#everything fits together perfectly. it's a beautiful puzzle and the answer is papyrus
alsojnpie · 11 months
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today's repostober comes with a lot of words. because if i remember correctly i restrained myself from writing an essay at the time i made these. because look. all of the ut cast but especially papyrus belong in the harvest moon 64 world. i don't care if crossovers are cringe (are they? no don't answer because i really don't care). these are my two favorite video games and they go together like pb and j.
anyway first we have papyrus drinking water after water after water at the bar. this is an incredibly time consuming but free way to get unlimited energy to upgrade all your tools to the max on the first night. hypothetically. if you feel like spending. idk......20 hours or so of your life doing it......(he does) (sans does not). because not only is it free as in, costs no in game currency, time stands still inside the bar and in this game time IS MONEY. also "aren't you the healthy one?" is what the bartender says when you order the glass of water and I've only read it about one hundred million times in my life
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a weird exploit exists at the horse races in which you can prepare to place an extravagant bet but withdraw it at the last moment. you pay nothing but the game considers the bet placed all the same. so you bet he will figure that out and take advantage of it!! seriously though, i just love the idea of the situation being a bit switched from the way it was in undertale. sans has a bit of a hard time finding his place in this weird surface world. (and yes i think he would stress about bills. what of it.) papyrus somehow finds his way into the hearts of every single person in the village. he is at the top of his game and everyone loves him!!!!!!!
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popatochisssp · 5 years
MYM Soulmark Guide
(AKA, “What the fuck was Poppy thinking when she picked that???)
Sans (Undertale) gets an infinity symbol because with all the uncertainty and monotony and RESETs in his life, the future is a very appealing concept for him! It’s a little terrifying to think of a world where consequences matter and anything can happen, but it’s a lot exciting and there’s nobody he ties that feeling to more than his partner/soulmate/s/o!
If that’s you, you get a shooting star-- partly because of Sans’ interest in astronomy, but also because that’s sorta what he is? He’s a rare opportunity, hard to pin down but if you catch his attention, he just might make your wishes come true. ;3
Papyrus (Undertale) gets a ribbon because...well, he guessed it exactly right, you’re a gift! He wasn’t expecting to meet you or have you in his life but there you are! And he doesn’t know yet what he’s going to unwrap, but he knows it’ll be great!
You get a puzzlebox because let’s face it, Papyrus is one complex, mysterious, confusing dude! At first, you’re not gonna know the answer to this puzzle, or maybe even just what you’re looking at, but if you stick with it and put in the effort to understand, you could have a lot of fun! Papyrus was right again, the challenge of a puzzle is half the enjoyment of it, y’know!
Sky (Underswap Sans) gets a flower because he loves flowers! They come in so many interesting colors and shapes and scents and can grow in so many different kinds of conditions... a little like you, he’d say! You’re so unique and wonderful and he’s honored that you chose him to be your spot to bloom-- so rest assured he’ll take good care of you while you’re with him!
You get the formula for oxytocin because A) Sky is a huge chem nerd and B) he ends up triggering a lot of that hormone in your brain with tons of cuddling and affection and pair bonding. No use trying to deny it, you can’t escape that little burst of joy every time you get a hug from your favorite skeleton!
Paps (Underswap Papyrus) gets a cloud-- a fluffy, colorful one, like straight out of a dream. Makes perfect sense to him, clouds look like you feel: soft and pure and gorgeous all over. You remind him just by sticking around that it’s okay to have his head in the clouds sometimes, to dream every now and again if you’re the kind of reward he gets for chasing a dream.
You get an anchor because Paps is a grounded sort of guy, rock-solid and steady in just about every way possible. He’s there for you when you need him to be, not dragging you down but keeping you from floating too far away or getting lost, even on the stormiest of seas.
Jasper (Underfell Sans) gets a dove and damn, is that fitting. His whole life has been fighting and pain and enough sheer anxiety to make a guy wonder why he even bothers to keep pushing through it all... But he doesn’t feel like that with you. You’re a safe place, someone he can go to and just...be, without having to fight or hurt or worry about anything at all. You’re his own little slice of peace and love and he can’t get enough of that.
You get flames-- shouldn’t be too surprising since Jasper’s a passionate guy whose feelings burn hot and that can be good or bad. If you don’t take care and treat him well, he can scorch you down to the bone... but with respect and love, you can rest assured that he’ll keep you safe and warm for as long as you’ll have him.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus), much to his dismay, gets a love-heart! Though he doesn’t know that’s what it means at the time-- it shares an unfortunate resemblance to a human soul which is a little bit scandalous to a respectable monster such as himself! When he finds out it probably stands for ‘love,’ he’s... well, still embarrassed, just a little more quietly. It’s such a soft sentiment but the more he gets to know you, the more he comes to feel for you...the less he can deny it. He never knew, until you, how another person could be your heart but now that he does, he'll do anything to keep you close and safe.
You get a rose: the epitome of dangerous beauty! If you’re not careful, if you don’t approach him the right way, his sharp thorns can prick you with thoughtless ease... but if you know what you’re doing, or at least take the time to learn, you can get close enough to enjoy the scent of his petals and to see how soft and delicate he can be at his core.
Mal (Swapfell Sans) gets a crown and that should be no surprise either: you're his partner, and if he’s the king of his own destiny, then of course you must have the crown to match! Together, you’re one whole regime, ready to conquer anything that comes your way. He’ll do anything for you because you’re his-- just say the word, and it’s yours...
You get a diamond-- a precious stone born of unbearable heat and pressure but undoubtedly strong and even sparkling at the end. That’s Mal all over and besides, you know what they say about diamonds, don’t you? They’re forever and that’s a perfect metaphor for how devoted and committed to your relationship he is!
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus) gets a lovely line of feathers along his arms and he’s happy to call them wings. You’re his angel-- the person that makes all the hell he’s gone through go away and feel like nothing more than a bad memory. As far as he’s concerned, you saved him and nothing’s going to change his mind on that.
You get ivy, clinging but hardy and able to grow anywhere with just a little bit of support. It also stands for love and fidelity and hell, Rus has that in spades. The closer you get to him, the more he seems to thrive!
Slate (Horrortale Sans) gets a Rod of Asclepius and as soon as he knows what it means, he knows it’s absolutely perfect. To him, you are healing: your warmth and softness is like a balm, your unwavering support therapeutic, and your genuine love for him restorative. After everything he's been through, he doesn't really start his healing process until you, because you make him feel... well, like a person again, like someone who could actually be worthy of the effort you put into him. With you, he feels like he’s getting better all the time.
You get an oyster and the metaphor is pretty self-explanatory. A tough outer shell to protect the soft, vulnerable insides, it's hard to force open with a tendency to snap shut if you push too hard... but with enough care and coaxing it's entirely possible-- and well worth the effort, since everyone knows that an oyster with grit on the inside can give the prettiest of pearls.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus) wears the sun you gave him like a badge of honor. You’re bright and warm and amazing and he never thought he’d actually get to have something like you in his life-- so now that you’re here, he’s determined to bask in every ray of light you bring him!
You get a desert garden, a little cluster of cacti and succulents and you have to admit, they suit him perfectly. He’s tough and can survive in even the most unforgiving conditions and come out the other side intact. He doesn’t need much to keep on keeping on-- just a little water and a lot of sun-- and from there, he can handle the rest and show you the amazing multitudes he can contain.
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