#except he's in the movieverse
nickelwick · 1 year
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Commissioned this epic piece from @wawe-z for my fic Shogun: Becoming! Since my fic is roughly halfway done, I thought this would be a nice way to celebrate it. And I just wanted some art hehehe
You can read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44418760/chapters/111722089
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sonic-adventure-3 · 2 years
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could you possibly do a platonic gladers thing where reader was the first to come out of the box? like they came up with the note like teresa but “the first” if that makes sense 😭 anyway the reader is just sort of a parental figure to everyone? whatever gender you’d like to put and scenarios, the thought just popped in my head. ofc do this only if you’d like to!! pls don’t feel obligated!! love ur work <333 /p
HI LOVE THIS!! Thank you for the request ❤
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Everyone loves Y/n
Platonic gladers x gender neutral!reader, set during tmr (movieverse)
3k - longish fic but worth it if you love platonic love 🫶
Warnings: discussions of Newt's suicide attempt; but more like the recovery after it, still please take care everyone, also language warning
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1. Alby
You're the first one. Welcome.
You stuff the crinkled note back in your pocket just as you've done so many times before, re-examining it and hoping for some clue as to why you're stuck in here alone.
Except- you're not alone anymore.
The boy stands beside the Box, staring around the same way you did when you first climbed out, exactly 30 days ago.
Come on, Y/n. Time to go. You take a deep breath, resolving yourself, and you step out from where you'd been standing hidden in the trees.
The guy notices you immediately and takes a defensive stance, understandably hostile and scared. "Who are you? Don't come any closer!"
"Woah, hey," you raise your arms nonthreateningly, continuing to move slowly towards him. "It's alright."
"Where am I?" demands the boy.
"To be honest, I haven't got a clue," you tell him. "But you've got no idea how happy I am to see you."
His eyes narrow. "What?"
You shrug. "I thought I'd be alone here, forever."
At his silence, you continue. "So I've been here for a month. I was sent up in this Box, like you, with a bunch of resources and... hey, they've sent more stuff," you say happily, peering into the Box.
"Alright listen man," you say. "I don't really have answers for you, but I did start developing a routine for how to live here, and I'd love for us to work together."
The boy holds your gaze for a second, before giving a single nod.
You let out a sigh of relief. "Great, wonderful. I'm Y/n, by the way." You stick out your hand to shake. "Oh- memories. Your name is all you get, everything else is gone. But hey, let's make new memories here, together." You flash a cheesy grin and clap the guy on the shoulder.
You don't know how someone conveys sarcasm in a single look, but the new guy manages it just fine.
2. Minho
"Here, this way- shit."
You turn the corner and see the wall sliding into place, sealing off your exit.
"Which way now?" asks Minho, fear evident in his voice.
"Uh- that was already my backup route," you say honestly, backing away from the closed wall. "Just follow me, we'll find another way back."
You start down a lane, moving faster now, admittedly guessing your way through the paths and taking turns on instinct, aiming for the vague direction of the Glade.
Somewhere across the Maze a Griever lets out a screech.
"Yeah, okay," you mutter. Shuck. "In here, quickly," you direct, pushing Minho ahead into a smaller lane.
"Alright, here's the deal." You squat down, forcing Minho down with you, and keeping your voice low. "If I'm right, we're close to the Glade now. There should be a right turn at the end of the path next to us now, then a left and a straight shot back to the Glade."
"What if you're not right?" hisses Minho, wincing at the Griever's screech.
"Then we're dead," you say flatly. "Cause that Griever's in the same direction we're going. By the sound of it, we'll be running the path right beside it's lane."
"Look, Minho. Do you trust me?"
He hesitates, before; "Yes, fine. Let's go."
You shoot him a grin, patting his shoulder. "Perfect. Follow me, stay close."
You run through the route you'd explained to Minho, feeling your blood chill as you get closer to the Griever, its screeches becoming deafening.
You turn to check on Minho, who gives you a firm nod despite the terror you can see in his eyes.
The two of you turn into the final stretch, separated from the Griever by a single wall, and you sprint back to the Glade, heart pounding in your chest.
You collapse into the grass, breathing heavily as Minho falls in beside you.
"What the hell happened to you two?" demands Alby, running up to you and Minho.
You sit up. "Maze changed, and there was a Griever near the Glade," you explain. "Too near."
"Bloody hell," says Newt, hands balanced on his hips. "Are you sure this was a good idea?"
So far you and Alby have been the only people to enter the Maze. Today was meant to be a beginner's run for Minho, your newest Glader and technically the Greenie even though he's never acted like it. You wanted to build a team of Runners, to see if more people could help with searching for an exit.
You look to Minho, still bent over in the grass. "Let's talk in the hut," you say, patting his arm.
"What did you think?" you ask, after you've both gotten water and a few minutes to let the adrenaline fade.
Minho flicks his gaze up at you, before dropping it. "I freaked out. I don't think I'm cut out for this Runner klunk."
You hum softly, tapping on the table Gally had lovingly built and sanded until it shone. "Do you think everyone was immediately good at their jobs?"
"Running is different," responds Minho, dodging the question.
"You were fast," you say. "I think you'd beat any of us in a race if we bothered to test it out. And you've got a level head, which is the most important thing when you're in the Maze."
You lean forward. "But you also need the guts to set foot in the Maze in the first place. And Minho, you were the first volunteer to run with me today. That's exactly the bravery we need in Runners."
You're met with silence. "If I asked you to be a Runner," you say quietly. "Would you say yes?"
"You could be asking the wrong person," hedges Minho.
"I don't think so," you say.
"I- why? Why me?"
"Because I believe in you," you say simply. "I think you could do it."
The silence stretches as you wait for Minho's response. Then; "Okay, I'll do it." He gives you a nod, expression resolving.
You sit back, a mock-thoughtful expression on your face. "I mean, I said if I asked you, this was really more hypothetical-"
"Y/n, I swear-"
You let out a laugh, and Minho rolls his eyes at you, grinning.
3. Newt
Overtime, the Gladers have grown into a wider community, with new jobs and groups slowly added.
Alby steps into the leader position and you move into your gardening job, as well as mentoring the Medjacks on the side. You tend to pick up a little of every job, passing what you know to newly formed groups until they can develop on their own.
Minho's grown far beyond what you could have expected from him, moving on to memorising routes, constructing a scarily detailed Map, and hand-picking the new Runners.
Newt becomes a Runner too, and you almost lose him.
They're some of the worst memories you'll ever have, that day Minho ran in in the freezing morning, screaming for help. The Medjack hut was finished literally a day before, and the Medjacks themselves were barely trained to patch up the Slicers. So everyone turned to you... And you were so, so, out of your depth.
You'd built a temporary brace for your own twisted ankle from your first month alone in the Glade, but for this you were completely unqualified and unprepared.
It’s been months now, with Newt slowly healing overtime. You worked with the Medjacks to set up a few movement drills, but it’s been painstakingly slow progress.
“I want to try walking again.”
You lift your gaze to Newt in the dark. “Now?”
“I wanna go outside.”
You hesitate.
“Come on, Y/n, I barely got five steps in today before Jeff made me sit down again. I’m fine, I promise.”
“You’re fine when the Medjacks say you’re fine,” you reply.
“The Medjacks don’t know shit,” retorts Newt. “They’re just making stuff up as they go. That’s what we’ve all been doing.”
“I trust them,” you say steadily. “Alby and I chose them for a reason.”
“Y/n, can you please just let me outside.”
You let out a breath. “Fine. Take your crutches.”
You don’t go far; the ground is too uneven and the crutches slip in the grass. You end up dropping them near the top of a hill.
“Here, let’s sit.”
You reach a hand out to Newt, which he thankfully takes, letting you help him down so you’re both lying back on the grass, facing up at the night sky.
“It was a good idea,” you say, breaking the silence. “I get why you wanted to come out.”
"Yeah," says Newt. He jerks his chin upwards. “The stars, they’re what I’m here for.”
You tip your head back, following Newt’s eye line. “You know, my first night here, I hadn’t built a place to sleep. I just lay on the ground like this, looking up at the stars.”
Newt shifts, moving one hand to point upwards. "I recognise most of the constellations," he tells you.
"Yep. That's Orion, right there. And over there is Gemini. And that star is Sirius, in Canis Major."
You search your mind for a hint of a memory, trying to call up knowledge you might have had before being put here.
"It's all bullshit," says Newt.
You turn to him in surprise.
"The stars," he says, still staring upwards. "None of them should be arranged like that, the constellations wouldn't be that close, or even in the same area, if this was real."
"Oh," you say, voice soft.
Newt lets out a flat laugh. “I don’t know why they let me keep this knowledge, when they’ve taken everything else away.”
He sits up, eyes flicking down to you. “…sorry.”
You shake your head, sitting up and turning to face him. “It’s okay. I’d rather you say this stuff than keep it bottled up.”
“Right,” says Newt. “I guess we should… get back to the hut.”
Neither of you move to get up.
“Newt,” you say. You face forward, resting your arms loosely around your knees.
“Please stay with us,” you say, voice quiet. You turn to him, letting go of your legs to gently take his hands. “We need you, I- we- okay, let me just-” You take a deep breath. “Listen, we’re gonna get out of here some day. And I want to sit with you under real skies, with real stars, so you can tell me each and every constellation you see. Cause I know your nerdy ass studied all of them in another life, and I don’t know, when we run out, we can just... make up new ones? I think that’s something I want to do with you.”
“Yeah, okay- yes. Okay.” Newt’s eyes are wet, and he squeezes your hands right back.
“And talk to us,” you continue. “When you’re struggling, or hurting, or… anything. Just talk to us, Newt. Please. We need you, and we care about you, so much.”
“I’ll try, I’m trying.”
“That’s all I’m asking,” you say.
“God, okay,” you start, after staying there under the stars for a while. “Look at us. Let’s get back in the hut, c’mon.”
You help him up, handing him his crutches.
“So, we’re trying,” you say, looking Newt in the eye.
“Yes, we’re trying.”
You get the smallest of smiles from him, and count it as the biggest win.
4. Gally
"First he breaks all our rules, then he tries to convince us to abandon them entirely? These rules have held us together for years, why are we questioning them now?"
You frown slightly, taking in Gally's words from your seat at the back of Council Hall.
"If Alby was here, he'd agree with me, and you know it."
You watch pain flicker across Newt's face for a second, before he speaks. "Let's take a break. I want Minho, Gally, and Y/n in here, the rest of you just give us ten minutes."
As the others clear out, you join the three in the centre of the room.
"Newt, this really isn't complicated. That shank broke our rules, and he needs to be punished," says Gally.
Newt sighs, and you notice how tired he looks. He needs Alby. "You're not wrong, Gally, but..."
"Y/n, what are you thinking?" asks Minho, jerking his chin at you as Newt trails off.
You raise your eyebrows. "You know I have no say in this, Min. I'm not a Keeper, or any kind of leader. I'm pretty much just here to watch the meetings."
"Seriously, Y/n?"
"Fine," says Newt. "Then suppose we're asking you as friends asking a friend, not as a council leaders or Keepers."
"I don't-"
"Just speak, Y/n," says Gally exasperatedly.
"I- alright, the idea that Newt's having right now, mine's the same."
"Well, we'd love to hear it from your mouth," says Minho drily.
"Yeah Y/n, what am I thinking?" Newt crosses his arms, lifting a brow.
You sigh. "Punish Thomas for breaking the rules, but make him a Runner."
"You can't be serious," says Gally immediately.
Newt shrugs. "They're right, that's what I was thinking."
"I'm down to train him," says Minho. "I think he'd make a good Runner."
"Good. Call the Council back in then, we'll make the announcement."
"You're making a mistake," says Gally angrily. "Tell the others without me." He storms out as the rest of the Keepers file in.
"Nah, Fry."
"I got him," you say, nodding at Frypan.
"You're alright," you whisper as you brush past a stressed-looking Thomas. You squeeze his shoulder reassuringly, and he gives you a small smile of gratitude.
You shut the door behind you, chasing Gally down as he storms into his hut.
"Gally wait-"
"I don't want to hear it, Y/n."
He slams his door shut, closing you out. You sigh, and let yourself in.
"Get out of my hut, Y/n."
"Stop, Gally," you say sharply. "Just listen."
Miraculously, he stays quiet, leaning back on the wall and crossing his arms.
"I... I know you're scared, Gally."
"Oh my god, just hear me out," you huff, rolling your eyes. "Okay, so yes, we just got attacked by Grievers, right here in the Glade. And yeah, it's probably linked to Thomas. And- yes, making him a Runner and letting him pretty much just fuck around and find out could put us in danger. ...But he's also the closest we've ever been to understanding the Maze and this whole place. I think he's the key to getting us out of here."
You sit down on Gally's bed, gesturing for him to sit down beside you. He lets out a huff, but reluctantly takes a seat.
You look him in the eye. "Gally I've been here for three years, and it's great. We've built a structure, a life, a goddamn society. But I really, really want to see the outside world."
Gally scrubs a hand over his face, dropping his gaze. "Yeah, I know, Y/n. I'm just- I'm trying to keep everyone safe. Newt and Minho are blinded by this hope, they're believing too much in one guy who's been here for literal days."
"I know, I know. But we need to take that risk, if we want to get out of here, alright?"
Gally sighs, then nods. "Yeah, fine."
"I'm gonna help Thomas, and Newt and Minho in whatever plans they make."
You hold out your fist. "Promise me you'll follow the plans we make, and stick with us. Don't... you know, make your own group and stay here and get killed, or whatever you were planning to do."
Gally rolls his eyes at you, and reluctantly brings his fist up to knock against yours, following through with the handshake the two of you used to do after building something, back when you used to help out with the other jobs. "Yeah, yeah, we get it Y/n. You've been here the whole time, you know us sooo well, you can read our minds."
You grin widely. "Damn right I can."
5. Thomas (everyone loves Y/n)
"Do you think this'll work?" asks Thomas, chewing on his lip worriedly.
"Of course it will," you say. "Have a little faith in your plan, Thomas. You don't need approval from me."
Thomas huffs out a laugh. "Thanks. It's nice to hear you're confident, though."
You raise your eyebrows, smiling a little confusedly. "I mean, I'm glad my support motivates you."
Thomas squints his eyes at you. "Y/n, you know you're like... super respected, right?"
"Yeah, everyone looks up to you. You don't notice the way people turn to you in tense situations and stuff? You're kinda like an understated leader, I guess."
"Ah, right." You smile at him. "It's cause I was the first person here, which I do get credit for, I don't know why. Totally underserved, Alby's the one who built this place."
"Bullshit." You turn in surprise as Minho walks in, Newt following behind him.
"Undeserved credit, my ass," says Minho, crossing his arms. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be a Runner."
"Yeah," says Newt, coming over to your side. He props an elbow on your shoulder, grinning at the frown you send him. "And you know what," he says quietly. "If it wasn't for you, I might not even be here."
You smack his arm. "Don't even say-"
"Gally, tell Y/n we love them," interrupts Minho.
"Huh?" Gally lifts a brow, before nodding. "Yeah, everyone loves you, man. Don't take it personally. If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't even be on board with this plan right now."
"Ugh-" you pinch the bridge of your nose.
Thomas leans in. "Told you so."
"God, let's just do the plan. Let's go, everybody out," you say hurriedly, shoving Newt out, ignoring Minho's snickers.
You stand between Minho and Gally as Thomas and Newt explain the plan to the Gladers, feeling yourself surrounded by friends; family.
Time to get out of here.
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The end chapter is cheesy but I love it thank you for reading <3333
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a-big-chicken-nerd · 7 months
can we get more info on the movie ice emperor (i am sickly obsessed with the ice chapter and the ninjago movie. i will kill a man for more of the funny guy if needed)
WOOHOO OKAY im glad you asked i think about him constantly
first of all im open for ideas on what movie!neverrealm is like because im having a hard time coming up with anything but currently what ive sort of vaguely got is that its just more technologically advanced (not modern though) (like. mid to late 1800s-ish??)
vex is pretty much the same in personality except now hes british and is like a tired single parent
anyway ice emperor
hes not allowed to leave his throneroom and no one but vex is allowed inside the throneroom "for his safety" (its actually because hes so silly and un-royaltylike and vex worries no one will take the ice emperor seriously if they actually meet him)
he has a lot more energy than show!emperor and is constantly bored
internally watches his movie collections a LOT. from the outside it looks like hes just wandering around his throneroom and stopping to stare at nothing for about an hour, going over to a new spot and staring off again for another two hours
makes vex watch movies with him sometimes. ice emperors favorite movies are the star wars prequels, which vex also thought were cool at first but got sick of them after being forced to watch them like 45 different times throughout the years
makes tracks with ice around the throneroom to roll down on his heelies. vex will come in to a whole icy skatepark setup and the ice emperor will be like "crowd_cheering.mp3 VEX CHECK THIS OUT" and roll down a single ramp and immediately fall over and vex just has to clap and go "wow my lord that was so "sick""
vex HAS to hang out with ice emperor and try to keep him entertained or he will get bored & lonely and throw a fit and freeze everything in the castle
ice emperor is falling apart because he isnt made of titanium like show!emperor is, like whatever his outer layer is made of isnt handling the low temperatures and years of no maintenance very well at all. the armor and the mask is to hide all the damage . whether or not that makes him more or less creepy looking is up to personal opinion
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he broke the Ten Billion Lumen Light in the throneroom on accident :[
and of course: BOREALL movie!boreal is a dragon but he acts like a big kitty. he is just lazy and doesnt listen to anyone except ice emperor and is usually lounging around on the castle roof.
will do what the ice emperor says but only takes the command as a suggestion. he gets distracted easily and takes shortcuts so he can be done and go back to napping
LOVES getting scritched behind the horns
uses the castle walls as a scratching post
he would LOVE the big laser pointer
the only time ice emperor can ever leave his throneroom is to go on the roof to tell boreal to do stuff (they always end up playing and hanging out for ages instead)
ice emperor makes big ice mice for boreal to chase around and catch
the ninja didnt have to kill boreal in this au. they saw this big wyvern displaying kitty behaviors and were like "oh yeah this is just like meowthra" and (very easily) distracted and befriended him. he got a lot of behind-the-horn scritches that day
im glad u guys seem to like movieverse emperor too because he just kind of kicked down the door of my brain one day and made himself at home and refuses to leave
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kiwiana-writes · 2 months
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HAPPIEST OF HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to my fan-fucking-tastic brain twin, the absolutely delightful Mags. I can't give you the world like you deserve but I CAN give you movieverse porn, and isn't that better, really?
by @kiwiana-writes for @sparklepocalypse
[rated E; 5,187 words]
“Your Royal Highness.” Alex bows at the neck, not far enough to hide the dimple that pops out when he grins. His tongue rolls whiskey-warm around his accent; there’s more than a hint of the American South in it, and Henry has the distinct impression Alex is actively working to smooth it out. Then he looks up, his smile widening into something altogether more devastating, and god, Henry isn’t sure he can deal with this right now— “I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you.” And that is, officially, more than Henry can cope with. He opens his mouth, fully intent on begging Shaan to get him out of here, now, except… that’s not what comes out.
Or, Henry has an unfortunately physical reaction the first time he meets Alex… and it's not the one you're thinking of.
Read it now on AO3!
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i have several drafts from back in january comparing some of my old man yaoi ™️ ships which i decided against posting at the time because, quite frankly, they were thoughts no one would appreciate but me. two of the ships i know have some overlap, but the third didn't fit. a different genre. too niche.
but, with a new deadpool movie out and other ppl seeing the buggy parallels, i might as well get this off my chest:
shuggy is cablepool.
(not movieverse cablepool, to be clear. (i enjoy movieverse cable but he is not my mutant messiah.) comics cablepool.)
the dynamic is eerily similar:
we have an occasionally slapstick murderclown with obvious issues about the unusual way he looks, who presents himself as only having selfish motives but is (sometimes) lying about that, is very hard to kill, is disliked by ppl who have to work with him and popular with and beloved by ppl who don't both in-universe and out!
and his ex-bestie, a massively overpowered would-be martyr who is missing a flesh arm, has three scars over one eye, whose continued fondness for the murderclown post-breakup baffles everyone around him (murderclown included), and who refuses to elaborate on his motives for doing shady shit (including manipulating our beloved murderclown) except that he's doing everything for the sake of the future
like. tell me that's not them.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 8 months
Yayy here we go
Can you please write a goldenheart one-shot where Ballister breaks something which belongs to Ambrosius (the way he broke it damaged Bal's health too, like a cut or something) and is afraid that Ambrosius will get mad at him only to be surprised that all Ambrosius cares about is his safety?? It doesn't have to be angsty in particular, I'm all for it if you do make it angsty lol
Alright we're trying to work on drabbles again. Here you go, I hope you like it! (Movieverse)
Ballister leaned back against the headboard of the dorm bed, playing video games while his boyfriend studied for the upcoming Institute exam. Ballister, by this point, felt confident. He had been studying. Ambrosius, on the other hand, had not. So, he was taking the evening to relax and play video games on Ambrosius’s computer. It was way nicer than anything he could afford, he just used the one the Institute issued him for classwork.
Ambrosius yawned and rubbed his eyes. “I'm gonna take a coffee break. Want anything?”
Ballister hummed. “I'll just take hot chocolate, the exam is tomorrow, I'll need to get to sleep early.” He failed to hide the smirk at the look his boyfriend gave him, knowing he would be up all night making up for his prior laziness.
Ambrosius left the room, and Ballister reached for his water bottle off the bedside table. While drinking, he accidentally aspirated some of the water and choked, reacting too late to dropping the water bottle onto the laptop. The heavy bottle split the keyboard and water spilled into the mechanism, causing it to smoke and short-circuit.
In his frantic attempt to fix it, Ballister winced as the broken metal sliced his fingertips and lightly burned his hand. “No no no no, shit!”
Ambrosius ran into the room and Ballister wanted to sink into the floor with shame. He could feel tears welling into his eyes. Since he was small, he knew the value of things. Breaking toys at the orphanage was punished harshly, as there was hardly any money to go around to buy new ones. When he was even littler, his mom was never cruel to him, but her frustration when he ruined or broke things in the apartment where they already had so little was apparent. He saw what happened to people on the streets when they stole food. Loaves of bread were worth more than starving people, and an expensive laptop was worth far more than Ballister.
“Ambrosius, I broke it, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I choked on my water and dropped it, I– I'm so sorry–!” He broke down and his vision blurred. “I'll replace it somehow, I promise!”
He felt the laptop removed from his lap and soft hands examine his own. “Never mind that!” Ambrosius said, his voice urgent but soft. “Look at your poor hand, are you okay?”
Ballister sniffled. “What?”
“Bal, you’re all cut up! And the sparks got your fingers. Gloreth knows what those tech companies put in here, you got your tetanus shots, right?”
Ballister nodded softly. “I'm so, so, so sorry. I'll replace it. Or– or I'll fix it! I'll build you a new one!”
Ambrosius waved him off, as if it was nothing. “Don't even worry about that right now! Do you think they need stitches? Maybe I should take you to the med hall.”
“No, no, they're fine, I'll rinse them off and put on some bandages. Ambrosius, won't you listen to me? Didn't you see I broke your laptop?” He hiccupped. Ambrosius met his eyes, his own filled with worry. “Bal, honey, I don't care about that. It was an accident. Besides, this was just my gaming laptop, all my Institute documents are backed up, no harm was done except you being hurt.”
“No harm– your laptop is broken! That thing is worth thousands of dollars!”
“I hate to flex my wealth, Bal, but to my family, that laptop isn't expensive. And even if it was, I don't need it. What I need is for my boyfriend who I love more than anything in the world to be safe and happy.” He kissed Ballister on the nose.
Ballister was too stunned to respond, really. He couldn't imagine the privilege of just disregarding an object so expensive, but he got the impression that Ambrosius wouldn't care about the value either way. How could a few cut up fingers, on him, be worth more? He wasn't the Queen, he wasn't worth fussing over.
Ambrosius, as though he read his mind, nuzzled against his temple and stroked his hair. “You're something money could never buy. I liked my laptop, but I love you.”
Ballister eventually ended up making him a new laptop anyway, despite his insistence it wasn't necessary, but every time he looked at the little scars on his middle and ring fingers, he remembered the first day he'd ever felt truly valued.
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I’m back with yet another fix-it for TBOSAS! A very simple premise this time:
The district kids aren’t fed in the zoo, and the mentors don’t realize they’re their tributes’ only source of… everything. So despite their best efforts the kids’ performances don’t give them enough to feed everyone (they share what they can, because they’re all kids in the same boat who don’t want anyone to die). They look skeletal by the time the interviews come around, and their appearances remind everyone of the siege from the dark days. Especially the parents, who now see their own kids in these tributes, and it gets a ball rolling where capitolites realize they’re literally doing exactly what they demonize the districts for doing. Except they’re arguably worse because the war is over. They’ve won, there are no ends that may justify these “means”, the war’s already over. The capitol has no reason to do this outside of riding on their power trip to torment those they see as beneath them.
Only a few people are fired up enough to start protesting immediately, but these people encourage and convince others to join in until their numbers are so high not complying would pretty much destroy any chances of re-election for the president. If this is the movieverse, then possibly the president himself is swayed because he starts thinking about what if it was Felix who was standing on that stage, severely malnourished and clearly only conscious through sheer power of will, eyes hopeless and scared and desperate.
Idk I like the idea of complicated capitol people. They’re not monsters, propaganda and “us vs them” is just a hell of a drug. We see it in real life too, where being threatened by (and possibly losing loved ones to) the “other side” makes it easy to write them off as evil, so they deserve what’s being done to them. My main idea here is that the capitol citizens were particularly mad about the innocents who suffered, especially the kids. There’s a righteous fury, which is why seeing the tributes on stage in such a disheveled, dirty, famished state is so hard-hitting. Because the image that made the games “justifiable” is now thrown right in their face in the form of the same people they hold so much disdain for. It’s a wakeup call that they are at best no better than those they despise.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 11 months
Hii! I don't know if you're still accepting requests or if you're alright with requests but may I request something related to "Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot"?
But it's in Hiccup's POV ? If that's alright with you, you can ignore this if you don't feel comfortable writing!
Sorry, but I Think I Lost Your Plot pt 7
Pairing: Onesided!Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Modern!Fem!Reader
Words: 1874
During a quiet moment, both you and Hiccup share some words.
Tags: Time Travel, Reader into Movieverse, love language, acts of service, Hiccup’s POV, quiet moments, part two, unedited
<Previous - Next>
Hiccup groggily scrubbed the back of his head, hunching scrawny shoulders.
He stumbled through the dark underbrush, marching back towards his small, almost comfy spot in the clearing, not even able to keep his eyes open as he went. 
Toothless had followed earlier and had collapsed into a tired lump by one of the large rocks further down the hill. He couldn’t completely remember why he didn’t do the same.
He felt when he broke back into the clearing rather than saw the cold breeze hitting his front. He wasn’t sure if he found it soothing or biting, though he was too tired to care, eager to return to rest on something at least softer than gravel, maybe.
He spent one too many nights at the forge.
Hiccup looked down. It took him a very long moment to discern what he was seeing, squinting at the grumbling lump of you hidden below furs and old blankets.
His cheeks heated as he crumpled down into a sitting position, legs crossed on the stiff grass. He had a few very large, very jumbled feelings about you. Nobody else seemed to catch on yet. He was really grateful for that.
No one except for maybe Dagur. Hiccup wasn’t grateful for that.
Fishlegs might have something out for you too. He felt extremely brackish about that still. Hiccup definitely spent a lot of time glaring at his teammate, now, whenever he had the chance.
With weary, nervous fingers he nudged your shoulder.
He couldn’t understand what you were mumbling for a while still. He was too busy remembering what it was like working back-to-back with you the other night. 
Side-by-side, with someone other than Gobber. It was sort of peaceful, not that peaceful was ever something he had spent much time thinking about until it had gotten here.
“Hiccup…?” You asked dazedly, half turned over in your cocoon of blankets.
His shoulders touched his ears as he stiffened, burying shy hands into baggy sleeves and grass. He cursed himself, and then the Gods for his poor manner of speech.
“Are you alright?” You asked with a scratchy voice, stretching out thin arms as you struggled to stay awake. 
“Alright? I guess so. Why…” He yawned mumbling to himself, ”Why do you ask?”
A cold breeze blew by then, causing shivers to wrack up and down his spine, putting the hairs on the back of his neck on edge. It was enough to bring him to full wakefulness, at least for a moment.
He watched you bury your cheek further into the furs by his knees, feeling lucky to be able to be there in that moment.
“Everybody’s been wondering where you went,” You sighed, “I was looking for you earlier, you probably didn’t hear but I was calling around in case you got caught in something. But you were just asleep.”
“Oh yeah,” Hiccup leaned back, blinking blearily into the sky. He remembered that. He’d been too tired to even take off his prosthetic before collapsing onto the ground, “I guess I was…”
You hummed a confirmation.
The next few moments were spent in silence, Hiccup blinking drowsily and listening to the leaves and forest pine shift abc and forth in the wind, his torso shifting back and forth with them, surely about to collapse onto the ground. Not forwards. That would be embarrassing.
He wasn’t completely sure you yourself hadn’t fallen back asleep, not until you spoke again, eyes still closed. 
“I, uh,” You whispered, “I brought you some blankets? To… borrow. …Yeah. After I found you. But you kind of walked off before I got back, I think.”
“Right,” Hiccup said, shaking himself awake again, “I think I, ah, no, Nature calls, you know, So…”
You began squirming around under the sheets, for what reason he wasn’t sure quite yet, until you were able to push out some blankets from under you. You managed it without  having to get up off anything, somehow.
“Thanks,” Hiccup said, scooting back clumsily and tugging some of the length of the blankets back with him. He took a long while pulling off his prosthetic, scrabbling slowly at the rope binding it to his leg and trousers with dull fingers until he could pull it off and place it gently to the side. 
You had sat up by then, leaning back on your hands, and blinked at him slowly. After a moment of staring, you began to pinch at the side of one of his blankets, pulling it out sort of.
It took him a moment to guess at what you were doing before he realized and started the sluggish business of straightening out his own sheets. 
He was thankful for the fact that he was probably too drowsy to do anything embarrassing, attempting to get up before stumbling back down onto his but, realizing he’d already taken off his prosthetic.
It turns out he’d have to straighten his sheets the hard way, then. It was a measure more difficult to shake then out with half his height and a few more tired muscles than he used to, but he managed it okay.
While he did that, you had apparently spent some more time pushing out and smoothing your own, a sort of unraveled pile turning into a more even, flat arrangement of blankets and furs. 
The flatter setup revealed a few pillows.
Hiccup watched you settle one by the top of his setup before inching back and burying yourself into your own. He fell forwards into it, letting out a grateful exhale of breath, worming his way into it and turning over to stare up into the sky.
“...Are you still awake?” He asked.
“Hmm,” You muttered, After some further silence. Hiccup thought the conversation might have been over, and cursed himself for trying to start one at such a bad time. But it seemed you may have picked up on the fact that Hiccup was having some trouble sleeping, even with his exhaustion.
“How did your test flying go?” You asked.
Hiccup bit back a swallow. He was a little embarrassed, thinking back on it. He was glad no one else was around to see.
“Not great.” Hiccup cleared his throat, adjusting his shoulders against the fur below him. “I basically fell asleep after the first crash. Not- not because of it,” he corrected, “I made a few notes after, and, well.”
“So you’ve been asleep since…?”
“Since midday. I’ll be asleep again soon, though,” Hiccup promised, staring at the black silhouette of the trees to his left, wondering when it would be appropriate for him to start trying to count sheep.
“What’s up with the sudden design change?” You asked. He could hear you shift in your blankets. He imagined you might also be on your back, staring up at the stars. He was right. He checked, pressing his cheek into the part of his pillow on his right.
“I never asked why. Not that it’s bad. I want to hear more, I mean.” Hiccup watched the way your face moved as you spoke, baggy eyes struggling to stay open. 
“Oh,” You eyes went from a third lidded to a close as Hiccup sighed in relief.
His inventions usually weren’t that great. He would be the first to admit that. Even after he and Toothless brought down the Read Death, not a lot of people cared to learn what he did in the forge. 
But he remembered before that, when you’d brought him back his journal. You said it was nice. He spent what was probably an inconsiderate amount of time watching you from the forge window after.
That was a pretty bad reason to like someone, admittedly. He had a pretty bad relationship with his Dad and hardly a friend at the best of times. Maybe it was partly because you were a foreigner, but you didn’t know who Hiccup the Useless was. There was something pretty attractive about that, if he was going to be honest with himself. 
“I wanted to look cool,” He admitted.
You didn’t treat him differently before or after. You were out of place in your own right.
He liked you a lot.
You were great. You were pretty normal, all things considered. But not normal in the way the rest of the Vikings on Berk were. Normal.
For a while, he hoped he wouldn't have to confess how messed up he was. The hiccup Chief's son.
It turned out that wasn’t much of a problem, at least not anymore. He wasn’t sure whether or not you found a problem with it in the first place. He hoped you didn’t.
“Have you tried painting his fin green?”
 “Green?” Hiccup asked, blinking to himself.
“Like your shirt.”
“I still wear it a lot,” Hiccup’s voice stopped and started oddly as he spoke, as if to reflect his hesitance, “It was really nice…”
“Oh,” You mumbled. He could tell you were puzzling over it through your tone, “The red one? Or…?”
Which else? Hiccup though sardonically, waiting in tense, nervous silence, “Yeah.”
He wondered if you thought less of him for it. He pursed his lips, wondering what the Gods thought of him now, staring down at the two of you from up above. If it was something they noticed at all, or cared about, the same way he did.
“I’m glad,” You said, “But that wasn’t all me, you know.”
Hiccup turned his face back up to the stars, feeling the back of his neck heat up, “I know.”
You hummed back your assent.
Hiccup exhaled, all too aware of his tensed shoulders and the rigid set of his back. He did his best to relax, leaning back against the pillow until he felt as if the top of his head might fall off the other side and onto the dirt, uncovered by the blankets below him.
“I think about your scar a lot,” You drifted, “The one under your eye…”
The world seemed to quiet as you spoke, rising and falling by a tempo only your words knew. He took it in, hands folded together across his stomach, aware of the whistling bugs, the prosthetic laid by his side by his left foot, every wrinkle in the blanket above him.
His legs heated with restless, jerky energy, though he stayed still. He was afraid that if he moved, the moment might end. 
Hiccup could tell when you fell asleep by the gentle rise and fall of your breath. He wondered if you knew what he meant, if you understood the meaning behind those words, and what they meant to him.
He knew you didn’t. And yet, still, he was much too awake from then on to join you, too busy grazing his soft place under his eyelid with his fingertips. 
It had been a pretty nasty cut, and very easily agitated. Now, it was slightly rigid, dipping below his touch just the slightest bit. It was not completely healed, but firm and light enough around the edges, noticeable enough for him and everyone else to tell that it was scarring and it would be there for a long while.
He’d be thinking a lot about it a lot from then on, too.
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aphantimes · 4 months
do people even. like knuckles. is he even popular. i swear it's as if i'm talking about an obscure background character half the time. i went looking for (non movieverse) fics again and found character centric fics for every other member of the core cast except knuckles. what? what???
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speedofsoundsketches · 5 months
What I’m really curious about is how they’re supposed to incorporate some of the more important plot points of SA2 into the new movie, especially the Space Colony ARK. The existence of a hyper-advanced space station orbiting the Earth complete with a huge f###-off Death Star laser doesn’t feel too out of place or strange in the games because, despite the resemblance the Earth in the Gamesverse has to modern human civilization, (1/2)
there’s enough fantastical elements in the rest of the setting that it’s not too unbelievable that something like the ARK could exist. However, the Movieverse is very explicitly set in a fictionalized version of IRL Earth, which would seem to kind of neuter any potential portrayal of important parts of Shadow’s backstory, not to mention the entire plot of SA2. But then again, that’s really just a symptom of the main problem with how the movies have done their worldbuilding. (2/2)
Not to mention that before SA2, it’d been established that humans were fairly advanced already in the form of Eggman’s anything in the classic triology plus many settings that were shown to be cities of futuristic tech. (Casino Zone, Little Planet in CD, etc). Granted that Eggman’s an exceptional genius among people but a precedent was set and the Space Ark and GUN bases showed what people had been capable of 50 years prior to Eggman becoming active.
It’s worth noting that Sonic’s time setting is sort of a floating one in the sense that their eras are not strictly 1:1 to real life. The fanon gag of Shadow having what we’d consider fifties sensibilities is funny and all but doesn’t reflect the games since we don’t even know what year it is ever or how far into the future the entire series is tho we can assume it’s a more advanced one.
The movies are definitely going to be stretching things to make it all plausible considering how Gerald alone ties together quite a bit of the lore and world building for the series (implying he studied the ancient Echidna plus all the chaos looking robots). Since the setting and origin of this story exist in a separate world, they’ll have to find an adequate excuse as to why Gerald knew the other dimension existed and based his creation on a hedgehog to begin with. Sonic X if I recall kind of just glazed over this missing link in its two world conundrum and didn’t really address by saying “it makes sense because...IT JUST DOES OK?!”
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Invisible string
Thomas x fem!reader
Starts pre-tmr and continues through basically the entire plot (movieverse) *but I did take a quick note from the books in how Thomas and Teresa are the Elites of Group A, and Rachel and Aris are the Elites of Group B
Notes: self indulgent songfic, switching povs, constant time skips, super long (4.8k)
Summary (important): soulmate au where you get flashes of what your sm is experiencing from one of their senses. Side note: you get more visions as you get closer to your sm
Warnings: canon typical violence, language (Glader slang and normal swearing)
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[ Green was the colour of the grass ]
Thomas leans back, watching the screens with a small frown as Teresa types something out on a keyboard beside him.
You were sent into the Maze that month, and Thomas has mainly been monitoring you as he usually does with the newest Greenie. He prefers to keep an eye on them and see how they're settling in.
Suddenly, he feels a tug in his chest and his vision whites out. As he blinks, he sees a large grass plain. Tall walls come into focus too, as well as little farming areas.
As quickly as the vision comes on, it fades away, and he's in the monitoring room once again.
"Thomas!" Teresa taps his shoulder repeatedly, a concerned look on her face. "What's wrong?"
Thomas gives himself a shake and takes a breath. "I think... I think I just had a soulmate vision."
"What?" she gasps, incredulous. "What was it?"
"It was with sight; I saw grass... Bright green grass. It was the Glade," he tells her, shell-shocked as he gestures to the screens.
"Oh my god," she whispers. "Your soulmate is in there."
"Holy shit," breathes Thomas, spinning towards the screens.
He moves quickly, hands shaking as he pulls up the full list of Gladers. Subjects A1-A21 are in the Maze right now.
"Is it Y/n?" Teresa asks, eyes wide. You're the only girl in the Maze right now, so she automatically picks you out.
"Well I-" Thomas fumbles for the words. "I actually, um... it doesn't really make a difference for me. The fact that she's the only girl, I mean. I- I'm bi."
"Ohh," Teresa's confused expression clears she understands.
"Yeah..." Thomas runs a hand through his hair, biting his lip as he flicks a worried glance at Teresa.
"Well, that makes it harder for you then," she flops down in a chair, casually scrolling through the list of all boys’ names, except for yours.
Thomas exhales in relief, sending Teresa a small smile, which she returns, squeezing his arm in comfort.
"Did you see a specific part of the Glade? Maybe we can refine the possibilities," she says, finger twisting a piece of hair as she thinks.
"No, I mainly just saw the grass."
"Well that rules out Minho I guess." Teresa points to a screen showing Minho running through the Maze.
"Pity," Thomas responds without thinking.
Teresa snorts, "Yeah, it is."
"Oh, I did see the gardens. Maybe it's one of the Track-hoes, or Gardeners," Thomas suggests.
"Hmmm, but anyone could see the gardens. Look, Gally's building something right there, and Frypan's out grabbing ingredients."
Teresa laughs as Thomas wrinkles his nose at the mention of Gally.
"I mean, hey. You're still luckier than the rest of us," says Teresa, expression wistful.
These days most people just assume that their soulmate is dead; it's unlikely that your perfect person would just happen to be in one of the few safe places in the world.
At one of their meetings with the Group B Elites, Rachel had mentioned hearing terrifying Crank noises in a soulmate vision once years ago, and never heard anything from her soulmate again.
Privately Thomas thought she was lucky to have gotten hearing only, rather than sight or touch given the circumstances.
"I don't know... we'll see," Thomas replies worriedly. "The Maze isn't exactly safe either."
[ You ate at my favourite spot for dinner ]
Months later, both Thomas and Teresa have been brought up into the Maze. Unbeknownst to you, the Box had contained your soulmate that month.
But, you've never had a soulmate vision, and to be honest you don't really think about it at all.
You're simply impressed at the new Greenie, admiring his guts as he relentlessly pesters Minho, dead set on becoming a Runner.
You're not a Runner yourself, but most of your friends are in that group, like Minho, Ben, and Newt.
When Newt brings Thomas to your group for dinner, you immediately connect with him. You didn't get to talk to him on his first night, so you're pleasantly surprised to find that he's fun and easy to talk to.
One day, you're in the Runners' hut chatting with Minho. Runners have different schedules to the rest of the Glade, and usually end up eating late lunches since their morning runs finish a little later.
As such, you try to schedule your own work with Minho or Ben's runs, so they don't have to eat alone. Most of the Glade is eating lunch right now, while you wait for Minho to finish adding to the map of the Maze.
Suddenly, you feel a tug in your chest and your vision whites out. Even as you try to blink and clear your vision, you don't see anything. You get a weird feeling and start to... taste Frypan's stew? You're confused as you can sense the distinct flavour of the stew, but feel nothing in your mouth.
The taste then disappears and colour bleeds back in as your vision returns.
"Y/n! Hello? Earth to Y/n!" Minho is waving his hand in front of your face. "What the shuck..."
You come back to yourself with a jolt and a gasp.
"Mother- What the hell was that? I thought you were having a seizure or something!" exclaims Minho.
"It was a soulmate vision," you say shakily.
"Oh shuck. What was it?"
"What was what?" It's Ben, coming in from his shower.
"Y/n had a soulmate vision!"
"Shucking- keep it down!" you hiss.
"Well, what did you see?" asks Ben.
"I didn't see anything, it was a taste one," you tell them.
"Gross." Minho scrunches up his face.
"It was Frypan's stew."
"Hold on... OH," Ben realises.
"What?" says Minho.
"It was Frypan's stew," you repeat. "Which means my soulmate is here, in the Glade."
"Holy... shuck."
"It could be anyone though," you look out the window to where almost the entire Glade is just finishing lunch right now.
"Don't worry, we'll find them," promises Ben.
[ Bad was the blood of the song in the cab ]
You turn in a circle, staring partly in wonder and partly in horror at the destroyed city around you.
You and the remaining survivors have split up and are scavenging for supplies in the crumbled buildings, which provide shade in the sun of the Scorch.
"Hey Y/n, Thomas, check this out." Minho shifts a piece of debris aside to reveal a dented safe, with the door partially smashed in. He opens it and the three of you peer in curiously.
"It's just jewellery," sighs Minho.
"Just jewellery?" you and Thomas say in unison. He grins at you as he sticks a hand in to pull out a necklace.
"Look at all those diamonds!" he exclaims.
"And check out this gold," you add, lifting out some large earrings.
"Like crows, the both of you," says Minho, rolling his eyes and moving to look at other things.
"Here," says Thomas, holding out a dainty gold ring with a small emerald resting on it.
You take it with a smile and slide it onto your finger. "Thanks."
"Now, you pick something for me."
You grin as you carefully sort through the contents of the safe.
"Well, this looks perfect," you say, holding up a massive elaborate brooch, studded with diamonds and sapphires and rubies as you struggle to maintain a straight face.
"Ah, lovely," he snorts as you toss the brooch back in the safe.
You dig around and find a ring similar to yours, but with intricate engravings instead of a stone.
"Must've been some rich people living 'round here," he comments. "Oh hey, thanks." He takes the ring from you.
"Woah." You walk over to where Minho is, leaving Thomas with the safe.
"What is it?" you ask when you reach him.
Minho gestures to a case of guns. The glass is smashed in, and the wall the case is mounted on has mostly disintegrated, but the guns are intact.
"Hey, guys, I'm going over to see what Newt's got." You hear Thomas' call from the other room.
"Okay!" you call back, continuing to sort through the weapons with Minho.
"Hey they have knives too," he says excitedly.
Suddenly, you feel a familiar tug in your chest and your vision whites out. You hear a song playing, and you focus on the sound.
'Cause baby, now we got bad blood You know it used to be mad love So take a look what you've done 'Cause baby, now we got bad blood (hey!)
As your other senses return you feel Minho's hand on your shoulder.
"Y/n! What happened? Did you have another soulmate vision?"
"I- yeah." You'd assumed your soulmate was dead after the bloodbath that happened when you escaped the Maze. But apparently they’re still alive, and the options are narrowed down to the small group you’ve got.
“Minho! Y/n! Get over here!” Thomas’ excited call rings out from the other room.
“What was it this time?” whispers Minho as you walk to the others.
“Hearing vision, it was a song,” you reply quietly.
“Check it out!” exclaims Frypan as the two of you enter. “We found a record player.”
You step closer to observe the album cover. “Does it work?” you ask, already knowing the answer.
“Yep, play it again Fry,” says Thomas.
When it plays, you hear the same song from earlier, confirming your thoughts. Your soulmate is right here.
“Pretty cool, huh?” comments Aris.
“Yeah…” says Minho distractedly, looking at you with a worried expression.
He catches up to you later, and the two of you walk at the back of the group, out of earshot of the others.
“So,” he starts. “Aris, Thomas, Frypan, or Newt.”
You nod. “But I don’t think Newt even…” you gesture vaguely. “Girls, you know? It’s one of the first three,” you say.
“Isn’t there some kind of special feeling? You seriously can’t tell even when it’s narrowed down to three people?” asks Minho.
Honestly, you’ve thought it’s Thomas for a while. It’s just- none of your visions have been absolutely focused on one person, and you’re a little worried that maybe you just have a crush on Thomas, and your real soulmate actually isn’t him. You can’t imagine how much that would hurt both Thomas and the real soulmate.
You can already see it; confessing your feelings for Thomas, having an awkward rejection, and then having Frypan or Aris walk up to you, deeply hurt by the fact that their soulmate liked someone else even when they were right there.
It’s just best not to touch the issue right now.
You can still discuss it with your friend, though.
“I mean, I’ve kinda liked Thomas for a bit,” you admit to Minho.
“Yeah? I could totally see that happening,” he says.
“ ‘course. Even back in the Glade, you guys were always… I don’t know. There was something happening between the two of you. Always whispering and giggling to each other. You looked like dumb shanks when you did that, by the way.”
You roll your eyes fondly.
Minho was right; there was always just… something, with Thomas.
At the start, it was just intrigue, which is normal with the arrival of a new Greenie. Then it became admiration for how determined he was to become a Runner. After that, it became a close, friendly bond, which has now evolved into you developing a crush. Great.
Oh, and you might be soulmates.
“You know, he used to change his lunch breaks for you too, Y/n,” says Minho.
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“I mean, I know you were always moving things around so you could have lunch with Ben and I, and we were all just friends.
“But Thomas would do the same for you, and only for you. Hell, he’d always ask for afternoon runs. Do you know how bad those are, especially after lunch? But no, he’d prefer to get a stitch during every run, rather than to miss lunch with you.”
“Oh, that’s… sweet of him,” you say, ducking your head to hide your smile.
Minho rolls his eyes. “Stupid shanks, the both of you. I bet he’s having a soulmate vision of this conversation now, and you’re just both too scared to bring it up to each other.”
“I’m not scared!” you insist.
“Oh yeah? Then go talk to him,” challenges Minho, jerking his chin ahead at Thomas’ back.
“He’s- he’s got a lot on his plate at the moment,” you say. “We all do.”
“And,” you continue, “I want to be completely sure before I go and ask about it.”
“Sure,” replies Minho.
[ Cold was the steel of my axe to grind ]
Thomas has been having soulmate visions, there’s no doubt there.
It’s always the same. Tug in his chest, vision goes white.
So far, he’s heard the snoring of Gladers at night, and smelled the soap and stagnant water from the showers (that one had been hard to place; he had to think about the faint scent for hours until he realised what it was).
But, all of his visions have been super vague. In the Glade, he had no clue who they were, and now he doesn’t even know if they’re alive, cause he hasn’t had a vision since escaping.
Right now though, he’s mainly focused on keeping his friends alive. They’ve just found the Right Arm, and he goes to check on Teresa.
She’s been acting weird all day, and is now just standing ominously on a cliff side, so he wants to make sure everything’s alright.
His stomach drops out when he realises what she’s done, and soon hell is raining down as WCKD arrives and starts shooting.
“Where’s Y/n?” he shouts as Newt and Minho gather behind Vince to join in the fight.
“I don’t know!” Minho shouts back over the gunfire and screaming. “Last I saw her she was going back to check the medical tent.”
“Shit,” says Thomas. Said medical tent is now on fire, so she must’ve gotten out. She definitely got out, he tells himself.
They start to lose the fight, and WCKD officers start tying up members of the Right Arm, including Aris and Sonya.
Thomas knows he’s lost when Janson shoots Mary.
Fuck it. Thomas isn’t letting anymore good fighters be taken by WCKD.
And, he sure as hell isn’t going back himself; he’ll die before he does. And it might come to that.
“Stand back!” he yells, waving a control with the bomb trigger on it. “Get away!”
“Let ‘em all go!” he demands, the control held aloft like a weapon.
His feels his friends move to stand behind him in solidarity. They’re all going out together. He falters for a second as he wonders where you are.
“Don’t do this,” pleads Teresa. He ignores her.
“We’re with you.”
“Do it Thomas.”
“We’re ready.”
At his friends’ support, Thomas squeezes his eyes closed and touches the trigger.
“Thomas, I don’t think you want to do that.” It’s Janson.
A WCKD officer steps aside to reveal the Ratman himself, holding a knife to your neck.
Thomas feels a tug in his chest, and his vision whites out. His first thought is not now, until he feels cold metal and a slight pressure on his throat.
It’s a quick vision, and he comes back to himself after just a few seconds, but it’s long enough that he ends up staring at you, a devastated expression fixed on his face.
It’s okay, you mouth at him. But you don’t know what he’s just realised.
Thomas’ finger stills above the button. He can’t do it, not with you right there about to be killed or captured.
Before he can think, a huge car crashes through WCKD’s forces, Jorge at the wheel.
Thomas and his friends kick into motion, moving out of the way of Jorge’s truck, and Thomas turns quickly to watch you spin away from the WCKD guard, stealing their knife and running off.
He grabs you and runs, but the whole group is helpless when Minho is shot.
“Get her out!” orders Janson, directing WCKD guards to protect Ava.
Before you know it, WCKD decides to leave with what they’ve got, and they fly away on their Bergs with prisoners in tow.
Thomas stands frozen in the desolate area. He looks away as silent tears roll down your face at the loss of Minho.
“Pack up what we’ve got,” says Vince in what can almost pass as an unshaken tone.
By sunrise, Thomas has decided: he needs to rescue Minho.
He gives his speech, and soon he’s got a bunch of allies on his side.
His heart skips as he meets your eyes, and despite everything that just went down he’s still reeling from the realisation that it’s you. You’re his soulmate.
“Nice speech,” you say, approaching him with an encouraging smile.
Thomas doesn’t reply, and instead pulls you into a hug. You make a soft surprised noise, but lean into him. He’s breathing shakily as he presses a kiss to your temple and rests his forehead on yours, eyes closed.
“Thomas, what-” Thomas ignores your confused words and tightens his arms around you.
After pulling away, he swipes tears from his face with the back of his hand, before leaning into you again, this time bending so his head rests on your shoulder.
He leans back again, gently touching your cheek with his hand. He watches your eyes shine, the colour brightened by the sunrise glow. Your hand comes up to loosely hold his wrist.
“Okay.” His voice is scratchy when he finally steps back.
“Are you alright?” you hold onto his hand, brow furrowed in concern.
“Yeah, sorry.” He runs a hand through his hair and gives you a casual grin, like nothing happened.
You’ve travelled for a while now, and the group has stopped to set up camp for the night.
“Yeah, what’s up?” You pull Newt aside to talk.
“Is Thomas okay? He was acting weird this morning.”
Newt sighs. “I mean, I don’t think any of us are alright really. I haven’t heard anything from Thomas specifically.”
“Okay.” You comb a hand through your hair, frowning. “Never mind, it’s alright.”
“You sure?”
“Yep, don’t worry.”
[ Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine ]
“Just leave me.”
“No, keep moving,” you snap, terrified at the hopeless way your friend speaks. There’s no way you’re abandoning him.
You wince, gritting your teeth as your shoulder jostles against the wall.
That fucker Janson had shot you in the arm as you jumped from the building.
“Minho, you can go. Run and get the serum.” It’s Thomas.
“He’s right,” says Gally. “I can cover.”
“Y/n, go with them.”
“Are you kidding? There’s no way I’m leaving you.”
“Y/n, we don’t have time for this.” Thomas scrubs a hand down his face. “You’re losing too much blood.”
You groan, knowing he’s right. “Fine.” You stand abruptly and start moving in the other direction, but then you stop and turn.
You run back and throw your good arm around Thomas. “Be careful,” you whisper.
He nods, and you turn your attention to Newt. “Hey, stay with us okay? I need to see you at the end of this. Promise me we’ll see each other again.”
Newt’s eyes take a moment to focus on you. “I promise.”
You, Gally, and Minho start off towards the Berg where Brenda has the cure.
You move as quickly as you can, with one hand crossed over your body and protecting your shoulder.
You’re almost there when you skid to a stop abruptly, feeling a tugging sensation in your chest. “Wait, Min-” your vision whites out.
You try to focus each of your senses, but you can’t hear or see anything. Smell and taste aren’t happening either.
You’re starting to get confused when suddenly you feel a blinding pain in your chest, near your heart. You try to scream, but there's no sound.
You come out of the vision panting and shaking, and Minho's panicked shouts and Gally's concerned hovering return in a rush.
"I- I'm okay," you say, steadying your wavering voice.
Minho crouches in front of you as you melt to the floor, your legs giving out.
"Vision?" he asks.
You nod, eyes unfocused as you think. Where would the pain have come from?
Then you remember. Newt had a knife. Shit.
You stumble to your feet, grabbing onto Gally's arm for support.
"Thomas- I need... I've got to get back to Thomas," you say, still reeling from the vision.
You blink fast and shake yourself to clear your head. "First aid kit, over there. Help me get it," you tell Gally.
"Shucking... okay, fine."
When he returns, you grab bandages out and thrust them towards Minho. "Quick, Thomas is running out of time. Help me do it."
After a moment's hesitation, Minho wraps your wound tightly, temporarily stopping the bleeding.
"Okay, you two run and get the cure. I'm going back to help Thomas."
Your tone leaves no room for debate, and you turn and run back to where Thomas was last.
You steel yourself for the fight as you run. As Teresa's voice comes over the announcement system, you use her as an energy source to draw from. The rage at her betrayal propels you, and your pace increases.
You find them in an empty station, a gun forgotten on the floor and a knife clutched in Newt's fist.
"Thomas!" you shout, running in.
Between the two of you, you manage to hold off a Cranked-out Newt. You work together to get the knife away, and duck away when he lashes out.
"Thomas! Y/n!" you can hear Minho yelling from nearby.
"Over here!"
Brenda sprints in with the cure. "Help me hold him down."
You each grab one of Newt's flailing limbs until Brenda can inject the cure, and sigh in relief as the black veins start to recede.
"The cure is only temporary," says Thomas, straight to the point.
You meet his eyes. "We have to go to Teresa."
You turn to the others; Minho, Brenda, Gally, and Frypan. "You guys help Newt get out. Get to the Berg. We'll bring the cure."
You see Thomas hesitate in the corner of your eye as he opens his mouth to object to you coming with him.
You stare him down until he tosses his hands in the air. "Fine," he huffs.
When you get back to WCKD, you watch Janson kill Ava Paige.
Then Thomas watches you kill Janson with a swift, clean bullet to the heart.
When the Ratman falls, Thomas looks at you in surprise for just a second, then follows you as you stalk towards the elevators.
You find Teresa and give her a sample of Thomas' blood.
You hold your gun up again when she doesn't start making the cure at first.
When she's synthesised 10 vials of the cure, you walk out with Thomas. “Let’s get out of here.”
He doesn't even look back at Teresa, and neither do you.
"How'd you know to come back for me earlier?" asks Thomas once you've gotten on the Berg. “...you knew I was injured.”
You stay silent for a bit, gently cleaning his stab wound with a washcloth.
He lifts his hand, wrapping his fingers around your wrist. "Y/n," he prompts quietly.
You pull your hand away, dropping the washcloth.
You give him a look.
You know he knows the answer. He knows you had a soulmate vision, just like you eventually realised that his weird behaviour that night when WCKD attacked the Right Arm was due to his own visions.
You both know you're soulmates. And you both know the other knows it too.
He reaches out and runs his fingers through your hair, before lowering his hand to cup your cheek.
You flick yours eyes up to his before pulling back slowly, returning to your medical kit and tending to his wound.
"Y/n," he whispers again.
"Not now," you say softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze and hoping he gets what you mean.
Now isn't the time to address being soulmates. It's not the place for anything even remotely romance-related. You just- you need to get out. Get away from WCKD, before you can move on to... this.
He nods, eyes full of understanding.
You sit in peaceful silence, simple enjoying each others' company until Minho barges in and insists you come out to see the view.
You lace your fingers with Thomas' as you look out over the Safe Haven, a gorgeous coastal village stretching out below you.
It feels like a home.
”Oi! Let’s get going, Vince said meet at sundown.” Newt bangs on your hut door front be outside.
“The sun isn’t even fully set yet!” You yell back. “You go first, we’ll meet you there.”
“Slinthead,” you mutter.
Thomas snorts from his position on your bed, leisurely stretched out and lying on his back with his head near the foot of the bed.
You bend to pick up the fallen cards from the game you were just playing. As you organise them, your gaze wanders towards Thomas.
He tilts his head back over the bed so he’s looking at you upside down. That can’t be good for his neck, you think.
“What?” he grins at you as he flops back over.
“Nothing,” you say, turning away with a smile.
He gets of the bed and walks up to where you’re standing by the door. “Are we going…?”
You consider him for a moment, looking up at his face. Then you rise slightly up on your toes and press a kiss on his lips.
You pull back to see his reaction.
He blinks a few times. Then his face breaks into a wide grin. “I wasn’t ready that time, we have to go again.”
You lean up and give him another quick kiss on the lips before pulling away again.
He gives you an unimpressed look. “Y/n…” you laugh at his whine and kiss him for real this time.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he tugs you in by the waist, sealing his lips against yours.
Your movements are sloppy and inexperienced, and you giggle into his mouth as your noses get in the way.
You can feel him smiling against your lips too, and you tilt your head to help fit together better.
You both start to pick it up a bit more, and you gasp softly as his tongue probes experimentally at the seam of your lips.
He leans away, an apology already in motion, but you pull him back and try dipping your own tongue in.
You move unintentionally and end up with your back against the door.
There’s a thump noise when your back hits the door, and you hear footsteps stall outside.
“Hey, guys are you coming to the meeting?” It’s Gally.
“Shuck, man do you think they’re doing it?” Minho’s voice sounds a little further away.
Thomas leans on the door with you, groaning in embarrassment.
“Fuck I think Thomas just moaned,” says Minho.
“Move, move. Leaving now.” You hear Gally ushering Minho away.
As their footsteps recede, you and Thomas stare at each other for a few seconds.
Then you collapse into laughter on the floor, doubling over when you see Thomas’ face.
“Okay. Okay. Shuck. Are we presentable?” you ask, pulling yourself together.
“Shuck no, your lips are so red.” His embarrassed smile turns into a smirk, and you roll your eyes.
“Whatever, let’s just go. It’s not like everyone doesn’t already know,”
While everyone does know, you do get hell a lot of teasing comments and amused glances that night.
[ Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies ]
There’s a familiar tugging sensation in your chest, followed by your vision whiting out.
“Hey, you picked a good day dude the sunset looks shuckin’ gorgeous.”
“Wait, shuck. Minho where’s the goddamn food.”
“I don’t know! Ask Frypan.”
“Newt, a little help here?”
“No way man, you got yourself into this. Besides, it doesn’t even matter; she’s gonna love it no matter what.”
“Yeah, but I want it to be perfect.”
You duck your head, smiling as you come out of the vision.
There have been many strolls on the beach and make out sessions (you’re both getting really good). But, this is your first actual date with Thomas.
The sky is starting to fracture into pieces of blue and purple. “Brenda! Help me get ready for my date,” you call.
“You know I’m just gonna make fun of Thomas and judge your clothing choices, right?”
“Perfect. Let’s go.”
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Wow. This fic had no business being as long as it ended up. Anyway
Something I noticed is that I’ve been pretty sympathetic to Teresa I my writing, or at least in aitd. But not here! 👏👏 Not really a big thing just something I found.
Thank you for reading 😊
Requests are open!
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impulsivefanwriter · 11 months
The Lego Ninjago Movie but it’s a D:BH AU
@finn-m-corvex ask and I shall ramble :D
So basically— the Ninjago movieverse is styled like the world of Detroit:Become Human. Dr. Julien (who I hc in the m!verse is actually a good dad to his sons) builds Zane and Echo as the first sentient androids and takes great care of them— until his old coworker turns on him. This coworker, Jacob Harvey (nicknamed “The Mechanic”) captures Zane and wipes his memories while Dr. J and Echo manage to escape. Now armed with the plans to make nindroids, The Mechanic builds Cyberlife and starts his nindroid-selling empire.
He also has Cyrus captured to make more plans for him, leaving him with two assistant nindroids (Pixal “Pel” and Sentry, who obvious Cyrus goes “my kids now” and helps become deviant)
Zane was the original deviant in the sense that he was the original nindroid built to be sentiment and free (aka he didn’t need to be deviant), but after getting semi-reset he forgets and will need to become deviant to regain that ability
Now moving onto the others—
Lloyd is human (well, maybe still part oni-dragon because this IS Ninjago— the dragon is from his mom’s side, btw) and lives with Koko. Nya is his semi-adopted sister (Koko helps caretake for Maya and Ray while they travel on business trips).
Nya’s younger twin brother, Kai, is a nindroid (one of the “kid” models who’s specialty is “aging with human kids as a sibling so they don’t get lonely”). He originally does the chores at home because he’s expected to, but Nya and Lloyd help him become deviant because he’s scared he’ll get replaced if he doesn’t do the chores right. Kai’s the closest equivalent to “Kara’s story”, though less extreme, where Nya (who might secretly be a nindroid too, I’m not sure) runs away with him and Lloyd because a civilian finds out Kai’s deviant during the whole deviant situation and he becomes wanted.
(Side note— along with Kai came a 2-for-1 of the same model, a faulty nindroid names Kaigami who Koko took in for a while— this is the equivalent of movie!Bizarro Kai and later becomes the adopted sibling of movie!Cryptor)
Speaking of movie!Cryptor (or Zero, as I call him), he and Zane are the equivalent of “Connor’s story” where Zane needs to learn how to be deviant (again) while Zero is an incredible efficient deviant hunting nindroid (except, plot twist, he’s actually deviant and has been helping deviants escape for years by pretending to kill them). He was built by the Mechanic and he wants to take down his creator who sees him as nothing more than just a machine.
Rest of the Dorksquad time— Cole is human, though more of a cyborg after an accident (he’s kind of the ‘Cole Anderson’ equivalent, except he lives), and he stumbles upon Jericho by accident and befriends the nindroids there. He brings supplies from outside and updates them on news, and sometimes he DJs a bit for moral.
And Jay is the “Markus” equivalent. He’s an advanced prototype model that was gifted to Cliff Whoredon Gordon and worked for him for a little bit until he stumbled upon a meeting between Cliff and a mafia leader (named Master Chen). Cliff had him thrown to the junkyard in very rough shape where he managed to patch himself up with spare parts and was found and adopted by the young couple (Ed & Edna) running said junkyard. He then meets the rest of the squad and sorta accidentally becomes one of the leaders of the nindroid revolution as part of the “Secret Ninjaforce”.
Bonus— Chen (the Cheerleader) is also a nindroid who eventually gets kicked out by his human family, the Ambers (including movie!Skylor, who is an evil girlboss, and her dads, Master Chen and Clouse) and finds his way to Jericho as well
And yeah that’s the main basics, not too much else planned out yes (it was originally a SPBNR AU too, so show!Kai and show!Zane might show up, much to the latters bewilderment at how there are more nindroids but they are treated worse, and sometimes other show!nindroids make an appearance)
What do y’all think?
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endlesstwanted · 11 months
I Have Doubts, Sometimes, Of Being Real
My entry for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt #225 — I Can’t Tell & @comfortember day 8 — Grief/Mourning, read under the cut! Also available on Ao3 here.
Fandom: X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Logan/Scott Summers
Tags: Canon Compliant Post-X2: X-Men United, Dreams and Nightmares, Grief/Mourning, Pre-Slash
Summary: Months after the events in Alkali Lake, Scott wakes up from a nightmare to find Logan at the usually empty side of the bed.
Wordcount: 878
Created for: @scottsummersbingo — “Through the storm, we reach the shore/you give it all but I want more” / @lyricalescape — “Where you haunt me most.” / @hurtcomfort-bingo — Grief / @halloweenhorrorbingo — Shared Trauma / @scoganbingo — Hogging the blankets
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Jane is screaming. It’s his name at first, and then it’s a cry for help. When he gets to wake up from the trance, from the voice in his mind making him create chaos, he reaches her. Her leg is hurt, but she can walk.
He is back at Alkali Lake. The humidity of the underground base sinks in his bones. It also burns, the mark at the back of his neck. Like he is hurting Jane now, being played like a puppeteer by the monster who wants to get rid of all of them and has him under his power.
They can walk away, reunite with the others. Walk away together. Start over somewhere else other than the school.
They can make it.
Until she chooses him over them. Him over anything.
Him, and not them. And that’s something one can’t undo.
Scott wakes up in cold sweat, shaken from the nightmare. Except it isn’t exactly a nightmare, just the frequent reminder of what he once had and what he’s never getting back. The cruel memory of the moment in which they tragically lost Jane, and which refuses to leave him alone even five months later.
But he feels lucky. He can still see her that way, even if he ends up in tears and wakes up screaming sometimes, often making Storm rush to their bedroom, worried, ready to provide some comfort. It’s now his bedroom, he has to remember. Scott hasn’t been able to move out of it. He must be glad because not everyone would be able to remember Jane every day. The new students they have welcomed in the school for the gifted will never know about her.
He doesn’t hear his dearest friend coming to the room. Scott supposes he hasn’t woken up with a scream, and he’s alone to face the darkness of the room and the emptiness of his heart. Getting up, he paces the room to the window and he stretches his tired muscles, facing the dark night sky. It’s then when he notices the other body in the room, looking at him when he turns around.
“Logan?” Scott half-closes his eyes, focusing his sight in case his mind is playing tricks again into making him see what it’s not there, but what he wants in there to be.
“Scott,” his mate simply says. A greeting and a confirmation at the same time. He’s lying on the bed in his day clothes, shoes gone. On the side of the bed where Jean used to sleep. “Did I wake you up?”
He doesn’t know who should be asking. Waking from a nightmare always shakes the person sleeping next to someone, and what would Logan be doing there if not having some rest? “How did you get here?”
Logan does a funny face, something between a smirk and a grimace. “I can’t really tell.”
“Can’t sleep on your own?” Scott doesn’t ask with annoyance, only with a pity because that’s exactly what’s happening to him.
“Can’t sleep much in general.” Logan sits on the bed, body turned to Scott. His feet react by walking back to the bed and sits at the other end. “And not really these past months.”
“It’s hard to do it when something’s missing and you can’t just act like it was never there,” Scott replies.
Logan nods. He’s over the bittersweet taste of knowing both of them are familiar with that feeling. “If you share this I will deny it, but …,” Logan started. “I was feeling something, telling me to come here. It wasn’t your screams for once in a while.”
Scott doesn’t quite get that, because it’s not like Logan would let someone play with his mind without leaving a body somewhere. Or do hard drugs.
“That’s why I ended up here. I was relieved to see you sleeping instead of exhausted and awake, but well.”
“It was another nightmare,” Scott finished, and with a chuckle he added, “and I ended up exhausted and awake anyway.”
Logan shows a quick side smile in reply. No one says anything in a few minutes.
“You’re staying to sleep,” Scott says then. It isn’t an invitation, nor an offer. More like an understatement. It’s too late to read much into it anyway.
“Have any blankets?” Logan asks. Scott is … glad, maybe, that he hasn’t run away at the mention of sharing a bed.
“Only one. Are you going to hog it?”
“I wouldn’t want you to risk your chances,” Logan smiles? “You should use it, you seem to be cold.”
Scott goes to find the blanket, making a mental note to perhaps get a plus one, then comes back to the bed to see Logan staring at the place where Jean used to sleep in. “You can get inside, you know? If you want.”
Logan takes a moment to react. “You sure?”
“I don’t want you to die from freezing in my room while I sleep,” Scott explains. “That way we can share the blanket.”
“Even if I may take it all to myself?”
“You only will if you want to risk getting some kicks in the middle of the night,” Scott teases in a serious tone. “And let me tell you, Jean always complained about my cold feet.”
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Chapter 1 - Next - Masterlist - Playlist - Art - Ao3
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Tags/Warnings: princess bride!AU, pirate!izuku, reader is in an arranged marriage with someone else, angst, smut, brief mentions of alcoholism and drinking too much, izuku spends some time as a prisoner of war, specifically as a galley slave, implied SA but not to yn or Izuku
this is the first chapter for my entry of @thegetoufather's into the movieverse collab!
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It was a quiet evening. A blanket of stars had been rolled over the sky overhead, and was tucked lovingly in at the corners of the horizon by the fingers of thin, wispy clouds. The moon was big and bright above a balcony of smooth marble; tiny bare feet slapped and tapped against the coldness of the floor. Saffron curtains, dancing in the wind brought by distant waves, were parted by gentle hands, and a mother looked out between them to find her child sitting sulky and slumped against the wicker furniture that faced the sea. 
“And just what are you doing up?”
The child— a little girl— turned her head to look at her mother. Her eyes were deepest green, and freckles spattered her nose and cheeks. 
"Can't sleep," she replied in a small voice, blinking blearily. "I want a story."
The mother smiled. With quiet steps, she slipped out from behind the curtains and onto the balcony, sitting next to her child. She drew the girl close, tucking her into the warmth of her side, and stared out at the ocean, watching the waves crash against the shore. 
“I know a few good stories,” she said. “Which one do you want to hear?”
The little girl turned to her mother and smiled
“The one about the pirate and the princess!”
The mother smiled in return.
“The one about true love?”
“Of course!”
The stars above twinkled merrily as if to agree, and a seagull cried in the distance.
“Very well,” said the mother. “It all started long ago, on a little farm far away from here… ”
Izuku Midoriya held his hat in his hands.
Nervous and trembling, he stood before a small, thatch-roofed cottage, struggling to pin his wriggling resolve in one place as he waited for the owner to answer his knock. The master of the house, he knew, was a hard, weathered man, but a fair one; he had shown Izuku nothing but kindness since he had come to work on his farm. Izuku had no reason to expect that to change now. No reason at all.
Well, no reason except that the man might not take kindly to Izuku’s intentions to marry his daughter. No reason except that.
The door to the cottage opened, and the owner greeted him.
“What can I do for you, son?”
The farmer stood a head taller and a foot wider in the doorway before him, and Izuku swallowed thickly.
“I want to talk to you, sir,” he said. “It’s about your daughter.”
Izuku was no stranger to fear. He had faced down man and beast alike in defense of this very farmer’s flock of sheep. Each time he had encountered a wolf, a lion, or bandit, he was tasked with driving away the threat with nothing more than a few rocks and a simple sling— and each time, he had been faced with the heavy, daunting fear that he might not escape the encounter alive. He had learned long ago that that was the way of things; fight to live, to protect what is yours, or let fear consume you and die. It was simple, easy. It was the way of things.
This was different. This was something else entirely. 
The farmer studied him. His eyes hardened with something akin to grudging pity, and he nodded to himself. 
"Let's take a walk."
Izuku agreed, and the farmer fell in step beside him. 
For a while, they walked in silence. They walked past fence posts and chicken coops and barking dogs nipping the heels of sheep. They walked uphill and downhill and all around the spaces in-between. Izuku allowed himself to breathe the earthy scent of hay bales and cow patties, to feel the shifting of the dirt path beneath his feet. The farmer seemed to be doing much the same. 
They came to a halt after walking for about half a mile. Together, they stood upon a hill overlooking the farm, and the farmer turned to Izuku and said,
"Son, I want you to tell me what you see when you look out from the top of this hill."
Izuku looked. Izuku saw. 
"I see land, sir."
The farmer grunted. 
"Land," he agreed. "Boy, you've been here for a few years now— you know as well as anyone around here that this ground has a heartbeat. She talks to you, if you listen. What does she say to you?"
Izuku wasn't sure what the farmer meant by that question, but he answered as truthfully as he could.
"I love this land," he replied, watching as a butterfly landed on a nearby wildflower. "It's as much of a home as I've known. It sustains me— er, us— and it's a good land. I think when we love it, it loves us back."
The farmer nodded, rubbing the stubble on his jaw. 
"To me, this land is everything," he said. "She's my first priority, second only to my daughter, my son, and the memory of my wife, God rest her soul. I lived here as a boy as my father did, and his father before him. This land has tasted my blood and my sweat and my tears, as well as that of my ancestors a century back."
The farmer turned to look at Izuku. 
"You don't know what it is to carry that burden, or that blessing, and I'm sorry for it. You're a good lad."
Izuku wasn't sure what to say to that, so he said nothing. 
"I know why you're here, what you wanted to talk about," the farmer continued. "My daughter loves you. Any fool could see it, and my God— my God, son, do you love her. It's written all over you, so strong and deep I wonder if you were born loving her."
The farmer shook his head. 
"But you don't have what she needs, son. You don't know land, you don't know home. You can't give her a life equal to this one. As you are, you're unfit, unworthy— you're not someone who can provide for her."
Unfit. Unworthy. 
"I won't let you marry her. I can't, not in good conscience."
Izuku's blood ran cold, and he felt a little queasy.
"I'm sorry," the farmer said, and Izuku knew he meant it. 
"I understand, sir." 
Oh, yes, Izuku understood. He understood better than he had a right to understand. He couldn't even blame the man. After all, what fool would let his daughter marry a farm boy with no prospects?
"Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" he asked, quiet and desperate, and the farmer nodded. 
"Go and make something of yourself," said the farmer. "Earn coin, buy dirt. Even if you don't have a roof over your head, if you have land, you have a fighting chance in this world— that's all I ask in exchange for my baby girl. If you can give her that, son, there's no man I'd rather see her happy with."
That was fair, Izuku decided as his nostrils burned and his eyes filled with tears. If nothing else, it was a chance— and Izuku was willing to take it, seize it by the throat. He would do anything for the woman he loved. 
"I won't disappoint you, sir," he said, his voice beginning to warble slightly. "I— I'll have to leave the farm, though, probably after the harvest, and—"
Izuku's voice broke, and the farmer patted him on the shoulder. 
"If you're going to seek your fortune, you're gonna need to be able to fight. I have an old friend that can give you all the knowledge you need— he lives in the village. When we go next week, I'll introduce you."
Izuku nodded, wiping the tears from his cheek, and the farmer studied him once more. 
"Good luck, Izuku Midoriya. You're going to need it."
With that, the farmer started down the hill, leaving Izuku there to cry, wringing every last tear from himself so that when he told his lover the news, he could do so with dry eyes and more composure than he could ever feel. 
“Mean old farmer,” said the little girl, crossing her arms. “He must not have believed in true love, ‘cause true love conkers-all!”
The mother shook her head, her expression serious.
“Not all,” she said. “True love  is one thing, but survival is another. In those days, life was harder, rougher. The farmer's land would pass to his oldest son— his daughter's younger brother. Izuku needed money and land so that he could take care of his love."
The child frowned.
“That’s dumb.”
The mother hummed. 
“Maybe,” she said. “But it was the way of things.”
All was silent for a moment, and the distant crashing of waves filled the lull. The child shivered, and the mother held her close. 
“So what about Izuku’s lover?” the girl asked. “How did she take the news?”
“She was devastated." The mom shook her head. "She cried, then begged Izuku to run away with her, to marry anyway despite her father’s wishes— but he refused. Izuku was too honorable to do such a thing. He told her he would wait for her, and even if she would not wait for him, he would rather die himself than sully her reputation or disrespect her person."
Pointedly, the mother did not mention what else the young woman had begged for, or what Izuku Midoriya had valiantly refused. Her daughter would be old enough to understand that one day, but not today. 
"She still loved him though, right?"
"Of course she did," the mother smiled. "After all, at the end of the day, true love conquers all."
The little girl nodded in solemn agreement. 
Dawn's greedy pink fingers gripped the sky, clawing its way past the horizon. Shades of gold, red, and dusty pink followed in its wake, stark against the faded blue of the sky, and (Y/N) cursed it, wishing the sun never to rise again. 
"Must you go?"
Beside her, Izuku Midoriya was crying. Together, they stood alone on the outskirts of the farm, watching as the sun made its slow, insidious journey from east to west, her soft hands gripping both of his large, calloused ones. Her eyes mapped his face again and again and again, tracing every freckle, every line of his frown, knowing today would be the last time she saw them for a very long time.
Maybe ever. 
"I must," Izuku told her, his voice cracking. "I want to make you happy."
You already have, (Y/N) wanted to say, but they'd had that argument countless times already. Starting a fight on this day of all days was the last thing she wanted to do. 
"Can I not persuade you to stay a bit longer? To put it off for another year or so, until… until I feel more ready?"
In response, Izuku took her hands in his and kissed her knuckles sweetly, slowly, reverently. His skin glowed a lovely golden color in the early morning light, and although (Y/N) had never seen an emerald, she decided then and there that no measly rock could ever compare to golden sunlight in the green eyes of her lover. 
"I will come back," he told her, strong and sure despite his tears. "I swear I will come back to you, darling— but this is something I have to do."
It was not good enough. It had never been good enough. (Y/N) was dying and he hadn't even left yet. How was she to manage months, maybe years alone?
"Take me with you."
It was not the first time she had made that same plea. Still, Izuku just shook his head, wiping away tear tracks almost angrily.
"No." His voice was strong, final. "You're too precious for me to risk."
As are you, (Y/N) wanted to say— but once more, she held her tongue. As if he knew what her silence cost her, Izuku drew her to him and kissed her forehead, his chapped lips soft against her skin. 
When they drew away from one another, (Y/N) noticed a shadow on the horizon. Across the way, in the direction of the village, (Y/N) could see a tall, broad figure approaching over the crest of a hill. The shadowy shape belonged to someone she had come to know well enough to despise a little, and her mouth turned downwards of its own accord as she noticed his approach. 
"Looks like your friend is here," she said somewhat miserably, and Izuku grinned a little crookedly. 
"Don't be so hard on Kacchan," Izuku admonished teasingly, squeezing her hand. "He's got mommy issues."
Despite herself, (Y/N) choked out a laugh, then a giggle— soon, both she and Izuku were breaking out into peals of laughter, and the grumpiest bastard from the next village was upon them in all his scowling glory. 
"'Dunno what's so fuckin' funny, but it's too early for that shite," Bakugou grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets against the cold. "Cut it out or I'll gag the both of you."
"We will not," (Y/N) shot back, prepared to go toe-to-toe with the man— but then she looked at Bakugou, really looked at him, and when she did, she found a deep, aching sadness behind his eyes. 
He's lashing out because he's in pain, she realized, and promptly felt like a fool. 
Bakugou turned away, posture rigid— but (Y/N) was not one to let her wrongs go unaddressed for long. She left the comfort of Izuku's touch and approached Bakugou, patting his broad shoulder with a gentle hand. 
"I'm sorry," she told him sincerely. "I know you must be sad about leaving the village."
Apparently, that was apology accepted in Bakugou speak, because he turned to face her for long enough to allow her a glimpse at the tears in his eyes. Izuku must have seen it too, because he walked over and slung an arm over Bakugou's shoulders, pulling him close in a way that Bakugou might once have attempted homicide over before they had begun training together. Now, though, it seemed as though a bond had developed between the two of them, so Bakugou just scowled, grumbled something unintelligible, and let Izuku comfort him. 
The three of them stood like that for a while— Izuku's arm around Bakugou, and his other hand in (Y/N)'s— until the sun had climbed too high in the sky to permit them to tarry any longer. Slowly, tenderly, Izuku disentangled himself from both of them, and placed both of his hands on either side of (Y/N)'s face. 
"Oh, don't cry, love," he said, though (Y/N) couldn't help the hot tears that stung her cheeks. "It destroys me when you cry."
Never mind that his own eyes were filled with tears— he kissed hers away, which only made her want to cry more. 
"You must come back to me, Izuku," she told him, her voice weak and watery. "If you don't— I just know I'll never love again!"
Izuku shook his head with the smallest smile, and pressed his lips against her forehead. 
"I swear to you, I will come back," he said against her skin, "and when I do, I'll put a ring on your finger and build you a home, any home, exactly as you want it."
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around him then, and Izuku held her close. With her head against his chest, she could hear his rapid heartbeat. 
A moment later, they pulled away. 
"Goodbye, darling," Izuku told her, his eyes wet and gleaming. "I love you."
Tears threatened to choke her, but (Y/N) conquered them manfully. 
"I love you, Izuku. Come back to me."
At that, he smiled.
"As you wish, my love." 
In something of a dramatic gesture, Izuku grabbed her hand and kissed it— a last goodbye— before he turned, starting off in the direction of the sun. 
In the direction of his destiny.
Bakugou turned to follow, but (Y/N) stopped him with a hand on his bicep.
"Take care of him," she pleaded, and Bakugou's eyes widened. 
"Uh, okay," Bakugou agreed. "Yeah— yeah, sure."
As far as reassurances go, it wasn't the best— but the fact that it wasn't a vehement fuck no was comforting. 
With that, both boys were off, leaving (Y/N) alone to watch them as they went. From the hill she stood on, (Y/N) could see them for a long way, and she watched them until she could no longer distinguish their forms from that of trees. 
Farewell, Izuku Midoriya, she thought, closing her eyes against her tears. May the gods go with you. 
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doomreed · 6 months
For Doomreed week. I sent these via the google form but my wifi was acting up so I’m not sure if it got sent to you at all. Hope you don’t mind if I sent them again through tumblr inbox too just to make sure my wifi wasn’t effing with me. Also apologize if it’s a little long, but I hope I got it right this time 😭😅
These prompts are not necessarily connected to one another and can be used as a standalone
1. Post-movieverse where Victor comes back and kidnaps Reed (for revenge, etc), what happens when they’re alone together is up to the authors.
2. Reed thinks Victor is dead, but Victor comes back. Except that he comes back “wrong” - wrong, in this case, can be anything the authors want. (Since Doomreed week will takes place around Halloween, it can be spooky!)
3. Victor was injured during a mission and Reed has to look after him. Or Reed was injured during a mission and Victor has to look after him.
4. Autumn Doomreed fluff :)
5. Not necessarily autumn vibes but hypothermia trope feat. Doomreed? If Reed is hypothermic then Victor has to keep him warm (skin against skin method), or if Victor is hypothermic then Reed has to keep him warm.
6. Love confession during a fight, or in their case, a battle.
7. Self sacrifice where one of them sacrificed themself for the other. But maybe it can have a happy ending? So temporary character death?
8. There’s Only One Bed trope.
9. Secret hookup? Reed’s team suspect their leader may be sleeping with their archenemy.
10. Fake dating? A mission forced Victor and Reed to pretend to be a couple.
11. Memory loss
I’m so pumped for this! Thank you for making the event happen 💚💙💚💙💚💙
These are all really good (and yes, added to the list!) but my faves are #9 and #7 (and #6 and #2 🙈 sorry I can't choose)
Thank you so much for participating and for suggesting prompts! This being our fifth anniversary for DoomReed Week feels like a big deal to me? So I'm gonna try to make it a good one 🫡
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