#everyone says my niece looks exactly like me and especially when I was a baby and growing up
rosicheeks · 5 months
Of course it's you I want to put a baby in, silly. You're cute and would make cute babies, and I know I'd breed you fully because if you squirt on my chest, I'll drive my cock into your womb so hard, you'll know the moment you get pregnant when I cum.
oh……. OH 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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Rowdy Romance Part 2
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x (Southern! Female) Reader
Summary: Jake comes back to the Ranch. You both had been flirting through text, but he didn't expect you to be at home waiting for his return home.
⚠️ Fluff just pure fluff and allusion to baby making thanks to his momma and his dad.
The fluffiest of all the fluffs.
Part 1. My masterlist
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Hangman had taken a week off to fly out to his family. Little did know that his mother had a surprise for him.
You sat at the dining room table with your beer in hand. His mom had placed it in your hand, saying this was the one her son likes.
She was trying so hard to get you two together. She was begging her son not to find an interest in a girl up in California. She wanted her grand babies around for holidays.
You heard the door open, and there Jake stood. As soon as he walks through the door, he puts on his black cowboy hat. He had on the most handsome cowboy get-up on.
A pair of boot cut light wash jeans with a black tee shirt. It was so simple but looked so good on him. He hugged everyone around him.
His sisters, his mom, his dad, all piled on him for a hug and you stood up making your way over a little slower than the rest of the family. Of course, they deserved the greetings first.
You smiled nervously. "California cowgirl. How are you doing?" He never questioned why you were there. He knew his mom had something to do with it, but he was genuinely excited to see you. His smooth talking ways hadn't changed even though the outfit and the location had.
"I'm doing good! How are you doing?" He bent down and picked up his four year old niece. "I'm doing much better now."
You stayed in the shadows while he visited his family, joining in some small talk. "Jake honey, show ol' honeydew around the farm." She called you by her nickname she gave you.
Jake smirked. "Hasn't she been here before?" He poked fun at his mom. Their relationship was exactly what you would expect.
She grabbed some ingredients for dinner while she popped back. "She's fed our chickens and our cow multiple times. Now do as I say and yall go outside. Hell, take jóse the bull out. Maybe she can show you how eight seconds is supposed to look."
She shooed the pair off and went back to the kitchen.
"Your momma is sweet." You laughed.
"She can be when she wants to be." He chuckled.
"It's been about three months since I've seen you. What has the cowgirl been up to?" He smiled, grabbing your hand lacing your fingers with his. "I've just been working out on the farm. The Rodeo wasn't too long ago. I wish you could have made it for that. I took on jóse. I made it 8 seconds." You smiled brightly.
He raised an eyebrow. "What was it, that crazy woman in there was talking about? Showing me how it's done?"
You laughed. "No, I mean I could, but I'm not really dressed for a bull ride." You clenched a piece of your dress in your hand.
He smirked, nodding. "Sure, take the easy way out," he playfully rolled his eyes.
You grabbed his arm and wrapped yours around his. "I don't doubt you can keep a hold on a bull. Especially with these arms. I can't imagine your grip on his back, " you giggled.
He smiled confidently. "Yes ma'am, I do a lot of push-ups and leg work." He had the pride worn on his sleeve.
"Oh, I can tell," you spoke softly, admiring his arm, trailing your fingers up and down slowly.
"You know I've thought about you everyday since you left." He smiled down softly, looking into your eyes.
The moonlight was brightly shining on the full moon night. It gave him a perfect view of you. He was slowly falling for you. Yall had been texting here and there for the time in between the vacations.
He really did miss you. He slowly leaned down. He looked down at your lips, almost asking for your permission like a true gentleman. Butterflies fluttered around in your whole body.
You looked down to his lips, then closed the gap. You both kissed under the moonlight on the gorgeous ranch. He picked you, and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He sat you on the wood beam fence. You both broke apart and rested your foreheads against each other. "Do you want to come back to California with me? Take an extended vacation." His eyes were full of hope and wonder. He was a hardass at work, but back home, he was just a southern man. He was a chip of the old block, took the rough edges from his old man, and his kindness from his momma. You smiled softly, nodding. "I would like that." He smiled with his laugh lines showing how genuine it truly was. You both connected your lips once again.
Jake's dear old momma watched from the window. "Honeyyyy," she called in a sing song voice to her husband.
"Yes dear?" He called back from the living room.
"Get ready for some more grand babies, they're out there smooching on the fence post." She walked back to the living room and sat next to her husband. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Do you remember when we did that?"
He chuckled. "Yes honey, that's how we ended up with her." He pointed to his oldest daughter. He laughed a huge barrel chuckle.
Jakes sister gagged. "Gross!" The pair on the couch laughed. Jakes mom smiled with her whole body radiating happiness at the thought of little grand babies running around. Little did she know she was going to get more then she bargained for. Triplets ran in your family.
You and Jake were dancing the night away to old country songs on a moonlit ranch he stole kisses where you allowed. He knew this was the start of something incredible.
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I do not give permission for my stories to be posted anywhere. Stealing stories makes you a c u next tuesday.
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flower1622 · 7 months
"The Goddess not so ordinary"
(Chapter 1)
A long time ago, the daughter of Zeus and Hera was born: Selena. She had dark hair and brown eyes. All the gods were gathered on Olympus to celebrate her birth. Together they gifted her a portion of their powers each. Well, they knew that the chance of the hero of the prophecy to turn against them was very big. They needed a savior. Everyone was happy, except for a specific person. 
After Aphrodite, Éris was considered the most beautiful goddess, with her dark hair, white skin and light eyes. She looks exactly like another version of Snow White, but more cruel. Éris has the power to seduce people and manipulate their minds. She can't understand all this fascination towards the new baby. 
I don't know what they see on that stupid baby - Eris thinks. She watches the other gods admiring the baby while it giggles at the center of Olympus.
- Well, I want to thank you all, especially Hades, for coming here to celebrate this special day.Selena will be a hope to us in the future. My daughter is very special. She will be the goddess of the moon, a light in the darkness - Zeus declares.
- Well, even though we have our problems, Selena is still my niece. And, for the first time, I can agree with you brother. There is something about her that connects me with - Hades says.
- She may have been born just now, but I already want to protect her with my life - Ilithia says.
- Selena is so chubby and cute! She may make mistakes in the future, but will neve be swayed to the dark side or fight us. I can see that her love is more powerful than anything - Aphrodite completes.
- Are you guys fucking serious?! - Eris yells. 
Everyone is looking confused at Eris now. The only ones who didn' t like the tone of her voice were the big three, Hera, Ilithia and Athena.
- Language Eris! I won't accept this behavior during your sister's birth - Zeus yells furious.
- What is so damn special about her? Have you ever thought that, just maybe, we are making a mistake here? Giving our powers to someone that could easily hurt us. I'm telling you guys! This disgusting creature is dangerous! - Eris says pointing to "the thing" , who is also looking at her confused.
- How dare you say that, witch? First of all, Selena is not disgusting much less a creature. What is the problem saying baby? She is just a baby! And second, don't you ever try anything with her or I promise you Eris, that Tartarus will look like a paradise to what I would do to you - Ilithia says angry.
- Silence! - Zeus orders
- No, I won't! You are all fools! I'm the only one here who isn't blind. Just don't run after me apologizing when everything goes to Hell. It'll be already too late - Eris says while standing up from her throne and walking away.
Everyone was shocked by Eris' reaction. Usually she can control herself. They are worried about her outburst and wondering what may have caused it.
- That was an awesome meeting! - Hephaestus says happy.
- Indeed it was! - Ares laughs
- Now, I think the underworld doesn't seem so bad after all - Hades contemplates while the others were staring at them, with not so much friendly faces. 
(Before her transformation by Hecate)
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messers-moony · 3 years
Help | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Daughter!Reader
Summary: At first it was for him, now everything he does is for her. 
Warnings: Rape, cursing, death, etc
Being wise comes with living. Dumbledore had lived a lot of years. Everyone knows that. The man worked his way up the hierarchy from being a Transfiguration teacher to the headmaster at Hogwarts. He was even offered a place as the Minister of Magic. What people didn’t comprehend or, rather, didn’t think about was, when living that long you realize every button to push, every nook and cranny to get your way. 
Manipulation at its finest. Now, truth be told, manipulation isn’t always evil. It can be good, per se, manipulating someone to stop doing something that’s particularly harmful - alcohol, smoking. But when used negatively, it could make everything worse. 
The Order of the Phoenix was manipulated. From beginning to end. Dumbledore convinced the young kids - naive kids - that they were safe and that’s what they needed. These kids needed reassurance that everything would be okay, and Dumbledore assured them that they were safe. 
But were they safe when the McKinnon family died? Were they safe when Fabian and Gidian Prewett died? Could James and Lily truly depend on Dumbledore to keep them safe with a newborn? 
When Sirius Black joined the order, he had one request. Just one. A linear, singular request. It was saving Regulus Black. That’s all Sirius wanted, was for his little brother to be safe. Sirius knew about Regulus being a death eater, and he needed saving. Regulus didn’t want this life, and he especially didn’t want this with a baby girl. 
He was seventeen, and he was forced. Sirius knew it. James knew it. Remus knew it. Regulus had come to the Gryffindor portrait crying on his knees, begging - no - pleading for his older brother. The Fat Lady was cursing him out for not having the password and being a Slytherin. Luckily, James heard the ruckus and ran to his aid. He was yelling for Sirius. 
“Sirius! Sirius, I need you!” James had never sounded so frantic, so panicky, “Sirius, now!”
Sirius threw the textbook on the floor. James’ voice reminded him of an alarm - crazed, loud, repetitive. The black-haired boy ran down the dorm steps, almost falling over his feet to see the portrait wide open. Everything went in a vignette, zoomed in and black around the edges. Immediately Sirius was pushing James off his little brother and embracing him tightly. 
“S- Sirius.”
Godric, he sounded so broken, “‘S okay, Reggie. ‘S okay. I got you. It’s me, Sirius. You’re safe here, Frère.”
“It- It hurts.” Regulus muttered, his voice shaky and helpless, “Need you.”
“You’re okay.” 
Sirius looked up into James’ worried hazel eyes, “C’mon. We’re bringing him up.”
“Are you mental?!”
“James, he’s my brother!”
James scowled, “He’s also a Slytherin!”
“He needs me. I’m not letting him go.” It was the first time Sirius’ voice had gone stern with James, “Either I’m sleeping out here with my brother, or you’re helping me bring him up to the dorm.”
“Fine, fine.” 
Sirius looked down at his brother, who was tucked under his chin, silver streams trailing down his flushed cheeks. His cheeks glistened with anguish and pain. His fists were balling the back of Sirius’ white button-up, tightly, stressed. 
“Reggie.” For the first time, Regulus didn’t cringe, and instead, he melted into Sirius’ warmth, “James and I are going to bring you into our dorm, okay?”
Gently Sirius helped him up, placing an arm around his shoulder. James put his other arm around his shoulder. Both boys helped the sixth year into the Gryffindor common room, getting multiple stares and glares. Regulus managed to up the stairs onto Sirius’ bed, a sniffling and trembling mess. 
James smiled gently at them, and Sirius sat beside Regulus on the edge of his bed, “What happened?”
“She- She forced me. I didn’t want to. Please, Sirius, I didn’t want this.”
“Want what?”
“She touched me.” Regulus whispered, and Sirius rubbed his back, “I- I didn’t want it….”
Sirius hesitated, “Did- Did mum have anything to do with this?”
Regulus nodded, and silent tears fell down his cheeks, “She- Mum, is the reason. I was supposed to be arranged to this woman but- but she did this and- and-“
“It’s too much.” Regulus wailed. 
Sirius held his brother close until he fell asleep. The trails of tears dried on his cheeks, and Sirius laid his head on the feathery pillow. The fleece comforter was placed over his wrinkled button-up, black pants, and socks. Regulus’ black curls contrasted the pillow, and his cheeks were a pale pink. Sirius had never felt so upset. 
Releasing a breath of air, he left the dorm room to go to the common room where the boys were sitting. James perked up, and Remus’ head was pulled into a book, a cup of tea on the table beside him. Peter was playing chess with a fellow Gryffindor across the room, not paying attention to anything but the checkered table before him. 
“Is he okay?” 
Sirius plopped beside James, “He will be.”
The silence was killing Remus to the point of his curiosity tipping over, “What happened exactly?”
“Some girl, my mum, arranged him with did something that he didn’t consent to.”
The teacup that was in Remus’ hand dropped to the carpeted floor, staining, “You’re shitting me?”
Regulus was in pain, physically and emotionally. Although the boys didn’t understand completely, they understood that Sirius’s time would be dedicated to his little brother. No matter what was going on in the wizarding world at present, Sirius’ time was needed with Regulus. 
It was nine months later. Thirty-nine weeks later. Two hundred and seventy-three days later. Left on the doorstep of the Noble House of Black’s residence was a baby girl. Orion and Walburga had left the house previously, leaving Regulus alone with Kreacher, their house elf. The baby girl was crying and helpless. 
His lifeless grey eyes met the young girl's e/c ones, and everything clicked. This was the product of his emotional pain in his sixth year. Regulus couldn’t deny the warmth in his heart looking at the young girl. Gently he leaned down to take her in his arms. A pink silk blanket wrapped around her to keep her warm despite the summer months. 
Once in his arms, the girls stopped crying. The warmth of his body and the softness in his eyes calmed her down. There was an envelope inside the baby blanket, which Regulus opened after placing the sleeping child on his lap. Essentially the letter was telling him to name the baby girl and her birthday. Along with now that the marriage was called off, she wanted nothing to do with him. 
Regulus threw the parchment to the side furiously. Despite his frustration, he picked up his daughter and smiled at her, “I dunno what to name you precious.”
The girl wrapped her hand around his thumb that had been caressing her cheek, “Y/n? I like that name.”
She smiled, and so did he, “You like that too, don’t you, précieux.”
Regulus placed a kiss on Y/n’s forehead, rocking her back and forth, “I love you so much.” 
During the school year, Y/n stayed with Sirius, who was overjoyed to stay with his niece. Regulus only saw his daughter one more time before he decided it was his end. Regulus knocked on Sirius’ flat, looking utterly exhausted. Sirius answered with a big smile on his face. 
“Heya Reggie!”
Regulus struggled to smile, “Hey, Siri.”
“Come on.” Sirius beckoned, “Y/n is sleeping, but you can see her if you’d like.”
He walked in to see a door open to a small room. Inside it was painted in a pale lavender color with white furniture. Regulus walked inside to find a crib with his one-year-old girl sleeping inside. She made this so much harder. Regulus didn’t want to do this, but he needed to do it if he wished Y/n to have a safe life. 
Regulus’ arms cradled his daughter to his chest, “I love you, précieux. I love you too much to express. I know that you’ll never remember me. I’m praying that Sirius will tell you about me.”
“You’re my baby girl. You’ll always be my baby girl.” Regulus’ eyes welled with tears, “And- And I’ll be with you no matter what.”
Y/n’s eyes opened, and she smiled, being cradled in her father's arms, “Dada?” 
Regulus had tears streaming down his face, and Sirius watched from the doorway, “Yes, hi petite fille.”
She giggled, and Regulus had the brightest smile on his face; he nuzzled his nose with hers, “Dada’s here, little girl.”
He spent an hour with her. The last sixty minutes of his freedom was spent cooing and coddling. Regulus wanted to engrave her beautiful e/c eyes in his head, her soft smile, smooth skin, and fuzzy hair. Regulus placed his daughter back in the crib and kissed her forehead one more time. 
Walking back out into the living room of the flat, he saw Sirius waiting for him. Regulus didn’t make any appoint to try and sit down. That’s how Sirius knew was something wrong. He released an air of breath and dried his tears. 
“Sirius, you may have to keep Y/n with you a little longer until it’s safe, okay?”
“‘Course Reggie.”
“If- If I don’t come back-“
“Don't say that, please.”
Regulus looked at his brother solemnly, “But it’s realistic.”
“Okay, just- try to make it back.” Sirius replied. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll try.” He lied, “I- I want you to tell her about me, yeah?”
Sirius chuckled, “You’re her father, Regulus. I wouldn’t not tell her.”
“Don’t let her mum take her. I don’t care what she says Y/n will be in your care.”
Sirius nodded, “One- One more thing. This may sound stupid but, teach her French?”
“Teach her French? Why?”
“It’s how I used to talk to her before seventh year started. I want her to know how to speak it. French was something I enjoyed learning, something that kept me sane at our horror house.” Regulus confessed, “I want her to learn it.”
“If it means that much to you, Reggie.” Sirius replied, and Regulus nodded, “It does.”
“Then Y/n will learn French, after English.” 
Regulus began walking out the door when he felt arms around him from behind and a head in the crook of his neck, “Come back alive, okay?”
“I’m gonna try, Siri.”
He never came back alive. Regulus walked toward the entrance of that cave, knowing that today he was going to die. In the start, this was for Regulus to right his wrongs. Now it’s for his daughter. If anything, Y/n deserved a happy, exciting life. Not one of pain and suffering like Regulus had. 
The Daily Prophet the next day said everything it needed to, “REGULUS BLACK DECLARED DEAD.” This was it. Regulus had inevitably left his daughter and got himself killed. Sirius cried - sobbed - for his little brother who had a child. He wept for his niece, who would grow up not knowing her father. 
Ten years later, Y/n was getting ready for her first year at Hogwarts. Sirius had introduced baby Harry with one-year-old Y/n at the time where they became best friends. Harry was gravely disappointed at his best friend leaving but excited that he’d see her the following year. 
In the bathroom, Y/n was sitting in front of the mirror with Sirius behind her. Sirius was brushing her hair, not because she couldn’t do it but because Sirius didn’t really want to let her go. After setting the brush on the counter, he placed his hands on her shoulders, looking at her in the mirror. She looked so much like him. His hands twirled through her h/c hair. 
“You look like your father.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, “I- I do?”
“You do.”
“I don’t remember much from him.” Y/n stated, “I remember him calling me précieux, vaguely, which I know now is precious.”
Sirius chuckled, “He also made me teach you, French. It was one of his wishes before he- you know.”
“Learning French is a pure-blood thing. Regulus said it kept him sane.” Sirius answered, “I honored that even if I hated that language.”
It was silent for a while, “You know, sometimes when you’re angry, you just start ranting in French?”
“I don’t!”
Sirius laughed, “You do. You definitely do, amour.”
Y/n giggled, and Sirius began tickling her sides. Her laughter and smile were contagious, just like how Regulus’ was. Regulus had such an infectious laugh and beautiful smile. Sirius was almost glad Y/n inherited it. After tickling her, she melted into Sirius’ embrace, hugging him tightly. 
“Je t'aime, oncle Sirius.”
“Je t'aime aussi, amour.”
It was a system Sirius had created with her instead of saying, “Toujours Pur,” like his mother had made him and Regulus say. Y/n is what made him love French again. The way she swore in the language unintentionally. How she’d say the language like a native, just like her father. It meant everything to him. 
Years later. Y/n was in fifth year, and the Triwizard tournament members had just been called. Viktor Krum was called first. Then Fleur Delacour. Then Cedric Diggory. That was meant to be the finality, but nonetheless, Harry Potter’s name got called. As all the members walked into a room away from the Great Hall, Dumbledore began speaking to the worried children. 
One sentence stood out to Y/n particularly, “Help will always be given at Hogwarts for those who deserve it.”
It brought so much rage in her that she couldn’t help but speak, “That’s bullshit!”
Everyone stared with jaws slack, “My father deserved help! Hell, he needed to be saved, and here because of your bullshit, he died! My father is gone because of you and your shitty manipulative ways!”
“He may have been a death eater, but it wasn’t what he wanted. Godric, he needed saving! His own brother turned on him. So fuck you and fuck your stupid sayings. Because you aren’t a saint, and I don’t have to fall to your knees like a worthless soldier.”
Dumbledore was astonished by her attitude as she began leaving the Great Hall, “That's one hundred points from Gryffindor, Ms.Black!” McGonagall yelled. 
“Pardonnez mon français, mais je m'en fous.” Y/n yelled as she flicked off everyone in the room. 
Before she left, she turned around and faced everyone, “If anyone- and I mean anyone, touches, talks badly, or even remotely glares at Harry Potter, so help me, I won’t hesitate to hex you.”
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Deep End  -  Five
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Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: He’s back. After all your best efforts at getting away, he’s found you again. And this time, he’s not letting you go so easily. He’s determined to do whatever it takes to get you to be his. Forever.
Warnings: Dark Themes, Language, Angst, Manipulation, Injuries, 
Word Count: 3.2K
A/n: here we are, folks. What if I ended it like this lol that would be kinda gangsta of me LMAO
Deep End Masterlist
You push open the front door with a heavy sigh, setting the paper grocery bags down on the counter then resting a hand on your growing belly.
There’s a tiny flutter under your hand and you can’t help yourself from smiling.
The smile vanishes, however, when a hand grabs at your shoulder and forces you to turn around.
“Where the Hell were you?” Steve’s angry voice demands.
You look up at him in shock and confusion, looking over at the groceries.
“I-I just went to the store.”
He shakes his head, grabbing your face with one hand and stepping closer. You take a step back with each one he takes towards you, and soon enough he’s got you pinned against the wall.
His grip on your face tightens and you wince, fear overwhelming your body, making your heart race.
“Bucky said he saw you talking to someone. A man. Who was he?”
You shake your head, tears welling up in your eyes.
“H-He was just asking me about my pregnancy. When I'm due, if I know what I’m having.”
It’s nothing but the truth.
“I give you freedom and this is what you do? You go and flirt with other guys? You’re my property. Don’t forget that.”
Your tears fall down your cheeks and into his hand, but he doesn't let go. Even as your chest heaves and sobs bubble out of you, he stays glaring at you.
“Please, Steve, stop. Y-You’re hurting me!”
His jaw flexes and he slowly lets go, only to cage you against the wall, slamming his fist against it in the process.  
Your heart hammers in your chest, terror gripping you and freezing you in place as you remember what he did to Nat and her baby.
“I-I came home, didn’t I? I could’ve asked for help! Could’ve said something, but I didn’t. I’m here, again, even though I could’ve run away. I’m here. You have me! You have me.”
You slide down the wall, knees drawn up to your chest as you sob, the reality of your words and the fear doing a number on your emotions.
Steve’s anger slowly melts away, replaced with concern as he sees nothing but terror on your face.
“I-I didn’t mean to yell, honey. It’s okay, shh, come here.”
You don’t fight him as he pulls you into his arms and brings you upstairs into your bedroom, sitting you gently on the bed and pushing your hair away from your face.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, sweetheart I just... You gotta understand how nervous it makes me when you leave the house like that.”
You sniffle then slowly look up at him, your eyes bloodshot and tear-filled.
“Then why give me the freedom to leave?”
Your voice cracks and it makes his heart hurt.
“I... I want to trust you. That’s why.”
You take a few deep breaths, your eyes focused on your trembling hands as your heart starts to slow back to its normal rhythm.
“Ever since that night when Nat and Buck came over you’ve... you’ve been off. I’m worried about you, honey. I just wanna make sure that everything’s okay.”
He wants to know what Nat told you. What she said to have you acting like this.
Your eyes meet his, wet and full of fear as you whisper three words.
“Is it true?”
He has an idea what you’re referring to, and his heart picks up speed.
“Did...did you do it?”
He swallows hard and avoids your eyes, but that’s answer enough.
Some strange mixture of a gasp and a sob bubbles out of you, and you bring your hands up to cover your face as your shoulders start shaking again.
“I didn’t... I guess I did.” You sniffle and look up at him through your tears.
“If you want me to trust you... if you ever want any hope at having some semblance of normalcy, you’re gonna need to elaborate. I’m trying to play your little game but I just... I’m scared you’re gonna kill my baby too. That you’re gonna hurt Sarah.”
He shakes his head immediately, grabbing your hands and holding them softly in his.
“I would never hurt Sarah, or our new baby, okay? Natasha... she was becoming a liability. That being said, I didn’t go into it with the intention of hurting her baby but... I knew it could be a consequence.”
You wait for him to continue, your heart pounding loudly in your ears.
“When you burned the book... that wasn’t the only copy. Fury made sure there was at least one more, in case we ever needed it. Had his own group working on it, creating a new version of it. Natasha became a test subject long before I met you. Before I... took you.”
He drops his eyes and huffs out a sigh.
“We didn’t need to wipe her memory, we just... needed a way to make her more complacent. To make her realize that she can’t go off on her own and keep secrets like that. Especially when they involve you.”
Your chest heaves as you glare at him, your anger growing by the second.
“Did you kill her baby?”
The words are harsh like the crack of a whip, and he has to stop himself from flinching.
“It wasn’t my intention... but it was worth it.”
You choke on another sob, yanking your hands out of his grip.
“I didn’t know what the tea would do to her baby. It was just a mild sedative so we could get her to the facility and do the procedure. Get her to tell us where you were, where Sarah was. But then she... she started bleeding. I didn’t... I thought maybe it was just a side effect but then the doctors told us... (Y/n), you’ve gotta believe me. You need to know that I didn’t mean to...” he trails off and shakes his head, thinking about the niece or nephew that he could’ve had.
The son or daughter that he stripped Bucky of. The pain he inflicted upon Natasha. But he has you, so in the end, it was worth it.
You slowly look up at him, shaking your head.
“Why? You’ve done nothing but lie to me and hurt me. Why should I believe a word you’re saying?”
He swallows hard, reaching for your hand again only for you to yank it away once more.
“You want the truth? Fine. You’re not the first person that we’ve... taken. And I doubt you’ll be the last. Bucky... he had someone. Someone to help him control the soldier. But she turned out to be worse than him. We had to terminate her because she became a liability.”
He looks down at his hands, remembering how innocent she seemed. And then she snapped. Tried killing Nat and Bucky. Turned the redhead against them until Fury stepped in.
“Nat didn’t... agree with what we did. So we changed her mind.”
Your brows draw together in confusion.
He can’t mean... can he?
As if sensing your confusion, he elaborates.
“We didn’t do exactly the same procedure. But it... its function was the same. We needed her to forget certain things. To be our friend again while still remembering other things about the situation. And it worked. All I wanted to do this time was open her up to us again. Tell me where you and Sarah were. I never meant to hurt her baby.”
You shake your head furiously, tears dripping down your cheeks. “You’re a murderer. A disgusting monster. I hate you.” Your words are venomous and acidic, and Steve almost flinches at them, shaking his head.
“That’s not true, (Y/n). I love you.”
You laugh, the sound manic and for a moment Steve’s concerned.
“This isn’t love, Steve, this is obsession! It’s unhealthy! You’ve got me trapped here against my will! Y-You’ve hurt me and raped me and now I’m supposed to pretend everything’s okay? I’m supposed to play the good little housewife while you go around kidnapping and killing women? Killing other people’s children?! No!”
You stand up and try to move past him but he grabs hold of your forearm, rising to his feet with you.
“You’re not going anywhere.” His eyes are fiery as he glares at you, but you’re not nearly as afraid as you once were. No. You’re just angry.
You glare at him, rage burning through your body as you yank free from his grip and walk out of the room.
“You leave this house and I won’t hesitate to drag your ass right back!” He shouts.
But you don’t plan on leaving.
Oh no.
Why does he deserve his happy ending so much more than everyone else?
You turn to face him once you reach the top of the stairs, your heart in your throat at what you’re about to do. The damage it could cause.
At least it’ll get your point across.
“Why do you deserve a baby so much more than Natasha?” He furrows his brows, trying to figure out what your next move is going to be.
“I’ve given my life over and over for this stupid pathetic world. I’ve sacrificed my happiness time and time again. Do I not deserve something good?”
You take a deep breath and shrug.
“Maybe you do. But not like this.”
With that, you turn around and let yourself fall down the stairs.
Steve tries to grab you, he really does, but he’s just not fast enough.
He watches you fall, tumble down the stairs then lay still at the bottom, and for a moment all he can do is stare.
Memories fill his mind. Of you falling down the stairs. Then bleeding. So much blood. And your baby... gone.
He nearly falls down the stairs himself in his haste to get to you, two fingers pressing first to your pulse, then his hand is pressed against your belly, trying desperately to feel for the fluttering kicks you told him about.
It takes a minute, maybe two, and then he feels a small press against his hand.
He lets out a breath of relief then grabs his phone, calling the doctor.
When the doctor assures him that both you and the baby are okay, he’s relieved. But that only lasts for a moment before anger takes hold, powerful and persistent.
You can feel the anger rolling off of him when you wake up, and for a moment you’re afraid.
But hopefully, you got your point across.
He doesn’t deserve another baby. Not if that’s what he wants. He’s a terrible human being. And bringing a baby into the world with him as the father should be a crime.
“Where’s Sarah?” You ask, hoping to keep him as calm as possible.
“She’s having a sleepover with Morgan over at Tony and Pepper’s.”
You nod, your stomach dropping as you realize you’re alone in the house with him and he’s beyond pissed off.
Your mind races back to all the times he’s punished you in the past, and you almost throw up with the anxiety coursing through your veins.
“You ever do anything like that again and I swear I’ll make you regret it. I won’t kill you, no. My baby needs his mommy, but I’ll make you hurt. You’re lucky I’m not doing anything to you now.”
You swallow hard and look away from him in disgust, only for him to grab your jaw and force you to look at him.
“You need to stop acting out like this. I told you what happened to the last asset who became a liability. Fury shot her point-blank. A clean shot between her pretty eyes. Then he left her to bleed out on the bedroom floor while he fixed Nat’s memory. S’why she’s even still here and with Bucky. If she remembered what he did to that poor girl... she’d have killed him herself by now. But he needs to outlet to keep the soldier at bay. And he deserves her. Deserves some happiness in his fucked up life.”
You shake your head, disagreeing strongly with every word he’s spoken.
They're monsters. Natasha less so. A victim, like you, maybe. But the two soldiers? Monsters. Monsters who don’t deserve any happiness. They deserve nothing but a slow painful death and an eternity in the fiery pits of Hell.
“I told you, (Y/n), I didn’t mean to hurt her baby. If I’d wanted to, I’d be rubbing it in her face more. Showing off your pregnancy more. And if you think I’m gonna hurt our baby, you’re wrong. I would never hurt my babies. It kills me that you think I’d ever do something like that.”
“Can you blame me? You’ve already killed at least one baby.”
A muscle in his jaw ticks and you regret your words.
“You know what? I think you really need a reminder of your place, sweetheart. You’re mine. Maybe not my wife, yet, but soon enough. Until then, you need to know that you belong to me.”
His grip on your face is painful, but you don’t make a single sound.
No, he’s not going to win.
He doesn’t want to hurt the baby or cause unnecessary strain, so he can’t have you on your stomach like he usually would.
So he makes the most of you lying on your back.
He grabs your wrists and binds them above your head, hooking them to the ring on the headboard despite your struggles.
“Steve, no! Please! I-I... Don’t hurt me, please!”
He cocks his head to the side, watching you wriggle and strain.
“You’re mine, (Y/n). You belong to me. There’s no one in this entire world who’ll help you. You’re my property. It’s time you realized that.”
A sick smile spreads across his face as he remembers what made you obedient last time.
“You know, I think I know exactly what you need.”
He climbs off the bed and drops to his knees, rooting under it until he finds his special black box.
You wriggle away furiously, trying to break free before he can hurt you, but deep down you know it’s all for not.
You squeeze your eyes shut as he sits back down on the bed, worming his way between your thighs and flipping your dress up over your extended stomach.
“Please don't,” you whimper uselessly.
He strokes your inner thighs gently, then leans down to spit on your centre.
You flinch away, tears leaking from your eyes as you realize what he’s going to do.
“Please don’t,” you repeat, only to be silenced by him pushing something far too big inside of you.
You cry out, your back arching and sending shoots of pain up to your scalp. The added weight of your baby makes everything ten times more painful, and you can't stop yourself from sobbing as he forces every last inch of the thick dildo into your unprepared cunt.
It burns. Fire spreads from between your legs up your spine and the tears don’t stop.
“Stop! Please! I’ll be good!” He knows you won’t. Or, he just doesn't believe you. You want the pain to stop but you’re not actually willing to change your behaviour for it. Not yet. But you will.
When the dildo is finally fully inside you, he climbs off the bed and shoves the box back underneath it. He adjusts his pants then walks to the door, pausing to look at your trembling figure on the bed.
Your shoulders shake with sobs, and he feels pride swell inside of him.
Good. Now you’ll finally learn.
“You’re gonna stay here until you learn your place. I don’t care how long it takes. When you’re ready to apologize and be a good girl, then we’ll talk. But until then...” He shuts off the light and pulls the door closed behind him, leaving you alone, in pain, and in the dark.
Memories of the last time this happened stab at your brain, and you quickly start hyperventilating.
What’s worse than that, though, is the tiny voice in your head telling you to get off your back. That it’s not good for the baby if you stay like this.
But no matter how much you scream or cry for him, Steve doesn’t come to the door once.
He leaves you there for hours, or maybe days. It’s so hard to tell.
The room is soundproof, so no one can hear your cries and you can’t hear anything outside.
Even if people could hear you, it doesn’t really matter now.
You’ve been on your back for so long that you’re starting to get dizzy.
During your first pregnancy, you learned only that it’s bad for the baby to sleep on your back. You didn’t think you’d be feeling the effects of it, too.
But here you are, covered in a thin sheen of sweat, mind spinning and lungs struggling to pull in enough air to satisfy you.
It must’ve been several hours ago that Steve left if you’re feeling such strong effects of it. You’re not sure what the technical term is, but you know that you probably don’t have much time left. Your baby has even less.
Your heart aches. Each beat makes sadness bloom in your soul and you can’t stop it.
New tears fall down your cheeks, and all you want is to reach down and caress your belly, apologize to the life growing inside of you.
Apologize for hurting them, for who their father is. For the life you’re bringing them into.
Nobody deserves that.
But now... now you might not have to worry.
Every passing second sends the walls around you spinning faster and faster and faster until all you can do is let your eyes fall closed.
Sleeping will probably make it better anyway, right?
As the darkness creeps up, seeps into your limbs and chases the pain away, you pray.
You’ve never really prayed much before, but you do today.
You send a prayer to any and all Gods, the old ones and the new, and you ask for forgiveness.
You pray for the safety of your unborn child, and for that of Sarah.
A deep part of your brain knows that you may never open your eyes, and you want your daughter to know that you love her. That she means the world to you and you’ll do all that you can to protect her.
Thinking about Sarah brings a wave of strength seemingly out of nowhere, and for a moment you wonder if the Gods heard you. If this is them sending their aid.
You take a few deep breaths, building up as much strength as you can, and try your luck one last time.
“I’m sorry.”
Your voice isn’t nearly as loud as it should be, and the room is so thickly padded that there’s no way he can hear you.
Hopelessness floods your body and you fall into it.
Your sorrow distracts you from the darkness until it takes hold of you and pulls you down, away from the world of pain that you’ve been trapped in.
And you feel peace.
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Stronger together.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader
Word count: 2410.
“Starting today, Superkid doesn’t exist anymore.”
The look you get from everyone is of absolute horror. Like you just told them you decided to become a supervillain and you’re going to destroy planet Earth in thirty seconds.
Funny enough, that’s the amount of time it takes for one of them to be able to say something.
“Wait a second.” Aunt Alex is the first one to react. “You’re telling me that the best superhero in National City is quitting? No offense, Kara.”
“None taken, I agree!” Kara jumps right after. “I thought you loved supering?”
“Yeah…” You shrug. “But I love my life a little bit more, so-”
“Baby, shouldn’t you give more thought to this? We’ll support you no matter what, but this is a huge decision.” Lena adds with a concerned tone. You smile.
“Dear Rao, you guys are turning this into a bigger deal than it is.” You roll your eyes with a reassuring smile. “It’s not like I’ll stop existing. I’ll just be a normal teenage girl from now on. Y’know, like Jamie over here.”
“Yeah, well, but-” It’s not hard, but rendering Kara speechless is always exciting.
“Ok, good talk.” You get out of the living room and Jamie follows you into your room.
“Oh wow.” She throws herself in your bed. “That was so dramatic. Thanks for texting me a heads up, I would be shocked if I had found out like that.”
You smile, dismissing it with your hand. “They’ll get over it. It’s not like I was always a superhero anyway.”
“That’s true!” Jamie agrees with her head for a while. “You did save a bunch of people while you were at it, though.”
You shrug.
“Lena was saved so many times, I wonder if she would still be alive if it weren’t for you.” Jamie adds and you look back at her furrowing your eyebrows.
“Supergirl would have saved her.” You don’t even believe your own words.
“Really? Last time I checked Supergirl was unconscious next to her in the Fortress.”
“Well, I-” You squint your eyes. “Stop it. I know what you’re doing. You want me to quit quitting. Well, it’s not going to work. I won’t quit! Quitting, I mean. I won’t quit quitting.” You growl. “Whatever, just stop it.”
“What are you talking about? I’m not trying to make you quit quitting. Especially because, apparently, you can’t super without almost killing yourself. And I don’t like the feeling of losing you every time.”
“You never actually lost me.”
“Ok, standing beside your bed at the DEO not sure if you’re going to wake up is very close to losing you. I don’t think my brain can make the distinction.” Jamie mumbles and your heart squeezes on your chest. You hug her without saying a word, and she lets out a breath that looks like she was holding it for a while.
“I’m sorry for almost dying several times. I promise that things will be easier now.” You shrug and she agrees with her head.
“At least until the next time your hero complex kicks in.” She jokes and you roll your eyes at her. “But you did save me, so… I don’t know. The idea of you not being a superhero is sort of bittersweet.”
“Yeah.” You sit next to her. “To me too.”
“But we will make do.” She throws her arm around your shoulder, hugging you sideways. “Because we are stronger together.”
“Yes, we are.” You agree with a smile.
It’s late at night when the game downstairs ends and Alex shows up at your door to call Jamie. Before leaving, aunt Alex hugs you tight.
“I’m gonna miss saving the world with you.” Alex says with a smile. “You are much better at that than Kara.”
“HEY!” You hear Kara’s interjection downstairs.
“Stop listening to our private conversation!” Alex yells back at her. She puts her hand on your shoulder. “I’ll step up my game of saving people, in your place.”
“That brings me peace of mind.” You smile, earning a reassuring squeeze on your shoulder.
“I’m here for you. You know that, right? Stronger together.” Aunt Alex asks and you hug her in agreement. “Great. I love you, kiddo. You’re my favorite Luthor-Danvers.”
You both stop talking and wait to hear Kara’s reaction. It doesn’t come.
“I’m shocked she obeyed.” Alex says making her way to the stairs and you wave at her.
“I love you too, aunt Alex.”
“Knock, knock.” You hear on the other side of the door, a little before you go to bed. You smile because Kara is such a dork.
“You know, you can actually knock on the door instead of saying it, right?” You say on the other side and Kara opens the door with the biggest smile on her face.
“HA HA, I didn’t know I had raised such a comedy expert.” She jokes, making her way to where you are on your bed. “How are you, little one?”
“I’m great.” You smile at her, sincerely. You are great. Deciding not to be Superkid just took off the biggest weight you’ve been carrying on your shoulders. You feel lighter.
“You know I completely support you.” Kara says, putting one lock of your hair behind your ear. “Whatever you want to do with your life, I’ll be by your side.”
“Thanks, momma.” You smile at her. “I support you too, in case you want to quit anything.”
She chuckles. “Thank you, that’s very sweet of you.” But her expression turns serious after a few seconds. “Being a superhero is-” She sighs, looking for words. You have a bunch to offer her. Exhausting, emotionally draining, insane, traumatic. “Weird.”
“To say the least.”
“Yeah.” Kara lays her head on your lap, looking at you from down there. “It’s weird to describe it because it’s a mix of things. Sometimes-” She smiles looking excited. “It’s the most thrilling feeling in the universe. When you’re up there, wind blowing in your head, and that powerful feeling that you can do and go anywhere. And sometimes you save someone, and oh man!”
“You feel invincible. Like you can take on the world.” You add, and Kara agrees vividly with her head.
“But sometimes, for the lack of a better word, it just straight up sucks.” Kara crinkles her nose, and you smile at how cute she looks. “Sometimes you feel like, yeah you know, I could die for these people because I love them with all my heart.”
“I know that feeling.”
“And they love you so much too! It just feels worthy, right?” She asks and you agree with your head. “But sometimes it doesn’t feel like that. It feels the opposite. There were a few times when I was this close to dying, and I kept thinking ‘but why Kara? Why are you leaving everyone you love behind to die for people who don’t even appreciate you?’”
“Why would you?”
“Kid. I-I don’t know.” Kara lets out another chuckle. “You know what it's like. You’re up there, and you know it has to be you because no one else can do what you’re doing. And there’s something inside that just stops us from turning away and letting it all play out how it was supposed to.”
You also know that feeling. That’s how you ended up in outer space in another reality to save people you didn’t even know that well. To save a reality that wasn’t even yours. And you had the chance to turn your back to it, over and over again. Yet, you never took the easy path.
“What I came here to tell you, is that I get it. I get the feeling. I’ve had it a million of times. When I was giving everything to the world, and it kept taking things from me. I thought about giving up so many times it’s ridiculous.” Kara sighs again. You put your hand on her hair, stroking it gently for support. “So, yeah, I understand.”
“But?” You ask with a tiny smile.
“But if you ever want to do it again, I’ll understand and support you too.” She gets up from your lap and kisses your forehead. “And if you ever need to talk to anyone about this superhero stuff, you can always come to me, cause I’m sure I probably felt the same thing once or twice in my life. Ok? We’re stronger together.”
“Ok, momma. Thank you.”
“Momma got you, little one. Always.” She hugs you tight, and you breathe deep, feeling her comfort. “If I’m being honest, I’m sort of excited that I won’t have to go fish you in outer space anymore.”
“Me too.” You chuckle on her chest. “It’s exhausting, almost dying all alone in a pitch-black dark place with no air in your lungs.”
“It sounds like it.” Kara lets go of you and looks at you, adoringly. “I love you so much, you’re my heart.”
“And you’re mine.” You smile, getting another forehead kiss from Kara.
“Ok, go to bed. It’s late.” She moves to the door but stays there watching you for a little bit. “You’re the best kid in the universe, and we’re so lucky to have you.”
“Thanks momma.” You smile, thankful. It’s good to hear that. In normal circumstances this would make you happy. But where you find yourself right now, it’s even better. It’s good to be reassured that you’re understood, and you’re loved no matter what, and that even though you just gave up being a superhero you’re still the best kid for her. Rao, you love Kara so much.
“Hey.” You hear a soft knock on the door. You don’t use your x-ray vision. You don’t have to. Kara just left so it’s obviously not her.
“Come in, mom.” You say and Lena opens the door, softly. She puts her head inside your bedroom and smiles at you.
“Oh, great. I just wanted to check on you, but you’re going to sleep, right?” She asks and you agree with your head. “Great. Good night, babygirl.”
“Mom, can I ask you something?” You ask and Lena goes inside your bedroom, agreeing with her head. “Can you, um, stay a little?”
“Yeah!” Lena agrees excitedly, like that was exactly what she was thinking. She makes her way to the bed next to you, getting under the comforter with you.
“Sorry for being so codependent these days, I just-”
“Stop.” Lena says pulling you closer. “Come hug me.” You toss your arm over her, and she kisses the top of your head. You can’t see her face, but you know she’s smiling. “I’ve been feeling very codependent too. Actually, if you would have me, I would have been sleeping with you since you were five. But I guess you wanted your independence.”
“Not anymore.” You sigh, hugging her tightly. “I’ve missed you.”
“You know, I went to L Corp after what happened. There were pictures of you everywhere.” You can genuinely hear her smile. “I just kept thinking how crazy that was, but how hard I needed it to be true. Your little face. I mean don’t get me wrong, Kara’s face is beautiful, and I really wanted her to be my family too. But you. I wish I could explain the feeling.”
“It’s like-” You start. “Like this feeling that nothing would make sense. And that, yeah, you would have other people you love around you, but that missing piece is so fundamentally meaningful for the bigger picture, for your life, to make sense. Without it, all of it would fall into pieces and fade into a life you wouldn’t want to live.”
Your ear is so glued to Lena’s chest that you can hear her heart skipping a beat, without having to use your super hearing. You lift your head to look at her, and she’s crying silent tears with a smile on her face.
“Was that how you felt without me?” She asks and you nod, biting your lower lip. “Oh, my baby!” She pulls you into the hug again. “My baby.”
Lena just spends a few minutes stroking your hair, gently. It feels so nice you feel yourself dozing off to sleep. But you wouldn’t want to keep her stuck under you, so you fight it.
“Listen-” Lena calls you and you change position so you can look at her. “I know I wasn’t always as supportive as I should’ve been about your supering. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it. I mean, I have to appreciate it more than anyone because you keep saving my life. It’s just, when you’re out there, I get so scared.”
“I know.” You agree softly. “But momma is out there too, and you-”
“Almost die every time she gets just the tiniest scratch. Yeah.” She smiles, and you furrow your eyebrows. “But I sort of, oof, this is hard to say. When I married your momma, I knew who she was, what she does, I knew how saving the world was important for her. I knew I could lose her to it, eventually.” Lena breathes deep, wiping her tears. “But you? I can’t fathom the thought that one day I may lose you. I just-I just can’t.”
“Well, I’m not a hero anymore so you don’t have to worry.” You reassure her, but Lena bites her tongue, definitely not reassured.
“I’ll always worry. And you know why?” Lena asks and you shake your head, disagreeing. “Because you are my baby. And even when you’re forty you’ll still be my baby, and I’ll still be terrified just to think about you not being in my life anymore.”
“What if I get married and have kids and move somewhere else?” You ask and Lena smiles at the thought.
“That will happen! And then-” She whispers to you, so Kara can’t hear her. Which is ridiculous because if Kara is listening, she can hear her breath, let alone her words. “I’ll leave Kara in the middle of the night, and go to your house, kick your wife to another bedroom, and snuggle in with you like we’re doing right now.”
You chuckle at the thought. God, you love Lena so much. “You promise?”
“Of course.” Lena kisses your forehead. “We’re stronger together.”
You smile at her words, and close your eyes again, feeling like you can finally fall asleep. But you still hear, somewhere far away, before you sleep completely, Lena’s voice reassuring you. “I love you, babygirl. All of you. Always.”
Hope this count as the fluffiest of fluffs @lonelydiary cause I thought they were so sweet here 💙
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honeyhenry · 4 years
Sweet as Pie
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With some much needed time off, and excitement crisp in the air, you had flown over to Jersey with your husband Henry for Christmas to stay with his family, and they had been delighted to have you both back on his homeland. You settled in to Henry’s old room, unpacking all of the gifts you had brought for his family. You knew his nieces and nephews were going to love you even more when they saw what would be lying for them under the grand Christmas tree in the living room. Secretly, you were their favourite - not that they’d ever tell their poor Uncle Henry.
The large home is tidy, but scattered with family members in every room, all feeling at home in the place where Henry and his brothers grew up. You’d been able to catch up with the relatives you didn’t often see, and promise to spend some quality time together over the holidays.
It was so sweet to watch all the children’s faces light up on Christmas morning. You were glad that you and Henry could be spared an extra few moments in bed, being the only childless couple in the house. Yet moments later, Kal had leapt onto the bed - much to Henry’s annoyance; “down Kal, careful now” -  as soon as he had heard the pattering of his small friends’ feet out in the hallways. And what Kal wanted, you usually gave him.
Which is why, at 6.45am, Kal dragged you and in turn, dragged Henry down to the living room where the rest of the family sat, with the kids lit up like the Christmas tree that their plethora of presents laid under, grinning to their bleary eyed parents who’d barely had a wink of sleep on the cold winter morning.
“You’d think after 6 years it gets easier” you’d heard someone murmur, and so you’d decided to put the kettle on for those poor souls. Luckily for you, 45 minutes later, you’re able to snuggle back into bed with Henry, warming your feet on his legs to annoy him. You kiss the offended pout right off his face, before feeling his beefy arms wrap around your waist. It’s the last thing you had recalled, as you dozed off in his arms only seconds later, feeling his fingertips rub against your hip softly.
The kitchen was bustling with about 10 bodies all completing their various tasks; cooking, washing, baking, roasting, timing and tasting. Well, you had kicked your husband out of the kitchen for sneaking a taste of your dessert before it was ready, chastising him out of the door. 
“You can either help properly or go and play with your siblings” you had bargained while he’d grinned, leaning against the doorframe. He raised an eyebrow, looking you up and down like you were a pastry he was keen to ravish himself; “But who is going to compliment the chef?”
With that, you’d folded your arms across your chest, blushing at his words. The cheek of that man was not lost on you, and it still got you every single time. 
And you loved him for it.
The meal was a total success. A wonderful soup starter, followed by a small appetiser, and then the most magnificent turkey. Feeding over 20 people - now probably closer to 30 if you were to include the children who were growing up so quickly in front of your eyes - had proven to be difficult, but it was a challenge the family had clearly tackled before.
You had been so excited to prepare the desserts, and present your dish. However, halfway through the day, somewhere between the main course, watching your nephews with their new toys, and the dessert course of the delicious homemade Christmas feast, you’d fallen asleep on the sofa completely tuckered out. Your legs rested on Henry’s lap as he’d covered you with a hand-knitted blanket that he’d once slept with as a boy. Henry’s mother speaks up, careful not to wake you. She has a gleam in her eye, not that you or even Henry notice, too wrapped up in your own cozy sleepy bubble together by the fire.
“Dessert can wait” his mother says to the gaggle of children and adults swarming the living room, “go out and get some fresh air.”
She turns to the children, specifically.  “Do not disturb your Aunt, okay?”
Your cheeks are warm as the fire heats the living room, and after a particularly competitive game of rugby with his brothers, nieces, and nephews, Henry quietly checks on you. He had left the room earlier when you had shifted your legs slightly, taking the opportunity to get some fresh air himself. It had indeed been a long day. His brothers had questioned your tiredness briefly, making sure you were well. With the knowledge that you were simply sleepy, they had begun to joke that you obviously just couldn’t keep up with the rest of the Cavills - despite having married into the family for 2 years and been around for the holidays for 4. Henry had promised them that you were fine -  that you still weren’t used to the long trip back to the island for the holidays. 
Not exactly a fib, he’d thought.
Kal was laid beside you, loyal as ever, watching out for anyone who may disturb your rest, sending a rumbling growl towards anyone who approached. Except Henry. 
While checking on you now to make sure you were still comfortable and resting well, he smiled, taking a picture of you wrapped up cosily by the fire, at peace in his childhood home, completely at rest and ease with him and his closest relatives. Petting Kal softly, he thanks him for looking after his mama so well.
His mother, he hears. She’s alone for once as there was no one rushing to check for updates on food, no enquiries about the house, or any funny stories woven into a ten minute tale from her grandchildren. She’s alone, with her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised.
Henry stands up straight. There’s nothing that can wipe the tremendously cheesy grin off of his face. He can’t even speak. Even after dessert had finished, you were the one who would be doing all the talking, the telling, the explaining.
“Henry. She’s not ill. and i know you’re sensible enough to not be up the whole night with your wife...at least under my roof. So…?”
He looks over at your peaceful form, and then scratches his neck, blushing at being caught out, but also ecstatic that he can finally say something about it.
“She’s eleven weeks. We’re expecting a baby next summer”
With that, his mother almost leaps with joy over to her son, who she hugs closely despite the obvious height barrier. 
“Oh i knew it, I knew it! I’m so happy for you Henry, for you both. I thought, ‘She normally loves that bread for starter’, hm? Oh my boy! A father!”
With her proclamation, Henry finds that he has tears in his eyes as he holds his Mother close, finally glad that it’s not just a little secret between the two of you - well, the two of you and Kal, who had already been a stellar protector and big brother.
“We had planned to tell everyone after dessert…we’ve known for nearly 2 months and it’s been killing me that I couldn’t say. We’ve had to be so careful-“ 
“Henry?” he hears your quiet voice from across the room, as Kal’s collar jingles. He turns to see you sitting up from your nap with Kal booping his nose at your stomach. You’re scratching at his head, thanking him for being such a wonderful boy, while looking up at the two Cavills.
It takes less than a second for you to realise what is happening in front of you. Your jaw drops and louder than your previous call, you exclaim, “Henry you told her?”
“She worked it out! Practically forced it out of me.” he grins, holding his hands up as his Mother pretends to smack his arm.
You stand, watching not to step on Kal or any stray Legos that your nephews have left strewn across the floor, and walk over to hug her. She’s been so caring and kind since you’ve joined the family all those years ago, and you know that she will be an incredible Grandma to your little one. 
Breaking apart from the hug, you find Henry pulling you to him carefully, letting you melt into his side. Kissing your forehead he asks, for your ears only, “Good sleep? No pains? Sickness?” He has a small crease of worry between his brows and you always do your best to soften that small tense area with regular updates and sweet kisses.
“Yeah i’m okay honey” you reassure him, patting your stomach, “this ones growing up a storm in there”. 
And they really are. Henry’s mother cannot believe she’s seeing it, and mostly can’t believe she missed it. You’re already showing, but a large loose sweater -probably one of Henry’s old ones that has since become yours - over your dress, has hidden a sizeable roundness to your stomach that you were excited to finally show.
“How did I miss this!” Your mother-in-law gasps, causing you to grin, and Henry’s chest to puff with utter pride and excitement.
“I know it’s bordering on having too much to eat, but we’ve been hiding it for a couple weeks now. Doctor thinks that baby’s gonna be big. Just like their daddy.” You explain, giving your stomach another gentle rub, surprised to find Henry’s hand there on it already.
If you’d thought Kal was protective, Henry was another thing altogether.
He’s still grinning as you kiss him, before you pull away to speak more to his mother about all the details, especially when you’ll be coming over to Jersey again. Kai follows you closely, making sure you’re staying safe. He’s known that there’s something up with his mama, there has been for weeks, especially with the way his master looks after you now.
Henry, deciding to be sneaky while the two women in his life are currently distracted chatting, takes another taste of the dessert you made, now set out on the kitchen. The worst part is, he thinks he’s got away with it.
He realises he doesn’t the second you smack his hand from the dessert.
“Strike two Mr Cavill! Step away from the pie.”
“And if I don’t?” he raises an eyebrow, watching your reactions as you hold a butter knife in your hand trying to look at least vaguely threatening - failing miserably. “Maybe i’ll strike out tonight, hm?” he continues with that wonderfully mischievous glint in his eye, taking cautious steps towards you. “You look even sweeter than your pie with this little bump here. Maybe I’ll have a taste later after all.” 
Henry’s mother had not been right in her assumptions, for under her roof, you and Henry were not sensible at all.
please let me know what u think! i am v nervous to post but excited!!!
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mobiusxyearslater · 3 years
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Rekindling (A Sonally Story)
A/N: This whole thing takes place about two years before the whole AU/Your Dork starts off for context. ~Mun @t-vict101
On a cool night in New Mobotropolis, Princess Sally Acorn is walking back to her cottage from the Tommy Turtle Memorial Hospital. She witnessed her friend, Bunnie Rabbot give birth to her firstborn daughter Annabelle. The whirlwind excitement and joy practically drained Sally’s energy, it was time for much-needed rest. She quietly walked along the dirt path still thinking about her new niece, how cute she looked, and how happy Bunnie and Antoine looked. That’s the kind of love that could last lifetimes. Sally starts to wonder if she could feel that way someday. Well, she did at one point, the only person she felt happy with was-- 
“Hey there Princess! You’re out late!” Sally heard a voice pipe up.
She looked forward to see the source of the cheery voice, well who else could it be? The one and only hero of Mobius, Sonic the Hedgehog, sat there on her porch giving her a soft wave. Sally stared at him for a few moments unsure of what to do. The last time she saw him he was off fighting Doctor Eggman and saving the world once again. That was almost half a year ago. But that was how Sonic was. There was no tying him down after the job was done which led to their romantic relationship being more on and off if anything. 
The ironic part was that their last break-up wasn’t because Sonic wasn’t around. It was because Sally was too busy juggling her life between her duties on the council and her duties as leader. Sonic did confront her about it which led to a big fight then eventually they agreed to go their separate ways. There was a twinge of guilt in Sally’s heart because of that and seeing Sonic there acting as if nothing happened. All Sally could do is muster up a small chuckle as she looks at the blue blur.
“Well, you know me. I’m always busy with one thing or another.” she joked as she took a seat next to Sonic, who gave her a chuckle. 
“Oh, boy don’t I know it! So what was it this time?” He playfully props his chin in his palm, “Council meetings? Ribbon cutting? Oh! A big speech in front of the entire kingdom?”
Sally gives him a small nudge and shakes her head, “Oh shut up. If you have to know, Bunnie and Antoine just had their baby tonight..”
“What??” Sonic perks up, “Those two have a kid now? Man. I feel like I miss out on a lot.”
Sally chuckles and shakes head, “Well that’s what happens when you’re gone for months on end.”
Sonic chuckles and scratches his head, “Heh. Well, I do come back once in a while though so it’s not all bad.
Sally let out a small chuckle and nod looking out to the moon, “Yeah.. I guess so.”
The two sit in silence just watching the moon. There was a feeling that someone should say something but neither of them did instead soaking in the atmosphere. Somehow, someway, the silence was relaxing for them both. No one brought up the past or having to suffer the awkwardness of reliving the whole thing over again. But there was one burning question that rattled in Sally’s head. Of all places to go in the middle of the night, why hers? Sonic still had his parents, his Uncle Chuck, heck he could just crash at Tails’ place if he really wanted to. 
Sally cleared her throat, making Sonic’s ear twitch. “So, you just randomly decided to pop up here?”
Sonic sweats a bit and gives off a nervous chuckle, “I guess I made it too obvious huh?” He looked at her shrugs, “...I guess I just missed you.”
Sally quirks a brow tilting her head, “Is that right?”
Sonic huffs at her tone and tilts his head, “What’s with that tone? I really did miss you.”
Sally chuckles and pats his head, sighing out tiredly, “And I missed you too.”
Still unable to get a read of what she’s thinking, Sonic wags at her at a finger, “...Why do I feel there’s a huge BUT coming up.”
Sally frowns and sighs out, “But… This feels like a pattern..” 
Sonic gives her a confused look, “What do you mean..?”
Through her tiredness she starts to pet through the blue hedgehog’s quills, “...This. Us. You leave for a long time then come back saying you missed me. Old feelings come up and we try again. Then…”
Sonic watched Sally as her words tiredly trailed and looked down to the ground. He always loved Sally, that fact is the solid truth, but being committed was a whole different ball game. Thinking about her words more, he started to see the pattern too. Sure his feelings were genuine at the moment but he’s always changing his mind about them. He started to think that maybe Sally wanted more than just part of him. Maybe she needed all of him, just like he wanted all of her. Maybe just maybe, him leaving for months after each attack isn’t fair to her at all. 
Sonic huffs out a chuckle and slides his hands behind his head, “...You wanna hear something funny?”
Sally rubs the tired out of her eyes and looks at him, “What’s that..?”
Sonic rubs his nose a bit, “While I was gone I actually dated someone for a small while.”
All Sally could do is huff in response, “So you can here in the middle of the night to tell me about your exes to your ex?”
Sonic nudges her a bit, “Just listen for sec. While I was away, I actually dated Amy for a small bit.”
Sally’s brows perk up hearing the news, “Wow. You actually let up and let her catch you huh?”
Sonic shrugs letting a small chuckle, “I did. I was always running and she was always there. I figured that was something I wanted or something. At least I thought I did.”
His words slowly trailed off as he thought about his time with Amy. The pink hedgehog sure was a spitfire. Wherever Sonic went she gladly went along with him for support. He figured giving her one date wouldn’t hurt. Then it turned into two. Then it turned to something exclusive. Their honeymoon phase was sweet but soon after Amy found herself in a bit of a rut. Hopping from city to city, fighting badniks left and right, she was all in on that no doubt but she wanted something more. At first, she thought Sonic was that solution, but when she had him that feeling never really went away.
Sonic sighs out softly circling his thumb in his palm. “So she dumped me. She said something about traveling around to find her purpose or something.”
Sally stared at the dejected hedgehog and softly petted his head, “You’re number one fan dumped you. That must’ve been a blow to the ol’ ego of yours.”
Sonic stifles a small chuckle letting himself relax under Sally’s touch, “Yeah it was but I get it.  It was fine for a while but I guess somewhere down the line. She realized I couldn’t give HER what SHE needed.” He lets out a sigh and looks up at the sky, “...I am proud of her though. Whatever she decides on doing for herself, she’ll be great at it.”
Sally nods in agreement and lets out a small yawn, “Yeah. She’s too determined to let herself fail at anything that’s for sure. She’ll probably be the best.”
Sonic shakes his head and looks at Sally, “Alright, enough about my dating life. What about you? Anyone in your life?”
Sally huffs out a chuckle and shakes her head, “Not really. There have been dates here and there but my busy schedule made it way too difficult to really settle into anything.” 
Sonic snickers a bit, “Woo boy don’t I know it--” he stops himself when he watches Sally’s face slowly fall into a frown, “Come on Sal. I don’t blame you for your hectic schedule.”
Sally gives him a look and crosses her arms, “Isn’t that the reason you dumped me the last time?” 
And there it was. That sting of awkwardness they worked so hard to avoid has finally come to the forefront. The silence draped over them as they sat there with their thoughts. No one knew what exactly to say at that moment. Sally realized she still had her hand on Sonic’s head and quickly pulled away looking away.
Sonic took a deep breath, “I know I gave you grief about it before. I just thought we could be how we used to be when we were 17.” Sally opened her mouth to say something but Sonic held up his hand. “Which I realized now… It can never be like that. I guess… I was…. I dunno.. Anxious about everything changing. You and Rotor on the council, Bunnie and Ant having a kid, Tails being the next inventor of the century, even Amy…” He takes a deep breath and kicks the dirt a bit, “...Seems like everyone is running this race and I'm dead last.”
Sally hums a bit pondering about his words, “...I guess… You’re feeling everyone is outgrowing you…?”
Sonic’s ear twitches and lets out a small pout leaning his chin in his palm, “....Maybe yeah…”
Sally lets out a small laugh and Sonic gives her a pouty look. She nudges him playfully, “Oh stop. I’m laughing because you’re the hero of Mobius. Everyone loves talking about you and practically wants to BE you.”
Sonic huffs out and crosses his arms, “I KNOW! I know I just… feel like I can do… more… Like I could do more for the world, my family, our friends, even you--” 
Sally’s brows perk up at the last part Sonic started to say but cut himself off. It was kinda strange seeing him so vulnerable. Usually, he had a real cocky attitude with everyone and was the brightest in the room. Honestly, this was a side of him that she tried to bring out a lot of the time but he would always brush it off like it was nothing. He seemed almost embarrassed that he was saying all of this out in the open, especially saying it to her.
She softly puts a hand on his shoulder, “...Hey. It’s normal to feel that way. Almost everyone feels that way sometime or another, right?”
Sonic sighs out and looks at her, “Yeah but it’s ME we’re talking about.”
Sally huffs and stands up, “Yeah and I know you better than you think. You’re a guy who takes action. You’re always putting others first before yourself. You’re a hero that inspires everyone to be the best versions of themselves.” She holds out a hand to him, “...Now are you going to stop moping and do something about it?”
Sonic stares at her hand remembering those were the words he said to her years before. He huffs out a chuckle before grasping onto her hand and standing up, “You got me there. And you’re right, like always.”
Sally chuckles and shakes her head, “Of course I am. I’ve known you way too long to be wrong.” 
Sonic chuckles a bit and watches her make her way up to her front door. He leans on the porch rail and tilts his head, “So I’m guessing I shouldn’t keep you from your beauty sleep any longer huh princess?”
Sally chuckles and shakes her head turning back to him, “Well that all depends if you’re going to keep me up all night.” She opens the door and gestures inside.
Sonic gives off a snarky chuckle as he walks up the steps stopping in front of her, “Oh ho ho! And what exactly do you mean by that princess?”
Sally rolls her eyes and pushes him inside of the cottage, “I mean you’re sleeping on the couch!”
Sonic pouts and leans back in her hands, “Aw but I could really use a nice big warm bed after months without one!”
Sally shakes her head, “You should’ve gone to your parents then.” She lets out a soft chuckle before shutting the door behind her, “You big dork.”
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dream-to-be-frog · 3 years
hello just watched kate (2021) and. thoughts. spoilers ahead, of course.
things about kate (2021) that make me go ????:
mew is super pretty but. why is she a random white girl in japan.
moreover, why are she and her handler (henceforth known as haymitch because hunger games) both in japan !
it just. does not seem like the story needed to be in japan. it feels like they chose japan for vibez only. oh, there’s cool technology stuff and bright colors! that sure would look nice on screen! we can do some fun weird fetishizy implications about asians while we are at it hehe🤪
like 30 mins into the film @scrambld-egg was like “why’s it always the yazuka?” and like. YEAH. this could have happened in russia or be italian mafia or literally any kind of organized crime anywhere because of how absolutely little relevance it has to the plot.
why is kijima’s brother even a target? why him specifically? what did he do bestey
what does their “crime syndicate” even do? what kind of illegalities do they get into? did anyone even consider this
did anyone consider any of this plot, frankly. like i have to ask.
we all knew haymitch (varrick) was working against her after she suggested retiring and like. that kind of plot twist is fun and all but GOD would it kill y’all to make it more ... something ? dramatic, personal, thought-through ?
like. yeah he is selfish and cruel and obviously groomed her from a time she was vulnerable and a literal fucking child to be his little killer but WHY is he like this. we do not get any backstory for him, even a little.
similarly, what changed for renji that made him so willing to turn his back on family. we kind of see something in that he thinks he can do better than kijima and he got power hungry but for a group that supposedly cares about family he sure was willing to massacre his.
in fact, kijima even said something about how western poisonous mindsets overtook renji and made him turn his back on family and just. okay but for why
it’s just a Lot to kill a child, especially a niece or whatever she was to him. silly
we know kate was trained to be a killer since being literal Baby but like. i wanted to see more flashbacks that made her solidify her implicit trust in haymitch.
i am begging why the FUCK is she even in japan it does not seem like she travels much
for that matter, if she IS the kind of assassin who travels a lot (i miss villanelle at least she fucking made sense), they literally never mention it. they literally do not talk about her life experiences aside from freaky haymitch being a weirdo awful man.
to recap: did she travel for her murder work? if yes, why not say so. if no, why the FUCK is she in japan of all places.
how can you have a story in japan about a woman and make her white
and then have her massacre a bunch of asian men for no reason that we know. i didn’t even know to hate them i just felt bad and there is something unsettling (as an article i found articulated better than i could as i watched) about watching her mindlessly murder a bunch of poc.
like i get the reason why ani was obsessed with kate because she lost everyone and new mother figure saved her life but like
why does kate care so much? if it’s guilt, aside from her quitting because she can’t get over osaka, we don’t see any of her conflict.
i’m just. kind of bitter because the premise and the characters have SO MUCH POTENTIAL but the absolute lack of plot is devastating
and like. i can appreciate a good action movie with zero plot + blood and vibes only but the way that kate started made me genuinely be like oh wow! they sure have a lot to work with i hope they develop things!
things that kate (2021) could have done better to truly live up to all of it’s incredible potential; a list:
listen the actress is super pretty (she reminds me of renfri from the witcher and i would DIE for renfri) but like. she should have been half-japanese.
when ani tells kate “we’re the same” .... girl help that would he SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER if kate was half japanese.... kate would literally see herself in ani, a half-japanese girl who is forced to grow up too soon with too much violence around her.... the parallels between the lives they could lead and have lead would be so much cooler....
and it would goddamn explain why the FUCK she was in japan oh my god it is just so seems white savioury even though kate doesn’t play the hero and like
a flashback scene (NOT a flash of one) where she was younger and haymitch was coaching her and something goes wrong and you see that weird freaky deaky bond demonstrating her implicit trust in him.
how can you have ani LITERALLY SAY “i’m the last person you’ll ever get to know. are you sure you don’t want to know me? that’s sad, kate. that’s sad.” AND LITERALLY NEVER HAVE KATE LEARN MORE ABOUT HER
like they made kate fall asleep like IMMEDIATELY after, so everything she could have learned about ani was said to her when she was passed out. and it made the scene where ani takes selfies with her kinda weird because there is not that much emotional impact
similarly her death was anticlimactic? i like when action movies have anticlimactic deaths but those deaths usually have some emotional impact and. this was so hollow besties
it just is such a shame because the cinematography was BRILLIANT and again there was. SO MUCH POTENTIAL for a movie to MEAN something
there were a couple of metal lines too, but those seemed hollow as well. “i’m dying. i have to finish... i have to finish something.” could have been SO GOOD. “my life was never mine. until now.” (this one may not be verbatim i cannot remember exactly) could have been SO GOOD. the basic premise was all there... she was regaining control of her life hours before her death, the poetry is all there, just BEGGING to mean something. but it doesn’t, in the end. it doesn’t mean much at all.
some action movies are good for nothing but blood and i can respect that. but when a story is TRYING to have a point but misses in delivering... that’s when i get upset. i love mindless shit but if you want me to care, fucking make me care, kings!!!!
that is all.
anyway. thoughts?
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onlyfreds · 4 years
Announcement | Family of Four
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Title: Announcement
Summary: It’s time to tell the rest of the family the great news.
Warning/s: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of food, mentions of teenage pregnancy (but it doesn’t really occur)
Series Masterlist
“Fred, honestly, calm down.” I said to my husband who was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry.” He said with a small grin as he sat down.
We were heading over to the Burrow, just like we did every Sunday because Molly always insisted that “Sundays were for family.”
“We get to tell them, today right?” He asked, not being able to hide the huge grin on his lips.
I chuckled at his antics that were similar to a child on Christmas eve, “Yes, Freddie. We’ll tell them today.”
I ran my fingers through his hair, “But you better contain your excitement Freddie. Because if you don’t, you’ll ruin our surprise altogether.”
He took a deep breath, “Okay, okay. Just don’t make me wait too long.”
Fred stood up, placing a chaste kiss on my lips, “Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” He asked, resting one hand on my stomach while the other was on the small of my back.
I smiled, “Slow down hot shot. We’re just on step one. Don’t jump to step three.” I joked.
We then apparated to the Burrow.
As usual, we were met with Molly’s bone crushing hug.
“It’s good to see the two of you again!” She said with a huge smile as she went on to give Harry and Ginny a hug.
Ginny caught my eye and gave me a knowing smile accompanied with a small wink.
Hermione, along with Ginny, appeared next to me as soon as Fred went over to George and Ron.
“So, how’s the little one doing?” Hermione asked quietly, sporting a grin.
“Shhh!” I shushed her, looking around to see if anyone heard, “Aside from the morning sickness and throwing up, the little one is doing alright.”
Ginny smiled, “I’ve been so excited to see the look on mum’s face when you tell her the news. It’s been so hard to not just blurt it straight out to Harry.”
Hermione quietly laughed, “For once I’m thankful that Ron can be oblivious at times.”
“Auntie Y/N!” An excited voice squealed, signaling us of the arrival of Bill and Fleur.
“Hey Victoire!” I greeted as I scooped up my niece.
“She’s been missing you like crazy.” Fleur said.
I turned to the little girl in my arms, “Well, I missed you too kiddo.”
“You and Fred make a wonderful couple.” Bill said, placing a small kiss to Fleur’s forehead as he glanced towards his brother. “When are you guys going to have kids yourself?” He asked.
I laughed nervously, “Dunno. Maybe sometime in the future.”
Fleur giggled, “Well, Victoire would love that wouldn’t she?”
The child clapped excitedly, “Yes! Yes!”
That’s when Molly ushered us to the table to have some lunch.
We exchanged stories with each other.
Harry and Ron were debating about the latest happenings at the Ministry while Bill and Ginny were discussing about Ginny’s latest Quidditch match.
I felt Fred interlock our fingers together under the table.
I looked at him and gave him a questioning look.
He shrugged, taking another bite of his chicken, “Just trying to contain my excitement.”
I smiled, taking a sip of water, “Bill asked me earlier when are we going to have kids.”
“What did you say?” He asked.
“I said that maybe sometime in the future.”
He laughed, “But the future is actually the present.”
I rested my head on his shoulder, “Exactly.”
Afterwards, I helped Molly clean up after lunch.
“You never changed.” She said with a small chuckle when I offered to help.
“Some things never change.” I said, “Take a look at the twins for example.”
She laughed, “I never thought that someone would be able to put up with those two. Especially Fred.”
“He can be quite a handful.” I contemplated, “But, in a good way.”
Molly flicked her wand, causing the dishes to wash themselves, “He’s lucky that he found you Y/N. The two of you are a perfect match.”
I subconsciously rubbed my hand over my stomach, “I’m the one who’s lucky to have him, Molly. You and Arthur, have raised a wonderful son.”
She beamed with pride as she gently patted my shoulder, “I’m absolutely positive that when the two of you have children of your own, you’ll be wonderful parents.”
I sighed contentedly, “I hope so Molly.”
I walked over to Fred, squeezing his hand gently, “It’s time.”
He grinned as he stood up, clearing his throat so everyone’s attention was directed to him.
“Y/N and I have an announcement to make.”
George threw a pillow at him, “You’re killing me with the suspense! If you don’t make the announcement now, I’ll do it.”
Fred chuckled, throwing the pillow back to his impatient twin before turning to Molly and Arthur.
“How much would you like to welcome another member to the family?” He asked.
Arthur smiled looking over at his wife, “The more the merrier. Why do you ask?”
But Molly seemed to get the gist as she stared at us with wide eyes, waiting for what we would say next.
Fred placed a hand on my stomach, “Y/N is pregnant.”
Everyone started cheering as Molly and Arthur ran over and gave Fred and I a hug.
“That’s the most wonderful news Y/N. Congratulations.” Molly said, patting my cheek.
Arthur pulled me in for another hug, “Another grandchild! I couldn’t be happier for you and Fred.”
I went over to where Harry and Ginny were arguing playfully.
“You knew?” Harry asked in exasperation, “You knew and you didn’t bother to tell me?”
Ginny laughed, crossing her arms over her chest, “Well Mr. Potter, that’s because you can’t keep a secret to save your life.”
“Keyword secret.” I said causing the couple to laugh harder.
After Ron and Hermione had gave their congratulations Bill and Fleur came over and hugged me tightly.
“I can’t believe that a while ago, we were talking about when you and Fred would be having kids just for the two of you to announce that you’re already having one.” Bill said.
Fleur gave a small smile, “I don’t know about you but I already knew that something was up.”
Her husband looked at her, “What? You knew she was pregnant?”
Fleur shook her head, “I didn’t know she was pregnant. I just knew that something was up.”
I chuckled, “How?”
“Maybe our friendship intuition. Or maybe just the fact that you would subconsciously place your hand on your stomach every now and then.” She said.
Fred then appeared by my side, his hand around my waist as he placed a kiss on my temple, “How’s my princess doing?”
I giggled, giving him a sweet peck on the lips, “I’ve never been better.”
“Ah here’s the couple of the moment.” Percy said as he made his way towards us with his wife.
He reached forward and ruffled Fred’s hair with a huge grin on his face.
“Congratulations! And not just on the baby.” Percy said with a subtle wink.
Fred looked at him confused, “What else?”
His older brother laughed, “On not making her go through teenage pregnancy.”
Audrey playfully smacked him on the arm, “You don’t have to be so mean.”
My husband laughed, “I’m glad to see you joke Perce. But maybe we have to work on your jokes sometime.”
The news of my pregnancy still hung in the air as our friends and family chatted with each other.
Fred absent-mindedly fiddled with the loose thread of my blouse.
Molly stepped forward handing me a glass of water.
“I remember when Arthur and I first had Bill. He was an angel.” She said, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Then when Charlie and Percy came along, they were just like Bill.”
Before continuing, she jokingly pointed a stern finger at Fred, “But when you and George came along. You were absolute nightmares.”
Fred gasped, placing a hand over his chest, feigning offence, “What are you talking about mother dear? We just like to keep you on toes.”
Molly rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to me, “For your sake Y/N, I hope the baby is like Bill. And for your sake Fred, I hope the little one is like you. An absolute nightmare.”
She then turned her attention to Victoire who was trying to show her something.
Fred rested his chin on my shoulder while he rubbed his hand over my stomach.
“I still can’t believe it.” He said quietly.
“Believe what?” I asked.
“That there is a tiny human being inside of you. One that’s a little bit of me and a little bit of you.”
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
@lumosandnoxwriting @whizboingies @wand3ringr0s3 @famdomhideout @nova-darling ​ (if your username is crossed out, that means I couldn’t tag you)
𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜  𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
@the-romanian-is-bae @manuosorioh
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flower1622 · 5 months
The goddess not so ordinary - Chapter 1
A long time ago, the daughter of Zeus and Hera was born: Selena. She had dark hair and brown eyes. All the gods were gathered on Olympus to celebrate her birth. Together they gifted her a portion of their powers each. Well, they knew that the chance of the hero of the prophecy to turn against them was very big. They needed a savior. Everyone was happy, except for a specific person. 
After Aphrodite, Éris was considered the most beautiful goddess, with her dark hair, white skin and light eyes. She looks exactly like another version of Snow White, but more cruel. Éris has the power to seduce people and manipulate their minds. She can't understand all this fascination towards the new baby. 
I don't know what they see on that stupid baby - Eris thinks. She watches the other gods admiring the baby while it giggles at the center of Olympus.
- Well, I want to thank you all, especially Hades, for coming here to celebrate this special day.Selena will be a hope to us in the future. My daughter is very special. She will be the goddess of the moon, a light in the darkness - Zeus declares.
- Well, even though we have our problems, Selena is still my niece. And, for the first time, I can agree with you brother. There is something about her that connects me with - Hades says.
- She may have been born just now, but I already want to protect her with my life - Ilithia says.
- Selena is so chubby and cute! She may make mistakes in the future, but will neve be swayed to the dark side or fight us. I can see that her love is more powerful than anything - Aphrodite completes.
- Are you guys fucking serious?! - Eris yells. 
Everyone is looking confused at Eris now. The only ones who didn' t like the tone of her voice were the big three, Hera, Ilithia and Athena.
- Language Eris! I won't accept this behavior during your sister's birth - Zeus yells furious.
- What is so damn special about her? Have you ever thought that, just maybe, we are making a mistake here? Giving our powers to someone that could easily hurt us. I'm telling you guys! This disgusting creature is dangerous! - Eris says pointing to "the thing" , who is also looking at her confused.
- How dare you say that, witch? First of all, Selena is not disgusting much less a creature. What is the problem saying baby? She is just a baby! And second, don't you ever try anything with her or I promise you Eris, that Tartarus will look like a paradise to what I would do to you - Ilithia says angry.
- Silence! - Zeus orders
- No, I won't! You are all fools! I'm the only one here who isn't blind. Just don't run after me apologizing when everything goes to Hell. It'll be already too late - Eris says while standing up from her throne and walking away.
Everyone was shocked by Eris' reaction. Usually she can control herself. They are worried about her outburst and wondering what may have caused it.
- That was an awesome meeting! - Hephaestus says happy.
- Indeed it was! - Ares laughs
- Now, I think the underworld doesn't seem so bad after all - Hades contemplates while the others were staring at them, with not so much friendly faces. 
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mayans-sauce · 4 years
Positively Happy
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Pairing: Coco Cruz x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: cursing
Request from anon Hi, if requests are open, I was wondering if I could request a Coco imagine? Where him and the reader had been trying to get pregnant but the reader deals with PCOS, which can make it extremely hard, and the last test she took said negative but she's had symptoms and then gets another test and it says positive? And she surprises Coco and they go to her 1st appt. And they see their baby?
A/N: sorry this is so late! But I hope I did well for this request and that you enjoy it!
You can read about what PCOS is HERE and HERE
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•• Main Masterlist •• Coco Masterlist ••
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Coco had explicitly said for years that he didn’t want another kid, not after fucking it up so much with his previous ones. He was glad that he had Letty in his life now and had started to form a relationship with her. A year or two after having Letty in his life, he got to know you, the love of his life, and he felt blessed and happy that he had his two favorite women with him. That was all he needed, and frankly, so did you.
You had both agreed that having your own kids wasn’t a priority in your life, at least not now, or maybe it never would be, but you still had it open for discussion in case something changed in the future.
And for Coco, it did change. It changed the day your sisters dropped off your niece at your house for a few days because she was going overseas for a week for her job. His eyes opened up for a new possibility for joy and laughter in his life watching you interact with the toddler.
Playing, taking care of her, loving her. He wanted that, he wanted that so bad, he loved your niece, and she loved to be with Coco as well, but he was scared to bring it up to you in case you had changed your mind completely, but eventually, he did, and you were more than happy that he wanted to have kids with you.
He told you he was scared. Scared that he would fuck it up as he did with his two others and Letty. He didn’t believe that he could be a good father, but you and Letty convinced him otherwise, especially Letty. She had told him, even though he hadn’t been by her side most of her life, that she loved him with all her heart and that he was the best dad ever to her.
He then knew that he could do it, be a good and caring father with you and Letty by his side.
The baby-making part wasn’t the hard part of getting pregnant because you and Coco were experts; it was the getting pregnant part that didn’t work. You tried for a long time before you went to a doctor. They diagnosed you with PCOS, which along with a few other problems, also makes it harder to get pregnant, but it was still possible. So the doctor suggested that you try more before you could look into other methods of getting pregnant.
Each test you took came out negative, again and again, and each time your hopelessness increased.
“What does it say?” Coco asked as you both waited in the bathroom for the pregnancy test to get ready. You picked it up and hoped that it would finally say positive. But your face dropped when you looked at the results, and Coco knew what that meant. “Nothin?” “Nothing.”
He let out a long sigh, his heart sinking in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and yours around him, just holding onto one another and giving each other comfort. “We can try again.”
After a few weeks of trying some more, you and Coco had given up on trying the natural way, so you scheduled an appointment with the doctor to work out some other methods. The appointment was some time away, so the weeks leading up to it, you and Coco hadn’t in your thoughts to make a baby while having sex; you just focused much more on each other than you ever had.
A few days before the appointment, you started to feel a little different. Your period was late since it had always been so irregular, so you didn’t think much of it, but you also woke up feeling very ill. So later in the day, you went to buy a pregnancy test just in case. Coco wasn’t home, so you asked Letty if she could join.
Letty loved you like you were her mother. You were best friends and always was there for one another. “Do you think you're pregnant?” “I… don’t know. I don’t think so, but I just feel different than the other times, so I figured just checking wouldn’t hurt.”
When the timer on your phone went off, you lifted the stick straight to your face to look at it, not thinking so much of it because you were expecting it to be negative as always. To your surprise, it said positive, and your heart started racing. “What?” You said in the tiniest whisper, your eyes glossy with tears that began to form in them.
“Y/N, what is it?” Letty came to stand by your side. “It’s… it’s positive.” “Are you sure?” You gave her the pregnancy test so she could check for herself. “I don’t have an extra to check it, but… it’s never said positive before. This is the first time.” Now Letty was crying and overjoyed with excitement. She hugged you long and hard, and you did as well. Emotions were running all over. “I’m gonna be a big sister.” “You're gonna be a big sister Leticia.”
“I need to call him.” You couldn’t wait for him to come home; you needed him to know right away. His phone went to voicemail, which means he was in Templo because he always answered his phone no matter what except when he was in there. So you sent him a message and a picture.
📲To: My Coco❤️
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Let’s hope this means that baby Coco is on the way❤️ I’m so happy❤️
Letty and you moved over to the living room to wait for Coco’s response. Even though it wasn’t 100% sure that you even were pregnant, you started talking and planning for the baby already. What gender you wanted it to be. Letty wanted it to be a girl while you wanted a little Coco running around, but regardless of what, you would all love the baby no matter what. The future for the baby and all the adventures you all would go on.
Fifteen minutes later, the phone rang with Coco’s face lighting up the screen, and you picked up in a second. “Is-is it real,” his voice was shaky as he spoke; you could hear that he was on the verge of tears. “Yes, Johnny, it's real… it’s so real.” He told you he was on his way home to you. He didn’t care about the club or anything other than you right now.
When he arrived, he wouldn’t let go of you, holding onto you as his life depended on it. Letty joined in the cuddling and love. After some time, he got down on his knees so that his head was at level with your belly. His hand softly caressed it as he talked in a gentle voice, “I hope you are in there, little one. I love you so fucking much.” Only the appointment in a few days could tell, so you didn’t entirely hold onto the hope that you were pregnant, but you all wanted it to be real, so you acted that it was.
A few days later, at the doctor's appointment, you, Letty, and Coco all held your breath as they searched for a glimpse that you were pregnant. Coco held your hand tightly as he watched the screen, his leg bouncing up and down in anticipation. Letty held tightly onto her father, just as nervous and anxious as him. To your luck, they found evidence that you were indeed pregnant, and all of you were overjoyed at the news.
Letty squealed in happiness as Coco started lightly crying at the discovery of his entire world changing for the better, but the doctor told you that it might be too soon to celebrate. Because of your PCOS, there was a bigger chance for you to have a miscarriage or other complications with the pregnancy. So you would need to be closely monitored and taken care of.
Coco vowed from that day that you wouldn’t do any hard work around the house or anywhere else. He, Letty, and the rest of the guys would do everything for you. All you needed to do was sit your pretty ass down and relax as they all treated you like a queen.
A few weeks had passed, you and Coco were on the way to the doctor again for another appointment. This time hoping to know the sex of the baby. Coco was driving with one hand on the steering wheel and his other hand playing with your fingers, which always calmed him down. The window was down as the warm wind of Santo Padre seeped into the car.
“I hope it’s a girl,” he admitted. He had told you since the pregnancy was confirmed that his dream was to have a baby girl. A sweet and beautiful little creature that looked exactly like you that he would protect with his whole heart and kill anyone that dared to harm her.
“I hope it’s a boy.” You could see in your dream a little miniature Coco. Him and his father running around in the yard playing together as they laughed in the grass like it was the funniest thing ever. The two being messy boys and getting into trouble all the time and hiding it from mommy.
But you knew no matter what you found out today at the doctors that the little miracle in your belly would be loved unconditionally by everyone in your lives no matter what.
Let me know what you think❤️
GENERAL TAGLIST: @everyhowlmarksthedead @-im-fantastic- @idorkish @bishopslosawife @witching-hour @rosieposie0624 @jessprins13 @skyofficialxx @glamourglambert @jasminee97 @starrynite7114 @gemini0410 @rocketqueen @mack-jay @megapeacelovemusic-blog @weasleytwins-41 @achievement-hunters-blog54 @taurean-brat @multifandom.girlie
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐴 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑇𝑜 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟/𝑆/𝑂'𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑
Little continuation to this post.
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, supporting, justifying or encouraging mafia activities or lifestyle. This is all fictional and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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You found yourself no longer being afraid of him. Sure things started off completely bad, but he redeemed himself through the care and protection he gave you both. And little by little, your son started to warm up to Hongjoong, eventually becoming quite attached to him. Even though you guys hadn't exactly placed a label on your relationship, it was more than clear you were obviously more than friends.
He enjoyed spending time with you and your son. He especially enjoyed taking him out, with your permission of course. It was in one of those times he took him out to eat. While waiting for the food to arrive, your son took out a deck of cards to pass time.
"Hyung! Wanna play poker?" The little boy asked so innocently it made Hongjoong chuckle.
"Do you know how to play?"
Even with the boy's enthusiastic nod, Hongjoong wasn't actually expecting a game of poker. After all, he's a child. But to entertain him, he decided to play along, even pretend to lose just to make him happy.
But Hongjoong was really surprised when not only does the kid indeed know how to play, but actually won the game. Hongjoong just laughed, thinking it was because he wasn't really trying, but another round, and the boy still beat him.
Hongjoong just blinked slowly, trying to face reality: a 5 year old boy actually beat his ass at poker...... yet he couldn't be prouder.
"Not bad at all." Hongjoong ruffled the ball hair.
"Aww is he your son?" The waitress asked when she set down the plates of food in front of them.
Hongjoong looked over at your son, who had a hopeful twinkle in his eyes. Hongjoong smiled before confidently stating:
"Yeah, he's my son."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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If you thought Seonghwa wouldn't leave you alone before, now it is 10 times worse. He was always showing up at your house, and you couldn't exactly tell him to leave. One, he's your boss and he's still terrifying, and two, your daughter adores him and is always running to him when he comes.
So you have to constantly put up with him being around, although before it was because you didn't want to get involved with him. Now it was because you were getting too attached to him yourself and you were afraid of that.
That didn't stop Seonghwa. Sooner or later you'd officially be his, but for now, he resigns himself to just helping you with your adorable princess, as he likes to call her.
"What are we going to play today?" Seonghwa asked her, expecting her to take out her dolls or her Candyland board game.
He most definitely was not expecting her to bring out a mini sized roulette wheel to the living room. He looked over at you with a raised eyebrow.
"What? She wanted it and it's not harming anyone." You shrugged.
Seonghwa saw this as an opportunity to get something from you and actually decided to bet: if he won, you'd have to officially go out on a date with him. If your daughter won, he'd buy her anything she wanted, and in this case, she just really wanted ice cream which she'd been craving since she got sick. It was a done deal and Seonghwa thought he'd win. He's played the game so many times in his work, he felt confident.....
But after so many rounds, somehow that tiny girl in front of him seemed to accurately guess the winning number, leaving him stunned. You just laughed as he had no choice but to admit defeat.
"Well it was worth a shot......but a deal's a deal."
Picking up the girl, he kissed her cheek and smiled at her.
"Now let's go get you that ice cream you wanted princess. At least you're willing to go on a date with me."
You couldn't help rolling your eyes at his statement. Maybe one day, you'll say yes.
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Seonghwa's words ended up becoming a reality: Yunho and you had been married for over a year now and you were still much in love with him as ever. He was happy and proud to finally call you his wife and to show off his son anywhere he went now.
He especially loved taking him with the other guys and their kids to their weekly game nights. Usually the kids would simply run around and play with each other while they sat around the table and play a round of Blackjack. More than one of the kids got interested one night and the men started to teach them how to play.
"So basically, if you get close to 21 without going over, you win." Yunho explained to his son.
"I wanna play!" The little boy exclaimed enthusiastically.
Seonghwa mixed the cards up and handed them to Yunho. Yunho set up the game and turned to the boy.
To his surprise, and everyone else's, his son beat him in the game. Nobody was really expecting it since he'd never played it before. Yunho was astonished himself.
"Play another round. I wanna see the outcome!" Wooyoung encouraged them.
And after Seonghwa shuffled the cards again, they took turns flipping the cards over. Yunho thought for sure he was going to win since the boy decided to call stop at 16. But when he flipped his card over, it totaled to 28, meaning he automatically lost. Everyone erupted into laughs.
"You just got owned by your own son." Mingi chuckled.
Yunho wasn't upset though. He was happy that his son won. Seeing his giddy smile when he won made him feel content.
"You know, if it had been someone else, you would have been mad that you lost." Seonghwa said to him once they were cleaning up.
"Yeah, but how can I get mad at him? Not with that sunshine smile he gets." Yunho smiled.
"Yeah that's exactly what I thought....which is why I rigged the cards when I shuffled them." Seonghwa confessed.
Yunho turned to him in shock.
"You what?"
Seonghwa began laughing at Yunho's expression.
"Thank me later." Seonghwa winked at him.
"Wait! How many other games have you rigged?!"
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Some things never changed: Wooyoung and Yeosang were still close as ever. After all, they were not only best friends but also brothers in law. And Wooyoung loved coming over to play with his little niece, who was now nearing 5 years old.
She was such a curious little girl. Like her father, she hardly talked, but would always seem to poke around whenever Yeosang and Wooyoung would play a game amongst themselves. She especially was interested when they would play Roulette, she loved watching the wheel spin.
Sensing her curiosity, Wooyoung picked her up and sat her in his lap.
"All right baby girl, wanna help out Uncle Wooyoung? Pick a number."
That's how it ended up going: the little girl would point to a number, not sure what it would do, but for some reason, Wooyoung would end up screaming in victory.
"I'm telling you! This kid has powers or something!" Wooyoung said, holding her up higher and kissing her cheek.
You came in the room just as he was parading her around.
"What in the world are you doing with my daughter Wooyoung?" You asked, knowing your brother was up to one of his shenanigans again.
"Celebrating the fact she helped me beat your husband and now he owes me 500 dollars. Haha!" Wooyoung released his unique hyena laugh.
You turned to look at Yeosang and gave him a questioning gaze.
"Did you just teach our daughter how to gamble?"
Yeosang raised his hand to argue.
"In my defense, it was all Wooyoung's fault."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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San felt so proud of his son. Not only did he just beat him at poker, but he never even taught him how to play himself. He simply learned by watching him play with Mingi whenever he came over.
"Do you know what this means Y/N?!" San of course had to tell you about this accomplishment.
"That you're sleeping on the couch for teaching our son to gamble?" You replied, not at all happy with this information.
"It means our son is a genius! Y/N! You and I created a really smart kid! Isn't that amazing! Aren't you proud of him?" He exclaimed.
"Choi San, I'd be proud if he had won a spelling bee, gotten straight A's or won a soccer match, but knowing our son can play poker at 6 years old is somewhat concerning to me."
You crossed your arms over your chest.
"Honestly San, how could you teach him those types of games?"
San gasped.
"Were you not listening? I told you! I didn't have to teach him! He learned himself by watching me and Mingi play!" He repeated himself.
You squinted your eyes at him before walking away from him.
"You're still sleeping on the couch." You said.
San began to whine.
"Oh come on Y/N! It's not that bad!"
"Why not teach him to play monopoly instead? Family friendly games?" You called out from the kitchen.
"Monopoly?! Are you insane?! That devil game destroys relationships!"
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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Mingi knew that he was screwed the minute he allowed his daughter tag along with him to Yunho's house. But he couldn't say no to her when she was looking at him with those doe eyes and pouting lips.
"I want to go with daddy." She begged, tears threatening to spill out.
So there Mingi went, bringing in a 4 year old to his best friend's house, where the other mafia members were also gathered.
"Stuck with babysitting duty?" Yeosang asked him when he came in, his tiny daughter on one of his arms.
"Don't make me say something in front of her." Mingi warned.
"Ok ok, settle down you guys. And let's try to keep it PG for the princess here." Yunho said, trying to keep the environment safe.
Clearly Jongho and Yeosang didn't understand that since they took advantage of the fact Mingi was occupied in a phone call to teach his daughter the basics of blackjack, which she caught on quick. Mingi came back to the scene and was shocked.
"What the hell are you two doing?!" Mingi screeched.
"Language." Hongjoong reminded him.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Mingi picked her up from Jongho's grasp.
"Playing! Want to play with me?" She pleaded with him.
Mingi thought that one round wouldn't hurt her. They'd play, they'd leave and he'd pretend like this never happened. But it did hurt. It hurt him when his daughter beat him, not once, but 5 times! Because she liked the game so much and kept asking him to play again and again.
"Can we play with mommy when we get home?"
Mingi's heart sank as he realized how you were going to react when you found out he took her to Yunho's house and she might have become a blackjack enthusiast.
"Uh.....sweetie how about we don't tell mommy about this? Hmm?"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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"Are you ready to get your butt kicked yet again son?" Wooyoung smirked at his 7 year old son.
"I'll beat you this time old man!" The little boy held up his fist, making Wooyoung chuckle.
Although Wooyoung had wanted a little girl, he loved his son to death. He was his best friend, his playmate, his new partner in crime, and more often than not, it resulted in both of them getting in trouble with you. He was the exact replica of his father, personality wise that is. Physically, he resembled you more.
You were disappointed when you found out Wooyoung had been teaching his son to play, not just poker, but every single card game known to man. But boys will be boys, and your son was just as competitive as his father and vowed that one day he'd beat him in one game.
"Keep dreaming buddy." Wooyoung would usually respond to him.
But the day finally came. Your son beat his own father and mentor in a card game. Wooyoung just stood there for a minute, contemplating if this was reality.
"What the fuck just happened?!" Wooyoung completely forgot that he shouldn't swear in front of his kid. As if he didn't forget almost every day.
"I beat your sorry ass old man!" The kid began running around with joy.
Wooyoung stared at him in disbelief.
"You cheated didn't you?! I demand a rematch you little demon."
Wooyoung began chasing the little boy down. You came in the room, wondering what all the fuss was about. You managed to scoop up your son in your arms.
"What is going on around here?" You demanded to know.
"Boomer here can't accept the fact I kicked his shitty ass." Your son stuck his tongue out at Wooyoung.
You widened your eyes.
"Where on earth did you learn those words?"
Wooyoung looked at your son, silently begging him to blame Mingi or Yunho. But the little boy grinned at him evilly before responding:
"Daddy did of course."
You whipped your head to Wooyoung, who just started laughing nervously.
"Kids say the darnest things these days....right?"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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You absolutely refused to at first. But you gave in and started bringing your daughter to work with you because Jongho kept insisting. The other people would often fawn over her cause she was just the most adorable and precious being they've ever seen.
Jongho doted on her the most. People were shocked to see him hold her in his arms, gift her endless presents and overall just show a side of him they'd never seen before. You were surprised yourself. How on earth was this young mafia boss so good with kids?
You hated to admit it, but you actually felt more relaxed than before. Now you knew Jongho would never use your daughter against you and spent time with her because he found her cute. So you had no problem leaving her alone with him at times.
During one of these times, you were busy making several calls to different people and checking certain 'materials' that needed to be looked over to make sure it was what Jongho ordered. Having been satisfied that it was, you went back to the office and found Jongho and your daughter sitting across from each other, cards displayed in front of them.
When Jongho saw you, he smiled.
"Hello there Mrs. Choi." He'd often call you that just to tease you.
"Jongho, I swear if you are teaching my daughter poker or any card game-"
"Relax baby. We're actually just playing speed. I'm not dumb enough to teach a 3 year old girl any sort of those things. That's something Wooyoung or San would do." He interrupted you.
During his conversation with you, he didn't realize the little girl had already finished up all her cards, making her the winner. Jongho looked down at the 5 cards he still had left. He turned to you and frowned.
"See? Now you made me lose."
He sighed and looked at your daughter's smiling face. It was contagious and it made him smile as well.
"But since it's you I don't mind at all." He cooed at her, cupping her cheeks in the process.
He then turned to you.
"You however, it was your fault I lost. You should make it up to me." He said as he lifted your daughter in his arms as if she were only a feather.
You rolled your eyes.
"And how do you want me to make it up to you?"
Jongho smirked at you. Since the beginning, he had been asking you constantly to be his, and this time, it was no different.
"Say yes."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Life’s Lessons - Family Ties
AO3 Link: Read Here
Square Filled: Handjobs
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader
Other characters: OFCs: Meredith (Y/N’s mom), Jill (Y/N’s sister), Evie and Mia (Y/N’s nieces), OMC: David (Y/N’s dad), Brian (Y/N’s brother-in-law)
Word count: 6,539 (song lyrics in italics).
Rating: Explicit 18+!
Summary: Y/N’s family is coming to Lawrence to visit her, making this the perfect opportunity for Dean to meet them. Despite his nerves, Dean knows he has to bite the bullet and take the next step in order to have the future he wants with Y/N.
Warnings: Swearing, Dean’s self-deprecation rears its ugly head, Handjob, Dirty talk, A whole lotta fluff. 
Music: One of These Nights by Eagles (Dean and Y/N get ready for dinner scene)
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist
Created for @spnkinkbingo​
A/N: Time stamp #2 is here! I’m so excited to hear what you guys think of this. There’s just so much more to come for these two, and I can’t wait to share it with you all, but more on that later! ;) As always, happy reading and enjoy! :)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Life’s Lessons Saga Masterlist
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“Alright, great. I can’t wait to see you guys soon!”
Y/N hung up the phone and placed it on the coffee table in front of her. The smile she had been wearing as she spoke to her family suddenly dropped into a worried expression.
Her mother had called saying that they wanted to come and visit her in Lawrence, now that summer break was about to start, and she would be free to see her family. Her mom, dad, Jill, Brian and the girls were all planning on coming down to Kansas and spending a few days there. It was more than enough time for Y/N to spend with them and for her family to finally meet Dean.
Which was the cause of her worry.
It’s not that she didn’t want them to meet Dean. She did. She just wasn’t sure if Dean wanted to meet them. Especially not all at once.
The keys jingling in the door caught her attention, hearing Dean’s boots in the hallway before he appeared in the living room. He walked over to the kitchen and placed the take-out bags on the bench, and then came towards her with a smirk on his face. She had sent him a message to pick up food when the call went on for longer than she was expecting.
“Hey,” she said, leaning up and kissing him, as he leaned down.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He dropped himself on the couch, sighing heavily as he laid back, closing his eyes. “Fuck, I’m tired.”
She smiled softly, leaning over and kissing his cheek. “Well, relax for a bit, freshen up and then we can eat.”
He could clearly tell something was bothering her by the tremor in her voice, because he sat up slightly, frowning. “You okay, Y/N?”
She sighed as she turned to face him properly, trying to smile so that she didn’t worry him. “I’m fine, but there’s something I have to talk to you about.”
“What is it?” he asked, his frown becoming deeper.
“I was just on the phone with my mom, and… well she and everyone else – my dad, Jill, Brian and the girls – are all coming down here in a few days to see me,” she explained, carefully approaching the next subject.
“Okay…,” he trailed off, understanding so far what she was saying but waiting for more.
“And… they want to meet you,” she informed him, smiling softly. “I really want them to meet you too, but I wanted to see how you feel about it.”
“Oh.” He nodded slowly, trying to figure out the best way to continue. It’s not that he didn’t want to meet her family, it was because he had never done that before, in fear that he would be the last man a girl’s family would want her to be with.
“Dean?” She tried to get his attention, but he was practically staring into space. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. There’s no pressure-”
He suddenly turned, shaking his head as he took her hands in his. “No, no I-I want to,” he nodded, firmly. “I’m just… I’m not sure they’d wanna meet me.”
“Why not?” she asked. It made her sad and angry to hear him say that.
“Well… I’m not exactly the type of guy that girls want their parents to meet,” he muttered, shrugging as he looked down at their joined hands.
She shook her head, scooting closer to him. “That’s not true.”
“Yeah, it is, Y/N.” When he looked up at her, she felt her heart drop.
There was clearly something from his past that made him believe that to be true, and now it was up to her to make him see how wrong that was. He was a good man. He was perfect for her in every way, and she would prove that to him, more than she already had.
“It’s not,” she said, firmly as she shook her head. She squeezed his hand in hers, smiling at him. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and if you’re ready… I can’t wait for my family to see that.”
“You sure?” he asked, looking up at her. He knew he wanted to do this. It was the next step and he had to take it if they were going to have a future together. He just needed to be sure that she wanted her family to meet him.
“I’m positive,” she told him, smiling. “I need you to be completely sure, too.”
He gave her a firm nod. “I’d love to meet them.”
Y/N’s smile grew as she pushed herself into Dean, wrapping her arms around his neck as he fell back on the couch. She leaned down and kissed his lips, his cheek, his jaw, his neck and then moved back to his lips. He chuckled as she pulled away, slowly cupping her face in his hands, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“You’re really sure, right?” she asked, still worried. “I just don’t want to pressure you to do something you don’t to.”
He reached up, kissing her lips softly. “I’m sure, Y/N. You met my family and they loved you, so… hopefully it’s the same story with yours.”
“It will be,” she said, smiling. “I just know it.”
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Dean walked up the porch stairs of Y/N’s house, a bottle of Bourbon in one hand, a bouquet of pink carnations in the other. Using his elbow, he rang the doorbell, slowly releasing a ragged breath he had been holding in. He was about to meet Y/N’s family and to say he was nervous was an understatement. He had never met a girlfriend’s family before, never getting to that stage with anyone. When he thought he had with Lisa, she wasn’t interested in her family getting to know him better. He had met her sister on one occasion when she was visiting with Lisa’s baby niece, but other than that, there had been nothing.
Now, he was with Y/N. The woman he already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He couldn’t screw up this up.
The door swung open, a smiling Y/N greeting him on the other side, appropriately dressed for the weather they were having in a long, peach colored, strappy summer dress. She let him in, stopping him from walking further after she closed the door. She took him in, dressed in a black, half-sleeve button-up shirt and jeans and his boots, looking as gorgeous as he always did. She leaned in, kissing him softly.
“Hey,” she whispered. “I missed you yesterday.”
Her family had gotten to Kansas City in the morning, and they spent the whole day together, giving them time to be with each other before Dean met them.
“I missed you more,” he whispered back, smirking. “I don’t like not having you in my bed.”
“I don’t like it either,” she said, her tone still hushed. She moved closer to him, kissing him again. Pulling away, she smiled at him. “So… you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be,” he told her, with another shaky exhale.
She smiled softly and reassuringly, offering him her hand. “I got you.”
He smiled at her, gathering the bottle and bouquet in one hand, and taking hers with the other. He brought their linked hands to his lips, placing a kiss on hers. He knew he could do anything as long as he had her by his side.
“Let’s do this,” he said, winking at her.
Y/N took the lead as they walked down the hallway and into the living area where her family was. Dean saw them all sitting around and talking, laughing at something someone had said. As he and Y/N walked in, their heads turned to look at them, all of their eyes landing on him. A string of curses ran through his mind as Y/N’s father stood up, followed by her mother.
“Mom, dad… this is Dean,” Y/N introduced, with a big smile on her face. “Dean, this my dad, David and my mom, Meredith.”
“Good to finally meet you,” David said, offering his hand.
Dean quickly dropped Y/N’s hand as he shook her father’s, firmly. “Good to meet you, sir. I hope you’re a Bourbon man.”
He handed the bottle over, a little more confidence in him now, considering Y/N had given him the cheat sheet to get instant approval from her father and mother. He shook Meredith’s hand too, handing her the flowers.
“I do. Nice choice,” David smiled approvingly, giving Dean a little nod.
“These are beautiful, Dean. Thank you,” Meredith smiled, smelling the flowers.
“This is Jill, my sister and her husband Brian,” Y/N said, but paused for them to meet before she gestured for the girls to come forward. They were hiding behind Jill, slightly intimidated by Dean’s height. “And these two… are the most important people in our family. Evie and Mia.”
“Hey girls,” Dean smiled, crouching down to their level.
“Hi,” Evie muttered, shyly. “You’re really tall.”
Dean chuckled slightly, shaking his head. “I’m not as tall as my brother.”
Evie’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Dean nodded as his eyes widened like hers.
Evie laughed a little as she stepped out from behind Jill. “I’m 5. How old are you?”
“Evie,” Jill warned, shaking her head with a small laugh. “Sorry about her, she’s very inquisitive now.”
“It’s okay, really,” he said, waving it off. He moved a little closer to Evie, like he was about to tell her a secret. “I’m 35, kiddo. So pretty old.”
Y/N laughed a little as she saw her niece cup her hand over her mouth, dramatically as she heard how old Dean was. Dean laughed as well but held up his pinkie in a fake serious manner.
“Promise you won’t tell anyone?” he asked in a stage whisper, keeping within his little act.
She nodded and curled her pinkie around his. “Promise.”
“Good,” he said, giving her wink as he held a finger to his lips.
Little Mia wobbled on her legs, causing Jill to bend down and pick her up. Dean stood up and leaned over, lightly touching her chubby cheek. A small giggle left her, causing Dean to laugh as well.
Y/N felt her heart bursting with joy. She watched as Dean mingled with everyone, asking about their day out the previous day and general questions about their lives back at home in Rhinebeck. She knew things would go well, but they had gone better than she had ever pictured. Dean was now more at ease, asking them what they’d like to drink before he walked into the kitchen. She followed behind him, watching him take out 3 beers from the fridge and open them at the kitchen bench. She leaned into him, resting her chin on his arm as she looked up at him. “You’re amazing,” she whispered.
He looked at her and leaned down, kissing her forehead. “No. You are, and so are they.”
She closed her eyes at the feel of his lips on her skin, her smile beaming. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you, too” he said, leaning down to kiss her, passionately. He broke it after a moment, picking up the beers. “I’ll see you in there.”
He moved away, winking at her before he left the kitchen.
She watched from the kitchen as he sat amongst them, immediately immersing himself in the conversation. She sighed as her heart soared with the love she felt for him.
Lunch went incredibly well, Dean now comfortable with everyone and answering everyone’s questions. He had them all laughing with tales from his childhood, from work and just with his hilarious anecdotes and comments about everyone else’s stories he was listening to. When he mentioned the Impala, Y/N saw her dad’s eyes widen, her smile growing bigger if that was even possible, when Dean told him they could go for a drive one of these days.
As Y/N and Meredith cleared up after everyone was done with lunch, Jill and Brian took the girls outside in the backyard to play, now that the weather was a little more tolerable. Dean stood up from the table, clearing any remaining glasses and cutlery. He took them into the kitchen and returned to the table, catching the attention of Y/N’s father.
“Can I get ya anything else, sir?” Dean asked, as he turned to David.
“No, I’m good. Thanks Dean,” David smiled, gesturing for Dean to sit down. “Can we talk?”
Dean felt his heart begin to beat faster as he was suddenly nervous again. “Sure.” He sat down in the same chair he had occupied previously and faced the older man.
“Dean… I need to thank you,” David started as he looked up at Dean.
“Thank me? For what, sir?” Dean asked, confused as to what he had done that warranted praise.
“For making my daughter happier than I’ve ever seen her,” David replied, lowering his voice slightly so that Y/N didn’t hear from the kitchen. “She’s had a tough time after what her jerk of an ex did, but the fact that she’s now the way she used to be before him, better in fact… I have to thank you for that.”
Dean nodded but gave a little shrug. “That was all her, sir. She’s strong and clearly, she’s gotten that from you and Meredith. I only helped in any way that I could.”
“Definitely more from her mother than me. The three of them – Meredith, Jill and Y/N – they’re the reason I get up every morning,” David stated, smiling as he thought about his family.
Dean smirked, picking up his beer and holding it out. “To them.”
David smiled in return, picking up his bottle and clinking it with Dean’s. “To them.”
“Everything okay here?” Y/N asked, suddenly startling both of them as she and her mother walked back to the table.
“Yeah, we’re good,” Dean said, taking a sip of his beer.
“Dean!” little Evie hollered, as she came running into the house. She went right up to him and stood beside his chair, not intimidated by him anymore, her little face looking up at him. “Will you play outside with me and Mia?”
“Of course, peanut,” he said, getting up from the table. “Let’s go!”
Dean took off running after Evie, both of them sprinting into the backyard. Y/N laughed as she shook her head, loving that the kids had taken to him so quickly. Her mom came up beside her, putting her arm around her as they turned to look at each other.
“He’s a really good one,” she smiled, leaning over and kissing Y/N’s cheek.
“I think so, too,” Y/N said, smiling.
Meredith turned to David and gestured to the door. “Shall we take a walk? See the neighborhood?”
Y/N kept herself from laughing, knowing her mom was dying to see all the beautiful houses and their amazing gardens.
“Sure,” David said, as he stood up and took his wife’s hand. “See you soon, sweetie.” He walked past Y/N and kissed her head, as he led Meredith to the door.
“You two have fun!” she called out before the door shut behind them.
Y/N walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking out the large jug of iced tea she had made. Pouring some into two glasses, she put the jug back in the fridge before taking the glasses out to her back porch. Jill was sitting at the outdoor dining table, watching Dean and Brian play with the girls. Y/N handed her a glass and sat down next to her sister, watching them too.
Dean roared after the little girl, who squealed and laughed as he chased her around the backyard. He picked up Evie, spinning her around, making her laugh even more. Little Mia had started walking, but it was more like waddling at this point. She stood in the grass, watching and clapping her chubby little hands. Brian stood behind her, making sure she didn’t fall.
“He’s amazing,” Jill told Y/N as they both watched Dean playing with the kids.
Y/N was feeling all kinds of things as she watched him. “Yeah, he is.”
“I think mom’s ready for the wedding, already,” Jill laughed, as Y/N rolled her eyes playfully.
“She’s going to be waiting a while, I think,” Y/N sighed, shrugging.
“Really?” Jill asked, frowning before it turned into a smile. “I personally don’t think so.”
“Jill.” Y/N shook her head, looking at her sister. “You can’t say stuff like that.”
“I can when it’s true. Dad’s ready to drive the Impala around one of these days, the girls adore him,” Jill stated, trying to make her sister understand why she was saying that. “Y/N… it’s going to happen. I can feel it.”
Just before she could say anything, Y/N looked up and smiled at Dean as he walked over, carrying Mia in one arm as he held Evie’s hand with the other. Brian laughed as he sat down, slightly relieved that the kids had attached themselves to Dean for a while.
“Damn, these two are tiring,” he huffed out as he sat down at the outdoor table, under the shade of the back porch. “I don’t know how you guys do it,” he laughed as he looked between Jill and Brian.
“It gets easier after a few years,” Brian explained, picking up Jill’s glass and taking a sip.
“You’ll understand when you guys have some of your own,” Jill said, pointedly.
Y/N glared at her, silently telling her to knock it off.
“Yeah, it’ll probably all make sense, then,” Dean said, winking at Y/N.
Jill looked at Y/N with an “I told you so” look before sipping her iced tea.
After a moment, they all returned inside, spreading out on the couches. Little Mia had fallen asleep in Brian’s arms, as Evie was struggling to keep herself awake in Jill’s lap. The front door opened and closed, signalling that David and Meredith had returned.
“How was the walk?” Y/N asked, smiling at her mom.
“Great, but it’s still pretty hot out there.” She emphasised her statement with a wipe of her brow as she sat down.
“I think we should head out. Get these two down for a nap,” Jill told Brian quietly, but loud enough for all of them to hear.
“Why don’t we all go to dinner tonight? I can find something for us,” David asked, looking between everyone.
Everyone didn’t even need to think it over, more than willing to go out for dinner.
They all said their goodbyes, as Jill and Brian went back to the hotel with the girls. Y/N’s mother and father were staying with her, but David had an old friend that lived in Kansas City who he and Meredith would be catching up with before dinner, so they all left together. Y/N and Dean waved them all off as they drove away, stepping back into the house. Just as the door closed, she jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He leaned in, kissing her passionately.
“That went really well,” she mumbled against his lips, between kisses.
“You think so?” he asked, frowning.
She nodded, smiling as she bit her lip. “Absolutely. You did great!”
“Thanks,” he muttered, a small smile gracing his face.
“You can relax now,” she joked, kissing his lips softly. She wrapped her arms around him, tighter, leaning her forehead against his.
“How does an afternoon nap sound?” he asked, smirking.
“It sounds terrific,” she replied, returning his smile.
Dean carried Y/N towards her bedroom, laying soft kisses on her skin as he walked down the hallway. He was glad to have a little time with her before they met up with her family again later that evening, fully intending on cuddling up with her and enjoying a late afternoon nap in May.
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After a relaxing snooze, Dean and Y/N got ready to go to dinner with her family. He went to his house to get dressed and quickly came back. She had gotten a text from Jill telling her where they would be going to eat, and Y/N relayed the information to Dean as she got dressed. He wore a fresh half-sleeve button-up shirt, in blue this time and his jeans, once again donning his boots. Y/N got dressed into a red with white polka dots, A-line, knee-length dress and pulled her hair into a tight ponytail.
Once she was dressed, she applied a touch of make-up, dancing to One of These Nights playing from her speaker as she stood in front of the mirror. Her hips swayed from side to side, not realising the pair of green eyes on her. Dean sat back in the chair across from the bed, smirking at the sight in front of him.
“Keep doing that and we’ll never leave, sweetheart,” he informed her, the smirk not leaving his face.
She shook her head, laughing slightly. “This song just gets me going.”
“I sure ain’t complaining,” he said, as he stood up.
Quickly moving behind her as she packed away her make-up, he grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the mirror and spinning her around. She laughed as he spun her, bringing her in close to him as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Fuck. The things you do to me,” he whispered in her ear and leaned back, looking into her eyes.
“You’re one to talk,” she countered, smiling as she wagged her eyebrows.
One of these dreams
One of these lost and lonely dreams, now
We’re gonna find one
Oh, one that really screams
I’ve been searching for the daughter of the devil himself
I’ve been searching for an angel in white
I’ve been waiting for a woman who’s a little of both
And I can feel her but she’s nowhere in sight
Dean turned her around in his arms, her back pressed close to his chest. Leaning down, he kissed along her neck, smirking against her skin as she let out a soft moan.
“You know… he’s definitely talking about you,” he murmured, pulling her close to him.
“I’m the daughter of the devil?” she asked, shocked as she scoffed a laugh.
“Yeah,” he said, simply. “But you’re an angel in white, too. A little of both… that’s perfect, if you ask me.” He smirked at her in the mirror as she shook her head, trying not to show her amusement as she stopped herself from smiling.
“You’re insane,” she laughed, lightly as she moved away from him. She picked up her black purse that matched her black heels and offered him her hand. “We better go, come on.”
“Fine,” he whined, with a pout.
His plan to seduce her would just have to wait.
Despite it being a weekend, the traffic wasn’t as bad as Dean thought it would be driving into Kansas City. Very soon, he pulled up into the parking lot of the restaurant, cutting the engine. He made a move to get out, but felt Y/N tug on his shirt, causing him to turn around and face her. She smiled at him as she slid across the bench seat, instantly wrapping her arms around him. Without a word, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, in a slow, sensual kiss.
Pulling away and clearing his throat, he blinked a few times as he looked at her in wonder. “What was that for?”
She bit her lip as she continued to smile and shrugged her shoulders. “To thank you for today. I hadn’t said it yet.”
“There’s no need to thank me, babe,” he told her, chuckling lightly.
“Yes, there is,” she said, nodding as she looked at him. “The way you were today with all of them; it was amazing. The way you were with the girls…”
She visibly shivered as she looked at him, her eyes flicking down to his lips before she looked up again. Seeing him with her nieces awoke something inside of her that she didn’t think would happen so soon. The desire to have children with him.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asked, a smirk on his face.
She nodded as she leaned in, her lips brushing against his. “You’re so wonderful to everyone, Dean. You make everyone around you really happy.”
She saw his cheeks darken a little despite the lack of light in the car, and she thought it was the cutest thing ever. Slowly, one arm left the link around his neck, as her hand drifted down to the top of his jeans. She leaned in and kissed him in the same, sensual pace as her hand began to rub over the crotch of his jeans. As they continued to kiss, she felt him started to get hard under the denim.
He pulled away from the kiss, sighing. “Fuck, Y/N. We-we can’t, not here-”
She shushed him in a low tone, giving him that mischievous smile he loved so much. “It’s okay, no one’s going to see. Let me show you how much I appreciate you.”
She moved her other arm down too, as her hands quickly worked to unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans. Tugging them down, he lifted up slightly to let her pull them down to his thighs, his cock slapping against his lower stomach, semi hard.
Y/N kept her eyes on Dean’s as she brought her hand to her mouth, wetting it with saliva. She moved it down and took a hold of his cock, wrapping her fingers around the shaft in a firm grip. She slowly began to pump her hand up and down, her eyes never leaving him. She leaned in close to him, her eyes darkened.
“You’re so good to me, Dean,” she whispered, looking into his eyes. “You treat me so well. You’re the greatest man I’ve ever known.”
She felt his cock getting harder as she continued to stroke him. She leaned down and dropped more spit onto it, getting him nice and wet.
“You’re so kind, generous, loving, loyal,” she stated, as leaned in and pecked his lips, softly. “The way you make me feel… no one’s ever made me feel so good.”
Dean groaned as he looked down at her hand, watching it pump his cock. He looked up at her, his eyes hooded as he felt the familiar rush of arousal to his dick.
“Your cock is so perfect,” she moaned softly, looking between him and what she was doing. “It fills me up so good when it’s inside me, hits that spot inside of me that only you can reach.”
“Fuck, Y/N,” he grunted, his eyes flicking between her hand and her eyes. “Shit.”
Between the handjob and her words, he was going to cum sooner than he wanted to. He let out short puffs of air as he threw his head back over the top of the seat, his neck straining. She leaned in, kissing him at his pulse point, softly nipping at it.
“I fucking love this cock,” she moaned, kissing his neck. “And I love your tongue, and your mouth… when you suck on my clit… fuck, Dean you drive me crazy.”
Moving up onto her knees, she leaned over him, her face closer to his, staring into his eyes. Her other hand moved down and cupped his balls, rolling them in her palm.
“How do my hands feel, Dean?” she asked, quickly kissing his lips.
“Oh, fuck… feels-feels so fucking good, sweetheart,” he choked out, struggling to hold her gaze.
“Yeah?” she smirked, chuckling slightly at how much under her spell he was. “I bet I know what you want around this cock instead.”
Dropping more of her saliva onto his cock, she felt him throbbing against her hands as one continued to stroke him while the other paid attention to his balls. She moved her hand under the head of his cock, creating a ring and twisting her wrist, causing him to moan loudly. His eyes were shut tight, the muscles in his jaw twitching as he kept clenching it. The sight of him like that had her biting down on her lip, feeling herself getting wet as she looked at him.
“I love you so much, Dean Winchester. I love everything about you,” she whispered against his lips. “Look at me.”
Dean’s eyes snapped open as his breathing became more erratic. She kissed his lips as she kept her eyes open, looking down at him. She massaged the head of his cock with her fingertips, smirking as he bit down on his lip.
“Y/N, I… fuck, I can’t,” he stuttered, shaking his head. His mouth opened as his eyes closed again, a choked moan leaving him.
Her other hand took hold of his cock, as she began to work both hands along his shaft. He was close, his cock pulsing as she pumped her hands.
“You close, baby?” she asked, smiling down at him.
He nodded frantically as little grunts left his lips, his hands clenching into his jeans as they rested on his thighs.
“Look at me, Dean. I want you to look into my eyes when I make you cum,” she ordered, her hands picking up speed.
He opened his eyes again, causing her to smile when they met hers.
“That’s it, handsome. Just keep your eyes on me,” she said, smiling at him. Leaning in closer, she lowered her voice into a hushed tone. “I’m so happy you’re in my life, Dean. I can’t imagine it without you anymore. I want you forever.”
Her hands worked him faster, his cock throbbing more as she brought him closer to his release. She held one hand around the base of his cock, as the other continued to stroke him, her hand closing over the head firmly on every upward motion.
“Y/N,” he growled, through his clenched teeth. “Fuck, sweetheart, I-”
“You wanna cum, Dean?” she asked, smirking down at him.
He huffed as he looked up at her. “Y-Yeah.”
She moaned as she felt his cock throb and pulse. Looking into his eyes, she nodded approvingly. “Give me that cum, baby. Come on, cum for me, Dean…”
Dean felt his dick throb and threw his head back, letting out a loud, choked moan as ropes of cum spurted out of his cock. It all dripped over Y/N’s hand as she continued to jerk his shaft while he reached his high. She milked him for all he was worth and leaned down, lapping up everything he gave her from around her hand. She sucked at the tip of his cock to get the last of it into her mouth, before leaning up and looking at him as she swallowed. She smiled at him and winked, loving that she had an advantage. He shook his head as he looked at her, breathing heavily as he came down from his high.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he groaned, shutting his eyes as he laughed. He opened his eyes, staring up at the roof of the car. He licked his lips and turned his head, looking at her.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, gorgeous,” he told her, tugging on her hand and pulling her closer. He leaned up, pressing his lips to hers in a searing kiss.
“We better clean up and go in,” she stated, after pulling her mouth away from his.
“Oh, now you wanna go in?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Now? When I have to face your family after what you did to me?”
She laughed loudly as she picked up her purse and moved away from him, opening the passenger door and getting out of the car.
Y/N rested her purse on the hood and opened it, taking out a few napkins and cleaning up her hands. She took out her lipstick and compact mirror, reapplying it to her lips after her saliva got rid of some of it. Packing the items back into her purse, she slung it over her shoulder, watching through the windscreen as Dean fixed himself, zipped up his jeans and got out of the car.
“Shall we?” she asked, completely nonchalant. As if she hadn’t just given him a handjob in the car, in the middle of the parking lot of a restaurant. He looked her up and down, that dress making her look innocent which she absolutely wasn’t.
“Now you know what I mean when I say that song’s about you,” he told her, glaring at her, but a playful glint shone in his eyes too.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, shrugging.
“You’re evil, Y/N Y/L/N,” he muttered, still glaring at her. He couldn’t keep it for long however, as a small smile started to grow.
“You love me,” she stated, laughing.
“Yeah,” he agreed, as he walked over to her. He held out his hand which she took instantly. “Let’s go.”
They walked into the restaurant, quickly spotting her family and walking over to the table. They all greeted each other and then Y/N sat down next to Jill with Dean next to her. She looked over at him, smiling to herself as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“You okay there, Dean?” David asked.
Dean looked up at him, an eyebrow raised before he let out a small chuckle. “Just fine, sir. A lot of traffic on the road… just stretching out my legs.”
She pressed her lips into a thin line, trying to keep from laughing as she looked over the menu in front of her. Her eyes flicked up to see Dean glaring at her discreetly, before looking over the menu too. She bit her lip to keep from snickering as she ignored his gaze.
As the first round of drinks came and went, Dean entertained everyone with more stories of his past, making everyone at the table gravitate towards him. He usually hated being the centre of attention, but when he was comfortable with people, he was the life of the party. Y/N couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she watched him. He had been so nervous to meet her family, but now he just fit right in. As dinner came, she had to wrangle Evie away from Dean, as she wouldn’t let him eat, wanting his attention too. However, as dessert came around, she was fully cemented in Y/N’s lap; the two of them sharing a bowl of ice-cream.
“Aunty Y/N,” Evie got her attention in a hushed voice, leaning close to her ear.
“What’s up, honey?” Y/N asked, her tone hushed too.
“Are you gonna marry Dean?” Evie asked in return, cupping a hand near her mouth, making sure that Dean wouldn’t hear her.
Y/N looked down at her, amused as she laughed. “Do you want me to marry Dean?”
“Yes,” Evie nodded, enthusiastically. “He’s nice and played with me today. I want him to be my uncle.”
Y/N chuckled quietly, kissing her forehead. “You think he’ll make a good one?”
Evie nodded as she put a spoonful of ice-cream in her mouth.
“Yeah,” Y/N said, smiling as she stroked her niece’s hair with her other hand. She looked over at him, fully immersed in a conversation about cars with Brian and her father, and felt her heart skip a beat. “I think so, too.”
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After dinner, they said their goodbyes to Jill, Brian and the girls who went back to the hotel they were staying in. Dean happened to be having a guys’ night with his brother and his friends the next day, so he invited Brian along. Jill was joining Y/N and her friends while their parents looked after the girls. Y/N was happy that her family would be meeting her second one, something that she had always hoped would happen. She was so elated that it finally was.
Dean pulled up outside his house, cutting the engine. He and Y/N both got out of the car, as she looked over to see her parents park her car in the driveway of her house. She closed her door and walked around to Dean’s side, smiling at him. She instantly moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She shook her head as she marvelled at him, pushing up on her toes despite her heels and leaning in, kissing him softly.
“What was that for?” he asked, when she pulled away.
“For being exactly who you are,” she replied, kissing him again. “Thank you for today. I know you were nervous, but god, you were incredible. I had no doubt that you would be, but I just wanted you to know that.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he said, smirking. “Helps that they’re all awesome, just like you.”
She blushed as she shook her head, looking up when her parents approached them. She stepped back from Dean, opening her purse and taking out her keys.
“Give me those, and you stay here tonight,” Meredith said, gesturing to the keys.
“Mom-” she started but her mother cut her off.
“Nope, I know what you’re going to say. We know where everything is now, so we’ll be fine,” she stated, a small smile on her face. “And don’t try to argue with me. I know you both need your time together, too.”
She added a quick wink directed at Y/N, while David wasn’t looking. Y/N’s eyes widened as Dean cleared his throat, having seen the gesture.
“Mom,” Y/N gritted out, nodding over to her dad.
“Oh, trust me, he didn’t hear.” Meredith leaned over, kissing her cheek. “Goodnight, honey. Goodnight, Dean.”
“Night, kids,” David said, leaning in and kissing her cheek, too.
“Goodnight, Meredith. Goodnight, sir,” Dean nodded at both of them. They waved them off and watched them go into Y/N’s house, closing the door behind them.
They both walked up the driveway and into Dean’s house. Y/N walked into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water as Dean locked up, walking in after her. She took a sip but put the glass down, watching him. He smirked at her, raising an eyebrow.
“I think…” he trailed off, walking closer to her. “I need to get you back for that little stunt you pulled in the car.”
She smiled that naughty smile he loved so much, but it suddenly dropped into an innocent look. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She really was the perfect combination of sweet and mischievous. All good girls were.
“Oh really?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
Suddenly, he dropped down quickly, wrapping his arms around her legs and lifting her up. He swung her over his shoulder as she squealed, lifting up his hand and landing a spank on her ass, causing her to yelp and laugh.
“Dean! Oh my god!” she cackled, hysterically as she hung upside down. “Put me down!”
“Nope. I’m taking you to bed, sweetheart,” he growled, his voice low and husky. It always told her what kind of mood he was in. “Teacher’s the one learning a lesson this time.”
Dean took off down the hallway with a laughing Y/N over his shoulder, ready to get her back in the best way possible.
Tags: @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @downanddirtydean @jensengirl83 @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl @flamencodiva @ellewritesfix05 @roonyxx @akshi8278 @hobby27 @michellethetvaddict @spngirl05 @kyjey @halesandy @440mxs-wife @stoneyggirl @deanswaywardgirl @redbarn1995 @marianita195 @babypink224221 @deans-baby-momma @parinarain @thoughts-and-funnies @mandalou29 @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @superaveng @supernatural-love14 @vicmc624 @prettyboyswow @lunarmoon8 @supernatural-bellawinchester​ 
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wonhoarctic · 3 years
mother's day | lee minhyuk
request: hii i love your writing 🥺 could i request a drabble fic with minhyuk? just a bit of some warm fuzzy fluff tgt with creampie / breeding smut with bf min if thats ok?
genre: fluff, but with some smut at the end
word count: 1569
pairing: minhyuk x fem!reader
a/n: hi bub!! you didn't specified the gender of reader, but as you said about breeding, i assume it's fem!reader, but i hope this is what you wanted!! it's not exactly a drabble fic bc it's a bit longer, but it still have all the things you've requested, hope you like it! please, take care, and you can always request something here! <3
contains: a fluffy mother's day in which you and your newly-married husband go to visit his mother in a family dinner and spend the day playing with his nephews and godsons, which leads both of you to want some babies, smut contains fingering, oral (m. receiving), nipple play, missionary position, creampie, and filthy language, basically, a breeding smut
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mother's day, so it means that we were going to see my mom at lunch, and we would dinner in his mom's house, which is a place i've ever loved going to, his parents are the sweetest couple alive, they've ever treated me as their own daughter, and i love to spend some time with my mother-in-law, who've taught me to cook his favorite plates, always showed me his baby pics, told me stories about min and her stories about being in love with his dad, and she always supported me on whatever i did
we came back from my parent's house, and after my shower, my husband, minhyuk, went to take his, while i put a dress, fixed my hair and put some makeup on, nervous and wanting to cause a good impression, because there would be some of his relatives i haven't seen for a while
"you look gorgeous, baby" i felt hands on my waist, and a little peck on my cheek, which made me blush, and he laughed slightly, smiling to me "are you nervous?" i nodded "don't worry, love, they probably love you more than me, y/n" he laughed more
minhyuk was fast to dress up, and i wore my heels, so we could finally leave home, after he got the gifts for his mom
when we arrived, i felt myself tense a little, seeing his family after a while — after we went on a 3 months honeymoon — was a little strange, we missed the first months of our little niece, and we couldn't be on the eldest twins birthday party, and yet, here we were, smiling brightly after coming back to korea, and seeing them
"happy mother's day, mom!" he exclaimed, smiling to her, going to get her gifts on the bag "our trip to italy was amazing, i have a lot to tell you, but first, i have to give you all the gifts i bought there with y/n, she was the one who helped choosing them"
after he spent some time with his parents and brother, he came back to me, who was speaking with his brother's wife all the time, finally being able to see our little niece, younghwa, who was turning 5 months old now
"she's grown up a lot... i remember when you were pregnant" i felt hands on my waist, hugging me from behind, a soft and warm voice while speaking with his sister-in-law, who was holding the baby
"minjoon is younger than you, and we already have twins who are 4 years old and a newborn daughter... i wonder when you two are going to have a baby too..." she spoke, laughing a bit
"it might seem a little early to want babies, but y/n and me are currently trying to have babies, right, love?" he turned out to me, who nodded shyly "we had very nice tries of having babies during our honeymoon..." blushing, i slapped his shoulder lightly, escaping from his embrace
"that's not the type of thing we use to say when we're in public, minhyuk!" i screamed in a whisper, still blushed, and he laughed, apologizing
"but it's funny to see you blushing, love~" he grabbed my hand "come here, let's play with the kids"
we came to the playing spot our nephews and godsons did, quickly getting into the 4-5 years old games
"uncle min, when are we having a cousin to play with us?!" our niece asked with sparkling eyes, her brother quickly nodding, asking him for a baby, and i laughed — is it a signal for us to finally have our much-dreamed-off baby?
"as soon as possible, bubs" he smiled to the kids, who returned him the cutest smiles ever
we spent the whole day playing with the kids, and telling his parents about our honeymoon trip, but when we were coming back home, he pressed me against the car
"y/n, today everyone talked a lot about we having a baby, right?" he got closer to me, his lips pressing against my ear "don't you think this is a signal, hm?"
"i think so..." i laughed, wanting to see how far he'd go
"why don't we take this to the bedroom, then?" he started to leave some open mouthed kisses in my neck, not caring if they were going to bruise or not, i tried my best not to moan, trying to focus in other things, but when he kissed and licked at my weak spot, i couldn't help but moan, feeling myself getting wetter by any second
"let's go home, baby, someone might see us here" i spoke, and he stepped back, letting me get in the car, because i was the one who would drive home
when we got in, we removed our shoes, and he lifted me from the ground while we were in an intense make out session, easily carrying me to the bedroom, gently placing me on the bed, sliding the zipper of my dress
"so, you're wearing the lingerie set i bought for you in dolce & gabbana... you're even sexier than usual, love" minhyuk pointed, his hands lowering one of the straps of the black silk balconette, leaving wet marks all over my collarbone, making my breathe heavier than before
"s-stop teasing me... please" i begged, and he looked at me, smirking, easily getting rid of my bra
"you want me?" i nodded, and his smirk grew "where?", before i could say something, his lips got attached to one of my nipples, sucking and licking gently on the hard bud, which was becoming more and more sensitive, and me, wetter by any second
tired of waiting, one of my hands went to remove my satin laced briefs, but he stopped my hand, pulling it away just to use his own hand
he didn't had to rub my clit or whatever, i was already so wet, that he just started to finger fuck me, and he didn't had any mercy, fingering me in an incredible speed, making me moan out loud, my hips jerking wildly to more contact, desperate to cum, and it had passed only 5 minutes since he started to finger fuck me
"you're already that desperate to cum, y/n?" he chuckled, low and dark "i have that much effect on you?" his thrusts were painfully slow now
"p-please, min, let me cum, i'll do whatever you want me to do" i moaned, and before i knew, his thrusts became faster again, and i was finally cumming "you said you'd do anything i wanted if i let you cum, right?" he sat against the headboard, looking at me lustfully "come here and suck me off like the good slut you are" he ordered
as if he asked me to do, i took him in my mouth, sucking and licking him like i could, using my hands whenever i had problems of fitting him entirely in my mouth
minhyuk was a moaning mess, he jerked his hips against my face countless times, but then, he removed me from his dick, gently laying me down on the bed, he was being rough, but yet soft, and i couldn't deny — i was loving it
before giving me any previous advices, he entered me, making me yelp in surprise, just a bit sensitive as the waves from the last orgasm were still there, thrusting in a medium pace so i could get used to the stretch, and once i did, i moved my hip slowly, moaning loudly and asking him for more silently
and he seemed to get my message, starting to slam his hips against mine faster, but being incredibly gentle, not applying much force, and he kissed me so he could swallow my moans, none of us wanting to get expelled from our apartment, because we're both a loud couple
"you're going to take my cum very well, right? you'll need it a lot to grow our child, darling", he started to get sloppier in his thrusts, his breath heavier, and i knew minhyuk was close, especially when his long fingers went down to abuse my swollen and aching clit, increasing the flames in my stomach
"m-min" i moaned "i'm s-so close", and his fingers gained as much speed as his thrusts
"come for me, princess, come all over my cock" he said, and not much longer, as he continued his ministrations on my body, i reached my second high, cumming on his cock
and the new tightness seemed to have effect on him, as he thrusted a few more times before cumming, his hot seed coating my walls, and he pulled out of my slit, pressing a chaste kiss on my lips
"i love you" he said, before pulling me closer to his chest "let's just stay like this, please, i don't want to let you go"
"okay, but can you just help me to clean this mess? i'm sure you don't want me to stain the sheets with your cum, right?" i laughed, and he mimicked me "and min, i'd never let you go, after we clean up this mess, we can even sleep naked, that i'll make sure to be in your arms all night" i smiled, and he pulled me closer, kissing me again, grabbing some tissues to clean us
"i love you too, hyuk, and i hope we can have a baby soon"
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supercorpkid · 3 years
Mind Controlled – The Series.
Part 2 – Pull the trigger.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Lex Luthor x Niece!Reader.
Word count: 2300.
Warning: Injuries, violence, pain, angst.
Previously on the series - part 1
You land on the same room, on the same building, waiting for Lex's voice to come out of the speaker with further instructions. You’re ready to do whatever he asks from you.
“You’re back, my bösewicht.” You hear his voice sometime later. “I presume you have done a good job leaving your mothers wrecked?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Such an obedient little monster. A Super with a Luthor’s brain. Why has no one thought about this before? Oh yes, I have. But they called me a mad man for it, and yet here you are.” And there you are. Standing still, staring at a wall, waiting for more orders. “In that stupid outfit, dear Lord, why would anyone be dressed in those stupid clothes?”
You look down on your super suit. You do look stupid. This stupid skirt, horrible boots, long sleeve shirt so tight if you were human, it would mark your skin. It makes you so sick you want to rip it off of your body.
“Nevertheless, with you playing pet for me, I can do whatever I want even still in jail.” The static comes again, but Lex doesn’t stop talking. “I should’ve known Lena would be greedy and want a smart and powerful kid. But I hadn’t had confirmation, that was until mother came here to visit and told me all about you. So impressed with her little granddaughter.” He lets out a chuckle. “I can’t imagine how infuriated she’ll be once she finds out it was her, who gave me the idea to mind control you.”
You think about Lillian, and how impressed she is with you. You give yourself a cocky smile. She should be impressed, you are impressive.
“Kryptonians might have strong minds, but Luthors? We’re unfortunately just humans. So my bright sister didn’t think that having a powerful kryptonian daughter with a susceptible mind wasn’t a good idea?” He scoffs. "Oh, Lena. You may try, but you will never be smart like me.”
There’s a loud breathing sound.
“That’s enough of chatting. I have better things for you to do, my bösewicht. You’ll break me out of jail when it’s time, but first-” There’s a wicked little pause. “Let’s destroy the Super name.”
Your body is suddenly filled with rage and wrath. You want to destroy everything. You want to drop a bomb in everyone’s head. You want to make them suffer.
“That’s it. Use your rage. Destroy National City, scare them, let them see you in your worst form. Let them fear the Supers, and then, come for me.”
“Yes, sir.”
You fly off the window, looking for a place to start. You want to cause damage, you want them to be scared of you, whoever they may be.
You start off by using your heat vision to draw the ‘House of El’ symbol in the middle of the park, so they know who’s responsible for all that it is coming their way. You watch the grass burning, the form coming along and your heart beats fast, enthusiastic.
You didn’t even start the destruction part yet, and this already feels fulfilling. You know exactly where to go next.
You fly to your training center and you look down. This stupid-ass place gives you no good memories at all. You got beat up, got yelled at, got annoyed every time your powers didn’t work like they were supposed to, got angry at people looking at you thinking you weren’t good enough. You remember their disapproving looks; you remember the tiniest of sighs you’ve heard.
Fuck them all.
Your heat vision hits the ground, and your heart gets heavy, but your powers never stop. You can almost taste the feeling of being a disappointment in your mouth. And it gets you incredibly proud of yourself. You want to disappoint them. Them being proud of you means nothing at all.
You look down on the entire place up in flames. This is the right thing. Destroying this place will send them a message. You are not their little pet anymore. They can’t keep you under a leash, pretending you’re not powerful and fucking special. You’re so fucking special, even Lex wants your powers.
It’s not long until Supergirl flies in front of you. You smirk at her looking down. There’s a powerful feeling cursing through your veins. You know she can see it too. Your hair blowing in the wind, your stupid super suit moving almost in slow motion, your eyes burning of rage with little flames dancing in the dark of your enlarged pupils.
“I believe you owe me an apology.” It’s the first thing you say, after unclenching your jaw. “You called me weak.” You spit, disgusted. “You were mistaken.”
“Deeply.” Kara agrees looking down, and you notice the cars from the DEO stopping, people getting out of them in desperation, trying to put out the fire. That makes you so happy. She looks back at you. “Is this what this whole thing is about? You’re trying to prove to me you’re strong, after all this time?”
“Trying?” You scoff, then your face goes back to a frown. “I don’t need to prove myself. Especially not to someone who uses her powers to stop bank robberies instead of having the world under her firm grip.”
“I know you’re not my daughter.” Kara comes a little bit closer; you don’t move. You’re not scared of her, but she should be scared of you. “Are you bizarro?”
“You’re too far consumed in this battle of ego to see right in front of you.” You tilt your head, letting a creepy smile dangle on your lips. “Don’t you recognize your little one, mommy?”
“If that’s the case, then I have to stop you either way, little one.” Kara does her whole superhero pose and you laugh at her.
“You can’t. You don’t have the stomach.” You look down to the ground and you see Lena there. “I see, you won’t be the one doing it. Clean hands, right? Let the Luthor hurt the Kryptonian. It’s the natural order of things.”
“I’m sorry, my love. It has to be done.” Supergirl flies towards you in one motion. You still try to fly away, but she is a little faster, so she grabs you easily. You push her, punch her, you even pull her hair, but she doesn’t let go.
She lands on the floor with you wrapped in her arms, and Lena comes closer. Kryptonite gun in hand. Soon, you’re surrounded by agents with their own guns. Supergirl lets you go, flying above you, but not leaving, in case you decide to make a run for it.
You look at Lena. Gun in hand. You listen to her heartbeat going crazy and you smile at her.
Let’s play, mom.
“Do it.” You dare. “I want to see you pull that trigger. I want to see you hurt your own daughter with Kryptonite.”
“I don’t want to do this, baby.” Lena assures you, taking a small step towards you. “I promise you, I’ll figure out what’s going on with you. You just have to come with me.”
“You’ve always known, haven’t you?” You lock eyes with watery green eyes behind the gun. “You’ve always known someday the Luthor genes would shine through. Because no matter how good the Super gene is, the Luthor one is worse. So, so bad. Rotten to the core. You’ve always known I wouldn’t be able to resist.”
“I’ve told you before. We are not Luthors. We are Luthor-Danvers, and that means something. Please, stand down. Let me look at you.”
“Tell me to stand down one more time and I’ll throw-” You look at one guy on your left and point at him. “That guy into space.”
“Baby.” It’s Lena’s last try, you can see it in her face. You can see the way her finger presses lightly at the trigger. You also hear how that makes everyone else do the exact same movement.
“I’m not going to run away. But I won’t surrender, either.” You defy her. “If you want me to go with you, then you have to do it. You have to pull the trigger and you have to live with the guilt all your life.”
“I’m sorry it has come to this, baby.” But her face doesn’t hold much sentiment, nor does she lower her weapon. “But you know I have to do this. You can’t go on pulling stunts like this. You can’t keep thinking there are no consequences to your actions.”
“You are not sorry.” You smirk. “Don’t try to play me for a fool, Lena.” It’s the way her name leaves your mouth that makes her flinch. “I know you’re dying to pull that trigger and be the one who tamed a Kryptonian once again. It’s what all Luthors want in the end.”
She pulls the trigger, making you fall on the floor in pain, after a blast of kryptonite hits your chest.
“You should be so satisfied now.” You whimper. Kryptonite filling your body. “You’ve used kryptonite on your wife, and now on your daughter. It’s a full circle, isn’t it?” You spit out your words.
Lena puts you in handcuffs that strip you off of your powers, and strokes your cheeks gently. Eyes full of tears and instant regret.
“I’m bringing you back, my baby. I promise you.” She whispers delicately, like she’s not even talking to you anymore, but maybe to the memory she has of you.
But the two agents that come from behind you don’t pick you up delicately. In fact, they seem very pissed at you, and you’re shoved into the back of a van where Alex is.
“Aunt Alex.” You start with your bitchy tone and Alex breathes deep.
“Listen kiddo, I’m not in the mood.” She shakes her head, upset. “You just caused us millions of dollars in damages, Kara is a wreck, and don’t even get me started on Lena.” Alex raises her eyes from her tablet. “I know you’re not yourself, that’s why I don’t give a fuck about this. You start talking? That gag goes in your mouth in a second. Don’t think you can play me like you did with your moms.”
“I think the story would be really different if Lena hadn’t cuffed me and stripped me off of my powers.” You raise an eyebrow, not breaking eye contact. “You’re scared of me too.”
“Have you looked at yourself in the mirror?” Alex smiles unbothered. “I’ve dealt with things much worse, and much scarier than you and your babyface.” She grabs the gag and looks at you. “Now shut it, or I’ll make you.”
You decide to shut up. Your quarrel isn’t with Alex and the last thing you want it’s to be shut up. The best course of action is going willingly, and working something up in the DEO, because you know for sure there is where they’re taking you.
It’s Alex who shoves you inside of a cell, when you get there. Locks the glass door, and turns on some red sun lamps. You bite your mouth at the idea of it. They are very scared of you; they keep finding ways to strip you off of your powers.
It takes a few minutes until you hear talking on the other side of the glass. You can’t see them, or hear them well enough, but there’s one voice that stands out. You bitch grin to yourself.
Let’s play, momma.
"Mommy” You use your best and sweetest voice. Kara comes closer to the glass cell, and you stare at her from the other side. You want to destroy this place brick by brick until there’s nothing left, but you know if you’re aggressive about it, they won’t let you out. “Please, let me out. Can you open the door, please?"
"Kid, I'm sorry but we have to understand what's-" Kara starts, but you interrupt her.
"I'm begging you, please, please mommy." You drop on your knees. Tears falling from your eyes, and that act allures a crowd. Lena and Alex soon join Kara on the other side.
"Baby, I'm sorry." Kara gasps, and you watch Lena’s hand squeezing her shoulder reassuring. “You know I want to-”
"You said you would protect me. This isn't protection.” Your tears stop falling, you’re angry again. The act isn’t working. You clench your fist, using all the strength you have, trying to focus so the anger doesn’t consume you. You feel the palms of your hands burning, with nails digging into your flesh. “Please, this isn’t fair. Mom, please, do something.”
"I swear this is for your own good." Lena takes a deep breath, not buying into what you’re saying. Great. You’re done faking either way.
“FUCK YOU! LET ME OUT OF THIS CELL!” You bang on the cell, screaming as loud as you can. You see your blood leaving hand-shaped marks on the glass. Your scream is loud, but the banging is louder.
“Baby, please, you have to calm down.” You hear Kara’s voice trying to sooth you. It gets you angrier.
"FUCK YOU TOO! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT NOW!" They look at the blood splashed onto the glass. Your face is burning red, and Kara flinches at the sight of you. Lena doesn't, so you know your best shot is with your momma. "Kara, I swear if you don't open this cell right now, I will hate you until the day I die."
“That’s enough.” You hear Alex’s voice and the glass turns black. You can’t see them on the outside, and you know they can’t see inside either. You can’t hear their voices, so you suspect they’re not listening to your unrelenting yell anymore.
Fuck. You need a new escape plan.
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