#ew i can't believe i have to use that tag again
la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
hmm i just realised that last post i made (the one about the school memory) would have been the type of thing that would suddenly cross my mind and then i'd tell my (now ex) all about it so then i could share the laughter with someone
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damianwayne0 · 9 months
Minecraft || (5)
(part 5)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 |part 6
Dick : can we eat before going? My hunger is at 2 . *Stomach growling*
Jason, rolling his eyes: yeah sure I guess. Come with me .
Damian: is there any vegetarian option?
Tim: seriously ?
Damian: no one asked you anything, idiot.
After eating:
Dick, burping while holding his stomach: I don't think I can move now.
Damian: And it's already night. Also Grayson stop burping near my face *disgusted*
Jason: yeah- *gets hit* what the- *looks down to see a baby zombie* *screams like a girl*
Dick , gets scared hearing Jason scream: What happened? * Sees Jason running away*
Tim : Can't you see the zombie running behind Jason?
Damian, who ran behind the zombie with his diamond sharpness 5 enchanted sword: Todd stop running! If you stop he will stop too!
Jason : mother fucker I can't risk it!!
Dick : Jason just fucking stoppp!
Tim, mutters underneath his breath : I hate this.*sigh*
One zombie baby dieing later :
Jason, panting : what the fuck just happened?
Dick : i also don't know.
Tim : wow Jason I can't believe you got scared because of a baby zombie * laughing*
Jason: Shut up replacement!
Tim : 🙄
Damian: why don't you give us a tour Todd?
Dick , agreeing: yeah, he is right.
Tim: I am also curious.
Jason: yeah , fine come with me .* Sighs*
The three boys then follow their brother. As Jason takes them to show his farm first . When they reach the farm. They see 10 traders captive and 10 lamas.
Dick , goes closer to see the tags on the lamas: who , are, you *name of the first three lamas*
Damian : Joe MaMa ? * reads the last two lamas.
At that point Tim was rolling on the floor while holding his stomach.
Jason: ..... .... .... Let's go somewhere else!.
Damian : yeah whats so ever.
After getting the tour, they sleep. The next day:
Dick , gaging: Eww little wing your morning breath smells ew
Damian , remembering last night : you probably didn't smell drakes fart than if you think todds breath is bad.
Tim, rolling his eyes : shut up gremlin!
Jason: enough! Let's just go ! You guys are making me want to die again. *sighs*
After reaching Y/n s house:
Jason : is that her house?
Damian: yeah.
Dick: woah so big!
Tim : did she made it herself?
Damian: yeah. I made the first floor only but she made the rest .
Jason, pointing : look there is a notice broad.
Tim: go then what are you waiting for? *Steps forward* * falls into a cave*
Jason, feed up: you deserve to be there .
Tim, from the cave : heyyyy! Get me out! I don't have any tools!!
Damian,face palming: * throws him a wooden piaxe*
Jason, to Tim : we are going forward replacement come fast!
Dick : I won't be available here . I am going to Tim's house. * Reading the broad*
Tim, who came from the cave with like 7 arrows says : what? Seriously? All that hard work for nothing!?
Jason , laughing: even Minecraft doesn't want you to be happy.
Damian, regretting his life decisions: why did I even come with y'all ? I better off mining my ass off .
Dick , tired : let's go to Tim's house again I guess?
Jason: 😂👍
Tim :���👍
Notes • I hope you liked this and English isn't my first language so please ignore the mistakes and don't forget to like ^⁠_⁠^✨ .part 6 (last part) will come soon .
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princess-peregrine · 5 months
10 Most Read Authors
Thanks for tagging me @godzilla-reads
"what are your ten most most read authors? and how many books have you read by them? also tag someone who you would like to do this!
instructions: scroll to the bottom of your goodreads shelves and most read authors is listed underneath."
I don't use goodreads but here's what ibknow from my personal collection
1. Seanan McGuire (21 books) Seanan McGuire is an amazing writer and one of the hardest things to do is put down one of her books once you start, it's always a captivating adventure to read one of her books
2. Kay Hooper (16 books) I'm not done with her Bishop/Special Crimes Unit books but oh my gosh, she writes good. If i had to give a short and sweet summary of what she writes, it would come off as a trashy genre. But she writes possibly my favorite romances I have ever read. Once a Thief and Always a Thief are my favorite romace books of all time, and the reason I read them was because of a ML fanfic called Once a thief Always a Thief by, I believe, Saijispellhart, I think that's right, if you read that fic and liked it then you will love Kay Hooper
3. CJ Cherryh (12) this is possibly my favorite writer of science fiction full stop and i can't even get into it here because i would talk for ages, the message here is to read CJ Cherryh's books, for the love of Goddess read them
4. Jimmy Gownley (8 books) Amelia Rules is my favorite comic of all time with a close secomd being the planet Sakaar arc in the hulk comics
5. Diana Rowland (7 books) people just love her white trash zombie books, and foe good reason, but personally i loved her Mark/Blood of the Demon books a whole lot more
6. Victoria Laurie (7 books) i loved the first book in her ghost hunter mystery books, then 2 and 3 were a slog, and then the rest were good again, not sure what happened to the second and third book
7. Marrion Zimmer Bradley (7 books) ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew what the fuck is up with her ew ew ew ew ew ew this is what passed for feminist writing back then?! I've read incel rants with more respect for women than some of the stuff she writes!
Anyway she's an ok science fiction writer with a way of writing really engaging stories with a strong narrative voice, don't read her books, they really are not kind to women
8. Michelle Tea (5 books) go read mermaid in chelsea creek, go do it, right now, this is a demand, read mermaid in chelsea creek, cry about it and then come back to me and tell me what you thought about it, do it now
My favorite book from her is Valencia btw, an excellent memoir
9. Kim Harrison (4 books) don't ask me anything about her books, i could not tell you, i know what happened because i read them but the memories are jumbled up with details from the October Day novels
10. Stephen king (4 books) Stephen King is, ehhhh, i read him more for the status that he was a prolific writer and had a lot of popular books, the first one i read, which is still my favorite by the way, is The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
Honorable mentions that i just recommend you go read because i love their books
Eileen Myles shouldn't need and introduction and if she does then you are living a worse life for it
Rob Reger who wrote the Emily The Strange books
Clive Barker who i have read quite a bit but excluded him for the same of smaller names (but you included stephen king) shut up
Wendy Holden, she didn't write many books but the ones she wrote were good
Dana Fredsti, her plague books are like brownies
Jeanien Frost, imagine if Kim Harrison was more memorable
Now i'll tag @scham-wcan @vivaciousarcanist @zerm2v0hg @far-side-skies @grimm-the-6th @overlordneon @transgressivepistoleer @mx-kit
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inkabelledesigns · 4 months
for your ask game! is there anything with my favorite little guys (you know who XD) in Searching the Depths? If not I will happily accept a Richard section, he's an honorary little guy.
Oh Victor, you spoil me. XD Y'know, I think I do have a little bit I can hand you with one of your favorite guys. We're gonna throw you some of Depths and some of Richard, since this is the only Bendy ask in my box. (Warning, spoilers ahead for both)
Searching the Depths - The Heart of the Studio: Chapter 18 - Hell's Bell
The screaming voices in her mind only got louder before they were reduced to whimpers. The man carefully took a handkerchief from her breast pocket and wiped away at the ink on her mouth and cheeks. She was trembling in his grasp, her breathing unsteady, shaken, unable to stop hyperventilating. 
"What…the HELL was that?" She looked him dead in the eyes, tears pricking her own. 
"My sheep…" he sighed. "I'm so…I'm so sorry." He looked up to the railing. "My flock, give me a moment, will you?" 
No sooner had he asked, the monsters hurried out of the room, and the ominous light of the projector flickered to life. He let go of her, hurrying to the instruments left behind. A pluck of a note on the banjo, drum, violin, and cello, and the next thing she knew, a door had opened up. 
"Let us speak somewhere more…private. Where prying eyes might grant us peace." He grasped her by the arm and dragged her in. She nearly tripped over herself at the pace he was taking her. As soon as they were inside, the door snapped shut, and the man let out a breath she hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Oh dear god we're in for it now." He held his head in exasperation as she yanked her arm out of his grasp.
"Listen buddy, you owe me some answers." Bella coughed and leaned against the wall, struggling to stay upright. "What the heck is going on here?" 
"You really aren't Henry, are you?" No emotions betrayed him, she could hardly believe he could say that with a straight face. Then again, maybe he wasn’t. How could a being with no face even have a straight one? But he seemed sincere!
"Not in the slightest. I'm five foot nothin', at least a few decades younger, and as much as I'd like to think I make a convincing man, something tells me that's not what led to your confusion." She let out a deep breath. "My name's Bella. Bella Ewe. And you are?" 
"I am the prophet of our Lord and savior, the ink demon." 
"The prophet of-" That title, oh dear. No, it couldn't be, could it? Just like Joey's story. Just like… "Sammy Lawrence?" She raised an eyebrow. "No, you can't be, that's not possible!"
"Hard to believe, isn’t it?" He sighed. "That name hasn't been mine in…I don't know how long." 
"You can't be the real Sammy. He died in the forties, he's not some-some prophet for a bunch of monsters!” She threw down her arms in frustration. “He's a brilliant composer with an amazing legacy!" 
"As flattered as I am to hear such praises, I'm sorry to disappoint you, little ewe." He leaned against the wall, gesturing rather matter-of-factly. "But I am no liar, that would go against my cause. The people that once worked here have all met with a terrible fate. And if you're here, I'm assuming you have too." 
"I…I suppose that's one way to put it." She winced as she held her side. "But…how? Why? I thought…I thought this was just a story. How is this real? How am I here?"
"Likely the same way the rest of us came here: the ink machine." His voice was so cold, she could see how tightly his fists were clenched. Almost made her afraid they'd burst.
Richard the Keeper: The Studies of 214
Chapter ??? - Naming Convention
“This is a waste of time-”
Bella held her hand up in front of him as she faced the other keepers. “Wait a sec Rich, they might be onto something.” 
“Well no offense, but to us, you all look the same. A name tag might be helpful in telling you apart.” 
“You can't be serious-”
“Oh I'm very serious!” She laughed. “Come on, it'll be fun! There are so many wonderful names to choose from, they've all got different meanings, it's great!” 
The snobby keeper snorted. “Oh yeah? What's Richard mean then?”
Richard was about to spit back at him, but Bella held up her hand again. “Depends on where you come from. In some cultures, it means ‘mighty ruler’, in others it's simply ‘rich’. In others still it's ‘powerful and hardy’. Though I remember one old friend…he said it meant ‘helper of humanity'. I don't know how true it is, but…” she turned and smiled at Richard, “seems fitting for someone trying to make a better world.” 
Richard froze for a few seconds before quickly pulling his clipboard closer to his face. “We have a schedule to keep-”
“Yes, and we will keep it.” She patted his arm gently. “But let's be honest, we're getting nowhere fast. I think this could help.” 
Another keeper interrupted. “I didn't know names could have such meanings. Do they all have so much depth?” 
Bella nodded. “Oh yeah. There was this old baby names book in our local library. I had a friend who checked it out all the time, helped him pick out so many names for his characters.” She chuckled. “Probably not a flawless method, but it's what we had, and it was all in good fun. But some people don't care much about name meanings, just use whatever sounds good.” 
“What about you?” They asked. 
“Me?” She held her chin in thought. “Well, Bella means beautiful in most languages.” 
Richard raised an eyebrow. “But that's a nickname, not what was chosen for you. What does Isabella mean?”
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Would you do a Jean x Reader x Reiner one? The reader felt so betrayed by Reiner being a titan shifter and when he left she felt so confused whether she can loves him or not after finding out the truth. Jean comfort her and they eventually fall in love. Or you can do a modern au one where Reiner cheated on the reader and Jean begin to see his chance with the reader then they both had a relationship. But she still can't forget Reiner. I truly love your writing! Have a good day ! ♥
i was wondering if you could do a modern au jean x reader. where the reader is very stressed for a test of some kind, and jean and the reader end up skipping the test and spend the whole day together instead, where towards the end of the day jean confesses his feelings for the reader. a lot of fluff please if you could i am obsessed sorry by @cj-sparkss
A/N: So i decided to merge those two requests because they fit really good together in my head! I hope ou guys like this! I strongly recommend listening to any song in Halsey's album, Manic while reading.
Pairing: Jean/ Reader, some past Reiner/ reader if you squint
Tags: college!au, art school au, fluff all the way
Warnings: Jean being way too cute for his own sake, seriously
Sketches Of You
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Your head was burning.
Your eyes were stinging; tiny little little blood vessels were popping here and there, throbbing profoundly as they merged together, rushing their way to your irises. You didn't know for how long you had been awake, mostly because a few days had passed and you didn't remember falling asleep or waking up on your once comfortable desk chair.
Before you laid numerous books open in different pages, most of the writting they held emphasized by your favorite pastel highlighter. What felt like your lamp buzzed, burning a canary yellow light over the mahogany material of your desk, warming up the spot where your hand used to lay. A pen in your hand was all you could bring yourself to hold with your numb, frozen fingers, the plastic edges of its tube sunk into your skin, carving bumps to mark their spot in your hand.
Wait, oh no, you thought as you looked around this wasn't your dorm, this was the university's library.
The library around you was extremely quiet as you laid face down on one book, your mouth slightly part and your lips dry save for the little ribbon of drool that moistened a line down your right cheek. Only for one more minute, you told yourself, deciding to shut your eyes together just to allow them sometime to rest, ignoring how such request was what had caused you to drift off to such extend in the first place. Stinging tears escaped the corners of your eyelids, signifying how tired and dry your irises had grown to be. Letting out a huge sigh you tried to lift your head, at least this could be an attempt to get your life together for the day.
Your scattered books came to close quietly under your palms, the numerous pieces of papers and notes being tucked messily in between pages, your own fatigue causing you to break your own rules when it came to being as neat as you could with your notes. Another sigh left you as you sank into the back the plastic chair, your books firmly standing on top of eachother and into your palms.
This test was going to end you. You knew it. Despite having tried to memorise all the information that was required for you to even try to get a five -seriously, a five would be absolutely godsent if you could at least get that grade- all you were left with was your brain feeling mushy and muddy without any actual knowledge of the subject you had been studying for. Why on earth was gothic architecture an essential class in your first year in art school was beyond you. Was this university never supposed to let you graduate on top of trying to prevent you getting in for numerous years?
Resisting the urge to scream or pull your hair off your head you decided that it was time to get up, your knees straightening slightly at the your brain's command, only to be sent back into the blue plastic of your chair, your whole body growling in fatigue. Your chest heavied as you let out a whine, bringing your hands to your eyes to scrub away the stinging ache you were feeling.
"You good?"
Your head turned to the direction of the voice maniacally, your eyes shooting wide as you practically ripped your hands off of your face. Looking up, your (e/c) orbs met with hazel ones, little specs of yellow and green stared back at you through thick eyelashes, adorned with a complex of worry plastered on dark chestnut eyebrows.
"Yeah Jean, I'm just studying."
"Oh it's Mr Ackerman's test right?"
"Hm" you hummed in response, another whine coming out of your lips.
"Yeah I remember how that class went for me. He's pretty nice if you get to know him though. I have to submit a few sketches for tomorrow, can I sit with you or were you leaving?"
"No, I'll keep you company, I need a break from whatever.." your eyes wandered at the books in your hands and the numerous note sheets peaking out from anywhere you could lay your gaze on "..this is."
Extending a hand Jean reached out for the head of the chair right next to you, pulling it back in order to let himself sink into the dark blue plastic seat, similarly to you. His lips pushed into a thin line as he looked at you, his cheek puffing up in the action. A hand came to your shoulder comfortingly as another one pulled out his sketchbook from his run down and way too littered with dry paint tote bag.
"Are those for Moblit's workshop?"
"Mhm." Jean confirmed. "You got any 0.8 tipped inks?"
"Yeah, I do."
Setting the leather covered sketchbook on the mahogany table Jean turned his head to you again, pointing his eyes onto the black pencil case in front of you. In response you shrugged your shoulders, your palms shooting up to your eyes once again. Jean's hand grabbed on your case, his long fingers digging through the numerous inking pens and markers that overlapped each other.
"I can't believe you have the Sakura Pens when you know I don't like them." Jean whined, hands roaming through your belongings still.
"Jean," you said, a deep chuckle escaping you in the process "I happen to like them, you know."
"They're yikes."
"You just can't use them correctly."
"How do you use an inking pen correctly. Enlighten me." Jean mocked, his fingers throwing signs in the air to accentuate his words.
Resting his head on his fist Jean opened his sketchbook, swiping through numerous ivory cold pressed pages, filled with inked sketches. Your eye twitched as you tried to keep up with many of the drawings you could spot; you had seen the contents of this sketchbook a thousand times, admiring Jean's skill with ink. His professor, Mister Moblit had one of the most interesting workshops for students who specialised in inks, and you aspired to take his classes in your following year in art school, supposing you could pass your classes this very semester.
"What are you supposed to be drawing?"
"Anything, mostly things that make us feel like they are important to draw." Jean said.
"Oh and library is important?"
"Sasha said you'll be here, so yup. And I want to draw my hands actually "
You clicked your tongue, shaking your head in borderline disbelief. Honestly, if you weren't that bummed about your test and your recent break up you could have laughed at Jean's sly arrogance. Your eyes traveled to Jean, examining his quiet form as he studied his palms. Inevitably your eyes studied them as well.
His fingers were long and tan and harsh to look at, scrapped in most places with tints of Indian ink. They stuggled to manage with your pencil case, his pinkies and thumbs couldn't even begin to fit in the little object and it made you wonder how he even managed to work his inking pens correctly with such enormous hands. Some veins popped from here and there, accentuating his bulky joints perfectly; they run from the back of his palms to his wrist, mingling with more of their blue kind in his calfs and biceps. The occasional blotches of dried paint were decorating them. Even some paint covered hairs spiked as the light contracted his form.
You smiled miscellaneously.
Your own finger traveled without remorse towards them, poking at a few hairs that were littered with paint. By pinching one, Jean shot back in half pain, his brows furrowing in confusion as he stared at you. "Hey, what they fuck!"
"You do that to me all the time when i have paint in my hands!" You half laughed, shooting him a mocking furrowed look as well.
“You’re so cruel!” Jean grinned.
“To pay you back with your own penny right?”
Jean cocked his eyebrow at you, a few lines begging to make an appearance on his forehead. He shook his head a couple of times, throwing a few shaggy strands of hair away from his face, his forehead immediately lighting up as his ashy blond locks overlapped just above his ears. You mimicked him, using a hand to move your feathery bangs away from your face as to not have them intertwining with your vision.
Jean brought a digit to his mouth, biting at the bulky knuckle while wrapping his lips around it to suck at the sore spot, dramatically mourning the loss of one single hair. It made you laugh harder than it should have and you told him off, quickly grabbing his hand by the wrist to pull it further away from his mouth.
"Ew you idiot are your hands even washed!? Don't put them in your mouth!"
Jean's smile faded gradually as he nodded its only reminder remaining in his eyes as they softened with each passing second they looked at you. You bobbed your head to the side, taking in the way he was looking at you and you felt your gut grunting in the anxiety you had managed to drown at one time.
You definitely knew that look.
"So how are you after... The whole Reiner thing?"
When Jean let the sentence out, he instantly regretted it. Biting back the inside of his lip, his teeth dug into his soft, fleshy gum, the tiny specks of spiky under lip hair he had poking through his chin. You could see the regret plastered on his face, yet you ignored it with a sigh, pushing your stern further back into the chair again.
Of course Jean would ask about that. Reiner and you had broken up a little less that a month ago and it was stressful enough to send your anxiety over the roof. Coming home to find him drapped in the sheets with someone else was still burning through your brain like a hot iron, marking the fleshy crevices by piercing your skull.
Jean and you hadn't had a chance to talk about your break up yet; in the midst of it being a spontaneous reaction to Reiner's anathema and your upcoming mid-terms, you had chosen to indulge yourself fully with the everlasting pleasure of delving into studying.
And now, as you tried to utter your awaited words your stomach clenched at the foreshaken memory that you had tried to bury in the depths of your soul, your hands sweating just a tiny bit as you gulped down on some saliva to dumpen your dry throat. Jean's hazel orbs were set on you with curiosity and reluctance, his skin tingling inside his crewneck sweater.
"I mean, Eren told us about it and then we fought on who would punch Reiner first you know."
You oggled at him as he spoke awkwardly, your lashes batting rapidly as a wave of confusion washed through you.
"You don't have to hit Reiner you know, we all make our choices and he made his."
"Ah," Jean sighed heavily "I suppose so. I'm here for you though, you can talk to me."
"You're actually doing an assignment at the moment" you said and pointed your finger onto his sharp nose, giving him a playful push to the side. "No need to talk about my sorry love life."
"Your love life isn't pitiful, don't talk about it like that!"
"It's not pitiful, just sad." You sighed, reaching out to your pencil case. "Just sad."
Your fingers run through the case even though your eyes weren't fixated on the action, your sense of touch working its way to let you know which object you were seeking. The tips of your fingers caught on the thick Posca marker quickly and you locked it in a grasp between your pointer and middle finger, bringing it up through the zip up opening.
"Give me your hand." You ordered at Jean as you clapped your fingers to your palm in a 'come here' motion.
"It could always get better you know." Jean spoke and threw his hand to you.
Slowly the cap was off the market with a snap and you slid it up towards it's butt to pop it on there as to not lose it in any case it feel off of the desk and onto the mosaic floor.
Jean's nose lit up in a faint scarlet and his ears followed right next, lighting up in a deeper shade of the color on his nose which made his hand snap away from you in a matter of seconds. With puckered lips he stared at the corner of the room that was in the opposite direction of yours, his gut drenching him in short tempered anxiety.
"You done painting my nails with the posca pen?" Jean remarked, lips still puckered as he turned to face you. "When's your exam?"
"Three o'clock."
"Wanna ditch?"
Your eyes goggled in his for a second. The luminous morning light that peaked through the library binds fell onto him dearly, caressing a few of his features in a lemony colored mellow way, your gaze traveled into anywhere on his face as you tried to examine his expression while your gut was beginning to churn at the sly thought of agreeing with his query.
Weighting your options wasn't a seriously hard thing to do; if you took the test you were most likely going to fail, but if you didn't take it you'd have to live with the guilt of not even putting the minimal effort in it for a few weeks. But, you had tried so hard to pass all of your other classes so why shouldn't you slack off for one that was bound to end in a fiasco?
You found yourself nodding to Jean before you could actually give more thought to it. His face immediately lit up, ashy blond locks flying over his eyes as he shook his head in excitement. With one move his sketchbook was closed again, left to mourn over the non existent scribbles Jean could have made during all this time he was sitting next to you.
The hard cover protected sketching pages were thrown into to his tote bag once again, the sound of the sketchbook colliding and clashing with a few more objects he had in the bag filling the silent air of the library.
"Put your books in here!" He offered, opening the sides of the tote bag right on front of your face, signaling you to do as he suggested.
By taking a long sigh you took a turn in throwing your books and pencil case in the bag, one object following another on the pursuit of finding their own place in Jean's crammed bag. A shy smile adorned your features as you looked at him, the mischievous little devil on your shoulder smiling proudly at your actions as if you were a high schooler skipping school.
Black Cat was a notorious cafe among art university students for numerous reasons. For example, it featured a decent amount of of beautiful contemporary art that was meticulously merged with the soft, cobblestone-cottagecore-home-during-the-winter aesthetic and all of their tables, stools and booths were artist-friendly to the max. Additionally it played Nirvana and Metallica for most of the day and on top of that they actually had a chunky and extremely cuddly black cat roaming around the store that you often found on your lap during your time there.
Oh, and the batwoman made amazing custom cocktails.
Really was there anything else anyone needed in a store?
The soft tangerine light flickered open as the sun outside started to hide it's shy low lights under the peak of a mountain you couldn't recall the name of, the soft smell of apple pie filling your nostrils as you sipped lightly from your earl gray tea occasionally, stealing a few glances of Jean's focused expression. A knowingly half smile went up to your face as you looked at the scenery outside before fixing your eyes back onto the bright screen of your phone.
Jean cooed in his leathery chair for the upteenth time today, his gaze fixated on the sketchbook on his hands. You had spend last hour in absolute silence; you had decided to roam around in your phone for references for an assigned collage you had to do in Photoshop as Jean had settled on drawing the horizon from outside the window to practice on his perspective while finishing up the sketches he had to submit.
Your day had passed by pretty fast; you had visited an urban side of the town that was flooded with art supply stores and you had delved into every single one roaming around to find any kind of supplies you were short on, or just generally needed. As Jean correctly had said, you are always short on art supplies.
Thus, you had ended up with a bag filled with complementary acrylic colors in tubes of 20ml mostly because they costed a dollar each, and also because as art students you got to receive twenty percent off of all your supply bills. Jean had only bought a new set of watercolors and a few Edding inks and 0.7 tipped poscas, as he was sure he would ruin your expensive Sakura Liners in his attempts to finish his project.
Then you had decided to cram your place for some much needed lunch before heading off to Black Cat to have some tea and coffee while Jean would finish off his last few of the sketches he had been drawing throughout the day.
"So" Jean awkwardly spoke as in to break the deep silence, his thumb pressing over the edge of the page his drawing was placed as he closed the sketchbook carefully "I wanted to ask, because ahem, I'm your friend and I'm worried about you... Do you want to vent about Reiner?"
"Ah, no" you shook your head and fixed your gaze onto the auburn colored liquor in your cup as you reluctantly lift it up to bring it to your lips before speaking "I mean, I got so sad you know. And I haven't gotten over it, of course, I mean I liked Reiner. A lot."
"I came see it in your eyes. But I'm here for-"
"And he's a bitch you know? He could have told me if he was bothered by anything I did or if it wasn't going well for him. I'd gladly work anything out or even break up peacefully."
"You know," Jean sighed, he too bringing his cup of coffee to his lips to take a sip before gulping it down. "My opinion is obviously biased here, but I support you. I've took a psychology class and we were actually delving into as to why some people cheat, there are many reasons as to why it could have happened."
Your heart slightly aches as you looked at him, a few veins in your hand twitching slightly as he continued rambling about all things he had grasped from his class. Your stomach growled angrily in anxiety, warning you to put an halt to your friend's words but you couldn't bring yourself to do so.
Not knowing the reason as to why Reiner had chosen to see someone else behind your back had hurt you beyond repair. Deep inside you still felt the need to get some closure, although with your stress on your exams you had been sure you would most likely give in to anything Reiner would say and this wasn't who you were.
You could go on without having any closure, it shouldn't have mattered so much to you in any way.
And to some extent it didn't.
"I'm hurt, but I'm the other hand I don't really care about anything you know?"
"Mhm, yeah, look at you getting over it so quickly!" Jean said semi enthusiastically. "You need to be able to share your pain in order for it to become small and eventually non-existent."
"You know, for someone who takes such sophisticated classes you talk like you haven't slept in ages!"
"Give me a break, as if you don't."
The two of you burst into bubbling laughter, your chests heaving and falling as the sounds of joy left you one by one. Jean's hand had come to rest on top of yours softly, giving you a couple of squeezes as his eyes squinted in synch with yours.
And then, in a moment that seemed like it was forced out of a coffee shop au fanfiction, Jean's hand rubbed a few soothing circles over yours. Slowly his laughter was begging to set into a silent harmony, the woody brown specs of his eyes providing the slightest tint of warmth into his gaze.
"This is why I love you so much."
The choice of words was supposed to be naive whether it was intentional or not, or that's what you tried to tell yourself because you thought you knew Jean better than anyone. The look in his eyes, the soft upwards curves of his eyebrows, the way his top lip overlapped go bottom one as his eyes glimmered into yours; this wasn't a very casual look for Jean, it was the look he had on when he was looking at something that mesmerised him. And you knew he meant exactly what he had said.
But did you like Jean?
Well, was there anyone who could spend so much time with Jean and not fall for him, even without realising it?
At one time it had become obvious that he liked you, although he'd never act upon it. You knew it in his movements, in the little ways he looked at you or cared for you like no one else actually did while hiding behind the mask of being a friend. Eren had been one to tease him for it restlessly and you had been able to catch upon that too but you had never let it be known that you had been able to see through his facade.
"Forget it I shouldn't even have had-"
With curious eyes you stared back, your gaze never truly leaving him. When he suddenly shook his hand off of yours you found your other hand pressing on top of his, trapping the limb in place as you tried to open your mouth to utter any word. It was still hard to find the right choice of words, ones that wouldn't hurt to be heard.
"Jean... I-"
"No, forget it, it just slipped, shit."
"Look Jean shut up for a second please I want to speak okay?" You huffed half playfully, despairate to stop Jean's mumbling "I know."
"You know?" Jean cursed under his breath.
"Yeah, I do, it's obvious. And I've had this huge crush on you ever since fifth grade you know? I never really got over you because I spent all of my teen years thinking we'd end up together."
You watched as Jean's face lit up at your words, a new glimmer adorning his eyes just as the sky turned a sheer violet as the sun retreated deeper into a non visible horizon.
"And then we kissed in eighth grade and we fought about it and we stopped hanging out because I asked for space since I just could believe what was happening. But we're friends again and it's the best thing to happen to me in years."
You continued, your hand never leaving his while soothing circles were rubbed onto his palm.
"But I'm not going to ask you for space this time."
"You're not?"
"No. Just a little patience. I'm still getting over Reiner and I don't want to be unfair to you and rip you off of something that you might ask from me."
Jean snapped his hand away from yours and you retreated your hands back to yourself shyly, a bitter mouth leaking into your mouth as you tried to swallow it down fast to no avail. Somehow your heart felt a strong stinging, the pulling of your heartstrings at steak while your heart was sprawled before you.
Was that your last chance with Jean? You had told yourself that time and space between you would be right one day, but that day seemed to stray further away now, slipping right off your hands because you couldn't forget Reiner fast enough.
"I'm not fourteen anymore, so don't be afraid about me straying away. I just wanted to show you something."
Jean's worked through the pages of his sketchbook, taking a few seconds before they landed where they wanted to. Flipping the sketchbook to match your point of view, he revealed the sketches he had been scribbling all day. They depicted you in majority. The look on your face as you picked a tube of paint, your hands as they grabbed through numerous brushes and sketchbooks. Even the way you stared at your phone as you sat across him was perfectly sketched on the paper and hatched in indian ink, adorned by Jean's raw drawing style.
"Jean, that's me!"
"Mister Moblit told us to draw things that were personally important to us. So, I hope you don't mind."
Damn, you felt like tearing up.
In the midst of trying to get your stupid heart to calm down from the impossible rhythm in which it was beating at and stating at Jean's sketches so hard that your eyes felt like they'd pop out and any given moment your would felt like setting fire to your whole being while your tears were restlessly trying to put it out. It was even outdated to feel like that about Jean, your younger self told you but there was no way you could help it.
With rivers of tears running from the corners of your eyes you looked up at the hazel orbs that were set on you, feeling your heart want up by their luminous gaze.
"Jean I-"
"Shush, you don't have to say anything. Just let me know if I can hug you."
"I'd love that." You said shyly under your breath.
Next thing you knew Jean had gotten up from his seat and had plopped himself right next to you, pushing your head deep in his chest. The song in the background faded gradually as you felt serenity wash through you, despite your heart hammering in your chest beyond a point you could actually feel it.
And for now all that mattered was that you could listen to Jean's heart beat nearly as fast as yours while his words played inside your head.
Maybe, just maybe time and space between the two of you was right this time.
taglist: @sasageyowrites @levisbrat25 @ackermans-freedom-inc @melancholicmonologue @berrijam @callmepromise @nobody-knows-anymore 
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: After a Quidditch match, both George and Y/n sneaked out to grab a drink at the Three Broomsticks with their respective teammates. The tension between the two groups might end up causing more trouble than imagined.
Pairing: George Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: kinda angsty kinda fluffy
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @skarlettmikaelson
Warnings: blood, injuries, violence, concussion, language (?)
A/N: idk what to say apart from the idea of George losing his shit big time won't leave me alone and idek why (blaming it on that scene in the Order of the Phoenix in which George and Harry beat Malfoy the fuck up) so enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Well," McGonagall's severe eyes scrutinized all six of us from the other side of her desk. "who is going to give us" she briefly motioned at Snape, who stood by her side with an unimpressed yet disappointed look on his face. "a proper explanation of why Madam Rosmerta so kindly let us know that not only seven of our seventh year students were on Hogsmeade without permission,"
"But also making a scene and coming to blows." Snape finished, quirking a brow. "Do you know how lucky you are that Madam Rosmerta picked on the fact that you were students?" The potions teacher's eyes fixed on the three Gryffindors before inquiring, "Who started it?"
"Merlin's— There is a student in the hospital wing!" McGonagall exclaimed outraged. "You all ought to come clean about this one."
More silence.
"Mister Weasley, you seem to be unusually quiet." The Head of Slytherin pointed out.
"Well, you see, professor," George's head, which had until that moment been resting on his arms over the school desk, was tilted up slightly. "I've got a bit of a headache going on." He motioned at the back of his head, in which a patch of dried blood had glued his hair.
"Weasley, I must insist on you to go see Madam Pomfrey." McGonagall's tone, although remaining severe, softened a bit.
"Nah, 's not that bad." George gave Warrington a side look and forced himself to sit upright.
"I'm going to ask again." Snape spoke. "Who started it?" He weighed the possibilities before inquiring, "Mister Weasley?"
"Why me?!" George flinched at his own shouting.
"Do you want me to believe the state Mister Montague was left in was Miss Spinnet's doing? Miss Bell's, perhaps?" The Gryffindor girls grumbled under their breaths, catching the professor's attention. "What was that?"
"I said why us?" Katie questioned with a tinge of indignation. "Is it because we're Gryffindors?"
"Obviously." Snape spat, earning a roll from Mcgonagall, though she didn't oppose her colleague.
Alicia only laughed humorlessly and folded her arms over her chest.
"We can stay here all night, if you'd like it that way." McGonagall stated after around five minutes of just silence.
"Ugh, fine." George let his head fall in the comfort of his forearms again and groaned, "it was me— I started it. Can we go now?"
"What the hell?!"
"Miss Spinnet!" McGonagall scolded her, stomping her desk.
"Can we go now or not?" George's eyes met my shocked gaze briefly.
"Everyone but you, Mister Weasley." McGonagall stated.
"Wait, no." I tapped my foot nervously against the tiles and took at deep breath. "It wasn't him, it was me."
"Miss Y/l/n!" I refused to meet McGonagall's and Snape's face, so I left my eyes casted down, but I still heard the professors' quiet whispers. "What on Godric's name happened?"
Two Hours Earlier
After a Quidditch victory in Slytherin's favor, some of us had resolved to sneak out of the castle and go celebrate with a drink in Hogsmeade.
Turns out some Gryffindors had had the same idea, though the drink they were having was definitely not a celebration.
"Look who's here," Montague nodded in the Gryffindors direction, purposefully walking in their direction. "You're missing half of the team!" He chuckled, not stopping more than a couple of seconds. "Are they crying on their dorms?"
"Get lost, Montague." Katie Bell spat, earning faces from both Graham and Cassius. Alicia Spinnet flipped us off, and George limited himself to give me a small wave, which I returned with a little smile.
"How's the place this crowed?" Kevin questioned with a frown as we tried and failed to find an empty booth.
"No idea." I replied, taking a look around. "I'll go grab the drinks, you look for a place, yeah?" Cassius nodded and I made my way to the counter; I could feel Bell's and Spinnet's dirty looks on me while I ordered the butter beers.
"Celebrating, are we?" My head turned to meet George's form, leaning on the counter besides me.
"Yup." I shortly answered with a proud grin.
"You're missing your seeker." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "I wonder where he's at."
"You know where he's at." I quirked my brow when he played dumb, a smug smile dancing on his lips. "I'm very aware it was you who sent him to the hospital wing."
"It was actually a bludger." He pointed out, giving Madam Rosmerta the coins for a butter beer.
"Oi, what are you doing?" I attempted to shove his hand away, but there was no use.
"Smoothly buying you a drink?" He winked and I felt blood going up to my cheeks. "Just her drink, though." He added, looking at Rosmerta.
"No you're not— he's not." The owner of the Three Broomsticks gave us a look but ended up accepting my money instead.
"Aw c'mon, Y/n" George pouted while Rosmerta passed me the drinks. "I've just lost an important match, let me have a win?"
"You can buy me the next drink," I resolved, chuckling at the way his expression lighted up. "but only if you don't cause trouble."
"Pfft I'm too depressed to cause trouble." I could tell he wasn't joking, though he still made it sound humorous. "Need help with that?" He motioned at the four drinks I was attempting to grab.
"No she doesn't."
George visibly grimaced at the sight of Cassius but, instead of snapping at him, he only leaned on me and pecked my cheek after saying, "No trouble, see?"
"Piss off, Weasley."
"No need to be that rude." I spat, taking two glasses in my hand.
"No need to consort with the enemy." He responded, picking up the remaining jars.
We approached the spot our Quidditch team had taken and had a surprisingly uneventful good time, until Montague started to run his mouth.
"Look at them, they're so pathetic." He obnoxiously laughed.
"Look at whom?" I questioned, a bit lost in my thoughts to know what he was even talking about.
"Don't play dumb." He hissed. "As if you haven't been staring at that Weasel since we entered."
"Ugh, honestly Graham." I lazily played with my jar. "Can't we just enjoy the drink without focusing on the only three Gryffindors in the room?"
"You're one to talk." Cassius mumbled.
"Graham's right, you've been staring at him." I pinched the bridge of my nose. They've done this little number so many times that I was no longer embarrassed. "What was that kiss about?"
"What kiss?" Graham inquired.
"He kissed her."
"Oh my gosh—" I threw my head down to my forearms in desperation.
"Ew!" Kevin gagged dramatically. "Did you let a blood traitor kiss you with that filthy mouth?"
"You did not just say that." My tone held a serious warning as I looked up at our keeper.
"Great, he's staring." Cassius grumbled.
"Frankly, he could use a lesson." My eyes widened at Graham's words; at first I thought he was joking, but then he grabbed his wand with a wicked smirk.
"Don't make a bloody number." I whispered. "We'll get in trouble."
"Y/l/n, I'm starting to think you're not on our side."
"Montague, if you earn us detention—" my words were cut off by another statement of his.
"No one's gonna know if we're sneaky enough." I looked at Bletchley and Warrington for some back up but they both seemed to be on board with Montague's plan. "What about a little... cruci—" before he could finish the word, I kicked his chair, making him fall to the floor.
"What's wrong with you?!" I shouted, kicking his wand away after standing up myself.
"Y/n, calm down." Cassius said.
"He was gonna use the Cruciatus, so maybe no?!"
"Careful, Y/n." By then, Montague had already gotten up; Bletchley had to tug him back for him not to go against me. "If you get along with scum, you're scum."
I didn't fully realise that I had slapped him until I heard a few people gasping; all from sudden, I was very aware that I had attracted unwanted attention.
There was a moment of tense silence between Montague and me, quickly followed by him grabbing my hair and hitting my face against the table, too fast for me to do anything about it.
"OI!" Cassius pulled me away from Montague, my hands covering my most likely broken nose, debating on whether to hold it to stop the nosebleed or not touching it to avoid more pain.
"They're talking shit." Katie whispered, squinting her eyes at the Slytherins.
"Of course they're talking shit." I responded.
"I'd love to go there and shove those—" Alicia grumbled, tightening the grip on her glass.
"Don't." They both looked at me expectant and I only shrugged. "Y/n asked me not to cause trouble."
Alicia snorted when my eyes travelled to Y/n and Katie mocked me with a silly grin. "Awww, Alicia, he's in love."
"George Weasley is in love" Alicia faked a gag. "With a Slytherin."
"Oh my— you're two shut up." I felt blush creeping up my neck, though I couldn't help the smile twitching up the corners of my lips.
"I mean," Katie shrugged, sharing a look with our friend. "Could be worse."
"Could be Warrington." Before I could respond to Alicia, a loud noise was heard behind me. "Ooooh your princess just kicked Montague." Our chaser commented; we all turned around to look at the Slytherins. "This is gonna be fun."
"Why do I feel like they're talking about us?" I said with a laugh.
"Did... Did she just say 'cruciatus'?" Katie questioned, a tinge of worry in her voice.
"Damn! Okay, time to go." Alicia whispered, getting up right after Y/n had slapped Montague. Katie and I were already following her to the exit when a thud made us stop in our tracks.
"He did not—" Katie started.
"He did." Alicia replied; she was quick to double check on me, but I was quicker to stalk towards Montague. "George no!"
I came to the conclusion that we were already in trouble, so I might as well go for it and get Montague back.
Cassius saw that coming and held me back by my forearms, but Graham was being pushed against the table behind him in the blink of an eye.
It took us all aback the way George had stormed in scene; we stood there frozen for a hot second, until Bletchley realised Montague was trying to shake George off in vain while the Gryffindor threw blows at him whilst tackling him to the table.
"George! Stop!" Alicia yelled, coming to stand by my side, unsure of what to do.
"Get off him!" The keeper was the first one to try and remove George from Graham, whose face was starting to look as bloodied as mine. He did succeed for a split second, giving the Slytherin chaser enough room to get back at George.
I shook Cassius off the moment Montague jumped on George to aid the ginger, but before I could do anything, he was punching Graham again, though now he sported a swollen lip himself, along with a cut on his cheek, probably caused by Graham's rings.
This time, when Bletchley tried to shove him off Montague, he ended up with George's elbow digging into his stomach.
"He's gonna kill him!" Bell exclaimed, genuinely worried about the outcome.
"George!" I called his name, hoping it would have an effect, but the beater was too lost on the fight. "Wait— No!!" I tried to grab Cassius' hand when I saw him reaching for one of the heavy jars, but he was quicker to crash it on George's crown.
He hissed, losing balance instantly; his hands went to the back of his head, releasing Montague from his hold. My teammate took the opportunity to kick him off, but before he could try to punch George again, I reached to them, pulling the ginger away and not so accidentally stomping on my Montague in the process.
Just when everything seemed to have calmed down, I noticed Spinnet had thrown herself to Cassius.
Bell was struggling to tug her friend away, Cassius was being pulled back by a mildly hurt Bletchley, Montague was curled up in a ball on the floor and George and I stayed knelt not far from him while I checked his head.
It was only when Madam Rosmerta appeared with a towering, strong employee who managed to separate Spinnet and Warrington that it came to an end.
"Graham tried to use the Cruciatus curse on George, professor." I explained without meeting McGonagall's eyes. "And I stopped him."
"He— he what?!" The Head of Gryffindor yelled horrified.
"Miss Y/l/n, did you send Mister Montague to the hospital wing?" Snape questioned wearily.
"That was me." George replied before I could make anything up. "And Warrington broke a glass on my head."
"Spinnet tried to kill me!" Warrington shouted.
"If I had wanted to kill you, you'd be dead!" Alicia yelled back.
"Don't lie to yourself darling!" Bletchley hissed.
"Don't 'darling' her dickhead, I'll jump on you right here!" Bell spat, leaning over her table.
"Shut up, Bell!"
"ENOUGH!" McGonagall shouted. "Fifty points will be substracted from each of you. Your families will be informed of this, and needless to say you won't make any more trips to Hogsmeade."
"Minerva, I think Weasley has earned himself detention for the rest of the year." Snape commented.
"And so did Mister Montague and Miss Y/l/n." She responded. "Now off to sleep, all of you— except from Weasley and Y/l/n, you two go see Madam Pomfrey— no but's, Weasley."
"Yes professor." George sighed, getting up and following me out of the class and into the corridor. "You okay?" His voice was so soft as he fell into step with me that I had to refrain myself from kissing him.
"Nose's probably broken." I shrugged, stealing a look at his crown. "How's your head?"
"Hurts a bit." He was obviously playing it off, but I didn't say a thing about it. "I'm sorry for that little number."
"Nonsense! As if it was your fault Montague's a douche." I reassured him.
"So... you're not mad at me?"
"I'm only mad at the fact that I didn't get to punch him." I replied with a chuckle triggering a smile on his. "Plus," I chewed on my lower lip, hesitating for a moment before adding, "it was kinda hot."
George let out a shocked snort, his whole face redder than mine while words stumbled incoherently out of his mouth, preventing him from forming a coherent sentence.
"Don't do it again, though."
"Uh- yeah— NO- I mean, no- I-I won't— I don't do this often—" I giggled at his stammering and brushed his pinky with my own. He cleared his throat and took the hint, intertwining his fingers with mines. "You know, technically it was you who caused trouble so..."
"Can I still buy you a drink?" He sheepishly requested, his thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand while we reached the hospital wing.
"We're banned from Hogsmeade, though." I reminded him.
"Well, I might know a way of getting there without being noticed."
"I'm in then." I stated. "Only if you promise we'll stay out of trouble."
"Can't promise that." He squeezed my hand and let it go when Madam Pomfrey spotted us. "But I'll do my best."
"I'm sure you will." I tugged on his sleeve and placed a kiss on his cheek before following the healer's directions.
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gyucore · 3 years
to reach a happy ending
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pairing: beomgyu x reader
tags: fluff, childhood friends to lovers
word count: 1.6k
warnings: beomgyu swears like once
017: "A fairytale with a happy ending always brings a smile to my face."
023: "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
— requested by ⛅ anon! sorry this took so long to make. i hope you like it!! ♡
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"Ew, look at this." You hand the dusty old photo album to Beomgyu who's sprawled across the floor by your side.
"Wait—" He stops you, rolling away before letting out a sneeze so loud that it managed to echo off the dusty untouched walls of his old room. The poor guy couldn't help it, his room hadn't been cleaned since he moved out in the middle of high school, and his mom preferred to keep things as they were— dust and all. You wonder if it was simply an excuse to clean one less room.
Beomgyu did say he had dropped in yesterday without notice. You'd think he'd want to spend some quality time with his parents first, but he'd decided to invite you over after spending a single night under this roof. Having heard nothing but radio silence from your best friend in years, you were thrilled to get to see him again. And what better way to shed off the ever present awkwardness in the beginning than to go through old photo albums?
"Okay, show me." Beomgyu rolls back to your side, scooting in closer to rest his head on your lap.
You turn the photo album, pointing at one photo in particular of you and Beomgyu dressed as a knight and damsel in distress— Beomgyu playing the role of the latter. Contrary to the roles, you were pummeling Beomgyu to the ground as if having caught a thief, and Beomgyu was shoving his handkerchief to your face, blocking your eyesight. The context behind the photograph alludes you, but this might just be a case of seven-year-olds doing whatever they want whenever.
"The fuck you mean ew? I look great in that dress!" Frowning, Beomgyu grabs the album to stare longer at his past self's glory.
"Lying to yourself isn't good for you, Gyu." You jokingly disapprove. It was fun seeing his reactions right after.
"Oh, look at these."
Beomgyu points at a photo of you and him on stage, wearing the same costumes as before. You figured it was for a play back in first grade when you two had been classmates. The next series of photos included one of you holding out a sword towards a kid in a cheap dragon costume, one of Beomgyu holding back his tears after tripping over and ripping his dress, and ones of you rushing to Beomgyu and kissing away his tears.
"This takes me back." Beomgyu lights up with a smile, failing to notice the surprise on your face. "Remember when your mom made us believe that kissing any injuries we had would make it go away? I knew you wanted to help me back then but I couldn't stop crying and tell you were it hurt, so you started kissing all over my face hoping it'd go away."
You find yourself laughing at your past self's foolishness. "But did it work?" You ask in between laughs.
"Well," Beomgyu chuckles, getting up from his position on your lap. "I don't think it would've worked if another person had done it. But since it was you— Wait." He takes one last look at the album, letting slip a wheeze before placing it back in its box. "Mom wrote something right below the photo."
"What did she write?" You ask, holding out your hands for Beomgyu to grab.
"A fairy tale with a happy ending always brings a smile to my face." Beomgyu tells you as he helps you up, trying his best to keep a straight face after delivering that line.
The two of you burst into laughter at his mother's words. You knew she'd been fond of fairy tales all her life but the caption was taking you out. Beomgyu was literally crying in the photo yet somehow this, to her, was a happy ending.
You eventually take notice of all the photos plastered around his room, some framed, and some simply stuck to the walls— memories of happier times. Most were of you and him, and in some, just you. He'd shown off the Polaroid camera his mother bought for him in seventh grade, proclaiming he'd only take photos of moments he'd want to keep in his memory forever. It never actually crossed your mind that a lot of them would be of you.
Beomgyu notices your wandering eyes and chuckles, placing an arm around your shoulder. The distance between you shrinks as he holds you closer. And at that moment, you take note of everything that's changed.
He'd gotten taller since the last time you saw him. Gone was the lanky boy you knew, evident in the way his muscles flexed with every small movement you wish you hadn't noticed. Beomgyu had grown his hair out; the thick, wavy locks tucked behind his ears, covering the back of his neck. The deepness of his voice had been a surprise when he greeted you at the door earlier, but you held back from pointing it out.
You feared that if you acknowledged all the changes, you'd be forced to face reality. That things weren't the same anymore, no matter how hard you tried. After all, Beomgyu wasn't the only one who changed. You had quite the few character development arcs yourself, and experiences which Beomgyu remained oblivious of. And somehow despite that, in his presence, you started to feel like your old self again.
Beomgyu's invitation had come as a surprise last night. You thought he'd forgotten about you, what with all the silence these past few years.
Life continued on as it should even without Beomgyu by your side, but you could argue that all the amazing experiences you've had on your own would've been better if he were there to experience it with you. And now here you were in his old room, pretending everything was the same as he'd left it.
You look up at your old friend, wanting to tell him what had been plaguing your thoughts the entire day but find yourself tongue tied when his dark eyes stare back into your own. And you wonder, how many times had it been that you'd stared into each other's eyes just like this? How many times had he pulled you close into his arms all those years? And just how many nights had you spent wondering if your feelings for him had grown into something more?
"I missed you." Beomgyu speaks first, his gaze never faltering.
Hearing his voice, you swear you could've melted right then and there. Part of you had wished he'd tell you those exact words, confirming that it hadn't been just you who'd been wanting to see him all these years.
"I missed you too."
Beomgyu could only smile at your response.
His arm leaves your shoulder— hands slowly finding their way to your own. His hold was gentle as he slowly guided you to face him.
"Don't laugh, but," Beomgyu starts. "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
"Love at fir—"
The question throws you off.
"I heard you the first time!" You cut him off, wanting so bad to cover your face from the secondhand embarrassment. "I can't believe you just said that. What even happened to you in college?"
"Hey! At least hear me out before you make fun of me." Beomgyu bursts out laughing at your reaction, his thumbs caressing the back of your hands to help you calm down. "Judging from your reaction, I'm guessing your answer is a no. And I honestly felt the same too until a few hours back."
"Okay, you lost me there."
"Shut up. What I'm saying is," Beomgyu squeezes your hands, leaning in closer. "I'm sorry I haven't been in touch the last few years. I had a lot of trouble adjusting, and it took a while for me to really get the hang of living alone. I wanted to talk to you as soon as I got there but then I thought that maybe it would've been better for you if I left you to live your own life for a while too."
"Beomgyu.." You squeeze his hands back, sensing the sincerity in his eyes.
Beomgyu shakes his head. "I know this sounds silly and all, but I didn't want you to feel the emptiness I felt when I left. I wanted you to go and make experiences of your own without me."
You frown, refraining to speak until he's done.
"But then I couldn't stop thinking about you. Everywhere I went, I'd think of you and how the place would've been better if we got to hang out there together. Every time I had fun or ate something that tasted good, I wanted you to share the experience with me."
Beomgyu sighs. "Honestly, I thought I could make it through my visit home without seeing you but I passed by your house on my way home yesterday and I just.. I couldn't hold back. And when I saw you for the first time in years at the front of my doorstep.. I knew I had to tell you."
Half of you knew what to expect, and the other half doubted the reality of the situation. But all the doubts instantly melt away as soon as Beomgyu closed the distance between you, pressing your foreheads together.
Face flushed, you stare at him in awe and notice he had his eyes closed shut. "Cute." You thought.
He whispers in a voice so quiet you could barely hear.
"I like you."
You couldn't hold it in any longer, the rush of emotions crashing into you like raging waves against a cliff. The next moment, you find yourself inching closer and closer, face heating up even more as you press your lips against his as a reply.
Beomgyu's eyes widen, body freezing in place. He hadn't exactly expected you to respond so soon, especially not like this. And he couldn't be happier.
You feel Beomgyu returning the kiss, his hands going up to cup your face— his hold gentle. The two of you wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment for as long as life permits, because for once, you could finally see the path to your happily ever after slowly unraveling.
This was just the beginning.
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cherrycheolliesc · 4 years
Let Me Hear You Say
part 46: Joshua’s Weeb Closet. (46/50)
red below 👇 (1.5k words)
“You know I can break out of this, right?” you say to Mingyu who is currently holding you down. He just scoffs knowing you can't move anywhere, but entertains you, “I know, it just makes me feel strong”
“You already strong, Gyu. Anyways where is everyone?” Seokmin asks. You look around the room only seeing half of your friends in Seungcheol’s small living room. Seungkwan and Wonwoo are sitting on the couch quietly talking. You wonder how they became friends because you've never seen them talk to each other. You assume Jeonghan and Joshua are probably somewhere making out so they don't have to deal with actually setting up the party. Seungcheol and Jihoon seem to be lecturing Chan about who knows what. Things are finally quieting down when everyone decides to watch the movie that's playing until someone bursts through the doors, “I'm here motherfuckers. The party is finally getting started”
“She drunk, isn't she,” Cheol asks as he points towards the small blonde girl in Mina’s arms. Seoyeon nods as she brings Chaeyoung to one of the rooms in the apartment. When she comes back, everyone turns towards the commotion at the front door. “You can't make me go inside. I'll bite you, you know I will” 
“Soonyoung, if you just go inside, it'll make everything so much easier,” Jun says as he continues to try and push the smaller boy in. Everyone just watches him, Minghao, and Vernon struggle to bring Soonyoung in until Cheol eventually just picks him up and holds him down, “You two are gonna talk like two grown adults or I’m firing Jihoon”
“Woah why am I getting involved in this?” Jihoon asks walking over to the rest of the group. Everyone looks confused before Chan talks, “How can you even fire him?” 
“Yea and with what job exactly,” Soonyoung says causing Cheol to roll his eyes, “Look if guys talk to each other, I'll tell you where I work” 
“One, no one cares. Two, stop lying to yourself, it's okay if you're unemployed. We won't stop loving you just because you don't have a job, Cheollie” you say which only annoys him more. Jihoon confused asks, “Why do you guys really believe he's unemployed? The dude is literally our boss.”
“ ‘Our’ boss?” Seungkwan says, “yes our boss. He's at the building all the time. How did you not know that?”
“To be honest I thought he was just going there to hook up with you, Ji,” Jeonghan says before getting a drink. “Ew, why would I hook up with Cheol? He's like my brother. That would just ruin your friendship.”
“And that is exactly why I’m not admitting my feelings for Y/n!” Soonyoung screams before trying to run away but failing as Cheol is still holding him down. You decide yelling back is the best option, “like I would ever admit my feelings for you.” 
“That’s it! Time out for you two until you can figure out your issues. Bring them to Shua’s weeb closet and don’t let them out until they're cool with each other.” Cheol says before lifting Soonyoung. Mingyu sees the message Cheol sends and brings you to Joshua’s room as well. “Hey hey, why are you taking them to my closet? What if they fuck in there?”
“Then they'll be happy again,” Vernon says with a smile on his face. Shua rolls his eyes before giving in. Eventually, you and Soonyoung are both shoved into the small closet. You try to stay as far as you can from him, putting a blowup titan in between the two of you. To ease the awkwardness after a few minutes of silence, Soonyoung asks, “You think Shua uses this thing as a sex doll?”
“If he does, I regret touching it,” you reply. The boy beside you laughs and says, “If I remember correctly, you and Joshua sleeping together for a whole two years after college, right?” 
“Yeah well, it was kinda weird. Let's just say, you aren't the only furry in our friend group.” This makes him laugh again before finding a place to sit down. You take a seat beside him as he leans his head on your shoulder, “I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“For what exactly, Soonie?” You ask back wanting a better explanation than just a small sorry. He rolls his eyes before saying, “You already know why. For being immature and not dealing with things like an adult.”
“To be honest, none of us deal with things like adults. We're just the worst. I guess I’m sorry too.” you say back to him. The two sit comfortably in silence just relaxing in each other’s company. Why did we make things so hard for no reason? you wonder. That thought quickly goes away when you remember that the two of you are friends and you never want to ruin that, but your thoughts are interrupted, “I love you, Y/n. But I mean even if it's pretty obvious, I know I'm not very good at showing it.” 
“But we're friends, Soon,” you say back before walking to the other side of the closet. You glance at his face for a second and see a bit of hurt in his eyes. Why am I still hiding how I feel? What’s the point of lying to myself and everyone else? You ask yourself before he breaks your thoughts once again, “Y/n, you say that, but then you're willing to fight with me for months because of the whole situation. Why are we just continuing to do this to each other?” 
“I don't know, Soon. I really don't know,” you reply, overwhelmed, burying your face into your hands. He walks behind you and gives one of his famous, familiar back hugs to comfort you. You relax into the hug as he softly kisses your shoulder, “it's okay, Y/n. You don't need to have an answer right now. It's not wrong to want to take everything at your own pace. I just don't want to feel like I have to constantly avoid you because like you said, you are my best friend.“
“Are you trying to say ‘the power of friendship is so strong’ that we can get through things like this?” you sarcastically say as you laugh and lean into his arms. He giggles and replies, “That's exactly what I’m saying.” The two of you once again sit in silence. You take in everything from the moment you first saw Soonyoung as a small boy eating dirt in the playground to this exact moment You wonder when everything changed, “When did you realize you loved me, Soon?” 
“There isn't an exact moment. I think just over time my love constantly grew for you. I didn't realize it at first and never really wanted to accept it because, well I'm pretty sure it's obvious why,” he responds. You feel the same way. You've always just told yourself it was because of that dance, but you know those feelings have always been there. More importantly, you know you've acted on those feelings before. “Why did you leave me after graduation? After I told you I love you?” 
“Because I was stupid and a coward. I got jealous of Joshua, but then I started to think I wasn't as good as him. I wouldn't be good enough like him. I thought I wouldn't be able to make you happy like he would, ” he says honestly. You don't understand how he could ever think he wasn't good enough. You loved everything about the kid, from his weird tiger obsession to his incredible dance skills. “Soonie, you know I never believed you weren't good enough. And to be honest, Shua wasn't the greatest boyfriend. He was an amazing friend, but there's something off about knowing your boyfriend is denying his feelings for someone else”
“I guess that's how Seoyeon felt. It was just seeing you in the arms of a model like him brought up my insecurities I guess. I thought it would be too hard to compete. So I ran away because I didn't want to deal with the feelings, ” he explains still holding you in his arms. You feel how much bigger his arms got over the years and decide to ask him another question, “When did you start working out? Not that I'm complaining, but the last time Cheol asked you to work out with him you called him a loser and told him there's no reason to work out when you have a cute face.”
“Yes, my face is adorable, but I figured I'd just work out because why not. Also, Ji paid for a year's gym membership in China by accident,” he answers while softly laughing. The two of you continue to talk about random things for the next few hours without anyone interrupting you. You hear soft snoring on the other side of the door. Soonyoung quietly opens the door to not wake the sleeping person on the other side. You walk out to see Seungcheol and Wonwoo fast asleep on each other and quickly take a photo before sneaking away. You and Soonyoung decide to leave through the window to avoid questions or stares from anyone else. For the rest of the night, the two of you wonder who knows where and finally you feel happy to be with your best friend for once.
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previous / masterlist / next
↣ summary: after not seeing each other for years, Yn is ecstatic when she finds out all of her friends will finally be in the same place at one time. but unfortunately an unwanted dream turns a 12 year friendship into hateful relationship between yn and soonyoung.
↣ pairing: reader x soonyoung.
↣ genre: angst, comedy, youtube au, sm au. friends to enemies to lovers.
just message me or dm me if you wanted to be added to a tag list.
tag list: @agustmonoworld @multinines--xx @noniesgirl @svtslvt @binniebutter @fluffyhyeju @happyvitamin @liarspoetry @itsdnguyenxoxo @monstathedisco @mimaisiomai @sensorivm @sunshineshouchan @hoerangdan @lovingyu04 @linhyyboo12 @youdawonu @ash-moon8 @twitterpated-by-you @hao-are-xu @onefinecarat @kwonthefics @datte-bae-yo @gabagaba05 @all-i-needislovee @smolchild95 @pooofthechicken @simplewonderland @starrysungie @yanniezx @woohannie @serenadesvt @minghaofilm @velve-tae @ahnneyong @sherizaraiyah Unable to tag @manamiyx
a/n- tbh i don’t really know how i feel abt this chapter. but also i don’t really see myself as a good writer when it comes to like written things like this but i really want to get better because i want to open requests soon when i get the time.
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bjornsonbrightman · 3 years
A (not-so-brief) list and analysis of the things that were changed in the set design of Phantom London, part 1
[*includes things that were changed in between the release of the infamous Planning Document™ and opening night!*]
WARNING: long, image-heavy post
The past week has undoubtedly been very confusing and anxiety-inducing for a lot of phans, I myself included, who were (and are) still horrified of what C*mM*ck has done to Phantom London.
So naturally, as someone who lives somewhere that couldn't be farther from the UK, I decided to compile a list of all the things that I've learned — through hours of shamelessly scrolling through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook tags — about the planning, creation and production of the new set design.
Hang on tight, it's a bumpy ride.
1. The proscenium
The most obvious thing that is now different from the OG. Let's take a look at the concept art shown in the original planning document:
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Ahh, I remember the release of this picture and the Tumblr/Twitter/FB explosion that ensued like it was yesterday. Good times.
The new set design by Matt Kinley is mainly derived from what he did for the UK tour, which introduced the cracked, sculpture-less proscenium and the separate proscenium frame/boxes that appear only during the opera scenes. Unlike the greatly simplified UK tour design, however, this design for London appears to have the original lyres and garlands at the top, as well as some structural elements of the OG proscenium (see the outward curved trimmings on the top sides). The surrounding areas of the auditorium are also shown to be restored to their original colours, the most interesting of which is a new false wall in the area behind the top part of the proscenium. These areas were previously blacked out with black paint and black masking.
Despite hewing closer to the OG than the UK tour did, this was still a sacrilegious bastardization far cry from Maria Björnson's design, and I guess the creatives were aware of it too, as they seemed to try to soften the blow by:
using actual pieces of the original proscenium that weren't a part of the OG plan such as this satyr-riding angel...
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including an "homage" to Maria (according to ALW) in the form of a new sculptural bust that fills up the Golden Angel's spot (picture from @mariussansmerci) ...
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The design of the false wall behind the lyres on top was also changed to... something that I guess gives off the impression of a false dome?? Not too sure about this one but I kinda like it ngl:
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Something that the planning document mentions is that the removal of the side sculptures and the installation of a "cracked" proscenium allows for sound equipment to be installed behind the sides of the proscenium, which frees up the two side boxes to be "used as originally intended". And that's exactly what happened. Surprise, C*mM*ck now has 4 extra seats that he can sell overpriced.
And here's the finished result (photos from here):
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With the safety curtain that was brought over from the UK tour and without the inner proscenium/boxes:
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To be honest? I kinda like the final result. Those (possibly face-saving) changes really saved the design from looking like a bad copy of the original proscenium; now it just looks like a mediocre copy. But don't worry, whenever I get too comfortable with this new design I just pull out pictures of Maria's OG proscenium and my fiery anger for the new one is reignited.
And that's all I have on the proscenium!
Next up we have something that I believe had the most confusing and troubled development out of all the new set pieces:
2. The Chandelier
Man, this poor thing has been through a lot.
When it was originally designed for the UK tour, the chandelier was intended to utilize much of the same technology that the r*staged tour chandelier used, namely the drapes that are "magically" sucked into the chandelier itself and the straight-dropping mechanism. Hence, the new chandelier was made to be circular and non-collapsible, featuring a decorative spike on the bottom. According to pictures of the model and the concept art shown in the planning document, I suspect the drapes were to be sucked in through the decorative lyres (see the circular openings):
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But this mechanism was precisely the reason for the downfall of this design. Come opening night of the UK tour, and this chandelier was nowhere to be seen. My suspicion of what went wrong? Either the drapes were snagging on the lyres (kind of like what happened to the short-lived garlands on R*staged Tour Chandelier), or the retractable frame that held up the drapes wasn't working properly.
But whatever the reason for the failure of this mashup chandelier, the designers must've realized and abandoned ship pretty late, because pictures from one of the prop makers showed that it was still being made with frames that were very much non-collapsible as late as February this year:
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Once they realized it wasn't going to work, I believe a series of last-minute actions were made. My theory: they brought back the OG chandelier in all its missing-bulbs glory less than a week away from opening...
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... and stripped it of its lyres, which were transplanted onto the new chandelier, as is evident from the final product (photo from @soulsoaringphan):
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This hypothesis is bolstered by the fact that the new lyres were originally going to have holes in them for drape-sucking (ew), and so once the decision was made to have the chandelier work more like the OG, the logical step would have been to just borrow the lyres from the old one instead of making new ones in less than a week or two from opening.
Also note the gaps in the beading that would've had the rigid golden frame trimmings seen in the model and the in-progress photos above; the designers must have removed them hastily to allow the chandelier to collapse, but unfortunately they just... left it empty. Oh, and the absence of the spike on the bottom, which is now just a huge gaping hole (again, ew). There's also an additional tier on top that wasn't present in the OG, model or any of the concept art.
I'm actually quite relieved that the new chandelier is pretty similar to the OG and the Palais Garnier one, but if I have to nitpick: I miss the horizontal decorative beading, the ones that were on the top tier and in between the lyres in the old chandelier. Maybe it's just me, but the chandelier looks... incomplete without them.
And that's all I have on the chandelier!
3. The Orchestra Pit — wait, I can't upload any more pictures??
Welp, guess I'll have to make a part 2 then. Thanks for reading this long, long rant post, I hope it was at the very least entertaining and slightly informative!
And lemme know if I forgot to credit anyone whose pictures I used!
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ohifonlyx33 · 3 years
if you like darklina, this post ain't it for you. you may want to move on. this post is unashamedly about why I don't like it. you can't convince me otherwise. i'm tagging it appropriately to avoid a fight. you were warned.
I don't see the darkling having any actual care about consent. and this isn't just a post about how later he ignores the idea of consent later when he mutilates her body and steals her powers to do do horrible things, although that action certainly supports what I'm about to say.
In that moment when he and Alina are kissing, he gives lip service to consent, but he doesn't actually care at all about it. He would stop if she said no, but only because he's playing for her trust in the long run. Not because he cares about her, but because he has an ulterior motive. He is more interested in making sure he can keep his sun summoner in his pocket than he is interested in instant gratification.
Oh sure, he will use her that way too, gladly... but that part could wait if need be... because he has bigger plans and he needs her on his side. He knows that she's vulnerable, scared and alone, because he reads her letters (but also because it's not hard to figure out), and he uses that to prey on her. So he tries to get all close to her and give her that intense stare (creepy to me!), gives her sad backstory to sympathize with him, and he calls her The Special One and lets her believe she has control. He feeds her ideas, but wants to make sure she sees it all as her idea. That's how manipulative people work.
It's the same way debt collectors will let you run up a debt with high interest. Loan sharks will lend you more money, knowing you can't pay it back. Mobsters will grant you a favor in return for something. After reading a bit about sociopaths and psychopaths, I'm inclined to believe it's pure psychopathy--the charming and level-headed mimicry of emotions to emotionally manipulate people without ever feeling anything, even remorse. But I'm open to the idea that he could be a sociopath.
He plays into Alina's hand, to give her a false sense of security, so that when her defenses are down, he can use her. And when she kisses him and consents to more, that's his sign that her defenses are down and he has enough sway over her to use her in this way. Which is why it's so terrifying when she says yes.
Now maybe he was attracted to her (ew) and maybe their powers draw them to each other in a metaphysical way (eh), but I don't think that should be confused as love. Perhaps he saw glimpses of her as an individual underneath her power. But her power was the thing that he was obsessively drawn to, not her soul. So no, I don't see him having any real feelings for her besides "well, she's the only one who will live long enough to not die before me, so i guess that means eventually we'll have to get together and I don't have to be lonely!" which again is why he's willing to wait and manipulate her in the long game. But using someone to fill a void is not the same as love.
likewise, I don't see Alina having any meaningful feelings for him, other than the physical attraction of a handsome man paying you compliments, the possible pull of powers, a bit of the sympathy, and her own emotional vulnerability. Between the absence of Mal and and ongoing identity crisis that forced her to form a new identity, she had a pretty big void she wanted to fill.
(Because Mal was some she'd known since childhood to be sweet and kind to her, dependable, protective, good-hearted, and trustworthy--someone she feels safe with, someone she never wants to leave, someone she talks to and values and loves deeply, someone she knows better than anyone, someone who shares her scars but still brings her joy. Likewise, Mal knows her deeply in the same way and loves her for the person she is, wants to be the person she wants, and is willing to accept her however she is. And that's love. But this post wasn't gonna be about Malina)
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vanillann · 4 years
ew, it’s the government (spencer reid x reader)
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finally we see some progress...
warning: swearing, mentions of crime and sex, enemies to lovers
word count: 1.1k
ew, it’s the government masterlist
Chapter 6: Walmart over Burger King
"Why would anyone ever want a car this small?"
The small Volkswagen felt like a prison cell as I sat in the passenger seat, Agent Boy got into the driver side of the car.
"It's vintage," was all he said, and I found myself pleased with his short answer.
I let my feet fly to the dashboard, letting myself sink into the seat until I heard the dreaded classic music fill the car.
"You're joking, right? You can't be that boring," I reached to the stereo but he stuck his hand in the way of my fingers.
"Get your feet off the dash," his voice almost venomous and I wanted to scream but I kept my mouth shut. I didn't dare move my feet just to piss him off more but let the but he didn't say anything as the piano bouched throughout the car.
"So, who's apartment am I going to again?"
"Mine, it's the farthest from the building and the safest for everyone involved."
"Why because you're there to protect me," I spoke in a face high pitched voice.
"No, because I'm the only person that lives alone."
I let the smirk drop, only feeling slightly bad for the teasing as I didn't know the whole story until now.
The car ride was silent for the first five minutes, but sooner or later my anxiety speed up and the thought of the killer after me fogged my brain.
"Do you have any leads?"
"Not much, JJ is at the gas station now interviewing the cashier."
I could tell he was fed up with me by the way he didn't ramble for once and if it wasn't for my past with cops I might have felt bad for messing with him so much.
"We'll find him, I know you hate us-"
"I never said I hated you, I simply hate the system you work for," I was quick to defend myself, waiting for him to say something against my word but nothing of the sort came out.
"I was a fan of the system at first, but we aren't bad people."
Something in me snapped, this wall that I had built suddenly crumpled as I went off on the poor boy who had nothing to do with my fiery anger.
"I've seen bad ones, I watched they do things you'd never understand so I decided a long time ago that if you can't determine if they're bad then assume until they've proven otherwise. Besides, I said it once the system you work of as don't nothing for me or the people I care about," I heard my voice, I sounded pissed, well I was.
He said nothing as my outburst, simply just continued driving until we turned a corner and pulled into a large parking lot. I looked up, grabbing my bag ready to see an apartment building but instead, a giant grocery store sat in place.
I turned to look at Agent Boy but a ball cap was placed on my head, covering my eyes and he made a "shush" sound.
"I don't have any real food at my place and I assume you're hungry."
"We could go to Burger King," I pointed out the window to the lit-up sign of the restaurant that didn't sit very far from us.
"Do you know how unhealthy they are? Plus in October-" I zoned out rolling my eyes and jumping out the car while he spoke about some rat found in their rat, or maybe a bug I couldn't care.
"Hey! You can't leave my side, there is still a killer out there looking for you," he stood close to me, I went to back away but he grabbed my upper arm.
"Just be decent for once."
I almost bit back before we stepped into the door of the lit-up grocery store and he roughly pulled my arm to the carts.
"Push it? I would but the germs and I left my hand wipes in the car."
"Geek," I muttered, moving to one of the stell carts and pulling it from the others. I pushed the cap from my eyes but he pushed it back down.
"I can't see," I hissed out, only able to see his chest down and my anxiety was going crazy.
"I'll lead you, trust me."
"No," as soon as the word trust fell from his lips I reacted. I've always been my own eyes and some FBI agent that was the same age as I wasn't going to change that.
"Just for five minutes, then when we are back in the car you can go back to complaining," he spoke like he was annoyed, he probably was but for once I was pleased with it.
"I can't promise anything."
I held my head down, keeping a close distance with him as we walked through the grocery store like he had the map on the back of his hand.
"What's for dinner Agent?"
"Shepherd's Pie," he spoke with confidence, the first time since I arrived that he didn't Sutter or looking like he was going to kill me.
"Never had it."
He said nothing, putting different crusts and such into the cart. I went to turn the corner but my forearm was pulled back. My back collided with someone, that same scent that once filled the sweater float around me.
"Let me go you lunatic."
I yelped as I pulled my arm from his, pushing the ball cap up to look at the boy with wide eyes. He did nothing, simply turning the corner and carry on with his shopping. I roughly pushed the cart into his ass, a small "ow" falling past his lips as he looked to me.
"What the hell man!" I whispered-yelled still scared as to why he would pull me back.
"I saw your ex," he spoke simply like he knew me or who my ex even was.
"Stop fucking with my Reid," I couldn't believe myself when I spoke his name but my anger was too hot to care.
"I saw a post about it when Garica was looking through your social media, you two had a messy breakup and I doubted you wanted to see him."
I hated that he was right, I didn't want to see that scum bag or decide to laugh about my sister death.
"Thanks, I guess."
He nodded, giving a thin-lipped smile and pulling out what I assumed to be the last few ingredients of dinner. He eyed my cap,  without a word pulled back down to cover my eyes.
Why did Agent Boy have to be a decent person, it's so hard to hate decent people.
how do we feel about their development??
criminal minds taglist: 
@itsarayofsunshine​ @m-n-m​ @aquarius-pisces-rose@victomizedbyreginageorge  @avaxreid @erinxneil​ 
ew, it’s the government tag list:
@thatsonezesty13 @spencerslatte @pianofirepirate​ @ellvswriting​ @peterspickledpepper @erinxneil​ @friendlyweirdobaby​ @thatsastro​ @acambridge @spideyparkerstark​ @ameliamonster​ @thecraziestcrayon​ @hurricane-abigail​ @linthebinbag​ @m-n-m​ @reid-lover​ @drreidshands​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @avaxreid​ @baby-iyania​ @victomizedbyreginageorge @gubler-io @duskangxl​ @bonitaangel​ @koc-help​ @liaabsurd​ @achieveonyourown​ @non-binary-nightmare​ @crimeshowtrash​ @libradolan​ @sataninsatin​ @martinafigoli​ @randogirlo-fando-main​
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andramaquynhs · 4 years
Your tags on having to stan men if your lesbians, oh i feel them. I feel like in online/fandom space staning men has become a personality trait, to the detriment of women and women character. And like, I'm a lesbian and I like actors and men characters but the way they are constantly praised over women.. the first time I felt it was when people were making thor lesbian icon meme when there's canon lesbian in marvel. Or hozier lesbian icon over irl lesbian singer and artist.. hes good but come on
I'm sorry for the late reply but it's so nice not to be alone, I swear sometimes I just....metaphorically stare at everyone trying to decipher them. I know everyone's different but there are lesbians who will outright shun every male presence ever (mostly to the detriment of bi women, them denying their bisexuality because they think it makes them lesser wlw, hating on every f/m ship on the sole basis of it being het, never mind that it's interracial or neither of them is straight, etc) and then there are ones who are obsessed with male characters and will rather ignore/dimish/hate on the female characters in their fandoms, when the women are the leads! like in TOG! how often does that happen when they're also this well developed?? and then turn around and complain about the lack of well written female characters and wlw relationships. Like??? Make it make sense. Supporting wlw content is not saying once in a blue moon that they're sad there's not more of it and then high tailing it back to their myriad of mlm ships, because they're supposedly the only source of good queer rep. But yes, why isn't there more good wlw. I do wonder, hmmmm, very confounding
And I love men too, for all the shit I talk the original character I've drawn the most for is a cis man, at least recently. Two of my favourite ships feature a man. I get it, I'm not saying we should all stop liking and making content about men. But good fucking lord, give the the women some love too! Especially in the fandom of media they're the gODDAMN LEADS OF!!
Also I love Thor! He's actually one of the few men I've been invested in. And then Endgame turned him into a fatphobic tasteless joke and Love and Thunder will have Chris Ratt and the guardians, i think, plus less and less chances of Thorkyrie happening because I can't have nice things, apparently. Great example of both people focusing on the man in the name of the lesbians and lesbians baffling me once again when they rode so fucking hard for V*lCarol while Thorkyrie and Danbeau (Carol/Maria)? are right there? and they make more sense?? but right, a straight ship, ew (and don't get me started on the implications of them ignoring danbeau). who's the canon lesbian though? what news have I missed?
I also understand that they’re all subconscious behaviours, to an extent, and we can’t really control what we like. You think if I could help it I wouldn't be in the supercorp or catradora or damie or literally any m/m ship fandom rn instead of Andromaquynh? I could just log in, get my serotonin free of charge and energy because I wouldn't have to contribute as there'd be more than 5 of us, then log out and go about my day. And I know I've no right to police what anyone does with their time and effort, and at this point it’s just expected that people will always go for men, leads or not, over any women, we gotta make our peace with that, but it's still all just very frustrating and very telling and I'm just tired and confused. I do wonder if it’s got something to do with the stereotype of man hating lesbians? to prove a point? or projection? probably some internalized misogyny in there too. I’m willing to hear anything except the ‘there’s no good female characters/wlw uwu’ argument bc it reeks of hypocrisy and i’m sick of it
I can’t believe I get more and better content from straight men and trust about two lesbians in this whole ass site i stfg
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took a little break to deal with my emotions and collect a drink, hopefully we can finish this season today!
let's go
the knife that kills things
the gun that kills everything
super weapons!
can't wait for the fallen angel wearing a trench coat, to be honest
why was her toothbrush in a box?
oh, because it's new, because the other was stolen
i'm a genius
she's losing all her teeth, that is such a fucking nightmare
would losing your teeth really kill you? or that's just a fun side effect of this killing spell? 🤷🏽‍♀️
unsanitary witches
thanks Dean
omg gross
ugh I had to look away fuck man that was fucking gross
omg it's about to get even grosser isn't it?? 😫😫😫
god fuck this episode, worst episode ever
there, that's what you deserve for being fucking gross 😒
Witches killing witches uh
killing circle...or triangle?
witch-on-witch violence
this shitty inspirational picture of an eagle fills you with determination
this is the kind of book club support ladies you need in your life tbh
with less, uh, murders, of course
I was going to add gifs but so far, everything is so gross and I wouldn't force anyone else to see the shit I've seen
if you're so damn interested in throwing up, you'll look it up yourself
Renee Van Allen, said like that, is definitely a killer's name
come on, you didn't have to say it so ominously
they definitely marked themselves as targets, bad idea
damn Sam, what a fucking 180° since the beginning of the show, uh?
- They're humans, Sam.
- They're murderers.
Well, yeah, but earlier, you didn't want to kill mass murderers my dude
Ruby's just trying to save your ass you moron
the walls in this place are like a Riopelle painting
Worried, concerned
take your pick
Sam's gotta make new friends and people who can protect him, or else, he'll die the minute you're gone, Dean
Sam's leaving and driving back there and hr's about to murder a bitc- witch, I mean a witch
Stop calling me bitch.
Yeah Dean, she's saving your life, ONCE AGAIN
"It tasted like ass."
does-does that mean you've... you've tasted... you know what, I don't wanna know. You do you, Dean Winchester
"That's what happens to witches who get voted off the island." yeah, because a demon knows pop culture, of course
what the hell, when did it have time to watch crappy tv shows?
Sam being the Jesus of the demons, with some thinking he's the Messiah and others 'not believing in him' 😂
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"But then again..."
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Ruby, you poor thing
she was a human, became a witch, died, and became a demon
that woman died to save them
it's very sad
everyone keeps dying for them
wtf eh
flickering lights
devil may care, uh
demons used to be humans
that's what hell is, forgetting what you are
can you imagine, Dean, what he's thinking right now
knowing he'll become the things he hunts
I tagged Ruby and a tag that came up is "shut up Ruby" and tbh, yeah, I kinda get it 😂
not sure if it's this Ruby or RWBY Ruby, but nonetheless, yeah, I agree
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kupcake-goddess · 5 years
Mystery Gang
Daphne x Velma
Part 3
Summary: Velma realizes why she is always jealous of Fred and Daphne being together.
Note: If you’re reading this the rest of the chapters will be posted on my Wattpad account:
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Math went by slowly. Every time Velma stared at the clock up on the pale green walls behind Ms. Willcocks desk it felt like it was moving backwards. She tried to focus on the test but all she could think of was Daphne, her beautiful smile, the way her cheeks would flush every time she giggled-
"Alright class you have five more minutes to finish the test." Ms. Willcocks announced interrupting Velma's thoughts.
Jinkies! Velma thought looking down at her paper she still had 10 questions to go. Glancing up at the clock she realized she only had 3 minutes left. She quickly scribbled down the answers for the first 8 but the bell rang before she could finish all of them.
Velma sighed handing her paper to the disapproving Ms. Willcocks.
Velma walked into gym class irritated, how could she have missed the last two questions! She thought as a pair of perfectly manicured hands covered her eyes from behind.
"Guess who," Daphne whispered in Velma's ear. Velma blushed, she forgot Daphne was in her gym class.
"Hmmm, I don't know..... Fred?" She asked sarcastically.
Daphne giggled turning Velma around. "No silly it's me."
"You really got me there, you have really manly hands you know." Velma chuckled.
"No I don't," Daphne said pouting.
"I'm kidding Daph," Velma said reassuringly as they walked into the girls locker room.
Once inside the locker room, Velma and Daphne were two of the many girls inside. Velma went to change in a bathroom stall closely followed by Daphne. There were two stalls apparently available beside each other and they went into one each. Velma changed very quickly. Once she was done she sat on the toilet seat cover looking at her phone.
"Oh yes, baby!" Velma heard from the stall Daphne was supposed to be in. Suddenly Daphne squeezed under the stall wall into Velma's stall.
Daphne tugged her gym bag under the wall and stood in front of the confused Velma.
"Ugh, these making out assholes just kicked me out of my stall." She said as the girl in the stall Daphne just came from moaned.
"DISGUSTING!" Daphne yelled at the couple.
"Do you mind if I change in here?" She asked turning to Velma.
"U-uh sure." Velma stuttered.
"Thanks." Daphne smiled as she took off her shirt.
Velma almost choked (gay panic 😁). Daphne was only in her bra.
Velma stared as Daphne tugged her gym shirt out of her gym bag. Daphne glanced up noticing Velma staring. Daphne giggled "Watcha staring at Velma?".
"Oh uh, nothing," Velma said staring back down at her phone.
Daphne go changed quickly noticing how uncomfortable she was making Velma.
Once they were in the squeaky gym they stood side by side together as the gym teacher (Ms. Yan) started telling them what they were going to do that day.
"Alright, class today we are going to be playing dodgeball." Ms. Yan paused as the girls whispered to each other.
"First we're gonna do 10 laps around the gym then we'll pick our teammates." Said Ms. Yan as the girls started to jog. Daphne had begun to jog next to Velma when a bunch of snooty popular girls ran past sneering at the two girls. The snooty girls started to run ahead of Daphne and Velma. Unfortunately, the two girls could hear everything they said.
"Oh My God I can't believe that got Fred. It's so unfair, I was gonna be Fred's girlfriend!" The blonde-haired one on the left said.
"Exactly Heather, I mean all she ever does is hang out with that bunch of weirdos." Said the brunette.
"Yeah, there's the guy who loves his dog and food,(ew said all the other girls) Fred (the girl said dreamily), that skank, and the weirdo dyke." The other blonde whisper shouted.
Velma glanced at Daphne. Daphne looked furious, she looked as if she were about to rip all of those girls acrylic nails out. Daphne ran ahead catching up with the mean girls.
"Hey!" Daphne said cheerily as the girls looked her up and down in disgust.
"What do you want?" They all said in unison.
"I just wanted to tell you that if you ever talk about my friends again, I will defenestrate you all personally." She said cheerily as she went back over to Velma.
"Oh." Daphne said turning back to the girls. "You shouldn't use the word dyke either."
Wait did Daphne think Velma was gay. Cause she wasn't, she liked boys, in fact she loved them! She liked that boys um-uh..... SHE LIKED BOYS!
Once all the girls finished their laps it was time to choose teams.
Here are the teams:
Daphne, Velma, Hot-dog water, Sarah, Charli, and Vanessa.
Heather, Heather A, Heather D, Phoebe, Sandra, and Sabrina.
The girls played hard but after a while, Velma got hit out. There was only two people left Daphne and Heather. Daphne dodged balls left and right but Heather was slowing down. Daphne took the shot landing Heather straight in her stomach. The girls cheered and the bell rang.
Only Daphne and Velma heard Heather say "I'll get you for this Blake." as they walked off the hardwood floors into the locker room.
Tag List: @scarletsoldierrr @stark-softness
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Eggselent Adventure 🐣
Happy Easter from the Girls of CGW.
This is from the CGW universe (Cordonians gone wild) a collaborative AU effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley and myself. Catch our other stories HERE
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The girls sat in the chairs at the spa, getting their pedicures. “So easter is coming up really fast. Any plans?” Pam questioned
“No. Since its our first easter together, I am staying here instead of going to Chicago. Plus my parents are going on a cruise.” Genevieve said with closed eyes.
“Same. I told my parents that I would come in June and we could go to the beach house with them. They are bugging to meet Leo.” Alicia sighed.
“Well, since were all staying in Cordonia how about we spend easter together?” Anitah said sipping her glass of champagne.  
“Of course I do. This time we will wait to get hammered until after dinner.” Anitah giggled as she high fived Alicia.
“You sure you want to do that? Do you remember Thanksgiving?” Pam quirked her brow, remembering the disaster it was.
“Umm and how about Maxwell not being allowed around the deep fryer.” Gen added in, they all nodded in agreement.
“We should do something fun. I seen something on pinterest about Adult egg hunts.” Alicia said pulling up the app on her phone.  
“oooh I saw that too. People put little liquor bottles in them. Or other things.” Anitah squealed.
“What kind of other things? Oooh, how about we make it a dirty egg hunt. Each egg would have a sexual favor or situation in them.” Pam grinned, her mind swirling of all the fun things she could do with Drake.  
“Hell yes! I'm in.” Genevieve smirked.
“Same.” Alicia and Anitah said simultaneously.
“Although I wouldn't mind finding some alcoholic eggs too.” Alicia giggled.
A couple weeks later the four couples and Maxwell gathered in the main dining hall. Alicia and Anitah spent the whole morning cooking. While Genevieve and Pam stuffed the rest of the eggs and instructed the staff what to do with them.
They gathered around the huge ham dinner with all the fixings. Maxwell licked his lips as he plopped a huge helping of mashed potatoes on his plate. “Tiger Lily, Little blossom, this looks and smells so good. Luckily I have my fat pants on.”
“Seriously, this is amazing.  Considering the fiasco Thanksgiving was.” Liam grinned, Leo shuddered “Don't remind me. My eyebrows never grew back right.”
Maxwell held up his hands defensively “im fo fawry weo.” He said with a mouth full of potatoes. They group finished eating and sat around nice and stuffed, talking and laughing when the Ladies stood.
“Ok guys, we have prepared a little fun for us. If you'll join us in the Garden.” Anitah spoke up. They walked into the garden, dozens of eggs were strewn about on the palace lawn. “An easter egg hunt? What are we 6?” Drake snorted, prompting a hard slap to the chest from pam. “No Drake. This is an adult egg hunt. No candy, well maybe some are … edible.” she giggled. Leo cocked his brow “Edible love?” Alicia bit her lower lip.
“Yep. Some have naughty items, some have other treats.” Genevieve winked.
“She means booze. Some have booze.” Alicia shouted. The guys all nodded in Appreciation.
“Some also have naughty couples ideas. There are hidden eggs too. They aren't all going to be right in the grass. Gen and I had the staff hide them. So we don't know where they are hidden.” Pam added.
“I can't wait. I am an egg hunting pro. If I knew we were doing this I could have brought the egganator 2000.” Maxwell danced in place.
“what the hell is that Maxwell?” Alicia quipped her eye.
“Oh, my special easter egg hunting bag. Guaranteed no spillage.” He said matter of factly.
The staff handed out bags so they could collect eggs. Anitah grew impatient  “Ok, enough of this. Lets hunt. Annnnnd GO!” Anitah shouted as they all took off scooping of eggs.
“Drake over here.” Pam motioned towards the left side of the garden. Anitah and Liam took off towards the hedge maze, maxwell covered the lawn and patio, Genevieve and Rashad took off around the outside of the maze, while Alicia and Leo headed towards the right side.  
Anitah and Liam zipped through the maze following a trail of eggs. Liam set his sights on a golden egg tucked partially out of view in the hedge. He quickly made his way over, extending his hand to grab the egg when Anitah snatched it up. “Anitah! I was going to get that one.”
“You gotta be quicker than that my king.” she winked as he grabbed her hand spinning him i to her. “I believe stealing from the king requires punishment. You have been a bad girl, my queen.” his husky voice sending a shiver through her body. Anitah backed away slowly from Liam “well my king,  I look forward to that, but, you have to catch me first.”
Genevieve and Rashad quickly picked up eggs. “Here you are sweetheart this one is sparkly, just like you.” Rashad handed her a pink sparkly egg. “Rashad. Honey. I don't think you quite get the idea of an egg hunt.  But thank you, you are so sweet.” she kissed him on the cheek, he quickly turned his face capturing her lips, surprising her. “Rashad, you little devil.” she playfully swatted him. “All part of my plan, my dear. He pulled her flesh to him, capturing her lips once again when they heard rustling in the bushes. Milo popped out with something in his mouth. “Oh, Milo. What do you have there?” Genevieve cheerfully called out as milo scampered up to Rashad, dropping the item at his feet. He bent down to pick it up. “Ew, what is it? Its covered in drool and it smells like cherries?”
Genevieve tried to stiffen her giggles “Baby, that's edible undies.” Rashad promptly dropped the undergarments and shuddered. I've lost my appetite.
Leo and Alicia quickly picked up all the eggs in the section they were in. They found themselves in a secluded section of the garden away from their friends. Alicia felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. “What are you doing Leo?”
“Nothing…” He brushed her hair away from her neck as his lips nipped against her delicate skin. “We are supposed to be looking for eggs.”
“Screw the eggs. We have enough.” His warm breath leaving goosebumps all over her body, his hand slipped beneath her sun dress causing Alicia to drop her bag of eggs. “Ok, you win.” she breathed out.
Pam and Drake scooped up all of the eggs in their section.  “If we hurry up, we can find more. Look, Rashad and Genevieve left a ton of eggs behind.” Pam pointed out as she bent over to pick up an egg. A breeze slightly lifting her dress, exposing the globes of her ass. Drake groaned at the sight, adjusting his hardening length. Pam turned noticing the bulge in her in his pants, she bit her bottom lip and walked up to him “I can take care of that.” she whispered in his ear as she drug him off behind a tree. She dropped to her knees “Pam. Here? You don't have to. OH GOD. That. Feels…..”
The gang all gathered back on the patio. “Ok everyone, lets see what we got. Gen and Rashad,  how about you start us off.” Pam told her.
Genevieve reached for one of the larger eggs and a little bottle of Grey Goose vodka fell into her palm. “Yes! I love vodka. It just doesn't like me all time.” She giggled as she watch Rashad open an egg. He pulled out a small tube of strawberry flavored lube. He looked his wife with hungry eyes, “There’s only one flavor I like more than strawberries.” He reached for another egg that had a slip of paper inside. He handed it to her with a grin. She read it aloud, “Boss and secretary...oohh. I get to be the boss this time.” She opened another egg in their pile. This one had another folded sheet of paper. “Reverse cowgirl,” she smiled coyly at Rashad who smirked. He leaned in close whispering, “Get ready to ride hard tonight, sweetheart.” He kissed her flushed cheek.
“Ready to open our eggs, love?” Liam smiled at Anitah.
She rubbed her hands together with a grin. “Yes!”
Liam opened the first egg, a small bottle of scotch. “Glenfiddich! This is good stuff,” Liam grinned.
Anitah opened the next egg pulling out something red and read the tag. “Eat me,” she chuckled holding up the strawberry flavored edible thong.
A low growl escaped Liam as he smirked, wriggling his brows. “You’re wearing those later.” He opened the next egg pulling out something small, purple and textured. “What is this?” He shook it next to his ear and Anitah began to laugh.
“That’s a finger vibrator, Liam.” She took it from him and slipped it on her finger through the small ring. A wide grin spread across his face. Anitah shook her head and opened the last egg pulling out a piece of paper. “Backwards cowgirl,” she looked up at Liam biting her lip.
“Easter is officially my favorite holiday. We got everything we need for the very fun night ahead of us, my Queen,” he smirked as he leaned down kissing her.
“You ready to see what we got?” Pam grinned excitedly looking at her husband. Drake nodded, opening his first egg. “Makers Mark! Alright” Drake grinned sticking the small bottle into his pocket. Pam smiled opening an egg and pulling out a strip of paper. “69” is all that was written on it. She bit her lip and turned it out toward Drake, who read the paper and smiled ear to ear. He leaned in kissing Pam. “Best Easter gift, ever” he growled. Drake opened another egg. He pulled out a white g string that read in orange letters “Some bunny wants your carrot”. Drake smirked dangling the panties by his finger. “As long as these are for you, I am a happy man”. Pam opened her next egg, her brow furrowed as she pulled out the furry tail. She read the slip of paper attached. “Use this butt plug on your partner”. She read aloud. Drake’s face paled, his mouth open in shock
“No..no way.” Pam giggled holding it up for him to see. “But look many, it's a cat's tail...MEOW”. Drake stared his giggling wife down and grabbed the tail putting it back in the egg, flinging it as far away as he could get it. “Not happening, Pam.”
Leo jogged across the lawn retrieving the discarded egg. “Well, look what I found.” He gave Alicia a sly smirk, a look of fear spread across her face. “Ah, lets um open our eggs ok.” she gave a nervous chuckle as she cracked open her first egg pulling out a folded up black piece of satin with a piece of paper in the center.  “Oh! It's a blindfold.” she unfolded the paper. “No look, no touch. The finders hands must be bound, and eyes covered while partner pleases them. “Kinky card repeat. If you thought last time was good.” he waggled his brows. Leo reached into his bag pulling two eggs. “yes! Johnny walker blue for me, and parrot bay, that's all you love.” they opened several eggs getting a couples massage certificate, a few bottles of liquor, and a mr nose mans thong that Leo put on over his pants. Alicia pulled out a small tube she looked at the container “good head, blue raspberry deep throat spray.” she looked at Leo, and then over to Pam and Drake. “Leo, as much as I enjoy giving you head. This screams Drammy.” Alicia giggled as she handed pam the spray.
Maxwell came strutting out of the palace, milo next to him. Anitahs hand flew over her mouth fighting off the giggles. “Does he have?” Pam not able to get the words out. Alicia shook her head “Uh huh, he sure does.”
“Hey guys. I got lots of cool stuff in my eggs. Check out my elephant hat.” he shook his head making the trunk shake. “max that's not a hat.” Genevieve giggled.  “Its not?”
“No. Its underwear, your dick goes in the trunk.” Drake snorted.
Maxwell shrugged his shoulders “Eh, it's pretty cool as a hat.”  
The group shared some laughs,and desert before each heading home. Alicia and Anitah walked together talking before they reached their quarters. “That was fun. We really need to do it again.” Alicia grinned.
“Definitely,  but next year we need to up the ante.” She gave her a wicked smirk before Liam called for her. “Happy Easter.” the two yelled.  
Tags: CGW: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw @the-soot-sprite
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld
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my knight in shinning armor (joe mazzello X black reader)
an: okay doing this request thing so i hope you enjoy it!
summary; you and joe are dating and you are getting hate for dating him
for/by: @nyikondlovu
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You and Joe started dating about six months ago. You kept it private because you wanted to enjoy one another without the attention of public. But once you decided to go public you wanted it be special. Both you and Joe love comedy so you decided to do a video on his instagram. You took Cardboard Ben as well. Well he's a star of Joe's insta so why not include him as well! The idea was that you're gonna be behind cardboard Ben and Joe will say something among lines: ,,Ben it's time to end this." And he'll throw him down on the ground and you will show up and give Joe a kiss on his cheek. You found a free saturday afternoon and you did the video. You were pretty proud of it so Joe posted it. You both watched the video over and over again. None of you could get over the fact that your relationship is now public. The comments and reactions were super positive. The Bohemian Rhapsody cast commented as well, supporting you as always. But then few hours later the thing you were scared of came. Haters. Jealous comments, hate comments, people who ship Ben and Joe so much that are actually commenting you to kill yourself. Joe tagged you in a post, of course, so the hate went over to your account now. Commenting under every picture of you saying that you're not pretty enough, that Joe is out of your league. You both ignored it and moved on with your life. You started going out to public together holding hands, sharing kisses, lunches and of course there were papparazzi's. Some celebrity accounts shared those pictures and talked about how beautiful couple you are. And they were also people talking how beautiful you are. Some Joe's fans dm-ed you nice stuff and you loved answering those. Some even made edits of you being beautiful and they were saying how amazing it is to see Joe dating a girl of a color.
After few months of being public, the award season came around. Joe decided that it is time to take you there. He wants to show you off how much he can. You went out in the most beautiful dress and everybody on red carpet loved you. Except those haters. You wanted to show much you enjoyed it so you posted pictures on your instagram. Comments of Bo Rhap cast and some amazing fans changed again. I don't believe Joe's dating you, you look awful, Ew you're disgusting, Why don't you just kill yourself? This made you cry. You felt the tears in your eyes so you excused yourself from living room where you sat with Joe and went to yout shared bedroom. You started crying and you tried to think of the worst. It would probably all go away if you just break up. You love Joe but this hate makes you sad and anxious.
,,Hey babe what's going on?" Joe came in and looked at your dark silhouette on the edge of the bed.
,,Nothing. Everything is fine." You said trying to hide your crying voice.
,,Oh come on, I know something's going on." He sat next to you and put his hand around your hips.
,,Alright. Um. How do I say this. I think we should break up."
,,What? What are you saying? Y/N is there anything I did that make you upset?" He said worried.
,,It's not you. You didn't do anything. It's just us. When we're out in public there are people who are not happy as we are and those people are coming after me and after you. And more and more we're in this relationship then more and more they hate and I don't feel good when they hate. So maybe if we stop going out as a couple they'll stop." You said, crying again.
,,Hey, look at me. We won't break up because of some morons who are trying to take me away from you. I will take care of everything. Honey I promise you, everything will be alright. I love you and I will not let anyone harm you, okay?" He looked you straight into your eyes and wiped away your tear.
,,I'd love to be alone for a bit, would you mind?" You pointed at the door.
,,Of course, I'll give you as much alone time as you wish. I love you don't forget that." He smiled and left.
,,I love you too." You said as he was in door.
Joe went downstairs to living room. He took his phone and opened instagram. He went over to your page and looked at the comments. He was boiling with anger at the point when he got to the end of the comment section. He knew he has to do something with it. He can't let you suffer and he can't look at you suffering. He went to his gallery and picked the most beautiful picture of you. It was picture from your first vacation in Europe. He smiled when he looked at it. He opened instagran again. He started typing a caption under the picture of you. He posted it and threw phone at the other side of the couch.
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You got a notification on your phone. You looked at it and saw that Joe posted. You opened it and started reading the caption. You started crying again but now not from sadness but from happiness and pride. You were proud that your boyfriend is not afraid to protect you. You went downstairs and saw Joe sitting on couch fidgeting his fingers and tapping his leg. He was obviously supee nervous. You understood. He just did something he never imagined he had to deal with.
,,Hey." You said when you sat next to him.
,,Hi. I saw that you saw that post." He said.
,,Yeah. I am very proud of you. And I really really love you. You stood up against the haters. I'm also sorry you had to go through this, but let's just hope it's over now. I hope everything will be over because of your post. I love you Joey."
,,I love you too. I had to do it. I felt really uncomfortable at first but then I remembered that I have to protect you no matter what so I did it. And now you see that you are better and I feel better."
,,Joey, my knight in shinning armor!" You said and you played with a strand of his hair.
,,Well than I am I could've saved the princess!" He kissed you, stood up and took you into his hands and caried you the room.
,,I love you more than anything!" You kissed him on the tip of his nose.
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