#ewan mcgregoe fluff
stardancerluv · 4 years
Brother’s Keeper
Rewrite Part 5
Summary: Branden and reader are finally together.
Note: I wanted to also show reader’s reaction to seeing Branden. So the past bit is where the last one ended, only this time in their POV.
You were shaken, at what you had just heard Sam say. You could barely turn to whomever was standing behind the two of you. Your blood began to pound in your ears. Maybe it would be alright. “..... I give her to you.” You found it hard to breath. “Turn and say hi to my best man!” You never wanted to be rescued as much as you did in that moment. Why, couldn’t Branden be here, when you saw who it was your breath felt like it was ripped out of you.
You opened and closed your mouth, you didn’t know what to say. Your mouth had grown dry.
“Look at you, all fucking grown up.” He said, hearing his voice made your heart flutter. It felt like it had been ages since you heard it but it also felt like it was only yesterday.
His words cut through as much as his blue eyes did.
“And you got old.” You couldn’t stop yourself from saying. As you looked at him, you noticed lines you don’t remember him having. And he had a beard, that was interesting.
You noticed as Sam looked at you two. “You two know each other.”
You met Brendan’s eyes, not really knowing what to say next.
“I used to work with her bloody cousin when I was a kid.” Why hadn’t he mentioned Michael, you wondered. You would follow his lead and not say a fucking thing, you pressed your lips together.
“Ahh, well then this is great.” As you distantly felt Sam put his arm around your shoulders, every part of you wanted to shrug it off but you didn’t. “Then you ready know how special she is.” He gestured to you. “You can have her till Friday unless you get bored.” Sam chuckled bobbing his head from side to side. You swallowed bile that rose from your stomach. “You won’t, she’s special. Bring her when you come on Friday!”
He gestured to the both of you. “Now, go you two! Enjoy the night.” He stepped back, dropping his arms from the two of you.
That’s when Brendan’s leather clad arm came around your shoulders, he pulled you close to his side. Inside you were in turmoil. Why had he not told you he was getting out. Should you be angry or just enjoy the fact that he was here. Either way you felt incredibly uneasy.
“Sam,” He made a deep sound. “Thank you.” He looked down at you and winked. The storm stopped and you wanted to swoon. You, your body remembered how much you had loved those smirks. “I’ll take good care of her.” Then he leaned in close. “Follow my lead,” He whispered, his breath was warm. “Giggle as if I said something funny.”
You giggled.
He smiled pulling back. “I want to go and have a bite to eat baby and them maybe we can go and have some more fun.”
Sam beamed. “That’s what I like to see. My best girl and my best man! Behave you two.” He winked and wagged a finger.
Brendan turned with you, “Let’s get the hell out of here.” You nodded.
The two of you were practically up the stairs in no time. You just followed his lead at this point. When he stopped you, stopped.
“Sterlo you were right. Introductions can happen later. We’re leaving. You and the boy? Have a good time.” He spoke fast and clipped.
“Alright. See you later Branden.” He nodded at you.
With his arm still firmly around you, the two of you moved among the partiers. You saw where you stored your bathing suit. “Brendan, let me get my swim suit.” You don’t know how you said that as steadily as you did.
He gave you a grim look. “Alright. I’ll wait right here.”
One of the girls you knew was in there, she came out with you. “So you met the man, Sam wants you to entertain?” You saw as she saw Brendan, her eyes widened a little.
“I did.” You went over him, slipping your knapsack on your shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist.
“Who’s this?” He looked at you and then her the back at you.
“Just one of the girls I work with at the bar.”
“Oh!” He nodded.
“I do.” She practically squealed.
What you did next, you had not control over. You let your hand slid over and tug on his belt, something you had always seen the other girls do. It sent the butterflies in your stomach into a panic. It felt so good to do that to him for real.
“I am excited that’s he’s all mine, look at him. He’s one of Sam’s best men.” You said, excitedly. You had heard the other girls say things like this and it had always made everyone happy. This was new to you, it made knots form and become undone deep within your stomach.
“Have fun girly, but if you need a break you know who to call.”
“Are you ready?” He looked down at you, you nodded. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
“Bye!” The girl blew you both an overly exuberant kiss.”
“My car is over here.” You told him.
You walked over. “Keys?” A smirk curled his lips.
“You want to drive?”
He smiled. “Yes.” He, opened the door for you. You got in. You felt as this just couldn’t be real. You watched as Brendan got behind the wheel, he revved the engine and then the two of you tore off into the night.
Inside, you couldn’t hold any of this in anymore. You had held it in when you saw him, you had held onto through all the letters you wrote...now you could not. You threw your arms around him. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
Your perfume, tickled his nose as he inhaled deeply as your arms wrapped around. “I’m so glad I’m here too.” That was the most physical contact he had in ten years. His heart twisted. He had thought his heart he had long since died but it continued to twist as your arms remained around him.
He pushed away the thought that if it had not been here, who would Sam had given you to.
He glanced down at you as he drove. Street lights brought your face out the shadows as they flew down the highway.
The road, finally seeing it went on forever. Earlier he had not paid it no mind. His only care had been to get business started between Sam and him.
He had that information now, and now here you were. Your arms were around him. Inside he was shaking. Glancing down again, he saw that you had closed your eyes as you rested your head against him.
He hoped his memory and time would not play a trick on him. On the far side of town there had been a diner he’d go to. It was a place where one could eat and not be bothered. The food was good too. It better damn be still there, he thought to himself.
“Let’s get a bit to eat, yes?”
You pulled back. “That would be nice.”
@mrskenobi19 @thebeckyjolene @sithonis @brookisbi @johallzy
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