#except physics the only valid science but sparingly
dykrophone · 2 years
physics for me is that one Straight Girl Crush. the hopeless one. the one I continue to love with all my pathetic desperation even though I know it will never love me back. the one I keep letting myself hope and falling for over and over again even though it crushes me every time because it could break my heart in two but when it heals it beats for you. I'll complain about it for a month after the heartbreak and curse it out and hate myself for being so stupid AGAIN but I know it's gonna happen again. because I know i need to move on but then I'm forced to study it again for a test and then I get sucked into it's endless black hole of simpery AGAIN BECAUSE IT'S JUST SO INTERESTING AND ADDICTIVE except I'm never gonna be good at it?? I need to stop being such an idiot over physics but nooooooooo I have to fall in love with it all over again until it breaks me every damn time I WISH I COULD JUST HATE IT
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dykrophone · 3 years
Science is trending how does it feel to be on the wrong side of everything?🤔😐
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thankfully it wasnt by the time I was up so I will grudgingly accept it as long as it stays faaaaar away (and also because it's something related to my favourite lesbian after elena alvarez, the moon, this time) 🤢 I'm on vacation anyone who so much as mentions science near me is getting blocked okay
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