#every season huh
therabbitofrassilon · 5 months
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HES AT THE CLUB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE FIRST DOCTOR IS AT THE CLUB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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p4nishers · 1 year
oh so do u think when stede learned zheng conquered china he was having war flashbacks to "we'll go somewhere they'll never find us. we'll go to china" bc i think he was.
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biblicalhorror · 10 months
The yj subreddit is a cesspool of bad takes most of the time but I just saw someone make the connection between the strawberry lube and the fact that Shauna is shown eating "strawberries" when she's eating Jackie and I'm vibrating
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duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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peak-dumbass · 4 months
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*emerges from the fog* have you heard of my boy called sideswipe he suffers from little bitch syndrome and unresolved trauma he refuses to talk about
I also think he’s aroace—*gets shot*
#LOOK I KNOW HE ACTS LIKE THE STRAIGHTEST GUY EVER BUT HEAR ME OUT—#he never actually shows romantic interest in anyone in the show#‘but windblade—’ he acts towards her the same way he acted towards jazz when he showed up they just form an actual friendship out of it#‘but strongarm—’ besties have you ever hear of having friends#‘but blurr—’ BESTIES HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF HAVING FRIENDS#anyways I really wished we actually got a backstory for him like why tf did he hate autobots so much in the beginning??#why is he such a troubled kid???? they hint towards him having abandonment issues and then never bring it up again like HUH?!?!#and I wouldn’t be annoyed if it wasn’t for the fact that we have a canonical backstory FOR EVERY OTHER CHARACTER OF THE MAIN CAST#we have episodes about strongarm’s days in the academy#we have 1 episode about drift’s time as deadlock and how he found his kids#we figure out what happened to fixit and the rest of his kind at the end of season 2#the only other character like this is grimlock but even then we at least have an EXPLANATION of why he is the way he is—#—being an ex-decepticon that was never really evil but just liked fighting for fun#meanwhile we have NO EXPLANATION for why sideswipe is the way he is AT ALL#he might as well have just popped out of cybertron a hater at birth and he technically would be the same as he is in-show#BUT THEN WE HAVE THE HINTS TOWARDS HIS ISSUES AND I JUST💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥#anyways can you tell that i’m Normal about him#rid 15#rid 2015#rid15#rid2015#tf rid 2015#tf rid15#transformers rid2015#transformers robots in disguise#robots in disguise 2015#rid sideswipe#rid jetstorm
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raayllum · 7 months
Time to be wonderfully self indulgent and talk about a scene comparison I've wanted to for a hot second (while pointing very decidedly to This Post for posterity's sake).
So let's talk about the hostage exchanges for Callum and Rayla in 4x09 and 5x08, shall we?
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First, let's look at the scene setup.
In 4x09, Rayla is very much the aggressor and pursuant, and the one who — initially — has more power. She has her sword up to Terry's throat, neither him nor Claudia have strong reason to think she wouldn't go through with it, and she explicitly threatens Terry's life precisely because of his importance to Claudia. This is similar as to why Finnegrin threatens Rayla (though there are differences, which we'll get to in a moment), so both elves start out as the aggressor in each scenario.
However, there is soon a shift. Callum's "deal" happens because he escalated violence against Finnegrin (the infamous punch), a tad more similarly perhaps to how Rayla is only threatening Terry because she believes Claudia and co. are a threat to the whole world. Now to be fair, Claudia is only threatening Rayla's parents because Rayla is threatening Terry, but we can assume she had the realization of their connection to Rayla a while ago and has been sitting on it just in case she needed leverage, given that she doesn't seem to need a second to consider. I also think we're inclined, typically within the show, to see the person offering up Options / a choice to make as the one who holds more power in the immediate situation (i.e. Karim's whole sun seed for Janai debacle) even if it may be 60-40 the way it is here.
Not a huge power imbalance, but enough that people are being pushed into corners, and that's exactly where Claudia and Finnegrin attempt to do, and arguably do more successfully, to Callum and Rayla respectively.
We've talked a fair bit about Claudia, so now I want to talk about Finnegrin, simply because he gets a whole episode of corner backing, and therefore there's more stages.
The first stage is Finnegrin attacking Callum as an individual — "Look at you: slave to your friends, your loyalties, your pride. I can give you your freedom though" — and it's the least effective, as Callum never budges or shows any real hints of budging even under torture. However, Callum's admission that he has indeed done dark magic before ("I did one spell. One. I had to, to save my friends") gives Finnegrin the tools he needs to create the next prong of his approach.
Stage two is attacking Callum through his friends, and is far more effective. This is why he sets the hand cutting challenge, and Callum buys into it, i.e. the idea that he has to choose, over the idea that Callum could conceivably offer up his own hand instead. This is not to say that he wouldn't — there's little doubt in my mind that Callum wouldn't have seriously considered if not outright done the chain spell up on deck if Rayla hadn't tried to intervene, since as Finnegrin correctly assesses, "They would do anything for you, so clearly you'll do anything for them" — just that his own hand didn't occur to Callum as an option the way it might've to someone like Rayla.
The third stage, of course, is the one that's most interesting to us, simply in how Callum's "hostage deal" differs from Rayla's in both its construction, their assumptions, and their responses.
Claudia: One thing I don't know though — if I threw the coins in the lava, would it release your spirits? Or would they be trapped in some kind of eternal burning agony? Let's trade. You let him go... and I'll give you the coins.
Finnegrin: The cave is for his protection. This way, he lures us a leviathan but doesn't get eaten. The one getting thrown into the sea serpent's hungry mouth is your elf girl.
Claudia's offered deal is different from Finnegrin's in a few ways.
1) Claudia's deal is explicitly stated in not just the text, but the scene itself ("Let's trade") meanwhile Finnegrin, unlike the two stages prior, does not offer Callum any notion of freedom this time around. Even though neither ends up being a fair deal regardless, the setup of said deal is different. Rayla is being legitimately offered; Callum is making a (desperate but understandable) assumption.
2) Exemplified in a drabble I wrote in which Finnegrin was bluffing, I think it's worth noting that the peril Rayla's parents were in was much more apparent. They were completely defenseless, Claudia was already holding them over the lava, and just one quick throw would be enough to potentially leave them in an "eternal burning agony" (which sounds worse than death by sea leviathan to me; at least that decidedly ends at one point). Rayla could see and hear all this. Callum, by contrast, did not see Rayla tied up, or in distress, and Finnegrin had no proof other than his word. That's not to say Callum was wrong to believe him — he'd just watched Finnegrin torture her, and Finnegrin was very much not bluffing in canon — but that normally Callum is a bit more skeptical and wants a bit more proof in regards to things, and this was a time where emotion really pushed him forward. The immediate consequences of however Rayla responded would be seen with her own eyes, where it's unlikely Callum would've even known precisely when Rayla had died/been eaten with any of his senses or knowledge; it's arguably the one 'mercy' that Finnegrin provided him.
3) And as stated, both Claudia and Finnegrin end up being disingenuous. It seems likely that Claudia always intended to trick Rayla, even if she'd let Terry go, given that while we don't see her slight of hand in general on screen, it doesn't seem like it would've been possible for her to take the coins back out again and switch them before tossing the pouch. That seems like a one and done type of thing earlier on. Finnegrin, of course, takes Callum to task for his assumption ("Oh my poor lad; that deal was no longer on the table") and given his choice to feed Rayla to the sea leviathan anyway, I don't think Finnegrin was ever telling Callum about his plans in order to get him to give up the info. I think it was just supposed to be a punishment, plain and simple, for the literal blow to his pride.
But now for the difference I think everyone clicked on this meta for, realistically, are the choices that Callum and Rayla made in response to the offered Deals.
When Rayla's parents lives are on the line, she considers, but ultimately refuses.
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She does not partake in the deal. Rather, she escalates her own refusal of it by pushing Terry to his knees, says so outright — "I'm not making a deal with you!" — and looks up at Claudia, watching and waiting to see how she responds. Claudia as wholly tossed the coin pouch, and Rayla is seeing it arc down towards the lava, before she finally releases Terry to go and try to save her family.
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Rayla does not fold the second her parents are verbally threatened, or when there is a possibility of getting them back. Despite her wanting to stop Claudia and Viren, the bigger issue is ultimately letting Claudia escape > actually keeping Terry away from her as an ally/helper. It is only when her parents will burn to death in front of her eyes that she relinquishes her stalemate in an attempt to save them.
You can argue that Rayla going back on her refusal means she made the same choice as Callum in 5x08, and that's fine; it's your prerogative, it's your interpretation, it's cool beans.
However, that doesn't ignore the character beat that Rayla at least refuses upon the first possibility of a threat. Claudia directly threatens three of Rayla's loved ones, and Rayla doesn't budge and verbally/physically refuses to give Claudia what she wants.
And Callum does the same with Finnegrin under torture... until Finnegrin threatens Rayla. The second Callum realizes that Rayla is in danger, that she will or might be killed, Callum folds.
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The parallel response here would've been Rayla letting go of Terry the second that Claudia said she might throw the coins into the lava, but Rayla doesn't. And Callum does, even though as he said earlier ("I'm not going to help you murder the Archdragon of the Ocean") this makes him complicit in murder.
And this is where Callum's assumption really bites him in the ass, because he assumes that Finnegrin is still operating under the terms of their previous deal ("Told me something I wanted and now she's free as a bird") even though Callum isn't asking for his freedom, but Rayla's. But Finnegrin's pride is wounded — this was always meant to be a straight up punishment, not enough form of coercion — the wick of his anger lit, so it makes no difference.
Rayla refuses Claudia's deal when thinking it existed, only to find out it didn't. Callum agrees to Finnegrin's deal only to find it out it no longer exists. He gave Finnegrin what the pirate wanted and it isn't even going to save the person he gave it up for.
Both failed exchanges — or in Rayla's case, a failed rescue — end in defeat and devastation: Rayla sobbing and letting out a scream of anguished frustration, and Callum laying on the floor in despair, totally sideways from how much he's pulling at his chains.
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I don't think I have to say much else as these scenes and comparisons basically speak for themselves. Neither choice these two make is necessarily the right or wrong choice — for Rayla, her inability to put what she wants first could've resulted in her parents' deaths and has caused herself and others a lot of suffering; for Callum, he understandably wanted to protect a loved one at all cost, even if that left him exploitable and unsuccessful amid Finnegrin's ire, and gave the pirate a dangerous piece of information.
However, I do think that although Callum's choice spells an ominous future (and that Rayla's foreshadows the uncertainty of what she may do when Callum is, inevitably, possessed again, and their futures collide), it's worth examining it as his biggest, more positive difference from Viren, and that's what my next post will be about — so stay tuned if you like.
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geto meme batch bc i love one man <3 + this week’s episode broke me like a sad flimsy piñata
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bylertruther · 1 year
yk. the resistance ppl have to so much as considering the idea that mike might not jump to immediately and enthusiastically engaging in obvious n indisputably gay shit with will publicly is kinda funny in a puzzling way when season three and season four, where he does exactly that the entire way through, are literally right there for us all to watch on netflix.com. like. Okay ❤️
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zeb-z · 5 months
I just don’t think I’ve ever been more grateful that they didn’t pull a “surprise! this guy is alive!” with Tech. It felt real, with all of us speculating, too - you always expect him to be there somehow, like it isn’t real, but it was. The war wasn’t fair to them. The Empire did what it does, and ends lives short, takes from those who don’t deserve it. Death is never something to plan for.
And his sacrifice meant everything because of it. He wasn’t some secret clone double agent, or hiding out waiting to be revealed, but he was what the batch treasured most, and what made them all able to live on and see life without conflict. And his goggles are there from the first episode to the last, when Omega grows up and leaves to become a pilot.
So. We got him back in the best way, I think, through memory. At least that was preserved the whole way through.
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v0idwraith · 2 years
list of very hetero moments from trent crimm in s03e03
1) can’t spell
2) princess diaries
3) gay ass sit
4) gay ass stare
5) “he’s tall”
6) looking absolutely delighted to sit with ted at the restaurant
7) gay ass walk
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kinokoshoujoart · 10 months
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putting flora and ruby in the love zone when i’m not allowed to love them is too cruel man
(from the AWL x FoMT connectivity guide)
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jamiethebeeart · 1 month
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Spinaraki Week Day 1: Dedication (I suppose game over also v much applies). I sat down, read the first theme, and had the sudden thought of how it's Spinner's and Shigaraki's dedication that ensured their destruction. Spinner's dedication to support Shigaraki (in the way of being his sword/tool in a metaphorical sense) and Shigaraki's dedication to creating that horizon (through destruction). One destroying the other's good ending.
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
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duahauuoplanh · 1 year
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bentacled · 2 months
it's been one day and im still pissed when will this end. season 4 had some neat assassination scenes but none of them shined as bright as the writers assassinating the characters like go off monarchs
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geisterzeit-art · 6 months
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your worst nightmare is your mother in the mirror, looking right back at you
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