#except without the violent self destruction maybe
libunityfan69 · 8 months
friendship over with the centricide hamilton au. centricide hazbin hotel au is all i care about now
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suffersinfandom · 10 months
Controversial opinion (?): the Kraken Era wasn’t all that dark.
There’s a lot of meta and fic out there that portray Ed as a bloodthirsty, hyperviolent monster, and when that portrayal is challenged, the rebuttal is usually along the lines of, “I’m just doing what canon did. Did you even watch the show? It's racist, not me!”
I did watch the show, and honestly? I went in expecting far worse based on meta and fic I read during the hiatus. When I see people say they didn’t think Ed did enough to redeem himself or that he went past the point of no return, I just don’t understand.
I already went into this in my way-too-long meta about Ed and abuse, but I do think it bears repeating (in a shorter post) because it seems like Ed’s actions -- more than the actions of any other character -- are scrutinized and discussed outside of the context of a comedy about pirates. There’s tons of casual violence in Our Flag Means Death. Sometimes the violence is even funny! 
So what does Ed actually do in the first episodes of season two?
We see Ed directly harm someone twice in the first two episodes: first on the wedding boat, and then when he shoots Izzy in the leg. Kind of unimpressive numbers, yeah? I'd expect more out of a heartbroken Blackbeard.
The first instance involves Ed shooting a man during a raid. That man has a sword through his chest before Ed fires, leading me to believe that Ed’s still following his season one pattern of keeping himself a step removed from murder (technically, the sword killed that guy). We also don’t see the murder happen; the man tumbles offscreen before Ed shoots. This makes the action less brutal. If the writers wanted us to be appalled by Ed’s violence, we would’ve gotten a graphic kill or several.
And the second instance is Izzy. Ed shoots Izzy in the leg after he suggests that the shitty atmosphere is because of Ed’s feelings for Stede. Hot take, maybe, but I don’t think that was entirely out of line. Ed’s feelings for Stede are not the only problem; a significant chunk of the problem is Izzy. Izzy called in the navy and led to their capture. Izzy threatened Ed back into the Blackbeard persona the last time Ed tried to talk things through, and that was without an audience of potential mutineers.
We’re also told that Ed has taken more of Izzy’s toes between seasons. This isn’t cool -- bosses definitely shouldn’t be asking for their employees’ toes -- but there is a precedent for it. In season one, Ed told Stede that he used to feed people their toes for a laugh (yuck). For a laugh. This, to me, implies that it’s not a huge deal. It’s certainly not completely unexpected pirate behavior, and it seems more lenient than a keelhauling or a whipping. I think both of those things would've felt far more gruesome and dark.
As far as violent actions go, that’s not a lot. Like, numerically.
Things get darker in S2E2 when Ed becomes increasingly desperate for someone, anyone, to send him to doggy heaven. He’s unhinged and working his way up to a murder-suicide before he’s stopped. He hacks the wheel right off of the ship and threatens to shoot the mast. He orders Archie and Jim to fight to the death. He ignores anonymous crewmembers as they’re swept overboard in the storm. This is bad! It’s self-destructive and selfish! But it's also tragic and human and understandable.
In my opinion, the worst thing Ed does in these episodes is force his crew to do violence for him -- not because it’s violence (again, they’re pirates), but because the violence hurts them. THIS is what traumatizes them. Their trauma flashbacks are scenes of them hurting others, not of Ed hurting them directly. Ed didn’t physically torture his crew (with the exception of Izzy, and that’s complicated). His crime was driving them to do one violent raid after another, killing and plundering without any joy or theatrics. Ed feels trapped in the role of Blackbeard -- the role that he’s been desperate to escape -- and, in his heartbreak, he opts to trap his crew with him. 
Yes, Ed is messed up in the first two episodes of season two. I don’t blame the crew for almost killing him; it’s what needed to be done. I think that Jim, Archie, Frenchie, and Fang had every right to want Ed gone after Stede’s return. 
But I don’t think that Ed was a super violent monster who tortured his crew and murdered his way through his breakup. He engages in very little onscreen violence, and the person that most of his violence is focused on -- Izzy -- is the same person who told him to be violent. I think that anyone who says that Ed’s actions in the first part of season two are extremely dark is either looking at them out of context, misremembering what actually happened and just recalling the dark tone, or working with some kind of motive.
In conclusion: Ed is a man who, at his very darkest, was still operating pretty firmly within the bounds of "stuff pirates do" (but not stuff Ed has historically done, presumably).
Also look at him. Thank you.
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GIF by unearthlydust
EDIT: Read the reblogs for some amazing and more nuanced additions!
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siren-141 · 3 months
shame on me ✤ final
sorry it took so long, I've been busy with vacation and school. I probably would not have made this into a four-part miniseries without all of the support and requests, so I thank each and every one of you 🥰 here's the final part/epilogue! I hope you all enjoy 🖤
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It had been two years.
Paris, Athens, Morocco. You had gone everywhere. Hell, even New York City.
That was maybe the hardest location you had stayed since your disappearance from the Avengers Tower all those years ago – what had been your home for the past few years. Where all of your friends had been, where Bucky had been. Where the two of you had built a home together.
Walking the streets, memories flooding back in every corner you looked…it was rough. It was rough when you’d sit on your fire escape and watch Bucky down below, look in back alleys and knock on doors asking if anyone had seen you. It was rough when you’d look out the window of the coffee shop you were sitting in, sipping on hot tea in the middle of a cold February, and watch Bucky across the street sit in the bar the two of you would frequent when you wanted a night out. It was funny though, watching him look for you in all your frequent places.
He looked for a couple of months, apparently. You hadn’t stayed in NYC for long after you had left the Tower, only staying long enough for your connections to make you a new passport and secure you a house in some other country that was far, far away. But you had kept tabs for the first three months of your escape. Bucky looked and looked, going from state to state and country to country to check out all of the safe houses. Following your normal patterns. But he never came close to finding you.
After a while, he had given up. He had sat slumped in a conference chair with this dead look in his eyes, everything that had ever mattered to him completely gone. His friends tried to console, but it never helped. He blamed himself for your disappearance – and he was right to do so. He finally came to understand that his actions bore the consequence of you leaving not only him, but everyone you loved, probably forever.
He went on missions and acted erratically, got drunk on Asgardian Ale every night that he could. His hair had grown back out, he had become more violent on his missions. Turning into a shell of himself, any reason he had to exercise self-restraint and maintain his humanity now gone. He thought he had healed from the decades of torture, trauma, and brainwashing, and he had: there was no turning back into the Winter Soldier. But he didn’t like who had become without you. Nobody liked who he had become. He was still a damn good agent, but too hot-headed for his own good. Too willing to sacrifice himself. He was on a path of self-destruction, and it seemed like nothing would help except for groveling at your feet if you had ever come back.
You, on the other hand, had it better. You had your horrible nights, of course – nights where you cried and screamed and regretted that you had ever left your friends and only family behind. You just wanted to go home on those nights, but you realized that your home wasn’t in that apartment with Bucky laying next to you anymore: your home would be on that 16th floor of the Tower, waking up every morning and going down the elevator to fix a cup of coffee or tea, never really leaving work since you lived there again. Back to the beginning. You couldn’t do that to yourself – you owed it to yourself to have a fresh start.
But those horrible nights ended about six months into your disappearance. You let yourself grieve a life once lived, but you also realized that you could be anywhere, do anything you wanted now. A true fresh start. You still had all of your aliases with you, but you only went by one now – one that nobody knew of. You supposed that keeping connections outside of the Avengers was one of the smartest things you had done, in the event that you needed to run. In events like these.
So here you were, two years later, sitting outside at a table in Barcelona. You sipped on your coffee, watching over the crowds in the streets. Teenagers out from school during the summertime, walking arm in arm with their friends, laughing and smiling. Couples with their babies, walking down the cobblestone roads with strollers. There was a time that it would have triggered something in you: thoughts of that should have been me. Those thoughts were long gone, though. They had been for a while.
You had moved on. You had moved on from fighting the powers of the world and living life as a civilian. Of course you couldn’t help yourself if you were walking late at night and a thief tried to rob a group of young women – that had happened a year ago, and you had casually walked past and brought the thief down with a few swift moves, before casually walking off in the direction of your flat. But for the most part – you had moved on. You stopped looking for trouble. You stopped being self-destructive and allowed yourself to let the happiness and the joy in of traveling the world under better circumstances than normal. Sure, you had left your old life behind, but you had also begun a new one. You had left and said goodbye to everyone who mattered, effectively bringing everything to a close and not leaving anyone hanging with much more than speculations of how you had disappeared.
Basking in the soft sunlight, you sighed to yourself, content with life. You brought the mug up to your lips, taking a small sip. Setting the mug down, you spoke.
“I was waiting for you to speak, but I was about to ask for the check. Didn’t want you to miss your opportunity.”
Natasha smiled behind her newspaper, having missed the sound of your voice. Putting the paper down, she got up from her seat at the small table behind you and instead sat across from you.
You smiled, having missed your best friend.
“It’s been a while,” she said, small smile still playing on her lips.
“It has,” you smiled back. She hadn’t changed a bit. “I’ve missed you, Nat.”
“I missed you too. We all have,” she replied. “I know you told me not to come and find you, and trust me – I didn’t. I never came to look for you before these past three months. You deserved that kind of peace – you still do.”
She sighed, taking off her sunglasses and setting them gently down on the table.
“We need you. This isn’t a personal visit, unfortunately. Only Tony knows that I’ve come to find you…it was actually his idea.”
You looked at her, almost in shock. A million thoughts flooded your mind. You had made so much progress, lived such a nice life ever since leaving…did you really want to go back?
“You don’t have to. It’s optional – we can find a way to do this without you. I’ll tell Tony that I just ran into a dead-end. Never found you – and I can leave, and we can pretend that this never happened.”
“What’s the mission?”
Natasha paused, hesitating to continue. When you met her eyes, she knew you were serious. “Our files. Our aliases, our covers…everything is in the hands of a man who goes by Typhon. He’s selling it to the highest bidder, which is every single enemy we’ve ever had and everyone who plans to be one. It’s all compromised.”
You thought about it. You didn’t have much time to think about it, though. You had a nice life here – nice and peaceful. But a part of you would always miss the chaos.
Raising your hand, you grabbed the attention of the waiter. “Señor – la cuenta, por favor?”
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“Thanks, everyone, for coming. I mean, it wasn’t optional, but you get the gist,” Tony spoke, voice tired and stressed. The room was dark – not the same Tower that they were used to meeting in. Since everything had been compromised, the new meeting point was an underground cave that was unknown to most – old railways that used to be for smuggling in alcohol during the Prohibition Era, now covered up with skyscrapers on top of them.
Everyone stood around, listening intently.
Natasha walked in, joining the rest of the group. “Sorry we’re late, the air was rough.”
There were murmurs, people sharing confused glances.
“Oh my god,” Bucky breathed out, the shakes coming back to his body. His breathing got heavier, his hands coming to the back of his head to alleviate the pressure. Some looked back at him, confused at his realization.
You stepped out from the shadowed corner, just a few seconds behind Natasha, fully suited and ready to get started.
“It’s about time,” Tony said, looking at you before focusing his attention back on the group. “You almost missed the most important part.”
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vampireistic · 2 months
chapter 45 nb spoilers(╹◡╹)♡
well this chapter was certainly…special, in some ways. of course we had the “beel eating too much cliché” but despite this chapter sounding like it was supposed to be very “beel centric” (since you know…this was HIS exam), it really ended up just being a showcase of satan, and i kind of enjoyed it that way.
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the wording and this entire sequence was very interesting; satan has quite literally done nothing to warrant him going off to cool down apart from maybe some subsequent guilt that he’s putting the one he loves in danger but, once again, that’s not necessarily his fault as it is the sponsor’s who organised this test. the question is why? why does satan feel so sensitive to the point he initiates affection with MC (something that you know, quite rarely ever happens regardless of the character).
then again, it is a dangerous situation so you can just boil it down to mere fear that he could lose MC somehow and be unable to protect them (woo foreshadowing…)
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and well…he’s not entirely wrong here? as we’ve seen, past!MC teaches him how to be “gentle” by introducing him to cats and their feisty yet loving nature (once you get them to trust you at least), it’s that reason that helps him become much more tolerable and less destructive especially in regards to his brothers — this is the same case in the original timeline except they didn’t introduce him to cats, just unconditional love and patience.
in a way, that’s keeping him “safe”. safe from his self-destructive tendencies, safe from letting everything bother him till it manifests into him being hyper-violent and aggressive, safe to become what he wants. but regardless of the cute nostalgia, it’s still a rather odd thing to say..? perhaps he’s just reminiscing, but given the context of the situation, this is a little surprising coming from someone who’s a little more reserved.
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hey, solmare — why has MC nearly fallen off of something two times in a row now? once again, there’s intent behind every little detail, this clearly isn’t just a way to give diavolo more screen time or to show that he finished first, there’s more to it. this made me think back to this one theory i read that the reason MC keeps repeatedly landing on satan after using. teleportation spell, is because they’re somehow intertwined.
MC is the only one with a connection to lilith, while satan is the only one with a connection lucifer — and perhaps somehow that’s something that makes their fates cross paths, and that’s what this chapter is trying to show.
beside that, the two times we’ve now nearly died is a clear indicator; we fucked up somehow. it may just be coincidence, but it really is highly unlikely this was just a random implement. even if it was, it still does show a very important thing; MC is very vulnerable. almost too vulnerable to the point it’s a little worrying, that time they spent in the past has clearly affected them.
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we’ve seen previously that simeon has been struggling a lot more with his recently acclaimed humanity, he feels a little more sluggish and out of place, which is for sure warranted given the fact he’s lost the one thing he’s always had and has been forced into a position of powerlessness, but even so, it does feel like there’s something more happening behind the scenes that would make simeon act in such a way.
it still hasn’t been properly addressed whether simeon is technically classified as a human or just an angel without actual angelic properties, but even so, this change must be costing a lot of physical and mental energy for simeon — and yet he’s choosing to face through it alone.
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izzysillyhandsy · 10 months
I sometimes wonder if the Izzy hate would have reached those dizzying heights if S1 had ended on episode 9.
Izzy would still have done almost all the bad things: making Ed unhappy, duelling Stede and wanting him gone, the deal with the English, his past with Ed/Blackbeard - except for hurting and threatening Ed after the breakup.
And even though all of this can be seen from different angles, it is possible to interpret it from the most damning perspective - and that should be enough to hate him, right?
But Ed wouldn't have turned into the Kraken, he wouldn't have killed Lucius, marooned half of the crew and cut off Izzy's toe.
And I am almost 100% sure that most of the Izzy hate comes from seeing Ed's drastic change in episode 10. Without it, sure, some people might have found Izzy unsympathetic or just unimportant, or a little shit. But that level of hate?
I guess what I'm saying is that a lot of the Izzy hate comes from "what Izzy made Ed do" and not from "what Izzy did to Ed".
Also, it is a way of dealing with the shock/cognitive dissonance of seeing a very beloved character turn "evil" after 9 episodes of being a gentle and misunderstood guy who is a pirate, yes, but who's fundamentally non-violent and good. How can you reconcile this with Ed suddenly killing a beloved (and completely innocent) character? And the extreme violence of the toe-cutting? (And yes, I know Ed burned people alive before, pirate-typical violence etc. But we didn't know these people and we didn't see them in close-up.)
But to blame Izzy for everything and to make him this evil part of Blackbeard - completely separate of "true Ed" of course - lets Ed still be the same gentle soul that loves a fine fabric, fell in love with Stede in the sweetest way and, although traumatized by his childhood, is at his core an innocent person that can be saved by removing the rotten influence of Izzy Hands - without confronting the self-hatred, self-centeredness, mistrust of others and tendency to violence that might be a part of "true Ed" as well.
And of course, if a group of fans started liking Izzy and maybe even defended/found understanding for his actions to a degree - where would that leave Ed? Is it really justifiable to fly into a murderous rage because your heart was broken (by a man you've known for a few weeks), because you're deeply unhappy and you've outgrown your pirate persona?
If Ed wasn't mentally abused by Izzy for decades, if it wasn't Izzy alone that drove Stede away, if Izzy hadn't duelled Stede out of the evilness of his heart, if Ed didn't desperately want to leave but Izzy forced him to stay in their toxic relationship, if it wasn't just Izzy and his hurtful words that drove Ed to become the Kraken...
...then maybe Ed wouldn't be an innocent babygirl anymore, and it would be much more difficult to see Ed/Stede as this perfect, unproblematic and sunshine-y couple.
It seems to me that seeing Izzy as "The Worst" and casting him in the role of the villain behind every bad thing Ed ever did is a quick and painless way to make Ed loveable without actually putting the work in (and the show actually avoided that up unto the death scene - one example is Izzy leaving in S1E4 and Ed manipulating him to stay; there are countless others).
I sometimes have the feeling that the hate for Izzy grows exponentially with more and more of Ed's darker side coming through in the show. And I don't get it - maybe because I am drawn to darker, fucked up characters and relationships. Give Ed his agency back and let him be cruel! Let Ed and Izzy have their mutually destructive, weird but intense dynamic!
Let Ed be a fascinating, loveable character with a (very) dark side - exactly like his partner for decades, Izzy - and you'll actually get a better character, and an additional fascinating relationship - as well as a more interesting story.
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tigirl-and-co · 2 months
I have once again purchased an OC with a primarily Blue and Black colourscheme and have given her so much trauma
Design and art by @rabiesram
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Meet Veronica 'Vee' Masterson! She/Her, transfem
Before I explain her personality, let me explain her role in the story, because it will give context.
So, for quite a long time I've been trying to figure out a big first arc for Underbelly- I have the final arc all mapped out, but I didn't wanna just drop into a long story without setting precedent.
Enter Veronica! Something of a rival for Moony, they're in the same grade and are very similar but different enough that they clash badly. Basically, Vee is a character foil for Moonsong.
Where Moony expresses her trauma through self-destructive tendencies and being a verbally aggressive loudmouth, Vee shuts down (except when somebody REALLY pisses her off, like Moony, and tends to be outwardly aggressive and violent when provoked.
Also, like. Look.
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SO. Basically, the arc is about them coming to understand each other- both of them are in very shitty places as far as home life goes, but while Moony has Smudge and Pansy, Vee doesn't really have much of anyone.
As they start bonding, Vee starts to realize that self-isolation isn't doing her any favours, and it begins to get through to Moony that going out to parties and the situation she's gotten herself into is maybe actively detrimental to her wellbeing.
They get closer, and Vee very nearly becomes part of Moonsong's group. Unfortunately, she is [MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS REDACTED] and is thus either not present in later arcs or only shows up briefly
HOWEVER, [ENDING SPOILERS REDACTED] and I think it would be neat if he helps out Vee too.
And in the epilogue, I was thinking of Moony coming out as trans sometime when he is in his mid-20s, and I think it would be cute if they end up together, since they've already helped each other heal over all that time.
(as Vee grows up and slowly stops being in survival mode all the time, she starts discovering hobbies. I think she'd be into retro gaming and small-scale sculpting)
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tgrailwar · 2 years
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: (Final Battle for the Grail) - FINALE
The battle was over. Exhausted, the Archer and Caster teams grouped together.
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Dante: "We've won. Foreigner's magical energy is decreasing. I believe we've hit her Spirit Core, and Lady Medea's Rule Breaker will stop her from recovering."
Medea: "Perfect. Then our job as Servants is done, if the Sabers managed to destroy the Grail."
Arjuna: "I see… so it's truly over. You all were unconventional, but… well, you were worthy allies."
Nobunaga: "To think that we'd be fighting together during a Holy Grail War. What a strange occurrence…"
The four Servants stood together, before their bodies began to slowly fade, signaling that the Grail itself had been successfully destroyed.
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Nobunaga: "So I'm going first... I suppose that makes sense. I've put quite the strain on my Spirit Origin. Our time together was short, but certainly eventful. Keep your chins high, Masters. You summoned the great Oda Nobunaga, after all, and while I will allow you to be disappointed at my leaving-- I don't want to see any downcast expressions. After all, us meeting and parting was inevitable!"
The warlord gave a broad grin, as her body turned to twinkling light.
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Medea: "…She's certainly loud. But I suppose I share her same sentiment. You've done well. Perhaps not perfectly, but asking for perfection would make me a rather poor instructor, wouldn't it? Be proud of what you accomplished here, my cute Masters. Perhaps we'll meet again."
The magus gave a bittersweet smile as she disappeared into the ether.
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Arjuna: "…I wish I had more to say. I simply hope that I served well as your Archer, and that perhaps… perhaps we may cross paths again. Be well, Masters. As strange of a journey as this was, I did enjoy every moment. Your kindness. Your determination. Your earnestness... do not lose those qualities."
The warrior nodded somberly, before vanishing with a peaceful smile.
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Dante: "This was a worthy endeavor. I see you took my words to heart. I believe the word has changed over time, but to me, a comedy will always simply be a 'happy ending'. To make a story-- to make one's life-- a comedy doesn't mean that there aren't moments of strife or sadness, but that you simply end everything with a smile and with satisfaction. I believe this is the type of ending that you can smile at, my Masters. I wish you all the best on your journeys."
With that, they vanished without any trace except the memories they left behind with their Masters.
Two Servants remained at the scene of the battle. Foreigner, her Spirit Origin collapsing, was sending out violent pulses of burning hot mana, causing the ground around her to crumble. The process seemed automatic, a self-destruction-- worthless as her enemies had already faded to dust.
However, even Van Gogh, defeated and destroyed, didn't seem to be filled with madness or anger.
She simply wept, with a peaceful smile on her face.
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Van Gogh: "...You did your best, Masters... you did your best to support a Servant like me... you could have summoned someone better, or stronger, or easier to handle... but you supported me. I'm happy. Maybe... maybe if we meet again... I'll be able to repay you for your kindness... or maybe just paint you a picture... ehehe... just a Gogh Joke..."
And with that, even she was gone.
The only Servant that was left was Avenger. Despite looking worse for wear from the battle, he had a wide smile on his face, looking satisfied.
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'Avenger': "Good work, that's all I can say. And I'm saying that to all of you. No matter who's Master you were, you did a hell of a job. Feels like Foreigner's mana is speeding up the system collapse though. Shame. Would have wanted to spend some more time wandering around with you guys."
He looked around at the destruction, before chuckling to himself.
'Avenger': "Eh. It was more scenic before. We're not missin' out on much. ...Hm? Me? I'm not saying goodbye yet. I have to make sure that this all shuts down properly, after all. I'm sure Ruler's doing the same. I'll leave you alone for a bit. Goodbyes are always a bit tough, after all."
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shiplessoceans · 2 years
Today obsessing over the scene of Ed explaining to Stede that Jack can come off a bit rough but that as far as Ed's concerned, it's all posturing and he's just a big insecure teddy bear deep down and that he and Stede would get along.
I am FASCINATED by what this says about Ed and what attracts him to a person. He's had physical liaisons with Jack, gets a bit giddy/silly around him in general and he's also fallen head over heels for Stede.
I think maybe what both men represent for him is a way out of monotony. Jack because he causes chaos wherever he goes and cannot help but engage that part of Ed that seeks drama and passion and emotion. Any feeling, even fear and danger is, in Ed's mind better than nothing.
Stede also represents a break from monotony but this time not through destruction or chaos, but through the simple act of putting himself in a dangerous situation and refusing to change or bend who he is to match the culture.
Stede is violently himself and does not know how to be different. In fact he imposes his attitude to life on others. Dress how you want! Express yourself with freedom! Don't ostracise anyone who wants to be included! Be kind! Be compassionate! Relax and practice some self care! Engage with stories and fancy preserves and nature walks and just...do what makes you happy. Even if others mock or scorn you for it.
And that's the thing. Ed had never considered what might make him happy. Since he was young his focus has only ever been what will help him survive and be safe. It's not his fault no-one told him he's incredibly smart and an overachiever and naturally he rises to the safest position there is. One where people fear you so much you never need to fear a challenge.
Reminds me of a verse from a song I love:
It's cool being the only one, but it's lonely
I could have fallen in love a thousand times before it only someone had known me
They say there's someone for everyone,
Oh but the word will be never done
When all you need is to be met halfway but nobody tries
Don't be surprised
Ed has all the riches he wants, people flee at the mention of his name and he could do anything. He knows how to survive, not thrive. But he has been on this 'grind' for decades with no relief in sight except for the occasional dalliance with a fellow pirate, alcohol and scaring rich and fancy people who think they're better than him.
Stede shows him another way of living. And Ed cannot help but gravitate to him. Fascinated, hopeful and immediately enamoured.
Stede is just as enamoured with this man he heard stories of who turns out to be a gentle soul with a big bite who seems to need reassurance and kindness and understanding and is so smart and capable and hot and against all odds, likes him and wants to spend time with him and, god forbid actually admires him for the things others mocked him for.
Stede cannot help but love Ed and Ed cannot help but love Stede and his gentle, kind optimism and foolish bravado. The way he pursues his own happiness doggedly but wants to afford others the opportunity to seek that same happiness for themselves.
They make each other happy, because they both truly see each other and love what they see without reservation.
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sakuraswordly · 6 months
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Punch: I called you here because I can't stop you.
Sonic: Huh?
Punch: You said I am not a murderer or betrayer, but....unfortunately...I really am....you don't see from yourself? I HATE this world even everyone. I am a murderer, destructive, psychotic and violent. You did see for yourself, right? Why are you letting me know me off the hook? Why do you still trust me after what my other self and I do for you?
Sonic: I know you better more than anyone else. How am I letting you off the hook?
Punch: Even you knew I could kill you anytime I want?
Sonic: You can't do anything without a reason. I know that for sure.
PUNCH(will be Gilgamesh later in the future): What do you know for sure? What can you understand about Punch? What can you believe about me?
Sonic: I don't need a reason. But I want to believe and trust you to the very end. Even if the world is against you, I'll continue to trust you. Even you once left because you wanted to protect me. Um.....because I love you Punch as my brother and only my brother.
Punch: You're stupid you know that?
Sonic: You're kind. That's how me and Daniel saw you that way.
Gilgamesh: Heh....My stupid brother still accepts me. He still forgives me. Because of him, I make it this far. Without him....maybe I would end up badly.
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If you take notice, you can see that Punch shares something similar to Super Sonic, also known by fans as Fleetway Super Sonic or Evil Super Sonic, is one of the overarching antagonists of Fleetway's Sonic the Comic.
This Sonic from British comics is a more brash and aggressive version of Sonic that is not afraid to speak his mind but is often using that as a mask for his insecurities and feelings. Just like King Gilgamesh from Fate/stay night you did see how similar, right? He exterminates those that stand in the way of his enjoyment without exception. All living beings are "something that is about to die" or "something that will one day die." If he decides that there is a "being that should die this moment", he will simply execute the sentence no matter if they should be a sage or a god. If it is an astute judgment synonymous to universal truth, or even a misrule during a drunken stupor, anything carried out by him, the absolute king, becomes the indisputable sentence of the king. He takes the time to enjoy himself, mastering every treasure and every pleasure. With conviction to treat good and evil equally, he has no need for other ideologies and ways of life when the absolute basis is "himself." His actions and way of life left him alone, so Enkidu compared rectifying his attitude to rectifying his solitude.
Note: Let me be honest everyone even the Japanese themselves misunderstood Sonic and King Gilgamesh a lot since in the past. I'm glad they changed these characters to be more understanding. Punch is a very complex character so I once said in the past, If you mistake both Sonic’s personality and Gilgamesh's personality based on original owners, that means you never understand Punch’s personality.
Super Sonic is a different element of Sonic. But isn't Sonic's true self. But also not a demonic being like Fleetway introduced. That makes Punch different from Fleetway even though both Punch and Fleetway have a vitriolic hatred towards Sonic and his friends. Super Sonic or Punch herself is mute and peaceful. She's not a quippy motor mouth. It seems to take Super form all the time to speak or show elements of his true personality within this form. Super is a powerful being.
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As Sonic's personality, is kind and loyal to his friends even strangers which makes Punch still care for everyone she wants to protect. Punch chose to save Chris as well even if this was the first time she met him.
This is the reason too why King Gilgamesh chose to go back to his people no matter how selfish he was. Gilgamesh still chose people and returned back to Uruk. Fleetway sonic was always stressed, wanting to do almost everything himself(Yeah very same as King Gilgamesh). Punch was stressed and wanted to do almost everything herself as well but Punch chose to do the right thing for everyone and her friends she cared. You can read in this hint(Below) that Punch Whalen is similar to Magnifico, but as Asha said in Tsubasa of Phantasia, Magnifico ultimately only cares about himself. But Punch cares about her friends and people even though she's selfish, narcissistic, more cool than anyone else, and has high confidence in herself.
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And this is why I wrote because of Sonic's kindness, Punch accepts defeat and loses to Sonic.
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nikosasaki · 11 months
tell me about dani's relationship with luke and how does it affect her relationship with sam
oh okay good question let's get into it;
so we must first and foremost remember that Dani is not a nice person, and she has about as much social nuance as a brick through a glass window. she refuses to outwardly care about people and Luke was no exception to that. when Luke found out that Cate was cheating on him with Andre he turned self-destructive, and that's when he started his relationship with Dani. she get's a warm body and something she can hold over Cate's head out of it, so for her it's a pretty perfect deal. however, Luke being who he is can't help but catch feelings which Dani is incapable of reciprocating. Luke dies before this can be resolved, and it's only then that Dani realizes that maybe she did care about Luke. she misses having him around, at least, which might be the closest she gets to feeling a connection to someone else. she runs into Sam the first time he escapes in the show, before Andre and Marie can get to him. she subdues him in a considerably less violent manner and Sam gets all starry-eyed about her before something startles him and he takes off again. Dani later pretends she doesn't remember him, but she does. even when they first meet there's something so familiar about him and when she finds out he's Luke's brother she spirals a little bit. Sam, being himself, eventually manages to make Dani laugh which pretty quickly turns into crying instead because, fuck, she really misses Luke, and having Sam here honestly might make that grief even worse. it's truly uncomfortable for everyone involved lmao but eventually turns cute when Sam figures out how to comfort Dani and she opens up about knowing Luke. despite the nature of their relationship Dani would describe her bond with Luke as a friendship, and that she was more so a listening ear for him who he just also happened to sleep with. she's still deeply allergic to emotions and tries to keep Sam at a distance but he has other plans and follows Dani around like a puppy. it takes a long while before Dani can even look at Sam without thinking of Luke, as well as reconciling the idea that she might care about Sam, but for a completely different reason than the reason she cared about Luke. and no matter how much she tries to resist her own feelings and push Sam away, he refuses to let her. in short; it's complicated. how does a girl who refuses to care about people learn to live with the idea that she not only cares, but she cares deeply? how do you process both grief and new feelings at the same time without feeling like you're betraying one of the people?
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aeternals · 2 years
alix @sacraementals said, ❛  nothing else matters except for you.  ❜
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     life always had a funny way of playing out.  self destructive tendencies were dangerous lovers he flirted with constantly, as if stopping meant losing the air from his lungs.  it was a big reason why he’d stayed away from alix as long as he possibly could.  little did he realize they’d stumble into each other at the worst possible time.  if he’d come to his senses about a year and a half later he would’ve save the gorgeous woman a world of hurt.  but, the way things were unfolding means he just landed from belfast and was a day or two from a possible three years in prison.  if things went according to plan it’d be about half that.  the girls couldn’t know that, though.  not yet.
     “ that is the biggest lie i’ve ever heard, “ the biker smiles from the chair he’d plopped into once arriving at alix’s place.  a day of traveling from belfast meant he was exhausted.  nothing new in the life one one ashwood, though.  hale was always exhausted.  that’s why he drank so much coffee.
     but, sleep could wait.  days without seeing alix’s meant as soon as they touched down he made a beeline for all her usual haunts.  hale missed the lilt of her voice and seeing the way her eyes crinkled whenever she smiled.  all the things he’d committed to memory over the years and taken advantage of because she’d always been right there.
     “ you.  nothing matters but you, alix. “  the tips of his fingers walk along her jawline, over her bottom lip, and up towards the tip of her nose.  more things he needed to brand into his brain to get him through the next chapter of his life.  maybe if he hadn’t been so reckless.  maybe if he hadn’t been so angry at stahl for making astrid cry….
     too late now.  there’d be plenty of time to kick himself for all these mistakes.  nice, violent fights, too.  for the next day or so he was going to appreciate the opportunity he had.
     “ means i want you to be happy while i’m gone. “  both hands pull back to rest easily on his knees.  his fingers tap a light pattern against the denim but, he was a lot more calm than he anticipated on the drive over.  “ whatever that means, ok, angel?  we’ll figure this out when i get back. “  if that meant there was nothing to figure out?  well, he wouldn’t blame her for moving on.  it was a long time to ask anyone to wait when they’d barely been together a month.
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
The Light of My Knight | Moon Knight x Desi!Reader | Chapter 9: Tainted
A/N: This chapter is 50% brain-melting smut, so please read the warning, MINORS PLEASE DNI, especially if you're uncomfortable. If you want to read for the plot, I have put a little warning to when the smut starts (smut goes on right to the end of the chapter, but there is one very relevant plot point at the end). I have to admit that I got slightly carried away, oopsie.
Warnings: A little bit of an emotional rampage, mentions of past trauma, mentions of DID, weapons, canon-level violence (maybe a little more gruesome idk), mentions of blood, angst, smut, oral (fem receiving), so much overstimulation, p in v sex (without a condom), edging, masturbation, it gets a little rough in the end. 
Word Count: 4.2 k
Taglist: @wordacadabra @paymeinkash @ahookedheroespureheart @sodonuthideout @obsessedwadonis @local-mr-frog @swiggy-needs-mental-help @pakhiya @mintpurplemnm @soumya-13
Chapter 8 | Chapter 10
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A/N: Funny story, I was listening to this writing this chapter and I cried three times (maybe ten), mainly cuz the first draft was so much more sadder than this. Anyway, enjoy 💕
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Moon Boys’ POV
Fighting an army of cult followers and blocking out thoughts from two other people has always been easy for Jake Lockley. Afterall, he’s been doing it for all of his existence. 
The second Khonshu told him that there is a meet up happening only a few minutes away from the wedding venue that they were at, Jake pushed Steven and Marc so forcefully into the headspace that he felt like he strained himself, mainly to make sure that they had no idea that he was taking Y/N with him. 
One of the cult followers pulls hard at the cape of the ceremonial armor and Jake curses Khonshu for his lack of practical armor ideas while punching the crescent dart into the man’s chest. 
Jake really didn’t want to bring Y/N to this place. She was the only other thing that made him happy and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if anything happens to her. This proved to be an issue. His mind started being infiltrated by thoughts of her that he could feel his grasp on Marc and Steven slowly slipping each time he lost a little bit of focus. But if they found out that she was here just a few hundred meters away from him and the action, they would literally go ballistic.
The abuse that Marc had endured when he was a child had violently shattered his poor mind that it made him his own personal weapon of mass destruction and that weapon was Jake. If Steven was the protector in the sense that he was an escape for Marc, Jake was definitely the self defense part of the mind and, of course, the addition of Khonshu amplified this tenfold.
For a long time, Jake didn’t feel human. He didn’t feel welcome by Marc and so he distanced himself from Marc and Steven, choosing to conceal himself in the dark corners of the headspace. It made him feel lonely and foreign, not being able to have control of himself most of the time. He covered his insecurities with a hard shell that almost no one could crack.
No one except her.
She probably doesn’t even know that she had that effect on him. She made him feel loved, she never made him feel left out and most importantly, she made him feel human. She didn’t need to crack his shell, he had willingly let go when she had shown her own vulnerability to him. 
Jake knew that his ledger and hands dripped with blood that stained and clawed through him like a horrible parasite. Never in a million years would he let her see that side of him in action. 
Jake felt himself getting lost in his thoughts again as the sound of gunshots rang through the air. 
Your POV 
You bit your inner cheek and observed the gun that you were holding. You’ve never seen one before and you held it like a man who had just been handed a random baby. 
You shook your leg nervously, the sound of the kolusu that was gifted to you by the boys ricocheted softly around the car. You turned on the radio and then immediately turned it off, knowing that not even music could soothe the feeling you were having right now. You just wanted Jake back by your side. 
You nervously chewed on your finger trying to block out your intrusive thoughts with nice ones of the boys, when suddenly the sound of gunshots made you jump. Your eyes widen and you tighten your grip on the gun. Suddenly it was silent again and you could feel fear creeping up your spine, the worst of thoughts invading your mind at light speed. 
Instinctively, you slide your hand to the door handle. “Oh kadavule, please protect me,” you mumble as you open the door, letting the cold London air assault your bare skin, the pallu of your saree fluttering behind you. You step out and look around, holding the gun in front of you.
You followed the path that you saw Jake taking a few moments ago. It was dark and you knew that you were just looking for trouble at this point. Suddenly, you hear a blood curdling scream echo straight into your ear, stabbing at your heart with such savagery that you almost toppled over. 
You quickened your pace, your heels tapping and jewelry jingling. You finally caught sight of him in the dim light, standing tall, dead bodies sprawled all around him, blood dripping off his gloved fingers and crescent dart. He was looking down, breathing hard and didn’t seem to notice you entering. You stopped and watched your boyfriend. He looked oddly angelic in the horror of all the things around him, shrouded in the beautiful armor. 
All of a sudden, your eye caught someone moving towards him and you spontaneously pulled the slide of the gun back, and pointed it at the person and pulled the trigger, not caring which part of his body you had hit, the noise shocking you slightly, making you wince. 
Jake’s head snapped up immediately and you rushed towards him. The look of recognition dawn on his face, mixed with confusion and then followed by intense terror. 
“I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE FUCKING CAR!” He yelled, making you stop in your tracks. 
“I heard gunshots. I was worried about you.” You frowned at him. 
Shock surges around you as he dropped the crescent dart and fell to his knees. You quickly close the gap between the both of you. He tips his chin up to you and you see tears pooling in his beautiful eyes as his face crumbles. You immediately envelop him in a hug, his head leaning into your abdomen as his arms snake around your lower body.
“Chellam, are you ok, are you hurt? Please tell me.” You murmured after a while, combing your hands through his curls as the sobs shook his body. 
You feel him shake his head slowly and he tightens his grip on you. 
“Shh, it's okay. What is it, Jake?” 
“Can’t bear you seeing me like this.” He says. 
“Like what?”
“I’m a monster.” He whispers and you almost don't catch it. Before you could respond, you felt him stiffen and you looked down to see Marc staring back at you, confused.
“Y/N, where are we?” He says his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Why am I in my suit?” He says letting go of you and getting up.
“Khonshu asked Jake to do something.” You say, softly.
“Yea, but he was blocking me and Steven out. Are you-” his eyes caught the gun you were holding.
“Why the fuck are you holding a gun, baby?” The calm tone of his voice makes you flinch. 
“Jake gave it to me so that I could defend myself.” You say, stepping back.
“What the hell was he thinking, bringing you here of all places? Giving you a fucking gun? Letting you see all of this? You were not supposed to see this side of us, ever. That was the deal we had together.” He rambles, his tone getting harsher, gesturing around him. 
“I knew Jake would do something to screw this up, this is why we can’t have anything nice, because he’s always doing something that destroys every fucking thing in our fucking path! I hate him, I fucking hate hi-” you cut Marc’s rambling with a smack to his face.
“Marc Spector! Don’t you dare say that.” You yell as he stares at you in shock. 
“Don’t you dare say something like that about him. Do you know what he called himself before letting you front? He called himself a monster. Do you even care a second about how he feels?” You say, tears pouring out of your eyes. You reach up to his face and swipe under his eyes, with your thumb, showing him the moisture on your hand and his face drops as realization dawns on him. 
“He told me to stay in the fucking car and I only came here because I thought he was in danger. I am here on my own will.” You say, pulling his gloved hand and placing the gun into it. “I know it was stupid choice, but it was my choice.”
”I’m sorry.” he mumbled. 
“Don’t say sorry to me, say it to him.” You turned to leave.
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
You avoided them for days after that. You didn’t answer their messages or their calls. Jake’s voice haunts your thoughts, the way he called himself a monster made you upset beyond human comprehension. 
The sleepless nights were getting unbearable in your cold bed and your hand itched to call them, to hear their voices, but you needed them to work this out by themselves.
At work, you kept your eyes averted from them but Steven followed you around adamantly, seeking forgiveness for Marc’s behavior, acting as the ever present mediator. You hated to do this to Steven, extending your punishment on him was not part of the plan.
“Darling, please.” Steven pleaded, after cornering you during one of your breaks. “You know Marc doesn’t mean it. He doesn’t have a great way with words.”
“Yea, Steven, I do. But the stuff he said about Jake hurt. I like all three of you equally and what am I supposed to do if the three of you hate each other.” You say, looking into Steven’s sad face. 
He hated it when they fought and this was one of the first major fights that they had in their relationship. The other times it was just tiny things that were solved in an instant but this needed slightly more special attention. 
“We do not hate each other, love. We just have misunderstandings sometimes. We just want you to be safe.” Steven sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t think you understand, Steven. I am safe, WITH the three of you. Please, just have a chat between the three of you, okay?”
You were very angry with Marc’s comments about his own alter and from Steven’s pleading, you worked out that Jake had not fronted for a few days, indicating that he wanted to stay hidden for a while. 
You were now laying on your couch at home with a book, still harboring the feeling of guilt about giving Steven the same silent treatment as Marc and just as if you willed it to happen, the door to your apartment opened and a fluff of black curls popped around it, big sad brown eyes staring at you. 
You stare back for a few seconds and then get up to move to your bed, laying down and going back to your book. You watch over the top of the pages as the man takes off his shoes and socks, goes to the bathroom to wash his feet and then shuffles towards you and settles at the side of the bed. You scan his face and realize that it was not Steven this time, but Marc. You frown and turn back to your book.  
“I-i shouldn’t have spoken about Jake like that. He doesn’t deserve to be treated the way that I treat him.”  Marc whispered. “I apologized to him and, umm, we talked for a long time yesterday night, me, him and Steven. I just snapped that day, I really don’t know how to…how to articulate my thoughts sometimes. So we actually decided to sign up for therapy, despite the fact that me and Jake don’t really see the point but Steven said it’d be good for us.”
A warm wave of happiness gushes through you and your hand creeps towards his and he catches it lacing his fingers with yours. You look at him and pout, tapping your forehead with your finger. He smiles and leans in, his soft lips grazing your forehead and you finally smile. 
“Thank you, Marc. That is one of the best solutions I’ve heard from you, chellam. Anyway, can’t stay mad at you for long can’t I?” You say, cupping his face and rubbing his jaw with your finger, feeling the light stubble prickle the soft padding of your thumb. “Can I talk to Jake for a bit? If you don’t mind, of course.” you say, patting his cheek and letting him go. He nods and stiffens, letting Jake front.
Jake avoided looking at you. You sit up and scooch closer to him, wrapping your arms around him and feeling his warmth. You press your forehead into his back and feel him relax. 
“Hi, baby.” 
“Hola, mami.” He whispered, melting into your embrace.
“Jake, you, Marc and Steven are my everything. Nothing in this world has broken my heart more than when you called yourself a monster, raja.” You sigh. “You want to talk about what happened? It's really alright if you don’t want to.”
Jake sighed shakily and placed his hands over one of your own that you had rested on his chest. 
“I don’t know exactly what happened, I kinda flew into a rage and killed everyone without a second thought. And when I saw you watching, I thought you’d see me differently, see us differently, that you would hate me.” He mumbled.
Appalled, you turn him to face you. “Kanna, no please don’t ever say that. I would never ever find a reason to hate you. I can’t believe you let yourself believe that.” You say, cupping his face. “The world could be descending like a dying phoenix and I still would love nothing more than to be by your side. There is nothing that would make me see you differently than the way I see you now, my sweet, sweet angel.” 
Jake leaned into your touch and stayed there for a while, eyes searching yours. You leaned in and kissed forehead, his nose, and then his lips. You were going to pull back but he caught your lips with his own and deepened the kiss, hand snaking to the nape of your neck, cradling your head as though you would melt and disappear if he attempted to loosen his grip. 
He kissed you as if he was drowning in space and you were the last bit of oxygen swirling around his lungs. It was tender yet it felt heated and frantic and you felt a fire ignite in you as you struggled to focus on anything else but him. 
His lips left yours and before you could take a breath from the last kiss, he tugged slightly on your hair at the nape of your neck and attacked the one spot that would guarantee to make you lose all sense of being. An anguished moan left your mouth before you could control yourself and you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him flush against you, falling back onto the soft bed with a muffled thump. 
He continued his precise attack on the soft skin of your neck, nipping and sucking in slow rhythm that made you writhe with pleasure under him. Your hands traveled up and settled in his curls, tugging them slightly making him groan hungrily against you. 
He suddenly stopped and brought himself to your eye level, lust and desire dripping steadily from his beautiful brown orbs, eyelashes framing them like they were protecting a hidden treasure that you were about to unlock.
“Tell me what you want, mi reina.” He says, voice low and steady, glazed with the serenity of his accent. 
“You, all of you.” you simply say, surrendering your essence and existence to him without a second guess. 
Taking your shirt off, Jake continued the same slow pace of marking a small trail down your body with the same little sequence as before until you felt like you were a puddle of mush. Arousal pooled at the base of your abdomen as he kissed your hip bone, right where the soft band of your underwear sits.
“Love?” Steven's voice curls up to meet your ears.
“Don’t stop,” You whisper, the breathiness of your voice echoing through the room. “Please, Steven.” 
Steven loops his fingers nimbly around the band and gently pulls, exposing you to the cold air of the room, making you push your head further into your pillow as you let out a soft groan. He wasted no time kissing your inner thigh and you shiver at the contact as your left leg drops open. 
You feel Steven drag the length of his finger down your soaking folds and you hear him gasp softly. “All because of us, love?” 
“Always.” You whisper and your breath hitches as Steven licks a long strip up your folds and you lift your hip, arching your back, pushing yourself against him.
“Darling, look at me.” Steven says as he lifts your right leg over his shoulder. You barely register his little command and don’t respond, head floating somewhere in the clouds, until you feel his teeth dig into the same spot that he had kissed on your inner thigh a few seconds ago. 
You moaned way too loud for your liking and met his eyes. You’ve never seen this side of Steven before and you feel something swirl inside you.
“Tell me what you want me to do, love.” 
You took a little too long to answer and he nipped at you again.
“Please Steven, fuck me with your tongue, your fingers, anything you have, just FUCK-” he catches you of guard with inserting a digit into you, pumping it in and out at a slow pace, the filthy sound reaching your ears. He curls the finger, hitting that one special spot that makes your legs turn into pure jelly. 
“I'm going to teach you a little lesson for ignoring me the past few days, darling.” he says, taking the finger out of you and inserting it into his mouth, eyes not leaving yours and your eyes widen, taking in every square inch of what you were seeing in front of you.
Inserting the wet finger and adding another one, he covers your clit with his mouth and starts pumping at a brutally steady pace. The stimulation of his tongue instantly pushes you up and over your breaking point. You clenched around his fingers as his tongue runs circles around your clit. 
“Steven, I-” you try saying but you choke on your words as Steven twists his fingers slightly. You feel him smirk against you and you feel your face burn with this slightly altered Steven.
Still pumping his fingers in and out, he lets go of your clit with a pop. 
“Come on love, cum for me.” He coaxed softly, knowing that you were already close. 
Your release was spellbinding and Steven latches onto you again with his mouth making you moan, whimper and shake uncontrollably. He didn’t let you come down from your high, instead Steven started to wheedle your second orgasm, pulling his fingers out and replacing it with his tongue, using his slick covered fingers to hold you open as praises flood out of your mouth for him, mixed with tormented cries, the words pushing him to work twice as hard as the last time, making sure he doesn’t miss a single drop of you. 
He did it again, not stopping, instead bringing you to your third orgasm in less than ten minutes. He devoured you as if he were a man on death row who was having his last meal. You gripped the sheets beneath you and cried out as Steven continued to work his magic, moaning into you, causing you to crumble into dust. 
When you stopped seeing stars from your third orgasm, you grabbed his hand that was covered in your arousal and inserted his fingers into your mouth, sucking slowly swirling your tongue on the tips of his fingers, making him groan. 
“So good for us, baby.” He says and suddenly you realized that you were looking at Marc. You wonder when the switch happened, your eyebrows furrowing as your head lolled back onto the bed. 
You were clearly not used to the overstimulation as your core still throbbed and you rub your thighs together.  Letting go of his hand, you snake your own down to rub yourself. 
Your other arm winds behind you as you arch your back and unclip your bra, pulling it off you and tossing it aside as your right hand continues to circle your clit. Your free hand massages your exposed tits and you pinch your already hardened nipple, moaning at the sharp pleasure that pierced through you. Finally, something snapped inside of you as you scan your boyfriend’s face. 
Moon Boys’ POV
Marc stared in absolute awe at the woman in front of him and he could feel mind slowly cracking under the pressure of the obscene image that was presented to him. 
“What are you doing standing there watching Spector, take your clothes off and let me fuck you raw till I either become a madwoman from being cockdumb, can’t walk or we get a noise complaint.” She orders, the harsh tone of her voice snapping him out of his daze in an instance, the lewd and vulgar words that spilled out of her mouth making him groan as he pulled his clothes off. 
She smirked up at him, eyes trailing down to his already weeping cock that was in his hand. She watched as Marc slowly jerked off his length near her core, who was still watching her touch herself, savoring the moment. Without a word, he pushes himself slowly inside her as she stretches to accommodate him, the sound of her melodious whine pushing him to bottom out, leaning down on his forearm, caging her.
Before he could start moving, she rolled her hips against his making him let out an almost pornographic moan. She let go of herself and pulled him lightly by his gold chain that dangled on his neck and whispered huskily into his ear, “I said, let me fuck you, raja.” 
He flips the both of them over with him still inside of her and let her straddle him, running his hands down her curves and settling them on her hips as she adjusted herself. His fingers grazed the marks that Jake made all over her body as he stared up at her, absolutely mesmerized. 
Agonizingly, she slowly moved up and down, her long hair swaying and his eyes rolled back. She picked up her pace at his reaction, bouncing up and down slightly faster and as Marc’s moans started to get louder and more desperate, she slowed down again with a smirk etched on her face. 
She toyed with him a little longer, repeating the same rhythm over and over, edging him to the brink of an orgasm and slowing down again, making him groan in frustration as she clenched herself around him. She didn’t need to tell him that he couldn’t come, he knew she didn’t want him to, possibly still wanting to punish him for what he said about Jake. 
“B-baby, please,” He whimpered, as she slowed down for the third time. She leaned forward on her arms and kissed him, pressing her tits against his own bare chest, tasting herself on his lips, now riding him at a respectable pace. The sound of their skin slapping against each other and moans bounced off the walls and Marc could feel himself tipping over again. 
“Such a good boy, doing exactly what I want without me asking. Cum inside me, Marc, I’m on the pill.” She whispers into his ear as he shifts his hips to meet hers, pulling her down by her hips with his hands. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” Marc moans and lets go completely, filling her up with his seed, shaking from the impact of his release as she continued to slowly help him ride out his orgasm.  When the shaking reduced, she kissed him again and smiled against his lips, making him sigh.
Your POV
Without any warning, Marc stiffens under you and you feel yourself being flipped over again. You look up to see Jake staring back down at you and this time he is the one who is smirking with his head tilted.
Oh gods.
“You certainly became a madwoman, teasing and edging Marc like that. Who taught you those tricks, amor?” He questions, staring into you as you will yourself to sink into the bed. 
“Now, how about I keep your promise of not being able to walk after this, hmm?” he chastises you, making your face heat up again. You were spent but you nod anyway, your brain still woozy from playing around with Marc.
Jake wasted no time, pulling himself slightly out, biting your right nipple, making you arch your back into him with a yelp. He grabs your hands and pins them over your head with wicked strength. With this leverage, he pushed himself back into you with such savage force that a string of profanities escaped you as vile moans and they mixed with the crude sounds coming from Jake fucking the cum right into your pussy, creating a vision of eternal pleasure. 
Noise complaint, check.
You tried to keep a steady gaze into Jake’s eyes but each thrust made your vision blur and soon droplets of tears gathered at the corner of your eyes. He pulled both of your legs over his shoulder and the new angle made you weep with happiness. 
“You. Will. Always. Be. Ours.” Jake said, punctuating each word with a thrust. You nod, completely agreeing with his statement, wanting nothing more, feeling Jake pull your next orgasm from you as you start seeing galaxies, losing count of how many orgasms you’ve had from the same body, legs shaking violently, pussy clenching. 
Can’t walk, check.
Jake continues his thrusts, you don’t know for how long, the tears now pouring into your hair that is fanned out below you as you beg him to not stop. Then you feel him release into you as another orgasm wrecks your body, and you find yourself repeating something like a mantra but you can’t hear it, you can't hear it over the pure bliss and pain you were feeling through your body. 
Cockdumb, check.
You could feel Jake slip out of you as your lips continue to move, uttering the same prayer. He touches your face and you finally hear yourself. 
“I love you, I love all three of you.” 
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Kolusu: An ornamental chain worn around the ankle 
Kadavule: God
Pallu: The loose end of a sari, worn over one shoulder or the head.
Saree: A garment consisting of a length of cotton or silk elaborately draped around the body, traditionally worn by women from South Asia.
Chellam: darling
Hola mami: Hi mama
Raja: King
Kanna: Sweetheart
Mi reina: My queen
Amor: Love
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Reblogs are appreciated <3 love you all so so much *muah*
Chapter 8 | Chapter 10
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finelinevogue · 3 years
hey! first of all i’m obsessed with all of your writing i swear i cry every single time😭🤍 i look forward to reading your stuff when i get home from work, and it helps me when i’m stressed. so basically hi i love you. i recently celebrated 1 year sober and i was wondering if you could write something abou harry dedicating a song to his gf for maintaining her sobriety? (only if you’re comfortable ofc!)
hi, i love you too! sorry for making you cry😭 your words are so kind and you’ve made my day so much brighter! congratulations on your one year sobriety!!! i hope you’re very proud of yourself, because i’m really proud of you - always <33 i’m not sure what you are sober for and i don’t to be invasive and ask, so i decided to base this one off an alcohol addiction. this one’s for you, my lovely; (oh and p.s. let’s pretend harry wrote ‘home’ just for you and one direction never wrote it!)
Today you celebrated being one year sober.
Four years ago you developed an alcohol addiction. It was the worst time of your life; going to parties just to wake up still paralytic, drinking an alcoholic drink with every meal and a couple in between, falling asleep drunk every night and not learning your lesson from the hangover the next morning. You were self destructing and were too gone to see it happen. The people around you could see it happening though. Your family and friends abandoned you because you they believed you were a lost cause. You were alone for 3 lonely years, until last year you met Harry.
The one time that you were actually sober, shopping in your local Aldi, was the first time you met him.
He was dressed from a run and was in the fridge section to grab himself a protein shake before he was about to run home - that you’d come to learn. He made minimal conversation with you, but it was enough for him to fall for you - hard. Every time you met up with him you tried to be as sober as you could, but it caught up to you. You slipped and shut yourself out from him, not wanting him to leave you like everyone else had so you left him first.
As it would be, he never left you. He saved you.
He was there for you in your darkest moments. He was there to help lock your demons away and introduce life back into your heart and soul. You wanted to be better for him, he deserved that much. Half a year after meeting him, he managed to encourage you to attend counselling sessions which you would be worse without. He made calls to friends to help you re-connect with people, truly friendly people. He hugged you on the days you felt anxious or tempted and let you cry on his shoulder when you felt like a failure, all the whilst he would kiss your forehead and squeeze you to remind you just how much you were loved and just how proud he was of you. It took you a while to believe it, but;
Harry Styles loves and is proud of you.
You were so happy to spending the day with him, getting to watch him do what he loves so much. He was in Denver, Colorado, tonight and his set was going perfect so far. He’d given his infamous “ass or face” speech, which made the fans go wild. He, unfortunately, had to use the oxygen mask to replenish his lungs because he wasn’t feeling great. He’d even shouted to you when you were blowing him kisses saying, “I wanna kiss you but I can’t” which made you tear up ever so slightly. Today was such a proud and happy day for you, so extra moments like this for you were the cherries on the top of the cake.
“Okay, so we have 15 more minutes of love tonight for you.” Harry spoke into his microphone, after singing Treat People With Kindness and looking so very sweaty. “15 minutes of extra love compared to the previous show.” The fans screamed at this and you knew the fans in Vegas would no doubt be extra jealous.
“He’s allowed to do that?” You asked Jeff beside you, wondering why he was changing the timings all of a sudden. He hadn’t told you about this.
“He specifically requested it before going onstage.” Jeff answered, winking at you and nodding his head back to the stage for you to focus.
“Now. Today is not only special because I get to play in front of you lovely people,” the crowd let out a deafening scream, “but because it is an important day for my Y/N.” He smiled, looking over in your direction. The crowd screamed even louder for you.
“What is he doing?” You asked Jeff but he only smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Liar, you thought.
You’d never publicly told anyone about your addiction because it was something that you were embarrassed about. You hated who you were and you tried your hardest not to think about that person anymore. Harry was the only person who knew and you liked to keep it that way, for the time being. Not even your new friends knew.
“I’m so proud of Y/N, always, but especially today.” Harry spoke, walking down the stage to the end of the runway where his mic was set up and still keeping eye contact with you. Your tears were full in your eyes and some even streaming down your face as you took in his words.
He’d spent all morning loving on you. He didn’t let you two leave the hotel room until 5 minutes before the buses were leaving, because he wanted to spend as much time as possible showing you just how much he loved you. Turns out 4 rounds of sex, 2 blowjobs and 3 times getting eaten out doesn’t even come close to showing that, according to him, but it did make you feel worthy and that’s all you’ve wanted to feel for the past few years. He made you feel worth it - it being loved and supported and safe. He was your blanket of comfort and you’d let him swallow you up every day for the rest of your life if it meant feeling this way forever.
Harry had even bought you a card and a cake, one that had a singular candle in to mark your one year anniversary of being sober. The sense of pride getting to blow out that candle was a feeling second to none, except from maybe the 7 orgasms you were given.
“So if you don’t mind, i’m going to sing this song for my girlfriend. It’s new, but i’m sure you’ll pick up the chorus. This is called ‘Home’ and it’s just for you, m’love.” God damn these tears, you could barely see Harry pick up his galaxy painted guitar and tilt his body so he was facing you.
The song had you in tears.
Fans were both recording you and Harry, but you were too unaware to notice them when all you could focus on were the words he was singing to you. Every line was so clear and it made your heart burst through your chest that little bit more each time. You cupped your hands under your vin as you cried over every new line of song, watching him strum on the guitar and sing his heart out as if every ounce of him was just for you. His words, his voice, his heart and soul were completely yours. The fans did quickly pick up the chorus and the atmosphere was completely still, yet electric with them feeding off Harrys energy and gifting it to you.
“You’ll never feel like you’re alone, i’ll make this feel like home.”
His last line was sung and his last chord was struck and you couldn’t move an inch. You were stuck watching him with intense loved eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of support and comfort just from this moment alone. You thought what he’d given you this morning in the hotel was love, but now you questioned that. This felt like a reminder you were free and safe and found. You felt significant. And for a moment, that all felt a like bit stronger than love.
You didn’t even realise your boyfriend was standing in front of you until he was. He caressed your cheek in one hand, holding the neck of his guitar with his other. The fans were being caged behind a barricade, but they weren’t even violently pushing because they wanted to see how he treated you and acted around you behind closed doors. Your relationship was very private, so this was very new for you too. You liked him close though. So much so that everyone else sort of slipped away.
“That bad?” He asked teasingly, referring to the amount of tears you were crying.
“Was a bit rusty in some places.” You teased back, you and him both knowing you didn’t mean a word that you’d just said. You both laughed until you caught Harrys hand on your cheek and moved it so you could plant a soft kiss to his palm. “Thank you for making me feel home.” You smiled, new tears forming in both yours and his now.
“Thank you for being my home.” He replied, smiling through the light tears.
“Stop crying,” you laughed through your own tears, reaching out your other hand to wipe his away, “not very rockstar of you.”
“Can’t help myself when i’m so proud of you.” He answered, moving his hand off his guitar so he could help wipe your tears away. Both of you were helping each other recover, forgetting about the world just for a minute to have a moment with each other. You both deserved that much.
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it’s not the burning of their hands that drives the last two fëanorians over the edge
i mean, the silmarils do burn their hands. the hallowing of varda is caustic to the marring of arda, and after all of the murder those two are marred like hell. thing is, this isn’t exactly new information? they’re both well aware that they’ve been faceplanting the void for the past century, it would be more confusing if they didn’t burn. it hurts a lot, but they’ve both known worse, especially maedhros. enough to have the presence of mind to put the things down, at least. and honestly, if they cared about the valar’s opinion of them they wouldn’t have stolen the rocks in the first place
it’s a little more accurate to blame their mutual breakdown on the realisation that they’ve thrown away absolutely everything they ever held dear in pursuit of some shinies they don’t even know what to do with now. their dreams went up in smoke, one by one, and that glittering future built beneath the silmarils’ light is so impossible it’s ridiculous for a ragtag band of war criminals who’ve burned every conceivable bridge. at heart, the fëanorians are idealists, and to have those ideals finally, definitively fail -
except that revelation was less an instantaneous shattering and more a gradual erosion. pretty much everyone left in beleriand lost all hope in the last years before the armies of the west came, and even after that the kinslayers still had nothing left. despair has been a permanent fëanorian camp follower for decades before the theft of the silmarils, and i doubt anyone in that camp thought getting them back was going to magically fix everything. the mere fact that the brothers chased away the last of their minions before sneaking into the valinorean camp shows that they already knew they were almost out of options. maybe that knowledge would have driven them to destruction in the long term, but i don’t think it would have been as immediately violent
no, what causes the last sons of fëanor to finally, finally snap isn’t the hallowing of varda or the realisation that they’ve failed. it’s the light
the light of the silmarils is the light of the trees is the light of the lamps is the fire of creation. it burns from beyond the circles of the world, unmarred by the distortions of matter and energy. no illusions can survive beneath that perfect light, in its rays all hidden things are revealed. beneath the radiance blazing at the heart of eternity, all things show their true forms, and all lies burn away. in the instant maedhros and maglor touch the silmarils, all their flimsy justifications and petty self-delusions are scoured away by the incandescent brilliance, and they are left face-to-face with their true selves
and then the screaming starts
for so, so long now, maglor’s been lying to himself. ‘i’m okay with this,’ ‘this is what needs to be done,’ ‘it’ll all be worth it in the end,’ a thousand little lies that at some point became the only thing keeping him moving on, a bitter ash-tasting duty that grew into a substitute for hope. he built his identity around the oath, forged his body, his voice, his very soul into a weapon, and now he can suddenly see how pointless it all was, how little a chance they ever had, how thoroughly he deceived himself, how he turned himself into a monster for absolutely nothing. the part of himself that was horrified by alqualondë which he thought he’d strangled by doriath comes roaring back into his consciousness, the line between sanity and madness vanishes and he careens into the void, and somewhere deep within the twisted mockery he’s become, makalaurë is screaming
but while maglor’s mind is crashing on like ten different levels, maedhros slowly stands up. without the last desperate remnants of hope clouding his vision, the only path forward is perfectly and completely clear
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xhanisai · 3 years
Oooh I'd love to give you a mariblanc prompt but I'm afraid I can only come up with this and I'm not sure it doesn't count more as marichat:
Chat learns about the events of Chat Blanc (more importantly—him killing ladybug/Marinette) by maybe looking into a portal from a new villain and the terror he feels leads to him getting acumatized again, turning into chat blanc once more but in the current present and Marinette has to go against him all over again?
Basically chat transforms back into chat blanc and Mari is having a bad day...again
A/N: I'm gonna tweak this prompt ju-uuuust a bit cos I've written something similar already last year :) Regardless, I hope you enjoy this~
~(x)~ . . . "Why...why aren't you running away from me!?" . Though he snapped out of Le Papillon's control earlier on, he still gravely struggled with the ferocious power of destruction that threatened to ooze out of his fingertips and cause more calamity in their city and continue to make the death toll rise. The only emotions that ransacked throughout his body and mind were immense fear, raging anger and continuous self-loathing after the things he's seen... ...and the things he's repeated. All while trying his everything to battle his internal war where the rampaging rogue akuma within ordered him to "destroy", like sharp nails scratching on a blackboard and building up his foreign craving for bloodlust and decay. What little sanity he had left was merely a sluggish dam against the waterfall of hysteria that was ready to devour him in the worst way possible. It was ironic honestly; towards the end, he became what he strived not to be. And now he was going to end up killing the love of his life all over again. "...R-Run...please..." Chat Blanc begged, claws digging into the crumbled, concrete floor where he was kneeling with an agonising grimace. The pulse of eradication clenched his entire being like a chain, demanding to be let out and wreak even more havoc, unsatisfied with only pummelling half of the city into nothing. "More! Destroy more!" It demanded like a viral entity, coursing more anguish through the poor boy's veins and forcing him to collapse on the floor and scream in even more pain. Quite similar to an absolutely, frightened creature being brutally tased to death. "DESTROY THE CITY! DESTROY THE WORLD!" The poor hero was now clutching his head, sinking his lethal claws through his scalp and then blood started to pool from the wounds, staining his pure white locks in a horrific crimson tinge. . "If you think I'm going to run away, you have another thing coming!" The sound of Marinette's determined voice broke him out of his violent stupor, the scarily resilient girl marching towards him and gracefully avoiding all the obstacles in her way, ranging from dangerous building residues to razer sharp debris. The corrupted hero gaped at her momentarily, his ice-blue eyes constricted and his muscles tensed whilst her sky blues shone with conviction, her deep black hair flying around behind her, courtesy on the wild wind that shot through her direction. Her hair was down just like...that timeline. Except, everything was also so very different.
And suddenly, he felt a small ray of hope bloom in his chest. "No matter what happens, no matter how many times that despicable, cowardly man forces you to do his bidding, I'll always be here to save you, Chat Noir!" She vowed without any hesitance, boldly getting down to his level and heaving him up to his knees by the arms with a strength that could rival her masked alter-ego. Despite her torn, tattered clothes that hung limply off her frame, despite the numerous lacerations and cuts and bruises she received prior whilst trying to help him as Ladybug, despite the fact that she's ended up facing him as an akuma twice, Never has she looked stronger than she did now. "So please, come back to me, mon Chaton," Her beautiful smile was like the cure to his disease, her presence was like innocence in the blighted city and her touch, oh, when she cradled his hands so wonderfully and brought them against her chest, he felt purified. "I...I...I don't want to hurt you...not again..." "You won't," "Marinette..." "Adrien," Before he could even blink... ...She kissed him. And everything went black. . The sound of Parisians celebrating and crying with joy and the warmth of another body holding him against them was what roused Chat Noir awake. His eyes flickered open, revealing soft, emerald greens that reflected the face of the person he loves more than life itself. His lips parted, as if he couldn't tell whether he was dreaming or not, a timid, clawed hand coated in black, reached for her face, grazing his fingers against her jaw with awe. The awe then turned into a brilliant smile, tears of joy pooling in his eyes and a quiet laugh breaking out of his lips, "Marinette...you did it...you saved us...you saved us all..." "Only because you came back to me," . . . ~(x)~
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review (ch 90-91)
Since I discussed the first few pages of ch-90 that contains kyo & tohru in my previous preview, this one will only be kyoko’s story.
Kyoko’s story brilliantly explores the effects of unhealthy domestic environment on children without the use of the zodiac curse as a metaphor for abuse. My first-reaction of kyoko’s story is the following:
I really enjoyed how kyoko’s descend into darkness was explored & how the psychologically-informed writing of her behavior was depicted.
I was troubled by how Katsuya was presented as the magical solution to all her problems. Kyoko was saved by romantic love in a more basic writing than machi. Both girls just needed a guy to listen to them vent abt their family issues once & tada~ they’re in love.
Kyoko’s story made me realize that Arisa is just a more modern & healthier kyoko.. The only difference is that Kureno didn’t save Arisa. She herself changed gradually due to kyoko & tohru’s influence.
1) Kyoko’s descend into Darkness:
Kyokyo told kyo that she was already “out of control delinquent before she got to middle school”, “ fell into the wrong crowd”, “ enjoyed beating innocent ppl”. subtly citing the influence of “delinquent peers” & the innate desire be noticed at home. I’m bad, notice me! love me, listen to me!
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There are some elements in her story that faintly reminds me of yuki & strongly reminds me of kyo:
Kyoko’s parents gave her a treatment similar to “ yuki’s parents”: cold, neglect & devoid of love. Her dad, similar to kyo’s dad, felt ashamed & disgraced by her.
Kyoko similarly to kyo was angry, full of self-loath & self-destruction. However, kyo was never violent like she was. I believe kyo’d have turned like her if he didn’t have Kazuma to discipline him with love, care & attention. Hence, we saw kyo carry on a code of “ not beating girls, or ppl who aren’t hurting them, or don’t know martial arts”, like Arisa or the student council guy whop loves yuki.
Kyoko’s mom similarly of kyo’s mom talked abt the dad venting his anger on her after being pissed off with kyoko. So, a hint of domestic violence between husband & wife.
Kyoko described herself as “ made of shattered glass”. Tohru once said both kyo & yuki are very sensitive. yuki blocks the world behind the prince mask & kyo puts on the annoyed attitude to push ppl away from hurting him.
Society thinks that “delinquent/bad ppl” are always happy with what they’ve become. Satisfied with their destructive choices. When in most of the times... they’re as bewildered & confused as the community around them..
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I really don’t blame the teachers for being defensive. Teachers aren’t supposed to be “life-coaches” or “saviors of students”. That’s sth the educators with their research gush abt & what society demands & what families wish for. The fixer-teacher!!!! Teachers are ppl teaching a subject, doing a specific job, underpaid & overworked most of the times, also, they come from various backgrounds, beliefs, & sometimes even if they meant good & wanted to “ save” a student, they aren’t equipped with the suitable psychological training. Yeah, there are ppl for that in schools, but so many students with lots of issues. Also, let’s be real, we love kyoko cuz she’s the “epic mother of tohru, we grew on her teachings thro out 3 seasons” but if you meet a loud, delinquent, gangster head, violent chair throwing student who rarely comes anyway, would you wanna deal with them?
2- Katsuya “ the magical savior”:
so, why did teacher katsuya helped a screaming delinquent? cuz he IS interested in kyoko. He said so. He approached her, talked & tried to help cuz he intended to “never let her go since he saw her honesty” ~ romantic? maybe to some.. I find it weird & creepy. him eyeing her & getting interested & approaching her & earning her trust. It is true that he has no intention of hurting her or forcing her & he DID save her in more ways than one. But why is this all wrapped in romance. He DID flirt with her intentionally many times from the moment he saw her until then.
If Im being honest, had he not be her teacher (trainee or not), & had she not be very veeeeery young! I’d be enjoying his flirting so much. He’s so smooth, playful & cool (not looking head over heels in love) which is normally such a fun dynamics. She was so head over heels, tho. Finally found someone who noticed her tiny efforts “ drawing eyebrows”, someone who listened & someone who didn’t forced her to do her “duties”. She tells him (her teacher) that she is ditching classes & he’s okay with that~ not lecturing, not urging. why? cuz He only wants HER. she comes to see him in the lunch break everyday. school? classes? that’s her choice~ not his business~ In a way, Katsuya is intentionally made not morally correct. Why? cuz a good moral adult wouldn’t be in love with a middle schooler & would care for her future as an independent person from him. He must be written with intentional desire to NOT care for morals or right or the likes. Yes, he later helps her to study & graduate but ONLY when that is HER choice & she made it ONLY to catch up with him. To cleanse herself & be “ like the other girls” . Kyoko deemed katsuya “ good person” &  herself “ bad person”. That’s why she was motivated to be good to catch up with him since she can NO LONGER see him everyday in lunch break. He fixed that. How? teach her in the weekends & provide better chances to flirt since he’s no longer a teacher & she’s his student. The issue is not teacher-student love... it is adult-kid love!! but hey~ they’re cute (they’re written to be, so they are) so it’s cool ( it isn’t at all..eww).. oh the dilemma that is Takaya-san’s love for weird big age gaps where one is an underage teenager...
Furuba’s has this big theme of “ love doesn’t heal or save”. yuki took tohru’s love & grew up by himself. Kyo’s love for tohru didn’t save tohru, she was scared to be in love & forget her mom. Tohru made the decision to be free from her past, herself.  Tohru’s love to kyo made his trauma 10 times more complicated & he acted based on his love for her & decided to leave her. It wasnt until he decided to face his trauma, past & bio dad by himself, that he accepted tohru’s love. Only two characters were totally saved by love:
Machi: has the excuse of being solely created to be yuki’s reward for acknowledging platonic love for tohru & everything abt her is rushed & made as a lighter copy of all yuki’s issues to quickly create shared grounds for them to connect. Machi needed to vent her issues to yuki once & all her issues were never brought back to the service again. She was happier, calmer & healed.
I expected more for kyoko. She IS a bigger character than half of the zodiacs! but she just needed katsuya to listen to her & she was in love & her issues solved.
I don’t deny that it IS true that sometimes all we need is someone to listen to us. Tohru herself said so & even yuki said it to kyo. But Even if someone listen to us & we love them, the issues that troubled us dont magically disappear until we face them or do sth abt them aided by those who love us. Kyo’s issues remained even with his love until he faced them, tohru’s too!
had off-screen issues with expressing himself. He said that he loved kyoko cuz she was “honest abt her ugly feelings” while he pretended to “humor & please his dad”. He gave a wonderful speech to her parents abt the expectations of parents on their kids & the refusal of their “human weakness” again furuba’s main vision. Unfortunately, this was followed with confessing, marriage proposal & kissing her on the lips all while the whole issue is abt kids/ parents exceptions of middle schooler/ neglect & his own acknowledgement that she’s minor while he was “in love”.
Like the author wants to tie kyoko’s issues & katsuya’s issues so bad & present him as her ONLY chance for normal life. Kyoko was just repenting & understanding that her actions got consequences which is an epic moment! but romance triumphant & saved the day~ yay~! marriage!
The story would’ve been better romantically if it was given time for kyoko to “ grow up” just like katsuya himself said when they were at the beach. He said “ grow up, middle school is not the world”. He continued meeting her but never confessed & never crossed the line despite the flirting. But he KNEW what he was doing “ i never planned to let you go since I saw you”. He was cementing his place as the ONLY one in her world.
Had kyoko grew up, saw the real world, kept taps with katsuya, he helped her broaden her world, then they’ll marry without needing her dad to sign papers, then that would be a better love story than this.
Side Notes:
The writer didn’t shy away from confessing that pairing Katsuya & kyoko is problematic & stated it in canon (kyoko called katsuya “pedo”). She did the same with Arisa & kureno (Arisa thought the age gap is big & hana questioned if kureno is a married man). However, making the story acknowledge that as an issues doesn’t make it less uncomfortable, but at least, I respect when writers do what they plan to do regardless of fans. even if I dont agree with the writer. It’s way better than when writer becoming fans toy/ fans pleaser.
Still, couldn’t the author state that kyoko was held back few years in jmiddle school & failed & repeated school years? like make her i duno 17 or sth... this would at least lessen the big age gap... but no~~~ kyoko is what? 14? ... -_-’.
You bet this won’t change a bit in the upcoming anime spinoff abt kyoko. Just this year an anime abt an adult man & his high school love interest that he pursued stubbornly was highly popular & my real life friends were gushing abt “ him finally winning her/ being respectful & only kissing her lips once or sth/waiting for her to “catch up” with him”/ consent age differ in X & Y countries..I’m not dictating my beliefs on anybody or any country or saying my way of thinking is the just way. I’m saying, Personally, I think, there are better romantic stories than adults & kids couples.. The fact that this trope of (adults & kids romance) is still popular even today is sad~~
I dont mind HUGE age gaps as long as BOTH characters are adults. If any of them makes a crime, they’ll be held responsible by the law. & sometimes the younger adult is the one dominating the relationship. but “kids or teenagers” can’t. They’re easily groomed & manipulated, so it bothers me when a love story between an adult & a kid is portrayed as  “equal”. it isn’t.
I’m not judging whoever loves such trope in “ fiction”. it IS fiction, & as long as you don't pursue a real kid/teenager in real life, you can like whatever in fiction. moving on~
kyoko’s delinquent life is well-written & if done right, would send a powerful message of being able to start over. But the romantic love aspect will steal the spotlight by (a) directing uncomfortable hate/disgust towards the story & hence all the discussions will abt the “pedo” aspect. (which is fair). (b) Perceived as so lovable romance since katsuya is the prince who to saved the neglected princess which is a trope that has stood thro time garnering lots of support & attention always, so all the discussion would be abt their “cute romance”. (which is fair since the author weaved elements that endeared their romance, such as: cute nicknames “miss no-eyebrows”, him giving her space, home & respect, saving her from the streets & poverty & having the most endearing tohru”. So, yeah, the romance will be the center of attention regardless.
I like katsuya’s character type in fiction generally: the flirty, mischievous & a bit cool guy who is so aware he’s wrong most times & plays his cards smart to not get caught red-handed. He’s a cooler version of shigure. It’s just the blatant fact that he’s been planning to “get” a middle schooler from the first glance & that she is wayyyy young for this, that is bothering me so so much~~ T_T.
I wont expect the anime to change their age gap cuz it is the essence of their story that she’s a lost kid with no protection against the world & he’s the savior providing everything at once!~ Remember kyoko went on to be the savior of an entire clan tho tohru~ So in a way, katsuya saved the sohmas by saving kyoko....
“ i’m like a stray cat that he looked after instead of chasing away”. kyoko with katsuya is like kyo with kazuma! >_<!. When kyo met tohru, he wasn’t a stray cat, most of how he dealt with her was cuz he already knew her & was tormented by remembering kyoko’s death & feeling guilty towards tohru’s constant pain. That’s why when kyo started falling in love with tohru, he unconsciously stopped pushing her away little by little & just wanted to be with her until akito said “ i’ll hurt her” that’s when he totally gave up.
the way katsiya appeared in the right moment to save kyoko from her dad~ oh the drama. XD
Hospital Discharge & chase. like mom like daughter~ but thank God the kids got a more balanced love story.
Comparing kyoko/katsuya to Arisa/kureno in the broad writing of their romance without diving into details: (a) I hate the age gap in both but at least Arisa is older & nothing happened until she graduates & become an official adult. (b) Kyoko/katsuya are more fleshed out & if you forget the age gap,m their dynamic is so cute & endearing. (c) the love at first glance, never meeting afterwards yet still sickly in love to the extinct of screaming made Arisa/kureno shallower. (d) now that I saw teenage kyoko, Arisa is really just her clone! I hate that this steals from Arisa’s uniqueness. (e) both couples ate ramen in their first meeting/first unofficial date signalling their blooming love.
I’ve said this more than once, but I was the high-schooler that fancied adult independent men growing up, I never pursued anyone tho cuz I understood it was a crush even tho I’m pretty sure my “ *_*” face was clear to one or two, but I’m definitely lucky none of them tried to woo me or influence me. Now that I’m a grown woman, I think back & laugh at my self. I fancied them cuz they were independent & mature compared to the silly high school boys, which is what those men are supposed to be (adults) & what those boys are supposed to be (living their young age). lol. Still, I wish I found someone somehow to be my life’s partner since then, it would’ve made my life less lonely~ T_T.
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