#eviction appeal lawyer
lawofficeofryansshipp · 6 months
Eviction Services In Martin County, Florida - Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC
Martin County Eviction Lawyers Are you a landlord facing tenant issues in Martin County, Florida? Do you require legal assistance with residential or commercial evictions? Look no further than Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC. Our experienced team concentrates our practice in navigating the complexities of landlord-tenant law and ensuring swift and effective resolution of your eviction…
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loggiepj · 9 days
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Summary: just an angsty one shot story 😂✌🏳️‍🌈
"TOM SAID she had been using Rooney to gain more credits to her work, always insisting to come along Rooney when she's in film productions, pretending she was only supporting her then girlfriend just so she could give her scripts to producers. And she did this while cheating on her behind her back."
You bit your lip to stop yourself from bursting into tears, hand on your chest, slipping to your collarbone then up to your neck as you willed yourself to breathe.
"That's awful," you heard Lizzie's beautiful voice slurring through the confines of the comfort room, through the door of the cubicle you were trapped in. "I can't believe she could do such a thing. She was so sweet and all, I thought . . . I thought—"
"Oh, we thought so too, Liz," another person chimed in, "but don't be easily fooled. I heard Rooney's lawyer will be filing a case against her sometime soon."
Your other hand went to embrace yourself, clutching against the side of your sweater as you might lose it.
"It was a risk on the producer's part to still include her in this film," said another, "knowing her reputation."
In the following silence, you could hear Elizabeth's sigh. "God, I wouldn't have known."
It was complete torture, having to listen through it all, having to witness how someone you had grown close to in the past few weeks could crush you down in an instant. Five minutes and thirty seven seconds, to be exact.
As if the gods above had acknowledged you had suffered enough, they eventually left the comfort room and began discussing about the next scenes as they walked through the door.
When you heard the door shut close, you broke down. The kind of cry where you seemed to be running out of air to breathe, as if you had been clawing your insides until there's nothing left. You didn't think it was possible to cry for someone like this. You felt like a kid, but you couldn't wail louder since anyone could just walk into the toilet.
The gossips you had endured during highschool, about you being gay, had nothing in comparison to what just happened. Especially the one who was involved was someone special to you. And it felt worse coming from her. To think that Lizzie would actually believe them, believe the rumors circulating about you. To think that she could be different from others. But you'd thought wrong.
It all started with Rooney. She was an actress you fell in love with when you got to work with her and Tom in Carol movie. You had been together with Rooney for almost six years. And yet for one simple action, a drunk crewmate kissing you on the lips inside the producer's room, mistaking you as his girlfriend, Rooney threw everything.
It was all one big misunderstanding. One night, you were just making love. The next, you weren't allowed to enter the penthouse you were both staying, considering Rooney owned that unit and you gave up yours when you moved in with her.
Her sister, Kate, the ever merciful one, contacted you afterwards the sudden eviction, saying that she would try to persuade Rooney to be at least forgiving to let you stay for the meantime while you were looking for another place to live.
But that didn't happen. After that incident, rumors of you cheating started to spread around in the industry, some were exaggerated to give that appeal. And no one trusted you anymore, that you would only use people to your own benefit.
If you weren't only friends with the director of the current film you were working with, you wouldn't have any project.
And then you met Elizabeth Olsen.
You can call me Lizzie, by the way, was what she said when the two of you first talked.
Lizzie had a very distinctive and elegant appearance. She had fair skin, light brown hair, and expressive eyes that were usually a striking green. She was almost an inch taller than you, but if she wore heels, you'd always look up to her whenever the two of you were talking.
You knew her from her massive role as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Universe films, and you even used to idolize her as someone who's good in everything, no matter what genre the film she was in.
And you both just instantly clicked, like you were made for each other. You could talk to her for hours and hours through the production days, either before the filming would start, during breaks or at the end of the day. She would also share everything to you, with enthusiasm to your mutual interests, as if you were long-time friends. She looked at you without judgment, making you wonder if she knew about the rumors, the one thing that could destroy this newfound promising relationship. Knowing Lizzie wasn't into social media and stuff was what kept you asleep most nights.
You had even asked her to a date that weekend and you both enjoyed it to the fact that she almost invited you inside her nearby apartment when you gave her a ride home. There was this kind of feeling you feel whenever she was around, sometimes butterflies, sometimes longing.
But everything crumbled down when a newcomer saw the two of you flirting with each other.
YOU SPLASHED some cold water into your face as you prepared yourself to face the outside world, hoping it wasn't that obvious that you were just crying seconds ago.
When you went back to the studio to get some work done, you saw Lizzie on one corner practicing some lines with her co-star.
Maybe you were only overthinking it. Maybe she would see you through, talk to you about it, listen to your side of the story. But when you approached them, they only went silent.
"Hey," you greeted, trying to diminish any awkwardness.
"Hi Y/n," Lizzie replied with a smile, "we're just quickly rehearsing for the next scene."
"Oh, okay, sorry to bother you both," you said, "I'll just talk to you later then."
She only smiled back as she went back to her script. You would have just let it go if it weren't for the fact that she would always choose to talk to you.
LATER was no different as you went to knock against the door of her trailer upon hearing Lizzie's laughter inside. Abruptly, the laughters died, and you swore you could hear shushing. When her friend opened the door the second time you knocked, said friend only told you Lizzie wasn't in there even when you knew she was.
THROUGH the days that followed, it was slowly sinking in that maybe they got her too. That Lizzie believed them too.
You tried to give Lizzie the benefit of the doubt. That maybe she was only busy, knowing the most critical scenes were being shot. But you had probably sent her a lot of messages to which Lizzie had only replied words fewer and bland as compared to the older ones she had sent you.
WHEN you tried to approach Lizzie during one of the breaks, surprising her with your favorite cheesecake she said she liked, she thanked you rather hurriedly.
"Thanks, Y/n," she said. "You shouldn't have."
"It's fine," you said back, brushing her off as she tried to return the box to you. "I was in the area earlier when I passed by the store, and I remembered you wanting to eat another slice of it."
What was redness that you used to see adorned on Lizzie's cheeks, was inexistent as she hesitantly accepted the gift. You could tell she was sporting a smile you had seen her do whenever she was uncomfortable during interviews.
It gave you the kick to stop whatever this was you were doing. You then decided not to torture her anymore with how forward you were. It was clear she didn't want anything to do with you. That you were just mere friends in passing. That that date was only that. Nothing more.
"Lizzie!" someone called her from afar, apparently saving her from this awkward interaction. Saving you both.
"Shoot, sorry, Y/n," she said with an apologetic smile. "I have to leave, but thank you again for this. You're too sweet for this world."
You forced a huge smile her way. "Yeah, no worries. See you later."
BUT YOU had avoided her later. You had avoided them. And through the days that followed, you began distancing yourself from the cast and crew, knowing now what they had been talking behind your back. You just went to the studio to help work with the script then went back straight home. No more small talks in the hallway as you passed by them, occasionally wearing a hoodie over your face, wishing it was Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility.
At nights, you stared at the photos of the two of you together during production and even that one dinner date you had at a private restaurant, wondering how two individuals went from these to complete strangers.
You couldn't help but wonder if Lizzie has missed you at all. But when you glanced at her from a distance whenever you couldn't avoid not coming to the studio, laughing and making vlog with her co-stars and makeup artists, you could feel she was glad she dodged a bullet that was you. That she almost went out with someone like you, someone who couldn't be trusted.
You had even stopped eating your favorite cheesecake, knowing it would only remind you of her. Lesson learned. Never suggest your favorites to anyone.
THAT was when you started hanging out with Emma Watson, whom you had gotten closer as you were part of her writing crew in another film you were working for.
She had well defined cheekbones and chocolate brown eyes. But what stood out the most was her English accent. Sometimes, you just wanted to listen to her talk all day.
Emma already knew the rumors about you, and called them bullshit. Maybe it was the British in her, but she told you she didn't care about anyone's past other than first impressions. Besides, if she weren't a fan of your works, she wouldn't have given a chance to know you.
When she revealed to you she liked girls too, you grew more comfortable around her.
You also started to make friends with the other film's crew, and maybe that was what you needed, what you were missing. You no longer felt sad or lonely whenever you were around them. And having to fit two jobs in a day, it felt different having something to look forward to whenever you finished working for Lizzie's film. Good kind of different.
"WAIT, you're already leaving? Are you not going with us?" your director friend asked the moment he saw you packing things up, preparing to leave.
"What do you mean?"
"Liz invited the whole cast and crew for a housewarming party at her new house," he replied.
You had no idea but who were you to receive first invitation from her in the first place. You were a nobody.
"Oh I . . . I actually am needed to get this edit reviewed," you said, easily making up an excuse. Although technically, it wasn't a lie.
"That's a bummer. I was pretty sure Liz said to invite you too." He sighed. "Well, don't work yourself too hard, Y/n."
You only smiled back as you left, staying out of sight from others, keeping distance away from the lobby where you could see the whole cast chatting as they waited for the car service to get to Lizzie's house. And for a brief moment, you caught sight of the woman who once captured your heart, broke it and left to rot. Elizabeth looked so beautiful and fresh even after a day's production, and she was wearing that jacket she stole from you that very first day.
"HAVE you ever loved someone?"
You had been staring at your notifications, watching for what seemed like hours at Lizzie's messages asking where you were and why you weren't at her housewarming party.
You didn't even noticed Emma had asked you a question until she nudged your shoulder.
"Sorry, what?" you asked, slipping your phone into your pocket.
"I asked if you've ever loved someone? Any lovers? Girlfriends? Boyfriend? Flings?" she asked teasingly, "It's just I haven't seen you around with anyone."
"I mean, you've heard the rumors—"
"Fuck all the rumors, I'm not blind, Y/n," Emma interrupted. "You're actually gorgeous. It could cause a scandal."
Avoiding the girl's gaze, you laughed at her. "What are you suggesting?"
There was complete silence, making you look back at Emma deep in thoughts.
"What do you say about you becoming my girlfriend?"
"It's just for PR stuff and all," she reasoned. "And for promoting this movie."
"Promoting? They'd hate you. They'd hate me more."
"At least, it would be a distraction from the public. I haven't actually come out as gay but I've provided signs, yet people just turn a blind eye. And this will help confirm my sexuality. If they hated me for dating the rumored you, they'd hate me less for being gay."
You fell silent as you thought about it.
"My PR manager will pay you, of course. You're saving up for a house, right? I want to help you."
Then she looked at her hands on her lap, nervous. "Besides, you're the only one I felt comfortable doing this with." She then glanced back at you. "So . . . Are you with me?"
WHEN you started going out with Emma publicly, the photos of you together holding hands in public immediately spread through the news and gossip channels. You started to become famous, more on the bad side though, of how you were only using Emma again for your selfish reasons and how stupid Emma was for dating you.
At least, there were only a few articles about how disappointed they were Emma turned out to be gay. People were more disappointed she was dating a parasite.
IT WAS almost a month after when you received a missed call from your ex girlfriend Rooney. And she had called you multiple times until you blocked her number. And when she figured out you blocked her, she sent you numerous emails.
Emma was with you as you anxiously worked through the next scene's script.
"You okay?" Emma asked, her hand on your shoulder made you jump on your seat. "Sorry."
"It's okay," you managed to reply.
"What are you worrying about?"
You hesitated, frown growing deeper. "It's just . . . I think my ex girlfriend will finally end my career."
"She's going to file a case against me," you said, almost in tears.
"Is that what you think she's going to do?" She chuckled softly.
"What are you giggling about? It's not funny."
"Sorry," she went on still laughing, "but you have to see this."
Apparently, Rooney had posted a public apology addressed to you, clearing you out, redeeming your image, and admitting it was her jealousy that ended your relationship, that she was willing to destroy her career in exchange for yours. And that she wanted so badly to talk to you if you'd only let her.
It felt like a relief as you saw the ones who reposted the post, as you read the comments from people defending you and supporting you, that Emma was a better choice than Rooney. It felt like the weight of the world was taken off your shoulder.
Emma then wrapped her arms around you as you sobbed into her chest. And she only let you.
Some weeks later, Emma asked you out on a date. A real date, saying she was willing to try. Maybe it was Rooney's post that made her trust you. Maybe she was just scared. But you also wanted to try it with her.
Rooney eventually stopped contacting you. The damage has already been done. One day, you may be able to forgive her. But never to forget.
MAYBE the public apology was what made Lizzie finally approached you during the last few days in the production. She brought you a gift, the cheesecake that used to be your favorite. Now, you didn't like how too sweet it was, wanting nothing more than to savor Cornish pasty introduced by your girlfriend Emma.
"Hey, Y/n," she greeted. "I . . . I brought you this."
"Thank you, Lizzie," you said, accepting with haste.
There was awkward silence as she placed her hands inside the pockets of her jeans. "Last day, huh? You want to go for sushi later? My treat."
And maybe it really was the public post Rooney made that made her finally talk to you, as if she was still the same person she was the first time you met. And as if you were still interested in her as you were months ago.
"Sorry, I have to meet Em for dinner tonight," you said, smiling apologetically.
"It's fine, it's fine," she said, brushing you off with a forced chuckle. "So, it's true you two are dating, huh?"
You nodded, avoiding the brunette's gaze. "Yeah, it is."
"She doesn't know how lucky she is."
You paused, wondering why you were no longer feeling any butterflies in your stomach whenever she was around. "I'm the lucky one, actually. Goodnight, Elizabeth."
"G-Goodnight, Y/n."
Like you said, the damage was already done.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
That was the slogan on a placard brandished by a protester outside a home in Jerusalem’s Old City section, denouncing last week’s removal of illegal Arab squatters from the property.
On one level, it was just another ordinary real estate dispute, the kind that is heard in courts every day in every city in the world. Except that this one involves Arabs, Jews and racists who believe that Jews should not be allowed to live in mostly Arab neighborhoods—like the guy with the “Welcome to Apartheid” sign.
That’s right—the same people who are trying to keep members of one ethnic group out of a neighborhood, which is the very definition of “apartheid,” were standing there with signs accusing the Israeli authorities of “apartheid.”
This one deserves to be added to the dictionary, next to the word “Orwellian.”
In George Orwell’s famous novel 1984, the ironically named Ministry of Truth has three slogans: “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery” and “Ignorance is Strength.” The meaning of words has been reversed to serve an ideological purpose. People are taught that those words actually mean the exact opposite of what they thought they meant. In the Jerusalem case, integration is now called “apartheid.”
This remarkable story began in 1948 when the Jordanian army conquered and illegally occupied Jerusalem’s Old City, the section where the Temple Mount, the Western Wall and the ancient Jewish Quarter are located.
The Jordanians expelled every Jew from the Jewish Quarter, at gunpoint. That’s apartheid.
During the 19 years to follow, the Jordanians refused to allow any Jews to return to their homes. That’s apartheid.
Jews were not even allowed to pray at the Western Wall, which the Jordanians used as a garbage dump. That’s apartheid.
Local Arabs moved into the homes in the Jewish Quarter. Does that seem like a reasonable thing to do? If a racist government in the United States expelled African-Americans from some neighborhood, would it be reasonable for their white neighbors to just move in and take over their homes?
Of course not. That’s called “squatting.” It’s illegal. Police throughout the world are constantly evicting squatters from other people’s properties. And most local governments are far less patient than the Israelis in dealing with such situations.
The Jerusalem case dragged on in Israel’s courts for an incredible 45 years. Israeli judges patiently heard appeal after appeal. They listened to lawyers for the squatters insist they had a right to the property on the grounds that they had been living there since the 1950s.
Think about that. A racist government expelled the Jews. Squatters then occupied the Jews’ property. And they demanded the right to stay there because they stole it a really long time ago. As legal arguments go, that’s not much of a case. So finally, earlier this year, Israel’s left-leaning Supreme Court ruled that the squatters had to leave. And this week, the police made them do so.
After suffering from 70 years of apartheid, the rightful heirs of the original Jewish owners can finally move back to their property. Since most of the people currently living in the immediate vicinity are Arabs, Jews moving back to the property means integrating the neighborhood.
Supporters of Arab apartheid are crestfallen. So, they took out their cardboard and magic markers this week, and set to work making signs to wave at their demonstration. There was just one problem: They couldn’t be honest. They couldn’t make signs that expressed their true feelings. They couldn’t use slogans such as “Jews Keep Out” or “Arabs Only.” (Or that infamous one from America’s past, “No Jews or Dogs Allowed.”) Because being honest would make them look bad.
So, they decided to go Orwellian: “Welcome to Apartheid.” Integration is apartheid. Ethnic coexistence is racism. Diversity is exclusion. Orwell’s Ministry of Truth couldn’t have said it any better.
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thedreadpiratejames · 6 months
Murphy and his two youngest daughters were forced from their Southbridge home on Feb. 11, 2021, when constables showed up at their Townsend Street door and presented eviction documents that named a previous tenant, who was a woman. Murphy showed constables his lease, which he later shared with Delaware Online/The News Journal. The lease, which ran from Nov. 15, 2020, through Nov. 30, 2021, was signed by the landlord, Kenneth Stanford, and Murphy.  A judge later confirmed Stanford's signature by matching it to other legal documents the landlord had signed.
The Murphys were forced to leave behind school laptops, an urn holding the ashes of Murphy's wife, who died in 2018, and several other belongings. Justice of the Peace Court Deputy Chief Magistrate Sean P. McCormick said during an emergency hearing on Feb. 18, 2021, after Murphy filed wrongful eviction motions, that Stanford likely perjured himself in court filings and went so far as to read the landlord his rights against self-incrimination after he said he "misrepresented" the facts to the court.
On Tuesday, Connolly dismissed the case. Among the reasons he gave for dismissing were: - As an arm of the state, Justice of the Peace Court is not subject to suit under the civil action for deprivation of rights section for either damages or equitable relief. - The plaintiffs cannot seek relief in this matter because they did not provide factual allegations that imply the defendants are engaged in ongoing violation of federal law. - Constables are entitled to administrative immunity when executing facially valid orders.
this is some serious bullshit
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rehasaleh · 1 month
Resolving Rental Disputes in the UAE: A Comprehensive Guide
Rental disputes are a common occurrence in the United Arab Emirates, whether between landlords and tenants or among tenants themselves. To regulate this relationship and resolve any arising disputes, the UAE has enacted specific laws and regulations, and established specialized centers for dispute resolution.
Common Causes of Rental Disputes
The causes of rental disputes in the UAE are varied, and some of the most common include:
Rent increase: A tenant may refuse a rent increase, especially if it is contrary to the terms agreed upon in the contract or to the applicable laws.
Non-payment of rent: A tenant may be late in paying the rent or refuse to pay it altogether, leading to a dispute with the landlord.
Eviction: A landlord may request the eviction of a tenant before the end of the lease term, or a tenant may refuse to vacate the property after the term has ended.
Property maintenance: Failure by the landlord to maintain the property or delay in maintenance can lead to a dispute.
Property alterations: A tenant may make alterations to the property without the landlord's consent, resulting in a dispute.
Read More: Abu Dhabi lawyers numbers
Procedures for Resolving Rental Disputes
The procedures followed to resolve rental disputes vary depending on the nature of the dispute and the emirate in which it occurred. However, in general, these procedures include:
Friendly arbitration: This involves resorting to a neutral mediator to resolve the dispute through mutual agreement between the parties.
Binding arbitration: This involves resorting to an arbitrator or arbitration panel to settle the dispute in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures.
Litigation: If other methods fail to resolve the dispute, the parties may resort to the courts with jurisdiction over rental cases.
Read More: Labor Cases Appeal
Rental Dispute Resolution Centers in the UAE
Most emirates have established specialized centers for resolving rental disputes, such as the Rental Dispute Settlement Center in Dubai. These centers are characterized by the speed of their procedures and their efficiency in resolving rental disputes.
Read More: Appeal of administrative court rulings
Importance of Resorting to Dispute Resolution Centers
Swift adjudication of cases: These centers are characterized by the speed with which they adjudicate cases compared to the traditional judicial process.
Specialized judges: The judges in these centers are specialists in rental matters, ensuring a deeper understanding of the issues at hand.
Simple procedures: The procedures followed in these centers are simple and easy to understand.
Low cost: The costs of litigation in these centers are usually lower than the costs of litigation in general courts.
Read More: UAE Lawyer
Tips for Avoiding Rental Disputes
Clear rental contract: The rental contract should be clear and comprehensive, covering all terms and obligations.
Continuous communication: The parties should communicate regularly to resolve any issues that may arise.
Document retention: Both parties should keep all documents related to the rental contract.
Seeking expert advice: In the event of a dispute, the parties should seek legal advice from experts.
Conclusion: Rental disputes are important issues that affect the lives of individuals and companies in the UAE. Therefore, understanding the procedures for resolving these disputes and resorting to specialized centers contributes to protecting the rights of all parties.
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dankusner · 4 months
Dallas County's Worst Judge Has Dragged a Simple Eviction Case on for Five Years
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Five years ago this month, a Dallas County justice of the peace signed an order evicting Clifford Holland from the $1.2 million home he was renting on Caruth Boulevard, a block outside of University Park.
Aside from the eye-popping $6,000-per-month rent, the case was a routine tenant-landlord dispute: Landlord claims…
Five years ago this month, a Dallas County justice of the peace signed an order evicting Clifford Holland from the $1.2 million home he was renting on Caruth Boulevard, a block outside of University Park.
Aside from the eye-popping $6,000-per-month rent, the case was a routine tenant-landlord dispute:
Landlord claims renter doesn't pay rent, landlord sues, tenant has to pay overdue rent and find somewhere else to live.
Also fairly routine was Holland's decision to appeal the judgment.
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Where things started to break down, and where a simple rent dispute began to turn into the Jarndyce-esque legal morass Holland's case has become, is when the appeal wound up in Judge D'metria Benson's courtroom.
Five years and multiple appellate decisions later, the case continues to grind its way through the legal system.
"We've been to the court of appeals four times," says an exasperated Bill Wolf, a University Park attorney and owner of the Caruth Boulevard home. "It's over a $6,000 rent payment in August 2009. [These things are] supposed to be done expeditiously."
Benson was first elected in 2006 as part of the electoral wave that put Dallas County's entire judiciary in Democratic hands.
She's been consistently rated as the worst civil court judge in the county in the Dallas Bar Association's biennial judicial poll.
The results aren't even close.
Eighty-six percent of 294 lawyers surveyed in 2013 said Benson's performance "needs improvement," 25 points worse than the second-worst civil judge. This case offers a glimpse of why.
Holland, who has represented himself for most of the case, left the house sometime in 2010.
As of 2013 he was living under an alias at the Ritz-Carlton, according to the University Park police officers who tracked him there after he allegedly snatched his two kids from his ex-wife's home while she was out jogging.
That left Holland and Wolf ostensibly fighting over a missed $6,000 rent payment from August 2009.
But Benson, in her pique over Wolf's continued attempts to evict Holland as the case stalled and an appeals court that has repeatedly overturned her decisions in the case, has raised the stakes immensely.
Benson's first run-in with the appellate court in the case came in January 2010.
Wolf, tired of waiting for the trial to resume, had gone back and won an additional eviction judgment for rent due the previous month.
Benson accused Wolf of trying to "usurp the authority of this court" and tried to strike down the JP's ruling, but the Fifth Court of Appeals ruled that she didn't have the authority.
She tried to strike down a subsequent JP ruling, but the Fifth Court again intervened.
Benson wrote testily in a court filing that the appellate court's decision was "manifestly unjust" and accused Wolf of withholding evidence in his appeal.
She also signed an order preventing Wolf from selling the Caruth Boulevard house, which was then on the market through Ebby Halliday for $1.4 million.
By then, Wolf had decided that Benson was "aligned with Clifford Holland" and "biased and/or prejudiced against creditors" and filed two motions to have her recused.
She ignored both, and the case went to trial on September 20.
She ruled in Holland's favor, as Wolf had predicted, but did Holland one better and ordered Wolf to pay him nearly $30,765.62 in attorney's fees, even though Holland had represented himself for most of the case and despite the fact that the attorney who briefly represented him had asked to be removed from the case citing unpaid legal fees, and $68,400 for the "reasonable value of Holland's time."
The Fifth Court again stepped in and, in 2013, declared the trial void.
It waded into the case for a fourth time this week to invalidate another Benson ruling, again deciding that she'd interfered with JP cases outside of her authority by preventing their contempt orders from being carried out.
Holland had been arrested on one at a hearing in Benson's court the month before.
Wolf says he would have had Holland arrested elsewhere, but his court dates were the only time he could be found.
The case continues to drag on, but this time the Fifth Court of Appeals might have had enough.
Along with its most recent opinion, the appellate court sent Dallas County's presiding civil judge a note wondering "whether this case should be transferred from County Court at Law No. 1 to another court to provide for the efficient administration of justice."
A more satisfactory option might be removing Benson herself from County Court at Law No. 1. Russell Roden, the Republican she replaced in 2006, is seeking to regain his seat.
He left office with a 91 percent approval rating from the Dallas Bar.
A bittersweet deal
A former female employee who sued Sky Chefs Inc. in 1994 claiming that company supervisors failed to prevent male co-workers from sexually harassing and assaulting her on the job settled her case earlier this month. Tonjua Benge worked as a truck driver for the Arlington-based airline food company. Her allegations…
A former female employee who sued Sky Chefs Inc. in 1994 claiming that company supervisors failed to prevent male co-workers from sexually harassing and assaulting her on the job settled her case earlier this month.
Tonjua Benge worked as a truck driver for the Arlington-based airline food company.
Her allegations and lawsuit were detailed in a January 1996 Dallas Observer story ("Lovers no more").
As part of the settlement, both sides agreed not to disclose details of the deal.
But Benge says she is not happy with the final agreement.
She accepted it at the 11th hour, she says, only because her lawyer insisted that she do so.
The settlement agreement was reached on August 8, only four days before the case was scheduled for trial in U.S. District Court in Dallas.
"By the time I pay my bills, I've really got nothing left," Benge says. "I feel I was forced into it."
Benge's lawyer, D'Metria Benson, a solo practitioner, contends that the settlement was a fair one.
But she concedes that Benge expressed some misgivings about the deal with Sky Chefs.
"[Benge] wanted her day in court," Benson says. "Sometimes it's difficult to have something that has been going on so long just stop."
Sky Chefs outside counsel, Walter Siebert, a partner at the Denver-based firm of Sherman & Howard, could not be reached for comment.
The company has a history of aggressively responding to claims of sexual harassment.
When a female worker in Oregon complained of sexual harassment and discrimination and won a $625,000 jury award, the company unsuccessfully appealed the ruling all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Since 1992, Sky Chefs has been the target of eight sexual harassment and discrimination claims in Dallas federal court.
Prior to Benge's settlement, Sky Chefs had made a deal in three of those cases.
But the conclusion of the Benge litigation must be a welcome relief for the company, which dominates the airborne-meal market at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and many other airports nationwide.
"Oh God," Siebert told the Observer last winter when discussing the Benge litigation. "This is the case from hell. It's like a soap opera."
Benge had asserted in a claim filed in federal court in May 1994 that "her male co-workers habitually tried to force or coerce Ms. Benge into gratifying their sexual desires on demand."
She alleged that when she complained to Sky Chefs management, nothing was done.
Specifically, Benge alleged that she was assaulted on the job by her co-worker and former lover--Carlos Minor Jr. Benge said she had ended her private relationship with Minor because he had turned abusive.
At the time of the previous Observer story, Minor and the other co-workers involved in the allegations denied Benge's claims.
Minor had claimed in court that when his "purely sexual" 18-month affair with Benge ended, she launched an obsessive, three-year campaign of stalking and harassment.
He said Benge barraged his home and workplace with hang-up calls, affixed cruel messages about his wife to his car, peered into his bedroom window at odd hours, and kept late-night vigils in the parking lot of his apartment complex, once leaving a pair of panties on his door knob.
Benge denied ever menacing Minor, insisting she was the victim.
With the settlement, all the claims that the two sides have filed against each other will be dropped.
Even though she is unhappy with the terms of the settlement, Benge says the rest of her life has pulled together.
She recently married a man who, she says, "could stand by me through all this," and she gave birth 10 weeks ago to her third son.
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delivercertifiedmail · 5 months
Other Ways to Use Certified Mail
Certified mail is a valuable service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) that provides proof of mailing and delivery for important documents or parcels. While it's commonly used for legal and business correspondence, there are several other practical ways to utilize certified mail in various situations. Here are some alternative uses for certified mail beyond the usual legal notices and formal communications:
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Insurance Claims: When filing an insurance claim, especially for valuable items or important documents, sending the claim via certified mail ensures that the insurance company receives it promptly. This method provides a documented trail of when the claim was sent and delivered, which can be crucial in case of disputes.
Notifying Landlords or Tenants: Landlords can use certified mail to serve legal notices to tenants, such as eviction notices or rent increase notifications. Similarly, tenants can use it to notify landlords of important matters, like repair requests or lease terminations. Certified mail ensures that both parties have proof of communication.
Family Law Matters: In cases of divorce or child custody disputes, certified mail can be used to send legal documents or notices to the relevant parties. This provides a verifiable record of correspondence, which is often necessary in legal proceedings.
Government Correspondence: When communicating with government agencies, especially for matters like tax filings, permits, or official inquiries, sending documents via certified mail ensures they are received and acknowledged within a reasonable timeframe.
Contractual Notifications: Businesses and individuals can use certified mail to send contractual notifications, such as breach of contract notices or termination of agreements. This method adds a layer of formality and accountability to important business dealings.
Medical Correspondence: Healthcare providers can use certified mail to send medical records, bills, or other important documents securely to patients or insurance companies. This helps ensure privacy and timely delivery of sensitive information.
Sending Sensitive Documents: When sending sensitive personal or financial information, such as tax returns, legal affidavits, or mortgage documents, certified mail provides added security and proof of delivery.
Court Documents: Besides legal notices and summons, certified mail can be used to send court documents like motions, briefs, or appeals to ensure they reach the intended recipients promptly.
Estate Planning: Lawyers and individuals involved in estate planning can use certified mail to send important documents like wills, trusts, or estate distributions to beneficiaries or interested parties.
Important Notifications: Whether it's notifying creditors of disputes, sending official complaints to businesses, or serving legal notices related to consumer rights, certified mail can be a powerful tool to ensure important notifications are delivered and acknowledged.
In conclusion, certified mail offers a reliable method of sending important documents or notices with proof of mailing and delivery. Beyond its traditional legal and business uses, certified mail can be applied creatively in various personal and professional scenarios to enhance accountability and ensure timely communication.
Deliver Certified Mail – ​​​Wix
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mount66news · 11 months
Queens Public Administrator to Depose Speculator Bros About Forgery Claims Uncovered
A home in Douglaston, Queens, estimated to be worth more than a million dollars, has become the focal point of a showdown between city officials and a trio of real estate speculators accused of predatory practices and fraud.
Through an LLC called The Queens Foundation, one of those speculators had acquired interests in the property for a few thousand dollars. But this summer, a Queens Surrogate Court judge nullified the deed sales through which the operators claimed partial ownership of the house. The judge sided with the borough’s Public Administrator who argued that the speculators bought the house from two relatives who were only distantly related to the house’s deceased owner and who were not the true inheritors to the property.
A lawyer for the speculators said they would not appeal the decision.
Even so, the counsel to the Queens Public Administrator, which manages the estates of people who die without wills, told MOUNT66 that his office has decided to keep the case open. As it assesses whether the estate suffered any damages as a result of the actions of the speculators, the public administrator plans to conduct depositions next month to delve into allegedly forged signatures that were used in the sale of the Queens house and of other properties.
In July, shortly before the judge’s decision to vacate the deeds, MOUNT66 published an investigation revealing how the ring of real estate investors behind The Queens Foundation and many other generically named LLCs operate.
Targeting rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods, the speculators scoop up homes left by owners who died, usually without wills, often paying well below market value to out-of-state heirs, who may not know the value of their relative’s properties. In many cases, the investors — Etai Vardi and brothers Elliot and Joseph Ambalo — go to court to evict tenants living there and flip the properties, often for many times what they paid the heirs. MOUNT66 found over 100 properties acquired in whole or in part by the trio’s companies and eviction filings by their LLCs naming 160 residents.
In the speculators’ deed sale filings, MOUNT66’s investigation also found six signatures that were attributed to five notaries and one heir in states across the country. But all six signatures appeared almost identical. Four of those notaries told MOUNT66 they did not sign or recognize these signatures.
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In a phone call, Gerard Sweeney, counsel to the Queens Public Administrator, said that unless his agency resolves the case, his team intends to depose the businessmen about these six apparent forgeries.
According to court documents, the Queens Public Administrator is scheduled to hold its first deposition on the morning of Nov. 8, and must serve subpoenas for non-party witnesses, such as notaries or title company employees, for examinations that must take place before Nov. 15.
Darlene Wong, a California-based notary who previously told MOUNT66 that her signature had been forged, said the judge’s July order vacating the deed sales felt like vindication.
“Knowing that the judicial system has stepped in, they did set this aside, it makes me vindicated, it makes me feel good,” she said. “These guys can’t do this stuff. They can’t get away with it.”
Reached by phone, Etai Vardi, one of the speculators, declined to comment, but his associate Elliot Ambalo denied that he, his brother or Vardi fabricated the signatures.
“I guarantee you that none of us did any fraud, caused any fraud to be done, none of that,” he said on a phone call.
For the first time in his communications with MOUNT66, Ambalo also named and blamed a former associate, who he claimed had recorded the documents with the apparent forgeries. 
That former associate did not respond to a request for comment about Ambalo’s allegations left in a note with his wife at his home in Brooklyn.
The Queens Public Administrator says it is now preparing the Douglaston house in for sale. Real estate listings show the house is under contract, as of earlier this month.
Another Push To Vacate Deeds
The Queens Public Administrator is pursuing another case in surrogate court against QN 48 LLC, a company run by Elliot Ambalo and Vardi, that could result in more vacated deeds.
In that case, the public administrator alleges that the LLC claimed ownership to a property based on “fraudulent deeds.”
According to deed documents, the speculators bought several shares of a three-story, six-unit building located in Astoria, assessed at over a million dollars by the city.
The businessmen paid less than $300,000 to more than two dozen of the deceased home owner’s family members living in Germany, France, Brazil and upstate New York. 
But, the administrator alleges, those people were not the proper heirs and did not have the right to sell their share of the deeds. 
Edward Vincent, a lawyer representing the investors and the LLC they used to make the purchases, filed papers moving to dismiss. He declined to comment on the pending litigation.
The investors conducted meticulous research to locate the rightful heirs, Elliot Ambalo said, but acknowledged how complicated that can be.
“This is very, very complex stuff,” he said. “It’s not so clear cut.”
Several law enforcement agencies also appear to have taken interest in the fraud allegations stemming from Vardi and the Ambalo brothers’ real estate dealings. In July, shortly after MOUNT66 reached out the New York Attorney General’s Office for comment, a prosecutor there contacted an attorney representing the woman in California whom Vardi’s LLC paid claiming she was an heir to the house in Douglaston. In an interview the same month with MOUNT66, Daniel Ifraimov, the CEO of a title company listed as having worked with the businessmen in deed paperwork, said he had been contacted by the FBI “on some of” the transactions that Elliot Ambalo “has done.” The New York Attorney General’s Office and the FBI’s New York field office did not respond to requests for comment for this story. In a phone call this month, Elliot Ambalo said he had not heard about the FBI reaching out to Ifraimov.
“I operate to the letter, to the T,” he said. “Everything I do is within the law, 100% legal.”
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goldfinch58 · 8 months
Navigating Immigration and Bankruptcy: Understanding Your Legal Options
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When life takes unexpected turns, bankruptcy lawyer austin knowing your legal options becomes crucial for weathering the storm. At Lincoln-Goldfinch Law, our focus is on providing guidance and representation in areas of immigration law and financial distress. Whether you are seeking a fresh start through Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or navigating the intricate immigration & naturalization service process, understanding your rights and available paths is the first step towards regaining control.
1. Immigration Assistance: The journey towards obtaining legal status in the United States can be complex, with various forms, deadlines, and regulations to consider. Our dedicated attorneys are well-versed in handling cases for asylum/refugees, green cards, citizenship applications, employers' compliance with immigration laws, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), adjustment of status for those already residing in the U.S., and even appeals against unfavorable decisions. Each client's situation is unique; we provide individualized strategies to ensure the best possible outcome.
2. Deportation Defense: Facing deportation can be frightening and overwhelming. We offer compassionate yet determined legal support to those at risk of being removed from the United States. From presenting robust defense strategies during deportation proceedings to filing for necessary appeals, our team works tirelessly to protect clients' rights to remain with their families and communities.
3. Bankruptcy Guidance: Financial difficulties do not have to define your future. In choosing between Chapter 7 Bankruptcy—a liquidation process that can discharge most unsecured debts—and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy—a reorganization plan allowing debtors to make manageable payments over time—our bankruptcy attorney will help determine which option aligns with your circumstances. Your journey toward financial recovery could include putting a halt to evictions or foreclosures while you get back on your feet.
4. Citizen Pathway Navigation: For those pursuing citizenship through naturalization, we provide comprehensive services from initial consultation through application preparation and guidance throughout the interview process. Understanding each eligibility requirement ensures no missteps on your path to becoming a U.S citizen.
Lincoln-Goldfinch Law addresses each case with empathy and precision because we acknowledge how life-changing achieving legal immigration status or overcoming debt can be. With our expertise in both immigration attorney services and bankruptcy assistance under one roof, clients can expect holistic support attuned to their specific needs without compromising care quality in either area.
Choosing the right attorney isn't just about finding legal expertise—it's about partnering with someone who understands where you are now and where you want to be tomorrow. Lincoln-Goldfinch Law is committed to guiding clients through some of their most challenging moments by providing knowledge, experience, and unwavering support every step of the way.
Contact us Lincoln-Goldfinch Law Address: 1005 E 40th St, Austin, TX, 78751 Hours: Sunday :Closed Monday :09:00 - 17:00 Tuesday :09:00 - 17:00 Wednesday :09:00 - 17:00 Thursday :09:00 - 17:00 Friday :09:00 - 17:00 Saturday :Closed Phone :(855) 502-0555 Company Email : [email protected] Map : https://maps.app.goo.gl/DQ4Jt2E8SWDNYPh39
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robertrick90 · 1 year
Top 10 Firms for Rental Dispute Services in Dubai
In Dubai's real estate market, having a trusted partner to handle rental disputes is essential. This blog post will present the leading 10 companies that specialize in offering rental dispute services in Dubai. It will provide comprehensive details about the services they provide.
BSO Real Estate Management: BSO Real Estate Management is a leading property management company in Dubai. They provide comprehensive services including property management, lease management, property handover, maintenance, tenant screening, and real estate legal services. Their dedicated team of real estate legal experts ensures that disputes are resolved efficiently and in compliance with Dubai’s laws. 
Whether you need to draft a lease agreement, file a rental dispute case, or recover your security deposit, BSO Real Estate Management can handle it all for you. They have a proven track record of delivering high-quality services and customer satisfaction.
Al Taresh Government Services: Al Taresh Government Services provides a platform for individuals and organizations seeking legal assistance all across UAE. They offer services like Ejari Renewal, GDRFA services for easy processing of work permits, visas and residency documentation, Ejari Cancellation, DHA Services for visa medical fitness visa applications, and more. 
They also have a team of experienced lawyers who can represent you in rental dispute in dubai and help you achieve the best possible outcome. Al Taresh Government Services is your one-stop solution for all your legal needs in UAE.
Dr. Hassan Elhais: Dr. Hassan Elhais is known for its comprehensive legal services, including rental dispute resolution. Their skilled lawyers provide practical and cost-effective solutions. They have extensive knowledge of the UAE laws and regulations, as well as the procedures and practices of the Rental Dispute Settlement Centre (RDC). 
They can advise you on your rights and obligations as a landlord or tenant, negotiate with the other party, and represent you in court if necessary.
RAALC: RAALC provides a gateway for all submissions and registrations to the Dubai Court system in a wide range of specialties: civil, commercial, real estate, family, money, labor on the urgent circuits, settlements of disputes, first instance, appeal court and execution. 
They have a team of qualified and experienced lawyers who can handle any type of rental dispute case with professionalism and efficiency. They can assist you with drafting contracts, filing complaints, attending hearings, and enforcing judgments.
Khouri Lawyers: Khouri Lawyers is one of the most trusted law firms in Dubai and UAE. They have a team of highly qualified and professional lawyers who provide a wide variety of legal services in Dubai. Their rental dispute services include advising clients on their rights and obligations as landlords or tenants, negotiating settlements, filing lawsuits, and representing clients in court or arbitration. They have successfully handled many complex and challenging rental dispute cases in dubai for their clients.
Dubai Lawyer: Dubai Lawyer’s knowledgeable and dedicated team can confidently represent clients in rental dispute cases with expertise. They have a deep understanding of the UAE rental laws and the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) rules and procedures. Their rental dispute lawyers in dubai can help you with preparing documents, submitting applications, attending hearings, and appealing decisions.
AWS Legal Group: AWS Legal Group is a global law firm with more than 30 years of experience in the Middle East. Their lawyers have worked with individual and corporate clients from more than 40 countries. Their rental dispute services cover all aspects of landlord-tenant relations, such as lease agreements, rent reviews, maintenance issues, eviction notices, security deposits, damages claims, and more. They can provide you with sound legal advice and representation in any rental dispute matter in United Arab Emirates.
Abdulla Al Awadi Advocates & Legal Consultants: Abdulla Al Awadi Advocates & Legal Consultants is a law firm in Dubai that provides all legal services including litigation management, lawsuits, civil, commercial, labor and penal disputes. 
Their rental dispute services include helping clients with drafting contracts, resolving disputes amicably or through mediation or arbitration, filing cases at the Rental Dispute Center (RDC), and enforcing judgments or awards. They have a team of competent and experienced lawyers who can handle any rental dispute case with ease.
HHS Lawyers And Legal Consultants: HHS Lawyers is a multi-disciplinary firm consisting of lawyers and legal consultants in Dubai. The firm’s qualified attorneys stay ahead of developments and changes in UAE legislation and practices to offer an array of bespoke legal services to individuals and businesses alike. 
Their rental dispute services include providing legal advice on landlord-tenant issues, negotiating settlements or agreements, filing complaints or claims at the Rental Dispute Center (RDC), representing clients in court or arbitration proceedings, and executing judgments or awards. They have a reputation for delivering excellent results for their clients.
Nour Attorneys & Legal Consultants: Nour Attorneys & Legal Consultants is a law firm in Dubai that provides all legal services including litigation management, lawsuits, civil, commercial, labor and penal disputes. Their real estate dispute services include assisting clients with drafting contracts or agreements, resolving disputes through negotiation or mediation or arbitration, filing cases at the Rental Dispute Center (RDC), representing clients in court or arbitration proceedings, and executing judgments or awards. 
They have a team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers who can handle any rental dispute case with professionalism and efficiency.
How to File a Case in the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) in Dubai
If you have a rental dispute with your landlord or tenant, you may need to file a case in the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) in Dubai. The RDC is the judicial arm of the Dubai Land Department (DLD) a real estate regulatory agency that handles all rental disputes in the emirate. Filing a case in the RDC can be done either online or by visiting the RDC head office located in Deira, Dubai. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
Visit the official website of the DLD
Go to the ‘Rent Dispute Resolution Portal’ on page
Fill in the required information
Upload the necessary documents. These documents will be used to acquire judgement with the execution writ seal.
Pay your fee online
If you’re visiting the RDC head office, you’ll need to bring all necessary documents with you⁴. Once there, present your documents to the typist, who will then translate all documents into Arabic, as it is the official language of the court.
Why Choose BSO Real Estate Management for Your Rental Dispute Services
Filing a case in the RDC can be a complex and stressful process. That’s why you need a trusted partner to handle your rental dispute services. BSO Real Estate Management is a leading property management company in Dubai that provides comprehensive services including property management, lease management, property handover, maintenance, tenant screening, and real estate legal services.
Here are some reasons why you should choose BSO for your rental dispute services:
Expertise: BSO has a dedicated team of real estate lawyers who specialize in rental dispute resolution. They ensure that disputes are resolved efficiently and in compliance with Dubai’s laws. They have extensive experience in handling various types of rental disputes, such as rent increase disputes, eviction disputes, maintenance disputes, subletting disputes, and more. They are well-versed in the latest amendments and updates of the UAE rental laws and regulations.
Comprehensive Services: Apart from rental dispute resolution, BSO offers a wide range of property management services. This means that they can handle all aspects of your property management needs. They can help you with property management, lease management, property handover, maintenance, tenant screening, and more. They can also assist you with other real estate legal services, such as property registration, title deed transfer, mortgage registration, and more.
Client Satisfaction: BSO has a strong track record of client satisfaction. They are committed to providing high-quality services that meet the needs of their clients. They have received positive feedback and reveiws from their clients who have benefited from their rental dispute services. They have also won several awards and recognitions for their excellence in property management and real estate legal services.
Ease of Process: With BSO, you don’t have to worry about navigating through complex legal processes on your own. They will guide you every step of the way, making the process as smooth as possible. They will handle all the paperwork and documentation for you, communicate with the other party on your behalf, represent you in front of the RDC or any other authority, and follow up on the execution of the judgment or award.
In conclusion, when it comes to rental dispute services in Dubai, BSO Real Estate Management leads the pack with its comprehensive property management solutions. Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, their team of expert real estate lawyers is here to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively.
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
Sascha Jovanovic, a Airbnb landlord, on the deck of his Los Angeles home.Allen J. Schaben/ Los Angeles Times via Getty ImagesAn Airbnb host failed to register his guesthouse properly, leading to a protracted legal dispute.A guest has now been living in the home rent-free for 541 days.A judge ruled the host has no legal right to remove her because the home is noncompliant.An Airbnb host has found himself caught up in a protracted legal battle to try to remove an unwanted occupant who has been living in his property rent-free for more than 541 days.A judge has ruled that he has no legal right to evict the woman, per the Los Angeles Times.Sascha Jovanovic started renting out his guesthouse without having a certificate of occupancy or a permit to build a shower. As such, according to California law, it was not a legal rental, the Daily Mail reported.The case started in September 2021, when Jovanovic, an LA dentist, approved a long-term stay for Elizabeth Hirschhorn.Hirschhorn rented the guesthouse for six months at $105 per night, spending $20,793 in total, according to the Times.Five months in, however, Jovanic offered to put Hirschhorn up in a hotel while a contractor made some repairs. Hirschhorn declined, and she also declined an offer to stay at his home, per the Times.A tense exchange ensued until Hirschhorn's originally scheduled Airbnb stay ended on March 19, 2022.Even so, the pair agreed to extend her stay until April 12, 2022, while she looked for another property, the newspaper reported.Extending the lease beyond March 19 meant that Airbnb would not be involved. Airbnb did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.On April 12, Hirschhorn stopped paying rent.According to the Times, around this time Hirschhorn contacted the Department of Building and Safety, which identified two code violations: lack of approval for occupancy and an unpermitted shower.She also submitted a complaint to a city official, alleging illegal eviction, harassment, and nonpayment of relocation fees, the Times reported.The official agreed that because the unit violated city codes, Jovanovic had to withdraw his eviction notices until he could prove that the unit was in compliance, per the Times.Story continuesBut Hirschhorn won't allow him inside, according to the lawsuit.With Hirschhorn having been in the property for more than six months, she also qualifies for LA's new Just Cause Ordinance, which requires a landlord to give a legal reason for eviction, the Times reported.If none exists, the landlord must pay for relocation assistance.Meanwhile, the city official concluded that the property was subject to LA's Rent Stabilization Ordinance, affording Hirschhorn more substantial tenant protections, per the Times.Jovanovic and his lawyer, Sebastian Rucci, have attempted to sue Hirschhorn on two fronts: a damages complaint to recover unpaid rent, and an unlawful detainer complaint to evict her, the Times reported.Hirschhorn's legal team successfully had the latter dismissed by a judge, though Jovanovic's legal team is appealing the decision."She's the tenant from hell," Rucci told the Times. "If she's right, the theory is that if a landlord has something that isn't permitted, then you can stay in it rent-free forever."In comments provided to Insider, Rucci said: "The tenant contends that she will not leave without being paid money to leave. We believe there is no basis for this."He added: "We will not negotiate with Elizabeth Hirschhorn. We will not accept any settlement where Sascha has to pay her. She owes over $60,000 in rent, and her allegation that she is owed money to leave is absurd."But Hirschhorn's attorney, Colin Walshok, told the Times: "The landlord broke the law and tried to make money by renting out an illegal bootleg unit.""After he was caught, instead of doing the right thing, he has resorted to bullying, harassment, and the filing of frivolous lawsuits containing elaborate false stories, all in an attempt to cover his tracks," Walshok added.
Walshok did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.Read the original article on Business Insider
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bizlawyers · 1 year
Tips from Best Litigation Lawyer on Sending Legal Notice to the Tenants Asking to Vacate Your Premise
When to send a legal notice to tenants asking them to vacate your premise? Well, consulting with a professional litigation lawyer can help you with that. A legal notice to vacate premises is a legal document issued by landlords to ask their tenants to vacate their buildings. There can be tonnes of reasons behind this.
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As per the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2023 data, about 31% of Australian were renters in 2021. But no matter what, landlords can always send legal notice to their tenants to vacate their premises if they want. And we’ll talk about that in the below blog post.
How many types of legal notices are there for asking tenants to leave your premise?
There’re 2 different types of legal notices landlords can send their tenants to leave their premises. And the following are them, i) The first type of legal notice to ask tenants to leave the premise is Eviction Notice. It’s also known as ‘Notice to Quit.’ With this notice, you can inform your tenants that they’ve got a certain amount of time to leave your property or they’ll be forcibly evicted by the officials. The amount of time your tenant will receive to leave the premise will depend on the state and country’s housing rental rules. ii) Another type of legal notice to ask your tenants to evict your property is Pay Rent or Quit Notice. Through this, you can inform your tenants that they should pay their rent within a specific time or they’ll be asked to move out of the property.
When should you send a legal notice to your tenants asking to move out of your property?
You can’t just send a legal notice to your tenants asking them to leave your property anytime you want. To send a legal notice, you must show any of the following grounds, i) One of the most common reasons you can send legal notice to your tenants is because of not paying rent. If your tenants don’t pay their rent on time, you can use this ground to evict them. You can send them a notice reminding them they’ve overdue rent to pay at a specific time. If they fail to pay their rent within that time, you can send an eviction notice to them. ii) Another ground you can ask your tenants to move out of your premise for violating the terms of the rental contract. It happens when your tenants fail to meet any terms mentioned in the contract. But you must show proof that the term has been violated. iii) Did your tenants sub-rented your rental property? Well, you can send them a legal notice for it. No matter if they’ve sub-rented a part or the entire property, you can use this as the ground to send them the legal notice. iv) You can send a legal notice to your tenant if you find that they’ve made any illegal changes to your premises without taking your permission. v) If you’re planning a major renovation project on your premises, you can ask your tenants to move out of your property. With this ground, you can ask them to live somewhere else up until the renovation is going on. But you can’t evict them based on this ground. vi) Did you rent your property out for residential purposes to the tenants and find them using the property for commercial purposes? It can be a huge ground to send them legal notice and ask them to leave your property.
Final thoughts,
Renting your property out to a tenant is normal. But them building another house on it or doing illegal work on it isn’t normal. If you’re facing any of these, you can send them the notice to leave your property. And having a professional litigation lawyer by your side can help you with that.
Read More: Which court should I appeal to after receiving the decision?
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cyberbenb · 1 year
Nathan Greenfield: Ukraine’s use of cluster munitions to evict Russian troops is both legal and just
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U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to supply Ukraine with cluster munitions triggered a debate that saw NATO allies, including the U.K., Canada, and Germany, as well as human rights groups, oppose the move. In the U.S., the decision was opposed by right-wing Republicans and the centrist Democratic leadership in Congress, while Republican senators like Lindsay Graham sided with the president.
The arguments against Ukraine using cluster munitions betray a naivety, if not a disingenuousness, about the hard truths of military history.
After the Germans used chlorine gas against the Canadians and French during the Second Battle of Ypres in April 1915, political and military leaders, as well as the press, excoriated the German high command. Five months later, at the Battle of Loos, the British unleashed around 140 tons of chlorine gas.
During World War II, the Americans were against bombing cities and civilians until they did so themselves after entering the war in December 1941.
How controversial cluster munitions give Ukraine needed punch during counteroffensive
Ukraine has begun using American cluster munitions in the field and is doing so effectively, according to the White House. “They are using them appropriately,” National Security Spokesman John Kirby said on July 21. “They’re using them effectively, and they are actually having an impact on Russia’s…
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The Kyiv IndependentIgor Kossov
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The fact that neither Russia nor Ukraine are signatories to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) matters much less than does the fact that Russia, by using them against Kharkiv, Odesa, and other Ukrainian cities, could not but call forth a like response.
Another argument raised against Ukraine using cluster munitions is their dud, or failure, rate, pegged by the International Committee of the Red Cross at 10-40% – and the fact that unexploded bomblets are small enough to be picked up by civilians.
The 40% figure includes Russian-manufactured cluster munitions; by contrast, American-manufactured cluster munitions have, according to U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, a dud rate of 2.5%.
Further, unlike the cluster munitions Russian forces have fired indiscriminately at Ukrainian cities, Ukraine will know exactly where they have been fired and, hence, what patches of land need to be cleared, as the Americans did after the Gulf War.
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People look at the remnants of a Russian missile that dropped cluster bombs on a residential housing complex in Sloviansk, Ukraine, on June 27, 2022. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
Legalistic appeals to the CCM also fail.
First, as Sullivan explained during an interview with NBC on July 16, the U.S. and Ukraine’s “moral authority” vis-à-vis cluster munitions comes not from the CCM but rather from the fact that the U.S. is aiding Ukraine against a “brutal, vicious attack by its neighbor,” thus drawing a hard line between Ukraine’s and Russia’s use of the weapons.
Even more importantly, those who make legalistic appeals commit a major category error.
Cluster munitions should be banned, the convention says in part, because their “remnants kill or maim civilians, including women and children, obstruct economic and social development… impede post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction, delay or prevent the return of refugees and internally displaced persons… and have other severe consequences for many years after use.” In other words, it focuses on the post-war effects of cluster munitions.
Yet, as Sergej Sumlenny, an international lawyer and the founder of the European Resilience Initiative Center, told me on July 9, “In Ukraine, this is not the case. The civilians are already suffering from the most brutal genocide, and the territories are already full with landmines and unexploded ordnances.”
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The remains of a Russian cluster bomb on the international airport on Jan. 6, 2023, in Kherson, Ukraine. (Photo: Pierre Crom/Getty Images)
None of the newspaper accounts of the debates on the CCM’s ratification contain even a single statement by the convention’s architects that refers to how and when Ukraine intends to use cluster munitions; i.e., to defend itself on internationally recognized sovereign Ukrainian territory.
According to the framework outlined last week by the spokesperson of Ukraine’s Tavria operational-strategic group, Valerii Shershen, cluster munitions will be used only for the liberation of Ukrainian territories, and not on Russian territory or densely populated areas.
He explained that they will be used “only in the areas where the Russian military is concentrated, to break through the enemy’s defenses.”
Because the 72 or 88 submunitions spread out over a much wider area than the blast range of conventional artillery rounds, much like shrapnel during World War I, cluster munitions are fitted to attacking troops in trenches. In military parlance, they are a “force multiplier.”
Andreas Umland: Should Kyiv be pressured to exchange land for peace?
Both Kyiv and the West want a full and stable truce with Moscow – sooner rather than later. Why and how Ukrainian national interest currently contradicts a ceasefire with Russia is clear: Kyiv’s problem in negotiating with Moscow is that an agreement with the Kremlin now will not lead to
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The Kyiv IndependentAndreas Umland
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Even as these hard military facts summon up horrifying images of dead men strewn around a blasted trench, we must remember they are invaders – their very presence on sovereign Ukrainian territory is a testament to Vladimir Putin’s violation of international law.
Evicting Russian troops is Ukraine’s undeniable right. For, as Russian soldiers’ war crimes have shown, evicting them is the sine qua non, the essential condition, of the Ukrainian people’s survival, let alone their state.
Ukraine’s plan to use cluster munitions in its own territory to evict the Russians is both legal and just.
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed in the op-ed section are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the views of the Kyiv Independent.
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hardynwa · 2 years
Arthur Eze Puts Up Nephew's House For Sale in Abuja, Illegally Evicts Family
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According to a report by SaharaReporters, Arthur Eze, the Nigerian billionaire businessman, has offered for sale a fully detached duplex house belonging to his nephew, Prince Olisa Eze. He did this after evicting his nephew's family without any valid court order. The house located at No. 5 Ifeanyi Ararume Street, Mabushi, Abuja was said to be offered for sale for the sum of N300million. Arthur on January 23, 2023 allegedly sent thugs and armed policemen for the second time to forcibly evict Olisa’s family from the property despite a notice of appeal pending before an appeal court seeking a stay of execution from taking possession of his property. He claimed to be carrying out the purported judgment delivered by Justice Modupe Osho-Adebiyi of FCT high court on the final forfeiture of the house. The incident occurred on Monday when over 20 policemen alongside hoodlums forcibly broke the gate and gained access into the house. Some of the hoodlums reportedly scaled the fence, looted properties, unleashed mayhem on the occupants and threw out their belongings from the house. It was gathered that the hoodlums in their number wielded dangerous weapons and were accompanied by the policemen who also supervised the attack. The policemen reportedly watched the hoodlums hit the gate with hammers, forcing it open before gaining entry into the house. Olisa said he has been receiving strange calls from people telling him that they got information that the property had been put up for sale for N300million.The operation which lasted for about six hours was said to have been carried out without a valid warrant or execution order from any court. SaharaReporters gathered that the billionaire is working in cahoots with the new FCT police commissioner, Sadiq Idris Abubakar who ordered the deployment of over 30 armed policemen to carry out the illegal eviction. It was learnt that after the FCT police commissioner in connivance with the OC Legal authorised the illegal eviction, he summoned the two parties to a meeting where the commissioner revealed that he acted based on the legal advice from the police legal department. Meanwhile the commissioner could not produce any execution order as requested by Olisa’s lawyer during the meeting. He eventually confronted the commissioner of police with a notice of appeal and motion for stay of execution pending before the Court of Appeal. Olisa said the commissioner ought to have done his due diligence based on the directive as stated in a letter from Inspector General of Police before carrying out the execution as the matter is still pending at the Court of Appeal. On September 1, 2022, Arthur led a detachment of armed policemen to Olisa’s house and evicted his wife and children but failed to produce the court order authorising the operation. The FCT high court through the Director of Enforcement, Chukwuemeka Toni Ubani, in a letter dated September 22, 2022 denied issuing any warrant of execution or being in possession of a Certified True Copy (CTP) of the warrant. Olisa asked Nigerians to hold Arthur responsible in case anything untoward happened to his family. He said he had been receiving strange phone calls since Monday, adding that his life was in danger. SaharaReporters had exclusively published a letter dated August 26, 2022, signed by Barrister Chukwudi Oli and addressed to the Inspector General of Police by the Mr. Arthur Eze, requesting 30 police officers to enforce the order of final forfeiture made by the FCT high court on April 28, 2022, in suit No. FCT/HC/M/5661/2022. The letter read in part, "We request to be availed with thirty (30) policemen for enforcement in the recovery of the properties of Olisaebuka Okwuchkwu Eze and Onyeka Nnadozie Eze handed over to our client by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission pursuant to an order of final forfeiture by the high court of FCT Abuja holding at Gudu before M.R. Osho - Adebiyi on April 28th 2022 in the above-mentioned matter." Arthur in November 2020 dragged his two nephews before a Federal Capital Territory High Court after he accused them of fraudulently diverting money from his business for their personal use.He described the rumour as laughable and ridiculous just as he called on unsuspecting members of the public to be wary of dubious and fraudulent people who are parading themselves as agents on the property. He said the property was not for sale as being peddled around, urging the public to ignore the information. According to him, whoever does any business with any agent in respect of the property does so at their own risk. Olisa's wife, Amarachi, who was at home when the attackers arrived, lamented that she was traumatised by the experience, after watching as their belongings were thrown out of the house. Amarachi said, "They came to evict us again from our house. The police brought those street urchins (trunk pushers) and they allowed them to break the gate to loot and throw out our properties. "They said they are carrying out final forfeiture order and we asked them to show us the copy of the execution order but the police couldn't produce it and that the order is from above. "We are homeless as I am talking to you and the children are going through emotional and traumatic experiences as a result of the attack. The children were not allowed to enter the house when they came back from the school. They met their things outside.” Read the full article
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Watch "Law firm filing 1000s of evictions and foreclosures #buffiepurselle #finance #housingcrisis" on YouTube
i was given a booklet called "coalition of the homeless" in the Commonwealth of Kentucky office after filing for unemployment after being fired because I was assaulted by a woman and she tossed soda on me. I was fired for telling the women that if she hit me multiple times out of work, I would hit her back. I reported her first. The company edited the video saying she hit me once by accident and I over reacted. The company didn't appeal the claim. It's been 6+ weeks since I filed unemployment. Google sent me a article saying "Kentucky only gives unemployment for three months, not six and a congressman said "get back to work."
I was in a years long retaliation situation after being injured in the workplace and the companies Doctors falsified my medical records and they minimized my injury listing me with a sprain ankle when I had a broken dislocated bones, multiple avulsions or chipped bones in multiple places and I had multiple damaged ligaments. they gave me a $29 cast for a year and tried to force me to stand up 8 hours a day when I was a driver. I was denied my medical records over 6 months and when I picked them up, the company I worked for wrote me up over bogus things like "you left 5 minutes early three times last month," bullshit... because everyone was allowed to leave once the next shift came in.
I have a lot of scar tissue and I don't know if it grew into bones, muscle and tissue or ligaments but, I have to get medical attention. I can not walk at slowest speed on treadmill and I can't walk minutes without dragging my ankle. pain and massive swelling daily. pain so bad, I get chest pains and short of breath and I told doctors I was diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm 4.0 cm....none of the doctors considered my pain. that I could develop HBP walking and suffering and the first doctor did not give me steroids to help me. I was given 3mg steroids ten months later to minimize my injury.
and the state of Kentucky is pulling taxes from my first check but I was told I would be homeless and the state had Legal Aid email me and also a funding place that assists people with evictions emailed me and my landlord didn't evict me yet. organized crime. Kentucky is so lawless now. you can not sue employers for pain and suffering and they don't follow laws and policies in place to protect people. LAWYERS do not protect people. I have had lawyers tell me to not pick up my MRI records or medical records while lawyers I didn't hire told me "they lied. you can pick up your records." Because doctors lied on my medical records, my lawyers are like "well they said you were fine and everything is normal." and I am showing them photos. I paid for doctors outside of my employer and organized crime is so huge, the doctors I hired minimized my injury and I need surgery. I've met people who had ankle surgery and they don't limp and I don't see pain in their faces.
I get apartments in KY that say "Rent is $950 or $800 and I get the lease and they charge $50-$100 more while continuing to advertise their building for less.
I have noticed that rent has gone up $1000 more in Kentucky. You are blessed if you have a roommate or a partner because you can't get a home for less the $750-$800 and I never get chosen for cheaper homes. I hate that I have to birth bastards to get qualified for section 8.
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evictionfreemke · 2 years
7 Steps to Take If You Receive an Eviction Notice
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If you have been served with an eviction notice, it can be a stressful and frightening experience. You may need to figure out where to turn or what steps to take next. Knowing the proper steps to take when faced with an eviction notice is crucial in protecting your rights as a tenant and helping you avoid homelessness. In this blog post, we'll discuss 7 steps for tenants who need help with rent eviction notice to help them understand their rights, negotiate better terms, and find help if they need it.
Step 1: Read Your Eviction Notice Carefully
The first step to take if you receive an eviction notice is to read it carefully. The most important aspect of the document is determining how much time you have before the landlord files an action in court. This information will help you understand your rights, negotiate better terms, and help find help if needed.
Step 2: Understand Your Rights as a Tenant
It is essential to understand your legal rights as a tenant so that you can protect yourself against any potential unlawful eviction. Many states protect tenants from unreasonable evictions and impose stipulations on landlords before they can evict. Therefore, tenants need to research their state's laws to be aware of the protections they may have available.
Step 3: Negotiate Better Terms with Your Landlord
If you received an eviction notice due to unpaid rent or lease violations, consider negotiating better terms with your landlord. The landlord may be willing to work with you if they understand your financial situation or help you fix any violations. Negotiating a payment plan or lease terms could help keep the eviction from going forward.
Step 4: Look Into Assistance Programs
There are many organizations and resources available that help tenants faced with an eviction notice. Organizations such as The Tenant's Union provide information on tenant rights, assistance programs, and other legal help. Additionally, there are government programs that offer help with rent payments or temporary housing options, such as Section 8 Housing Vouchers.
Step 5: Consider Filing an Appeal or Objection
If you believe the landlord has acted unlawfully in serving you the eviction notice, consider filing an appeal or objection. You may be entitled to a hearing where you can explain your case and try to stop the eviction from proceeding.
Step 6: Seek Professional Legal Advice
If your situation is not resolved, and you are still facing eviction, seek help from a professional lawyer familiar with landlord-tenant law in your area. A lawyer will help ensure the court proceedings follow legal guidelines and help protect your rights as a tenant.
Step 7: Seek Emergency Housing Assistance
In cases of extreme emergency, consider seeking help from local homeless shelters or other housing assistance programs. These resources can provide temporary housing while you resolve the issue with your landlord.
Facing an eviction notice can be a daunting experience, but there are steps you can take to help resolve the situation. By understanding your rights as a tenant, negotiating terms with your landlord, and seeking help from organizations or legal professionals when needed, you can help protect yourself against any potential unlawful eviction. If you need help with rent eviction notice, contact us today for assistance. 
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