#every episode after that I'm just waiting for the ax to fall
jeannetterankin · 2 years
they should make special podcasts for children of divorced parents where you don't have to spend the whole time in a state of heightened vigilance for any sign that the hosts' relationship is beginning to fray
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squishyteri · 7 months
More DFF (after ep 10)
So, I waited until the next day ... and it didn't help, I'm still disappointed from the episode.
First of all, this episode was really short (about 35 minutes if we cut the intro and the end credits) and it gave us even less than any of the previous ones. I wonder where to even start.
Let's start with my general issue for this ep and that being the uneccesary, immersion ruining flashbacks. I have no idea if BOC thinks we're dumb idiots with negative IQ who can't remember what happened previously, even when they showed it to us in the intro sequence, but I don't need flashback smacked into my face when character is admitting something hurtful to other character(s) and the main point is the reaction to the reveal. Just have the character say it, with emotions, with tears, let them yell it out! It applies to both PheeJin telling the truth to each other and Tee confessing what he did.
You know how much better would the scenes come out if Phee just teary eyed told Jin everything, in a dialogue, with us being able to see Jin's reaction to every word he speaks, every new information he learns? Same goes for Tee's confession. Instead of the flashback, make the man cry, admit what he did and beg Fluke for letting White go after every sentence.
Trust me, we viewers remember what happened, and even if not, the character saying it would be enough for us to remember.
Moving on to the PheeJin part of the story. If we turn a blind eye on the fact that they managed to walk in circles for so long (too gay to walk straight ig), we absolutely need to look at their talk before that painful part happened.
I was looking forward to this episode mainly because I wanted to see how Jin will react to Phee admitting he's been lying to him for 3 years and that he was just using him (including the sex). But Jin has like zero reaction to it. He seems confused and shocked for a second before saying: "You know what, I did something worse so ... yeah, it's ok."
And then admits he posted the video of KengNon (which like, why making all the effort to make us believe there's a chance Jin didn't do it, when he just spills it like that ... the suspense of the uncertainity was totally ruined like ... you could've just showed us he did it, it wouldn't change a damn thing if he admits it just like he did) AND PHEE'S REACTION IS LITERALLY:
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Like he seemed pissed, but then he saw the axe and everything was forgotten just like that?????? Hello????? Is this the Phee we knew until now???? The same Phee who told Non to get lost and die???? Like I get it there could've been some character development behind the scenes, but still, he should be pissed much more because the video absolutely destroyed the man he once loved.
Also, I don't know if I forgot anything, but did Jin hurt his foot/leg? I remember him falling and hurting his shoulder, so I was kind of confused why he can't walk suddenly and Phee has to support him.
But as my friend Dante (@tbhimnoteasyonmyself) said, man who has secret knowledge of Non in his ass, might as well have functionality of his two feet hidden in his shoulder...
Now another thing I want to point out is how they ran out of this little hints that will make a big reveal later and now they are just dumping REALLY obvious stuff on us.
Like PheeJin leaving the axe behind? I can tell someone (most likely someone unexpected, possibly the ninth person) grabs it and smashes someone with it (someone we would not expect to die in that situation).
And the moment I screamed at my screen and banged head on my table. THEM GIVING THE GUN TO WHITE. FOR A SECOND TIME. TO THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS SO EASY TO DISARM THAT A TODDLER WOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE THE MF GUN. AND FLUKE BEING THE ONE TO TAKE IT AGAIN! I'm at loss of words. Like did we run out of ideas there? Did the writing team take a day off and someone else had to write this ep? Like that was so predictable and it pains me that they are this stupid.
Another question to the writing team. Did we forget which character is the doctor there? Why did White suddenly pulled a drug knowledge out of his ass, while the character you told me was a to be doctor and a medicine student was sitting there saying that hallucinations are not a thing. Either we are missing some White background knowledge (which like, we do, tell me something about him pls) or the writing team got some absynth from Tan as well.
And lastly, Tan hurting Por. I know this part might be just what Phee thinks happened, but I wasted my good ten minutes watching his thoughts so... I believe we agreed that Tan had an alibi for the time of Por's injury. Yes, he could've set the trap earlier, but he had to make sure Por is the one to get lured in there (since we're following the script) so he had to be there lure out the right person. Not to mention that Por got cut with the knife (which was after he impaled himself most likely) and I have hopes that others are not such idiots to not question Tan if he had been gone at the same/similar time as Por after they found him hurt. And I'm not saying he had to bring out a brick solid alibi, just one line of them asking: "Hey, but you were gone too, where were you?" and Tan saying: "Oh, I went to the bathroom, my stomach was upset." would be enough, because they wouldn't suspect Tan and as a viewer you wouldn't suspect him either, because he might as well have been doing just that.
Now for the next ep, I wonder what is White. I hope they had a good reason to keep his backstory hidden until now, because right now, he has nothing going on for him. Top doesn't have anything about him either, but he at least has interesting plot in the present time, but all White did was cry, whine, let manical Fluke took the gun TWO FUCKING TIMES and ... oh, yeah he fixed the radio ... that was still useless, but at least he tried ig. Like I'm trying to like him, but there's nothing about him to like so far ... like yeah, he's cute, but that's not enough to make me care about him if he's in danger or the right opposite, make me wanna help the killer slash him. So I beg you, give me something to work with.
It also seems that we will get more Perth in the next ep and I'm so interested what he's about.
And Tan making Phee shoot someone? Oh boy, that's going to be interesting.
That was way too long, thank you for making it through.
Love y'all and see you next week again.
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atamascolily · 10 months
princess tutu re-watch, episode 26
-Mytho and the raven face off in the final showdown. Mytho summons a sea of cherry blossoms (rose petals?) and ascends to the heavens! -Raven: impressive, but you've forgotten that my crow-people can fly! After him! -the crows try to peck Mytho to death! Meanwhile, Ahiru is struggling to stay afloat in the petal sea… -Crows: Hey, let's play 'toss the duck'! -Mytho is horrified at watching a tiny creature suffer. So is Fakir. -Autor, of all people, has to give Fakir a pep talk, aka "just shut up and write". -Autor: oh, shit, the bookman cometh, gtf inside! -Mytho is forced to use his sword as a shield, which is not an efficient form of defense, but this is how ballet combat works. -Drosselmeyer: That's right, this is a tragedy! Why? [pause to catch his breath from laughing] Fuck all if I know. -The book man is now battering Autor's door down with an axe to get at Fakir: "I WON'T LET YOU LEAD THE STORY TO TRAGEDY!" -Fakir: "I'm doing my best to STOP it!" -Mytho: okay, fine, I'll split my heart again to seal you, raven--but I'll come back, kill you, and join my princess in heaven! -Ahiru: QUACK QUACK QUACK! (I OBJECT!) -the moment where she does ballet in duck form kicks me in the heart every single time, it's so beautiful -meanwhile, Rue is doing "The Dying Swan" in a desert with an army of skeleton back-up dancers -Drosselmeyer: Finally, someone who understood the assignment--to die while looking good! -Ahiru: Good thing dance is a universal language! Let's go, crow people! -Fakir: THAT'S MY GIRL! -meanwhile, Autor is throwing furniture in front of the door to keep the crazed guy with the axe from breaking in. -unfortunately, the game of 'toss the duck' resumes -the book man is mad that all his friends turned into crows and now he wants revenge! -Okay, I will admit I have given Autor a hard time on this rewatch and I love to mock him, but he redeems himself for putting himself -between Fakir and and the guy with an axe trying to murder him and together Ahiru and Fakir make "hope" and it saves everyone. -Drosselmeyer (falling out of his chair): Hope? I don't know her! -Mytho's real name is Siegfried, because of course it is -Mytho: Hey, Rue, how would you like to punch your terrible kidnapper in the face? -They do and it's awesome. -turns out the story-machine is in the clock tower, Fakir just snaps it into pieces, lololol. -Mytho asks Rue to be his princess and she tells him she's corrupted with crow blood, and he's like, "oh, yeah, I am too, don't worry about it". -Mytho: wait, what did I say that made you cry? That's FAKIR's job. -Fakir: Idiot (affectionate). -Mytho and Rue have an apotheosis involving a carriage pulled by swans and leave town to go back to their story, and everything goes back to the way it was before. -You'd think that Drosselmeyer would have snapped out of existence, but NOOOOO he suffered no consequences and learned nothing from the experience. -Drosselemyer: Existential angst? Forget it, I do what I want. -He and Uzura depart for another narrative to haunt, which raises all kinds of questions, actually! -meanwhile, Fakir sits on the dock, "fishing" while Ahiru bobs on the lake nearby. The narrator (who is still around!!!) waxes poetic. The end.
-There is NO RESOLUTION to what happened with the bookmen, I feel like they at least owe Fakir an apology. -On the one hand, this ending is perfect and I would change nothing. On the other hand, it is deeply unsatisfying. I believe the creators did this on purpose, and I salute them for it. More on this later once I've had a chance to further reflect.
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z-saint-box · 3 months
Festival of Fall Episode Review
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"Wait, what?! Someone's after me? After us? Neppy, can you track this girl, cat-girl? I'll go find the others. They're in too much danger to be bobbing for apples." - Thyme, after receiving Neppy Cat's report
"Of course I remember! When we were kids, you had fun just being around me! You didn't need us to go spelunking in some stupid volcano full of hot knives just to consider it a fun day! And you were never, never this annoying!" - Sage, releasing her anger at Rosemary
"I'm far from the only enemy you have. We hide well, and they'll keep sending us. The others won't be so nice." - Olive, when she is cornered by Rosemary and Sage
"No, Rose. I... I want to be alone right now." - Sage, refusing Rosemary's offer to join her
[part one] "Festival of Fall" is more than just "the Halloween episodes." With the exception of Parsley, each of the girls are taken to their limits. Thyme has to confront her mother again while a rift forms between Rosemary and Sage. I pretty much have to review both episodes at the same time because the first part is the calm before the storm and the second part is completely action-oriented. Raye Rodriguez has said that this is his favorite episode, and I can understand why. The episode is well animated, and while the Autumn Processional is Halloween, it is visually interesting. There are not only moving crowds in the episode, but every character is wearing a different outfit. It takes much more time, effort, and money for animators to adapt to different characters wearing different clothes. Rosemary's dragon costume is the best because completely suits her character, and because it is the plush she has in her bedroom (in the opening intro of the show), this shows continuity. All of these elements give the two-parter its own unique identity. Additionally, the festival, or holiday, is integral to the conflict. The main antagonist, Olive, is a cat that can transform into a cat-girl; and because cats are a popular costume to wear, she practically blends in with the environment, despite not wearing a disguise or shapeshifting into a human girl. When Thyme realizes this, she is unable to find her. Speaking of, Neppy cat is one of my favorite characters of the show, and he is a main character in this episode. Despite his inability to articulate himself, he is benevolent and altruist. He's also clumsy; so when a group of girls take interest in him, he has an embarrassing accident at the bandstand. This causes him to cross paths with Slimeboy, and this forces him to run away while a crowd of people just stare at him. It's just awkward and cute. As for Rosemary and Sage, the first real conflict emerges between them when they begin disagreeing over what event to attend. Rosemary would like to throw flaming axes while Sage would like to carve gourds. Their argument eventually culminates when Sage confronts Rosemary. Even though she is the character I would be most similar to, I actually agree with Rosemary, especially because Sage approaches the festival like a to-do list. In all honesty, this is a confrontation that was bound to happen, due to how Rose and Sage are almost polar opposites to each other, like I said for the first episode. As for Thyme, she is not so stoic throughout the processional. She can show emotions such as fright, but also horror. These happen when she runs into a man wearing a tree costume and when Olive drops the vial of healing water. In the latter moment, Olive successfully tests her limit, and breaks her character. Although at the same time, Thyme makes the goofiest face of the entire show. Even though it breaks the drama (and because of it), I think it's funny. So, for this reason, I am half critical of this. But my biggest criticism towards the episode, which also applies to the second part, is the credits. Despite closing on a dark ending, and a cliffhanger, no less, the closing credits play and bring sudden happiness on-screen. This isn't the first time I have found an episode abruptly shifting in tone at the every end; this time however, it's baffling how no one at Ellation Studio bothered to change or remove it. Starting from this episode onwards, the credits should have been replaced with a different one. Not only that, but it's not like the credits are meant to cheer the viewer afterwards, because this is only part one.
[part two] For whatever reason, part two of the festival, or episode, starts off very slowly. In some fairness, it could be every character recovering from the shockwave, or aftermath of Olive's spell. Still, there is an unusual delay when the girls should be confronting each other. Olive does nothing while the girls recover., and then the girls do nothing while Olive is finished recovering. But eventually, they do fight, and Olive easily incapacitates Sage and Thyme; but as for Rosemary, she hesitates due to Rosemary carrying her sword with her. She retreats before Rosemary chases after her. The majority of the episode after is action, inbetween Rosemary and Olive fighting, and Sage and Thyme searching for them, with Amaryllis and Snapdragon even joining the fray. But, the fight between Rosemary and Olive is tense; and it is also one time on the show where the blood looks good. Rosemary puts up a good fight with Olive and beats her. What I don't think receives enough respect is Rosemary's character. Despite her current feuding with Sage, she goes after Olive anyways and risks death, again. Her character shines with courage, selflessness, and heroism in this episode. Not only that, but the overall atmosphere of the episode is eerie, something that Halloween, or the Autumn Processional is not. The environment is spooky, as the girls and Snapdragon navigate themselves through a city that, despite its population, is not alive, the result of Olive turning everyone into stone and making dead silence. Any move can literally knock someone down and shatter them, hereby killing them. But as a minor criticism, it should not be hard for the group to find them. If no one is making noise, it should be easy to hear someone, or two people running through town square. In fact, it would be even easier to hear two people fighting. Additionally, Olive could have also transformed back into a cat so that it is easier to flee. Despite having nowhere to run when Rosemary and Sage confront her, Olive still manages to escape when Sage blasts her terrasphere. Afterwards, Sage reverses the spark spell by destroying the terrasphere and de-stones everyone in Lyngarth. Interestingly, Rosemary is the one that fights Olive, but Sage is the one who reverses her spell. The warrior does her job, and then the mage finishes it. As for the outro to the episode, I initially thought it is long and drawn-out, but the reason is, Rosemary is exhausted from fighting; more importantly, her walking alone emphasizes the schism between herself and Sage. Despite being a genki girl with energy and morale, the events of the episode break her and she is left tearful, if not completely devastated at the end. The conclusion is absolutely effective at showing this. Despite the ongoing revelry of the festival, Rosemary leaves town square in order to cry. Unfortunately, despite the dark ending, the credits play seconds after. As an interesting fact, even critics of High Guardian Spice like this episode; or at least see some of its merits. This proves that the show's studio is (or was) capable of making a good (or even passable) episode. And it seems the creators really put a decent chunk of their effort into these two episodes. Because of this, I thoroughly enjoyed them for the reasons above. Like an actual festival, there are moments that will be remembered for a long time.
previous episode review: Past Present
next episode review: Rainy Day Memories
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Forty
Table of Content or Part Thirty-Nine
Read here on wattpad
Word count: 3.1k
Warning(s): Explicit language, domestic abuse, violence, racial slurring
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
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By January the band was gearing up for Europe, Tommy and Heather Locklear were working out a schedule their wedding planned for May, and everything else was...well...
The Cathouse is lively as always, Duff and Slash only adding to it's noise and liveliness as they throw back shot after shot.
"So," Slash starts to me, brushing his curly hair out of his face just enough to see me. "I've been thinking about Tans and Axl, right?"
"Okay." I nod, raising my brows a little.
"If they were to get together, not that it's gonna happen because he's a fuckin' pussy but if it does happen I have the perfect name for them." He tells me. "Xanax."
Duff and I furrow our brows a little and exchange looks.
"'An' as in Tansy, 'Ax' for Axl." He explains.
"What about the first 'X' at the beginning?" Duff asks, chuckling a little.
It's as if Duff has pissed all over Slash's dream.
"Oh, damnit." Slash realizes the blonde has a point. "Nevermind."
I give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder and Duff laughs.
"Speaking of Tansy, you guys wouldn't happen to know where she's been the past week, would you?" I ask them and they look at each other.
"She's been hanging around Stevie and Izzy a lot, lately." Duff tells me. "Because Steven has weed and Izzy has junk."
"Izzy's been hanging out at my house with Nikki, lately." I tell him.
"We know, he said he saw you naked." Slash blurts and Duff lightly hits his shoulder.
"Well, he's like a ninja. I didn't know he was in the livingroom, Nikki didn't mention we had company over, I got out the shower and had to get my laundry out of the basket I left by the couch and there's Izzy. Just chilling there." I explain. "And I panicked a little and hit the freaking ground like I was being shot at and hid behind the couch until he agreed not to look so I could get my clothes basket."
I swear, getting to see me naked was like an unspoken right of passage. If you hung around Mötley Crüe, you were bound to see me naked at least once.
In Mobile, Alabama, after eating special brownies that—I had no idea were special until Steven spoke the words, "she ate like five of them, we're so fucked, Nikki's going to kill us" to Duff—I over did it apparently and couldn't get my legs to stop shaking so decided I would frolic around the hotel to get the jitters out...naked...with GN'R following after me like an episode of Scoobie-Doo.
They saw every bit of me that day. But I've always thought it made us closer.
"Hey!" The sound of a drunk guy slurring my way interrupts our conversation and I raise my brows.
"Yes?" I reply.
"You up for some fun tonight?!" He asks.
"No, thanks, I'm married." I politely respond, motioning to my ring.
"I didn't ask if you were fucking married. I asked if you wanna have some fun tonight." He argues.
"Look, man, she said she's married." Slash repeats what I said.
"If I wanted the opinion of a ape I would've asked!" He barks at him.
It takes me a moment to register what he meant by it, then it hits me.
Apparently it hits Duff at the same time, because he's lunging at the guy.
The stranger doesn't have time to react before Duff's punching him in the face so hard he falls down, but that isn't the last of it.
He grabs him by his collar, a completely different persona taking over him as he keeps his knuckles in a ball and gives blow after blow to the bastard until I intervene by the fifth hit.
"Duff!" I exclaim, grabbing his arm that's rearing his hand into the air, after trying to get his attention for the past ten seconds.
He takes heavy breaths, his victim's face busted and bleeding, before stumbling back, dropping the guy.
I feel like the entire club's eyes are on us.
Duff and Slash feel it, too, and Duff's grabbing at my hand as the three of us quickly make our way to the nearest exit.
Duff is one of the most level headed people I've ever met. It takes a lot to set him off, but when he is set off, it takes a while to get him calmed back down.
"Motherfucker!" Duff shouts, slamming the door of their apartment after he and I step inside.
Slash went to meet up with Steven and Tansy, leaving Duff and I alone...which is kind of the last thing I want at the moment.
"Who the fuck does that prick think he is?!" He snaps, slamming his keys on the counter.
"Duff." I say calmly as he rubs his face, trying to get control of himself. "Hey." My hand gently grasps at the hand that isn't bruising, and he let's out a deep breath. "It's just stupid bull shit, alright? People like that aren't worth losing yourself over. They'll get what's coming to them, okay?" I remind him and he sighs, his thumb beginning to rub at my hand, causing me to think about the thing that has yet to be addressed.
I find myself pulling away after the shock wears out, jolting back as if to avoid electrocution, looking at Duff with wide eyes.
"I--why did you do that?" I ask him, slightly panicked as if Nikki knows already.
He doesn't reply, just as startled by his actions as I am.
I don't give him time to reply.
"Goodnight, Duff." I say calmly, getting out of there as fast as I can.
I dart to my room and lock the door behind me, my mind and heart racing one thousand miles per hour.
Did he kiss me because I was the only girl there with him? Or because he's drunk and isn't thinking? Has he been wanting to kiss me but didn't want to disrespect me or Nikki by actually trying to do it?
Ding ding ding, we had a winner.
I let out a breath and rub my forehead, trying to get it out of my head.
He tastes like cigarettes and vodka which is a disgusting mixture but it's so Duff. It's a comforting taste.
It was a comforting kiss that, despite being so sudden and surprising, gave me a subconcious sense of peace and comfort, because it came from someone that had only ever given me peace and comfort.
A noise sounds from the closet, interrupting my thoughts, and I open the door and see Nikki slumped over, syringes, smack, and coke residue scattered about.
I clear a path through the drugs and discarded clothes, grabbing at his ankles and pulling him with all my might, out of the closet to attempt to get him to the bed.
When I get to the realization that I can't, I give up, grab a blanket from the bed and curl up next to him.
My hand carefully squeezes at his for a second before I pull it away.
I'm not even sure he remembers kissing me, he hasn't acted like it.
"Didn't you have plans with Nikki tonight?" He asks and I snap out of my thoughts, glancing at the clock to see it's 11:00pm.
"Are you good now?"
"Yeah." He replies. "I'm about to go find Steven and Slash."
"I'm gonna head home, then." I tell him, grabbing my car keys from the couch. "I'll see you later." I assure him. "Stay out of trouble." I add, stepping to the door, skipping on the hug I usually give him before we say "bye."
"No promises." He scoffs and I roll my eyes sarcastically.
"Love you." I say, opening the door.
"Love you, too." He calls back.
Alcohol changes how you go about things, it doesn't plant new intentions. And the way he kissed me let me know he'd thought about doing it for a long time...but I never would've known that had he not done it.
I light the last candle, our house looking like the meeting area for a seance once I turn all the lights off.
A romantic seance.
Nikki's suppose to be home any moment now, if he sticks to his schedule he's had the past couple weeks: wake up at 4:00pm, snort some blow to get his mind going, shower, get ready, leave for the night, get back in around 3:00am mumbling incoherently, babbling nonsense from having so much shit in his system, then pass out. And repeat.
But tonight is different, because he's been cutting back on heroin the past few days.
He hasn't told me he's cut back, but I can tell he has. He's probably preparing to kick it completely for Europe...I just hope he can stick to it.
Not that me waiting to give him a blowjob and have my back broken at three in the morning is much motivation for him to completely quit his problem, but I'm hoping it's an encouraging pat on the back.
I slip my robe off when I hear his Harley pull in, rushing to comb my hair out with my fingers.
The keys are in the door in another moment, fumbling to unlock it.
My heart pounds as my nerves tense up when he comes in, stumbling slightly, slamming the door behind him.
"H-Hey, babe." I say cautiously, testing the water of his mood.
"The fuck is that smell?" He asks me, tossing his keys on to the counter, causing me to jump slightly from the loud noise it makes.
"Uhh, th-the candles." I tell him.
"I can't fucking see." He complains harshly, taking his jacket off, kicking my heels out of his way on the way to our room.
I pull my robe back on, accepting that I showered and shaved earlier for nothing, before turning the lights on and blowing out every scented candle I lit around the house.
Following Nikki to our room, he's digging around in his drawer, glancing at me when I come in.
"I was waiting for you to come home." I tell him, twiddling my fingers.
"Yeah, I saw." He replies, not even looking at me.
"Did you?" I ask, doubt laced in my tone. "Really?"
"Yep." He states, pulling two packed up syringes out, making me feel a little sick at the sight. "I'm about to head back out." He informs me.
"What? Baby, you just got home. I wanted to spend some time together." I try to tell him, walking right behind him as he steps to the door, grabbing his jacket and keys.
"Just fuck yourself, Viv. It's not my job to screw the life out of you anytime you fucking snap your fingers, alright?" He says before shutting the front door and I'm in shock from what he said.
I decide not to let him leave without getting an earful of it.
When I get outside, I'm stepping in front of Nikki's bike just before he starts to leave, and he groans out in frustration.
"I've been up since 8:00 in the morning, Nikki. I'm tired, too, you know? I don't necessarily feel like it either, but I shaved and showered and made myself look sexy and even burnt my nipple lighting all those freaking candles so I could surprise you and we could have a good time and what the hell do you do?! Come in with your pissy, asshole, unappreciative attitude. Do you know how many guys would kill to have their girlfriend or wife waiting naked for them when they get home, ready to do whatever the hell they want?" It's obvious my scolding has him feeling guilty, but he doesn't say a word. "But I guess that's not a big deal to you because you're use to naked girls throwing themselves at you all the time so..." I scoff out, shaking my head a little, keeping myself from crying. "I'll see you when you get back." I give up, waving my hand.
"It's one night, Viv. I don't know why you are so bent outta shape over it." He comments and I turn back around, glaring at him.
"It's not just one night. It's been two years of trying to do nice things for you and you can't even appreciate it because you're so taken over by the need to find your next fix as soon as you can." I explain to him.
"Like I don't do nice things for you?!" He gets defensive, getting off his bike, walking to me. "This fucking house you love so much?! That fucking car you drive?!"
"I never said you don't do nice things for me, I just--"
"What about the fucking ring on your finger?! You know how many girls would love to be married to Nikki Sixx and have the expensive house and luxury car?!"
I roll my jaw, raising a brow.
"I didn't ask for the fucking car, I didn't ask for the fucking house and I sure as hell never asked to be married to you!" I throw my ring somewhere in the driveway, storming back into the house to pack my shit up with him trailing behind me.
I start snatching my clothes out of the closet and onto the bed as he just stares at me.
"The fuck are you doing, Vivian?!" He barks.
"Leaving. You can get one of those other girls that would love to be married to Nikki Sixx--or at least think they fucking do--and they can have the expensive house and the luxury car." I snap, opening my top drawer, getting the clothes out of there, too.
He's suddenly grabbing my clothes and throwing them in the floor in an attempt to stop me, but it just pisses me off even more.
"Get the fuck out!" I demand, shaking, tears toppling over my lashes, my finger pointing at the door.
"No!" He argues. "You're not going anywhere and neither am I until you quit pitching your fucking fit!"
"God, I can't even leave without you ruining it, Nikki, you ruin every thing!" I scream out in aggravation.
"Then why the fuck are you still with me?!" He shouts back, coming closer to me. "If I'm so fucking bad then why the fuck aren't you gone?!"
"Because I love you" is what I want to say, and I can tell he wants me to say it, too.
But I don't.
"Because I don't have anywhere else to go and I don't have any money!" I lie to hurt him, and I can tell it makes a impact.
He looks like he could cry right now...but he gains what's left of his composure, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a wad of cash, throwing it across the room angrily, causing the bills to fly in different directions.
"Fetch." He orders, motioning to the money he threw, and I blackout for a few seconds, coming to after shooting pain rocks up my knuckles, my hand, and my arm, causing me to cry out.
Nikki's got blood coming from his nose, his eyes squeezing close, I'm assuming it's because he's trying to talk himself out of beating the shit out of me.
I broke my hand, and his nose.
Nikki and I sit in silence as Doc yells at us, pacing back and forth in our living room.
"You're grown adults, acting like fucking toddlers! When the hell is this gonna stop, huh?!" He throws his hands up, motioning to us.
"She fucking punched me!" Nikki outbursts, wincing as he holds his nose with an ice pack.
"Because you told me to 'fetch' like some cheap hooker!"
"I threw 4k at you, Vivian! I don't know if you can count but four-thousand dollars isn't fucking cheap!" He shouts at me.
"Neither were all those fucking candles I lit!"
"Alright, hey! Hey!" Doc claps loudly, screaming over us to break up our argument.
We both shut up, scowling straight ahead, refusing to admit either of us is wrong.
"I-I am at a loss at this point, guys." Doc goes on, sitting on the coffee table in front of us. "You're kids. You've been together five years. You're kids." He states lightly, raising his brows. "And you're fighting like you've been married for forty years and just want out. And I hate to say that because I know neither of you want out but you just don't know how to talk to each other when you get angry." He points out. "Nikki, you don't know how the fuck to treat her when you're on junk. Plain and simple. If you're on junk, you're a fucking asshole, especially to Vivian. I'm not saying get help, but you might wanna learn how to balance being fucked up but being respectful especially since you don't have a problem, right?" Doc sarcastically adds. "And, Vivian. Your first response to shit that rubs you the wrong way, is to just start swinging at people and blow things out of proportion and that's not right, either." He gets at me next, and my anger is immediately replaced with guilt. "I mean, look at each other." He tells us and we glance at each other, looking defeated by Doc's good points. "If the cops could see how you two treat each other sometimes, you'd both have cases of spousal abuse." He rubs his forehead. "Press is gonna talk, fans are gonna talk, we'll say it was a bike accident, you two ran into a fucking bush or something and that'll be that. But you two need some fucking help or something because I'm not going to Europe with you two acting like this, got it?"
"Yeah." I agree.
"Nikki?" Doc asks, looking at him pointedly.
"Got it." Nikki replies quietly.
"I mean I want you two to act like you did when you first got together because when I met you guys, you couldn't get enough of each other. Now she's having to babysit your sorry ass most of the time, and you're beating him like an ugly stepchild." Doc tells us.
We don't say a word.
"Now, let's get to the hospital so his nose doesn't heal like the fucking ugly duckling and your fingers don't look like busted carrots. His face is a quarter of our revenue, and your fingers need to be pretty so they can showcase that nice ring that needs to be sitting back on your finger as soon as possible."
Yes. Because God forbid Vivian and Nikki, or Tommy and Heather, or Vince and Sharise, or whoever the fuck, have an obviously imperfect marriage to the outside world.
Smile, pretend you're on your honeymoon and can't get enough of each other, and whatever you do: keep the wedding rings on.
Even at the times when you want to throw it in with the towel.
Don't fuck up an already fucked up thing because that's not what we do.
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