’ Lily said. 
The two headed down to breakfast where they found all the boys, Frank and Alice sitting at Gryffindor table. Lily slid in beside James and Daisy took a seat opposite her next to Sirius.
‘Morning,’ he smiled at her and his hand slipped under the table and into hers. They still weren’t actively broadcasting their relationship but it felt nice to be doing so in public. 
‘Morning,’ she smiled. She leaned forward to grab a couple of slices of toast, frowning inwardly as she had to let go of his hand to butter it. As she did so she heard a cough from Lily who said, not too subtly, ‘so what’s everyone doing today?’ 
‘Well, I’ve got my gobstones tournament,’ Peter said, shovelling cornflakes into his mouth.
‘And we’re doing something that is not that,’ Sirius chuckled. 
‘Me and Frank are headed into Hogsmede,’ Alice said, nudging Frank’s arm. He looked up from the book he was reading and mumbled an ‘oh yeah,’ before immediately going back to reading. 
‘What about you Remus?’ Lily asked. 
‘Dunno,’ Remus asked, ‘might do some studying in the library. I’m not fit for much today.’ 
Daisy watched as Lily’s face paled for a second before she threw a glance at James. Daisy realised he must have been up to speed on her sister’s decision though he seemed not to notice his girlfriend’s dilemma until there was a distinct thudding under the table where Daisy had walloped him in the shin. He grunted before he looked at his friend and said, ‘don’t you fancy heading into the village? I mean a brisk walk might do you good.’
‘Yeah,’ Daisy said, ‘Sirius and I were gonna have lunch in the three broomsticks.’
‘We were?’ Sirius asked, his brows knitting together.
‘I thought I’d told you,’ Daisy lied. 
‘Oh I’d love to go to the pub today,’ Peter said, his mouth full of cereal. 
‘Yeah but if you don’t go to the gobstones tournament they’ll be down to just what? Three other people?’ James chuckled.
‘What do you say Moony?’ Daisy said, leaning into him. He was sitting on her other side as she rested her head against his shoulder looking up at him with her large green eyes. 
Remus looked at her. His eyes narrowed as he watched her and then his friends who were also hanging on his decision. Well, apart from Sirius, who seemed to have the same suspicion he did.
‘Alright,’ he said.
‘Yay,’ Daisy said.
‘Well, that sounds like a plan,’ Sirius said. 
It was baltic. The wind whipped through Hogsmeade attacking anyone who dared stand out in it. Unfortunately for Sirius, this meant him. He was trudging through the snow, next to his best mate, watching as his girlfriend walked a fraction ahead of them babbling as they walked. When she had suggested they come to the village he had supposed it wouldn’t be that bad. But he’d imagined cuddling up with her in the three broomsticks. Risking a quick snog in the changing rooms of Madam Malkins. Not this. 
Remus seemed to be on the same wavelength. He was dog tired today even though he was mid cycle. All he had wanted to do was spend the day in the library. Away from all the couples. Away from all the in your face, nauseating  love. But Daisy had piqued his interest. There was something a foot. He was sure of it. This idea was only reinforced by the fact Lily and James had somehow managed to escape this trip. 
‘Dais,’ Sirius grumbled. He was bundled in jeans and a leather jacket, a thin jumper underneath which was doing nothing to protect him from the cold, ‘how much longer are we gonna do this trek for?’
‘Yeah, we’ll be at John O’Groats at this rate,’ Remus chuckled. He stopped walking as did Sirius though Daisy kept walking for a moment before she realised the sound of footsteps behind her had stopped. She turned and smiled at them sheepishly. The boys shared a look.
‘What’s going on?’ Remus asked.
‘What?‘ Daisy asked, feigning ignorance. 
‘Oh come on Dais,’ Sirius smirked, ‘do you think we don’t know you’re up to something?’
‘What would I be up to?’ she asked, folding her arms across her chest.
‘I’m not sure,’ Sirius said, walking up beside her and throwing his arm around her shoulder, ‘but it’s definitely something.’
‘I resent the accusation,’ she said, her arms still crossed.
‘Yeah?’ Remus said.
‘Yeah,’ she replied. Remus had a theory and he decided to test it.
‘Well then,’ he said, ‘I doubt you want to spend time with people who would accuse you of such things. Come on Pads, let’s head back to the castle.’
Remus turned on his heel and headed back towards the village. 
‘No!’ Daisy said with a little too much urgency which made Remus turn back with a smug smile, ‘I mean…why don’t we just head back to the pub?’
‘Oh we can but you’re going to tell us what’s going on,’ Sirius said as they walked towards Remus. He fell into step with them as they trudged back the way they came. Their footprints were the only one on the snowy track as they were the only ones mad enough to come out in this weather.Daisy sighed. 
‘Fine,’ she said, ‘but you’re buying me a butter beer first.’
Once they were back in the three broomsticks, tucked away in the back corner, the boys sat opposite her watching Daisy as she sipped her drink ignoring them. As she put her drink down she seemed to realise they were looking at her.
‘So,’ Sirius said.
‘So,’ Daisy said.
‘Are you going to tell us why you brought us on this wild goose chase?’ Sirius asked.
‘It’s a long story,’ Daisy said.
‘We’ve got time,’ Remus said.
‘ Well it’s not my idea,’ she said, ‘it was-‘
‘-Lily and James,’ the boys said in unison. Daisy smirked, ‘So they’re not as clever as they think they are.’
‘Oh I’m sure Pete has no idea what’s going on,’ Sirius chuckled.
‘Yeah but he wasn’t the problem,’ Daisy said.
‘Problem?’ Remus asked.
‘Yeah,’ she said sheepishly, ‘they sorta needed to be alone.’
‘Well they could’ve just found somewhere private,’ Sirius said, ‘like the astronomy tower eh Dais?’
‘Didn’t want to get caught,’ Remus said. Sirius looked at him curiously, an expression that grew deeper as Daisy said, ‘yeah.’
‘Hang on, am I missing something?’ Sirius asked.
‘Surely you can figure it out mate,’ Remus said, raising his eyebrows. An icy feeling flooded through Daisy at his words.
‘Figure it out the two of them wanted us out the castle so they could be alone and oh, oh,’ Sirius said, ‘well in Prongs.’
‘Sirius,’ Daisy chastised.
‘What? He’s the one shagging your sister not me,’ Sirius chuckled though he winced as she thumped him on the arm, ‘ow!’
‘She's right mate whatever they get up to behind closed doors and all that,’ Remus said.
‘Hey I wasn’t the one talking about it with my sister,’ Sirius said smugly.
‘That’s different, we're girls,’ Daisy said.
‘Like James won’t tell us everything later,’ Remus said. The three of them laughed as Daisy said, ‘yeah I suppose you’re right. I doubt there’ll be anyone left in our year that doesn’t know by tonight.’
‘Yeah because they’ll all be wondering why James internally combusted,’ Sirius joked, making them all laugh once more. After the laughter died down Remus looked at the pair of them all of a sudden feeling very much like a third wheel.
‘So,’ he started, ‘now that I know to avoid the dorm like the plague I'm okay to be released from being babysat?’
‘Rem, I wasn’t babysitting you,’ Daisy said.
‘No I know,’ he said, ‘but I’ve got stuff to do…and I’m sure the pair of you wouldn’t mind being left alone right?’
‘Oh feel free to bugger off on my account,’ Sirius smirked, earning him a dig in the ribs from Daisy.
‘Don't be daft,’ she said, ‘you can stay with us if you want. We like having you around.’
‘Nah,’ he said, ‘I think the library is calling.’
Daisy wanted to protest but she could see he was determined to leave them. If she was being honest she didn’t want to be alone with Sirius. Her worries from before we’re threatening to creep back in. Even more so now he knew what his friends were up to this afternoon. She nodded allowing him to hug her before he patted Sirius on the shoulder and exited the pub.
‘So,’ Sirius said once he was gone, ‘what now?’
Since Remus had headed off to the library and all their other friends were occupied Daisy and Sirius decided to head up to the attic out of the way. They’d been up there a couple of hours, listening to music which eventually turned into talking over the music. To her surprise, Daisy’s nerves seemed to disappear when she and Sirius were alone together. She was sitting on the sofa, her legs across his with her back against the arm, babbling away about her muggle studies essay. 
He didn’t know how the conversation had gone from talking about Led Zeppelin to muggle studies because in all honesty he hadn’t been listening. He was too busy staring at her. Too busy looking at how her eyes lit up a little when she got in the swing of talking. Too busy noticing just how much she used her hands when she spoke. Too busy looking at her lips, which were chapped from the cold outside but still begging for him to kiss them. So, as she spiralled through her conversation Sirius watched until she paused, noticing him ogling her.
‘What?’ she said.
‘Nothing,’ he said, ‘I just love watching you talk.’
‘Oh,’ she said with a pink tinge rising on her cheeks, ‘you mean you weren’t listening to a word I was saying right?’
‘Oh for sure,’ he said with a wide smile. Daisy smiled back at him. He looked good today though she always thought that. His grey eyes seemed lighter and his hair tousled from where he had pushed it out of his face when walking through the snow. His hand came to her cheek, catching her chin in between his thumb and forefinger as he leaned in and placed a kiss on her lips. 
Daisy melted into it, wrapping her arms around his neck as she deepened it. He allowed her to and she swung her legs off of him so she could move into his lap, her legs on either side as her hands knotted in his hair. Sirius groaned a little, causing a tingling sensation to form in Daisy’s lower stomach. His hands were on her hips, dancing under the hem of her shirt, amping that feeling on a little more. 
To her surprise, Daisy didn’t stop. All the worries she’d been having didn’t seem to come to the surface now. She moved a little causing a little friction between them which Sirius grunted at. He pulled his mouth off of hers and started kissing down her neck, his fingers going to the hem of her jumper and motioning it up a little. And then she felt it. Hard against her thigh. Sirius. Daisy stopped, her hands no longer moving through his hair and her hips no longer rubbing against him. Sirius didn’t seem to notice for a moment but when he felt her go still he pulled back, a little breathless. 
‘What’s the matter?’ he said, looking at her with confusion. 
‘Nothing,’ she lied, going back to kiss him. Sirius tilted his face so her kisses dotted along his jaw. 
‘Dais,’ he said. His hands hadn’t moved from her hips but he gripped them a little differently forcing her to stop. She looked down at him nervously as he looked back at her expectantly. She sighed and slipped off his lap to sit beside him. 
‘Is everything okay?’ he said, ‘I didn’t hurt you or-’
‘No,’ she said, waving him off, ‘of course you didn’t.’
‘Then what is it?’ he asked. 
‘It’s nothing…I just…you were…’ she started. A blush crept back onto her face as she nervously played with the fringe on a cushion behind him. 
‘I was?’ he asked, his brows knitted together again. 
‘A little…excited,’ she said, glancing quickly at his lap and then back at his face. 
‘Oh,’ he said, ‘well yeah.’ 
Daisy wanted the ground to swallow her up. She didn’t know why she was all of a sudden so embarrassed. It was Sirius for god’s sake. She dropped her gaze from his. Sirius’ bemusement turned to worry as he placed a hand on her knee, ‘Dais?’
‘I know I’m being silly,’ she said looking up at him. He was watching her with concern. 
‘Silly about what?’ he asked, confused. 
‘Well, since Lil told me about…y’know, I’ve been panicking because I’m not Lil. I mean we’re two different people right? We’re not going to, I mean it’s not that I don’t want to, I just, we just,’ she babbled. 
‘Sweetheart you’re gonna have to catch me up because I’m not getting-’
‘I don’t want to have sex with you,’ she blurted out. Sirius looked at her for a moment and said, ‘oh.’
‘No,’ she started, ‘I don’t mean it like that.’
‘Well can you tell me what you do mean? Cos I’m still a little lost here,’ he said with a smile which reassured her. 
‘Since Lil told me about her and James I’ve been worrying…because I’m not there yet,’ she said, biting her lip.
‘Well that’s okay,’ he said.
‘It’s not that I don’t want to eventually,’ she said, ‘I’m just not…’
‘Ready to jump my bones?’ he laughed. 
‘Yeah,’ she said quietly, ‘you don’t mind do you?’
‘Why would I mind?’ he asked. 
‘Well you’re a guy,’ she pointed out. 
‘Okay, so, I’m not going to pretend I haven’t thought about it,’ he chuckled, ‘but if you’re not ready I’m not going to demand it happens today. Or this week. I’m happy for you to lead.’ 
‘But, what about…’ she said, dropping her voice again. Sirius watched her expectantly, urging for her to elaborate, ‘I mean you’re not exactly a novice when it comes to girls. I thought you’d be all gung ho.’
‘Dais, you should know by now that you can’t trust everything the Hogwarts rumour mill puts out,’ he said. He moved his arm onto the back of the couch now, leaning in so their heads were almost touching. 
‘Huh?’ she said confused, ‘but you’ve dated so many girls.’
‘Dated yeah,’ he said, ‘slept with no.’
‘And Mar?’ she asked. She didn’t know why. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to know what her boyfriend and her best friend had got up to in the time they were together. 
‘Fooled around I’ll admit. But we never went all the way,’ he said, dropping his volume a little as he said, ‘I’ve never slept with anyone.’
‘No?’ she said hope evident in her voice. 
‘I’ve been busy moping after you for the past year and a half,’ he smirked, ‘believe it or not no one fancies a lad who's busy pining for his best friend.’
‘I do,’ she chuckled, leaning in and giving him a peck on the lips. 
‘Good,’ he said, ‘because even if we aren’t shagging there’s no way I wanna stop kissing you.’ 
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The First Step
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Barely dodging Dolohov’s curse, movement caught your eye and you heard Bellatrix scream out the incantation for the Killing Curse but you didn’t see who she was aiming for. You just knew that you had to stop her somehow.
Desperately, you moved your wand in an arc and Dolohov flew backwards into Rudolphus Lestrange, catching him by surprise and causing him to stagger backwards.
Right into the path of his wife’s Killing Curse.
Everything fell silent and the Death Eaters who were still fighting fled as one.
You turned to face Bellatrix with your wand still raised even as she lowered her wand and the madness faded from her eyes only to be replaced with horror.
“Oh, Morgana. I just tried to kill my Head of House.”
Next chapter
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heywardsarchive · 4 years
If You Loved Me (Sirius Black)
Summary: sirius and y/n were the power couple, until they were not. Their loving relationship turned toxic. Will they be able to save it? Read to find out;)
Warnings: toxic relationship, kinda cheating but not really, injuries (nothing to graphic), angst, alcohol, I think that's it?
Word count: almost 4k
Pairing: Sirius Black x female! Reader
This is the request by fangirl_3004 on wattpad Hi I wanted to request a sirius one-shot where they are like 20 and have been working for the order and have been dating for a few years but he keeps flirting with other girls. So the reader and sirius get into a nasty fight and he says a bunch of mean things to her and they breakup but the reader gets badly injured in an order mission and the next day sirius realises how much he loves her and they make up.
a/n: a big thankyou to @iwritesiriusly​ and @tragically-here​/ @tragedy-of-sorts​ for proofreading this ❤
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All schools whether magical or not have that one couple who everyone thought would last forever, in Hogwarts, that couple was Sirius Black and y/n l/n.
Sirius Black had all the girls of the school wrapped around his finger but when y/n came along, Sirius was whipped, he was wrapped around her finger. They didn't start dating immediately no, Sirius had to prove himself before he managed to get a first date. And boy was he over the moon!
Their first date was simple, a picnic near the black lake (where the rest of the marauders were definitely spying on them) the skipped rocks on the water and just basked in each other's company, by the end of the date Sirius was convinced that he had found the woman he was going to marry one day.
He lay in his bed in the dormitory and gushed about the date to James, Remus and Peter. They pretended to fake gag and passed comments like , "oh no we've lost our pads to the other side, abort mission abort mission!" But they were truly happy that their friend had found someone who he loved and only hoped that she would give him the love that he doesn't get at home.
Soon they finished their seventh year at Hogwarts, it was bittersweet going home in the scarlet train for the last time in seven years, they would miss their school but their life had just begun. Sirius and y/n had been dating for about two years then and they decided to move in together, it was only fitting since they were utterly and truly in love and besides, sirius had inherited one of his uncle alphard's homes in London which was conveniently near where Lily and James were going to live.
Everything went swimmingly for a few years and in 1979 Lily and James got married in an intimate but beautiful ceremony. Everyone tried to stay happy in a time where things were dark. The dark lord called voldemort was rising and gaining support, it was only a matter of time before a war broke out.
Lily, James, Remus, Peter, Sirius and y/n had joined the order of the pheonix, an organisation started to by Dumbledore in order to stop the growth of the dark lord.
But like they say not everyday is the same, sirius and y/n started growing apart, unnoticed by them too. Their weekly date nights started becoming monthly date nights, work commitments and other such things came in the way. Still everyone believed that they were meant to be.
"Sirius, I will be away for a week." Y/n told Sirius one night, she had been called for a rescue mission by the order, her medical skills were required. "Don't worry love, I'll be fine." He reassured her with a pat on the cheek.
Early the next morning, y/n had her things packed and she was ready to go. She kissed Sirius goodbye and apparated to Scotland.
That evening Sirius sat down on the sofa, and opened his work file. He tried to get his work done but his mind kept wandering. He sighed and shut his file and closed his eyes. It was pointless just sitting around and he thought he may as well enjoy his Friday night. All his friends were wrapped up in their own business and he didn't want to disturb them.
He put on his leather jacket, the one y/n had got for him on his seventeenth birthday, and headed out of the door. He walked the streets of London and wandered into a bar. A few drinks wouldn't hurt. He sat down at the bar table and drank a few shots. He looked around the room, it was crowded and reeked of alcohol. Couples stood there making out in the back and others danced in the middle with their sweaty bodies pressed against each other due to the lack of space.
As Sirius watched the scene, a pretty brunette girl with electric blue eyes walked up to him. "Care for a dance?" She looked him up and down and asked. Sirius was about to decline but then decided to go for it. What did he have to lose anyway? It wasn't like he was cheating or anything, it was just one dance right?
He allowed the girl to pull him to the dancefloor. There he drank a few more shots and danced like there was no tomorrow. Soon it was midnight, sirius decided it was time to leave. As he was about to head out, the girl who's name sirius did not know decided to kiss him. Sirius almost kissed back but then y/n's face flashed in his mind and he pulled away quickly. "I can't do this." He said almost hesitantly and rushed out of the club.
He sat down on the sidewalk and put his hand on his head. Sirius couldn't understand why he almost kissed back when he absolutely in love with y/n. He shook his head, stood up and apparated home. His head couldn't handle it along with the alcohol.
He spent the next week buried in work, trying to distract his mind from thoughts he wished he didn't have.
It was on Friday night when y/n finally returned. A distinct pop sound echoed through the room. Sirius rushed out to greet her. He was dressed messily, his hair tousled from laying on the bed and his shirt wrinkled. "Hello love, you're back." He smiled wrapping his arms around her in a hug. As he took in her familiar scent, he realised that what happened at tha bar was a mistake and there was nothing wrong with his love for the girl in his arms.
He pulled away to take in her appearance. She had a few cuts and bruises littering her arms and face, otherwise she looked fine. "How was the mission?" Sirius asked, his grey eyes brewing with concern.
"It was fine." Y/n shrugged. "Managed to get hold of a few death eaters and interrogate them." She pulled Sirius info another embrace and sighed. "it's good to be home." A simple statement such as that made sirius feel extremely guilty. He had to tell her what happened. Not then, soon. He would tell her.
Sirius spent many a sleepless night with the guilt eating him from inside. He decided that it was time he came clean.
He woke up before y/n the next morning and drank his coffee, and made her a cup too. Soon y/n came down the stairs rubbing her eyes tiredly. "You're up early." She pressed a kiss to his cheek before drinking a glass of water and eyeing him carefully. "What's wrong?"
Sirius looked up as though he had been snapped out of a trance. "Uh with me? Nothing. Why do you ask?" He stuttered nervously.
"Don't lie to me siri, I can read you like a book." She spoke with such tenderness in her eyes that sirius wanted to slap himself for being so stupid and almost kissing the blond girl back in the bar. Well, he had to tell her. It was now or never.
"Actually something is bothering me. Remember when you left for the mission a few weeks back?" Y/n nodded. "Well that night I went to a bar, because I was unable to concentrate and-"
"You're guilty because you went out to drink without me? Oh sirius that's nothing to worry about!" Y/n cut him off.
"No, that's not it. Let me continue. So I drank a few shots and got a bit tipsy and soon I ended up on the dance floor. Now, before you hear this I want you to know that I'm very guilty about what happened." At these words y/n's brows furrowed and she looked at sirius intently.
"I was about to leave when a blond girl who was dancing in the group I was in kissed me. I didn't kiss her back though-" Sirius defended himself.
A series of expressions flashed through y/n's face. First sadness, hurt and betrayal. "Did you think about kissing back?" She gripped the counter top hard, her knuckled turned white.
"I- I didn't kiss her back! Please understand y/n! I love you I would never hurt you this way." He tried to defend himself reaching out to hold her hand.
"No! Answer my question. Did you think of kissing back? Be honest." She looked firm and sirius knew he couldn't lie to her.
"I- ok yes I did. But I didn't. Your face flashed in my head and I couldn't bear to do anything more. So I pushed her away and left that instant." He said honestly. Sirius looked at y/n hoping that she'll forgive him, now that he was honest. But all he was met with was her steely gaze eyeing him sharply.
"I thank you for your honesty. I really do appreciate it. But the fact that you almost kissed her back speaks volumes. I think it's better that you give me some space to think." She spoke calmly. The calm before the storm. Sirius wished she yelled at him, and eventually forgave him but alas, that didn't happen.
**** July 1980
Lily and James were blessed with a beautiful baby boy whom they named Harry. He had his mother's stunning green eyes and his father's dark hair. He was the light that lit up a dark room, or in the case of the marauders and lily and y/n, their dark lives.
Things were not looking up for sirius and y/n's relationship. After y/n asked for space, she pondered over whether the relationship she had with Sirius was worth fighting for or not. She loved the man, ofcourse she did not know if he would stay faithful to her forever, that was just one incident. Who knows how many would occur? But eventually she gave in and decided to mend their broken relationship.
January 1981
The happiness of sirius and y/n's mending relationship didn't last long. In the order, Sirius was obviously the attraction of many single women, they all flirted with him hoping to catch his eye. He ignored their attempts at first, but after a fight with y/n over a trivial matter he decided to flirt back just to spite her.
Their relationship was getting toxic. Everyone could see it. Sirius and y/n would fight over small things and in retaliation, sirius would flirt with other girls. It became so bad after a point that the two of them wouldn't even look at each other for weeks at an end.
James, Remus and Lily were worried about their friends. Everyone thought that their fights would stop but it only got worse.
One day Lily and y/n had a girls day in (with Harry ofcourse, y/n loved her godson) and she voiced her concerns to the (h/c). "Im worried about you, love. All you and Sirius do is fight. And when you fight he goes out and flirts with other girls. Don't you think it's time you break things off with him? Or try fix your differences?" She reasoned placing a hand on her knee.
Y/n sighed and placed her head on top of Harry's, who was sitting on her lap. "I have thought about it ofcourse, but I still love him." "Even after everything I love him. And besides, if we break up what will happen to our friend group? I love you and James and Remus and Peter, it's just that I may never see you again if we separate." "And if I'm being honest, I still have a small bit of hope that the old sirius will return, the one I fell in love with."
Lily pulled the girl into a hug. She was sobbing at this point and Lily wanted nothing more than to end her hurting. "Talk to him. Make him understand, if you can't leave him, try to get him to understand." She said still holding y/n in a hug.
She sniffed. "You're right. I'll talk to him."
June 1981
Y/n never did get around to talking to Sirius. She kept putting it off and avoiding the topic as much as she could. Everytime she would meet Lily, she would tell her the same thing and y/n gave the same reply. "I will, eventually."
Disaster fell upon the group when the dark lord decided that Harry was the baby who was destined to kill him. Since he was on the lookout for James and Lily, they had to go into hiding. Peter was made the secret keepers, the world belived it was sirius but no one knew of the real secret keeper.
The order was on high alert and most of the members were killed or in hiding. The last few remaining were Remus, y/n, Peter and Sirius among others. Due to this, sirius and y/n didn't have much time to fight with each other which was a nice change to their lives.
It all came crashing down once again when Dumbledore approached y/n to go on a mission, a dangerous one to find out who the traitor in the order was. She agreed, anything to figure out who the awful human was who decided to give information about lily and James and pose a threat to their safety. She graciously agreed.
Sirius was furious when he got to know that she agreed to such a dangerous mission. "Are you insane?!" He slammed the door shut. He was running his fingers angrily through his dark hair. "What do you mean?" Y/n asked him.
"You took the mission bloody well knowing it was a suicide mission. You won't survive this!" He slammed his fist on the table.
"Oh so now you care about me?" Y/n slammed her book shut and stood up and jabbed her finger in his chest. "After so long! Did you not care about me earlier? When you flirting with all those girls!" She screamed, equally fumed.
"All we do is fight Sirius, I can't take it anymore." Y/n replied in a small voice.
"What?" Sirius asked, his anger melting away. "What do you mean?"
"I think it's better if we just end it. Right here. Right now. It's best for both of us." Her voice broke.
"No you can't, you can't just walk away!" Sirius cried out. But y/n didn't reply. She shook her head and apparated away. It was then when Sirius allowed him to think about all the months they spent fighting and it hit him of how bad a boyfriend he had been.
October 1981
Four months. That's how long it had been since y/n walked away from sirius that day. Three months since she went on the mission to find out who the traitor was. Sirius was broken without her. He couldn't meet his best friend, and so the only person left was Remus who was probably tired of hearing Sirius repent for his mistakes.
Sirius regretted everything he had said to y/n everyday since she left. He barely left his house, he had become the shell of the man he once was and it was all his fault. He wondered if she was as hurt as he was, but another part of him hoped she was doing okay, he never wanted to break her heart which he swore to himself he would keep forever. He kept an eye out for letters from Dumbledore, or anyone for that matter hoping to get a shred of information of where y/n was and if she was safe, well as sage as she could be.
As for y/n, she apparated to her parents house after she left sirius in their house. She cried herself to sleep for a week but once she had no tears left to cry, she decided that it wasn't worth crying over someone who didn't appriciate her worth. She started preparing for her mission and spending as much time as she could with her parents because there was a chance she would not return in one piece from the mission.
Finally a few days later on October 27 1981, he recieved a letter from Dumbledore telling him that it was urgent and that Sirius had to arrive at the location with Remus that very instant.
The two of them arrived at the order safe house a few minutes later and rushed in. "What's the matter professor? Is everything alright?" Remus questioned but sirius' eyes were fixed on the bed in one of the bed rooms where he could see y/n's figure resting on the bed.
"What happened to her?" Sirius questioned urgently interrupting whatever conversation was going on between Remus and Dumbledore. "Ah. I knew you would ask. Well, y/n figured out who the traitor was but unfortunately she was cornered and attacked in an isolated alley, there were no eyewitness and so there is no way to know who did it to her."
Sirius' eyes widened and he was about to go rushing to y/n's side, but Dumbledore stopped him by placing a hand on his wrist. "Don't you want to know who the traitor was?" Dumbledore asked. Sirius and Remus nodded. "Peter." Dumbledore looked disappointed.
"Peter!" Remus cried out in disbelief. "How could he do such a thing? We trusted him with our life!"
"Im going to kill him. Look what he did to her!" Sirius said angrily.
"You don't have to." Dumbledore started. "Y/n already took care of him. When she found out what he did, she cursed him and he's now in ministry authority."
With that Dumbledore left. Sirius and Remus stood there staring holes into the ground. "Do you think, she'll forgive me?" Sirius asked Remus sadly. "I think I realised how much I love her after she left me." He gulped. "You dug yourself in this hole, now you get yourself out." Remus clapped his shoulder and entered the room where she lay, unconscious.
Sirius stood outside for a while before he decided to enter the room. There was healer with her who kept an eye on her heart rate. "Whats happening madam?" He asked the woman. She sighed and rubbed a hand against her forehead. "Hard to say, she was attacked pretty badly. She may remain in this comatose state for a week, a month, she may not even make it."
The words died in sirius' throat. Not make it? She couldn't just die? Y/n was the strongest woman he knew. He couldn't live with himself if the last conversation they had was them fighting. He swallowed the lump in his throat and sat down beside her bed. He held her hand and observed her face. The sunlight fell on her face and highlighted her features. He pushed away a bit of hair from her face and took in his peaceful y/n looked albeit she was covered in cuts and bruises.
December 1981
It had been two months since Peter had been outed as a traitor and in those two months. Y/n was still unconscious and Sirius spent most of his waking hours by her bedside. With the help of veratuserum, Peter had confessed the names of all other death eaters and voldemort's plans. Dumbledore and the aurors were able to figure out a way to kill him and succeeded.
Once it was safe, Lily and James along with Harry came to visit y/n. "You look terrible mate." James said pulling his best friend into a hug. It had been almost a year since the two saw each other last. "Yeah well, I certainly feel terrible." He said honestly. James gave him a sympathetic glance before joining Lily who was sitting at sirius' spot beside y/n. She looked devastated at seeing her best friend in such a state. James smiled at her sadly while Harry babbled happily to himself.
"Are you all family?" Rushed in the healer who had been treating y/n.
"Yes, why?" James asked curiously.
"We have bad news. We have checked miss y/l/n's reports and if she doesn't wake up soon, she may not make it. " She said sadly.
Tears welled up in the eyes of everyone present there. It was hard to see y/n who was always so happy and bubbly lie there on a bed unconscious and almost dead. Sirius knelt before her. "I know we fought before you left, but please wake up. I can't live without you, I realised how much I loved you only after you left. Come back to me, to us I swear I'll be better. Please y/n/n." He kissed her hand that was slightly cold.
Call it dramatic, but a few moments after that y/n's eyes fluttered open. "Sirius?" She said softly. She looked pale and her eyes didn't have the shine they used to.
"Where am I? Did they catch Peter?" She asked confused. Lily reached forward and hugged her friend tightly. "You're in the order safe house, you've been here since the past two months. You're okay now, and they caught Peter. Soon all this will be over." She smiled happily.
Y/n sighed happily. Her gaze fell on everyone in the room but when it landed on Sirius, her smile fell a bit. "I think we should talk about what happened earlier." Y/n said to him. "No! You've just woken up, you're still weak." He protested. "I think it's better we get this over with." She said firmly. Sirius sighed and walked over to her. Everyone else left the room.
"Im sorry about the way I acted, I was scared for you." Sirius started. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did. Im sorry I hurt you so bad, it wasn't my intention. I promise I will never ever hurt you again." He finished earnestly.
"How do I know I can trust you again? You promised you loved me the first time and yet you did it again and again. We were toxic for each other Sirius, I don't think we're good for each other." Y/n told him.
"I understand how you feel but if you give me a chance to prove myself, I swear I'll be better." He grabbed her hand.
She sighed and sirius started to lose hope. "This is the final chance I'll give you. I want to be friends first, and take it from there. I don't promise you anything." A small smile played on her lips.
Sirius wanted nothing more than to be loved by her, as a friend or as a lover. That evening, all five friends sat together talking like they were back in Hogwarts and nothing was wrong.
Maybe everything would be fine.
A/n: ngl i was planning to tweak the request and kill off the reader but I felt nice and decided against it, you're welcome 😌
taglist (strikethroughv means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you): @emilianamanson @itsarandomsparkle​
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