#everyone will be too emotionally exhausted to do anything
“You should be acknowledging this!” “Um, you should all be reblogging this actually” “think about this thing!” “Be aware of this new awful thing happening half way across the globe that you personally have no hope of every impacting in any way whatsoever, but I will word this post like it’s your fault personally!” No, actually. None of these things are my responsibility personally. Yes they’re shitty, yes they shouldn’t be happening, no I’m not going to be guilt tripped into reblogging your inane rant about it all just so someone else can get guilt tripped too.
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myname-isnia · 8 months
It's that "spend hours sobbing my eyes out in bed for several reasons, including but not limited to the fact tomorrow is Monday, the fact my social battery has been completely drained and won't recover anytime soon, the fact my landlady is due to show up tomorrow evening and will likely piss me off again, the fact I've had the urge to write since Friday and ended up not writing even a single fucking word, the fact exam pressure keeps rising and I still don't know what to do with my life after I'm done with school, and the fact I'm both completely overwhelmed and so terribly lonely at the same time" kind of Sunday evenings
#I'm so fucking exhausted. both mentally and emotionally#I spent the night at my grandma's and then my friend came over and spent the night the following day#and I don't count it as a day off unless I don't go anywhere or see anyone#so you could say I didn't really have a weekend#idk how I'll go to school tomorrow. I think even one person talking to me would make me fucking explode#and yet. despite all that. I feel completely alone#because no one I know irl can provide me with the comfort I so desperately need#spending time with people is all a big distraction from my depressive thoughts#and the second everyone leaves.. I feel more alone than ever. so completely and utterly lonely#I try to fill the void with my imagination. lose myself in my oc verse. and it helps sometimes#but when I'm not feeling particularly inspired or can't some up with anything good... I just end up feeling worse than I did before#everything I do is to distract myself from my mind because the second I'm left alone with my thoughts..#they go to a very dark place very quickly#like now. when my wrists itch and I can't stop crying and know full well that I'll go to bed in a few hours wishing to never wake up#and I'm left with nothing but a gaping hole in my chest. aching for arms to fall into and a shoulder to cry on#despite knowing it's not something I'll ever have#so I grit my teeth and bear it and hold on. for whatever reason#I don't know why I haven't give up yet. it's all arbitrary reasons like 'my friends would be sad if I was gone'#even in matters like these all I end up worrying about is what other people would think. not my own feelings#well. nobody has anything to worry about concerning me anyway. I'm too much of a coward to do anything#if I wasn't I wouldn't have lived to see my 14th birthday#and yet 4 years later I'm still here. wishing for an instantaneous way out that didn't involve me raising a hand against myself#because I really don't know how long I'll be able to take all this for. I don't have much left in me#I'm holding on by a thread. one too close to snapping. I'm scared of how few reasons I can come up with to keep going#I don't see a future ahead of myself. no college or uni or job or relationship or anything that might be worth staying around for#any attempts to imagine what life would be like after graduation are just.. dark and bleak and empty#I haven't got a single clue what I'm going to end up doing. maybe that's why I see so little worth in trying to figure it out#nothing in this world will make me truly happy. I don't have a future#and if I don't have a future... I don't have any reasons to stick around any further#if only I wasn't so much of a coward
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loumauve · 1 year
#running face first straight into every single rejection sensitive wall atm and it's so frustrating#like. can we just not do this rn brain? I'm too tired to deal with this on top of everything else#all it does is make me alienate myself from people I care about and make me feel like shit afterwards#and it doesn't fix any of the underlying issues either. (like. I've been upset about ppl not doing what I do)#(as in read all of my fic like I try to read all my friends' fic usually. but like.. not everyone can and not everyone wants to)#(but it's one of those irrational things of 'if they cared about me wouldn't they also try' even tho that's not a fair ask)#(and like.. most people don't read random fic for fandoms they're not even in so this is entirely stupid to be upset about)#(but here we are anyway)#just.. me. raw to the very nerve and too tired to fix anything that might help alleviate it#I just want to feel normal again. and like I have control over my emotional state#but between 'dude fucked up bc of his borderline being triggered by grief and letting out all his frustrations on me for weeks'#and 'other dude grieving but not processing and not even taking a break to figure out where he's at emotionally..#..therefore dropping all of his unprocessed baggage and his part of the group work right on top of me' I'm just having a heck of a month#and idk. it would have been nice to talk to sb about my fic even if it's older now and not the best perhaps#(doesn't help when everybody you know writes really great fic and you're just outside the door scribbling some ideas into the sand)#idk. usually I do better in disconnecting self-worth and accomplishments and stop myself before the comparisons with others start#but rn it's all too much and I'm drained and exhausted and nothing feels good or helps much at all.#anyway.#it is what is I guess. and what it is is fucked and I doubt it's gonna change anytime soon.#that's not me being unrealistic or depression talking. it's based on how things have progressed thus far#there's another year and a half of this kind of stress which will likely get worse when our group grows from 18 to 31 in October#and then I'd have to start working proper again which I haven't in over two years bc of all the rehabilitation I've been going through#and it's terrifying and I'm already exhausted and worn down and worn out and I just don't know how normal is ever gonna be my life again
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literaryrot · 2 years
The state of my house is extremely overstimulating right now but so is attempting to do literally anything ab it and I kind of want to explode
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chiyuuchu · 2 months
II. The plot twist of admiration <3 (2nd August 2024)
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Prompt! The class decides to make a bet with everyone writing down who they think y/n’s admirer is.
first part here!
Every story has two sides to it.
Bakugou Katsuki wasn't one to waste time on frivolous matters like romance. He had better things to do, like becoming the number one hero. But there was something about Y/N that made him act differently. Without really understanding why, he found himself wanting to make her smile, to see her happy. So, he started leaving gifts on her desk: flowers, sweets, her favorite drinks.
He watched from a distance, making sure no one noticed him. He didn't need the extra attention or the questions from his classmates. Plus, it was kind of fun seeing them guess who the secret admirer was.
“Maybe it’s Midoriya,” Mina said one day during lunch. Bakugou rolled his eyes. Of course, they'd think it was Deku. “He’s so attentive and always pays attention to what his friends like.”
Bakugou scoffed internally. Deku might be observant, but he wasn’t the one leaving the gifts. Besides, Bakugou knew exactly what Y/N liked because he paid attention, too. He wasn’t just some explosive hothead, no matter what people thought.
“I don’t know,” Tsuyu said thoughtfully. “It could be Kirishima. He seems like a romantic guy.”
Bakugou almost laughed out loud at that. Sure, Kirishima was his best friend, but he wasn’t the one sneaking around. And IcyHot? The guy was about as emotionally expressive as a block of ice. He was also certainly sure the bird brain was too kept to self to like someone.
As days went by, Bakugou continued to leave gifts. He saw Y/N's smile every time she found something new on her desk, and it made his heart swell in a way he didn’t quite understand. One evening, he went to the convenience store to get her favorite drink. When he returned to the dorms, he saw Y/N in the kitchen, looking frustrated.
“What’s got you all worked up?” he asked, trying to keep his tone casual.
“Someone must have taken my favorite drink. I was really looking forward to it.,” she sighed.
He scoffed, pulling the drink out of his plastic bag. “Here. I just bought a few. Don’t make such a fuss.” he said, tossing it to her. Before she could say anything. Bakugou just takes his leave with a huff. “Whatever. I’m outta here.”
When he reached his bedroom, he immediately covered his face. The heat which had rushed to his face earlier swallowed him whole. His heart was pounding.
The next day, he left another gift on her desk. This time, it was a box of her favorite pastries. He'd gone out of his way to get them from a bakery across town. Bakugou watched from a distance, smirking to himself as Y/N smiled.
During lunch, the girls were really pushing their theories about who it could be.
“It’s gotta be someone who’s been paying close attention,” Mina says, thinking maybe too hard. “Maybe it’s still Midoriya?”
“Or Kirishima,” Momo claimed. “What if the other day he said it wasn’t him was an act.”
“Or Todoroki,” Kirishima chuckled heartily. “He’s always so polite and thoughtful.”
“Or maybe Sero,” said Hagakure. “He could be into you, who knows.”
Bakugou couldn't help but roll his eyes again. It was almost laughable how off their guesses were. As Y/N's smile grew wider with each gift, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction. He wanted to be the one who made her happy, even if he had to do it from the shadows.
While Y/n slowly looks over and locks eyes with Bakugou, he couldn’t help but give her his genuine smile. A smile that was only for her.
Bakugou continued his secret gifting for another week, each time feeling a mix of pride and frustration. One evening, after another exhausting day of training, he was about to head back to his dorm room when he noticed Y/N sitting alone on the couch in the common area, looking contemplative. He hesitated for a moment, then decided to approach her.
"Hey," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.
Y/N looked up, her face lighting up with a smile. "Hey, Bakugou."
He sat down next to her, unsure of what to say next. They sat in silence for a few moments before Y/N spoke again.
"You know," she began, her voice soft, "I've been getting these really sweet gifts lately. Flowers, sweets, drinks... It's been really nice."
Bakugou's heart pounded in his chest. He tried to keep his expression neutral. "Yeah? You figure out who it is yet?"
Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Not yet. But I think I have an idea."
Bakugou felt a lump form in his throat. He wanted to tell her, to admit that it was him, but the words seemed to stick. Before he could muster up the courage, Y/N turned to him, her eyes bright with curiosity.
"What about you, Bakugou? Have you ever done something like this for someone?"
He snorted, trying to deflect. "What, leave gifts and play secret admirer? Not my style."
Y/N laughed softly. "I didn't think so. But you never know. People can surprise you."
She definitely knows. He gulped internally.
Bakugou swallowed hard, feeling a surge of determination. "Yeah, well... maybe I have a few surprises up my sleeve."
Y/N tilted her head, studying him with an amused expression. "Is that so?"
Her phone began ringing. “Oh, I gotta take this call. Thanks for the chat, Bakugou.” She smiled and walked away.
Before Bakugou could respond, a loud crash came from the kitchen area, followed by Kirishima's voice shouting about a spilled pot.
As she walked away, Bakugou watched her go, feeling a strange mix of relief and disappointment. He knew he needed to find the right moment, but it was hard to say when that would be. He stood up, ready to head to his room, when Kirishima came rushing over, a huge grin on his face.
"Dude, guess what!" Kirishima exclaimed. "Everyone's trying to figure out who Y/N's secret admirer is. You gotta see this."
Bakugou rolled his eyes but followed Kirishima back to the Kitchen area, where a group of their classmates were gathered, excitedly discussing their theories.
"I'm telling you, it's got to be Todoroki," Hagakure was saying. "He's always so calm and collected. It fits."
"No way," Kaminari argued. "It's definitely Tokoyami. He's mysterious enough to pull this off."
“What the hell is everyone making a fuss about?” Bakugou grumbled.
“Oh! Hey man, we were just placing bets on who Y/n’s secret admirer could be.” Kaminari casually said. “My bets on Tokoyami.” He proudly claimed. And why exactly was he proud of his assumption?
“Well I think it’s Midoriya!” Mina folded her arms with an angry closed eyed pout.
Momo also chimed in. “I still think that it’s Kirishima and that he’s secretly deceiving us that it isn’t him.” Kirishima who was beside her folded his arms. “Hey! It isn’t me, you’ll lose your money for betting on it!” He, once again defended himself.
“What if it was a girl and we were deceived the entire time.” Jirou randomly put a a finger to her chin, looking up in thought. “Hmm.” She hummed in thought. Right after that, everyone did the same with putting their finger on their chins and humming in thought.
“I know! We should settle this bet by asking everyone to write down on this paper who they think it is. Winner takes all.” Kaminari smugly said, pulling a piece of paper out.
“Oh, you’re on pikachu!” Mina retorted.
Bakugou mentally wanted to facepalm. But then he thought about it. If he were to guess himself then wouldn’t he technically be the winner of the bet?
“Whatever, you losers do what you fucking want.” Bakugou said and walked back to his room. “Hey! Where you going? You need to bet too!” Kaminari exclaimed. “Yeah yeah, just give it to me tomorrow. I need to catch some fucking sleep.” Was the last thing Bakugou said before heading back to his room.
The next morning, the classroom was full with chatter during a break between lessons. Kaminari, ever the instigator, was bouncing around with a piece of paper and a pen.
"Alright, guys, everyone write down who you think Y/N's secret admirer is! Everyone is betting! Winner takes all!" he announced, waving the paper in the air.
Y/n just gave a confused expression before going back to her book.
One by one, the students scribbled down their guesses and passed the paper around. When it finally reached Bakugou, he glanced at the eager faces around him and scowled.
"I'll do it later," he muttered, snatching the paper and shoving it into his bag.
"Aw, come on, Bakugou!" Kaminari protested. "Just write it down real quick!"
Bakugou ignored him, standing up and heading out of the classroom as the bell rang, signaling the end of their break. Kaminari pouted but didn't push further, knowing better than to press Bakugou when he was in a mood.
Later that evening, Bakugou sat in his dorm room, the crumpled piece of paper lying on his desk. He sighed, unfolding it and smoothing it out to see the various guesses scrawled in different handwriting.
He couldn't help but scoff at some of the guesses.
Uraraka: "I bet it's Sero. He’s always pulling pranks but he's got a sweet side."
Todoroki: "Maybe it's Kirishima. He’s very straightforward."
Kirishima: "Nah, it's gotta be Midoriya. He's so considerate."
Midoriya: "My best guess would be Kirishima… He definitely seems like that type of guy."
Yaoyorozu: "I still think it's Kirishima."
Ashido: "I know it’s Midoriya."
Tsu: "I change my mind, I’m placing my bet on Kaminari."
Jirou: "I guess it might be Kaminari. He’s got a fun personality and is always trying to cheer everyone up."
Aoyama: "It could be Iida. Je sais cela!"
Sero: "Maybe it's Shoji. He's very attentive and protective."
Tokoyami: "I assume it might be Todoroki. He's very observant and quiet."
Hagakure: "My bet is still on Todoroki!"
Iida: "I believe it's Kaminari. He’s always energetic and caring."
Shoji: "It might be Iida."
Ojiro: "I think it could be Aoyama. He’s always trying to make everyone feel special."
Koda: "I think it’s Midoriya..."
Mineta: "It's definitely someone unexpected, maybe Jirou. She's got that vibe. And who knows? Girls on girls!"
Sato: "What if it's Mina? She's really unpredictable."
Kaminari: "I still think it's Tokoyami! Imagine that!"
Aizawa: "Bakugou Katsuki."
Even the teacher???
Bakugou paused at Aizawa’s guess, feeling a strange mix of annoyance and satisfaction.
"Idiots," he muttered to himself. "They have no idea."
Aggressively scribbling on the piece of paper, he carelessly folds it.
But as he lay in bed that night, his thoughts drifted to Y/N. He imagined the smile on her face when she received his gifts and how her eyes sparkled when she spoke about them. It gave him a strange sense of accomplishment that none of his training victories ever did.
The next day in class, Kaminari eagerly retrieved the paper from Bakugou and prepared to read the guesses. However, just as he was about to open it, everyone began to question how they would find out who the admirer really was.
"How are we actually gonna figure out who it is?" Midoriya asked, looking around the room.
Suddenly, Mina stood up and yelled, "Whoever the admirer is, you have to come clean now because we've all placed bets already, and I'm sure Y/N is interested."
Silence. Everyone was looking at each other, trying to see if the admirer would step up.
Bakugou gulped, feeling a surge of panic.
Then Hagakure made a suggestion. "Why don't we make it more fun? Y/N should write down on another piece of paper who she wants her admirer to be."
For some reason, Y/N agreed willingly. She took a piece of paper and began to write a name. Bakugou watched her, rethinking his life decisions. If he admitted his feelings now and wasn't the one she wanted, he would never live it down.
Y/N finished writing, folded the paper, and kept it to herself.
“Wait I have an idea!” Tsu said and whispered something into Mina’s ear.
"Alright then," Mina said with determination. "Everyone who is NOT the admirer, sit down."
Slowly, one by one, the students sat down until only Bakugou remained standing with his eyes shut tight.
The room filled with gasps and murmurs of confusion.
"Bakugou?!" Kaminari exclaimed, wide-eyed.
“KACCHAN??” Izuku exclaimed.
"No way," Kirishima muttered, shaking his head. "Bakugou, seriously?"
"I lost my bet!" Sero groaned, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Wait, Bakugou's the secret admirer?" Uraraka asked, her eyes darting between him and Y/N.
Jirou smirked. "Well, this just got interesting."
“I certainly did not expect this..” Momo’s voice sounded.
Some students complained about losing their bets, while others were simply shocked. Bakugou's heart pounded in his chest. After a moment of silence, he heard the sound of a paper unfolding.
More gasps filled the room.
"You can open your eyes, Bakugou," Y/N said softly.
Bakugou's heart sank. What if his name wasn't on the paper?
He opened his eyes and saw Y/N holding the paper.
Bakugou Katsuki
His heart soared when he saw his name written on it. A wave of relief and happiness washed over him as the class erupted in a mix of congratulations and disbelief. He had never been this terrified in his life, but it was all worth it.
“Very unexpected, I must say.” Iida said.
"Well, who would've thought?" Mina laughed, nudging Kirishima.
"Guess we all underestimated Bakugou," Tokoyami said with a rare smile.
"Congrats, man," Kirishima said, patting Bakugou on the back. "Took some real guts."
Bakugou, his face slightly flushed, just nodded, trying to maintain his usual tough demeanor. But inside, he was over the moon.
“Wait! It’s not over! Who won the bet?” Sero yelled, immediately grabbing everyone’s attention.
Kaminari hurriedly opens the paper.
Uraraka: "I bet it's Sero. He’s always pulling pranks but he's got a sweet side."
Todoroki: "Maybe it's Kirishima. He’s very straightforward."
Kirishima: "Nah, it's gotta be Midoriya. He's so considerate."
Midoriya: "My best guess would be Kirishima… He definitely seems like that type of guy."
Yaoyorozu: "I still think it's Kirishima."
Ashido: "I know it’s Midoriya."
Tsu: "I change my mind, I’m placing my bet on Kaminari."
Jirou: "I guess it might be Kaminari. He’s got a fun personality and is always trying to cheer everyone up."
Aoyama: "It could be Iida. Je sais cela!"
Sero: "Maybe it's Shoji. He's very attentive and protective."
Tokoyami: "I assume it might be Todoroki. He's very observant and quiet."
Hagakure: "My bet is still on Todoroki!"
Iida: "I believe it's Kaminari. He’s always energetic and caring."
Shoji: "It might be Iida."
Ojiro: "I think it could be Aoyama. He’s always trying to make everyone feel special."
Koda: "I think it’s Midoriya..."
Mineta: "It's definitely someone unexpected, maybe Jirou. She's got that vibe. And who knows? Girls on girls!"
Sato: "What if it's Mina? She's really unpredictable."
Kaminari: "I still think it's Tokoyami! Imagine that!"
Aizawa: "Bakugou Katsuki.”
Bakugou: "Bakugou Katsuki."
“Bakugou won? Isn’t that technically cheating..” Momo said with a concerned look.
“Technically that means I won. Now pay up.” Aizawa said from his sleeping bag.
After the class settled down from the surprising outcome, Bakugou found a moment to approach Y/N. He was still trying to process the whirlwind of emotions from the earlier scene.
"Hey," he started, his voice gruff but softer than usual. "Can we talk?"
Y/N looked up and smiled. "Sure, Bakugou. What's up?"
He led her outside of the classroom, away from the curious gazes of their classmates. The tension between them was palpable, but Bakugou tried to ignore the nervous flutter in his chest.
"So, you actually picked me," he said, struggling to keep his usual confident tone. "Why?"
Y/N’s eyes softened as she looked at him. "Well, I've always noticed you’re not as rough as you seem. There’s a lot more to you that people don't see. I appreciate that you always seemed to care, even if you don’t show it."
Bakugou’s face flushed slightly, and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, well, I didn’t think you’d ever actually like me. Not with how everyone talks about me."
Y/N shook her head, a playful smile on her lips. "You’re more than what people say, Bakugou. And I’m glad I got to know that."
Bakugou hesitated for a moment before stepping a bit closer. "So, what now? Now that everyone knows?"
Y/N's smile grew, and she looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye. "I think we should see where this goes. I’m happy with how things are turning out."
Bakugou’s usual scowl softened into a genuine smile, and he took a deep breath. "Yeah, me too."
They stood there for a moment, the noise of the classroom fading into the background as they enjoyed the rare, peaceful connection between them. It was the start of something new, and for once, Bakugou felt that he might just be ready to embrace it.
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torchstelechos · 2 months
Do yall think about the ending of ISAT in any other characters POV? Cause I think about it so much, that must be buck fucking wild. Like, you get to Dormont after MONTHS of traveling with these people, you're feeling strong, you feel like you have a chance, so yall go separate directions to get everything done before the big day tomorrow and your buddy Siffrin goes to take a nap. You're like, ah! Classic Siffrin, so silly and nonchalant about everything, they never once thought we would lose. What a swell fella :). Then not even a full half a day later, more like a few hours later, he appears out of no where with a fucked up face and starts hitting you exactly where it hurts emotionally. No reason! You didn't do a fucking thing! They just fucking went for it! And now you're pissed cause that was a close friend of yours that you considered family, you're sad, you're mad, you dont understand what happened. You meet up with everyone at the clocktower early because apparently he did that to everyone! So good! Good! It's not just a you thing! You all talk it out and you all agree that maybe you should leave them behind tomorrow if they keep acting like this. Except. Except. They never came to the clocktower, they never came to talk to you about what happened and thats. Not acceptable. You need to understand what happened because after sleeping on it, why did he do that? They wouldn't ever do that to all of you, so something must have happened!
And then a Star appears.
And you learn exactly what has been happening behind the scenes but it doesnt make sense. But you know that your buddy just went to solo the house and you know they arent strong enough to do so, you know exactly what their level and strength and weaknesses are and the King is rock type! He's going to kill Siffrin if you dont go save them! So you start running through the house to go save them while the Star guides you, but the doors are all unlocked. There are ghosts everywhere. The hallways dont make sense. Something is broken, failing, and you are running out of time. so you climb up and up and up until finally you get to the final floor and then to the King's room expecting Siffrin to be a splat on the floor but. He's still alive, theres a chance! So you go and protect them from the King but uh, huh. The King is nearly dead? Siffrin almost solo'ed the King? A scissors type versus a rock type nearly won? And it was only a nearly and not a he won because Siffrin was frozen in time? What???? So you freeze the King, you save Siffrin, but they're injured and sick and have a fever so you try to take them to the head housemaiden to get healed but uh. Shes speaking nonsense??? Utter bullshit. Skipping, repeating, saying things out of order, and then she says you all can go home and everything falls apart around you.
Cause Siffrin? Yeah, your buddy who was being a tad bit of an asshole? And they just solo'ed the bad guy without you? Yeah, he's the last boss you need to beat actually. And they're huge! So big! You get ready for them to fight you, except he. Attacks himself. In front of all of you while crying. He's sad. They're hurting themself. You can not do anything but you start to connect the dots and you figure everything out. Then everything becomes normal again and they say what they wished for and hey! You wanted that too! So you hug them as he cries himself out and all of you are tired. That was a lot. They're craft tired and sick but they're okay. So you're happy and relax. They want to go back to Dormont, so you all go. Then THIS LITTLE ASSHOLE WALTZES OFF ONLY TO COME BACK INJURED TO HELL AND BACK???? He said he was going to go say thanks to that Star person, who you still aren't sure is a person but whatever, and then he comes back exhausted and clearly just used craft after being told not to?
Anyway I think about this a lot, it must have been a long and confusing two days from their POV
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justlostinautumn · 6 months
Abandoned Part 13
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader:
After her friends and boyfriend continuously leave her in danger and abandon every plan she makes for them the Originals slowly mend her breaking heart. The gang’s enemies become her friends with her and they don’t know how to feel about it. The last straw is walking in and seeing her boyfriend cheating on her and she runs to the ones who always care for her. What will the gang do when they lose something irreplaceable?
I know that this has been a long time coming and I can only hope that it lives up to what you expected! I have questions do you want redemption for anyone? Caroline? Bonnie? Stefan? (Those are the main three that I can think of, or do you want them to also be dragged down with Elena and Damon? Do you wnat to see Alaric betray Y/N?)
Tumblr media
Y/N & Klaus:
Y/N woke up with thumping in her head from all the drinking and fun Kat, Kai and she had. She let out a small whine looking around and noting she was in Klaus’ bed but not 100% certain how she got there. Flashes of the night before coming to her mind as she slowly began to wake. She was remembering the talking and joking with everyone and Y/N couldn’t help the fond smile that came to her lips. 
She remembered a light feeling filling her chest as she realized this is what it felt like to have a family. It was a feeling that she hadn’t felt since her brother and it made her feel emotional, burying her head further into the warmth of Klaus’ bed. She felt emotionally exhausted, she had been through so much in so little time she didn’t really know what to do with herself.
Y/N licked her lips feeling the dryness in her throat from the night of laughing, drinking, singing. The ding from her phone notifies her that she just received a message. She let out a loud groan making Klaus chuckle. She blindly looked for her phone and on the screen she saw a notification from Alaric. 
Can we meet? I want to talk about everything. Ric.
She had no idea what this meeting could be about but she was going to be cautious because as much as Ric is a father to her he is also Damon’s best friend. She didn’t want to be guilted back… she didn’t want to sever another tie. She couldn’t help the distrust she felt towards Alaric, he was Elena’s guardian and Damon’s best friend… she knew that no matter what he would always do what’s best for them and as much as she hated herself for thinking it she knew that she would never be able to trust him again.
Y/N didn’t want to have to get up and deal with this. She sighed as she felt Klaus’ finger trailing up and down her back and she sighed in contentment. She knew that the fun and laughter wouldn’t last forever, but she was hoping for more than just one day.
“Come on Love, we both know you can’t hide from this. It’s better to deal with it now than later.” Klaus softly encouraged her and she groaned in response knowing that he was right, but it didn’t mean that she wanted to deal with it. The thought of burying herself under a mountain of blankets or running away seemed to be a lot more appealing than actually having to face it.
“Can’t we just hide away for the day and pretend that everything is fine and I can nurse my hangover.” Y/N grumbled receiving another chuckle from Klaus and she knew he was grinning at her and she pinched his side making him yelp in surprise making her grin up at him. This is where she wanted to be and stay, in his warmth and she knew that it was too soon after Damon and she wasn’t looking to start anything new yet, but she just wanted to stop time and stay here with Klaus.
“You are a dangerous little thing.” Klaus growls and starts to tickle her resulting in her trying to push and kick him away as she shrieks. Klaus' chest filled with warmth at her smiling face and shrieks of laughter, this is where she was always meant to be with him… and sometimes under him!
“I’m sorry.” She pants and Klaus finally gives in, Y/N pouts at him as he grins triumphantly. “Meanie.”
“Come on, up you get!” Klaus rolled out of bed and Y/N reluctantly got up and walked into the bathroom to start her day. For the first time looking in the mirror, she looked at herself and she didn’t look tired… well she looked hungover, but there was a glow about her. It was the glow of happiness, love and hope.
Klaus knew this was the perfect time to get some planning done, he wouldn’t let her go alone knowing that the Scooby Gang might try something. So, he decided to send Hayley, Tyler and Enzo a text letting them know what was happening and also to ask them if they would go just in case.
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Alaric & Y/N:
Y/N slipped into the booth opposite Alaric. Y/N knew Tyler, Enzo and Haley were in the Grill watching and keeping an eye out for anything to happen. Hayley had become more protective of her little sister. It filled Y/N with that warmth that she had been seeking for so long and she didn’t mind one bit. But, she also knew that it was Klaus’ doing as well, he had become more protective too. She knew it was because he had seen her cry more in the last couple of days than she has in the whole time of them knowing each other and she knew that left him on edge… it actually left all of them on edge. Y/N isn’t usually a crier… well she just doesn’t cry in front of people.
“I see you brought company.” Alaric laughed softly, he was nervous about it. He didn’t know what Tyler and Enzo might do since it was clear the side that they had picked. But, he wasn’t all that surprised about it all. Tyler and Y/N had always been close from the moment that he first met them at the school, you could normally find the two together at some sort of mischief, but Enzo was new. Enzo was Damon’s oldest and closest friend, but somehow he got pulled into Y/N’s and Tyler’s mischievous ways and that was all there was. Enzo had taken to both of them as a sort of big brother role, he would always look out for the pair much as they looked out for him.
“They’re protective.” Y/N rolled her eyes but Alaric saw the small smile. It was contentment, he could see that she felt safe with them here. It hurt him knowing that she was nervous about meeting him, but he also couldn’t blame her for it. He knew that she wouldn’t be able to trust him like he once did and it made him sad.
“So, much has changed.” Alaric looks down at his hands and there is a sadness in his voice and it makes Y/N’s heart twinge in pain. He is one of the very few people that had been there for everything, every step of the way and she didn’t want to hurt him, but she was also incredibly scared to be burnt by them all again by trusting the wrong people. She just didn’t know how much she could trust him.
“I’m single, kinda homeless, found out I’m adopted… oh and don’t let me forget I found out that I have the werewolf gene!” Sarcasm rang through her voice and Alaric looked at her with worry. Y/N looked startled at what she had just said. She didn’t mean to say that out loud… she never wanted him to know that about her, what if he told the gang? What would they do about that bit of information?
“I won’t tell anyone and I didn’t know.” Ric said softly, he didn’t want her to think that he would’ve hidden it from her. He didn’t want her to believe that he would spill her secrets to the others and betray her like that.
“I know. This has all been a bit of a shit show hasn’t it?” Y/N laughs softly, she was still stiff and anxious about the little bit of information that she had let slip. Her eyes slipped over to Hayley who was giving her a soft smile, telling her that it would all be okay. Her eyes moved over to both Tyler and Enzo and they gave her a goofy smile, but their eyes said it all. They would protect her no matter what and it made her feel safe and assured that they could face anything!
“Where are you staying now? What’s happening with everything? Do you need anything?” Alaric spoke quickly and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at him. He’d always been quick to her rescue making sure that she had everything she needed and always a shoulder for her to lean on. She missed this, she missed him. He had been so busy with both Jeremy and Elena that they hadn’t had any time to catch up or talk.
“I’m okay. Klaus has ensured that I need and want for nothing.” Y/N smiled, but it slowly dropped and she let out a sigh, “I’m just at a loss. In two days my life has been turned upside down and truthfully I don’t know what to do with everything. It’s funny I always thought it would hurt, that what Damon and Elena did would break me. But, it wasn’t the cheating that hurt the most.” 
“I warned Damon to be good. I told him what would happen if he hurt you. I can’t believe that any of them would be so reckless with you.” Alaric was pissed, “Damon is a complete asshole for not seeing what was in front of him and he thinks you’re just going to walk through the door and take him back like he didn’t pull a load of crap on you.”
“Alaric.” Y/N laughed, finding his protectiveness amusing, but in the back of her mind she knew that he would always forgive them. He always did. She gave him a sad smile and he let out a heavy sigh. “You know you’re going to forgive them.”
“I don’t have to.” Ric argued and Y/N just gave him that sad smile that broke his heart every time. She had that look of understanding in her eyes and he knew he was lying to himself.
“You will because Damon is your best friend and you are Elena and Jeremy’s guardian. You will always forgive them because it’s who you are. Plus, Damon has done way worse things to you and you managed to forgive him for that, you’ll forgive him for this. You love them and that’s okay, because they’re your family but I can’t… not now and not anytime soon.” Y/N let out a heavy sigh and slumped in her seat as she looked around the Grill, but then spots Caroline watching her and Alaric intensely and she stiffens. Alaric frowns when he sees the hurt flashing in Y/N’s eyes. She knew he wouldn’t come alone, but she hoped he would.
“What is it?” Alaric frowns.
“I think it’s time I head back home. I’m tired and there are still things I need to sort out.” Y/N gave him a weak smile and squeeze of his hand before she started to walk away and out of the Grill with Tyler, Enzo and Hayley following behind her. When Alaric looks around his eyes settle on Caroline who has the decency to look down ashamed of being caught even though she wasn’t being subtle about it. Alaric knew then that he had lost Y/N’s trust, even if he didn’t know that Caroline would be there with Matt spying on them. He knew Y/N already had doubts rightfully so, but with them there it just confirmed it for her.
All Alaric wanted was to be neutral to be on either of their sides, but it seemed that Damon and Elena had made his decision for them and he knew that there was no way Y/N would allow him to have another chance and risk herself being used or hurt by them. 
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The Gang:
Matt and Caroline had made the decision that they needed to meet everyone before Alaric could get there, they needed to know everything that they had found out. It would’ve been more if Y/N  wasn’t so observant. The one thing that seemed to stick out to Caroline was how scared Y/N seemed about telling Alaric about the fact that she had the werewolf gene. When they arrived at the Boarding House they all were waiting in the lounge.
“How did she find out that she is a werewolf? How did she not know she was a werewolf?” Elena huffed, she doesn’t understand why they are still trying to get her back, it's not like they need her really. “Well she only just found out she was adopted, so maybe they left her a letter.” Stefan pointed out, he wasn’t completely happy with what was going on. “But, Klaus knew.” Damon pointed out and there was a glint in his eye like an idea had passed through his mind. “Maybe he wants to trigger her gene and then somehow turn her into a hybrid so he can have control over her through that freaky sire bond.” “We have to get her away from them.” Elena said, clinging to Damon. Damon was quick to sooth her and pulled her closer to him and ran his hand up and down her back. Stefan glared at his brother, knowing that he wanted both Elena and Y/N. “We will.” Damon nodded reassuringly, when Elena leaned up to kiss Damon, he flinched and glared down at her in confusion at why she would try and kiss him. “What if he isn’t planning to do that?” Stefan asked, trying to play devil's advocate. “It’s Klaus Stefan!” Elena whined, she was glaring at him. Why wouldn’t he just do what she said after all both Damon and Stefan love her! “Elena’s right Klaus is evil.” Damon nodded.
Caroline didn’t know what to think anymore, there was so many conflicting feelings about everything. She also knows that Bonnie is facing a crisis of faith about everything that has been happening. She had known Y/N all her life, but she cannot remember the point in which everything became about Elena... she knew that Stefan was also confused about everything that has been going on. Caroline knew that her loyalty with Elena, but she has to question how far she was willing to go for her.
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It's okay! Thanks for telling me! Can I request relationship headcanons for Gojo and Nanami?
Relationship Headcanons with Gojo and Nanami
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Gojo Satoru
I feel as if Gojo would take some time to actually ask you to be in a relationship with him, dude is as emotionally unavailable as it gets (realistically speaking)
on that note the relationship won't always be this extremely sweet, funny and spicy relationship everyone thinks it will be. There will be moments when he will actively try to push you away because his line of work is dangerous (whether you are a sorcerer or not) and because he has seen what happens to the people he cares about
now that we have gotten the basics out of the way, Gojo is a partner who sometimes can be very clingy and annoying. Maybe he won't let you get out of bed in the morning, or won't let you cook or go shopping alone. He will want to be there with you.
There will be no spontaneous dates, this man is big on restaurants and sometimes when he is feeling especially tired, he prefers home dates.
Loves bying you presents. From clothes to sweets all the way to perhaps a new car. Gift giving is his love language (fight me on this)
Overall he will be very loving, doting and quite protective
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Nanami Kento
Nanami is the most normal partner one could ever have.
He will cook, do the laundry, clean the house, whatever you want essentially. He loves helping you and believes that house chores should be done by both parties.
No matter what there will always be a sweet treat in the house whether he has made it himself or bought it for you, it doesn't matter.
Nanami always sticks on schedule and he will urge you to do the same even if he goes too far sometimes. Say you want to chill in bed for the rest of the morning, if he knows that you have something to do (go to the supermarket for example) he will "force" you to get out of bed and get whatever you have to do done. He doesn't take no for an answer and does believe that you will thank him after because you'll have extra free time later that day.
Isn't a fun of outdoors dates since most of the time he comes home exhausted and all he wants to do is eat, bathe, spend time with you and sleep. But when he has a day off he might take you out to a nice restaurant.
Isn't clingy like Gojo and definitely not as cuddly as him but he does enjoy some cuddle time at the end of the day where the two of you will talk about anything and everything.
Nanami is very mature and also expects his partner to show the same level of maturity most of the time.
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3archangelsaints · 7 months
"Aye lass, what do you want for yer birthday?"
"A dog." You say quickly, smiling and opening up pinterest, showing pics of German Shepherds and Blegian Malinois. Johnny scrolls through it, as you laugh and giggle and reach for the phone. "Give it."
"Aye, should I tell Lt you want a dog?" He laughs and you shake your head.
"And tell him what? That I'm so fucking miserable when he's deployed and sometimes I can't do anything from crippling anxiety at the thought that he's dead. That I want a dog so I'm not lonely." You say it so quickly and emotionally, that you almost sob and tremble at the confession. "Sorry."
He tugs you into a side hug. "Lt know?" You shake your head.
"Its his life. He has you guys, I don't wanna take that from him." You say solemnly. Trembling. "Please don't tell him."
You slump into the sofa, feeling dazed and overwhelmed. "Did he tell you?" You ask eyes closed, but its directed to Simon.
"Tell me what?" He sounds confused. Your lips purse and you tremble scared.
"I can't sleep when you're deployed, and I get lonely, sometimes my anxiety is so bad I can only sleep until I pass out from pure exhaustion." You pause. "Simon, I don't know if I can handle it happening to you too." You breathe ragged. "That's why he's getting - got me a dog." I cry softly.
Simon looks at Kyle and John as he comforts you. Nothing they can say can be of comfort and its not like your thoughts were irrational, it could happen, Simon - Ghost could be killed. One pull of a trigger pointed at his head and then gone.
Price nods. "We're gonna get you that dog, eh?"
"We can call him Soap if you want." Kyle offers. You laugh and cry into Simon's shoulder.
"He was the only one who saw my wedding Pinterest board." You admit. Everyone goes silent. "He was gonna be the best man, he said, that he'd talk to Lt." You huff tearfully, "Maybe Price officiate, he said, Gaz would be the ring bearer." And suddenly you're laughing hysterically before wailing in utter despair.
read next
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velaazuretail · 2 months
Hi (●’◡’●)ノ
I'm not sure if you do multiple characters for one request so if you don't you can just pick one. Please can I request a Reader x some genshin men (Childe, Kaeya, Itto) where the Reader is emotionally fragile but holding it together but one day they finally break down and the characters come home to find the Reader sobbing or something.
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Req’s OPEN! | | Breaking the silence.
﹒ ∬ ﹒☕️ ﹒ GENSHIN X READER | Fluff |
⌣ ﹒ ✿ ﹕Kaeya, Childe & Itto
﹕note : I still do graphics but for now I’m writing.. so sorry if it’s not good, it’s my first time 💔 please do send tips! ^^
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✦ ﹒ ┈ ﹕KAEYA ❄️
The days had been long and heavy, each one blending into the next. You had been holding it together, putting on a brave face for everyone around you. But inside, the weight of your emotions was becoming unbearable. You felt like a fragile glass, one small crack away from shattering completely.
Kaeya had been your rock, always there with a comforting smile and a reassuring word. But today, he was out on a mission, and you were left alone with your thoughts. The silence of the house seemed to amplify your feelings, and you found yourself struggling to keep the tears at bay.
As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the room, you finally broke down. The sobs came in waves, each one more intense than the last. You curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow to your chest, as the tears flowed freely.
. . .
Kaeya was exhausted. He had just returned from a long and grueling mission, and all he wanted was a hot shower and a good night's sleep. As he walked into his home, he could sense that something was off. There was an odd energy in the air, a feeling of heaviness.
As he made his way through the house, he heard a faint sound coming from the living room. He approached cautiously and peeked into the room. What he saw made his heart drop.
You were sitting on the couch, your body shaking with sobs. Your shoulders heaved with each wave of emotion, and your eyes were red and puffy. You looked small and vulnerable, a stark contrast to your usual strong and steady demeanor.
Without a moment's hesitation, Kaeya rushed over to your side. He sat down beside you and pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest.
You clung to Kaeya like a lifeline, the sobs still wracking your body. You buried your face against his chest, your tears staining his shirt. You had tried so hard to keep it together, to be strong and unshakeable, but in that moment, all you wanted was to let go, to let someone else take on the weight for a while.
Kaeya held you tighter, his arms strong and comforting around you. He could feel the tremors going through your body and the hot tears on his skin. He didn't say anything, just stroked your back and held you close.
You looked up at him, your eyes red and puffy from crying. “I… I can’t do this anymore,” you managed to say between sobs. “It’s too much.”
Kaeya's expression softened as he looked down at you, his heart breaking at the sight of your tears and the pain in your voice.
"I know," he said softly, rubbing your back in soothing circles. "I know it's too much, but you don't have to do it alone. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you."
He paused for a moment, his gaze steady and compassionate.
"Just let it all out. I'm not going anywhere."
You leaned into him, finding comfort in his steady presence. Your body continued to shake with sobs, the weight of your emotions finally becoming too much to hold back. Kaeya held you tighter, his arms strong and protective around you.
After a few moments, your sobs started to subside, replaced by the occasional hiccup and shaky breaths. You looked up at Kaeya again, your eyes rimmed red and swollen.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice shaky. "I didn't mean to fall apart like this."
Kaeya shook his head, his expression gentle but firm.
"Don't apologize," he said firmly. "You have nothing to apologize for. This is just a release. You've been holding everything in for far too long. It was bound to come out sooner or later. And I'm glad you let it out with me."
He reached up and brushed a strand of hair out of your face, his touch tender and carefulla. "It's okay to not be okay, y'know?"
You nodded, your eyes still watery with tears. His words soothed the aching in your chest, and you leaned further into him, finding comfort in the steady beat of his heart.
"I don't know why I can't keep it together," you mumbled, your voice hoarse from crying. "I thought I was stronger than this."
Kaeya squeezed you gently, his arms still wrapped around you. "Strength isn't about never breaking down," he said softly. "It's about picking yourself up and facing your emotions, no matter how tough they are."
He leaned his head against yours, his cheek against your hair. "You're one of the strongest people I know. You've been through so much, and you're still standing. It's okay to break down sometimes. It doesn't make you weak. It makes you human."
You let out a shaky breath, his words sinking in. You had been running yourself ragged trying to be strong, to appear impenetrable. But maybe he was right. Maybe it was okay to let yourself feel weak sometimes.
You closed your eyes, exhaustion finally settling in. "I just feel so tired," you murmured. "Like the weight of everything is too much to carry."
Kaeya nodded, understanding and empathetic.
"That's only natural," he said quietly. "It's exhausting, carrying such a heavy load. You've been through a lot. You need time to rest and regroup."
He pulled you closer, adjusting his position so you were more comfortable. "Close your eyes," he said. "Just rest for a bit. I'll stay right here, if you want me to."
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✦ ﹒ ┈ ﹕CHILDE 🌊
The days had been long and heavy, each one blending into the next. You had been holding it together, putting on a brave face for everyone around you.
But inside, the weight of your emotions was becoming too much to bear. You were emotionally fragile, yet determined to keep going, hoping that things would get better.
One evening, after a particularly tough day, you found yourself alone at home. The silence was deafening, and the walls seemed to close in on you. You tried to distract yourself, but the overwhelming feelings you had been suppressing for so long finally broke free. Tears began to stream down your face, and before you knew it, you were sobbing uncontrollably.
. . .
Childe had promised to come home early, but a few work-related emergencies had kept him from meeting that goal. When he finally stumbled through the door hours later, he instantly knew that something was off. The house seemed too quiet, and the uneasy feeling in his gut grew stronger with each step.
He heard the sound of soft sobs coming from the living room and followed the sound, his heart quickening.
He found you curled up on the couch, your body shaking with silent sobs. Your face was buried in your hands, and the weight of despair was palpable in the air.
He stood frozen in the doorway for a moment, his heart breaking at the sight of you in such a state. He had seen you strong and resilient, but this vulnerability was a new and painful sight.
He crossed the room quickly, sinking down beside you on the couch. He didn't say anything at first, just wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. You leaned into him, your body still wracked with sobs, and clutched at his shirt, seeking comfort.
Childe held you close, his arms tight around you. He stroked your hair, whispering soothing words in your ear as he tried to comfort you.
"It's okay," he murmured. "You can let it out. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
Your tears continued to fall, hot and plentiful, leaving damp splotches on his shirt. The sobs shook your body, and you clutched at him like a lifeline, desperate for the grounding touch he offered.
He didn't try to stop your tears or tell you to pull yourself together. Instead, he held you, letting you release the emotions that had been boiling inside you.
He kissed the top of your head, his voice gentle. "Let it out. Don't bottle it up."
You continued to cling to him, your sobs gradually subsiding as the storm of your emotions began to lessen. Your breathing slowed, and the tremors that rocked your body subsided.
Childe just held you, his hands rubbing small circles on your back, providing a steady and reassuring presence.
Once your sobs had quieted, he gently tilted your chin up so you were looking at him. His eyes were filled with concern and compassion, his own expression reflecting the worry he felt.
"Can you talk to me?" he asked softly. "Tell me what happened. Is there something bothering you?"
Your voice was shaky and hoarse from crying, but you managed to croak out a few words. "It's... It's everything," you managed to say, your voice cracking. "Everything's just... it's too much sometimes, you know?"
Childe's expression softened. He had seen you struggle before, but this was different. It was like a dam had broken, and everything you had been holding back was finally coming to the surface.
He cupped your face with his hand, gently wiping away the tears with his thumb. "I know it's hard," he said gently. "But you're not alone in this. I'm here for you. We'll figure it out together."
You leaned into his touch, your eyes closed as you took comfort in his steadiness. His presence was reassuring, a safe haven in the midst of the emotional whirlwind you were experiencing.
"I just feel so... overwhelmed," you murmured, your voice trembling slightly. "Like I'm drowning in emotions. I can't seem to keep myself together anymore."
Childe nodded, his hand still gently stroking your cheek. "You've been carrying this weight for a long time, haven't you?" he said quietly.
His eyes searched yours, understanding and compassion clear on his face. "You've been so strong, holding everything together for so long. It's okay to break sometimes."
You nodded, his words striking a chord within you. You had been pushing yourself too hard, trying to be strong for everyone else's benefit. But the weight was becoming too heavy, and you couldn't carry it alone anymore.
"I... I just feel so lost," you admitted, your voice shaky. "Like I'm floundering, trying to keep my head above water. I don't know how much more I can take."
Childe's arms tightened around you, pulling you closer to him. "You don't have to do it alone, " he said firmly. "You never have to do it alone. We'll figure it out together, okay? You're not in this alone."
You buried your face against his chest, your tears starting to flow again. But this time, they felt different - they weren't as heavy, as desperate. It was as if his words, his presence, were chipping away at the overwhelming emotions.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice muffled against his shirt. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."
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✦ ﹒ ┈ ﹕ITTO 💥
In the quiet town of Inazuma, you had always been the pillar of strength, holding everything together despite the emotional storms raging inside. Each day was a battle, but you managed to keep a brave face, not wanting to burden anyone with your struggles.
Your boyfriend, Itto, with his boisterous personality and childlike enthusiasm, was often your source of light in the darkness..
One evening, after a particularly tough day, you found yourself on the edge. The weight of your emotions became too much to bear, and the dam you had built to hold back your tears finally broke. You collapsed onto the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, the sound of your cries echoing through the empty house.
. . .
Itto, who had been out on one of his usual adventures, burst through the door with a triumphant grin, holding a large, colorful bug he had found. “Look what I got!” he exclaimed, his voice full of excitement. But his joy quickly turned to concern when he saw you on the floor, tears streaming down your face.
He dropped the bug in surprise, the creature skittering away as Itto rushed over to you, his loud footsteps clattering on the floor.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked, his usual cheerful voice edged with worry. He dropped to his knees beside you, his hands hovering uncertainly as he tried to work out what to do.
You couldn't respond, your words choked up by the tears and the wave of emotions that was washing over you. All you could manage was a shaky gasp as you continued to sob, your body wracked with the force of your emotions.
Itto pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you, trying to offer whatever comfort he could.
"Hey, hey," he murmured, his voice filled with worry. "You're scaring me, y/n. Just tell me what's wrong. Let me help."
But you couldn't speak, the emotions still choking you. All you could do was grip onto him tightly, your fingers clenching at his clothes as if he was your lifeline. Your body shook with uncontrollable sobs, the tears flowing like a waterfall, soaking his shirt.
Your sobs slowly quieted, your body shuddering with the aftershocks of your emotional breakdown. You leaned heavily against Itto, feeling exhausted and vulnerable.
His shirt was damp from your tears, but he didn't seem to care. He just held you, his strong arms a comforting presence.
As your cries lessened, he gently pulled away, his eyes searching your face. "Can you talk to me now?" he asked softly. His hands were still rubbing gentle circles on your back, grounding you in the moment.
With a shaky sigh, you managed to nod. Your voice was hoarse and thick with tears. "I just... I just needed to let it out," you whispered, your voice cracking. "It's been too much for so long, and it just... it just all came out."
Itto's expression softened, a mix of relief and sympathy in his eyes. He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face. "Why didn't you tell me it was getting this bad?" he asked quietly.
You looked away, shame and guilt coursing through you. "I... I didn't want to worry you," you mumbled. "You've always looked up to me as this strong, unflappable person. I didn't want to disappoint you by showing you how weak I really am."
Itto's eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "You're not weak," he protested, his voice firm. "You're just... you're human. We all get overwhelmed sometimes, and you just needed to let it out. You shouldn't feel ashamed for having feelings. I don't expect you to be strong all the time, y/n. I just want you to be honest with me. Share the burden with me."
Your throat tightened as his words hit you. You had been so afraid of disappointing him, of losing his unwavering faith in you. But now, hearing him say that he didn't expect you to be strong all the time, it was like a huge weight lifted off your shoulders.
"I... I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice still shaky. "I thought... I thought if I showed weakness, you'd... you'd think less of me."
Itto pulled you closer against him, his arms encircling you in a tight embrace. "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," he said gruffly, but there was no anger in his voice. "I could never think less of you for showing your true feelings. I love you, y/n. Weaknesses and all."
The last of your defenses shattered at his words, your shoulders shaking with a mixture of tears and laughter. "You're such an idiot," you choked out between sobs. "But I... I love you too. Even though you're dumb and loud and annoying."
Itto let out a noisy guffaw, his chest rumbling with laughter. "Hey, I can be smart and quiet and pleasant when I want to be," he protested, a grin on his face. "I just prefer to be my loud, obnoxious self. It's who I am, take it or leave it."
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nihilo-sensei · 7 months
Atsushi was chosen to be transferred to the Port Mafia. He's now isolated from everyone but Akutagawa and is desperately clinging to his sense of self. Atsushi falls his knees with tears in his eyes at the end of another emotionally exhausting day. It's only been a week and he doesn't know how much longer he can keep this up. If something doesn't change Mori will break him down and remake him in the Mafia's image.
At his lowest point, he asks himself the question he always asks when he feels backed into a corner: What would Dazai do? Immediately, the simplest solution falls into his lap. He would just act like Dazai...
... specifically, the way Dazai acts in the ADA office turned up to 11.
Atsushi would be too disruptive to rely on but too effective to punish. And if he was punished, he would take the pain while the tiger undid the damage. Satisfied with his plan, Atsushi goes to bed feeling lighter than he'd felt since he'd been dragged away from his family.
And so began the most stressful three weeks of Mori's Port Mafia career.
Atsushi: "Hey, Mori, I accidentally dropped three days' worth of reports in the paper shredder. Oh, and I'm taking lunch early. Just letting you know. Bye!"
Mori: "Atsushi-kun, where might you be right now? You know there's a meeting you're scheduled to be at."
Atsushi: "I'm so sorry, Mori, but I'm not going to make it. One of my boots is sick. I'll call you if anything changes."
Mori: "What happened to my office couch!?!"
Atsushi: "Oh that? I guess there was a full moon last night. I must've transformed and used it as a scratching post. Sorry, that happens sometimes now that Fukuzawa's ability isn't helping to control Beast Beneath the Moonlight.
Anyway, I'm gonna go take a nap in your car."
Mori: "Fukuzawa, I've made a terrible mistake. Please take the weretiger back."
The futon in the closet of his and Kyouka's dorm has never been more comfortable.
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kishibe-kisser · 1 year
You fall asleep on their shoulder (Suguru Geto, Nanami Kento, Aoi Todo)
They have a major crush on you and you fall asleep on their shoulder.
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Suguru Geto: He wasn't the most fond of you, it wasn't a secret to anyone around. At least that was what he lead everyone to believe, even you. No matter how kind you were, it only seemed to anger him more and you just couldn't figure out why. You felt like he truly hated you, so much so even sitting next to him made you uncomfortable.
Though these were the car seats that were left and you found yourself smiling at Geto none the less. You couldn't be mean to him even if you tried, even though he rolled his eyes and looked the other way. His broad shoulders pressed into yours, not giving you a lot of space in your seat. It didn't bother you but you couldn't imagine how much he was disturbed at simply having to touch you.
You couldn't have been more wrong, his heart was pounding in his chest and he was trying his hardest not to look at you. He was always wondering how you could be so nice to him when he felt he didn't deserve it. Those thoughts ran through his mind as he tried to look at anything except for you. He had to try his best to not flinch when he felt your head drop on his shoulder.
Geto turned his head slowly, looking at you sound asleep on his shoulder. His heart rate increased once more, taking in just how comfortable you looked using him as a pillow. It made him think about allowing this to happen more often, maybe allowing himself to soften around you. He may have not deserved you being so kind to him, but you most definitely deserved the kindness in return.
"You deserve more than I can give you."
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Nanami Kento: Kento would have been lying to himself if he said he didn't feel anything for you. Watching someone work as a sorcerer wasn't something he had felt as being attractive, not until he met you. Your fighting style was graceful, like a dance almost and when you were made to be his partner, he was relieved to see you knew what you were doing.
He would never act on his feelings, though. No, it was unprofessional to do so. So he would admire from afar and instead of doing something romantic like would prefer too, he'd step up and do his job if he saw you needed saving. It was the most he could do for you and he would do the most for you.
The job had come to a close and you were both waiting to debrief, exhaustion and pain slowly setting into your bodies from the grueling fight that you had barely survived. You were exhausted to say the least, goosebumps coating your skin leaving you to shiver. It seemed like second nature, to lean into Nanami. His body heat and large stature being comforting as you dozed off.
He was aware of what was happening, the light weight of your head dropping on his shoulder and he knew he should have woken you up. He just couldn't bring himself to do so, leaning down a little further so you could get more comfortable. Normally he wouldn't do this, give in to his emotions like this. But he was tired too, physically, emotionally and he needed the comfort too.
"Just for a few minutes, just a few. Only because today was hard."
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Aoi Todo: Todo was anything but quiet. The man was outspoken, said the first thing on his mind always. It was the way he was with everyone, everyone except you. He was bubbly and open with everyone but closed off the second you came around. Todo just didn't know how to act around you, to him you were even prettier than Takada.
For a change, you and Todo were sent to fight a curse and while you knew he was good at the job, you were worried. You hadn't worked together much and well, he didn't communicate with you like he did with the rest of the team. It couldn't be so bad right? If he just hardly talked to you at all, it wouldn't slip that he liked you, right? Well while that was technically true, the lack of communucation nearly got you killed.
He wracked with regret, looking at you sitting silently next to him. You might have been fine in the end, hardly a scratch on you but Todo was tenser than ever. Simply watching you as you started to drift off in the car next to him. You rested your head on his shoulder and mumbled something before fully falling asleep. "It's not your fault Todo."
His heart pounded in his chest, wrapping a comforting arm around you and pulling you further into him. You still trusted him enough to sleep on him and you didn't blame him for what happened. Todo knew he was being stupid about this, letting this effect the way he worked. When you woke up, he'd talk to you, but for now he'd let you rest as an apology.
"I should have been protecting you out there, not risking your life with my stupidity."
A/N: my first jjk reaction. I hope you all enjoy it! Remember my JJK requests are open, check my pinned post for the rules.
Send me a request!
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fatliberation · 4 months
One exhausting thing about being fat is the endless understanding and forgiveness you have to have to maintain any personal relationships. I overhear my mother saying how disgusted she is by fat Autistics. I’m a fat autistic. I can’t say anything about how deeply hurtful this is without being sensitive. My friend says only fat people will die of covid, so it’s not such a big deal. So I don’t deserve to live? Or the classic:“Ew I’m getting fat”. If you start a fight each time someone around you implies you don’t deserve life or your body is vile, you’ll spend your whole existence arguing.
I empathize with this so much, anon. My family (and some friends) are SO deeply invested in diet culture and fatphobia. I have a parent who is a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical company that sells ozempic and wegovy, and no amount of education or asking for human empathy will change their mind or make them treat me better. It's a hard reality to accept that you can't change everyone's minds. and it is so, so tiring and emotionally exhausting to have to advocate for your existence 24/7. I get burned out doing it too often. The thing is, you don't have to offer endless forgiveness. I'm currently working with my therapist on what to do about this, and the unfortunate solution is to set harsh boundaries (yes, even if they will never understand it or think I am too sensitive, or crazy... it is VERY uncomfortable but I am working on being okay with being misunderstood!) and distance myself from people who refuse to respect said boundaries. Next time my parent berates my food choices, tells me I'm going to die young, or compares me to an anti-vaxxer for not losing weight, I'm removing myself from their presence and tell them these types of comments are driving me away. If they want me in their life, they'll learn to respect me. It hurts, and it's so fucking hard when it's immediate family.
As for non-familial relationships, I've curated my social circle to (mostly) friends who are fat positive and it's one of the best things I could have done for my wellbeing. If I meet a potential friend who starts spitting some fatphobic bull, I avoid hanging out with them from the get-go. I've met most of my fat positive friends in social groups made for fat people, check out facebook groups to see if there's any fat community in your area!
Tbh I have always had this idea of carrying around little pamphlets or cards that are like fat liberation 101 for strangers, I would keep them in my pocket to hand out to someone who says something fatphobic to me so I can avoid confrontation (and exhaustion)... if I made those would you guys want them? 👀
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holy-puckslibrary · 7 months
━ 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥.
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──────────── 𝐰𝐜 — 1.9k 𝐜𝐰 — everyone is aged up / non-canon compliant ages bc i said so; rafe being an emotionally constipated, toxic douche-canoe 3000; an unhealthy dynamic; suggestive moments but not explicit; w*rd + substance mention, wheeze bein' a savage; and a potential cliffhanger? 𝐚/𝐧 — this is a lil nugget from a mini-series i have in the works :) lmk if you’d like to see more in the future! 💌 ────────────
main masterlist | MDNI
IF EVER THERE were a time when a human being might actually be capable of blowing steam from their ears, it would be this one.
Rafe Cameron has been pacing the length of the chapel's private lot since he dragged you out here who knows how long ago. Mumbling crudely configured sentences and half-baked schemes under his breath, he looks every bit the loose canon he's been branded as.
While not ideal, things could be worse—a lot worse. At the very least, he hasn't punched anything yet; concrete wall, tree trunk, or otherwise.
The "otherwise" in this situation (and most, to be frank) is JJ Maybank's pretty face.
Apparently, Rafe doesn't appreciate the way he's been touching you all afternoon.
"If that fuckin' pogue knows what's good for him, he—he'll keep his filthy hands off what's mine."
Strong words for someone who refuses to even attempt exclusivity, or make any sort of commitment whatsoever.
You gnaw on your cheek until copper stings your tongue.
JJ has to touch you, it's unavoidable.
Sarah, his younger sister and your lifelong best friend, has asked you to be her Maid of Honor and, to absolutely no one's surprise, John B, her fiancé, asked JJ Maybank to serve as his Best Man.
Sarah's older brother doesn't see it that way.
And why would he? That would involve rational thinking and a modicum of maturity—two things Rafe is allergic to.
In his perfect world, you would walk in the procession having left a him-sized gap, and, even then, he'd probably decide that wasn't enough. Knowing him, there would need to be an ocean between you two before Rafe was finally satisfied. And still, you know for certain he'd find something else to bitch about.
It's almost like he enjoys getting himself all worked up.
"Rafe, I'm not a pet or a toy to play tug-of-war with on the playground."
At your sudden burst of exasperation, the pacing comes to a screeching halt. And thank god for that; the repetition was starting to make you nauseous.
Just as firmly as his jaw, Rafe's fists clench at his sides.
"When did I say that you were?" he spews his venom at you, but his fervid attention remains fixed on the cracked pavement baking in the late afternoon rays. Rafe kicks a pebble into the side of a parked car, then continues, "—because I don't recall saying that. And you know how I feel about words being put into my mouth."
"No," you all but growl. "—but that's what you meant."
Your teeth ache from grinding them together. A migraine is forming at either temple, but you're already too exhausted by this conversation to massage it away before it takes root. You have your hands full with one headache right now, there's no room for another on your plate. But, like the eldest Cameron's emotional maelstrom, landfall is inevitable.
Rafe glares at you, but doesn't say anything to the contrary.
This begrudged acquiescence is the closest you ever come to Rafe admitting that you were right about something.
Or apologizing.
"Well, whatever you are, you're still mine. Something he doesn't respect and you seem to have forgotten—and I think we're overdue for a little reminder, sweetness."
He reaches for you, and you halfheartedly bat his hands away.
"Rafe, can we just... can we please do this some other time? I have to get back to—"
"—to your side piece from The Cut?"
"—to Sarah. Your sister. Y'know, the one who's getting married this weekend?" You cross your arms over your chest. Rafe rolls his eyes, clearly irritated you decided to cock-block his ogling. "—in case that bit of information got lost in your ego."
"Wow, you're really antsy to get back in there." His eyebrows jump, somehow unfettered by his audacity. The supplemental away from me is omitted, but deafening. "There's no need to be so defensive—if you have nothing to feel guilty for, that is."
You don't dignify his badgering with a response.
His tongue punches his cheek, and he looks away, as if depriving you of eye contact is a punishment in and of itself.
Rafe is trying to bait you into an actual fight so that he can exercise his big, bottled-up emotions without having to acknowledge their existence or their cause. There's too much left to do before the ceremony; you don't have time to spare for something as juvenile and pointless as feeding into his emotional scapegoat.
"If you're spreading 'em for Maybank, at least give me a head's up so I can get tested. It's common courtesy, sweetness."
Cold and debilitating, like a scorpion's venom, his accusation is devoid of the familiarity you've grown fond of. Under Rafe's prickly carapace of indifference, he is spiteful and chronically insecure.
This is what happens when you don't purge yourself of whatever is bothering you. Pent up, the negativity builds and builds day in and day out. The knot gets bigger, stronger, and harder to ignore the longer it's left undealt with. The conflict between inner turmoil and externalized chaos, often projected onto an underserving substitute, is harsh and bitter, persisting until there's nothing left to leverage. Denial is a dreadful opponent and an impenetrable armor.
You are the frog today, and you are more often than not. Perhaps there was a time when turns were frequently taken, but you can't remember.
In shooting to sting, he'll kill himself just the same. Yet, despite the assured detriment to your livelihood, you put your faith in rational deterrence and permit the arachnid to crawl onto your back.
A sense of duty is easily preyed upon, and a desire for benevolence can leave you blind to the true nature of things. Instinct, natural or nurtured, doesn't have to be a death sentence. Nor is it a prescription for life. Villainy, like goodness, is a choice.
The frog may not be able to sting or fight, but it can leap.
"Would you just shut up?"
You bring his mouth to yours before any more garbage can spill out.
He's keyed up on jealousy and, most likely, something else. Rafe's intent on pushing you away with tired cheap shots in a fit of anger. You've known him long enough to know that, in the absence of control, he does and says the exact opposite of what he feels.
He refuses to be vulnerable in any healthy way, instead preferring to throw double-edged rocks at your window from behind a wilting bush.
Words are incompatible with Rafe's trauma-soaked mind. He'll hear whatever it is you have to say—Hell, he might even believe it for a few minutes—but a life of too many broken promises and poorly disguised lies depreciated their value.
Action—that's what Rafe can grasp. For something to click and stick, it must be tangible. You kissed him to express your loyalty in the only way he understands.
And to make him shut up. Definitely that, too.
"I should've ignored Sarah when she said a spray bottle was a bad idea."
Your eyes are slow to open, but you jump away from Rafe anyway. As if you've been caught with your hand in the cookie jar, or like you betrayed some great conspiracy. Like he burned you.
It may not have a label, but your charged relationship with the Cameron heir is an open secret on Kiladare. Still, you're not too keen on public displays of affection—if anything you subject each other to could even be considered gentle or loving.
Intimate, sure. An attachment, definitely. The jury's still out on the health of such a volatile symbiosis, but such an entanglement is a bitch to bury.
You've tried.
Rafe's jaw clenches, annoyed by the irksome interruption now more than any slight you've perpetrated. "Wheezie, can't you see we're in the middle of something?"
"Something I saw a little too much of," she retorts with an exaggerated gag.
You bite down on your cheeks to keep your laughter at bay. You're in no mood to poke the bear further than he's already stabbed himself.
"Run along, the adults are talking."
Again, Rafe reaches for you. This time, you step out of bounds.
She means well, but the youngest Cameron has a big mouth and a propensity for gossip. She's also a compulsive eavesdropper. Wheezie might butt in and stir the pot far less now than she did a few years ago, but when it comes to Rafe, all bets are off. They may be each other's preferred sibling, bonded by their inability to best Sarah in the rat race for their father's attention and approval, but in their household, it's everyone for themselves.
And she's had her eye on the special edition Animal Crossing Switch console for weeks; she'll throw you both under the bus without a thought. Especially, if it means not waiting 'till Christmas to have it in her tween-age hands.
You throw her a bone, and yourself a lifeline. "What's up, Wheeze?"
She gives her brother a final glare, then turns to face you fully. Her features are twisted with exasperation, an understandable feeling considering who her siblings are and the family she's had the misfortune of being born into.
"Sarah wants to practice the rings. Again. So, hurry up and finish sucking face, adults. We have more important things to do."
Wheezie stomps off before either you or Rafe can get a word in. For her, the conversation ran its course. No need to stick around.
"Can I ask something stupid?" Rafe asks once his sister is out of earshot.
His voice is a bit wobbly, and while you know he'll make you regret it later, but you just can't help yourself: "Don't you always?"
Rafe clears his throat, then rubs his jaw like it might grant him the right words.
"We only... y'know with each other, right? I-I mean, I just figured since you're stuck to me like fucking velcro you're in the same boat. I mean—talk about stage five clinger. And, don't get me wrong, I would've unstuck you, but this," Rafe gestures to what little space remains between you. "—is way more convenient than all the hoops and shit of getting with someone else."
You know what he's actually asking—you've been fluent in "Rafe" since the fourth grade. Just one of the many, many joys of your fathers' life-long bromance.
He wants you to spill your guts before he does. He wants certainty; a safety net of prior knowledge.
—Rafe wants power.
"Totally," you drawl, humoring him with half the effort you normally would. Rafe squirms under your knowing gaze. "All for convenience, babe."
"Are you mocking me?" 
"Don't I always?" you counter through a smirk that makes Rafe feel as though he's staring into a splintered funhouse mirror.
Rafe watches you slip back into the chapel, wishing that he said more... wishing he'd said less. He follows your figure down the hallway until the metal door shuts with a rancorous thud.
When he shuts his eyes—a lukewarm attempt to calm his racing heart in the relentless summer sun—all Rafe can think about is your parting wink.
And the God-awful churn of emotion it triggered.
💌 if you liked it, pls lmk! 💌
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ineedjesusverymuch · 24 days
Diabolik lovers headcanons pt. 3 (even more stuff)
Hi, it's been a while, no? Even though I feel a bit like I'm screaming into an empty void, I do enjoy writing my thoughts down.
The Diabolik Lovers fandom gets smaller and smaller and since just a few blogs are active, I wanted to post more! I know that without Rejet producing more content (that is canon and not "just" new merchlines, even though I deeply love the art), the dl fandom is bound to shrink. But: now, there are a lot of very respectful blogs, which I do enjoy! The toxicity just shrinks a lot on smaller fandoms. And I really love that no slander of Yui is happening!
Now, lets get into the headcanons after my short ramble.
I won't write anything nsfw this time, just a quick psa.
⚠ I'll try to mark anything that could be triggering with this: ❗trigger warning ❗
⚠This post will briefly discuss topics like: parental trauma and childhood trauma.⚠
The topics in this post will be mostly happy or cute (?), asks are always appreciated!
As always, I'll try to be at least a bit true to canon. But... Well.
this time I did not just ramble about Kanato, I think I talked about Laito quite a bit though...
Headcanons under the cut ⬇
First of all: Shu.
Genuinely loves dogs (remember the scene with Yuma? The little puppy? Yes.)
All fluffy dogs are loved, just as all other dogs.
Loveslovesloves Golden retrievers and sheperd dogs. Likes big dogs a bit more than small dogs, more to hug.
Deeply hates toads. Not frogs, toads. He thinks they're quite ugly and hates how big they can get
Shu is Not dumb but being a little fuck by not-obeying-karlheinz's-orders-like-being-good-in-school
Has only socks with terrible obnoxious patterns, like the weirdest psychedelic shit? I'm talking about rainbow colored mushrooms on sunyellow backdrop and comical faces. (Ngl, it's a vibe)
Huuuuge crush on Yuma. He likes his long hair and the fact that Yuma doesn't try to lie to him. Shu likes honest people and Yuma with his blunt approach is amazing for him. Also, he is convinced that Yuma is very simple to understand, nit at all complicated like some other people.
Next in Line is Reiji! What a surprise.
Has a huge collection of Hand cream and lotion. He has those long, slim fingers and his nails are manicured so impeccable that they don't even look real anymore.
Wears only black socks. Its a hassle to sort them since some of them have different lengths or fabrics
Has pet rats. Definitely pet rats.
They're cute and all but he's named ever single one outrageous names like Berthold and Brunhilde, the typical old german names you'd read in very old books.
Reiji Is able to speak not only german, japanese and the demon language but can also speak latin (even though shu is on a much higher level), a bit of French and russian.
Would be the type to do things simply out of sprite. Shu once mentioned not liking blue curtains and now all curtains are blue.
Has an academic rivalry with Ruki. All the other students (including Ruki) think they're flirting, only Reiji is oblivious.
Next: our boy Ayato!
Hates bees with a passion.
Kanato once "gifted" him a box of bees out of spite (the little shit put the whole bee hive in that box), ever since then Ayato runs as soon as humming from a bee can be heard in a ten mile ratio. (Being outside is very exhausting for everyone, himself included)
Very much enjoys shows like Brigderton and say yes to the dress. Loves the drama and the intrigue.
Ayato actually? Doesn't hate his brothers??? He likes to bicker with them, especially his other triplets, but genuinely cares about them. He's just a bit too emotionally stunted on that front (thank you cordelia).
Likes not only takoyaki but also any type of japanese festival food. I'm talking about mochi, dango and tayaki, etc.
the type to have lactose intolerance and ignore it completely to seem "cool"
went on an ice cream date with Yui once and spent the entire night in the bathroom because he was too proud to say no
Actually wears makeup? I'm not talking about full-on glam but a bit concealer and eyeliner. Ayato has red mascara and omfg he looks so good with it???
Laito and he enjoy playing those multiplayer games for nintendo
He has an entire village on animal crossing that is managed by him and Laito together
Next in line: Kanato!
I have made quite long posts about him in the past so I wont elaborate on some things that I already wrote down.
Very skilled at makeup. Like top-level skill. Wears eyeliner, liptint or gloss and glitter under and on his eyes. Light blush is a must-have!
Can crochet and knit but is often too impatient to make bigger projects
Will hyperfocus on things like historical fashion and garments for weeks at a time.
Once was so focused on the black plague that he didn't drink blood for like five weeks and passed out until he was fed some blood
Has a friendship with Yuma? They plant plants together and since Kanato (canonically) likes apples, Yuma will bring him some after plucking.
Kanato enjoys tea time with Reiji
Kanato also likes to gossip with Laito. Or more like: Laito gossips and Kanato sits next to him and munches on some sweets.
Huge crush on Azusa. (I went into more detail on that in earlier posts but I'll answer any questions on that matter! Feel free to send me asks or prompts!)
He and Ayato have both the same interest for old fairy tales and will read them together on those nights were everything just comes up again
❗Laito will comfort him when Kanato has nightmares and Kanato will be there for Laito, since they went through a bit if the same things even though Laito's was much more intense
Cuddle time with Shu
Quiet time with Subaru
Now Laito!
Can speak a fuckton of languages.
I don't care if its canon but Laito is like B2 Level of French. Is able to discuss theological matters is perfect french.
Can also speak italian like all the triplets but he's also able to speak a bit german, polish and romanian
Friends with Kou! ❗They're really good ffriends and can understand what the other went though. Laito stays often over night at Kou's and they spend the night watching funny movies (Deadpool is Laitos current favourite)
Laito enjoys comics. He likes Marvel and DC a lot!
We know that Laito likes crossword puzzles but like. He's so good at them it's almost frightening. Is able to not only do japanese ones but also french.
So intelligent???
Not only booksmart but also "people smart". He notices the smallest things on people around him, constantly analizes everyone. Knows a lot about medicine and psychology.
Loves learning new things.
Has immense knowledge about the universe, is able to name every single star sign on the sky.
in the games we often see Laito wear casual clothing. My headcanon is that he likes the sort of style skaters usually wear.
Really likes cargo pants since everything fits in all of the pockets
Wears oversized hoodies and shirts
Has those two piercings on his left earlobe but also has a lip piercing on the right lower lip and a septum that he got when he was bored
As soon as he's alone, he let's the perverted fassade fall down. He doesn't smile a lot actually, more along the lines of a serious face most of the time.
It took a bit for him to be able to drop that fake face of his in front of Kou and his other triplets but after some time he got used to not fake being friendly and perverted.
Dropped the infamous "bitch-chan" after some time, now uses Yui's actual name. The -chan stayed though.
Last but not least: Subaru!
has very soft plushies in his coffin
Loves those tiny fluffy bunnies. Lionheads especially!
Very gentle with animals.
Animals love him (#disneyprincesssubaru)
once tried to color his hair, it went horrible and his hair was a patchy muddy color for eight weeks
Wears eyeliner. The black, brush-tip ones
Long eyelashes. They genuinely look fake.
So pretty
Is naturally more fair and frail-looking than some other vampires so he tries to roughen himself up
❗Bruises his knuckles and bites his lips to look more dangerous. Even though the scowl he usually wears is more than enough to ward off anyone who wants to pick a fight...
Also friends with Kou (Kou really collects Sakamakis like pokemons)
Wears black nail polish but it chips off pretty fast due to the gardening Subaru does
Bonding time with Kanato is applying nail polish together
Enjoys playing pool and darts with Shu when his older brother has enough motivation
Knows he is fucked up from all the stuff with his mother and wouldn't be opposed to therapy (at least after some sweet talk from Yui... And a whole lot of promises for new seeds for his garden and a new set of black clothes)
Has a motor bike and it's his entire pride
Polishes it every week and has a lot of clothes for biking
Takes trips to somewhere when he's bored and/or annoyed by his other brothers
does not realize that Kou flirts with him every time they do something together (obliviousness lies in the family)
So! That's it? I guess? Sometime in the future I'll write about the Mukamis too, I promise!
If there's anything you'd like me to write about, just send me an ask.
And to whoever reads this: I appreciate the time you took to read my post and I hope you have an amazing day/night !
you are truly appreciated!
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NSFT Alphabet: Florian Brand
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I think he is the touchy-feely type depending on who the person is. One night stand? Not touchy-feely. The person he is committed to? Touchy-feely. The type also likes scents and enjoys how both of you are a mess.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Florian gives chest vibes on himself, given he is a firefighter he has to be in top shape to perform at his best. The habit didn't go away when he became a fire investigator. On you, face and legs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes seeing his cum on you and likes your cum on himself too. Post-sex, this guy is the type to touch himself and grin about how much of your cum is on his cock/stomach. If his cum is leaking out of you, him using his cock to stuff it back, whether flaccid or not.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to play fight. Being roughed up a bit, get that adrenaline going. Florian doesn't mention it though cuz he can get really rough and worries he might hurt you, but you can hurt him. He can take a lot.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Pretty experienced from the few one-night stands. Everyone is grateful to a hero, the job stress, Florian has messed around.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Stealing from FG: full Nelson (strength flex). I will say mating press too and cowgirl (reverse too).
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Florian can understand this being serious but again he likes to play fight so you are probably going to have goofy moments. Also, he likes to hear you laugh and smile, it's precious to him.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn't shave and has quite the bush and happy trail. Down below his blonde hair is a bit darker than the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Depends on the level of the relationship. He can be really casual if you are or attempt to be equally romantic as you. He is not very experienced in being emotionally invested in relationships.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Oh, he jacks off often to burn out the adrenaline rush, and again he is into pain so he likes to touch his scars and recall the feeling of fire on his skin.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a thing for scars, especially scars caused by “miracles”, his own included (dude finds Norton’s and Matthias' burn marks to be so sexy). Body worship of your body or his. Period sex (i'm not explaining that), i will add that he can develop an ink kink (any body modifications would fascinate him).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere especially during matches, he is definitely an adrenaline junkie
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything, simple guy with simple needs
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Bathroom stuff
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is a giver but nine times out of ten wants to receive. Shouldn't you be thanking him? Hero complex high af
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Starts slow and sensual depending on the mood, other than that he is fast and rough
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
often again that adrenaline rush
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
If you like risks then yes, if you don't like risks then no
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Dude is a fireman, good luck!
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
If you got toys, use them on him, he finds it hot you want to exhaust him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
You gotta be unfair when him, Florian can tease but he can only go but so long before he breaks.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Florian is local like he is have fun, the mix of your voice and his is music to his ears.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Would not mind and open relationship, maybe a poly relationship if the third is Matthias, but needs to be one to pick. He likes Norton and Matthias, he is male leaning in his choices only because he figures they can play fight with him, especially Norton. If you want a woman as the third he is open but might not do as much with her.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
10in uwu bushy, tone body and got scars from the fire in his childhood and from his high-risk job, he has a tattoo of his fire unit number on his shoulder but it's covered up
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He can either be up to bask in the afterglow or be out like a light.
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