#eviction hearing expert
lawofficeofryansshipp · 6 months
Eviction Services In Martin County, Florida - Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC
Martin County Eviction Lawyers Are you a landlord facing tenant issues in Martin County, Florida? Do you require legal assistance with residential or commercial evictions? Look no further than Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC. Our experienced team concentrates our practice in navigating the complexities of landlord-tenant law and ensuring swift and effective resolution of your eviction…
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the-catboy-minyan · 6 months
hello! I saw your post about ‘hero’ narratives and beating up the ‘bad guy’ vs working for systemic change. I had a specific question about something you mentioned in it— this truly is in good faith, I have Israeli friends including one who is currently fighting in Gaza, and some Jewish family so I really do just want to understand this different perspective.
You said that Palestinians hadn’t experienced ethnic cleansing. I’ve heard people talk about Palestinians being forced out of their homes, having farmland and property confiscated without much (if any) compensation and not being granted Israeli citizenship, even though they were living on the land that became the state of Israel at the time it was created. If not ethnic cleansing, what was/is that? I believe Jewish people have a right to live peacefully in Israel— I’m more curious about why, from an Israeli perspective, civilian Palestinians did not also have that right, and what the reasoning/justification behind their eviction was? (Or if I’m missing something and ‘eviction’ might still not be the right word?)
I understand if you aren’t able to answer this, I know it’s a big & politically charged question that you might not have the time or capacity to respond to, but I wanted to ask because I genuinely want to try and understand a perspective different from the ones I usually hear. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I hope you have a nice day!
hi there, I really appreciate you reaching out to hear new perspectives. I just want to give a disclaimer that I'm not an expert in the subject so I can't really explain it properly, because I don't know enough to properly pass the knowledge. but I can can try to elaborate on the point of not being granted an Israeli citizenship.
Palestininians live in the west bank and Gaza, which aren't under Israel's authority, they're not Israeli citizens since they don't live in Israel, they live in Palestine, which at present is self governing (the west bank under Fatah(?), Gaza under Hamas).
Arab Israelis are equal citizens in Israel under the law, and some of them are Palestinians. Palestinians who lived and chose to keep living in the land that became Israel were given an Israeli citizenship.
between 1948-1967, the west bank was under Jordan's rule (which is why it's called the "West Bank" while being east of Israel), and Gaza was under Egypt's. west bank Palestinians were given a Jordanian citizenship, while Gazans were not given an Egyptian one.
during the 6 day war in 1967, Israel seized these lands (among parts of egypt and syria iirc?). the prime minister Rabin worked with Yasser Arafat to sign the Oslo accords, in which the seized land was returned back to the owners and there would be dual recognitions between Israel and the PLO, but Jordan and Egypt refused to take back ownership of Palestine, and the ownership was passed to Palestinians.
as for the ethnic cleansing claim, well usually when a group is being ethnically cleansed, their population falls. Palestinian population in Palestine in 1948 was 1.4 million, and 5.4 million in 2023, that's about ×3.86 increase in 75 years. the global population in 1950 (couldn't find 48) was 2.5 billion, current global population is 8.1 billion, that's a ×3.24 increase in 75ish years. arab population in Israel in 1948 was ~150k/~780k total citizens, which is about 19%, today's percentage is 21%. so there were on large scale efforts to ethnically cleanse Arabs from Israeli territories between 1948-present day, and the Palestinian population rose close to the global average (and that's not including the amount of total Palestinians which is 14 million, only palestinians who live in Palestine).
so assuming the claims you heard are true (and I'm not casting doubt), those are examples of human rights violations, not ethnic cleansing. does it make it in any way okay or less bad? no, it just means the term "ethnic cleansing" doesn't apply here.
as always if anyone has something to add or I said something that needs correcting, feel free to reply or reblog. and don't take my word for granted, I'm just a random dude online, not an expert on politics and history.
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resolutedoubt · 1 year
While monied industry groups merely affect the posture of grassroots action and woke language while advancing high level political and legal crusades, small landlords like Lincoln Eccles, uniquely affected both by the pandemic’s economic precarity and its emergency regulations, have taken to the streets and Twitter, where they trumpet slogans like “landlords are people too,” “justice for mom’n’pop housing providers,” and “small landlord lives matter.” Some have even rebranded themselves as “indentured landlords,” “carelords,” and “community-based landlords.” When the New York City Council mulled a bill to target discrimination against formerly incarcerated tenants, a state committee member and shareholder of a Bronx gated community, spun it as “The End of Black Landlords.”
This narrative—and the cash machine behind it—has proven effective in swaying politicians, blunting tenant progress. It was reportedly influential in stopping Good Cause Eviction for the fifth straight year. Discussing the bill, a central Brooklyn assembly member representing a district of nearly three quarters Black renters argued that regulating rent increases would actually lead to “Black grandmas out on the street.” New York Mayor Eric Adams, himself a landlord, said in February that it’s important to “remember that small property owner—who came from the Caribbean [and] was able to buy a ten-unit house—how their increases are going up, what they’re going through.” When pressed by a Holocaust survivor tenant about city-wide rent increases on stabilized units approved by the Rent Guidelines Board, the members of which he appoints, Adams accused her talking to him like a “plantation owner.”
This pernicious rhetoric has succeeded not only at moving liberals but at arming conservatives, offering them the guise of populism while muddying the waters of debate. It has allowed the real estate establishment to cannily exploit the contradictory commitment of Democrats to both wealth-building through private property and, nominally, social justice.
For landlords, the language of victimization, which both identity politics and right-wing grievance draw upon, proves a potent force, tying together a relatively economically and politically diverse movement. It is the central engine of real estate’s outrage machine. No matter how absurd some manifestations of the social justice-minded mom-and-pop trope are, they’re the face of a deadly serious campaign—one close to snuffing out rent control entirely.
The narrative of the “woke” mom-and-pop landlord has since been taken up across the country. During public hearings about a new rent control program in St. Paul, an opponent—on Zoom from a beach vacation, naturally—characterized the policy as a form of redlining. Small landlords seeking to roll back rent control in Portland, Maine, adopted progressive language to do so, with ​​some arguing that their willingness to rent to asylum seekers, those on federal housing vouchers, and other marginalized communities demonstrates notable liberal bonafides. In Seattle, opposition to a local measure was led by a mom-and-pop group called Seattle Grassroots Landpeople. A Democratic city councilwoman in Minneapolis who led the charge to scrap consideration of a rent control program derided tenant advocates as “wealthy beer drinking pants rolled up white men” who need to “get out of mommy’s basement.” In a landlord forum, she described her role as “getting ready, putting my lipstick on, curling my hair and selling our message. [Landlords] are the experts at giving me what I’m selling.”
Outside of New York, this dynamic has played out most notably in California. The successful fight against Los Angeles’s pandemic eviction moratorium was led in part by the ​​Coalition of Small Rental Property Owners, “a California-based advocacy group that mostly represents black and Latinx landlords.” This past February, one small landlord launched a hunger strike to push for the end of Alameda County’s eviction moratorium, calling himself and other immigrant landlords “victims of government abuse.” The moratorium was ended by April.
Across the country, small landlords wielding social justice language are on the march, but their efforts could prove unnecessary. At the time of writing, the Supreme Court is mulling whether or not to hear any combination of five separate challenges to New York’s rent control law. Rent control has previously been upheld by the court, but with a ultra-conservative majority unbothered by established precedent, there’s ample reason to think they may take the case on—and undermine, if not outright abolish, rent control. Amid a national housing crisis in which rent prices are up just over 30 percent from 2019, the average American tenant is rent-burdened, eviction filings are 50 percent higher than the pre-pandemic average in some cities, and homelessness has reached record highs, the few restrictions on rent hikes that exist could be made unconstitutional overnight. The effects would be catastrophic, especially on renters of color.
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mariacallous · 1 year
This was not supposed to happen. Israel’s vaunted military and ruthlessly efficient security services had Hamas bottled up in the Gaza Strip. Sure, every few years there was a conflict that followed a similar pattern: a provocation, Hamas rocket attacks, Israeli air strikes, Egyptian mediation, and then quiet again. Meanwhile, Israel’s diplomatic achievements piled up as it expanded its circle of peace to include the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan. Until a few days ago, Washington was debating when Saudi Arabia and Israel would normalize relations.
That was when people began getting news alerts on their devices informing them that Hamas had invaded Israel, killed many civilians and soldiers, and had yet to be subdued while a salvo of anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 rockets rained down on Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Tel Aviv.
By now, whatever has been said about Hamas’s “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” as this latest assault has been dubbed—that it’s unprecedented, a quantum leap, Israel’s 9/11—has become cliché. However folks want to describe it, it should be clear that the merciless lethality of Hamas’s invasion of Israel has—at the risk of another cliché—changed everything. The familiar pattern of Israel-Hamas conflict is now something of the past. There is simply no way the Israeli government will not unleash the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on the Gaza Strip on the ground, in the air, and by sea to destroy Hamas and, in the process, kill or capture leaders such as Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Deif.
As a result, the issues that the world of Middle East experts, punditry, and officialdom was concerned with just a week ago—Israel’s eligibility for the U.S. visa waiver program and the prospect of Saudi-Israeli normalization—suddenly seem irrelevant. The starting point for the new Middle East will be an Israeli reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, not an Israeli Embassy in Riyadh.
This parlous state of affairs is only really a surprise because bad assumptions about the region hampered a clear view of the Middle East’s complex political dynamics. This is particularly acute when it comes to the Palestinian issue and its alleged diminution in parallel with the march toward regional integration, the idea that the problem is Israel’s occupation, and the persistent belief—despite so much evidence—that U.S. diplomacy can alter Iran’s behavior for the better.
Take each one in succession. First, although some Middle Eastern governments want to establish ties with Israel, the issue of Palestinian rights has not lost its importance for the vast majority of Arabs who view normalization dimly. Lost in the miasma of violence in recent days is the fact that Israel has occupied the West Bank for 56 years and, along with Egypt, maintains a cordon sanitaire around the Gaza Strip. Prominent features of life for Palestinians in these areas are violence, dispossession, and dehumanization.
Under these circumstances, there are few Palestinians who regard resistance as illegitimate. This was perhaps best articulated in a media interview with Mustafa Barghouti, the leader of the Palestinian National Initiative, who is neither aligned with Hamas nor its political rival, Fatah. Without explicitly condoning or condemning Hamas’s rampage throughout southern Israel, he focused on what he sees as Israel’s culpability. He told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that the Hamas attack was a reaction to a host of actions, including settler attacks on and evictions of Palestinians in the West Bank; attacks on Muslim and Christian holy sites by Israeli extremists; and Israel’s normalization with Arab countries, which Barghouti characterized as an attempt by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “liquidate” Palestinian rights and the Palestinian cause.
It was likely hard for many viewers to hear at a moment when the full horror of the murder of hundreds of Israeli civilians was coming to light, but Barghouti accurately characterized the situation for many Palestinians.
Now that war has broken out, it has brought into sharp relief the fact that the Palestinian issue is not just a “checkbox” ahead of a Saudi-Israeli signing ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House. Security, rights, and justice for the people in the West Bank and Gaza remain critical pieces of the normalization that so many Israelis want.
To their credit, U.S. President Joe Biden and his advisors understood this and pushed the Israelis to take the issue seriously. Still, in Washington, until Saturday morning there was an overall sense that the primary obstacles to Saudi-Israel normalization were not the Israeli occupation and Palestinians’ lack of rights, but rather a radical far-right Israeli government and a toxic Saudi leader who was unworthy of the goodies the White House was willing to offer for coming to terms with Israel.
Those may be valid reasons to be skeptical of a deal, but it’s clear that, now especially, Arab countries will not be able to move forward with normalizing relations with Israel so long as the Palestinian grievances remain unaddressed.
Second, anyone attuned to the issue will have seen placards at pro-Palestinian rallies that declare “End the Occupation!” The underlying assumption is that an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and the end of the blockade of Gaza will go a long way toward ending the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
That seems unlikely, but also beside the point—because when Deif, the head of Hamas’s military wing, affirms that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood aims to end the world’s longest occupation, he does not mean the 56-year occupation that began with Israel’s victory in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. He means the occupation of what he sees as the land of Palestine—to include Israel. This is something that Palestine’s supporters would rather be left unsaid; or, when it is raised, will protest that the Hamas Charter was revised in 2017 to soften the group’s view of Israel. That is hardly the case, however. Article 18, for example, states:
The following are considered null and void: the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate Document, the UN Palestine Partition Resolution, and whatever resolutions and measures that derive from them or are similar to them. The establishment of “Israel” is entirely illegal and contravenes the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their will and the will of the Ummah [global Muslim community]; it is also in violation of human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions, foremost among them is the right to self-determination.
It also states, “Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people.” This should bring into sharp relief Hamas’s goals. Taking over towns in Israel, rather than targeting settlements in the West Bank, belies the apologists’ claim that Hamas aims to liberate the Gaza Strip and West Bank only.
So yes, the occupation as understood by the international community is a problem, but it is not the problem. For Hamas, the problem is that Israel exists. And although the vast majority of people in the Arab world do not subscribe to Hamas’s methods, if some of the polling on normalization is any indication, their view of Israel as illegitimate is not dissimilar from Hamas’s own view. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has thus laid bare a problem at the heart of all the talk about a new integrated Middle East: Without justice for the Palestinians, the support for normalization is thin at best.
Third, the notion that the United States can coax changes in Iranian behavior through diplomacy is misguided. It remains to be seen to what extent Iran had a hand in Hamas’s infiltration of Israel, but there are tantalizing signs that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force played a role.
That group’s commander, Gen. Esmail Qaani, met with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah in the spring to encourage coordination among the groups and attacks on Israel. Hamas leaders have also said publicly that Iran provided weapons, money, and equipment for Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. The sophistication of Hamas’s operation and its stunning change in tactics also suggest the possibility that the group received outside assistance. And the Iranians have warned countries against normalization with Israel, a clear confluence of interest with Hamas.
If the Iranians had a hand in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, it should bring an end to the assumption that both Democratic and Republican administrations have held that, with Iran, “good will begets good will.” There is very little evidence of this. Instead, the Iranians pocket U.S. goodwill, regard it as weakness, and pursue their goal of undermining the regional order, including by confronting Israel.
Now, in response, the Israelis are laying siege to the Gaza Strip in order to destroy Hamas. It will be a long, hard fight, as the Israelis acknowledge. Given the scale of Hamas’s attacks, Israel will likely have unusual amounts of leeway from the United States, Europe, and even some of its Arab partners to achieve this goal—despite what will likely be an enormous loss of civilian life.
But then what? The Israelis have been trying to offload the Gaza Strip for decades. They were even willing to give it to Yasser Arafat. Given that there are no good options, the Israelis may now find themselves occupying the same territory they withdrew from almost 20 years ago. Even if they do not intend to do so, Gaza is a trap. This will surely set back normalization in the region and much else. Victory to the Iranians.
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pestit · 3 months
Tired of Tiny Tenants? Evict Unwelcome Mice with the Viper L-Catch Mouse Station
Do you hear tiny pitter-patter in the dead of night? Does the sight of droppings send shivers down your spine? If unwelcome mice have taken up residence in your home, fear not! PestIT Australia has the answer – the innovative Viper L-Catch Mouse Station.
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Beyond the Snap Trap: Unveiling a Humane and Effective Solution
Traditional snap traps, while effective, can be messy, cruel, and pose a risk to curious pets and children. The Viper L-Catch Mouse Station offers a more humane and efficient alternative:
Live Capture: The Viper L-Catch utilizes a live mouse capture design, allowing you to safely remove unwanted mice from your home without harming them. This eliminates the mess and emotional toll associated with traditional traps.
Multiple Catches: Unlike single-use snap traps, the Viper L-Catch resets automatically, allowing you to capture multiple mice without needing to constantly reset the trap. This ensures ongoing control of your mouse problem.
Peace of Mind: Knowing the captured mice are unharmed provides peace of mind. You can then choose to release them in a suitable outdoor location far from your home.
PestIT Australia: Your Trusted Partner for Mouse Control
When it comes to mouse control solutions, PestIT Australia stands out as your reliable partner:
Extensive Expertise: Our team possesses in-depth knowledge of mouse behavior and habits. This allows us to recommend the most effective solutions for your specific situation.
Quality Products: We offer a curated selection of top-quality pest control products, including the innovative Viper L-Catch Mouse Station. This ensures you receive a reliable and effective solution to your mouse woes.
Exceptional Customer Service: We are committed to providing exceptional customer service. Our friendly team is readily available to answer your questions and guide you throughout the process of selecting and using the right mouse control solution.
The Benefits of Using the Viper L-Catch Mouse Station: Beyond Humane Capture
The Viper L-Catch offers a multitude of benefits beyond its humane capture system:
Reduced Risk of Disease: Mice can carry and transmit a variety of diseases. By effectively controlling their population, you reduce the risk of these diseases spreading to your family and pets.
Peace and Quiet: No more late-night scurrying or gnawing sounds! The Viper L-Catch helps restore peace and quiet to your home.
Protected Property: Mice can damage electrical wiring, furniture, and other belongings. By eliminating them, you protect your property from unwanted and costly repairs.
PestIT Australia: Your Gateway to a Mouse-Free Home
Ready to reclaim your home from unwelcome mice? Here's why PestIT Australia is your ideal partner:
Diverse Solutions: We offer a variety of mouse control solutions, including the Viper L-Catch, to suit your specific needs and preferences.
Expert Guidance: Our team is here to provide expert advice on using the Viper L-Catch effectively and implementing other preventative measures to keep mice at bay.
A Commitment to Safety: We prioritize the safety of your family and pets. Our products and recommendations are chosen with this in mind.
Evict Unwanted Guests Today: Contact PestIT Australia
Don't let mice disrupt your peace of mind. Choose the humane and effective solution – the Viper L-Catch Mouse Station from PestIT Australia. Contact us today to learn more about this innovative product and reclaim your home from unwanted guests. Let's work together to create a mouse-free environment for you and your family.
Contact- Web - https://pestit.com.au/viper-l-catch-mouse-station Mail - [email protected] Ph - 1300 665 657 Address - 26 Mologa Rd, Heidelberg West VIC 3081, Australia
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idonimanagement · 5 months
Streamlining Your Property Management: Expert Eviction Services in Connecticut
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Navigating the eviction process in CT can be a daunting task for property owners. With the right eviction services, however, the ordeal can become straightforward and stress-free. If you're in Connecticut and facing tenant issues, understanding the nuances of fast eviction service is crucial.
In Connecticut, the eviction process adheres to specific legal protocols to ensure fairness and legality. Starting with a formal notice to the tenant, the process moves through various stages, including court hearings. Opting for professional eviction services ensures that you follow all legal requirements meticulously, preventing potential delays or legal challenges.
Fast eviction service in Connecticut is designed to minimize the time and complexity involved in evicting a tenant. Specialists in eviction services understand the urgency of the situation and are equipped to handle the proceedings efficiently. They provide invaluable guidance on legal paperwork, proper submission of documents, and representation in court, if necessary.
For landlords, choosing the right eviction service is paramount. Services that emphasize speed and adherence to local laws, like those offered in Connecticut, help maintain the integrity of the eviction process while ensuring that your property is vacated in a timely manner. This not only saves time but also reduces the potential loss of income due to prolonged tenant disputes.
In conclusion, whether you're dealing with a non-paying tenant or breach of lease agreement, the right eviction services can make a significant difference. For those in Connecticut, understanding and utilizing fast eviction service options can lead to a smoother and quicker resolution. Remember, the goal is to resolve such disputes with efficiency and legality, ensuring peace of mind for property owners across the state.
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krissiedeathy · 6 months
I had an interview for a waffle house in my area. I think it went well, however, the pay is going to be a problem. I applied to be a cook. My hubby and I did the math and I can not afford to make less than 14$/hr. Otherwise, I won't be able to afford my bills.
Doesn't help we need to move before the trailer park evicts us, because we know that is coming down the pipeline.
However, at waffle house, or at least the ones in this area of Ga, the cooks only make 12 something an hour. If you do well, you can be prompted to like an expert and master level, I don't recall which level is first. but the 2nd level gets you like a couple of scents to a dollar raise. You don't make 14 until you reach that final level which is pretty much on par with assistant manager roll which out the title.
Though he did send me the 2nd part of the onboarding application and they want me to come in for some onboarding on Sunday for a different location still in my area. Legit there are probably like 6 waffle houses within 20 minutes of me. I have to get a button up white shirt, black slacks, and black nonslip shoes. Fun thing is I have like 10 in my checking, maybe 20 available on a credit card. Plus I have a 100$ electric bill due I think today or this week. I believe I have that in savings but I need to move that over.
So yeah, I'm panicking and spiralling. So yay depression?
In good news, I have a interview for another temp agency today at 1pm. I'm still waiting to hear back from 2 other temp agencies. One of which told me they don't have anything at the moment. The other has two main companies they hire to, but I guess no openings at this time. I am also waiting to hear back from a maid service place. I like the lady I've spoken to, but she is a bit spacy and I still have to wait for the background check to go through. ugh.
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itsrattysworld · 7 months
Without Prejudice Mervelee Myers Shed Light On Diane Abbott's Story Relevant To Transition of 101-Year-Old Arnold Ebenezer Tomlinson Roles Of Judiciary Of England Wales Criminal Justice System Crown Prosecution Service In The Systemic Discrimination Miscarriages Of Justice Cover Richard Harty June O'Sullivan MIC Drag Queen Storytellers Abusers At HOC Nursery 2010 Equality Act Protected Characteristics Housing For Women Rev Rose Hudson- Wilkin Refuse To Mediate On My Behalf I Fight4justice For Women Like Ms H Presley Made Victim For Challenging Breaches Legislations Laws Codes Of Conduct Practices Made Me A Criminal Needing Emotional Regulation Treatment Miscarriages Of Justice Claims I Made Up Disabilities Violent Nuisance By Devonshires Narin Masera Paid Mimi Owusu Scam Me For Witness Statement Richard Blakeway HOS Accountable Trina Philbert Samantha Gibbs Charged With Deborah Agnes Gilchrist 23 Years Hate Crimes Nationwide Santander Barclays Target Us Expert Authority Subjects Cradle To Grave Mental Health SEND Advocate Early Intervention Key To Survival Facebook Disable 18 Pages Account TikTok Instagram Google LinkedIn LiveJournal Twitter YouTube Cyberbullies Targeted Me Between 18/9/2015 FB Gave LEYF Access To Account Guy Lawfull Mark Upton Stolen http://www.myvision.org.uk I Created 2012 Balis Sylfraizer Alexander Nembhard 1st Born Louise Chambers-Nembhard Ivan Sandyman Why Should I Allow Them To Get Away Use Disabilities To Deny Entitlements After Death Of Mother With Dementia HMCTS Unlawful Injunction Threats Of Imprisonment Eviction Contempt Of Court Expose Legal Systems A New Met For London... Please Subscribe To YouTube Attend County Court Clerkenwell Shoreditch 4/4 25/7/24 Hear How CPS CJS Continue To Ruin Lives After McPherson Report Mayor Of London Use Race Cards Labour Party Expelled MP Abbott I Have Not Work Blacklisting Networking Cover Paedophiles Jump Ship In EYFS Theresa May Rejected My Petition Michael Gove Community Secretary Open Letters I Was A Social Media Influencer 15/3/24
Refer 15 March 2024 J I Solicitors, 1-3 Atwell Road, London SE15 4TW Tel: 02077320362 Email: [email protected] Web: www.jisolicitors.co.uk Mrs Mervelee Myers, Flat 16 Alma Grove, London SE1 5PY Tel: Home: 02072310813. Mobile: 07950618083 Email: [email protected] & [email protected] YouTube 1: Web: https:/ Links Facebookfacebook.com/public/Mervelee-Myers Sean P…
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aacd2020 · 7 months
我希望国家法律的保护I'ma Canadian citizen. I hope to enjoy the protection of the country and the laws of Canada, We have: Canada is particularly powerful (criminal organization - HSBC) with the HSBC Corporate group, terrorist robbery. Tens of millions of Citadel hotel crimes, complaints and reports
The most respected judicial leaders and legal experts, Your Excellency, hello! :
Why I chose to turn to the Canadian state and government for protection to keep us alive: Because my family of five is:
"Desperate" in: "desperate for death", we did not want to kill ourselves, we were indirectly killed by (criminal organization), we encountered: Canada is particularly powerful (criminal organization - HSBC) with the HSBC corporate group, terrorist robbery crime,
1, the HSBC is particularly serious. On behalf of corporate organised crime:
A, why:foreign HSBC banks do not comply with Canadian national laws? Violation (Banking law + Criminal law + Constitution + Human Rights law + Property Law)
B, why: HSBC does not comply with the financial regulations and policies of the government of Canada? (Can not violate national laws + can not in the name of arrears + evict homeowners + must protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens + can not be organized by enterprises to murder and rob terrorist crimes) This is: the world shocked "vicious terrorist crime case
C, why: HSBC violated (loan agreement + court judgment order) Bank breach of contract: two people signed an independent loan agreement, why did the bank force me to pay the principal and interest for 7 years, why did the bank condone, support and protect the fraud group to loan 2.1 million yuan, not pay a cent of the principal and interest for eight years, and fraudulently occupied 50% of the castle house shares? Why does the bank not execute and support the order of the Provincial High Court for the partnership loan? Transfer Mr. Yang, withdraw from the housing ownership certificate shares,
D, why: HSBC breach (falsifying evidence + deceiving court + deceiving community + deceiving police + armed robbery of tens of millions of private property Castle Guesthouse)
2, the criminal Code states :(falsifying evidence + deceiving the court) is a felony, HSBC three times in a row. Provincial High Court hearing: asking the court for several judgements :(eviction + seizure + sale), the court refused to sell: fraud failed,
3, HSBC took armed robbery in violation of the law,(first to seize the house + after the judgment + after the sale). World wonder: HSBCBank robbed a huge amount of private property without a court order, in violation of the criminal law. The Constitution, the owner of the Castle Hotel. Is a private property, the house was seized by banks and enterprises, forced leasing, theft of five-star hotels, countless gold and silver jewelry. Antique calligraphy and painting, automobile. Mechanical facilities, there is no statutory acceptance procedures, how to evaluate the amount of robbed property?
4, the state decides the punishment of the bank enterprise organization: (the nature of the crime + the amount of the crime), the compensation amount is hundreds of millions of Canadian dollars
If the Canadian government does not impose a heavier penalty: "as a judicial allusion, in the future. Several foreign banks: Follow suit, and Canada becomes a terror state
5. Why: HSBC. From civil case, upgraded to corporate organized crime, continues to escalate to: "indirect homicide, robbery. Terrorist crimes "?
HSBC breaks Canadian law. Seriously damage the image of the bank, why the bank does not adopt "negotiated repayment", "deferred repayment, sale repayment", why the bank does not choose. Judicial procedure? (trial first + judgment first + auction first + surrender later).Why take armed robbery of house? B: It's a terrorist crime and why banks are illegal. Don't let homeowners sell their homes to pay for them? It's my private property right. I only owe 1.6 million yuan in loans. You can't put a value of 20 million Canadian dollars. The Castle Hotel, perpetrated a horrific robbery, and the bank made a fair and legal profit. Instead of making money from robbery,
I want law enforcement to organize a team, conduct an investigation, the bank to pay the rent, and compensate the homeowners
Yang Xuanwen, North American Chinese Mutual Cooperative,The 2024-2-18
”走投无路”处于:”死亡绝境”,我们不想自杀,我们是被(犯罪组织)间接杀人, 我们遭遇到:加拿大特别强大的(犯罪组织-汇丰银行)以汇丰银行企业集团,恐怖抢劫犯罪,1,汇丰银行特别严重的是.代表企业组织犯罪:
C,为什么:汇丰银行违反(贷款协议+法院判决令)银行违约: 俩人分别签协议独立贷款,为什么银行强制我一个人支付7年本息,为什么银行纵容,支持,保护诈骗集团贷款210万元,八年不支付一分钱本息,还诈骗强占城堡房屋50%股份?为什么银行.不执行,不支持,省高院判决令,合伙贷款.转移杨先生,退出房屋产权证股份,
3,汇丰银行又违法采取武装抢劫,(先抢房+后判决+后出售).世界奇葩: 汇丰银行没有法院判决令,抢劫私人巨额财产,违反刑法.宪法, 城堡宾馆产权人.是私人财产,房屋又被银行企业组织抢夺霸占,强制租赁,盗窃五星级宾馆,无数金银珠宝.古董字画.汽车.机械设施,没有法定交房验收程序,怎么评估抢劫财物数量金额?
4,国家决定银行企业组织处罚: (犯罪性质+犯罪金额),赔偿金额数亿加元
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saltyenthusiastpizza · 7 months
Toddler Proofing Your Home
It 's time for in order to purchase the house and an individual might be unsure with the to look for when you go with the Realtor. Like a smart Home Viewer help make sure that you do your research prior to going on the way to look.
As maybe you have already guessed, all out of all these rumah258 login things happened to me, after Got amassed 26 rental properties. In fact, oftentimes, all of these problems happened all of the same year. Now, for awhile (when I had about 10 houses), if one person didn't pay rent, I could cover it with the nine other payments. It offers two, things sometimes even five tenants didn't pay in drinks as well rumah258 daftar . month, it was made by devastating to my small business. I had to go to my business account and pay to a maximum of $3,000 toy trucks in mortgage payments, without income to cover up it. Plus, I to be able to pay a home management company to get my tenants to pay or to evict these people.
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Yes, a leg might lure you in a 3rd.5% rate now just a few years from now you can be finding out about 5%, 7%, 11%. Your short-term gain now may be a long-term pain rumah258 afterwards. Lock in one particular of these incredible low rates now and long-term you will be glad you did. You will eliminate a potential financial crisis down the trail.
Children became inventive beings. They come into this world simply no preconceived notions of doing things. Regarding minds there aren't any limits as they can make for or how to do who's.
Another great home business idea you can attempt is to expert knowledge on what you enjoy. To hear fishing or biking or travelling, you know to possess a working background on all kinds of things that might concern beginners in the craft. Offer expert advice to them over cell phone or by writing a blog rumah258 daftar . Its a lot like what a consultancy office does.
Did remodeling people take paid surveys and cash every day? There are people who started to blog on the part-time basis and now earn a full-time income as very!
You should certainly make house safer by implementing these easy-to-install devices and safety measures. It's hard to see our hard-earned possessions disappear before our eyes, nevertheless it's even harder to see the lives individuals family struggling. A smart home-owner does everything preserve what is so important.
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robertrick90 · 1 year
Top 10 Firms for Rental Dispute Services in Dubai
In Dubai's real estate market, having a trusted partner to handle rental disputes is essential. This blog post will present the leading 10 companies that specialize in offering rental dispute services in Dubai. It will provide comprehensive details about the services they provide.
BSO Real Estate Management: BSO Real Estate Management is a leading property management company in Dubai. They provide comprehensive services including property management, lease management, property handover, maintenance, tenant screening, and real estate legal services. Their dedicated team of real estate legal experts ensures that disputes are resolved efficiently and in compliance with Dubai’s laws. 
Whether you need to draft a lease agreement, file a rental dispute case, or recover your security deposit, BSO Real Estate Management can handle it all for you. They have a proven track record of delivering high-quality services and customer satisfaction.
Al Taresh Government Services: Al Taresh Government Services provides a platform for individuals and organizations seeking legal assistance all across UAE. They offer services like Ejari Renewal, GDRFA services for easy processing of work permits, visas and residency documentation, Ejari Cancellation, DHA Services for visa medical fitness visa applications, and more. 
They also have a team of experienced lawyers who can represent you in rental dispute in dubai and help you achieve the best possible outcome. Al Taresh Government Services is your one-stop solution for all your legal needs in UAE.
Dr. Hassan Elhais: Dr. Hassan Elhais is known for its comprehensive legal services, including rental dispute resolution. Their skilled lawyers provide practical and cost-effective solutions. They have extensive knowledge of the UAE laws and regulations, as well as the procedures and practices of the Rental Dispute Settlement Centre (RDC). 
They can advise you on your rights and obligations as a landlord or tenant, negotiate with the other party, and represent you in court if necessary.
RAALC: RAALC provides a gateway for all submissions and registrations to the Dubai Court system in a wide range of specialties: civil, commercial, real estate, family, money, labor on the urgent circuits, settlements of disputes, first instance, appeal court and execution. 
They have a team of qualified and experienced lawyers who can handle any type of rental dispute case with professionalism and efficiency. They can assist you with drafting contracts, filing complaints, attending hearings, and enforcing judgments.
Khouri Lawyers: Khouri Lawyers is one of the most trusted law firms in Dubai and UAE. They have a team of highly qualified and professional lawyers who provide a wide variety of legal services in Dubai. Their rental dispute services include advising clients on their rights and obligations as landlords or tenants, negotiating settlements, filing lawsuits, and representing clients in court or arbitration. They have successfully handled many complex and challenging rental dispute cases in dubai for their clients.
Dubai Lawyer: Dubai Lawyer’s knowledgeable and dedicated team can confidently represent clients in rental dispute cases with expertise. They have a deep understanding of the UAE rental laws and the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) rules and procedures. Their rental dispute lawyers in dubai can help you with preparing documents, submitting applications, attending hearings, and appealing decisions.
AWS Legal Group: AWS Legal Group is a global law firm with more than 30 years of experience in the Middle East. Their lawyers have worked with individual and corporate clients from more than 40 countries. Their rental dispute services cover all aspects of landlord-tenant relations, such as lease agreements, rent reviews, maintenance issues, eviction notices, security deposits, damages claims, and more. They can provide you with sound legal advice and representation in any rental dispute matter in United Arab Emirates.
Abdulla Al Awadi Advocates & Legal Consultants: Abdulla Al Awadi Advocates & Legal Consultants is a law firm in Dubai that provides all legal services including litigation management, lawsuits, civil, commercial, labor and penal disputes. 
Their rental dispute services include helping clients with drafting contracts, resolving disputes amicably or through mediation or arbitration, filing cases at the Rental Dispute Center (RDC), and enforcing judgments or awards. They have a team of competent and experienced lawyers who can handle any rental dispute case with ease.
HHS Lawyers And Legal Consultants: HHS Lawyers is a multi-disciplinary firm consisting of lawyers and legal consultants in Dubai. The firm’s qualified attorneys stay ahead of developments and changes in UAE legislation and practices to offer an array of bespoke legal services to individuals and businesses alike. 
Their rental dispute services include providing legal advice on landlord-tenant issues, negotiating settlements or agreements, filing complaints or claims at the Rental Dispute Center (RDC), representing clients in court or arbitration proceedings, and executing judgments or awards. They have a reputation for delivering excellent results for their clients.
Nour Attorneys & Legal Consultants: Nour Attorneys & Legal Consultants is a law firm in Dubai that provides all legal services including litigation management, lawsuits, civil, commercial, labor and penal disputes. Their real estate dispute services include assisting clients with drafting contracts or agreements, resolving disputes through negotiation or mediation or arbitration, filing cases at the Rental Dispute Center (RDC), representing clients in court or arbitration proceedings, and executing judgments or awards. 
They have a team of highly skilled and experienced lawyers who can handle any rental dispute case with professionalism and efficiency.
How to File a Case in the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) in Dubai
If you have a rental dispute with your landlord or tenant, you may need to file a case in the Rental Dispute Center (RDC) in Dubai. The RDC is the judicial arm of the Dubai Land Department (DLD) a real estate regulatory agency that handles all rental disputes in the emirate. Filing a case in the RDC can be done either online or by visiting the RDC head office located in Deira, Dubai. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
Visit the official website of the DLD
Go to the ‘Rent Dispute Resolution Portal’ on page
Fill in the required information
Upload the necessary documents. These documents will be used to acquire judgement with the execution writ seal.
Pay your fee online
If you’re visiting the RDC head office, you’ll need to bring all necessary documents with you⁴. Once there, present your documents to the typist, who will then translate all documents into Arabic, as it is the official language of the court.
Why Choose BSO Real Estate Management for Your Rental Dispute Services
Filing a case in the RDC can be a complex and stressful process. That’s why you need a trusted partner to handle your rental dispute services. BSO Real Estate Management is a leading property management company in Dubai that provides comprehensive services including property management, lease management, property handover, maintenance, tenant screening, and real estate legal services.
Here are some reasons why you should choose BSO for your rental dispute services:
Expertise: BSO has a dedicated team of real estate lawyers who specialize in rental dispute resolution. They ensure that disputes are resolved efficiently and in compliance with Dubai’s laws. They have extensive experience in handling various types of rental disputes, such as rent increase disputes, eviction disputes, maintenance disputes, subletting disputes, and more. They are well-versed in the latest amendments and updates of the UAE rental laws and regulations.
Comprehensive Services: Apart from rental dispute resolution, BSO offers a wide range of property management services. This means that they can handle all aspects of your property management needs. They can help you with property management, lease management, property handover, maintenance, tenant screening, and more. They can also assist you with other real estate legal services, such as property registration, title deed transfer, mortgage registration, and more.
Client Satisfaction: BSO has a strong track record of client satisfaction. They are committed to providing high-quality services that meet the needs of their clients. They have received positive feedback and reveiws from their clients who have benefited from their rental dispute services. They have also won several awards and recognitions for their excellence in property management and real estate legal services.
Ease of Process: With BSO, you don’t have to worry about navigating through complex legal processes on your own. They will guide you every step of the way, making the process as smooth as possible. They will handle all the paperwork and documentation for you, communicate with the other party on your behalf, represent you in front of the RDC or any other authority, and follow up on the execution of the judgment or award.
In conclusion, when it comes to rental dispute services in Dubai, BSO Real Estate Management leads the pack with its comprehensive property management solutions. Whether you’re a landlord or a tenant, their team of expert real estate lawyers is here to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively.
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averyshorts · 2 years
The sirens had finally moved far away enough for him to hear his own voice. They could still be heard in the background, but the foreground was now left to his devout words. Kneeling in the small space between his bed and the window, he had knelt down and folded his hands, tilting his head downwards. 
“-just to cover last month's rent at least. The landlord has been patient with me, but he cannot let me live here for free forever…” 
The economy had not just failed itself but just about everyone, a man without a job was bound to struggle with rent, but in the current state of things, one who was working struggled just as much. Of course he was thankful for the employment that he had finally secured, but the paycheck would only come in after rent was due once more, and if he were to be evicted, he likely would lose this position as well. 
“I know it is preposterous of me to ask for so much after you already let me find work and a place to call home, but you, who sees everything, surely see that I am doing what I can. I am thankful for everything you have given to me, praise be. May my eyes become yours.” 
He kissed his folded hands, opened his eyes and gazed at heaven, or at least in the right direction. Buildings blocked his view of the sky, and smog hid away what was left of it. But still, he knew what he was supposed to see, so he saw. 
The walls were thin, so even if he were to try, having breakfast in silence wasn’t an option. Wanting to make the best out of his living situation though, he had simply moved his table closer to the wall. Now, he could easily save money, since there was no reason to purchase a radio! His neighbor’s TV was more than loud enough to let every nearby resident hear the news with her. Social as she was, she even provided color commentary, although it was a bit harder to understand than the broadcasts due to the slur that came with drunkeness. Still, he enjoyed it and listened whenever he sat down in his kitchenette. It was almost as if he wasn’t alone for all of his meals! “Tension rises on the streets of the capital as Police President Greer refuses to enter peace talks with the leader of the riots. Yesterday’s march resulted in 17 dead, three of which are policemen. Demand in home surveillance and security technology soars as the rate of aggravated burglary rises sharply, experts are still debating as to what led to this sudden increase. President-” “They’re gonna drive up our rent again because of this stupid new security! I’d rather be killed by a damned thief than get my rent raised one more time!” The neighbor shouted, a tat too loudly for anyone listening in to understand the next news topic. When the TV could be heard again, the speaker had already moved on. “This is Good Morning News, with your host, Barbara Lodh. Violence in the capital-” 
If he wanted to get to work on time, he’d have to get going now and skip out on the details, but the headlines had already informed him enough to last until dinner. Not that it really mattered, since the news was pretty much the same every day anyways… 
He quickly scarfed down the rest of his food, chugged down his coffee in one gulp, which he immediately regretted, grabbed his ratty coat and left. 
Work was decidedly uneventful. His new coworkers were friendly and respectful, he loved working with them and had decided not to think about what had led to mass layoff that had gotten them all hired at the same time. Instead, he sent up a thankful prayer, happy that his wish for a stable job with pleasant peers had come true so quickly. Slowly, he felt like some of them were becoming his friends, and he looked forward to a future where he had enough money to invite them to dinner once. Maybe he’d even finally find love…
While getting ready to leave at the end of his shift, he wanted to go meet his landlord to ask for more time, he saw that someone had slipped something into his coat pockets. Multiple cards, all the size of regular business cards. Most out of paper, in black and white, with small eyes all over them. It made for a beautiful pattern and couldn’t have been too cheap, so it was a nice gift. One of them was made out of some kind of rifled plastic though. If you turned it in your hands, the big eye on it opened and closed! He was amazed by the kindness of whoever had left this for him, and quickly stored this special card in his wallet for safe keeping. He left with a smile on his face, gratitude in his heart and a new prayer on his mind. 
Arriving home felt weird. He had been very prepared to beg his landlord for an extension and to make all kinds of promises in the process, but instead he had gotten a text message from him shortly after work. Someone had donated a large sum to give the poor residents of his immediate neighborhood a break. His missing payments were covered with this. Rent also wouldn’t be rising as the lady next door had feared since the landlord was not planning on updating the security anytime soon. He said that it just was way too expensive with the ongoing price-gouging and that burglars usually stole from people rich enough to actually own anything stealable. 
Of course he had hoped and believed that his prayer would help, but he felt like this was oddly quick, even for the Omnivident One he worshiped. 
Not that he was complaining, no, he was very grateful. But what if he didn’t manage to convey this properly? The feelings of guilt would be overwhelming. Determined, he shook his head, as if he was trying to physically toss out any negativity, and then emptied out his pockets to take a second look at the business cards he had received earlier. They were still pretty in better light and once again summoned a smile onto his face. After some thinking, he decided to decorate his small apartment with them but to keep the special one in his wallet, as a good luck charm. 
To celebrate the occasion, he decided to finally eat the steak that had one day shown up on his doorstep, along with other groceries, all in a nice cooler bag and a lot of ice. It had been in his freezer ever since, since it had felt like a waste to just eat it for regular dinner… But today was perfect! There were so many things to celebrate! His job, his colleagues, his rent being paid, the fact that he had a home at all, the nice cards, everything. 
He fried it along with a sliced tomato and sat down to listen to the news he had missed in the morning, making sure to say his prayers before his meal. 
Some people injured by the protests yesterday had died in the hospital, upping the death count to 20. The deaths from today’s protests weren’t counted yet, as per usual. The mysterious burglaries were still an enigma, but appear to be all planned by the same group, since they share too many details to be unrelated. In the next city over, a brown bear had broken out of his enclosure on the mayor’s property and attacked multiple children playing on the street. They are injured, but not mortally wounded. 
So all in all, nothing out of the ordinary had happened. 
Before laying down to sleep, he knelt down again in that little space he had, and prayed. Mostly, he expressed his gratefulness for everything he had been granted, prayed for those who were lost, prayed for those who had died today, but he also made sure to express the last wish he had left in him: 
“I hope that your all-seeing eye also finds someone you see fit for me to love. I wish to share this life and faith with someone and am growing lonely… And I am not getting younger. I am thankful for everything you have given to me, praise be. May my eyes become yours.” 
He chuckled as he thought about his past wishes. A few years ago, he’d have never believed that he would pray for love, or that he’d pray at all, but by now this was the biggest hope he had. It had always worked before, so if the Omnivident One saw fit, there was no reason it would stop helping now. With nothing but good and happy thoughts in his mind, he fell asleep, excited for tomorrow. 
The fresh morning air tickled his nose, so he shuffled down a bit, looking for more warmth from his blanket. It wasn’t that thick, but still, he felt warm. It took him a bit to understand why lying in his bed now was such a new sensation. The heat was very localized, in the form of a leg over his, an arm across his chest and breath against his neck. Slowly, he turned his head to the side to see this source of warmness. The eye tattooed on her forehead looked right back at him. He sat up and smiled. She was beautiful. Slowly, trying to avoid waking her up, he crawled out of the bed to make breakfast for two. He had to be careful to not step on any glass shards, as they were all over his bedroom floor. 
If the Omnivident One finds a closed door, they force open a window, it seems.
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workingnahas · 2 years
Microsoft accounting software great plains
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Much like switching to the latest iPhone from an older model, there will be some new features you will have to learn, but you’ll still have that Microsoft look and feel. First, because you are a current Dynamics GP user, the transition to Dynamics 365 will be familiar. And there are a few good reasons why you should hear them out. Microsoft will work with existing clients to transition to their cloud-based platform: Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Microsoft is a leader in the software space for a reason, and they’re not going to leave their clients high and dry. Option 1: Transition to Microsoft Dynamics 365 As you start to think about the future, here are two options for you to consider as you look ahead. My fellow independent ERP experts and I at Third Stage are here to help you navigate this latest industry news. If you’re a current Dynamics GP user, there’s no need to panic. Now, as the Microsoft Dynamics GP journey comes to a close, existing customers are facing hard decisions and a deadline of 2025 as they start planning for the future. It even serves as the accounting and finance center of other solutions, like Epicor’s Prophet 21.Īs one of Microsoft’s first offerings for ERP, Dynamics GP quickly spread across organizations and industries, gaining traction with manufacturing and field-service organizations thanks to Microsoft’s good reputation and easy integration with the rest of their stack. Since its acquisition by Microsoft in 2000, Great Plains was merged into the Dynamics Business Solutions brand and widely adopted by small and medium-sized businesses across the world. One of those companies was Great Plains Software, an organization that built a respectable client base with its high-end accounting and financial software. When Microsoft first got into the ERP space, they did so by acquiring smaller, well-established companies in the industry. Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains, or Microsoft Dynamics GP as it is often abbreviated, is one of Microsoft’s most established ERP solutions. Most people are familiar with Microsoft’s offerings - Windows, Office, Azure, to name a few. In an effort to help organizations unpack this latest announcement from Microsoft, let’s dive into the history of GP, what this end-of-life announcement means for Microsoft, and how current GP clients can navigate their future in ERP. This news left many small and medium-sized businesses feeling uncertain. The Great Plains system itself is considered a giant in the industry and has delivered a reliable ERP and accounting solution for decades. Recently, Microsoft announced that they would be discontinuing support for Dynamics Great Plains by 2025. For others, the transition can feel like a surprise eviction. When the time comes, many businesses are ready to move to the next chapter. At some point, aging systems become a hassle to support and must be replaced, leaving ERP providers the choice to continue supporting legacy products or establish an “end-of-life” plan in hopes customers transition to the latest version. While many consider ERP software to be a worthwhile investment, it is, by no means, an immortal solution. These systems require a certain level of attention to function successfully, even after implementation is complete. In many ways, an ERP system acts as a living, breathing entity within an organization.
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egcdeath · 3 years
devil’s advocate - 8
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pairing: matt murdock x reader
summary: life isn’t all that bad as a former black widow turned hit woman. that is, until you meet a certain pain in the ass vigilante.
and end up needing his help.
word count: 3.3k
warnings: ANGST, injury, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt no comfort, claire cameo my beloved!, matt makes bad decisions because he feels guilty, mentions of black widow traumas (mainly abuse & human trafficking)
author’s note: yes, my update schedule is every other week now, but i’m feeling generous today. also a little more matt pov, because the reader’s feelings are not completely one sided. enjoy this angsty chapter.
previous chapter / series masterlist / ao3 / series taglist
Your fingers trembled against the thin slip of paper. Its vague, yet incredibly daunting words had made your head spin— but that could’ve been the blood loss. You pulled your lip with your teeth in a futile effort to keep it from wobbling, and ignored the growing stinging in your eyes as tears threatened to bubble to the surface. 
“What is it?” Matt questioned as he closed the door behind you softly as to not disturb the neighbors or draw any suspicion to you. 
“Nothing, just… eviction notice.”
“Mhm,” he agreed dryly, navigating the obstacle course of your living room to set you down on your couch. “Read it to me.”
“It doesn’t even matter,” you dismissed despite the shaking of your voice betraying your cavalier words. 
“Remember, I can tell when you’re lying.”
“Matt, please…” you trailed off weakly, as you sunk into your couch, groaning aloud quietly in a mixture of exhaustion and pain from your run in with the random hitman, and the growing crushing feeling on your chest from the threat of the note. 
For a second, you wondered if the note referred to your more recent work in the city, but the sign-off of a spider told you everything you needed to know. Somehow, you’d prefer the threat of exposing your more recent night job to your time as a Black Widow. Your past would truly never stop haunting you. 
Yet, you supposed that it was really only a matter of time. Part of you knew, deep down, that you would eventually have to pay for the crimes that you’d performed under someone else’s order, but that other naive part of you had just a sliver of hope that you had been worried for nothing. 
You were becoming more and more light headed by the moment, a mixture of blood loss, the reservoir of adrenaline from the fight finally running dry, and now the final punch of imagining the new life you’d built for yourself crumbling before your eyes. Your vision was obscured by a vignette of darkness, making the design of your ceiling fade in and out of your line of sight until everything went black. 
Your heart rate was slowing down, and it was slowing down quickly. Matt mentally scolded himself for not calling Claire sooner as he opened his burner phone and clicked the one and only contact, before setting the phone on speaker and placing it on your coffee table.
He kneeled down by your side and pressed two fingers against your pulse point, not that he needed to be any closer to hear your heartbeat, but feeling your pulse against his fingers gave him an odd sense of comfort. You were okay for the moment. Well, maybe not okay, but not dying just yet.
Scolding himself once more for wasting time, Matt went right to work with what he could do while he waited for Claire’s more expert assistance. With the already ripped fabric of your pants, Matt attempted to make a tourniquet to slow down the bleeding as much as possible. 
After the third ring, Claire picked up the phone. “What’s wrong?” she slurred sleepily. Clearly, Matt’s ringtone had woken her up from her slumber. 
“It’s not me this time. I’m going to send you my location, and I need you to get here as fast as you can.”
“Shit,” she murmured, the phone barely picking up on it. “Okay, give me a bit.”
“Did you meet each other at fight club?” Claire asked as she got to work unloading her rather extensive emergency kit. 
“Something like that,” Matt murmured as he paced back and forth through your living room. To say he was on edge was an understatement. His ears were flooded with the sound of blood continuously pouring out of your wound, his mouth metallic with the taste of the soaked and hastily made tourniquet, and the scent of copper assaulted his nose. The instruments of Claire’s kit sounded far too canny for his liking, and his clothes were practically clawing at his skin with every second that your rather large wound remained open. Though he knew it was unlikely, the thought of you dying on that couch was making his stomach do acrobatics. 
“What happened, Matt? Really,” Claire questioned as she began to clean your wound.
“It’s a long story,” he dismissed, not interested in divulging your complicated history, with the knowledge that he’d be asked to explain some of his more questionable decisions. 
“You called me because a random woman was stabbed and bleeding out; instead of, I don’t know, bringing her to an emergency room, or calling 911. I think you can tell me what happened.”
Matt finally stopped his pacing and sat down in a stiff, slightly scratchy chair. “It really is a long story, Claire. I don’t want to distract you,” he offered. 
“I’ve dealt with worse distractions than a little story,” she shrugged, threading a suture. “So what’s her deal?”
“She set me up one night to kill me. She’s uh, a contract killer, but I haven’t smelled death on her in a while. We kept having run-ins at night where she would try to kill me, and I would try to stop her, but she started pulling her punches more and more.”
“Jesus, Matt. That’s- why are you helping someone who’s been trying to kill you? Did you stab her?”
“No! And it’s more complex than just that. We accidentally met outside of our nighttime gigs. It was, uh, a mutual friend, which obviously complicated things-“
“Let me guess, things like your feelings?” Claire quipped as she began to work on you. 
“Things like not murdering each other,” he grit out. Sure, it wasn’t the complete truth. Matt had only stooped to considering murder when it came to Wilson Fisk. With you, it was much more complicated. He’d grown to enjoy your little game of Cat and Mouse, liking sparring with you like his life depended on it— because it did. Yet, there was a palpable change in you following the exchange where you could’ve killed him, but didn’t. That exchange, mixed with you being the friend that Karen had so much to say about, had begun to create all sorts of problems for Matt. Problems that he didn’t particularly care to think about, let alone get into with a former lover. 
“That was maybe a few months ago,” he shrugged. “We’ve seen each other less and less frequently since then, but I was out patrolling tonight and I heard distress. Distress from her, specifically. I came as fast as I could, and there was another hitman trying to get her for not getting me.”
Claire nodded quietly as she cut a stitch. “And she’s a no hospital girl, like you?”
“Yeah,” Matt breathed out. He noticed a spike in the previously steady pattern of your breath as Claire began to work on another suture, and suddenly words were slipping out of his mouth, “be careful.” Heat flooded his face. Of course she would be careful. This was her job, and she’d patched Matt up more times than he could count. But for some odd reason, Matt was frightened for you.
Claire shot Matt a death glare. He could practically feel the daggers pressing into his skin based on the sharp intake of breath and the shift of muscles within his face.
“Sorry,” he added. 
“I understand. You finally get a girl around who’s as crazy as you, and you want to keep her. And keep her safe. I promise she’s in good hands.”
Matt wasn’t a fan of how heat was rushing to his cheeks at her unfairly accurate statement. In a weird way, you both were oddly compatible, but Matt didn’t want to give that train of thought too much power. 
Claire finished stitching you up not too long later as Matt held an ice pack close to your burning forehead. He could practically feel your skin from all the way in the kitchen, and he was well aware of how uncomfortable you must’ve been feeling from your own radiating heat. He would be concerned for infection due to your fever, but he didn’t smell any of the telltale signs, which made him believe you were in the clear.
You seemed so defenseless laying there as Matt hovered over you. Your breathing was deep, yet strained, sweat had been pouring out of you, and the smell he’d come to know as a stress hormone was ever present on you. It was so odd to perceive you like this, almost intimate. Matt couldn’t deny how his heart ached for you, despite him writing it off as sympathy for a hurt person. 
Claire shuffled around as she picked up and disposed of used items, eventually pausing when she picked up a sticky note that was sticking out from under your torso.
“What’s this?” she asked aloud out of pure reflex. Matt’s head snapped up from you to Claire, curious to know what the note truly said.
“I’m not sure. She wouldn’t tell me before she passed out.”
“It just says ‘We know what you really are. And it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the world does too,’ and it’s signed off with a drawing of a spider. Whatever that means.”
“Hmm,” Matt grumbled aloud, not really sure what any of it meant. Maybe she’d finally been caught for her various hits. He wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that either, but he didn’t want to voice his thoughts in an effort to not get Claire involved in anything messy and unnecessary.  “Thank you Claire, again. You really don’t know how much I appreciate this.”
Her lips parted in what Matt could only assume was a sweet smile. “I know, Matt,” she gave his shoulder a squeeze. “I don’t need to hear heartbeats to know how you feel. Try not to self-sabotage this one too, okay?”
Matt rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t completely deny it. “Goodbye, Claire.”
“Night, Murdock. I’ll see you next week when you break your ribs in three different places.”
“Ha ha,” he laughed dryly as Claire approached the door, sending off one final farewell as she left.
Matt sat down with a huff on the same seat that he’d waited on while Claire stitched you up, his mind laser-focused on Claire’s words and implications. At first, she’d been teasing about the two of you being together, but by the time she’d left, she was dead serious about whatever it was that was going on between you two. 
Matt no longer did relationships. That was a luxury that he’d proved time and time again to himself that he could not afford. Silk sheets, artisan desserts, one night stands, and friends were already pushing it, but real relationships only caused trouble. While it certainly didn’t help that romantic relationships were the most distracting of them all, he somehow always ended up putting himself or his partner in serious danger— Claire was kidnapped, Elektra died… twice, Karen had been kidnapped and had absolutely gone through the ringer, and if tonight was any indicator, you would fall into that same trap. Pursuing anything more with you would only end in tragedy. 
Matt ran a stressed hand through his hair. This little thing between you had to end tonight. He was going to find out who sent you the note to see if it would help him figure out who wanted him dead, then leaving.
He’d never been so sure of anything. He needed to extinguish anything that was there with you, and do it as soon as humanly possible. 
When you woke back up, your brain felt like it was filled with lead. The world around you was foggy and buzzing, and for the life of you, you couldn’t grasp onto a single coherent thought. Slowly, things began to come back to you. Through your windows, you could tell that the sun was high in the sky. It was day, likely the afternoon. You were on your couch, but you weren’t sitting on its typical soft microfiber, rather than a harsh and loud piece of plastic. Your leg was stiff—likely from being stretched out for so long—and throbbing—likely from being stabbed in the thigh not too long ago. 
You winced at the pain 
“Matt? Why are you… What?”
“You were too injured for me to handle, so I had a friend over,” he passed you a glass of water and a gel Advil pill. “Drink. Your tea is cooling off on the coffee table.”
He sat down on the side of your couch by your extended leg and sighed softly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” you asked, genuinely confused. 
“What the note said. My friend, she’s sighted. She described the note to me after she was done stitching you up.”
“Oh,” you said plainly. The note. Your heart dropped once again as your memory was jogged by that dreaded piece of paper. 
“You didn’t ever stop and think that your actions have consequences? That if your job is to commit felonies-for-hire, you won’t eventually be stopped in your tracks?”
“I really appreciate the lecture after I almost died, like a few hours ago.”
“And you didn’t die thanks to..?”
“Your sighted friend, apparently. Stop being a smartass. The note isn’t about that. It’s about…” you hesitated. You weren’t particularly in the mood for a stroll down memory lane, but it seemed more likely now than ever that Matt was going to need to know the full story in order to represent you in court. “Listen. I lived a very different life once. Not by choice.”
You inhaled deeply, shifted uncomfortably on your crinkling plastic-lined couch, and braced yourself for whatever might fall out of your lips next. 
“I was just a girl when they took me to the Red Room. I never had parents, I didn’t know any better, and I fell right into every trap they set for me. I hadn’t even reached double digits before they began training me to be a Black Widow. I guess my body count reached the double digits before I did. It was like I was constantly living through a nightmare. I mean, what kind of eight year old knows the most effective way to slit a man’s throat? Or slip toxins into a mark’s drink?” your hands trembled as you spoke, and you set them on your stomach to attempt to ground yourself. “I should’ve been playing with dolls, or my friends. Instead I was spending every waking hour of the day training, or on missions.”
“But I was raised only to be a killer, nothing more. Not a kid, not a woman; a weapon, to be manipulated and used at anyone’s disposal. I was brainwashed more times than I could count, and it seemed like every time I managed to snap out of it, they’d pull me right back in. But the final time, er- most recent time, Natasha Romanoff, The Black Widow, y’know, the one who works with the Avengers, was able to free my mind, and take down the Red Room, where they trained us, in doing so. Her and her sister helped me get set up here, to live a normal life, or whatever,” you sighed, fighting back the stinging feeling behind your eyes and the growing knot in your throat. 
“You see how well that worked out. I’m sorry Matt, for what I did to you, for how things played out between us. I guess doing hits was like muscle memory for me, it was almost nostalgic, in the way that people miss all sorts of fucked up things from their childhood. I figured it was fine, I was only getting people who really deserved it. I stopped countless abusers, rapists, and human traffickers, and I was getting paid along the way,” you frowned and fiddled with your fingers. “In fact, the only reason that I stopped myself from getting you too when I had the opportunity was that you were taking out the same people as me. If I killed the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, how many other girls just like me would have the same fate as me? Or worse? How many innocent people would have to suffer because I wanted to make my life easier.”
A tear escaped past your eyelid, and you expertly caught it before it had the chance to roll down your cheek. 
“I guess that doesn’t matter right now. Someone knows that I was a Widow, and they’re going to make my life hell for things that I did when I had not one ounce of autonomy over myself. That’s what that letter meant. The DA’s gonna prosecute me, Matt,” the dam seemed to have broken as tears continued to slide down your cheeks. You didn’t bother wiping them, it wasn’t like Matt was going to see. “I can’t do this without you Matt.”
He was silent for a moment, his teeth gritting. You couldn’t believe that you’d bared your soul for him, only for him to meet you with silence.
“I’m sorry,” he began after far too long. Your heart sank like a million pound anchor to the bottom of the ocean. “I’m sorry, but this has already gone too far. You need to find someone else.”
His words felt loaded, as if they weren’t only related to your potential case, but to whatever had been blossoming between you two.
“Please, Matt, you’re the only one who understands,” you pleaded. Feeling hurt and desperate were understatements. Never in your life had you been so vulnerable with anyone— you’d given your body to Matt, and now the pain of your past that you hadn’t shared with anyone before. He knew about your more secret life, and you were more than aware of his. Matt was the only person who really understood you, the good and the bad.
But maybe, that was the problem. 
You’d heard murmurs about Matt’s tumultuous dating life, along with his somewhat inconsistent friendship habits. But you weren’t coming to Matt as a romantic interest, or even a friend. You just needed him to save you, one last time. 
“I’m sorry, but I just can’t. It’s Foggy, he’ll never-“
“Don’t pin this on Foggy, Matt. Just say it. You don’t want to take on this case. That’s fine but.. just claim it yourself.” It only hurt more that Matt would take the coward’s way out on something as important to you as staying out of jail for things that you weren’t even sure you were completely lucid doing. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am. 
“Stop it,” you attempted to hiss it out, but you were sure it was far more pathetic sounding than you wanted it to be. “Stop saying that you’re fucking sorry. If you were really sorry, you would help me.”
You wiped the tears off your cheek with your arm in one fluid stroke. “Fuck off, Matthew. I can’t even… I can’t even look at you right now,” you were at war with the lump in your throat. This hurt so much more than a broken promise, or the idea of having a shitty public defender. You’d bared your soul to Matt, and he had no other reaction than empty apologies for deciding that you were a complete lost cause. “You need to leave.”
Matt didn’t protest as he got up from your couch, he didn’t even react when you threw the mug of now lukewarm tea at him. He just quietly walked to your door, as if he was completely unfazed by everything that had gone down between the two of you in your apartment.
“You promised me, Matt,” you quietly murmured out, knowing he would be able to hear. Matt continued past the door, not bothering to acknowledge you, or your parting words at all. 
“You promised,” you whimpered out one last time, completely hopeless and dejected just moments after your door had closed. 
Matt willed himself to ignore your shaky whimpers and the taste of salt from your tears as he exited your building. This was what he wanted, wasn’t it?
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nitrosplicer · 4 years
What’s going on with the Equality Act hearing today, and how the rhetoric espoused by the committee targets trans people
[Content Warning: Transphobia and Transmisogyny]
On March 17, 2021, the Senate Judiciary committee scheduled a hearing on Equality Act for LGBTQ rights, calling witnesses. The Equality Act is a bill that would extend federal civil rights protections to LGBTQ+ people, and has been heavily opposed by conservatives.
Among these witnesses was Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage, a book which primarily targets transgender men and seeks to eradicate gender transition for trans youth.
Her testimony consisted of hypothetical strawmen about the loss of scholarships in situations where men choose at the last minute to change their gender identities. None of these situations have ever happened, but by insinuating that trans girls are men in disguise, she targeted trans women overall.
Abigail Shrier finished her testimony by making sure that ROGD made it into the congressional record. ROGD stands for “rapid onset gender dysphoria," which alleges that young women are being brainwashed into transitioning through social contagion and peer pressure. The term ROGD primarily targets young trans men, and it is drawn from only one study, authored by Lisa Littman, in which she surveyed parents who gathered in a forum known as 4thWaveNow, a forum which opposes transgender people.
Let’s note that Minnesota has had LGBTQ+ protections in place since 1993, and none of these conservative tall tales have ever manifested. Shrier is not an expert on sports. She is not even an expert on trans people. Her only claim to fame is by writing a poorly researched book-length hit piece. Her position on this committee was as an anti-transgender activist.
Another witness on this committee was high school sophomore Stella Keating, who is trans. She lives in WA, where she has protections from discrimination. But what about when she goes to college? "I could be denied medical care or be evicted for being transgender." She wants to be a civil rights attorney.
Sen. John Kennedy questioned her about her genitals.
This hearing is a transphobic and transmisogynistic travesty.
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missmentelle · 4 years
Just some small ways that the system keeps people down
When we think about social justice, we often think about it in terms of huge, sweeping reforms that happen on a national level: the nation-wide legalization of gay marriage. The end of segregation. Loving v Virginia. Roe v Wade. Many people only vote in federal elections and only keep up with federal politics, thinking that the federal government is what “really matters” when it comes to progress and human rights. 
Federal-level politics and landmark court rulings are important, but oppression often happens in much smaller, less obvious ways. It’s in the fine print of the eligibility criteria for disability benefits. It’s in municipal zoning laws. It’s in bank mortgage eligibility policies. It’s in the enforcement of public park bylaws. The things that make life difficult for marginalized communities often come from local bureaucracy, and look something like this: Disabled people effectively do not have the right to marry. 
In the United States, when a disabled person marries a non-disabled person, they gain a spouse, but they risk losing something immensely important - namely, all of their benefits. Currently, the government assumes that a non-disabled spouse takes full responsibility for all of their disabled spouse’s needs; it becomes their job to provide the disabled spouse with healthcare, housing, basic needs and assistive devices that they require, regardless of their ability to actually afford any of these things. Obviously, this is completely out of the question for most couples. Medical costs for a person with complex needs can be exorbitant, and the average person just cannot provide things like private home health services and out-of-pocket medical expenses for their spouse. 
Unless a disabled person is marrying someone who is independently wealthy, marriage is often out of the question. 
As a result, many disabled people simply have no meaningful access to marriage or the legal benefits and protections it provides. Without a wedding certificate, your partner cannot stay with you in the hospital, access your medical information or make decisions for you while you are incapacitated - something that people with complex medical issues may desperately need their partner to be able to do. International couples may have no means of being able to live in the same country. It may not even be possible for couples to live together at all, as the state may decide that that’s a “common-law” situation and strip away disability benefits even without a formal certificate. The people who are most in need of companionship and legal protection are denied access to it because of cruel and outdated laws that were designed with the false assumption that disabled people cannot desirable partners for non-disabled spouses. 
Domestic violence victims can be evicted for being abused. 
Some cities across America have implemented “nuisance laws” - these are laws originally designed to punish “slum landlords” who don’t try to stop criminal activity or loud parties in their buildings. In cities with nuisance laws, the city tracks how many 911 calls are made to (or about) each address in the city; if an address goes over their yearly limit of 911 calls, the city goes after the property’s landlord, fining them or even threatening them with criminal charges if they don’t make the calls stop. The point of the law is to encourage landlords to keep an eye on their tenants and evict “problem” tenants that disrupt the neighbourhood, and these policies have definitely resulted in a lot of 911-related evictions. And that’s a problem. Because you know who calls 911 a lot? Domestic violence victims. 
These laws have made it so that many people experiencing domestic violence have to choose between “help” and “housing”. If your partner is violently attacking you but your landlord has told you “one more 911 call and you’re out on the streets”, what do you do? How do you navigate such an impossible situation? Many victims simply hold off calling for help unless they’re reasonably certain that their partner is going to kill them, which is incredibly and almost indescribably dangerous, and still results in threats of eviction. Even victims who never call for help themselves can still find themselves out in the cold because of these policies - nuisance laws count any 911 calls made about an address, which means that a well-meaning neighbour calling the cops because they hear screams can cost you your housing. The end result is that an already-vulnerable population are either losing their housing or losing access to lifesaving emergency services, and everyone is worse for it. 
It’s worth noting that these policies also disproportionately affect disabled, elderly and chronically ill people. When you are medically fragile, you tend to have increased medical emergencies and a decreased ability to safely transport yourself to the hospital without an ambulance. So if 80-year-old diabetic woman uses her LifeAlert bracelet to call 911 three times in a year because she’s fallen down or having a hypoglycemic episode, she could face eviction for going over her 911 limit and being a “nuisance” to the city. 
Redlining has shut black people out of wealth-building for decades. How do you build wealth in America? You need credit. If you want to achieve real financial security, you need to convince someone to loan you large amounts of money at a low interest rate so you can use that money to purchase something that will build wealth for you. Let’s say you only have a little bit of money - you go to the bank and convince them to give you a mortgage (which is effectively just a large low-interest loan) so you can purchase a house for yourself. Once you’ve paid off the mortgage and showed the bank how reliable you are, you can go back and ask them for another loan against your house, and use that loan to buy a business, or a second house to rent out for income, or just save your money while your paid-off first house continues to increase in value. When you eventually die, your kids get all the property you amassed with those loans, and they start life in an even better financial position than you did - they can use that property to get even more credit and invest in even more businesses and property. This is how most American families clawed their way into the middle class after the Great Depression - your great-grandfather buying a house in the 1940s is the reason your parents could afford to pay for your college today. 
But there is one group that have been systemically left out of that process for decades, thanks to a practice called “redlining”. 
Banks decide whether or not they are going to loan you money by deciding how much of a “risk” you are. In the 1930s, bankers determined risk by looking at maps of their cities and drawing lines around particular neighbourhoods to determine how much of a risk they were. Bankers would draw red lines around predominantly-black neighbourhoods to signal that people who lived in those neighbourhoods were not eligible for credit - this was done regardless of their income. Poor white neighbourhoods could get loans, but middle-class black neighbourhoods could not. This meant that black people could not improve their situations - they could not afford to move out of cramped black neighbourhoods, they could not get the money to start a business, and they could not afford to renovate their houses to sell them at a profit. They were effectively shut out of opportunities that their white peers were granted. 
Redlining has been illegal for decades, but the cumulative impact of generations of redlining persist to this day. Experts estimate that an average black homeowner today has missed out on $212,023 in personal wealth because of the impacts of redlining.   “Zero-tolerance” policies have harmed marginalized and neurodivergent children without making schools safer. 
If you’ve attended or worked in a grade school in the last 20 years, you’re probably familiar with so-called “zero tolerance” policies. These policies emerged as a result of the 1999 Columbine school shooting, and are pretty much exactly what they sound like - in the wake of Columbine, schools began taking an extremely hardline stance against violence and bullying, assuring worried parents that they would not tolerate even the smallest hint of violence. In schools with zero-tolerance policies in place, punishments are extremely harsh - just about everything will get you suspended at a minimum. Get in a fistfight at school? Doesn’t even matter who started it, everyone involved is suspended. Throwing food? Suspended. Shouting at someone? Suspended. It doesn’t tend to matter if you were joking around or if you'd been pushed to the brink by a student who has bullied you for months - “zero tolerance” means absolutely zero tolerance, and you are suspended. 
But if you ever actually attended a zero-tolerance school, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that these policies don’t actually have any impact on school safety. What they do accomplish is higher rates of school failure and worse overall student outcomes, especially for marginalized students. 
And it makes sense. Which students are the most likely to be acting out in school? Students with ADHD, autism and learning disorders. Students with turbulent home lives. Students in foster care. Students dealing with abuse or trauma. These are the students who need to be in school the most, and need extra support from staff and teachers - instead of getting that support, though, zero-tolerance policies send them away from school for several days at a time, where they are unable to access support and fall further behind their peers. School quickly turns into a vicious cycle; students act out because they’re frustrated, they get suspended, they fall behind in class, which leads to more frustration, which leads to more acting out, which means more suspensions, which puts them further behind, etc, etc. Eventually they become so disillusioned that many of them leave school altogether, putting them at a permanent increased risk of unemployment, poverty, and incarceration.
Parking requirements are making cities unaffordable and unlivable for the poor.
Many cities - like Toronto and Vancouver - have mandatory minimum parking requirements written into their city zoning laws. These policies usually require that all residential buildings have at least one parking space available for every unit of residential housing - if you build a 60-unit apartment building, you need to make sure that you also buy enough land for a 60-stall parking lot or build a 60-space underground parking structure. 
When you think about the reasons that housing is unaffordable, “parking” might not be one of the first things you think of, but these laws have huge impacts on the cost of housing, and they negatively impact both the city itself and the working-class people who live there. Parking spaces are not free, especially in major cities like Toronto where land is at a premium - an above-ground parking space in a city costs an average of $24,000, while a below-ground space costs $34,000. Every unit of residential housing has $24-34k in parking costs tacked onto it - whether the tenant needs a parking space or not - and you can bet that landlords and developers are passing every penny of that cost onto their tenants. 
Parking requirements also decrease the number of units available, which is a problem, because the best way to keep housing affordable is to make sure that you have a lot of it available. A developer who might want to build a 300-unit apartment complex has to factor in the cost of creating at least 300 parking spaces.... so they might scale back to a 100-unit complex instead. Downtown areas that have huge demand for housing and low demand for residential parking are being underutilized because of zoning laws that were created decades ago and no longer reflect today’s reality. Young people, elderly people and urban poor people are increasingly unlikely to own a car, but they are being priced out of walkable neighbourhoods with good public transit for the sake of unwanted parking spaces.
Food safety laws and public property usage laws are making it illegal to feed the homeless. 
“Feeding the homeless” should be one of the most uncontroversial things you can do. Giving food to a person who is hungry is one of the most basic ways that humans care for one another. Everything from cheesy Hallmark movies to the Bible reinforces the importance of giving to others in need. But in dozens of cities across America, you can be fined, arrested or even jailed for giving out food to the homeless. 
Cities use different justifications to shut down or even arrest community service workers for trying to feed the homeless. Some pass increasingly restrictive “food safety laws”, stating that charities are only allowed to give away hot food, or that they are only allowed to give away sealed and individually-packed meals, or that they are only allowed to feed homeless people indoors (something that community organizations like mine do not always have the resources to do). Restrictions continue to get tighter every year in some places, despite the fact that there are virtually zero recorded cases of a homeless person being harmed by food they received from a registered charity. Food safety laws can also force restaurants and stores to destroy their unsold food instead of passing it out; some have to go as far as pouring bleach over the food they throw out in their dumpsters. 
Other cities have used public property bylaws to ban food-sharing on public property, forcing charities to apply for permits to hand out food (which are rarely granted). Justifications for these bylaws vary - some cities give vague excuses about “safety” while others admit that they’re trying to drive homeless people out of their cities - but the end result is the same. Cities are so desperate to be rid of their homeless populations that they’ll criminalize trying to help the homeless, rather than offering stable, affordable housing solutions. 
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