#eviction summary procedure
lawofficeofryansshipp · 5 months
Martin County Eviction Attorneys | 561.699.0399
Martin County Eviction Lawyers If you’re a property owner in Martin County, Florida, grappling with tenant problems, consider Law Office of Ryan S. Shipp, PLLC for reliable legal support. Our seasoned team specializes in both residential and commercial evictions, adept at handling the nuances of landlord-tenant law and delivering prompt, effective solutions. Why Opt For Shipp Law For Eviction…
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stillheresanctuary · 7 months
So. It's Been A While.
That last update was a bit prophetic, wasn't it.
Uhm, I guess I should give a sort of summary of the last... Two? Three years? For people that are still lingering.
I'll put the bulk of it under a read more, but TL;DR- Parks Department job has panned out really well, had to move out a second time due to Stuff, Dad had a second stroke and passed away from complications, my mom's dog passed away from a malignant tumor, and I'm currently doing a lot of juggling to help Mom and myself try to survive.
Could be better. Could be a lot worse.
For folks that want some more details, well-
I'll get the rough stuff out of the way first.
My dad died. It'll be two years this October. He had a second stroke, and went from slow but steady improvement to a rapid decline that ended with Mom and I mutually agreeing that his quality of life had degraded so badly it was basically torture forcing him to stay alive. He wasn't quite a vegetable at the end, but it was close. He couldn't talk. He couldn't articulate his needs. He couldn't take care of himself in any fashion.
I sat and waited in his hospice room, and saw when the final breath left his body. There is no possible means to describe the Certainty, and the Relief. Knowing he was gone, and that he was no longer suffering.
Neither Mom or I have really had the space to fully process it. His ashes have yet to be scattered, and we haven't be able to coordinate a wake for the extended family. I don't know if we'll ever have one at this rate, but we want to give him a send off for everyone to properly say their good byes.
Less than two months after Dad passed, Mom called me crying. Tali, our family dog for the last 16 years, hadn't been feeling very well for a while, and gave Mom a couple bad scares before she finally had to be rushed to an emergency vet. They found out that Tali had been developing a tumor, and while it wasn't metastasized or actively malignant, it had begun to interrupt body functions and after a sudden seizure, had caused internal bleeding so bad they weren't sure she would survive being sedated let alone surgical intervention.
We decided it would do her a disservice to force her through such an invasive procedure, with no guarantee of recovery, let alone good health.
Mom and I both held her as the doctors gave her a fatal dosage of anesthetic, and she passed away peacefully. Her ashes are also still with us, waiting for us to decide how to honor her life.
On to less miserable topics-
Moving house! Happened cause the roommates we moved in with ended up paranoid assholes who tried to get us evicted and/or arrested on falsified charges of theft! We had to call up the sheriff, police and the landlord, as well as a tenant-landlord lawyer, to get the roommates of our backs. We moved out as soon as we were able to keep their assholery from reoccurring and possibly resulting in legal actions.
My partner and I ended up staying with a mutual friend for a couple months while we hunted for a new place, and now we've been staying in a pretty nice duplex that we're currently hoping won't price us out come the next lease reup (there's consulting of tenant-landlord lawyers in the plan for negotiating with the landlord). Other than fretting over funds, we're pretty alright.
Job! Parks and Rec invited me back to a longer season, and I just recently got invited back again, and I may actually apply for a year round full time position. The people are great, I enjoy the work I do, the benefits are excellent, and I even have a supervisor who Gives A Shit for once.
Pretty sure the job kept me from a depression spiral when Dad and Tali passed away back to back.
Rapid fire what else- Got a new to me car, reconnected with a bunch of friends from old fandoms, made new friends in an entirely new fandom, started looking into possibly going back to school, helped my mom with buying a house and a car, got sick with Covid twice, got two cavities drilled and filled, played way too much Cult Of The Lamb...
I think that's it? At least, that's all I can remember anymore.
It's been A Lot.
What does this say for this project?
Well, I still want to put work into it. I want to reinvest myself and my interests into this world that I've created. Considering current Tumblr drama, I may end up seeing how much I can transition over to something less fragile, like Neocities. I haven't made a webpage in so long it's ridiculous, but it could be worth it to mirror all my Tumblr projects onto something that I can actually archive.
It's a bit up in the air, and I apologize in advance if I vanish again, since I'm going to be going back to work at the end of March and I'm not sure how much energy I'll have to juggle. Whatever happens-
Thank you all for participating in this experience with me. You all have made this silly little side project a true joy, and I'm thankful for everyone who has made it possible.
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primehomerealty · 5 months
Landmark Legal Ruling in Ontario Redefines Tenant and Landlord Dispute Resolution
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Toronto, ON — In a pivotal legal decision that could significantly alter the landscape of tenant and landlord disputes in Ontario, the Superior Court of Justice has ruled in favor of the landlord in the case of Ji Zhou et al. v. Azadeh Hashem Nia et al., addressing critical issues surrounding rental arrears and jurisdiction limits. Background of the Case:The case arose from a dispute over unpaid rent at a residential property in Toronto, where tenants failed to meet their rental obligations starting April 2022. As arrears accumulated beyond the $35,000 jurisdictional cap of the Landlord Tenant Board (LTB), the landlord sought recourse in the Ontario Superior Court to recover a total of $89,773. This legal action highlights the procedural transition from the LTB to higher courts when claims exceed the LTB’s monetary jurisdiction. Key Legal Issues and Court Findings: - Jurisdictional Limits of the LTB: The Superior Court’s decision clarifies that landlords are not restricted to the LTB’s cap and can seek additional damages through the court system, ensuring they can reclaim substantial rental arrears. - Tenant Defense and Court Strategy: The court addressed the tenants' defense strategies, including accusations of "forum shopping" and claims that pursuing additional funds beyond the LTB cap constituted an abuse of process. The court rejected these defenses, emphasizing the legitimacy of escalating disputes to ensure full recovery of owed amounts. - Summary Judgment Implications: Justice Carole J. Brown granted a summary judgment favoring the landlord, reinforcing that clear contractual breaches by tenants could lead to eviction and significant legal repercussions, including higher court proceedings. Implications for Real Estate Professionals: This landmark ruling serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of adherence to lease agreements by tenants and provides a legal precedent for landlords to pursue owed rents beyond the LTB's limit through the courts. It stresses the need for landlords to manage legal transitions carefully to avoid allegations of procedural abuse. Advice to Landlords and Tenants: Landlords should be aware of their rights to escalate matters to the courts when facing substantial rental arrears. Tenants are reminded of the importance of fulfilling their lease obligations to avoid potential legal actions and the associated consequences. This ruling not only reinforces the judicial support for landlords in reclaiming their rights but also maintains the balance of responsibilities and rights of tenants under Ontario’s tenant and landlord laws. It is a significant decision that underscores the courts' capability to handle complex tenant and landlord disputes effectively. Read the full article
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property-thingy · 9 months
Understanding the Eviction Process in New York
The landscape of real estate has experienced dynamic shifts, especially in the sphere of residential property management. A particularly significant aspect under this is the eviction process, which has garnered significant attention in metropolitan areas like New York.
While eviction is a landlord's last resort, it is essential they intimately understand the rules and procedures around it. In New York, like many other states, the eviction process is guided by specific laws designed to protect both landlords' rights and those of their tenants. These regulations largely center around New York eviction notice requirements, essentially the first step in the legitimately recognized eviction process. New York eviction notice requirements dictate that landlords can't terminate tenancies arbitrarily. Instead, eviction notices should be premised on valid grounds, such as non-payment of rent or violation of lease agreements.
Besides, this notification must provide the tenant with a specific timeframe to either rectify the breach or vacate the property. These time constraints can range between three days to a month, based on the reason for eviction or the terms of the lease agreement. Additionally, New York's Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 has introduced further changes. The legislation established that landlords are now required to serve a 14-day notice to tenants who fail to pay rent. The Act also initiated several other provisions for tenant protection, thus prompting landlords to approach eviction with a more diligent and informed mindset. In summary, the eviction process in New York significantly influences the city's real estate landscape.
Landlords not only need to comply with the New York eviction notice requirements, but they also need to be aware of the persistently changing legislative environment to ensure they are acting lawfully. Despite the complexity of these proceedings, adhering to the rules ultimately allows for more harmonious and fair relationships between landlords and tenants within the dynamic real estate market. The key is understanding the balance of rights and responsibilities that must be maintained in property management.
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Res Judicata Can’t Be Decided In Application Under Order VII Rule 11 CPC As Previous Suit Documents Have To Be Seen : Supreme Court
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A summary of the case law and its implications for civil procedure   Introduction The Supreme Court has recently reiterated that the principle of res judicata cannot be invoked as a ground for the rejection of a plaint under Order VII Rule 11 (d) of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC). This decision, delivered by a bench comprising Justices Abhay S. Oka and Justice Pankaj Mithal clarified the scope and application of Rule 11 (d) of CPC and its relationship with the doctrine of res judicata. It delved into the facts and circumstances of a civil suit filed by a landlord against a tenant for eviction and recovery of arrears of rent. Facts The appellant, Gloria Eugenia Rynjah Banerji, had filed a suit for eviction and recovery of arrears of rent against the respondent, Teena Saraswat Pandey, who was occupying a shop owned by the appellant in Delhi. The appellant had claimed that she had inherited the shop from her father, who had executed a will in her favour on 01.01.2007. The appellant had also claimed that the respondent had defaulted on payment of rent since April 2006 and that there was no subsisting tenancy agreement between them. The respondent had filed an application under Order VII Rule 11 (d) of CPC, seeking rejection of the plaint on the ground that it was barred by res judicata. The respondent had contended that the appellant had earlier filed a similar suit for eviction and recovery of rent against her, which was dismissed by the Rent Controller on 30.05.2008. The respondent had argued that the Rent Controller had held that there was no relationship of landlord and tenant between the parties and that the appellant had failed to prove her title over the shop. The respondent had further argued that this finding was confirmed by the Rent Control Tribunal and the High Court in appeal and revision respectively. The appellant had opposed the application and submitted that the earlier suit was dismissed for non-prosecution under Order XVII Rule 2 of CPC and that there was no adjudication on merits. The appellant had also submitted that she had produced a different will dated 31.12.2006, which was executed by her father in her favour, to prove her title over the shop. The trial court had allowed the application and rejected the plaint on the ground of res judicata. The trial court had held that the earlier suit was dismissed under Order XVII Rule 3 of CPC and that there was a finding on merits regarding the relationship of landlord and tenant between the parties. The trial court had also held that the appellant could not rely on a different will to claim her title over the shop. The appellant had challenged this order before the High Court, which dismissed her appeal and upheld the order of the trial court. The High Court had agreed with the trial court that the earlier suit was dismissed under Order XVII Rule 3 of CPC and that there was a finding on merits regarding the relationship of landlord and tenant between the parties. The High Court had also agreed with the trial court that the appellant could not rely on a different will to claim her title over the shop. The appellant then filed a second appeal before the Supreme Court. Issue under Order VII Rule 11 The main issue before the Supreme Court was whether the rejection of the plaint under Order VII Rule 11 (d) of CPC on the ground of res judicata was justified in law. Legal Provisions The relevant legal provisions for this issue are: - Order VII Rule 11 (d) of CPC, which provides for rejection of plaint when “the suit appears from the statement in the plaint to be barred by any law”. - Section 11 of CPC, which enunciates the rule of res judicata as follows: “No Court shall try any suit or issue in which the matter directly and substantially in issue has been directly and substantially in issue in a former suit between the same parties, or between parties under whom they or any of them claim, litigating under the same title, in a Court competent to try such subsequent suit or the suit in which such issue has been subsequently raised, and has been heard and finally decided by such Court.” - Order XVII Rule 2 of CPC, which provides for dismissal of suit for default when “the parties or any of them fail to appear on such day or where appearing fail to comply with such direction as the Court may give in relation to further conduct or management or disposal or settlement of case”. - Order XVII Rule 3 of CPC, which provides for decision on merits when “the parties are present but fail to adduce evidence or cause the attendance of their witnesses or perform any other act necessary to further progress of suit”. Analysis of Order 7 Rule 11 The Supreme Court analysed the case law on this issue and observed that: - The Supreme Court in Popat and Kotecha Property v. State Bank of India Staff Association held that “the question as to whether the suit is barred by any law can be decided on the basis of the averments made in the plaint and the pleas taken by the defendant in the written statement would be irrelevant for deciding an application under Order 7 Rule 11(d) of CPC”. - The Supreme Court in Srihari Hanumandas Totala v. Hemant Vithal Kamat held that “res judicata cannot be invoked as a ground for rejection of a plaint under Order VII Rule 11 (d) of CPC if the plaint does not disclose any facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that it is precluded by res judicata principles”. - The Supreme Court in V. Rajeshwari v. T.C. Saravanabava held that “the question whether a suit is barred by res judicata is a mixed question of law and fact and it cannot be decided without taking into consideration the pleadings and documents filed by both the parties in the earlier suit as well as in the subsequent suit”. Based on these precedents, the Supreme Court held that the rejection of the plaint under Order VII Rule 11 (d) of CPC on the ground of res judicata was not justified in law. The Supreme Court further held that: - The trial court and the High Court erred in holding that the earlier suit was dismissed under Order XVII Rule 3 of CPC and that there was a finding on merits regarding the relationship of landlord and tenant between the parties. The Supreme Court noted that the order passed by the Rent Controller clearly showed that the earlier suit was dismissed for non-prosecution under Order XVII Rule 2 of CPC and that there was no adjudication on merits. - The trial court and the High Court erred in holding that the appellant could not rely on a different will to claim her title over the shop. The Supreme Court noted that this issue could not be decided without examining the evidence and documents produced by both the parties and that it was not relevant for deciding an application under Order VII Rule 11 (d) of CPC. - The trial court and the High Court erred in deciding the issue of res judicata on the basis of the written statement filed by the respondent and without taking into consideration the pleadings and documents filed by both the parties in the earlier suit as well as in the subsequent suit. The Supreme Court noted that this was contrary to the settled law and that it amounted to a mini-trial at the stage of rejection of plaint. Conclusion of Order VII Rule 11 The Supreme Court concluded that there was merit in the appeal of the appellant and that the order passed by the High Court was unsustainable in law. The Supreme Court set aside the order passed by the High Court and remanded the matter back to the trial court for fresh consideration on merits. You can read more about this case here 1. Learn more: - livelaw.in - scconline.com - lawrato.com Read the full article
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prelawland · 1 year
The Law Of Squatters And Residential Housing
By Elizabeth Wolnik, George Mason University Class of 2024
September 23, 2023
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The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the challenges of finding housing due to high inflation and interest rates. The Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act governs the relationship between tenants and landlords, covering lease length, termination conditions, duties, warranties, and eviction procedures. Many states base their laws on models like the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA) and federal law focuses on preventing discrimination.
Housing codes ensure habitable rental units, incorporating an Implied Warranty of Habitability. Evictions occur when tenants violate leases or fail to pay rent, following a legal process involving court orders. Negotiation outside of court is often preferable. Tenants can defend against eviction if landlords don't follow proper procedures, engage in self-help eviction, discriminate, or evict victims of family abuse.
Squatters, though not paying rent or having permission, occupy properties civilly, distinct from trespassers who commit criminal acts. Virginia allows squatters to gain rights through Adverse Possession by occupying a property continuously and obviously for 15 years. Landlords can prevent squatters by regular inspections and immediate action if unauthorized occupants are detected.
To remove squatters, landlords use the eviction process, providing a five-day notice outlining required rent payment. Squatters may attempt to defend their occupancy with an Adverse Possession Claim, but landlords usually prevail.
In summary, the housing landscape is complex, with legal frameworks governing tenant-landlord relations, eviction procedures, and squatter rights. Understanding these laws is crucial for both tenants and landlords to navigate disputes and housing challenges effectively.
For full article please visit
Breaking Down the Laws that Govern Landlords and Tenants
Virginia PreLaw Land
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North Carolina (NC) Eviction Process
North Carolina Eviction Process first step is serving the tenant that has not paid rent an Eviction Notice.  In North Carolina, nonpayment of rent is the most common reason for eviction. In this case, you are required to give the tenant a 10-day “notice to quit.” The notice informs the tenant that they need to pay the rent due within 10 days. Otherwise, they will be evicted.   This notice must demand the rent, and give the tenant 10 days to pay it before a Summary Ejectment (Eviction) Complaint is filed.
Landlords you will need to give the Tenant a Notice when they did not pay Rent – This notice is called a 10 Day Demand for Rent.
North Carolina Eviction Laws 
The North Carolina Eviction Process, Landlord Tenant and Eviction Laws are found in Chapter 42 of the North Carolina General Statutes. These are the laws passed by the North Carolina Legislature that spell out the duties and remedies in the Landlord Tenant relationship. If you are a landlord in North Carolina, it is a very good idea to take the time to read and become familiar with these laws.  This page has information useful for procedures for Evictions in North Carolina, when you need more help select Landlord help pages or Tenants help pages for even more information.
Top Questions: How Long Does It Take to Evict a Tenant in North Carolina? Pursuant to North Carolina law, a landlord may, following successful judicial proceeding, forcibly evict a tenant seven days after the filing of a writ of possession.
North Carolina Eviction Notice
The first step in the North Carolina Eviction Process is giving the tenant an Eviction Notice. If the landlord is evicting the tenant for non-payment of rent (most common reason), then the notice must demand the rent, and give the tenant 10 days to pay it before a Summary Ejectment (Eviction) Complaint is filed.
Landlords you will need to give the Tenant a Notice when they did not pay Rent – This notice is called a 10 Day Demand for Rent.
If the tenant is being evicted simply because they are staying beyond their lease term (called a holdover), and the landlord told them that the lease would expire and they would have to move out, then the time period in the notice is different. So for a landlord to evict a tenant for a holdover, the notice period is as follows:
10 Days if the tenant paid rent monthly
1 Month if the tenant paid rent yearly
30 Days for Mobile Home lot rental
When the landlord is evicting you and the eviction is not because of breach of the rental or lease agreement, your landlord must tell you in advance of his intent to evict you and to end the lease agreement.
The amount of notice given and whether it is correct can be complicated. In some specific situations, it is very simple, and the lack of proper notice may be the basis to dismiss the complaint.
If there is a written lease agreement, the requirements of the lease must be followed. If the lease requires 30 days prior notice, this means, that the landlord before filing the complaint must give you notice 30 days before the end of the rental term.
For example:
If the landlord gives notice on the 10th of the month and files the complaint on the 30th of the month, this notice is incorrect because the landlord did not give the tenant 30 days before filing the complaint.
If there is no lease or the lease does not specify the requirements of the notice to evict then:
the notice can be oral
the notice must follow the requirements of the law
North Carolina law requires the Serving the Tenant with a Notice to Quit, find the notice to evict on our Forms pages.
For non-payment of rent, 10 days
A year-to-year lease, 30 days
A month-to-month lease, 7 days
A week-to-week lease, 2 days (not counting weekends)
In case of non-payment of rent, if there is no written lease specifying the type of notice, the landlord must demand payment of the rent and wait 10 days before filing the complaint.
Summary Ejectment
In the North Carolina Eviction Process, case is called “summary ejectment.” Landlords can file to legally remove a tenant rented property if the tenant has failed to pay rent, violated the lease agreement, or if other…
After the landlord has given the tenant the proper Eviction Notice and has waited out the notice period, the landlord now must go to court and file a “Summary Ejectment” case to evict the tenant if they are still in possession of the property. It is illegal for a landlord to physically evict a tenant without going through court procedures. The landlord should go to the Small Claims court in the county where the property is located. The landlord should ask the court clerk for the Complaint form to file a Summary Ejectment case. There will be a filing fee to do this. Once the landlord files the case and pays the filing fee, the court will issue a Summons.
In North Carolina the eviction process is called SUMMARY EJECTMENT.
The first step is to notify the tenant that he or she must move out by a specific date.  This is known as the “notice to vacate”.  The notice may be oral or written. The number of days’ notice required by law depends on the type of lease and reason for terminating the leave.  For non-payment of rent, 10 days’ notice is required.
After the notice period has ended, the landlord may go to court to take out Summary Ejectment papers.  The court papers state why the landlord wants the tenant to move out and when and where the court hearing will be held.
The court papers must be delivered to the tenant.  This is usually done by the sheriff.  Delivery may be in person or by tacking the papers on the tenant’s door.  If delivery is by tacking the papers on the door, and if the tenant does not go to the hearing, the landlord cannot get a judgment against the tenant for rent owed.
If the only reason for eviction is non-payment of rent, the tenant can stop the eviction by taking the rent owed to the court hearing and offering it during the hearing.  This is known as “tender of rent”.
After the magistrate makes a decision, either the landlord or the tenant may file an appeal.  The appeal must be filed within 10 days after the magistrate’s decision.
If the tenant files an appeal and is very low-income, he or she will probably not have to pay filing fees.  However, there may be a fee for having the sheriff deliver the appeal papers to the landlord, and the tenant must pay rent into the court as it becomes due.
If the tenant perfects the appeal according to the requirements of the law, but failed to raise a defense in magistrate’s court, failed to file a responsive pleading in the district court action, and failed to make any payment when due under the appeal bond, the landlord may file a motion to dismiss the appeal, and the court must grant the motion to dismiss without a hearing, if the defendant does not file and serve a response or make the required payment within ten days.
If the tenant does not move out by the date specified in the writ of possession, the landlord can have the sheriff padlock the apartment or house.  The sheriff usually tries to give the tenant a couple of days’ notice before the padlocking.
After padlocking, the tenant has 7 days to contact the landlord and arrange to move his or her belongings out.  The landlord has to give the tenant only one chance to get his or her belongings.  If the belongings are still there after the 7-day period, the landlord may dispose of them as he wishes.
Sheriff Serves the Summons and Complaint
Once the eviction case is filed, the court will give a Summons and a copy of the Complaint to the County Sheriff. It is the County Sheriff’s job to deliver these documents to the tenant. These documents will tell the tenant when and where the eviction court hearing will be. The Summons will require the tenant to appear not more than 7 days from the issuance of the Summons. The Sheriff may serve the Summons by mail or in person within 5 days of issuance of the Summons, but not less than 2 days before the scheduled hearing.
If a judgment for possession or eviction is entered against you, you have ten (10) days to appeal the judgment to District Court.  If you do not appeal, you should try to move out within the 10-day appeal period. If you do not move, the landlord can obtain a writ directing the sheriff to remove you and padlock the rental property. The sheriff will proceed as follows:
The sheriff will generally try to give you at least a day’s notice of the date and time when he intends to evict you and padlock the property.
No more than five (5) days after the landlord obtains the writ, the sheriff will come to the rental property to padlock the premises.
You and all occupants of the rental property will be asked to leave the property.
After you have left the property, you cannot go back without the landlord’s consent. If you try to re-enter the property, the landlord can charge you with trespassing.
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t-horn-n · 2 years
— 30000 foot butterflies
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PAIRING:  tom ‘iceman’ kazansky x reader (gender-neutral) 
GENRE:  fluff
WARNINGS:  none 
SUMMARY:  iceman reveals a part of him that is evoked only in your presence. 
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At Top Gun, inflated egos are as common as dust in the air, as certain as the rise and fall of the sun.  Arrogance is breathed coincident with oxygen.  There are no exceptions.  Perhaps there are degrees of self-assured confidence, but it is always present.  Everyone is prideful; everyone thinks that they are the best.  
Everything is a competition. 
Unofficial records of everything are scribbled haphazardly on whiteboards in the locker rooms, copied in chalk in the rec room: the fastest times of every course, the highest kill count from every dogfight simulation, the lists of winners from each volleyball game.  
And, Iceman notices with a considerable amount of annoyance, your name appears quite frequently.  Sometimes, only three or four names separate the occurrence of yours.  Then soon, your call sign seems to emerge from the columns of written letters before his eyes like it is rising from the board, breaking the two dimensional barrier.  Breathless, he sees.  Again, Breathless.  
Breathless Breathless Breathless.  
Inexplicably this evokes an urge in him to win your attention.  It is childish, he knows, but he feels like he will drive himself crazy without your acknowledgement.  
He finds himself wanting to talk to you, evicting an excuse to hear your voice even if only to reply to a snarky remark he makes.  Proximity, he discovers, seems to diminish when you enter a room.  Nearly subconsciously, as if pulled by gravity into the orbit of your solar system, he drifts towards you.  He begins to notice your habits, observe you—not necessarily in a creepy manner—as he watches the skies while on a mission.  
At first, he cannot tell if the sentiments you inspire in him are genuine feelings or more simply infatuation.  The two are often similar enough they entangle together into an indistinguishable knot.  
Then, the distance in your relationship shifts slowly as if life is leisurely changing gears.  It does not happen overnight, nor a day, that he is sure of.  A week?  Two?  He does not know.  All he is certain of is that it is July.  
Heat permeates the tarmac in departing California sun, washes over the boots of a half a dozen odd naval aviators.  Warmth crawls under their pant legs, slithers over their shoulders, then the nape of their necks and causes them to sweat under their camouflage.   
“Careful not to exert yourself too much, sweetheart, wouldn’t want you to get too breathless,” Iceman calls to you as each pilot climbs into their F-14.  
“Wouldn’t dream of it, dear.”  A wink.  A smile.  A blue pinprick of the gum you are chewing showing against the white of your teeth.  You disappear behind the frame of your plane and the engine growls as it heats. 
For once in his life, for a rare moment Kazansky Iceman is caught without a witty retort loaded and ready to return fire.  He stands, one foot half in the cockpit of his jet, nearly stupefied.  After weeks of little reaction, nothing more than a chastising shake of your head, what has changed? 
“What’re you doing?” Slider yells from behind him.  “Tongue frozen?” 
Iceman bares his teeth at his partner in crime and slips into his seat.  His muscle memory takes care of his flight routine—takeoff procedures, safety regimes—while his mind is distracted. 
In the sky the world is washed red.  The wings of each F-14 are gilded and soar like golden chariots sent into battle from Olympus.  Every pilot is swathed in perilous conditions.  They are captured in a metal tube thousands of feet above the ground, surrounded by tanks of pure oxygen, highly flammable equipment, a very powerful engine.  Yet, none of them are gripped by fear; instead they feel almost high off the thrill. 
Your plane glides upwards, rising until it is parallel to Ice and Slider.  “Don’t get too cold, Snowman, lest your engine stall out,” he hears over the comm lines.  He grins, knows that you are mimicking his remark from earlier.  And then, in his mind, all he can think is a single word on repeat: Snowman Snowman Snowman.  
A stupidly boyish beams invades his face.  He is grateful, suddenly, that no one can see him and that Slider sits behind him.
“Eck,” your partner complains, emitting a noise that concatenates a false gag and a cough.  “Get me out of this plane.” 
“Take me with you,” Slider chimes.  
You laugh and in Iceman’s ear it is filled with static, occasionally broken by the limits of technology.  Still, he feels drunk off of it.  
Now, Tom Kazansky has always been a by-the-book pilot.  It is a quality that has proven valuable and served him well in carrying him to the top of his class.  It is a characteristic that has fuelled his disliking towards Maverick.  Nonetheless, what he does next is not recommended in any textbook except the one he writes for himself.  
“Hey, Ice, what’s going on?” Slider cries as the plane begins to tilt right and then flips on an axis.  They are upside-down when they pull above your jet.  Slider is still complaining over comms but his voice becomes background noise that neither of you can hear. 
“Close enough for nicknames?”  He smirks down at you.  Snowman.  
It feels like you are nose to nose though several feet still separate the tops of your F-14’s.  Sunlight shines across your skin.  Across his.  You both are bathed in gold.
You match his smile.  Your sunglasses slip onto your forehead.  “Take me out to dinner and we’ll see how close we are.” 
Once more Iceman grins like a fool.  Shivers race up his face, an almost uncomfortable excitement startles in his stomach.  When was the last time he felt like this?  Has he ever?
He is thirty-thousand feet in the air, he thinks.  A million butterflies are trapped within his chest.  It is the altitude, he assures himself. 
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— m. list
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kadavernagh · 2 years
Sad, Sweaty Man || Regan & Emilio
TIMING: Current LOCATION: Regan’s cabin PARTIES: Emilio and Regan SUMMARY: Emilio’s strength and abilities were sapped out of him as a consequence for breaking his deal with Regan. Now Regan wants to see if she can help. Sometimes it’s all in the wording.
Every battle felt like an empty one now. Like no matter how many fights he won, he’d still wind up losing. Regan released him from the promise he’d made her, but it was too late to stop him from facing the consequences of breaking it. Marina cut him loose from Levi, but it only found another way to hurt him. Now, Regan was offering to help him regain what he’d lost in any way she could… but what else would he lose in the process? What would this victory steal from him?
Emilio told himself it didn’t matter. He’d need his abilities if he was going to protect the people he loved, and he did intend on protecting the people he loved. He was good at doing what needed to be done. He wasn’t much good at anything else.
The trek to the cabin was a familiar one, even with exhaustion weighing heavy on his bones. When was the last time he slept for more than an hour or two? He honestly wasn’t sure. Certainly not since Levi delivered its news. Maybe not since before that. The bags under his eyes and the way his hands trembled as his knuckles rapped against the cabin’s door told a story all their own, and he scrubbed a hand across his face as it swung open. “Don’t really need you to invite me in,” he said, “but I’m not gonna barge inside, either.”
Regan hadn’t come back to the cabin since the procedure. The coyotectomy was still fresh in her mind, and her gaze kept drifting toward the spot on the floor where the skull of the coyote had been burned right in front of her. The cabin felt bare. Maybe it was always like this, or maybe it was the empty spaces on the shelves that once held other bones, or the way she could hear her thoughts more clearly since the animal eviction. In any case, she didn’t like it. And neither, it seemed, did Emilio. The sad, sweaty hunter stood outside her door, and it occurred to Regan that maybe she shouldn’t tell him that she came here specifically to meet him – and her preference would have just been her apartment. 
“Unusually polite of you. Come in.” Regan eyed him further. He always seemed about one good bar fight away from another bar fight. There were always scratches on his skin and a smell emanating from his clothes, and she was pretty sure he looked worse now than he had during his time bound to her. And yet, she owed him terribly, and guilt sank like a grave within her stomach. “I’m –” She licked her lips, wondering if this would even be appreciated by a man like him, fearful of emotions in a different way she was. “Emilio, I am sorry. I’m sorry this happened, that a deal was made, and for how I treated you. I’m sorry there are consequences even now.” The tension was so thick she needed to clear her throat. “So, um – you said – what is your presenting complaint? I’m familiar with the unusual muscle tone of… people like you. Am I understanding correctly that you feel weaker now?” She figured he would appreciate her being straight to the point now. She motioned to a chair, inviting him to sit, and thought about how to wash it after he left. 
“Don’t know why people always say that. I’m polite.” His tone was dry, but not quite as empty as he was expecting it to be. Maybe it was because Marina had no expectations. For the last few months, she’d made that pretty clear. It had been annoying then, but… It was almost a comfort now. Like a relaxing break in routine instead of an infuriating irritation. He never thought he’d see the damn day.
He stepped into the cabin with a sigh, doing a quick, instinctive glance around. That was the corner where Metzli broke the damn bones that Regan had been so pressed about. In retrospect, Emilio probably shouldn’t have tried to stop them. Hindsight was always 20/20. He glanced up as Regan spoke, pulled from the memory by the sound of her voice and furrowing his brow as the apology sunk in. “It wasn’t you,” he offered with a small shrug. “That’s what everyone says.” Kaden, Metzli, even Ari. They’d all been adamant that Regan wasn’t herself, and how could Emilio blame her for that? How could he hold it against her? He’d been plenty pissed when it was happening, but he’d meant it when he’d told her she was the least of his problems, for a while there. 
She motioned to the chair and, naturally, part of him wanted to deny the offer and remain standing. Exhaustion won out over stubborn pride in the end, though, and he practically collapsed onto it. “Not just the strength,” he replied, slumping a little. “My senses are shot. Usually, I can hear better than a normal person. See in the dark. Feel when something… dangerous is nearby.” He carefully shifted the word undead to one she’d be more comfortable with, considering her strange aversion to supernatural occurrences. “Got less energy, too. Used to be able to go a few days without sleeping and be fine. Now I feel like I’m about to fall over.”
It wasn’t you. It was more complicated than that, in Regan’s eyes, but she wasn’t going to argue with Emilio. They had already done so much of that. “Yes, well, either way, I’m– I was me enough that I should have known better than to listen to a neuro-coyote. I should have doubted it more, convincing though it was. I am sorry for what I, or it, put you through.” Her eyes drifted away from Emilio’s and landed on the sweat leaching into the fabric of the chair. Ignore it. He was at least forthcoming with what he was currently experiencing. Regan looked down at him from where she stood, before remembering some of the bedside manner basics. She nodded in confirmation that she was listening, and knelt down on the floor to be more level. “I don’t have a previous baseline for you. Can you describe it for me? Your usual strength and hearing. What you usually feel.” With a soft sigh, she wondered if a physical examination would even be of any help here. Another stab of guilt. “And… you think this is connected to the verbal exchange we made?”
A neuro-coyote. Emilio had never understood how Regan explained the things she went through while denying the supernatural nature of them, and this was a good sign that he probably never would. If she couldn’t accept the truth of the supernatural after being possessed by a coyote spirit for months, then… Well, it was probably a good sign that she’d never accept it entirely. And maybe that was all right. Maybe everyone coped with this fucked up shit in the way they coped with it. Emilio didn’t think he was in much of a position to give anyone any kind of advice there. He shifted as he sat down on the chair, stretching his leg out absentmindedly. “Yeah,” he agreed, “all right. Uh… I guess my strength was two or three times what it is now. Used to be able to hear things from a few miles, if I focused it. The feeling was… Like a prickle on the back of the neck. Maybe something like what you feel around dead bodies. Hard to say, since I don’t know your baseline, either.” He swallowed, closing his eyes for a moment. “Yeah. I do. You… I said I’d protect you and the bones.” Because he’d been the one to make the promise. He couldn’t blame Regan entirely — he’d made a choice in the graveyard that night he met her. She hadn’t forced him. “And, you know… I didn’t keep it. So now, I lost the thing that lets me protect people. That’s how those… verbal exchanges work, isn’t it? You lose something equal to what you broke.”
A strange discomfort filled Regan’s stomach as Emilio described his baseline. It sounded so normal to him. All the quirks of Kaden’s body had become familiar to Regan over time, but thinking there were others that shared them… and she never had found the source of Kaden’s peculiarities, either. There was nothing to probe at, nothing to remove or heal. She hated that her instinct was right – a physical would not be of help. The solution lay in the thing she feared. She stood up and sat in the other chair, which she hoped Emilio wouldn’t take as a sign of resignation. “I doubt I’ll find anything but ordinary injuries if I were to examine you.” she explained with another sigh. She wasn’t going to answer his question that wasn’t a question. Her baseline was not something she knew well enough to share. 
Regan’s lips pressed into a thin line as she instead considered the wording of their prior exchange. “Protect me and the bones…” That was it. She remembered that confusing night. “I’m surprised your bones aren’t broken,” Regan said, “if it works the way you say, I mean. Which I am not convinced is the case.” The only person who said as much to her was Lydia, and how could Regan trust that now? “That is to say… I don’t know enough on the topic to answer you with any certainty.” Some help she was. Some use this was. Still, she couldn’t give up. Maybe if she understood more about the circumstances that broke the promise. “At what point did you notice this, um, consequence? When do you think you broke it? The… exchange.”
It should have come as a relief, the way she seemed to accept that what was happening wasn’t medical. There was nothing a physical could do, she was right about that; if she conducted one, the only thing she would find would be old injuries that had healed too fast and new ones that weren’t healing fast enough. But there was something hopeless about the confession all the same. Something medical, Regan might be able to fix. Something fae? Emilio wasn’t so sure. He had no doubt in her skills as a doctor, not with how passionate she was about it. But she didn’t seem to know as much about being a banshee. If what Kaden and Regan said was true, she’d barely accepted that she was one at all. It would definitely make any hope of him getting out of this deal a lot slimmer than he’d like.
A surprised laugh escaped from between his lips in a quiet huff of air because Christ, she was blunt. “Yeah, gotta say, I’m glad not to have broken bones on top of all this shit. Those heal slow enough even at my pace.” And they didn’t always heal right, either. His knee twinged as if to provide an unnecessary reminder of that fact. “I’m not going to try to convince you.” It’d be a waste of his time, he knew. Regan was, among many other things, damn stubborn. “But from what I know… That is how it works. And it makes sense, given what I’m experiencing. Punishment matching the crime or… whatever.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. His unkempt curls caught on his fingers, and he made a face as he pulled them away. “Uh… Just after the coyotes disappeared. So when the exor…” He trailed off. What had she called it again? He couldn’t remember. “When the thing in the cabin finished.”
“Good,” Regan said simply, “you can’t convince me. I ought to th– I appreciate you not even trying.” But what Emilio said raised more questions than it answered. The coyotectomy? Why– that didn’t make any sense. She might not have known what was going on, not really, and asking more questions might not net any more clarity, but it couldn’t hurt. Something here was off. What did the coyotectomy have to do with protecting or failing to protect her? She met Emilio’s eyes, her own narrowed in scrutiny. “Emilio,” she started, failing to hide her confusion, “This started after the procedure? Why? I mean, do you… is it possible you consider that breaking the terms of our agreement? What happened here?”
He raised a brow at the near slip, but didn’t comment on it. He was… reasonably certain he would have released her, though in all honesty, he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t released Marina, after all, was still holding on to that thanks she’d given him in spite of the way it sat uncomfortably in his chest. Glancing up as Regan spoke again, Emilio furrowed his brow at the clear confusion etched into her features. “Yeah,” he confirmed. “I was… trying to get here. To help. But I got caught up in the woods.” Kaden insisted that that was for the best and, though Emilio would never admit to as much aloud, he knew it was probably true. It had been the best solution for everyone but Emilio. That was the part that sucked. “I wasn’t here. And the thing you didn’t want to happen happened. Seems like a broken agreement to me.”
To help. Regan opened her mouth to comment on that, but it sat in her head a bit longer. How did these agreements work? Were they open to interpretation from both parties? She held her tongue, not wanting to interrupt Emilio as he provided information he might not share twice. Regan needed to confirm. If it really was as simple as– but it couldn’t be, right? No, there had to be more to it, something Emilio knew but she didn’t. That frequently seemed to be the case. She nodded, piecing together what he said. “You were trying to get here to help?” She asked him, eyes wide in what was shaping into a realization. “You agreed to protect me. What were you planning on doing once you got here to help?” She tilted her head, wondering again if it could be that simple. Did he realize it now, too? 
What would he have done if he’d gotten to that cabin in time? It was a question Kaden had asked, too. Emilio wasn’t sure of the answer. Fighting Kaden, Metzli, and Jude was one thing, but would he have been able to allow himself to fight Lil? Or Ari? Even with a promise bind driving him, he would have put up resistance. And he’d told both Ari and Lil, at one point or another, how to take him down in a fight if they needed to. He would have ended up in the same situation he was now. Logically, he knew that. But… “I would have done a lot more than I did out in those damn woods, at least. Maybe me being there would have been enough to satisfy the thing.” Probably not, given that he still would have failed. But Emilio was a stubborn ass when he wanted to be… and he always wanted to be. “It probably wouldn’t have meant anything either way.”
Okay, so Regan probably should have realized by now that hunters seemed to share a certain… density. As endearing as she found it in Kaden. “That doesn’t answer my question,” Regan said with a frown, “I mean, what would you do? Would you have tried to interrupt the procedure? Would you have helped the procedure along? What were you attempting?” She let the questions hang, having more of them herself. “It may matter. I’m not so sure you broke our agreement at all, Emilio. What does it mean to you to protect someone?” And if Emilio were anything like Kaden – which Regan thought he might be, in spite of their conflicts – that would not be a simple question to answer, but an important one. She looked down, studying the arms of her chair, only because they were easier than looking at Emilio in this moment. “This isn’t a trick, if you’re wondering. We may have different definitions. Or perhaps only perspectives.”
“I… would have tried to stop it?” He wasn’t sure where this was going, wasn’t sure if he was answering the question correctly or not. He’d never been particularly good at critical thinking. He wasn’t sure he’d ever been particularly good at any kind of thinking. Regan said this mattered, but Emilio was struggling to understand how. Her next question was just as confusing, largely because it wasn’t one he’d ever put much thought into. “To, uh… Keep them safe. Make sure they’re not hurt. Make sure nothing happens to them. Right?” How could there be a definition other than that one? Though different perspectives… he supposed that made sense. What he didn’t know was whether or not it would change anything.
Emilio’s answer was along the lines of what Regan suspected, yet she still couldn’t help but give him a blank stare. He would have tried to stop the procedure. Yet, his aim was to keep her safe and unharmed. See that nothing happened to her. Weren’t those two things irreconcilable? “Emilio,” she said slowly, sighing and meeting his eyes once again. He seemed confused and defeated, like he didn’t see the point of what she was asking. Her proposal was so strange, so not based in medical science, that it moved her to rise from her chair and pace lightly across the room. Perhaps it was some psychosomatic guilt response; that was rational enough. She looked at him again. “If you had managed to stop the procedure, that would not have been keeping me safe.” Regan turned. Paced in the other direction. She just needed to approach this logically and without too much emotion. “Don’t you think I’m better off like this? I don’t blame the coyote. I won’t. But I’ve returned to my senses. So tell me, why do you think you’ve failed?”
It was hard for Emilio, who was stubborn on his best day and downright unreasonable on his worst, to admit it, but Regan made a good point. Stopping the… procedure, as she called it, wouldn’t have been protecting her if the thing the exorcism was fixing was making her someone else. She was better off the way she was now — in full control, without the damaged spirit of some abused animal pulling the strings. So why did it feel like he’d ruined something? Why did it feel like he’d managed to fuck up his life a little more for failing to prevent this? Was he so desperate to hate himself that he was looking for excuses to do so, just like everyone said? “If I did what I was supposed to do, then why — Why does it feel like this? Why are my powers shot?”
Regan watched Emilio’s thoughts work their way through the muscles in his face, the way his eyes widened and his jaw twitched. He seemed to almost be straining himself, connecting dots that didn’t occur to him. She stayed silent, letting him come to the conclusion without further prompting. Finally, he did. And Regan stopped pacing. There was a strange, desperate underscore to his voice that made more guilt worm around inside of her. She couldn’t answer him, really. She didn’t know why he seemed to be ill, despite keeping to what he promised. “I don’t know.” She said honestly, her voice softer than usual. “But I also think I’m better off like this. And I think your failure to make it here and disrupt anything was keeping me safe. In, um, an uneventful kind of way.” She considered. “I still think you likely helped in some way, at some point. Surely you were in contact with someone involved, shared some key information at some point. But that may not matter. None of this may matter. I don’t know the etiology behind your syndrome.” She didn’t want to say this. She wasn’t supposed to say this. But if Emilio was currently a patient, and it had the potential to help her patient, well… she had to, right? Regan cleared her throat. “I’m grateful to you, and I think your actions allowed me to be relatively unharmed, and certainly myself. That sounds like protection to me. But what do I know? I’m just a doctor.”
The more she spoke, the more sense she made. She was who she wanted to be now, was back to being herself after months of being someone else. And Emilio had, in a way, helped that to happen. When he hadn’t stopped Metzli from smashing those bones, when he’d stayed back with the intention of fighting the coyotes instead of running to the cabin when he’d had an opening, when he’d tried, in his own subtle way, to get Regan to question what was happening in her head by bringing up Kaden after seeing how she reacted to him when they retrieved the bones he’d taken. It hadn’t always been through his own will, but Emilio had played a part in freeing Regan from her possession. And she’d wanted that. She was telling him she’d wanted that. She was thanking him for it. 
A wave of dizziness washed over him, a moment of disorientation as her words sunk in and his mind detangled itself from the ever-present confusion that reared its head when he was forced to think in depth on anything he didn’t understand well. If Regan was okay, if she was better now, then Emilio had done what he’d promised to do. And if he’d done what he’d promised to do… 
The dizzy spell passed and, as it faded, everything else eased itself in. The familiar sounds that had been deafened before — Regan’s heartbeat, something scurrying in the woods, the power surging through the lights and the water in the pipes. His vision sharpened, shadows melting from the darkened corners of the room as his night vision came back. He was still tired, of course — not sleeping for as long as he had was the kind of thing that could only be solved with rest he refused to partake in — but the rest of it seemed to slot back into place. “Okay,” he said softly. “Okay. I don’t — I don’t know what you did. I don’t know how that worked. But I’m… I feel like I should again. Like me.”
Would this even work? Regan wasn’t optimistic, but whether Emilio’s symptoms were due to her own words that bound him, or were psychosomatic in nature, it was possible this could only be fixed with more words. So she watched as his face continued to tangle with emotion and cognitive function that he clearly rarely afforded himself. And there it was: a look came over him as though he was stunned. Maybe it was the realization of what she was saying being correct, or maybe something more. “Are you–” she started, but whatever it was seemed to have passed. “I gave you a lot to think about, I know. But I–” Wait. Was he saying… “It worked? What do you mean what I did? All I did was– I mean, I thought your guilt might be–” Did it matter right now? Satisfaction shone on her face. One of the few emotions Deirdre did encourage her to bask in. Satisfaction, pride, superiority. It was nice. But she was glad for Emilio, too. Whatever weight he was carrying had become too much even for his strength, and now it seemed to have lifted. 
Perhaps she missed her calling in psychiatry. Al would have found nothing funnier.
Regan took a cautious approach toward him. “Good. That’s good. Are you certain? And do you need– I mean, how do you feel? Physically. How do you feel physically? Do you need help?”
The relief was palpable. There were still things hanging heavy over the slayer’s head — when weren’t there? — but, if nothing else, he felt more capable of resolving them now. Solving one problem among many may have been a drop in an ever-growing bucket, but it was a big enough drop to make Emilio feel just a little better about his chances of overcoming all the bullshit. “It worked,” he confirmed, closing his eyes for a moment. The return of his senses was just as overwhelming as the absence of them had been, but in a much more positive sort of way. It was like coming up from air after staying underwater so long his lungs had been close to bursting. It felt good just to breathe. 
Glancing up to Regan, he took note of the satisfied look on her face. There was something strangely surprising about the realization that she actually had wanted to help him, even after everything. It hadn’t been her putting on a show or trying to quell any leftover anger he might have in order to save her own skin. She’d cared about the outcome here. It was difficult for Emilio to understand why, given how their relationship had been up to now, but… He supposed Metzli and Kaden were right. He’d never known the real Regan at all. Not until this moment. “I feel fine. Better.” Physically, at least, he felt better than he had since before that day in the woods with the damn scream and the ghost coyotes. “No, I… You’ve done enough for me already. I appreciate it. The help.”
Regan’s eyes drifted over Emilio, head to toe, and she determined that he looked more or less physically fine. It was strange, though – the way he looked back at her. She decided it wasn’t worth reading into. “I’m surprised talking worked,” she admitted, “but I’m glad it did. Kaden would have felt strange and incomplete if it were him. I imagine you were similar.” And fine, part of her just wanted to verbally compare him to Kaden to needle at him a tiny bit more before he went. There was a small amount of amusement to be found in it, even though bringing Kaden up still made some part of her ache. 
Regan’s arms dropped to her sides, like she could finally rest after a 4 hour autopsy. “It doesn’t sound as though you want another apology from me. And I certainly don’t need one from you.” So… what? She looked at Emilio, then toward the door. Considered saying we have concluded and you may take your leave. But there was an emptiness to that after everything she put him through. The option that felt more appropriate was the one that also felt more alien to her. Regan held out her hand and tilted her head. She wouldn’t say anything and risk this turning into a deal sealed by a handshake. But the gesture, or at least offering it, felt right.
Emilio made a face at the comparison, but it was pretty spot on. He had felt strange and incomplete without his abilities. He imagined most hunters would. The majority of them defined themselves by the abilities that came with hunting, tied their value intrinsically with them. And that wasn’t even getting into how much a large number of them — including Emilio himself — came to rely on those abilities. Being without them was dangerous in more ways than one. Having them back was something better than he could ever hope to explain.
“No,” he agreed, “I think we’re both done with apologies.” She wasn’t very subtle; in a way, Emilio appreciated it. He preferred people who were to the point about things. Glancing down at her outstretched hand, he huffed out a quiet laugh and took it, the cold shock of her skin sending a jolt through him. Christ. If nothing else, he figured, it sure as hell woke him up. He gave her hand a stretch and a nod, and he thought it was probably the closest two people could come to saying thank you when the phrase itself was decidedly off limits. “Be seeing you, Regan.” 
Oddly enough, he didn’t dread the way it might be true.
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itsfeckinwimdy · 3 years
NTMY Chapter One - The Start.
Eventual cc!Quackity x fem!reader (romantic) (soulmate au)
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Summary: (Pre warning, there's no quackity in this chapter, this is more of an introduction to the storyline really) An insight to bored people.
Word Count: 1.2k (1266) words.
Tags: series: nice to meet ya; multi series: just found my soulmate feeling good; type: soulmate au.
Will include references to the other characters in this series (Ellis, Evie, Kaci, Jay, Kora, Sam, and Achilles.)
Soulmate attribute: When you and your soulmate look into a mirror at the same time, you can see each other rather than your own reflection.
NTMY Series Masterlist / Soulmate Multi-Series Masterlist / Soulmate Extra’s Masterlist / DSMP Masterlist
Published: 14/10/2021
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"When it comes to formula one, your biggest enemy is your teammate.
"There are twenty drivers in each race, and are what, the best of the best, as people would say. I know that there's some speculation that some drivers shouldn't be allowed to be here as they come from 'money' or are here because they were great in the past, but that's beside the point.
"Each driver has earned their seat on their team, and at the end of the day, once that contract runs out, if a team isn't happy with your performance or no one wants you, then you're gone.
"It takes talent, skill, determination, sponsorships, and honestly? It takes the right time and luck. You need to be noticed in this sport, and to do that, you need to be good. Because if not, then you may never make it.
"And that's the honest truth of this sport."
"More like brutal truth."
The woman sat in the chair laughs alongside the interviewer as a smile breaks out on the cameraman's face.
"Ay, you got the cameraman to laugh," the woman pointed out.
The interviewer chuckled in response before the two composed themselves.
"Moving on," The interviewer began, "Can you state your name and profession for the camera."
"Hi, I'm Y/n Featherstone, and I am a driver for Mercedes-AMG."
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March 2020
The two Mercedes drivers walk side by side through the paddock. The weather was cloudy with a chance of rain, no meatballs, unfortunately, but that wouldn't exactly be desirable for the drivers.
The friendly banter between the two continued, both of them discussing the potential issues they could have with the cars this year, and both excited to be finally allowed to race on a track since testing earlier this year.
Due to the global pandemic, the entirety of the world was put on pause and the two had been vocal about how they believed the race shouldn't have been continuing. With millions of people getting infected each day, thousands dying, and hundreds of others left with lasting health conditions, the teammates both agreed on the fact that the FIA shouldn't have allowed the races to continue, especially without any promising safety procedures to reduce the spread of the virus.
Marina's teammate Lewis was going to be heading off to have an interview that afternoon before they were having a meeting with Toto Wolff and the head mechanics to discuss the cars before the first free practice tomorrow morning.
Bidding last years world champion a farewell, she headed towards the Mercedes garage, stopping before she reached the actual garage and headed into one of the empty rooms.
She sat herself down on one of the couches in there, pulling out her phone to check any messages she had before she would be sat in meetings and discussions with the engineers. The only message she had was from her sibling Ellis who was asking her where she kept things in her house.
You see, Ellis and their roommate Evie had been somewhat evicted from their house due to the fact there was a sinkhole on their road and until that was fixed, it was deemed unsafe for them to live there. And because Y/n wouldn't be at home for most of the year, the driver let the two live there until they were able to move back out again.
And as it turns out, Ellis' boyfriend, George, had decided to tag along for a week whilst his partner got settled in and helped them with their streaming set up whilst Evie was with her parents getting some stuff sorted back home. That basically means they wanted to fuck each other without having to be quiet for a few days or worry about having someone walk in on them.
To be honest, Y/n didn't mind as long as her house was still intact and they didn't have sex around her she didn't care. Ellis was a grown adult and was free to make their own decisions.
As she closed out of discord, she saw the lock screen of her phone it bringing back memories from earlier that year. It was an edit from the family wedding she attended at the beginning of that year. Ellis had decided that they were going to vlog it and had the entire thing edited already but decided to make their viewers wait before releasing it.
The lock screen itself was an edit of different clips, one of herself and Evie dancing; one of herself, Ellis, Kaci and Evie singing Chiquitita by ABBA at the top of their lungs whilst George and Jimmy were just sat in confusion at the quartet; one of Ellis dancing to footloose with their cousin who was the groom and finally one of Evie, Scott Major and Kaci teaching Jimmy the dance to Saturday Night.
That weekend was fun, and to be fair, Y/n wished she could meet them all again, especially Jimmy because she and Evie loved taking the piss out of him and making him so confused at what they were saying, especially when the two decided to do random British accents that took a second for anyone to understand because by that point he was clueless.
The rest of the day zoomed by, or more or less passed as a blur. A couple hours of discussions, including talks about the cars with how they had been improved since the previous year and how to handle the press questions about covid as well.
Unfortunately, after the track walk that morning, it was announced that the race and all others in the foreseeable future were cancelled. This meant the staff members and all the attendees were to be flying home until better regulations were put in place.
So that was March. A month of devastation and the beginning of loss.
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April 2020
Y/n looked over at Evie, the two were sat watching a movie, well, they were meant to be but neither were really paying attention and were busy editing and working on song lyrics.
The trio was still holed up inside the eldest's house, as one, the sinkhole was still in the road and hadn't been fixed yet, therefore, the polaroid duo (Ellis and Evie) were still living with Y/n.
In all honesty, she didn't mind the two living with her. It meant that she was able to interact with people during the lockdown rather than living by herself and being isolated with the exception of the work meetings she would have each week.
She had taken up streaming regularly and the trio had a modded Minecraft server between them that they weren't really playing on at the moment because they were all focusing on doing other things.
Y/n was also filming random excerpts to put together her monthly vlog that was normally less than ten minutes long which was something she started in the middle of last year because she wanted to show people what part of her life was like with the constant travelling.
The songwriting was almost done, the duo having already finished writing together alongside their cousin who had spent time giving her own input as the four of them had decided to produce some songs together.
Evie had sent some of the lyrics and some song excerpts that had already been produced whilst writing to Wilbur, seeing what the talented musical man thought of them before going through and producing the only ep they would ever make.
So April was passing slowly as everyone was finding their new normal and learning how to cope in the world.
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⇥ Taglist
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ — There's nothing here yet!
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courtordereviction · 3 years
Landlords and also tenants regulations
Landlords generally attempt to preserve a pleasant and also cooperative partnership with their occupants , landlord tenant lawyer . These feelings are frequently reciprocated by good occupants. Then there are the troublemakers.
There are times when the property is test after test. A lessee that has ended up being a responsibility presents a number of difficulties that require to be dealt with in a prompt way. If the issues at some point affect other renters or capital, the proprietor will certainly step in. These situations require immediate action. From rental fee financial obligations (the property manager also needs to pay the bills) to harmful actions or criminal acts, remedies are usually expensive, time consuming as well as emotionally demanding.
There are means to avoid issues before they begin. The starting factor is the rental or rental agreement. The arrangement needs to consist of all the terms through which the celebrations are bound and also their duties, as well as the terms under which the arrangement is wrapped up. All costs, payment plans and payment days need to be provided. Communicate clearly. Occupants should review as well as sign the contract to ensure that there is no room for misconception.
The contract needs to be occasionally assessed by a legal representative to guarantee that there are no feasible factors for the termination of the lease, legal summaries of undesirable habits, fines for not paying rent, home damages, use residential or commercial property for prohibited objectives, excessive sound, or exemption Consent for pets and also other matters that seriously affect the lifestyle and the worth of the residential or commercial property. The lessee's repair civil liberties should be considered. Occupants must review and authorize the contract to ensure that there is no room for misconception.
If the stressed out renter is to be informed about the violation, individual diplomacy is necessary. A phone call or browse through is required to remind and also inform the lessee. You need to keep in mind the regards to your rental arrangement regarding the breach to ensure that a service can be discovered. If the trouble is not solved, the eviction process is required. Currently is the time to take lawsuit. The representation of a knowledgeable property manager is crucial for a quick result. Pick a service with skilled team to make the procedure as smooth as possible. The moment bought lawsuits is every person's loss, the loss of rent as well as the required prices of the litigation itself can be reduced by making certain you have everything you need to make it possible for the service to do its necessary job.
Make sure you have documented every one of your letters, interactions, telephone calls as well as interactions. You should confirm that the breach of the rental arrangement has actually been observed and also reported to the renter. All time-related info must be documented. Make certain to include a delivery note when sending out notices. The depiction of an experienced landlord is crucial for a fast result. Every one of the occupant's reactions need to also be gathered. Failure on your component can make it hard for the proprietor to assist you.
Numerous occupant problems can be dealt with by a reliable court order eviction process, but when the chance develops as well as lawful support is required, sources are offered through the property owner's services.
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boushh2187 · 4 years
Unexpected - RCIJ 2020
Title: Unexpected
By @boushh2187
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Rumbelle
Rumbelle Christmas in July 2020 
Gift for @lotus0kid
Prompt: “I’m doing you a favor”
Word Count: 4053
Rated: PG
Author’s Note: I really hope you enjoy the story, lotus0kid, and that it makes you smile!
Summary: Storybrooke AU. Mr. Gold finds himself on an unexpected trip.
“When you think about it, I’m doing you a favor.”
“Shouldn’t that be my line?” Richard Gold looked up from his seat in Archibald Hopper’s office, his expensive three piece suit a bit wrinkled after all day wear. Dr. Hopper also wore a suit, though one that had seen better days. He looked slightly uncomfortable at being caught repeating the kind of words Gold often used, but only slightly. Perhaps, after a few long chats in this office over the years, Dr. Hopper felt as if they were friends. Gold wasn’t sure he’d go that far, even if Dr. Hopper knew more about Gold’s personal life than anyone in the town of Storybrooke, Maine. He had, after all, just threatened him with eviction for not having this month’s rent, but perhaps Dr. Hopper also knew that it was rather an idle threat. At least, due to the circumstances.
He looked across the room at Pongo. Dr. Hopper’s Dalmatian was resting on top of a comfortable looking blanket on top of his bed. The poor dog was recovering from surgery. His leg was wrapped up in a cast and he was drowsy from the procedure and the pain medicine. Gold had a soft spot for Pongo, and understood that Dr. Hopper had used the rent money and then some for this unexpected procedure.
“It’s the perfect solution,” Dr. Hopper continued, pushing up his glasses and sitting up straighter. I don’t have the money, due to Pongo’s surgery, but I do have this trip I was to go on, and now I need to stay with Pongo. You can go in my stead. It’s all expenses paid. I won it in a contest, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. I can make all of the changes with the company and you can even invite your son.” His smile reached his eyes, and the thought obviously made him happy. Dr. Hopper was one of very few people in this town that even knew he had a son, and how much Gold loved his son, and missed him.
Bae would probably enjoy it, and might be able to find a way to convince his mother to allow him to miss school. “That isn’t a bad idea. I haven’t seen him in months. It would be the perfect reason for his mother to allow him to go away with me.”
Archie brightened even more, if that was possible. “I told you! I really would be grateful if you would take this deal.”
Gold was amused. “I think you might be adapting some of my quirks.” This time, Dr. Hopper grinned and walked over to his small cabinet and pulled out a bottle of scotch. Gold nodded when Dr. Hopper nudged the bottle towards him as an offer. Adapting some of his quirks, indeed. Dr. Hopper poured them both a glass and they shared a moment of silence as they enjoyed the fine liquid. Gold put his glass down. “And I sincerely hope that Pongo mends swiftly. Call me with the details as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements with my son.”
“Will do!” Dr. Hopper was already rummaging through his papers to make the relevant calls. Hopefully, this will turn out to be a good way to reconnect with his teenage son. 
Mr. Gold boarded the plane looking more like he was going to a business meeting instead of a vacation. He had a shoulder bag that held his travel essentials, and he’d checked his other luggage. It took some effort to move through the narrow aisle of the plane with his bag and his cane. He resisted the temptation of blowing his hair out of his eyes. His hair was shoulder length, as he’d worn it since before Bae was born, except that now there were generous amounts of grey along his temples and sideburns. Where had the time gone? He would hopefully be meeting his fourteen year old son at the hotel. Fourteen! In the last picture his son had sent him, Bae looked like he’d grown a foot, and he had grown his hair out like his father, except there was much more curl to his son’s hair, unlike his. He’d taken from his mother in that regard. Gold really hoped that Milah would not resist allowing Bae to take this trip on his own to meet his father.
After what seemed like ages of waiting for people to place their carry ons in the overhead bins, Gold was finally at his seat. This plane had two seats on either side of the aisle. It was quite small, and he had wished he’d convinced the company that provided Dr. Hopper with this winning trip to allow him to upgrade to first class.
The window seat was already occupied, and he looked carefully at his ticket. He did indeed have the aisle seat, which on the one hand helped because he could stretch out his bad ankle if he really needed to, but on the other hand he might have to get up over and over again if he had an annoying neighbor. He took his seat, took the newspaper out of his bag, and placed his bag underneath the chair. He put his seatbelt on and settled in with the folded newspaper in his lap. It read: June 1st, 1983. At least he was able to get today’s paper at the airport.
“Good Morning, Mr. Gold.” He started, and turned in the direction of the voice. The Australian accent was unmistakable. He knew this person. She was from Storybrooke as well. The daughter of the local florist. 
“Ms. French, I didn’t expect to see you here. Good Morning.” He was, in fact, quite taken aback. Truth be told she often took his breath away, especially when he ran into her unexpectedly in town. There were times when he knew he might see her: at Granny’s Diner for breakfast or lunch, at the library where she worked, at her father’s shop, or even in his shop, when she would stop by looking for rare books or tea sets. However, this was something else entirely. He’d never imagined running into here on a plane of all places, and looking as lovely as ever. She was dressed in bright yellow flower patterned sundress, and her sunglasses were perched on top of her head. Her  brown hair fell in waves, covering her bare shoulders.
“Didn’t Archie tell you I’d be going on this trip too?”
“Oh no, he failed to mention that. I… I didn’t realize that the two of you were together.” The last bit somehow made it out of his mouth instead of staying in his thoughts.
“Oh, no… we aren’t.” She reached out and touched his hand, and he tried not to react in any way. “We were just going as friends, since I was there at Granny’s and encouraged him to enter the contest. It was for up to four guests. Ruby and Billy were going to come too, but it didn’t work out.”
“I see… well I’m probably not going to be as good company as your friends…”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Mr. Gold. I always enjoy chatting with you.”
He managed to smile back at her. “I enjoy our talks as well, Ms. French.” She smiled back at him and leaned back in her chair. 
“Archie mentioned that your son might be joining us?”
For a moment, Gold was angry with Dr. Hopper for mentioning his son, but Belle was so very sweet in how she inquired that he relaxed immediately.
“Yes, I’m hoping his mother will allow him to make the trip on his own. He’s fourteen now, and I think he can manage. I’m supposed to call them when we land and make sure he will be joining me.”
“Oh I’m sure he will come. He’ll enjoy visiting Disney World too! So many rides. This is my first time visiting, but I did go to DisneyLand once when I was his age. I loved it.”
They mostly spent the flight in companionable silence. She read her book and he read the paper, commenting on interesting things they read. As they left their seats to exit the plane, Belle reached up to retrieve her carry on. Gold thought for a moment, how best to help her with his bad leg hindering him. Before he could come up with a solution, a tall lad reached up and took her bag down for her. She thanked him politely and Gold allowed her to move ahead of him as they exited the plane. He tried not to glare at the young man behind him.
They shared a cab to the hotel and stepped up to different desks to check in. Gold made sure to request an adjoining room for Bae who would be arriving in the early evening as per his ex-wife’s assurances. Belle and Gold parted ways after check in, with Belle heading up just ahead of him. When he arrived at his room, he set up his luggage and looked around. It wasn’t bad. They had set them up at the Contemporary, which was quite nice, and had easy access to the Magic Kingdom park. The rooms were higher end than Gold had expected from a trip that was not paid for by the guests. Gold’s room had two double beds and a balcony with a theme park view. The concierge assured him that they would have a wonderful view of the fireworks. Gold discovered the door to the adjoining room and decided to take a look at Bae’s room and make sure all was well before he arrived. 
He opened the door and nearly fell back into his room. He had to steady himself with his cane. He hadn’t opened the door to an empty room, as he had expected. Instead, he had barged in on Belle, who was unpacking her luggage and laying out her clothes onto the bed. He had, unfortunately, arrived just in time to see her holding up her nightgown, which was practically see through, and definitely more suited for Florida heat than the cooler weather in Maine.
“I’m so… so sorry,” he stammered, as Belle stared at him with a mixture of surprise and what he thought was amusement. He felt flushed with embarrassment, and that never happened to him. She placed the nightgown on the bed, and put her hands on her hips. “I thought this was going to be empty. I had requested an adjoining room for my son…”
“It’s OK, I think I understand what happened.” Belle said, gently. “You need to remember that you and I are on the same vacation. You requested an adjoining room, but the trip was originally intended for a family vacation. One room for the adults, and the other for the kids.” She beckoned him inside. He took a few steps in, feeling very awkward, and hoping he didn’t show it at all. He normally didn’t betray his emotions, but with Belle, it was different.
Belle’s room had a large king sized bed, and the same balcony and view. “I see. So this must be the room they had intended for the adults, and I have...” he turned to indicate the open door to the other room.
“The kids room,” Belle chuckled. “Do you want this room? I don’t mind.”
“No, no. I’ll see if I can change things around. May, I?” he indicated the room’s telephone, and Belle nodded.
After a five minute long conversation with the concierge he gave up.
“No other rooms. Cheerleader convention.” That time, Belle laughed out loud, heartily 
“Bae and I can share my room. It’s quite alright. We have two beds. I had hoped to give him his own room, but this will be fine…”
“Thank you, Mr. Gold.”
“Not at all. I’m sorry to have barged in this way. I hope you know that I didn’t intend to interrupt--” he indicated all of the clothes on the bed.
“I didn’t mind.” She smiled at him, somewhat flirty, though Gold was sure that was his imagination. He had imagined that kind of thing on more than one occasion in their past interactions, and he always immediately admonished himself. Belle was not someone that would be interested in him. She was a beautiful, kind, intelligent, PhD student, who could find someone much better suited for her. And someone closer to her age too. He was a good fifteen years her senior. He shouldn’t even entertain the thought.
Belle was done changing into her comfortable clothes for the evening. She had decided to stay at the hotel and order in, perhaps watch the fireworks from the balcony, and then get an early start in the morning. She thought that she might ask Mr. Gold and his son if they wanted to visit the parks together, but she hadn’t decided on whether she would be intruding or not. The thing was that she was quite excited to have found herself in this situation. She had always had a bit of a crush on Mr. Gold, ever since she had arrived in Storybrooke after Grad School. It was over three years already, and while she’d had a couple of boyfriends, no one ever really kept her interest. Of course, she knew he was quite a few years older than her, but she never paid much attention to that sort of thing. She was a grown woman who could go out with whomever she wanted. She was getting ahead of herself. Even though she had a feeling that he returned her interest, she wasn’t certain. Still, seeing how he blushed earlier gave her a little bit of hope. 
There was a knock at her door. Perhaps it was Mr. Gold calling? She opened the door and took a peek through the crack. It was a boy, a teenager, slightly taller than she was, with tousled brown hair. This had to be Bae! “Hello!” she greeted him.
“I’m sorry, I think I must have the wrong room.” He looked down at some wrinkled papers in his hand. 
“You must be Bae!”
The boy looked surprised at first, but recovered quickly. “I like Neal better, actually. My parents just call me Bae. It’s a nickname.”
“For Baelfire, I know. It’s your middle name. Your dad told me. He’s going to be so happy to see you. He’s been looking forward to it so much.”
Neal looked like he was trying to process everything. He was still standing outside the room and he looked like he was trying to peer inside. “Is my dad staying with you?” he asked slowly, uncertainly.
Belle smiled at him and responded coyly, “Yes, and no. He’s next door. I’ll let him explain it to you.” She put her arm on his shoulder and led him toward Mr. Gold’s room. Neal knocked on the door and it was a moment before Gold appeared and smiled so broadly that Belle was certain she’d never seen him look so happy. 
Neal hugged his father tightly, “It’s Neal now, Papa. Remember?” He was smiling when he pulled away. 
“I’ll let you two get reacquainted,” Belle said. “Have a good evening.”
“Nice meeting you… I”m sorry, I don’t know your name.”
“Oh forgive me! It’s Belle. Nice meeting you too, Neal.” She waved goodbye and went back to her room, feeling very happy for Mr. Gold.
“So she isn’t your girlfriend?” Neal asked, for the second time. He was sprawled out on one of the double beds, clicking through the channels on the TV.
“Bae, I’ve already answered that question.” He looked up over the large map of the Magic Kingdom park that he was analyzing. He was determined that his son have a good time on this vacation.
“Are you sure, though?” 
Gold folded the map in half and gave his son an exasperated look. “Of course I’m sure, Bae.”
“Well then, I’m pretty sure she wants to be your girlfriend.”
Gold sighed. This was getting a bit out of hand.
“She likes you, Dad. Mom says I have a 6th sense about these kinds of things. I always know who is going to end up dating at school before they do.” Neal sat up on the bed. “Don’t you think she’s pretty?”
“Of course, but that’s besides the point. She wouldn’t be interested in me, and that’s a fact.”
Neal laughed. “Trust me, Dad. She likes you.”
“Can we please change the subject?” Gold asked, wearily.
“Sure. I think we need to discuss something else. You aren’t going to go to the parks in a suit every day, are you?” Neal pointed at the suits hanging in the closet.
Gold suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He hadn’t considered that at all, but he had nothing else with him. “It’ll be fine, Bae.” He was trying to reassure himself, as much as Bae.
“No way, Dad. I’m going to get Belle to back me up on this one.” Before Gold could stop him, Neal was up out of bed and knocking on the door to the connecting room.
It took all of one minute for Belle to open the door curiously.
“Belle you have to tell my dad that he can’t wear his usual clothes to the parks. He’s going to melt.”
Belle laughed at the colorful expression. “I don’t think he’d melt exactly, but he’d probably be very uncomfortable. You don’t have anything more suitable for the hot weather and for all the walking?” 
She directed the question to Gold, and he shook his head, lamely. She turned back to Neal. “You know what you have to do then,” she said, solemnly. “You have to take him shopping. There are many shops in this hotel, and they all will still be open. Why don’t you two go shopping and before you go we can decide on something for dinner. I’ll order it while you two are out, and by the time you get back the food will be here for you.”
Gold couldn’t deny that this sounded like a good idea, and it made him feel so very good to have Belle helping him navigate this situation. 
Over dinner it was decided that the three of them would go to the Magic Kingdom park together. Gold was dressed in a white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Neal had tried to get him into a pair of shorts, but it wasn’t happening. It was going to look odd enough limping around with his silver tipped cane in that outfit. Not nearly as dignified as when wearing a suit. Both Belle and Bae wore tank tops, and shorts, and they slathered on the sunscreen. Belle made sure to give Gold some too, and she even rubbed some on the bridge of his nose before he could protest. 
They spent the day together going on various rides. Gold was glad that Belle was with them. Occasionally, he would sit out on some of the rides and she would go with Bae. They went on Space Mountain, and the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad together. They all went on the Mad Tea Party ride, even though it made Gold a bit queasy. Pirates of the Carribean was amusing, and they were able to ride that one together. Both Belle and Bae grabbed onto him when the ride suddenly dropped in the dark. By the time they went on the Haunted Mansion ride, Neal had made some young friends from the cheerleader convention. Belle and Gold ended up alone in the same car, and Belle held onto his hand the entire time, alternating being thrilled, spooked, and fascinated by the ride. 
By the evening the three of them functioned almost like a little family. That’s what it felt like to Gold, and he would be very sad when this trip was over and they went back to their regular lives. Neal had wanted them to stay in line for Peter Pan’s Flight, but Gold had asked to sit that one out. Belle offered to keep him company while Neal went with his newfound friends. It was getting close to the hour of the fireworks display and the park was emptying out in certain areas, as people gathered to watch the show. Many of the rides had shorter lines for that reason, so he hoped that Neal wouldn’t be too long and they would be able to find a spot to watch the fireworks show. 
Belle led him to a bench near a running fountain. This section of the park was quieting down as the crowds moved towards Cinderella’s Castle. The sound of the fountain was soothing after the long day. They sat together for a bit, and Belle slipped her hand in his. It wasn’t the first time that day, or the second, or the third. Gold had been trying very hard not to read into it, but it was difficult not to. Belle had been very close to him all day. He also had been behaving in a more familiar manner with her. Something was changing, or perhaps it was something finally coming to light.
“Mr. Gold. I have a confession to make.”
Gold swallowed hard.  “Oh?” He tried to sound more curious than nervous.
“I like you very much. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have liked you for a very long time.”
“I like you too, Ms. French. You’re very good company.”
“Please call me Belle. I’ve asked you before.” 
“Yes, Belle. I’m sorry. Old habits…”
“You do understand what I’m saying, don’t you?” She took her hand and placed it on his cheek, making him face her.
“I do, I just don’t quite believe it.”
“I’ve enjoyed this day so much, haven’t you?”
He nodded.
“I want to have more days like this, where we get to spend time together, because I think you like me just as much as I like you.”
She was gently stroking his cheek. “Am I correct?”
He remembered Neal’s words from last night: “She likes you, Dad” and wondered if she’d overheard them. He had felt the connection between them all throughout this trip, but he refused to believe it. He wasn’t going to deny it anymore. “Belle French, I like you very much indeed.” 
She sighed in relief, and smiled. “Mr. Gold, I’d like to kiss you now.”
“Under one condition,” he said, smiling. “You have to stop calling me Mr. Gold.”
“Deal,” she said, and leaned forward. He met her half way and they shared a sweet, gentle kiss. He pulled back, and gauged her reaction. She didn’t seem like she wanted him to move too far, and pulled him back for a deeper kiss.
“Dad! Come on we’re going to miss the… fireworks… show…” Neal stopped in front of them, out of breath from having run over from the ride nearby. His jaw hung open, and it took him a moment to recover. He clapped and pointed at his father. “I told you, Dad! I know about this stuff! Since you guys are busy, is it ok if I head over with my friends? I can meet you back here.”
“You can go on ahead, but not too far, we’ll be right behind you,” Belle said, and pulled Gold up from his seat. She linked her arm with his and they followed Neal as he met up with his friends just up the path. 
“When we get back to Storybrooke, would you like to go to dinner with me?” Gold asked.
Belle chuckled. “Most definitely yes. Maybe we can have some fireworks in Storybrooke too,” she teased, and squeezed his arm. 
Instead of being taken aback this time, he teased in return, “I think it is quite likely after that last display.” She leaned in closer, and the fireworks went off above the castle. The crowd around them cheered, and music played through the speakers around them. They walked arm in arm and found a spot near Neal and his new friends. They were pointing and marveling at the display. Belle leaned against him as they watched, and Gold had a sudden feeling of gratitude towards Dr. Hopper. He really did do him a big favor.
The End.
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stemrate7 · 4 years
Divorce Arbitration Resolution.
Collective Separation Arbitration.
Are Future Revenues Taken Into Account In A Divorce Settlement?
Kid Inclusive Mediation
Just How Is Mediation Different From Going To Court?
If Your Youngster Does Not Obtain A Requirements Assessment Or Ehc Strategy.
Mediation, Private Hearings and Very Early Neutral Assessments Family members conflicts are painful enough without having to conduct them in public. When arrangements have damaged down or reached an arrest, there are private options that you can consider as an alternative to court procedures. Each private mediation session often tends to take 1.5 to 2 hours, however we will be assisted by you. In general, much will certainly rely on the complexity of the problems involved and just how easily an agreement is reached. Some clients solve issues in a single session whereas the majority of can take a variety of sessions to take care of the matters at hand. Simply put, any type of concern can be moderated where there is a wish to get to arrangement and also stay clear of lawsuits. Mediation can relate to funds (e.g. on divorce or splitting up or following cohabitation) as well as can additionally be utilized for problems relating to plans for youngsters.
At the initial conference, a conciliator will talk to you regarding what happens in mediation so you can decide if it's for you. If you choose you do not wish to mediate, they'll inform your company mediation is not possible. This videoproduced by the University of Exeter assists describe more concerning the mediation process and also gives suggestions about what can assist the mediation procedure do well. family mediation services grange-over-sands will certainly help you discover a service which benefits you both and also describe exactly how you can make an agreement legally binding. If the value of your case is under ₤ 10,000, you will be able to access the private telephone mediation service used by the Court Service if you issue your case at court, and this is defended.
Are Future Profits Taken Into Consideration In A Divorce Negotiation?
Nonetheless, it is constantly open to the celebrations to increase any issues they want to re-address and to re-convene in plenary conference for that or any kind of other function. There are no hard and fast policies as to whether lawyers must go to or as to whether, if they do, both guidance and also solicitors should go to.
What is the success rate of mediation?
62.5% of those responding had used mediation as a means to resolve workplace disputes. This is consistent with national surveys, for example a recent CIPD survey indicated something in the region of 65%. Of those who had used mediation, 100% were successful.
The cancellation fee is established as a percent of the moderator's day-to-day fee, the percent boosting as the date techniques. It is important of Arbitration that it is a versatile and also versatile procedure. The events can design what they require in the particular circumstances of their disagreement. As with the settlements it provides, the LCIA intends to make its arbitrations affordable. To this end, mediation prices are additionally based upon the per hour rates of the moderators and also of the LCIA's administrative staff, without reference to the sums in concern. Emphasis Mediation pushing priests to enact laws to compel litigants right into mediation as soon as lawful charges get to 20 per cent of the value of a conflict. Expert arbitration services for divorcing pairs and also firms wishing to avoid hold-up as well as costly legal bills.
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As an example, if you're mediating in between divorcing moms and dads, sessions are a crucial duty in the legal process to agree kid safekeeping arrangements and also will be considered by a court. Some circumstances need a neutral viewpoint, to pay attention as well as understand all sides of an argument. As a moderator you'll be he or she, supplying level playing field for individuals involved in a conflict to speak without being evaluated or disrupted.
MV Mediation program takes on evictions - Martha's Vineyard Times
MV Mediation program takes on evictions.
Posted: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
CEDR concentrates on the resolution of business disagreements and deadlocked arrangements. We have experience throughout all markets and also with all types of conflicts, from small insurance claims to disagreements valued in the billions of extra pounds. The Centre for Effective Conflict Resolution specialises in arbitration and different dispute resolution. We are an independent non-profit organisation as well as a registered charity. You'll require to maintain your abilities as well as practice up to day throughout your job. Recognized mediation training carriers normally supply a series of continuing expert development possibilities, including professional training programs, occasions, workshops, meetings, participant resources and online news.
Just How Is Arbitration Different From Litigating?
Expert areas, for which you need additional training, include special academic demands and impairment. The majority of accredited arbitration training suppliers hold an expert directory of mediators where you can find overcome advertising your abilities, experience and track record. In lawful functions, for example, you'll get useful experience in working to accomplish acceptable outcomes and resolution for clients, which will assist when you go on to do arbitration training.
The lawful representation needs to be proportionate to the scale and also intricacy of the case, remembering constantly that the objective of the arbitration day is to resolve the case not to attempt it. Most importantly, the client requires to feel great in the team's ability to respond to any new disagreements that are elevated and to advise him or her on any type of propositions for negotiation that might be made. These placement documents need to be exchanged in between the celebrations as well as duplicated to the Arbitrator ideally around seven days before the mediation - longer in really intricate issues. The papers might be accompanied by different private submissions that an event wants the mediator alone to see. The Parties must prepare short mediation position papers or summaries. These should remain in skeletal system form as well as laid out what each celebration considers as the essential issues of truth and regulation. One essential effect of dealing with a mediation day is that the events will thereafter be responsible for a cancellation fee if the day is not used.
If Your Youngster Does Not Obtain A Needs Evaluation Or Ehc Strategy.
Things is that we have a hard time to negotiate our way via dispute since we're so angry, worried, or harm that we find it difficult not to let feeling get in the way of factor. Communication breaks down, as well as we get so completed that we can scarcely bear in mind exactly how the debate also started. By understanding these dispute processes far much better, we can start to fix all sorts of conflicts a lot more successfully. Dr. Mike Talbot, is a renowned mediator, fitness instructor, as well as therapist.
The Case for Pre-Suit and Early Mediation - JD Supra
The Case for Pre-Suit and Early Mediation.
Posted: Fri, 11 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
You can also pick where the hearing occurs and which issues you focus on. When you reach an arrangement with joint law, your solicitors will typically prepare a 'permission order' - this is a legally binding arrangement concerning your financial resources. In the introductory meeting, you and also your ex-partner will generally meet separately with a qualified conciliator. Hereafter, you'll have arbitration sessions where you, your ex-partner as well as the mediator will rest with each other to review your differences. It's much better to try as well as get to a contract via arbitration if you can. You might save cash in legal costs and it can be simpler to solve any differences. You do not have to go to mediation, but if you wind up needing to go to court to iron out your distinctions, you normally require to verify you have actually been to an arbitration information and also assessment conference.
In addition to an excellent team at UK Arbitration, Mike has actually developed a market-leading series of training programs as well as conflict resolution solutions. Ian Lovatt PPC, FMCA, CIM Ian is a Pay Per Click, a certified family members conciliator and also is qualified in the direct consultation of kids. We know family members mediation operates in many situations since we have efficiently aided over 3000 clients to day. Separation or separation is hard, but reaching an agreement shouldn't be. We work right across England and Wales and also our family arbitration service has more than three decades' experience supplying expert, expert family members mediation solutions. Mediation can continue while it satisfies the needs of the individual celebrations included.
a pair to solve a financial settlement and plans for the children. She functioned carefully with the pair as well as at the moderator's tip, likewise with their solicitors, that participated in the final mediation sessions. In this area, you'll discover Resolution's suite of resources for moderators. This consists of information on the extent of arbitration, just how you end up being an arbitrator, courses for expert advancement and far more. Mark recommends on the resolution of intricate building as well as engineering disagreements throughout the contractual supply chain. Peter McHugh is a building regulation specialist, acting upon behalf of service providers, below service providers and also companies in conflicts of all sizes and types.
a company that helps will typically last between 1 to 2 hours, depending upon the intricacy of the situation. If you're not comfy with remaining in the very same room as your ex-partner, the moderator can prepare 'shuttle' mediation. This is where the conciliator talks to you alone and after that speaks to your ex-partner with your propositions individually. An Arbitration Details Evaluation Fulfilling is the very first meeting which will aid develop whether arbitration will certainly be suitable in your conditions, and whether it will aid you to reach a contract. Arbitration is utilized to settle disagreements regarding work environment relationships instead of various other conflicts, such as pay or problems associated with dismissal or conduct. The arbitrator will certainly concur with both sides which details can be shared outside the mediation and also exactly how. If you do not get to an agreement, anything that's been said throughout the arbitration should be kept private and can not be made use of in future procedures.
[Podcast] Trouble in paradise: Protecting privilege after Glencore - Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration - Australia - Mondaq News Alerts
[Podcast] Trouble in paradise: Protecting privilege after Glencore - Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration - Australia.
Posted: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 00:04:34 GMT [source]
Although there is no legal regulation of moderators, you must take a training programme certified by a relevant professional body or council. Training demands will certainly rely on the sort of mediation you want to go into. You'll generally be office-based, for instance at a family arbitration service place.
The arbitrator can choose mediation is wrong for you (for instance, if there's been residential abuse and also you need to visit court rather). Adjudication can be less costly than going to court, yet it can still be expensive. The specific quantity you'll pay depends on where you live as well as for how long it takes you and your ex-partner to get to a contract. It's a bit like litigating, but in family members mediation a mediator makes a decision based upon your circumstances - not a judge.
Yard Court Arbitration remains to provide a fixed fee scheme for mediations listed below ₤ 50,000. This applies similarly to remote or online arbitration through Zoom or Skype. Sport Resolutions provides a shortlist of experienced sport professional arbitrators for the celebrations to pick from. If the events can not concur or would certainly like Sport Resolutions to appoint the mediator, after that we have the ability to do so. The following phase is generally separate private conferences with each of the events or groups of events. This can as well as usually does lead to the Moderator shuttling between the parties for a long time prior to there is any further plenary conference.
A court charge is billed when you release any kind of case, but no different fee is created the mediation. Although there is no legal policy of conciliators, the CMC runs a system of voluntary policy for civil/commercial as well as workplace conciliators and providers. If agreement is reached in arbitration, placed in writing and authorized, it is binding like any type of other agreement. If court procedures have already started, an order of the court which shows what was agreed in mediation can be made by contract of those included (called a 'permission order' or a 'Tomlin order').
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Peter concentrates on obtaining the most effective outcome for his clients by taking a business technique to the resolution of their disagreements. Rewarding-- A mediator's function is to aid communication in between the events, not to make or enforce any kind of decisions; The entailed events control the result and collaborate ahead to a win/win contract. Less formal than litigating-- Less people are involved in arbitration than when you litigate. Budget-friendly-- Managing a disagreement through arbitration is a lot less expensive than going to court. The CEDR Structure supports projects allowing the next generation of specialist moderators and those with arbitration skills.
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years
In court challenges in California and elsewhere, the ACLU and other opponents of the changes had argued the restrictions were a wholesale immigration policy change, dressed up as simply a regulatory tweak. They argued the changes clearly violated the Refugee Act of 1980, which allows people who arrive on U.S. soil to claim asylum and to argue they have a “credible fear” that harm will befall them if they are returned to their home countries. The 1980 Act was, in part, intended to prevent the U.S. falling afoul of international law and of the United Nations convention by expelling people back into harm’s way. They also argued that, in the way it implemented the new rules, the administration had run afoul of the Administrative Procedures Act.
The Supreme Court didn’t rule on the merits of these arguments. Instead, the court’s conservative majority simply decided to give the administration leeway to start implementing the new rules immediately while they were still being challenged in the courts. It was all-too-reminiscent of another decision, from earlier in the summer, when the court, in a 5-4 decision, allowed construction on the border wall to begin, using funds seized by Trump under his national emergency declaration, while the legal challenges were still underway.
On the most obvious level, the ruling means that unless and until the courts ultimately find that the content of the new regulations, as well as the way they were implemented, violate existing laws, the southern border has now been effectively shut to asylum seekers from anywhere other than Mexico.
The consequences will be far-reaching, and extraordinarily damaging both to the lives of individuals no longer granted asylum and also to what remains of the global reputation of the United States. Already overflowing refugee camps in Mexican border towns that house tens of thousands of migrants from around the world will become even more crowded. These are camps lacking access to clean water, to toilets and showers, to reliable supplies of food. Stories coming out of these camps portray utterly stark, barren, living conditions — and those conditions will now likely deteriorate further, leaving the residents ever more vulnerable to gangs, to human traffickers, to kidnappings, and so on.
Mexico — which is already hosting huge numbers of Central American migrants, as well as would-be-asylum-seekers from around the globe who headed to Mexico on the way to the United States, only to get stuck in the country as Trump’s lockdown of the border intensified — will face tremendous social and political pressure from its own populace to further militarize its southern border so as to bottle up the flow of desperate migrants before they leave Central America.
As Todd Miller writes in his powerful new book, Empire of Borders, U.S. border policy and enforcement is now so coercive and so all-powerful that it shapes and reshapes policies of countries not just along the U.S. border but ever further afield. And, Chiapas, in the impoverished south of Mexico, now becomes even more of a front line in the efforts to lock desperate migrants out of accessing the First World.
Moreover, the Supreme Court’s decision means that the huge numbers of people who entered the United States from Mexico and filed asylum claims in the period after the regulatory change was issued in July but before the Supreme Court allowed its provisions to kick in, will now be subject to summary deportation — not just across the border into Mexico, but back to the home countries from which they fled, oftentimes in fear for their lives. Immigration attorneys from the ACLU told me they fear that many tens of thousands could be at risk of being immediately returned to their homelands.
As for those who entered the U.S., claimed asylum and were then returned to camps in Mexico while they awaited their court hearings, they now face the extraordinary situation of being deportable back to their home countries if they set foot on U.S. soil to attend their court hearings.
None of this, of course, will stop migration. Desperate people with no access to food, water and housing for their families in their home countries, as well as people fleeing gang violence, the ravages of climate change, narco-governments and collapsed economies, will still head north. They will do so next month for the exact same reasons they did so last month — because they have concluded that their families’ survival depends upon it. Except, instead of trying to follow the legal process and file asylum claims, they will be driven in ever-greater numbers to hire smugglers, coyotes, to transit them through the most remote and deadly stretches of the desert and into the United States. Instead of seeking a legal status that would, if the system eventually granted them asylum, allow them to live, work and gain a pathway to eventual citizenship in the United States, they will be forced into the shadows, further swelling the ranks of the undocumented and the exploited.
This is a policy, upheld for now by Supreme Court imprimatur, that is tailor-made to enrich smuggling networks and employers who subject undocumented immigrants to abusive, exploitative conditions.
And now that the Supreme Court has sided with the administration, the effects could well be felt across an array of other dramatic policy shifts, both emboldening the Trump administration to seek ever-more ghastly policy changes via executive action and regulatory changes, and also sending a signal that already published rule changes are likely to be given the benefit of the doubt by the Supreme Court. Over the last few months, the administration has unveiled a slew of regulatory changes intended to utterly rewrite U.S. immigration policy without the input of Congress and in the face of overwhelming opposition from those who have offered public comments. For example, the new Public Charge regulations published by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) deny access to benefits programs to legal immigrants and their families. Proposed changes put forward by Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would result in the eviction of more than 100,000 people, all members of mixed-status families, from public housing and Section 8 housing. And new regulations published a couple of weeks ago aim to shred the Flores settlement, which limits how long immigrant children can be detained for, and instead allow for the indefinite detention of immigrant families in concentration camp-like facilities.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Nineteen Forever (2) (Branjie/Scyvie)- Ortega
a/n: first off thank you to everyone who’s liked, reblogged, put something cute in their tags, dm’d or sent feedback to me/to AQ about this! it completely warms my heart and motivates me SO MUCH so thank you. in this chapter Scarlet gets a shock, someone gets a new groupchat nickname, and things are revealed during pres. as always send lovely things here or to my blog @artificialortega, and enjoy the quick updates while i’m still not at work!
Trigger Warning: alcohol. standard procedure xo
Summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
Scarlet stood in the street, silent, breathing heavily, and absolutely frozen to the spot. She had felt the coin drop from her hand and hit the pavement, but whether that had been seconds ago or minutes ago she couldn’t tell. All that was running through her mind was one single thought, one single number, and no matter how much her eyes darted across the small rectangle of paper it didn’t seem to change.
Five thousand.
She looked again- top left hand corner, top middle, dead middle.
Five thousand.
Scarlet took one deep breath in then held it tightly in her chest before releasing it. Selfishly, she reminded herself that it wasn’t that much money, in the grand scheme of things. Some people would get paid that a month eventually in life. But Scarlet was a student- a philosophy student at that, who wouldn’t get paid shit when she graduated and had absolutely zero job prospects.
Five thousand was big.
She never bought scratchcards. It was a whimsical purchase, along with a granola bar and a bottle of chocolate milk on her way to a lecture, but there was no fucking way that was happening now, not while she had a card in her hand that entitled her to be the proud owner of five thousand whole pounds.
Part of her panicked. Part of her didn’t know what the hell to do with all this money. She completely and utterly was not in any way used to it. She was still thinking and in a complete daze when she walked back into the shop and handed the shopkeeper the card wordlessly. Confused, the man looked at it for a moment then laughed.
“I can’t cash that here,” he chuckled, handing it back to Scarlet. “Can only give you up to one hundred. You need to phone them.”
“Oh,” she laughed, uncomfortable and embarrassed, thanking the man as she took the card and left. Once outside, she turned it over, found the phone number she needed to call, and in a matter of minutes, her NatWest banking app now read: £4985.55 (she had previously been in her overdraft).
So what the hell did she do now?
As if on cue, her phone hummed in her jacket pocket. Bringing it out to look at, she saw the group chat already exploding with messages.
Dave the Laugh: anyone down for lunch near the lib in 5?
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: Yes please. Can we go Liezen?
Kim Kardashian-West: i’m eating the most disappointing sandwich of my life in a staffroom where no other teacher is talking to me! i <3 placement!
Plastique Bague: Nina :(
Plastique Bague: I’d be down for Liezen in 5! Me n Brooke will be there after this lecture
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Biiiiiitch so sad i’m missing this!!!!!! don’t have too much fun without me xo
Scarlet paused for a moment, her thumbs hovering over the phone screen. It would probably make her feel better, going to see the girls, and Yvie would be there too. Her heart gave a little jolt as she typed her own reply.
used Tampon: Can I come too??
There was a small pause in the chat, as if everybody was looking at each other with concern despite all being in separate places. Squeezing her eyes shut, Scarlet tried to push out the spiral of her thoughts to a secret, Scarlet-less group chat the girls had without her. It wasn’t that she felt insecure in her friendship group, it was just that sometimes she felt like the odd one out, that sometimes they were only friends with her for pity, that they secretly joked about her behind her back.
That was insecurity. She’d just defined insecurity.
Sighing, she looked down at her phone again and her heart soared.
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: No sorry it’s a No Scarlet Allowed event xo
Dave the Laugh: Brooke i’m evicting u
Dave the Laugh: ofc u can join, u don’t need to ask bitch!!
Brooke’s comment completely ignored, Scarlet cheerfully made her way through the park that separated all the city’s student-land flats and the main campus, where the cafe they visited so often lay just on the outside of. She didn’t care even if the others hadn’t wanted her to join- Yvie had, and that was what mattered.
Scarlet had a weird relationship with Yvie, different to ones that she had with the rest of her friends. Whenever she saw her, she always felt like she needed to look her best or be acting nonchalant and cool, despite the fact Scarlet couldn’t be either of those things to save herself. If Yvie’s body was having a rough day and was being particularly unkind to her, Scarlet would worry and fuss, and ask Yvie if she needed anything to the point where the other girl sometimes got annoyed at her. She couldn’t help herself- the thought of Yvie being in pain was so horrible to her, cutting through her and making her fret. Sometimes Scarlet felt she couldn’t respond to or take part in any of the friendly shade or roastings that Yvie threw her way, because maybe Yvie would see that as flirting, and that would be weird. They were just friends, after all, Scarlet reminded herself with a nod. It was just…a different type of friendship than the ones she had with the others. But it was still a friendship.
Arriving at the cafe, she scanned the room and found Yvie, Plastique and Brooke Lynn sitting around a booth. Scarlet found her heart giving a jump when she saw the seat next to Yvie was free and she walked towards the table happily, sliding into the free seat and greeting everyone.
“Hey, boo,” Yvie smiled, scooting up so that Scarlet had more room.
“Oh she’s here, guys. We need to stop talking about her now,” Brooke said dryly and sipped her coffee, her tone of voice giving absolutely nothing away. Scarlet’s mouth fell open, confused.
Plastique burst out laughing as Brooke winced in pain, Scarlet feeling the motion of a leg kicking out from beside her.
“She’s fucking with you, Scarlet, don’t worry,” Plastique smiled sweetly, Scarlet grateful for the sympathy. Brooke and Yvie appeared to be locked in an aggressive staring contest, so Scarlet spoke in an effort to break it.
“How’ve your days all been?” she asked lightly, picking up the menu and giving it a flippant scan before deciding she’d order what she always did.
“Boring. I got up and went to the gym, we had a 9am-” Plastique gestured between herself and Brooke. “- and then a tutorial, and now we’re here. We made a really good effort to get some work done in the library though. We spent a whole…what was it, ten? Five minutes in there?”
“Um sorry, I would’ve happily stayed and done work but Miss I-Need-Food-Or-I’ll-Die dragged me out here,” Brooke cast an incredulous glance at her friend. Plastique shrugged.
“Guilty,” she said, before sipping at an orange juice she had in front of her.
“How’s your day been, Scarlet?” Yvie asked, her head leaning on her hand in an effort to face her.
Scarlet considered her options as quickly as she could in the two second time gap she had in which to answer. She could tell the girls about the scratchcard, or she could just…not. As mean as it sounded, she’d heard about people’s friends changing when they’d had a lottery win, and not necessarily for the better. Okay, it was only five thousand (only? ONLY?) but it was still probably more money than any of them had ever had at uni, and Scarlet still didn’t really know what she was going to do with it all. Looking in Yvie’s eyes, she was struck with a pang of guilt for what she was about to say.
“Uh, alright. I got up kinda late. I’m actually supposed to have a lecture just now, but I blew it off. Balsamic tomatoes were calling me,” she shrugged, pleased when both Yvie and Brooke laughed. As the waiter arrived to take their order, Scarlet let out a sigh of relief she didn’t know she’d been holding. She hadn’t known lying would come this easily to her. Well- technically she hadn’t lied. She hadn’t not told them about the scratchcard. She just…happened to omit it from the recount of her day.
As the waiter moved away from their table, the conversation turned to a night out that Vanessa’s flat was apparently hosting pres for this evening. Scarlet felt a pang of envy. She wished she had the sort of flatmates that were all so close and hosted things together, but instead she was stuck in a two bed with a girl she’d found on SpareRooms who inexplicably hated her. She longed to be the flat that everyone would come to for chilled times, like Brooke, Yvie and Nina, or the flat that hosted crazy parties like Vanessa, Silky and Akeria. At the very least, she wished she had Plastique’s excuse to not host anything- her incredibly rich and successful Mum had simply bought her a beautiful flat in the nicest part of town, which she shared with her friend from school. Scarlet’s mouse-infested two bed was a million miles away.
“I don’t know, Yvie, we’ve only got three weeks until showcase,” Brooke sighed, hands around her cup of coffee. Yvie waved a dismissive hand.
“Shut up with these excuses already. Plastique, you’ll come because you can’t stop yourself from drinking anything with an alcohol content higher than 3% and Brooke, you’ll come because it’s Vanjie.”
“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Brooke asked pointedly, fixing her gaze on Yvie. The other girl laughed.
“It means you want to bone,” Yvie explained, scrunching up her face with a laugh as she made a snipping motion with her fingers.
“BOOOOOOONE?!” Plastique impersonated, causing Scarlet and Yvie to burst out laughing.
“Fuck you all. It’s not like that at all,” Brooke rolled her eyes, unamused. Scarlet felt for the girl. In the time she’d been part of the friendship group, she knew that Brooke pined for Vanessa but also that Vanessa crushed on Brooke with exactly the same intensity, Vanessa often confiding things to Scarlet in the Philosophy lectures they were in together. Scarlet had told Yvie all of this, and Yvie, naturally, told Brooke time and time again how much Vanessa liked her, but never told Brooke how she knew (a gesture, Scarlet always thought, that was sweet of her as it protected her from any fallout of Vanessa finding out that Scarlet had told Yvie).
“I think it’s sweet,” Scarlet chimed in, her stomach spasming as Brooke fixed her with an unimpressed gaze. “You know. That you’re waiting to tell her until you’re sure she likes you too. I feel like I would do the same.”
To Scarlet’s relief, Brooke pulled a smug smile and gestured across the table to Scarlet. “See? She knows.”
Yvie frowned at Scarlet, drumming her fingers against the table. “So you would wait as long as she has to tell someone you liked them?”
Scarlet found her words catching in her throat. For some reason, Brooke laughed.
“Girl. Shut up.”
“What?!” Yvie exclaimed. “It’s just interesting!”
“Interesting in what way?” Plastique asked, her face expressionless and a quick knowing look passing between her and Brooke before the waiter arrived with their food (scrambled eggs, avocado and tomatoes with balsamic on sourdough for Scarlet, bacon roll for Yvie, raisin granola with strawberry jam for Plastique and a chocolate and hazelnut croissant for Brooke) and the conversation was forgotten about. The chat then turned into uni moaning, deadline stressing and tutor bitching, something Scarlet was glad about. She’d just completed her first Philosophy essay of the year and she desperately wanted to impress her tutor after achieving good marks last year, so she vented to the girls about her worries.
“None of you will believe the conversation we had with Silky when we were at the pub the other night,” Yvie began, Scarlet already laughing as she’d heard this story before. “So she got this essay back and her tutor gave her like…52 or fifty something, it was a low mark at least. And Silk starts going off like ‘Well! I know it was a good essay! It don’t matter! I’ll just do another one!’. Like…! I had to be like 'Well it kinda does matter, bitch, it’s your whole fucking degree!’”
The girls at the table howled with laughter, glad of a cautionary tale and a distraction from their own performance at uni.
“I worry about Silky sometimes,” Brooke frowned, peeling off a small bit of her croissant and eating it.
“Silky will be fine,” Plastique reassured her through her last mouthful of granola. “At the very least she’ll get a job for a local paper and she’ll get paid to write controversial opinion pieces all day.”
“Ugh, let’s not talk about grad jobs,” Scarlet sighed, the thought of having to find something to do once she finished uni making her heart palpitate. Yvie smiled, reaching out and taking Scarlet’s hand.
“You’ll be fine. It’s these two you’ve gotta worry about.”
“Oh, thanks so much,” Brooke Lynn folded her arms together and narrowed her eyes at her flatmate.
“Well. More Brooke than Plastique. She’s always got the option of living at home and getting spoiled for the rest of her life.”
“Getting suffocated, you mean,” Plastique pouted, leaning back in her seat.
“What are you going to do after you graduate?” Scarlet asked Yvie, at once interested. Yvie tilted her head and thought.
“Forensics. Or actually, I’d quite like to work at a mortuary. Something with dead bodies,” she shrugged, Plastique wrinkling her nose.
“You’re a spooky bitch,” she recoiled, Yvie laughing in that deep, Disney-Villan way that Scarlet secretly loved.
“And what, bitch? And what? Anyway,” she took a sip of her diet coke. “I don’t need to worry about jobs yet. That goes for all of us. We don’t need to think about that shit til January.”
“It’s already October!” Scarlet cried, her eyes wide and fearful. Yvie, she noted, had still not let go of her hand, as she gave it a squeeze and laughed.
“Guys, let’s not be dramatic, we will all be fine,” Brooke shook her head, finishing the last of her croissant. Her comment stung Scarlet a little and she shrank back in her chair, suddenly inhibited and self-conscious.
“Well, this was lovely but we’d better get to the lib,” Plastique shrugged, pulling out her purse. Scarlet had a sudden thought. Maybe the others would start to warm up to her if she took care of the financial aspect of friendship every now and then. A lunch here, a round of drinks there. If she started to show some generosity, then maybe the girls would start to like her more.
“Hey, I’ll treat us!” she smiled, causing all three girls to whip round and stare at Scarlet as if she had sprouted an extra head. She immediately regretted her decision. Was this too suspicious? She gave a fake laugh. “My Mum sent me some money earlier this week and said to treat me and some friends to dinner. It’s not dinner, but it’s close enough?”
To her relief, Brooke and Plastique raised their eyebrows and shrugged. Brooke sent her a warm smile from across the table. “Well lucky us! Thanks, Scarlet. That’s cute.”
Scarlet cast a glance to the girl beside her and saw Yvie looking at her with intrigue, her face deep in thought. Buoyed by Plastique and Brooke’s kindness, she stuck her tongue out at her.
“Well am I going halfers with you, then?”
Yvie relaxed, giving a laugh and pushing Scarlet a little. “Oh my God, no, I’ll take what I can get of course. Thanks, baby.”
Scarlet’s heart gave a little explosion. This was a pet name she hadn’t heard from Yvie before, and she would be lying if she said it didn’t make her skin prickle and her blood feel hot in her veins. She wished she could stop smiling, but found herself unable to.
Scarlet paid and the girls all filed out of the cafe, saying goodbye with tight hugs and cheek kisses and promises to see each other later at the pres that Vanjie was hosting. When Brooke and Plastique said goodbye to her, Scarlet could have sworn their smiles were wider than usual, and she was sure that Yvie had hugged her extra tight. Scarlet was so happy that she headed straight into town, treating herself to a new outfit for the night ahead from a shop she would never usually even set foot into. She was in the changing rooms trying it on when the group chat went off again.
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Mine tonight, who’s coming!
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: EXCUSE ME
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: OURS
Kim Kardashian-West: Me!!!!!! #tgif
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: they know wtf i mean
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: sorry i have other plans with more important friends who i don’t live with
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: My God your…so unfunny…it pains me physically
Kim Kardashian-West: *you’re
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: *you’re
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: *YOU’RE
Plastique Bague: i’m coming
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: I’m not coming any mose
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: PLASTIQUE!!!!!! you ruined it lmao
Plastique Bague: fuck u too Brooke
Plastique Bague: oh lol sorry
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Who’s mose.
Kim Kardashian-West: Tell me why I find mose so funny
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: MOSE ADDFGGHLL
Plastique Bague: oh my god mose
Cananana Canadada hey hey hey bingo: guys oh my god a bitch makes a typo!!
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE set the nickname for Brooke Lynn Hytes to mose.
mose: I hate you all so much
Plastique Bague: IM DYING
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: actually fuck this has killed me off
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: VANJIE IM HAVING AN ASTHMA ATTACK!!!!!! MOSE!!!!!!
Dave the Laugh: mose lmao
Dave the Laugh: anyway i’m coming tonight
Dave the Laugh: Scarlet said she was coming at lunch
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Omg. does this mean we have a full squad?
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: this NEVER happens
mose: I’m still not coming
mose: I’m being cyberbullied
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: you are so coming bitchhhh
Scarlet noted the plethora of heart emojis Vanessa tacked on to the end of her message to Brooke before sending hers, still confident from her lunch with the girls and the short, gold dress she was looking at herself in the mirror in.
used Tampon: I’m coming so we OFFICIALLY have a full squad ladies!!
used Tampon: Well. If mose is coming xo
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: SCARLET HAHAHAHA
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Scarlet i swear that’s the funniest uv ever been
Plastique Bague: Ahahahaha WOOO!! Yaaaas to full squad!!
Kim Kardashian-West: Mose will be there if i have to drag her there!! Yay Scarlet!!!
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Brooky if u come i’ll give you a big cuddle!
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Anna ou-
mose: I don’t like that threat
mose: See you all later, I’ll be their
Plastique Bague: *there
used Tampon: *there
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: *there
Kim Kardashian-West: *there
mose: FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: *THERE
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: *there assddffghjkkl love u Brooke xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
After a little shopping trip, a nap, a small, solo getting-ready party and absolutely no uni work, Scarlet found herself in a taxi on her way to Vanessa’s flat, fiddling with the hem of her new dress that popped out from under her parka and wondering to herself if it was too short. She had bought the biggest bottle of gin she could find in the supermarket, not thinking twice about dropping £40 on it, and a small half bottle of tequila. Tonight would be a big one if she had anything to do with it. Scarlet was excited- she hated always being that person that had to borrow money for the entry fee, the only person who couldn’t buy drinks for everyone in the club, the person that got bought pity shots because she couldn’t afford a drink. Tonight, things would be different.
She arrived at the girls’ flat and pressed the buzzer, the music from Akeria’s room pouring out of the second-floor window already. Scarlet wasn’t that late- Vanessa had said 9 and it was only half past, but already she could hear the girls upstairs drunkenly singing along to Pitbull. There was suddenly a loud buzz from the intercom and Scarlet found the front door swinging open. She jogged up the stairs, taking them two at a time in her white trainers, and was greeted with a tight hug from Akeria, whose eyes were already considerably glassy. Scarlet was led through to Akeria’s huge, fairy-lights-and-mirrors covered room, where a huge cheer went up from the girls inside at her arrival. Plastique, Nina and Brooke Lynn were all sat on the edge of Akeria’s huge bed, and Silky and Vanessa were on the worn, purple carpet beside them, making a semicircle. Yvie was sat on the small sofa opposite the bed, dressed in a black lace jumpsuit that caused Scarlet’s pulse to race. Smiling and raising up the bottle of gin from her bag, Scarlet laughed as another cheer exploded in the room. She stepped carefully over the dwindling pack of cards that formed a circle around a pint glass full of a liquid that looked absolutely vile, and sat on the sofa beside Yvie, shrugging her jacket off.
“Hey,” Yvie smiled, flipping her septum piercing in and out of her nose absent-mindedly. “You look nice. I like this.”
Scarlet felt her cheeks heat up as Yvie momentarily touched her bare thigh, fiddling with the material at the hem of Scarlet’s dress. Scarlet rolled her shoulders back and flipped some of her hair over one. “Thanks! Just got it today. You look so good!”
“God, this old thing?” Yvie put a hand to her chest and laughed, Scarlet joining in until Akeria squashed herself down on the sofa beside her.
“Thanks for stealing my space,” she said unamused and giving Scarlet a quick once-over with her eyes. “Here, I got you a glass.”
Scarlet thanked her and poured herself out a measure of gin and lemonade which was approximately 40% gin and 60% mixer. She watched as Vanjie pulled out a card from the deck and a huge roar went up from the girls, a King staring back at the girl’s disappointed face.
“Aw, fuck my life!”
“Get it down, girl!” Yvie laughed, delighting in the other girl’s anguish.
“Vanjie, I’ll drink half if you really don’t want to,” came Brooke’s voice, the groans of objection from the other girls almost making Scarlet miss the grateful smile that Vanjie shot Brooke’s way.
“Um, no the fuck you won’t, bitch!” Yvie piped up again, outraged.
“Yeah this ain’t fuckin’ I’m A Celebrity, drink the damn thing!” Silky all but screamed, the girls chanting as Vanjie raised the glass to her lips and tilted it, some of whatever was in it dripping down her chin and spilling onto her black vinyl skirt. In under ten seconds, the glass was empty and the room was cheering, Vanjie giving a triumphant smile and wiping at her mouth with a somewhat flailing arm.
“Okay, next game!” Plastique demanded, thumping her knees.  
“Question game,” Nina said instantly in a monotone voice, some girls cheering and some girls groaning. Scarlet’s heart dropped.
“Noo, please! Last time we played this I got my chat nickname, and it’s fucking horrific.”
“What, when you had to tell everyone that you were the one who left the used tampon in our toilet?” Yvie laughed, and Scarlet felt herself blush to the roots of her hair.
“It wouldn’t flush!! And I wasn’t about to leave it lying at the top of your bin, was I?!” she cried, Yvie laughing and pulling her into her side for a hug. Scarlet supposed the embarrassment was worth it.
“Okay, no tampon-themed questions, guys,” Akeria laughed, the others muttering a laugh around her. “Remember, if you stumble, you answer and drink, if it’s a shit question, you answer and drink-”
“Akeria! We’re in third year! We know how the fuck the game works!” Brooke exclaimed, the other girl narrowing her eyes at her.
“I’m out to get you now, bitch,” she said forebodingly, Yvie “oooooh”-ing spookily beside Scarlet and making her laugh. “Who’s starting?”
“Me!” Silky yelled, and launched into her first question before anyone could object. “Akeria, who was the last person you fucked?”
“Nina, have you ever got with a stranger in the club?” she immediately fired across the room, the other girl’s face dropping in surprise.
“Vanjie, where’s the worst place you’ve had sex?”
“Plastique, would you ever go there with Ariel?” she yelled, her face relaxing in relief that the heat was off her. Plastique, who had been taking a drink at the time, choked, and a chorus of cheers went up as the girls realised she’d have to answer. Scarlet felt for Plastique as a red prickly heat began to spread across her chest and neck.
“I mean,” she began, her voice suddenly quiet. “I guess? Like maybe it would be weird but…whatever. Yes. It’d be fun, and we wouldn’t be awkward about it the next day. And I wouldn’t have to do the walk of shame. I’d just go across the hall to my own room. So it’s convenient.“
“So the fact that she’s hot just doesn’t come into it?” Brooke deadpanned, a bomb of laughter exploding in the room and Brooke receiving an elbow in the ribs for her trouble. Scarlet could relax for the small amount of time the game wasn’t being played. She always lived in terrible fear that someone would bring up the weird sort of relationship that she and Yvie had, and she really didn’t want to have to address it. Finishing her drink, Plastique began again.
“Nina, what’s the biggest dick you’ve ever taken?”
“Brooke, anal: thoughts?”
Brooke laughed as she attempted to get her question out. “Scarlet, have you ever had inappropriate thoughts about someone in this room?”
FUCK. “Akeria, what’s the youngest you’d ever go?”
“Plastique, have you ever done speed?”
“Yvie, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever masturbated with?”
“The hell?” Yvie scrunched up her face and laughed, before moving on quickly. “Brooke, if you could fuck anyone in this room, who would it be?”
Scarlet’s mouth dropped open as she watched Brooke’s face turn white. “Silky, um…uh…oh, fuck! I had one!”
The room descended into chaos as everyone realised Brooke would have to answer the question. Scarlet jumped as she suddenly felt Yvie lean in to her side and whisper in her ear.
“How many times do we have to play this game at pres before Brooke answers with Vanessa? She has to at some point, right?”
Scarlet laughed and sat forward eagerly to hear Brooke’s answer, noticing Vanjie looking at her intently out of the corner of her eye.
“Um…” Brooke began, then laughed and took Nina’s hand. “I’m going to say Nina. Because she would make you a cup of tea afterwards and breakfast in the morning, and really what more would you want?”  
Scarlet didn’t miss the way Vanjie’s smile turned into a fake one and something shut down behind her eyes. With a pang of empathy, she narrowed her eyes at Brooke and shook her head. “Shit answer!”
Brooke and Nina fixed their surprised gazes on Scarlet as the other girls laughed and some of them agreed. Nina raised her eyebrows in mock-offence. “Scarlet, I’m offended! Are you saying I would be a shit fuck!”
Scarlet felt panic rise in her chest. “No, I-”
Nina burst out laughing. “I’m only kidding, you’re right, it was a shit answer.”
Scarlet joined in with the laughter and shouts that filled the room, confidence spiking again. Brooke soon started the game once more. As things progressed, the girls got more and more drunk and more and more loud, and Scarlet’s gin and tequila got passed around the room, everyone appreciative of free alcohol. As they drank more, Scarlet felt herself and Yvie grow closer together on the sofa until she was practically in the other girl’s lap. The only problem was, as everyone drank more, they all became less on the ball with coming up with questions rapidly.
“Akeria, how do you really feel about Silky?”
“Plastique, what’s your net worth?”
“Scarlet, gaaah, have you ever had a sexy dream about someone in this room?”
“Silky, have you ever farted in bed?”
“Oh my God, y'all nasty! Yvie, have you ever fantasised about anyone in this room?”
“Nina, where was the last time that you…I mean, when was the last place…god damn it!” Yvie exclaimed, jeers filling the room as Yvie blushed uncharacteristically. Scarlet’s interest was piqued. With a small jab of annoyance, she’d wished that Silky had asked who Yvie had fantasised about, but then she’d maybe get an answer she didn’t want to hear.
“Um. Yeah. Obviously! I mean, haven’t we all?” Yvie shrugged, trying to play the question off casually. Scarlet felt her heart speed up in her chest. Akeria raised an eyebrow and leaned back against the arm of the sofa.
“Haven’t we all imagined ourselves in a sexual situation with one of our friends? I don’t think you’re gonna like the answer to that,” she chuckled, Plastique howling with laughter.
“Unless your name’s Brooke or Vanessa,” Yvie shrugged, the girls all descending into screeches of laughter, Silky’s being the loudest as she got up from the floor and started jumping on an unimpressed Akeria’s bed. Scarlet looked at Brooke, who was eyeing Yvie darkly with a tight smile on her face. Yvie cleared her throat beside Scarlet, her eyes expressing regret as if she’d gone too far. Changing the subject, she asked the next question. “Uh, Akeria, what’s your body count?”
“Nina, what’s going on with you and Monet from your course?”
“Ah, oh, um,” Nina began, flustered. She shut her eyes tightly. “Brooke, what’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent?”
“Plastique, how many nudes have you sent?”
“Vanjie, who’s the most fuckable person in this room?”
Vanjie screwed up her face and gestured in disbelief. “Shit question, bitch.”
Shouts of objection filled the room. Vanessa put her hands out in front of herself in protest.
“Now, now, now, wait a damn minute! It’s only shit because there’s an obvious answer,” she shrugged, taking a sip of Scarlet’s gin that she’d mixed with her Fanta. As everybody waited with baited breath, she rolled her eyes. “Brooke Lynn. Duh.”
As if it was Wembley Stadium at full time, the room exploded with cheers and roars, and Scarlet doubled over giggling. Brooke was laughing but her face had gone beetroot red, and Vanjie was smiling, pleased she’d elicited such a reaction. Scarlet felt herself fall into Yvie’s side as she laughed. This was great! She was having such a good time!  
There was a sudden three bangs on the front door out in the hall, silencing the room and making Scarlet jump. Many of the girls giggled anxiously as Akeria threw her hands up and shook her head.
“Nope! No, I got the last three, I am not getting this one as well.”
“Bitch! Lemme at ‘em,” Silky exclaimed, getting up from her position on the floor. There was silence in which some of the girls (mostly Plastique) made inappropriate comments to try and get everyone to laugh, while they listened through the door to Silky, Vanessa and Akeria’s upstairs neighbour rant and rave about how he had work in the morning, and how this was the fourth time in two weeks, and how next time it would be the police that would get called. As she giggled, Scarlet felt Yvie take her hand and squeeze it, the other girl laughing evilly under her breath and making her laugh even more.
Fuck. Scarlet was beginning to realise her friendship with Yvie wasn’t strictly a friendship anymore.
The bang from the front door caused everyone to jump, and Silky was back in the room almost as quickly as she’d left.
“RIGHT bitches, c’mon, you heard the man, drink up, move, move, move!”
And with that, Scarlet tugged Yvie up from her position on the sofa, ready for the night that lay ahead and all the regrets and consequences that could accompany it.
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Factors that You Should Consider to Find the Best Commercial Eviction Attorney
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You find that eviction proceedings can be complex and technical. Why do I say that you will need to have a piece of full knowledge in some of the chapters that tackle commercial eviction.  Because of that you will have to seek the experience of commercial eviction attorney to maximize opportunities to obtain default judgments and other summary procedures. It is also essential to note that this is a unique area that warrants its own litigation strategy.  Here are some of the tips that will guide you in choosing the best commercial eviction attorney.To find out more about the commercial tenant eviction rights, click on this page.
To find the best lawyer, you will have to know the number of years they have been operating. One thing that you will have to do is to look for a commercial eviction attorney that for many years has successfully handled cases involving commercial eviction. It is essential to note that such lawyers are the best because of their ability to formulate better strategies for litigating actions for possession quickly and efficiently.  The best part of this is that you will be sure that you will get the keys back faster because they know what they are supposed to do. This will require you to go through their collection so that you can know the time they have been in the field and the cases they had solved.
Besides, you should also consider awards and certifications.  Honestly, being awarded or recognized as the best attorney can be translated to many successful such cases that you had handled in the past. For that matter, you will have to make sure that the attorney that you are about to hire has some awards of the service and has been approved to handle commercial eviction cases.
Apart from that, you should ask for their testimonials. The mistake that you should not make is to hire a lawyer with no testimonials which shows a lack of experience. In this case, you will have to read the testimonies carefully so that you can know what the past clients feel about the services of the eviction attorney.  The best eviction attorney that you should hire is the one who has many positive testimonies which is a reflection of comfortable clients. Besides, you should also make sure that you read the reviews that were left by their past clients so that were left by their past customers.
Lastly, you should check their working hours.  Here you are supposed to go with a conviction attorney who will be available 24/7 and has a website such as: http://www.litigationadvocates.com/2019/04/10/what-to-look-for-when-hiring-business-litigation-lawyers-in-florida/.  One thing that you should be aware of is that you can never know when you will need the services of commercial eviction attorney which sometimes can be past normal working hours.
For additional details,click on this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landlord_harassment.
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