#everytime you show kindness to your child you put a penny in
ellus986 · 5 years
Always knew you / chapter twelve
Joe Mazzello x reader
Warning: none if I’m right.
Comment: Y/N is corrently 22, while Joe is 35.
Summary: you knew Joe all of your life, and as best friends you two always find the way back to each other.
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As you have two weeks off before your next, and last summer camp this year, just the day after the proposal you fly to New York, to spend some time in Joe’s apartment, while he can do his own thing. It is your second day in the city, and you run down to a shop nearby, to get some veggies to be able to cook something until he gets home.
As you walk in the shop you see Joe’s name in the corner of your eye. You get to the tabloid, and start to read the headline. “Joe Mazzello propose to girlfriend noone knew about” you see a blurry picture about him on the field on his knees in front if you.
You buy your food, and head home as fast as you can. As you get your phone out of your pocket you open the searcher and look for “Joe Mazzello proposal”
All the articles are almost bad, some claim you are too young for him, some say it is too early for marriege, some just looks down on you because you are not more than a baseball trainer. You only find one that says “look how happy Joe Mazzello and his new fiancé are!” in the headline.
You cry on the couch when Joe gets home, you start to dry your tears up, before he gets to you, but you can’t fool him.
“Good afte... what is wrong Silly? I did something wrong?” When you shake your head he runs to you. “Then what happend?” You show him one of the articles, that you just saw. “Babe, never ever read this kind of a stuff!” He hushes you.
“This is just one, there is a lot!” You moan.
“And all of it is bullshit!” He nods angry. “I should have think about it, before asking you to marry me like this...”
“No! It is not your fault!” You cut in.
“You have no experience in this, I have. I wasn’t even thinking.” He chips his eyebrows. “I mostly don’t do things this public for a reason, but now I just wanted to make your day perfect!”
“You did nothing wrong!” You sniff, and as you look up to him, he holds your face between his palms.
“As neither did you!” He kisses you gently. “Don’t care if they think you are young for me! You will be the mother of my children, all the six, and that is what matters!”
“We still won’t have six children!” You laugh, and roll your eyes.
“We will” he wishpers in your ears, kissing it.
“So now on I should just call you John Richard Deacon?” You giggle.
“I thought you loved to say my full name!” He acts like upset, but you can see him trying not to laugh.
“You’re slightly going mad trying to be him” you laugh.
“Yeah, but please don’t stop me now!” He answers with a faked serious face.
“I don’t want to put you under pressure!” You can’t hold the laughter back.
“But I want it all” he laughs too.
“Just please keep yourself alive!” You bury your face in his neck.
“You see? You are the love of my life, and I want to spend the rest of my life like this!” He grabs you so close, there is no such thing like air between you two.
“you are my best friend, and the love of my life” you wishper.
“I’m the happiest to be both, and I can’t wait for you to call me husband, and dad.” He says and you just star at that beautiful hazel eyes.
“If I need to deal with a little Tim Murphy in some years I screwed!” You nod, as his eyebrow are raising high you continue. “Say no to that baby face you had, with your big brown eyes, that redish brown hair, cutest smile this worlds saw, that will be impossible!”
“You think I was a cute little kid?” He blushes.
“If I would’ve been born in the year as you, you couldn’t get ride of me since kindergarten!” You laugh. “I mean I felt in love with you around that time anyways” you laugh.
“That is true, but than you just cheated on me!” He laughs.
“Hey! You never said you want to keep me to yourself!” You poke him. “It wasn’t me who laughed on the other saying one day we are going to get married!”
“And look at us now!” He kisses you again, and when he looks at you his eyes are just full of love, you can’t even handle. “I only want to ask one thing from you: please don’t read any of this bullshit!” He smooths some hair out of your face. “I should’ve said it before, should’ve know it is not that easy for you! I’m sorry”
“You still didn’t do anything wrong!” You kiss him. “So I need help! I wanted to cook until you get home, but since I was traped in a lot of bullshit I did nothing...”
“I’m on it!” He gets up, and offers his hand to help you up. As both of you are standing he is still won’t let go of your hand just walks to the kitchen. You cook together just like on his first night in your place, just now you have enough room to not bump into eachother any second you move, but anyway you do it, just to touch the other. Joe sneakily turns on the music and grabs your hand to make you dance. It is a real 70’s song so he is twirling you as it is needed, and you do just what his dad teached on one of the sleepovers where you were old enough to be Joe’s pair. “I remember the time we danced like this for the first time!”
“Ooh make the baseball girl dancing project!” You laugh. “I was horibble.”
“No, you were perfect. That was the day I realised the boys in your class are in danger, or atleast they heart for sure!” He makes you turn again. “Just two years from that you stole my heart, I was wrong thinking only they were in danger!”
Does your mother know comes on and you start to laugh. “Everytime I hear this song it reminds me of you!”
“Miss I don’t remember a lot remembers the whole situation not just the kiss!” He trickles your side.
“You were teasing me that I’m so young for you, I proved you wrong by kissing you, but the real proof was you kissing me back.” You giggle in his arms.
“Flirting is a way of teasing?” He giggles in your neck.
“You call that flirting, old man?” You ask.
“I was drunk, and wasn’t sure I should make a move, you were just 18 and I was already in my thirtys.” He nods.
“Too sexy for a 30ish man!” You hug him.
“You think I’m sexy?” He looks at you with fake shook.
“Sexier every fucking day!” You get closer to him, if it is even possible.
Your brother and his family were about to come for lunch, so both of you were busy in the kitchen. Joe haven’t spoke with him since Tom broke his nose, so he is nervous about winning him over again. As you see his nerv you place your hand on his back and say. “Relax, you have Emma in your pocket!”
“And it will help?” He asks.
“Oh Silly, you will know when we have a child, if she likes you, he will be okay with you! She is the Boss!” You laugh.
“Oh in our family I will be the Boss!” He says under his nose.
“Dream big boy, dream!” You chuckle.
He grabs you by suprise and you fall on the floor laughing. “You think you will be the Boss?” He asks.
“No, I think if we will have a little princess around she will rule us!” You smile at him.
“And what if we have a prince?” He asks bitting your ear.
“Than maybe, maybe you can be the Boss!” You nod.
You just finish with everything when your family arrives. Emma is running to Joe, and you see Rebecca coming with Noah on her hip, while Tom is on the end of the line. When they get there you smile at her. “Hi honey! Give me this bad boy!” You hold your hand out for your nephew, and he is reaching for you. As you turn around with him in your arms, you see Emma sitting on Joe’s hip. Both of you looked at the other with so much in your eyes. This view was something you wanted to see a lot of the times, and you could guess that was on his mind too.
“Hi Tom!” Joe offers his free hand, and your brother shakes it, you feel this is a good sign. “Hi Rebecca!” He kisses her on the cheek.
“Daddy! Uncle Joe promised me he will braid my hair again!” Says Emma with a big smile on her face. “Penny was so jelaous when I told her that the boy from Jurassic Park made my braids!” She giggles, and you try not to laugh on the movie referense.
“Who is Penny darling?” Asks Joe, like he wasn’t called almost Tim Murphy just a second ago.
“One of my friends in preschool!” She looks up at Joe with bright eyes. “She said, she wants to meet you!”
“I’m sure we can speak with your dad, and you can come here with her next time!” He kisses her cheek. You look at your brother and you know Joe is half way to his heart again. They were friends before the last months, and you know his protective mode will calm down any time soon, and everything will be like it was before.
After you eat lunch you sit down to play some games together. Emma wanted to be in a team with Joe, so it is almost like all the adults are playing a kid game, just for the little princess to run sometimes there and pretend to play, while Noah had his afternoon sleep.
As the night comes your brother and his wife are about to finally go for a date first time since they had their son, and leave the kids with you as it was planed. You think it is funny how Noah was all the way on you all night, while Emma was consantly talking to Joe, following him everywhere.
Everytime Joe tries to speak to your nephew, he buries his little face in your neck, that he was already wraping around tightly with his chuby hands.
As Joe takes your niece to have a bath you just stand in the door rocking the half asleep two years old on your side watching him do the same he did when you were just two years younger than her. Memories are coming back, and you can’t help but smile. Joe looks up at you with full on smile melting your heart even more. “I love you!” He forms without making any noise.
“I love you too!” You do the same.
Luckily Joe’s bed is big enough for the 4 of you. The kids are already asleep between you two while you are holding hands above they heads. You just look at them sleeping, and then look at Joe. His eyes are full of love, different kind of love you ever seen.
“I want to marry you this year!” He lets it out.
“What? There is only four months left from this year!” You wishper over the kids head.
“And what?” He asks quietly.
“You know it needs to be prepared right?” You ask.
“4 months from now! That is enough time!” He nods.
“You can prepare a wedding on the moon in that little time?” You ask giggling.
“You sneaky Twitter stalker! You were keeping your eyes on me all the time right?” He chukles. “I don’t want a big thing, but I want our extended family to be there, that is all I want!”
“Me too!” You nod.
“So...” he looks at his phone. “december 14, 2019 you are marrying me!”
“december 14, 2019 I’m marrying you!” You nod. “Good night Handsome!”
“Good night Beautiful!”
You fall asleep thinking you could get used to this.
You pick up as Lucy calls you on FaceTime. She is smiling at you with her brightes smile.
“How is my bride?” She asks.
“Good, good.” You nod.
“Everything is alright?” She asks, with a little worry in her voice.
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something in person, but as I see Joe did it on phone, so I need to be okay with it. So Honey, would you be my maid of honor?” You ask.
“Why I feel Ben will be my partner is crime?” She asks back.
“Is that a Yes or...” you panic.
“Ofcourse it is a Yes!” She laughs.
“So than I would like to book you for december 14!” You giggle.
“This year? You know it is august already?” She asks in shook.
“Yeah I know! But as far as we don’t want it to be too big, we can make it happen by then!” You nod. “And no, you stick with your regular partner in crime for this job.” You laugh.
“That bastard didn’t told me?” Lucy sound more suprised now.
“He just get the news an hour ago, relax!” You chuckle. “Do you know anyone that would personalise a dress for me in thi s short time?”
“I have more places here that would make it, but less there!” She answers.
“Then, after I’m done with next week’s camp I should fly there!” You nod.
“It is good for you?” She asks with bright eyes.
“Yeah, and then we can invite Benjamin too!” You giggle.
“You make him second maid of honor?” Lucy laughs.
“If he want to be, I mean you can have the same dress on!” You laugh too.
“I’m sure he will jump on the oportunity!” She says. “I should call my sweet boy, to let him know he is not the only one who has been chosen.”
“See you soon, Luc!” You say.
“See you soon, Honey!” She answers before hanging up.
As you know Joe will be late tonight as he is on a business dinner, you go into his bathroom, to take a bubblebath. You prepare your favorite book you are reading the 5th time now, some iced tea on the side. You light some candles, and as your bath is ready you sink in. This is pure joy, to let your body relax a little bit. You know it won’t be a big wedding, but you already feel stressed about it as you know the date.
You wouldn’t tell Joe, but you are afaird how the public will criticize you over every little thing you do. You haven’t even pick where your wedding should be, and that is making you crazy. Joe was very busy nowdays so he not really had time to have a conversation about it, even you should decide, after all it is in december.
You sit there until the water gets cold, and you dry yourself and head to bed. You are already half asleep when you hear the door open on the bottom of the apartment. As you are not in the living room he is not calling for you, just in case you are already dreaming. He sneaks in the room gets down his pants and start to button down his shirt. “Hi, love!” You moan.
“Hi,Silly! You are still awake?” He asks.
“Partly, maybe?” You nod.
“I miss seeing you awake!” He giggles.
“I miss seeing your face... or licking it!” You nod.
“You can open your eyes now!” He laughs.
“If I could...” you moan.
“So you don’t really want to see me!” He pushes your side when he lies next to you. You open one eye, and squints at him. “There you go!”
“Turn down the lights!” You shout. As he turns it down you kiss his lips, and before he could move you lick his face.
“You really missed to lick my face!” He smirks.
“Yeah! Good night handsome!” You smirk too.
“Good night beautiful!” He kisses your forhead just before you would fall asleep.
To be continued...
@spacedust1124719 @sam-mercurry-sixx @mrsmazzello
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strangerdeer · 6 years
The Call of Greyback
Summary: Penny Haywood meets the leader of werewolves, Fenrir Greyback.
Words count; 1 974 Warning: Mention of blood. Good to know: english is my second language, you can tell if I have misspelled or something. little bit late with Halloween vibes but oh well
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“C’mon Penny,” whispered Scarlett as quiet she could be and tipped on her toes to the bushes.
Penny felt how her stomach turned. She knew they shouldn’t have head out this late on their own in the woods. Not in the full-moon.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Scarlett couldn’t take her eyes off the beast. “Is it really a werewolf?” “Let’s go before it sees us,” Penny tugged Scarlett’s jacket. “it can be dangerous.” Scarlett didn’t listen. “We know the way back perfectly, just one more minute.” and Penny felt how she started to shake a bit and looked back at the track they had come from. She knew how dangerous werewolves was, they lose who they are. They attack anyone. Penny looked down on Scarlett’s face and saw how pale Scarlett was. Penny looked over to the werewolf.
It was staring at them. It had spotted them. “Scarlett!” Penny pulled up Scarlett and the with that scream, the werewolf took off towards them. Penny saw how the beast ran on its all four to jump forward to them. Scarlett jerked off Pennys grip and pushed Penny aside. Penny fell towards the ground and looked up at her friend. Scarlett stared down on her, with fear in her eyes, but knowing Scarlett, she didn’t regret pushing away Penny from the danger. Just like a flash of light in the sky, Penny saw a grey-black creature flash by, dragging Scarlett down with it. Everything felt like it wasn’t real. Wake up. Wake up, now.
Penny couldn’t wake up. It wasn’t a dream even if it was blurry by her eyes and her ears was ringing loudly. She sticked down her hand down inside of her jeans, there she had kept her wand. But it there was no point. Her friend, her innocent, curious, friend was already gone. Penny trembled up on her feet, tried to wep away the tears and she knew she had to take off, back to the camp. Back to her mother, back to safety, and get the Ministry as fast- That was it! “Periculum!” Penny shouted between her gags and pointed the wand towards the sky. It sparkled bright red towards up the sky, making all the stars disappear for few seconds. Her mom would see it, the Ministry would see a young child made magic outside of Hogwarts.
“Ah a very common spell to use,” Penny spinned around, pointed her wand there the voice had come from. In front of her stood a large man, he was haired in his face and had big fangs in his evil grin. He wore a long black coat, his eyes wasn’t normal. They were twisted. Crazy. Only insane people has those kind of eyes. “The spell to use when you are in need of help,” the man chuckled. “but do not fear love, I am here to rescue you, from your miserable life.” Penny was confused, she recognised the man’s face. Not a good recognise. She blinked her eyes fast, tried to blink away the tears. “L-leave me a-alone.”
The man just laughed loudly, by his right side, Penny saw the werewolf coming up behind the man and it growled towards Penny. “Now, now, we can’t scare her off now, can we?”
“Y-you’re a werewolf,” Penny felt her voice was weak, filled with fear, she didn’t know what to do. Penny saw the blood dripping from the werewolf’s mouth and it licked around itself, not breaking the eye contact with Penny. “And you are a witch,” said the man. “I have never come along with witches, or wizard community for that matter.” “You killed Scarlett,” Penny’s voice broke in the mind sentence. What would Scarlett’s parents say? How could they fix this? How could Penny let down her friend? How could Penny let Scarlett die without doing anything?
Her eyes watered but she still held the wand high up toward the man. “I didn’t kill her, “chuckled the man. “my friend did. But I think I would love to have you with us darling.” Shivers went down in Penny everytime the man called her disgusting nicknames. She just wanted to lay down and cry out for her dead friend. But she couldn’t show how weak she was. She needed to buy time. “Who are you!?” bursted out from her mouth. “Why do you do this!?” The man held out his arms as if he was surprised that Penny hadn’t figure it out his name. But he just chuckled with his dark voice, it echoed in the woods with the laugh. The werewolf next to him looked like it chuckled too even if nothing came out from it.
“How rude of me to not introduce myself,” he took a step towards Penny so the moon could shine down on him. “Fenrir Greyback.” Pennys eyes became big. If there was a man she would fear, it was him. How many times doesn’t her mother put spell around their house, making sure to be protected by werewolves and their leader. The leader that stood right in front of her. Fenrir Greyback.
“Why does he attack children?” Penny remember asking that question to her mother in young age after seeing a picture of him in the news paper. Saying in big letters, WANTED. A big mount of galleons for finding the man stood too. Pennys mother sighed, never had Penny seen her mother scared, but that face. Penny could only assume that is was true fright she saw in her mother eyes. “He believes he can rise children to hate on wizards,” her mother said and walked over to the chair there Penny sat at the dinner table, stroking her pink cheek. “Even witches?” “Yes, even witches.” “But, why children?” “He sees the children as the easiest target. And he kidnaps the children away from their parents. Raising them to believe to hate the wizards, saying bad things about us and how we have lied to the children. Encouraging them to haunt and out number us wizards.” “But,” Penny said with a puzzled face. “isn’t it bad to become a werewolf?” “It is honey,” her mother sighed one more time, she bent down to the same eyes height as Penny. “they are in a lot of pain and can’t live a normal life like we others. They wish for the same freedom as we. But with Greyback on the loose. We can’t trust them.” “What should I do if I meet him?” Penny asked in a low, soft voice.
“Run. Run as fast as you can, and use your wand.”
“As I said before,” Fenrir smirked devilish towards Penny. “I don’t have a good history with the wizard community.” “So you decide to attack us children,” Penny stepped back, she needed her mom. “instead of the adults.” “I have always admired you children more,” Fenrir crossed his arms. “and you are more easy to make you open your eyes. How your parents lied about us werewolves. How we are hated by everyone.” “You talk as if I was a were-” Penny cut herself in a small gasp. Greyback just laughed loudly once again. “Yes, a werewolf.” Greyback took few steps towards Penny, in his grin she could see how his fangs became bigger and how he slowly turned to a werewolf.
“Depulso!” She hit him in the face, making him to bend down and moan in pain. She wanted to run but she wouldn’t out run a werewolf. But does that matter. Penny turned around and sprinted towards the camp. In her mid run she pointed her wand up to the sky once again, screaming “Periculum!” “You can’t run from the wolf!” it growled from behind her. She could hear the sticks that broke and the hard thump when Fenrir hit his feet towards the ground. Penny tripped a bit but didn’t fell. She shouted, after her mom. Loudly as she could. The footsteps behind her came closer. Penny took the wand over her shoulder without looking back. “Incendio!” She heard a big rawr of pain and she glanced over her shoulder and saw Greyback holding his face.
It became heavy to run, with the blood taste in her dry mouth and her legs became sour, she decided to hide. She hid behind a big tree. She knew she wasn’t safe. She knew that this wasn’t a good hiding place. Penny covered her mouth, stopping herself for breathing so loud. Stopping herself from gagging and crying. “There is no need to be afraid,” the voice sounded like it came from everywhere when it echoed around the woods. “wizards and witches are weak. Us werewolves are more powerful, that is what you fear about us. I can give you the life of becoming strong, powerful, not needing to be afraid anymore, my little love.”
Penny shut her eyes. She doesn’t want to look if he would find her. She could hear the footsteps coming closer to her, they were heavy steps but they weren’t fast. “There is no need to run away, love,” Fenrir growled in his dark voice. “it will be so much easier when you are still and accept your fate.”
“Stumpefy!” Once again there was unpleasing scream from Greyback and Penny opened up her eyes and looked around for the voice. “Mom!” Penny shouted. Penny stood up and a bit away from her left, she saw her mom running towards them with some other people with her. Her mom shouted after Penny but Penny was still in the shock to be able to run. “I suppose we will meet another time, Penny,” that was the last she heard before Greyback ran off and left them.
“Penny!” her mom pulled Penny in a big, comforting hug. Penny started to sob. Loudly in to her mom’s shoulder and hugged her tight, as she was afraid to lose her mother now. “S-Sc-Scarlett,” Penny could only stuttered between her sobs. “There is a girl who has been attacked,” Penny heard a man from behind her and Penny felt how her mom looked up at the man. They were from the Ministry. “she was attacked by a werewolf. Do you know the girl?” “Yes,” Penny heard her mother mumble. “Scarlett, she is a muggle. From our friends family. They are all muggles.” “I see,” the man sighed heavily and Penny buried her face deeper in her mother shoulder. She wanted to disappear. She wanted to wake up from this bad dream.
“We have to make it look like murder,” said the man, not talking towards Penny's mother. “telling to the police a dangerous group of people are on the loose in these woods. And by Merlin’s beard, where is the people who are suppose to capture these beasts!?  Where are they!?”
Penny felt her mother hand coming down on Penny’s head, rocking them both very slowly. Not knowing what to tell to her daughter who had just watched her friend die.
There was two things stuck in Penny’s head. One was seeing her friend, her best muggle friend, being slaughtered to death by a werewolf. And the second was Greyback. “I suppose we will meet another time, Penny.” She doesn’t want to meet him again. She never want to meet a werewolf. “What’s the matter Penny?” asked Ben when they stepped out from the train that had arrived to the station. “You have been quiet the whole ride.”
Penny looked towards the carriage that would take them up to Hogwarts. Last year, they had been dragged by themselves. But now, there was these horse like creatures who was all black and was very skinned who dragged the carriages. “It is nothing,” mumbled Penny while taking an extra glance towards the dark path beside them, noticing that no one saw these creatures.
“Let’s hope this year will be good.”
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justsaya · 6 years
I got bored so here some things
I'm a huge fan HP:Mystery, so in these i was reading a lot of Headcanons and i was thinking about my MC and also about my Big Brother's MC(in my family is the only one who support my omosexuality...bc to him "So you're lesbian...well probably my future wife probably will be an alien(i know how huge fan of Mass Effect 1,2,3 he is...so he's joking but i know him enough to say that probably he'll be married with some kind of alien for real)" so then i asked about his MC and now i'm going to say something about him(don't worry give the time to find and re-copy my MC's Headcanon and i'll post them too ^_^) Prepare yourself my Brother mostly love 3 things: FullMetal Alchemist and Dramas(and here Jacob is Rowan's big brother), Harry Potter
Name: David "Jager" Denneth(His Dad call him Jager/Hunter, He is German and her mother is English or Wells, he isn't sure for now...but she's born in Great Britain)
Family: Father(Fritz Denneth, He was orphan and adopted by a old wandering Monk who use Alchemy "FullMetal Alchemist Style"), Biological Mother(Christine Wellburn, she is a pureblood witch with a disease who block her ability to do magic but her family was rich and powerful enough so she went to Hogwarts anyways mostly for study a possible cure),Big Brother(Glaive Denneth is a Jacob's friends but David knows about him during the Sorting Hat thing and he was a normal wizard without disease and mostly a curious Ravenclaw like her mother but without disease then).
Born in: Second Half of August in a little village on the borderline between Germany and France there are like 1000 people around the area and mostly they're working adult or old enough to go to retirement, not much child like him or his best friend/like a sister, Elizabeth(She hate get called by full name, even the teachers call her Liz, bc she thinks it's such a long and uncool name)
Hair: Ginger like a Weasley and his father and they haven't a good Father/Son relationship until the end of Year 4(and even then...it's like "Can we just try to not argue everytime and enjoy a meal with shouting?" kind of relationship)So he hates his hair color but when got invited by Bill to Weasley's house, Molly was like "Charlie finally you're out of your room...wait..you're not Charlie...Bill, who did you take here?"
Eyes: Blue like a Sapphire and like his mother
Background: He grew thinking to be a only child in his family, and without a mother(Dead some days after his birth, Fritz says he get killed by an evil monster called Severus Snape, later he'll discover Snape try to cure her disease and...something went bad...but for that time Christine was mad/insane unable to be a mother even when she already had Glaive, Snape usually insult David by saying "Not even your mother wants to give birth to you, how can you think we want you here in Hogwarts?"). His Dad just buy a house in Germany right after his wife's death, and leave Glaive to some relatives of his wife and time from time Fritz disappear and go to Glaive trying to be a good dad and neglecting David who grew by hanging out with Liz and her mother(a muggle who also married a wizard, dead by a muggle landmine leave it there during WW2 while he's going in a near forest to take some ingredients for some healing potion, his wife knew he was a wizard and know mostly about it. She knows that someday Liz will go to a magic-school). David feels lonely while his Dad put him in the forest and force him to learn Alchemy/Trasmutation, mostly because he don't want another mage-child, so he tried to keep him with him even if he go often to Glaive to support him. So feeling lonely someday tries to do the thing(you know...the same resurrection thing of Edward and Alphone from FMA) he failed in the worst way possible losing the right arm and left leg(God Said "So you couldn't enjoy the feeling to braid the fingers with Liz when you feel scared and lonely during the storms and the leg to chase her till the lake where you both swam") He got panicked like hell, alone in that house while was dying...Liz came there just in time to save him, carrying him on the shoulder while he was losing so much blood. Got saved but unable to explain to Liz and her mother(she's a doctor in that place and wizard and muggle in that place stick together pretty well), too scared, so much traumatized to refuse to talk about that. Without his father for almost an year so, almost 11 years old while this kind of mother was making the impossible for making him some prosthesis enchanted with magic(found it while she was investigating in her dead husband study) not the best ones, but enough good to move, run and trying to be happy again. He got his letter for the Beauxbaton's accademy(the nearest from that village) and he was also thinking about to go, to find some help, but when his dad came back, he just listen his voice for freak the fuck out the window and run away in France where he meet Minerva during a travel. Fritz talk a lot about how scary wizards really are, but she was kind and he try to be gentle by help her with her luggage, he's not so strong but his trasmutation's ability made McGonagall curious enough to takes him to Hogwarts and pays for him. During the travel he tried to talk about what he did in his house, how he still feel about that horrible day and how he can't sleep well because the nightmares scares him enough to prefer to stays awake or just napping when he feels to need it. At hogwarts got sorted in Griphyndor but the Hat want him in Hufflepuff for a lot of reasons, but Minerva during the travel talk a lot about her job so he wanted be in the same house(OT: and other reasons but i can't traduct them pretty well..sorry).
FINALLY OH MY GOD, I LOVE MY BROTHER BUT HE IS SUCH A HUGE CHIT-CHATTER AND THE WHOLE BACKGROUND WAS NECESSARY FOR SHOW SOME SENSE IN HIS HEADCANONS(and nope, he doesn't have a tumblr account, and i wrote all i know about his CrossoverMC because tonight i'm bored like living in a bored hell, sorry if you reading this)
- Everyone in Denneth-family have a personal diary/agenda where to write their discoveries or their thoughts about what they do, David wrote things about Magic, Alchemy and experiments with both, for a short period even wrote his feeling about everything. Nobody is sure why he writes so much, but he could hate someone forever if they read without permission, after a bad joke by Merula trying to steal that diary he begin to use a secret code based on cooking recipes that he likes, so nobody is sure if they're reading about a secret alchemy experiment or a very sweet lemon cake recipe(also thanks to that he learned how to cook and begin to cook for his friends).
- David meet Rowan at Diagon Alley but with Minerva by his side because he was still nervous about the whole magic-world thing, Rowan use some jokes and loose him a little even in the train they're reading Hogwarts: A history together trying to calm him each other
- During the train-travel Rowan noticed the metal arm of David, but he didn't want to tell the reason and Rowan was even more curious but he was sympathetic enough to don't ask, so no problem still pals.
During the first year when he noticed Snape for the first time he assults him asking question about his mother shouting a lot, Minerva came right before he could punch him and has reassured him but losing so much house points
- In the dorms he always take the bed nearest to the windows, it helps to sleep a little better even when he had nightmares.
- Watching Ben get bullied by Merula makes boil his blood and he confront her even when the whole school was laughting at him because(they still don't know) because how can a mage unable to cast even Lumos, to duel a real mage? Ben thought David was the coolest first year because is uncapable as a mage but still fight knowing to lose, and he lose, until someday tried to fight back with trasmutations and took off the wand from Merula hand, totally pissed off and even Flitwick secretly cheers him after so many times he lost those duels, and he permitted to use Alchemy during duels and he gotta admit(and the other students who watched him) he's pretty fast and agile, even without using Alchemy at all, so Flitwick just say "It's good have a duel with different kind of enemies, so we should be grateful to have an unique student like Mr.Denneth"
- Minerva bought him a female cat and he called her Ortensia(it's the italian version of hydrangea) and mostly he talks with her and try to fight his inner nightmare but it's real hard, he doesn't even feels hungry, and during winter the metal limbs hurt so much, even get up from bed it's hell, but Ben helps him without asking question, but by listen him screaming and sobbing during the sleep, he has some idea but it's alchemy/trasmutation things so he knows but without understanding.
- Meeting Penny was heaven, so cheerful, so funny...one day just tell to Rowan(he is a Ravenclaw and the jacob thing is hell for him, but David likes to listen him talk) "Penny's smile is like coffee, without her, days can't start for me". Rowan just laughts but also agree with him
- In the third year, knowing Penny sad story, saved him from suicide...he wanted to put an end to nightmares..but knowing about someone like Penny go through almost the same hell like him, was inspirational so he just fight back the pain, even during the whole boggart in the cursed vault where thanks to Minerva intervetion got saved and go to German for repairing his metal limbs, still scared and that's why Bill went with him. His almost-mother was so happy to see him, she was crying a lot while she was hugging him, Liz was pissed off enough to insults David a lot, but after some hours she calmed and tell about the fact their parents got married while he was at Hogwarts during those years...so Liz now is his step-sister for real. David was so surprised like almost fainted during dinner at home also watch his dad eat dinner calmly without even talk about the whole Human-Trasmutation thing was like "Ok, this whole travel is a joke and i'm imprisoned in some Cursed Vaults without even know it, and i'm watching something i would love to be real" They laught a lot
- His way to say "I love you" is "A world without you is not a world i want to live in" and he said these words only to Penny when is God-Boggart tried to attack Penny in the Cursed Vault. She took almost the whole summer to understand why he said those words, literally she write to him asking some explanations and he was like "You saved me that day in so many different ways" and wrote the date of the day she talked about Scarlet, she took a very intimate moment when they meet during summer to totally knows what David was going to do that day...and he got slapped and then kissed on the same cheek he got the slap.
- Barbaby, Charlie and David are the Kettlerburn's most enthusiastic students, also the most favourite ones, Barbaby for his caring about creatures, Charlie for his curiosity(he does a lot of questions), David mostly plays with creature, he is such emphatic with them, he treat them well like human-friends, even the scariest creature loves David, who just enjoy like a kid those lessons and still get good grades by taking notes when he isn't unsure to remember something, also David called his step-mother for taking care of mechanical limbs of Kettlerburn, totally free, because metal limbs are such a pain when it's raining or during the winter, they hurt like hell, so David take care of Kettleburn's hard job with creature when he doesn't feel well, sometimes Kettleburn doesn't show up during the lesson for that pain, so David, Barbaby and Charlie hang out with the creatures just for fun.
- Barbaby tried to learn Alchemy from David, it didn't went good, so for now David will be the only Alchemist in Hogwarts but David repays his attempt by teaching him some magicless-selfdefense because he need a sparring partner and Barbaby is pretty tought to fight, David wins most of the times but Barbaby is pretty strong so..he loses a few times
- Talking about Melee-fighting, David NEVER hits people with his metal limbs, mostly he use them as shields trying to block dangerous spells or hunt dangerous creatures
- Before Penny's secret, he loves the way Tulip doesn't care about rules like him, and he tried to make some bad jokes to Filch and Mrs.Norris, with Tonks otherwise ask some love-advice, but he didn't use them a lot those...he just be honest with Penny and got lucky(even when someone ask him love-advice now that he dates with Penny, he just says "I was lucky most of the times, i just tried...but i feel like she did the all love-thing...i asked her after our first kiss if the kiss meant i'm her boyfriend now...and she said yes, i was unsure if i was doing a good job by trying to take her to hogsmeade or to watch some movies during the summer, i asked her everytime...") they all laught about those story but they think an "In love David" is the cutest and funniest thing ever because after the third year David was joining the Quidditch team and he was really good, so confident during the matches and the lessons, so listening about how shy he is when he is near Penny is so funny and cute..
- His favorite '80s movie is Breakfast Club, he watched it at cinema trying to take Minerva as "Lesson about Muggle-world" he chose that film totally at random and love it, then invite Penny for watching it with her, thinking she probably will likes it, and she finds it a really good movie.
- His Favorite love Song is Nothing Else Matters, but of course it's came out during the 1991 so...until then, the other love songs feels like "This song doesn't describe how i really feel when i think about Penny, it's a good song but not enough to like it"
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