#everything is a mask a facade💀
melodic-haze · 2 months
Hello, this is gonna be a bit different from my other asks, but if I don't ask now I will forget and regret it. I stumbled upon your brat Columbina sample--don't ask how I managed to find something so far back I just have my ways, loved it btw-- and I feel like Sparkle will be exactly the same way.
Now Imagine having to deal with both of them; Each fighting for your attention while also working together to push your buttons. Columbina using her voice and Sparkle doing Masked Fools shenanigans. Only for when you snap and "handle" one of them. The other gets a bit scared and tries to run away only to get grabbed and "dealt" with too.
Do with this however you would like, I just would like to get this off my chest and written down to help me remember this somehow lol. May everyone reading this have a great day and pulls.
My backlog wild as hell huh hi gang 💀💀💀 to this day I'm still impressed and flattered at the fact you singlehandedly dug through my entire page for all the stuff I wrote BUT ANYWAYSSSS THIS IS CRAZY I COMBUSTED.....
Tbf I think out of the two of them, Sparkle would be the one to actually scare more. Columbina would put on a facade of fearing for herself while in the presence of such a feral mortal, sure, but like little to nothing would faze her I think. Though this MAY BE be due to how she's a LOT more...durable??? No that's not the word, but neither is insatiable, smth like that though. She can take a LOT more than Sparkle can imo, so she eggs you on to fully snap and take it upon yourself to ruin her COMPLETELY, no holds barred
Granted, she DOES feel that spike in adrenaline, but rather than fear it's probably from the thrill of witnessing just how wild and barbaric you can possibly get in such a situation. Columbina loves testing you beyond your limits and yout patience, and she doesn't mind getting roughed up in the process—actually, she rather enjoys it
Sparkle, however, absolutely LOVES messing with you to high heaven, yeah, but even SHE has her limits. The moment she realises she's gone perhaps a bit too far, she shivers bc she KNOWS something's off something's wrong she should go, such dangers is NOT fit for a Masked Fool as her (not when she's facing it anyway). Realisation be coming in TOO LATE though, and she realises this when you yank her arm back and push her on the mattress after discarding Columbina like some ordinary ragdoll. She'd be LOUD just saying 😜
Though there is that sort of twisted feeling in her that makes her realise that holy shit maybe she DOES like being roughhoused and put in her place like this????? You're DANGEROUS right now......but maybe she likes that. A lot. Helps everything in her mind vanish anyway, cuz a little death never hurt anyone! 😊
Both of them do make a point to do this again though. And that credit where credit's due, the other person did well......though Columbina would probably tease Sparkle for her fear
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robin374 · 1 year
Can we get a part 2 with one bed trope pretty please with a cherry on top🥺🥺🥺
Since you asked so nicely I'm gonna do part three with your ask 🥹🫶🏼
One Bed Trope with the Mercs (part 3 of 4)
He acts like he prefers sleeping in Hell that next to you, but in the inside? he's (s)creaming (LMAO sorry I had to do it)
I feel like you'd have to be really close to him for him to have the enough trust to sleep with you. And if you are lucky enough he will take off his mask.
His back will be facing you though. (At the start of the night)
Just like his son, he moves a lot in his sleep, but he doesn't want to admit it.
He doesn't talk though, it would be funny.
In the middle of the night he will wake up and admire how calm you look. He's always looked out for you in the battlefield, trying to protect you. And now you seem so calm next to him, like he wasn't that dangerous. Like hadn't been so mean to you.
When you wake up he'll already be ready to go back to base. His mean facade still on, but in his mind he's thinking about inviting you to a fancy restaurant where people dance to classical songs and eat fancy things.
He's as hopeless romatic as Scout, you can't change my mind.
So happy istg
They're jumping and clapping their hands. In Pyroland, the rusty ass bed inside the rusty ass room is a fancy ass castle and a fancy ass bed.
So they're really happy to sleep with a prince/princess like you.
You don't know if they are sleeping or not, they are just laying there like 🧍
You can't hear their breathing or their little snores, until they hug like a teddy bear.
He won't let you go until morning sorry.
They were having a bad dream about you not wanting to burn am entire city with them. He suffering man, let them be.
In the morning he will still not let you go. You will have to calm them down so they let you free.
"Don't worry, Pyro. I really want to burn things with you, that Y/N of your dreams wasn't me."
"Hmph hmphh hhmph 😭"
"I know, I know" *pat pat*
They will stick next to you the rest of their life.
"Is good"
He's a man of few words.
He's a bit nervous of sleeping next to you, but he needs his sleep and you need yours. So he won't complain.
It's like sleeping with a bear, he's warm, big and snores just like one (I bet you can even hear him from Serbia istg)
If you're a heavy sleeper that's good you won't hear him. However, if you are light sleeper you are screwed 💀 I'm so sorry.
He doesn't move while sleeping, he's like a rock. If he sleep in one specific position he will wake up in the same position.
So yeah, he doesn't mind sleeping in the same bed with you, he sees it as an opportunity to prove your trust on him and his trust on you, because he thinks trust is the base of any relationship.
In the morning he will wake up first and prepare everything to go back to base. He will even fold your uniform so you don't have to find them.
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aemondsbabe · 2 months
I'm so sorry this is quite big 😭 don't feel like you have to read it all.
Thank you so much for answering my ask about what you thought of the episode, I so adore speaking with you about it because you're genuinely sensible about things. <3
I completely agree with you, on everything! I see so many people calling Aemond all sorts of things; misogynistic, power hungry, evil, villain, and so on. But I think that's such a... shallow way of seeing things, isn't it? It upsets me to see it, I feel like they don't consider the bigger picture when saying that about him, don't consider his story or everything else that happened.
I think the look on his face, how he was damn near tears, when Alicent touched him says so much, shows so much of how he's truly feeling in that moment, it's like his mask slips a little; as you said, I feel like a bigger part of his actions come from how hurt he is by her and her own actions towards him, directly and otherwise. How she blames him for the war and still holds affection for Rhaenyra, as we've previously talked of. I agree that he maybe does feel compelled to punish her, and with reason; as you said, to him it looks like abandonment; abandonment from the only person who was ever on his side, damn, of course that would hurt and get him reacting more with his feelings than his mind. But overall I'd still dare say Aemond loves his mother quite a lot, so much about him revolves around her; and as Ewan himself has said, it's something Aemond wants, he's seeking that approval, that love, he wants to make her happy and proud; but ultimately he's going about it the wrong way, yet the only way he knows.
Also yes! His scenes with Aegon definitely feel like brothers bickering, I would never say that he hates his brother, much less that he meant to kill him. I just agree with all you said about it!
And yes, again lol, I also think the way Aemond presents himself to the "public" is not who he is at all. And this is, again, literally something Ewan has said on multiple occasions (I mean, what else do people need to believe it at this point) how Aemond feels this need to put up a ruthless and cold facade to protect himself, to keep himself from appearing weak because if he's all powerful, no one can hurt him - and honestly, I think it makes a lot of sense given what he's gone through and especially given the glimpses we get of the real him during his vulnerable moments (that I too, deeply wish we got more of). Because even if the writing of the show is not perfect, I do think that this is what they, and especially Ewan, are trying to show with Aemond.
I think a lot of people fail to see that, and sometimes they almost make me believe it too :'), so I thank you for reminding me that he's not inherently evil or uncaring.
- Lyra (I feel like some kind of identification is long overdue 💀)
first of all, never apologize for a long ask! i love long asks!! my favorite thing is hearing other people’s takes on things and sharing opinions and building off of what each other has to say so genuinely, i love this shit!
i agree with everything you have to say! honestly most of my opinions of aemond are based on what ewan has to say about him in interviews because (sadly) the show isn’t giving us much to work with. that’s why i try not to hold it against people who are against him (or anyone else for that matter) or who don’t see the dimension that is there — shitty writing will build a shitty audience.
so much of the show and who the characters are lives in subtext and requires people to read between the lines, which, when done well and utilized sparingly can be quite interesting and entertaining! but it almost feels as if there’s too much grey area while being too little at the same time — i feel like my hand is being held in the wrong places, if that makes sense.
also! your ask made me realize that there is suuuuuuuch a parallel going on between aemond and how young!alicent was in season 1 when otto got sent away!!
like at that point in time, alicent had no one at the red keep she felt she could trust fully. her father is gone, rhaenyra has lied to her, and she’s been played like a pawn onto viserys. she’s alone, or at least feels that way. that’s also when we started seeing her lashing out a little, granted in small ways but still — lashing out.
now if we look at aemond, i think he’s in a similar position. he feels he can’t trust his mother anymore because she’s “abandoned” him for rhaenyra and is upset about luke. he was never close with aegon so that’s out the window. helaena is upset with him about aegon. he can’t trust criston because criston is in bed with alicent (idk if aemond knows that but the man isn’t dumb and alicole weren’t exactly subtle) and is loyal to aegon, at the end of the day.
everyone that should conceivably be there for him isn’t — whether that’s actually true or his own insecurity. he can’t even go back to the madame anymore because aegon ruined that. he’s cornered and he’s lashing out.
and it’s such a fantastic parallel between him and his mommy, aw! 😂😅
anyways, thank you lyra!! i so enjoy hearing from you 🩷🩷🩷
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Regarding your last post, i would honestly love to see a jealous jade >:'DD
Jade doesn't seem like the type to get jealous easily and can keep himself usually in control.
So, like, imagine Jade heard/saw Miss Raven giving Rollo a Tour (because her generous uncle asked her to do so). Jade would probably find the situation amusing at first and would probably if he had the chance to tease miss raven about it, before he noticed how much time the two would have to spend together (again, explaining/giving a tour takes time). He would act as if he isn’t jealous. Jade would greatly maintain his facade with a smile. Jade would be seething on the inside while glaring holes at Rollo while quietly following them and just happen to stumble upon them wherever they went (What a coincidence!)
Or he would grab Miss Raven (just like in the fanart) and pull her close to him while he would scoff and mock Rollo under his breath. Imagine Rollo and Jade glaring at each other while Miss Raven is in between them.
Once alone, Jade would probably use his crocodile tears, sigh dramatically, or fake a pitiful expression trying to Guilt trip or make Miss Raven feel bad. Saying stuff like how's she's "cheating" on him. 😔
Rest assured, Jade wouldn’t let this incident pass by just like that. Now that he has a "love rival" (besides Rook), he has to step up his advances towards Miss Raven. After all, he can't just let his precious "Prey" escape from his grasp. How amusing Fu fu fu fu.
What do you think...? 👀
[Referencing this post!; the “giving Rollo a tour” premise comes from this fic!]
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Actually, I have to confess that Rollo has basically replaced Rook in my “top 3 TWST characters” list… OTL Superior fictional French man/j 😔 L*ona is in that top 3 ranking too—
EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT JEALOUS JADE 💀 I think about what he said he’d do to anyone that betrays him (in book 4)… ngl hot I’m sure he’s patient and meticulous about plotting his revenge though it’s one of his many charm points💕
I’m going to go a little ham with the rot prompt so @w@ I’ll slap it under a cut—
J word just doing his thing, passing as a Normal Student on campus when suddenly he spots his usual target for bullying teasing walking around with a stranger (he knows all the NRC students’ information by heart :)) as part of his information broker duties in Octavinelle). Ah, this must be the representative from NBC—the headmaster was in a tizzy about finding a tour guide for him, according to Azul upon his return from last week’s dorm leader meeting. The poor sap assigned the task? Miss Raven. He chuckles to himself, wondering how she’s faring with it. Should he mess with her? He should, shouldn’t he?
So Jade goes over to introduce himself, shakes Rollo’s hand and everything. He immediately notices him going for the handkerchief, how Rollo masks his expression with it—Jade already knows there’s more to him than meets the eye. He then goes to greet Raven, who is frozen in shock. “Erm… good to see you as well…” she says, trying to stay polite in front of their guest. (“You’re acquainted?” Rollo asks, to which she hurriedly replies he’s a waiter at Azul’s eatery.) Raven’s quick to guide him away, insisting that they’re on a tight schedule (they’re not), just to put distance between them and Jade. A shame he can’t fluster her more, but he’s patient—he can wait. Jade wishes them well and waves… but he doesn’t fail to notice Rollo passing him a stern look before leaving. The feeling the mututal, Jade doesn’t trust him one bit.
As Rollo is being led away, he addresses his tour guide. “That man’s smile was quite the fantastical ruse”. (“Oh, he’s always like that,” Raven says dismissively. “Don’t mind him.”) He scoffs, then asks, “… What is he to you?” to which Raven bashfully changes the subject. This only earns a suspicious glare from Rollo, but he doesn’t press further.
There’s something very offputting about Rollo, Jade just doesn’t know what it is yet. Jade’s a curious merman, so he sets to following the duo investigating for himself. The mild discomfort, unfortunately, only seems to grow the more and more he witnesses of Rollo and Raven. With Jade, she’s always so snippy and defensive—but with Rollo, she’s more encouraging and cheery. More forgiving. Then he catches her holding Rollo’s hand (albeit just to stare at his shiny ring). Sharing her favorite stories. Admiring the flowers. Having lunch. Feeding the birds and singing to them. Such raw, unguarded moments. She’s wary of showing that side of herself to Jade, yet to so easily share it with Rollo… He feels something dark and ugly twisting inside of him. Jealousy.
Jade makes it a point to be petty by “accidentally” interrupting their moments together. They’re just coincidences, he insists. Happenstance. Certainly not well-coordinated efforts to drive a wedge between them. (Jade literally stands between Rollo and Raven, making sure to include Rollo in the conversation so it’s not obvious what his intentions are—to monopolize her attention.) After the third encounter though, Rollo calls Jade out on his bullshit farce (“You honestly believe I would be convinced these encounters are mere coincidences? I am no fool. You’ve been following us around, haven’t you?”), which leads into Jade’s whole fake crying schtick (“I would never do such a heinous thing!! Shikushiku… Rollo-san does not trust me. Such a cruelty toward your peers.”)…
dbsvsjsc)cayDRSt/2egabwkeju788!j THEN MAYBE LIKE. Jade is especially dramatic (because he wants to piss Rollo off) and like lays his head on Raven’s shoulder or in the crook of her neck and pretend-sobs, asking Raven to please comfort him in his time of distress… and Rollo, being a prude, gets all mad about it????? Calling it indecent behavior and how dare he engage in public cuddling— (meanwhile Raven is short circuiting over here—) “J-J-Jade-senpai, p-please remove yourself from me! Y-You’re… you’re too close!! And too big! And heavy!!” she squeals, trying to shove him off (to no avail).
“Ah, it seems Miss Raven too has chosen to reject me,” Jade laments. “Whatever shall I do…? Perhaps I will die of a broken heart and dissipate into mere sea foam.” (“S-Stop being overdramatic! You’re fine…” Again, she tries to pull away, and shoots Rollo an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about this, I didn’t mean for…”) And there it is again—jealousy, now pulsating and hot. A hand shoots out, seizing Raven by the arm and pulling her close to him again. Jade drops the facade, holding her chin in one hand while he regards Rollo with a cold smile. Rollo meets him with a glare. “At last, you show your true colors.”
“Alas, you’ve yet to reveal your own to me.” Jade’s eyes are half-lidded, bemused. “You wear that mask of civility quite well—I cannot help but fret for the safety and wellbeing of my poor, sweet Miss Raven when she is left alone with you.” (Rollo’s eyes narrow at that. “You’re of no real importance to her,” he scoffs. “What a swelled ego you must have to elevate yourself to a higher pedestal. You ought to humble yourself.”)
Rollo steps forward, as if ready to retrieve his tour guide and to be on his merry way with her. Jade’s eyes flash dangerously—but he returns his attention to his captured prey, sharp teeth and warm breath at her ear as a whisper slinks out. “Please permit me to borrow your lips, Miss Raven.” (“H-Huh…? What are you say… NMMMMMMPHGH?!”) And suddenly 🤡 bro’s aggressively kissing her right in front of Rollo, who’s standing there utterly shocked and appalled. She gasps and tears away to catch her breath, to give Jade a piece of her mind for giving her a fright—but here he comes again 💀 this time lightly peppering her face with kisses, (murmuring sweet affirmations inbetween), just to reaaaaaally drive the message home to Rollo.
Speaking of Rollo, he points a shaky finger at Jade and starts firing off ALL the bad words in his lexicon (harlot, degenerate, pervert, freak…!!). Jade smirks, considering it a victory to both unnerve Rollo as well as making it clear what his relationship with “the tour guide” really is. Unfortunately for Jade, Raven’s annoyed with him, beating her small fists against his chest and pouting. He laughs and ruffles her hair fondly in spite of her protests. There’s her shyness, her cute vulnerable side. All for him, none for Rolloz
I’m not sure where it would go from here honestly 💦 but!! I do think that once Jade leaves the scene and Rollo and Raven have a moment with just the two of them, Rollo calms down from his outrage. “That odious man stole a kiss without obtaining proper consent. He has harmed you.” The disdain in his words is palpable. What follows, however, is more uncertain—Rollo’s not very good at being comforting. “… Are you alright?“ “Y-Yes, I’m fine,” she stammers, though she’s still embarrassed knowing that he had been a witness to Jade’s… possessiveness. Without realizing it, Raven’s fingers drift to her mouth, where the ghost of an eel’s lips linger. Rollo’s eyes follow, and they heat with an intense, unknown emotion.
“… Come here,” he orders. (Raven does.) Rollo wets his handkerchief using water drawn from the courtyard’s well, then sponges her face off with it. You’d think he’d aggressively scrub her down to be thorough and to fully expunge the merman cooties but no—he’s surprisingly gentle. “There. I’m afraid that is the best I can do for now. You should wash your face well tonight to ensure you are clean and free of… him.”
“Earlier, I asked what that man is to you. From your reaction, I had suspected him a beau—but no self-respecting person would act so shamelessly, nor disregard the wishes of their partner. Alas, that is how mages are: wicked and selfish to their very cores.” Rollo sighs as he wrings his handkerchief. “… If you ever find yourself becoming frustrated with his behavior, you need only seek my counsel. While it’s true that you live among mages, it’s clear that they’ve poisoned your mind. Perhaps it is possible to dispel that miasma and to guide you on a more righteous path. Renounce Night Raven College and its teachings. Revert to your natural state, free of magic. Come to me.”
(I’m delusional)
OH BUT AS SoON AS RORO’S OUT OF THE piCTURe (ie back at NBC) YOU BET YOUR ASS J WoRD’S COMINGBACK 😭 Crocodile tears out on full display to guilt trip and to milk Miss Raven for her pity… “Shikushiku… Miss Raven, I believe I’ve said that you’ve gone and broken my heart. What will you do to compensate me for it, hmm? I do believe I am owed at least one date—no, make that two. After all, you did cheat on me with Rollo-san.” (“It wasn’t a date…! I had no choice but to serve as his guide!! Besides, it’s not a crime to spend time with other people.”) They settle back into their usual pattern of bickering, but every so often Jade will catch her scribbling away on stationary (who is it addressed to?) which reinvigorates his suspicions. Well, he supposes that Rollo can’t become too intimate with her since he’s all the way in the City of Flowers. However, Jade will remain cautious now that he’s aware of Rollo’s presence.
NOT J WORD BEING CLINGY POSt-ROLLO VISIT… Not like, being whiny but more like stepping it up with acts of service (like offering to walk her to and from class, brewing her tea, etc) 🤢 Gotta ensnare her heart while Rollo isn’t physically around… Bro’s probably also going to be checking with the mailman ghost to see if Raven’s continuing letter correspondence with Rollo… He’s going to sabotage their communication—
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evelynsgarden · 4 months
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◈In the Heart of East Egg◈
Authors note: Back to writing bitches 😞 need something to keep me stable lmfao- in all honesty this was a lot of fun! Lemme know what yall think :p also feel free to leave requests🪷 MDNI
(Ellie’s coming soon I promise this finna get messy💀)
Warnings: marriage, talk of money, marriage problems, fighting, swearing, use of Y/n, sorta cockblock 😭, insinuated nsfw(future warning that there will be smut, infidelity, drinking etc)
Paring: Ellie x reader x Abby
In the opulent world of East Egg, where extravagance and excess reign supreme, three women found themselves entwined in a tale of love, longing, and betrayal.
Y/n L/n, the definition ethereal beauty and grace, captivated all who crossed her path with her enchanting charm and porcelain exterior. But behind her facade of wealth and status, lay a heart yearning for something more profound than the shallow desires of the elite.
As the summer sun cast its golden glow upon the sprawling mansions of East Egg, the lines between past and desire blurred, and Y/n found herself entangled in a web of longing and deceit.
Three knocks were all it took for everything to change drastically, three knocks.
“Ahh Jesse it’s so lovely to see you” Abby smiled at Jesse as she ushered him inside the extravagant home. “How’ve you been” the walls were lined with photos of you and Abby, not that you minded but it often made you realize how lovely you felt when she was away at work or on trips, then again you felt lonely most of the time regardless of her being home.
“I’m great actually, I’m currently living across from you right over there” Jesse pointed through one the tall windows at what could be seen of the West Egg as he followed Abby “ it’s small, but it’s nice to be away and on my own you know?” he was met with a nod in response.
As Jesse stepped into the lavish foyer, his eyes immediately sought out Y/n, who peaked out from the couch. Despite the warmth of Abby's greeting, his attention remained fixated on Y/n, his heart pounding in his chest at the sight of her. It’d been so long since they had last seen each other. Although cousins they were more akin to siblings, being each other’s only friend for so long.
“Oh do they miss me back home” you giggled, gazing up at Jesse “people are crying in the streets, begging for you to return home to us ”Y/n perked her head up slightly more. “in fact there’s been so many donations for you to return home they practically touch the ceiling”
Y/n's playful banter with Jesse masked the turmoil brewing within her. Despite the outward charm, she couldn't shake the feeling of being torn between two worlds, drifting in and out of thought which stopped when another voice added to the conversation. “Well if it isn���t Jesse~ to what do we owe the pleasure” Dina drifted into the room, laying beside Y/n on the couch. From what Jesse had heard Dina had been having family problems, not settling down was one of them but her attitude was another, so for the past 6 months Dina had been living with Y/n and Abby in a quest room- If you could even call a guest room equipped with its own living room and pool a guest room.
“I’m currently visiting for the summer, well until I find a job in the city, I’ll still be living around here regardless but I’d like to get a go at it before committing to a place” he smiled “mmmmm the city~ oh I’d go down there more if someone didn’t wollow in their own self pity all the time” Dina interrupted Jesse before he could ask in more detail what she was referring to “ Where do you live anyway?” Jesse once again pointed outside through one of the tall beautiful windows “over in the West Egg” her eyes widened “The West Egg?! I go over there for parties all the time! Someone named Williams throws them they’re wonderful” Y/n perked up “ Williams?” Abby let out a cough before Y/n ask or say anything more.
“Speaking of all this West Egg-East Egg nonsense why don’t you go show Jesse around huh Dina, keep yourself busy? Me and Y/n need to discuss something” before Dina could protest Y/n spoke out “ but he just got here why don’t we-” “we need to talk” the conversation ended there and Jesse made his way to the front door accompanied by Dina.
As Jesse and Dina stepped out onto the meticulously manicured grounds of the estate, the tension between them was palpable. Dina's playful demeanor had shifted, her gaze hardened as she eyed Jesse with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.
"So, Jesse," Dina began, her voice tinged with intrigue, "what brings you to East Egg? Surely, there must be more to your visit than just catching up with old friends."
Jesse hesitated for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the distant horizon where the sprawling mansions of West Egg lay bathed in the golden light of the sun. "I suppose you could say I'm in search of something," he replied cryptically, his words laced with a hint of longing.
Dina arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "And what might that be? Love? Adventure? Or perhaps something more... sinister?"
A wry smile played at the corners of Jesse's lips as he met Dina's gaze. "Perhaps a little bit of everything," he mused, his voice barely audible. Jesse's gaze softened, his eyes scanning the sprawling grounds of the estate as if searching for answers in the gentle breeze that rustled through the trees. “ what do you think they’re talking about anyway, seemed rushed, not that it’s any of my business-“
"Fighting, usually fighting nowadays," Dina replied, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "That or promises, lots and LOTS of promises” her voice dragged “then again that’s only Y/ns version never really cared to ask Abby. Not that’d she’d tell me anything of course " Dina retrieved a cigarette from her dress pocket and lit it “want one?”
─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉ ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─
The tension in the room crackled like static electricity, the air heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Y/n's voice echoed off the walls, her frustration palpable as she confronted Abby, her words cutting through the silence like a knife.
Abby's smirk faltered, replaced by a steely resolve as she met Y/n's gaze head-on. "Oh, you're so full of yourself, you know that?! My cousins over and you just push him away! My family that YOU made me move away from!" Y/n's accusation hung in the air, but Abby refused to back down, her tone cold and calculated as she fired back, "Wow, I do? Is that why we have this house? If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't even be here! He wouldn’t have a place to visit without me! I’m the reason you have a home!” Her words struck a nerve, Y/n's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find the right words to respond. "That's not fair, Abby," she finally managed to choke out, her voice trembling with emotion. "You know it's not just about him or …… Dina or even the god damn house. It's about us, too."
But Abby remained unmoved, her facade of indifference crumbling under the weight of Y/n's words. "Is it, though?" she retorted, her voice dripping with anger and condescension. "Or is it about you, always wanting more, always reaching for something that's not fucking real? Or is it about you being spoiled and never fulfilled? Because I’m sure as fuck trying and you can’t seem to be happy so enlighten me why don’t you?! What could I possibly be doing to make you oh so unhappy?” Abby wiped the sweat away from her face with the back of her hand, she was so tired of arguing, so tired of drilling it into Y/n’s head that she was the only real family she had, the only person who could or would ever put up with her bullshit.
Y/n's eyes flashed with a mixture of hurt and frustration. The accusation stung, hitting too close to home, unraveling the carefully constructed facade of composure she had maintained for oh so long.
"You think this is about me wanting more?" Y/n's voice trembled with barely contained emotion, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "You think I'm not trying to be happy? You have no fucking idea what it's like, Abby. You have no idea what I've sacrificed, what I've given up for us."
But Abby still remained unmoved, her expression hardening with each passing moment. "And what exactly have you sacrificed, Y/n?" she shot back, her voice still with disdain. "Your precious reputation? Your endless pursuit of something that doesn't even exist?"
Y/n's breath caught in her throat, the weight of Abby's words crashing down on her like a tidal wave. "You don't understand," she whispered, her voice so low Abby had to strain to hear it. "You don't understand what it's like to feel trapped, to feel like you're suffocating under the weight of expectations and obligations." Y/n let out a sob and sat herself back on the couch.
Abby's gaze softened ever so slightly, a flicker of empathy shining through the facade of anger and resentment. "I may not understand everything, Y/n," she admitted quietly, her voice tinged with regret. "But I do know one thing—I love you, and I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
Y/n's resolve wavered at Abby's confession, the walls Y/n had built around her heart crumbling in the face of genuine remorse. "I love you too, Abby," she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes. "But we can't keep pretending that everything is okay when it's not- you can’t use money to fix everything"
Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she looked into Abby's eyes, searching for sincerity amidst the heat of their argument. "It doesn't have to be this way," Abby murmured, her voice cracking with desperation. "I don't want us to keep hurting each other like this."
Her gaze softened, a flicker of remorse shining through her hard resolve. "I promise I'll work on this—on us, okay?" she offered, her voice gentle yet determined. "We'll figure it out together." Y/n let out a huff, her shoulders sagging with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. "I hope so," her voice barely above a whisper. "Because I can't take much more of this."
"I'll do better," Abby whispered, her voice laced with sincerity as she leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on Y/n's lips. It was a gentle reassurance, a silent promise of their shared commitment to mend what was broken. The kiss, initially tender and reassuring, deepened as their emotions ignited. Abby's lips molded against Y/n's with a newfound intensity, fueled by the raw passion and desire that simmered beneath the surface of their conflicted relationship. Y/n responded eagerly, her hands instinctively finding their way to Abby's waist, pulling her closer as they melted into each other's embrace, Abby’s hands groping her through her expensive summer dress.
With each lingering touch, sparks crackled between them, Abby's lips trailed from Y/n's mouth to the curve of her neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses in their wake. Y/n arched into her touch, a low moan escaping her lips as Abby's hands teased the sensitive skin along her thighs, inching higher with each tantalizing caress. Y/n pushed Abby’s thigh between her legs, rocking back and forth. Just as she was about to finally let Y/n feel an ounce of relief she stopped “Let’s not keep Jesse or Dina waiting hmm?” Abby smirked, Y/n's breath hitched as Abby's words broke through the haze of desire that enveloped them. “Please~ we can do it quickly please” Y/n begged, she tried to speed herself up but Abby gripped her waist, thumbs pressing onto her nipples, almost like you would hold a mannequin or doll. “Later, come on” With a soft whimper, she reluctantly pulled away from Abby, her body still humming with the lingering sensation her touch. "Fine," she managed to slip despite the strain, her voice thick with desire. "We shouldn't keep them waiting." As they composed themselves, a sly smile tugged at Y/n's lips, a silent promise of more to come lingering in the air between them. Abby place a firm hand on her ass as they left the room “ be good”
─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉ ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉─
“Oh no thank you I don’t smoke anymo-”
Dina interrupted yet again “what is it that you plan on doing in the city” Dina looked up at Jesse with a small smile.
Jesse glanced at Dina, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Honestly, I'm not entirely sure yet," he admitted. "I suppose I'm looking for something... meaningful. Something that makes me feel alive, you know?"
Dina nodded, understanding dawning in her eyes. "I get that," she replied, a hint of wistfulness coloring her tone. "The city has a way of pulling you in, offering endless possibilities and adventures waiting to be discovered." "Yeah, exactly," Jesse agreed, a spark of excitement igniting within him. "I want to explore, to experience everything the city has to offer. Maybe even find a sense of purpose along the way."
Dina smiled, a knowing glint in her eyes. "Well, you've come to the right place then,- after all” she stopped her self midway by the sound of Y/n running down the front steps, Abby following behind her in a more relaxed manner. “Oh we’re going to the city for lunch Jesse you just have to come!” Y/n yelled. “Well they’re in a good mood” Dina rolled her eyes knowingly. Jesse chuckled at Dina's observation, nodding in agreement. "Seems like it," he replied with a grin. "I'd love to join you for lunch in the city. It'll be nice to explore a bit and maybe even find some inspiration for this project I’ve been wanting to write”
Y/n beamed at Jesse's response, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Great! It's settled then," she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious. "I know this charming little cafe downtown that serves the best pastries. You'll love it, Jesse!" Y/n was practically bouncing, running a head to get to the car first”
Abby smiled warmly at Jesse, her earlier tension dissipating in the excitement of the moment. "It'll be a wonderful opportunity for us to catch up and enjoy each other's company,- sorry about earlier we just needed a moment” the blonde smiled. Jesse returned Abby's warm smile, understanding. "No need to apologize, Abby. I get it," he reassured her, his tone gentle. "We all have our moments, and sometimes we just need a little space to sort things out."
Abby's expression softened with gratitude, a sense of relief washing over her. "Thank you for understanding, Jesse," she replied, her voice tinged with sincerity. "You're a good friend”
“Jesus- could the two of you hurry I want a sandwich and some tea” Dina sighed, her playful impatience ended the moment as she glanced back at Abby and Jesse with a playful smirk. “Hurry!” She shouted again, running after Y/n and hopping into the car.
Tag list pookies: @sapphicontherun @bready101 (blogs won’t allow me to tag usually if you haven’t posted so for that I’ll @ mfs in the comments❤️)
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
I need an ai that can write yandere dentist snow at this point
Yall think this is funny??? I am keeping a cool and collected facade in front if the patients, but when I'm doing the "anxiety reduction protocol" I'm making sure I'm calming myself down as well.
The ai will have to write me looking all serious and emotionless behind the surgical mask as I luxate your teeth (because my supervisor just insulted me and praised me in the same minute) and the moment i pull out the tooth, whole and intact, I'm doing a little dancey dance as I compress the socket and place gauze in your mouth.💀💀💀💀
Ai will also have to write about that day when I silently broke down in front of the patient while I was writing down his prescription, just me crying mutely until my mask got all wet and my eyes got swollen and red, and my bestie and her bf had to come and console me (because they weren't allowed to do extractions just yet) and they were so sweet "Hey it wasn't your fault the patient fainted twice. You did everything you're supposed to do. If your supervisor said something to you, nvm it cause shes a bitch." And her bf was like "why are you crying when it's not even your fault? Did anyone- the supervisor say something to you?" And I'm just sniffling and shaking my head because I can't even answer without my voice wobbling, but they were a true "Mom and dad" moment.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
spare Atlas (Bioshock.) content? I'm totally cool with just a concept of base headcannons, I'm beginning to get into the series and uhhhh braincells go awoooga at Atlas. (i can thankfully blame you for getting me into a lot of media haha.)
Surprisingly never gave him a proper concept 💀 Here you go! I'm happy I got you into new media :)
Been awhile since I played Bioshock so I hope I didn't get him too OOC.
He's a handsome man, can't blame you for going awooga at him LOL.
Yandere! Atlas Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Swearing, Deception, Manipulation, Obsession, Mentioned intimacy, Thoughts of murder/Murder mention, Possessive behavior, Biting/Marking mention, Threats, PDA, Kidnapping, Dubious relationship.
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His personality is inconsistent between Bioshock and BaS.
He's supposed to be charismatic as he is a rebellion leader.
But he is also cold and cruel like his original identity.
Due to this I would probably write my Atlas trying to always hold a facade.
Yet as the obsession with his darling grows, the mask slips.
Atlas is the friendly persona created by Fontaine to get Andrew Ryan off his back and create trust among his followers.
He brought people together with his charming charisma and inspiring speeches.
He easily comes off as your pal... someone you can trust.
When in reality he's still twisted like Fontaine, willing to use people to get power.
Atlas would be Seemingly caring, Manipulative, Obsessive, Possessive, Controlling, Ruthless/Merciless, Deceptive, and a bit Sadistic.
His whole thing is lying.
His true nature is a megalomaniac who's greedy and selfish.
But as Atlas he can easily obtain his darling with just a few remarks.
Atlas could've met you as Fontaine or sometime during his campaign as Atlas.
As Fontaine, getting you to like him was harder.
He's an asshole... a bit of a creep back then too.
As this new persona, Atlas can flirt with his darling and maybe even get a reaction from you.
When you meet Atlas, interested in his cause or not, for some reason he gravitates to you.
Cigar in hand the leader grins towards you.
Like you're something special.
You feel special when he looks at you.
You have no idea he's planned everything when it comes to winning you over.
The moment he pulls you aside and speaks to you in a sultry tone... you're hooked.
Atlas talks to his darling in a caring demeanor.
He drinks up everything about you and listens to you speak.
You're the one person he can truly be invested in.
Atlas would do things such as take his darling out for dinner and compliment them.
He portrays himself as the dream man.
The moment he has his first intimate moment with you, he's caught you hook, line, and sinker.
Once Atlas knows he's an important part of his darling's life he starts to manipulate you more.
Atlas doesn't need to worry about jealousy if he has you wrapped around his finger so tightly.
If he sees you getting too friendly with someone else then he'll pull you over to him.
An arm around the waist with a kiss certainly gets the message across.
Atlas would tell you that he's the only one who cares for you this much.
He wants to break you down just enough to make you stuck to him like glue.
He's cruel like that... selfish to the core.
Even when Atlas is away from you, thoughts of you cling to his mind like rot.
He's obsessive and can't stay away from you for long.
He also seems to be the kind of guy that uses physical affection and PDA to send a message to those around him.
You're his and he won't mind killing anyone who thinks otherwise.
Atlas may even be a fan of biting your neck when kissing you to leave a mark.
He's selfish which is why he's so possessive.
He's always been a greedy man and you happen to be valuable to him.
Even more so if you've eluded him for so long when he was Fontaine.
If all that wasn't a red flag, what he does to others must be.
He'll kill others if he hates them around you.
Doesn't matter who they are either.
They'll be threatened as their first warning.
Some don't even get a warning, just a bullet lodged in their brain.
He finds it funny at times that someone could be so bold.
He may even ask for their torture first.
Atlas would "kidnap" but to keep up his facade he disguises it as something else.
Maybe he keeps things subtle?
After an intimate night he locks the door to your room, leaving a recording to tell you he's heading out for a bit and will be back later.
He wants you to stay in the room.
He does this so often but you love and trust him... so you stay.
Soon his facade will slip and you will see it.
You're going to know how much of a monster he is and try to flee from him.
But by that point it's too late... he's already trapped you in his twisted embrace.
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darksber · 3 years
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hi friends😌
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