#except luddicia
lovelygirlinbleu · 3 years
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Knew they would be fun together. I really enjoy their little bond and they seem so comfortable with each other. My heart is filled with love. Sadly it's the last season but I will eat up everything we are getting.
I still miss Ludde and Amie together so I hope we get some moments with them too.
And a little bromance.
Ludde and everyone is a serve to me tbh 😹
Klara Ceder and Ludvig Johansson
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Eagles: Rewind 3x9
1. Why do y’all think Klara decided to change her mind about staying at the hotel? She decided to leave after her back and forth with Elias and all we see is her hearing the concierge talk about the Kroon drama and the radio talking about it. Maybe she planned on crossing paths with Felicia before them actually crossing paths? Or she didn’t want to leave with everything they are going through?
2. For all the people who sleuthed out Klara was gonna save Felicia, major props! Gosh I really loved seeing Klara run in after her and basically save Felicia’s life.
3. The trauma for both of them is a lot when you think about it. Felicia with everything going on in her family and her personal life being exploited/lied about and everyone just believing an “anonymous source”. Klara being the one to find Felicia like she found her dad except actually being able to save Felicia. The situation was already triggering enough but imagine the ptsd.
So the moment when the girls are in the shower was so important to see and was one of my favorites from the episode. I really loved watching Klara take care of Felicia because of the stark contrast between them in season 1. It’s amazing to see really. S1 Klara was speaking to Felicia in a way that was so removed from any sense of empathy towards her. To see her arms wrapped around Felicia was honestly very beautiful.
4. Klara only remembering Amie’s number. Dare I say that I liked that moment too? Sue me.
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5. See when I made the predictions that Ludde would get in to the school, I did not foresee all this hot mess. Not even Ludde’s name being dragged through the mud. Now either the school will change their minds or Amie is gonna hire Ludde to songwrite with her for her tours. That is my prediction.
Also for the Luddicia fans (😂 still getting used to the name)… this situation ain’t getting resolved for a WHILE so buckle up. I mean, you have their break up and this magazine article drama piled on top? That’s a lot to sort through in one episode, even the first few of s4 tbh.
6. I am living for these 3 girls having a moment. Chile, I have been waiting on this for weeks 😂.
Ummm. Klara talking about the sleepover, she and I must have very different definitions of “good times” lmao.
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And I’m glad Amie actually apologized to Felicia and said “no what I did was not ok” and I’m glad they both forgave each other. I think the pollen is really thickening up over here, wow!
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Look at me, I’m always trying to predict something dramatic. I thought Felicia would find out about Ludde and London in some dramatic fashion.
(random: did y’all see those thick ass fries beside amie? oh my gosh they look so dry!)
Maybe even i’m being dramatic but I noticed this is little parallel of Amie calling Elias about Felicia when they were at the club vs her calling him again at the hotel. interesting stuff.
7. Despite the drama I am happy Mats and Lelia reunited with Felicia. It’s good to see them shift their priorities to what actually matters. All shade.
8. The emphasis, you know I gotta talk about it! The emphasis on Amie and Elias’s hug… you know I gotta slide it in 😂
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That little smile he cracked! HER smile! She looked comfortable in his arms. Amie looked like she didn’t wanna let him go chile, WOW. And tbh it didn’t look like Elias side hugged Amie like he did ole girl. Since we can’t see his arms, imma just believe that lol.
Cheers to the small crumbs we can over analyze and over examine to our hearts desires 🥂
9. Props to Felicia reaching out for help. It’s hard but worth it.
I’m really not trying to pop a little laugh out on Felicia sniffling but it’s hard. I totally get it though. When you’ve been crying so hard and for so long, you cannot help that.
Wait, what if Felicia goes to rehab at the end of s3? That would be interesting. S4 she’s a brand new person figuring out what she wants to do with her life.
Y’all think Mats and Petra would get back together? 🙄
10. I really like that Elias and Felicia are communicating what they mean to each other. And I like Felicia telling Elias to be kind to himself too.
Chile I think I am predicting things way way way too big and long for 10 episodes 😂. The amount of things we all thought would happen to Elias. Do you think this is the end of this particular storyline for him or do you think he will still struggle heavily with working himself to the max? I mean, when you put in to perspective that you have everyone internationally and in your backyard believing in Jack’s bs. The whole hockey community will think Elias is some nepotism legacy kid who had everything handed to him. If he wasn’t already, now he has to work 10x harder to prove he is at where he is with hockey because of his actual skills. So, this is a definite we’ll see.
11. Andreas is gonna scare Jack into retracting the article with a gun? Brotha what the hell? Now I really thought this was a relapse moment until the dude said “automatic”. Now do I think Andreas is about to kill this dumbass? no. I think he will try to scare him. The outcome? Up in the air. This whole plan could actually backfire and I would hate to see Andreas get hurt. Lawd, I think this last episode is a school dance/prom episode, it’s giving me very much degrassi flashbacks. Dead and Gone anyone? Lmao I’m not saying the show will get that dramatic but guns and school dances have such a history with teen shows 🤦🏾‍♀️
PS Klara is a hero. It is what it is. She saved this girl’s life. This episode definitely turned my negative feelings about her in to neutral because we still have to see how this love triangle will play out (and yes i’m calling it a triangle even thought amie and elias haven’t disclosed their feelings. we are not dumb lol) and how Klara will react to Amie and Elias. But 3x9 definitely made me look at Klara in a positive light and I liked that.
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lovelygirlinbleu · 3 years
I'm a little bit passive aggressive because of sweet magnolias rn so I'm sorry. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit and maybe I'm a bit paradoxical. Don’t take everything serious. This is a mess because I’m a litte mad. If anyone is really reading this please tell me if I got anything wrong or misunderstood something. I love every character except Jack btw <3 
So. I would love to know why people in film always have to exaggerate and be dramatic when someone is hugging someone else. Of course some hugs look different than others, but I still don't understand why you always have to assume the worst? It’s also an overused clishee and I’m a bit disappointed.
Unless it has a purpose other than bringing Andreas and Felica together this was just unnecessary drama and low. 
So why did they recycle? 
First Amie seeing Klara and Elias hug.
Now Felicia seeing Klara and Ludde hug.
Please leave this girl alone I'm so tired of them constantly portraying her as someone who interferes. I know that she ain’t no saint but using her again for Luddicia mess is just old. 
In conclusion Felicia and Ludde are most likely the worst thing to happen to this show. I know that they are the plot but I can’t deal with them anymore.
I'm not joking. They were doomed from the beginning and the writers really don't want them to be together.
I know it's a teen drama, it's supposed to be like that, it's realistic blah blah.
But the last two episodes also opened my eyes and gave me the answer on something that was haunting me. The cheating plot. 
I always felt like if it wasn't for the cheating they would've had a chance to be together without all the mess that led to so many misunderstandings. But then I realized that even before the incident happened they were drowning in misunderstandings and lies. 
I don't know if that's their karma because they started dating for the wrong reasons (at least Felicia, but thats a reach also) or because they were not in good place at that time. 
And now the incident is far back in the past and no one even cares anymore but there are still so many things going wrong with them. 
Of course the circumstances got them to this place, it’s not really their fault but it has been going on for too long to care if they end up together or not.
People got dragged in a never ending drama because they are so annoying lmao
I understand both of them and what brought them to the place they are in now, I also understand that the cheating plot is also to blame for what is happening now, everything with Jack too but their part is not as big as I thought before.
They are sabotaging their own story.
I was never convinced that they would end up together and now I really hope that they won't.
They haven’t even done anything wrong in these episodes, it’s the misunderstandings, the writers and the storyline that are to blame but yesterday was my last straw I’m so done with them.
It’s like they are not even allowed to flow, change, mature and think rational. (I mean OKAY I have more sympathy for what Ludde saw, than for what Felicia saw but then again it’s the writers, it’s the storyline)
And thats why I wanted Felicia to reconcile with Amie first. Because Felicia didn't need a romantic relationship at that time. A friend would’ve just made more sense. 
Sure the plot would be completely different if it happened that way but then Felicia and Ludvig would have had the chance to be together with development and maybe in a good place with themselves. I don’t know it’s just a lot. 
But like I already said that’s the writers plan, they wanted to potray this kind of relationship and it’s good to see their example but I really hope that their drama stays in the background, communicate and don’t drag other people into this again. I really want to see them in their own stories and not together anymore.
I don’t need the good content to get dragged down by the never ending Luddicia tragedy. 
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