#everything lao ma does is behind the scenes and i find that so fascinating
keyofjetwolf · 3 years
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“Capable of greatness,” Lao Ma concludes, before they dash off to the safety of the commercial break.
Thinking a bit on this though, what strikes me most interesting is how, at least right here right now, Lao Ma isn’t at all motivated by Xena. Would she be risking all this for just anyone, however badly the person needed her or however cruel these circumstances? I’m not sure! Lao Ma is “big picture” personified, caring little to nothing about the individual and personal in the face of the greater good. That has its moments of noble sacrifice, but it’s also practical to the edge of callous. It’s what makes her feelings toward Ming Tien so tragic, he’s the one place where she unravels.
For all of Lao Ma’s feelings for and toward Xena, none of which I doubt, Xena was her tool then, as much as Xena will become her tool later.
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