stevetwisp · 1 year
wrote a fic partially inspired by your “come 2 the matrix” comic (i hope this is ok!!)
dang your writing is gorgeous, this is a beautiful fic ;o; you should be so proud <3
the way you brought back the "i'm asking" bit?? ey im cryin ova here!!
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feline17ff · 2 years
Where in the world are those…brownies?
For the Ever After High Holiday Gift Exchange organized by @eah-exchange
This is a fic for @everafterwhy
Summary: Someone has stolen the chocolate brownies Lunch Lady Hagatha made! Right in the middle of hex-ams! The gang needs to solve this mystery before things get out of hand.
Rating: General. All.
Characters/ships: Maddie Hatter, Raven Queen, Apple White, Darling Charming, Rosabella Beauty
Holiday message for the @everafterwhy:
It was my first time participating in an exchange and the first time writing a mystery, I had big plans for it but mysteries are HARD. And so many characters in this one! Making the dialogue flow was a pickle! Plus irl stuff and procrastination. I hope I did your idea justice. I may have used Maddie a bit more than needed but I had difficulty to write this so it's justified, hehe. Sincerely hope you like it :) Happy holidays to you and @eah-exchange and everyone who reads or doesn't read this :)))
It was Beanstalk Sunday at Ever After High and the castle-teria was packed with students enjoying healthy servings of the nutritious vegetable.
But something else was going on.
And not just the sleep deprivation from studying for hex-ams.
Something else the students were actually looking forward to.
Sparrow was strumming his fingers at his table, Blondie was curling her finger through her hair, even Daring was using his handheld mirror to occasionally catch glimpses of the scene behind him: the door to the school kitchen.
Maddie, Raven, Apple, Darling, and Rosabella were seated at a table right next to the large wall-length windows. Apple noticed first, “Hey, why does it seem like everyone is waiting for something?”
Maddie slurped her beanstalk stalks like spaghetti with a loud slurp then replied, “I know, I know! That’s because…,” everyone leaned in, “they are!” She switched her plate with Raven’s and started eating anew.
“Thank you, Maddie. Can you tell me what they're waiting for?”
“Yes, I can!” She took another loud slurp of her beanstalk meal.
Raven gave Apple a nod and a placating hand, then turned to Maddie. “What are they waiting for, Maddie?”
“Hmm, Narrator?”
They were waiting for the lunch staff to serve the chocolate brownies made from an old Ever After recipe that was lost to time and only recently discovered by Lunch Lady Hagatha.
“Thanks, Narrator! They’re waiting for chocolate brownies! Lady Hagatha found an old Ever After recipe.”
Rosabella pushed back her glasses, “An old recipe? I hope they’re sourced organically. But why does everyone except us know about these brownies?”
Everyone at the table shook their heads and shrugged.
“Maybe it was because we were too busy with the Dragon Games?” suggested Darling.
There was silence for a moment where they stared at each other.
Then the five nodded.
“Yeah, makes sense.”
“We were busy.”
“Lots to do.”
“Glad that plot point is resolved.”
As if on cue, the door to the kitchen swung open and Lunch Lady Hagatha came out. Every one of the students stood up and ran to be the first one in line.
But Lady Hagatha shook her head and yelled at the top of her lungs, “NO BROWNIES!”
There was outrage.
“Why? We’ve been waiting for those brownies all day!”
Lady Hagatha just shrugged and replied, “Someone stole ‘em.”
Various versions of “What?” and “That’s not fairest!” could be heard throughout the room.The looming threat of exams, on top of the anxiety and sleep deprivation, were messing with everyone’s brains, making them antsy. The students even started blaming each other!
Sparrow, his Merry Men, and Kitty seemed to be the prime targets, being mischief makers and having been heard talking about the brownies the most.
After a few minutes of pointless blame, a shrill shout echoed, "It. Wasn't. Me!" Kitty stood up, slammed her tray down, then disappeared, her frown being the last thing visible before it too vanished.
It was definitely very serious if Kitty, the enjoyer of mischief, left the scene of mischief.
Baba Yaga entered the castle-teria soon after, perhaps Kitty had disappeared to her office? A very serious debacle indeed if the mischief maker contacted the authority figure themselves.
“Now, now. I know we were all looking forward to those delicious brownies," she said, "but that doesn’t mean we should start blaming each other without a shadow of proof. Please, if the perpetrator will come to my office, I’m sure we can work something out.”
She clasped her hands, "Glad that's settled," and floated out back to her chicken bird office.
But that wasn't the end.
The blame game continued.
Those chocolate brownies were quite the treat apparently.
Well, that's what the five girls were assuming, based on all the commotion around them that had unfolded in the span of a few minutes.
Rosabella raised her voice loud enough for the table, "Who would do such a thing? I do hope they come forward soon. Look what one bad deed can do," she tsked.
Apple agreed. "Yes, totally unfairest." Then she turned to Maddie, "As co-presidents, it is our duty to do something about this, isn't that right?"
"Great! I suggest—"
"—solving this mystery? A great idea!" she turned to the rest of the table, "Gang, looks like we have a mystery to solve!"
Darling grinned and pumped her fist in the air without hesitation, "Awesome! I've been meaning to do something funner than studying for hex-ams," she rolled her eyes.
Raven briefly glanced, “All the best, you guys," She was almost done putting the finishing touches on her sandwich, just had to slice it in two now, but where was that knife? She looked all around and finally spotted it under their table. She reached for it but when she sat back up, her sandwich was gone! Disappeared! Vanished! Into thin air! She looked right and left, where could her sandwich have gone?
Then she saw Maddie daintily wiping her mouth.
“Maddie. Did you see my sandwich?”
“Why, yes, I did see it, Raven. I saw you make the most delicious sandwich with my own eyes!”
“Yes, but did you see where it went?”
“Yes, I did!”
“And that would be…” she smiled encouragingly at her friend.
“I saw it go into my mouth!”
“Your mouth? Did you eat my sandwich? I didn’t know you were so hungry, Maddie.”
“What can I say, solving a mystery always gives me such an appetite. For sandwiches and particularly delicious snacks that are most definitely not dog treats as some would incorrectly believe.”
“—So you’re in?” Darling asked Raven, her hand tightly gripping the table in excitement.
“Well, um—” Raven began, only to be cut off.
“Of course we are! Can’t solve a mystery without two characters to always use as bait!”
“Don’t worry, just give us these snacks,” she searched for, then took out a box of snacks from under her hat, “and we’ll be more than willing to be used as bait!”
“Why? What’s so special about those snacks?” Raven reached for the box but Maddie handed it to Rosabella.
“Nu-uh,” she tutted, “these snacks are a secret tool that will help us later. Now, let’s go solve a mystery, gang!” And she dragged her friends off towards the castle-teria kitchen.
The gang entered the kitchen only to be met with gingerbread men, elves, and pixies busy at work banking and cooking mountains of food. There was no way they could get an investigation done here, it was total pandemonium.
“Cook, cook as fast as you can!”
“Elf, pixie, mend that stew!”
So, each girl slowly walked backwards out of the kitchen.
“What should we do now?” Apple said. “We can’t possibly investigate in that very unwonderlandiful mess in there!”
“Hmm,” Darling started. “What if…we go…when it isn't so messy in there?”
Raven raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean, Darling?”
“I mean…stealth mission! Tonight!”
“Excellent idea, Darling Charming! Certainly no harm, no fowl feathers in a twist if there are no wings a-flapping!”
Rosabella looked at Maddie uncertainly, “Uh, right!”
“Not to say that’s not a good plan," Apple began kindly, "but the lunch ladies lock the castle-teria after their shift. How will we unlock it?”
“Oh, I can do that.” Everyone except Maddie turned to look at Raven. “What?”
“Nothing, nothing. So," Apple grinned, “We have a plan! We’ll get in tonight, investigate, and catch whoever’s stealing those chocolate brownies!”
“Okay, guys. Here’s the plan.”
The five had met up outside the castle-teria after hours, ready to catch the brownie thief.
Apple continued whispering, “Raven will unlock the door using her magic–”
“Done.” Raven blew the remaining purple fire off her hand.
“Raven. You’re fable-ous.”
“Why yes. Yes, I am.”
One by one they entered the kitchen.
“Okay. Now, we look for any clues we can find about the mysterious Ever After thief that stole those brownies,” Darling declared.
“I suggest we split up.” Maddie interrupted.
“Good idea,” said Darling.
“Quick question. What do we do if we bump into the thief?” asked Rosabella.
“Oh, I know!” Maddie popped up in front of her, “We run!”
“But we want to catch this thief, Maddie.” Apple reminded.
“Yeah!” Maddie didn't look the slightest perturbed.
“Umm, Maddie.” Darling tried her luck. “Why would we run if we want to catch it?”
“To set a trap for it later of course!”
“Why not set a trap now?” spoke up Rosabella.
“Oh? Sure, we can do that, I guess,” she tapped her cheek, then nodded. “Yeah, we can do that! Let’s do it!”
Darling thought out loud, "Okay, so let's see what we know about the thief? So, what do we know?"
"It likes chocolate," Rosabella said.
"It likes that new recipe," Raven added.
Then Maddie asked, "But where do those brownies go? Do they eat them all in one night?"
"If they do," Apple said with a wince, "then they're in for one big bad stomach ache!"
"You're right. Hmm," Darling was lost in thought. "Who could it be?"
Raven was the first one, "We can just hide and see who comes in?"
"Hmm, we could, but what if we can't catch them in time?"
"Darling, you can use your magic touch when they're stealing the brownies," suggested Rosabella.
"And one of us can stand by the light switch," Apple said, "and we can sprinkle some powdered sugar or something messy for good measure."
"Oooh, that's a great idea!"
"And Apple and I can have our mirror pads ready to record them as soon the lights are on," said Raven.
Apple bit her lip hesitantly, "But we're not going to mirrorcast them or publish them in the yearbook, are we? That seems…heartless."
"Oh, no, never. But they won't know that!"
"Evilly genius, Raven!"
"I meant that as a compliment! But yeah, sorry."
Maddie nodded, then asked, "So, we know what to do when the thief comes, but what do we do when they don't?"
"Hmm, a very good observation, co-president! But I guess we'll just have to try again next time then."
"Gotcha, Madame President! Now, what are we waiting for? They're almost here!"
There was a sputter of confusion but everyone started finding hiding places as they whisper-shouted at Maddie.
"How do you know that, Maddie?" Rosabella asked.
"Because the author had trouble writing this mystery so decided to nip it right now!"
Rosabella and Apple, who weren't used to Maddie's or Wonderland's antics, said at the same time, "What?"
Raven rolled her eyes fondly, "It's her magic touch."
Someone unlocked the kitchen door. One figure entered, and then another.
They tried to sneak in softly, seemingly well aware of their surroundings even in the dark. They stood over the trays of brownies and started eating with such discretion as if they were professionals trained in the art.
Halfway through, Raven switched on the lights, her mirrorpad ready.
On the other side, Apple did the same.
Darling flipped her hair and used her magic touch, slowing down the perpetrators.
Rosabella and Maddie came out of their hiding spots, Maddie with an oversized sandwich she somehow made in the few seconds she spent in her hiding spot.
"Hello, Ever After High," Raven pressed record (to be deleted later), "look who we have here! Your classmates and brownie thieves, Helga and Gus Crumb!"
"Gasp," said Darling with a smirk.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Gus tried to say, but a mouthful of brownies and being in slow motion while wearing PJs laced with powdered sugar didn't exactly help his case.
Darling resumed the two to their normal speed.
“Yes, Gus and I were just, uh, catching the thief, same as you,” both cousins nodded furiously.
"Give it up, you two," said Rosabella.
"We caught you snow and four!" said Maddie.
"Yeah!" agreed Darling.
Helga and Gus stared at Darling, "What?"
"She means fair and square," translated Raven.
"Ohhhh," drawled the two. Then Gus added, "Makes sense, makes sense, I get it. It's because ‘fair as snow’, and two is a squared number."
"Very smart of you, cousin!"
"Thank you, Helga!"
"Alright. Now that that's settled. What should we do with these two, Ms yearbook editor and co-president, and other co-president."
"Ooh, I have a hex-cellent idea!" Apple clasped her hands, a glint in her eye while the two cousins shared a nervous glance.
Helga and Gus Crumb had admitted to stealing then duplicating a key to the school kitchen during a busy rush hour at the start of their year at Ever After High.
When the new brownies turned out to actually be good, they decided to steal them all to themselves as a reward for the stressful hex-ams.
Of course, this didn't fly with anyone. The two were put on lunch serving duty for a week. But their knowledge of tasty treats and youthful energy made them a favorite with the lunch staff, so they received extra brownies every day, some punishment that turned out to be.
"What's wrong, Maddie?" Rosabella slid her tray and sat down next to her.
"I didn't get to be used as bait. I didn't get those snacks to persuade me to be used as bait." She sighed and slumped down on the table.
"Aww, don't worry. I still have those snacks in my dorm. I can give them to you if you'd like."
"It's not the same," she sighed again.
"Aww," Apple interrupted, "So you'll only have those snacks during a mystery and only when you're being used as bait to set a trap for a villain?"
“That's exactly right, Ms Girl Detective!” Maddie perked up. "Got any good mysteries?"
“Haha, no, sorry. But 'girl detective'? I like the sound of that! We’re all girl detectives now, aren’t we?”
The group muttered in agreement.
“Sure, lock it down, Holmesie!” Maddie had gotten her gusto back.
“What?” Apple asked, confused.
“Yes, forced, I know. But anyway, we did it!" she sat back straight and pumped both fists in the air," You're right, we did it! We solved one mystery! That means we'll have so many more mysteries now! A new mystery every week! The victims always closely related to us, and a themed mystery every holiday!"
Apple, Raven, Darling and Rosabella tried to make sense of Maddie's ramblings, but then caught each other's eyes and laughed.
"Sure, Maddie. Whatever you say."
The End
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@everafterwhy it’s from an artist on redbubble—Kenny Durkin.
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lizzieehearts · 3 years
i associate you with dexter and this is my favourite pic of him so here!
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c0rpsedemon · 3 years
hi i thought you might want to know that we're starting lotf in english now and it made me think of you lol
glad to hear that i'm the token lord of the flies mutual!
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dollmenace · 2 years
This is what the fandom behaviour is reminding me of
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[image description: the “gay people i respect” meme with monster high’s g1 kieran valentine and g3 frankie stein. the text next to valentine reads, “Gay People I Respect: Acts Like A Normal Human Being, Has A Personality, Doesn't Force Upon You The Fact That They're Gay, Literally Is A Normal Person That You Can Be Friends With.” the text next to frankie reads, “Gay People I Do Not Respect: Sexuality Is The Focal Point Of Their Existence, Rainbow Flag Everything And Everywhere Including But Not Limited To Profile Picture, Clothing, And Jewelry; Complains About Straight People Consistently, Dresses Like A Clown To Show the World How Gay They Are.” end description.]
ID by @everafterwhy
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dexterouslycharming · 3 years
Dexven Icons #1
And another batch of icons for my secret Santa @everafterwhy for the @eah-exchange
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eahcolourpicked · 3 years
sapphic ca cupid (original)
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requested by @everafterwhy​
[id: two sapphic pride flags, colourpicked from c.a. cupid in her ever after high design. she is overlaid in the first one, shown from the chest up. she is looking at something with hearts in her eyes and her hands clasped together on her cheek. the second one is plain. /end id]
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darling-destiny · 3 years
I started this blog because I wanted to create some positivity in my own life. I’m so glad I could do the same for so many people!
Big thank you to my mutuals:
Also quick shout out the latest follower:
And the first:
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isfjmel-phleg · 3 years
The Secret Garden (1987 musical)
At the request of @everafterwhy, and possibly of interest to @marysfoxmask.
This musical (music by Steven Markwick and book and lyrics by Diana Morgan) never made it to Broadway, but it prompted the existence of the better-known Secret Garden musical that did. The producer and set designer of the 1991 musical, Heidi Landesman, after hearing a recording of the Markwick/Morgan production, was unimpressed and teamed up with writer Marsha Norman to do the story better justice.
The recording I listened to dated from 1993 and included a booklet with the synopsis and lyrics, which I’ve transcribed below for reference (reproducing the original’s odd spelling and punctuation as much as possible). The CD isn’t easy to find; I was able to borrow it through interlibrary loan, which your own library might provide if you’re curious.
According to the synopsis, this musical more or less follows the plot of the book, albeit simplified. Some things seem to be omitted or changed. Martha for some reason is in on the secret; it’s not specified when, how, or why. Instead of indignantly rising from his wheelchair to prove Ben’s assumptions wrong, this Colin has no such initiative and is basically peer-pressured by the others into standing (...which is comparable to how the 1991 musical handles it). Susan Sowerby is completely absent, and Mr. Craven is persuaded to come home by a visit from Mrs. Medlock, of all things.
I was not especially impressed with the soundtrack. None of the music was memorable, and having the children played by teenagers or young adults (the garden is said to have been locked for fourteen years, implying the kids have been aged up) was not an effective choice. The cast’s performances were fine, from my inexpert perspective, but the songs were lackluster. Many of the lyrics seemed trite to me, and there’s a lot of needless repetition (”Get Up Miss Mary” and “The Little Rajah” are particularly guilty for this) with little depth or character development. The songs tend to dump obvious information, or heavy-handedly moralize (”Give It a Try” especially), or just plain have nothing to do with anything. Was it necessary to give Ben Weatherstaff a rather sexist solo about why he prefers roses to women? Or do we need to give Martha a whole song about her unseen, plot-irrelevant boyfriend and their plans to be buried together (...which is really off-theme for this story)? Meanwhile, Colin doesn’t even get a solo and seems to be there to repeat what others sing (Dickon, when urging him to stand, even tells him, “Don’t try to talk”?)--again, not unlike how the 1991 musical handled the character.
Dickon’s solo “Nightfolk” is probably the best song of the lot in terms of lyrical quality, I think. On the whole, the 1991 production--whatever my issues with its interpretation of story and characters--is musically more effective, creative, and better written.
But bear in mind that I have no background in music and you can take my opinion with a grain of salt. Take a look below at the summary and lyrics and draw your own conclusions.
Cast (in order of appearance)
Archibald Craven: Peter Gale
Mrs. Medlock: Angela Rook
Martha: Ruth Reaney
Truscott: Toby Morton
Mary: Elizabeth Bolognini
Ben: Tony Watkins
Dickon: Ian Kelsey
Colin: Raoul Bolognini
One day Archibald Craven, master of Misselthwaite Hall on the Yorkshire moors, receives a letter from India telling him that his niece Mary has been orphaned and therefore become his ward. Craven, who is slightly hunchbacked, has never recovered from his wife’s tragic death and has been a wanderer ever since. He leaves on his travels and instructs Mrs. Medlock, the housekeeper, to look after Mary.
Mary arrives at Misselthwaite Hall a miserable, disagreeable and spoilt little girls and Martha, her down-to-earth Yorkshire maid, and Mrs. Medlock have trouble with her on the very first morning - GET UP MISS MARY.
Martha tells Mary to play in the grounds and Mary says she doesn’t know how to play by herself - OTHER LITTLE GIRLS.
Mrs. Medlock, Truscott, the man servant, and Martha remember Misselthwaite Hall as it used to be when Mrs. Craven was alive - MISSELTHWAITE HALL.
Mary finds out from Martha that one of the walled gardens used to belong to Mrs. Craven but has been locked up since she dies. A robin leads Mary to the key which had been thrown away and Mary lets herself into THE SECRET GARDEN.
Martha feels sorry for Mary’s loneliness and sends her young brother Dickon to keep her company. Dickon is a country lad who loves animals. He teaches Mary to whistle like the robin - GIVE IT A TRY.
On an unexpected visit, Craven asks Mary if she wants anything and she says she wants a garden. Mary’s request reminds Craven of his wife, Lillian, and when she goes he pulls aside the curtain over Lillian’s portrait and sings - LILLIAN.
Mary shows Dickon into the secret garden which is badly overgrown and they make plans to get to work on it. When she leave that evening Dickon sings about his friends - NIGHTFOLK.
Mary has been hearing screams in the nights and one night she goes to investigate and finds a boy of her own age crying in his bed. He is Colin, Craven’s son, a delicate boy who thinks he will become a hunchback like his father. He is very spoilt but neglected by his father because he reminds him of his wife. Mary says he behaves like a little rajah she saw in India - THE LITTLE RAJAH - and she sings him to sleep.
Ben, the old gardener, sings to Martha and Mary about his true love - ROSES and in reply Martha sings about hers - DAI AND I.
Dickon and Mary have been taking Colin into the secret garden in his wheelchair and he, like Mary, has begun to change into a happier child. The garden has also been transformed under the children’s love and care and now it is spring - THAT’S SPRING.
Colin improves daily with visits to the secret garden and one one Mary, Dickon, Martha and Ben persuade Colin to try and stand - GIVE IT A TRY.
Mrs. Medlock goes to London to see Craven and says she thinks Lillian would have liked him to come back to Misselthwaite and see his son who has wonderfully improved - LILLIAN (reprise).
Ben meets Craven on his arrival back in Yorkshire and takes him into the secret garden. Craven looks on as Colin, Mary, Dickon and Martha play blind-man’s-bluff with Colin as the blind man. They are singing THAT’S SPRING and stop abruptly when Craven appears. Colin tears off his handkerchief and sees his father. He holds out his hand and Craven, bewildered, holds out his - FINALE.
Martha: Get up Miss Mary / Your breakfast is hot;
Mary: I will not, Martha Davis / I will not, I will not.
Martha: Then I’ll have to make you / You can’t stay in bed; / Don’t pull the bedclothes / Over your head.
Mary: Don’t you dare touch me
Martha: Sorry I must.
Mary: If you come any nearer / I’ll scream till I just / Explode, I will
Martha: You won’t
Mary: I will
Martha: You won’t.
Mary: I hate it in Yorkshire it’s windy and cold / There’s no one to play with and everyone’s old; / I hate Mrs. Medlock and Misselthwaite Hall / But you Martha Davies [sic] I hate most of all.
Martha: Don’t make me angry, don’t be so bold / When I give an order you do as you’re told
Mary: I won’t
Martha: You will
Mary: I won’t
Martha: You will
Mary: I won’t
Mrs. Medlock: Be quiet Miss Mary / Be quiet I say;
Mary: I’ll only be quiet / If you go away.
Mrs. Medlock: Now listen Miss Mary get out of bed / Your Breakfast is ready and the sun’s overhead / Take off your nightgown under your wrap / If you don’t behave girl I’ll give you a slap
Mary: I’ll scream
Martha: No you won’t
Mary: I’ll scream
Martha: No you won’t
Mary: I’ll scream
Martha: No you won’t
Mary: I’ll scream
Martha: No you won’t
Mary: I’ll scream and scream until I’m blue / Before I do what you tell me to.
Mrs. Medlock: You may have screamed in India / We’ve heard some funny tales / About them foreign countries / But we never scream in the dales.
Mary: I will
Martha: You won’t
Mary: I will
Martha: You won’t
Mary: I will
Martha: You won’t, you won’t
Mary: I’m so lonely / If only there was / Another little girl.
Other girls have other little girls / To play with / Spend the day with;
Other little girls have other little girls / To talk with / And to walk with;
They race and chase each other / Perhaps they have a brother / And a kind and caring mother / Other little girls;
Other little girls have other little girls / To spend the day with / Skip and play with / Other little girls are lucky / I wish I were a lucky girl.
Mrs. Medlock: When she was alive the house was gay / Sunny smiles and laughter every day; / It seemed she made the sun to shine / Or is that just a dream of mine?
Truscott: When she was alive we all had fun / Not just them upstairs but everyone; / Handsome horses filled the stables
Mrs. Medlock: Silver dishes graced the tables.
Truscott: Picnics, parties, dances, a ball; / Oh the world and his wife came to Misselthwaite Hall
Mrs. Medlock: But now that she’s gone / And the dark has grown stronger; / The heart of the house / Is beating no longer. / Now it is quite friendless / No one comes to call;
Truscott: The only faces that you see / Are dead ones on the wall.
Martha: The dining room is shrouded / The silver put away; / Each evening quiet as the last
Martha; Truscott; Mrs. Medlock: Each evening as each day.
Truscott: But when she was alive the house was gay
Martha: Sunny smiles and laughter every day
Martha; Truscott; Mrs. Medlock: It seemed she made the sun to shine / Or is that just a dream of mind.
Martha: Picnics, parties, dances, a ball! / Oh the world and his wife came to Misselthwaite Hall / But now that she’s gone / And the dark has grown stronger;
Martha; Truscott; Mrs. Medlock: The heart of the house / Is beating no longer. / Poor old Misselthwaite Hall.
Mary: I’ve always dreamt of somewhere / Where I would feel at home / A place that I could play in / And call my very own. 
Perhaps this secret garden / Behind its wall of stone; / Is what I have been searching for / Where I’ll not feel alone.
If only I could find a key / And open up the door; / I’d find a secret wonderland / That I’ve been searching for.
A very special kind of land / A land of let’s pretend; / Pretend that someone cares for me / And I have got a friend.
[Walking through the gardens, Mary hears the robin, she chases it and stumbles across a key! It is the key to the door into the secret garden. Mary opens the door and enters]
Mary: (spoken) It’s like no other garden I’ve seen before. Everything is grey and misty…I must be the first person to see it in fourteen years. (sung) The robin he must be a friend / For he showed me the key; / And now there are the three of us / The garden, him and me; / Yes, the garden, him and me.
Dickon: I thought that I would like to play / A tune upon the flute; / I tried and tried but still no sound / The flute remained quite mute.
I persevered and all at once / The flute began to play; / A merry little country tune / And I was well away.
Now, Miss Mary, You try hard / And really have a go; / Take a breath and purse your lips / And blow and blow and blow!
Give it a try and see and see what happens / You never know until you do / Give it a try and see / Whatever you want could be / After 1, 2, 3 / Give it a try.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes / That’s the only way you learn / If you fail first time / It’s not a crime / Just take another turn. [repeat stanza]
Give it a try and see what happens
Mary: You never know till you do;
Dickon: Give it a try and see
Mary: Whatever you want could be
Dickon: After 1, 2, 3 / Give it a try!
Dickon; Mary: Maybe you will / Maybe you won’t / But how do you know if you don’t / Give it a try / Give it a try!
Craven: How can I live a life without love? / How can I live without you? / Poets have said without love man’s dead / Nothing could be more true.
Lillian, Lillian / Lovely laughing Lillian / Lillian of the dark brown eyes.
Lillian, Lillian / Lively living Lillian / Lillian how my poor heart cries.
Come back to me for just an hour / Before the flowers fall; / All I have of you now is just / A picture on the wall.
Lillian, Lillian / Lost and loving Lillian / Lillian gone beyond recall.
Dickon: When the sun sinks and twilight descends / I say goodbye to my daytime friends; / When the moon rises and the stars come out / My friends are nightfolk around and about.
My friend the fox when the evening grows nigh / Puts on his socks and looks up to the sky; / My friend the mole when he gets out of bed / Slips through the hole as the sun becomes red.
Me and my friends will give you a hand / Together we’ll make this garden so grand / Mary your secret’s safe with us / Animals that you can trust.
My friend the stoat when he puts on his hat / Buttons his coat and then visits the rat; / My friend the trout when he opens one eye / Looks round about for the fisherman’s fly. [repeat refrain]
My friend the badger goes roundabout / He’s getting on I’m afraid rather stout;  / But the otter my chum when the stars above gleam / Glides from his home and slides down the stream. [repeat refrain]
When the sun sinks and twilight descends / I say hello to my night-time friends. / Night Folk.
Mary: He sat upon his elephant / As a knight sits on his charger.
Colin: The little Rajah?
Mary: The little Rajah
Colin: He sat upon his elephant / Just like a charger?
Mary: He was hung about with gold things, / Precious stones and other old things / As he came along the great trunk road
Colin: As he came along the great trunk road
Mary: A million people cheered with joy / As they knelt before this boy
Colin: The little Rajah?
Mary: The little Rajah.
Colin: How very odd, was he a god this little Rajah?
Mary: He was a child just like you
Colin: He was a child just like you
Mary: He was a child just like me
Colin: He was a child just like me
Mary: As he came along the great trunk road
Colin: As he came along the great trunk road
Mary: When he couldn’t go to sleep / Then his servants used to weep
Colin: The little Rajah?
Mary: The little Rajah
Colin: He couldn’t sleep, the servants weep / The little Rajah
Mary: But his Ayah always said / They should sing to him instead / He was just a child like you and me
Colin (sleepily): He was just a child like you and me
Mary: He was just a child like you and me. / He sat upon his elephant / As a knight sits on a charger / The little Rajah / The little Rajah
Ben: When I was a lad I was after the girls / And the girls they were all after me; / Alice and Daisy, Clarice and Maisie / Would ask me back to tea. / Then we would walk then we would talk / Don’t knows what we talked about; / We just talked we didn’t do nowt.
When I was a man, things moved very fast / And nothing was faster than me; / Dilys and Phylis, Doris and Jane / And it wasn’t just talking and tea! / But of that stuff I’d at last had enough / God knows I’d no wish to be wed; / So I counted my roses instead.
Roses can’t answer you back / Roses don’t fret if you’re late / Roses don’t say / Where you been all day? / Roses don’t mind if they wait. 
A rose don’t go pale / If a man has his ale / Or throw a plate at his nose; / Roses don’t riot / Roses stay quiet / That’s why my love is a rose.
Roses don’t borrow your shirt / Roses don’t thwack you with broom / Roses don’t fuss / And here is the plus / You don’t have to buy them perfume. 
‘Cos all that they need / Is a prune and a weed / To help them when it snows; / And when it starts raining / They’re never complaining / That’s why my love is a rose
Girls approaching their forties / Look on the future with gloom / But roses get even more lovely / When they’re in full bloom. 
Roses don’t know how to nag / Roses is never a bore / Roses in bed / Just lays down their head / And when they’re asleep they don’t snore.
A rose don’t get cross / ‘Cos she knows you’re the boss / And when her petals close; / Roses don’t cry / They just say “goodbye” / That’s why my love is a rose. / That’s why my love is a rose.
Martha: I have a boy who lives in the dales / His ma’s from Swansea so I call him Dai, / They live in a mean, red house called “The Chalet” / We don’t want one like that do Dai and I. / We want a little house, high upon the moor. / That is where we’ll live when we are wed, / A lovely modern kitchen, shining spick and span / And upstairs in our room we’ll have a big, brass bed.
Dai and I we will live together / In the wintry weather, we’ll be warm and glad; / Dai and I both of us together / We’ll raise a pretty daughter and a strong, brave lad.
We will go to Chapel with little Beth and Mark / She is in the choir, singing like a lark.
Dai and I won’t want any other person as a lover / All our married life; / We will be happy with each other / For he will be my hubby and I his wife.
Years will come and years will go, hair becoming grey, / Movements getting slower, slower every day. / Dai and I have worked it out between us / There behind the Chapel, where the laurels screen us; / That is where we’ll lie together / Dai and I.
Dickon: Buds breaking on the barren trees / A soft something in the morning breeze
Mary: That’s Spring?
Dickon: That’s Spring / It makes you want to sing.
Spring is when the farmer sows his summer oats / And when sheep in pastures lose their winter coats; / Spring is when the grocer orders Easter cakes / When the birds start building and the badger wakes.
Spring is when the gardener sees to his delight / That lots of lovely snowdrops have sprung up overnight; / Spring is when the squirrels fluff their bushy tails / Spring is splendid everywhere / But extra good in the dales
That’s Spring!
Mary: That’s Spring?
Dickon: That’s Spring! / That’s Spring, That’s Spring / It makes you want to sing / That’s Spring, That’s Spring / It changes everything; / It makes you want to Laugh Ha! Ha! / It makes you want to fling / Your hat into the air and shout / That’s Spring That’s Spring That’s Spring!
Spring’s the start of cricket. Howzat! The players cry / And each lad at the wicket thinks he’s C. B. Fry / Spring’s when days are brighter and the wind less keen
Mary: When your feet seem lighter and the grass is green
Dickon: Spring’s when things start growing in every garden bed
Mary: And Martha’s cheeks start glowing warm and rosy red
Dickon: Spring’s when Ben’s rheumatics take a bit of a rest
Dickon; Mary: Out of all the seasons it’s the one we love the best!
[Both repeat “That’s Spring, It makes you want to sing” refrain]
Ben: I thought that I would like to grow / A real prize-winning marrow; / I made a frame from bits of wood / Took from old wheel barrow.
I tended it both night and day / I watched it grow and grow; / Then took it in a horse and cart / T’ Agricultural show.
The Lord Lieutenant laughed and said / “By gum thou’s got some nouse; / Thou’s grown a winning marrow Ben / As big as Harewood House.”
Ben; Dickon; Mary; Martha: Give it a try and see what happens / You never know till you do; / Give it a try and see / Whatever you want could be / So tell us what happened to you?
Dickon: I thought that I would like to try / To heal a wounded sparrow / Its wing had been quite broke in two / By some lad’s bow and arrow;
Our Martha took one look and said / “To help was all in vain” / But I kept on and suddenly / The poor thing moved again.
Now I kept trying best I could / Until one April day, / When sun were up and wind blew soft / My sparrow flew away.
[All four repeat refrain]
Mary: I thought that I would like to try / And find myself a friend; / I thought that if I found one / My unhappiness would end.
Martha: And so you did Miss Mary dear / And left off being sad; / And now to everyone’s surprise / You’re really not half bad.
Mary: Now Colin you must try to stand / Before the set of sun; / And after standing you must try / To walk and then to run
Dickon: Yes Colin you must try to stand / Yes, really really stand; / Just put your feet upon the ground
Ben: Eh lad, that’s proper grand.
Dickon: Pull yourself right up / No Colin you won’t fall / Stand up straight, shoulders back
Ben: Eh lad, you aren’t half tall.
Dickon: Now take a step, don’t try to talk / And now another…
Dickon; Ben; Mary; Martha: He can walk.
Colin (spoken): I can walk, I can walk, I shall live forever and ever!
[Other four repeat refrain] 
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t / But how do you know if you don’t? / Give it a try. / Give it a try!!
[Literally just the last half of the original song again]
[The “That’s Spring, it makes you want to sing” refrain again, but sung by Mary, Dickon, Ben, Martha, and Colin, the latter partially as a solo]
Craven: Is this the boy I locked away / Standing straight and true? / I can’t believe how much he’s changed, / I can’t believe he’s you!
I know I haven’t given you / The love a father should / Forgive me son, for what has passed / I ask you if you would.
My heart’s been like this garden / Locked up and alone / Now I must beg your pardon / For the love I’ve never shown.
From now this house will sing again / We’ll open every door/ Together we’ll begin again / It’s Spring again once more / Yes! It’s Spring again once more.
Company: From now this house will sing again / We’ll open every door / Together we’ll begin again / It’s Spring again once more
Craven: Yes!
Company: It’s Spring again once more.
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wlwdarlingcharming · 4 years
@everafterwhy i’m so glad you asked about my darabella fankids 😎
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The art does not belong to me!! it’s from a picrew by sagravi.
They are daughter and son of Daring Charming & Rosabella Beauty.
Some info about them:
- They (mostly) go by Victoire and Liant
- They’re twins, with Victoire being older and Liant being younger
- Victoire is the next Beast, while Liant doesn’t know his destiny yet
- They’re fluent in French
- Victoire is very close with their Auntie Darling and has learned lots of sword fighting moves from her
- Liant takes after their mother, and Victoire is a lot like their father
- Victoire is very popular at Ever After High, but absolutely hates everyone except her brother and her cousins
- Liant can and has beat Victoire at sword fighting
- Victoire has a pet dragon named Spitfire
- Liant has a pet golden retriever named Peanut
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@everafterwhy Thanks!! thats so kind!!
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feline17ff · 2 years
I watched the EAH pilot and... oh my fairy godmother the WHIPLASH?? I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT IT!! HOW DID YOU FIND THIS???- NHA
This absolutely surreal piece of media was shared by @/everafterwhy on an absolutely GOLD EAH thread called "The Ongoing Saga of Shady Red"
I highly recommend reading all the reblogs because it does diverge and I can't link all the threads :)
Link to one thread that seems okay complete, but I remember 1 thread had me posting the image of Kitty's mom and Red dancing in The Class of Classics
Link to where the pilot link was shared
Edit: Cheshire+Red thread
Do let me know if you read it! 😂😃
And anyone is free to organize this thread into like 1 masterpost for future use lol
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introduction post:
hello! i’m jay; my main blog is @everafterwhy. occasionally i post secret garden stuff on there, but i’ve decided to try to keep it on this blog so that i can organize it better. i post on here about all adaptations and the book itself because i just love the story and the plot and the characters, no matter which version it is. my favorite adaptations switch often!
i post lots of pictures which compare the way different adaptations did things (i have one comparing different keys from different versions etc.) but i don’t really mean any harm or anything mean about any version!! like i said because i love the story, in my heart i really do have soft spots for all the adaptations in different ways.
i love to be asked questions because i love to talk about the characters!! don’t be afraid to ask me anything or send me a message :) i tend to talk a lot though, so here’s a fair warning, i suppose
my ao3 is @fightingwiththewind!!
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dexterouslycharming · 3 years
Here's my gift for @everafterwhy for the @eah-exchange this year!
Here's to Hunting
Word count - 1,395
Ship - Raven x Dexter x Hunter
Hunter was never particularly great at gift giving, he wouldn't even go as far as to call himself good at it. He blamed it on his parents, they were never good at giving gifts either, and that rubbed off on him he assumed. Every year, when Christmas rolled around, he ended up wandering the shopping malls and browsing store windows for hours in an attempt to find suitable gifts for his friends and family, but he never seemed to accomplish his goal. 
This year, however, he vowed it would be different. It was his first Christmas as a couple with Dexter and Raven, and he wasn't going to screw it up. The huntsman was determined to find something for the two of them, and he wasn't going to leave until the job was done. Lucky for him, Ashlyn and Blondie were accompanying him in his hunt for the perfect presents for his partners. 
His mind raced with every possible thing Dexter and Raven each might want, combing over every conversation he could remember, but nothing of significance came to mind, other than an off hand comment by Raven about her love of fuzzy socks. Hunter groaned, shoving his hands in his pockets in a frustrated huff. 
Ashlyn looked from Blondie to Hunter, giving the boy a gentle pat on the back in an attempt to calm him down. "So, Hunter, what exactly were you thinking of getting them? Let's start with Dexter first. Does anything special come to mind?" Ashlyn asked, her heels clicking against the concrete pathway that lined Bookend. The sound of her voice, and the ever present click-clack of her heels pulled Hunter out of his own head for a moment and back into what was going on in front of him. 
He sighed, looking over at the various shop windows and displays that lined the street. "No, not really." He grumbled, kicking at the ground in a vain attempt to make him feel better. Why couldn't he just be able to know exactly what the perfect gift would be for them? It shouldn't be this hard! Everyone else was already done with their Christmas shopping and here he was, without a gift for anyone, not even his partners. 
Blondie gave a humm, her curls bouncing up and down as she sped up a bit and started walking backwards in front of Hunter and Ashlyn. "If I know anything about anyone, we'll be able to find the gift that's just right for them both." She said with a nod and a bright grin, stopping when she saw something sparkle in a window display as they passed by. She approached it, eyes sparkling with delight at the brooch that sat on a velvet pillow. It was a polished silver, with a light blue sapphire in the middle, and intricate metal work all around. "What about this? It would look great on Dexter!" The reporter chirped, only to receive a shake of Hunter's head in response. 
While the brooch was beautiful, it didn't strike him as something Dexter would like, or even wear. It was also probably way out of his price range anyway. Ashlyn gave her friend a reassuring smile as Blondie pulled away from the window and the trio started walking again. "We'll find something, I promise. You just have to look. Something will stick out to you, I just know it." 
Hunter just gave a frustrated glance at her, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. He didn't think he was going to find anything remotely suitable any time soon, or at all. He could take the easy route, and just ask them what they wanted, but it was likely they'd both say nothing, or 'anything is fine', and that would leave him with less to go on than what he started with.
Ashlyn gave him a reassuring pat on the back, her eyes shining with sympathy. "Why don't we look for something for Raven then instead? I know you talked about getting her something for her guitar? It needs a new set of strings right?" The girl suggested lightly, nodding her head in the direction of the Pied Piper's music store. 
Hunter's eyes lit up and he nodded. "Of course!" He chirped, opening the door to the store for his two companions. When they entered, Melody Piper greeted them with a wave. The huntsman made his way over to their classmate, a hopeful look on his face. "Hey Melody. You don't happen to know what strings Raven's guitar uses, would you?" He asked, hope lacing his voice. 
"Mhmm. I thought you or Dexter might be dropping by for these." Melody said with a smirk, grabbing a set of guitar strings off the counter and sliding them over to Hunter. He quickly thanked her and paid for the strings, letting out a sigh of relief as the trio walked out of the music store. 
"One done, one to go." He said triumphantly, falling into step beside Blondie and Ashlyn as they continued their search for something to get Dexter. 
Two weeks had passed since Hunter had successfully found a present for Raven, and during that time he had found something for Dexter as well, a deep blue and white scarf. It wasn't much, but he knew Dexter would love it. He had everything wrapped, it was just a matter of giving it to them before school let out for the winter break. 
The students at Ever After High always celebrated the holidays as a school before heading home to spend time with their families. The hallways were strung with Christmas lights and various other decorations. A large tree was set up in the Castleteria, adorned with various ornaments representing each and every student's story.
Hunter stopped as he entered the Castleteria, his gaze taking in every inch of the tree before him. It wasn't like he hadn't seen it the previous years he'd been at Ever After High, but it never ceased to amaze him. He shook himself from his thoughts, adjusting the two perfectly wrapped presents in his arms. He glanced around the room, spotting Dexter and Raven sitting with Cerise, Darling, Hopper, and Maddie. He grinned, making his way over to the group. 
All of them brightened when they saw Hunter, Maddie giving him an excited wave at his approach. He stopped once he reached the table, setting the two presents down next to his partners. "Sorry it took me a while, I had to finish wrapping these." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Cerise laughed, shaking her head. "Of course, everything has to be perfect for you, doesn't it?" She teased, leaning back in her chair. "Where's the gifts for the rest of us? Don't we matter too?" She asked in a playful manner, snickering as Hunter shot her a look. 
"I seem to recall you already got yours, something about a month's worth of steaks?" Raven chuckled out, taking the box Hunter slid over to her with a small thank you. "You didn't need to get us anything, you know that." She said a bit sternly, giving Hunter a loving look. She moved over a bit, allowing him to sit in between her and Dexter. "I guess we open at the same time then, huh Dex?" She asked, and the prince gave a nod. 
"Sounds good to me." 
The two ripped open the paper at the count of three, both of their eyes widening as the sight of the gift before them.
"Hunter, this is hexcellent!" Raven exclaimed, a grin spreading across her face. "I can finally fix the broken string on my guitar!" Raven peaked over at what Dexter got, a smile on her face as he pulled the scarf out of the box. 
"It's so soft. . . ." Dexter mumbled, looking up at Hunter with big, blue eyes. "Where'd you get this?" 
Hunter shrugged, avoiding both their gazes for a short moment. "Doesn't matter. All that matters is that you two are happy." He insisted, a blush rising onto his cheeks as he felt both of their lips press into his cheeks. 
"We couldn't be happier." Raven said softly, Dexter nodding in agreement. 
Hunter let out a relieved sigh, he had gotten them both something they liked, and that's all that mattered to him at the moment. They were happy, and so was he.
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dexterouslycharming · 3 years
Cerise Hood Icons #1
Made some icons for my secret Santa for the @eah-exchange this year @everafterwhy I hope you like them!
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