#evie's research rambles
evie-doesnt-write · 22 days
The problem with MBTI is eugenics and not ‘it’s silly to think everyone can be sorted in 16 personality types :-/‘
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Mia and Evie (Alan and the Bakers)
transportation and creation of bioweapons is inherently bad especially considering the t virus doesn't kill it's victims they look dead but aren't actually dead. They're simply rabid the researchers will is a file you find in RE1 that says something to that affect i think
Graves Diary I had thoughts about it and its in the tags mostly and the last line of the Scientists dying message from RE3R put it down word for word and in Not A Hero Blue Umbrella is made from old Umbrella employees
i have no idea what this is mostly a collection of dialogue and files that cover these characters in relations to each other with a little bit of analysis thrown in for spice. this is purely self indulgent rambles of things that made me go *blink* (I swear I will try to keep the repetition to a minimum so forgive the amount of links to my own posts and the wiki). Needless to say its my own thoughts and if you have a problem make your own post don't clown on mine (hint if you want to comment would you say the same thing in person?)
RE7 wasn't really focused on story but rather bringing back the gameplay of survival horror? with the franchise as a whole the game did not have the means and ways to dive into the pyshcology of Mia and Evie and everyone really. this is also a soft reboot and everyone can see the similarities of the game with the RE1 hd remaster the same one that introduced 14 year old Lisa Trevor and her family that were kidnapped and used in experiments (her parents were considered failed experiments and died but Lisa survived all the way until the mansion incident 1998 some researchers were volunteered to pretend to be Lisa's mum and it did not go well... and when we defeat her as Chris we get an achievement called "an end to the poor girls misery")
I probably missed some dialogue bits oh well (RIP gaming scripts wiki)
beginning: all we can do is speculate how Alan and more importantly Mia got given the very important and not doomed from the start job of transporting Evie and heck started working for the connections to begin with (btw it adds a flavor to my thoughts that Evie's sales pitch was to end all wars and think of the context of the re universe just in games let alone everything else. And I said this in the tags of my graves diary post but what organisation airs their criminal exploits of the bat?)
thing of note in the official paid for guide book for RE7 has Mia down as starting to work for the connections in 2010 early on but working with Evie herself in 2014 and Evie needing to be moved quickly (and without packing what she needs to not go off the rails) was in October 2014. Take this with a grain of salt because the guide is in japanese.
giving the clothes to Evie (well trying to) Zoe: "Alright, little girl. Let's get you cleaned up." Eveline: "They're mine now."
mine meaning: belonging to or connected to me. in this usage I would say both because Evie has started taking control of them and also they are connected to her through the mold
finding Marguerite over the bath: "Zoe? Come look. Come see her gift. Look at all the pretties my little girl has given me!"
we don't get to see how Evie see's her powers but as we see Marge viewing them as a gift it is safe to say that Evie does as well
thing i wrote before was jack's saying "i have to show her how devoted I am" but more things (and one repeat I so badly want to know WHEN Miranda decided Evie wasn't good enough for her)
Zoe: "Daddy? Stop it!" Jack: "Don't you worry. It's a whole lot worse than it looks. Cleanliness is next to godliness and your mother's pretty fucking close to meeting him right now. She wants me to do this. I have to show her how devoted I am. She wants us all to show her our love." Zoe: "Daddy…" Jack: "You don't wanna disappoint her now, do ya? We can't do that." Zoe: "Who are you talking about?" Jack: "Your new sister Evie!"
expectations and what Evie wants from the Bakers fulfilling her purpose
path to the bad ending: Marguerite "Zoe! "I'm so sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me." Zoe: "Mama..." Marguerite: "Stay away! Don't touch her! Don't hurt my family!" Zoe: "I don't understand, Mama—what's going on?" Marguerite: "Here, take it. Take it! Go!" Zoe: "Don't worry, Mama. I'll go get help."
I love the call back like Mia echoing what Alan and Jack said to Ethan. Marge is telling Evie to stay away from Zoe trying to protect her but it doesn't work Marge joins in hunting Zoe soon after.
Jack "shut up you ain't real hysterical laughter" this makes me sad for a few reasons but mostly because he is fighting Evie mentally but can't stop himself physically (stabbing himself further with the broken bottle)
Bad ending of Daughters: Jack: "What? You're just gonna up and leave us?" Marguerite: "Don't you wanna meet your little sister?" Jack: "Now you're just being rude! And I... cannot... abide... by... rudeness!"
last moment of this is brutal. that's all i can say
good ending: the only thing I have to say about the cutscene for this is Evie calling Zoe "sister" twice at the start and at the end. its the letter from Mia that makes it interesting (second post)
loving message and the warning (comparison of the partial one and the full version of the warning):
1 Mia: "Hey baby! I just wanted to send a quick "hello" and "I love you". Oh! Good news! I'm gonna be coming home soon! Yay! I cannot wait to be done with this babysitting job—And come home to my loving husband. I miss you. I gotta get back to work. I love you, Ethan. I miss you so much. I'm sending tons of kisses. Bye baby!"... Mia: "Ethan… You were right. I did lie to you. I shouldn't have, but—All I can say is that if you get this… Stay away."
again I wonder how long this not doomed to fail babysitting job was supposed to be done. and wondering where she did it because there should be a little sway right? And I wonder the gap between this video and the warning. How much did Ethan know or was told? And Mia wasn't sure that it was going to get through to Ethan (a fair enough assumption because I don't think sending things from a boat in the middle of a storm would lead to a good connection you know?)
2 on the road... Friend: "Oh hey, you alright? You just disappeared the other night." Ethan: "Yeah, yeah. No, I'm good, I'm good. It's Mia. She's not dead, she's alive. She's back." Friend: "They found her? How? What happened?" Ethan: "I don't know. I don't know how, but she's back, she's back somehow. Maybe it's a prank. She wants me to come and get her." Friend: "Where is she?" Ethan: "Dulvey. Dulvey, Louisiana." Friend: "Dude, it's been three years!" Ethan: "I know, I know. But what if it is her? I have to find out what happened."
Ethan was out with the guys when he got the email and left straight away. A lot of faith Ethan is putting in a email (we don't know its a email at this point we find it in the inventory when we start the game and I would not trust it much to be honest) "maybe its a prank" I wonder if there had been false alarms before or people coming in wanting 15 seconds of fame pretending to be her (because this made the news we see it at the start of Daughters like imagine if they had waited imagine if they had called the authorities and decided to not wait to go into town with Mia/ Evie/ both. I wonder how much the media had to play in the inital invesitagtion when Mia was just MIA and not considered dead, because they thought she was dead!)
3 Ethan arrives: "accept her gift"
4 finding Mia:
Ethan: "Mia! Thank God I found you. It's me. It's Ethan!" Mia: "Ethan? Ethan!" Ethan: "Are you alright?" Mia: "You shouldn't be here." Ethan: "What do you mean? You contacted me." Mia: "No, no. I wouldn't. Did I? Did anyone see you? Did he see you?" Ethan: "He? Who else is here? What's going on?" Mia: "Daddy's coming. We need to go." Ethan: "Daddy?" Mia: "We need to go—now!"
immediate confusion upon waking quickly turning into concern for Ethan and if Evie through Jack saw him (he did in the swamp and then Jack vanished). Also Mia grabbed his hand and led him out of the cell.
eta 17th July "where are you taking me?" Mia: "someplace safe"... Carlos says "lets get you someplace safe" to Jill when they first meet in RE3R
4 "we're going to be a family now that you're here" a little bit of evie peeking through there (side note i love the voice acctress for how she differentiates the different modes of Mia's la la land when Evie is in her head- I can't believe its taken me until this most recent playthough who am i?) Also Evie was talking about that Ethan being the most pivotal piece of having Mia fall into line and accept her)
5 Mia attacks
a first: Mia: "I can hear her… I can feel her clawing her way back inside of me. Get out! Leave me alone! I've been bad. I deserve this." Ethan: "What the fuck are you, Mia?"
I wonder how long Evie was whispering in Mia's head before completely taking her over and attacking Ethan the first time. I love the use of "clawing" because the word itself is violent in relation to animals but also desperate and with difficulty
b second: Mia doesn't say much but what she says is important Mia: "Leave me! Go!" like it shows the two sides of her the part that Evie is controlling and the part of Mia that is still herself because she is trying to not drag Ethan down with her (she was trying the entire time but Evie/ Lucas interefered) and "shouldn't have come Ethan now you have to be dead too" as I have said Mia drowned in the Annabelle (moment of confusion if you think of the post with @mushroomwithsomeink many moons ago)
side note: Zoe's first call is showing the hive mind because how would she know? i doubt there is CCTV cameras everywhere and like think of how Jack knew of the people Zoe was trying to help and where they got too.
c. chainsaw: Mia: "Ethan! It's OK. It's OK, it's me. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. But you shouldn't have done that! It fucking hurt! Now let's see what you feel." and when it goes to Ethan cradling his stump "... "Its my job. must burn it all down"
99% Evie at this point (as we can see her holding the screwdriver behind her) the entire reason Mia was in the cell from late 2015 in the first place is because she got violent. And this last playthrough I heard her say that and because of the colour of the subtitles and Ethan's distorted hearing I don't know exactly what she says but its fun right? (also as I'm writing this 16th July um its really funny that Nimona has Ambrosious from Nimona idk how to spell says cutting someones arm off is not a love language and yeah humor)
d and third (best place to get this dialogue is in madhouse because you are running scared most of it) "leave me please..." and "I don't want your help (Ethan)" and "what are you hiding Ethan? what don't you want me to know?" and "go back home" and "everyone is relying on me"... "the core must be destroyed" and "must contain outbreak"
we don't know Ethan's past how he gets Chris Redfield on his case and we all know Ethan knew something was off with Mias job and we know he would have wanted to help her before all she went missing and now he wants to help her but also on the back foot (and everyone's relying on me the bakers are puppets for lack of a better term they're aware but can't quite control themselves and they can't quite make any concrete plans because the others would see it in their heads)... "core must be destroyed" in this instance its Evie but consider what the thing is in Village core is a synonym of root. and when you're playing as Chris tossing the detonator into the fungus there is a achievement for it called "the root of the matter"
16th July 2023 putting Jack down for sleepy time when's stalking you and watching him get up again he says things "dozed off there for a minute" and "okay back on my feet" and if you attack him again "cut it out" (only attempt this with infinite ammo I do have screenshots)
6 Mia tape:
starts with Mia saying "Ethan, if you find this—I know I can't expect anything from you1. Not after what happened. After what I did. But I just want you to know that wasn't me. I don't know what happened. There's so much that you need to know."
looking at that first line and again I wonder about the relationship at the start and whenever she started working for the connections. the last line always confused me a little but thinking on it now
gameplay: "over here Mummy" calling the mold a gift and Marge being somewhat privy to what Mia and Zoe had planned specfically for Ethan though I wonder if that applies to the others Zoe tried to help. Marges line I haven't thought more on it so here we are.
"I don't understand you at all. this is a gift" Marge and Evie I think Evie has been trying to get Mia to accept her for three years and can't understand why she wouldn't
"this house has seen more than you can imagine and it knows" no thoughts just Hill House
"I know you and zoe are plotting. I know you are scheming. you think i don't know what you want to do with that boy Ethan"... they can't outright plan or do anything because Evie will interfere (Zoe tries to help people but can't fully leaving cryptic help and clues around and on the phone is the best she can do)
"you think little Evie is going to put up with your shit forever bitch?" the first time bitch is used in this game (I think?) speculation that this is Marge warning Mia that Evie's going to grow tired of her
"there are known unknowns here and you are not paying fucking attention" this is a really good line and I have no idea what to make of it
7 hide and seek (name from the wiki alternate name totally not rehashed in village... honestly one of the things I was not expecting was the similarities between Jack and Moreau but here we other similarities in the boathouse Jack calls out for Marguerite AND he also says a few times "nobody loves me")
Jack: "I was gonna be her father. But now she says he will be her father. No-no-no-no-no-no-no. I will find him and I will make him suffer. And you my friend will help me."
thoughts: rejection is a strong emotion and Jack has been Evie's father for years and now he (and Marge though she never thinks of it) are being replaced by Ethan and Mia (much like in Village Rose replaced the lords as a stand in for Eva)
8 zoe call 4: Zoe: "Yes, now listen carefully, Ethan. My family and I… our bodies are contaminated. I can't leave the property unless I get it out. Same goes for Mia." Ethan: "Is there a way to get it out?" Zoe: "We need the serum. It should clear whatever this stuff is out of the body. As long as you're not too far gone."
ahem as I have said before this serum its a basic bitch ass serum that works best when you are just infected not having lived with it for three years or (or died at anytime during that because Mia drowned and it partially worked but well we all know what happened to zoe) it has a expiry date or both
9 brief reunion Mia: "Ethan?" Ethan." Ethan: "No more bullshit, Mia. I want some answers." Mia: "I know. I know. You're right. And I always wanted to tell you—but, I just—I can only remember a little and the rest is just gone!" Lucas: "Daddy, right? You mind if I borrow Mommy for a little bit? Well, don't just stand there—do something! Mia: "Ethan! Help!"
always wanted to tell you but I just...? this is interesting as we well everyone who reads my thoughts know that I have said many times that Ethan already suspected Mia was up to something but didn't know what. And I have also wondered if the connections didn't trust Mia (okay what criminal organisation would trust anyone 100% especially someone who has family outside of the organisation) and that's part of the why they put on Eveline's team in the hopes of Evie imprinting on her and possibly taking out a future thorn in their side (when they disappeared I doubt they left Ethan alone at the same time the police did).
I wonder what she remembers at this point her attacking him or the last moments on the tanker or very random flashes that no one would be able to piece together?
Ethan: "Haven't found any, but I did find out what we need to make one. A D-series head and an arm. This can't be right…" Zoe: "A head? I think I have that around here somewhere." thought which is sarcastic "I wonder why you have the head near you"
10 Marge fight: "mess with my family" and I missed the rest I am sorry but the general gist is protective mamma bear (mama bug?) mode
Marge actually says a lot in the greenhouse but only once mentions Evie "poor little Evie is going to be heartbroken"
11 note "somethings wrong with her" who wrote this and why "Evie: "stay away" genuine warning not out of concern but to stop Ethan messing with things. also the writing on the wall after you grab the d series arm the only bit I can make out is "daddy I will not..."
12 Lucas: "That's family business, Ethan, and not your concern, understand?" Now, if you want the head, feel free to come on by anytime. I'll give it to ya! But only if you participate in a little… activity I've put together—just for you... Ethan. E-than. Ethan, Ethan—hold on, hold on, hold on. I got something for you. Looky, looky what I got. You know what this is for? You know what Zoe wants to do with this? She thinks this thing is special. No, Ethan, that ain't special. This—this right here is special. You see, Ethan, not everybody wants to turn back the clock. What? What, Eveline? I'm just trying to show him. I'm just trying to show him that not everybody wants to go back to how things were. Zoe's a stupid bitch! She doesn't understand that I don't wanna go back to how things were before my father found y'all. Not everybody wants to turn back the clock. So—so, Ethan. Ethan? You can, uh—you can, um, crawl around underneath that filthy, rotten house all you want looking for them ingredients, but you ain't gonna find a goddamn thing, Ethan. You wanna make that serum? Ooh, baby. You're gonna have to come through me. You hear? Well, come on, Ethan. What do you say?"
It is hard to put on a scale who is most loyal to Evie at any given time like it changes. with Jack we see flashes of concern and him saying "stop" before laughing hysterically. Marge we don't see that at all she only knows one thing and that is protect what was put under her care. Mia is somewhere between Marge and Jack. (Zoe is the most normal as I don't think she got put on the same level of infection of the others which is huge physical trauma) .Lucas is just interesting we don't know yet how horrible Lucas really is but we'll get to it as time goes on Lucas is essentally putting on a front for Evie and the connections. He is not under Evie's control but still infected and with that we know he is watching Ethan take out his parents and the other molded and compiling and selling the data for unkown third party. And simply put Lucas enjoys all of this he enjoys the power and being able to experiment. Also what was Evie saying to Lucas when he yells at her
barn fight: Lucas "how you deal with hardships in life is what makes you a man ethan" this is Lucas quoting Jack at some point in the past. their relationship before Evie wasn't good (Lucas having a fuck you list)
13 meeting: Ethan: "Right here. This should be enough, right?" Zoe: "If we make 'em fast enough. My father and Lucas aren't far away." Mia: "He's coming. Daddy's coming." Zoe: "Good, there's enough for two." Ethan: "So, after we make the serum, what's next?" Zoe: "There's a boat outside. We'll take it through the swamp. But neither of us'll get very far without the serum.
Mia has a better grasp on where Jack is as she is closer to his level of infection. Zoe can feel him as well but isn't as accurate. Also combining a head and arm into a serum would not be as easy as it looks I wonder where (we know where Mia) more importantly when taught her this (and the importance of the watch). Also I would love to know what Ethan was going to say before Zoe interupts
14 Jack appears and his fatherly side comes out briefly when scolding Zoe ("get your ass back to the house I will deal with you later"). but in the fight itself he mourns Marge and says "no one loves me"
15 Choosing Mia (partially wrote on this) Zoe: "It's fine. It was foolish thinking I could escape." Mia: "But Zoe—" Zoe: "Go. Both of you just go!" Mia: "Come with us. I'm sure there's someone who can help—" Zoe: "This is my home. Apparently, I belong here."
I would love to know what Mia was about to say to Zoe before she cut her off (damn it zoe we're missing out here)
16 on the boat: Mia: "Ethan, thank you." Ethan: "Who the hell else was I going to choose?" Mia: "Ethan!" Ethan: "Mia, I know you've been through a lot. But we need to talk. You had something to do with all of this, didn't you? Look, I just wanna know the truth." Mia: "Ethan, I honestly don't remember." Ethan: "Try! Is that the boat? How the fuck did that get here? You're OK. What the hell was that?..."
I love this bit as there is element of expectations in your spouse and Ethan again asking for answers and getting nothing really
17 Evie leading the way again "Mummy this way". Mia being surprised at the flashes inside the wrecked ship. writing on the wall from ship workers "she's inside me" and "she is not my child" the latter is interesting as it implies Evie refers to mutliple people as parental figures
Evie: Are you remembering? Mia: what are you?
Mia is still not there yet but she knows that little girl is powerful to some capcity and Evie is still luring her deeper into the ship
18 "you said we could be a family... you said" Mia: "wait" Evie running off again saying "I am tired of waiting" Evie has been wanting Mia to be her mother for 3 years and Evie thinks she has got the piece (Ethan) to make Mia comply with her desires (it doesn't it backfires)
Evie asking Mia to watch the tape: "you need to remember so we can be a family"
19 the Tanker tape (going to skip a little over this as I already wrote about it here its the Mia and Alan post)
Mia: "Alan, you're getting worse." Alan: "She must have infected me during the attack. And I'm too far gone anyway. But it serves me right. It's my fault she got out." Mia: "Yeah, it is your fault. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you die." Alan: "She didn't attack you?" Mia: "It's part of her imprinting protocol. I can't believe this is happening." Alan: "Here, take it. It has her tissue samples. You find her—you fix this." Mia: "OK, Evie. Where are you?"
what kind of attack? its the vomiting (which is where the molded spawn from they describe that action as vomiting again in not a hero in the evie obersvation log). How do they mean Evie got out? like the picture from before Mia gets on the boat has Evie holding her arm and that's all we get and of couse at some point Jim see's Evie so they're not keeping to themselves in their quarters (the only image I can think of is Evie wearing a toddler harness and wriggling her way lose)
Tumblr media
(considering this picture and what Evie and Mia are wearing and the picture we find in Village I am fairly confident in saying Miranda decided Evie wasn't good enough just before she left- said it before and I'll say it again i want to fight Miranda for so many people Clarke Griffin as she never really got true vengence on her cult leader Donna, Evie, Mia, Rose, Ethan the villagers who trusted her. Eva herself because she had to have watched this all unfold)
20 mid scene: Evie: "are you mad at me mummy". " Mia: "no Evie I'm not mad. Wait what did you call me?" Evie: "I don't want to live at the lab anymore. i want a house and I want you to be my mummy" Mia: "okay Evie I'll be your mummy. come back with me right now" Evie runs off and the sirens start blaring
1 never make a impossible promise especially to a child 2 Mia and Alan were caretakers for Evie on this titanic endeavour and this is seems to have been the first time Evie called Mia mummy as Mia is suprised by it.
21 death of Alan: "Where's Evie?" Mia: "She's out of control. Without the treatments, she's deteriorating."... Alan: "She trusts you. That little bitch, she never—No, Evie, I—Evie—I didn't mean to call you that, Evie." Mia: "Alan, listen! She's trying to take control. You have to fight her. Eveline, stop! Stop right now!" Alan: "Don't touch me!"
this is when Mia gets infected when Alan was coughing Mia reached out to support him and that's all it took. and we can tell how Alan really feels about Evie at this point and he should never have worked with kids because he talks about Evie trusting Mia then calling her a bitch then he gets cut off "she never" what? trusted Alan? kids aren't dumb and can tell how people feel about them right? Evie knew that he saw her as monster (I do want to know what he was going to say after that though part of me thinks that this would have been a great time to mention Miranda)
calm before the storm/opening message part 2 (Ethan knew Mia was lying to him) Mia: "Ethan… You were right. I did lie to you. I shouldn't have, but—All I can say is that if you get this… Stay away. Forget that you ever knew me. Have a good life Also I am not sure how the message would have got to Ethan during a storm and then the tanker got destroyed both of those things can't lead to get a good connection
tanker: Eveline: "We'll be together forever."- tanker is destroyed Mia drowns
after tape finishes: Eveline: "Now do you remember?" Mia: "Yes, Eveline, I remember." Eveline: "Can we be a family like before?" Mia: "No, Evie. We can't be a family. We were never a family. We will never be a family." Eveline: "Then I don't need you anymore."
Mia remembers the important things and as I said this backfires on Evie. Evie hurt/killed/turned people despite being asked by Mia to not to do that to come back (yes Evie is a child in a environment that didn't teach her anything at all and then the connections also let people who knew nothing about kids and how to handle them transport her), caused Mia to drown, and caused the suffering of many more people for three years. And then dragged Ethan into Mia's hell. Which got him hurt and infected. It's no wonder Mia completely rejected her after all of this happened and stopped trying to placate her.
interacting with the cameras and finding where Ethan is: Evie "liar" Mia: "fucking hallucinations where is she?" the projections of young Evie gets around and i wonder why she chose this moment to interact with Mia and grabbing her arm (old Evie gets weeled around by the molded wearing birthday hats from Jacks bday)
arriving at the mold: Evie "he's waiting"... "I need you to do something for me" Mia: "Ethan"
the "he's waiting" always makes me twitch on the two occasions I played the bad ending as I had watched this game first then played it myself and it just has the image of helpless prey.
the sad truth (love this scene)
Jack: "Ethan. Ethan... I know, I know—I'm not going to hurt you. Hell, I never would have if I could have helped it." Ethan: "What do you mean?" Jack: "I'm no killer, son. Neither is Marguerite, nor my boy, Lucas. Or even Zoe here. That girl, Eveline. She did this." Ethan: "What the hell is she? Now what did she do to you?" Jack: "She infected us with her gift. That's what she calls it. I found her near a busted-out tanker in the bayou. Everything changed after that." Ethan: "So she infects you, and then she takes control?" Jack: "No, not exactly, son. She just--she forces her way into your mind and your soul and… you can't fight back. You are connected to her, and you can't resist the urge to… You're a different person after that. Ethan: "Just like Mia. So Mia sent me that message because of Eveline." Jack: "Listen, the girl just wants a family of her own. She's the key, alright? You find her and you stop her. Ethan, free my family—please."
I wonder how long Ethan was sitting in this room with Jack waiting for him to wake up. I wonder what Jack was thinking and what he was choosing to say (was Evie listening in) Evie does think of her powers as a gift and because of that it makes me wonder how she came to feel like that (Miranda? probably i so want to fight her can you tell? yes part is because of the 100 and what they did to Clarke but the similarities are there and they are horrible when you think about it) the perspective Jack has on being taken over by Evie and wanting to show her how devoted he was makes me so sad. And the moment of sympathy from Jack about Evie wanting a family but he wants to protect his family so he asks Ethan to "free them" I wonder if Jack does genuinely consider Evie family despite what she did to them and others. Jack was in the army and he knows that you can feel for others as much as you want but when they are actively causing a shit load of harm they have to be taken out (they got lucky that Evie didn't want grow her family more than she did what if she decided she wanted to go into town? or a city?) also I really wish Jack was the one to talk to Ethan about him being dead
Mia: "Eveline, stay away from him." Eveline: "Why? He doesn't love you. I can make him love you." Mia: "Don't—Don't hurt him." Eveline: "Silly—I told you. I'm not going to hurt him." Mia: "Don't you dare." Eveline: "Or, what? You're not my mommy—remember."/// Mia: "There's no time. You have to get out of here and find her. Here, take this." Ethan: "What? Wait—wait—what are you doing? What are you doing?" Mia: "Saving your life. You need to go. I won't be able to resist for much longer." Ethan: "No—" Mia: "Now, go kill that little bitch." Ethan: "No—no. Mia—no!"
cracks knucles: Evie naturally misunderstanding Ethan and thinking love is control and another attempt on her part to get Mia to do what she wants outright using Ethan as bargaining chip?. Mia thinking Evie will hurt him in doing so and I wonder how much worse can this be? Ethan has already lost a hand and gotten his head curb stomped... the final time someone says "find" Evie. Alan was somewhat resigned, Jack pleading and Mia desperate because she was on the edge of a cliff about to drop. Also Mia has the tissue samples that she hands to Ethan the entire time the moment you wake up at the ship you will find that in her inventory. I doubt Evie knew its significance as why would she leave it be unless she didn't know. Mia's use of little bitch is purely baiting Evie (also in the scene you can see Evie to the side) the last time someone called her that died Mia was fully expecting to die here I think and buying Ethan time
writing on the wall "all your fault" this hits hard on bad ending route but still on either route you read this and you wonder what exactly your fault is the death of the Bakers? or Mia specifically I am considering it to be the latter
bad ending notes:
choosing: Ethan: "I'm sorry. I really am. But Zoe will be able to guide the two of us to safety, and then I can come back for you." Mia: "Go. I don't wanna hear it. Both of you just go!" Ethan: "Mia." Mia: "Go! My place is here—with her." Ethan: "Don't be ridiculous." Mia: "You forget. I still have a job to do."
world of difference here between Mia resigning herself to being left behind with Ethan saying he himself will come for her (I don't know how a 100% normal civilian would be able to go back into the danger zone- he would Chris would try to stop him but alas that never comes to be does it?)... and the "You forget. I still have a job to do" is a badass line and I am mad at capcom for putting it in the bad ending
zoe dies: Ethan: "I wanna know what all of this is about. Starting with Mia." Zoe: "Mia came here with Eveline. That's how it started." Ethan: "Eveline… the kid. I knew Mia was hiding something." Zoe: "That—there's the boat that Mia came with Eveline on." Ethan: "What the…? They came on that? Let's go take a look." Zoe: "I'm not going back there." Ethan: "I gotta know what Mia was up to. What the hell?" Zoe: "It's her. Eveline doesn't want us to leave. No—No! Evie—Please, Evie! I'll be good. I promise." Ethan: "Zoe?? Zoe!! What the fuck?!"
Ethan doesn't see Evie at this point (not at that stage of infection) but he does hear her.
mia attacks
midway through Mia says 2 things (and Evie in the back ground going "kill him")
1 did you and that slut have a good time?
jealousy and insecurity
2 I thought you loved me
3 I can't believe you picked her over me
misunderstanding and the most Evie- like things to say in my opinion
SALT MINE end is in sight good god radio in the shack before the mine itself
"if you see eveline your orders are shoot to kill"
self explanatory really but I wonder who was using it to listen in before Ethan ultimately did
(well after it because other than "die" no one says anything)
floating in between
Mia: "Ethan! It's OK. It's OK, it's me. I know you didn't mean to hurt me." 1 Eveline: "Kill him, Mommy." Mia: "But you shouldn't have done that! It fucking hurt!" 2 Eveline: "He doesn't want to be my Daddy? 3 Then he can die. Now it's Mommy's turn to kill you."
1 Evie is provoking Mia. 2 Ethan has no idea what happening so how would he be able to decide to agree to a surprise adoption? 3 its the last part that interests me as look at it. It could be a translation error. It could be that Ethan is already dead (through shock also fun thing of note in some instances after Mia slashes his hands his blood looks black) or on his way and this will finish him off (if you go back into the room with secret compartment to ladder that is blocked off and you can't go back that way- it could be a way to funnel you where they want but also the ladder Ethan falls off is sizeable)
2 Eveline: "You're gonna be one of us. Then maybe you'll play nicely." Ethan: "I'm not playing." Eveline: "No! Get that away from me!"
at this point Ethan is 100% infected (first he heard her then he saw her) and Eveline doesn't think of that and thinks if he were then maybe he will be more willing to play
so if you go upstairs in the guest house before the Evie fight we hear Mia say "Ethan, help me" what I only found out today however (19/07/23) after showing Evie the serum (Mia said "leave me to die" I waited a bit and she said that) I went back into the living room to get a screenshot of the bed infront of the little door. This time halluncination Mia was lying on it then jumped up and attack and she said somethings
"I don't want to hurt you" and "I don't need your pity" this one I am not entirely sure where we are but heres the screenshot. And my thoughts the first one is her wanting to keep him safe. The second is a matter of pride. And it is Mia was good enough to be chosen to transport Evie (you all know my feelings about the mission but you know she was trusted with a very important mission) but not good enough to convince her to stand down and keep Ethan and everyone safe (pity means: Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another. A matter of regret.). and finally "you don't understand" this is interesting and it was the last thing i heard from Mia (Idk if there was anything more) so I wonder what the context is here. as we don't know anything other than these are echoes of what happened? before as she is actively attacking us with the chainsaw so it was interesting my brain is mush I might have something more to say on it later
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3 "why does everyone hate me" after injecting her with serum: she is a child and doesn't grasp that controlling people and then being freed from that control doesn't instill good feelings. "I just wanted a family" a simple wish she couldn't have gone around it in a better way at all
Chris appears more speculation and a little analysis
Chris: "I'm Redfield. I'm glad we found you." Ethan: "The fuck took you guys so long?"
after picking up Mia I wonder what that was like? was she guarded or on her own? partially dying? not in good shape considering how out of it she is in the heliocopter.
why was Ethan expecting the gang to turn up and clear up? because going in he didn't know exactly what he was getting into (he was expecting something but those expectatiosn got tossed so far out the window they currently in space) and it takes awhile to mobilise the troops and its either Chris is there because he knows Ethan/ Mia is there and what Mia was up too (the events could be happening concurrently and the radio message we over hear lends to that and Ethan's reaction is part of his personality shining through?) honestly I think its a little of both
ending reunited
Mia: "Ethan?" Ethan: "Mia—You made it. I'm glad." Mia: "Did I?"
Ethan (narrating): "They say that when one door closes, another opens. Well, a door closed tonight. And what a long night it was—but not just for me. Mia and I weren't the only victims here. So were the Bakers. It was that… thing, Eveline, who made them that way. But now Eveline's dead. And these guys are here to clean up the mess. I had just come to terms with losing Mia. But now she's back and wants to start over—put all of this behind us. Maybe this is where the next door opens."
I love how simple it is and Mia being confused and not sure "did I?"
Ethan's narration: "i had just come to terms with losing Mia" he's not wearing a wedding ring. "she's back and wants to start over" that conversation went fast (ride or die... ride and die?)
if you read all of this have a cookie or cookies (on my behalf as I can't have cookies or anything crunchy right now) and a rest
the files from the game and not a hero and end of zoe and cutscenes from not a hero and end of zoe will come sooner or later
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
I'm writing a long rambly post about Mia and Ethan and I had to go through my own blog for the tentative timeline we have (i say tentative because some of the info is from a japanese guidebook and last i looked the cheapest copy i found is over 47 quid in the UK) I decided not to use it but it has Mia down as joining the connections in 2010 and working with Evie in 2014 the same year as when Evie got out. It also fulls into the we shouldn't need behind the scenes, its fun don't get me wrong but it shouldn't be a huge thing like OG4 going into it you wouldn't know who Krauser was unless you watched a cgi movie and/or the darkside chronicles if I remember rightly (if you have the time or incliniation watch youtuber Darkness' 11 hr livestream of him playing through OG4 and talking about what should be changed)
I mean yeah I kinda agree, we shouldn't have to do extensive research or behind the scenes reading just to learn certain significant things about the characters. That being said however, everything we need to know about Mia, we learn in re7; we find papers, files, Mia's videos, Mia's memories, etc. that talk about it. We may not know the exact timeline of her joining Connections -> Eveline escaping, but we know those things happen, that Mia's sole purpose was to act as Eveline's caretaker, etc. So on one hand I understand the pain of having to do extensive lore gymnastics just to learn things about the characters - as a fanfic writer, this is both a fun activity and absolute hell - but on the other hand, I appreciate the information they do give us in the game.
Krauser in og4 was just. Nonsense. I'm really glad the remake added detail to his character and made him more important to Leon than just Some Guy He Happened To Work With Once.
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piracytheorist · 2 years
this is a ramble and kinda long and I am so sorry
I love how no one mentions Lisa Trevor from resident evil one remake in relation to anything. Chris/ Jill show little to no emotion when reading about her (when physically with her you're to busy trying not to let her kill you- a pain in one setting because you're in a narrow caving system and static camera makes it worse). Like someone made a video essay about the monsterisation of abused little girls or something and when I got to RE Eveline segment I was waiting for any mention of Lisa and I got nothing which made the argument they were making null and void because I kept wondering where the Lisa Trevor mention was (reminder Lisa Trevor was a child when she and her parents were taken by the Umbrella Corporation her father starved to death and her mother was executed Lisa Trevor was turned into a hideous monster so dehumanised by the people around her it is horrifying (part of the wiki "the next twenty-eight years, Lisa remained beneath the estate, and was moved into the Arklay Laboratory upon its completion. Her existence was kept a company secret, with none of the researchers at the facility knowing her name, and few even knowing she existed at all"). but nope no mention of her at all
Eveline the only way I think she could have been helped is if she had her powers removed (if it didn't kill her that is) because the kindness shown to her by the Bakers lead to their downfall like this is from the file R&D Report 1 " Auditions with infected subjects throughout the stages of infection reveal that at first, the phantom Eveline appears to be a normal young girl, sometimes desiring companionship or assistance. As time progresses, she begins making more and more extreme demans, including self-mutilation and attacks on other people. The psychological shock this induces helps to break down the mind's natural barriers to Eveline's brainwashing effect, and by the time mental control is achieved, the mutamycete infection has progressed throughout the body's cells, so the body redacted". and yeah of course the only way Evie could heal from her lonely and isolated existence is if she had someone qaulified in child hood trauma and outbreak infection. Not some random dude looking for his wife (what is with people wanting Ethan to be a therapist with years of experience to people actively trying to kill him?).
I like Eveline and feel for her but she like the lords suffer from fandom going she did nothing wrong (the people she had kidnapped and experimented on and had killed would beg to differ- it was around a 100 victims) and my personal hatred for the Bakers/ Ethan and Mia should officially adopt Eveline people because they never clarify when they're talking about like is Eveline powerless and have been in therapy for years? or has Eveline possessing them (Bakers and Mia) and forcing them to do horrible things not happened? what is the full thought process here?
Look, fandoms will always find creative ways to take a story and reform it in their own ways, by their own tastes and desires and in their own style. Redemption arcs have also always been popular with audiences, the idea that no matter how fucked up one might see themselves, they still have hope to become better and be accepted into the world.
(Continuing under the cut cause it got long)
That's the case, I think, with people taking Eveline and giving her a happy ending. It's a case of Death of the Author where fan creations and interpretations go against what the author intended and do their own thing. The narrative clearly presents Eveline as a villain that needs to be defeated, and Shadows of Rose did not help in changing that, but people see her as a victim that deserves being saved - and truly, how do we define when someone is "too far gone"? How do we decide that a person is so beyond helping that all we can do is put an end to their misery? I think that's what people who imagine a good ending for her focus on. In this case, Ethan, or Mia, or the Bakers, are not the focus; Eveline is. The others take a backseat, and necessary to the new narrative, they take the roles of the responsible caretakers that Eveline never had growing up. It's simply a shift of narrative and character roles.
And in any case of Eveline's past in those AUs, it doesn't really matter what it is, cause it's not like the people talking about canon Eveline (with all the people whose deaths she caused) would actually support such a case in real life; that's the fun with fiction, to take the worst case scenario and imagine how things could go from there, and since it's fiction no-one gets hurt so you can put literally anything, from the sweetest fluff to the worst war criminals in it. So even the people who go like "Yes Eveline possessed and killed all those people but now the Bakers/Winterses take care of her and she's fine!" are not saying that what she did was okay; they're just taking an extreme scenario and playing along with it. It's fiction. There's no harm done.
There's an endless variety in the way humans experience the world around them and the opinions they create based on them. That also applies to how we interpret fictional stories, and how we behave about them in fandom. So on one extreme you have people who scream "video games cause violence!". and on the other extreme you have people who write "My Mom Sells Me To [music band]" fanfiction, actually wish that could happen in real life and then send their fanfics to the members of the band in question. For everyone in between, we have to accept that everyone's minds work differently and what looks like an atrocity to us, to them it's a way of expression, having fun, and creativity. And it's honestly harmless.
Do I think that Ethan should have played therapist with Eveline? Fuck no. But I am a kinda person that when I experience a fictional story, one of my priorities is learn the Author's Intent; follow the Creator and understand why they wrote what they wrote and what their intention was; it's why I prefer meta and analysis over fanfiction. I also believe that Eveline deserved being saved and put with a loving family that would take care of her, mold powers or not. But Author's Intent was to tell us that Eveline was too far gone and there was nothing anyone could do; that's another reason they had Ethan "Normal Guy" Winters as the protagonist, to accentuate the fact that there was nothing we, the protagonist, the one whose shoes we play as, could do to help her. That's enough for me to conclude my opinion on the story and leave it at that, but some people like taking a story and expanding upon it. We don't have to agree with the narratives those people present and create, but it's not our job to judge them either, even if those narratives sound outlandish to us.
So to answer your question, I'm not really in a position to judge what people's thought process is in those cases. I am personally content with the story, so I don't engage with transformative fiction on it, so I don't know what their process is like - and even if I knew, it wouldn't be my place to make any assumptions based on that. It's just people having their fun. They don't make things I like, so I just scroll by, look away and focus on things I like instead.
I don't mean to sound patronizing, you're always welcome to send me messages, but honestly, what I write here are things I WISH someone had told me when I was younger, when I first entered online fandom, when I contacted people and talked about people in "opposite" sides… It's okay if you don't like what those people create, what they write, or the way they interpret the story; I don't either. But they're just having their fun, aren't hurting anyone, and I don't want to encourage fandom fights so I try to be as neutral as possible in such cases.
Again, you're welcome to come talk to me about why Ethan as the canon character did not have the responsibility to stop defending himself and try to placate a traumatized girl-turned-bioweapon's feelings and become her dad after she had attempted numerous times to kill him. As I said, I love analyzing stories - but it's a whole different story when I'm asked to focus on why other people interpret the same story in a different way. They just do. That's all I or anyone else can say, truly.
Now as of Lisa Trevor, I cannot make a full judgment because I don't know exactly how she's presented in the game (I mean, when Eveline has transformed into her final form in her boss fight and says "I just wanted a family" in her distorted voice… that fucking haunts me, it's so raw and pained that I almost cannot deal with the emotions it brings in me. Does Lisa Trevor have a similar moment in the game she appears in?) but I can make a guess that if it's Chris or Jill against her, of course people will favor those two cause they're fan favourites and long-time beloved characters of the franchise. Mia is quite hated in the fandom for not being as sexualized as fellow bioterrorist Ada Wong and half of the people who played it didn't give a shit about Ethan or started doing so after RE8. So it's easy to focus on Eveline (who is also a main role in re7, if I'm correct Lisa Trevor isn't as focused upon in her game) when her opponents aren't as reknown and beloved as Chris and Jill are. That's just a theory and what I have observed as mostly an outsider in the general Resident Evil franchise.
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onepiece-oc-archives · 3 months
helloooo evie lovely archivist of this blog ‼️ so im making a one piece oc and the main idea was that he comes from an island where archery was founded and is deeply rooted in its culture and traditions but its a practice only for men and my (trans male) oc wants to change that and spread it all over the world for everyone BUT i just got up to watching amazon lily and the kuja use bow and arrows 💔💔 i was under the impression that archery/bow and arrows werent used much (or at all) in the op universe so i was wondering what record of archery there is in the op universe?? because in my idea my oc would be taken hostage by the marines for using archery (it was an old marine technique used in the early days but died out shortly after a marine admiral who had decided he was going to be the best archer in all of the marines and banned everyone except him from practicing it died 😖) so idk how thats gonna work now?? also sorry for the ramble lol 😭😭
Hey! Thanks so much for your ask!
This concept is really cool, I love it! You're right, there are very few archers in One Piece. After a quick bit of research, the archers that can be found in the world of One Piece are all either noncanon, Kuja, sky people, or pirates.
So, I think your concept might still work! The practice could still be outlawed, which is why pirates use it but civilians usually don't. Also, the Kuja and sky people using it doesn't have to be an issue, because those cultures are both more or less isolated from the rest of the world.
Other cultures besides your OC's culture aving a form of archery also doesn't have to be an issue. First of all, parallel developments aren't unheard of historically. Two cultures that have nothing to do with each other can invent something independently from each other and still both have invented it. It's really no big deal. It's especially no big deal if they have their own "versions" of the invention. For example: Kuja don't have bows. The archery bow could have been an invention of your OC's island, or perhaps they invented a specific variant of the archery bow - see for example the different between "Western" archery and kyūdō.
I hope this helped with your question! Have a lovely day ^^
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mirandamckenni1 · 3 months
I'm scared about this... Looking for more info mentioned in this video? My social media? How to support this channel? Just click "show more" below! ヽ(´・ω・`)、 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▼▼▼ SUPPORT AND SUBSCRIBE ▼▼▼ Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/EvieLupine My Patreon: https://ift.tt/WhrVb5t & For 1:1 Chats, Advice & Video Calls: https://ift.tt/kCc1hHG Twitter: @EvieLupine Watch me LIVE on Twitch! https://ift.tt/y8czdZR Looking to meet kinky people? Try Feeld*: feeld.pxf.io/9gLNnQ Want Even MORE BDSM Education? Check Out Dom Sub Living*: https://ift.tt/bYnKH96 https://ift.tt/INAXZpM FREE resource Library: https://ift.tt/Q8fbWgi My BDSM Merch Store: https://ift.tt/fkFEiPq Business Inquiries ONLY: [email protected] [DO NOT SEND YOUR PERSONAL QUESTIONS HERE] ▼▼▼ RELATED VIDEOS ▼▼▼ Libs of TikTok Is Doxxing the BDSM Community: https://youtu.be/fGPCOqsJcJ8 Tumblr Doesn't Understand BDSM: https://youtu.be/QmML3aupPqE Twitter Discovered CNC: https://youtu.be/5EyGx-jDXds Are Women Being Brainwashed into Polyamory?: https://youtu.be/578GIfKKVG0 The Choking Epidemic: https://youtu.be/8WVCZPQMuRw "Help, My Coworker Won't Stop Talking About Kink!": https://youtu.be/F8e9B_S_AMM I Found the Submissive Version of Christian Grey: https://youtu.be/WrwazOtd-xQ ▼▼▼ VIDEO INFORMATION ▼▼▼ FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. All of my videos are intended to provide safety information for adults who engage in these activities and combat stereotypes and misinformation. In addition, these videos may contain educational commentary on queer issues, pop culture, and news items. No portion of my content is meant to be used for gratification, nor is it intentionally salacious. This video is a bit of a ramble, a bit of a waffle if you will. I've been researching some heavy topics lately and noticing some trends, and it's making me uncomfortable. What does the future look like for kink and polyamory? Will we ever be accepted, or are things just going backward? Let's talk about it. 00:00 - introduction 04:10 - remember the 50 Shades era? 05:55 - collars are cringe now? 10:30 - why do we always blame the kink or polyamory? 17:15 - "it's a white/straight person thing" 20:25 - "everything is prawn!" 24:10 - why is this happening? 29:30 - "ew cringy and yucky" 34:45 - final thoughts ▼▼▼ EVERYTHING ELSE ▼▼▼ Art by: @animositi on Instagram Credits/Attribution (Music): Artist: Audionautix Website: http://audionautix.com/ Track: Transportation Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://ift.tt/AFHYi7o) All content used falls within fair use guidelines for education and commentary purposes. * = affiliate link ▼▼▼ P.O BOX ▼▼▼ Evie Lupine 4233 SE 182nd Ave # 357 Gresham, OR 97030 via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=781yQIyUlyc
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auxiliarydetective · 11 months
If I had to pick a favorite of your OCs (which is not easy, because they're all amazing!!) I think I would go with either Kit or Varsha!! Kit is just so amazing and interesting as a character, and I adore their relationship with Face, and when it comes to Varsha I just love how much research you've put into her and her story, not to mention her being an absolute badass!!
(Honorable mentions go to Charlie and Iris of course, as well as Sisi, because we cannot forget about them. <3)
Hope you're doing well, Evie!! 🩷
Hiiiii, Dolly! <3
I'm so glad you like my babies. Especially the more obscure ones! Hope to have a lot more rambling sessions with you :)
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pomminine · 2 years
oaughhHHh the urge to become utterly obsessed with something or someone and to pin hundreds of little news clippings and pictures and scribbled notes onto my walls with yards of red strings and spray paint bringing it all together ... it's taking over again .. .
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hiddenblog609 · 7 years
god this boy from my class (he has an “anti sjw who watches rick and morty and thinks he’s god because he read a comic book once”) posted a photo of this girl from my school’s 2009 black camero with the caption “batmobile much?” and im going to scream holy shit!!! 
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enigmaincrimson · 3 years
One thing I should work on is dialing up the interactions background-wise with the Lancaster Group.
For the sake of perspective, explaining their general disposition and motives would be insanely complex, being formed of many, many sub factions across a good many other universes in timeline pursuing the secrets of their worlds in order to understand and harness it in order to pursue further knowledge.
Their desire to the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake might have been the same, the approach to their methods contrasted. At one time, they had been divided into two main camps... which might be difficult to explain in few words without using some sort of analogy.
It could be said that if any sufficiently advanced technology might be indistinguishable from magic, thus any sufficiently understood magic would be indistinguishable from science.
Now if you were to split this statement in the middle... with one desiring to make science into a form of magic and the other making magic into a form of science, you can somewhat understand why they would clash when they inevitably meet in the middle.
As such, it also would emphasize the importance of the Lancaster/Blackwell wedding and the effect it had on events.
For incomprehensible eons, their competitive feud had been ongoing and there's just a point that you have no choice but to look your worst enemy in the face and realize that you had been staring at your own reflection this entire time.
However, like any family that just woke up one day and found their numbers have essentially doubled overnight, there are still squabbles here and there between members. What's there not to expect from two families who are entirely willing to poke that world-ending dragon with a stick just to see what happens?
Which brings me to Evie...
(We'll use the Raildex verse in this case)
To start with, the Prometheus experiments didn't start until after the marriage of Lady Blackwell and Lord Lancaster. The test facility code-named "GEHENNA" was built in the desert for this purpose.
The goals of the Prometheus experiments as a whole are masked from factions outside of the Lancaster group, with a good many rumors and falsified documents swirling about to hide its true intentions. One example being research on the properties of magic and its influence on AIM fields and the other way around.
The Lancaster Group... as powerful and influential as they can be, gets easily bored with tasks that they would consider basic or mundane... and opted to look for greater heights than making a fully stable and functional magician-Esper hybrid. For them, it had already been done.
The true goal of Prometheus was essentially them wanting to see if they could artificially uplift humans into godhood... while finding a way to control then if possible.
Of course, we're not here to ramble about all the finer details of the experiments.
For the sake of perspective, things were seemingly perfectly fine... the test subjects were not exactly hostile nor was anything major happening.
At some point, there was a disastrous incident at GEHENNA that resulted in not only the loss of all faculty involved, but the complete erasure of the entire facility from this reality... and taking the couple with it. One of the test subjects had attempted to escape that day, their unstable powers taking the entire place down and everything else there along with it.
Their daughter, who couldn't have been more than three or four years old at the time was oddly left behind and fully intact. She couldn't remember what had happened in a more concise sense, but she was alive despite having been brought there to visit her parents there that same day.
Being ever curious as to why she survived when everyone else that was there that fateful day had been quite literally wiped off the place of the planet, they started running tests on the girl... in spite of the request in her parent's wills not to do such a thing.
Why those warnings were there in the first place was learned the hard way... with the resulting in the destruction of quite a bit of expensive laboratory equipment and the involved researchers being quite literally driven insane from the experience.
Admittedly, when you find yourself saddled with an Esper who is an existence that fits like nothing you had seen before and could develop into a total nightmare if direct testing was to continue, they decided to take a different route.
Namely, tricking Academy City into taking her in and then observing how she would adapt to the change of environment... while nudging her into situations that might encourage her to more freely use her powers just to see what might happen.
In other words, when they realized that it was just easier to dupe someone else into doing the experiments for them than to accept the risks.
In other words, they are a patient bunch, entirely willing to let others take the credit and the pain in order to reap the results without being seen... as much as they like to manipulate others in their pursuit of knowledge... no matter the cost that might follow.
However, unlike the Kihara Family, they are willing to accept that ethics have its use... although not always in the way you'd think.
It's easier to play the role of moral paragon and distance yourself from the situation while your unsuspecting pawns take all the punishment in your stead... and study their misery from afar.
In other words, they'd quite gladly let even their own kin take the hit if it means that they can continue their pursuits... yet at the same time, they are just as easier to keep from burning bridges if their loss might get in the way of those aims.
As for how the Kihara Family might see the Lancaster group... I'd suppose the feelings might be mixed. While the pursuit of knowledge is mutual, the Kihara Family tends to end up more often in the role of a pawn than an observer.
It is something like the frustration of having an older sibling that keeps tricking you into doing stupid things that you want to do just because they want to see what happens... while you remain completely ignorant that is what is actually going on.
In the end, it's a bit of an odd interaction... especially when it comes to Evie, who probably looks like that big red button with "DO NOT PUSH" written on it in big, bold letters from their view.
Generally, when it comes to pushing big red buttons... a Kihara might press it eagerly to see what happens... a Lancaster would show the Kihara the button and step away in order find a safe place to watch, take some notes on the results, make a few adjustments, and then find some other poor sap to trick into performing the experiment.
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dasphinxone · 4 years
I hope I'm not too late and asks are still open. But I wondered if you had any more thoughts/ideas/scenes/etc for the Mummy au? I totally love your contribution of Booker and Nicky as brothers and what that dynamic would look like. BAMF!Nile and Librarian!Booker give me life. Thanks for all your wonderful au ideas and fic!
Oh man, you are NEVER too late for Asks and they are currently open! In the meantime, allow me to ramble about my PURE AND UTTER LOVE FOR THE FRASER/WEISZ VERSIONS OF “THE MUMMY.” 
You see, I had a mad HUGE crush on Brendan Fraser when the first one came out. Except it turned out that the entire damn cast was so beautiful (OMG, the Oded Fehr hotness. So glad they brought him back for the sequel). They all have wonderful chemistry too, and rather similar to the group dynamics of The Old Guard. 
On top of that, I have always maintained that it’s Evie who is the real protagonist of the movie. Everyone else stays pretty much the same to their characters as when we’re introduced to them. Meanwhile, it’s Evie who goes from librarian to adventuress. She is thrown into all sorts of situations where she can prove to the world that librarians are just as damn smart and necessary as the brawns of Rick, the cunning of her brother Johnathan and the honorable warrior of Ardeth Bay.
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It’s also Evie who comes out of the other end of the wild-ass adventure a changed person. It’s even more obvious in the sequel, where she takes a level in badassery. The best part about that? Rick adores her for it and they are clearly in a happy marriage versus the tired trope of married couples being all bitter. 
(I pretend the third movie NEVER HAPPENED, you hear me?!)
ANYWAYS, As Evie and Jonathan grew up rich (the museum curator clearly says to Evie that the only reason he puts up with her is that her parents were the largest donors to the museum), I figure Booker can grow up pretty wealthy too.
Sébastien le Livre is an only child who spends his life around his Action and Adventure!French Parents who have moved to Egypt to be archeologists. While they are world famous archeologists? They’re not the best parents. For they drag Sébastien along on their archeological excursions because they don’t know any better. So Sébastien spends all of his childhood time around his parents and their eccentric adult friends. Yes, they should have sent Sébastien to boarding school, like other rich folks of their time. But what kind of boring-ass education is that as compared to going out into the real world for field study?  
Sébastien’s field experience makes him brilliant child. Yet it also turns him into a socially awkward little boy. He’s rarely around other kids or attending school since he out on digs with his parents. On top of that, when his parents can’t bring him on digs, they leave him home in their great big house with his nanny, tutor and the servants for company. Since Sébastien doesn’t have kid friends, he’s always taking in stray animals, rescuing birds that fell out of their nests and doing precious sorts of things like that. He also LOVES reading. He’s fluent in French, English, Latin, Greek  and conversational Arabic. Oh, and he can also read hieroglyphs with ease.
Again, Sébastien is a weird kid.
When Sébastien is around say, nine or so, he catches seven year-old orphan Nicky in the parlor of his and his parent’s grand house breaking in and trying to steal things. His parents are out of town on yet another dig, so Sébastien’s randomly wandering around the house by himself. Instead of panicking, Sébastien just invites spooked Nicky to kitchen for tea and sandwiches out of the sheer delight of having another child to talk to. Thoroughly used to Sébastien and his soft spot for strays, the kitchen staff sits the two boys in the corner and lets Nicky wolf down whatever he wants. Nicky eventually leaves after Sébastien swears he won’t tell his parents about the stealing. But only if Nicky promises to come back tomorrow to hang out with Booker.
Nicky actually shows up the next day. Mostly due to the promise of food. While he thinks Sébastien is clearly odd, he also realizes he’s just as lonely as he is (after all, street kid orphan Nicky hasn’t survived this long on his own without being able to see people for what they truly are). But whereas Nicky is aggressive with acting out due to his abandonment issues, Sébastien tends to implode on himself due to his own parental abandonment issues. Basically, they balance each other out. 
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Three weeks later, Sébastien’s parents come back from their latest dig down in Alexandria. They find Sébastien playing with this street kid out on the extensive grounds of their estate. Shocked at seeing their usually quiet and withdrawn son having a blast with this Italian ragamuffin of a child, due to being the impulsive types, Booker’s parents decide to adopt Nicky. So Sébastien gains a new brother. No matter that they’re not related by blood, Nicky is his brother.
Since Sébastien loves to read, he enjoys reading out loud to Nicky (who is nearly illiterate since he’s an orphan who never had formal education before being adopted). While Sébastien and Nicky have their own rooms at their parents’ estate, Nicky will often sneak into Sébastien’s room at night so that his older brother can read to him. Their nanny usually finds the two boys asleep together with a book sitting between them. Sébastien also helps Nicky learn to read far better than their tutor does. Mostly because Sébastien is so patient with his new little brother.
It’s because of this that Nicky comes up with the affectionate nickname of “Booker” for his new big brother.
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Booker graduates from boarding school and attends The Sorbonne back in Paris. While he misses Nicky something fierce, everything will work itself out because he’ll be graduating from The Sorbonne at the same time Nicky will be finishing boarding school. That way, they both be archeologists together and follow in their parents’ footsteps. Booker plans to focus on the research side of things from either libraries or teaching. Nicky plans to actually go on digs and bring back things for Booker to study and catalogue.
Booker does eventually get sent off to British style boarding school in Cairo, as is expected of a wealthy child of his class. A couple of years later, Nicky is sent off to the same boarding school.
Nicky's always getting into fights. Mostly due to the other kids bullying him for his accent, heritage and defending Booker against bullies too. The only reason Nicky doesn’t’ get kicked out is because Booker is able to charm the teachers into looking the other way (remember, he was around mostly adults before he started attending school) when it comes to punishing Nicky. Also, their parents donate a ton of money to the school.
Except the Great War breaks out the same year Nicky graduates from boarding school. He signs up with his school chums for “a great adventure,” like all of the other young men of means did in the opening days of the war. 
However, Booker refuses to come along. He’s studied history all of his life and intellectually knows how terrible war can be. As far as he’s concerned, the war is stupid. People are going to get themselves killed over all of these royal families of Europe who refuse to apologize to each other over the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. He’s certainly not throwing his life away to get shot at, thank you very much. Besides, he didn’t grow up with much in the way of friends or camaraderie among the other boys while he was away at school. So he doesn’t feel like he’s going to miss out on anything. 
Nicky thinks Booker is a coward who has no appreciation for a right proper great adventure. Booker thinks Nicky is a headstrong fool who doesn’t value the opportunities their parents have given them. They part ways on bad terms. 
Booker eventually relents and writes to Nicky whenever he can. However, he never hears from his little brother. The only way he knows Nicky is alive is through their parents, who Nicky constantly writes to in Cairo. At the same time, Booker doesn’t  return to Cairo because it would remind him too much of how much he misses his brother. So he throws himself into his work at the Egyptian Antiquities department of the Louvre. He also tries to ignore the raging war moving closer and closer to Paris.
Wars come and go, antiquities do not.
Except Nicky suddenly goes missing during the Battle of Verdun.
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Still in Paris, Booker is dealing with his side of suffering through the war as a civilian. He suddenly gets frantic word from his parents (who still live in Cairo) that Nicky is MIA. The panic immediately starts to set in. He regrets that he didn’t do more to communicate with his little brother while he was away at war. To assuage his guilt, he goes down to the war office every single day to find out where the hell Nicky is.
After a few frantic weeks, Nicky turns up alive but injured. As a result, he’s evacuated to a Parisian hospital. Booker takes a sabbatical at the Louvre to attend to his beloved brother there. Nicky almost dies of an infection but pulls through. Too weak to go back to fighting, Nicky is honorably discharged and goes to live with Booker to convalesce.
Nicky’s not the same vivacious, passionate young man he was before the war. He’s the only one of a handful of his unit to survive both death and not losing a limb or having parts of his face blown off. So there’s the survivor’s guilt. He constantly has nightmares about his time on the front and in No Man’s Land where he wakes up screaming. Bouts of rage and grief hit him without warning.
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In order to deal with the crushing swirl of ugliness that’s festering within him, Nicky starts spiraling. He starts heavily drinking. He skips meals. He starts hitting up gambling dens and whorehouses that can make your every wish come true in Paris.
Booker has no idea how to cope with it all. So he once again throws himself into his work. He feels disgusted with himself for silently judging his brother’s actions all while he absolutely has no clue how to deal with his own guilt of not being by Nicky’s side during the war. Perhaps it would have been better to have died together than exist in the sea of darkness they are trapped within now.
Within two years, the war is over. Everyone celebrates only to see the rise of the Spanish Flu Pandemic. It ends up killing Booker and Nicky’s parents, who die within days of each other back in Cairo. 
Now, Booker and Nicky are alone in the world and with only each other to depend on. Wanting to escape all the pain they’ve seen in Paris, they head back to Cairo to put their parents’ estate in order. Since their parents split their inheritance evenly between them, they’ve inherited a hell of a lot of money. At the same time, money doesn’t fix their psychological problems.
Yet while they both have a difficult time dealing with their parents’ death and each other’s war trauma? It turns over a new milestone for them. For it allows Booker and Nicky to make their peace with each other since they're the only ones left of their family. They vow that they’ll try to go back to their dream of working together as an archeologist team.
Unfortunately, it never happens. Nicky is still dealing with the PTSD and acting out. Booker tries to manage his  brother’s psychological issues and balance his work at the Cairo Museum. Problem is, it’s a job he knows he only managed to secure out of pity since their parents were the largest donors to the museum. The nepotism stings and makes Booker feel inadequate. All despite that he's a damn good researcher and brilliant at languages and hieroglyphics.
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Booker once again throws himself into his work at the museum. He has no social life, rarely goes out for fun and no relationship lasts for more than a few months at a time. For he’s grieving his parents and the shell of a man Nicky has become. Meanwhile, Nicky drinks, gambles and whores his way through Egypt in between digs with folks no better than grave robbers. But he always comes back home to stay with Booker in the nice house they own together.
Booker is always there for Nicky and vice versa. No matter how hard it gets for both of them to deal with the losses in their lives, they are and will always be brothers to the end.
And then one day, Nicky finds Booker in the Cairo museum after he’s been rejected by the Benbridge Scholars yet again. All after Booker’s ruined the library and knocked over all the bookshelves after he nearly killed himself trying to get off that damn ladder while filing away books.
Nicky reveals to Booker an odd little box that he found on a dig down in Thebes. Turns out the box contains a map to the lost city of Hamunaptra…
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if you don’t shop that then jaylos and also if no one else sends jaylos then... jaylos for the halloween ask 😇🎃
My boys!!!!!!! 🦇🦇🦇🦇 This is also for @telli1206 who asked for Jaylos, so of course I had to!
Chooses the pumpkin: Carlos. He has to choose the right one and Jay would definitely just pick a really big one and leave. Carlos researches the best way to carve a pumpkin and comes up with a bunch of designs. He said they'd be there 20 minutes tops but it ends up being over an hour as Carlos walks around inspecting every pumpkin before making his decision. Jay would complain but Carlos is rambling excitedly and tugging Jay along with the biggest grin on his face.
Carves the pumpkin: Jay! He's determined to use the biggest knives. Carlos has to confiscate the chainsaw Jay tries to wield. Jay makes way to many Halloween puns. His handiwork is very messy and Jay starts a food fight with Carlos. It results in them both covered in pumpkin and sharing a shower to conserve water 😉 Carlos has a mini pumpkin he carves with a dog face.
Gets scared and clings to the other in a haunted house: Haunted houses are not scary for them. Jay gets spooked by some of the plastic ghosts and watches in awe as Carlos sucker punches one so hard it flies into the nearest wall and shatters into a dozen pieces. Carlos doesn't like the rooms that are really loud and dark and Jay is always ready to scoop Carlos into his arms and go for a cuddle in their bed-fort instead.
Matching costume idea: Jay keeps on suggesting really obscure things and it's 3am and Carlos just wants to fucking sleep so he finally just agrees to one. Which is how they end up dressed as an angel and a devil. Jay loses it when he sees Carlos in those sinfully tight red leather pants.
Makes a cosy bed-fort to cuddle in: Carlos, 1000%. Jay goes on a mission to collect all of the best blankets and cushions and sits back as Carlos works his magic. They spend the night cuddling and making out in the fort. The fort collapses around them when they start a pillow fight and Mal stomps in the room to reclaim Evie's favourite blanket and if she somehow ends up chasing the boys around with her own pillow weapons then so be it.
Steals the other's candy: Jay. Carlos steals back and then they're wrestling. So much wrestling and smearing chocolate over one another.
Accidently gets lost in a corn maze: Jay. He was too confident and Carlos can't help but snigger when he hears Jay start to whine about how unfair these things are. He leads Jay to safety with careful instructions and kisses away his pout.
Tells spooky stories to scare the other/others: Jay. He gets really dramatic and purposely tries to make Carlos jump. He immediately stops when Carlos threatens to make him sleep in the girl's room.
Collects cool looking leaves: Jay, he's always been a collector and he likes to show Carlos all of the cool things he finds. Leaf fights!!!! Carlos falling back into a pile of leaves and tugging Jay down with him. Carlos stomps on the leaves because he likes the crunch they make.
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2018shawn · 4 years
prohibited | th x oc
If you grab a dictionary and look up the word ‘inconvenience’,
 you’ll find Tom Holland’s name printed in huge, bold letters. 
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a/n: yoooo I actually forgot I wrote this so I'm pretty nervous about posting it actually. this is obvs gonna be a multi-part fic, no idea how many parts lmao. any feedback appreciated 💓
warnings: none 
troupe: strangers → f.w.b → lovers (aka a rocky road)
word count: 1.7k
One of Evie’s most annoying habits, and believe me, she’s been told more than enough times to know, is biting the end of her pen - or pencil - and twisting the plastic cap in-between her teeth. She’d done it since she could remember, it was just a way of releasing tension and nerves, but, considering it’s her boss’s pet hate and he picked up on it every time he entered the room, she really needed to nip it in the bud. 
Evie twirled the black biro in between her index finger and thumb, the lid rattling against her teeth as she sunk further into the chair. Her chair was almost central in the line, pulled up to the longest conference table she’d ever seen in what she believed to be the largest meeting room of the building, and boy is it a gigantic building. “Lindsay on sixth floor said we’re finding out some new big ass movie plot,” Evie’s colleague and friend, Paris, whispered whilst leaning over to her chair from her own. Evie and Paris had been tight ever since she’d started as an intern after leaving school, she almost took her under her wing, showed her the ropes - even went as far as showing her where the fancy coffee capsules were kept. Evie soon learnt that coffee was very much needed when you worked at Sony Picture Entertainment, fancy capsules or not. 
“Yeah well, Lindsay on sixth floor also said Tom Hardy tried to follow her into the ladies bathroom...” She rolled her eyes and turned to her friend, who simply shrugged and pulled away, sitting back straight in her chair. The door to the meeting room buzzed open, a key card access needed for entrance and everyone’s quiet muttering and speculations came to an immediate dead silence. 
Much like the rest of the room, Evie straightened her back, crossing her legs underneath the table in an attempt to sit as presentable and professional as possible. As quick as everyone poised themselves into business mode, they relaxed just as quick. Maria, the super cute food and drinks assistant, who always snuck Evie an extra piece of bacon in her Friday morning sandwich, rolled in her trolley, laughing at the unsubtle atmosphere from the participants in the room. Paris leant over to Everly again, her blonde hair falling in between them both. “Champagne?” Her aggressive whisper drew more attention than she’d wanted, resulting in everyone else concentrating on the huge and expensive looking bottles of fizz on Maria’s trolley. 
Evie’s mouth pulled to the side in confusion, knowing that Champagne only came out on the most appropriate of occasions. Maria set up her display, making sure the champagne flutes were crystal clear as she delicately placed them on the serving table. Another 5 or so minutes of muffled chat and theorising went by when the buzzer sounded again, only this time it wasn’t Maria and her trolley of tricks. 
The amount of nerves that filled the room were uncountable as Mr. Big Boss walked in, otherwise known as Michael Stud. Michael Stud had intimidated Evie, since way back when, but she wasn’t the only one who felt like that. It was normal to be scared of your boss, sure, but when he came storming down your office hallways just because someone from the floor had tweeted about a movie review - it was extra scary. Said twitter user was never seen in the offices again, FYI. 
Michael Stud wasn't alone. Behind him followed a small bundle of five individuals, talking and laughing amongst themselves, which made a nice contrast from the extremely silent room. Evie pulled the lapels of her spring coloured suit jacket together, trying to cover the stupid slogan tee-shirt and she suddenly wishes she picked the formal white shirt this morning. She also wishes she opted for a nice pair of heels instead of the white, canvas converse that she tucked under her chair, also in a bid to hide. Michael began with the formalities, introducing the crew behind him, some of who he offered to sit down, apart from the man with incredibly styled run-your-fingers-through hair who stay attentive at Stud’s side, eyes scanning the room as he admired all the faces in front of him.
Evie felt Paris’ presence yet again, Michael getting knee deep into the reason of why all senior department supervisors were bundled in the extremely warm room on a Thursday afternoon. “He’s been in... films n’ stuff,” she whispered, and Evie tried her hardest to remain professional, keeping eyes forward at all times. “I think maybe that tsunam...”
“Ms. Kershaw, is there something you’d like to add?” Michael asked, his eyes being the only pair that didn’t turn to face her because Michael could hear anything and anyone that would try talk over him. Evie winced, internally, lips pulling into a straight, thin line as she clicked eye contact with Miles who sat opposite. He slyly brought his hand up to his neck and mimicked running a knife across it, making it even harder for her to remain professional. 
Paris shuffled awkwardly in her seat, picking up her pen and looking at her notepad as if there was going to be some miracle excuse written down on there. “Sorry, Mr Stud. I was just speaking aloud really...” Her palms were sweaty, but once she started talking she could never stop. “I thought I recognised our new friend here, and I think, maybe it’s just clicked, from that tsunami... impossible?... film?” 
The handsome boy next to Michael beamed a wide smile, raising his eyebrows, “remind me to hit you up for the next pub quiz” was the first thing the young man had spoken since he’d entered the room and he even sounded attractive. Evie had dealt with her fair share of movie stars, she composed contracts for them for crying out loud, but never in her life had she come across someone who was so incredibly sexy and cute at the same time. 
Luckily, Michael seemed to be in a good mood - probably something to do with the champagne announcement - and laughed along with the guest and everyone else in the room, only making Paris sink further into her chair, wanting the ground to swallow her whole. The five minute introduction felt like five years, not just for Evie but for the entire room. No thanks to Michael’s long and in depth ramblings about the man stood at the front of the room, anyone who didn’t already know learnt his name, the movies he’s been in and yes, it did include the ‘tsunami... impossible... film’ - to which Paris hid her head in her hands as everyone joint in the laughter again - and finally that he was here because he was going to be involved in the remake of something incredibly exciting. “So, everyone, meet Spider-Man!”
Joyous cheers and claps filled the room, not one person in there ashamed to say they were huge fans. Evie was most definitely not ashamed to be fan-girlling, she loved the previous movies and had always been a fan of superhero’s but she pinned that down to the fact she grew up with brothers, and chick flicks were the last thing on the movie menu. The drinks were poured and passed around, Tom giving a small speech about the usual - how grateful and excited he was to be working with everyone, how he couldn’t wait to get started and put his take on the classic.
Tom was his usual, charming self as he made his way around the room to meet everyone and introduce himself; all the time keeping an eye on the girl in the yellow suit. He admired the way she looked smart and professional, but also how her converse and tee shirt brought her back down to normal level. He loved the way her caramel hair hung in loose curls from her pony tail, the shorter front parts of her curls framing around her face, apart from when she would reach up and took them behind her ears.
Evie kept her flute in her hand, not once taking a sip from the fizzy liquid in the glass. She wasnt one to mix business and pleasure, and considering she was head of contractual agreements, she figured she’d have to be drafting up a pretty quick signable paper for Tom to ensure he would not leak the news. Michael was big on secrets, he thought it added to the suspense of a film release. “This is our quiz buff and apparent movie researcher, Paris Kershaw,” Michael spoke, interrupting the conversation between Paris and Evie. Paris’ cheeks flushed red, once again, as Tom outstretched his hand, shaking hers firmly. He’d probably given more handshakes than he’d had hot dinners, so it was very strong and Evie couldn’t help but bite her lower lip as his bicep muscle flexed, the hem of his shirt sleeve stretched against his skin. “And this young lady, is here to make sure what happens at Sony, stays at Sony,” he smiled, holding his hand out to her to signal who he was talking about and she brought her own hand up, modestly waving and smiling. Tom outstretched his arm again and Evie reciprocated, taking his gentle offer. She thought she stopped breathing for a short second when they touched, his thumb wrapping around the back of her hand and gripping with power.
“Evie.” She smiled, realising she was yet to introduce herself, most probably embarassing herself in front of not only her boss and colleagues, but now a movie star.
Tom’s hand tugged at Evie’s arm, surprisingly to her, as she stumbled forwards, the front of her body crashing into his. “Tom.” he had smiled back in the process, as if he hadn’t been introduced a million times and was the sole reason everyone was there. His other hand snaked around Evie’s back, resting on the lower part and she became suddenly nervous, only continuing to hold onto the hand shake in the meantime. “Nice to meet you.” He added, face hovering next to hers and breath fanning against her ear. It was at that moment she got goosebumps, tensing up and only able to nod in return. 
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glittercandies · 5 years
Hook and Pan
Harry Hook x Reader
(Y/N) Pan is the daughter of the boy that wanted to never grow up, Peter Pan. In the end, despite all of his efforts to remain a kid forever he ended up being a father. But the idea of such a big responsibility scared him so he left (Y/N) after she was born. But the young (H/C) haired girl visited Neverland in her dreams. Her father would tell her stories about the fairies, mermaids that lived in Neverland and about the gruesome pirate that was his enemy, Captain Hook.
Now, (Y/N) was no longer a little girl. Pan grew up (ironically) and made friends at Auradon.
When four villain kids came to the school she didn't heistate to meet and befriend them. After all she saw them as people she could share her shenanigans with. (Y/N) tried to show her prankster, childish, adventurous self to others but telling Audrey her plans of pranking some students got her suspended for a few days. The VKs laughed at (Y/N)s crazy ideas and suggestions and got along with her swimmingly.
While (Y/N) got along with Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay, she didn't join in their trips to the Isle. Unfortunately, while it did seem like a fun adventure she decided to watch from afar to see how it was going to turn out.
Now, she wasn't shy or scared. (Y/N) knew how to put up a fight and how to run away in dangerous places full of obstacles. She didn't fear anyone on the island but she didn't find it necessary to join them. It wasn't her problem and she saw it as something they had to settle themselves.
After the barrier has been broken down, any villain kid that wanted it had a chance to a normal life at Auradon. A ton of VKs wanted that so Ben organized them in 4 person groups. Each group had assigned an Auradon Kid to show them around. (Y/N) being an enthusiastic girl was selected to be one of the guides.
'I wonder who I got~' she thought waiting for the limo door to open. Ben told her he choose them specially for her.
First, a beautiful girl with blue hair that she recognized as Uma, came out. (Y/N) didn't do any research, not needed since all Auradon kids knew who she was at this point. She was surprised Uma wasn't assigned to Mal seeing as the two were friends.
After Uma, the son of Gaston followed. Gil wasn't as known but since (Y/N) has spent time with Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos she heard all about how they teamed up with Uma and her squad. Gil looked enthusiastic, even if he'd already been here.
The last persons to get out were the infamous Harry Hook, a quite gorgeous guy with the most piratey attire you've seen, and seemingly his sister CJ, since the two looked alike, who he was bickering with. These were the kids of her fathers enemy but the moment she saw them, a big grin made its way on her face. (Y/N)s mind was full of ideas warying from befriending them to making their lives miserable through pranks to just being aquantiences with them.
"Welcome to Auradon! The name's (Y/N) Pan and I will be your guide. No need for introductions since I figured out who y'all are~" (Y/N) announced with a smirk and shook their hands.
Uma raised an eyebrow but shook her hand, Gil smiled and said his "Nice to meet you!!", CJ shook her hand with heistation and Harry. . . Harry just returned the smirk.
"So ye know who my father is las?" He asked.
"Yep, and you know who mine is" (Y/N) flashed a grin. "Now onto the tour-"
The tour itself was supposed to be filled with information about the history of the castle but (Y/N) decided to just show them around while making sarcastic remarks and stupid puns that seemed entertaining enough. She got giggles, laughs and smiles from the four. Harry being himself shamelessly flirted to get an embarrassed or flustered reaction out of (Y/N) but what he got back was (Y/N) aCtually playing along and sometimes even responding with her own dumb pick up line, making other crack up at Hooks pink face (he didn't really expect her playin along--)
"Alright, if y'all have got any more questions, feel free to ask me" (Y/N) said at the end.
A couple of sures and nods. While everyone left to their dorms, she felt her arm getting grabbed. Next thing she knew, she was pinned to a wall by Harry.
"hEy calm your thirsty ass and ask me on a date first. I know you want me but I'm not THAT iresistibble" (Y/N) jocked while winking.
And there she goes again, making him a flustered mess. He quickly composed himself
"Pfft yer quite somethin. Can we hang out some time?" Harry asked with a smirk. While he just met her and she was supposedly his enemy he just felt the urge to befriend her.
"Sure thing fishy"
*two months later*
"So you flirt with everyone just to intimidate them? Ugh man I was so hopeful I could be able to see some boy on boy action. Seeing the way you act around Ben I could've sworn you were gay-" (Y/N) rambled, trying to tease/annoy her best friend and crush.
"I ain't gay, give it up lassie" Harry responded looking straight into (Y/N)s (E/C) eyes. "I am pansexual though" he smirked.
"*exaggerated gasp* i knEW YOu were into me!!" (Y/N) smirked.
"I'm not denyin' that" Harry responded jockingly.
For the first time, (Y/N) was seen with a blush that she quickly dismissed and blamed on the sun.
"(Y/N) wer' in a dorm room" Harry said with an amused tone.
"Wait hol' up I meant the heat, not the sun-"
"It's autumn lassie"
"Yeah but it's still warm"
"Whateva' lost girl, I'll let ya have this one. Thou' you look adorable when you're blushin'"
While all of the flirting between them was always jockingly, Harry couldn't help but feel as if there was something more than that. (Y/N) complimented him, helped him when he felt down, stayed with him late at night making dumb jokes and puns,
They shared secrets and used each other as support when things got bad, and yes, friends do that.
But friends don't get lost into each others eyes, don't hold each others hands when they're alone, friends don't hug for whole minutes and friends don't constantly flirt with each other, even if it's jockingly.
Harrys train of thoughts was interrupted by something soft against his lips. He felt his whole face get warmer . . .
Because his was face being covered by a pillow.
"Dude you ok? You kinda spaced out-" (Y/N) began saying.
"I'm fine, don' worry love"
Love. That nickname. Even though (Y/N) didn't show it, it made her feel very flustered but she kept that under her joker facade. The names Harry called her, the way he treated her. . Maybe he saw her as more than a friend too.
Part 2 gunna come out soon
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auxiliarydetective · 3 years
It's here! The drawing to this post. It took hours and scaling these Pokemon to Vicky's height was an adventure. I'm way too proud of how Vicky turned out. Thankfully, Sylveon hides the ugly shoes and skirt-
As usual, Tumblr resizing the image makes it look worse than it is
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First and foremost: All bases used are by SelenaEde on DeviantArt. I would not have gotten by without them.
Now for the fun details! Those include more info on the pokemon and their abilities and natures, as well as all the historical details I put into Vicky’s outfit
Up first: Vicky herself!
From top to bottom, the first detail is her lipstick. In the 1940s, different shades of red were pretty much the only color used, known as Victory Red. I got this specific shade of red from a 1940s guide for lipstick shades for blondes. Thus is also the first time I've ever drawn lipstick, so have mercy.
Her cardigan. Please zoom in to her cardigan. Clothing was rationed, so women were encouraged to knit clothing themselves - and Vicky, taking the role of a good housewife, did. Take a look at the pattern! I really worked hard on it and used authentic vintage clothing as a reference.
Now multiple minor ones, grouped together. I decided to draw her in a more casual, civilian, spring outfit. That's because a. I wanted to avoid the swastika armband (it had no business being in a cute picture like this) and b. it being spring would allow Ninetails and Rapidash to be in the same picture. The blue color scheme is a nod to her British uniform. Her skirt is the appropriate length, long enough to cover the knees but short enough to save fabric, and her shoes are almost flat, which is era-appropriate and probably a lot more practical for a spy and pokemon trainer.
Now, her Gardevoir
It's - as you can see - a shiny Gardevoir and Vicky has had it as her since she was a child. Gardevoir is very calm, admittedly a bit arrogant and maybe the only pokemon mostly unaffected by Kinch's Rotom's shenanigans. Sometimes, it fights with Hogan's Lucario over leadership, but ultimately knows when to back down. Just like its trainer, it enjoys a cup of tea, but only black tea, which Vicky herself dislikes. So, it sometimes steals a few sips from Newkirk's cup. It can be seen floating around Vicky a lot, being her trusted companion. This, while demanding the respect of Germans coming to camp, also has negative effects, since the pokemon is taller than its trainer. Lovely teasing material for Newkirk, who regularly points this out. Gardevoir's special ability is Trace, which Vicky thinks is a bit ironic because she, as a spy, also sometimes has to copy other people.
An exotic pokemon - Alolan Ninetales
The fact that Vicky has an Alolan Ninetales and not the more common variant is somewhat of a status symbol, which is amplified by its beauty. The only downside is that it gets too warm for it in the German summer, so it has to stay in its ball or in the tunnels for the warm months. Ninetales is gentle in nature, but sadly also a bit naive. It aids other pokemon and protects the ones of the Heroes and Schultz, Klink, and Helga (and later Hilda) like its pack of Vulpix. Not all of them appreciate it, but it likes to think they do. Its fluffy coat makes it very nice to cuddle with and it readily lets anyone warm up close to it. Well, as much as an ice pokemon can warm anyone up. Ninetales is not made of ice and not as cold as other ice pokemon but it's still far from a fire pokemon.
Fancy Unicorn for an English lady
Only getting to have three pokemon at a time can come with some issues, especially when Vicky realized just how warm German summers could be. Because of this, her Galarian Rapidash, the third pokemon she brought along from home, became a sort of replacement for Ninetales for summer as her second favorite. She has to be careful to give enough attention to Rapidash even in winter because it will get jealous otherwise. She usually doesn't take it into the barracks or any building with her because of its size and the fact that, as a horse/pony, it's not as mobile and not made for indoor spaces. When she has to get somewhere very fast, she sometimes rides her Rapidash through the forest. Rapidash has a rivalry with LeBeau's Fletchinder because it keeps smacking it with its wings.
"Just a bird"
With Rapidash having to temporarily replace Ninetales every year, a spot was freed up in Vicky's "German" team. Luckily, she found the perfect third member: A Pikipek she found wounded in the forest one day. Because Pikipeks are so common and it even looks like a regular woodpecker, it can fly around and deliver messages or give signals without being suspicious. She also managed to teach it simple morse code phrases and to drill holes to hide things like camera film or other important items in. It was a long and tedious process though since Pikipek has too much energy for its own good. It should not be in the same room with LeBeau's Fletchinder or they will make endless noise.
Now, the first of Vicky's hidden Pokemon, a Sinistea
Fun fact, Sinistea is 10cm tall and I used it to scale the entire picture. Because of this, @benevolenterrancy and I came up with the idea that our favourite teasing devil Newkirk would refer to people as (x amount) of Sinisteas tall. Poor LeBeau is only 15 and a half Sinisteas tall, but Newkirk always conveniently forgets that half-a-cup. Speaking of cups, I'm fairly certain a tired Kinch, Carter or Hogan would one day have tried to drink the liquid inside of Sinistea's body. Thankfully, that liquid tastes horrible and they spat it right back out, so they got to keep their soul. Whoever had that unfortunate encounter might be inclined to stir Sinistea's liquid from time to time to mess with it and make it get dizzy. Vicky loves her Sinistea and thinks it's super adorable. She knows that evolving it into a Polteageist might be beneficial to the mission, but she might not be able to get herself to change her cute cup.
Speaking of cute...
Vicky's Sylveon! At least a third of the pokemon that have come in contact are infatuated with it. Whenever Vicky is in the tunnels, it will stick to her side and not leave, feelers wrapped around her arm. Newkirk hates the little sweetheart because of its soothing aura. Just the fact alone that he can't hate it when it's close is bad enough, but he also doesn't get to fight anyone else! Where's the fun?! What makes it even worse is that his Zoroa enjoys the peaceful company of Sylveon. Vicky loves her Sylveon, no matter what anyone else says. It makes her life a lot easier and she really enjoys seeing Newkirk's softer side too. Maybe that's another reason why he doesn't like it - it makes him show his vulnerability. Sylveon gets along very well with Kinch's Rotom but also has a good relationship with pretty much every other pokemon owned by a POW.
Finally, Vicky's trusted spy companion: Absol
Her Absol can sense the Gestapo coming from miles away and kept her safe multiple times while she was still working solo. It has a difficult reputation because of its fearsome aura, but two pokemon it gets along with well are Newkirk's Zoroa and Hogan's Lucario, oddly. Probably because Lucario knows Absol means no harm. Absol spends most of its time in the tunnels and can immediately tell when a part is about to cave in, using its speed to save anyone still inside.
I'll add relationships with the pokemon of other people once the almighty master of this au does the posts for them :)
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Remember your past life - Prince! Harry Hook x Chosen Knight! Reader - part 6
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it had been two weeks since the first incident with Harry and (y/n), and they had begun to talk more and more, well, more like talk and sign, Harry even learning ASL to speak to (y/n) easier.
the two had become close in a short amount of time, (y/n) easily becoming close with Gil and Uma as well, feeling as if she was reuniting with old friends, getting along with them easily, which was weird since their friendship was fairly new.
now (y/n) was learning new things about Harry each day. one thing she found out pretty quickly, he loved root beer floats, and cinnamon rolls, another thing was
Harry was a huge fucking nerd.
he would babble on and on about anything, Evie had chattered on about chemistry and science for an hour with him.
and right now, (y/n) sat as Harry was chatting about something called a hot-footed frog, which apparently could be used for potions that were able to boost the users speed.
‘oh god’ (y/n) thought, watching Harry babble about the frog to Uma, CJ just behind him, braiding a couple of white and blue flowers together ‘please don't make me eat another frog’
(y/n)s breath hitched as the world brightened around her, the flowers CJ was holding becoming insanely familiar.
you watched as Harry took pictures of the flowers surrounding you, giddily exclaiming as he found more.
“oh there's one!” he laughed, snapping a photo of some bright yellow flowers “oh! and another!” you smiled slightly as Harry took another photo, this time of a blue nightshade patch.
“The flowers we have in Saorsa* aren't jus’ beautiful, they’re also extremely useful for a variety of food and elixirs.” Harry gasped as he spotted a particular flower, a gorgeous white and blue flower that hung over itself slightly, blooming gracefully.
“this one ’ere is called the silent prince” Harry murmured, leaning forward to brush the petals with his fingertips, you leaned forward on your knees, gazing at the flower.
“it's a rare endangered species, but despite our efforts, we can't get it to grow domestically yet, the prince can only grow out here in the wild” Harry sat back on his thighs, sighing wistfully as he stared at the flower. “all that we can hope...is that it will be strong enough ta prosper on its own”
you frowned as Harry's shoulders slumped, no doubt thinking of his own struggles as his own silent prince. suddenly Harry gasped, leaping forward on his knees, scrambling to catch something, you raised your brow smiling as Harry started to babble.
“is that what I think it is...IT IS” Harry muttered giddily, turning and smiling at you “I don't believe it but I actually caught one!”
you stared at Harry's hands as he cupped something in it, slight croaking coming from within, you had a bad feeling, but you ignored it, letting Harry cheer himself up.
“this delicacy is known ta have very, very potent effects under the right circumstances” Harry grinned as he opened his hands, revealing a green and peach frog, you tilted your head, nodding for Harry to go on.
“ta-dah! research from the castle shows that ingesting one of these little guys can actually augment certain abilities!!” Harry bit his lip, watching your reaction, you nodded hesitantly, having a feeling you knew where this was going.
“we wouldn't be in a controlled environment out here, but with yer level of physical fitness you’d be a perfect candidate for the study!” Harry scooted forward on his knees, grinning giddily like a little kid, it was kinda cute, to be honest.
“go on!” Harry shoved the frog in your face, you tilted backward, avoiding the frog “taste it!”
oh hell no, you stood quickly, wanting to get away from the prince and his frog. “come on (y/n) please! I'll buy you some gourmet meat!!” you stopped, breathing deep before turning back around, seeing Harry's hopeful grinning face.
sighing, you walked back over to him, signing out ‘cook it first, I'm not eating it raw’
Harry grinned, cheering “yeah!!! come on! there's a stable nearby we can cook it!” you slumped as Harry stuffed the frog in his bag, leaping onto his horse. you were going to regret this.
glancing at the silent prince once more, you thought. ‘i hope it prospers too’
“there ya go Harry! now you’re the princess of flowers!” CJ announced, plopping the crown of silent prince’s on Harry's head, Harry paused in his ramble, eyeing the petal in the corner of his eyes.
you shook your head as you came out of the daydream, it seemed so familiar, as if you had experienced it before. But you brushed it off, watching the two pirate siblings.
“CJ” Harry started, turning to look at his little sister “wha’ the fuck?”
CJ cackled “come on! you look so pretty!!” Harry sighed reaching up to take the crown off before the sound of a phone camera going off startled him.
whipping around he saw Harriet grinning at him, Evie's phone in hand. ”lookin good, princess~”
Harry's face turned red as he proceeded to rip off the flower crown, though being careful not to hurt the flowers.
Harry stood, pushing past Harriet as she laughed “come on!!! you look pretty!!” Harry stalked away, holding up his middle finger.
“fuck off Hettie!!”
Harriet cackled as she handed the phone back to Evie, who cooed at the picture, CJ stood running after Harry, yelling out.
“princess Harry of the flowers come back!!” you heard Harry let out a loud groan of exasperation
shaking your head you giggled, covering your mouth slightly. Harriet turned to you, tilting her head and raising her brow.
“now who are yeh?” you waved, signing your name. Harriet nodded “(y/n)? alright, how’d yeh become friends with this bunch?” she gestured to the pirate crew, who were still laughing at CJ's nickname for Harry.
you shrugged, making Harriet laugh “heh, sounds about right, you just somehow ended up being friends right? that’ll happen”
you nodded, the odd feeling of having seen her before digging at the back of your mind, but that would be impossible, this was your first time ever even hearing about her, let alone meeting her.
“well,” Harriet grunted rolling back her shoulders,  "gotta go, crews waitin’ for me, nice meeting yeh (y/n)” you waved her goodbye, watching as she turned and walked out of the room, her scarlet and blue coat billowing behind her.
a flash and you saw Harriet walking away, a similar coat flowing behind her, walking between the king and queen, Harry at your side, fists clenched. groaning you patted your forehead, willing the odd images to go away.
“(y/n)!!” Lonnie called, all dressed in her ROAR gear, you stood, nodding as she walked closer “come on you promised me a sparring match” you paused, before nodding slowly, oh yeah.
loser buys ice cream right? you signed, making Lonnie grin slightly and nod “yep, just so you know, I love mint chocolate chip~”
you rolled your eyes, grinning smugly and I like (favorite ice cream flavor) Lonnie shrugged “not like I’m gonna need that information, cuz you're goin down!”
no, you snickered, I believe it is you that it's going down Lonnie cackled and rolled her eyes at your cockiness “yeah yeah, now go get dressed, and grab your sword, meet you in the training grounds outside!”
you nodded, picking up your bag and quickly making your way to your room to get dressed.
Harry sighed as he walked around campus, having lost CJ a little while ago, when he heard the familiar sounds of clashing swords, perking up he started to jog over to the source of the noise.
his jaw dropped as he rounded the corner, seeing Lonnie and (y/n) dancing around each other, clashing swords every other second.
Harry watched as Lonnie side swiped at (y/n), who backflipped just in time. Harry gasped as the surroundings around him shifted.
(y/n) landed, the metal clinging to her body sounding as she hit the ground, she dashed forward, and it was as if time slowed, hitting the sheikah warrior with a flurry of attacks.
the black-haired warrior grunted, managing to slide away, holding up her blade. (y/n) stood slowly, staring down the warrior.
“Impressive isn't she” his father said from beside him, staring down at the training knight, “she's the one to be rumored to wield the sword that seals the darkness” Harry nodded, watching as the warrior dashed forward once more, stabbing at (y/n) who simply sidestepped and parried the attack with her shield.
“aye” harry finally replied, glaring slightly at the girl “apparently so” his father glanced down at him, raising his brow.
“you should take notes from her, only 13, and she was able to draw the sword” Harry clenched his fists, biting his lip as he nodded.
“yes father”
Killian nodded, beginning to walk away, “remember your studies, Harrison, we need you to unlock your magic as soon as possible” Harry's shoulders sagged, nodding numbly as he watched (y/n) fight.
“yes father” he muttered, his shoulders jumping as the warrior spun around (y/n), swiping low at her feet, but the girl seemed to see through the warrior, leaping backward over them and landing on her knees, pointing the tip of her blade at the warrior.
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“wa-how” the warrior panted, stumbling slightly as she stood. (y/n) said nothing, rushing forward and hitting the warrior with a quick barrage of attacks, ending the fight.
sighing (y/n) stood, cracking her neck, holding her hand out to the warrior, who laughed lightly and took the hand, letting (y/n) help her up.
(y/n) nodded as the warrior complimented (y/n) on her skill, she looked up, blinking surprised as (e/c) met ocean blue.
Harry gasped harshly as the world came back into focus, his shoulders jumping in surprise when he realized he was looking into the exact same (e/c) eyes he saw in his daydream a moment ago.
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looking down her body, his brows raised at the surprising amount of scars littering her body,
Harry couldn't help but feel like he had seen some of them before, but that was impossible.
“why are yeh so familiar?” Harry whispered, once more meeting (y/n)s eyes.
---end of part 6---
*Saorsa means Freedom, Liberty in Scottish Gaelic
thx @marichat4lyf​ for beta reading
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