Exclusive interview with Mia on her album “Stopwatch”
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WISH has been everywhere since they debuted. They can be seen on advertisements all over Seoul and their songs can be heard playing on every street. They’ve been dubbed the Nation’s Girl Group, and with that comes little rest for a member like Mia, who also has a rising acting career and has branched out into music of her own. Over the past year, she’s promoted the collab “Ma Boy”, released the BC Portal song “Rain”, featured on the albums of groupmate Vivienne and Decipher’s Duri, and also starred in Girls’ Generation 1979 and the webdrama Short. Now she’s taken on the project of a solo album of her own, titled Stopwatch which was released at the end of March. Here at Exclusive, we got to have the first interview with Mia about the release of her solo album. Read what she had to say below!
You’re the third WISH member to release a solo album. How do you feel your album is different from Vivienne’s and Wren’s?
All of our solo releases are unique to ourselves, and it’s hard to really pit them against each other when they’re all full of such amazing music. I think how Stopwatch separates itself from other albums or anything that I’ve released before is how the music has two stories. I was able to explore a lot of different concepts and songs while developing the album, but I think what makes it special is how the songs all tie into each other as whole. They were all produced individually, but with a bigger picture in mind or so to speak. The songs separately all tell a different story, a different concept- but when put together they paint a whole different picture, and I’m really proud of being able to call that painting something of my own.
You had a hand in some songwriting and producing on the album, and you also contributed to the choreography. What was that like?
The barest way to put it would be incredible. This is the first time I’ve been able to work so closely with the music I release, and it feels amazing to see the end product altogether. A little secret I’ll share here is that some of these songs were created before we were even planning on releasing a solo album. Cosmic Dust in particular was actually a song that I first drafted as a trainee. It’s really satisfying to see this all come full circle. Helping choreography Why Don’t You Know, especially with Dax-sunbaenim, was probably the cherry on top. For as long as I could remember I’ve been wanting to release a song with choreography that I created myself and being able to actually do it, and for it to be for such an amazing song like Why Don’t You Know- it’s magical.
What was it like working with other idols on components of your album like RIZO, Vivienne, Taeyong, Duri, Taeho, Dax, Silver, and Tokki?
It was more than I could have ever asked for, honestly. Thanks to them, and all of the staff behind the scenes, they’re the real reason why this album even exists honestly. Both literally and metaphorically, considering some of the songs were produced by them. I owe my thanks to all of them, really. For the amazing lyrics to the wonderful production of music to choreography and just being there for input and to mentor me through this. I think that’s another reason why the album ended up so great. It’s not just influenced by me, but by other idols and people as well. Art isn’t about what’s on the surface level. It’s the little things, like maybe how there’s a bit more percussion in one section of the song compared to the rest to accentuate that part of the song, or how a sentence is phrased to convey a differently different meaning. And we were able to bring that altogether through everyone’s efforts, and I can’t begin to think of how to express my gratitude in words.
Do you feel “Roller Coaster”’s concept or “Why Don’t You Know”’s concept fits you better as a performer?
I don’t think one or the other match myself more or less than the other does. They just bring out different sides of me. Roller Coaster lets me show off a more mature side of myself while still staying young, almost to represent my age this year. It shows off playfulness of my youth while showing that I’ve begun to grow up now, and how I’m transitioning as I begin my twenties. It’s funny because I think the message that Why Don’t You Know contradicts the one portrayed with Roller Coaster does. It’s a lot more playful and carefree in my opinion- about having fun and expressing yourself in a different way. It’s more similar to concepts that WISH have produced compared to Roller Coaster, but it has a more mature touch to it that I haven’t done before as well. Both concepts criss-cross in that sense, but they bring two different end results over all, so it’s hard to identify which one I’m similar to more.
Other than the title tracks, which one song do you recommend everyone listens to?
What Do I Do is one of my personal favourites off the album. It was produced by Taeyong-sunbaenim, and I’m really thankful that he created this track. It’s a pop-dance song that matches title tracks Roller Coaster and Why Don’t You Know well. I was tempted to make it one of the titles when I first heard the demo, honestly. It makes you really energized and motivated while listening to it. Although if you’d like a more relaxing song (even if the question just asked for one song- I can’t decide!) I’d recommend taking a look at Cosmic Dust and Remind Of You. I participated in the production and writing of both songs and wrote them intentionally as a pair of sorts, almost like a story between the two songs. I really like those two as well.
Did you have any major inspirations for this album and your performances?
I….watch a lot of dramas in my spare time, and I don’t really have much relationship experience, so it would be a lie to say that some inspiration for lyrics didn’t come from that. Asides from fiction, of course, a lot of inspiration came from WISH, my friends- my family, in that sense. They inspire me to be better and work harder, because they’re always here supporting me and encouraging me to do my best. I’m really grateful for that. And our fans! They always have such amazing ideas to offer us and I definitely looked towards them to help them guide this album. Our Wishing Wells are the best!
What do you hope people take away from listening to this album?
A lot of things, really. I’m the type of person to find it a hard time expressing myself through words, so I really worked to express myself with music in this album. I took this as a chance to communicate with my fans and myself better. I was a little bit afraid, honestly, when I released the album. Will people understand the message? Will people be okay with it? But the reception so far has been overwhelmingly encouraging and it makes me really happy to know that people enjoyed my music.
Do you have any other comments you’d like to make to your fans?
Everything from the songs to the choreography to the amazing reception- it’s all thanks to them. This album wouldn’t have been half as well done had I not been able to receive support from our fans during production. So thank you- well, this entire interview has been a thank you of sorts- but really, thank you. I love you all!
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BC Entertainment releases statement regarding WISH’s Mia
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On January 15th, WISH’s Mia was reported to have been sent to the hospital after falling unconscious and facing injury while competing at the Idol Star Athletic Championships. The idol has been trending on social media platforms worldwide ever since as fans awaited a statement from BC Entertainment. On January 17th, BC Entertainment released a statement regarding Mia’s situation.
“Mia faced an injury at this year’s Idol Star Athletic Competition and is currently resting at the Seoul National University Hospital. She currently has a cartilage tear in her right knee and will halt all schedules until further notice.  WISH will carry on promotions as eight members. We apologise for the confusion around the situation and hope for a fast recovery for Mia.”
Best wishes to a fast recovery for Mia!
[+702, -58] why does she need to stay in the hospital for so long if it’s only a cartilage tear?
[+655, -14]i hope she’s alright…….get well soon mia!
[+603, -9] mia fighting!
[+535, -399] Aren’t they overreacting a bit? Stopping all schedules because of a cartilage tear…..they aren’t even that bad 
[+400, -20] Heol….our ice mochi ㅜㅜ
[+312, -59] first haeun then hyejung then sooyeon…..someone has to put a stop to all of bc’s insane scheduling
[+120, -118] So how’s Vivi doing?
[+45, -90] finally ot8 wish. does this mean that rura will finally get the lines she deserves?
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[BREAKING] WISH’s Mia collapses during Idol Star Athletics Championships; is rushed to hospital
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While competing in the rhythmic gymnastics event at this year’s ‘Idol Star Athletics Championships’, the eighteen years old idol collapsed after finishing her program. Fans became confused after seeing that she did not take part in the pre-performance rehearsals and stated that Mia looked as though she was ‘in pain’ and was having trouble keeping herself upright throughout the event. One source states that ‘it looked like [Mia] couldn’t put any weight on her right leg’.
Videos show her finishing her routine before collapsing onto the ground immediately, supposedly going unconscious soon after. Moments later she was surrounded by officials and was taken away. Reports state that she is currently in Seoul National University Hospital. BC Entertainment has not given a statement yet, and no further information is available.
[+1,123, -100] why hasn’t bc given a statement yet?
[+905, -61] she’s seemed really tired in her schedules recently……please get well hyejung-ah ㅜㅜ
[+815, - 70] it was only a matter of time considering all the schedules bc has been giving her. she was bound to snap at some point.. get well soon mia!
[+702, -37] Is she okay? How badly is she hurt? Please give us answers BC ㅜㅜ
[+527, -14] i hope she’s okay….mia fighting!
[+400, -119] so which idol is bc using mia as a cover up for this time ㅋㅋㅋ
[+287, -10] heol, please pray for our ice mochi!
[+131, -39] …..so does that mean her web drama is delayed?
[+44, -129] She’s such an attention whore- she obviously did this on purpose. No one finds it suspicious that she just decides to  ‘pass out’ as soon as her routine is done?
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WISH’s Hanli & Mia to release collab in mid-September
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The two young singers have been reported to be working on a collaboration song for a short period of time. While nothing has been confirmed about the song or concept, sources say that the company has high hopes for the release of the song. It’s said to “showcase the girls’ talents” and have a completely different concept from the ones WISH have showcased so far.
Both members of WISH have already stunned fans with their amazing visuals and stage presence on various occasions. Each of the WISH members have been especially busy- Vivi’s new solo release, both Eunae and Wren on the special season of We Got Married, Mia herself recently becoming one of the faces of fashion brand Kye, the groups main rapper Miji on Show Me The Money, and Hanli’s ever present appearance on variety shows. With this, it seems that all of the members have been ever hard working. What are your opinions on this?
[+667, -214] can bc stop pushing wish down our throats? decipher hasn’t had a comeback this year, but wish gets two group comebacks, a solo debut, and a unit debut? and decipher can at least sing live.
[+590, -200] all these negative comments attacking young girls are really sad. they’re both strong visuals and talented and this will be another summer bop from bc. hanli and mia fighting!
[+588, -203] another opportunity for the maknae line instead of the unnie line? they can’t even respect their unnies and let them have debuts before them. this is what you get when all of your youngest members are from overseas.
[+563, -121] i hope bc doesn’t give them a sexy concept. vivienne’s video had a bit of sexy and hanli and mia are older. they have lipstick, bee, and celine they can sell sex with. these girls are too young, please protect them ㅠㅠ
[+499, -106] mia is a really good dancer and has improved in singing since debut. i’m proud of her! and hanli unnie is so pretty aigoo, how do i become as pretty as her?
[+472, -194] this is obviously just a visual unit. bc pushes visuals over talent once again. have fun flopping girls ㅋㅋㅋ
[+335, -27] what will they be called? the giants? supermodel unit? they’re both so tall...
[+271, -154] visual explosion! i’ll watch their video just to see how good they look
[+163, -178] they should have chosen a korean member instead of hanli. she’s not that good at korean and she really shouldn’t be considered part of the visual line with her skin, it doesn’t match wish’s young and pure concept.
[+159, -118] get ready to watch more cringe-worthy lipsyncing!!
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