#eventually the master being evil just becomes a bit
here’s my vision: rose and metacrisis ten get to live out the tenrose love story for all of time and it’s beautiful, while fucked up twisted cycle path time lord victorious Real Ten gets to have kinky you know what with the master in the tardis as he tries to keep him from murdering the universe for all of time
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sepublic · 7 months
I find it a missed opportunity that Cole didn't play a role in Seabound with helping Nya unlock her Spinjitzu Burst; If you ignore The Island, which is basically part of the larger Seabound arc anyhow, Master of the Mountain comes right before and is all about Cole learning the Spinjitzu Burst. Given its requirements are to be surrounded by one's element, it's general fanon consensus that this was what Nya did when she unlocked the power of the sea.
Not only does this connect back to a previous season and make the show feel more intertwined, it also gives Cole something to do, builds off of his previous characterization, but also creates the opportunity for emotional conflict. He might be reluctant to teach Nya the Spinjitzu Burst upon hearing what happened to Nyad, or she may intentionally keep this a secret from him. When Nya does perform her big sacrifice, we could have Crystalized begin with Cole feeling guilt because he taught Nya the Spinjitzu Burst; Without it, she wouldn't have merged with the sea.
You could call back to Master of the Mountain again by having Cole ultimately make peace with what he did, by remembering his promise to Lilly, and recognizing that she would've done the same in Nya's place; He would've done the same in her place. In the end, all three chose to stand up to those who were cruel and unjust, to protect those who could not protect themselves.
...That also gets me to another point; The beginning of Crystalized is so similar to the beginning of Tournament of Elements; Both arcs follow the emotional aftermath of the ninja splitting up after a member of their team performs a great sacrifice to defeat the villain and save the day, and eventually have to get together when they're given hope that their dead teammate isn't so dead after all.
I really wish Crystalized hearkened back to that period where the ninja mourned Zane, because it would've been both a sensible callback, and a way to differentiate this arc from that one, by building off of the one which came before. Maybe the ninja ARE still sticking together, with Zane being different in that he's never had to mourn a teammate before; He was the sacrificial teammate the first time. That could lead to him turning off his emotions.
But while on the surface, the ninja seem to be handling it better than with Zane, since they learned their lesson, they may still express their grief in other ways. Such as with Kai becoming more ruthless, which canon already teased at; Maybe this could tie into Lloyd's Oni arc. Like with Zane's sacrifice beforehand, Lloyd urges the team to stick together and this time they do. But like Kai, his frustration with himself for not being good enough, thus necessitating Nya's sacrifice, could lead to Lloyd being more ruthless as a ninja, which could transition into his struggle with the Oni half of him, Harumi's return, the revelation that the Overlord is his grandfather's misguided attempt to purge his Oni half, etc.
That last bit especially, which was left out of the final product, seems to be building up to a lesson about Lloyd not repeating the FSM's mistakes by accepting his Oni half, and he already knew Mystake, Garmadon was finding good in himself, plus the implications of an Oni getting together with a Dragon to create his bloodline... But nothing comes of that. Imagine if Lloyd didn't succumb to his Oni form, but instead accepted it, and by extension accepted the Overlord, absorbing him into his body and making peace with the darkness the way his grandfather didn't.
That could be more interesting than Oni Lloyd actually being evil after all, which is basically the same moral takeaway as canon, just explored differently. It also hearkens back to Star Wars, which Tommy Andreasen takes big inspiration from when writing Ninjago, and the climax of Hunted, if Lloyd chooses not to fight the Overlord, and wins because of it; Rather than fighting Fire with Fire.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ohmygod your thoughts on Yandere Miguel give me life
Idk how your blog works so feel free to ignore and delete this ask but I have some thoughts I'd like your take on
So platonic yandere Miguel with a teen reader who's crushing on a villain from her universe (im a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope </3). And villain reciprocates feelings but is obviously evil (i can't fix them I'll love them for it) so Miguel HATES it even more.
And I'm imagining that villain is also a yandere so there's just gonna be so much drama like AHDISHDUSHD
But yes this idea has been bouncing around in my head alot
If you give me permission I shall come in here with more thoughts on this if I get them
Anygays have a nice day or night make sure to stay hydrated!!!
*Tyler the creator voice* ok ok ok ok ok
so, I was thinking of something earlier, and, I forgot to grab a screenshot of it, but, extremely incredibly minor ATSV spoiler, when Miles is being shown the holograms of the Spiderverse, another series of canon events that is shown is every Spider having some sort of Symbiote experience (as in Venom, which, I have to admit, I'm uh, not extremely knowledgeable on Spiderman lore, I've been out of the game with this series since like grade school, I used to be big on DC and TMNT and hero shit, so, yeah)
Reader is just crushing on like, some evil Eddie Brock or some bad boy with a Symbiote, and dedicated/obsessive Papá Miguel instantly recognizes when your moods and behaviors start to change, more rebellious, more moody, you're becoming a bit more assertive, but not always in the good way, you're hurting people, maybe even stealing and other petty crimes. He presses you on who you've been hanging out with because APPARENTLY you've been sneaking off your watch so you can't inherently be tracked or spied on or contacted
Some drama ass shit like, Miguel has been trying to reach you because you both have some sort of really sentimental or important date coming up, maybe the anniversary of when he first met you or your birthday or his birthday where you both were supposed to do something nice together, something that's been planned and talked about for ages, and then, this rebellion stuff begins and, the date comes and you completely ghost him, he can't find you, contact you, he's frustrated and angry but also worried because what if you're hurt? What if his baby girl is HURT 🥺 SURELY that's the ONLY reason you wouldnt show up and break your poor stressed beloved daddy's heart liks this 🥺 and he finally finds you and you're totally fine, it's just like "haha sorry 'dad' I was getting railed by my evil big tall hunky villain boyfriend and also I have a Symbiote now, look at my spooky black costume, im evil now :)" and here's Miguel like "NOOO PRINCESA 😭😱✝️", but, technically he's only able to interfere in certain ways, like, maybe he can pressure you to break up with this guy but your Symbiote is canon and whether you defeat it and get rid of it or somehow master it and befriend it like say Ghost Spider, that isn't up to him, he can only pressure you but he can't MAKE you do anything, at least, not directly
You're running around having your rebellious Evil Girl Autumn and he's trying to, you know, steer you back onto the path of righteousness and all that and the harder he tries to control you the angrier you're getting until you're even losing your temper and throwing things at him or eventually physically attacking him (to which he's forced to overpower you which, you two have sparred before but this is different and it breaks his heart). You throw your watch at him and tell him to go fuck himself, that you hate him, that you never want to see him again, but you're crying and he takes this as a sign you aren't serious (which, you aren't, not 100% completely, you kinda lowkey ARE having a huge temper tantrum and rebellious phase and being a criminal brat, but, like.... spiderverse babyyyy we got Spider powers, shit has no consequences, or so it feels like to you at the time, and the Symbiote is maybe questionably evil and corrupting your thoughts)
Oh I just realized you said teen reader and here I am talking about getting railed 💀 maybe the villain is a teen too or just a few years older than you but either way like. Miguel doesn't want his sweet innocent pure virginal baby girl having sex! With anyone! Especially before marriage! (Although i was hearing he's kind of a slut in the comics?) He ever finds that shit out it's like, A CRISIS EVENT. He's like that one stereotype of brothers/fathers who hate seeing their sister/daughter date because that's the baby the raised/grew up with. Picture having an argument with him and you're just trying to piss him off and like, it's true but in anger you say "OH YEAH? oh YEAH??? Well, well, you know how you hate Hobie Brown so much?! We've been dating JUST TO MUTUALLY SPITE YOU, and you know what, i actually like him, and he likes me! Maybe we'll hook up for real! Maybe I'll FUCK HIM, DAD :) maybe we'll HAVE A BABY TOGETHER, DAD :)"
Like girlie nooooo you're getting put into The Biggest Time-Out The Multiverse Has Ever Seen. You think getting locked up in a room would be bad, NO, because at least you'd have some vague sense of privacy and personal space. You're now on 24/7 Daughter Duty, with him literally all the time except for, bathing and that stuff. He's dragging you around, making you accompany him, controlling what you're allowed to do, really an extended prolonged punishment. Hss making you sit in his office or whatever while he works and you'll be absolutely fucking bored out of your mind because you're basically given nothing to do, have no phone, no tasks really. He's not outright hurting or abuse you but it's a kind of psychological burden for you, but from his perspective he's just, basically guarding you like a dedicated father, protecting his baby from tarnishing her reputation, her body, and otherwise when he isn't there. CLEARLY he has a lot more fathering to give you than he originally thought
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overlordraax · 4 months
Every now and then I wonder what it would be like if the George A Romero had gotten to make the live action Resident Evil movie. I remember finding the script for it online and reading through the whole thing (I actually went and found the original website and it still has it up along with a collection of other scripts). It has been a decade since I read it but there's still bits that stuck perfectly in my head.
Most memorable details were:
Jill was head of Bravo Team and she ends up as their only survivor after the initial attack. She actually outranks Chris.
The screenplay includes everything from the games. Everything. The zombie plant, the giant snake, giant spiders, even the zombie sharks. I doubt they all would have made it to the final cut of the film, if just for budget reason, but it's fun that they did at least consider ways to add everything they could.
Because it's clear that RE1 was the only piece of RE media at the time, some interpretations of the characters are very different to what we'd get in later instalments. For one Wesker wasn't really the Master Manipulator we get in later versions, in fact he came across as quite brash and incompetent. The screenplay also focused less on his sunglasses as his signature identifier and rather a skull themed tattoo.
He also has a very definitive death where he gets speared by the Tyrant multiple times and then gets his head lobbed off. I get the feeling if this movie had been made and that version of Wesker had become the public perception of his character then I doubt they would have brought him back as the series main villain.
Similarly Ada Wong isn't a spy but she's one of the scientists working at Umbrella (all this thanks to her being ""appearance"" in RE1 being a namedrop in some Umbrella emails so you can see how they made this extrapolation for her).
Also Brad Vickers doesn't disappear in the helicopter. He is part of the team that explores the mansion. He also gets shipped with Rebecca, the two have a little romance throughout the movie (I think Rebecca was written to be older, about the same age as everyone else on the team). He eventually he gets bitten by one of the zombie sharks and there is a tearful scene where he sacrifices himself by staying behind realising he'll eventually turn.
There we go. Those are the main things I remember. I will say the screenplay isn't --great, there are bits that often felt hard to tell quite what Romero was going for, but a screenplay is not the finished product of a movie. It's the very first stage of making one. There doubtless would have been revisions and changes if it had actually gone into production, and the final film probably would have ended up very differently. But I still wish they had stuck with this and that this had been the film we got.
The thing about it is it's fun, and cheesy, and really that's all I want from my Resident Evil movies. The biggest problem with the live action RE movie we got is that it's often dull and boring. The games always have a sense of camp, whether unintentionally, but that's all I ever really want, and it's a shame we didn't get that.
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wanderingghostz · 9 months
Batfam Monster AU Info
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This post contains what I have so for in terms of each character, and is open to change.
I believe my questions are open, so if anyone has any, ask away, and I'll try to figure it out!
Bruce Wayne
In this AU, Bruce's backstory is pretty much the same as canon. I tried to think of what to make him, and had no idea. I didn't want him to be a vampire, because there are already so many Vampire!Batman Au's, which I love, but I wanted to do something different.
So Bruce Wayne is a human. His parents were still shot in crime alley, and he became batman same as canon. And as happens often, gets mistaken for a monster/crypid. This then Ieads to multiple children with various afflictions and curses tracking him down, and then him adopting and/or becoming their cool uncle.
he's tired, and wonders what choices lead him to this moment.
Barbara Gordon
Babs ended up getting bit as a teen -I haven't decided the hows and whys yet- and is transformed into a vampire.
she struggles with the changes and the new urges that come with the transformation, and upon remembering the rumors about the infamous batman, she decides to borrow her fathers batsignal and get some much needed advice.
Dick Grayson
Everyone in Gotham knows the tale of the fall of the flying graysons.
After Tony Zuccos sabotage of the trapeze, all three of the flying graysons fell to their deaths. Of course, as far as the public knows, two parents left their son behind.
A psychic of halys circus takes pity on the fallen boy, and uses all she has to give Richard a second chance at life. But she couldn't heal everything. All of his bones were crushed in the fall, and he was left with some less then ideal side affects.
she just hopes that playboy bruce wayne has the available facilities to give the boy the care he needs.
Jason Todd
Jason's Todd used to be a normal boy, or as normal as you can be when you are adopted by a billionare who moonlights as batman, who makes you his sidekick.
With big shoes to fill, he can be quite impulsive, and has made a couple on mistakes, the biggest of which gets him killed. You's all know what happens next, he comes back, in a body which sometimes falls apart of him, and a major grudge with a bat, and a score to settle with a clown.
Tim Drake
Timothy Drake, heir to the drake fortune, and werewolf.
After his parents tick off the wrong person, who happens to be a werecreature. They end up being monster chow and there only son is transformed. With no parents and am uncontrollable curse, he lingers on Gotham rooftops watching his heros, Batman and the boy wonder.
After Robins death, realising the batman has no intensions of finding another robin, decides he knows how to fix both of their problems.
Cassandra Cain
when David Cain wanted to create the ultimate human weapon, inspired by mythology, he experimented with gene modification. He created a girl who shared the abilities of the nalusa falaya, a being known to melt into the shadows attacking hunters, giving them power to do evil to others.
After her first kill, she was found by Barbara Gordon after he reported being saved from a gunshot by a shadow.
Stephanie Brown
After discovering her fathers wizard heritage, and his plans for Gotham, begins experimenting in witchcraft, attempting to master the craft, so she can spoil -
"Get it, spoiler? Cuz I'm spoiling his plans?"
- eventually, word reached batman and his crew, everyone knows nothing escapes them, and she is busted by the boy wonder himself.
Damian al ghul-Wayne
After Bruce Waynes relationship with Talia al ghuIs crashed and burned upon discovering her father is that Al Ghul, the demonhead and carnivorous werewolf, he left unknowing his ex was expecting.
Only discovering this ten years later, after Talia delivers said baby to Wayne manor.
At least he has experience with werecreature children?
Duke Thomas
After the Thomas family was the victim of a joker attack, ending in both parents being in a permanently jokerised state, and their only son is killed, his spirit staying in Gotham.
He is trying to learn to live in this new state, with the assistance of the Wayne Clan, he just might make it.
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hbyrde36 · 9 months
The Crawl
Part 4 of 5
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 AO3
WC: 5670
Eddie thought the weirdest thing that would ever happen to him was Steve Harrington, of all people, trying and eventually succeeding in becoming his friend. 
It was unexpected, the way they got along so well and discovered that they actually had more in common than either of them would have thought, but not as unexpected as Eddie realizing that his unrequited crush on the former king of Hawkins High was possibly not as unrequited as he’d initially thought. 
That became his new weirdest thing, for a while. 
Eddie would have never dreamed that someone like Steve, queer or not, would be interested in someone like him, but after he caught the guy staring at his bare chest for nearly a full minute the first time he answered his door shirtless, and subsequently every time he was shirtless thereafter, it was too obvious to deny. 
Not that he ever intended to do anything with that information. 
Eddie was, in certain situations at least, a coward after all. The closer that they got, and the more Steve started to mean to him, the more afraid he became to ruin things. Steve never said anything outright, never acknowledged the electricity between them, so Eddie didn't either, happy to live in the liminal space where they danced around it, because it was safer. Steve stopped dating, Eddie continued his streak of not dating, and they never talked about it. 
Then Chrissy Cunningham was murdered by an unseen evil wizard right there in the middle of his living room, and he found out just how naive he’d been about how weird shit could get. 
Along with that epiphany came another one. Life was too fucking short to keep playing games, and Eddie was so tired of being scared. 
Angry hick mob launching a witch hunt? 
The Upside Down? 
Fucking terrifying. 
But, Steve? 
Steve was safe, he was comfort, he was home.
Eddie wasn’t afraid of Steve anymore, he was afraid for him, terrified that once they parted on the brink of battle they’d never see each other again, that he’d never get to tell Steve that he loved him.
He’d done it, in the end. Eddie was brave. He called out for Steve and they’d gotten their moment, a few feverish kisses at the end of the world, and a promise.
Afterwards he climbed up on top of that trailer with his audience of two to play Master of Puppets with a new fire running through his veins. 
This was for Chrissy, who’d died a terrible agonizing death at the hands of a foe she could never have imagined. It was for Max, who'd been targeted because of her suffering, as if the suffering itself wasn’t enough. It was for El, who endured a hellish upbringing that no one should ever have been subjected to. For the boys and Erica, whose childhoods were cut short by simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time and helping their friends. For the older teens, Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan, who were still kids in their own right, forced to grow up in an instant and become protectors, crushed under the weight of that responsibility. Hopper and Joyce, who despite their efforts had little choice but to let all of these children become soldiers in a war none of them signed up for. 
And finally, for himself. Eddie knew his life would never be the same after this. Whether they defeated Vecna or not, whether his name was cleared or not, some people would choose to continue to see the worst, to see him as a murderer.
He did everything Steve asked him to do. Well, almost everything. 
As soon as he spotted the bats on the horizon, a rapidly approaching cloud of wings and gnashing teeth, and it was clear that the creatures had taken the bait, he abandoned his concert and took the two boys back down into the house. The entire trailer had been reinforced, doors and windows boarded up with bits of wood and corrugated metal, and, at Steve’s curiously specific request, Eddie made sure the air vents were sufficiently blocked. 
It held them off for a while, but eventually a few of the little fuckers managed to squeeze their way inside and Eddie knew he had to act fast. He rushed Dustin and Will up the rope and fully intended to follow after them, really he did, but the demobats seemed to have the same idea. 
It wasn’t even a choice. 
He couldn't risk letting the bats get through the gate and go after the boys, or be let loose into the Right-Side-Up. Eddie used his spear to dispatch the winged menaces closest to the portal and then took off, screaming and shouting like a lunatic to entice the remaining monsters to follow after him as he ran outside. He kept up a litany of loudly delivered taunts and jabs as he mounted one of the bikes that they’d left behind before and managed to draw the horde away from the trailer, chasing after him alone instead. 
He didn't remember hitting the ground. When one of the creatures pulled away from the pack and swooped down to knock him from the bike, he only barely registered the sensation of falling before the world went black. 
He swam in and out of consciousness several times before finally waking up for good. 
At the time he hadn’t even been sure if any of it was real, thinking maybe he’d died and it was all some kinda weird hallucination on his way to the afterlife. 
Eddie’s eyelids fluttered open and he found his face pressed against an unfamiliar chest. He must have moved because the arms around him tightened protectively as the man attached to them spoke, his voice low and rumbling. “Don’t worry, kid. We’re gonna get you out of here.” 
It sounded like Hopper, but before Eddie could get a look at him to be sure, he blinked and was suddenly being jostled around in a car, cradled against a body he was a little more familiar with. 
He tried to say it out loud, all but screaming the name inside his own head but no matter how hard he tried all that would come out of his mouth was a whimper. Steve shushed him and whispered soothing nonsense as he pushed Eddie's hair back to press kisses against his forehead. He tried hard to stay that time, but he was powerless to resist the pull of the darkness. 
He blinked again and was surrounded by strangers in a cold room with too much light. He squinted against the brightness, realizing only after he’d started panicking that the beeping he heard was mimicking his own heartbeat. He was in a hospital, and the strangers around him were nurses and a doctor. He relaxed, finally accepting that he wasn’t dead and the beeping slowed to match his pulse. He sank into sleep less reluctantly then, knowing he would wake again eventually and hopefully this time someone he knew would be there to tell him what the hell had happened. 
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When Eddie finally woke up for real, it was a gradual ascent into consciousness. He took a deep breath before opening his eyes, turning his head slowly and carefully to take in his surroundings. The room was dimly lit now and the night sky was visible through the open blinds on the windows. There was no one in sight save for a lone figure with their arm in a sling slumped over in a chair next to his hospital bed.
“Steve?” Eddie croaked out, dry throat causing him to break out into a coughing fit. 
The other boy jumped up from his seat, instantly awake and quickly grabbed a nearby cup of water before returning to his side.  
Eddie took a few grateful sips but couldn't take his eyes off of Steve’s arm. When he could speak again it was the first thing he had to know. “Are you hurt? What happened to your arm?”
Steve shook his head, the ghost of a smile coming over his face as he settled back into the chair, taking one of Eddie’s hands with his good one. “You just woke up after being nearly eaten alive by demobats and the first thing you ask is if I’m hurt?”
“I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Eddie grumbled, sinking back into his pillows. “And I didn’t almost get eaten… I don’t think.” He paused trying to think back. “Okay, honestly I'm not sure. I don’t really remember anything after falling off the bike.”
Steve nodded as if he’d been expecting that. “Yeah, you hit your head when you fell. You’ve got a lump on the back of your head, and some bites. There, on your cheek” He said, eyeing up the bandage Eddie could feel taped to his face. ”And a few more on your leg.”
That, Eddie hadn’t known. He wasn’t really feeling any pain at the moment. They were probably pumping him full of pain meds, so between that and the adrenaline from seeing Steve and finally being awake, he was feeling pretty good. 
“Oh.” Eddie began, letting it all process slowly. “How long has it been?”
“A little less than a day, it’s only the next night.”
“Did we do it? Is he gone? What about Dustin and Will, are they… Did everybody make it?”
Steve started to laugh but it cut off abruptly on a choked sob. His eyes shimmered with unshed tears and he looked away for the first time since Eddie had woken up. 
Eddie’s heart sank, the sudden racing of his pulse given away by the sound of the heart monitor. 
Steve squeezed his hand, wiping his eyes on his own shoulder and finally looked back up. “Vecna’s dead. The Upside Down is gone, for real this time. They’re all okay, you were the only one who got hurt. I promise.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows, looking pointedly at the dark blue sling the other boy was currently wearing. 
“I’m fine.” Steve insisted. 
Eddie frowned. He could accept that maybe Steve’s arm wasn’t bothering him, but it was clear that he wasn’t, in fact, fine.
“If everyone’s okay then why do you look so sad?” He asked softly.
“Sorry. I’m… it’s just… “ Steve stuttered. “I’m just so glad you’re okay, Eds.”
He knew Steve meant it, even if it felt like he was leaving something out, but Eddie didn’t want to push the issue. He gave a little nod. “I’m glad you’re okay too, Stevie.”
He let the silence settle around them for a moment, hoping that Steve would say a little more. When it was obvious that he wasn’t going to do that, he pressed on. 
“What else did I miss? Tell me everything. What’s the cover story? Am I going to be arrested when I get out of here? Has anyone gotten in touch with Wayne? He must be worried sick. Are the-”
Steve cut him off mid question, laughing again, only this time without the tears, to Eddie’s  immense relief. 
“Slow down! Jesus! You’re supposed to be taking it easy.”
“I’m literally laying in bed, Harrington. I couldn't be taking it any easier if I tried.”
“Alright.” Steve said, blowing out a long breath. “You were passed out on the ground when we got back from the Creel house. There were bats laying dead on the ground all over the place. We figure they must have dropped when we killed Vecna. I, um, tried to pick you up but I dislocated my shoulder fighting the vines so Hopper carried you out and we rushed you here, to the hospital. Like I said, no one else was really hurt. Officially you’ve been cleared, but no details have been released to the public yet. Hopper said they’re still working on the story.”
“The lab, I guess? Or the government? Both? I don’t know, I was always a little confused about all that.”
“Okay.” Eddie said. Fair enough, it’s not like he had any better idea of what was going on behind the scenes. Who was in league with who, shadowy government conspiracies and all that. 
“They do have an officer on your door, Powell and Callahan are taking turns keeping watch, but it's for your protection, not the other way around. Just until word spreads that you’re innocent.”
Eddie didn’t have the heart to argue that it probably wouldn’t be as simple as that. Steve would see in time, or maybe the citizens of Hawkins would surprise him, prove him wrong. Either way that was a problem for another day. 
“Innocent is a strong word, baby.” Eddie teased. The term of endearment sliding off his tongue so easily. He nearly winced at his own use of it, but Steve didn't seem to mind.
“We haven't been able to get in touch with Wayne yet, but Hopper is on it. We know he was put up in a motel somewhere so it’s just a matter of finding out which one. 
“It’s probably for the best. I don’t know what I'd even tell him, or how to explain where I've been.”
“We’ll figure it out.”
Eddie was overtaken by a huge yawn, his eyelids suddenly felt heavy and drooping. All the talking really had taken a lot out of him. 
“You should get some sleep, I'll still be here in the morning. You need rest.” Steve said.
“So do you.”
“Hey, I was sleeping just fine in this chair here until you woke me up.”
Eddie hesitated, he didn’t really want to be alone but he felt guilty. He didn’t want Steve to feel like he had to stay. “You should go home, you need real sleep. In a bed.”
A look of hurt crossed Steve’s face, but was gone again as quick as it had come, as if he was carefully schooling his expressions. It was concerning, and it made Eddie’s throat tight.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No.” Eddie answered honestly.
“Okay.” Steve said, and that settled that, apparently. 
Eddie dropped off to sleep pretty quickly. It was easy with Steve's hand still resting warm in his. It had to be uncomfortable, reaching his arm across from the chair like that. He almost asked Steve to join him in the bed. It would be a tight squeeze for sure, though Eddie wouldn't have minded, but they still hadn’t talked about what happened between them in the Upside Down.
He dreamed. 
Or would it be considered a nightmare, he wondered, since the slightly off scene was set in the woods of the Upside Down. He and Steve were walking beside each other, just as they had done in real life. Steve was shirtless again and wearing Eddie’s battle vest, a combined visual that had gone a long way in making Eddie feel better about where they were, and what they were doing at the time. The big difference here was that Steve was hurt. His middle was wrapped in a makeshift bandage of some sort and he was bleeding. A ring-like wound wrapped around his neck, making it look like someone had tried to hang him. Before Eddie could make sense of it the ground beneath his feet in the dream shook, and he jolted awake. 
Though to him it felt like hardly any time had passed, he must have been asleep for quite a while because it was morning, and late morning at that judging by the light, confirmed when he finally spotted a clock that hung above his room’s door. He could also see the silhouette of a person standing just outside of it. Whichever cop that had drawn the short straw on being his bodyguard today, he supposed. 
To his disappointment, Steve was gone. He wondered if the other boy had just stepped out, or if he had finally taken Eddie’s advice in the night and gone home to his nice warm bed. Part of him hoped so, the other part tried not to be upset by the absence.. 
He didn’t have long to dwell on it though, because only a few minutes later Uncle Wayne came walking through the door. 
Eddie wanted nothing more than to get up from the bed he was stuck in. To stand and hug the man who maybe hadn’t raised him, but had, with absolutely no hesitation, taken in a troubled teenager that showed up on his doorstep unannounced and cared for him like he was his own. 
He settled for pushing himself up into a sitting position and accepting the gentle one armed embrace his uncle could manage while hovering over the bed. 
“I’m sorry.” Eddie blurted out.
Wayne waved him off like it was ridiculous, but how could he not be sorry for upending his uncle’s life like this. Eddie let it go for now, they could come back to that later. 
“Christ, boy. I thought I'd never see you again. How you feelin’? They tell me you’re pretty banged up.”
“Yeah, I feel okay, actually. Considering, uh… '' Eddie trailed off, hesitating. He still had no idea what he was supposed to say, allowed to say?
“Don’t worry, son. You don’t gotta tell me nothing. Hop already warned me not to ask if I wanted to be allowed in to see ya.”
Eddie was a little taken aback, it wasn’t like Wayne to accept an ultimatum like that. He must have really been worried. It was a relief. He didn’t enjoy keeping things from Wayne, but this was bigger than just the two of them. 
“Sorry,” he said again, for lack of what else to say. 
“If you don’t stop apologizing.” Wayne muttered, shaking his head. “I only wish I coulda been here sooner.”
“It’s fine. Steve was here- for a while.” Eddie said, not quite managing to keep the disappointment he’d felt earlier at waking up alone off his face. 
“No need to look so glum, he’s only down in the cafeteria getting coffee with that girl who’s always hanging around with you two.”
Wayne snapped his fingers in recognition. “That’s the one.”
“He was headed this way when we bumped into each other in the hall. I told him he was welcome to come along a’course but he said he wanted to give us some time to ourselves.”
“That was… thoughtful of him.” Eddie said and began to worry at his lower lip, forgetting about the wound on his cheek. He winced as the movement pulled at the stitches there.
Wayne eyed him curiously. “Something on your mind, Ed?”
“Nah, it’s nothing, compared to everything else going on.”
It was the truth, he was being ridiculous. Not that him being worried about Steve was ridiculous, but the fact that Eddie was starting to wonder if it had something to do with him, with them, as whatever it was they were to each other now. There were more important things. 
“Not if it’s bothering you this much.”
Eddie sighed. “It’s Steve.”
“I gathered. What about him?”
Eddie wasn’t dumb. He was sure his uncle knew he had a giant crush on his friend, Steve hung around the trailer so much that he had his own mug and everything, but he didn’t want to out Steve by talking about what happened between them without his permission. 
“I think something’s wrong and he won't tell me what it is. He said…” Eddie paused, choosing his words. “He gave me an explanation, but I could tell that wasn’t all there was to it. It feels like he’s keeping something from me.”
“And you feel like this thing, the something that’s wrong, is to do with you?”
“Hmm.” Wayne hummed thoughtfully. “He know you're freaking out about it?”
“I’m not freaking out about it.” Eddie huffed.
“Whatever you say, but you should try and talk to him about it again. He wouldn’t like knowing he’s got you this twisted up over it. Whatever it is.”
“I’m not twisted– how do you know?”
“I might be getting older but I'm not blind.”
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Wayne wound up sitting with him for over an hour, and it was the most relaxed he’d felt since before this all started. Wayne kept it light, updating Eddie on all the work drama he’d missed and the trailer park gossip, steering clear of anything related to the events of the past week.
He was still there when Eddie’s doctor and a nurse came to check on him, surprising them both with the news that, barring any new complications, he could be released in just a few days. He’d had only a minor concussion and the wounds on his legs weren’t as deep as it was initially thought. 
He stood for the first time, with help of course, and found that while it was painful, it was doable. He might have to use a cane for support until everything healed completely but that was a small price to pay.
Eventually Steve and Robin appeared, and at Eddie's insistence, uncle Wayne took his leave. He would have stayed all day, all night if Eddie had asked him to, but he knew Wayne would be more comfortable back at his motel, and selfishly he hoped to get more alone time with Steve. 
Steve, who he couldn't help noticing had deep bags under his eyes. It didn’t look like he’d gotten any sleep the previous night. 
Eddie didn't say that out loud though, and he never got to bring up what was bothering him either. Robin stuck around for the day and the three of them hung out until well after visiting hours were supposed to be over. He couldn't complain, it was nice to spend time with his friends even in these conditions, and he appreciated the little play-by-play that Robin acted out for him detailing their takedown of Vecna. 
By the time her parents showed up to drag her away and drive her back home, Eddie was beyond exhausted, and Steve could tell. With very little effort he coaxed him into laying down, wordlessly assuming the same position they had been in the night before, Steve slouched uncomfortably in the chair with his arm stretched out and propped up on the bed rail so he could hold Eddie’s hand. He was asleep before he could even consider rethinking asking Steve to share the bed. 
Another dream plagued Eddie's rest. This one a little more vivid than the last. It was odd, usually once you know you’re dreaming you either wake up or are able to take some control of the events around you, but in this case Eddie could only hold on tight and go along for the ride.
Steve was wearing his vest again- still? And watching over Eddie’s shoulder as he hotwired his neighbor’s RV. They talked while he worked. It was a story he’d told Steve before, albeit under very different circumstances. His father, being the great fucking influence he was, had taught a little bright-eyed bushy-tailed 8 year old Eddie how to hotwire a car. A skill he no doubt thought would be useful for an up and coming Munson, assuming Eddie would grow up to carry on the legacy of the family name. Even then he knew he didn’t want to wind up like his father, it was why he’d run to Wayne when the shit hit the fan. He knew his uncle was a good man and a better parental figure than Al could ever be.
The dream warped and changed. They were headed to The War Zone. In reality they had called Hopper and the chief had been in charge of outfitting them all with weapons. Now, Steve was behind the wheel of their stolen camper and Eddie was sitting in the back with some of the kids and Robin, watching as he flirted awkwardly with Nancy who had taken up the passenger seat. 
It was truly a bizarre scene, but that was dream logic, he reasoned. Steve and Nancy had been broken up for years, they were friends now and nothing more. Steve hardly looked at her twice these days. Eddie knew that and still the sight before him, fake or not, made his stomach tense and his chest ache. 
He woke abruptly, eyes snapping open though he was unsure at first of what had disturbed him. He registered several things at once. 
It was still dark outside and he had the feeling that not much time had passed, a fact that was proven true when he glanced at the clock and found it was only 11pm.
Steve was no longer holding his hand, he was curled into a ball in the chair, arms wrapped around himself as he wept like his heart was breaking. It was completely silent but Eddie could see how the great big sobs shook and wracked his body. 
Pain be damned, he began to get out of the bed, sliding his legs over the side to try putting weight onto them. There was a walker next to his bed, the same one he'd used earlier to make an agonizingly slow trip to and from the bathroom. He just needed to get to Steve, to comfort him and–
“Eddie, what are you doing? Get back in bed.” Steve said, clearing his throat to try and hide the fact that he was sniffling, and desperately wiping away his tears as if his red rimmed eyes wouldn’t give him away regardless. 
“Fine.” Eddie conceded, lifting his legs careful back onto the mattress and scooting back up against his pillows. “Just… come over here and sit with me then?”
He did as Eddie asked and came to sit next to him on the edge of the bed, but refused to look him in the eye. It hurt, and Eddie started to spiral. 
Maybe Steve didn’t want to be here at all. Maybe he just felt like he had to, out of some misplaced obligation or something. Did he regret what they said to each other? The kisses? Everything? Had Steve only done those things because there was a chance they were both about to die? Eddie hadn’t thought so at the time but his confusion over Steve’s sadness was making him question everything. 
He swallowed it down, not voicing any of those anxieties, at first. 
“Are you okay?” Eddie asked.
Steve rubbed his face hard, something he did often when he was tired and frustrated. “I’m fine. Everything is good. I told you. I… I’m just tired.”
“I’m sorry but I don't believe that, and I know I shouldn’t push but I know there’s something you’re not telling me. Please, Steve. Just tell me what’s wrong.“  Eddie laid a tentative hand on Steve's arm, aiming for comfort, but the other boy stiffened under his touch. It was a bad sign, all but confirming his fears, but he pressed on anyway. “I care about you so much and I hate that you're hurting. I just want to help.” 
He prayed that Steve would say something, anything, but he remained frustratingly silent. 
“Is it me? Did I do something? If you… we can forget about what happened between us If that’s what you need, Steve. I just want you to be okay.”
He was met with only more silence and this time Eddie couldn't bring himself to break it. 
Several agonizing minutes passed before Steve finally raised his eyes to look at him and spoke.
“I don’t want to forget about it.”
Eddie froze, almost afraid to even breathe.
“I love you. I’m in love with you, Eddie.”
Eddie gasped. “Oh.”
“You don’t have to say it back. I just needed you to know.”
“I do, though.”
“Love you- too.”
The invisible wall that had been building between them finally broke as Steve leaned in to press the gentlest of kisses to Eddie’s lips. As much as he wanted to deepen the kiss, he allowed the act to remain soft and chaste, appreciating that Steve was trying to be careful of disturbing the wound on his cheek, but as far as Eddie was concerned, kissing Steve properly was worth a ripped stitch or two. 
All too soon Steve pulled back, though he kept his arm tucked around Eddie’s waist. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you think any of those things you said.”
Eddie moved over as far as he could in the bed and pulled Steve in close, encouraging him to lay down beside him. He remained quiet, stroking Steve’s hair. He had a feeling the other boy was on the verge of opening up and he wanted to give him the time and space to do it at his own pace.
“There’s some things about all this, about the Upside Down that we haven't told you, that I didn’t tell you. I was trying to protect you, it was already so much… but you deserve to know, if you want. It would be nice to talk about it with someone.”
“With someone other than Robin, you mean?”
“How do you know Robin knows?”
“Is there anything you don’t tell her?
Steve smiled despite himself and rolled his eyes, but the expression quickly fell, replaced with something more worried and serious. “Are you sure you want to know this?”
“It’s about me, isn’t it?” Eddie guessed. 
Steve nodded solemnly. “Yes.”
“Tell me.”
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Over the next few hours Steve told Eddie all about his other self and what he’d done for the party. How there was an alternate timeline where everything that they’d just been through had happened before, except Vecna had won and Eddie had died, only to rise again and discover that time worked differently in the Upside Down and that maybe all hope wasn’t lost. Steve made him sound like a hero.
He was glassy eyed as he talked about meeting the other Eddie for the first time, when he got pulled through the gate at Lover’s Lake, and wept again when he spoke of their final meeting at the edge of the trailer park as the other dimension and everything residing in it was dying.
Eddie didn’t blame Steve for keeping this from him. He was right, it was too much, a heavy burden when they already had so many other things to carry, but he was happy that he knew the full truth. 
He understood Steve’s sorrow now. He was mourning Eddie– even as Eddie was still sitting right here in front of him, alive… It had to be a bit of a mind fuck. He wasn’t sure if he could have handled it had their roles been reversed. To have to say goodbye to Steve like that, alternate version or not, might have broken him. 
He knew he should have been more freaked out about the time travel of it all, and the fact that he’d died, or be obsessing over the differences between that reality and this one, but there would be plenty of time for that later. For now he just wanted to comfort Steve and enjoy the fact that he was alive, that they all were.
They fell asleep like that, smashed together in the too-small bed holding on to whichever part of the other person they could manage, too tired and emotionally drained to care if a nurse came in to catch them in such a compromising position. 
Eddie dreamed once again, as he had every time he’d closed his eyes for the past 24 hours, but this time it truly was a nightmare. 
He was back on the bike in the Upside Down, pedaling as fast and as hard as could, glancing back every now and then to keep an eye on the swarm that flew ever closer. The feeling of deja vu was intense as he was knocked to the ground, but this time he didn’t lose consciousness. He got up, and he stood his ground, and he fought to the very end. He hated himself a little bit for what he put Dustin through, having to watch him die like that, though he was so grateful to have not been alone in the end. 
He woke with a big gasping breath feeling a little hysterical. It had all been a bit too real, he’d felt himself die. Steve was startled awake by his outburst, and he held Eddie close while he tried to calm down and relearn how to breathe. 
“Bad dream?” Steve asked.
Was it just a dream? Was it a coincidence that he’d dreamt of the exact circumstances of his other self’s death, a way for his subconscious to work through everything he’d learned that night? Or was it something more. 
If it was just the one nightmare he might have dismissed it, but knowing what he knew now…
He thought back on the other things he’d seen in his sleep, the walk through the woods, familiar yet different, the adventure in the RV, an alternative way to gather weapons in a world where Hopper was gone. He could feel it in his bones, there was a reason he was seeing these things. 
“I don’t think they’re dreams.”
“What do you mean? You’ve had others?” 
“Yeah. I think… Steve, I think they might be memories.”
Steve was skeptical at first but once Eddie detailed everything he’d seen and felt, even he had to admit it seemed possible. 
Steve stared at him for a long time, studying his face intently as if he might be able to see the other Eddie inside, looking out through his eyes.
“Maybe when he died the two of you sort of… '' Steve trailed off sounding hopeful, weaving his fingers together with Eddie’s to signify what he meant, instead of finishing the thought out loud.  
Eddie hummed noncommittally, raising their joined hands to his mouth and kissing the back of Steve’s “I guess we’ll find out one way or another, if it keeps happening.”
Part 5 (final)
Thanks forever to @penny00dreadful for being the best friend, cheerleader, and beta in the whole fucking world 💜 truly could not do it without you. Also special thanks to @hitlikehammers for all the discussion and encouragement on this!
@hissunflowers @sadisticaltarts @gutterflower77 @epiclazershark @yeahhhh-suga @soapyscoobert @thetrueghostqueen @guppynuggets @reh-hateshumans @katdeerly @kolorzapster @useless-nb-bisexual @sammyammi @ellietheasexylibrarian @thesecondfate @eleganttidalwavecloud @localcrustrat @letsmo6 @justaquietnerd @marvelobessed @femmeratale @carriethesaint @novelnovella
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juniorig0327 · 7 days
RGS (Revamped God Swap) AU pt. idk
Okay I think I've finally settled on a heritage for Percy and pretty much most of the characters I've mentioned that aren't Thalia or Nico.
Percy - I've decided Percy is going to be the Son of Poseidon and Juno now before I get roasted hear me out lol.
Percy isn't Juno's child in a traditional sense but more like how Jason was Juno's champion but a bit more than that.
After Percy was born, Sally ended up praying for protection for him to basically any goddess that would listen as she sort of knew he'd lead a more tragic life than others and Juno ended up listening and embedded some of her essence in him, sort of like a blessing and Juno basically just adopted him (especially after Sally dies in this AU because I'm evil like that).
But similar to Jason in canon, Percy doesn't really meet Juno, but he does meet Hera which is a bit more prone to disliking him but doesn't like outright hate him. She's kinda just thinking "why embed my power in a son of POSEIDON?? What were you thinking Juno" but like by the end Hera definitely comes around.
He'd also be a legacy of Sol like in my original plans but he wouldn't really get any major insane abilities out of it, if he did maybe something to do with light but I'm not sure I could link light to his water, storm, and air (from Juno) related powers properly so I might not touch that...
Gabe Ugliano is still a thing. I say this because I feel like its a big part of his character because some big parts of his character is his low self esteem, his loyalty, his anger, and I feel like some of the bigger and even smaller parts about his character (possibly) stem from his circumstances and how he was raised, especially in TLT. So I'm opting to keep him in here.
Percy at the beginning would have twice the enemies. Not only is Hades after him, but Zeus is too (because of the Juno thing) so when Percy fights the minotaur even with Hades intentions to save Sally as a bargaining chip, Zeus intervenes and so Sally ends up dying against the Minotaur.
So Percy ends up with his only friend, Grover by his side. And in this timeline there's no Annabeth so while he's at camp and especially after his claiming he's alone. He still goes on the quest and doesn't save his mother but he does retrieve the helm and master bolt because it's what his mom would've wanted him to do- to help.
Percy does go back home (and he does kill Gabe Ugliano because he deserves way worse than being frozen as a statue). And from there he becomes a year round camper because he has nobody to go back to, he didn't really have any friends or family so he's all alone.
Eventually I'd say he does meet Paul through Rachel and finally deciding to go home after the labyrinth and a few mist trickery things later ends up going to Goode because of Rachel and meets Paul and Paul basically ends up adopting him at some point (and also Fredrick Chase after meeting Annabeth and then her dad).
Annabeth - Annabeth would be after thinking hard and long about it a Roman child of Apollo. She'd go a long time thinking that she just didn't have powers until she finally comes in contact with the Romans (yeah I read a Roman!Annabeth story and got this idea so yeah). I also don't think she'd run away in this timeline, especially because the baby was intentional (and also because she's a legacy of Athena.) Freddy would be a good parent in this timeline and take care of his daughter lol. So in this timeline she doesn't meet Thalia AND Luke but possibly one of them.
I think Freddy would be similar to Sally and just wanting to keep his daughter as long as possible, so he and her would make a lot of trips to camp half-blood when Annabeth was younger during the summers and weekends, sort of like trips for certain periods of time. Freddy being of demigod heritage himself wouldn't want Annabeth to be at camp half-blood, especially knowing that Chiron sends KIDS on quests (Fredrick might've been at CHB once, got sent on a quest when he was younger and he was the only one who survived and never went on one again and left it behind as soon as he turned 18) so his home would be equipped with Celestial Bronze weapons. Freddy sometimes would get too caught up in Annabeth's safety that Annabeth feels more so trapped and guarded from every little thing which would lead to Annabeth running away after an argument about a monster attack which would lead to Lupa finding her.
Freddy is eventually put in the loop about where Annabeth is: Camp Jupiter and despite everything, she becomes a child soldier anyways. But Annabeth being at CJ is the best thing ever. All of a sudden she has all these cool powers (which I want to go more in depth about in another post) and she's living her dream, she's always wanted to fight, always wanted a quest. But eventually she finds out it isn't as hyped as it's made out to be and decides to simply come back home because even though he handled it in a bad way, she finally understands why he kept her away from CHB and from fighting monsters.
Thalia - Thalia's backstory is pretty similar to canon. She's the daughter of Zeus, but the daughter of two different aspects, the chthonic earth Zeus (which was a version of Zeus in certain parts of Greece, and also plays a part in her fear of her air powers) and God of Storms and Lightning Zeus so she's way more dangerous. She comes from a pagan family and Beryl was a huge worshipper and legacy of Aphrodite.
Thalia runs away and meets Luke like in canon but doesn't meet Annabeth. They end up getting to camp but shit hits the fan when Luke is sent on a quest. Luke is excited, really excited he can finally prove his worth and get the campers to trust him but only Thalia comes back (with the apples) but no Luke, no other demigod comes back.
But Thalia is different now. Besides the scar etched on her face like a painful reminder somethings changed. She's much more volatile and dangerous to be around. She also doesn't seem to age much either, she doesn't really grow- not really. After she reaches 15 she sort of just stops, like she's stuck in time and nobody thinks about it- not really. Percy comes to camp and Thalia teaches him. She tutors him the best she can, along with trying to steer his way of thinking. She stays at camp until the end of summer, where at the end she tries to kill Percy (she's been trying to hold on as long as possible and convince him, she doesn't want to hurt Percy, not really but Kronos is offering her power and a world where kids don't have to go on quests ever again. And if Kronos has to coerce her into killing a kid so be it).
Luke - Luke, the son of Hades. Luke who's mother was driven insane when Hades offered her godhood, Luke's mother who couldn't handle the power of the underworld and is slowly withering away, so he ran away. Luke is similar to Nico (in TTC) when he finds out what he is though, he gets to have a purpose and life and he free from his mom, and Thalia is an added bonus he likes very much.
Luke is nearly 16 when he's offered his quest and readily accepts (I aged him down a bit to fit my insane story) but he dies- or he thinks so. He's swallowed by the Earth and next thing he knows he wakes up and everything's different.
Thalia is gone and there's this guy named Percy? And he comes back to camp and after finding out what happened suddenly everything's too much. The attention and expectations were easier because Thalia carried them with him. But now she's gone and suddenly everything's up to him. Percy tries to help and grows closer to him and Luke cant help himself, he reminds him too much of Thalia. But Thalia makes him an offer and Luke can't bring himself to refuse. Thalia was always Luke's everything and if he becomes the villain everyone at camp was expecting him to be then so be it, right?
Clarisse - Daughter of Nike (Legacy of Glaucus). Clarisse being raised in a militaristic home, being from a lineage which is basically all military soldiers and demigods, being pushed to be the best- to win. Clarisse had always known she was a demigod since like- forever and so ever since she could remember she's been molded, training, fighting even in the smallest of ways like withholding emotions and being trained in weaponry.
She's eventually found by Coach Hedge however and taken to CHB. She doesn't get claimed until after SOM where once she comes back with the fleece she's claimed by Nike and Glaucus (Glaucus would be the one who gave her the boat in this AU and the warriors are simply dead navy men.) Clarisse doesn't join the titan army even though she's tempted at times, because she knows Percy will lead CHB to victory.
Their relationship doesn't start as hostile but definitely slowly grows hostile overtime. Clarisse has been training her entire life for this life, but Percy gets most of the quests, he leads the quests and sometimes does stupid things that don't lead to victory. Clarisse's fatal flaw, hubris gets the better of her and eventually their conflict comes to a head and the camp becomes divided but eventually they talk and reconcile. She finds out they're more alike than they think, and that he's just a kid and she learns that she's just a kid too and she decides he'll bring this kid victory, that he'll rage and fight for him.
I've been writing this for like an hour but this is part one, not everyone's going to get a godly parent swap but I just wanted to go over some basic characters for this one so uh enjoy. Next post will prob be more god swap stuff, either other parentages or going into depth about these (five?) and their powers.
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aloneditee · 10 months
Sephiran and Zelgius Timeline UPDATED
Instead of just having a jumbled idea of the timeline of sephiran and zelgius's relationship I decided I was going to spend my day off writing up my idea of how their timeline works based on cannon information with my own little headcannon flair because i can and you can't stop me.
*THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO @theia-eos FOR COMMENTING WITH THE RADIANT DAWN ARTBOOK TIMELINE I HAVE USED IT TO UPDATE THIS TIMELINE WITH MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION* I also had to remove some sentences because tumblr gave me a fuckin character limit while editing this for some reason
Bold = explicit canon
unbold = rough estimate canon/ guess
italics = headcanon
urple = sephzelg highlight reel (gay thoughts)
red = year
Complete timeline after the keep reading thing:
625: Misaha’s assassination and the serenes massacre → lehran villain arc. Lehran presents the medallion to ashnard and enters daeins service under the guise of a “wise man”
626: “daeins sudden change” → this is likely when the bloodpact began its effects and the deaths of the daein royal family. I THINK THIS IS WHEN SEPHIRAN AND ZELGIUS MET
Zelgius was serving in the Daein army under general Gawain for a few years. While sephiran is serving as a wise man under ashnard's father he meets zelgius and zelgius confides in him and they agree to be with each other when zelgius eventually leaves the daien army.
Later that year Gawain dips out of Daein with Elena. Zelgius despairs that his Master left him. Zelgius would then enter sephirans service.
627: Ashnard becomes the king of daein, (This was originally when I thought zelgius joins sephiran but I found out Gawain actually left BEFORE Ashnard became king according to the radiant dawn artbook).
I assume Sephiran leaves Ashnards service after Ashnard gets what he wants. Seph doesnt fuck with his bad vibes.
627~635: Sephiran and Zelgius do a bit of travelling and make plans for big evil or something. Sephiran still being a travelling sage and zelgius being a knight not connected to any army until he joins the Begnion military perhaps a decade later
During this time sephiran scaffolds information about himself and his past to zelgius. I do genuinely think that sephiran eventually opens up about everything to zelgius (and vice versa) including him being lehran and the origin of the branded.
634: assuming ike is around 7 when his mom died, this would be around the time point where Gawain touched the medallion and lehran and zelgius saw the aftermath. 
The reason why I think ike is 7 years old here (*he's born in 628*) is because that is how old soren would have been too according to his own timeline (based on his support convos), and those two met the day before the gawain medallion shenanigan occurred
Idrk when seph and zel join begnion as dukes. Based off of the artbook zelgius was actually born into a begnion family before fleeing to daein so maybe he reclaimed the cador family name or something. Sephiran claimed to be from a long line of mages (Persis) and somehow become a noble through this so called mage lineage.
637: sephzelg 10 yr anniversary
635: Sanaki is born. Sephiran may or may not be a senator at this stage
Sephiran begins to rise up the senate ranks through rizz and zelgius rises up the army ranks
At some point between 635-640: sanakis parents are killed by the senate probably
640: sanaki (5 years old) becomes the empress of begnion and sephiran becomes the “senate leader” aka prime minister 
the event lekain talks about when sanaki would stfu during formal proceedings and they discover sephiran has insane babysitting skills occurs right after sanaki becomes the empress i think
645: beginning of mad kings war. At this point in time sephiran and zelgius would have been together for around 18-19 years
Black knight shenanigans. Sephiran travels tellius and gathers intel
Sepiran gets captured in crimea by daein military, probably waited for zelgius to go save him hence why he wouldnt fucking move when ike rescued him lmao
Black knight scraps ranulf, sephiran steps in and tells black knight to stand down
Sephiran eventually returns to begnion, tells everyone to get their fucking shit together, sends zelgius to go help ike (black knight still be existing). Zelgius’ group stays in daein while ikes group goes to crimea. BK does multiple warcrimes in the meant
646: Nados castle falls on the black knight. Sephiran rescues him and uses is epic healing skills to get zelgius to recover before the battle between ikes team and ashnard in the final chapter
646: End mad kings war. Sephiran annoys the shit out of ike by laughing at him for no reason. The black knight is “defeated”. Sephzelg 20 year anniversary aww
646-648: new evil world ending plan just launched
648: war part 2 electric boogaloo
Summer 648: Black knight return arc, sephiran is set to go to daein and tell jarod to stop being a cunt or something but gets thrown in jail before he got the chance to????
Autumn 648: Sephiran captured by the senate while zelgius is at war doing war stuff
Zelgius saves sephiran from jail part 2 electric boogaloo and the two of them start a cheeky uprising in bengion.
Zelgius and sephiran made a pact to die together in the tower. I think they made this agreement way in advance and they knew that was the end goal no matter what happens.
Winter 648: zelgius vs ike gay on gay violence. Zelgius dies. Sephiran either also dies or lives. pain and suffering
~1848: Ashunera returns. Lehran may or may not be there to greet her. Hope he dies soon
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lyranova · 5 months
Hello there, Lyra dearest~!
I have a request for your AU Event! Since I don't wanna burden you too much, could I ask for some general headcanons regarding the Magic Knight Captains in a Fairy Tail AU?
Like, what sort of other magics do you think they'd use given the opportunity for it in the world of Fairy Tail? And maybe what guilds they'd be drawn to... Even if it's just headcanons, I hope it's not too much.
Hiya Erika! This is where I realize that I’ve lost sooo much of my Fairy Tail knowledge after leaving the fandom 😭, I had to look at the wiki for all of this and I’m so sorry that they’re very, very short! Also I only did half the Captain’s, which I also apologize for 😔. (I really should rewatch Fairy Tail someday 😭!!!!)
Warnings: None
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• I feel like Fue would have Fire Dragon Slayer Magic if he were in Fairy Tail!
• Before becoming a guild master I can kind of see him being a member of Quatro Cerberus or Sabertooth (after Sting takes over, because before that I think Fue would burn Jiemma up for all the stuff he did 💀)
• I feel like even before he became a guild master a lot of his guildmates would go to him for advice and he would kind of become a sort “vice-guildmaster”!
• But eventually he leave and would most certainly be a guild master (as would all the Captains imo), and I have a feeling his guild would be similar to Quatro Cerberus except more…Lion themed than dog themed 😆!
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• Oof for magic I think he would be interested in…either Darkness magic or Darkness Dragon Slayer Magic (which is from 100 years quest if I’m not mistaken)! But maybe he would like to try something like Rogue’s Shadow magic 🤔? Or Elfman’s beast soul magic?
• Yami would probably fit in at Fairy Tail, but he would kind of be another Gildarts! He shows up every now and then, stays for a bit, but eventually leaves again (I also feel like he would bring a new guild member to Fairy Tail every time he visits)!
• He would probably get along with Cana, Elfman, and maybe Bacchus?
• Would eventually become a guildmaster too (like all the Captains would be), and it would probably give Fairy Tail and Sabertooth a run for their money!
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• For magic I think it would be a plant variant 🤔? Maybe like Imitatia’s magic but less…dark and evil? But as for what other magic she would be interested in, I definitely think Erza’s requip magic would be perfect for her!
• She would 100% be a part of Mermaid Heel, and would eventually become it’s guildmaster!
• She would definitely get along with Erza, Kagura, Mira-Jane and maybe Minerva after she is redeemed (?)!
• Was probably scouted by Blue Pegasus for her beauty, but ultimately turned them down and decided that Mermaid Heel was a much better fit!
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• For Nozel i think he would be similar to Gajeel and have Iron Dragon Slayer Magic, although it’d probably lean more towards just regular steel!
• He would probably be a member of Sabertooth, both in the beginning and after Sting took over! I can see him staying away from the guild a lot due to having…serious disagreements with Jiemma, but eventually returns once Sting took over.
• He would get along with the more serious characters like Rogue!
• Eventually, like the others, he would leave and form his own Guild and become a Guildmaster!
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• Would certainly have some kind of Earth magic like Jura!
• And because of that I can see him joining Lamia Scale and being Jura’s “prodigy” before Jura left to become one of the Ten Wizard Saints!
• I can see him getting along with characters like Jellal (because, y’know, they both betrayed their kingdoms after becoming really important figures and are now working to atone for their crimes).
• Hm, while I think he would start his own guild, I can also see him doing like Charlotte and becoming the Guildmaster for Lamia Scale!
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saline-coelacanth · 3 months
So a little note about Leo's character that I wanna talk about is the fact that before becoming a ninja, he had a very normal life. He doesn't really have major drama with his parents and they're both alive and well. He never really had anything majorly traumatic happen to him, he just grew up as a normal kid. Sure, he grew up in Ninjago so there were a few disasters that he knew about, but for the most part his knowledge on the ninja is very limited simply because he was never too interested in them. The only thing that could be considered "not normal" about Leo was the fact that he was extremely good at art.
So then we cut to the merge happening, and yeah things are a bit weird and different now, but after some adjustments, Leo's life is still about the same. He still has his family, he still has his art, it's just now there's frog people, snail people, and other new species walking around. There's also the fact that Leo's been able to move paint across a canvas without using a brush or anything, but that's probably normal, too, right?
But then suddenly one day, the ninja show up nearby to fight off some crook, and one of them notices Leo. He notices how Leo is able to manipulate the colors on the canvas and says something like "this seems like an elemental power". Leo denies this, saying all artists get to this point eventually after enough practice, but this green ninja insists that it's an elemental power. So he offers to train Leo, saying that powers like that could be used for the greater good, and Leo doesn't really know how to say no. So even though he's not too fond of the idea of training to be a ninja, he goes with it anyway.
So he trains with the ninja, he learns the basics on how to fight, but he still can't get a solid grasp on his powers. And even then, being the Elemental Master of Color doesn't sound too useful in a combat scenario. But he keeps at it because the ninja seem optimistic and if Leo really does have these powers, then yeah he should probably be using them for good.
And then the entire world gets in danger. Leo is thrust into a world-ending level threat with the wolf warriors and Lord Ras wanting to bring back some ancient evil that would definitely cause major problems for the merged realms. He sees the ninja getting easily defeated by these wolf warriors, he sees Lloyd having full on panic attacks, and Leo quickly realizes that he is in WAY over his head. He doesn't want to help save the world, he's nowhere near strong enough to do that. But he still doesn't have it in him to say "No, I can't handle this." He keeps going because that's what everyone else wants him to do.
And yeah, things are relatively fine in the end. He's still alive at least, but Kai got sacrificed and as far as Leo knows, he's as good as dead. But the other ninja seem so... calm about it. Definitely sad and upset, but also like they've been through this before. And that just makes Leo even more terrified, because how common is it for the ninja to witness disaster after disaster? What has he gotten himself into?
So yeah, Leo's whole character is based on the fact that he has had a normal life his entire life, and now he's suddenly been thrown into the main story, which he was NOT prepared for. And a lot of his story does focus on him learning how to be more brave and learning to trust his own abilities because he CAN be a good ninja and a great hero, even if he thinks he's not cut out for it. And yeah, I mainly just wanted to ramble about Leo because I like him a lot and people seem to like him as well.
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whydoibe · 30 days
Ok so here's an idea for a ninjago au that could be possibly good
So what if jay was sensi wus son like biological son this would happen instead of wu falling for misako (temporarily he had a crush on her rember) he would fall for jays mother and she fall for him but eventually something would happen to her and she disapear leaving wu alone with thier young son Jay wu (yes his last name would be wu) wu would fight garmdon when he turns evil when jays around let's say 3 anyway garmdon would be banished to the underworld and the weapons hidden but wu would fear for his sons safety leaving him with the walkers jay would grow up similar but with sensi wu always their listing. every so often jay would have no clue the person visiting him and protecting him is his biological father till that faithful day he tries to fly with a machine but this time it doesn't fail well the machine does he doesn't thoe jay would feel himself faling to a roof top but this time he would feel himself not getting closer instead feeling a the wind In his face but crash the machine falling down to the roof top than how was he jay realised that this didn't make sense before feeling a gust of wind from behind finally realising this didn't make sense before crashing into a bill board looking around confused before deciding to go home he got a bit more than a few strange looks on his way home confusing him until he finally saw his reflection horns what the a tail wings what the hell happened to him he didn't like this this is a dream right this needs to be a dream right jay would start to run towards home before a figure would drop from a roof top sensi wu. wu would smile at his biological sons utter distress at his apreance on the verg of tears of distress would introduce himself (not the fact he's his biological father that's for when he's older) Jay would join the monstary spending 3 months thier before Zane got introduced to him but jay always seemed to be the favourite pupil not by much just sensi being more cousis with him and teaching him a lot more stuff like he knows about serptine I know sensi telling people stuff that's impressive and way wu would grow a father like bound with jay much to his relief jay would notice the other students didn't have dragon features his wings and tail only apearing when In distress him and wu are the only ones who know about the when cole joins jay and him grow a friendly rivaly but become good friends but one day sensi would task jay with a mission to retrieve the master of fire jay questioned this but wu would tell him to not question wu just needed to time to prepare to the others what jay was much to thier shock sensi would explain he only told them because soon they'd go on a mission and that jay might start to look different at cetrian times.
Jay would turn up at the black smith wearing a blue gi and crashing into kai and nyas lawn after being chased by skeletons on jets jay would spot the master of fire kai he needed him and nya the master of water though for some reason he's not allowed to her that for some reason oh well the master of fire approaching him cautiously nothing imdently the dragon features much to jays distress telling him its ok that he's here to bring them somewhere then the clouds go dark and skeletons would approach jays eyes going blue and a eyris going down in a straight fashion similar to a dragons jay pulling out his nuchuck before realising he needs a sword asking kai if he had any kai nod giving him an bent and snake like one but still usable jay running at the skeletons thier body's falling apart as he cut through them kai jiong in that was until seeing nya get kidnapped and dragged away nya kai cried much to jays fear he failed sensi and got someone kidnapped his fear caused him to hyper ventilating his horns growing teeth sharping jays eyes stared to slightly glow a golden tint of blue hid wings growing sharper and deeper blue his tail elongating. Jay walked over to kai asking him If he needed help taking him to the monstary the rest of the pilot going the same until jay found himself with a whispering vioce in his shadow garmdon telling him a secret that he is Wu's biological son Jay would debt this but garmdon would give the obvious facts jay was clearly part dragon and obvioslouly at least on some level oni these facts would be undeniable to jay. The pilot concludes with everything remains similar to the show but jay would be looking at wu with conflict and a feeling of abandon questions jay would keep this secret wu would notice jay becoming distant to him and question him why only for jay to walk out to train while wu keeps asking until jay just yells at him to shut up cuasing a slight rumble in the sky cuasing the others to run outside to catch jays for turn less human his dragon features turning more oni wu would look at him until jay just admits he knows he's his son and Is asking why would you abaden him why sensi would look on in shock as kai and Zane run to sensi Cole running to hug jay would barely notice Cole as he hugged him asking sensi why would you him admiting he was scared for him questioning everyday if he made the right choice knowing he didn't saying he was always thier watching montering insuring he was safe and that no one brought him harm just that he loved him his son he was always proud of him and never meant for him to feel abandoned jay would calm down his features retiring to thier more netrual dragon like versions wu would hug him with the others. The perspective of everything would change jay and wu becoming a more acin to dad and son
I dub this ninjago child of creation au
I will continue this
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fandomwandererer · 8 months
Mirror dp (maybe dpx mirror dc)
Heavily inspired by the brilliant series cirque de triomphe which is an earth 3/mirror world au, and the dpxdc parts will be with that version of mirror dc
But basically the idea is every hero is a vilian and vice versa. Normal peoples moralities are more or less unchanged.
To me, this version of danny would have gone insane inside the portal, and came out wanting to hurt people as bad as he was. He's able to hide that he is dead still, but he basically uses his time as fenton just planning a new way to make everyone else feel this terrible burning pain he feels.
Vlad is not particularly obsessed with maddie, but still obsessed with danny ( he thinks he can redeem danny)
Many of the various ghosts that invade are there bc they sense a disturbance of ectoplasm hurting people, and it reminds them too much of their first deaths to leave it be.
The giw and Fentons are just slightly more ethical and a good bit more open to accepting new evidence. When plasmius and skulker ask them for a way to stop the wraiths wrath, they change their minds on all ghosts are evil, bc plasmids looks so genuinely distraught at the prospect. - bc they are sorta villians, I'm sorta flipping there morality
I don't know what Val is gonna be like in this. Possibly contacted by plasmius to help fight danny, but then discovers his identity and does an 'I can fix him' only to get brutally murdered by danny and comes back as a similarly insane ghost
The dragon Prince dude is gonna be on the run after his sisters hostile takeover.
Clockwork is basically the same except he actively enjoy watching peeps suffer. Dan is a version of danny driven sane who attacks and fuses cores with his one time allies, the tyrant rulers Pandora and frostbite. Clockwork interferes bc their is a lot less suffering and he wants his angst back thank you.
Dpxdc under read more.
If this is a cirque de triomphe dc fusion, danny never joins the society bc he's too busy tormenting his town and being locked away again.
Vlad uses his company and ghostly wiles to undermine Wayne industries subtly, and is .. remarkably resistant to assignation attempts. Its one of the last of grayson talons missions, and infact becomes something of a tradition. When Bruce thinks they are fully trained, talon is sent to assaniate vlad masters, they always fail, but its a good test of how well they work.
Vlad made friends with both the insider and lex separately. The insider by sending them an anti possession blueprint( which is eventually made and given to Billy and any other marvels) and lex by being at a lex Corp business event in metropolis when ultraman attacks and massively helping lexs emergency engineering session
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daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
The time has finally come for me to share my Ever After High plot bunnies with you guys!! I really did mean to post this shortly after I talked about my Monster High babies, but some things happened and I never got around to it. However, I’m here now!! Feel free to also check out my Ever After High fancast if you want to better picture these plot bunnies with their friends and ships!
(Also gonna tag my beloveds @ginevrastilinski-ocs and @manyfandomocs since they’re the ones who inspired me to share these, and also my beloved @auxiliarydetective!!)
Tempest Witch, daughter of the Sea Witch, poly Dexter/Raven ship, China Anne McClain FC. Hidden away in the sea and homeschooled for most of her life because her mother wanted to protect her from having to sign the Storybook of Legends and suffering the same fate she did, but starts attending Ever After High after the Storybook is officially abolished. Kind of in awe of Raven and has a bit of a hero worship crush on her at first since she’s the one who changed everything, but eventually that turns into real feelings as they get to know each other better and those feelings extend to Dexter as well. A total sweetheart who absolutely doesn’t want to be evil and believes in goodness and helping people, but also intensely awkward and a bit naïve after being hidden away from the world for so long. Can transform into an octopus hybrid form whenever she gets into water, and also has hydrokinesis and is actually one of the strongest magic-using students at school since she was with her mother for so long and didn’t have a lot to do but practice. Obviously a Rebel, since she absolutely doesn’t want to become evil and hurt people, and her roommate is Lilly Bo-Peep.
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Helena Müller Jr., daughter of “Thousandfurs,” Duchess ship, Paris Berelc FC. Named after her mother’s real name, but call her Junior and she’ll stomp on your toes in heels. One of the most fashionable students at Ever After High, and has definitely collaborated with Poppy on designs before. Happy to be a princess and looks forward to ruling her kingdom some day, but also wants to be able to design and sell her creations and is way too much of a social butterfly to be content being in disguise and unknown for years, so she certainly isn’t upset when Milton finally gets rid of the Storybook of Legends. A bright, cheeeful, and energetic person, always the life of the party, but also tends to be a bit insecure that people only like her because of her looks (a leftover from what happened to her mother). Develops a crush on Duchess despite the vast differences in their personalities, and though Duchess initially resents her like she resents all students with happy endings she eventually comes around and they get together. Some kind of a mix between a Royal and a Rebel (she likes her happy ending but doesn’t want to go through everything leading up to it and anyway believes that people should get to choose their destinies), and her roommate is Clara Lear.
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Faerena Upland, daughter of Glinda the Good Witch, poly OC ship, Maisie Peters FC. Basically for the longest time this girl is Apple’s pre-Legacy Day beliefs combined with Glinda’s personality before she became friends with Elphaba - Faerena is a master at becoming exactly what the person she’s talking to wants to see and hear so she can keep boosting her social status, but she’s also pretty self-absorbed and doesn’t care about much but becoming Oz’s beloved Good Witch someday. Doesn’t care for the Rebels at all, can’t understand why they won’t just suck it up and stop making things hard for the people who do want their happy endings, and is constantly rude to all of the Rebels and Ness in particular, since he is supposed to be her future “enemy”. Eventually does realize the error of her ways and strives to become better and make amends, though, especially after she falls in love with Ness and Em - she doesn’t quite ever lose the vanity or the instinct to put on an act, though. Like her mother, has the ability to do magic but isn’t super good at it, which frustrates her to no end. Initially a hardcore Royal but transitions into becoming a Rebel, and her roommate is Emerald “Em” Gale (and they were roommates!).
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Ness Thropp, son of Elphaba Thropp a.k.a. the Wicked Witch of the West, poly OC ship (Faerena and Em’s boyfriend), Finn Wolfhard FC. Named after his late aunt Nessarose, which he isn’t exactly sure how to feel about. Most people at Ever After High tend to forget that he’s actually a student there, because he’s incredibly quiet and tries his best not to make his presence known. A good bit more skilled in magic than his mom since he has more opportunities to actually practice and learn about it, but mostly just practices so he can keep it in control because he’d much rather be drawing or painting than doing any magic. A dedicated artist who’s terrified of becoming Oz’s misunderstood pariah and is honestly kind of afraid of Faerena before he comes to realize just how constantly she puts on an act. The days Raven refused to sign the Storybook of Legends and when it was officially destroyed were the two best days of his life because it meant he didn’t have to be afraid anymore, but he also does have pretty bad social anxiety and has to learn to accept support from the people who care about him to overcome his worries and insecurities. He and Em start dating at first (he’s been hopelessly pining after her for literal years and she finally asks him out shortly after the Royals and Rebels start to make peace), and even though it takes him a bit longer than Em to forgive Faerena and start dating her - even though he’s also had a crush on her for a while despite everything - he fully supports Em entering into a relationship with her first and is the sweetest most attentive boyfriend to both his girlfriends when they all get together. Definitely a Rebel considering how much he’s always feared his destiny, and his roommate is Tucker.
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Emerald “Em” Gale, daughter of Dorothy Gale, poly OC ship (Faerena and Ness’s girlfriend), Halle Bailey FC. Has always been excited for her destiny, since she can’t wait to visit Oz, but has also always thought Ness was sweet and doesn’t really want to go up against him, so she’s happy when the Storybook of Legends gets abolished because it means she won’t have to. Also doesn’t like Faerena much at first, since as her roommate she really sees how self-absorbed and image-obsessed she is, but eventually she sees how much the other girl puts on a constant mask and doesn’t really know who she is without her destiny and offers to help her make amends (essentially taking up the role of Faerena’s Elphaba rather than Ness doing it), and eventually winds up falling in love with her and dating her while also still dating Ness. Very happy when Ness and Faerena fall in love because she loves love and now the two people she loves love each other too! Definitely a lot like her mother, curious and adventurous and a bit quick-tempered, but also a sweetheart who would do anything for the people she cares about. Probably would describe herself as a Roybel (likes the idea of her destiny despite the fact that she completely flouts it, and does believe that people should be allowed to choose what they want to do), and her roommate is Faerena Upland (again, and they were roommates!).
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Kieran Dancer, child of the eleventh Dancing Princess, Hopper ship, Keiynan Lonsdale FC. Justine’s cousin, but in her year at Ever After High since their mom didn’t have them until later in life. An absolutely terrible dancer despite the fact that their parents and aunts have had them and all their cousins in lessons since they were able to walk, so they’ve always been dreading their destiny and they’re intensely relieved when Milton finally gets rid of the Storybook of Legends. A very talented actor, though, and they get involved with Ever After High’s theatre department once Raven doesn’t sign and the Rebels are more free to pursue their actual passions. Kind of a class clown, super quick-witted and funny, but also has a big heart and knows how to be serious when it’s needed. Besties with Dexter since they both thought for a while that Dexter might be the prince in Kieran and Justine’s story, even though Kieran knew he was in love with Raven and was totally cool with it since they basically just see Dexter as a brother. Has had a crush on Hopper for years but never tried to make a move before Raven doesn’t sign the Storybook, but doesn’t hesitate to ask him out once the Royals and Rebels make peace. A Rebel who does also support those who like their destiny and want to go through with it, and their roommate (unfortunately) is Gus Crumb.
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Molly Marian, daughter of Maid Marian, Darling ship, Ella Purnell FC. Has always hated the idea of her destiny, both because she hates that she doesn’t get to do anything important and because she thinks Sparrow is annoying and doesn’t want to get married to him at all (never mind the fact that she doesn’t even like guys). One of the biggest troublemakers at Ever After High because of this, because she is determined to make Milton’s life as miserable as possible before she has to sign the Storybook. The very first one, besides Maddie of course, to be on Raven’s side after Legacy Day, and is eternally grateful to the other girl for what she sees as saving her from the life she didn’t want. An absolute spitfire, fierce and defiant and never afraid to call out bullshit when she sees it, but also has a big heart and loves deeply. Has been pining for Darling from afar since they were kids, but doesn’t make a move until after the Wonderland adventure when she learns the other girl’s White Knight secret - they’re an absolute power couple when they do get together, though. Kind of becomes besties with Raven and Maddie after Legacy Day. Basically the original Rebel, and her roommate is Kitty Cheshire (which can be stressful sometimes, but most of the time she likes it).
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Now, I don’t actually intend to properly introduce these guys or do much with them, but if you still want to ask any questions about them, feel free!! Hope you guys enjoy these babies!! <3
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jamisafan · 1 year
Okay, it's time for my thoughts on Dragons Rising part 2. (This is super long by the way.)
(Spoilers below the cut.)
I'll get into my Cole rant in a bit because, oh boy, do I have things to say. But Soras story feels too important to leave for last.
Sora's story can reach out to so many different people that have issues with their parents and that kids really don't owe their parents anything. Sora is one of THE BEST role models I've ever seen in a cartoon. The fact that all her problems still weren't solved when she cut contact with her parents is realistic. The fact that they didn't give her parents a redemption was satisfying. And her just actually coming to the conclusion that she doesn't need to have her biological family in her life was beautiful. You are able to choose your family, and Sora showed that perfectly. Her character is amazing, and I don't even have the words to describe how absolutely beautiful her character is. She is perfect, and it makes me all emotional and stuff. I love her 😢
Arin has so much potential, and I think his whole spinjitzu thing is super important and cool. I think he'll get the MK treatment, maybe get thrown into an identity crisis, the works. Maybe he has a whole chosen one thing like Lloyd, who knows. All I know is that I love him and his little fan boy heart.
Kai and WyldFyres relationship is so great. I love seeing how far Kai has come and him referencing Nya becoming the ocean and how Master Wu helped him work through his emotions. This was exactly what the show needed. And having Kai be WyldFyres mentor was a fantastic choice because they are seriously alike in many way. Their struggle with not being patient and their hot headedness just gives me life. Kai has a freaking kid, and there little reunion hug was so freaking cute oh my god!!!!
I felt like Nya should have had a worse reaction to seeing a Djinn again. She was definitely traumatized from that, but maybe this was also some good closure for her, seeing that not all Djinn are evil creepy monsters. Nya and Soras' relationship is cool, too
Zane needs some more done with him. I need them to address the weird egg thing he hatched out of, but hopefully, it will be resolved soon. I think Zane got pushed to the side a bit, and it felt like he was jumping everywhere (like, he was just, at the administration? I know he got in trouble for portal stuff, but..... yeah). I'm sure he will get something eventually.
Lloyd is someone I never know how to talk about because he's just such a main character that it makes him less interesting to me. Don't get me wrong I love him, and him working on becoming the master of the monetary is cool and stuff. But he still needs a form of closure from past seasons, especially with garmadon. Unless they never bring him back then that's chill. I love garmadon but he always causes so much problems. Lloyd is learning how to be a good teacher though and that's really sweet.
Jay is a sassy shit Manger, and I love it. Can't wait to see more with him.
And Cole........ Cole is perfect in everything single way, and no one can deny that. Like actually, if someone doesn't like Cole from Ninjago, that's a red flag. He ended up in the place of lost things. THATS PERFECT FOR HIM! Cole Who almost got forgotten by everyone he loves, who literally ran away from home. It's perfect! He's perfect! He's the best! I love him! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! And now he's going on his own mission to follow Master Wus voice and figure out why the earth is screaming?!?!? God I love him. He's the best 😢
Also, I've had thoughts and ideas about Cole hearing the earth screaming, and I'm SUPER curious to see what that means.
Okay, now that I've ranted about how perfect Cole is...... I need to say it.
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I already made a post about this but I'll never get over how perfect they are. It felt borderline canon.
People are talking about how Cole just straight up left him to chase master Wu, but I'm positive that Cole either talked to the others beforehand or right after leaving Nya about it. About how he would totally come back for them and figure out some way for them to leave the land of lost things and get in all those good tearful see you laters.
If Geo doesn't come back I will fucking riot. And I'm not one to swear super often. Mostly for dramatic effect. So you know I'm serious. Geo and Cole left me feeling high for days. I need them in my life. They can't just introduce new characters and then LEAVE THEM!!?!?!!?!!!?
Anyways, my full ale thought on Dragons Rising.
It was good. It felt risky at first to add all these new characters, especially main ones but they did it perfectly. I love me a well paced story that doesn't feel like it's going to fast or slow. Beatrix's story is very interesting but I'm still super excited to see what happens with my boy Lord Ras. He's just so cool and evil and stuff :D I wonder who his boss is?
The show felt somewhat nostalgic but also super fresh and the writing was good.
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Does anyone know what this symbol is? I can't tell if this is new or if I'm just stupid and it's been there before. Sorry if it's a dumb question.
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envihellbender · 2 months
The Dungeonmaster!Eddie meeting Vecna
Rating: Mature themes (horror)
Fandom: Stranger Things x Dead by Daylight
Characters: Eddie Munson, Vecna
Content: Killer!Eddie, questioning reality, philosophical I guess
Summary: Eddie had been avoiding Vecna, until he was forced to face him.
Eddie had first seen Vecna a week before they finally spoke. At first he didn’t believe it was him at all. He had a great deal of experience working with him in campaigns but he had always imagined and described him differently. He tended to focus on the otherworldly aspect not the skeletal corpse element, and he was far taller than expected. Plus, he never took into account how oppressive his presence was, his descriptions truly paled in comparison. He had been avoiding being alone with the dark wizard the entire time, or even near him at all. He’d been keeping his distance for so long that when he left the trial to discover him reading awaiting to go to one of his own he was taken aback. He stumbled a little, his hands becoming fists and twitching up and down.
“Dungeon Master,” Vecna croaked with a smug laugh when he saw Eddie. “What a title.”
“You- Lord Vecna,” he responded, his voice a mumble as he was unsure of what else he could say.
“To think, the one who tells the tales of the heroes is here alongside me.” Unexpectedly, judging by Vecna’s body language - bowing his head and his relaxed shoulders - he seemed to hold some reverence towards Eddie. The Dungeon Master had no idea how to respond to that, he was fixating on the implications more than anything else. He didn’t want this to be anything more than a coma dream, and if it was then he was a benevolent Dungeon Master. He was crafting stories, he wasn’t evil… But if here he was on the same side as Vecna, the Dark Wizard, the Lich then that complicated things.
“I- You’re not real. You’re something my brains made up, that’s all,” Eddie eventually spluttered, more for himself than anything else. Vecna didn’t cackle, like Eddie expected, instead he looked at him curiously.
“Am I truly the most unbelievable thing here, Dungeon Master?” He asked.
“I- I suppose not.” Eddie had to admit that, he was here with aliens, robots, urban legends… Vecna being a real thing was not actually that surprising. If this wasn’t a coma dream, which Eddie was not completely convinced of.
“You seem troubled.” Upon hearing Vecna, the Lich, the dark wizard, evil incarnate, show concern for Eddie, he let out a humourless laugh. If Vecna was concerned for him, then seems he was the bad guy after all.
“I don’t- don’t kill them for it,” Eddie said suddenly, trying to convince someone to something. “The Entity. I roll the dice. And they- I let fate decide. I just tell the story.”
“Hm. Is that right.” When Vecna said this he didn’t look like he believed Eddie, but he also didn’t look like he thought otherwise. Vecna was infuriatingly stoic.
“I’ve written stories with you in them,” Eddie said staring at his feet, the tic in his ankles causing them to crack. “As a game. For a campaign. You were the villain. Feels strange now.”
“Did they kill me?” The question caused Eddie’s neck to snap up, he wasn’t expecting interest nor was he anticipating Vecna asking if they killed him like if he was asking for the results of a football game.
“I- Huh?” Was all Eddie could respond with, feeling like a foolish child.
“The heroes in the stories, did they kill me?” Vecna spoke so respectfully, more so than actual humans Eddie had known, that he started to question … A lot. Everything even. Plus, did Vecna realise how powerful he was?
“No. Of course not. You’re too strong. They couldn’t attack you directly,” Eddie answered, his thick, black eyebrows were furrowed. It was making his temples hurt thinking about this, and he felt like his mind was being blown open into a thousand bits of brain matter trying to think of the implications.
“Do you not control the story?”
“I setup the map, and they decide where they want to go.”
“Hm. Is that how the trials work?”
“Yeah. It- it’s not like they’re real people. They’re elves, orcs, gnomes-”
“Curious. I consider all of those real,” Vecna interrupted. Eddie was thrown by this, he hadn’t even considered that.
“I- Oh. Yeah, I suppose-”
“And they are usually human with one or two elves.” Vecna pointed this out like they were on a debate team in high school, Eddie did not feel equipped for this conversation and he was baffled as to why Vecna thought he was.
“Well, maybe it’s different for each of us.” Eddie found himself responding as if he was waiting for some validation, which made his stomach twist in confusion.
“Perhaps,” Vecna began sagely as if Eddie had said something wise rather than what he thought was scrambling of something to say. “Personally, Dungeon Master, I wish to understand the Entity, control it and force it to submit to me. Is that not what you are doing in each trial?”
“I don’t choose what people do. The dice choose,” Eddie said this a final certainty. Even if he wasn’t clear on anything else, the dice he knew. Vecna stared at him as if he was piercing through his skull into his brain for a moment before replying.
“It makes you feel better to see it that way, does it not?”
“I… Suppose so.”
“It is curious how the Entity manifests for you, for each of us. Do you truly trust it with your mind?” Vecna asked and Eddie was thrown again, because it wasn’t something he had even considered.
“I- I don’t have much choice.” Eddie stared into the distance thoughtfully, his brows furrowed and a frown spreading across his face.
“But if you were given one? If you could serve someone else. Would you?” Vecna was starting to probe a little deeper than Eddie was comfortable with. He squirmed as his jaw ticced from left to right.
“Would they make me kill people?” Eddie asked with a forced laugh at the end.
“It would depend on the situation.”
“I- well- I don’t know. Would they let me go?”
“Perhaps I could be persuaded.”
“Then… I need to think,” Eddie ended simply. He turned away, trying to ignore the tightening in his chest. He tried not to run from Vecna, he forced his pace to remain slow and steady, he was done running even when what was in front of, or behind, him terrified him.
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OKAY MY TURN NOW: drop the headcanon deets. What's living rent-free in your head right this moment 👀
But alright!! There’s so many (Aside from Legends Reborn)
I mostly keep this shit in my head and I can make a huge list of it but dawg most of mine involves my silly interpretations- plus I seen people
It’s kinda a mess to think about but I’ll go to my personal favorites
X being chunky always gives me some feels for me, like he would fucking rock it. He’s actually more tanky then Zero while he’s sorta at times a glass canon (Mf Died like multiple times and X died Once). It derives from the idea of why he chose a thicker body, because the area of his stomach was pierced by Sigma like twice. So basically it gives him extra defense. Despite the it he’s just a Flexible as ever but a bit more slower.
Meaning that his “Stomach” area is incredibly sensitive and he will smack you on instinct if you touch it. He suffers phantom pains occasionally. It's a massive bitch but he got used to it.
(Aka I believe Burly/chunky X supremacy)
X has a soft spot for children okay, since he’s very approachable to children, he would even let them draw on his armor. Babies are a definite weakness of his their tiny hands will make him cry so hard
So it would make sense that he would be a parent but he would rather settle down to start a Family in peace times and after he himself healed and rested.
Zero is kinda a low key creature, in the sense that he actually has retractable claws and can run on fours but only for extremely rare occasions. That's because he’s not only the ultimate war but also the ultimate predator. Aka he’s fucking lion coded
One of the reasons why X and Zero are always different compared to other Androids and shit is because they were made from Alien tech/Energy stuff. You can’t fucking tell that Dr Light didn’t used the material that Duo left to include that while making X right? And Zero…We all know Wily was on some crack (I’m always a believer that He used evil energy to create Roboenza and what could eventually become the Maverick Virus). And no one knew about the whole fiasco with Duo aside from Megaman and the others. So it makes sense that Light and wily (Possible Cossack knew something about it) Used it for their final creations.
Marty (From the MMX manga that I’m absolutely so normal about) has so much knowledge of Marine life and the ocean, Rescue worker regulations and information is insane. How the flying shit did a marine rescue worker end up as an infamous Pirate Queen is a mystery to anyone.
She's also tall and muscular and is absolutely more “Beast-like” (Having scales, fangs and retractable webbed claws) to give off a more intimidating impression to keep folks away from her and her crew.
Speaking of her Crew they are all composed of other marine Rescue types, a couple Human Cyborgs (and a few non cyborgs) and a few Repliforce defectors. (A small fun fact in my silly XxMarty Valentine manatee oneshot, Marty brought up Gale Albatross who’s actually a former Repliforce soldier that defected as soon as they declared independence not wanting to be apart of it but is untrusting towards the hunters).
She may not look like but she genuinely cares for everyone in her crew and would do anything to protect them. She also courted her hair after her fight with Byte back at X3 manga. She has matured over the years but still holds her mischievous/prideful personality.
Contrary to what it's led to believe her crew aren’t like…bad or act like actual pirates. It’s more like they are more of an independent group. Since that they deal with poaching, taking out criminals out of sea, providing relief for coastal communities that were strongly affected by war, etc…They just Red Alert if they weren’t Bounty hunters.
Axl is absolutely a Streamer and a bit of a meme master. He’s a deadly actor and trickster so watch out he fucking glad that he’s a goober!!
Since I’m on a Legends kick
Legends is underrated as shit I mean the potential is great! It’s so fucking expansive Idk where to start-
I’ll probably do some of mine at somepoint how they are Biomechanical creatures and how they diversified and evolved (The master basically granted them access to things that were lost that belonged to their Reploid ancestors.)
Or how the Ruins can be function as Mystery Dungeons and the different between an Official Digger and a independent Digger and so much wkrbekeheiba)
There’s are what I have but dawg so many in my little critter brain of mine
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