#everything at work was sooo funny in the afternoon. seriously needed a good laugh after such a shit of a day
swordsofsaturn · 4 months
anyway what a fucking day i've had. if nothing else at least i work with some of the funniest cunts
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spield · 3 years
Picking Up - VIII
Summary: Sakura and Sasuke catch up. 
Notes: Life’s been busy (good busy!), so I haven’t had the chance to work on the series and on infinite universes. I do miss the fandom, Kakashi, and Sakura so I figured I’d try to write this one out. Hope you like it! 
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“So, I heard the honeymoon’s cut short. What happened?”
Sakura sits across her husband, hair loose and curling just above her shoulders. It’s one of the rare times that there isn’t a white coat hanging behind her chair, and her feet aren’t slipped into those horrible squeaky white shoes.
It’s been a while, but Sasuke still thinks his first love is beautiful.
They’re sat in one of the cafe they used to frequent, a stone throw away from the hospital and a 30 minute drive from the law firm.
It’s where they had their first date as a mother and a father and it’s where Sakura served him their divorce papers.
It’s also a place that serves really good black coffee.
“Father needed someone to take over the Kumo assets project,” Sasuke answers, looking away from what sure to be Sakura’s disappointed eyes.
Clucking her tongue, Sakura leans back and waves a waiter over. “One slice of strawberry cheesecake for me, and one lemon yogurt cake for him. Thank you.”
The waiter leaves quietly and Sakura holds the silence, far used to Sasuke’s. But still, she is who she is and she asks, “How did Hanabi take it?”
Sasuke thinks about Hanabi’s clenched jaw and narrowed eyes, and the determined set in her shoulders. “Not well, as expected.”
Sakura sighs, “Sasuke, seriously…”
Their jobs and the time they devoted to it are one of the reasons why they divorced. Sasuke knows that Sakura’s worried that his bad habits carried over to his new marriage, but it hasn’t.
He’s learned.
“That’s why I’m taking a leave next week for a month.” Sasuke smirks, “Hanabi brought war to father’s door.”
Sakura laughs at the image of Hanabi facing against Fugaku and feels relief at the thought. “I would pay for front row seats to that.”
It’s a relief that Hanabi’s unflappable to pressure the Uchiha is putting on her new husband. Probably because she’s way too familiar of how it feels, having grown up in a similar environment with the Hyuuga.
The girl’s got a back of steel, something Sakura didn’t have when she first married into the family.
Turning away to watch the people outside the cafe window walk under the afternoon sun, Sakura remembers how cowed and scared she was entering the family.
They were young, just straight out of high school. In love with each other and with the idea of love. It was no secret that outside the main family, the Uchiha didn’t like Sakura.
And Sakura felt small, those first few years, but then, Sarada came, and everything changed. She had to be strong, better.
“Enough about me,” Sasuke grins, pulling Sakura away from her thoughts, “So… Kakashi?”
Sakura rolls her eyes, the question so familiar and with Sasuke grinning, she’s reminded of just where Sarada gets her brand of cheek.
Still, her lips curve into a sweet smile at the thought of silver-haired male. He’s been up in the mountains for a “hike” with his “old officemates” for weeks now.
He was without any camping gear but Sakura didn’t ask. Kakashi will tell her when he’s ready.
“What about him?”
Sasuke regards his ex-wife with a softness in his gaze. It’s great to be able to talk this way. Light, teasing, just like when they were younger. It’s easy now, now that they’re older.
(But Sasuke still remembers the stares across the hallway. The new teacher, and the way Sakura’s eyes gravitate to him outside classes. The tutoring, the tension.
((And that one conversation he and Kakashi had.))
He loved Sakura then. The same way an Uchiha can love anything or anyone - truthfully, consumingly - obsessively.
It was true, it still is. That’s why they got married so young - because of love. And if their marriage kept Kakashi away for a decade, then that’s that.)
Sasuke shrugs slicing into his yogurt cake. It’s still his favorite, not too sweet. “You brought him to my wedding.”
“It’s almost as if I didn’t,” Sakura groused, remembering the whole night. She didn’t even get to dance a full song with the man! Lady after lady stole him away from her in the dance floor, sent by…
Eyes hardening, Sakura sips her coffee and asks, “Should I be concerned?”
“About what?”
The doctor pauses and surveys her ex-husband. He’s hedging, that’s never a good sign, but she wasn’t married to him for nearly a decade to not know how to navigate the storms that are in his head.
“You know what I mean - your brother, god, even your cousin.”
Sasuke thinks back to his own conversation with Itachi and Shisui and shakes his head, “I’ll make sure you don’t.”
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End Notes: I wasn’t sure how I wanted to write Sakura and Sasuke’s conversation - funny, serious, longing, scary. I wanted to give credit to their past sooo. I hope that came out well.  Plus, a bit of background on their past. Obsessive love runs in the Uchiha blood. 
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kerwritesthings · 5 years
Dance Your Way Into My Heart
Summary: It’s more than just that feeling of love, it’s the actions, and the talk of forever
Word Count: just a little over 2.6k
Warnings: more soft, squishy, lovely words with a side of wedding fluff
Author Notes: So, this is my 10th ‘full-length’ one shot in this verse which boggles my mind since it’s ONLY been about a month (a day or two off actually – I first posted late the night of Jan 18!) since I started writing around this fool heart. I think he, and this place, the people and the creativity, really came to me when I’ve needed it the most. Sooo, now that the emotional nonsense has been blithered out. Here’s a little something for that…
Funny enough that this all hit me the Wednesday/Thursday before any of Josiah’s wedding stuff hit. Another pretty photo reblog from @rainbowshawn​ that set me on a spiral of ohhh shit I can see him singing at a super casual wedding like this and then the next thing you know I’ve busted out 500ish words on my Notes app on my phone while at a bar waiting for my friend before seeing Moulin Rouge on Broadway that night, total aside THE SHOW IS AMAZING – listen to the OBC album cause it’s bomb, however I digress. 
As always, these can be read as stand-alone one shots, but they all fall under the umbrella of this verse of mine. Reading the previous would provide some context. Masterlist can be found here!
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As soon as she asks, Shawn immediately said yes. He's such a sucker for love and weddings and basically anything to make you happy. So, when your best friend asks you if you’d think he would be willing to sing at her wedding, you mention she would need to talk to him and ask. So, she flies up for a weekend under the onus of coming to hang out with you. However, she takes him to lunch one afternoon just the two of them, his favorite place downtown, nervous and anxious. However, you understood it was a shoe in. It was sweet though she wants to go the extra mile with him.
“You knew?” he asks, flopping down on the couch next to you, head immediately falling in your lap as soon as he gets back home. 
“Mmhmm,” you mutter, hands automatically winding through his hair. “Told her she needed to talk to you though. Maid of honor duties only go so far you know. What did you say?”
“Yes, duh. Of course, yes,” he replies, eyes fluttering shut as he relaxes into your touch. “Didi is your best friend, she’s the closest thing you have to a sister. Of course, I’m going to sing for her for her wedding. Plus, it’s going to be so super chill and laid back. I told her to give me a few things she and Tomas like and I’ll work around with that. I also told her I want first dance duty. No wedding band or DJ should have your bestie’s special moment.”
“You’re something else and I love you. Thank you, sweetheart. It means a lot to her. And even more to me,” you whisper, leaning down to dust a kiss to his forehead, another to his nose before reaching his lips.
Didi can’t stop raving, gushing and thanking you and him. The key smash texts are adorable and you both appreciate the lovely case of rosé champagne she sends over. Tomas, separately, takes him for a boys night at Maple Leafs game next time he’s in town as a personal show of thanks for helping his future wife. Shawn takes his role seriously, copious notes and hours locked away in his studio practicing or grumbling some days. It’s heartwarming to see how much care he took in this. “At some point, she’s practically going to be my sister-in-law, so yeah,” he blushes, after explaining the latest iteration of songs he’s going through. “Plus, it’s her wedding day. Needs to be epic and as perfect as possible. I’m going to make sure it’s that.”
He says it so nonchalant, so matter of fact, and without hesitation: At some point, she’s practically going to be my sister-in-law. It hits you square in the gut. You both know how deep your feelings run for each other, and you’ve had a few abstract talks, a few serious ones too, along with a more pointed talk specifically about the future. But you’ve never heard him speak of it with such assured conviction. Like it’s happening soon. You just look at him, jaw slightly dropped and eyes wide. 
“You’re gonna catch flies like that my dear,” he smirks, tapping his pointer finger up under your chin to close your mouth. Before you can reply, he leans in to kiss you sweetly, slowly and thoroughly. 
“You know you’re my forever,” he sighs against your lips, just a hair away from yours. He presses a soft, quick peck to both corners of your mouth before one squarely against you. “I’ve thought about it a lot more lately. Since Santa Barbara and our breakfast by the pool, really. Of us doing this ourselves and what our wedding would be. I know the new album and the tour, and all that shit is a thing happening, but I also know you mean everything so…”
You don’t know what to say, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. You just look at him, hand coming up to cup his cheek. 
“This is not going there now, because this would be a lame as fuck as a story to tell on how I proposed to you, but just know. I’m thinking about it. Really and truly,” he reveals through a bright smile. “I love you, so, so much baby.”
You can’t help but shift your arms around him, face nuzzling into the side of his neck. This boy of yours. He’s something extraordinary. 
At the rehearsal dinner, you spy him and Didi in deep conversation before you’re all due to sit down for dessert. 
“He won’t tell me what they decided on, Didi either,” you explain to Didi’s sister Renee, as you head towards your table. “They’re being sneaky little shits, but you know Dee.”
Renee laughs, “Are you really surprised? After you’ve been friends for this long? It’s sweet of your man to be willing to do all this for them. I’ve already warned all cousins and the brothers’ idiot dates they are not to fawn over him, that he’s beyond happily taken by the maid of honor, and that if I see cell phones obnoxiously in the way at any point this weekend, I’m breaking them in some way.”
You hear his laugh before you feel his arm wrap about your waist. “This is why Renee is the best. She won’t take anyone’s shit. Even from her own family. Thanks girl. Appreciate you having my back,” he smiles, fist bumping Renee. “I owe you one.”
“Holding you to that, Mendes,” she grins widely. “Just make sure this one doesn’t lose her shit this weekend taking care of my sister. But I will gladly use that marker, especially next time your hot friends are around. Speaking of, I should go check on my parents, make sure my brothers haven’t done anything stupid.”
“Is Didi driving you batty?” he asks, guiding you into your chair. “She seems okay tonight.”
“Crowd around, her parents, Tomas’ family, she’s holding her own but there was some stupid family shit earlier,” you exhale, grabbing a hold of his hand to lace through yours, before tipping your head against his shoulder. “It’s nothing that I didn’t expect to deal with this weekend. She’s nervous, worried, second and fifth guessing things. I get it, this is a lot. She just wants to be married already.”
Shawn dusts a kiss to your temple, “You’re such a good friend. You’re lucky to have each other. Tomorrow’s going to be great. Worse case, steal my flask and get her a little saucy before she walks down the aisle.”
You elbow him with a giggle, “You would suggest that, but you may be onto something. Thank you though.”
The next morning is a whirlwind of champagne, bobby pins and lip gloss with a soundtrack full of laughter and a lot of fighting back tears. You also may have sung along to your boyfriend’s last album, dancing around like you would do in her room when you were kids to your favorite songs. Didi’s suite is a buzz with her sister holding down the fort, cousins popping in and out, along with her mother and her future mother-in-law. At one point, after the glam team is gone, you finally have a moment alone with your best friend while her mom and sister go to grab her dress.
“I am so happy you’re deliriously happy,” you whisper, hugging Didi tightly before more folks come in. “You two are good together and I’m glad you found him.”
Didi sniffs, “Thank you, I know I’ve been insane, and you’ve been a saint. Your boyfriend too. Shawn has put up with me changing my mind on stuff like 17 times and he’s just rolled with it. You’re a lucky one too. He’s so fucking over the moon for you girly. Soon roles will be reversed, and you’ll be able to pay me back with your own crazy.”
You both scurry about to get into your dresses. With the wedding taking place at the botanical gardens, Didi decided she didn’t want fussy for anything around the ceremony. Her dress is a stunning V-neck sheath of flowy creamy, buttery chiffon, tiny flowers woven through her hair in place of a veil. Tomas’ grandmother’s necklace, a vintage diamond and pearl strand, lays just at her collarbones. You try not to cry but think back of the two little five-year-old girls who would play wedding in your grandparents’ back yard. “Oh Dee,” you sniff. “Tomas isn’t going to know what hit him.”
She smiles, her eyes just as wet, and reaches for your hands. “I couldn’t be up there without you, bestie.” You hear the flicker of a camera, knowing the photographer is back catching your moment and you’re grateful. “Your boy either. I know you hemmed and hawed about black for a wedding, but this dress is great.”
You’re the only one standing up with her, she didn’t want anyone up there with her other than you. Renee understood and was happy she didn’t have to wrangle a groomsman. She picked a black maxi, swirled with larger flowers in shades of pink and white. Your hair was up, a flower like the ones in your dress tucked in the mass of curls her stylist pinned about. Your bouquet is in a similar palate, while Didi’s has some purple, her favorite color, woven through. 
“Let’s go get you married,” you say handing off her bouquet and tucking her arm under yours. 
“Hey pretty girl, funny seeing you here,” he quips, his lips dusting against your bare shoulder, before tracing a finger across your back. You’re all outside the courtyard waiting to enter for the start of the ceremony. You turn to face him. He’s a vision, because of course he is when isn’t he, in black floral-patterned button down, similar to your dress, along with dark pants. What’s more interesting is that his beloved acoustic strung across his chest.
“I may have told Didi I would play all her walk-in music too,” he nods bashfully. “I wasn’t going to let them use Apple Music or Spotify or even worse some awful wedding singer.”
“You are something else, Shawn,” you reply, squeezing his hand tightly. “Really want to kiss you but I can’t mess up the gloss.”
He places a whisper of a kiss on your forehead, “Love you. I need to go get into place. Atmosphere music. Think I may sneak in one of my own in there before the processional stuff.”
You laugh, pushing him towards the archway of greenery, “Go be wonderful.”
He’s set up at the back of the courtyard, seats all set in front of him. He’s weaving melodies, no singing, just soft rhythms from his guitar. The space is perfect, green and lush and smelling lovely, a swath of flowers at the end of the path where Tomas waits. You make your way down and turn to watch for your best friend. However, before she arrives you take a moment to appreciate Shawn. He catches your eye, smiles and winks, mouthing love you before he sees the wedding coordinator waiving over at him. 
He starts in on “Marry Me” when Didi arrives at the back of the aisle with her Dad. Your breath catches in your throat, the combination of seeing your best friend and hearing your boyfriend hits you hard. She starts making her way down when he begins on the chorus. You see Tomas out of the corner of your eye, and he’s got a hand over his mouth, eyes brimming over with tears. The ceremony is the perfect balance of exactly what Didi and Tomas are. Their vows are intrinsically them. They look every way that a couple getting married should. Glowing, in love and only eyes for each other. It’s hard not to let a tear or two out. 
The reception is in the atrium of the gardens, under a massive domed stained-glass skylight, still lush with flowers and greens. Everything has been exactly as Didi has hoped. Meanwhile, your boyfriend is mysteriously missing. You’re sipping champagne with Renee and her boyfriend of the moment, while looking about for him. 
“Last I saw him he was setting his guitar up before the rest of the musicians came in, don’t worry,” Renee starts, clinking glasses with you. “He’ll be back.”
He makes his way back into the atrium, and surprisingly he’s changed, a little dressier now in deliciously fitting black suit pants and a white button down, the glint of his silver chain obvious even from where you are. You excuse yourself from the group and steal Shawn away before he needs to soundcheck for their dance. You just want to have a moment with him before everything gets crazy, heading out to the patio just off the atrium, which is blissfully quiet. You wrap your arms around his waist and just hold him. 
“You okay baby?” he asks, as he starts to sway with you, shifting your arms around his neck so he can pull you closer. 
You nod, smiling, “I just needed you for a minute without all that is all.”
“You can have all the minutes you ever want or need,” he says, kissing you lightly. 
“Sorry to break this up, please believe me I am, but my sister has decided she wants to get a move on,” Renee calls from the doorway. 
“Duty calls for both of us,” you murmur, leaning up to kiss him once more. “Save me a dance or two?”
“All the slow ones at least,” he agrees, rubbing his nose against yours. “I’ll see you out there.”
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Didi didn’t want a whole production with entrances, she wanted a few bars of song then for her and Tomas to start dancing straightaway. So, poised at the edge of what they have set up as the dance floor, with a good angle to see them once they walk in, as well as your boyfriend, you wait. Shawn starts playing, something floaty that that doesn’t sound familiar to you. The pair make their way in and as soon as they hit the center of the floor, he begins. 
“Not talkin' 'bout a year, no not three or four. I don't want that kind of forever in my life anymore,” he sings gently. “Forever always seems to be around when it begins, but forever never seems to be around when it ends. So, give me your forever, please your forever. Not a day less will do, from you.”
The song is beautiful, he sounds amazing, Didi and Tomas as just love personified as they dance. He fades out slowly at the end, a light strum to close out. 
“Thank you for letting me be such a special part of your day. That was Ben Harper’s Forever. Didi, Tomas, congratulations and love to you both,” he expresses, blowing a kiss to the two of them with his hands, you can see his emotions clear across his face. He heads back, as the band starts up, packing away his guitar before making his way over to you, now at your table.
“Wow,” you sigh, hand coming to the nape of his neck to sink into his curls. “That was something else, my dear. Didi fucking owes you.”
He blushes, ducking his head bashfully. “I’m just happy I could give them that moment. First dances are something really special. They deserved to have the best moment possible. Plus, that’s an awesome first dance song, not the usual. Makes it even better.”
“My hopeless romantic,” you muse, tracing haphazard patterns over the top of his hand that rests on your knee. 
“Just you wait,” he smiles, kissing you. “Now, I’m on good authority the next song is a slow one, so may I have this dance?”
He stands, holding his hand out for you. 
“You can have every single one, all of them from now on.”
TAG LIST: @whenidance​, @parkerdavis​, @sinplisticshawn​, @hollandraul​, @fallinallincurls​, @itrocksmysocks​, @rainbowshawn​, @lasingphomustra​, @illumecherry​
*Always feel free to ask to be added to the tag list! 
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You’re the One My Heart Wants- Chapter 6
Word Count: 3,883
Warnings: Swearing
Author: Me
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The sun shines through the curtains in my room, burning my eyes. Fuck, is it morning already? I guess staying up last night talking to Alex wasn’t my best decision, or drinking two nights in a row. Although talking to Alex was worth every second of sleep I lost, and we really didn’t stay up talking that much longer after she asked me out. Yes, you heard me right. Alex fucking Morgan asked me out. I’m just as shocked as you are, and extremely happy to say the very least. I get all giddy just thinking about it, and I swear it’s all I’ve thought about since last night with the biggest smile on my face at all times.
“No, I’m ready. Do you want to go out with me tomorrow after training?” Alex asks confidently, not taking her eyes off of me. My heart stops, along with everything around me. Did I just hear her right? Did she just ask me out? Me of all people? She could have anyone she wanted, why did she want me? Like seriously I’m not that special, I was nowhere near her level of beauty and I knew that. You know what, fuck that, I’m not missing my chance to go out with this beautiful human being. Alex is still staring at me waiting for my answer, she probably thinks I’m going to turn her down but I’m not an idiot. I look deeply into her blue eyes and say, “Of course I will, Alex.” She relaxed to the words of my answer, it was cute honestly. We both smiled big, never taking our eyes off each other.
While getting ready for training, I stop after realizing something pretty important. I told Ali last night that I would fill her in whenever she picked me up this morning, but that was before I knew what Alex said. Fuck. Shit. I know I told her I would, but was it my place to tell her what Alex said? Fuck no, I can’t break my promise to Alex no matter what. I can’t risk upsetting her, and if that means I have to keep things from my moms I guess I’ll just have to live with that for the time being. That also means I have to keep our date a secret while also trying to get out of dinner tonight. I’m so screwed. I’m pulled out of my thoughts whenever I realize I have maybe two minutes before Ali got here, and I still didn’t have everything ready to go. Wait, where are my cleats?
I have to run out to the car, Ali blaring the horn of course because I’m about to make us late for training. Morning training was always hard for me, I loved my bed and didn’t want to get up just to get all sweaty. I love working out, but I prefer the afternoon so I can sleep in. “What took you so long?” asked a very annoyed Ali Krieger. I’m fumbling with my seatbelt while she pulls out of my driveway. “I’m sooo sorry, mom,” I say very apologetically, “I couldn’t find my cleats. Evidently, Luna thought it would be funny to hide them in her toy box. It took me 20 minutes before I finally found them.” I roll my eyes at my weird, but true, excuse. Ali stares at me for a second while we’re stuck at a red light, before laughing her ass off. At least she found it funny, I, on the other hand, did not. She starts talking about how Logan used to do that kind of stuff with Ash’s things, the laughter never stopping throughout the story. 
It takes her a while to finally stop laughing and teasing me, which if I’m being honest, I was happy about because we still haven’t talked about last night yet and we were about to pull into the stadium. Thank god. “Hey, so about last night,” Ali starts to say as we walked to the locker room. My body freezes up knowing that she was about to ask me about Alex. “I’m so sorry about Ash. She can be a handful on nights like that, she was actually worse last night than normal.” I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding, and let out a little laugh. “Oh, don’t worry about it,” I say through my laughs, “I’ve been around both of you drunk, remember? I’ve been around you two for four years now, I’ve seen a lot of drunk nights. And I was drunk too, so I should be apologizing to you, mom. You had to handle two drunks last night, and honestly, you handled us like a champ.” She nodded her head with a small smile, probably remembering all the times she’s been drunk around me in the past. “Don’t be sorry, Y/N. Yes, you are my kid but you’re allowed to have fun every now and then. But a little advice, don’t get drunk two nights in a row again. The hangover is killer,” she says with a big grin and gives me a quick side hug as we walked into the locker room. All that speech does is make me smile like a goof.
After we get into the locker room, I’m tackled hard to the ground. I let out a small groan as I turn to see who my attacker was to yell at them, but all I do is let out a loud laugh at the sight of Ash. She’s laughing saying, “I totally got you, you weren’t even expecting it,” while Ali gets on to her. “Babe! Get off of her before you hurt her and she can’t play in the next game. I don’t know how I put up with you two every single day,” Ali says with a strict tone clear in her voice. “Because you love us too much,” I manage to get out with a laugh while I’m trapped under Ash. “Y/N’s right, babe. You love us too much not to put up with us,” Ash says as she stands up, winking at Ali causing her to roll her eyes with a smile on her face. When I get up and dust off my shorts, I’m just knocked to the floor again, harder this time. “Jesus...Fucking...Christ,” I groan out, reaching for the back of my head. I look down at my hand and groan even louder. Blood. Fucking awesome. I look up at my moms, who have already jumped into action. While they’re looking at my head and checking to see if I’m okay, I look around the locker room for the person who ran into me, but all I see is everyone else who isn’t tending to me crowd the other person.
“No Y/N, don’t stand up. You’re bleeding a lot from your head and you don’t need to make it worse. Don’t move. Ash went to get the trainers for you two,” Ali says as she forces me into a sitting position. “Ali, I’m fine. Let me stand up,” I say, feeling dizzy when I try to get up from the chair. “Sit down! You like to joke about me being your mom until I actually need to be. Guess what kid, at this moment I am your mom and I won’t think twice about kicking your ass in front of the whole team. I’m trying to help you,” Ali says to me in a pissed off tone I wasn’t used to. Like a mom for sure. I don’t try to move again, as she holds a towel to the back of my head. It feels like forever while we wait for the trainers to show up, and I still don’t know who the other person is or if they’re as bad off as me. Ash finally runs into the locker room with the whole training staff. One of our trainers, Madison, comes and sits next to me looking at my head while Ali tells her what happened. “Okay, so it looks like you need stitches and we need to check you out for a concussion,” Madison says to me with a look of concern covering her face. “Sweet,” I joke as Ali hits my shoulder. When they finally let me stand up and walk towards the training room, I finally see who the other person is- Alex. She looks up at me as I walk by and smiles at me apologetically. I give her a small smile in return as Madison pulls me out of the locker room.
“So Y/N, you don’t have a concussion which is really great news,” the doctor says to me. They called someone to come check me out to save me a trip to the hospital. “You’ll just need a few stitches in the back of your head. That means only light training for the next few days, okay?” Honestly, the news could’ve been worse since I could’ve missed out on World Cup training, so I’m happy. “Sounds good, doc. Go ahead and stitch me up so I can at least watch a little training today,” I say with a goofy grin, “Oh, Madison. Will you go let Ali and Ashlyn know?” She lets out a little laugh before nodding her head and heading out the door. I need five stitches, fuck. I know it was an accident based on her expression when I left the locker room, but Alex really fucked me up.
It didn’t take long for Ali to barge into the room with Ash following close behind. “Hey look, it’s both of my moms,” I say all smiley, trying to lighten the mood. Ash tries to hold back a laugh but fails miserably. “Don’t encourage her. I’m not happy with her right now, and it’s going to take a lot more than jokes to change that,” Ali says to Ash causing her to shut up, then she turns to me, “Are you okay, Y/N?” I nod my head, afraid to speak. “Okay, good. Now, what the fuck were you thinking? Trying to stand up and move around with a big gash in the back of your head, are you insane?” she asks, frustration clear in her voice and in her face. “You’ve got to accept our help when you need it, and you definitely needed it today. We’re your moms, for fuck's sake. We’re here to help you when you need it, so just let us next time okay?” she finishes, looking at me with a serious face. “So you admit that you’re my moms?” I ask with a smartass smile. Ali breaks her silence with a laugh and comes up to hug me with Ash, “Of course we’re your moms, idiot. That’s why we care so much.” I laugh with them for a minute before Ali asks, “Oh by the way, what happened between you and Alex last night? Did you two talk?” Fuck, I thought I was in the clear. “Nothing happened between us. She was upset about something and needed someone to talk to, and I told her I’d talk to her if she ever needed it. That’s all it was,” I answer. That reminds me that Alex got hurt too and that I didn’t know if she was okay. “Where’s Alex?”
I open the door to the locker room after watching maybe five minutes of training, which was still empty while training was going on. Well, that’s what I thought at least. When I get to the middle of the room I can see Alex sitting in her locker with her head in her hands. She must have heard me move closer because she lifts her head to look at me. Her blue eyes had tears falling from them, just like they had the night before. “Alex?” I say softly. “Hey, Y/N. Are you okay?” She asks through sniffles while wiping her tears away. I grab a chair and walk up to her, setting the chair down and sitting in front of her. “I’m okay, just some stitches. Are you okay? I didn’t see you in the training room or out at training,” I respond while placing my hand on her knee. “I’m okay. I’m just not training as a precaution. I’m sorry for running into you and knocking you to the ground. I was running late and wasn’t looking where I was going. Next thing I know I run into something, actually someone, and hit the floor hard. When I realized it was you I felt so bad, especially since you couldn’t walk straight and because Ali was yelling at you,” she says, not giving me any eye contact. She looked so upset, it broke my heart to see her like this. I move forward and lift her chin so she would look at me. “Alex, it’s okay. I’m okay. Ali was just being a mom when I wouldn’t listen to what she was saying. It was an accident Alex. It’s okay, really,” I tell her, keeping our eye contact. Her eyes start tearing up before she softly says, “I don’t want to hurt you.” I knew she wasn’t talking about our collision anymore, she was talking about something much deeper than that. “You won’t hurt me, Alex. I promise,” I whisper to her as her eyes close, “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. It’ll take a lot more than five stitches for me to leave. And I don’t think Ali or Ash would let you get away with hurting me once they find out about us.” I let out a small laugh after saying that last part. She opens her eyes and looks at me with a small smile and a small laugh. “Good. So, are we still on for tonight?” she asks with a smirk. That damn smirk. “Yes, we’re still on,” I answer before kissing her forehead, as I stand up to the sound of our teammates walking down the hallway.
“We’ll see you later, right?” Ash asks as she drops me off at my house. Shit, I forgot to tell them. This whole head thing really screwed up my day. “Actually mom, I can’t come over tonight,” I say as she frowns at me, “Alex felt bad for everything that happened today, so she offered to buy me dinner. I didn’t think you guys would mind one night without me.” Ash thinks for a moment before saying it was okay, just for tonight of course. She loved having me around her and Ali all the time, she called it ‘family time’ as a joke (but I know she’s serious). “Thank you, mom. Please tell Ali thank you for everything today and that I’ll call her when I get home from eating with Alex. I love you both with my whole heart,” I say to her as I reach across the armrest to give her a hug. “We love you too, kiddo. And I’ll be expecting that call,” Ash says before kissing my head. As she drove away I thought about what I said to her. Technically I didn’t lie, Alex did feel bad for what happened and dinner would help with that, even if it was already planned. Still though, I felt bad that I couldn’t tell them yet. I’m sure they would be happy for me, but it’s not my place to spill Alex’s secret to them.
It was a few hours later before I hear a knock at my front door. When I open it, I’m looking at a very beautiful Alex Morgan. She was wearing a white crop top with long pants with white and blue stripes and a pair of sneakers. Pretty casual, but still stunning. Thank god I chose to wear a plain light yellow t-shirt with my holey jeans and a pair of Vans. “Well hey, you look beautiful,” I manage to say to her, trying to catch my breath at the sight of her. “Thanks, you look really cute yourself,” Alex responds with a wink. I smile at her before turning to lock my front door and follow her to her car.
Alex’s POV
I can’t help but stare at Y/N every chance I get. Even in her comfortable outfit she was in now, she was the most gorgeous human being I’d ever seen. It’s hard to keep your eyes off beautiful art, that’s what she was tonight, and I definitely couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She seemed more relaxed around me ever since that night with Kelley, that horrible night that could’ve ruined my chances with Y/N, which I was glad because I loved seeing her like this. The car ride to the restaurant is filled with her laughter, mostly because of her bad jokes but I couldn’t help but laugh along with her every time. I’ve said that her smile and laugh could cure the world’s sadness, and that statement is still true tonight. They just added to her beauty. And while we’re walking around outside looking for the restaurant, I can’t help but notice her eyes change color (yet again) as the sunset hits them. The sunset causes them to have a glow to them with light-green coloring. I’m losing track of all the colors her eyes have been, but I don’t care. They’re all I want to look at.
“So are you ready for this World Cup?” Y/N asks after we order our food. We all sort of knew who was on the roster, but the final roster was going to be released in a few days. I think she’s worried she won’t make the roster, which is ridiculous if that was true. She’s an amazing player and contributes more than a lot of forwards I’ve seen play. She’s worked her ass off at every training and friendly the National Team has had, Jill would be an idiot to let her talent go to waste. “Yeah, I’m ready. As you know, we’ve been working our asses off in training and during friendly matches. I think we have a better chance than anyone,” I answer. She nods her head in agreement while taking a sip of her drink.
“Were Ali and Ash mad that you didn’t go eat with them tonight? Don’t look at me like that, I know you spend every meal with them, along with all of your free time,” I say to Y/N as she gives me a confused look. She blushes at me proving that I’m right. “I didn’t tell them that this was a date because then I would’ve broken my promise to you,” she whispers loud enough for me to hear, “They weren’t mad that I cancelled, they handled me enough for one day. So I decided to give them the night off for once, they deserve at least one.” I laugh at the last part because she wasn’t wrong. Today was a shit show and they were on her ass for most of it. “Thank you for not telling my secret to them, Y/N. But based on how tonight’s going, I’ll tell them pretty soon since I don’t think we can keep us a secret for very long,” I say to her, giving her a soft smile which she gives back in return. “So...you think tonight’s going well?” she asks with a grin. I enjoy her company, and I feel so relaxed around her. It feels like we’ve known each other for years. So hell yeah that night was going well. “I think it’s going very well, Y/N. I almost wish the night would never end, I’m really enjoying your company,” I say with a smile. It was cheesy, but I meant it. The night goes on with us talking about ourselves, learning more and more about each other. I’m glad that she’s opening up to me, and trusting me with all of this. I’m happy, and if I’m being honest she was contributing to that. I never thought I’d move on after my divorce, but I think I could move on with Y/N if she’d have me.
When we finally get back to Y/N’s house, she’s stuck texting someone over and over, preventing us from having a conversation. I wasn’t mad though, I understood it since I have to answer hundreds of messages a day. I just watched her concentrate on her phone while we’re parked in her driveway. Her hair fell in front of her face a few minutes ago, but I could still see her face. She furrowed her eyebrows a lot when she was reading a message or while she thought about what to say. It was pretty fucking cute. “Okay, sorry. My manager keeps texting me about endorsements,” she says as she drops her phone into her bag. “It’s okay. I get it,” I laugh after seeing her flustered look, “That’s my every day.” She smiles at me while thinking about her next move. “Okay, well this is my house as you know,” she says awkwardly, letting out a small laugh. “Yes, I know it well,” I say jokingly, “Here let me walk you to your door before I go.” We get out of my car and walk to her front door. She unlocks the door while we stand there for a moment. “I had a really great time with you, Alex,” she says with a shaky voice, which I knew meant she was nervous. “I had a great time too, Y/N. What do I have to do to get a second date with you?” I say, making the last part a joke, even though she knew I wanted another date. She thinks for a moment while looking deeply into my eyes. “Can I kiss you?” she asks softly, probably as softly as I did when I asked her the same thing two nights ago. I couldn’t form words, but I didn’t want to screw anything up. So I let my actions be my answer. I lean up towards her and she meets me halfway, gently touching her shoulder. When we kiss it wasn’t like two nights ago. This time it felt like fireworks (basic I know). It felt like I was drinking pure gold. My hands move to her cheeks, as hers move to my waist pulling me closer. I couldn’t get enough of her, honestly. After what feels like forever, we pull away when air becomes a need. Our foreheads rest together as we tried to catch our breath. “Wow,” she says. I look up at her and just see happiness plastered all over her face. I could get used to this. “You’re pretty wow yourself,” I laugh as I kiss her again.
When I finally leave, all I can think about are the fireworks that happened with that kiss. My lips tingle at the thought of kissing Y/N. I’m glad I was sober this time because I never want to forget this feeling for the rest of my life. I didn’t want to admit it before, but now I don’t care since it’s pretty obvious. I have a crush on my fellow forward, and if I’m not careful I could fuck it all up. I’m so screwed.
To Be Continued
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amelink66world · 4 years
Love of my Life
Hey guys!! This is the fifth part of the series. For those o you who don't know, this story is available on my wattpad too. I go by the name @Vanshikaaaa12 so you can check it out there too if it's more convenient. Enjoy!
New York ( part- 2 )
To say that I was surprised to see her would be an understatement. God had a funny business with her. A million things are running through my mind. I never told her I got divorced, or that I had a brain tumor or a foster kid or that I operated on Catherine Fox or... What do I now?
" AMY!! Oh my God. Amy! " Nancy leans in for a hug which Amelia begrudgingly returns. " Nancy!!", she smiles tightly.
" Amy what are you doing here?", shock evident on her face having to come face-to-face with her youngest sibling after many many years. She then noticed the very very handsome man standing confusedly next to Amelia. Feeling rude to have ignored him, she quickly introduced herself and shook his hand ," Hi. I'm Nancy Shepherd. Amelia's sister. " She assumed the man must be Owen, Amelia's husband she briefly told them about, seeing how close the couple was standing together. " And you must be Owen? "
Link suddenly felt Amelia loop her hand around his arm. He found it quite odd since the 'rules' strictly prohibited them from any form of PDA, not that he was complaining. He was shocked for a second when the woman who claimed to be Amelia's sister called him Owen but was flabbergasted by Amelia's affirmation. She froze on the spot and slowly turned his head toward her. What is she doing? Me? Owen? WHAT?
Amelia agrees, " YES!! This is my husband". Oh Link is going to kill me! Why did I have to do that? I just hope Link plays along. She signals him with her eyes when they briefly connect their eyes to play along. He quickly perceived her reaction and played along. Thank God!
" Yes! It's really nice to finally meet you Nancy. I've heard so much about you", he flashes his pearly whites. She smiles back at them.
Amelia starts, " So you work here?"
" Uh I'm covering the Chief of OB's maternity leave. Ironical right? ", she laughs at her own joke. Amelia thinks, oh don't even start talking about irony with me.  My life has been nothing but ironical. She chuckles darkly and silently. To entertain her, Amelia pretends to laugh.
" So what brings you to New York, kiddo? Everything okay?", she asks concernedly. God I hate that nickname!!
Amelia is quick to reply, " Yeah ". Link sharply turns toward her and raises his eyebrows in slight judgment. She's okay, right? How long do I need to pretend to be her ex-husband?! He keeps on staring at her making Amelia more agitated than she already is in the process. " OH. We're here to perform a surgery on a patient." Does Nancy look impressed? Wow. I MANAGED TO DO THAT? She smiles a proud smile.
" All the way from Seattle? You must be very much in demand. Maybe that is why we never hear from you", subtly taunting her. Now there it is. I should have waited there for a second. Somethings just never change!! Link is silently watching the whole interaction
She nervously replies, " Yup. I've been pretty busy since I last saw you. Eh. I operated on Catherine Fox herself. You might'veread about it. " She turns towards Link to gauge his reaction. He smiles down st her proudly making her grin. I'm glad he approves. Nancy is a whole different story though. She just nods along showing no reaction. Link interrupts,playing along , " Also got married!! " and smiles down at her with raised eyebrows. " Ummm yesss", she laughs and lays her head on his shoulder. Somehow it comes naturally to her. Weird.
" We should definitely catch up. Come for dinner. Both of you ". Link quizzically looks at Amelia who politely declined the offer saying they had surgery. Link too intercepts saying that Amelia had a big surgery on Seattle the next day and that they were in New York only for a day, smiling apologetically.
Nancy sighs, " Huh. At least I got to see you. Haley's comet comes around more than you do. Well, good day." She turns to leave. Amelia and Link turn towards each other with disgruntled looks. They suddenly hear her voice again and turn sharply, "Call mom sometime, kiddo. It's a kind thing to do. She really misses you " and leaves. She misses me huh. What a funny thing to say.
" Okay. Thanks for that Link." Link is pretty much speechless at this point. Amelia looks embarrassed. Link curiously asks, " What was that all about Amelia??"
" What you just witnessed was some serious family disfunction. Never told my family I got divorced ", she chuckles hurmorlessly. Link is curious but doesn't probe further. " I hope there are showers here. I really need to wash off that kiddo from my body. Blah."
Link chuckles and flirts, " Need some help with that?? "
He looks down at her with mirth in his eyes. Her eyes widen at his suggestion and she feels her cheeks burning. She sharply looks away from him trying ignore the images her mind was conjuring at his suggestion. Link shakes his head and softly laughs at her reaction. Oh this trip is going to be amazing.
They quickly change into some scrubs, in separate rooms obviously to avoid the inevitable ;) and examine the patient. They determine a treatment plan and decide to monitor the patient closely for the next twenty four hours after the surgery.
" Sooo, the surgery is scheduled in the afternoon. We'll have twenty four hours to monitor the patient. We have more than enough time on our hands. What do you wanna do today? ", Link wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at Amelia. She grins at him to give a playful comeback but before she can do it, Nancy emerges out of thin air. Is she spying on me?
" That's wonderful news. I was just going to leave y'all a note. Now you can't say no to dinner. "
Amelia is startled to say the least. She scrambles for words but none come out. She has suddenly become a dumb person. Nancy goes on, " Nope. I won't take no for an answer so don't even try otherwise I'll spring mom on you! I'll make your favourite pie. Now you have to come! "
Amelia's eyes widen at the mention of her mom. "NOO!! Don't do that. FINE. Make the pie."
" Kidding. I won't just spring mom on you like that. Meet you at 7 ", she smiles triumphantly and departs.
" Care to explain what just happened there? ", Link gives her a hard look. She cowers under his gaze.
" I hope you like pie ", she smiles apprehensively.
Amelia is trying her best to persuade Link but he fiercely refuses. They were walking down the hallway towards Jonah's room when she exclaims, "Liiinkk you can't just leave me alone like this!! They'll skin me alive! It's like...like sending Red Riding Hood to visit the wolf "
" Nope. Nuh uh. I'll be having pizza and doughnuts in the city. You're more than welcome to join me. What's even the point of going. Stay with me! "
She pouts petulantly. " Please please pweeaasee!! "
He concealed his impending grin. He had never seen her like this. She's the cutest! I can kiss her pouting mouth right here!!
" PLEASE...". She comes to a stop. " I'm begging. This is me begging." She has that flirty and teasing gleam in her eyes which she knows he can't resist. "Aren't I cute when I beg? "
Link cannot stop himself from grinning. Cute ? You're always cute. And sexy. Cute and sexy. Now how can I resist that face? She knows I can't say no to that face. Ughh she'll be te death of me!!
He waits until his heart stops racing to simply answer, " NO ". Jonah's room comes into view. Phew. Now she'll shut up for a while about me accompanying her.
Amelia kept on talking during the entirety of the surgery. She ate his ear off which he seemed to enjoy. Only when she brought up the idea of attending the dinner did he feel agitated.
" Please Link. Please ", he could make out her smile behind her surgical mask.
" The begging is cute. I agree. Don't get me wrong. But I'm not going. You shouldn't go either.  Why are you going anyway ? You don't seem too fond of your sister so what's even the point ? ", he raises one eyebrow.
" My whole family considers me a train wreck. They seriously judge me and call me the Black Sheep of the family. That's the reason I never told my famiky I got divorced. "
" What, they're mad at you cause you and Owen eloped? "
" Naah. We didn't elope. We had a big fat wedding. They just didn't come. None of my sisters or my mom came. My brother too but he gets a pass for obvious reasons. "
" That's some serious sibling rivalry. So why go to this dinner spend the evening with me in the city. I know great places here ", she shrugs.
" Well I was flown to New York to perform this rare and complicated surgery. I'm here with my husband who is shockingly handsome and ever so kind. This is a chance for me to...I don't know, brag? Prove them wrong that I'm much more capable. I'm not sure exactly ". Link feels for Amelia and that basically sealed the deal until Amelia further coaxed him into going by flirting, " I'm just sure that if you choose to go with me, I'll make it worth your while in very creative ways that you will enjoy ", her smile reaches her eyes. Link stares right back at her with dark eyes trying not to picture too much. They basically have eye sex for the rest of the surgery which was successful.
In the cab:
Amelia and Link were getting their stories straight and Amelia was telling Link about Owen's likes and dislikes. Link was actually chilled out. He even engaged in some heavy flirting with her which she very subtly ignored after getting flustered.
" Okay, last question. What colour are my eyes? " she closed her eyes and turned to face him, waiting for his answer.
Link incredulously answers, " You think they're gonna quiz me on the colour of your eyes? I believe they can't be so damn evil. "
" You don't know my family. Literally anything is possible with the Shepherds. So answer. "
He turned towards her to gaze into her face trying to picturise her face. He was a master on doing so since he had been doing that a lot lately. His favourite feature on her face were her eyes. He answered without hesitation.
" Sometimes they look blue. Sometimes they look green depending on the m...", Amelia interrupts him with " Good ". She got flustered with his correct description of her eyes. He really notices even the littlest things about me. Owen never got the colour of my eyes perfectly. Stop looking at me like that!! He's a jackass. He knows how to get me weak in the knees.
              Link is smiling at Amelia with a gleam in his and she stares back. They're list in each other's eyes until Amelia recovers quickly and turns her head. She tells him all about her family and is thankful that it's only Nancy they have to bear the whole night. Not her mom or Liz. Least of all Kathleen. God she's the worst! She described her to be like Martha Stewart but with a power to diagnose personality disorder and Amelia was always on the receiving end of that diagnosis.
They reached Nancy's mansion and were quickly ushered in. Only two minutes had passed before the doomed began to arise. Amelia sharply turned at the voice which rang in the hallways. Kathleen!!!
Amelia felt betrayed and confronted Nancy over her betrayal. She apologised quickly but showed no remorse. Kathleen managed to make Amelia uncomfortable even after so many years with a single glance. She always said the wrong things at wrong time. Who made her a psychiatrist? I seriously question man's judgement!!
          Amelia and Link's initial shock and restless gradually died down and they were having a really nice time apart from the slight jibe the sisters took at Amelia from time to time. Nancy finally served the pie and Amelia seriuosly savoured that delicacy!! Link watched her face change at sight of the pie. She really is a child! I can't take my eyes off her ! They were enjoying their pie when suddenly the bomb was dropped.
" Where's my baby giirrll??!! There was dead silence. You could hear a pin drop.
Amelia had the look of utter shock and betrayal written on her face. She looked really torn. Link was in too big a shock to think straight.
            She confronted her sisters and Nancy knew nothing about calling their mom. Kathleen was the culprit though. She obviously didn't look repentant!
Mama Shepherd came into the picture and gushed over her youngest daughter and hugged her until her gaze landed on Link. Things quickly went downhill from there. Carolyn Shepherd seemed to remember Owen from when she visited Derek in Seattle many many years ago and caught them red handed.
             The sisters then began the Shame on Amelia programme. They brought up each and every transgression of her entire life and insulted her relentlessly. It was revealed that they freaking bet on her marriage!! Who does that?! Amelia told everybody about her divorce. Soon wine was brought in Kathleen. Link reached for the wine but stopped himself thinking about Amelia. He didn't drink in solidarity and in consideration of Amelia. He knew she'd be broken after this and wanted to stay sane to take care of her.
" See this? This is why I didn't even bother to call you when I found out I had a brain tumor. This is why !! " Again, dead silence! Her family was shocked that she never told them about her brain tumor. But they didn't seem unfazed. Her mother had tears in her eyes hearing about her daughter's tumor.
Thisbpoece of information was astounding to Link! " You have a brain tumor??", he cried.
" No. Had. I had a benign grade- 1 meningioma which they completely removed!! "
Link had never felt so fiercely protective of anyone in his entire life. She is telling her about her brain tumor but no one cares ?! Is this really her family? They're pure evil !! How can someone treat their own blood like this? Don't they care about the hardships she must've endured on her road to recovery? They better shut up right now !
                 Link was having enough! They were her family ! Her blood! How could they treat her this way?ink could not bear seeing the object of his affections being insulted this way. He was getting mad !! He'd blow a gasket if Amelia didn't open her mouth soon. What has happened to her? Why isn't she defending herself? This is not the Amelia I have come to know!! Link and Amelia made brief eye contact. He willed her with his eyes to speak up. To defend her honor! Speak up, woman. Say something! Prove these bitches wrong! Show them who you are.
Amelia seems to gain some strength from his confident gaze and stood up abruptly.
Amelia's damn broke. She just blew.
" Okay you. You don't know me. You have not seen me for years. I am not that fourteen year old girl trapped in your mind anymore! I am sober. I am responsible and I'm a freaking neurosurgeon at the top of my field. I save lives everyday. In fact, I'm the Chief of Neuro at one of the top hospitals in the country. You don't get to judge me here. You have no idea who I am. So just shut the hell up!! "
Link had a proud smile on his face. Attagirl!!! That's my girl!! That's my Amelia! That's the Amelia I know and respect.
They sisters still were unfazed. Are they devils? The didn't stop their humiliations of Amelia here. In fact, they began questioning her career now!
Nothing could stop Link now!
" ENOUGH ! That's enough. I haven't known Amelia that long but I certainly know her better than you people! I've been getting to know her and she is not at all the woman you are describing. She is a brilliant surgeon. The kind you fly across the country when you need the best! ", he replied sternly but firmly. His voice grew softer when he looked at her, "She is an amazing teacher and mentor. She cares about her patients and her colleagues. I mean, she's beautiful. And smart. And kind. And funny!! And STRONG. She has overcome a lot and adversity and feels her feelings in a big way but that only makes her better than most of the people I know!! It makes her authentic! She doesn't need your misjudgment in her life."
Link walked up to her and held onto her shoulders to provide support. She gazed at him with tears in hers eyes. No one has ever stood up for me like this. He is a very good man. I'm so thankful that he came with me today. She looked up at him with adoration and gratefulness in her eyes.
            Things went further south after what he uttered next. His unintentional slip up about Leo and Betty brought a new wave of judgement and string of insults her way. She quietly looked at her mom with an unreadable expression and simply said, "Link, let's go. " She caught hold of his hand and dragged him out of the house along with her.
Mama Shepherd had never felt so disgusted by herself in her entire life. She shut up her other two daughters, gave them an earful and determined to set the record straight with her youngest daughter. She cannot leave without talking to me!
Author's Note:
I'm soooo sorry guys for the extra long chapter. I'm really trying very hard to make them shorter but these ideas in my head. Ugghh sorry. Anyways, I've kept the story as close to original as possible and just added some personal touches. Next chapter coming right up!! And I'll try to make them shorter, but you never know 😉
Your comments just make my day and motivate me further to deliver some amazing chapters. Keep commenting! Enjoy!! Until then.
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hello and welcome!! sooo can u do something w/ ben about him and reader being coworkers and he has such a crush on her and she's clueless so someone else tells her and he's all nervous around reader and all that cute funny stuff? thanks !!
hi there! thank u so much!! i’ve been in the fandom for a couple months now but only made this blog like two weeks ago? anyways. this ended up being longer than expected bc i have no self control i guess? but i hope you like it!! have 1.4k of ben full on pining.
(oh and like i said before, english isn’t my mother tongue. so this is a weird mix of american and british english djfgkjs. and a lot of parenthesis and italics because that’s how i roll).
Like most things in Ben’s life as of recent, it was Joe’s fault.
See, he was perfectly fine, actually minding his own business and feeling a lot more comfortable on his own skin after finally getting over a quite messy break up. He was putting himself out there (exclusively for a good time), having fun with his friends, and his auditions were going pretty well too (sometimes people even called him first, things were that smooth, mind you).
So, naturally, Joe fucked it all up. And not even on purpose. The first time he mentioned her they were just catching up on his flat, one of the few times he could be bothered to go to London instead of expecting everyone to show up in New York. And that was it, really. Just one mention of this new friend he made the last time he visited: that was, in a way, all it took. Her name was [Y/N] and she had only moved there recently, working occasionally as a dialect coach and accent expert of sorts, and was somehow shy yet one of the funniest people I have ever met, Benny, I swear to god. You would like her a lot, I think.
And wasn’t that the whole problem? He just, fuck, he just liked her so much it was ridiculous (and quite embarrassing, as the annoying little voice on his head that sounded suspiciously a lot like Gwilym’s would like to add). After that first mention, Joe would just casually bring her up sometimes and not even three weeks later, fate (if you want to call it that) started playing its part as well. If he hadn’t given that much thought to the lovely woman that apparently made his friend cry of laughter once (Joe had this way of taking everything out proportion and besides, he’s just having fun now, right?), Ben was in no way prepared for the absolute angel he met on the first day of production for his most recent movie.
It was kind of humiliating, to say the least. Ben was not used to losing his breath when he met a beautiful woman but, it seemingly turns out, there’s a first time for everything. And it was definitely not the last. It was almost seven am and the weather wasn’t helping a lot in terms of motivation, but her nose was red from the cold, her body shaking a bit under many layers of clothing, a big yellow scarf almost swallowing her up, and Ben was falling under and fast even before she talked and moved him completely: her name was [Y/N] and, because the movie was a historical fiction book adaptation, it was her job to help him practice a swedish accent until it hopefully sounded native (or very close to it, at least). And things just got worse from there, really. Ben’s pretty sure he’s been dying a very slow and painful death for the last two months and, even worse (!), he couldn’t be more obvious about it even if he tried.
He even feels like a creep sometimes. They practice every day and yes, his voice quality seems to be getting a lot better (something about using a lower tone helping the accent roll easier on his tongue), but it’s like his skin can’t stop itching no matter how much he tries. He was, in all seriousness, pretty much shaking the first time they were alone, her small hands helping him correct his posture so he could reach a better pitch; and if he’s being honest with himself, every time after that. It’s like’s he’s restless al the time; the smell of her hair and perfume staying on his memory long after their last hug (and yet not quite enough), her laugh making his heart jump quick whenever they talk, the possibility of seeing her again actually motivating him to get up at five am (!) and the mere thought of kissing her until her knees were trembling was enough to lead to certain uh, interesting thoughts when’s alone in bed at night (or at the tube, the market, the fucking bookshop that one time he prefers not to think about).
The thing is he’s so obvious about it that everyone has noticed. And he doesn’t mean just his co-workers (which is already bad enough!) but also his friends have quickly caught up on his incapability of shutting up (whining, according to Rami) about her and, as expected, they’ve been completely insufferable ever since. Hell, even his mum called him the other day asking when she’s meeting the girl that has him so interested. Fuck Joe, honestly. Why does he even talk to her on the phone, anyways? It’s like he just needs to tell everyone (and well, uhh).
As if he wasn’t already easy to pick on; by all means, he could just put a big sign on his head announcing his feelings into the entire world and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. But, funnily enough, [Y/N] seems to have no idea, even though he’s been torn between (unknowingly) dropping hints constantly and wanting the ground to swallow him whole for a while now. It’s just, she’s probably used to having a ton of people interested? Or maybe she’s been trying to tell you she’s just not that into you and you’re a clueless bastard that she has to deal with because it’s her job? The possibilities are endless, you see.
—Hey, can I– are you busy right now? do you have a minute? –she asked, closing her umbrella and stepping into the trailer, the rain just starting to pour down outside.
—Su-sure, of course. Is everything alright? I thought you were going downtown with- –he said, cleaning his now very sweaty palms on the fabric of his pants but stopped abruptly after taking in her blotchy cheeks and shaky hands, holding them with his own before moving one to gently caress her jaw– Hey, did something happen? You’ve been crying, I can tell –his voice caught on his throat upon seeing her eyes fill up with tears again, now holding her face with both hands and trying to get her to look at him– Did someone do something to you? Please, you know you can tell me anyt–
—I talked to Joe –[Y/N] replied, remembering the phone call that had taken place not even half an hour ago, her heart still so hopeful it ached from it– He– Ben, be honest with me, okay? Okay, so, he said, well I guess he implied that– that you may have a crush on me, I think? But like, he could be wrong? Maybe he was joking.
Oh. Oh shit, this can’t be good at all. It was bound to happen eventually. But everything was so perfect (could be more, though, always more) when they were together, running over his lines and practicing impressions until their stomachs hurt from the laughter, drinking tea when it was still impossibly early in the morning and then talking about anything and everything in the afternoon and late into the night, that he forgot this moment was even a possibility.
—He– he did that? –she nodded slowly, not even daring to lift her head, so scared of what she could find in his eyes (is he upset? What if he’s angry, disgusted, even?) and, even more, of what it could mean for them– I– fuck, I could kill him I swear he– listen, I don’t. I don’t want you to feel obligated, alright? This is– I can handle it, really. But I can’t stop, [Y/N], I swear I’ve tried but hell you’re just so– you. And I like you, okay? I like you so much it’s not even funny and if you give me a little more time maybe I can get over it and we’ll still be– umphh– –it felt like he was melting from the inside and bursting at the seams; her lips were soft and chapped from the cold, the absolute best thing he’s ever felt, his hands going from her face to her waist, not knowing where to settle, where to even begin. Months of waiting and craving seemed like nothing (and yet, meant everything) now, knowing that this was at the end of the line.
—You’re an idiot, you know?
She giggled and he fell in love all over again.
Maybe he would thank Joe, after all.
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sporadic-writer · 5 years
Diamonds are a girl's best friend pt. 2
Why work on my series of fics no one reads lol people like my blurbs more and these I have ideas for
Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: swearing and shit, implication of sex but no smut, the usual
Summary: seriously, what who turns down diamonds from someone you love?
Part 1 here!
A couple years had passed since you first met Tom. His career took off, as he deserved, and you finally finished college. Your relationship was public, but for the most part it was surprisingly chill. You had a job lined up in your field, and Tom was getting various offers each week. Both of you were thriving and happily in love. You even moved in together a while back. Even though you weren't always together for periods of time, neither of you felt out of touch. Sure, there were times when you missed each other like crazy, but the happy, blissful moments together made up for it. Like right now.
You were slowly waking up due to a cold breeze hitting your bare back. Tom shifted in his sleep and pulled the blanket more off your upper body. Groaning you tugged it back and snuggled into his body. He was also bare, like you. He had been away for a couple days to meet with some producers and got back last night. He really seemed to miss you to say the least. Not that you were complaining. It was a nice greeting and left you feeling wonderfully sore the next morning. However, your shifting woke up your boyfriend. He stretched and you clung onto him.
"Mmm stop moving. Stay in bed all day." You voice was groggy from sleep. You tried to get closer to him by wrapping a leg over his.
He simply chuckled. "Darling it's 10:30 and I thought you said you wanted to run to some store with Y/F/N this afternoon?"
"Ughh shit I did didn't I? Well fine I shall be productive I guess. What are you doing then?” You groaned as you rolled out of bed. 
His eyes lingered on your form before grabbing his phone from the bedside table. “I think I may go to the gym, do some busy work, answer emails and such. Would you be interested in going out to dinner tonight? Nothing too fancy, but not Taco Bell or any nasty American fast food either. I feel like right now we both have some time off and are able to breathe.” He made eye contact with you as you walked out of the closet, dressed and looking adorable as ever. “I like your hair like that by the way; pulled back and half up. It’s cute.”
“Thanks babe! Figured I’d shake up one of the 2 ways I wear my hair. And yeah dinner sounds amazing! I’ve been wanting to dress up a little anyway. Now I have some time before I meet her. Want breakfast before you work out?”
“Darling you read my mind. Now I remember why I love you so much.” He kissed you, put on his boxers and sweats, and you rolled your eyes with a smile as the both of you began making breakfast. Next thing you knew, each of you were on your ways and you were walking into an American Eagle.
“Listen. Tom wants to go out tonight, I have some spare cash, let’s hit the Aerie clearance and find me some cute shit to wear.”
You friend looked to you. “Any occasion for going out tonight?” She perused the racks as you nodded no. “Huh well any excuse to buy cute shit is a good one for me. Plus if you get laid tonight, want something new and fun underneath right?”
“Shut up! We bang and fool around regularly, but that isn’t necessary.” She just gave you the side eye and smirked. You ignored her and then you continued catching up with each other.
Around 5pm you walked into your place. “Tom? Babe you here?” You put your stuff down and walked further to find your man. He texted you a while ago and told you he was enjoying a marathon on Netflix. However, the TV was paused and there was no other sign of life. Walking closer to your shared bedroom, you heard him speaking softly on the phone. You smiled at him laying randomly on the bed. He looked like a handsome dork.
“Nah we are getting dinner tonight. That’s been taken care of,” he chuckles, “can you swing by though and - Hey Y/N you’re home. How was shopping? Mate I will talk to you later. Thanks.” He hung up with a bright smile as he sat up.
“It was fun! Y/F/N says hi by the way. She also said to not be a cliche tonight. I don’t know why, but I think it was because we were talking about spoilers and stuff for your next few films. I don’t know... I love her but I zoned out a bit. Plus I was telling her you were doing work stuff all day today and tonight.” You plopped down beside him on the bed and scrolled on your phone.
He poked your side and you snickered. He laughed with you and spoke. “She always assumes I will blow it. All the fans do. It is funny I will say but come on.”
“It’s why we love you so much! Now. When is dinner? I had a small lunch because I wanted room for where ever we go.” You got up to change your outfit a tad, that way it became a little more formal, but nothing too fancy. The height the heels gave you made you feel confident.
“I was thinking that new place that opened down town? It seemed nice and I’ve been wanting to try it.”
“Excellent. Works for me! Now what were you on the phone about? I didn’t interrupt an important call did I?”
“Not at all. Just Harrison is all. He wanted to check in and see what’s up.”
“Cool. Now I’m ready if you are. Let’s eat!” He grabbed your hand, kissed it, and pulled you out the door to enjoy a lovely meal.
Time Skip to After Dinner
“That was sooo good! You were right. We needed that Tommy.” You leaned on him with his arm around you as he flicked the lights on and dropped the keys down on the nearest surface. Suddenly you saw a big bouquet of your favorite flowers. “Aw did you get these for me? You didn’t need to do that!” You kissed his cheek and he smiled as you enjoyed them.
“I know but I wanted to. I like to spoil you remember? Plus you got me that watch a while back and I owe you. Thank Haz for dropping them off.”
“My mom helped me pick that out shut up. She was the one telling me to pick you out a nice new one as a gift.” You sniffed the flowers again. The sweet smell honestly just made your heart swell. You truly had the perfect man. “You’re perfect.”
“So are you love. Now, speaking of your mother. She also helped me pick something out for you as well. Let me go grab it. Wait here.” Nodding you smiled to yourself and hopped up to sit on the counter. You scrolled on your phone with a flower in your hand. Looking up, your lovely Brit walked back to you with his hand in his pocket and a smile on his face.
Your foot kicked him lightly, “What did ya get me hmm? Since you talked to my mom I can only assume it’s something shiny.” The glint in your eyes from the kitchen light, along with the playful smirk you gave him made him smile.
“That it is. Now um, shit, I planned on being smoother in my head. Alright. Remember that night I was worried as hell about an upcoming press tour? Overall I was stressing about nothing and you helped calm me down? Yeah you just finished like 2 lab reports and an exam, handled it like a damn champ, then dropped everything and we had a night in for ourselves. We goofed around like kids and just spent time together. Sex during a bath then later on the couch wasn’t bad either. Regardless, remember how utterly happy we were that night? Even more so than how happy we always are.” You nodded with a cute smile on your face, remembering the night that was nearly 5 months ago. “Right so it was that night, that made me realize how perfect, sweet, selfless, and utterly and completely irreplaceable you are Y/N. So I called your mum and we had been working back and forth on this, I even got your dad’s approval too. I wasn’t meeting producers the past few days, I went to meet your mum to pick this up.”
The whole time he’s talking, pieces are being put together in your head and it’s like time slows down. The bastard still hasn’t taken out anything to show you so all you do is cling to his words. He isn’t being subtle and needs to say it and make it real or else you may burst. “Tom, for the love of God get on with it or I’m gonna smack you!” You eyes were big and he chuckled a little. To think this started out as any other day.
“Easy on me love, not like this isn’t nerve wracking. We aren’t the biggest romantics but let me do my thing here baby. I love you more than anything and that’s never going to change. And remember the first time I handed you a little velvet box? You almost yelled at me thinking those earrings was an engagement ring.” He paused a little and stepped closer.” Well, promise me that you won’t yell at me this time.” He stood between your legs and his arms rested on your thighs. Out of his pocket he pulled out the little box and revealed the most stunning engagement ring ever seen in your life. “This time I don’t think it’s too soon or anything. I think it’s rather perfect if you ask me. So, let me ask you. Will you marry me?”
“Finally! Of course! Yes I will! Holy shit that’s some ring.” He slid it on your finger and you saw that it wasn’t too flashy, but it wasn’t too modest either. It was perfect, set it platinum and the diamonds were sparkling just for you. “God I love you.” He kissed you feverishly in response and your legs wrapped around him tightly. You pulled back, “You know. I did go out shopping today.”
He looked at you curiously, “I know. So what about it?”
You lifted up your shirt and revealed part of your new Aerie purchase. “I guess I should return the favor. A gift for a gift after all.” You smirked and looked into his eyes. They were dark and made you eager for the night to come.
“Get to the bedroom, put on those earrings I got you before, and let me see my gifts next to yours. What do you say love?” Hopping down you kissed him again and tugged his hair a little.
“I say I like what my fiance suggests. We have to celebrate after all.” And celebrate you did. All night long, the next day, and a little bit in between in the car when you went to visit Harrison and Tom’s family. Life could not be more perfect when diamonds are involved.
This wasn't requested or anything but I hope ya'll like it. Like and reblog as always!
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andaleduardo · 6 years
Rooftop N.5
Ao3     N.4  N.6
Tumblr media
Chapter preview: “Oh my, do I see jealousy?” Richie spoke with a mocking voice.
At first, Eddie was unaware he was the target of the question, but when everyone turned to look at him instead, the frown was masked with a layer of forced amusement. 
 “Sure thing, Tozier. I’m sooo jealous that my friends’ shoulders are touching your sweaty armpits.”
Friday 14.05.1993
Even though Richie knew this was the most likely outcome, he was still inconsolably disappointed when Friday came around and his hand was still looking like a dirty watercolour pallet. He was aware of how irrationally he was thinking, unless a miracle came around would the party be on tonight, and even if that happened, no one would come around. The flayers weren’t distributed around students, and the Losers had been warned that the date was postponed.
The week was pretty fucking boring despite the events that took place early on. The classes were agonizingly slow and there was a palpable tension hanging in the air of every classroom, for all the students were oh-so-done with school and wanted more than ever for summer break to come around. Less than a month for it to be over, Richie thinks as the days pass, just a little longer.
The last school-projects of the year are suffocating the Losers with every kind of group work. Richie paired up with Stan and Bill, and all his afternoons were taken up for that purpose only, which in a way was good, because it kept his mind out of other things that clung to his thoughts more than they should. Realistically, they could have wrapped it up last week, but Richie is a master of distraction. He works just as hard as the members of his group, or even harder, if you counted the effort of focusing in the work itself other than every little detail around him that craved attention. He ends up tapping a pencil on a surface until either Bill or Stan tell him to quit it. Then he twists and twists his rings around the fingers of his good hand until that gets boring too and resumes the tapping, but with the metallic material instead which is even louder. In a matter of minutes Stan would say something along the lines of “Let’s end it here for today.” And that’s how you drag a group project up 'til the very deadline, eventually.
But not everything is boring, that’s for sure. Eddie's interactions with him are somewhat changing. Richie has a hard time pondering the option that it might mean something more than kindness between friends, and when he finally settles on believing it, another part of him has to bring rationality back on board to make him rethink things and realise that, after all, that’s all there is to it, kindness towards a hurtful event. A mere friendly gesture. And speaking of friends, Richie got quite overwhelmed with all the attention and questions thrown at him on Wednesday. He was grateful that they cared, but all he really wanted was to move on from once and for all, which was a hard task if all you had to do was take a look at yourself to be reminded of what happened. He gave quick short responses to all the questions first thing in the morning and smothered them with cheek kisses and sided hugs while announcing to the group “I know you all missed me, cuties. But someone has to do the hard work around here, ain’t that right?” And it was worth it when he noticed Eddie’s frown thrown at him while Richie hugged Ben and Stan under his arms.
“Oh my, do I see jealousy?” He spoke with a mocking voice. At first, Eddie was unaware he was the target of the question, but when everyone turned to look at him instead, the frown was masked with a layer of forced amusement.
“Sure thing, Tozier. I’m sooo jealous that my friends’ shoulders are touching your sweaty armpits.” He offered an eye roll, lost in the middle of chuckles from the group. “Count me in next time.” Sarcasm pooling in his voice.
Trying to hide a bubbly smile behind a tentative smirk, Richie let go of Ben and Stan’s shoulders, throwing his hands in the air. “No need to ask twice, Spaghetti man!” he cut the circle down the middle, crowding Eddie’s space with long, bony arms that encircled him tight enough to lift the boy an inch off the ground. With a hand out of the equation, he applied all the strength on mostly one arm and immediately dropped Eddie down again, never letting go of the hug and hiding a smile in the crown of the boy’s head.
“Let me go, you dickhead!” But Eddie offered no resistance to the grip, and that spoke a lot to Richie.
Smiling to himself from the fond memories, Richie is brought back to the present by tripping over a stupid loose stone on the park pavement. He has been wandering around for an hour now, stalling the inevitable moment when he’ll have to go lock himself on the bedroom for the night. He insults the stone out of boredom and resumes his way home, deciding to stop on the closest convenience store for a crappy dinner.
Munching on a piece of bread while watching his house at the end of the road, Richie notices something different. His chewing slows down as he gets closer, stopping in his tracks completely when he reaches the overgrown front lawn.
“What the fuck?” He asks loudly, mouth still full. The question hung in the air as six heads turned to look at him, all of his friends were in front of his door, no longer talking among each other. He saw Beverly smile under the quick-darkening sky. “Am I hallucinating or do I have six losers in my front porch at -” he pretended to look into an invisible watch. “-unplanned hours?”
“That depends.” Beverly answered him while Richie marched his way over to them. “Did you hit your head on your way home?”
“I don’t believe so, no.” His mouth still full and a half-eaten bread on his hand. Eddie was quick to intervene.
“You shouldn’t talk until you swallow, idiot.”
“That’s funny, Kaspbrak. Your mother didn’t complain about my swallowing habits.” He finally finished eating the bite while a group groan was heard in response. “Seriously, though. What’s going on?”
“I wish I could answer that. I’m still trying to figure out why I was dragged from my house mid-dinner.” Richie turned to look at Stan, who was sitting on the steps in front of his house. Stan’s voice was harsh, like usual, but Richie saw the fondness underneath the fake scowl.
He stood quiet, eyes hovering over the six familiar stares on him. Richie almost counted the seconds spent watching a specific one, making sure it wasn’t any longer or shorter than whatever time spent on the others.
Strategies, he says to himself, good logic ninja skills.
“We’re here to have some quality time on a Friday night!” Beverly exclaimed with excitement. Richie almost rolls his eyes at Bev’s attempt on making him feel better, which is totally working, by the way.
“This is really dandy and all,” He then takes his time to look pointedly at his parent’s old cars in the driveway, taking a big bite out of his bread at the same time. “ but my folks wouldn’t really appreciate the invasion all of a sudden.” The last part of his sentence comes out muffled once again by the chewing.
Mike clasped a hand on Richie’s shoulders, making him almost drop the last piece of his dinner on the floor. “That, my friend, is why we’re going to the quarry instead.”
Richie offered him a quick smirk, his attention being dragged to Bev when she flashed him a scrunched up transparent zip lock bag inside the pocket of her jacket. “To have fun.” She winks at him. And what else does Richie need other than his friends and weed for company?
“Well, well chaps. What are we waiting for?” He asks while throwing the last bite in his mouth. Clapping his hands together to get the flour off of them, he motions for Eddie and Stan to get up from where they are sitting on the stairs. Everyone aims for their neglected bikes laying on the front lawn but before Richie could grab his, he notices the way Eddie trembles and sways when he gets up to walk to his bike. He trails closer to him, pushing all of his worries to a minimal amount.
“A lil’ dizzy, are we?” But as expected, all he gets in response is a scoff. He can see right through Eddie’s attempts at pretending that nothing happened and watches him straighten his body.
“M’just fine.” He bent down to pick up his bike and Richie stared longer than what he should. “And don’t spit crumbs all over me, it’s disgusting.” Richie doesn’t believe him for a second, but he shrugs it off playfully and gets on his bike, everyone already taking off ahead of them.
“If you say so.” He turns his head around to shoot Eddie a smirk while running his tongue over his bottom lip.
And if Eddie wasn’t able to play it off like his knees didn’t buckle when he got up, this time was just another failed attempt.
 The air was slightly chilly against their exposed knees, but nothing too harsh to make them shiver. It was just enough to keep their skin cool to the touch, enough to make a cuddle seem like a good idea. Enough to make him think that leaving his jacket behind wasn’t a good one. Or maybe –
“Aww, c’mon, Marsh. You’ve done better.” He mocks while inhaling the smoke dancing around inside his mouth. Sitting on the far-left, the rocky ground digging on their asses, Beverly flipped him off.
“Well sorry if I had to get this shit in a rush and didn’t get your gourmet stuff, asshole.” He laughed right back at her, Ben, Mike and Stan between them. Bill sat on Bev’s left side while Eddie was to Richie’s right at the end of their sitting line on the edge of the quarry, legs hovering feet above the calm water below. The sky wasn’t dark yet, they had around two hours before it would get impossible to see a palm in front of their faces in the middle of the forest.
After taking two more puffs, he passes the joint over to his right, but Eddie withdraws into himself to get away from it. In a silent conversation, Richie lifts up one eyebrow as if to ask ‘Are you sure?’ to which Eddie responds by lifting up one palm and nodding. Richie sees the way Eddie’s eyes flicker momentarily to their friends, on the other side of him.
Realisation hits him, Eddie doesn’t need an audience.
“Are you passing the damn thing back tonight?” Stan pushed him out of his thoughts by asking. Richie couldn’t tell if he was actually annoyed this time.
“Being a bitch today, uh Stanley?” He took his precious time to take another drag, eyes locked with him. Shoving an elbow to Richie’s ribs, Stan roughly stole the blunt from his grip to pass it over to Mike, a disgusted frown forming from the smoke that hit him in the face. “No wonder you have a stick up your ass.”  Richie quietly murmurs.
There had been a couple of times where Stan joined the group for a smoke, but only in the ‘horrible parties’ he claims to be dragged into. But Richie knows better, Stan does enjoy these things, it only takes him a little bit longer to feel comfortable doing it while being watched.
When Mike turns to Ben, the latter quietly blushes and shakes his head no, Bev accepting the offer instead. This is just the way they roll.
 Eddie doesn’t know what’s going on. All he’s sure of is that everyone is laughing, maybe crying. Maybe both. How much time passed is uncertain. The night feels way warmer now that he’s leaning on Richie out of fear of falling in the water. He notices that Ben is red in the cheeks and Stan has finally given into smoking some himself. Eddie vaguely remembers getting hit in the face with the white smoke, making him cough out of habit of doing just so.
Can you get high from being (extremely) close to people getting it on? Eddie doesn’t know, and he doesn’t feel like he’s high. He feels warm and giggly and comfortable.
His eyes drifted down to Richie's lap, observing the bandaged hand laying on top of his thigh, palm up to the sky. There was an urge, so strong, to grab it and wrap his fingers through Richie's. Slowly, Eddie inched his left hand closer, but suddenly his human pillow started turning and he almost hit an eye on a bony shoulder.
Lifting his head, Eddie stared at Richie, who was looking at him with shiny, wet eyes.
“What?” Eddie whispered with a lifted eyebrow.
“Just watch this.” With a wink, Richie turned around to face Stan. Eddie inched forward to observe what turned out to be the most shocking event between Losers.
Stan himself was talking with Mike, an active conversation filled with mocking voices and laughs. Eddie doesn’t remember seeing him this careless before, but there’s a chance he has just forgotten. He smiles at his friend’s happiness, only for it to be interrupted when Richie elbows Stan in the ribs, much like before, but with reversed roles. Stan turns around, way to happy for his smile to vanish, but slightly smaller. He opens his mouth to ask something, anything, but Richie cuts him to it, speaking loudly and putting a hand on Stan’s shoulder.
“Stan the Man! You’re so red, right there darling!” Richie brings his covered hand up, poking Stan in the cheek playfully. And now that Eddie’s noticing, he really is blushing. “You look like you need to cool off." Stan’s smile has died completely by now, annoyed for being interrupted on a nice moment.
“Is there a point to this conversation?” From his peripheral vision, Eddie knows that all the Losers became an audience for this ‘messing up with Stan’-Tozier moment, which is a mere repetition of every day.
However, what really shocks everyone is what follows next.
“Oh, s’just, you seem really hooooot and bothered…” Richie drags the words in a weird way. “But fear not, my great bird-boy, I have the perfect solution for ya.” And just like that, he’s pushing Stan off the cliff, applying at the strength he can on Stan’s shoulder blades.
Stan screams, everyone’s jaws fall, and you know what else falls? Stan does. Eddie watches, horrified and leaning over the edge, as Stan’s body leaves the ground and grasps around for anything, literally anything, to grab on to.
“Asshole! What the fuck?!?!” Those were the last coherent words Stan was able to say before he gave in to screams and shrieks while falling in the water down below.
Richie loses it.
He cries his eyes out from laughing so hard, grasping his sides and pointedly ignoring the Loser’s own screaming at him. Mike is dead-on freaking out, torn between killing Richie with his hands or jumping after Stan, who’s now in the water, feet below his friends, moving around freakily and trying his best to stay afloat and breathe harshly at the same time, the cold water making the task harder for him.
It honestly looks like the world is about to end. All of them are speechless but all of them are trying to beat Richie up with words. Bill is waving his arms around in protests, his stutter getting the best of him and making him breathless from being stuck on: “Wh- Wha- Wha-” ‘s, trying so hard to blurt out a simple “What the fuck just happened!?!”
Ben is shaking in horror, squinting down at the water to never loose Stan out of sight, at the same time as he is grabbing Mike’s torso, trying to keep him from getting up and kicking Richie down to the water too.
Eddie is straight up beating Richie with his own two hands, altering from punches at his side and grabbing Richie’s arm and shaking him out of his existence. “Why the hell would you do that? What is wrong with you!” But the other boy is still grasping his mid-section, laughing on and on with no means to stop.
And Bev? Well… Bev starts laughing too. Because apparently, shoving a person down a cliff in the darkening sky while the other is totally defenceless, it’s fucking funny for her. So she laughs, and much like Richie, she starts to cry.
Ben stares at her with plain surprise, this is probably the most wicked thing that happened to him all month. Eddie stops physically assaulting Richie when her giggles reach him. Everyone just turns to stare at her, even Richie’s laughing died down to focus on her with fond amusement.
A faint, distant eco of Stan’s voice reaches the six at the top of the cliff.
“You’re insane! I’m going to murder you, Richie!” The sound of his friend’s voice brings Bill back to reality and he quickly scrambles to his feet and backs away from the edge.
“Where are you going?” Eddie asks, his voice apprehensive.
“We sh-should go meet S-Stan down th-th-there.” Bill’s stutter is winning the battle.
Mike gets up while shaking his head in disbelief, murmuring under his voice “I have no idea what’s going on.” to no one in particular. Richie is watching all of them, not a glint of regret in his blood. He waits for Beverly to stand on her feet, no longer laughing, to grab Ben’s hand and help him up. Eddie seems to snap out of his trance and quickly rushes to get up to follow the others, who are already making their way down the rocky trails in quick long steps. But before he’s able to do it, there’s a hand grasping his wrist weakly.
He looks down at Richie, big soft eyes staring right back at him. “Let them go.” Richie tells him. And surprisingly, even to himself, Eddie sits back down on his spot, thigh brushing against the other boy. He doesn’t feel calm anymore, he feels confused and shocked and overwhelmed.
“Why would you push Stan?” His eyebrows scrunch, and Richie almost can’t handle how cute he looks. “What if he got hurt? Now he’s all wet and it’s cold. He’s going to get sick, Richie, I can’t believe you did thi-”
“Cause I wanted to be alone with you.” Richie cuts Eddie’s rambling with a low voice. He looks kind of concerned, but Eddie doesn’t know why.
Eddie’s heart beats wildly against his ribs, nothing makes sense anymore. “You… wanted to be alone with me?” Richie nods, eyes always locked with him. “There were easier ways to do that, we could have just left for a bit or-”
“Do you trust me?” And if Eddie wasn’t altered right now, he would throw Richie to the water himself, for cutting him off again. Hesitantly, Eddie’s eyes drifted down to the spot where he could faintly see his friends’ shapes, near the water. “Stan is okay, I promise.” His attention is brought back to Richie, who was also eyeing the group but is now staring in his eyes again. At Eddie’s silence, Richie sighs and continues. “I want to try something, but only if you let me, Eds.”
“Will you throw me off this cliff, too?” He couldn’t help himself to say this, a small grin threatening to appear.
“We can manage that later, if you want.” Richie winks at him and watches playfully as shock crosses Eddie’s features for a moment, before he realises this is plainly Richie joking around and allows himself to relax again.
Somewhere away from them, Eddie can barely make out Stan’s voice: ‘Is he mental? He has to be fucking mental!’ but something else gets his attention. Richie inches slightly closer to where Bev placed the tiny bag on the ground and takes out the second and last rolled up joint she brought along. Eddie gulps down his anxiety and embarrassment.
“Oh.” It’s all he manages to say, his voice small, lost in the middle of the nature around them.
Looking away from the bag he’s holding, Richie lays his eyes on Eddie’s, watching him carefully from underneath his lashes.
“We don’t have to, you know?” Eddie nods back in response, gulping a second time and watching as Richie flips on his lighter.
He feels childish, and now there’s a chance to change that. There’s nothing to be nervous about, Richie would never make fun of him for struggling, and his mom would never know. But just the thought of Sonia makes his skin prickle with anxiety, it’s almost like she’s here, somehow, watching him, hidden away, studying the way he is acting and what he intends to do, him, Eddie, her baby, with another boy so close and drugs shared betwee-
Richie takes Eddie’s chin between his fingers, snapping him out of his thoughts by lifting his head up a little, just enough for their faces to inch closer. Eddie inhales sharply and lets himself study Richie’s features, which somehow calms him down a little.
Richie’s eyes are blotchy red and wet, like tears would be shed at any given moment. A nose slightly pink in colour, probably from the cool air of the night, though Eddie doubts that that could explain why Richie’s cheeks are just, if not more, darker in colour.
When things start to get way too intense to be normal, Eddie flick’s his eyes down to the blunt trapped between Richie’s fingers. He calmly adds “I want to… but I don’t know how.”
And that’s enough for Richie. Eddie tenses up slightly when Richie’s hand, still holding his chin, moves to accommodate his thumb to rest on top of Eddie’s lower lip. He doesn’t know what to do, so he looks impatiently and nervously, waiting for whatever he intends on doing. If he’s honest with himself, Eddie would take anything from him at this point, even being thrown in the water.
Before he knows it, Eddie lets his mouth slip open, the thumb pressing slightly harder on his lip. He gave up on rationality moments ago, what else was he supposed to do? He certainly wouldn’t scold Richie for whatever they’re doing, because he’s just as eager for it, but way more lost.
“I’m going to try something.” Eddie slightly jolts up with Richie’s voice breaking the silence. “Is that okay?” He simply nods back and stares, probably blushes too, as Richie brings the joint up to his own lips, face never inching away. Richie sucks up the air inside his mouth, lips wrapped around the rolled paper and hollowing cheeks.
Eddie is glad that he’s sitting down because his legs feel numb just from this and his fingers twitch where’re they’re gripping the end fabric of his khaki shorts.
When Richie pulls the blunt away, hand lying beside both their bodies, his lips are pressed closed and he comes nearer (Eddie didn’t think that was possible). The pressure on his bottom lip returns, Richie is making sure his mouth keeps open, and suddenly Eddie feels so vulnerable. Naturally, he tilts his head to the side when Richie does it in the opposite way, their mouths so close that Eddie can no longer think, he can only feel a heat taking over his entire body.
Should he close his eyes? He doesn’t know. Would that be weird? It’s wicked and painful to stare at Richie when he’s so close, making him cross-eyed momentarily. But Richie keeps them open, so Eddie does too.
His gaze flicker down for a moment when Richie’s lips twitch, and before Eddie grasps the reality of whatever this is, smoke is being blown right between Eddie’s lips.
‘Holy shit.’ He thinks. ‘Holy shit this is happening, what do I do? What do I do?’
Eddie’s knuckles turn white when he grabs at Richie’s forearm, somehow pulling it closer. The urge to cough is heavy on his throat, but he pushes it back. The next words Richie speaks are so soft that he barely acknowledges them over his internal rambling.
“You have to inhale.” He says between smoke. Eddie clumsily attempts to breathe through his mouth, allowing his throat to relax and completely forgetting the need to cough out a lung.
When Richie pulls back, but only slightly, Eddie is absolutely sure that even without the sunlight to shine on them, anyone would be able to see the blood rushing underneath his cheeks and neck. But at least he’s not alone, for Richie managed to darken his own blush out.
Both boys lost track of time after that, drifting in their own little bubble until the burning died down. Their lips had brushed against each other in unintentional ways, their asses were sore from the uncomfortable soil and Eddie ended up struggling with the smoke for a while, but Richie was patient, and Eddie was persistent. When five other voices started being audible, they drew apart in unnatural ways.
While Richie got his ears scolded by a drenched, shivering, and constantly-complaining-about-his-ruined-shoes Stan, Eddie took his time getting up on both feet and wondered briefly why his friends took so long to come back. Later, both Richie and him would find out it was the work of none other than Beverly Marsh. The rest of the night was spent in her house, vacant for the weekend. All their way to get there resulted in Stan getting sick from the resistance of the air while they biked and Richie trailing behind the poor boy while telling the group that they should have joined Stan to skinny-dip.
Later, Stan made sure to drop his still wet clothes on top of a napping Richie and hit him with the destroyed shoes wherever he managed to reach. This is just the way they roll.
rooftop taglist:   @richietoaster   @rainydayriots   @reddieloves    @thetrashmouthclub   @lemonboi03 @noodleboyshane    @pillsandglasses   @studpuffin      @dandelion-stan     @reddiesetrichie     @squishynonbinarytwink      @itschunky      @burymestanding     @duderrific    @its-rye @salty-kaspbrak  @youtubequeens   @reddieseggrolls   @addimagination   @pastelstozier @sleepysirenprincess @constantreaderfool   @mrs-vh @eds-trashmouth
perma taglist:  @constantreaderfool   @mrs-vh  @eds-trashmouth @girasol-eddie
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the-canary · 6 years
Of Gravity and Revolution - B.B
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Summary: Moving into a new university, James Barnes didn’t except to fall in love with the professor next door. (College Professor AU!Reader/Bucky Barnes)
A/N: This is for @redgillan and her love towards Prof. Bucky! There is a lot of mention of political science, I’m sooo sorry. 
Please enjoy! Like always, feedback is always welcomed.
James Buchanan Barnes understood early on that things were done differently in a smaller university. For one he had more interactions with students and its diverse faculty, on the other hand resources were a bit more limited, a bit more cramped. He learned this while staring at his new office on the 5 floor of the central lecture hall. Back in the city, he and the rest of the astrophysics department had a whole building to themselves, here he was cramped in together with the political science, religious studies, and various other little sects that came with this private university’s curriculum. It didn’t bother him, but it was definitely a shock.
The small room barely fits half the books that used to fit in his old office, but James takes it all with stride as he tries to make it feel like his own -- a poster here, some books there, a picture of himself with Peggy and Steve when they were graduate students. He’s too preoccupied moving things to notice a figure standing at his opened door, obviously appreciating the view before knocking on the door.
“Hi neighbor,” a raspy voice exclaims, as he turns to see a woman dressed in jeans and a t-shirt standing in behind him, and while classes hasn’t started yet, James knows this woman feels at home within these walls and how she carries herself, which is very different approach to his dress slacks and rolled up blue shirt.
“Hi,” he gets up and walks over to her with a cool smile on his face as he stretches out his hand, “Dr. James Barnes, Astrophysics Department.”
“Oh, so you’re the one they replaced Rumlow with,” she makes a face at the name, like many of the other staff that James had met with, as she shakes his hand. She states her own name before explaining.
“...I’ve work a few doors down, part of the Pol Sci Department,” she explains with an easygoing smile that catches his attention and doesn’t let go. She’s about explain something when her name is called down the other side of the hallway. They both turn to see a short red-haired women wearing a formal blouse and skirt. She nods and looks at James one more time before moving away.
“If you need a tour of the place, let me know.”
James can’t take her up on that offer, since Dr. Banner --the Dean of the Science Department-- shows him around the school a couple of hours after that. The beginning of fall semester begins and James finds himself busy between the classes that he has, the club that he is supposed to be running, and other tasks handed to him as the only other member of this part of the department. However, he sees her from time to time.
“Good morning, Dr. Barnes,” she says with a smile.
“How are you classes so far?” she asks one time when they are walking together through the university’s lawn.
“Are you choosing that for lunch?” she asks while standing behind him in line waiting to get a late lunch.
A laugh or the sight of a bright smile catches him off guard when they are both heading towards their offices or going into the faculty lunch area and he had a dire need to learn more about her. Slowly, he learns that she’s the senior most member of the Political Science Department, as the expert of history and political theory before the 20th century. The rest of the department is also women with Prof. Romanoff leading anything during and after the 20th century and Dr. Hill leading any American and Law studies. It was an intimating group of women, but James didn’t see it that way -- not with her.
5 minutes.
James thinks as he stares at the digital clock on his computer. It had become a small ritual as of late for him to get up and have lunch just before his first class of the day started since all his classes where during the afternoon and evening. If he timed leaving his office well enough, he would get to see you.
“Oh! Good afternoon,” you say with a bright smile as you open your door, as he closes his, to put your books back into your office. James gives you a smile, as he peaks in a little more. Your office is certainly messier than his with piles of books everywhere, some potted plants near the window that faced the courtyard, and posters here and there from various films. You place the books on your cluttered desk before turning back to look at him.
“How were your classes today?” it is the same question he had asked you since the beginning of this little dalliance since most of your classes where in the early morning and evening hours; it was the only time he really got with you and he tried to make the most of it. His heart stutters a bit at the sight of your smile, as you go on to explain what the freshman did in your World History class and the upperclassmen did in your Revolutions class. You explain theory as best you could and add little anecdotes here and there. You laugh and ask his opinion on current events, and if anyone saw the two of you, they could swear James Barnes had the most tender look on his face.     
It’s a little later in the semester when he hears it, a soft song playing throughout the hall that houses his office after his last evening class. James cocks an eyebrow as he makes his way to his office. Then, he sees a light coming from your office and the music playing a little louder than before. He takes cautious steps and sees you, hair in a messy bun with a stack of green books and takeout on the side. He smiles as you tap the red pen to the beat of the song. You’re marking a green book with all red as he knocks the door.
“Grading?” he asks, as you jump a little to the sound of his voice. You give him tired smile and nod telling him to come in. Your office is a little less cluttered than before since he can actually sit down, as you turn off the music.
“Alice in Chains?” he lets out a soft laugh at your taste in music because with every new day he is learning a little bit more about you and sometimes it surprises him. You grin as you take a bite out of your food.
“Older brothers are big Grunge fans,”  you explain, before going back to tapping your red pen and adding as an afterthought, “You got any siblings?”
“Three younger sisters,” he declares as you let out a painful whistle and proceed to ask him how that was like, which soon turns into swapping embarrassing childhood stories. The papers you were grading are long forgotten, though neither of you forget that night any time soon.
Talks and random moments soon turn into more in depth conversations and exchanging books over the main subjects you love, though it is a little hard to understand at times for the other party. Natasha points this out during one of your shared lunches to talk about the political science students and their next classes.
“You seriously gave him Fukuyama to read?” Natasha scoffs behind her cup of coffee, as you shrug.
“I talked about it and he seemed interested,” you explain a little more horrified than before, as you take a bit out of your burger. She shakes her head, clearly not thinking that such a man would exists.
“I mean, you could have started him out with Plato, Rousseau, hell even Marx,” she exclaims in subtle disbelief, “But, no, give him ‘time is cyclical’ man. Either you want him to run or you…”
Green eyes stare at your face for a long while, trying to catch any changes as you give her a bright smile with flushed cheeks, Natasha curses under her breathe but can’t help but smile at the same time too. It had been a long time since you had been this happy.
“So, what are you reading?” she questions, as Maria enters the dinning hall and she knows her time is limited before everything really goes into business mode.  
“Neil de Grase Tyson,” you answer and she laughs.
The science students may not have known Dr. Barnes long enough to see the difference, but the political science students could see that you smiled more. You might still have some of the hardest classes in the department, but there was certainly something light about you. A group of upperclassmen, mostly young woman that liked talking and asking you questions, especially when you were spending those non-tutoring hours outside of your office, knew something was up -- something that they had never seen in the 3-4 years that they had spent studying underneath your tutelage. So, they hover around the hall after a few classes and while they get all their questions answered, they see something new -- the newest staff member watching your door.
It doesn’t take them along to put two and two together. So, before the winter semester ends, they gather around his office (when yours is empty) with bright smiles that send James into slight confusion.
“Her birthday is the last day of finals,” Helen, the oldest member declares, “She likes funny political puns and old cartoons. Just the let you know.”
James blinks for a moment.
“Good luck, Dr. Barnes,” they all coo before leaving and James quickly opens the notes app on his phone to remember the gold that had been given him, and let’s just say you had a very funny birthday present at the end of a tiring day at semester.
Winter break in a new city isn't any fun if you don’t know anyone and while James is aware that he could have gone home or spent the holidays with Steve and Peggy. He also wanted to get used to living in this new town, even if it was alone and he knew there were going to be times where he was needed within the university. And while he might have been hoping for something, for someone to spend the holidays with he was too chicken in the end to ask for your phone number, too afraid that what he wanted wasn’t how you pictured this casual friendships between coworkers. Then, on a wintry December he sees his work email has one new message.   
Dear James,
I am sorry if this may seem inappropriate to you, but I saw a stargazing event being advertised for this weekend. My curiosity was piqued, but I don’t know much about the subject. Since you do, would you mind going with me to the event?
I have attached a flyer to the event in the email.
James never answered an email so fast in his life before, as he yells in excitement in his kitchen. And slowly but surely, stargazing turns into lunch and coffee “meetings” between the two of you for the rest of winter break.
The spring semester eases you into a mix of both, from grading papers together in the evening to meeting every other during the weekend for some activity, and James swears that he’s falling for you at this point with your witty one liners and bright eyes that seem take in everything he talks about. However, fear gurgles at his throat at the thought of putting a label at whatever you have been dancing around. Labels aren’t important, he thinks but you put a stop to that.
“James, do you want to go to the Academic Showcase together?” you question as you mark another green book with your red pen, not seeing his surprised face. The Academic Symposium was a university event that encased all the research done by students who had done any independent study within the past year, everyone --including Deans and the President-- attended. This meant going public with whatever you had, and it caused him to pause.
“You don’t have to…” your quivering voice brings him back to reality, as he finds you staring at him with a smile, which by now he knew wasn’t good. So, he places at hand over your own and grins.
“Of course, I’ll go. Gotta see my girl’s work after all,” he gives you a crooked grin before grasping your hand tightly into his own. The bright blush on your face telling him that it might all right to call you his cause that familiar feeling to bloom again, as he goes back to that crazy l-word once more.
Now, due to it being his first year, James doesn’t have anything to present. So, he takes his time walking around and taking in all the presentations, some catching his interest more than others as he gets more excited as he gets closer to your side of the room. That’s when he sees you, wearing a glimmering black dress, while answering any questions your student can’t seem to answer about the French Revolution and St. Just. Starry eyed and varies hand motions with that upticked smile and James knows he’s done for -- he’s in love.
He watches until all the important people are called for dinner and your student is dragged away by a very curious donor of the school. He walks over and slides his arm around your waist as you melt right at his side like you belong there. You look at him and smile.
“You’re amazing,” he declares as he moves over to look over the work you helped put together. You grin while turning to look at him with a fondness he certainly hasn’t seen before.  
“I know,” you laugh, as he laughs before pulling you into a hug. His chest rumbles with laughter before you speak again, “But, you are too, and I can’t wait to see your work on display.”
James isn’t why he decides to say it in that moment, but the words of encouragement and steady belief in what you know he was capable of awes him. Your grip and on his jacket and those bright red lips tell James that’s he’s done, that this is it.
“I love you,” he murmurs softly, hoping you didn’t hear him but the soft kiss on his cheek tells him a different story. You move your hand to have his face looking at  yours and for a moment James fears what you might say, until he sees your eyes filled with nothing but adoration.  
“Love ya too, Bucky,” you answer back, light and joyfully with a huge grin, as you call him by his childhood nickname and he isn’t quite so sure where you had heard it from --maybe, when he was talking about Steve again?-- but he decides it’s the best way he has ever heard it being said before.
And underneath the sparkling light and St. Just’s watchful eyes, James feels the start of something new, something permanent beginning to form -- a small revolution all on its own.  
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thekidultlife · 7 years
Jihoon | We Got Married AU | Ep 1
Ep 1 | Ep 2 |
Genre: Fluff, Comedy???? (i’m srsly not a funny person)
(A/N: So wtf is this? It’s a fic based on the show We Got Married and god it was so hard to replicate variety shows.I’m not sure if this is still how the show goes since the last I watched was from 2009 and I just started recently on Season 4 sooo....I’m not used to this kind of writing but it calls for it. I’m not even sure if you guys would like this but oh well here ya go) lmao the fluff version of oppaya hahahaha
Tell us if you like us to add another episode or if you like it!
MC01: Ah, who’s going to be the new couple?
MC02: They haven’t actually revealed anything to us! I hope one or both of them are idols.
MC03: (laughs) You just like idols! I’m sure you’d want to see NCT Dream’s Jaemin!
MC01: Yah! Jaemin-ssi is still too young to get married!
MC04: Just watch the video! It’s starting!
(cue to a clip SEVENTEEN performing Clap and Thank You)
MC02: Omo! It’s Seventeen! One of them is going to join?
MC03: Oh! Seventeen! Who is it? Who’s going to get married?
02011 VLIVE
(the camera is focused on Woozi in his work studio, in his usual black hoodie)
WOOZI: Ah, good! Everyone’s here. Hello! (smiles a bit as he runs his fingers through his hair) Why did I suddenly wanted to do a VLive? (grins and giggles a bit; his dimples showing) Well, I have big news and I want our Carats to know first (pauses a bit) I’m not sure if Carats would like it but…(smirks) I do hope you’ll support me.
acctuser01: omo tell us tell us
acctuser02: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ i’m scared
acctuser03: ㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱ
acctuser04: oppa~ we’ll still support you! <3
WOOZI: (finishes reading the comments and laughs) alright, alright. Everyone calm down (clears throat) Well you see, I’m extending my invitations to everyone since I just got married.
MC02: Ah, it’s Woozi-ssi! Woozi-ssi!
WOOZI: Hello, I’m Seventeen’s Woozi. I’m 27 years old, and an idol and a music producer. I um… I never experienced any sort of relationship before (smiles embarrassingly). I never even had close female friends…so that’s why I thought I should try gaining some experience through this.
MC03: Really? I guess he’s the shy type of guy.
MC02: I’ve actually met him once and yeah, he’s really a shy person!
(A new clip plays with your girl group performing on stage)
MC04: Oh! It’s y/gg!
MC02: I’m betting on Y/N.
MC01: I agree with you! I heard they’re great friends.
MC04: Really? Well, maybe because they’re both producers
(At the backstage of Show Champion, as your girl group waits for your cue to start pre-recording)
Y/N: Ah, I almost forgot to tell you. I’m going to get married.
(everyone stops and stares at you)
Leanne: Wait, seriously? (looks panicked) Why did you only tell us now? Does the CEO know? Who is it?
Y/N: (grins) Don’t worry, they already know.
Hazel: (raises brows) Aigoo…don’t listen to her! She’s just tricking us!
Leanne: If this is all a joke, I swear!
Christel: I’m the flower girl! My dress is ready!
Y/N: (laughs) This isn’t a joke, ok? (laughs more) I’m not tricking you!
Hanna: Did you tell your parents already? (sighs exasperatedly) Y/N, don’t stress me like this!
Y/N: (can’t stop laughing and crouches on the floor) Wait, this is so funny! But I swear this is all true!
Leanne: Ah! You’re just playing with us!
Hazel: Yeah! You just told me the other day that you didn’t want a boyfriend!
Y/N: No, no! I’m serious! I’m getting married!
Hanna: AH! I get it! You’re going to enter that show, right?
Leanne: OMO You’re right!!
Hazel: Ah! Good point Hanna!
Y/N: (starts laughing again)
MC03: She’s the type of girl who kind of ends up alone, huh?
MC01: She’s the independent type. You know, like those scary girls in dramas (everyone laughs)
MC02: The “I don’t need a man” type! She strikes me as that girl!
MC04: But it’s funny how her members won’t believe her!
Y/N: Anyway, I want to ask you guys for some tips how—
Hanna: Take a peek while he’s dressing!
Christel: Take a peek while he’s taking a shower!
Hazel: Tell us if he has abs!
Y/N: (gives an annoyed look as you look at your three members) Get out.
MC03: ‘Take a peek while he’s showering’! (laughs)
Y/N: Alright, I’m serious here. Help me for a bit, ok? (everyone nods)
Leanne: Marriage is a big commitment. You have to take care of him well. I hope for all the best and that you’ll be happy with him. I’m sure our fans will still support us even after your marry him.
Y/N: (sighs) Leanne, I told you. I’m going to enter that show. This is just a virtual marriage.
Leanne: (laughs loudly) AH! I’m so slow! Wait! (laughs more) I’m sorry! I can’t believe this!
Y/N: Moving on…
Hanna: (shrugs) I dunno. You’re pretty set in becoming a good wife. You can cook, you can clean…somehow…(voice became hesitant) Don’t worry, you’re good to go!
Hazel: (gives you a thumbs up) Yes, we believe in you! Good luck, Y/N!
Y/N: I’m starting to feel afraid.
Y/N: Hi, I’m Y/N from Y/GG and I’m 25 years old. I’m an idol but I also produce songs. I wanted to join because I was beginning to get concerned with my future (laughs). You see, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t really think about marriage and dating a lot, and I tend to be very career-focused. So there is a huge possibility that I might end up alone (laughs again) so before I get to that, I want to experience what it’s like to have a family and see if I can handle married life.
MC01: Ohhh! She’s such a hard working person!
MC03: Yeah…! It’s rare to see girls like her nowadays!
MC04: You’re right. My daughter at home keeps on doodling her crush’s name on her notebook! Aigoo! Younghee be like Y/N-unnie! (laughs)
09:14 PM
MBC Building
Kiss the Radio Recording
It was late in the evening when your group had finished the radio broadcast scheduled for tonight. It was a long day—starting from a show recording in the morning, a fansigning in the afternoon and a radio guesting in the evening—it had worn you out but not to the extent of days where you had five to six events scheduled. Yet unlike your other members, you were not going home yet.
As soon as you went out from the recording booth, a staff member had given you a pretty silver envelope where the logo of the show you just joined was printed. The other members—Leanne, Hanna, Hazel and Christel—all gathered behind you to take a peek on what was inside.
Mission #1
Meet your husband at the MBC Lobby at 10PM
Your heartbeat immediately raced. You had completely forgotten about it as the day went on and now that it was time to meet the person who you were going to be married to, you suddenly felt your knees weaken. Beginning to question your decisions, you wanted to runaway but you knew you couldn’t.
“I think it’s from Monsta X,” Hanna remarked with a very assured tone as she followed all of you towards the waiting room.
“Monsta X? I dunno…the show can be very random sometimes,” you said skeptically as you played with the envelope.
“It might be Seventeen!” Leanne squealed but you simply sighed.
“I’d rather not get my hopes up. I already told the staff everything they needed to know,” you replied to them; setting the envelope on the dresser and looked at yourself on the mirror. “But I hope I look presentable though.”
9:26 PM
Pledis Building
The cold air hit his cheeks immediately as Woozi walked out of the building’s back door and to the company van. He was used to climbing into the car with twelve other people but right now, he was only with Seventeen’s leader S.Coups, and members Hoshi, Seungkwan and Mingyu ( and two other managers as well) who were insistent enough for Woozi to let them come.
“Who are you guys betting on?” S.Coups asked once the van started moving, being the leader of not only Seventeen, but also of mischief, though Woozi had to snort in annoyance.
“My bet is either on Twice or Y/GG or Red Velvet!” Mingyu announced yet everyone immediately voiced out their disapproval.
“Our Woozi can’t marry any of those girls! They’re too pretty!” Hoshi remarked and was about to add more when Woozi hit his arm forcefully.
“No, no. But Mingyu is right on Y/GG! It may be Y/GG or Pristin! It’s easier for the company too!” Seungkwan said and most of them actually acknowledged his thoughts.
“Oh just be quiet!” Woozi spat at them with a scathing glare and with that everyone became quiet; feeling the nervousness Woozi was emanating inside the car.
As soon as the van pulled out in front of the MBC Building, Woozi in a navy blue button up shirt and skinny jeans, went out and walked towards the lobby in a fast pace, without even waiting for the others. His mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of who his wife was going to be and was beginning to pray to the gods that it was someone he knew so he wouldn’t feel too awkward.
With your members, you strode out of the elevator while talking but before all of you walked into the main part of the lobby, you stopped them.
“Alright,” you sighed your apprehension out and continued. “I’m going there alone. So please don’t follow me,” you instructed them.
Though there were several whines of protests from Christel and Hazel, they immediately went off somewhere (probably to the café) while you, on the other hand, trotted into the main lobby confidently; hiding your nervousness expertly.
As soon as you saw the lobby with its large silver columns, marbled tiles, dim lighting and the few scattered modern armchairs, your eyes searched for someone who might remotely be your husband. Glancing from left to right and to several spots which you suspected he might be, you failed to find anyone.
You checked your watch to be sure that it was already ten in the evening and you were right—it was fifteen minutes past ten and there was still no sign for the person you were going to meet. Your eyes darted to the several red boxy armchairs near the glass walls to find a perfect spot to wait yet instead, what you spotted was a familiar figure.
Walking towards the area, you tapped a shoulder and greeted.
“Woozi-oppa, it’s nice to see you here!”
Woozi was looking at you with wide eyes and an ajar mouth that you immediately got confused.
“Is…is there something wrong?” You asked him as you sat on the chair beside him. Your presence next to him seemed to have snapped him out from his shock and shook his head as an answer.
“No, I’m fine! I’m just waiting for someone. You?” he asked as you looked down on your watch.
“Actually, I’m waiting for someone too and he’s awfully late,” you remarked with a slight annoyance in your voice.
“I feel you. I’ve been waiting here for a while too!” Woozi replied as he sank back down to his armchair. “By the way, how’s the album going?”
You sighed tiredly as you thought of what to answer. “Same old, same old. The progress is slow and I’m getting irritated by the day.”
Woozi chuckled as he felt irony of the situation. “It’s that feeling you get when you just want to smash the piano on the computer screen.”
“You don’t know how much I wanted to do that yesterday! God!” You groaned and continued, “By the way oppa, I have a question concerning the bass lines.”
“Yeah? Do you need help in placing them correctly?”
The two of you then continued to talk about music theory and composition that you two had forgotten that you were actually being filmed.
MC04: (laughing so hard, clutching his stomach) These two forgot about the mission! They forgot the mission! This can’t be real!
MC02: (laughing too) Someone better stop those two now!
“Ok, so like the syncopation is—”
“Excuse me.”
Woozi, slightly irked by the disruption, was just beginning to teach you how to place proper syncopation on songs when a staff member had walked towards you and tapped both of your shoulders.
“Sorry to interrupt but the show is…”
The voice of the PD was drowned out by your sudden realization that you were in the middle of shooting a show.
Shit. I forgot.
But of course, you can’t say that in front of the cameras.
“But my wife still hasn’t arrived and it’s almost eleven!” Woozi was complaining to the staff member when you finally paid attention and there it had hit you.
“Your wife is Y/N.”
Fuck. This isn’t a joke right?
Wait. Wait. Wait. Ok.
Woozi is my husband? Lee Jihoon is my husband?
Both you and Woozi stared at each other in astonishment until one of you had burst in hollering laughter. You stood from your seat and paced back and forth as you laughed your embarrassment out as he hit the armrest of the chair repeatedly, laughing as well.
“Seriously! I can’t believe this!” Woozi exclaimed as he buried his face on the armrest as he winced at how breathless he became; though giggles still kept on coming. “Everything’s…ruined!”
You on the other hand was crouching on the ground, hiding your face away from everyone as you whined. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know!”
Hiding behind the receptionist’s desk were S.Coups, Mingyu, Seungkwan and Hoshi together with your group members Leanne and Hanna. They were laughing so hard that they were all sitting on the ground, covering their mouths—trying to hide the fact that they were eavesdropping on your conversation.
“This is fucking gold!” S.Coups exclaimed as he tried to steady himself by holding on the desk. “I swear…!”
“I wish the others were here!” Seungkwan said as he clutched on his stomach. “God…I can’t believe this…Woozi-hyung is…”
“Y/N is so embarrassing. Oh my god, I don’t want to watch anymore!” Hanna remarked yet instead of leaving like she said, she stayed behind the desk with the others as they tried to settle their laughter.
“They look like lost children,” Mingyu grinned sheepishly at them.
MC02: They look like they’re peeping at their wedding night (laughs)
MC01: This is seriously funny, you know!
MC03: I like those two already! (laughs)
MC01: I’ve never seen anyone forget they were in a show!
MC02: But you can already see that they’re a good match. They’re not awkward while talking at all!
MC04: And they’re very comfortable with one another!
MC02: That’s right! Naturally, it would be hard for new couples because they still don’t know anything about the other!
MC03: That’s because they’re already friends before they got married, so it isn’t awkward at all!
After a few minutes of rest, both you and Woozi finally recovered from the previous situation and stood face to face with a bashful expressions. You could see that his ears were still tainted pink as an amused smirk was plastered on face.
“Omo this is weird…let’s do it again, okay?” Woozi started as a chuckle escaped his lips. “Hi, I’m Seventeen’s Woozi or you can call me Jihoon, if you want. I’ll be your husband, so please take care of me.”
He held out his hand for you to shake, yet instead of taking it normally, you just couldn’t help but laugh as you shook his hand.
“I’m so sorry...I wanted this to be proper but this is really funny,” you remarked; thinking of how he didn’t really need to introduce himself since you already knew who he was. “Alright, I guess it’s my turn. I’m Y/GG’s Y/N. I’ll be your wife from now on, oppa so…I guess…let’s live happily?”
“Why do you sound unsure? Don’t you want us to live happily?” Woozi teased you and laughed more when you suddenly looked panicked.
“No! I didn’t mean it like that! I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to say!” You defended yet began giggling yourself; completely infected by your husband’s contagious laughter. “Omo I don’t know anymore!”
WOOZI: (begins chuckling as he remembered what happened) I don’t know, I don’t know. (shakes head) When Y/N came up to me, I assumed that she was going to be my wife so I was really surprised that it was her (doing those weird hand gestures he usually does while talking). But when she began talking about producing songs, I thought ‘Nah, I guess she isn’t’, so I quickly dismissed the idea. So when PD-nim came to tell us about it, I just couldn’t help but laugh. I guess I was right in the end (grins).
Y/N: (serious) I wish I could just bury myself twenty feet deep underground (sighs and laughs wryly). God, that was so embarrassing (shakes head) It never really crossed my mind that Woozi-oppa would be my husband so I didn’t assume that he will be when I talked to him. I was just planning to kill time while waiting…gosh, can I just forget what happened? (you hid your face with your hands)
“So…um…what do we do?” You asked Woozi who seemed as lost as you and sighed in hopelessness.
“We’re the worst people to be in this show,” he remarked and you agreed immediately. You both were never the most romantic people out there and to be in a show about romance was one of the worst position you both could be.
You scratched the back of your head as an idea popped into your head. “How about we go to that café you always go to and we can discuss things there?”
Woozi tossed the idea to and fro in his head and finally agreed to go; understanding that there really is a need for discussion.
“Let’s go then,” he said as he held out an arm for you to hold in which you gladly reciprocated.
MC01: I think it’s important to talk about what both wants in this stage, right?
Q: So far, what did you feel when you learned that Seventeen’s Woozi was going to be your husband?
Y/N: (grins) Surprised. (leans head to the side) I didn’t really want to expect anything and then become disappointed in the end, so I didn’t think of oppa would be my husband. If I do and then someone else would turn up, then I’ll be disappointed and that’s not fair.
Q: So you’re happy that he did turn up as your husband?
Y/N: (smiles mysteriously and shrugs)
Q: So, what do you think of your new wife?
WOOZI: (smiles giddily) I’m happy. (runs a hand through his hair) Well, that’s…that’s because we’ve known each other before and I’m not too pressured to break the awkwardness. (thinks for a while) She’s…Y/N’s…someone who I think matches well with me…I don’t think it would be hard for us to get along. In fact, we get along quiet well. I don’t mind if she’s going to be my wife.
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ghenegersnaps · 8 years
I’ll see you again
Sighhh. Sad how you had to leave so soon. :( I mean, yeah we only got to hang out twice, but they were honestly the best nights to me. I learned a lot about you. Just like how much you order whenever we eat in a fast food chain, how you like your pizza and burger dipped in ketchup, how you bite your nails sometimes, how much of a Mama’s boy you are (which is cute haha), how you know almost ALL of the rap songs there is and sings to them instantly, and how clingy you are too hahaha.
There wasn’t really a final place and time on where we’ll actually go last January 2. Walrus was closed, which really sucked!! So Tj had to look for another place to go. Still, no luck hahaha he just told me to be at Starbucks, Katipunan by 6 to 7 pm. I told Jet and my heart sank when he said, “Okay, I’ll try my best to be there. It’s ‘cause we’re leaving tomorrow already”. Idk, I mean usually whenever someone would say they’ll ‘try’ to come or whatever, most of the time it would already mean they won’t. So that’s why I kinda felt like not going anymore. But hey, that was just a thought lol I wasn’t ditching Tj haha.
Before I left the house, Tj kept on texting me to get my ass there already. And it was only before 6 pm!! I told him I’d be there by 6:30 so technically, I’m not late. I arrived at around 6:40.. Lol. When I got there, “holy fucking shit” Tj said. I thought maybe he got a little pissed off because I was late for 10 minutes?? Lol. I just hugged him, said sorryyy and he was good already hahaha. He introduced me to Diego. He has a beard and hair tied in a small man bun. I thought I’ve never seen him before but I didn’t know he was the DJ at Walrus last time lol. His hair was laid down that night that’s why. Turns out he was a fashion student too. Doesn’t look like it to be honest.. I thought he was some art student really haha but he complimented what I was wearing and said, “You smell good, what is that?” “Bath & Body Works, Peppermint” I replied. Mom gave it to me and it’s my favorite perfume atm hehe.
“Jet’s on his way” Tj said. I made an instant squeal and said sorry after lol. I didn’t know he actually meant what he said! Get a man who sticks to his words right?? Lol just kidding. NOW I’m more excited hahaha. I sat down and a few minutes later, Jet came. And DAAAAMN HE’S SO FINE. We hugged and sat down. We were still waiting for Gab. I met him before at Walrus too. And yes, I was one of the boys once again haha. I went to the restroom to pee and inside, I made this quick happy dance all by myself lol. Seriously. I was that happy Jet’s actually coming! And it seemed like I was in some movie huh? Haha! I went out, fixed my hair and made sure I still look fresh enough lol. “I thought you weren’t coming!” I told Jet. “I said I’ll try, remember?” he replied while looking all cute lol. I bought an espresso frap with a note: “Enjoy! Nice name :)” written on my cup from the barista just above my perfectly spelled name lol. I spelled it out to him that’s why hahaha. Gab arrived a bit longer and now that we’re complete, I asked Tj, “What time are we gonna leave?” he asked Diego and said we’ll leave by 8:30. Tj and I were shocked ‘cause it’s not even 8 pm yet. But oh well, the night was still young anyway haha. Jet took my frap and read the note, then he made this funny face which made me laugh lol. So there we are, just chilling at Starbucks and talking about random things. It always feels different being around with just guys. I got so used to hanging out with girls ever since I was in Prep. I only get to experience this whenever I’m with Tj honestly haha. I’m thankful though. I don’t get awkward or scared or whatever— which is good! It’s funny too ‘cause they always talk about dirty jokes on dicks, sex, all that shebang haha. Even Gab’s ex girlfriend who left him for a lesbian lol. By the time when we’re almost leaving, Jet randomly squeezed my left cheek and of course, I got all giddy inside haha.
We left Starbucks and went to Jollibee. We were so noisy while walking on the way there and I was laughing so much ‘cause Gab was being such a weirdo lol. He was even more noisy inside, others were already looking hahaha. While waiting in line, that’s when Jet started being touchy again. I guess you can say, he’s kinda flirting with me already. Not complaining here!!! Lol. We ate and left at around 8:30.
Ohmygod. We seriously went to sooo many places that night. I swear. 4 in all. And Diego paid for every Uber he booked for us!! It’s crazy lol. But I mean, Tj did tell me he has a lot of money on him so. Good for all of us hahaha. Inside the car, Diego would always sit in front and it would be Jet, Me, Gab, and Tj at the back. It was a bit crowded lol but I didn’t mind. We first went to a clubhouse which I forgot where exactly that is ‘cause Diego had to drop off something. After that, we went to 2020. It was a bar somewhere in Makati. The place was nice and there weren’t too many people since it was a Monday, so we decided to just start there and go to a different place afterwards.
Diego ordered drinks for us which tasted really good but it was strong! Well, at least for me hehe. I turned red instantly! They were all teasing me how drunk I am already but Tj knows I’m not lol. Gab kept on telling me I’m a tomato but would also randomly say out loud, “Ghene’s so cute” “She’s so cute” stuff like that haha. Gab was one of the 2 guys who told me I was cute before. Him and Tj’s other friend, Luigi. Jet was teasing me already too. Just like last time, he’d grab my face and tell me, “You’re so reeeed”. Sometimes I catch him just looking at me at random times too. Then he would slightly stick his tongue out and it was cute haha. There was a time wherein I saw Jet and Tj talking for quite a long time. Before I went to the restroom, I stopped by them and they looked at each other and actually stopped talking. I honestly think they were talking about me. Maybe. I didn’t bother asking Tj. He’s not gonna tell me anyway. Pfft, stupid bro code. Anyway, we had to finish all 6 huge ass mason jars and there were only 5 of us! 
Something really embarrassing happened to me again. :( UGH WHYYY. Okay so I had to go the bathroom ‘cause I needed to pee. I washed my hands after, fixed my hair a bit, and went outside the bar since that’s where they are. I sat down beside Tj and suddenly, “Ghene” Jet was calling me. “Your zipper’s open” HOOOLY FUCKING SHIT??? I wanted to get a time machine asap and go back to when I actually zip my pants up this time!!! WHY WHY WHYYYY. How could I freakin’ forget! And Jet has to be the one to see and tell me. :( It was honestly nice of him to tell me straight up though. After hearing him say those horrible words, I gasped so deep and instantly touched my zipper. Shit. It is open. I quickly stood up and said, “Ohmygod why didn’t anyone tell me!!” “I don’t wanna be the one to say it” Gab said. Okay so he saw it too. Wow Ghene. Great, just great. Tj didn’t even notice it!! I wish he was the one who saw it instead ugh. I zipped my pants up and said thank you to Jet. Man, what a freakin’ nightmare.
Anyway, let’s move on from that. It was I think around 12 am when we decided to leave 2020. I didn’t really know where Diego would take us by that time. We just all went we did. While heading out of the parking lot, Diego asked me, “Ghene, how many boyfriends did you have?” “I had one” I replied. Then suddenly, Gab was like, “You’re very beautiful, Ghene”. Uhm, what? Well that was random lol and for the fact that none of us is drunk yet. I just said thank you afterwards. “How many hearts did you break already?” Diego asked. Tj decided to butt in and said, “A lot”. Of course I said no!! It’s not many to even have to count it. Besides, what does that have to do with anything? “Seems like it” Diego replied. Tj told them, “That’s roughly around more than 10, man”. I raised my voice up and told them it wasn’t true! Tj added, “She’s such a good girl before though. Now, she just looks like a good girl but she’s a…” he was thinking of a word to describe me, then Diego continued, “BAD THANG” Tj and Gab sang along, “FINE AS HELL”. And it was pretty funny lol. Jet was a few feet away from us ‘cause he was at the atm machine. Honestly, a part of me wanted him to hear everything though. Oh well haha.
Jet came back and we all had to cross the street and wait for our Uber. It was funny ‘cause while waiting, we were all goofin’ off by the sidewalk lol. I had to admit, because I already drank quite a lot, I was getting really hyper too. Gab, Tj, and Jet posed in the middle of the street when there were no cars passing by lol. There was also a time wherein we caught Jet undoing the first 2 buttons of his top. “Ooohhh” Gab said. “It’s ‘cause it’s getting hot, man” Jet replied while finishing undoing his 2nd button. “I will“ I said. Yes, I was flirting back of course lol but I mean I was tripping too!! “OOOOHHHH” they all reacted and I honestly felt a bit shy and shocked I actually said that. I know, alcohol right? “Later, later” Jet replied teasingly and we all laughed lol. He would sometimes hold my hand and hug me while waiting too hehe.
Inside the Uber, Jet slid his right index finger behind my left armpit. Lol! I squealed and felt okay with it though. Ha! Dude I waxed my pits that afternoon and they weren’t sweaty so your girl’s good. I’ve come prepared. Lmao. He would also rub my back sometimes too. I didn’t know we were heading to BGC until I actually saw the sign. I was shocked we already reached The Fort lol. I wasn’t worried though. As long as I get home before sunrise, I’m good hehe when you’re 20 af. “Why don’t you just stay here in Manila, Jet” Diego said. “I want to man” “School’s just so expensive here” he replied. I honestly was a bit shocked when I heard the second thing he said. He comes from a pretty wealthy family though. Probably just personal reasons. We went bar hopping at BGC, looking for a good place to stay for a bit. We walked here and there which was fun! BGC’s fun to go to whenever it’s night time. There are a few people, few cars, it was cold, city lights, I just love The Fort itself haha. 
We got a few drinks at this place called Cable Car. Finally, a place where there’s actually more people and better music lol. I only drank half of my drink ‘cause I was getting dizzy already. I was fine! Just dizzy. I would sometimes close my eyes and lean on Jet’s shoulder for a few seconds and keep my head straight up again. I also laid my head on the couch and closed my eyes. I think I was ready to sleep that time lol. But Gab poked my right waist and they’re all telling me not to go to sleep. I sat back up properly and drank plenty of water. A few minutes later, Diego told us that we’ll go to his friend’s party. I know. So sponty huh? I love it lol. We went out of the bar and waited by the open parking lot for our Uber. I sat down on those cement stopper thingy for the cars when parking. I was all quiet because my tummy suddenly felt funny. “I need to take a shit” I told them. “Turn on!!” Gab said lol. I laughed while placing my hands on my tummy. I honestly needed to! And I got a bit worried where would I actually do it or if I will. Cable Car was a few feet away already. But thank God, it sorta went away for a bit. I stood up and suddenly, Diego was all like, “Okay, honesty hour. Ghene’s pretty hot” “Wow” I quickly replied. That was random and unexpected. I’ve been getting compliments tonight lol what is up. Gab and Tj nodded and agreed. “Actually, she is hot” Diego continued. “She is” Tj added. Wow really? This is coming from Tj now lol. Jet was sitting next to me and I casually glanced at him and he was just quiet. I honestly don’t know what that means haha.
Our Uber came and as we get in, they were all teasing me with these noises whenever you gotta take a shit lol. They repeated it at random times too. It was funny but it’s a good thing that feeling didn’t come back hahaha. Jet wrapped his arms around me while we were in the car. It was tight and it felt nice. He would sniff my hair a few times and give me soft kisses on the left side of my head. How cute :(
We reached Corinthian Gardens and I think Diego said it was near Robinsons Galleria. I was already feeling the need to throw up again. Ohmygod. What happened to me. I swear whenever I drink, I don’t normally throw up. Maybe it’s ‘cause I wasn’t peeing enough lol. Once we got out of the car, I told Tj, “Tj I need to throw up” I decided to tell him ‘cause I’m shy to let Jet know this time. Tj asked me again, “You need to throw up?”. I nodded while placing my hand on my chest. “You need to throw up?” Jet asked me. Well, guess he heard it too. Tj made me come with Jet and without hesitation, Jet came with me. He placed his hand on my back while we were walking to a plant area (lol). “Here” he said. As I was throwing up, he would rub and pat my back. After embarrassing myself again, “Are you okay?” “Feel better now?” he asked. I nodded and told him, “Sorryyy. It’s so embarrassing, this is the second time you’ve seen me throw up”. “It’s fiiine, that’s part of drinking” he replied. Ugh :( I sprayed my favorite peppermint perfume and fixed myself while we were walking to the house. 
“This is a house?” Gab said. The ‘house’ was HUGE. It seemed like a freakin’ clubhouse! They had over 7 cars there I think. Damn. And I don’t even know who’s house was it! I saw the owner though but she didn’t really care that there were already strangers at her party lol. I met new friends! Fran, Juicy, Donna, and Kyle. They were all so nice hehe. They drank a bottle of beer but I didn’t. I just wanted water lol. We stayed there for a bit and Fran suddenly said, “Are you guys together? You look good together” she was referring to Tj and I!! FUCK NO. I honestly think Fran thinks Jet’s cute though. She was dancing with him at the party. Meh.
We left the place and stayed by the sidewalk again while waiting for our Uber. It was almost 2 am and I sat down next to Jet. I was already getting tired to be honest. I laid my head on Jet’s left shoulder and he asked me if I was okay. I nodded and kept my head up again. I wrapped one arm around his shoulder and ran my fingers behind his lower head while he was texting his Mom. Lol how cute right? A 19 year old, 6′3″ tall guy texting his Mom at 2 am hehe. I can tell he likes what I’m doing too though haha. Tj told me, “Let’s go eat at McDonald’s, Ghene” I nodded and Jet said, “Yeah let’s eat”.
Our Uber arrived and Jet and I sat real close to each other again. Same thing haha. We were back at Katipunan and Diego and Gab had to leave already. Diego asked Tj to make sure he asks me to come with them more often haha. And I sure will! It was just the 3 of us left. Jet asked me if he could text his Mom using my phone. Of course I let him and I never really deleted his text to his Mom haha. While walking, he opened his right hand towards me and I held onto it. Then he hugged me tight again. At McDonald’s, we ordered and waited for our food by the counter. “Donna’s pretty cute” Tj said. “She’s got the Asian look” Jet replied. “How about Ghene though?” “Hot?” Jet said. I was just there, between them, being quiet lol. “Hot” Tj said then stopped, and confidently told Jet, “Dude, Ghene’s like high standards. Nobody can be compared to Ghene”. Woah there Tj lol. I mean yeah, thanks for being my wing man here but that’s so not true haha. “And a virgin” he added. I hit his right chest hard and didn’t even say anything. Fuck you, Tj lol.
While we were eating, we were talking about Tj and Clarence. He keeps comparing me to her. He keeps telling Jet how I’m just in the middle of a controlling girlfriend to an Idgaf girlfriend. Tj tells him, ‘I’m just right’. He also said how he got his long ass patience from me. I honestly didn’t know that but wow, that’s actually good to know. :) At some point, Jet said, “I fucking hate LDR” as he drinks his Coke. Right there I knew this isn’t the right time for us yet. I honestly don’t know if I can make it through another LDR too. I get why he hates it.
We were all done eating and Tj told us he’s just gonna buy ciggs outside. After a few minutes, Jet and I decided to go out and follow him. We did and he keeps leaving us! Lol. I know what he was doing haha. Tj went to 2 of his friends he randomly saw at McDonald’s. Jet and I were alone and I was stepping on those cement stopper thingy for the cars when parking again. He faced me and hugged me. It was long and tight. It’s like those ‘I’m going to miss you’ type of hugs haha. I hugged him back and told him, “I’ll miss you”. He looked at me and in my head I was like, “Omg are you gonna kiss me?” he didn’t lol. We looked for Tj again and I was still booking Jet’s Grab. We found Tj again and this time Jet told me to come with him. He leaned back to this red car and grabbed my arm, pulling me close to him. We hugged and I looked at him. Right there, he kissed me. I wrapped my right arm around his neck while we make out and smiled at each other after. I giggled a bit haha. It was better than before and it felt nice. :)
“I think there are people in this car” Jet suddenly said. I looked at the windows and there were!!! Holy shit, they didn’t even honked or said anything! Lol. What? Enjoying the show?? Hahaha. “Ohmygod let’s go” I said while grabbing his hand and heading back to Tj. Tj was still talking to his friends. We were still outside and sat down by those cement stopper thing. Still no Grab driver for him. Tj finally went outside and sat down beside me. “Did you guys kiss?” he casually asked. Jet and I were quiet and nodded. Lol. Tj made this teasing laugh and Jet told him to fuck off haha. Sadly, I finally booked him a GrabCar. Noooo :( We all stood up and not long enough the driver came. Tj and Jet hugged and it was so cute. We hugged too and Tj said, “Kiiisss”. So Jet kissed me for the last time and got in the car. He waved bye and I got sad. :(
Tj and I got into our cab and I asked him, “Does he really like me?”. “He does, Ghene” Tj replied. “He’s not gonna hit on you like that and eventually quit. That’s why I was leaving you both awhile ago” he added. I laughed and told him how I noticed it. I’m pretty sure Jet did too haha. “Why do you think I let him kiss you? He’s a good guy. I think if he finally stays here in Manila, he’d definitely go for you”. Wow. Music to my ears. 
It was around 3:30 am when we reached my house. I kissed Tj on his left cheek and thanked him again. “I told you, I got you” he said. We hugged and he kissed my forehead. I showered and finally went to bed.
I understand why Jet doesn’t wanna be in a LDR again. For the fact that he just been into one and it’ll be too soon to be in a new relationship anyway. I guess, we really are both victims by this LDR bullshit haha. With the 2 nights I’ve been with him, it may seem like we were just using each other, just having a good time. I don’t know. At least that’s one of the things that popped in my head. At some point, maybe I did and so did he. 
BLAH. Whatever. Besides, he’s not just some stranger. We already had feelings for each other before. I mean, I’m not expecting anything really. Like what Verna told me, timing really is a bitch lol. That’s why I’ll just let things happen.
I’m gonna see him again. I’m sure I will. :)
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