#except unless when they're interacting for work stuff
atinyladybug-art · 7 months
I have a comic idea because i was looking at an Iceberg sketch and like
my headcanon was that Iceberg's scarf was given by Gears before Gears was promoted into O5. And its like this conversation between Ice and Gears where Gears is like giving Iceberg a parting gift for working together for years.
and its a red scarf and Ice is like "why red? it's not exactly my favourite colour nor does it fit me with my teal hair yknow"
and then Gears is like "You mentioned you miss what warmth and fire feels like so I thought a scarf being red might give you that sense anytime you wear it." and "its so i can see you in the crowd from afar"
and it makes me happy.
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strawberrycarat · 4 months
Why there are a lot of people suddenly concerning Ewan is "not genuine" or they miss "the old pixel days" because they thought that was the "real Ewan" ? He's an actor, actors must promote their work (unless they're so successful or so known they don't have to do it, which is so rare and only among the top of the stars of Hollywood).
Is Ewan shy ? Probably. We don't know him personally. We can guess he is for what he shows in interviews or what other co-stars say about him (all of them talking positive about Ewan btw).
So why the change ? Because HE'S AN ACTOR ! And one that is starting to ascend so he must be more active with his career. If he wants to keep acting lead and/or interesting roles, he has to obtain some sort of recognition from the public because, let's being honest, it's not a career that is always kind with the most talented people out there. To become a successful actor or artist, in general, you NEED that. And Ewan is not an exception. So, if he doesn't want to have social media, he must promote himself somewhere else, right ? Like interviews, magazine photos, etc.
And even with his interviews, Ewan is a mystery to myself and others. He talks mostly about his roles, and he keeps his private life within himself (like there are tiny details about him or his mates or his hobbies, but that's it - in comparison with other actors, it's practically nothing).
Does the agency has something to do with Ewan's "new attitude" most likely. It's an agency ! They are aware Ewan is getting a lot of attention (more than before, with the Last Kingdom, for example, where they didn't "force" him to go to conventions - I remember one of his co-stars said Ewan was most likely never appear in one of those ? - and he did ! why ? because he needs to promote since he's one of the leads). Does this mean he hates it ? Probably not ! it's, after all, the result of his work (having fans, traveling around the world, being recognized for his hard, hard work). Does this mean he stopped being shy ? probably not, but, if he wants to be a good representative of the show and his own brand (because, again, he's an actor, he's selling his entire image!) he needs to act accord to the situation. It is clear he still has some kind of "shy ticks" (like looking at the ground sometimes or repeating the same word to continue the flow with his speech or even playing with his hands). A shy person can still become "extrovert" when the situation requires - like a presentation or something really important.
So, with the agency... it is clear they're helping Ewan all they can (otherwise we'll probably get him in Adidas all the time) so they probably got him a team to help him dress, PR stuff, etc. It doesn't mean he's not being genuine with this "new personality" -as some called- on the interviews or his interactions with fans... it only means he's doing his job. It Is clear Ewan is a private person and probably want to keep a lot of things hidden (it's, after all, his choice to share or not), but as an actor, a not so recognized actor in this moment -yes, he's getting attention for Aemond, but in the reality he doesn't have the fame-level as Matt Smith, for example- so he must work for it so he can have more work opportunities.
This, of course, is only my opinion as a fan that admires his work and his persona (at least what we can see from this side).
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Kung Fu Panda 4 Review
Ok, I saw the movie yesterday and I have some thoughts. I think the film is good, but no where near the level of the first two. It's more like the third tonally. But tbf, nothing can top the second film in my opinion. KFP 2 really stepped up in its depth both in terms of its villain and message. The fourth film is very much the opposite. It's also very predictable and you can easily figure out what was gonna happen pretty early on.
What I liked: the animation is still gorgeous. Seriously, there were some very visually pleasing shots. The character models all looked great and I thought it was cool how the villain still has scales when she transforms. The music is also really nice and fun to listen to. The voice acting was also good and I thought Awkafina did a good job (major step up from Scuttle).
Po's dads were also really fun when on screen. It's nice to see them bond over Po and they do work well off of each other. They were the best part of the film, animation aside. The villain is also pretty cool with her abilities. We will talk about her more in a bit. And I did like Zhen and I'm looking forward to see what they do with her in the future. She's energetic and I did like her design.
What I didn't like: too. much. comedy. Ok look, I know this is an animated film for kids, but what made the first three films (particularly the second one) so good is that the balanced the jokes with depth. This film does have some messages, but it's intercut with so many jokes during dialogue that it takes away from it. They really needed to let this film breathe and have more serious moments to just talk and let things sink in. The villain brought back the old villains and stole their abilities (this was in trailer so not really spoiler). Why don't they do more with that? There is so much untapped potential here.
And that's my other big issue with the film: so much potential. Some of the ideas in this film are really, really good, but they only scratch the surface with it. I wanted to know more about the villain. I wanted to see our fave villains interact more. I wanted to see the villain use her powers more. But we don't get that; we only get the bare minimum. In simpler terms, there's no big "wow!" moment that the other films had.
Spoilers below (tread carefully)
Why did they bring the villains back if they were going to do almost nothing with them? The climax of the film was the Chameleon stealing the villains' abilities and fighting Po but we pretty much saw that in the trailer. Tai Lung gets to do some stuff, but I wanted more. Half of his lines were jokes anyway and I didn't vibe with it. Why did they bring him back if he was just gonna comment on things? I don't remember our favorite snow leopard being this comical. He did quip, but there was still a hardened edge to him. Idk. Maybe he got therapy in the spirit realm. Shen and Kai get crumbs, but again, they could've done so much more. And wasn't Kai destroyed completely?
With Shen and Tai Lung, I would've wanted to see more. I'm glad Tai Lung did finally come to respect Po and it does make sense. But Shen? The last time we saw him he rejected Po's help. Unless he too got the same spirit realm therapy Tai Lung did, him bowing to Po does feel very OOC. Nitpicking further, why was Shen brought back anyway? The Chameleon presumably doesn't know who Po is and Shen isn't a kung fu master. With the exception of the fanservice route, this choice only makes sense if the Chameleon was aware of Shen's actions in Gongmen and thought his level of evil would fit her vibe.
Nitpicking aside, there was so much opportunity for Po to confront his villains again and have a deep, serious moment with them. Whether either side likes it or not, they're reunited for a short amount of time. Why not capitalize on this great opportunity?
Speaking of the villain, so much untapped potential. Her design is great, her abilities are really cool, and Viola Davis does a good job voicing her. So why doesn't she get to do more? Imagine a really cool fight sequence where Po confronts her, but she shifts so much that it begins to mess with his head. Or she transforms into the older villains and Po is caught off guard? Instead, we get half the climax spoiled for us in the trailer. What was really cool about the other three was that we got multiple fight scenes with them to showcase their abilities. Thus, the final battle dialed it up to an 11 and we got a truly epic finale. Here, it feels like there should've been more, but there wasn't. Even her backstory feels lacking. It's there... but only surface level. Even Shen, arguably the cruelest of them all, had nuance and depth.
Also, why couldn't we get more of the Furious Five outside of a glorified cameo? Tigress and Po friendship is truly amazing.
As much as the jokes miss, there are some good bits. Shifu trying to deal with Po's shenanigans always crack me up. I also like the bit where Po tries to meditate and his thoughts get in the way. Because hey guess what, that's what my head is like and it's really freaking hard to quiet it down. So, there's that. I just wish the writers didn't feel like they had to insert jokes in almost every line of dialogue, you know? Li and Ping dad adventures are great except half the lines are jokes about how worried they are for Po or how not tough they are. Why not have a deeper conversation? I think it would make everything feel more natural.
I also wish Po himself was a tad more mature. I'm not expecting Shifu or Tigress levels of seriousness, but I felt that he kinda was a bit too childish. Po is one of those characters who loves to have fun, but knows when he has to be serious. However, he also likes to lighten things up with comedy. In this movie, it felt like he only really leaned into the comedy side of things. He had his moments, but I'll be honest, I really missed the "the only thing that matters is what you choose to be now" levels of dialogue. The proverb joke got old real fast, ok?
Grace Randolph from Beyond the Trailer described this movie as episodic and I can see it. The story bits are very segmented between the villain, heroes, and Po's dads. The flow and pacing of this film really needed to be upgraded.
Ok, that's all I got for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else to say (aside from encouraging everyone to rewatch KFP 2 because I'll never get enough of that film).
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prof-polarbear · 5 months
A wild Cubchoo appears!
Hello Hello!
I am Moose aka Modigo aka Vamoose aka- i could go for a while.
I run (counts on fingers) 4 active rotomblr blogs and 4 inactive ish ones and wow i have 9 blogs now. yikes!
This is mostly me copying Phyto (love you dude /p) for a space to rant about my characters in a visible place, and also answer peoples questions about that that they may not be able/comfortable asking in the character's askbox themselves!
Some of my favorite posts will probably get put in here, as well as some ooc art of characters!
Summary of characters under the cut!
Active Blogs!! @prof-polaris : My first ever rotomblr blog, and the one that this blog is jokingly named for! Polaris is 27, and the father of- how many kids now? So many. They are my beloved silly guy who trains service pokemon for others, and is doing their best to keep their family stable and alive. Polaris is generally very mild mannered and easy going, unless their family or friends are being threatened. Oh, and they're a mite bit haunted by their families past. Don't worry about that too much. Polaris' blog is also occasionally taken over by their cousin Violet, who just so happens to be a Zoroark. mostly chill but occasionally mid-high stakes due to their kids
@unovan-gardener : CD!! or Cultivar Deo, Boy, turned plant boy, turned leafeon boy, and my accidental punching bag! Whoops! CD is- near constantly going through it because of the traumatic events leading up to and through his hybridization as a leafeon, their father's C- parenting, and their inability to work through their feelings as they feel like nobody listens or cares! But also they love plants so much and love and care about their friends so much so when there isn't angst happening around them that they get dragged into generally they have a good time!! I promise!! Warning for occasionally body horror, there is a plant inside him keeping him alive <3 mostly mid-high stakes because of his friends whoops-
@naptime-noct : My darling narcoleptic guy, daze is. doing dazes best! daze is mostly active at night, and mostly just. talks to dazes boyfriend Casey @/bones-poison-and-pokemon and dazes (in my opinion) bff Ceti @/rising-normal-type-star. generally low states, except for occasional darker themes in reference to dazes parents and disability
@moose-from-animals : whaaaaaat whos this guy??? definitely not just- me but pokemon lmaaaooooo oops all low stakes except when i am going through it irl because we are the same man Inactive/Barely Active Blogs
@csamhp : Chroma Sactuary and Museum of Hisuan Pokemon, run by Skie Tiergan!! Xe are doing their best. This is a sanctuary Polaris runs, but honestly i forget about it alot. shoot it an ask if you wanna know more about it tho!
@newgrowthspaest : Polaris' business blog. all their service pokemon training stuff is here
@chromacorporation : ooolldd chroma corp blog. completely retired. only go here if you want older polaris lore.
@cedar-scavenges: guy gets cursed. more at 7. every time he sleeps he wakes up in a new region (randomizer blog). the idea was cool but lack of interaction made me lose interest in sprout, and i kinda didnt really know where i wanted to go with him. might get rebooted someday if i get ideas.
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waheelawhisperer · 11 months
I was thinking crackships dreamed up for shits and giggles, but like LapTex and Saria x Kirsten are kinda hard to decisively beat unless you get into like Suzuran x Lappland territory. Though on the same topic, what are some relationships you like seeing explored for non-fluffy reasons, whether that's toxicity or more how I like Muelsyse/Saria because they're so different and the barriers that raises are just *interesting* to me.
Let's not get into any territory where children are involved. People sexualizing Amiya in my inbox was bad enough.
Saria + Doctor is really interesting to me because her talk lines and appearance in Dorothy's Vision demonstrate the existence of a lot of trust and professional respect between the two, but Saria's also one of the few characters that actually treats the Doctor as a peer or near-peer (allowing for the restrictions of Rhodes Island's corporate hierarchy) and can stand toe-to-toe with them in pretty much any arena where they specialize. Doc is an accomplished research and medical practitioner? So is Saria. Doctor is a skilled and intelligent leader on the battlefield? So is Saria. Doctor has experience with corporate politicking? So has Saria. They have a ton in common and the rare opportunity to connect with a (rough) intellectual equal. There is really so much to explore with them.
Given that Indra's files say she supposedly embodies the ideals of chivalry better than most of the actual titled knights of Kazimierz, I am desperate to see her and Nearl interact, or would be if I felt more Nearl content was a good thing
I really want to see the Penguin Logistics folks and related characters interact with Rhodes Island, because there are a lot of textual indicators that they work more closely with Rhodes Island on a more frequent basis than we really see in the story (Texas in particular served as the Doctor's bodyguard often enough for it to make a positive impression). I want to see someone explain Rhodes Island's 401(k) matching policy to Lappland.
Honestly, I'd like to know more about the Glasgow Gang in general, but the story chapters they feature in will still be releasing at a rate of one a decade when I die of old age, so I've kind of given up hope on that
I like seeing Bagpipe and Ch'en play off each other. Ch'en needs someone who doesn't take her too seriously.
More Nearl Family content would be great except it wouldn't.
I want to see Schwarz again. It feels like the narrative forgot she existed after the Rainbow Six crossover. Would love to see how she interacts with other characters
I want to see post-Stultifera Navis Laurentina making friends and just chilling or getting into trouble because this shark is a mischievous little brat
All of Gavial's interactions with the Acahualla gang are funny as hell
I want to see more of the funny stuff Logos apparently gets up to in his spare time
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usercookie2008 · 1 year
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Doodles of what I think Dream and Nightmare true forms would look like after the apple incident
Rebirth Au :)
I explain below with a tad of a ramble teebee ↓↓↓
To explain it I wanna think that when they consumed/absorbed the apples that their Flames were sealed away into the apples kinda like a shelf of sorts or perhaps a sense of something that keeps their flames chained to their vessels aka the body's they were given after creation.
Though say their vessels are destroyed it too destroys that Link keeping them within their vessels, now say they are actually destroyed they will turn to dust like any other monster except unless they're in water or something their Dust will Become a flame and they arise back from the Dust but without a vessel and just like their true beings they were before given vessels that would help them interact with the world around them.
Much like a Phenix if not actually inspired by the idea of how a Phenix works teehee.
Oh also upon technically reviving their thoughts are often scrambled and they will attempt to go to the other because despite everything they still will believe the other to be safe.
Kinda like a primal instinct and also the fact that their magic is most in tune with each other .
Even if they are the opposites of emotions, they can easily recognize each other's Familiar Flames and will seek out the other for protection
To say if they also do go to someone else then also means in this state They recognize the others magic as safe and will too seek Solace in the other instead of possibly Screeching and intensely cackling at the other to back off.
Also upon the thought of "oh but the apples what about the apples?" Think about it, sure the apples were a more physical interpretation of emotions but Dream and Nightmare are the literal *Living* essence of Positive and negative emotions so if you really think about it Sure the apples a much more physical understanding and representation of emotions, But unless Dream and Nightmares flames are Truely snuffed out for good that is then when you snuff out emotions but even then flames can always be reignited, even if sometimes because of certain Variables it's much harder to do it and keep it going, doesn't mean its impossible to do so, you just gotta have the right timing so then the fire can live once again.
Anyways thanks for coming to my Void talk I'm gonna casually vanish off the face of Tumblr again lmao
But do feel free to ask Questions about it! I love answering questions for stuff like this,,,
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mymistakewriting · 6 months
Diaz Family Dynamics
This comes with the standard warnings of 'hey if you think I'm bashing this character, I'm not' and 'if you don't like my content, you don't have to interact with it because I ain't fighting with people over opinions'. With a single exception. I am absolutely bashing Helena and Ramon Diaz. They're terrible parents and even worse people. my asks are open for questions or conversations!
I also have other thoughts about Eddie, including things involving him and Shannon, and more things about him and his sisters, his traumas, etc. However, I think this post is a little too heavy to share all of those. If you're interested in any of them, let me know. I'll do a separate post for them later regardless, but I'd love to see what people are interested in hearing about.
Trigger warnings: PTSD, talk of child neglect & abuse. It's Eddie Diaz and his family, that's it's own warning.
Let's get the hard stuff out of the way first, shall we? As someone who's been in shoes similar to Eddie and Maddie as oldest sibling who's had to step up and be a parent to their younger siblings, there is no situation where a child is raising another child and it's not because the actual parents are neglectful at best and abusive at worst. The Diaz parents are both. And it's exactly the way you'd think. Helena is shown to be verbally and emotionally abusive to Eddie in the flashbacks we're given during Eddie Begins. She sits back and watches her son, who's a newly single father and still healing from injuries he gained in a war that he ran to in part because of his parents struggle with multiple jobs at once, doctors appointments for himself AND his son, and did nothing to help. Instead, she used the fact that he was struggling as an excuse to ask for custody of Christopher. And considering Eddie grew up with that same style of abuse, that he shielded his sisters from receiving it, too? Yeah, I hope she burns in Hell for it.
And Ramon. Oh, Ramon. He's equally shitty to Eddie when it comes to verbal abuse. He abandoned the family (for work, yes, but what decent father looks at their 10 year old son and tells them it's time to 'man up'?). And no one has a fight style scrappy enough for genuine street fighting, the way Eddie's got, unless it was learned originally in self defense and then refined later on with actual lessons. I'd put money on Ramon having laid hands on Eddie a time or two before he got big enough to fight back. I've seen it, I grew up with kids who have that exact fighting style and that's what it was from. And the way he never turns his back on his father when they do interact? It's a survivor's skill that you learn the hard way.
Also? All of Eddie's doubts about him being a good dad? His worries that he's fucking Christopher up when he's given everything he's got for his son? Those come from his parents, too. He's always tried to make sure he wasn't like either of his parents, but those doubts don't leave very easily when you've spent your whole life not knowing anything else. Helena definitely drilled it in the entire time after Eddie came home from overseas that what he was doing for Christopher's sake wasn't enough. That he wasn't a good enough parent.
I'm also entirely sure that Eddie's lack of skill in cooking stems in part from his childhood. He was the oldest sibling of three, and he was helping raise his sisters. He probably tried to learn to cook by the time he was 12 for their sake but was told no by his mother. They're a Southern family, do you know how much time some boys are allowed to spend in the kitchen when there's daughters around to learn to cook instead? Sure isn't enough to learn anything. And I 100% believe Helena just refused to teach him. He learned how to cook eggs when he was 12, but no one ever taught him anything else until after he moved to LA, where Pepa and Isabel stepped in and tried to teach him. But it's harder to learn to cook in your late 20s when you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders already than it would be when you're a kid. It's just an unfortunate fact that some aspects of toxic masculinity like that are furthered by the mothers here in the American South. Sometimes.
Additionally, Eddie's never considered that he could be anything other than straight (I think he's bisexual but demiromantic, but that's just a headcanon). Again. Welcome to the South. He grew up Catholic. No way in Hell that Ramon didn't threaten to 'beat the gay out of him' the first time he was overheard jokingly flirting with a friend in high school. More families are like that down here than I want to admit. My own included. Just look how quickly Eddie's communication style changes when he realizes something sounds flirty. All those times he's jokingly said something to Buck and then went too serious directly after for no discernible reason? Bet you anything it's that.
He didn't leave despite hating staying with his parents after Shannon left not because he couldn't (Pepa or Isabel would've let them stay until he got a place, I'm sure that's what happened anyway because he packed them up and left on a dime anyway) because he had to make sure his sisters were out of his parents' home first. He'd rather suffer than leave them unprotected from it all.
All three Diaz siblings went no contact eventually. Then Eddie switched to limited contact because he thought Christopher deserved to know his living grandparents after Shannon's death. The only time they all show up is when it's required (like at Ramon's retirement party).
And final comment involving the Diaz parents: Eddie never wanted to marry Shannon. Another unfortunate tradition here in the South that still happens (less frequently, but happens): sometimes the parents force a marriage in the case of an unplanned pregnancy. We've had several in my family. Eddie loved Shannon, yes. But he never would have married her on his own. His parents forced it as soon as they found out Shannon was pregnant. It's part of why their marriage was so toxic, I think.
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kb1301 · 13 days
Tatag-9 Headcanon Shenanigans
Long overdue but have to give some love to my grumpy and stoic Exo Titan. Some of these facts, or headcanons or whatnot are already established in a server I'm in but I'm willing to reiterate it here and add some new ones as well!
Handicraft stuff:
He has a secret hobby involving fabrics-based handicraft. Sewing, knitting, crocheting, you name it. He's involved in that. His apartment has a small room with his creations.
He learned how to do these under Zavala's tutelage. I'd like to imagine that Zavala had like a secret handicraft club (though mostly for knitting) that some Guardians had gotten into. He's one of them.
For his few trusted friends... he makes them a special gift. He actually tries to create a plushie version of themselves and their Ghosts! Always put in a nice yet simple gift box, giving it to them personally or leaving it at their front door to collect. It's one such way of showing his appreciation and affection for them.
Just expect him to make tapestries and rugs and snug sweaters. He may sell them for glimmer if he wanted to but he prefers to keep his hobby away from the whole making it a job thing.
One of his proudest works was making a whole tapestry regarding the Iron Lords that he decided to gift to one of (the two of) its surviving original members, Lord Saladin. Being an Iron Lord fanboy meant that he definitely spent some time creating this intricately beautiful piece of fabric over the months. He gave it the one time Saladin visited the Tower after his duties in Caiatl's War Council, whenever he would celebrate and host the Iron Banner. Gave it quickly, nodded, and left walking in a hasty fashion. Clearly bashful for doing something like that.
Quirks and Traits:
Undeniably patient and has a temper that is good for his stoic self. He doesn't get easily angry or upset... Unless you keep pestering him and be a constant annoyance around him (see: Shard-3, my Exo Hunter). He's slow to anger however.
Big dad energy (especially Filipino dads). Expect those silly things you hear and see from the Internet regarding how dads interact.
Given his Exo frame, he has a resting grump face... which had influenced his grumpiness a little. That gets people away from him, and that's okay by him.
Where Max is a cat owner and Shard's a dog person, Tatag would be someone into reptiles and birds. He'd probably be beside Saint and quietly feeding the pigeons with the legendary Titan together. He has a terrarium just for this pair of bearded dragons in his apartment.
Big home cook, but only shares his food to those he invites, or visits. Filipinos have this thing of making lots of food for people to feast or chow on, or sending out food to people when they're about to leave. You can say that Tatag would send out the tupperware or containers to send what delicious food he makes. He makes some mean lumpia (the Shanghai variant especially) and pork sinigang.
VERY FESTIVE FOR THE DAWNING. He'll be inviting his trusted friends and companions to a feast he makes for them. And there's a very rare moment he'd show what joy he has for them during that.
He would pat someone's shoulder or back as a way to compliment when in battle before moving onwards. Be it friend or just a mere ally. It's a common pattern he does to show his appreciation for them.
Affections and Love:
Tatag seems outwardly cold or unassuming, but inwardly he's a sweetheart. Of course he won't just show it to anyone except to those he trusts and has befriended with.
He's reserved and won't show off such affection (both platonic or romantic) to the public, but he's not fully adverse to PDA. He only gives it in private, or in the company of those he trusts wholeheartedly. And provided his quietness or dislike with being social, he's not going to be vocally affectionate. He prefers to show it off in an emotional level, and even physical sometimes.
In terms of romantic relationships, he is not one to form one nor one to approach others. He prefers to be the one that is pursued, to be wooed over or to show that they got what it takes to make him fall in love with them.
Furthermore, he needs to be emotionally connected with them in order to even pursue something like a romance (hint: he's demi both ways). Invest time with him and get to know him better then there will be that spark within him that realizes that he has fallen in love with them.
He's a monogamous guy, and cannot get into any other relationship at all except the one he's in.
He's very intimate and very affectionate to his partner. Expect sweet gestures, devotion of time, and lots of touching from him.
Touching, he loves touching. He loves physical closeness. He gives hugs and kisses no matter what and would tenderly embrace his lover whenever.
Bilingualism is working wonders for his lover, as he'll speak to them in both English and Filipino about how much he loves them. Providing translations even just to bridge that language gap.
If anything, his top three love languages are: Physical Touch, Quality Time, and Words of Affirmation. Acts of Service exists too but those three are the ones he likes most.
Being a father to an Eliksni child, and his canon OC x OC relationship:
Canonically, Tatag is a father! An adoptive father to his adopted Eliksni son, Alon (meaning ocean or sea wave in Filipino). The hatchling he adopted was found and cared for and nurtured over just after the events of the Endless Night, when House Light and the Vanguard have now become allies. He doesn't have the most time with his kid given his business as a Guardian and so he leaves him to the care of his (canon) life partner, Martin (he/they), a civilian Titan Guardian that owns a restaurant that serves comfort food in the City.
Tatag and Martin met one time during when the latter visited the Tower for some errands he needed to do. He was smitten at first sight and decided to form a friendship with the Exo. It was a slow slow burn, but eventually they became partners.
Marriage was still inconceivable since it will take time for Tatag to consider it, but he has devoted his time to Martin for life (and vice-versa). With the Light or without it.
Strongest love language between them is quality time. To enjoy each other's presence and do things together makes them happy together.
Even with Tatag's physical unavailability to take care of Alon, he makes time to call them whenever he's out and about around the system.
The name Alon came to mind for Tatag because of his reminiscing of the sea. He has a small yet strange affinity for the sea, for the beach, for the water. Maybe something about his past called to him regarding it, even beyond all the reboots. Hence he named his kid for this affinity for the sea, over the crashing waves.
Though he would also give the kid an Eliksni name, Valrask.
The only allowable OC x Canon relationship for him:
If we talk however on an OC x Canon level, he would find his life partner in Misraaks (which is an AU's canon that I will indulge on because who doesn't love Misraaks?). Two fathers to two adopted Eliksni children. Eido would have a baby brother because of that, and I think that would be very cute. For Misraaks and Tatag. And for Eido and Alon.
Tatag would immerse himself into Eliksni culture alongside the Kell, integrating himself into the Eliksni Quarter and learn everything about them more.
Like with Martin, marriage was still out of the picture. And likewise with Martin, he dedicates himself to Misraaks completely.
Strongly into physical touch together, there would be lots of physical intimacy between them. Given the fact in their size difference. This would be the only time the Exo's little spooning himself for the Eliksni.
Since you reached the end, have some pictures of Tatag (and his Ghost, Kislap)!
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overx · 6 months
(Vi) You mentioned you have eating requirements-- that normal human grade foods were no good, what's with that?
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"Oh. That? It's pretty normal for reploids not to be able to eat." Vile shrugs, obviously nonchalant about the question.
"Think of it like a sliding scale. There's extremes and also a lot of in-between." Which, frankly, could describe almost any aspect of reploid builds.
"Most of us get features based on the jobs we're built for. If we're going to be working a lot with people for example, we're more likely to be as close to human as possible... within budget. Office jobs, daycare attendants, that sort of thing. There's a need to make non reploids feel more comfortable, and food is like a big... camaraderie thing, you know? You share your culture, your time, and more when you eat together." Or that's what he'd observed at least. It's about the socialization more than anything else.
"Even the most high end models still have intake restrictions though. They're basically vegan..? Or have other individual system restrictions. Generally though, it's easier to process plant matter and sugars over animal proteins. Grease and fat can easily cause havoc on your insides when you aren't built for it too. Same reasons you wouldn't pour oil down the sink."
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"...which yeah, makes fried foods difficult. There are modifications and upgrades you can get to have an easier time eating but they're pricier which is why it's not really a default. Maybe the only exception is units commissioned to work in restaurants." Hard to imagine a world where that's the norm, even if it sounds nice.
"...then there's the rest of us. Which is a spectrum of not being able to eat period, and only being able to consume specific stuff. Like... y'know, e-tanks. Unless you fall under 'can't eat' you can have that and similar products. There's food and drinks made for reploids to use for minor upkeep, and it's less expensive than making us able to eat what the humans do." For the manufacturers, that is.
"Synthetic foodstuffs are a big market that sprang up practically overnight, but they're in high demand given our limitations. Quality varies though, and it really depends on your individual systems for what works and doesn't. Lots of it looks and smells pretty close to what I see in human diets at the very least."
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"Couldn't tell you if any of it tastes like the real thing though. I'm pretty limited in what I can have. I fall closer to the grade of reploids that eats next to nothing. Not really necessary for a combat model, and I have limited interaction with the public..." thankfully.
"You could compare it to a mostly liquid diet for me. Basically synthetic drinks and stuff that's easy to burn off like alcohol is all I get. Something has to be made with virtually only maintenance in mind and like... sugar, for me to be able to have it as a solid. Even then, I have to stick to small portions."
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"Lots of folks are like me and can only drink, but it's the cheapest option that still makes us 'relatable', I guess." Hard to tell if he's bitter or not about it.
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coldflasher · 3 months
Asks, you say? WELL THEN!
What's your favourite and least favourite ColdFlash scenes in the show?
reiterate previous apology for asking for asks and then not answering them till a day later haha
oohhhh this is a good one. i was really gonna be like "oh i can't choose but here are my top faves" and then was like please babes they have like 5 scenes together, just pick one. be brave. it'll be okay
SO. i'm gonna go for the whole ARGUS scene in infantino street. the whole thing in general but specifically the part where they're crouching outside king shark's cell bickering and handing the cold gun back and forth while len goads barry about whether or not he really has it in him to be a killer. infantino street really did give us that perfect glimpse into how WELL coldflash work together and it makes me a little sad that we never got a scene of them working together where one of them wasn't anxious and miserable—family of rogues!barry was all giddy and excited to be playing the supervillain while len was radiating stress worrying that lisa's head would explode at any second; infantino street!len was at his snarky best and clearly enjoying winding barry up, but barry was too worried about iris and the savitar situation to banter back the way we all know they can and do. and like yeah i know technically they'd never work together in the first place except in a dire situation so that would always have been the case, but a girl can dream
the ARGUS stuff is the most extended interaction we see between them and i think it really opens up new layers in their relationship and it's just a fascinating reversal of their usual dynamic with len being the angel on barry's shoulder rather than the other way around, when previously he'd have been the devil encouraging him to be bad... also i just have a thing for seeing barry with the cold gun for completely normal and non-horny reasons (i joke... unless....)
least favourite... that is so hard when we as a fandom have so few crumbs that it feels impossible (and somewhat sacrilegious) to not enjoy any coldflash scene lmao. i guess any scene where len is a hologram/flashback/speedforce avatar is always a disappointment cos i remember when eps aired and we'd find out wentworth was gonna be there and we'd all lose our minds and then it was like "SNARTBAIT OOH HA HA"
but even for those scenes, i found things to like. like one that comes to mind that isn't a fave is when barry comes across len as a speedforce avatar wandering around hospital corridors in wally's dead mom prison mindscape, but also that's the scene that brought us "you made him want to be a hero, just like you" so like... how could i hate her?
OR there's that scene from 2x01 where barry's fighting len and mick and len is like "I'LL KILL YOU, RAHHHH" which i don't love cos it doesn't feel very in-character (just the delivery idk it always gave off vibes) but then we get the funny but also kinda sad reveal that it's OOC because it's not real and barry is just having a pathetic little daydream about fighting len and mick whilst he's holed up alone in S.T.A.R Labs like :( so again. how could i hate her??
so if we're gonna choose i'll probably either go with the speedforce avatar thing OR, if it counts, when barry meets the legends and asks where len is and they're like "he's dead, but he died a hero though" and barry's like okay cool, i'm gonna smile wistfully and not gonna ask any follow-up questions. to be fair they did make up for that by having len's death haunt him for the rest the show's tenure but it was still a letdown imo
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anendoandfriendo · 2 years
AKA the Forever-WIP Post
We're The Rusanya Collective, or just "Rusanya" collectively. We're a protogenic-endogenic (or, to simplify, recursigenic) system of over 300 folks, many of who consider themselves factual fictives and/or soulbonds.
We'd like to think we're some form of queer for the most part, but we haven't really had a good chance to interact with an offline culture yet (we plan to work on this AT SOME POINT but we just got a promotion at our new job and like, are trying to recover from retail & other assorted bullshit).
We like to look at pretty art on this website and read & write stories even if we don't do that much anymore and listen to podcasts. We like video games and watching TV & movies and working on our headspace & simply plural and trying to be happy on our social media while being open as an Autistic system.
We have a cat who is called Cookie. We have a double BA in psychology and social justice from which we graduated in 2020 with. We are just learning to cook in general but especially with a slow cooker, which is better for our ADHD. We actually like living in our current apartment, which has been much better for our overall health (especially mental health) which is important to us.
We don't really have a DNI but we do block if we feel like we don't want you here. You could've been a bigot or maybe you just set us off talking about potato salad one too many times.
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Links to Stuff
Throne Wishlist - Please?
Cash App - You can also just straight up tip us on this Tumblr but, welp, if Cash App makes you feel better we want that option to be available.
Our Pillowfort Account, Our SpaceHey, Our Cohost, & Our Aethy Account (18+) - If shit hits the fan with Tumblr, these are where you can maybe find us. If you are mutuals with us or we know who you were/are while we were at university you may also message us for our Discord but we cannot guarantee we will actually hand it out 'cause of our personal anxiety stuff.
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@rusanya-does-edits - Our new edit blog!! We made it because we've made so many of them we just figured this would be easier on us. XD
@rusanyas-sunshine - We're bringing this back because we've realized we have a lot of things we need to hear and none of them are supposed to be mean.
Directory for headmates' sideblogs. We don't use our own sideblogs too often, but we like having them anyways. Feel free to follow and block whomever if you want to keep up with certain folks or avoid others.
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We're the queue mutual lol, that is to say, we use both the queue and fast reblog options. Good luck with that!
Our dividers were made by @hypnosiacon, tysm for these! They're great and we like swirlies lol.
Please, please, PLEASE send us asks! We have been needing to update this for ages, but generally, these are the requisite things to keep in mind when doing so. We have those needs for personal safety/wellbeing, but like, it's also very much case by case too so if you need something just...say so? And we want to have fun too! Small talk, infodumps about special interests, cool shit, anything really, those can also go in the ask box.
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If you are sending us an ask in reference to another being, please see these guidelines and read through them before you do.
If you are asking us why we do not tag posts as default, please see this specific post before you do, but feel absolutely free to ask for a tag on a per-post basis and try to link/indicate the post for us.
We probably aren't gonna bitecha in the mean way unless you're being a jerk. It can take awhile for us to get through asks but, well, we do try!
We play ClanGen sometimes, we have Pluralityclan so far, our general tag is "#rusanya plays clangen" without the quotations. We are open to others suggesting lore and details for cats who do not have planned lore/details or in-depth lore/details.
Hm. Besides that, we have a bunch of userboxes and cannot remember for the life of us where some of them have come from (except the pro-MOGAI and romanticizing plurality ones, we made those ourselves a long long time ago on our defunct account)!
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♤♤ anendoandfriendo ♤♤
~ Art from picsart ~
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[A sparkly signature image. The background is the endogenic system flag, recursigenic flag, and protogenic flag. The endogenic flag has the treblesand on it. Amber from Genshin Impact is on the left side of the image; Cinderella from Disney's Cinderella and Aquamarine Hoshino from Oshi No Ko are on the right side. The words "They/Them (pl.)" sit in the bottom corner of the image.]
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purplekoop · 9 months
Each time I look at Necro I think they have a crow on top of their hand. It takes me a minute to register it’s actually their fingers. It’s just the shape and all the evil sorcerer motifs. This isn’t a dig at your art, just a funny mistake I keep making. Evil-looking robots are always a favorite of mine.
Huh... no no, I see it, you have a point. Probably doesn't help that I was lazy and made that the only shaded part of the entire sketch aside from the eye, so I can see how it'd stick out as a separate being. No offense taken though, I totally get that kind of visual mixup even for art that does have more effort put into it.
Also a random tidbit about Necro (or Nekross, not totally certain on that yet but it's plausible) I wanna bring up now that you mention it is that I don't actually consider them to be necessarily "evil". Not necessarily "good" or "moral" either, but I definitely wouldn't call them a villain. Both in a functional sense, since I want there to be at least a reasonable explanation for any character to work with the rest of the cast in canon, even if they don't necessarily like each other.
Necro's morality is unique due to a lore detail I've yet to share: while making new bots obviously requires metal, it's taboo and illegal to take any material from a dead bot unless they consented to it in life. This definitely makes sense for bots who've died since the reawakening, who've had a consciousness and since lost it, but this is a more contentious rule in-universe for the millions of lifeless husks who never were "alive" in the same way as the ones who reawakened to begin with. That's a lot of material left unused, especially for a society who needs it to rebuild and repopulate on a planet where those materials are relatively scarce after humanity used what was readily accessible.
Necro, as you might expect, rejects this whole notion of "respecting the dead". They're a survivalist, their philosophy is "do whatever it takes for the greater good". They think that taking any lifeless bot body is justifiable for any ends, since when the consciousness is gone, they think the metal should be used by someone who actually can use it. Of course, the rest of the cast thinks this is morbid at best and actively despicable at worst. Easy comparison is like Moira, except for a character with similarly dubious methods for "the greater good" but a much less aggressively antagonistic demeanor and with more justifiable circumstances.
This dissonance with the other characters, even the similarly menacing Velenna, is very much deliberate. I wanted somebody who stuck out from the rest of the crowd, both in design and in narrative. I wanted them to look alien and inhuman more than the rest of the cast, with the inscrutable face and uniquely non-human anatomy. But I also want them to still read as "intelligent", mostly with the cape and the pose. Off-putting, but they're still a person just as much as the more pleasant-looking bots are. And that's not too far off from their relation with the others narratively: strikingly off-putting, but still recognizable as more than just a monster or a supervillain.
Anyways uh. Yeah that was a bit of a tangent, but it felt topical and I wasn't sure where else to put it. I really should make proper character story stuff sooner than later, but that's gonna take some effort. Slowly but surely though, as I feel like it's important to define this world along with the stories of its individual characters. Necro is an instance of one where I get to do both at the same time, defining how this society would have unique views on death due to their unique circumstances, and how this character interacts with those views. Admittedly it's something that should be lower priority than... coding I guess, but right now I don't have a computer that can safely run a programming software, so I have an excuse now! yay?
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
📚 & 🏷️
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Definitely! It depends on what you are looking for, so here's a few of my faves in a couple different categories:
***Edit: I'm adding a cut bc it's just occurred to me to mention, anyone new who's not done the series but is seeing this - I do have a spoiler-safe fics list that Scotti and I were working on at one point, so if there's a specific season you're looking for, but not wanting to know what twists come after (or if you're looking for fic for a specific episode or event), feel free to inbox me and I'll send some links. :)
Below this cut there are descriptions that spoil all sorts of things, so.....***
For Jeller, everything by @indelibleevidence is outstanding. I'm gonna start out saying probably a majority of it has passages that are NSFW so if you're a minor or not into that, tread lightly. I'm currently revisiting Remember to Forgive, which has late-season 3 Weller suffering amnesia that takes him mentally back to early season 2; you know, when he couldn't stand to be in the same room as his wife. The angst! It's a fave and totally my jam, I could probably quote it. Torture Without You is... well. Read it. Amazing. I'm a big Remi fan, and here you will also find one of our two Reller champions: the Damaged Goods series is so dark (also very NSFW) but soooo good.
@idealisticrealism is another that everyone should definitely read, imo. The Fire is basically my favorite one-shot ever, and she's our other Reller champion - as complete AUs go I can not possibly overstate my love for From the Ashes and Into Flames. I could literally quote them both to you.
@gypsyscarfwoman is responsible for my other favorite one-shot, Nothing Can Come Between Us, which is Jeller after season 2, but from Sarah Weller's POV. It's just a tiny bit angsty but fluffy and sweet. I love the way she describes the interactions between Jeller as viewed by a concerned third party. There's also Shelter From Your Storm, which is another season 2 AU except that post compound raid there's legitimate concern Nas might throw Jane under the bus and let the CIA have her, so Weller fake marries her to legitimize and protect her.
@ladyriot recently did a lovely retelling of s2 but as a Jane/Patterson slow burn. The way they low key agonize over each other is tragic, but the ending is so sweet without being completely saccharine, and it's definitely worth a look.
I haven't read much Zapatterson but @narvaldetierra is actively writing them. I read Remembers from September and No Good Deed Goes Unpunished a while ago, and I'm excited to reread them soon and then keep working through this ship 😁
Dylan Cruca is worth checking out if you want a bit of season 2/3 Jeller canon divergence/extra scenes, or Jeller/Reller AUs - I thought their post-season 1 AU ended up being a particularly interesting twist - but they're not for everyone.
I could go on but I'll end with one that's basically the fic equivalent to a playlist of Sad Songs to Sob To: Silence Speaks by lochness20, in which Jane's black site escape attempt fails, and when they find her, she is in a REALLY bad state. Warning that it's pretty dark and brutal and tw for suicidal thoughts and an eventual very graphic murder.
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
I don't really look for specific tags; it's not a huge fandom so there's not a ton of room to be choosy. I can say that straight whump isn't my thing, nor is pure domestic stuff, and I generally steer clear of pregnancy/kidfic unless there's some other compelling plot alongside the kids. I guess I basically love angst most of all 😍
Thank you for the ask!! :D It's always fun to revisit some faves. 💕
I'm trying to find my mojo and inspiration to start creating again, and I find these memes are a really good exercise to think critically about my ideas and hopefully get the juices flowing. If anyone else is curious, please check here and consider sending me an ask!
I've also recently done a WIP ask meme, which you can find here if you'd like a peek at what I've been working on before the words left me. :)
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grimeysociety · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
technically my sideblog @youthereader was tagged by @indulgence-be-thy-name - thanks bb ❤️; and like Em I'll be answering for both accounts
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How many works do you have on ao3? youthereader - 4 grimeysociety - 171
What's your total ao3 wordcount? youthereader - 17,245 grimeysociety - 2,299,669
What fandoms do you write for? MCU - almost exclusively Darcyland, a teeny bit of Stranger Things and RPF (Cillian Murphy characters mostly...I've barely begun though)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I can only answer this from grimey so... The Comeback Kid Among Wolves Damn, I'm In It I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm Heart to Break
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? I always reply to comments unless they're the rare dickish one (I delete those, that's always fun). I reply to everything to thank people for interacting in the first place. I like it when I get a reply from authors, too. I'm very grateful.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think it was one with Shieldshock and hacking, post-Infinity War, so everyone was dusted except for Steve and Darcy. It was kind of Schrödinger's ending because it might have been happy? I left it open (and I won't ever tell the 'real' ending).
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of mine do. I can't help it. Especially since the 'happy ending' tends to be because of sex. I mean...
Do you get hate on fics? A couple times but it was really insignificant and swiftly deleted.
Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? I write it all. Kinktober was kind of my 'thing' for a few years, as in, some followers looked forward to it each October. I rarely don't have some form of smut in a fic. The filth is fun, and so is the intimate erotica type of stuff. The fluff is great, but I have actually written one that had no response whatsoever and I think it went a little too far for my regular readers.
Do you write crossovers? I think some of my Darcy fic count so I'm going to say yes. I've written her with most Chris Evans characters, like Ransom Drysdale to name one. It counts, right?
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes and it's still up lol
Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had a couple translated into Russian but can't recall which, it's been a few years.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I had someone ask me to ghostwrite their fic ending and then when they weren't happy with what I'd written they said 'no thanks' and haven't spoken to me since, does that count?
What’s your all time favorite ship? I will never be able to decide this, sorry. It's been years and I can never pinpoint it. Literally hundreds of thousands of words written over the three particular ships I'm thinking of and there's no way. There's just no way.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? The Americans. It's been nearly 2 years since I updated and I think it's been forgotten about anyway, so that's me off the hook.
What are your writing strengths? I can't answer that. I have no idea.
What are your writing weaknesses? My pacing is the worst. I repeat myself. I don't think I'm consistent in any way. I get impatient and hardly edit sometimes, which bites me in the ass later. I am bad at a lot of things.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done it and it's fine. It's my average high school level French, but it's passable. Literally I passed high school French.
First fandom you wrote for? Kingdom Hearts
Favorite fic you’ve written? The Comeback Kid because it seems to be everyone else's favourite, too.
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I will tag @sarahbeniel & @aimmyarrowshigh
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shadowmaat · 1 year
Going too far
There's a twitter thread making the rounds with "advice" on how to hire a "real" artist and ye gods, is it bad.
Look, I understand the paranoia and suspicion surrounding art these days and wanting to make sure you hire "real" artists and not AI hacks, but when it gets to the point where you're demanding an artist send vids of them working, wanting a list of their reference shots, and scrutinizing the tiny details looking for mistakes, you've crossed a line.
Don't insult the person you're hoping to hire. And stop assuming all artists are fake unless proven otherwise. Holy hells, people, WTF.
Demanding an artist send progress vids so you can see they're actually doing the work is beyond rude. It also makes the arrogant assumption that the artist in question has the equipment and technical know-how to do this, which is often far from the case.
Asking for progress shots or initial sketches isn't so bad, especially if that's an option they offer, but asking them for references? Scrutinizing their metadata for references to scraper bots? Trying to find goddamn mistakes in the finer details? What the absolute fuck is WRONG with you?
OP said "artists have been fighting this shit for months so welcome to our world" and no. This ain't it. The solution to Scraper Generated Images isn't to treat all artists as scammers. Especially since some of them have been accused of faking for years and no amount of "proof" has helped.
Don't be an asshole.
You want to avoid being scammed? Then do your own fucking research. That advice is mentioned in the thread as well, but TBH that's where the thread should stop.
Do your research. Check the artist's profile. See how long they've been at this. Look at their existing art. The onus is on YOU to know who you're hiring, not on the artist to prove their art.
Oh sure, there are always exceptions, but when you're talking about generic fan-level interactions, making a bunch of arrogant, entitled demands of an artist (and their time) isn't reasonable. Even at the corporate/professional level some of this stuff is excessive.
Once again: do your own fucking research. Artists are already in hell. Don't make it worse.
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menotthatkindoforc · 2 years
your tumblr crushes
talk about your favorite ship/fictional characters
rant about anything bad dog grooming
okay idk if we define tumblr crushes like we did back in the day which was like, your most interacted with blogs which currently is actually none of my mutuals according to tumblr (sorry idk how that math works) otherwise um jeez idk. i think you're all pretty cute and tbh if i've ever directly interacted with you more than once you're in my list of crushes because i am easy well you're very familiar with one of the characters i consider to be my favorite from any of the things i'm into and in fact the way you write her is one of the things that made me so interested in your works early on (and still!) but other than Marjory i've always liked Vi from league of legends and when arcane pulled in the best parts of her lore and character she shot up in my list Xellos from Slayers is also one of my old time favorite fictional characters and fun fact I used to use that name for some stuff when i started having gender issues with my deadname and got detached from it. he has purple hair and that is one of my favorite things about his design. im a simple creature. UM also GARROSH HELLSCREAM and more problematically his father GROMMASH HELLSCREAM (needs to be typed in caps for effect) because grom is a fucking dilf fun fact i specifically got the physical disc rather than the digital version of the warlords of draenor WoW expansion because the box was textured and therefore i could touch grom's titties also i love Amethyst from SU :) OH. BAD DOG GROOMING. well, i personally don't like to judge other people's grooms UNLESS they act like they know what they're doing and they clearly really don't. inviting me to judge u then. BUT i will talk about things i dont like in dog grooming!! SHAVING DOUBLE COATED DOGS. ESPECIALLY AT HOME. STOP. NOTHING MAKES ME MORE UPSET THAN THOSE PICS U SEE OF A HUSKY THAT HAS BEEN SHAVED EVERYWHERE EXCEPT THE NECK UP and shaving legs on double coated dogs in general!! STOP!! and blend the fucking head in to the body length!!!! i don't like to shave double coated dogs. no one does!! we all try very very hard to avoid it but some owners are dead set on it or have already been doing it for years. but there is a right and wrong way to do it! and you should never ever shave the legs down unless the owner specifically requests that because it looks terrible and i hate it sm unless you mean grooming bad dogs which is actually something i sometimes enjoy depending on the cause of the badness. i've always been the recommended person for really anxious dogs that have given other groomers problems 'cause i'm patient af and way to chill with (small to medium) dogs biting me (the typical gnawy bites or little snaps. not the i am going to fucking kill you bites). outright aggressive dogs are something i'm willing to work with depending on how much the owner does to help (i.e. meds and work on their end) though im much much more wary of this with large dogs. admittedly german shepherds and rottweilers both make me a bit uneasy (to groom. not in general. i have met some really really sweet dogs of these breeds but certain things stick with you) because i've seen some very poorly trained and bred dogs and these are both breeds i've had very close calls with in terms of almost getting the shit bit out of me. also they are both big and very good at biting. also very iffy with huskies despite owning one just because so many huskies are SO SO bad. mine is.. moderately bad.
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