#everyone's intimidated by them but also kind of in awe at them
abandoned-quiche · 4 months
really cool swap au idea is formulating in my mind
so like. it's one of those swaps that's like
kris <--> noelle
susie <--> berdly
instead of susie living in hometown as a child, moving away, and then moving back as a teen only to find that nobody remembers her like in canon (source: the oracle told me)
berdly is the one that did that.
susie stayed in town, so she never grew to resent kris, only growing closer to them, so now kris and susie are an inseparable duo. they're like team rocket if team rocket didn't attack people. everyone thinks they're scary, but they haven't actually hurt anyone - they really just hang out with each other while everyone else avoids them.
meanwhile berdly, having not lived in hometown at the time, did not win that spelling bee, and never got branded as a gifted kid and became faux-egotistical. he's just the boy with no friends that nobody talks to. all that kept him company was video games and his neighbor, clamgirl. when he came back to hometown, he was excited to finally reunite with all the friends he made
he was just a forgettable little bluebird. nobody even remembered his name.
when he gets to the dark world and hears of the prophecy, he's overjoyed. finally, he has a chance to BE someone. he had a PURPOSE, something he could DO! (and it's just like his videogames!)
and then he becomes all high and mighty like he did in the game.
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phas3d · 8 months
All I Wanted Was You || Slytherin Boys
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type :: angst
tw/cw :: insecurities, slight yandere (tom), mention of abuse (mattheo), sexual things implied (theodore)
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
summary :: inspo by paramore's "all i wanted was you" cause it's forever a banger. basically, different situation the guys would be in for this song. kinda inspired by tara yummy and jake. i literally know nothing about them besides that tara is hella pretty but yea! - 🐍 :: masterlist!
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DRACO MALFOY (enemies)
It's just impossible for Draco to like anyone that he does not hate because his brain just does that
He's a straight bully for you, awful in every way possible
Spilling milk down your book bag, writing mean messages on your desk, and more
His entire group would join him on this, making your years at Hogwarts miserable
That was until you finally had someone stick up for you, the most surprisingly person ever, Tom Riddle
Tom was the only person that Draco was ever scared of since Tom was one year older than everyone plus he was the strongest player in the entire school
Instantly, Draco backs off, running away like a pussy when he makes eye contact with Tom
But Tom doesn't help you up or even touch you, he just simply tells Draco to piss off and find a new hobby
You decide to thank Tom for his action, making him a batch of cookies with little smilely faces on it with chocolate
The next day, you hand them to Tom and he's slightly surprised
He's never had someone be kind to him before out of pure want, normally it's out of fear
From this, you two begin to talk about baking and different desserts that you both love, Tom has a major sweet tooth which is ironic for a scary intimidating guy
Draco sees this all, feeling so angry but he's not sure exactly why
He gets huge balls all of the sudden as he marches up to you and Tom's shared potions table, tossing the entire basket of cookies on top of your hear
But before Draco can laugh at you, Tom's wand is in his hand he casts a spell to prevent the cookies and basket from falling
Tom gives Draco a death glare, silently telling him that if he ever does that shit again, Tom WILL beat the shit out of him
From this, you once again gift Tom more sweets the next day in order to thank him again
And Draco can't do anything but watch bitterly from the other side, biting the skin him his cheek until he bits off a small piece
As the months pass, you and Tom get even closer, enjoying each other's silence and small sweet gestures
Draco hates this since it spoils his favorite hobby, tormenting you, and it also hurts his heart to see the person he's obssesed with begin to forget him
In order to stop this, he makes a huge masterplan with his goons to catch Tom off guard and completely embarrass him by spilling a disgusting, smelly, sticky potion all over him
The first step of the plan requires Draco to distract him while his goons wait for his signal to spill the liquid all over him
But as Draco got closer to where you and Tom usually sit, he saw Tom and you kissing, breaking the kiss as you giggled while Tom gave you a small smile
Instantly, Draco was heartbroken. He wasn't sure how to treat his crush or what to do, and now he lost you
He can feel his heart strings rip and disconnect from the different veins in his body as he stares at what could have been his
If he was just a bit nicer
He doesn't even know why he's mean, he's never liked being mean to you
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TOM RIDDLE (best friends)
Befriend Tom Riddle was one of the most impossible tasks in the world but you somehow did it
Ever since year 4, you two were the two duo - a grumpy x sunshine duo
It was odd since you were popular, well liked, smart, all of the traits of a literal goddess
While Tom was a brooding, mean, know-it-all that didn't care for others
But maybe that's the exact reason why you two were best friends, opposites that completed each other
Tom's not good with emotions, he struggles to identify anything he feels without looking into a textbook as to why he feels that way
But he knew that you would be a good wife and mother, creepy to say but in his mind "crushes" are simply just "likely mating option"
He's weird asf for that, but that's the only way he can process a crush in his head
Cutely enough, he goes to not Mattheo or Draco, but surprisingly Theo
I think that Theo and Tom get along great due to them both being quieter and the most level-headed out of their entire group
Theo is a renowed quiet fuckboy who draws people in with his mysterious aura, which is like Tom but without the "drawing people in" part
Overtime, Theo gives Tom some advice on how to get you to like him and how to show his feelings for you
But it constantly fails due to him not being able to break out of his emotionless face and dull tone
He gifts you flowers, but mentions how they were on sale and how he picked the colors he liked despite you hating those colors
He does all of your homework as a gift, but talks about how he's surprised you're even passing in Hogwarts with how stupid you are
You get the idea... He has the right idea but horrible execution
But you're used to his meanness, making you see his attempts at romance as just "Tom being weird" as usual
So when you mention to him that you think you have a crush on someone, Tom instantly is destroyed
He wants to support you, since he loves your smile and happiness, but he can't bring himself to pretend that he likes this idea
He asks who it is, and you say Theo... The exact guy who was helping him try to get with you
Tom dismisses himself from the room without saying anything, you see this as Tom not caring for romance
But in reality, he's running down into his chamber of secrets to calm down
He throws his robe off of him in anger, slamming it into the ground
He whips out his wand and yells, blasting the beautiful snake statues that he bought
His breakdown causes him to destroy everything beautiful within his radius
The feeling of grief and pain is so odd and overwhelming to him, he doesn't understand why he feels like this
All he knows is that he wants- no needs you. And he's willing to do anything to get that
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Being friends with your ex is one of the biggest red flags ever, you never thought you would be that type of person
But here you are, still best friends with your ex, Mattheo
You two broke up over him cheating on you with some random girl, but somehow Mattheo snuck his way back to being your friend after months of apologies
He always wanted to get back together, regretting his actions every day, but you knew better than to give him two chances
You've always been popular with the guys, attracting a lot of them but turning them all down since you were still healing from Mattheo
But now, you were much more confident and content with yourself, feeling ready to get back into dating
Mattheo laughed at this thought, thinking it was just an attempt to make him jealous and that you would finally come back to him
But when he saw you walking down the hall alongside Harry Potter, he instantly felt like a bullet shot him a million times
You looked so happy with him, laughing and joking with him as if you've known him for ages - just like you do with him
Once you and Harry split up, Mattheo pulls you aside, completely ignoring the fact that you have class in about 2 minutes
"What are you doing with him?" He hissed, gripping your arm kind of aggressively
"Ow! What the hell is your problem? It's just Harry??"
"It's not "jUsT hArRy", what the hell are you doing with him?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Because you're MY girlfriend???"
"No I'm not! And I never will be again!" You shouted at him, shoving him away as you stepped into class, leaving him in the empty hallway
His heart shattered, a raw and gut wrenching feeling that he's never felt before over anyone besides his father
The pure disappointment and hurt he felt was scary - he's supposed to be big and tough, a bad boy, yet you had him wrapped around your finger against your own will
So many emotions hit him, the feeling of guilt from ruining it all, self-hatred because of how stupid he was, the jealousy, the insecurities, the fear of being so deeply in love with someone who may never reciprocate it back
He won't ever admit it to anyone, but he skipped all of his classes that day and hid in the forest by himself, smoking and crying until either his lungs or heart gave out first
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THEODORE NOTT (situationship)
You two had a weird relationship that was almost like dating but you two never put a real title on it
This went on for about 2 years: Making out, going on small dates, always hanging out past curfew
You both loved each other, but Theo wasn't able to fully commit and neither could you after seeing all of Theo's flaws and toxicity
You never told Theo this, but if he ever confessed to you, you would still accept it despite knowing how awful of a boyfriend he is
And Theo never told you this, but he's always wanted to confess to you but he knew he wasn't in a good spot mentally yet to be a good partner for you yet
A small pinch of right person, wrong timing because I'm such a sucker for that trope UGHH
Theo was yet again messing around with another random girl, something you got used to
At first, it used to make you really upset and make you have full on breakdowns, but now you're used to it and have fully accepted that you have no control over Theo
But you still couldn't help to feel a tad bit jealous of the situation
You ignored Theo and his new girl toy for a week, knowing that Theo would probably come back to you sooner or later
But a month passed, and you two still haven't spoken...
Maybe Theo did actually like this girl, but if he did, then why hasn't he told you he wants to fully cut you off?
You shrugged it off, it's not unlikely that he just completely forgot you (he would never be able to do that, but you don't know because AGH I love the misunderstanding trope idc idc idc)
Since you thought he wouldn't come back, you decided to move on to no other than Lorenzo, one of Theo's closest friends
Lorenzo has always liked you but he never made a move since he knew you were basically with Theo
But he's always kept close tabs on you and saw how you were secrectly lonely since Theo moved on from you
With Lorezno, it was so different, DRASTICALLY different
He was so sweet and kind in public which Theo never did
He was possessive over you but he still let you have freedom, something that was so complicated with Theo
He was easy to converse with and actually replied to everything you said, completely unlike Theo
And most importantly: he didn't seem to care much about your body at all
Overtime, you slowly forgot about Theo as you focussed purely on Lorenzo
But Theo never forgot.
He was so angry at first, wanting to beat up Lorenzo for taking you and wanting to yell in your face for cheating on him
But he was thinking all of this whilst gripping his new girl toy's waist
He was just messing with this girl since she was so easy and innocent, something that Theo loved about you before he corrupted you slightly
As he watched you accept Lorenzo's ask to be his valentine, Theo felt his jaw tense up as he watched you smile brightly at Lorenzo
Lorenzo was exactly the man Theo wanted to be for you, but Theo wasn't that man yet
And it broke him to know that maybe in a different universe, a universe where he was shown healthy relationships, a universe where he didn't only feel value from sexual acts, maybe in a universe where he just tried harder - That could have been him with you
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE (best friends)
You've been Lorenzo's best friend ever since you two got into Hogwarts, you two were rarely ever seen apart
People always confused you as a couple but you were very quick to state that you two were just friends
But Lorezno always hoped that one day you two could date
He's loved you for ages, literally 1 year after being your best friend he realized he was madly in love with you
But since he's been super busy with quidditch, you were left to do your own things
That's when Cedric started to talk to you while you waited for Lorenzo to get out of practice
Instantly, you two clicked and shared so many interests together
Lorenzo couldn't do anything but watch as you laugh at Cedric's jokes and playfully hit him, something he thought you only did to him
His entire heart feels so heavy that his broom starts to sink to the floor without him noticing
Once his practice ended, it was time for Hufflepuffs to use the field
"Alright let's go get some food! I'm so hungry." Lorenzo whined to you as he packed his jersey into his gym bag
"Um, actually I was wondering if I could stay behind?" You said, blushing lightly still from your interaction with Cedric
"What? Why???" He was so confused, but he knew deep down what you were going to say.
"Cedric said he would take me out to get some dinner after his practice. He made a bet that for every goal he scores, he'll owe me that many chocolate frogs!"
You smiled happily, breaking Lorenzo's heart even more
"O-Oh. Yeah that's fine uh... I'll see you tomorrow then." Lorenzo said, he was doing his best to hide his emotions but he couldn't stop his eyes from watering up
He turns away from you, speed walking away to his dorm
Once he's in his dorm, he breaks down heavily
He always thought it would be you two in the end, that you two were the perfect fictional slow-burn relationship that he's always dreamed of
But now you liked Cedric? Someone who was objectively almost better than Lorenzo in every way
Cedric was smarter, WAY better at quidditch, made you laugh within seconds, and even had the confidence to ask you out??!?
His tears wouldn't stop, he felt so stupid for crying but he couldn't control it
All he's ever wanted was you, and Cedric took you away so easily
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thank you for reading ! 🐍 :: masterlist!
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izzabela · 2 months
Hear me out:
Bi han x fem reader where bi han takes reader out on a date but he didn't introduce them to his brothers or the earthrealmer champion. One day bi han takes y/n to a fancy dinner and johnny sees bi han in the distance and decides to go up to them as a group(everyone is having dinner together but bi han declined and didn't know they were going her) they try to get to know her and she has rock manipulation powers and bi han gets a bit possesive over them being so impressed and in awe with her
Unprecedented - Bi Han x fem!earth-bender!reader
in which Bi Han's date is ruined by idiots
a/n: hear me out- YEAH
ship[s]: bi han x fem!earth-bender!reader
warning(s): suggestive ending, semi-kanon story?
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Bi Han does not forget things often or easily.
However, the fact he has been dating you for a year, and without introducing you to his family or the knuckle-heads he trained from time to time, was an incredible feat. It wasn't his fault though.
He was busy running a clan that spanned his family for generations. He sent his brothers on missions constantly, himself going along when needed.
He also left the Lin Kuei palace to train the champions at the Academy, and not bring them to his home.
His life also lied in life-or-death kombat, and Bi Han did not want you to see or know about it at all. Uncharacteristic of him, but he couldn't help it. Hell, he even kept his cryomancy at a minimum.
While you may have powers, the ability to manipulate the very earth you stood on, you did not align with the world of fighting and constant battle Bi Han faced. Instead, you used it in service of your hometown.
A town similar to Fengjian, but it was filled with older folks who couldn't lift plowing equipment the same way they did in their youth. You tilled the fields, harvested, and more chores that the elders couldn't do.
This was a defining characteristic about you that made Bi Han fall for you. You were protective of your "clan", just as Bi Han did for his. How he didn't introduce you to his family was a mystery to him still.
The consequences of this choice would be reaped momentarily.
In a rare instance, Bi Han snagged a day off and took you out on a date. Was it fancy? To the naked eye, no, but you were meeting an elder Bi Han respected and has known since childhood.
So yes, in hindsight it was. And you were hitting out of the park.
Madam Bo was absolutely smitten with you. She came off intimidating, at first, practically sizing you up as you stood, sat, and ate with Bi Han.
However, over the course of the meal, she checked up on both of you and asked many questions. Now, near the end of the meal, you had made her a happy auntie.
"How do you find Madam Bo?" Bi Han asks you. You dab a napkin on your lips to wipe away any sauce before answering.
"Intimidating at first, but she is truly a kind woman," you note her qualities. "And tough too! I like her fire."
Bi Han nods, approving your view on his retired elder. "She is well-known in the clan. I am glad you also agree with the sentiment I and the rest of the clan has of her."
You take a big bite of your food, chewing and swallowing first before you ask about family.
"How come I have not met your brothers yet? You speak highly of them, and it would be a shame to not meet them after a year of dating..." you sigh, dejected at not meeting his family.
As he begins to answer, he can hear the flamboyant voice of a certain actor in the distance. He flicks his head around to scan his surroundings, and his eyes meet the devilish glint of the actor.
"This is... unprecedented," Bi Han sighs.
"Bi Han? What is it?" you ask as you follow his eyes.
You meet the gaze of a man with brown hair and sunglasses, a man with a bun, a blindfolded man, and a man with a... razor hat?
You also note a man with gray hair and a man who looks awfully similar to your boyfriend.
They all come your way, and they're all smiles as they converse and ask questions.
"Greetings to the Lin Kuei's grandmaster," the man in a pulled-back bun says. "What brings you here?"
Bi Han nods his head to acknowledge him, "I am enjoying a meal with my... beloved."
Suddenly, all eyes are on you (even the blindfolded man). They're all looking up and down at you, and you're shy as you introduce yourself.
"You are brother's beloved?!" the ash-haired man exclaims, which earns him a smack on the back of his head.
"Tomas, show some respect," the Bi Han look-alike scolds.
"We are Bi Han's brothers. I am Kuai Liang, this is Tomas," Kuai Liang introduces himself. "It is a pleasure to finally meet the one who has our brother's heart."
You blush and bow, telling him to get up as you go around the crowd asking each man their names.
The man wearing sunglasses was named Johnny, the one who greeted Bi Han first was Raiden. Next to him was the blindfolded man Kenshi, and the sharp hat guy was Kung Lao.
Bi Han finishes paying the bill silently, watching over you as you converse with the champions and his brothers.
He can hear them asking questions on how you two met, if you had powers, where you were from, blah, blah and blah.
It made Bi Han twist and writhe in... agony? No, that wasn't right. Whatever the emotion was, he had never felt it until now.
He watched as you giggled at Kenshi and Johnny's bickering, blushed a bit at his brother's compliments, laughed heartily at Kung Lao's useless flirtation, and smiled at Raiden's humble praises.
It honestly baffled you on how Bi Han could not introduce you to such a colorful group of men.
"What brought you all here?" you asked, finally having the floor for questioning.
"Tomas owed us a meal after I won a spar," Kung Lao bragged.
You giggle again, "Well then, I won't keep you all waiting." You get up and come to Bi Han's side and place a hand on his shoulder.
"We will be taking our leave, do enjoy yourselves!"
Bi Han nods, and as quick as lightning he took you out and away from the restaurant. You didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.
"B-Bi Han!" you yell. "My darling, what has gotten into you?"
Bi Han doesn't let go as he keeps walking. Your wrist is in his hand, and it grips rather tightly before he stops and turns around.
"Darling?" you call to him softly. "Tell me, what's gotten you acting like this?"
You put your hand on his cheek and watch him lean into it. Like a little house cat, purring into the warmth of his owner.
"Bi Han?" you ask again.
"I did not like how close they got to you," Bi Han whispers.
A ghost of a smile appears on your face, and you rolls your eyes as your thumb strokes back and forth on his cheek.
"Darling? Do not tell me that you're jealous?" you question him as he simply huffs.
"I am not a fool who cannot control his emotions," Bi Han says as he crosses his arms, pulling away from your touch.
You giggle as you circle him, teasing him like a child as you keep poking him with questions.
You stood on your tip-toes to reach his ears, whispering something rather raunchy to get him out of his stump.
"You have all of me, and I can show you once we go back home."
Bi Han had never summoned a portal so fast in his life.
lowkey a lazy ending, im tryna watch the olympics
dont worry, more fics coming your way
see yall in the next fic!
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sunderwight · 1 year
Thinking about the weird camaraderie that exists between demons but not angels in GO.
Have we ever seen two angels who are actually friends? Or even friendly to one another? We have met angels with a capacity to be friendly in general, but I think the closest we've come to two angels actually getting along would be Gabriel making a point to laugh at Sandalphon's terrible "can't have a war without War" line in S1.
Most scenes between the angels actually seem to have an undercurrent of absolute hostility. Teeth-clenched teamwork. No wonder it took them so long to notice that Aziraphale wasn't on the same page as the rest of them! The rest of them are barely on the same page as one another, either! When Gabriel goes against the majority vote, no one bats an eye at demoting him and wiping his memory. Michael and Uriel immediately begin vying for his job. The only times we've seen angels team up is when they're working together to bully someone else, like when they're trying to intimidate Aziraphale in S1 or going to the aftermath of the bookshop raid in S2.
Saraqael's overall neutrality towards Muriel is the closest we get to two angels in Heaven getting along, and it's more a lack of hostility than any kind of friendliness. At least until Gabriel loses his memories and Muriel shows up to spy on Aziraphale, and Aziraphale decides to be kind to both of them.
Demons, on the other hand, actually seem to form alliances and even friendships among one another. Hastur and Ligur are awful, but Hastur seems genuinely distraught over Ligur's death, not just fearful of suffering the same fate. Shax and Furfur conspire together and even though the 1940's investigation into Crowley's fraternizing doesn't work out for Furfur, it's not due to any double-crossing on Shax's part. Unlike the angels, who stick almost exclusively to making threats until the Metatron decides to try dangling a carrot at the end of the season, demons actually offer rewards to other demons when trying to work together. Beelzebub offers Crowley a promotion if he can bring them Gabriel, Furfur offers to back Shax up politically if she goes for the Duke position opening, and Crowley successfully stalls Hastur in S1 by pretending everything was a test and he's going to be put in charge of a legion as a reward for passing. They're still not great at socializing, but they're significantly ahead of the angels.
Of course, it's a fact that demons are awful to one another (Eric's treatment is really bad, they throw that random demon into holy water just to test it, "it'd be a funny world if demons went around trusting one another", etc) but they still seem more capable of forming friendships than the angels do.
I think that's because Hell cramps and crowds everyone together to try and increase their suffering and hostility, whereas Heaven isolates angels to decrease the odds of questioning or rebellion. Hell's methods are unpleasant, but it still ends up putting demons together, and some of those demons inevitably forge alliances and make friendships. Because as Crowley and Beelzebub demonstrate, demons are still social creatures with the capacity for love and affection, even if it's strongly discouraged and buried under nine million layers of trauma and a cultural mandate against kindness.
Angels are the same, but isolation makes is harder to form connections than overcrowding. Muriel and Jimbriel are both so eager to make friends, but Muriel's spent the past millennia shut in an empty office, and Gabriel has been distanced from his peers both through his position and also through Heaven's culture of fear and surveillance. He only breaks away from it when he finds something that's stronger than "choosing sides" (stronger than the fear of being rejected by Heaven and Falling, in fact strong enough that Falling seems worth it if he gets to be with someone he loves). Both Muriel and Gabriel are only able to start forming connections when they're away from Heaven.
I just think it's interesting that demons, despite being supposedly devoid of love, have an advantage in forming relationships compared to angels. Angels are supposed to love, but have far fewer opportunities to actually do so. Demons aren't supposed to love, but they make connections anyway.
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lilspacewolfie · 7 months
Papas Caring For Hospitalized Reader
Spawned from pure self-indulgence. I've been through more hospital visits these last four weeks than I have my entire life. I want someone to bundle me up and make my hand better. I hate hospitals and operations *sobs*. Enjoy nonetheless!
Content: 2k words, Papas x gn!reader, SFW, bullet-pointed format, mentions of hospitals, needles (only mentioned), mention of general anaesthetic, angst, hurt/comfort, anxiety, lots of sweetness, you're getting pampered, no beta we die like nihil!)
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This man will do everything in his power to make sure you’re looked after and relaxed. 
Tea for days! He will try different flavours until he finds the one you like.
Dives headfirst into deep research as to which herbs help your injury heal, as well as calm your nerves. He knows his plants well, but he wants to know more. You deserve the best of the best.
Insists on going with you for infirmary visits even when you tell him you’re fine (you’re not really, but you just don't want him to worry.)
He will anyway. 
Chronic worrier, especially given his age. 
He takes his health VERY seriously, yours too! The Ministry has the best medical care around. 
If you need a wound cleaned, stitches taken out, or other medicines, it's the place to get it. 
Primo will be with you as much as he’s able to, even if that means he’s sitting for a long time while you’re being treated. 
When you’re free and discharged—bandaged, bruised and probably feeling sore, he’ll take you back to his room for some TLC. 
Will have a bath or shower with you, (in his jungle of a washroom), depending on what you prefer and smother you with all your favourite scents.  
He’s a deeply caring individual and shows it openly. 
Will speak gently to you, whisper sweetly and ensure you’re not overstimulated more than you have been. 
“Shh, I know. I know amore. It’ll be over soon, just breathe for me.”
He knows how much you hate hospital/doctor visits. 
You can squeeze his hand if you want. 
If you need space for a bit after everything, he’ll gladly give it. 
If not, prepare to receive a lot of kisses, especially on your forehead (a lot of them, like… SO many.)
He will help you bathe if you’re unable to, running a foaming washcloth over your skin carefully. 
Let him wash your hair! It’s one of the things he adores doing for you!
Once you’re washed, warm and feeling more relaxed it’s time for more tea in bed with a snack if you want one!
He insists. Even if you don't feel like eating, try to drink something for him <3
“It will help you feel good and relax, Il mio fiore.” (My flower)
Fluids are important (wink-wonk).
Reminds you to take your meds like clockwork (always with tea and water)
You’re his petalo (petal) and he loves you dearly. 
Will wrap you up in the mountain of blankets and faux furs he has on his lush bed. He’s old, he feels the cold more than others. At least he has you to keep him warm.
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Secondo hates when you’re hurt/hurting in any capacity. 
Even if it's something minor, he’ll worry about it to the point where he loses sleep over it. 
He’s a big, brooding mother hen. 
The Emeritus curse of being a chronic worrier doesn’t stop at Primo.
This man wants you to be okay and it kills him when you’re not. 
Will also go with you to the infirmary and stay with you. 
The staff always find him a little intimidating, but they know he’s just worried sick. He’s kind to everyone, but honestly, he won't speak much unless spoken to. 
“Are you alright, mio tesoro?” Is what he mainly asks, his voice so low it's close to a rumble. 
Tries his best to make you feel relaxed. 
Will make really, god-awful dad jokes that are so bad you do laugh. 
He will quietly hold your hand the entire time, rubbing his bare fingers over our knuckles. 
You rarely see him remove his gloves in public, but he HAS to be touching you. He insists. 
He’s had enough knocks and breaks in his life to know how fragile the human body can be, but also how incredible it is at self-repair. 
That doesn’t mean he views you as a fragile thing that needs to be wrapped in wool, but he loves you so deeply he would if you let him. 
He admires your strength and resolve as you put up with being poked and prodded (by needles or with doctors.) 
Once you’re released from care, good luck getting him to be anywhere less than within touching distance. 
You’re getting a kiss. Lots of them. Mostly chaste and gentle. 
You can tell it's because he worries about hurting you. 
He relaxes a bit more when you kiss him HARD and bite at his bottom lip. 
Will also help you bathe and shower. Again, touching distance. Just let him be near you for his own sanity. 
Though he wouldn’t be upset if you need some space. He’s very understanding if you’re overstimulated. 
Will linger outside the door in case you need anything. 
Let him dry you off and dress you in comfortable clothes. He can see you that way. 
He can see you’re still with him and that you’re safe. 
He’ll touch you slowly, running his large hands over your skin. 
Will spoon you once you’re in bed or let you curl into him. 
He’ll bury his nose in your hair, breathe you in and say a wordless prayer to Lucifer that you recover quickly. 
“Ti amo.” You hear him whisper as he presses a kiss to your forehead and strokes your hair.
Only falls asleep once he’s sure you have, holding you close the entire night. 
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Terzo. Oh, Terzo. 
Emeritus curse of being a chronic worrier? Check. Turn it up to eleven. 
Unlike Secondo, Terzo is open with his worries. 
He’s a fair mix of his brothers, both gentle and occasionally stoic given the shape you’re in. 
If it's something minor, he’ll try to play it off with a bit of humour like he tends to do. He’ll make bad jokes (oh ho, you thought Secondo’s were bad just wait for this.) 
If it’s something you need an operation for, this man will be silently out of his mind. *insert any internally screaming gif here*
He takes pride in his appearance, but you’ll start to notice cracks—dishevelled hair, a button not done up or a smudge of his paint. 
It would worry you more if he didn’t have Omega or one of his brothers to make sure he’s drinking and eating regularly.
Tries to hide his stress. Fails. Rinse and repeat. 
He doesn’t want you to worry about him, you’re the one in pain, about to be put under and Lucifer… What's he going to do if something happens?
He loves you. Adores you. You’re his life.
He knows how much you hate being stuck in hospitals and it pains him to see you stressed. The last thing he wants to do is add to that, so he’ll play it cool. 
When you go in he’s pacing the halls.
Rest assured, the healthcare of the Ministry has you in safe hands. 
It puts Terzo at ease, but don't expect him to leave your side when everything is over. He will sit at your bedside, kiss your knuckles and stroke your hair. 
Let him touch you. Just let him. 
He’s been through so much heartache in his life. 
Will kiss each of your fingers and whisper sweet words to you. 
“You’ll be okay, vita mia. Cuore mio. I’m here. I’m with you.” (My life. My heart.)
Maybe he’ll hum some songs too. 
You’re his everything. 
Once you’re ready and well enough to leave, you’re getting pampered to hell and back. This man worships the ground you walk on. 
Whatever you want it's not too much. A bath? A shower? Just to get into bed and fall asleep? Terzo’s right there with you.
Dinner in his massive, plush bed with your favourite movie.
When you’re ready to sleep he’ll plaster himself to you. He would crawl inside your skin if he could. 
Fitful sleeper. Wakes up a few times just to make sure you’re ok. 
Eventually sleeps soundly once you kiss his worries away. 
Stroke his hair. He’s a sucker for that!
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*Copia is not Nihil’s son in my verses/AUs unless explicitly stated.*
He’s learned bad habits from the Papas it seems. 
Worrier. Yes, it's chronic. Seriously, are we sure this isn’t like the flu?
Paces a lot. 
Good luck getting him to sit still. 
If he's not pacing, he’s as close to you as physics will allow. 
Lots of touching. Will rest his head by your hip if he’s tired from all that pacing. 
Perfect opportunity to run your fingers through his hair.  
He’ll hold your hands and kiss your knuckles. 
All that stress tires him out. 
“Mi dispiace, amore. Non sto aiutando,” he’ll whisper brokenly. (I'm sorry, amore. I'm not helping.)
You two probably end up curled up on the bed of the infirmary together if you have been waiting a while. A nap won't hurt. 
You kiss slowly as you get comfortable, limbs tangled.
The angle is a bit awkward. 
The sleep helps but he’s still going to be stressed when he wakes up. 
Will get you anything you need. A drink or food, perhaps one of the really nice yogurts they do at the visitor's cantine. 
Will ask the nurses and doctors SO many questions. He likes to be informed. Gets stressed if anything is unclear. 
Maybe he should be in this infirmary bed and not you. 
Prepare to be coddled once you’re discharged. 
You’re both taking a long, hot bath or shower. 
He wants to wash you down so he can see you and make sure you’re ok. Lots of tender kisses to your skin. 
Ends up with you in his arms under the hot water just swaying together. 
You’re wearing his clothes. No, not just because he likes how they look on you but because they’re baggy and won't irritate your skin *cough*. Sure Copia. 
He’ll order your favourite food and you can watch a movie in his room together. 
Will mother hen you, constantly ask if you need anything, and make sure your water glass is full. 
He probably will cry. It’s just been so much. 
You can cry together if you want. You both understand. 
Also like clockwork when it comes to medication (if you’re taking any.) 
Curls up in bed with you. You both sleep like the dead after such a long, stressful day. 
Breakfast in bed when you wake up.
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*Copia is not Nihil’s son in my verses/AUs unless explicitly stated.*
Copia might not be of the Emeritus blood, but unholy shit does the curse of being a chronic worrier catch like wildfire. 
He’s Papa now he’s gotta be strong. 
Will put on a brave face. But underneath he’s still the cardinal he was years back. 
He’ll worry and fret and pace. There's no changing some things. 
While he’s outwardly less anxious, this poor man has so much weighing on his shoulders after he took over to front the band. 
Inwardly it's chaos. 
His hair is never quite as smoothed back as it normally is and his paint is a touch worn. 
There are some things you can't change about a man. Not really. 
Prepare to be coddled, again. The mother hen has never left the coop. 
He’s going to pamper you when he gets you back to his room. Of course, you’re staying with him, he’s not letting you go. 
So. Many. Kisses. 
This man loves kissing you. He adores you so. 
A bath in his spacious tub is just what the doctor ordered. You lay against him and relax in the dim with only the light of candles. 
Finally lets himself cry. 
You shush him, kiss him and remind him that you love him and that you’re ok. 
He loves you so much he can't even express it. The thought of losing you kills him. 
He tries to push your hands away when you take a cloth to his paint. You’re the one who's been hurt and poked at all day, he’s supposed to be caring for you!
Eventually relents because you both know you need this. 
More kisses and mutual washing. You love seeing how his skin pinkens across his cheek, arms and back. It brings out the pretty freckles all over his body. 
When you both get into bed, tangled up again, Copia will whisper how much he loves you until he’s too tired to talk anymore. 
You both sleep like the dead.
masterlist ⛧ Ao3
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katwatcheskny · 2 years
Can I have a preference with tanjiro and two surprise characters of your choice? They realize reader has a crush on them and how they react afterwards (fem reader and mutual pinning) thank you 💕
you have a crush on them + confession
type: preference
pronouns: you/your/yourself (fem!reader)
characters: tanjiro, inosuke, genya
a/n: i really enjoy inosuke. when i first started watching the series, i was enjoying it and everything, but inosuke's introduction was where i felt like i went from casually enjoying the series to knowing i was gonna become obsessed with it. and after i finished reading the manga, i love genya a lot. he's so precious and i thought it would be fun to write a character like him into a scenario like this. enjoy~
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Having a crush on Tanjiro is very easy because he’s a very kind and likable person, who would easily open up to you as a dear friend.
Tanjiro is definitely oblivious to your feelings towards him at first. Because he's oblivious to his own feelings. He likes you, a lot. But, he likes a lot of people, almost everyone in fact. It takes him a while to figure out that he likes you in a romantic way before he understands how you feel.
“I like you, Tanjiro,” you confess.
He smiles, widely. It’s nice to know his friend who he cares so deeply about also holds him in high regard. “I like you too, (Y/N).”
And in your mind he just returned your feelings, and so you embrace him. Tanjiro hugs you back, thinking, aw this is nice.
Then you pulled back to give him a peck on the lips.
Tanjiro’s eyes widened and his entire body went stiff. Friends don’t kiss each other on the mouth, he thinks. The only people he had ever seen kiss on the mouth before were his mother and father.
Finally, he got a clue. You didn’t like him as a friend, you like liked him, the way his mother and father loved one another. That was the unique feeling he had felt towards you and that you felt towards him. 
Then he kisses you back, leaving you none the wiser.
Two years into your relationship is when you learnt that Tanjiro had basically started dating you by accident.
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Do not expect this wild man to figure out you are crushing on him.
He can sense that you behave differently around him than others like your heart rate is elevated, and you appear more flushed. But he would assume you are intimidated by the King of the Mountains.
If you’re crushing on Inosuke, the best way to get his attention and, ideally, earn his affection is to prove to him that you are a strong person. Inosuke is attracted to strong people, whether that’s being physically strong or even just having a strong personality.
Also, feeding him. Kinda like a stray dog.
When you finally get the courage to confess to him and say, “I like you”. He just kinda stares at you, waiting for you to give him your news.
Like, he already knew you liked him. Of course, you did. He’s great.
When he tells Zenitsu and Tanjiro about it, the former freaks out at how stupid Inosuke is. Tanjiro explains that you like him in a romantic way, and suddenly the little wheels in Inosuke’s head finally turn.
Everything Inosuke probably knows about courting a mate comes from observing animals in the mountains. So, he probably brings you some berries and nuts he foraged. And, like, a dead squirrel. 
He picked a fight with Tanjiro and Zenitsu right in front of you to show you that he could give you the strongest children.
Eventually, you realize that this is Inosuke’s way of telling you that he returns your feelings. This is great because, at first, you were heartbroken that he rejected your confession. Then you were profoundly confused.
For the rest of the day, Inosuke walks around with you with his chest puffed out, loudly marking his territory so everyone knows you're his.
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Your crush began when you realized that beneath his tough and aggressive appearing exterior, he’s actually quite soft and kind.
Unfortunately, trying to get closer to Genya is very difficult.
Anytime you try to talk to Genya, his brain stops functioning. All he can think is “(Y/N) is talking to me, she looks so cute and smells so nice. Wait, what is she saying? Oh no! I wasn’t listening! Wait, she’s looking at me! She’s waiting for a response! She has such pretty eyes-”
From your perspective, he’s just standing there with flushed cheeks barely getting mumbles out as he tries to hide away.
Genya’s mutual crush on you is evident to everyone on planet earth, actually. He lacks the ability to be subtle about it. 
And unless you’re as dense as a doorknob, you realize it too.
Or you don’t and Gyomei tells you, so that you can unburden Genya by either returning his feelings or rejecting them (Gyomei is a lowkey shipper, he always knows who's crushing on who and he’s never wrong).
You decide to confess because you realize that if you don’t, Genya might never be able to do so. Bby boy can fight demons daily but can barely say a complete sentence in your presence. You need to take the first step.
When you ask to speak with him, he freezes again and starts mumbling, and you decide to just push forward with your confession.
“I like you, Genya.”
Excuse me? What did you say? It’s already so hard for Genya to properly focus when you are standing so close to him, but he swore that you said that you “liked” him? Which doesn’t seem possible.
“Y-you do?” He asked, his voice was so quiet and unsure.
You nod, excitedly. The corners of Genya’s mouth quirk up into a shy smile, he can’t believe a cute, incredible, and kind girl likes him. He turns deep red and just kinda nods, “yeah.”
If you hug him, he may die of happiness.
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idyllic-affections · 8 months
bravery and its unique manifestations.
summary. huohuo's baby sibling has always been bolder than her.
trigger & content warnings. none applicable.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. huohuo & younger sibling!foxian!reader, mr. tail & reader. 0.6k words. they/them pronouns used for reader.
author's thoughts. mr tail is so dad coded
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huohuo tries her very best to be brave for her baby sibling, [name].
they admire her so very and deeply and earnestly—this, she knows for certain. it would be impossible for her not to know. with the way their eyes grow wide with awe and the way they bounce on their heels, excitedly telling her all about how they want to be just like her when they get older (even though huohuo is barely any older than her baby sibling, and she's unsure if her little heart would be able to handle them being a spiritfarer too…), the way they brag to everyone they meet about how their big sister is just the coolest foxian on the luofu… she would have to be completely and entirely oblivious to not take notice, and even then, she's certain that mr. tail would scoff and point it out to her with a remark about how airheaded she must have been to not realize.
huohuo knows. they admire her more than anyone else on the luofu.
so, she does her best to be brave. [name] thinks she's the most awesome person in the universe! if she didn't at least try to live up to their interpretation of her, then what kind of a big sister would she be..? truly, she does not wish to disappoint them. she would never get over it, never forgive herself, if she did.
she does her best to strengthen her resolve—horror movies at the latest hours of the night, taking on more responsibilities as a spiritfarer, and even going as far as to ask mr. tail to somehow scare her a bit. she just wants to be brave. if not for herself, if not for xueyi and hanya, if not for anyone else in the entire universe, then for her sibling.
even after all of that, though, some fears are not so easily tackled. aeons, she can't help but go stuttery and quiet when someone berates her.
her little sibling has always been bolder than her. they've always been able to stand up for themselves, always been able to keep their chin up, always been able to persevere… they are, in an ironic way, everything she wishes she could be, everything she hopes that she will be one day. just as they wish to be like her, so too does she wish to be like them.
given their sparky attitude, it's no surprise that when they overhear someone berating their big sister, they zip over at the speed of light… or possibly even faster with how they're almost tripping grown adults due to hardly watching where they're going.
mr. tail has already taken to yelling at the one who so boldly dared to talk down to huohuo—that is something only he can do, how dare some random resident think that they also have that right—by the time [name] has gotten to huohuo's side. she tries her best to quickly dry her tears for them. despite her face not being completely dry, [name] doesn't even seem to notice, for immediatly after reaching her side and letting mr. tail finish, they yell:
"yeah! what mr. tail said!" they shout, little foot stomping onto the ground as they cross their arms. their attempt at a scowl really just looks like a pout. simply put, they are not intimidating in the slightest ('cute' might be a better word to describe the little fuming foxian), but the choice of words that follow are certainly silencing: "shut up! who do you think you are to talk to big sister like that?! don't ever say those idiotic things again, you got it?! she's a judge! who the hell are you to talk to her that way?!"
it's quiet for a moment.
then, the perpetrator-turned-victim queitly, awkardly shuffles away. mr. tail chuckles—it could be argued that the sound is fond in its nature, but he would never admit that to anyone. "you tell 'em, pup—"
their chest puffs out proudly.
"—but next time, do it without sayin' hell again, got that?"
they pout. "fine…"
please consider reblogging and leaving a kind tag or comment, it helps me out quite a lot!
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Anyway my favourite caretaker type is someone who the whumpee trusts completely but is a little afraid of. They're a Powerhouse in some capacity - maybe they're just a giant and physically intimidating, maybe they're grumpy towards everyone but Whumpee, maybe just have some kind of forceful personality that's channeled into fierce care for the whumpee - whatever it is, they can't help being a little scared of them and yet also in awe of them. I just love this image of someone being so protective but in a bit of a scary way.
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rain0tes · 7 months
I'm thinking about Hazbin Hotel with a Suguru Geto like reader.
Entering the hotel with two teenagers in tow, panic etched across your face, you plead with Charlie to allow your daughters to stay, at the very least, to provide them with a safe space to hide during the extermination.
You knew you could handle yourself; after all, you'd survived in Hell for a few years now and always navigated the yearly purge with ease. However, upon discovering that your two adoptive daughters were spawned in Hell just before an extermination, you were desperate to find shelter for them, willing to go to any lengths to ensure their safety.
Bless her soul, Charlie took you and your daughters into the hotel, where you've been staying ever since, grateful for the refuge and safety it provided amidst the chaos of Hell.
With a constant smile on your face, you exude genuine warmth and kindness, easily making you one of the kindest souls in the hotel, second only to Charlie. Unlike Alastor, your demeanour feels sincere, radiating a sense of genuine care and compassion.
You naturally take on a fatherly role over the other residents, offering guidance, support, and understanding to those who need it most.
When Charlie would ask what you could have possibly done to deserve a spot in Hell, given your genuinely kind nature, you would simply smile in response, choosing not to delve into the details of your past.
The downward spiral, the lives you've taken with your own hands, the very same lives you once promised to save— it all still haunts you, a constant reminder of your past mistakes. Yet, you strive to push through it all, clinging to the hope of redemption that Charlie keeps preaching about.
You don't really believe you deserve forgiveness, feeling as though you've delved too far down to ever swim back to the surface again. In your eyes, Nanako and Mimiko have a better chance at redemption; they deserve another chance. So, you strive to keep it together, if only to support them and ensure they have the opportunity to find the redemption you feel is beyond your reach.
Nanako's accidental slip of calling Charlie "sister" once has since become a cherished term of endearment, one that has stuck and been embraced by everyone in the hotel. Mimiko, ever accepting and adaptable, casually accepts the addition of a third sister into their familial dynamic without hesitation.
Gradually, you also begin to see Charlie as a third child, influenced by your adoptive daughters' insistence on referring to her as their sister.
The rest of the hotel residents hold you in high regard; it's difficult not to like you.
Angel Dust holds a special appreciation for you. You offer him a safe space to rant and confide in, providing the much-needed comfort and support he craves. Your non-judgmental attitude and genuine concern help him navigate the challenges he faces, allowing him to feel understood and accepted in a way he rarely experiences elsewhere.
He often describes it as you "fathering so hard you start mothering."
Vaggie finds that she can truly relax when you're around, feeling a sense of ease and comfort in your presence. As the only other voice of reason, she trusts your judgment implicitly and relies on your calm demeanour to navigate through challenging situations. Your steady presence serves as a source of stability and reassurance for Vaggie, allowing her to let her guard down and find moments of respite.
Pentious finds you a bit intimidating, not because of any unkindness, but because of the confidence you exude. In his opinion, you're just as kind as Charlie, but you possess a certain assurance and composure that comes with experience, something he feels Charlie lacks. Your presence commands respect, and while he admires your kindness, he also can't help but feel a bit in awe of your self-assuredness.
Nifty's fondness for you was evident from the start, as she frequently left out little gifts for you to find, even if they were admittedly a bit peculiar, reminiscent of a cat bringing their owner a dead mouse. Despite their unusual nature, you graciously thanked her for each and every one, appreciating the gesture and the sentiment behind it. However, you discreetly disposed of the gifts without her ever knowing, understanding that some things are better left unseen.
Alastor views you as competition to a degree. While you maintain friendly terms and often engage in pleasant conversation over drinks, he senses that you're hiding a lot of things, particularly the extent of your power. Despite the amicable facade, he can't shake the feeling that there's more to you than meets the eye, and he's wary of the potential threat you may pose.
Husk is the only one who truly sees how burned out you are, recognizing the exhaustion weighing on you emotionally. Initially, you resisted opening up, even when he made efforts to encourage you to do so. The irony of being the therapist of the hotel in need of therapy yourself wasn't lost on you.
However, over time, you began to slowly share what was bothering you with Husk. While you didn't reveal too much, simply being able to express some of your feelings was a relief. Knowing that someone understood and cared enough to listen provided a small measure of comfort amidst the turmoil of your own emotions.
When Lucifer comes to visit the hotel, he's immediately passive-aggressive toward you, seeing in you exactly what he wants to be with Charlie: a father figure who's there for his daughter. Despite his initial animosity, he can't hold onto his resentment for too long, especially as you both naturally fall into a co-parent-like relationship.
You catch him up on what Charlie has been up to over the years, serving as a key component in patching up their fractured father-daughter relationship. Over time, Lucifer begins to appreciate your genuine care and concern for Charlie, and despite his pride, he acknowledges the positive impact you've had on their relationship.
The first time anyone in the hotel witnessed you engage in combat happened during Lucifer's visit, while he and Charlie were engaged in conversation. Suddenly, you felt your surroundings shake, signalling the onset of a confrontation.
A flurry of emotions overwhelmed you at first, but one thing became clear: your daughters and friends were in danger, and you would not let it slide.
By the time everyone emerged outside, you were already in the midst of the carnage, your clothes and face stained with blood. Despite attempting to wipe the liquid off with your thumb, it only served to smudge further into your skin. Turning to face the group, a grim determination etched across your features.
Maybe there was a good reason you were in Hell after all.
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Note: I love hacker!reader but I wanted to do something else for once. This was more so because I wanted to give the hh cast a "mom friend," and the first person that always comes to mind is Suguru for some reason? Idk. I hope you enjoyed!
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captjprice · 8 months
What about ghost with an s/o who's just as stoic and closed off (mostly with strangers but more open than him in a relationship) as he is and always looks so done with everything, mostly quiet and only gives one word answers or no answer at all, sarcastic or gives a side eye when someone makes a stupid comment and has a dark sense of humor but they're actually very sweet and gentle once you get to know them???:)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader
A/n: I am finally getting to requests ugh
Mentions: fluff, sfw, Simon is scared shitless by romance, angst(?????), but not really
Intimidated wasn't really the word Simon would use in this case, because Simon Riley did not get intimidated.
Yet, he felt a bit odd seeing you. He wasn't sure what to think of you. All of the others in the taskforce were like an open book— So open and friendly, so unlike him. And then there you were, cleaning your gun with an expression on your face that told everyone to promptly fuck off.
Price had noticed you weren't.. falling in the group that smoothly, just like Simon hadn't at first. He assured everyone you were a delight to work with.
Simon wasn't so sure of that, but still, he decided to join you, cleaning his gun as he sat down next to you. Kyle was rummaging around as well, eyeing you. "You two look extra jolly today," he snorts. You don't reply, only looking up at him with a glare. He seems to understand the message, clearing his throat and giving nod. Simon raises a brow, glancing over at you.
He wasn't sure why, but Simon was so incredibly intrigued with you— you barely spoke, and when you did, it was the kind of comment only you could laugh at, and occasionally Simon too. He didn't really notice it himself, but everywhere you were he wouldn't be far behind, trying to start conversation.
It was uncanny, how badly he wanted to talk to you. He wanted to know everything about you, while ofcourse keeping himself at a safe distance.
The bar has flooded empty, leaving only you and some other taskforce members in a quiet booth. It's another late night of celebrations, and you, for once, haven't drunk yourself wasted. You gaze over the booth, watching the other men laugh, occasionally patting each others arm or back.
But Simon also seems to be sober, watching over the others with an almost tired look in his gaze. When your eyes meet, you give a soft smile. The others won't remember much of the evening, let alone you smiling at someone.
Your sudden expression makes Simon's eyes widen a little, especially because all you've been up to now was an isolated grump. He shifts, then gives a nod. When your eyes don't budge from him, he stands, awkwardly shuffling past the others to sit down next to you. "Awful lot, aren't they?" He asks gruffly. You give a nod, sipping your drink and clearing your throat. "And I thought it was bad when they were sober." You say, smiling. "Well, believe me, it can get even worse than this. This is only when they're tipsy." His words make you let out a hearty chuckle, and he smiles in amusement at it. You're not as half as bad as he thought you'd be.
"I have a feeling by the time they're completely drunk, I'll be at home nice and warm in my bed." You state, giving his arm a slight nudge. "Why's that? Not into celebrations?" Simon asks, his eyes focused on you. You shake your head. "I only drink if I want to be miserable." Now it's his turn to laugh, even though it's only a quiet chuckle.
That evening replayed in his mind, you had been so friendly, so approachable that he was wondering why he hadn't talked to you earlier.
"Hard at work, I see." You retort with a little chuckle, watching Simon gaze at the wall with unfinished reports in front of him. He clears his throat, looking at you. He'd get so lost in his head sometimes..
When he doesn't respond, you step closer. "You okay, Simon?" Your voice is so soft now, nothing compared to how you'd bark orders or remark comments sometimes. He gives a little nod, trying to ignore how his chest aches at your sweet tone. "Yeah." Simon glances at you, seeing you holding coffee. You'd made it a habit over some time now to bring him some whenever you could. "That for me?"
You nod, setting it down. "You should take a break, Si." The nickname makes him perk up. "Just not my day today. It's fine." Somehow, you don't really believe him. "Are you sure? I'm here for you. I'd like to think we're friends. Friends do that for eachother."
You're being too sweet, all of a sudden. What happened to you glaring at him, rolling your eyes? He shakes his head, waving you off. "It's fine. I have work to do."
He comes back to his barracks that evening to a little note from you, slid under the door with your number and a little heart on it.
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micahulrichdraws · 27 days
I don't think self-deprecation or concern for the person's well-being is ever going to come across well to someone saying they like what you do. Maybe I'm missing something, but there are reasons to like your art besides being miserable. Even if only the truly miserable liked your work, responding to them by pointing out how miserable they must be wouldn't feel great for them. Your art isn't giving them depression, and it's not like you're contributing to net suffering by making art with ~themes~, so it seems unnecessary to bring up. You suggested that if you struggle to enjoy life, and you make something, anyone who resonates will also struggle to enjoy life. I disagree. Some people will like it for completely shallow reasons. Some people have empathy for others' suffering. You can have a decent life and no mental illness and probably still appreciate a well-drawn skeleton. I don't know what kind of art a perfect world would produce, but any world where people are mortal is going to have sadness, and some art will reflect that. Yours isn't uniquely dark.
Sorry if you've gotten 100 asks saying this same thing. I wasn't sure based on the ones you responded to, and I just found your blog. I know it's sort of a joke, bc you do still sell art prints and stuff, so you clearly are okay with people liking your art. Tbh, I /had/ depression for a few years, so I'm not exactly proof against the theory that your art somolehow only appeals to depressed people. It seems unlikely, though. And the way you talk about your art as "garbage" kind of gave me flashbacks to the sort of self-deprecating humor I'd use when I hated myself. I don't know you or how you're doing, but that feeling made me want to say something.
You didn't just miss something, you missed like, everything I've ever said on my blog about like, everything to the point I'm not even sure this was intended for me? Like I'd break it down, point by point and be like 'no what are you smoking' but that'd be a waste of time after the 'why do you think my art gives people depression!?' part of whatever this is. Like, this is offensive levels of trying to make me be someone I'm not for the sake of a hypothetical argument against a strawman. So if, you want to take offense to who I am in case you misclick and end up here again here's an asshole enough of a response to give you a legitimate reason to find me intolerable:
Welcome to my page! I make art, jokes, and bullshit with folks to make people happy. I started doing this when I was big sad, because cheering people up cheers me up. Now, here's the crazy part: some people are very sad, and sometimes they tell me it makes them a small amount of happy, which gives me dopamine and makes me do it again. The word 'some' means 'not everyone', or even 'a fraction of a percentage'. For example, in this case, it means 'most people just like my drawings but some people get an extra lil bit out of it'. I don't take myself seriously because I know that the art world is insanely intimidating to those outside of it, and sometimes artists tend to be egotistical and condescending, a word that means 'having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority'. Naturally, I do everything in my power to avoid that, because I'm a very 'gates open' kinda person.
So, here's the WILD part: in my perfect world I would've never had depression. Now, I know, that would have been inconvenient for you as someone who passed by my page one time, and I do apologize. I also apologize that I don't make 'dark art', because I like frogs and mice doing cool shit. Finally, I apologize for my art having -~*themes and concepts*~-, I know good art only comes from ChatGPT and that was my bad.
Sike, I didn't apologize, my fingers were crossed behind my back when I said that. Fuck you for thinking me not wanting to be around for a decade is 'worth' because I drew a mediocre skeleton, and because somehow sadness is necessary. That line of thinking is so awful, here's a video explaining it:
PS: the reason my friends and I in these parts call my art 'art garbage' is because that's what my professors called it back in school for like 4 years, back when I started this shitshow. Much love.
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ryuichirou · 9 months
I love how you draw the tweels and Azul. They look so imposing in your art style! I know you love drawing Ignihyde, Octavinelle and Scarabia boys a lot, but I'm curious if you have drawings of the rest of the twst cast as well. I'd love to see everyone in your art style!
Anon! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m glad you like how I draw the Octa-boys. I’m not even sure which dorm I draw most often, but it has to be either them or Ignihyde haha. But in all honesty, I really love drawing all the characters; even if we don’t care much about them, they are usually still quite pleasant to draw at least once.
Which is why I can actually compile my drawings of pretty much every character in this reply! It’s honestly surprising lol but also not really. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we started drawing and posting twst…
Alright, here we go!
Heartslabyul – wow, I can’t believe I don’t have any coloured Aces that are relatively new… We like Ace a lot, I should probably draw him. And Cater too, to be honest, this is my only coloured sketch with him. I never expected to enjoy drawing these boys as much as I do, to be honest.
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Savanaclaw – Leona is the only character I don’t have a proper sketch that is not a commission with lol I’m sorry. But I actually quite like the comms of Leona that I got to draw, so here is one of them! I also really enjoyed drawing Ruggie, I should do it again… And Jack too…
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Octavinelle – aw yis yakuza fishies babyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Come on, you know I love these guys lol Whenever I look at them I feel at home. It’s a shame I don’t draw them wearing fedoras (for some reason I’m still intimidated by fedoras), because I love everything about their dorm uniforms.
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Scarabia – I also don’t feel like I draw these two often enough, but their uniform is probably the most difficult one to draw, simply because of all the details and prints and gold and accessories. But it’s so worth it!... I also think that Jamil is the prettiest snake in the world.
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Pomefiore – it’s stupid how long it took me to find a Rook that doesn’t look creepy in my drawings lol I really love this side of him. I also really enjoy drawing Vil, but whenever I do, I feel intimidated. I just can’t mess him up..! But if the Vil that I drew ends up looking good, I get so emotional that I cry (not a 100% lie)
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Ignihyde – picking an Idia and an Ortho out of hundreds of sketches of Idia and Ortho was more challenging that I thought it would be, so I picked these because I still really like their faces and think they’re cute! I also can’t get enough of them… to this day… Their hair, their teeth, everything.
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Diasomnia – I feel like whenever I draw these guys we have an urge to make it into an art, this is why we have a lot of finished rendered artworks with them. Their aesthetic is just… super fitting for all kinds of dark and gothic stuff. I also adore drawing their eyes!!! All of them have such pretty eyes.
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The teachers – if you feel the urge to laugh at Crowley for only getting a black and white sketch, I encourage you to also laugh at Vargas for not being here at all… I think he is the only character that I’m missing, huh.
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Others – bonus round! I actually also have a sketch of Fellow Honest and Gidel but by the time I remembered them I got tired of making this thing lol, and we haven’t watched the event yet anyway, so they’ll get their chance to shine some other time (you can find it on my ko-fi though). Meleanor is also here, and I honestly I would be happy to draw every twst mom at some point… And other minor characters too…
But not the dwarves; screw them (just kidding I might draw them too at some point).
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jewish-vents · 2 months
I have changed and I can tell it's not for the better. My Africana Studies professor says Jewish people aren't indigenous to Israel and looks me in the eyes, waiting for me to say something? I will look right back and make unbroken eye contact silently until he looks away. The head of the linguistics program mentions 'colonizer languages' and looks at me? I will reply that English is not the indigenous language of this language, Blackfoot is, and meet her eyes the entire time. My math professor glowers at me when I wear a Magen David? I will look right back at her with the same blank, emotionless expression I wear when dealing with the rest of these people. I keep looking and they break before I do. They always look away. They never know what to do with someone who isn't intimidated by them.
When I was 5, a 12 year old whose parents were Neo Nazis tried to drown me. I locked my limbs around him and hauled him down with me. I understood instinctively then, without words, what I know now: I am not weaker than someone just because they're older than me. I am strong. If you want to take me down, I'll bring you down with me. I've been taking jiujitsu for three years and I own a gun with a concealed carry permit. And yet I don't need that to beat any of these people, I just need eye contact and cold recitation of the facts. I can outlast any of them. I have survived a murder attempt. I have survived nearly dying of internal bleeding. I have hauled myself down three flights of stairs with only 43% of the blood left in my body because my dorm didn't have a working elevator and my RA couldn't be bothered to call an ambulance for me.
I am not afraid of academics who think they can call me out in class. I know what it feels like to drown and have my lungs feel like they're on fire and still be able to fight back. I am not afraid of encampment babies who get much more well-behaved every time I pull out my phone to film them and who can only do things in groups. If they want to kill me, they're going to have to do better than everyone else who tried, and if their murder attempts are half as inept as their 'activism', I'm safe.
I can feel myself becoming the kind of man I always swore I'd never be, cold and distant and unloving. And I know it can't mean anything good for my mental health long-term. I also know that if I don't approach things from the point of view that I have survived worse and I can beat everyone here in a game of survival if I have to, this will turn into anxiety, and that anxiety would be overwhelming.
This is forcing me to become my father. This is turning me into the same kind of person that growing up in deeply antisemitic times in Serbia turned him into. "You're either American/Serbian or you're Jewish", "your [Israeli] government", "your country [Israel]", we're on trial for a place we've never been to and we're foreigners in our own homelands. No wonder he became so icy and hard to get a rise out of. He had to. It was that or become too anxious to function.
I don't like what this is doing to me. I like what I'm realizing about my dad's life by proxy even less. Is it the mentality I find myself in I don't like, or is it the bitter irony that after a lifetime of wishing I understood him, now I do, and it's awful?
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am-i-interrupting · 7 months
Hiiiiii! How about Husk x Skvader (Winged bunny) reader? I think the dynamics would be really interesting, since bunnies are usually prey animals and cats are predators.
Bonus points if they are too sweet for their own good, which got them stuck on a deal with alastor just as he is.
If you need more directions, maybe angst, centered around being trapped together under the same man, and comforting each other in a solidarity kind of way? (Maybe reader comforting him after that scene in season 1 - where he shakes on the ground)
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Warning: addiction mention
Husk vaguely knew you for years, decades even. You’d both been contracted for Alastor. You longer than him.
He didn’t get to know you until after Alastor moved himself and his favorite souls into the Hotel.
It’s partially because he didn’t care enough to know you and also because when he was around you, you were either glued to Alastor’s side or Niffty’s. You sort of stayed in the shadows in both their vibrant personalities.
Quickly, he learned why you were one of Alastor’s favorites.
Not only did you make Alastor look more intimidating by contrast but also, you were just so damn kind hearted.
Alastor liked the odd souls among Hell and you were definitely one of them.
You were in charge of event management which meant you worked extra close with Charlie. The two of you got on better than two peas in a pod.
Husk overheard some of Charlie’s frankly awful ideas and praised you silently for making them more bearable.
Still, he didn’t really get to know you until you ended up drunk at the bar. It’s how he got to know everyone.
It tugged on his heartstrings when he learned how you got contracted.
You had been trying to recover from an addiction when you relapsed and ended up in Hell. Then you were suddenly surrounded by your addictions but every time you indulged you felt worse. At your lowest is when Alastor found you. He scooped you up in a contract and provided you with a place to actually recover.
(Which proves that Alastor could actually be doing a hell of a lot more than he was for the Hotel but Husk wasn’t going to say that)
That’s why you were so quiet. Afraid of temptation grabbing hold of you again if you spoke to the regular citizens of hell.
That’s when it clicked why Alastor wanted you clean when he found you and why you always seemed so upset when Husk had been around you previously. Alastor only called upon you for things involving drugs. He called upon you to watch you struggle and Husk to watch him indulge. Sick fuck.
It made since why it took several months for Husk to get to know you the way he knew everyone else. You avoided the bar (and by proxy him) because you were scared of overindulging.
Until that night. Until you came up to the bar with drooping ears and wings, asking Husk to make you something mild. Just enough to forget whatever made you so upset on that phone call you took.
Husk actually made an effort to get out from behind the bar then.
He saw you put so much time and effort into the denizens of the Hotel, someone should put that effort back into you.
He actually put some true sincerity into those exercises you and Charlie came up with and found himself growing found of you.
Of course, he didn’t realize this until you came to the bar again some other night and he told you no. He came out from behind it and grabbed your hand.
“Let’s try something else,” he told you.
He pulled you in for a hug and actually started purring, voluntarily.
You melted into his embrace and pressed your face against his chest. He could feel your ears brush against his face before they relaxed.
When Alastor made his power play, you knew something was wrong when Husk came back downstairs.
You pulled yourself away from Mimzy and discretely made your way to him.
With a wing draw up to give you two privacy, you asked him what happened. He didn’t say anything but his hand was at the base of his neck.
You guided him to his room.
For a moment, you hovered, not sure whether to stay or go. When his breathing finally evened out. You decided to not overstay your welcome.
“Wait,” he said, voice sounded strangled, “can you—?”
You went over to the bed he was sitting on, hunched over, and simply stayed beside him.
Eventually he plopped down on the bed, wings spread out across the mattress.
You looked back at him, using one hand to prop yourself up. He was rubbing at his neck.
“Do you want me to leave now?” “No. “Okay.”
Eventually, you fell asleep. You on top of him, his arms wrapped around you, one between the downy fur of your ears, you face providing a gentle pressure against his neck, your wings tangled together.
You knew better than to ask either Alastor or Husk what happened.
The two of you ended up closer after that night.
After that night, Husk’s hand would ideally go to between your ears.
Angel teased you about it all the time, knowing if he went to Husk it’d stop. Charlie thought it was adorable.
The night before the battle, Husk offered to groom your wings.
It started with his gently prying out any loose feathers. Then his claws carded through your hair. You leaned into his touch, so gentle on your scalp despite the danger of his claws.
“Don’t you die on me tomorrow.” “Well, then you’ll have to do the same. Now turn around.”
Husk was very tense at first. He didn’t even seem to breathe but eventually he calmed. You heard a gentle purr fill the room.
It was the last thing you heard from him before the battle began.
When it was over and everyone was collecting their own, he sought you out.
“See, I didn’t die on you.”
He’d never seen you fight before. He’d never even seen you angry. You always handled things with such kind consideration but now you were drenched in angels’ blood.
“No, no, you didn’t.”
He surprised you by placing his hand between your wings and pulling you close to him. He placed a kiss between your ears and laughed to himself when they fell backwards in shock.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC loses their temper
-to set the scene-
You hadn't expected today to be particularly impactful, or even eventful. But there you are, sipping a drink with your beloved, and someone nearby is loudly making disparaging comments about everything you care about. While looking at you. And then while looking at your beloved. They're too busy trying not to show their hurt and protect you to respond, but then the commenter crosses a line and you see them full-body flinch. Oh, they are dead.
He is in awe of you
He's usually the more dramatic of the two of you, but for once he was trying to tone his own reactions down to minimize the damage
But now your eyes are ablaze, you're stalking up to the poor fool with every ounce of intimidation you carry, and he's dazzled
He's torn between getting involved and letting it play out
It's obvious that you're in distress, and his instinct is to leap to your side and take any unpleasantness on your behalf
On the other hand, with the sheer amount of rage he's seeing you display, maybe it would be good for you to let it all out
Maybe it's good for you to finally express this, he can get to know you even better this way. He loses his temper too, sometimes
None of it has to do with how lethally attractive your voice is when you yell, none of it at all
He's taking out for drinks to celebrate after this
Honestly, seeing you like this caught them completely off guard
He knows you experience anger like everyone else does, but you've spent the last several years focusing on other things
It's not in their nature to snap either. Certainly not like you are right now. Woah
He's positioning himself behind your shoulder, where he knows you can sense his presence, ready to follow whatever course of action you set for him
They're also taking the chance to appreciate a whole new side of you
Your chest is heaving, you've got your feet planted with an intensity he hasn't seen since you were in the Devil's realm, your aura is shifting with each wave of fury
He's looking at you starry-eyed. He's used to fending for himself in much worse situations, but here is the love of his life putting the fear of god into the poor idiot who tried to hurt him
Normally she would not hesitate to put someone in their place, but since the attack seemed to be aimed at her personally she thought it best not to respond
Clearly, you don't share the sentiment
She doesn't care to be coddled, but she's not used to people taking offense on her behalf like this, and oh, that's very creative language
She'll allow it
She enjoys being the more protective and intimidating of the two of you, but if this is how glorious you look when you're angry she might let you take the stage more often
She's also strategizing on how to respond if anything goes south, she's got all accompanying guards on standby and she's already planning every reward she wants to shower you with later
If at some point you move aside so she can deliver the finishing blow, she will do so gladly
He knew you had the kind of guts it took to go up against the Devil and a goatman, but this is something else entirely
He still has a difficult time around large groups of people, even with recent events he still expects negative attention from them
What he never expected was the kind of attention you command from large groups of people when you defend his honor
He knows his own strength, but now he's especially glad he's never had to face you in serious combat
The person you're unleashing your rage against is cowering against a wall now, and for once it has nothing to do with his intimidating presence and everything to do with yours
He does not like conflict, so once he senses you've accomplished enough of your goal he'll start gently pulling you away
It's a weird and new and nice feeling for him to be protected, you're going to see him glancing at you from the corner of his eye with a small blush and smile for a bit
She was ready to step in and start a fight as soon as she saw they were bothering you, but once the comments were aimed at her she stalled
You're absolutely worth throwing a punch for, but she's used to snide remarks from self-important people, she's fine really -
Oh, you're angry
Oh, you're really angry
She can't decide between teaming up with you to really teach them a lesson or grabbing some popcorn for the absolutely stunning show you're putting on
In the end she'll watch you on the edge of her seat, hands clasped, letting out a squeal or two when you really put a point across
She's also mentally mapping out every escape route available and concocting alibis for you two, just in case
She'll be at your side in an instant as soon as you look in her direction, either because you could use some support or because you've finished them
He was trying to follow your example and keep his cool, and he was succeeding!
And now apparently you're following his example and making this random person fear for their life!
As soon as he sees you stand up and storm over he's right on your heels. He's been holding back and now you get to beat someone up together
And since you're initiating it, it's less likely to be an oopsie, and even if it is it won't be his fault, this is a win-win
Conflict is his first language and watching you speak it so freely is sending him to new heights of giddiness
You will have to be the one to call it quits, he doesn't know when to stop
Once you do he'll be parading around with you on his arm, gushing over every beat-down you made play by play
He'll shut up if you're shy about it, but he'll be fanboying over you for days
(I'm writing this while staving off a three-day anxiety attack and severely sleep deprived, let's fkng GO - brainrot)
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whiterosesforher · 2 months
dark moon pantheon series ; iii
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warnings. implied nudity, mentions of war
genre. (dark) fantasy, au, romance, drama, action, fanfiction, historical, royalty
word count. 2,358 words
chapter synopsis. a war has finally been formally declared in the celestial realm, the sisters however are more calm than they should be given the fact that they already saw this coming because of the wrongdoings of their father. the eldest sister on the other hand, met a vampire during on one of her visits in earth.
a/n. this is an oc (named reader) x enhypen fanfiction based off of enhypen's current lore as vampires, there are some parts of the story where it's accurate to the greek mythology but there are also some that are just purely fiction. i apologize for updating only after a month. again, english is not my first language so bear with me.
this is only the backstory. the real start of the plot/story has not begun yet.
Zeus had his mind reeling non stop from the confrontation with his siblings, he walked into the dining room with a tense jaw and an angry heart.
Earlier today, his siblings, Poseidon, Hades, and Athena, marched to his throne to speak to him.
They're finally starting a war against him and the beings devoted to him.The war will start on the second full moon from now.
His eyes scanned the room, falling upon his wife, Hera, seated gracefully at the head of the other side of the table opposite to the chair reserved for him. Her gaze met his, a flicker of concern in her eyes, but she said nothing, allowing him to take his place opposite to her.
Arrayed along the table were their eight daughters, four on each side and each one of them has already been bestowed their titles and powers that comes with great responsibility. His eyes moved from one to the next, taking in their faces, this is actually the only time where he paid attention to his daughters.
Venus, the eldest, she is the god of beauty, conviviality, emotion, and love. Her presence alone can bring a sense of lovingness and emotional support and Zeus could see the natural leadership in her eyes, though he knows that she also has her own worries about the family since she's the oldest and most mature.
Next to her was Thana, the god of war, justice, balance, and death. Thana's eyes were sharp, her demeanor confident and strong. She has always exuded a strength and determination that spoke of her readiness to fight for what she believed in, a true warrior at heart. She kind of reminds Zeus of his sister, Athena.
Artaemia sat beside Thana, her bold aura a testament to her being the god of nature, wildlife, and disasters. She looks like nature itself and that is both awe-inspiring and intimidating.
Hali, the fourth in line, sat quietly, as the god of elements, knowledge, mind, and logic, Hali was often described as omnipotent, a title that made her both revered and envied by everyone in the Heaven. Her power, so unexpected in someone so far down the birth order, this posed a potential threat to Venus' position as the heir to the crown.
Harmonia, the god of harmony, peace, and comfort, sat all calm and composed. She held the bridges connecting all realms, a vital role that linked the earth, the heavens, the afterlife, and the abyss. Her presence was soothing as well as her personality.
Liwa, the god of sun, light, and healing, glowed with inner radiance. She is one with the sun, controlling it and bringing light and warmth to the world. Her power is life giving.
Lunar, the god of moon, hunting, and night sky, was a mysterious figure. Her physical appearance showcases her title as she is as beautiful as the night sky. Like her older sister, she owns the moon, her influence felt in the quiet, reflective hours of the night. Her power was subtle but profound, a counterbalance to Liwa's bright blinding energy.
Finally, there was Nikola, the youngest, the god of women, children, fertility, and life. Though her powers were considered less formidable than those of her older sisters as she's already so far down the birth rank, there was a gentle power in her, a nurturing spirit that was essential to the balance of their world.
As they began to eat, the clinking of silverware and the hum of quiet conversation filled the room. Zeus remained silent, his mind full of thoughts. He watched his daughters interact, their faint laughter the only thing filling the room.
Eventually, he cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "My daughters," he began, "I have come to dine with you tonight because there is something important I must discuss with all of you."
The room fell silent, all eyes on Zeus. Hera looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern, while the girls waited expectantly.
"The realm is in a state of unrest, as always." Zeus continued, choosing his words carefully. "There are those who believe that my rule has brought imbalance and suffering. They have tried to negotiate, but I will never let my pride down no matter what. Now, they invoked war."
A ripple of shock and unease passed through the daughters. Venus, always the voice, spoke first. "Father, what can we do to help? How can we prevent this war?"
Zeus sighed, the weight of his decisions heavy on his shoulders. He doesn't even know how all of this would end, if him and his family will survive. While true that gods and demigods are immortal, but they can certainly die if killed by another god.
"I do not know if it can be prevented. But I know I have always done what I believed was best."
Hera smiled at her husband, a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "We will get through this." she said softly, assuring every single one of them.
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The palace was quiet as the blue hour descended, the time when day melted into night. Venus sought some sort of peace after their early dinner with her family. She approached her sisters, hoping one of them would join her to come down the earth realm and relax at the sea.
"Will anyone come down with me to visit earth?" Venus asked, her voice hopeful.
Thana shook her head, her eyes tired. "I'm exhausted, Venus. Perhaps another time."
Artaemia, engrossed in her latest project involving the wild creatures of the forests, waved a distracted hand. "I'm busy, Venus. Next time, I promise."
Harmonia, Liwa, and Lunar were similarly occupied, and Nikola, the youngest, was already dozing off in her chair.
Finally, Halimede looked up from her books, her eyes warm with understanding. "I’m sorry, Venus. I'm swamped with studies and duties. But I promise, next time I’ll come with you. We'll visit the earth realm together, okay?"
Venus smiled at her sister, grateful for the reassurance. "Thank you, Hali."
With that, Venus slipped out of the palace. She navigated the familiar path to the earth realm, her steps light on the soft white sand as she approached the cave that housed the hidden blue lagoon. This place was a sanctuary for her and her sisters, a refuge from the celestial chaos above.
As she entered the cave, the air grew cooler, the sound of dripping water echoing softly around her. The deeper she ventured, the more she felt the cool air of the place envelop her. The lagoon lay ahead, its crystal-clear waters shimmering with a faint blue glow, surrounded by glittering crystals embedded in the cave walls.
But tonight, there was something different. A melodic, relaxing male voice reached her ears, his voice echoed in the cave, singing a tune that was both enchanting and unfamiliar. She followed the sound, her curiosity piqued, and soon found herself hiding behind a large stone, peering into the lagoon.
There, in the water, was a dark red-haired male, his back turned to her as he sang. His naked form completely submerged in the water with only his bare chest visible up the surface.
Venus observed him, trying to decipher his identity. He was not a siren, nor a mere mortal human; she could sense his immortality. As he sang, she noticed something peculiar about him. When he opened his mouth, she saw the gleam of sharp fangs.
A vampire, she realized, involuntarily gasping.
Her gasp did not go unnoticed, and the man snapped his head in her direction, their eyes locking. His eyes glowed, and she felt a force trying to invade her mind. But it met with resistance, unable to penetrate her divine barriers. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Venus finally stepped out from behind the rock, her voice calm and steady. "You cannot do that to me. I am not a human."
The vampire’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, the glow fading as he regarded her with curiosity and wariness. "My telepathic ability can also penetrate any another immortal's mind. So who and what are you?" he asked, his voice still carrying the melodic undertone that had drawn her in.
"That's because I'm not a simple immortal. I'm Venus, daughter of Zeus and Hera, god of beauty, conviviality, emotion, and love," she replied, standing tall and composed but also elegant and calm.
The vampire’s expression softened, his tension easing. "God of beauty and love huh, I did not expect to meet a god here in this hidden lagoon."
"And I did not expect to find a vampire," Venus countered, her eyes studying him. "What brings you here?"
He hesitated for a moment before responding. "I come here to find peace, away from the chaos of the mortal world. This place... it’s my peace of mind."
Venus nodded in understanding, her own reasons for being there mirroring his. "We share that sentiment. This lagoon has been a refuge for my sisters and me."
The vampire smiled faintly, the initial tension between them dissipating. "Then perhaps we can share this place, even if only for a little while."
Venus returned his smile, feeling a sense of comfort with this unexpected stranger. "Perhaps we can. What is your name?"
"Heeseung," he replied, his voice softening. "And I promise, Venus, I mean you no harm."
With that, She dipped into the cold water beside him. They settled into a peaceful but not awkward silence. Heeseung did not feel any intimidation nor nervousness from the god beside him as he should have, her presence was just so comfortable for him.
After a long silence, with only their breaths and heavy sighs let out here and there, Heeseung finally broke out the silence.
"So, Zeus and Hera's daughter? The Queen and King of the Heavens. You're not just a normal god then, you are a royalty."
His statement earned a chuckle from the girl, "I guess you can say that."
"It almost feels rude for me to talk to you so casually knowing who you are."
"Oh please, don't be. It's tiring to get treated differently whenever someone knows who I am, they always get intimidated and scared. I'm just me." She shrugged casually as she soothed the skin of her arms with the cold water.
Heeseung hummed in agreement before asking her another question, "How old are you then?"
She glanced at him before focusing back on the waters again, "I'm a young god, only 23. How about you?"
She takes a look at him again, waiting for his answer. He almost giggled, his bambi eyes staring at her, "We're the same age!" He exclaims, like a cute excited kid.
"Really?" she also giggled alongside him before continuing, "I guess we'll grow really old together then."
The corner of Heeseung's lips tugged up as he teasingly raised a brow at what she just said. When she glanced at him, that's when Venus started to realize what she just said.
"Oh no no, what I meant was that we're the same age and that we'll grow old together because we're both immortals and will probably live so many years in here and–" she started to ramble, nervously explaining herself before Heeseung's laugh cut her off.
"Okay okay, I get it, Venus." he said while holding his stomach, still laughing. He was totally amused by her reaction, rambling with her cheeks tinted pink.
They laughed together, Venus secretly releasing a sigh of relief for getting out of the awkward embarrassment.
The sense of time totally flew off Venus' head as she enjoyed every moment with this newly met vampire. It's eventually late at night, her sisters up the celestial realm worried about her because their mother will soon check in on them for dinner and would definitely notice the missing eldest.
"Where on earth and heavens is she?!" The second eldest exclaimed, while Artaemia guarded the door, on the look out for when their mother will come.
Stepping down the earth has been strictly prohibited, it is a rule among gods. Especially young gods like themselves.
"Thana, lower your voice, we don't want to alarm any servants to come in and check on us." Nikola explained, her tone a slight warning to her impatient and easily triggered sister.
Thana could only roll her eyes in frustration while Liwa beside her kept on biting her nails anxiously.
With a sigh, Hali finally thought of something to both calm her anxious sisters and also to call up the currently missing Venus.
"Harmonia, bridge to her and call her to come up immediately." Hali stated, with Lunar butting in after she finished speaking, "Yeah we have to make sure she's safe, she don't usually take this long."
Artaemia snorted, "Yeah, if anybody among us is always late and gets into trouble that would be Lunar, not Venus." Thana and Nikola laughed which made Lunar throw a glare at their direction.
"It's true tho," Nikola mouthed to her with a shrug.
Harmonia nodded, with her ability to bridge and communicate all realms, ran straight to her room where a small fountain is located. Her sisters followed her inside not long after, peeking over her shoulder to watch what she's about to do.
She lightly touched the calm water with her index finger before swirling it gently, the water swirled for a few moments before it completely stilled.
It showed an image focused on Venus, emerging from the lagoon with her soaked dress. Through the bridge ability that Harmonia possesses, she whispered to the water "Come home," and her whispers soon reached Venus' ears.
"Heeseung, I need to head back home," she said with such urgency in her voice that made heeseung look at her with worry "It was nice meeting you, let's see each other again soon."
The image of their sister in the water disappeared shortly after that, "There, that should urge her to come back home."
Venus on the other hand internally panicked as she realized she had lost track of time, and Harmonia calling up to her means it's something serious.
He nodded before she quickly turned to walk away, but Heeseung was quick to snatch her hand, placing a kiss on it. His own way of saying goodbye to her before she departs back to where she rightfully belongs.
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