#everything that he sees oh my god I’m gonna cry myself to sleep
it’s midnight but do you ever think that the reason that there’s so much mischaracterization of nightwing among some writers and in a lot of fans is because we see dick through the lens of Bruce? Like we think he’s a little sunshine and he’s happy and he’s better than Bruce and he’s everything that justice should be and he’s the best superhero because that’s what he thinks because he knows nightwing is better than him and that dick is happier and is doing better then he ever could?
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uluvjay · 1 year
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This is me fixing this request that I originally messed up on
Trevor Zegras x Hughes! Sister
Warnings?; Sneaking around, secret relationship,arguing, yelling, mad Jack, crying reader, kissing, getting caught, cursing
Hope you enjoyed anon!
Do not repost my works as your own
“Z! We can’t do this here, someone’s gonna catch us” I laughed as Trevor pulled me onto the boat to help ‘find his AirPods’
“Baby all I want is a kiss and everyones to busy to even realize I never even had them on the boat” he tried to reassure me.
“Fine but only one kiss, and I mean it Trev” I agreed and let him pull me in by my hips
“Mhm, one kiss” he replied before pressing his lips against mine.
It felt good to finally be able to kiss him, sneaking around wasn’t exactly ideal but we’d been doing it the past three summers so we were used to it. The only difference this summer was we were finally dating instead of just being a summer fling.
“Trevor” I whimpered out as he began to place kisses down my neck and his hands had slipped down to my denim covered ass.
“Z you said a kiss, not a make out” I groaned as I pulled him out of my neck and reattached our lips. He pulled back and was getting ready to reply with a smart-ass comment but got cut off by the sound of my twin brothers voice.
“What the fuck?” I jumped away from Trevor and looked up to see Jack standing on the dock.
“Jack! It’s not what it-“ I tried but he didn’t allow me to finish.
“It’s not what it looks like? Because I’m pretty sure I just seen my best friends head in your neck and his hands gripping your ass” he yelled
“Jack, buddy just let us explain” Trevor said trying to get Jack to listen
“Explain what? How your fucking my sister? How you two have been sneaking around mine and everyone’s backs for god knows how long?” He cursed before turning around and stomping back up to the house.
I quickly got out of the boat and raced behind him, I made it to the back door hot on his heals but he still shut the door in my face.
“Jack please just let me explain” I begged as I made it into the kitchen, where of course everyone that was staying at the house was located.
“I don’t want to hear whatever bullshit you have to say Y/n! Your my twin sister and he’s my best friend! He knew you were off limits and same goes for you! But here we are with you fucking him” he screamed at me.
“Jack please, we’re not just sleeping together we’re in a relationship so please just let me explain” I was crying now, he was my best friend and I had betrayed his trust and done the one thing they had all asked of me, never date a teammate.
“Oh now your dating? That’s just so much better Y/n, I wish I’d know when we were born that you were going to betray me like this” he spit at me before he stormed out of the kitchen and the front door slammed seconds later.
I just stood there frozen for a moment feeling a swirl of emotions at once, Guilt, Sadness, anger, frustration. I couldn’t help that I had fallen for Trevor, I always tried telling myself no but I couldn’t stay away and there was nothing I could do about it.
“One of you two wanna fill me in?” I heard Quinn asked while pointing between me and Trevor
It had been two days since Jack had found out about Trevor and I and he still wasn’t speaking to either one of us. We had filled Quinn and Luke in on the entire situation and exactly how everything between us had began.
Luke didn’t really mind, he said he wished we had let them know sooner but as long as we were happy that’s all that mattered. Quinn was a little upset that we snuck around for so long but was glad that we were happy.
I was currently laying on the couch with Trevor talking about things and what we were gonna do. everyone had gone out to golf so we took the alone time to have a private conversation.
“I understand if you want to break up, I don’t want my feelings for you get in the way of you and your brothers relationship” he spoke and I could hear the sadness in his voice.
“Hey no, we are not breaking up. I finally have you after years of being in love with you and not acting on it. We need to talk to Jack when he’s ready and we can go from there”
I could tell there was more he wanted to say but at the sound of the front door opening he shut his mouth placed a kiss on my head.
“Y/n” I heard Jack call causing me to quickly sit up.
“Quinn wants us to talk so let’s go because I’m sick of getting yelled at by him” he grumbled
“Uh okay” I got up and followed him to the back deck.
“Ja-“ I began but he cut me off
“I don’t want some stupid apology just tell me how this relationship started” he spit
“Okay, it started a few summers ago it was just a few kisses the first summer and we both admitted we had feelings for each other but he was going off to Boston in the fall and I was going to New York for school so we decided not to continue. It was the same for the following summer but there was a switch last summer, and saying goodbye was a lot harder that time round so when he was in New York in October he took me to dinner and asked me to be his girlfriend”
He didn’t reply just shook his head and stared out at the lake. My leg was bouncing in anxiety I couldn’t take the silence.
“Jack?” I questioned
He let out a scoff before he stood up and started pacing the deck, “So what your telling me is that my Twin sister and Best friend have been sleeping together behind my back for years and you’ve been dating for eight months?”
“I can’t believe this” he laughed and began pacing the deck
“I am really sorry Jack but I love him”
He didn’t reply to me for a while and I didn’t press him, this was a lot for him.
“It’s going to take a long time to get used to this Y/n, you two both betrayed my trust” He said looking at me with watery eyes.
“I know and I don’t expect you to be okay with everything so fast”
He finally came up to me and pulled me into a hug. I couldn’t take the emotions anymore and began sobbing into his chest.
“I’m so sorry Jacky” I cried as I clutched him harder
“As pissed as I am, you can’t help who you fall for Y/n” he said pulled away and wiping my tears.
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broadwaybaby123 · 1 year
Sickness - Kit Connor x gn!reader
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Kit Connor x gnreader
Warnings: Vomiting, use of F word, pet names, mention of having long hair
Other: Gender Neutral
I don’t own these photos!
A/n: Hi! So uh, this is my first imagine so if it’s terrible please tell me. If Kit Connor ever expresses that he isn’t comfortable with fanfictions then I will take this down immediately. Feedback is always appreciated, and requests are open. Thanks guys! Love you all xx ❤️ Also, credits to Bellamysdadhumor on Wattpad for writing an imagine called ‘Sick’ in her ‘Kit Connor Imagines’ book. I kind of based this off that.
My eyes jolt open. I look over at my clock and see that it’s 1:17am. My stomach hurts. I feel terrible. I roll over to try calm the feeling but nothing happens. The feeling rises to my throat. Fuck it, I’m going to the bathroom. I rush to the bathroom and open the door, turning the light on. I lift up the seat to the toilet and start to gag. I hate the feeling of vomiting it’s gross and painful. Tears roll down my cheeks as I start to throw up in the toilet.
‘Darling?’ I groan to myself, remembering I didn’t lock the door and my boyfriend, Kit, is going to see me like this. I gag and throw up. Again. I hear the door open ‘Oh baby-’ Kit rushes of to me, carefully lifting my hair back, out of my face. I start to cry more, I feel so guilty for waking him up this early and making him see me like this.
‘Sweetheart, it’s ok. I’m here, it’s ok. You’re just a bit sick. The feeling will pass.’ He starts to rub circles into my back with his hand. The sensation makes me feel better immediately. After a while of not throwing up, Kit stands and puts toothpaste on my electric toothbrush for me, helping me up and giving it to me. I brush and brush, then when the timer goes of, I spit into the sink.
‘Are you feeling better?’ Kit asks me. ‘I’m so, so, sorry’ I say looking down and fiddling with my hands. ‘Baby, why? You did nothing wrong!’ ‘I woke you up thou-’ ‘No. It’s not your fault. Everyone get’s sick sometimes and I would be devastated if I couldn’t help!’ I look down and whisper ‘Sorry’
Kit chuckles and picks me up bridal style, walking me into the bedroom and setting me down on the bed ‘Don’t say that love.’ he says and kisses me on the forehead frowning at how hot it is. ‘Now, I’ll be back in a minute’ ‘Kit!’ I say dragging out the i. ‘You don’t need to baby me! And anyway I’m not sick!’ I try to argue ‘Love you are! Your forehead is burning! Now like I said, I’ll be back in a minute.’ He says putting the fan on before leaving the room.
I lean my head back on the pillows and sigh. How am I sick? I was fine 4 hours ago! And anyway, if I’m sick, then how is Kit not sick. We’ve been hanging out and chilling all day! Suddenly I hear the door open and see some strawberry blonde hair peeking up behind a stack of food and books and dvd’s in his arms. ‘Oh my god Kit! I don’t need all of this!’ ‘You deserve the world.’ he replies and sits everything on the bedside table. I giggle and say ‘Thank you.’ quietly.
He slips into the bed next to me and says, ‘Now, I don’t think you will be able to sleep for a while so we are gonna watch a movie and eat a bunch of snacks’ I roll my eyes and say, ‘Ok your majesty’ he opens is mouth and dramatically gasps. I brush that off and pick up the remote to the tv, passing it to Kit. ‘I don’t really care what we watch. You can pick.’ he just looks at me and says ‘You sure?’ ‘Yeh.’ I reply. ‘Ok then’
He ends up putting on ‘Mean Girls’ because he knows I love it. I look at him and smile. He says, ‘You still love this movie don’t you?’ My mouth opens wide and I say ‘Duh! It’s my favourite! Apart from Heartstopper because your in it but that doesn’t really count as a movie does it?’ He chuckles and goes a little red.
We start watching and I end up falling asleep with my arms wrapped around him and my head on his shoulder. He notices and shuffles so I am laying on top of him with my head on his chest and my arms still around his torso. He wraps his arms around my waist and whispers, ‘Goodnight y/n, I love you.’
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googleitlol · 4 days
Two questions! Well, one’s more like a prompt/scenario, but I’m still saying it!
Do you have any plans on getting back to your “The Memory of You” fanfic in the future? Because I’m a certified Macaque wimp (right there with Wukong) and I’m dying to know everything that happened between him and Lian!😭
And second:
I just got myself Black Myth Wukong brainrot and I randomly thought of a situation where Dove would wake up from a nightmare about Wukong’s death, and she instinctively places a hand over the Destined One’s heart to hear it beating because of his resemblance and everything. And the Destined One just helps hold her hand to his chest and resting his own hand over hers until she calms down🥲💘💞
1) Omg tbh I didn't realise ppl were still reading that one! I'm focusing on PoM rn so I don't think I'll be getting to it anytime soon unfortunately. I do wanna continue it tho, and rewrite some stuff too! My google doc is so big for TMoY that if you wanted, I could totally answer some asks about it. Since I'm focusing on Dove and Wukong rn, I wouldn't mind sharing some secrets about Lian and Macaque's past (I will yap so much abt them, I love Lian she's my sweetheart).
I also took a break from writing that fic because, uhhhhh… I had only seen part of season 4 when I started writing the backstory for Lian, did some research into chinese mythology and legends I could pull from… then after posting a bunch of chapters, I watched the rest and realised I accidentally made her backstory/creation extremely similar to someone else (if you're caught up on the show, you'll know who I'm talking about). They both involve, uh… similar people?? So I got spooked and decided to wait a bit to see if that character's backstory would be like what I'd written for Lian and… it's starts out very similar 💀
But honestly, I think I'm gonna keep it the same cuz I love Lian, and I love the story I've made for her and Macaque. So if you've got any questions abt them, I'd be happy to answer until I shift my focus back onto TMoY.
2) Oh, and… my god. I love this idea of yours. That dream. Hoo boy, that dream. I love it when people understand the sort of angst I wanna put Dove under. Running to her love, knowing what's about to happen but too far to stop it. Maybe if he saw her, if he knew she was coming, maybe he'd still be there. But no matter how much her throat scratches as she screams, no sound is made. No matter how fast she runs, how far she pushes herself, nothing changes.
The Destined One frowns, he's seen her like this on so many nights. There's something that's plaguing her… he just doesn't know what. She shuts him down at any and all moments he has to inquire about her night-terrors. Still, he's found a subtle way to help in the best way he can. After one night where she reached out for him and he let her hand press against his chest, he noticed how she calmed a bit.
That becomes their nightly ritual. Whenever he notices how she starts to mumble in her sleep, shout and cry, he'll cuddle up next to her and hold her in his arms. He'll keep her head pressed against his chest so she can hear his heart– that always calms her down. As long as she has something, her hand or even an ear pressed to his heart, she'll calm down. Maybe the first few nights he started doing this, she'd cuddle up to him a bit. He'd be awkward about it at first, but eventually grow used to it. After a while, he'd find that he actually really enjoys spending those nights with Dove in his arms.
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
I Still Have You
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Paring: Chris Evans x Reader
Word count: 1.5 K
Summary: It’s a very pregnant Christmas for the Evanses.
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI. RPF, SMUT. Not Beta’d. Flashbacks, discussion of miscarriages, grief, angst, beach vacay, piggy back ride, Kit cooking, family dynamics. Graphic depiction of pregnancy sex. Dunkin’. But mostly fluffy fluff.
A/N: This is for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask. Also listen. Look me in my eyes. This was not easy for me to write and I don’t want to see any dumb comments about miscarriages. Heed the warnings. This is a part of the How I Met Your Father AU.
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Chris’s hand snaked around your baby bump and pulled you flush against his chest. You snuggled back against him and his hard body.
Chris buried his nose in your fragrant curls, your bonnet having come off in your sleep. You were less able to be comfortable as your pregnancy progressed, but luckily this pregnancy was healthy, despite the worry of the first few weeks.
You’d lost two pregnancies since you had the twins 12 years ago. You and Chris had been heartbroken, but decided not to try again and that your family was complete. You loved and lived life to the fullest.
However, when the twins were 12 years old, you discovered through a home pregnancy test that you were expecting again. It was right before your family trip last summer, and you were on edge for the first few days of the vacation.
You decided to tell Chris as you walked on the beach on the second evening.
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“I have a secret to tell you, Chris.”
“What is it, Angel?”
Chris was a little concerned, you’d been jittery and moody. He stopped and looked at you in the light of the golden hour. You were so beautiful.
“Is everything okay?”
He reached for you and pulled you into his embrace. You relaxed into his strength, his warmth, and his smell. And you started crying.
“Chris. I…I’m… I’m”
“Shhhh. It’s okay. I know you’ve been stressed. What with the new position, the twins going to junior high and your cousin’s graduation and this trip.”
He kissed the top of your head.
“I see how exhausted you’ve been, falling asleep on the couch every night. That’s why I had hoped that you would take this opportunity to relax…”
“Chris. I’m pregnant.”
Chris didn’t believe he’d heard you. Your last pregnancy was over five years ago. He’d gone ten toes down for his perfect little family. And he didn’t know if he could go through that loss again. He knew you couldn’t.
Chris drew back to look you in the eye.
“What did you say?”
You looked into the deep blue pools of his eyes and took a deep breath.
“I’m pregnant.”
“But… how?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. He joined you.
“I mean…”
He grinned at you, your laughter making him stronger.
“Well, you’ve always had that super soldier sperm. And it’s rare, but vasectomies can fail…”
Chris just blinked at you.
“Oh my god. We’re gonna have another baby. When?”
Chris was absolutely giddy.
“I haven’t been to the doctor, but maybe in about eight months? January?”
Chris was still in shock.
“Boy or girl? Twins or just one?”
You both broke down in laughter. You were beginning to think you could do this.
A jolt of joy suddenly struck Chris. He couldn’t wallow in grief; this was another chance.
He picked you up and twirled you around.
“CHRIS! CHRIS! I’m gonna throw up!”
You were laughing, but also about to hurl.
“Oh shit. I’m sorry. I just. I love you so much. And I love us. And the twins. And this bundle of joy in here.”
Chris’s warm palm covered your belly, and you reached up to kiss him, for a moment, all fear of loss gone.
He beamed down at you and you up at him.
“I love you too, Chris.”
You smiled at him again, and then hugged him.
“How are you? Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine!”
Chris looked back down the beach.
“It’s too far for you to walk back.”
“No, I’m…”
He turned around and bent down. He looked back at you over his shoulder.
“Get on.”
“Chris, you’re being…”
“Get on, Y/N.”
You sighed and climbed on his back. Chris easily stood up and set off toward the beach house. You put your chin in his shoulder and started to think as he effortlessly carried you back.
“I know. We’ll wait until we go to the doctor to tell anyone.”
You nodded, grateful for the connection between you and your husband. After you told Chris, you were able to relax and enjoy the rest of the trip.
Telling the twins after you were past the 12 week mark was an experience.
“You two are disgusting.”
“Wynn Angel Evans! You need to watch your tone.”
“I’m sorry. But aren’t you both a little old for this?
Chris wasn’t having it.
“Do you want to go to your room until you’re as old as we are?”
Wynn got quiet, not used to harsh words from her dad. CJ was just silent. You sensed some warring emotions in him. You two had always been close. He looked at you with those eyes just like his dad’s and you knew. You cocked your head and CJ came to give you a hug. You held your arm out for Wynn, who sat on the other side of you, between you and Chris.
“Listen. I know this is a lot. And you’re right, I am older, but I’m not that old. But dad is.”
You nudged Wynn and laughed as Chris protested.
Now there was laughter in the room.
“And neither of you have to worry that you will be replaced. We will love you forever. Our hearts will just get bigger.”
You looked from twin to twin.
“Yours will, too.”
Everyone calmed down a bit after that, catching the joy of a new life in the house. You took a sabbatical from work in order to take care of yourself.
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That was over six months ago. You’d had a healthy pregnancy and were excited to meet the new member of the Evans family. At Christmas you were 37 weeks. So close.
You snuggled back onto Chris’s erection as he gently felt up your sensitive breasts. Your nipples pebbled as he pressed his lips to the side of your neck.
“What are you up to, Daddy?”
You felt Chris’s dick jump against your backside.
“I’m trying to make you feel good. Give you an extra present after yesterday’s festivities.”
Chris’s hand moved down your side and slid under your belly to slip his thick fingers into your panties.
You moaned as he found you wet and wanton, moving against his hand for more friction.
Chris gently but down on your pulse point, causing you to keen.
“What do you want, Angel? What do you need?”
Chris was grinding against your panties, the wet tip of his cock promising something that he had yet to give you.
“You, Chris, Please…”
“Oh My beautiful girl, you don’t need to beg. This is always for you.”
As he whispered praises in your ear, Chris was lifting your thigh, pulling your panties to the side, and slowly entering you while laying down
You arched and threw your head back onto Chris’s chest. The shudder as he entered you was inescapable.
“Dammmmmnnnnn, Angel. So so tight.”
Chris was fully seated inside of you and gripping your hip to keep control.
Lovemaking wasn’t vigorous anymore, but it was needed. And you knew that It would be a while after the baby came. You wanted to savor this connection.
“Ohhhh. Chrissy. Please. Give it to me…”
Chris moaned.
“You always have me wanting to lose control. Lose myself in you… My favorite thing.”
You licked your lips as Chris started moving, him looking down over your shoulder as he watched you cream on his dick in the early morning light.
“Even after all these years?”
The kiss he gave you on your cheek would have been chaste, except that his huge cock was invading your fat, swollen, sensitive cunt.
“For many more to come, god willing.”
Chris started pumping a little harder now.
“Please, I want to die like this..”
Chris kissed the side of your neck as he rocked his cock deep inside you and his words made your heart swell and beat in time with his, and you started to climax.
“Ohhhh…ohhhhhhh, ohhhhh! Chris!”
“God you’re squeezing me… I can’t. I can’t hold it damn you make me…”
Chris thrusted for dear life as he emptied his seed into you. He lazily thrummed your clit, causing you to shudder as you came down.
A few minutes later, Chris carefully slipped out of you and led you to the shower, where he lovingly washed you both up. Your eyelids were drooping.
“Get some rest, mama. I’ll get you some food.”
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One hour later, your growling stomach and kicking kid propelled you out of bed to the kitchen, where you caught the tail end of an argument between Chris and Kit who had come to Massachusetts with your family for Christmas. Wynn and CJ were watching, enthralled.
Someone (you guessed Kit) had tried to make pancakes in the microwave. What resulted was a rubbery mess.
“You really can’t cook, can you?”
Chris was grumbling as he cleaned up the mess.
“No shit, Sherlock. When in the 13 years that you’ve known me, have you known me to cook?”
Chris scowled.
“Then why did you say yes when I asked you to make breakfast for your best friend?”
“Because I will do anything for her. And don’t you forget it, Dude Bro.”
Kit was threatening Chris with a rubber pancake.
“How ‘bout we go to Dunkin’?”
You chuckled as you rescued your husband from certain doom.
Less than 24 hours later, Jack Arthur Evans was born, healthy at 7 lbs 8 oz two days after Christmas.
The moment everyone met him, no one could imagine the world without him.
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When in doubt, reblog it out!
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chaosduckies · 4 months
Restoration (Chapter 12)
The chapter that will hopefully fix everything that I’ve done! :D (I regret it all) I don’t really know how to feel about the way I wrote this since my editor and other reader were not available, sooo I’m just gonna wing it and hope it turned out okay. I’m very sorry 😞. Otherwise, enjoy!
Word Count: 3.8k
CW: loneliness, that’s everything!
12- Nathan 
I lazily opened my eyes, pushing myself off the mysteriously soft fabric underneath me. It feels like I’ve been asleep for days… I looked to where my alarm clock should be, but only seeing everything around me enlarged and up to a bigger scale. Oh right, I feel asleep on Ryker. Oh. I fell asleep on Ryker. 
I let out a yelp, studying the area where I was at and seeing that the fabric underneath me belonged to his pillow. Oh god I really slept on top of him… My thoughts were thrown into a panic as I tried to wrap my mind around everything. I just remember it being cold outside, Ryker scooping me up extremely quickly, crying… Oh gosh. I cried in front him. I groaned, leaning back until my back hit the cushiony surface behind me. I-I was crying on him and he was there hugging me close to him the entire time which I mean it didn’t even feel bad it actually felt amazing but I can’t believe I just did all of that in front of him and oh my gosh it just felt so good to cry and- 
Calm down Nathan. 
I took a few deep breaths, calming down my fast heart rate and looking around again. I couldn’t see his alarm clock from where I was at, but I did smell something amazing. My stomach growled, but I just ignored it like I have been for the past week and a half. Where was Ryker at anyways? I didn’t want to move from my spot in case he comes back in looking for me. I owe him such a big apology… Why did he stick around for all of that last night? He could’ve left me. But he didn’t. And that just made my heart flutter at the thought that he cares about me. 
A few minuets later, Ryker walked in, peeking his head in as I hurried to sit up. I heard him chuckle a bit before walking in, he had a different  pair of sweatpants and sweater that had a skull with roses on it than last night. How did he even get me on to the pillow in the first place? Maybe that shouldn’t be the first question I ask. I’ll just stay quiet for a while. 
“Morning.” He sat a little ways from me, leaning against this arms behind him. 
“Morning.” I replied back in a tired voice. What do I do? I was alone with Ryker. In his room. Sitting on his bed that I couldn’t get off of on my own even if I tried. Was he going to leave me here? Or would he kick me out and send me back home? I wouldn’t be surprised if he did either of those things. I’m still in shock that I just slept on him last night, and he’s sitting next to as if nothing ever happened. 
“You slept for a while. I had to move you onto a pillow.” Ryker laughed, a light shade of pink on his cheeks. I brought my knees up to my chest, nodding embarrassingly. 
“Hm? For what?” Ryker turned his head to face me, making me feel even more insecure than I already was. Did I really have to answer that question? I felt my face heat up just the slightest bit as I sucked in a shaky breath. 
“For… s-sleeping. On you.” Ever since Lucky had asked me that stupid question a month ago my mind has been all over the place. I’m so confused almost all of time every time I’m around Ryker. I question myself everyday if I really like him or if I’m just confusing my emotions with friendship. Usually I would have asked my mom for help but… she wasn’t here anymore. And that just made my entire world come crumbling down to the ground. 
“Oh that? You were tired. I don’t mind. I kind of fell asleep a little after you anyways,” Ryker sighed, laying down on his back and facing the ceiling, “I didn’t want to wake you up, so I just left you there and checked up on you every half hour.” 
I nodded my head, still feeling a little awkward. Should I go home? Thank him for everything, go home, then see him when I’m forced to go back to school? A part of me thinks that was the way I should do this, but another part of me thinks Ryker would really help me. I mean, he has gone through this before because his parents also… You know. Maybe he knows how to help me? I haven’t really been able to take the best care of myself, and I just feel like Ryker might be able to help me get back up on my feet. Then again, I could just go to a therapist so I wouldn’t waste Ryker’s time. But since when has a therapist been able to help you? 
My mind wasn’t wrong. 
“Are you hungry? There’s some breakfast in the kitchen.” Ryker asked, sitting back up and waiting for my answer. Physically? I was starving. Mentally? No. Not even in the slightest bit. At least I figured out what that amazing smell was. 
“N-no. But thank you th-“ It was then in that moment that my stomach decided to growl. Not loud, but loud enough for Ryker to hear and smile sadly at me. He offered his hand palm-up, waiting just as patiently as ever. I always admired him for that. I don’t know how he puts up with me half the time. 
I carefully stood up, a little wobbly on the cushiony surface below me. I tried my best to keep my balance, clinging to his thumb as soon as I could so I wouldn’t roll off his pillow. Now that would be something to be embarrassed about. Luckily I didn’t. 
The kitchen smelled like pancakes, which just so happens to be what I was craving right now. How did Ryker even know? What surprised me even more was that there were human-sized plates sitting on the counter, like they were just waiting for me. For the first time in forever I really did feel like eating. Why did it take me to go through all this just to be able to eat and feel just the tiniest bit better about myself? 
Ryker set me down, saying that If I wanted I could cut off my own piece of pancake while he went to go grab a blanket from another room. I gladly did, my body enjoying the much needed energy that I’ve been neglecting it for the past two weeks. It tasted just like my moms… I blinked back the tears. There was no time to think about that. I didn’t want to cry in front of Ryker again. Plus, I didn’t really want to cry anymore in general. I knew it felt good, but I’m trying not to seem like such a burden for people. 
It took Ryker a while to dig out an extra blanket from the closet, because by the time I finished my plate he was barely coming back. I placed my plate with the other dirty dishes where I hope would be the best place to keep it until I can wash it later. Again, I didn’t want to be a burden while I stayed here. 
Ryker sat on top of the kitchen island across from me right after he threw the blanket on one of the couches. I sighed, taking my phone out of my pocket and seeing that it was already midday. How long was I asleep for? Nearly twelve hours? I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I guess I’ll go home in a little bit. I don’t really want to though, but I can’t just keep leeching off Ryker for forever. I’ll go to school, finish it up, and then I don’t know after that. I haven’t really thought that far ahead. 
“When will you go back to school?” Ryker asked. I didn’t have answer in reality. I didn’t want to go back, but my parents would probably like me to finish it up with only five months left. 
“Next week? M-maybe? I, um, don’t know.” I stared at the countertop below me, trying not to make eye contact. Was I the reason he wasn’t going to school either? I should have answered his calls while I was in the hospital… Maybe then I wouldn’t have been this bad. 
Ryker pushed himself off the counter as he laid his hand flat out in front of me. I stood up, lifting myself up onto his palm and sitting down in the middle before he started moving to the living room and carefully sitting down against the armrest with me still in hand. Usually he lets me down first. 
“D-did you want me to m-move?” I asked, looking back up at him. He shook his head with a smile on his face, “Not unless you’re uncomfortable.” 
I wasn’t. The opposite actually. But I wasn’t going to just blindly show that to him. At least not again. 
Ryker put on a movie, which I wasn’t really watching but pretended to anyways. I kept thinking about why he wasn’t even complaining about me being here. Why I didn’t hate the fact that he didn’t even acknowledge what had happened last night even though I wanted to forget all about it. Oh. He knew I didn’t want to talk about it. 
In truthfulness, I have no idea what I’m even doing anymore. Everything is so confusing now. What do I do at this point? I wouldn’t even be here if we had never gone to that stupid store in the first place. I would have been happy, my life would have been turned around for the better and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything else. Instead, it’s the complete opposite and I’m having to rely on everyone just to help me. I felt useless. Or maybe that wasn’t the word I was looking for. 
I guess I made the right call to not talk about what happened last night. Nathan looked exhausted. Physically and mentally. I know how it feels, but obviously there was something else bothering him besides what happened this past month. I didn’t know if it had to do with me, or not, but I really just wanted to help. Not be the reason he’s suffering even more. 
I wasn’t really paying attention to the movie, and I could tell neither was Nathan. I didn’t know whether to turn off the movie or to just leave it on. What would be the right call here? From what I’m getting at he just didn’t want to be lonely right now, which I mean of course, but I guess he’s also touch starved? As far as I knew Nathan was never really a fan of anyone touching him, and now all of a sudden he clings to me like a lost puppy, and every time my heart falters for just a split second. 
“Hey, um, do you just want to hang out in my room? Neither of us are really watching the movie sooo.” I laughed, trying to cheer him up. A slight smile cracked on his face as he nodded his head. At least it’s something. How long did it take for me to get better? Three months? Four? I hope he doesn’t take as long as me. 
I turned everything off, grabbed the extra blanket that took me forever to dig out of the closet, and shut the door behind me after I walked into my room. Did I know what we were going to do? No, not in the least. I was just trying to keep his mind off of everything, and I have zero idea if it’s working or not, but I think I’m doing a decent job. 
“Ryker,” Nathan played with his hands while I cleared off my desk. I turned my head to him, waiting for the rest of the sentence, “Never… never mind.” He sighed in defeat, sliding off my slightly tilted palm and onto the black wooden desk. I did want to know what he was going to say, but I can wait. Instead, I just nodded my head, sitting down in my chair and grabbing one of the small sketchbooks I have. I haven’t really drawn anything for a while, and while I was extremely insecure about other people watching me draw, Nathan would be the only exception. And that’s coming from a person with five younger siblings. 
Nathan sat a little closer, interested in what I was doing. I flipped to any empty page, not even knowing what I wanted to sketch in the first place. I leaned to the side, my hand holding my head up as I just scribbled all over the paper aimlessly holding that would spark something in my clouded mind. Lately it’s been a little lonely, but that was just because nearly the entire school was on that field trip to some amusement park. I’m too used to having so many people around me. 
I wasn’t really paying attention to the time, nor whatever the heck I was conjuring up on the paper. It jus kind of looked like a dead cheery blossom tree at this point. It wasn’t bad, but not exactly what I had pictured in my mind. Which was nothing, but still. I sighed, placing my pencil down in the middle of the book and apparently not even realizing that Nathan was trying to climb over my arm I involuntarily placed in front of him. I didn’t dare move a single muscle as he struggled to lift himself up onto my wrist, dragging his leg onto the other side, then nearly falling over as he tried to bring his other one across. I started laughing without even meaning to as soon as he slid down back onto the desk. 
“Sorry, sorry,” I apologized, moving my arm away from him as he hid his face from me, “It’s just that you could have asked me to move. But I guess that way works too.” I heard a quiet chuckle right before he turned to look, his jaw immediately dropping the second he sees it. I bit the side of my cheek, suddenly subconscious about myself. 
“Woah.” Nathan kept studying it before I decided to softly close the book in front of him and shove it back in the cubby I pulled it out from. Subconscious wins. 
Nathan turned back to me, a worried look on his face. Is he worried about me? It should be the entire opposite! But still, I couldn’t ignore the fact that he cares so much about me. I had high hopes that after we graduated we would stay friends, but I still had no idea. Maybe he had his own plans. 
I checked my phone, reading that it was already three in the afternoon. How long was I drawing for? I sighed, leaning back in my chair and watching Nathan sit down and play with his hands again. I felt really tired, but I didn’t want to leave Nathan alone. Usually when my siblings are gone I try my best to clean up as much as I can and get as much rest as I can. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with everyone during school. My bed honestly looked as welcoming as ever right now. 
Last night, in truth, I didn’t get much sleep. How could I? I had a small human practically passed out on my chest and I didn’t want to wake him up. Plus, I kind of freaked out because I didn’t know what to do and I knew what could happen if he stayed on me while I was asleep. I tried my hardest to stay awake, but there were times when I fell asleep and found Nathan in the same spot as before. Still, there was still the fact that he slept on me. I didn’t mind at all. My mind was all over the place, I was a little flustered, but I realized that he must’ve been pretty tired to fall asleep like that. There was no way he would have willingly done that, right? 
“Do you… want me to go back home? I don’t want to, um, bother you.” Nathan asked, his tone lined with sadness. He think he has to I guess. I turned towards him, not really knowing what to say. He’s never bothered me. I don’t think he could either. It’s just the thought that he would think I would be annoyed by him. I don’t know what happened before he moved to the city, but it’s obviously changed the way he thinks. No other human would think that way unless something bad happened. Something I shouldn’t ask him about right now. 
“Only if you really want to, and you’re not bothering me,” I sucked in a shaky breath, “I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to stay here for a while. Of course you don’t have to! I just noticed you weren’t taking care of yourself and I’d like to help, you know? Plus, what kind of friend would that make me if I didn’t at least try to help you?” 
That technical promise I made to his mom before she passed away was stuck to my mind. I wasn’t going to tell Nathan, and I planned on keeping that promise until he leaves. I do care about him. A lot. And I hated how he looked last night. He looked broken and torn apart, and at the same time fragile and gentle as ever.  
Nathan looked surprised at first before smiling and nodding his head, “I-If you don’t mind.” I didn’t. 
I yawned, covering my mouth and my eyes slightly tearing up, “You don’t mind if I take a nap, right?” He shook his head. I laid my hand out flat, watching him try to keep his balance as he stumbled to the middle of my palm. I was just going to place him on the ground so he could do whatever. I wasn’t going to keep him in my room with nothing to do.
As I lowered my hand down, Nathan’s expression looked confused before he hurried to grab onto my sleeve. I stopped for a second, confused myself. What was he doing? It’s the same thing as last night. Oh. Right. He doesn’t want to be lonely. My heart fell the same way it did last night as I walked over to my bed, keeping Nathan in my hand and getting myself under the covers. So what do I do? 
“S-sorry. I d-don’t even know what I’m doing.” Nathan apologized, slouching down as I pressed my back up against the head of the bed. No matter how many times I tell him it’s fine he won’t believe me. Maybe he’ll believe me if I show it? 
“It’s okay, Nathan. You’re just touch starved, I get it.” I whispered, placing my thumb behind him and laughing when he jumped. He didn’t back away though. I laid down, Nathan still cupped in my hand. Just don’t move your hand. No other words were said between us before my eyes shut closed. 
“If you like him so much why don’t you kiss him already?” 
Ryker really just fell asleep. How tired was he? I didn’t know, and I was sort of tired myself even after sleeping for twelve hours. But still, I can’t believe I was doing this to him again, and he doesn’t even say anything. He’s allowed me to stay here for a while, which I was so grateful for, but I can’t keep leeching off of him. It was a bad habit, and he won’t always be there for me. I guess I should cherish what I have right now. Ryker was right. I really was touch starved. 
He didn’t really move much, but after about an hour was when he was getting twitchy. I was thinking I should probably move, but I didn’t want to. I was just being selfish, and I was going to tell him that, but I just couldn’t. Would he think the same way? Was he only letting me stay here because he was just sympathizing? That doesn’t really makes sense if he said he’s going to try to help me. Still, I didn’t erase the possibility. 
It was quiet, and I would have fallen asleep if I hand’s occupied myself with just exploring his room from the view I was at. Otherwise, I was just laying down in his palm still, hanging onto the little part of the cuff of his sleeve. Then, Ryker started twitching again, this time somehow gently getting me in a fist and bringing me close. The worst part about it was that I couldn’t get out even if I tried. 
I was just slightly freaking out. He was basically holding me like I was a small stuffed animal right up against his chest as he stirred around for a little. My face turned a bright red as Ryker yawned again, groggily opening his eyes and opening up his palm I was in. The panic in my chest diminished as he blinked away the bags under his eyes and smiled down at me. I smiled right back. I wouldn’t tell him about that. Plus, it’s not like I was hurt anyways. 
Ryker pressed his thumb against my back gently, stretching out the rest of his limbs before sitting up and pressing his back up against the wall. I completely forgot about the blush before he squinted and weakly chuckled before wrapping me in a hug. Well, he was only pinching me between two of his fingers but I get the gesture. I just didn’t know why. But it felt amazing all the same. 
Actually, this entire day it seemed like I had forgotten about all that happened. I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but I’ll just have to hope for the best. I’d have to thank Ryker for that. 
“You feel better?” Ryker asked. I nodded my head in response. I’ve never felt better. He yawned again, covering his mouth and bringing his knees closer to his chest. He studied me for a while before sighing and getting up. What was that about? I had no idea. I didn’t even know what I was doing today. All I knew was that I wanted nothing more than to just be held and safe and wanted. Which was everything Ryker was giving me. 
“Do you like Ryker?” 
I stopped breathing for a second, losing my focus on everything around me. That stupid question again? I’m pretty sure I don’t. Right? I was just mistaking my feelings for friendship. Right? My heart started beating faster when Ryker looked down to check on me. 
What was this?
Again, my editor and beta reader was not available (they’re the same person but still) so this probably turned out to be one of the worst chapters or you guys actually like it and I’m just over thinking this TwT
I hope you guys enjoyed it though! Chapter 13 will be the last one! But I do have some little scenes after the story I want to do sooo they’re not going away anytime soon don’t worry :D
Taglist: @da3dm
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lovecarisi · 3 months
Mistakes We Knew We Were Making
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Chapter 6: Relief
Dominick’s not there when you wake up. It’s almost 11am and your head feels like it’s about to split open. The curtains are still drawn and you’re thankful for the dark room. There’s water, coffee, and aspirin on the nightstand and you swallow pretty much everything within seconds before sinking back down into the pillow. Your stomach is in knots but not from the alcohol. You remember. Not word for word but you remember the gist of it. Fuck. The embarrassment you feel is overwhelming. What the fuck were you thinking? Even for drunk you, this is a new low. Normally you pride yourself in not making a fool of yourself under the influence; you’re usually the drunk friend that keeps all the other drunk friends in check. Damn, you knew as soon as you arrived at this house, as soon as you and Dominick entered this room with your bags that this would be a test and that you would fail miserably. God. And this had only been Day One. Now what would await you? Would he be mad? Sad? Would he call it quits? He would probably volunteer to sleep on the sofa for the remainder of the weekend. Not with that crazy girl he regrettably chose to fuck a few weeks ago who turned out to be a mess. Surprise, surprise. 
Wait, was there crying? Did you cry? And did he hold you and did you cry even more when he did? Oh good lord. 
A knock on the door. Fuck. 
‘It’s me.’ Louisa. Thank God. 
She comes in and closes the door. Sits on the bed next to you. 
‘I’m guessing you’re as hungover as the rest of us?’ she smiles a painful smile.
‘I sure am. Where’s Dominick? Is he okay?’ you ask, not sure if you’re ready for the answer. 
‘He’s downstairs. Preparing for the barbeque. He’s going mental, I can tell you, like crazy. That guy has some mad skills when it comes to food. He’s made some marinade - I don’t know what he put in there but it smells so delicious I wanna bathe in it. So yeah, he’s okay, why wouldn’t he be? Did something happen? Did you break his dick or something?’ she giggles and you sigh with relief. 
‘No, we just…I was drunk and said some words. Things. Stuff. I don’t know.’
‘Oh God, what did you say!?!’
‘I’m not sure. Something about him being too good for me. And I might have said that he thinks he has feelings for me but he doesn’t really, and that he will make a good husband for someone one day but just not for me. It was crazy drunk talk and now I hate myself, what can I say. Also I’m pretty sure I started crying because he got annoyed and then he had to comfort me.’
‘Oh honey, no. No you didn’t.’ Louisa looks at you in the most pitying way a best friend can and you feel even more sorry for yourself.
‘Yeah, I did. I feel so awkward. I don’t even know how to face him to be honest. Knowing him, and knowing how fucking good of a man he is, he will definitely pretend he doesn’t remember and I know he remembers because he wasn’t nearly as drunk. So I’m gonna have to pretend that I believe him.’ 
‘Just fuck it out like you always do.’ she suggests and you nod because obviously, that’s what’s most likely going to happen.
Louisa heads back downstairs and you get up and take a shower. Luckily, you feel slightly better afterwards, at least physically. Now comes the hard part. And you decide to be a woman about it. As you walk into the kitchen, Dominick is still there, preparing food with Louisa’s help but she flees as she sees you coming and you give her a grateful smile. He looks up and you wrap your arms around his waist, and thankfully he leans into you invitingly. 
‘I’m sorry about last night.’ you whisper, looking for a reaction from him and he gives you a soft smile. ‘I think I still have a lot of…stuff I haven’t dealt with from my past relationship and I guess that all came up in my drunken state. And I’m sorry I projected that onto you. That wasn’t fair. But you are a good man. And that other man would have taken advantage, so thank you for taking care of me last night. And for not being angry with me.’ 
You’re not quite sure if it’s the entire truth; whether your past relationship has anything to do with what you felt about Dominick last night. But for now it’s the best explanation you can come up with, for yourself and for him. So you mean it, earnestly. And he turns towards you and hugs you, kisses your hair, and you feel so much relief. There’s so much rawness in this moment between you two, you somehow wish you could take it back but at the same time you savor every second of it. 
‘It’s okay, my sweet. I could never be angry with you. And we all have our stuff. I get it. Don’t worry, yeah?’ he assures you and you hug him tighter.
You can tell he’s relieved too, and you’ve been given more time. How much more you don’t know. One month, two, three. Until the end of the summer maybe. Another tremor has passed. 
The rest of your 4th of July celebrations continue on without a hitch. You and Louisa help Dominick finish with the food, he wouldn’t let anyone else touch anything even though the others offer but he shoos them away. In exchange they take charge of the barbecuing and everything is delicious and you have the most fun, relaxed day, this time with a much more controlled alcohol intake. When the fireworks start in the evening, everyone is busy with each other so Dominick pulls you away and up the stairs and there you are again, naked and entangled under the sheets.
Compared to yesterday afternoon, it’s slow and passionate and you hold on to him for dear life, and it’s probably all the emotions of last night, for both of you. You try not to let it get to you but let’s face it, you are not a very good actress. 
‘It’s okay.’ he whispers as he sinks into you, kissing you deeply. Is this what Louisa meant when she said ‘fuck it out’?
You shut off your mind and let your body take over, or rather, you let Dominick take over your body. Your legs wrap around him and you focus solely on the feeling of him inside you, his skin against yours, his breath, the way he moans your name. It’s an intoxicating feeling having him this close. If you’re being completely honest with yourself it messes with your mind and perhaps that’s why you prefer the less intimate ways. One could argue that being on all fours and having a man raw you from behind is even more intimate but no, this is it for you. There’s no escaping how he looks into your eyes, how he kisses you; you are trapped, not just physically. Of course it feels wonderful, there’s no denying it. Everything is so intense with Dominick, and in these moments he brings you to the brink of almost forgetting that you are only lovers, not in love. And that is a dangerous thing. 
So yes, it’s cute and lovely when you ‘make love’ but you will always try to fuck instead for that exact reason. To avoid the feeling in your stomach you get when your eyes meet and he tells you that there isn’t a minute of the day he doesn’t think of you. And you should feel delighted but there’s regret and guilt you feel when he says it, so you kiss him again desperately so he doesn’t realize. So then you shut off your mind because you’ve had enough of your own fucked up thoughts this weekend and you try to focus on just the way your body feels. And your back arches as Dominick thrusts into you, still slowly but expertly hitting your gspot. He cups your breast softly, telling you how beautiful you are, and you do feel beautiful with him, and you do tell him he’s beautiful too because he is. Your hands grab his arms, tracing the muscles there, up his shoulders, down his back, leaving light scratch marks on his tanned skin, and you know he likes it as he hisses into your ear. You’ve gotten carried away in the past, just looking at him; while he was sleeping, while he was lying next to you in the sun. Giving him up will mean going cold turkey and you know it so you have to enjoy every inch of him as long as you can. You do wish you could stop time. 
When you pack your bags the next day it feels surprisingly bittersweet. All the anxiety you felt about sharing a room with Dominick for the weekend has been replaced by sadness that it’s over and you two have to leave your love nest behind. First night’s alcohol-fueled antics aside, it’s been really nice and knowing you’ll never get this back makes your heart sink. He seems to read your mind.
‘This wasn’t so bad.’ Dominick says, grabbing his toiletries from the bathroom. 
‘Yeah, well, apart from my little emotional outburst I’d say we did pretty good.’ 
‘Happens to the best of us.’ he smirks but you still wish you could make it unhappen. 
‘I guess we’re not gonna see each other for a while then, huh?’ you’re referring to the Bar of course, and the fact that it’s less than four weeks to the exam and all of you have to study and none of you need distractions.
‘For real? I’d think we need a bit of a, y’know, stress relief, at the end of each day. Like, as a reward.’ he’s standing there with his hands on his hips, all serious and you have to laugh. 
‘Okay, fair enough. So a stress relief fuck date every night?’ 
‘You don’t have to make it sound so seedy but yeah.’ 
You roll your eyes at him, cursing him for being adorable and so needy for you. Truth be told, you don’t think you could have gone even a week without him. If he hadn’t suggested it, you would have been at his door in a matter of days, scratching like a starved kitten, begging to be fed and petted. You’re just as bad as he is. 
So it goes. Your alarm wakes you every day at 6am. A shower, a huge cup of iced coffee, a quick breakfast, and then it’s you and the books and papers until noon. You allow yourself ten minutes for a lunch break, usually some prepared snack or a bagel, more coffee, repeat. Time flies by and soon it’s 8pm and your stomach is growling and your doorbell rings and it’s Dominick and he always brings food and you devour it and then you devour each other. He was right about the stress relief. It does wonders. By 9.30pm you are usually asleep, worn out from studying and sex. He stays with you some nights but he knows not to be there when your alarm goes off so you have developed a routine although you do allow yourself to spend the weekends at his place, studying together, a little bit more relaxed. 
You admire his brain. The way he thinks. You have no doubt he’s going to pass the Bar with ease. Dominick says the same thing about you but you have always been unsure of yourself while he has this confidence, this tenacity that seems to just flow through him naturally. When you imagine him as a lawyer, you can just see a jury hanging on his every word while he delivers his opening or closing arguments or questions the witnesses; his intelligence, eloquence and charm all paired up will make for a deadly combination in a courtroom. It certainly worked on you, from the very first second. Dominick has this force of attraction about him that makes everyone around him, no matter the gender, want to be close to him, talk to him, have his attention. And at times it had made you jealous before realizing that you were the center of his attention, always. You’ve never used the term ‘exclusive’ and there have been instances when gorgeous girls have made their way over to him while you were nowhere near him but watching from afar. There were no rules about flirting with other people and he was unaware you were even looking but it put a winning smile on your face every time you saw him ignore their advances. In all honesty, the thought of him with someone else killed you inside. You knew, eventually you would both move on from one another and then some other girl would have him. Once you let him go you would have to be ready for that. But right now you weren’t ready to let him go just yet. 
The day of the Bar finally came and went and overall you have a good feeling about it. Now all you could do is wait for the results, stay at your part-time job in the meantime, or, if you’re lucky, get that clerk position with Emily at the UN you applied for. At the moment though, you’re in limbo, so you enjoy the summer, let the pressure fall off your shoulders, and celebrate with your friends. 
One of your fellow students is throwing a party on the rooftop of his apartment building the day after the exam. It’s the hottest day of the summer, or so they said and you’re wearing your skimpiest dress, hair up, and trying to cool yourself by pressing a cold glass of Vodka Soda against your neck. Dominick is late, on the hunt for more ice he promised to bring. You scan the crowd, wondering how many of these people will stay in your life now that you don’t even see each other at the library anymore. It’s a new chapter in your life for all of you and a lot of you will move on, perhaps even you. At the end of the day though, New York is a village and being in the same profession, you will run into each other, like it or not. 
A cold pair of hands on your shoulders interrupts your thoughts and you shriek in surprise, turning around to find Dominick giggling at you. 
‘Ugh, you’re so mean!’ you scold but kiss the corner of his mouth, hugging him. 
‘And here I was thinking you’d appreciate it considering this heat!’ he hugs you back, swaying you from side to side a little.
‘With a bit of a warning, maybe.’ there you are again, back and forth like an old married couple. You have to roll your eyes at yourself. 
‘You look divine.’ he says and lets go of you, looking you up and down.
‘I’m sweating, everywhere.’
‘That’s hot. Won’t make a difference then when I tear off that dress and throw you down somewhere to-’ you put your finger on his lips to shut him up as you see some of your friends approaching.
That visual he gave you stays with you the entire night. And apparently, he has some thoughts on his mind as well. You can tell by how his fingers are brushing the back of your thighs just below the hem of your dress every time he walks by you. The way he tucks the loose strands of your hair behind your ears whenever he stands next to you, hand lingering there for a bit too long. The way his eyes are focusing on your lips whenever you suck on your straw and you make a point of licking them ever so often, on purpose, of course. Fluttering your lashes up at him innocently, making him blush because he sure as fuck is thinking about your mouth wrapped around his cock. And he sighs and looks away, and swears under his breath and you giggle and he comes back, his hand on the small of your back. 
And you check that no one is watching and you stick your butt out a little and he double-checks for witnesses, and his hand wanders there for a brief second. Cupping your asscheek, squeezing before he withdraws quickly as though he burned himself on a hot oven. Then your fingers, wet from the condensation of your cold glass, casually wander down your neck to the mounds of your breasts, leaving a moist trail you know he is dying to lick. He clears his throat, moving closer again and you feel the heat of his body against yours, you can swear he’s shaking as he grabs your thigh, fingers digging into your flesh under the makeshift bar. He’s dangerously close to your lace-covered center, a few more inches and he would feel just how wet you are from toying with him like this. So you walk away to the other side of the roof, out of sight a little bit, leaning against the wall, waiting for him to join you. 
‘You’re being a really bad girl tonight.’ Dominick sighs, flustered out of his mind. 
‘I can be even worse.’ you grin, shoving your leg between his legs, feeling him get hard. 
‘Don’t you dare.’ he warns softly but you know he has lost this battle already and there’s not much he can do. 
‘What? Hmm?’ you raise your leg, until your thigh is at his crotch, moving back and forth gently over him. 
‘You came over here. You followed me. Just walk away then. You can’t, huh?’ you laugh, continuing your movements.
‘No, I can’t. You got me in a chokehold and you know it. You and these red lips.’ his thumb is on your bottom lip and you open your mouth, sucking it in, making him gasp.
‘You want something else in there, don’t you, Dominick?’ you look up at him and he has that look on his face, that look of denial but you know what he wants. ‘You want me to be a really, really bad girl? You want me to suck your cock and swallow your cum for you, hmm? Every last drop? I want it so bad, Dominick. I want to taste you so bad. Have you throbbing in my mouth.’ 
He curses and grabs you and you giggle while he pulls you toward the rooftop exit. Down the stairs you go until you find a dark corner in the stairwell, and soon that red lipstick of yours is leaving marks down his neck, chest and stomach. And you get on your knees and unbuckle his belt and his head falls back against the cool wall and you feel dizzy because he looks so fucking hot and you can’t wait to make him feel good. His cock is rock hard as you pull down his underwear and you take him into your mouth hungrily, and he growls your name desperately. He can’t help but grab your head and fuck into you but you don’t mind; on the contrary, you can feel yourself growing even wetter as his cock hits the back of your throat, making you gag slightly. You riled him up good all evening and seeing him lose it is all you wanted.  
It doesn’t take long until you can feel his muscles tense but instead of picking up the pace he withdraws from your mouth, leaving you surprised as he pulls you up. His hand immediately under your dress, feeling for your wetness and he smiles before kissing you sinfully.  
‘Ah, you thought you could fuck with me? Act like you got me all wrapped around your little finger? Like you’re the one in control. Nuh-uh, kitten. Look how wet you are for me. Two can play that game, baby.’ he whispers, shoving you against the wall as he removes your thong.
You want to protest but his words make you delirious as he wraps your legs around his hips, aligning himself with your entrance. He kisses you again and slips into you without effort, immediately starting a hard, relentless rhythm, fucking you against the wall. 
Fuck. You come undone. Yes, you wanted to be in control but now he’s making you lose all of it. All you can do is hold on to him while he slams into you, over and over. It’s quick, it’s rough, it lasts only a few minutes. The only sounds are your moans and your bodies, slick with sweat, pounding together. And you cum hard and unexpectedly, biting down on his shoulder to stifle a scream that the whole apartment complex would have heard otherwise. He can barely hold you up, his own knees buckling from his orgasm, and when it’s over you just hang from each other, foreheads pressed together, panting, shaking. 
And then somewhere above you you can hear a door open and footsteps coming down the stairs and you quickly gather up your clothes and retreat further into the corner, giggling. 
‘How ironic would it be if we’d get arrested one day after taking the Bar?’ he says, zipping up his jeans while you pull up your thong. 
Half an hour later Dominick walks you home and kisses you goodnight in front of your building. You can tell he wants to come up but you leave for Connecticut in the morning, to visit your family for a few days. Come to think of it, it’s the longest you’ve been without him since the two weeks at the beginning of your summer fling. And you admit to yourself that you’re going to miss him terribly.    
thank you so much to my betareader for this chapter @pascalispretty aka The Rose of the Reach on AO3 please check out her works!)
tagging @plaidbooks @eltrujillo :)
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kamiversee · 4 months
i'm losing my mind. FTL is for the Gojo girlies fr we're eating GOOD so far.
back in chapter 29 he mentions how he fell in love with our voice first and FTL opens up with the fact that the first thing he noticed about us was our laugh. my fucking heart omfg Kami WHAT.
the amount of references back to chapter 29 is actually insane. Gojo asking her if she even likes parties because he recalls seeing her less and less when he goes to them :(
i'm so curious to see if the mention of Satoru self-projecting is going to be consistent with this sequel. knowing you, it most probably will. omg my heart's gonna hurt i already know it.
the amount of parallels to us and Satoru is crazy. those last two paragraphs really caught my eye when i was rereading. assuming that the "monster" being mentioned is Sukuna, Satoru "never finding out" the reason why Sukuna decided to blackmail him directly relates back to how it felt like we'd never find out the reason why Satoru blackmailed us. omg.
the mention of how we were completely oblivious to how many guys have took an interest/watched us is crazy foreshadowing. the implication of Satoru noticing them and most probably writing them down in his journal, along with the theory of Sukuna somehow getting access to that journal and reading through it, could explain how Sukuna devised that list. AAAAAA KAMIIIIIIIIIII YOU'RE KILLING ME
sorry for the multiple, broken up messages omfg my brain is short circuiting from the anticipation
Wanted to condense this message with the other ^.^
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ANYWHO, yes yes everything connects very well 🙏 I’m trying my best to answer all plot holes as I go bc god forbid I finish ftl and there’s still unanswered questions (I’ll cry myself to sleep)
Aaand if u read chapter 29 you’ll also notice that the reader implies it was love at first sound instead of sight & now we know that thts almost exactly what it was :)) His curiosity sparked from the laugh & spiraled after that 😉
A lot of references will be made bc I gotta make sure everything makes sense! I want the story to end & everyone understands everything (if not, Im sure you’ll have another breakdown of tfl & ftl put together ^.^)
Oh and if you think Satoru & the reader have parallels, wait til’ you find out who Sukuna parallels to 🌚 (his parallels are a lot more tame tho… I think)
Lastly, the obliviousness was kinda a nod to Gojo’s infatuation in general (im trying not to spoil rn bc we will return to this point soon, trust me) like how he developed a crush & feelings despite never having so much as one convo with the reader!
It’s kind of a lil life lesson too, shows you how in life you’ll never really know if someone’s yearning for you unless they tell you & many people go their entire lives having had crushed on someone without ever telling them ;)
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riptideripley · 5 months
Chapter Eight of Addicted
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word count:1,137
Roman sat in his living room, distraught. After watching Smackdown and seeing his family fall apart, the last thing he wanted to see was his favorite person hurt. Rhea.
Turning his tv off after she relinquished her title, he sat there for a moment quietly. God knows how she’s feeling on the inside, he genuinely wanted to cry for her. He got himself stable and stood up off the couch, heading to the kitchen and pouring a small glass of whiskey.
Suddenly his phone began blowing up, text messages from Rhea along with more of his co-workers that he left on delivered. Downing the glass of whiskey, he picked up his phone and dialed Rheas' number.
“Hey Rips, look I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you when shit went left I-”
“It’s fine Ro.. is it possible I can um visit you sometime this week? I know you aren’t booked for anything so..”
“Yeah of course, anything you need I will always be here. Quick question..” he trailed off, scrolling through a few of his notifications. One from Charlotte caught his attention so he opened it, eyes going wide instantly. He quickly processed the small paragraph that was sent to him, falling quiet.
Char💙(3 days ago):
Hey Ro! I know you’re the closest with Rhea at the moment and I found some stuff out about Dom, I just don’t know how to tell her. I mean she just won at Wrestlemania so I don’t want to spoil things for her.. Basically what I found was pictures of Liv and Dom making out, I don’t know who sent them to me though.
“Ro? Is everything alright? You’re scaring me- Dom get off of him oh my god-”
He didn’t respond, just sighed and collected himself. “Yeah..everythings fine I just uh read something wrong sorry for worrying you” he lied, and he felt extremely bad.
“Oh no worries, hey when do you think I could come over? I’m looking at a couple flights right now..”
Roman checked his calendar, seeing that he had a date planned with Dean for tomorrow. “You can fly in tomorrow if you’d like, I do have something planned for 12:30 but I don’t mind you staying with me for a while or being here when I’m gone”
“Ok great, I just booked a flight. One more thing Ro.. is there anything you need to tell me before I get there?” shit.
“Of course not”
“Shit I forgot! How’s my baby Bella? Is she eating okay? Is everything f-”
Roman chuckled and cut her off, “Yes Rhea, Bella is fine. Along with Luna and Barry, Bella has just been sleeping all day for the most part.”
Rhea smiled to herself, thanking him for watching her dogs for her while she was traveling. They exchanged an ‘I love you’ to each other before she hung up the phone, turning her attention back to Dom. He was scrolling through his phone, seeming to be texting someone.
Rhea got a little curious, continuing getting her bag that she brought with her ready so she could leave. She slightly peered over as she stood on her tippy toes, only seeing the name as he put his phone away. She just stood there and didn’t say anything, turning her attention back to her stuff. ‘Why would he be texting Liv..’ she thought to herself.
“Hey I’m gonna head out now, I have a flight in the morning to go get my dogs and just relax back home” she announced, getting everyone's attention. Damian came over and gave her a final hug, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Safe travels sis” he told her, making her smile.
Dominik POV
I felt sort of relieved she had left, sneaking off from the rest of the group before our next segment to find Liv. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you since yesterday” I spoke as I finally found her, off to a corner by herself.
“Sorry I’ve just been a little busy. Has she left yet?” Liv asked, playing with the ends of my mullet. I smiled, “Yeah she’s gone, she’s leaving out tomorrow or something to go get her dogs. Since she’s gone though.. I have the room to myself” I glanced down at her, making her stop her actions and smile.
“I’ll be there don’t worry” she whispered and gave me a kiss on the cheek, walking off. I smiled and headed back to the judgment day's locker room, getting ready for the segment. Once the segment was over, I headed out with JD to get ready and have my match with Andrade.
He seemed a bit off but I just brushed it off, warming myself up.
No ones POV
Rhea finally got back to the hotel room and checked her phone, seeing as it was almost the end of Raw and she had at least an hour to get a nap before the flight. Stripping out of her clothes the best she could, she slipped herself under the covers. Her mind began wandering back to Wrestlemania 39 when she had match of the year with her best friend and her reign had begun.
Rhea closed her eyes and sighed, relaxing into the cold sheets. Finally she would rest without anything or anyone stressing her.
Fast Forward.
Roman woke up to someone pounding at his front door. He checked his phone and realized it was Tuesday, jumping out of his bed. When he opened the door, Rhea stood there slightly irritated. “Look I’m sorry I didn’t know when you’d get here-”
“It’s not you Ro, I’m just tired and over everything. Where’s my dogs?” she asked, stepping in the house as Roman moved out of the way. She relaxed her body and smiled, seeing a happy Bella run up to her. She carefully scooped Bella up with her non injured arm, walking over to the couch while being greeted by Barry and Luna.
“Want anything for breakfast? Unless you already ate” Roman asked as he made his way to the kitchen, opening the fridge.
“Some toast and eggs would be fine” she responds, gently caressing Bella. Slipping her shoes off, Rhea propped her legs up on the couch and scrolled through her phone. Her heart sank when she opened a message from JD.
Roman seemed to notice how quiet she got and sneaked up behind her, seeing a message similar to the one he received from Charlotte. Only this time..there was actual evidence. Her phone fell out of her hand as tears welled up in her eyes. Barry and Luna instantly sensed something was wrong, jumping up on the couch with her.
Roman was about to walk away and begin cooking the eggs, but Rhea stopped him in his tracks.
“Did you know?”
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irondad-defensesquad · 7 months
The perks of being a wallflower - Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Also on AO3! (Starts from first chapter)
TRIGGER WARNINGS (for this chapter) - mentions of suicidal thoughts and self-harm
Weird. Apparently, the kid left earlier today, according to Happy. Peter is in school.
Tony has been feeling a little guilty for telling Peter to go to bed the way he did. Although Peter wasn’t in any condition to be in the workshop, the teen looked pretty drained. Not just physically but emotionally as well.
Thus, Tony thought he could make some nice breakfast for Peter. But then he found the boy’s bedroom empty. Peter must have left in a rush since he left his room messy. It’s not like him to leave without saying anything to Tony.
Regardless, the man starts organizing Peter’s things, like the bed and the abandoned clothes everywhere. The entire time, Tony tries to figure out what’s going on.
That is, when a white envelope lying on Peter’s desk catches his attention. Especially the big “Mr. Stark” written on it.
Huh, so he left Tony a letter? Peter usually texts him or calls him when he needs Tony.
The man carefully opens it, finding a handwritten letter. It looks messy but still readable. And the paper seems to have… dried teardrops. Quite a few of them.
“Dear Tony,
Dear Mr. Stark,
I’m so sorry I was messing everything up in the lab. I didn’t mean to make you angry.
I’m not feeling very good lately, for some reason. I mean, everything is better now, right? I love coming over and building things with you. That’s my favorite part of the week. But I’ve been feeling so bad, worse than I’ve felt in a while. I wanted to cry so badly and I didn’t want you to see me like this, because it’s not your fault, Mr. Stark.
I’m so tired. I want to die again. Or cut myself again. But F.R.I.DA.Y would let you know and you would probably get angrier with me.
So I’m gonna leave in the morning, okay? Maybe I should be alone for a while. You don’t want to deal with me like this. Again, I’m really sorry I ruined our time together.
I guess I’ll see you around.
Love Sincerely,
Oh my god.
This is why Peter was feeling so off yesterday. Tony just assumed Peter was being irresponsible and not getting enough sleep. But the signs were so clear. And Tony didn’t even bother to check in on the kid.
He immediately takes his phone again to text Peter. He decides not to call in case Peter is in class right now.
Tony: Hey kid
Tony: You’re at school, right?
Well, the GPS says he’s in Midtown. Then again, Peter could abandon his phone somewhere or hack it like he did his Spider-Man suit before. In the meantime, Tony asks Happy if the driver noticed anything off about Peter. Happy only says that he noticed the kid was quieter than usual, but he just assumed Peter was tired.
Eventually, probably during Peter’s morning break, Tony gets a reply.
Peter: sup
Peter: yeah why?
Thank goodness.
Tony: I was just wondering if we could grab a bite after school’s over. Sounds fun, right?
The typing dots take a while to appear.
Peter: uh sure
Peter: is everything ok mr stark?
Tony: Of course, kiddo. I just miss you.
Peter: you literally saw me yesterday
Tony: Well, you left without even eating my masterchef breakfast.
Peter: you always burn the pancakes lol
Tony: Shush, that only happened once.
Peter may be joking around but Tony knows better than that.
Tony: Okay, I’ll pick you up then we can eat whatever you want. Sounds good?
Peter: ok mr stark
Tony: Alright. Sorry to bug you. See you later, kid.
Peter: see ya
Now Tony will only see Peter at 3 PM. He’ll just have to know what he’s going to do when they see each other again.
Tony is waiting inside the car, watching all the kids leaving school. Then he sees Peter talking to Ned. He’s smiling and laughing with his best friend. It all feels like any ordinary day… except Tony is keeping Peter’s letter with him.
Peter and Ned do that handshake of theirs, not without Ned staring at Tony’s car with amazement. He waves hello despite not being able to see Tony from outside due to the windows.
Regardless, Peter gets in the car with his usual casual smile. Though he seems a little suspicious of Tony’s sudden invitation.
“Hey, Mr. Stark,” Peter says regardless.
“Hey, kid. Did you have a good day?”
“I guess so.”
Tony is unable to really hide his concern, so Peter’s smile fades quickly.
“Okay, Mr. Stark, what’s all this about?” He doesn’t ask impatiently, he just doesn’t understand. He’s not even expecting Tony to apologize to him for being rude to Peter. Because he believes it’s his fault for not feeling well.
Tony sighs deeply, taking a moment before revealing the envelope, which was carefully closed again.
“... I read your letter.”
Peter’s eyes widen like never before. He snatches the envelope quickly.
“What?! No, you weren’t”– Peter looks like he wants to tear the letter into pieces –“You weren’t supposed to read it!”
“What do you mean? It was on your desk and it had my name,” Tony gently points out.
“No, I forgot it there! I was supposed to take it with me!”
“But you still wanted to tell me something, right?”
Peter groans, angrier at himself than anything. Tony almost puts a hand on his shoulder but he doesn’t know if that’s going to help.
“This is so embarrassing,” the teen says, wanting to cry.
“No, I mean…”
Peter takes a deep, shaky breath.
“Ever since I was a kid, I would… write letters to you. I did send you the first ones but that was a long time ago. I knew you wouldn’t reply ‘cause you had more important things to do… but I kept writing more and more, imagining you’d be able to read them somehow. These letters got a lot more personal and no one else knew about them, not even Aunt May or Ned… or my uncle. I stopped writing them when I became Spider-Man because I wouldn’t really have time, and well… I got to know you, so why keep writing letters, right?”
The teenager starts letting out tears. He tries to hide them.
“But this last week… I dunno what happened. I started feeling really bad again. I was afraid of telling you that and I screwed up. So I thought it’d be better if I left before I ruined everything for good.”
Now, Tony squeezes his shoulder.
“I-I didn’t, like… plan to do anything against myself. But I’m still thinking about it. Things are gonna get bad again and I don’t want them to. I wish I could stop it for once.”
The moment Peter starts sobbing, Tony pulls him in a hug.
“I-I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. I’m sorry I’m such a mess…”
“Shhh… I’m sorry I got angry with you, kid. I should’ve talked to you.”
“It’s not your fault…”
“It’s not your fault, kid. You deserve to be heard.”
Peter is shaking his head but he’s not protesting. His tensions slowly disappear as he returns the hug. He just sinks in it completely, like he’s been wanting a hug from Tony for years.
“You can tell me when you’re not feeling well. I promise I’ll listen and try to help you,” the man reassures him.
“I just don’t wanna lose you, Mr. Stark…”
“You won’t. I’ll be here for you, okay?”
Peter lets go of a breath he’s been holding back this whole time.
Tony squeezes him a little tighter.
Eventually, they let go.
Peter’s face is tear-stained and red all over. He’s contemplating the envelope in his hands, not wanting to destroy it anymore.
“So… you mean you wrote more letters to me?” Tony asks.
“Oh, man… I wrote a lot. And they’re so embarrassing. If you already find my rambles annoying, they only get worse in the letters.”
“Well, I love your rambles, kid.”
Peter smiles shyly.
“I think I lost some with how often I moved,” he reflects. “But most of them are with me.”
“... do you really want to read them?” Peter doubts.
“Only if you’re alright with it. I would love to know you better, but you don’t need to show them to me if you’re not comfortable.”
There’s a spark in Peter’s eyes, which must come from his child self, that actually really wants Tony to know what he has in mind. The kind of things he couldn’t translate into any other way.
“I could… um… send them to you at some point. There are a lot of letters. It’s okay if you can’t read all of them and like I said, they’re really cringy and dumb.”
“You’re not dumb.”
“Still, Mr. Stark.”
“That’s because you haven’t seen my letters. I’m actually bad at them.”
Peter rolls his eyes at his mentor, who takes them to Delmar’s. They get some sandwiches and chat for a bit. Then Tony points out Peter shouldn’t be on his own when he has suicidal or self-harming thoughts. Especially considering May hasn’t been home often due to her night shifts. Therefore, Tony offers Peter to stay with him for a while, so he has company and safety. There are also doctors that can help him if Peter needs them.
Tony admits he’s a little surprised that the boy accepts the offer. But of course, he’s relieved that Peter is accepting help.
His stay lasts a week or so. Peter slowly feels better again, so he goes back home, promising he’ll keep in touch.
Soon, Tony receives a huge box of letters.
Peter jokes with a sticky note, “Careful! Fragile”.
Tony will certainly read all of these.
Dear Peter,
Hey, buddy! I’m only a couple years late. Better now than never, right?
I’ve read nearly all of your letters and I will finish the remaining ones. I am definitely going to reply to every single one of them, just you wait. But I would like to tell you a few things first.
I want to thank you for all your letters and for sending them to me. I’m glad I could help you feel less lonely in a way. I know you don’t have it easy, kid.
I also wanted to remind you, it’s not your fault. You were struggling with so many things at once, especially with your powers. You always did the best you could, and you keep doing your best. You don’t know how proud I am of you.
Finally, thank you for being you. You are so talented, Peter. My greatest honor is getting to know you, including your sad parts. You can trust me with them. I hope I never make you doubt that again.
Many hugs,
P.S.: Do you still have that mini arc reactor you built? That would be the greatest birthday present ever.
P.S.2: Do you have your camera? I want to see your photos as well. Hell, when I thought you couldn’t be more talented…
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captain039 · 2 years
PART 3 Serving her
Alpha!Cas x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, light swearing, light gore, first time, smut, claiming, dominant cas, CAS has experience and is a fast learner, mates, angst, mental health issues
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Last part <-
You weren’t fine. You felt like you were dying. It was possible actually, whatever mojo that Djin put in that spell probably made it fell like hell. You were tempted to call Cas, very tempted. You wanted to call Sam or Dean but you figured they could either sense or smell you were in heat. You saw Dean go by your window a few times a hard look on his face. You heard your phone go off once or twice but didn’t bother looking at it. You were hungry and thirsty, not having the energy to get up. It was morning now, you told Cas to leave yesterday and you were about to cave. You wanted him to get you a burger or something.
“Cas” you mumbled and you heard the flap of wings.
“I’m here” he said by your bed. His hand rested on your cheek and you hummed.
“You need food and water” he said going to the kitchen. He was really quick, probably using his angel magic. He placed a water bottle by your bed along with a bowl of something steaming.
“Soup” he said and you slowly sat up. You felt the sheets damp and groaned.
“The lady’s gonna kill me” you mumbled referring to the owner.
“Eat” Cas instructed
“I will clean everything” he stated as you slowly began to ate. He busied himself with nothing, you frowned at him wondering what he was actually doing as he paced and fiddled with things.
“What’re you doing?” You grumbled.
“It is, very hard to, control myself” he said and you froze feeling more heat rise.
“Oh” you muttered putting the empty soup bowl on the bed side table.
“I’m gonna shower” you muttered standing up on shaky legs. Cas came over but you held a hand up to him. He looked down to your legs a hunger in his eyes. You gulped knowing your inner thighs probably had slick on them. Your underwear was drenched from nothing happening except you crying and trying to sleep. Cas faltered, eyes staring intently, he visibly gulped. He was fully dressed again and you wished he wasn’t. Cas stepped closer and you stepped back bumping the bed side table. He frowned at your actions and tilted his head, eyes on you.
“Why do you retreat from me?” He asked as you positioned yourself against the wall so you could stand properly.
“I’m scared” you muttered and he froze eyes wide. You don’t know why you said it, Cas would never hurt you, but this whole situation was one you dreamt and dreaded.
“You don’t have to be scared of me, I would never force myself onto you or hurt you in anyway” he said voice strained for once.
“If I did I’d hand you my blade and let you kill me” he added and you stared at him.
“I am no man” he began.
“I will not be a ‘raging alpha’ as you put it” he finished nodding slightly to you.
“Your scent is always calm” you mumbled.
“I project it that way to keep you calm” he explained.
“I am afraid my normal scent would scare or be too powerful for you I do believe it is raging alpha” he said and you shook your head.
“Alpha” you mumbled the word and he tensed even more if that was possible.
“You’re an angel” you said and he nodded.
“You can’t-“ you groaned holding your stomach.
“God, I wish Sam and Dean would go and find that Djin and kill it” you whispered.
“I can help you” he begged stepping closer slowly.
“I can take away the pain” he added taking another step. You sighed closing your eyes and leaning it back against the wall.
“Ok” you whispered opening your eyes and seeing him perk up.
“Ok” you repeated as he came into your personal space. You sighed taking in his scent as his eyes went over your face. You leant your forehead on his before he tilted his head to kiss you. You whined wrapping your arms around his neck so you could hold onto something. Your body began to shake with need and you moaned as he moved down to kiss your neck. You tilted your head feeling his teeth scrape over where a mating bite would be making your whole body shuddered. Despite everything his scent remained calm and you whined shrugging off his coat and tugging at his tie.
“Don’t remain calm” you muttered and he looked at you questioningly.
“Your scent” you added. He sighed and you were hit with need, hungry need. You didn’t realise how bad it was. You kissed him again and he groaned softly cupping your face with one hand while the other slipped under your shirt. Despite his warmth he was cooler on your overly heated skin. He squeezed your side gently, his tongue moving along your lips. You wondered how he knew all this but didn’t care as you opened your mouth a little. He deepened the kiss and you were struggling to breathe and hold yourself up. You moaned a bit pulling back as you panted roughly, but his lips went back to your neck. His hand that was on your side went to the band of your underwear and you felt your heart quicken even more. He growled softly as his hand slipped through your folds. You whined head leaning against the wall.
“So wet” he growled and you whimpered softly. He toyed with you for a bit before he slipped a finger inside you. You weren’t quite prepared for it and gasped without thought. He hummed though kissing you again. He added a second one, slowly moving them around, stretching you open despite your body being ready by itself. His thumb pressed against your clit and gently applied pressure in a circular motion making you moan. You leant your head forward, leaning against his shoulder as your hips jolted. His thumb moved quicker and you groaned softly against his shirt. You somehow kept yourself up hands gripping at his shirt while he worked you open.
“Cas” you mumbled out wanting to cum. He just hummed and toyed more making you whine.
“Alpha” you begged quietly and he snapped. He made you cum quickly and you moaned loudly gripping his shirt tightly as you did. Your legs spasmed and you almost collapsed if it weren’t for him holding you up.
“Good girl” he muttered by your ear and you whined softly. His fingers left your entrance and you jolted slightly at the loss. You lifted your head weakly as he lifted his fingers and sucked them clean. You flushed and gulped his eyes kept your gaze. You felt need ride up again, usually it’d take a few minutes, now a few seconds?
“I need you” you muttered embarrassed and kept your head down.
“Please” you begged softly.
“I know” he said.
Next part ->
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titan-senpai · 2 years
The Crystal Heart
Gyomei x Chubby tall reader
The long awaited Part 2 of Gyomei x reader is finally here enjoy this finally after months! and it finally has a titel :D Crystal heart
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Warning: Mention of suicide, rejecting comfort, Angsty ish
As we walked back home we saw the other pillars just prepairing to head back to bed, as i held his hand i felt mine get numb my hand started to turn blue like a crystal, thank god my jacket/ kimono coverd my hands, it started at the tips of my fingers”My love whats wrong” He suddenly asked feeling my cold hand..”Oh dont worry im just cold”i lied.. we walked to our room, i took my jacket of and helped Gyomei with his.
my hands began to show crack at the tips..”Hey Gyo~ i’m going to take a dip in the hot springs..” i said walking to our private one..”Oh okay can i get a hug first” he asked like always..”Uhh maybe later im not feeling wel” i lied again i took of my clothes in the bathroom and grabed a towel, i wonder if Gyomei is sleeping right now.. i took a peek at gyomei sipping tea enjoying the sounds of the night. 
i closed my door and wraped the towel around my body, walking to the hot springs, “Love dont forget sleep”I told him kissing him on the cheek, “What a shame..i wanted to wait for you” he said sipping his tea.
“Oh..ill be really quick and then ill join you!”i said walking outside to the hot springs, i put the towel away and slowly enterd the water feeling the warmth of it but taking another look at my hands..
they were still cold, and still cracking, its blue to my knuckles now..and the cracking is even worse.. i took a look at my legs they were all blue like crystals? they have some cracks just like my hands... “Something is deffinetly wrong"
I hopped out the water and wraped a towel aorund my cold body, sliding the tatami door and closing it behind me.
Gyomei sat there. Still drinking his now cold tea. "Gyo ill dry meself and change. Then ill come cuddle with you." i said walking to our room sliding the door behind me. 
i took my towel off taking a look at my bod in the mirror... legs, cracking...arms cracking... between the cracks was something neon blue...really shiny.. kinda glowing. i dressed myself and took a closer look in the mirror.. *Crack* i saw and heard my face starting the crack and my eyes turned a neon blue.. “crap”i said under my breath, “love is something wrong youve been in there for a while now..” i heard Gyome say..I didnt dare to anything.. my lips..trembling and starting to crack aswel..”ye..a. i’m fine” i replied to gyomei, “Love im coming in..” he slid the door open ,thank god he coudnt see.. or els he would freak out  “is something wrong?” i said softly trying to hide the fear in my voice.
he didnt say anything and reached out for my hands to hold them “Love lets head to bed” Gyomei smiled trying to feel my hands. “sure love.. you know that i love you right..” i started crying.”ofcourse i know you love me and i love you..no matter what..”
i smiled and walked away to the door “Gyo..im gonna talk a walk outside okay..” i said sliding open the door “Love are you sure, should i come its late..” i started crying..”Yes...i’m sure” i said sliding the door behind me.. feeling the cold air hitting me skin the warmth in my body was completly gone... my hands stil felt numb.
i felt something strange in my body.. i walked torwards the forest something was calling me.. i started running to the forest.. the sound kept getting closer..and closer.. i soon heard a familiar voice.. “Mom?” i said running even faster. there was no way she was still alive.. or is it a illusion.. or a trick.. i stopped running when i saw a famiar figure.. she turned around.. coverd in blood.. blue neon eyes..” Oh my sweet child.. it’s been a while..”she said smiling.. i coudn’t believe it.. it was really her.. i looked closer and saw she coverd her lower body and arms
“Mom..?” i slowly walked into her direction. soon i felt someone put a towel on my mouth and nose. and everything turned dark.
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the-inbetween-sp · 1 year
APRIL 25th
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Middle school teacher: alright class before we finish the day I want to announce that there will be a school trip this Monday , We will go to a camping trip for 3 days to learn how to bound with nature and how to survive in the wild so go home now and get some rest and we meet on Monday! Bell rings !
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Jimmy: f-finely something f-f-f-fun this year !! Clyde: I know right we didn’t do anything exciting this year Token: we should definitely prank the girls it will be so fun Craig: can’t wait for Monday Tweek: me too Craig: will see you on Monday guys bye !!
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Craig: can’t wait for Monday Tweek: me too man Craig: I wish we could skip the time to Monday Tweek: no no if wait we get more excited and we would have more time to plan what we can do for pranks and w- wait time ghaaa time what’s the time Craig ?!! Craig: 14:50 Tweek: ghaaaa I’m late again to work my dad is gonna kill me aughhh I have to go !! Craig: a-alright I’ll pick you up at 22:00 to walk you home so we can spend some time together Tweek: alright se yaaaa byeee Craig: bye babe
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Craig: I guess I have to walk home alone… again I wish Tweek’s parents didn’t let him work he barely have time for hisself…
APRIL 27th the day of the trip:
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Craig: I guess Tweek already slept.. he only knows how to sleep in buses, he’s so cute …
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Craig: w-what the fuck is that ! I’ve never seen something like this !! Should I tell the boys.. no no they will think I’m stupid .. Tweek ? No he will freak out!!… the teacher ? No way ..
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Craig: w-why no one noticed it ?! What if this is the end of the world or a portal to another world or a- stop overthinking Craig … you didn’t see anything alright ?!
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Tweek: Craig is everything alright Craig: yeah I’m f-fine why?? Tweek: nothing you were juts squeezing my hand hard I thought you wanted something… are you nervous about something.. is there’s something you wanna talk about Craig ?! Craig: oh I see… I’m sorry if I bothered you from your sleep hon and I was just nervous because didn’t get the best sleep tonight from excitement !! Tweek: it’s ok you can sleep until we arrive ! Craig: nah no need because we arrive in one minute Tweek: whoa 40 minutes passed
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Clyde: I can’t wait to prank the girls I had plans no one ever imagined here Stan: you guys I don’t think it’s a good idea to prank the girls b- Eric: awww someone is scared to get yelled at by the teachers or his girlfriend Kyle: no he’s right… didn’t you remember what happened last time we pranked the girls ?!! Token: yeah,that really sucked Tweek: yeah I don’t even wanna remember how many days I got grounded aghhhh- Jimmy: it sucks that we won’t be p-p-pranking anyone
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Tweek: but no one said we will stop the pranks Jimmy… we’re boys we can have more fun together… we didn’t get all the supplies and the cheese sauce sprays for nothing… or the fake spiders we got Eric: who said the spiders I have is fake Craig: eww what the fuck Eric Eric: heheh Jimmy: l-let’s go boys p-pranks night Everyone: wohoooo Eric: looks like tonight is the night that Kyle dies Kyle: shut up
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Clyde: guys a-are you sure it’s a great idea to go to the lake that late??? Craig: cmon Clyde don’t be such a cry baby Tweek said there is a lot of interesting shit in there Tweek: Yeahh I remember when I went here with my parents we saw a hunted cabin Clyde: Tweek you’re not scared of hunted stuff???
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Tweek: as long as Craig is next to my side I’ll be fine… I mean I can definitely defend myself alone but I just get anxious that’s why I need Craig by my side
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Craig: Tweek how many times I told you … you cannot rely on anyone you only need to have some confidence Tweek: a lot of times … Craig: what’s the point if you don’t listen Tweek: I’m trying my best dude Craig: I know…
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Craig:now cmon Clyde everyone is waiting you boy Clyde: I- Tweek: cmon before it’s 00:00 Craig: yeah before a ghost comes and haunt you or something
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Clyde: ughh- fine fine !!!.. God…
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Kenny: Clyde is such a cry baby it’s just a hunted lake nothing will happened… man Craig: I know right ..!! Tweek: yeh Eric: I always told you Clyde is such a lame you never listened Craig: yeah but even if Clyde is like the lamest person ever he’s still my best friend so you better watch it Eric Stan: you guys I’m glad we went here alone without the other boys Craig: I agree with Stan Eric: real imagine if we brought pip here with us it would be so lame Token: lameeee Kyle: or Damian he it will definitely be so not cool Eric: finely Kyle said something I can agree with Craig: seriously though it’s better if it’s just 9 of us I mean we’ve been all that kind of Tweek: 9 of us we were always that friend rivals friend group Craig: yeah Stan: for real that’s why I think we like trust each others… Kenny: except for Eric Jimmy: guys we never talked about how we feel about each other as a friend group b-before this is weird Kyle: I mean we should in some part of life admit our feelings to the people we like Stan: right Eric: what the fuck guys you’re making me feel like this is my last day what the heck Tweek: g-guys ? Kenny: what Tweek: I feel like something is missing Kyle: more like someone Stan: no it’s not another prank you too are pulling … not now !! Kenny: ahh— where’s Clyde ??? Craig: Clyde what do you mean he’s right behind me se-
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Craig: C-Clyde???!!!
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
Part 3
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Part 4
His Sky
Tag list - just ask to be added @aintinacage
The high evolutionary had the guards drag me back inside the lab and pushed me down onto a cold operating table. They tied me down with hard zip ties before I grunt against them. “Are you going to kill me now?”
“I thought it would be a good idea at first. But then I rewatched this security video.” The high evolutionary pressed a button where I could see a screen come down replaying a horrific memory.
Sucking in a sharp breath I recognized that it was the night that our friends were killed. Lylla’s body fell a lot faster than it did when I was in that moment. Then I had to watch Floor and Teefs die until he paused the video of when I got thrown and Rocket was frozen jumping up into the air. “What’s the point of showing me this…”
“Because I noticed this certain factor that is something I can use to get 89P13 back here.” He moved in front of the screen pointing between me and Rocket. “You see he went to protect you here at that moment. If he thinks for even a minute that you are alive he will come back.”
“You’ll never convince Rocket to come back for me.” I snapped at him baring my teeth.
He grabs me by my throat where I began gasping for breath. “You don’t know what I can do. I made you 89K22!”
“Just because you made us doesn’t mean you can stop us from making relationships!” I spit in higace where he released my throat. Laying my head back on the table I blinked through tears.
High evolutionary crossed his arms over his chest for a second before he had one of the doctors hand him a shock baton. “I’m gonna ask you a simple question. Where did 89P13 go?”
“I don’t know - agh!” I winced when he zapped me with the electric poker when it hit me on the side of my hip.
He didn’t seem to believe me. “Where did 89P13 go!”
“I said I don’t know and his name is Rocket - gah asshole!” I screamed again clutching my eyes shut feeling pain again.
He pressed the electric device against me in a different spot where it was on my chest at the center leaving a burn mark. Sniffing through tears he stared darkly down at me. “One way or another I will get him back here. He is my creation and he belongs to me!”
“You made us for nothing…So we don’t belong to you anymore!” I growled trying to show that I wasn’t afraid and this is how our days went for years until I would see my beloved Rocket again.
Laying on the floor of a hard metal cage I had my arms and legs wrapped around me. With my tail curled up into my chest too. I just kept looking at the cell wall in front of me seeing that he had put me back in my same cell that they had repaired. So I was forced to stare at Rocket's old one. Lifting my head up I could hear some of the other animals making some noises. Getting to my feet I noticed that it was the baby raccoon cage. “Who’s out there!” I called out seeing a shadow of a figure from one of the lights near that cage.
The cage door opened from what I could tell but that wasn’t what brought me to a sobbing mess of tears. It was the voice I longed to hear when I forced myself to sleep after hours of our former sire torturing me. “I really am a raccoon.”
“Rock…Rocket. Rocket!” I mumbled softly before I rattled the door of the cage as much as possible, needing him to know I wasn’t dead like we both thought I would be.
Footsteps came running over to me allowing me to see those familiar soft eyes and the face that looked like a mask. “Y/n…..oh my god Y/n!” Rocket cried out gripping the metal bars of my cage where we were touching each other's hands.
“It’s me…it’s me, Rock.” I started crying happily through tears feeling a smile grace my face for the first time in years after everything that I have been through.
Rocket released my hand’s quickly sliding the key card and breaking my cage door like last time. “Y/n, I’m so sorry-“ I cut him off flinging my arms around his neck burying my face into the crook of his neck crying lightly.
He wrapped his arms around me holding me as close as he possibly could. I felt some tear’s from him falling down onto my face before we barely broke the embrace, still gripping onto one another. “You don’t have to apologize. But we need to leave before he finds you.”
“I’m not running anymore, Squirrel.” Rocket said quickly back to me.
Shaking my head I pressed my fingers into his foremans while more tears fell down my face. “Rock, if we don’t go he will kill us both now. That’s been his plan all along to get you back here.”
“I won’t let him hurt you ever again. I promise, my sky.” Rocket nuzzles his nose against mine.
“Awe this is just how I imagined how you would find her 89P13.” We turned our heads quickly where Rocket put me behind his back shielding me while we watched the High Evolutionary coming towards us slowly.
Rocket put one hand on a blaster he had attached to his hip. He also kept one hand in front of me that I grasped onto not wanting to be separated from him again. “I won’t let you hurt Y/n anymore.”
“Still so smart and yet so stupid all the same. You think that you will escape with her this time. You’re sorely mistaken, 89P13.” He dryly said.
Growling through my teeth I lifted my tail upwards in anger. “His name is Rocket and we aren’t your animals anymore!”
“You thought that you could escape me.” The high evolutionary walked forward before he used the power that he got from the purple device in the back of his head. He raised his hand and launched Rocket and I back against the cages. “You and that squirrel are nothing special. You wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for me!”
Forcing myself to my feet I didn’t care if he hurt me. I wouldn't let him kill Rocket if I had any say in it. “We’re not your experiments!” I launched myself off my legs, biting down on his arm where he screamed.
He stumbled around trying to make me stop biting his flesh. But when he grabbed my tail I let go and bit at his neck where he released his grip for a moment. “You’re nothing special if it wasn’t for me, 89K22!” He snatched me by my neck, throwing me harshly onto the ground.
“Don’t touch her!” Rocket ran forward reaching for his blaster until our master used his power and threw him into one of the lab rooms and into one of the electric light’s burning his body.
Scrambling to my feet again I ran into the room they were in while he was throwing him around like a rag doll. Running as fast as my legs would go I jumped on the master’s back trying to claw at the headset he had on. “Leave him alone - ah uh!” He rang me by the hair on my head, tossing me in front of him where I almost couldn’t get up this time.
“You’re an abomination!” He spat up at Rocket then he lowered himself to my level grabbing my chin in his hand. “And the only thing I ever needed from you was that brain of yours.”
I coughed when he kicked me in the gut with his boot and I hit the wall behind me. “Rock…”
“You think you have some worth without me. No!” The high evolutionary began to throw Rocket again while I held myself up on one elbow feeling more sore than ever. “Nothing but a step on my path. You freakish little monster. How dare you think you are more. 89P13!”
Rocket finally managed to release himself from our masters grasp, dropping down on his feet in front of me. “Names Rocket…Rocket Raccoon.” He retracted his blaster before he hit the guy with some energy.
“Rocket!” I cried out when he tried to come at us again when Rocket slightly turned back to look at me. Luckily something that had tree looking arms stopped him from getting closer to us.
A big gray looking guy threw the evolutionary onto his back. Another guy with a blaster hit him in the face. I also saw a blue girl with a robot arm and another with antennas knock him into the wall. The high evolutionary attempts to get up but finally a green skinned woman stabs him with a blade dropping his body on the metal floor. The guy in the red jacket with the blaster started peeling his old face mask revealing what Rocket had done years ago. “His face came off.”
“It’s a mask.” Rocket responded offering me his freehand tugging me up to stand with him. “Y/n, you okay?”
Groaning while I held my side I nodded weakly walking over to the group who had helped us. The high evolutionary was laying on the floor bleeding. “I will be now that I’m with you.”
“Look what he did to me….all I wanted to do was make things perfect.” The high evolutionary mumbled his final words.
Rocket squeezed my hand in his declaration to our creator. “You didn’t want to make things perfect. You just hated things the way they are.”
“Kill him.” The gray guy said behind us.
Rocket raises his blaster over his head but he only holds it for a second then lowers it. “Rock, what are you doing? After everything he’s done to us.”
“It’s not right, Y/n.” He looked at me then to his friends. “Because I’m a freaking guardian of the galaxy.”
The green woman said when a part of the building exploded. “We have to get out of here now.”
“We have to save them.” Rocket told them before we got any further to leaving.
The dirty blonde hair human slides on his feet to a halt. “We’ve got all the kids on board.”
“No Pete. The rest of them.” Rocket told his friend, sending me a sympathetic look not wanting to leave any more animals behind. So we all quickly unlocked the cages and let the other animals free. Running to the ship I almost couldn’t catch my breath once we were watching the former space ship we were on disappear away from us.
Sliding to a halt on my feet I put my hand on my knees feeling someone put a hand on my shoulder seeing it was Rocket. He takes my hand in his blinking through tears just looking me over. “Y/n, I’m sorry for leaving you. I…urgh I’m not good at feelings.”
“Rocket, you don’t have to say it if you don’t feel it. I am just glad to be free of that place. Now you can show me the world away from it.” Placing my paw on his face he leans his head into it sucking in a breath.
Yet he shook his head tugging me closer to his chest where our noses touched one another. “You need to understand this….you’re my sky, Y/n Squirrel.”
Remembering back to when we were innocent and all we wanted to see was what the sky looked like. Smiling up at the raccoon I loved, I responded back softly. “And you are mine, Rocket.”
“Let’s get you checked out.” He squeezed my hand in his and I knew the reason why was because he didn’t like showing his innocent side after what happened to our friends Lylla, Floor and Teefs. But he was over the moon to have me back by his side. And I felt the same.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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kermitgasm · 2 years
This Is Why review but it’s the unhinged shit i said in my notes app
under the cut ofc cuz i don’t wanna spoil it for anyone but pls know this is unhinged and like a train of thought rather than anything that makes sense
running out of time: only 5 seconds in and so fucking true like…. fr… also this is so funny. maybe i am just a selfish prick actually…. has some sort of r&b feel? THERE WAS A FIRE!! METAPHORICALLY! BE THERE IN FIVE! HYPERBOLICALLY! OK GUITAR!!!
Big Man, Little Dignity: not to be a david bowie fan but the intro reminds me of moss garden. this is very wavey. oh shit she’s coming for HIIIIM…. no offense but you got no integrity…. READ HIM!! SMOOTH OPERATOR IN A SHIT STAINED SUIT…. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH MY GODDDDD. the outro is beautiful, FLUTE TIME!!!!! A BITCH LOVES A FLUTE!
Figure 8: taylor york is the heart of paramore i will say it over and over again. pearls before swine all flowers die tapped the last good vein don’t know how to shut it off! THIS SONG HOLD THE FUCK UP!!!!! JESUS CHRIST…. OK burning at both ends tonight HOW COULD I HOW COULD I IF IM MADE OF THIN ICE… YOUD BE WISE IF YOU THOUGHT TWICE… ALL FOR YOUR SAKE BECAME THE VERY THING THAT I HATE!!! god damn god damn god damn…. GOD DAMN ok i’m fine now i’m normal
Liar: i don’t even have the words… this is so heartbreaking and beautiful. please god “oh my love i lied to you but i never needed to / oh love i lied to you but you always knew the truth” tears in my eyes i’m gonna punch a hole in the wall. and why should i deny what’s all at once crystal clear 😭😭😭😭 I CANNOT… oh my god the lyrics… man i can’t even type them in too busy holding my head in my hands (metaphorically)
Crave: intro is so beautiful, i know i keep saying this but taylor (and zac) really are just so incredible. “i can’t wait to memorize this day a picture cannot contain the way it feels” oh no i already feel myself crying… “just for a second it all felt simple, i’m already missing it” hayley’s vulnerability always makes me cry… WOW THIS PART… i romanticize even the worst of times when all it took to make me cry was being alive…. look up and see the reflection to someone who never gave way to the pain well what if i told them now that i’m older there isn’t a thing i wouldn’t change…. yeah let’s think about that (not for too long). i will not be able to sleep after this. this album is all i’m gonna think about.
thick skull: OK!!!!! wow the lyrics in this really are making me insane. i will be thinking about this intro later… hit over my head epiphany hit over my head repeatedly …. UMMMM HELLO ONLY I KNOW WHERE ALL THE BODIES ARE BURIED THOUGHT BY NOW I’D FIND THEM JUST A LITTLE BIT SCARY…. what’s the body count up to now captain??? this song is so fucking good… let it be KNOWN OH THE GUITAR PICKING UP??? DOES TAYLOR YORK KNOW HE IS THE ONLY MAN EVER…. COME ON OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP??? OK PATRICK BATEMAN GIRLIE
this album is a 10/10 to me and paramore are one of the best bands ever.
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indouloureux · 2 years
Hi hi, it me. I nearly sent this off anon so you could reply to it but I rant at you too much about my work life to do that cuz I’m now to embarrassed to come off anon so I’ve shot myself in the foot with that one 😂
So I was thinking about it earlier because idk I just ended up thinking about it lmao.
You’ve/reader/whoever has been dating Joe for only like about six months at this point and he’s been away doing some work etc etc and you’re supposed to see him that night and he’s been really excited about it all day and then he’s probably gonna sleep over so he gets to spend some time with your little girl — Isi — who he has also missed tomorrow yay.
About an hour before you’re due to meet him you text him a really short message saying you can’t make it and he’s a bit concerned because they isn’t like you at all. But he texts back asking if everything is okay and he tries to call twice but you don’t answer.
He gets a reply maybe an hour and half later saying “Isi’s in the hospital.” And he freaks out and panics because omg is she okay??? Like what’s going on. And in his infinite wisdom he decides that he’s gonna go to the hospital and check on both of you even tho he wasn’t invited lmao.
He has no idea what’s going on when he gets there, but luckily for him one of your family members like a sister is there and she’s hovering around the vending machine. They’ve briefly met and sister knows how into him you are and so how much it will mean to you that he’s here and so she tells him what’s going on and that you’re only allowed one other person there so she’ll go as long as he texts or calls as soon as he knows anything and he agrees. So he heads up to where you are.
You come out maybe half an hour later looking for your sister and see him sitting there and as soon as he stands up you just run to him and throw yourself at him for a cuddle and he calms you down. It turns out that the rash and cold are just that, a rash and a cold and she’s okay to go home there is nothing else nasty going on. Isi is ofc overjoyed that *her* Joey is here to see her and completely ignores you on the way home to tell him all about her ‘adventure’ and insists that he’s the one to put her to bed when you get back to the apartment that night and it hits you that Joe loves/cares about Isi just as much as he cares about you.
Thank you for coming to Batsy’s Ted Talk.
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