#everything is beautiful its just me that sthe problem
mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
md3 watches Primal
7:25 AM 5/30/2021
I thought that watching Primal would elicit the same emotive quality in me, that watching the expressions in Godzilla vs King Kong and Rampage did. But turns out those giant animals were much more affectionately empathic than the giant animals in Primal. The relationship between Spear and Fang isn't just affectionate caring. They get annoyed with each other, have fights, and aren't so "touchy feely". Primal reminds me that there is a wider range of emotions that can be silently emoted.
(Sorry I didn't write reactions to ep1-3. I've been trying to not turn everything I watch into a production.)
7:39 AM 5/30/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep4 starts
8:01 AM 5/30/2021
Wow.that was a lot of fun ^o^
I haven't watched an action-adventure series in a while, if I was this surprised by the problem solving solutions that the protatonists came up with: using the spider thread to climb down; using the raptor pack vs teh pack of bats.
8:02 AM 5/30/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep5
This series has got me on so high-alert, that I keep expecting something horrible to appear as part of this peaceful cove. I thougth the butterflies would be poisonous. I thought a big sea serpent woudl appear from the deeper part of the water. I thought the pollen would be poisonous. I thought that some bigger predator would appear, to explain why the fish were too docile or why the resources of that cove weren't used up already.
Hey, the title of the episode is "Rage of the Ape Men". Maybe that cove was a sacred site that no one was supposed to touch.
Well, if you wanted to set up a society that's super ritualistic or religious, without dialogue, this is how you do it. O.o
With the beatings that Fang can take, sometimes I think she has a healing factor...and an indestrucable skeleton...She's Wolverine. lol
Oh no! but there are 10 episodes of this series according to Google! Fang can't be dead! ;o;!
8:30 AM 5/30/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep6 "Scent of Prey"
Yay! Fang is alive! ;o;!
I like these episodes that really linger on how Spear and Fang care for each other.
Aaaaand she's back! ^o^
8:52 AM 5/30/2021
Ok. I'll pick up on ep7 later. I should have brushed my teeth and gone to bed. Then again...I'm not really sleepy anymore...
2:32 PM 5/31/2021 Finished Primal ep8 "Coven of the Damned". I guess I didn't write notes for it while I watched. But I actually watched most parts of this episode ages ago, through YouTube reaction vids. So I wonder if I have an old journal file with my reactions from back then, when I watched those reaction vids.
11:36 AM 5/31/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep7
Is that a zombie dinosaur?!?!?
Dont' let it into the water supply!
Ithink now's the time to run!
Nooo! It bit the apatosaurus! ;o;
Oh now, the zombification worked fast! ;o;!
So isthis poor infected dino infecting the water supply? ;_; Well, if it wasn't by drinking before, spewingblood into the water now is going to do it. ;_;!
The sad part is whoever fights the zombie apatosaurus to save the eggs is going to get bit and infected.
Why is the infected zombie dino faster than the healthy dino running away????? Noooo! Don't die! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! ;O;
Well...now I remember how burtal this series is.
Dang,this zombie apatosaurous is scary.
I was afraid it was going to start infecting a herd of another pack of dinos at the bottom of that canyon.
Is it dead...????
Aw, Fang is scared for Spear.
I really hope one of theose postules doesn't burst onto them. Man, Infections are scary.
Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. ...She says while absolutely knowing this trope would happen. ^^; Hey, it's still effective! At least when Tartakovsky does it.
Omg when will this poor thingbe put out of its misery?
Is this a literal use of "out of the frying pan and into the fire"? lol
Gonna have to kill that poor thing.
OMG Nothing is killign this thing! Even lava! You guys jsut wanted to do a zombie episode, huh?
At least lava is heat that will kill the virus.
Poor thing.
"Ashes to ashes" huh.
Dang this seriesis beautiful. Genndy Tartakovsky does good work!
But seriously, this is distracting. I have to put on a different video. ;_;
4:28 AM 6/1/2021
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal ep9 "The Night Feeder"
omg I can't believe that Spear didn't take Fang's celar warnign to run away!
Maybe a big snake? Fang is already established to be freaked out by snakes after the River of Snakes episode. And the big cat's killing must have been set in a jungle for a reason.
Nevermind. That predator perspective sounds like feet.
Why arne't the triceratops continuign to run?!?!???? ;O;!
Well, if it's a "night feeder" maybe they're safe by the fire.
Oh yeah, predators can come in teh day, just as much as night in this world. They may not be accustomed to a "night feeder" that only comes at night. Reminds me of how my dad who grew up in a haunted house, used to always say how funny it was that horror movie ghost stories always took place at night, as if scary/weird things didn't also happen in the day too.
It's funny how much tension is in that fire going out, while simply knowing the title of this episode.
So scared for Fang not being shown running as fast as Spear. Evne though I know she can.
Ok. What is it?
And why is it so fast? Sonic blasts?
What the heck? Why did Spear and Fang run in different directions? Ok, and what's teh black goo?
I was scared before, but now I"m just curious what the monster is.
Having this final battle with this specialized tactic from the protagonists, but shown from the perspective of the enemy/monster is really interesting.
It was just another dinosaur? Really? Ok, sure. I guess sometimes there are just all types of dinos.
4:48 AM 6/1/2021
ep10 "Slave of the Scorpion"
Why throw back teh fish? That's still food. You can catch a bigger one afterwards.
What the heck?!? A human?!?
Fang is your friend. Gotta priorizie helping Fang.
Is he going to stop Fang's growling eahc time? lol
Oh yeah...The body language for "afraid" also looks like "cold".
Wow. A whoel civiliation that can work metal, uses tattoos to brand people, creates a system of slavery... Where exactly did this person come from?
Wait a second. Is Primal actually set in a "land of the lost"? And not just prehistoric times? omg
Well, she recognizes the plants in this area so it can't be all that different from where she comes from. If her civiliation has agriculture and uses the same plants... So this isn't a "land of the lost" situation.
I was just thinkign that if she comes from an organized settlement civilization she would have been the type of person who would've tried talkign to Spear already. lol. So she says her name is "Mia".
i'm really surprised that Spear missed teh chicken, but I guess it was a little small for his usual targets.
I'm always excited to watch a sequence of "Telling a story through pictures" made by animators and cartoonists. I feel like I'm about to watch a masterclass in effective storytelling.
Gotta pan back to show the carnage left behind! lol Most of the carnage in this series is beautiful or feels meaningful, but what was that pan?
So Mia's captors took her back...And they put up skulls of the tool-using primates to scare them off?
omg I sthe episode going to end with Mia taken away? ;o;! omg! Is there a 2nd season announced for this series?!??????
Oh, her name is "Mira".
5:13 AM 6/1/2021
Yay! Finished the series! I hope it gets another season.
5:14 AM 6/1/2021
YouTube sais there are 2 seasons! ...Oh. Each season is 5 episodes. The 10 episodes on HBO Max are the "2 seasons" on YouTube.
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