#excuse the nastiness of the cereal in the image
funnyfooddatabase · 1 year
Kellogg’s Hunny B’s
Type of Funny Food: Tie-In Product
Introduced: 2002
Location: Supermarkets
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A honey-flavored cereal themed to the silly (now public domain) bear of the Hundred Acre Wood was released by Kellogg’s and Disney in the early 2000s.
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The cereal shape varied- most of the pieces were shaped to look like B’s, but there were also yellow pieces in the shape of honey pots, Winnie-the-Pooh’s head, and bees. Later, pink pieces shaped like Piglet’s head would also be added, to celebrate the release of Piglet’s Big Movie in 2003. Allegedly, Eeyore pieces would be added even later, but there is no existing evidence of this.
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latelyanobsession · 2 years
Harringrove’s Kindergartner - Naptime Notes
“Daddy!” she sang running in the door and into her father’s waiting arms.
“What’s up kiddo?” Billy cooed, pulling her in and picking her up.
She started talking. Rambling off every little detail about her day. From the part about getting to use the new pack of crayons that Dallas had been hiding in his tow-tray, to the part where Stacey sneezed so hard that snot flew out of her face. 
He listened with rapt attention as his partner wearily dragged himself through the door.
Dropping everything in a pile on the floor, briefcase, school backpack, lunchbox, and a selection of groceries. Steve stretched, arching his back with a loud crack.
“Dad...!” she cried out at Steve, “Arizona said, that her mom said, that you shouldn’t pop things inside you because the doctor says... it makes you old faster.” she warned sagely, from Billy’s arms.
Billy smirked, “Best listen to Dr. Knowitall here Stevie or you might shrivel up.” A paired peel of laughter.
Steve hoisted his eyebrows as high as they could possibly go. “Oh ha...ha, you two.”
“Daddy will you come play with me and Buttons?” she looked at him hopefully. She’d been waiting all day to come back to her beloved teddy. 
She and Buttons went on many an adventure. Trips to the park playground with her dads were a particular favorite. With Buttons in tow of course. The city had installed a new play set in the shape of a massive fort with a swaying bridge, and three whole slides!
Billy was about to say ‘yes’ when a rude noise interrupted him. Steve not so subtly clearing his throat. “You need a cough drop, Babe?”
Steve shook his head, eyes motioning downward at their child.
Billy took the cue. “Y’know what Sweetie, Dad and I gotta put the food away first... but after dinner we could go see if Mason is home.”
That was a sufficient compromise. A simple “M’kay!” as Billy put her down, as she ran off towards her room.
Peering down the hall, Billy waited until she was out of sight.
“What the hell’s the problem today?” he asked, picking up a paper sack and sorting the contents onto the counter.
“Your daughter...” Steve began, as Billy rolled his eyes, “was putting notes in her classmates cubbyholes during naptime instead of sleeping.”
Billy shrugged, opening a cupboard, box of Captain Crunch in hand. 
“So what? I’m sure she wasn’t the only kid not asleep...”
Steve rummaged around in the pocket of his dress pants, pulling out a wad of colorful papers, and pinning the stack to Billy’s chest.
Putting the cereal away, Billy took the notes, sifting through pink, blue, orange, brown, white, and yellow tears of ripped construction paper.
“I hat you....?” Billy wondered aloud in amusement. Eyes washing over the familiar, large messy scrawl of his child.
“It’s a long ‘a’...” Steve clarified, “I hate you.”
Billy chuckled. 
“It’s not funny Bills.” Steve put another sack on the countertop.
“Aw c’mon, it’s a little funny...” Billy pushed.
Steve sighed, “It’s not, this is the third time she’s been in trouble in a month... she’s taking after you” he concluded, pulling Rice-a-Roni out and opening the door to the fridge.
“Really?” Billy crossed his arms, hip leaning against the counter. “Because if you ask me this sounds more like something you’d do...” he accused.
Steve’s face flushed, “I never left nasty notes in kids cubbies!” he spluttered, closing the fridge door, hands flying to his hips. The pair unaware a little visitor had entered the kitchen.
“Oh no you’re right!” Billy feigned apology, “You just said it to their faces didn’t you?”
Steve was speechless and Billy knew he was right.
“Well that doesn’t excuse her behavior...” Steve spluttered, trying to save himself.
Billy’s eyes darted to the side, softening before washing over Steve in a triumphant look of superiority.
“When’s dinner?!” an aggressive little voice piped up from Steve’s left.
Looking down, Steve regarded his spitting image. Hands on her hips, toe tapping.
Billy was the epitome of smug. “What was it you were saying about your daughter...?” he tossed at Steve.
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aceofwhump · 5 years
If you still do fic requests, I wondered if you would consider writing something where Diego gets hurt (maybe a stab or bullet wound) and Klaus (sober!) has to (painfully) patch him up. Bonuspoints if Diego tries to be stoic for Klaus's sake (and to save his image, of course). Double bonuspoints if he ultimately fails in that. Endless love if he has to be stitched up and is scared of the needle.
Thank you for your request!! I’m sorry I took so long t respond!! I had fun writing this and I hope you like it!
Klaus staggered through front doors of the Academy, knees nearly buckling under the weight of his brother. One arm was wrapped firmly around Diego’s waist to hold him up while his other held onto Diego’s wrist which was hanging around Klaus’ neck. Diego, awake and aware but clearly in pain, limped along as much as he could but the massive gash on his thigh made it difficult for him to walk. Which is why Klaus had become the human crutch.
Instead of attempting to make it up the stairs, Klaus turned them both towards the living room. His limbs were shaking from the strain of supporting Diego’s weight and if he didn’t set him down soon he’d drop him right here on the floor.
“What are you doing?” Diego said through clenched teeth as Klaus practically dragged him through the entrance into the living room.
“There’s no way we were gonna make it up the steps. You can barely walk and I’m not gonna be able to carry your ass up all those steps. So you’re just gonna sit here,” Klaus grunted as he deposited Diego not so gently on one of the couches. Diego groaned and grabbed at his leg as the pain spiked. Klaus was out of breath from toting his brother around and paused to catch his breath. “And I’m gonna go get the supplies we need from the infirmary.”
Diego gave his assent via a sharp nod and Klaus darted away, tripping up the first step in his haste and crawling up the next few before he rights himself.
Several minutes later, Klaus ran back into the room with his arms full of medical supplies. Bits and pieces fell to the ground as he ran with him not noticing. He went straight to where Diego laid and tossed them all on the ground beside him. He knelt down and started rooting around the pile finally picking up a bundle of gauze bandages.
Klaus had a clear view of the wound now and he had to admit it: he was scared. It’s nasty looking. Long and deep and still bleeding. He hesitated before touching it not wanting to cause Diego any more pain. He’d caused Diego enough pain as it is. If it weren’t for him, Diego would never had been hurt in the first place.
“Klaus? You okay there?”
“Me? Yeah of course. Okay stop the bleeding. Stop the bleeding. I can do this.” Klaus’ hands shook as he cleaned the wound. Diego tried to look stoic as Klaus poured the alcohol over the wound and pressed the gauze down on top of it. Despite the fact that he must be in severe pain, Diego didn’t make a sound. Klaus did his best to not cause anymore pain but it’s a losing battle he’s fighting and by the look on Diego’s face this definitely was painful. He continued to apologize until Diego hissed at him to just get it done.
Once Klaus cleaned the wound he picked up a sterile needle from the pile next to him. “It looks like you’re gonna need stitches. The wound looks pretty deep and you’re still bleeding.”
Before he can get anywhere close to Diego’s wound, Diego interrupted him, pulling his leg away out of Klaus’ reach. “Don’t fucking go anywhere near me with that needle, man! I’m serious!”
“Oh come one Diego! I can do it! I swear!” Klaus said holding the needle in one hand and a bundle of bandages in the other. Klaus was…semi-confident that he could do this. They’d all been trained plus his time in Vietnam taught him far more about wounds like this then Reginald could ever teach him. He’d stitched up a knife wound here and there while in the jungles. Not a lot but enough that he at least knew what to do.
“No way I’m letting you anywhere near me with that thing. The last time you tried to do it yourself you were high as a kite and I still have the scar from it.”
“Okay well first off I’m sober at the moment. Full week now as a matter of fact. Thanks for noticing. Secondly who else is gonna do it? I’m the only here, Diego and you can’t leave your leg like that.” He let his arms fall to his sides and sat back on his haunches. “Besides you can hardly see the scar anymore. Big baby.” he said the last bit to himself.
“Sober or not you ain’t touching me with that. I’ll do it myself. Give it.”
Diego took the needle out of Klaus’s hand and sat up on the couch, pulling himself up so that he could lean against the back of the couch. He got close to his skin with the needle but before he touch his skin he started feeling lightheaded and promptly passed out, falling onto the couch in a heap.
Klaus instinctively reached out to catch him as he fell but he collapsed too quickly. Klaus let his hands fall back to his sides and he stared at Diego lying on the couch in a heap for a moment before picking up the needle Diego had dropped on the ground.
“Yup that’s about right. Poor Diego. You and needles just don’t get along do ya,” he said, patting Diego on the head a couple of times.
Klaus resterilized the needle the best he could and stitched up Diego’s leg. A bit clumsily but it got the job done and if it leaves a scar it won’t be because of his sewing skills. Besides he had Ben to walk him through what he didn’t know. He bandaged him up the rest of the way, carefully wrapping gauze around his thigh and elevating Diego’s leg on pillow, and sat down crossed legged on the floor next to the couch. Now he just had to wait for Diego to wake up.
Klaus wasn’t one for sitting still. Hee lasted all of 1 minute before he got bored. He changed positions a few times but that didn’t help. Then he decided to make something to eat so he went downstairs and made a bowl of cereal and some toast and brought it back to the living room where Diego was still sound sleep.
Klaus sat down and ate his food far too quickly. Once his food was gone he grew bored again. He and Ben try playing patty cake again which killed a few more minutes. Finally, Klaus decided to go to his room and get his knitting. Might as well work on his project while he waited for Diego to come back around.
He was still detangling his yarn when Diego moaned and shifted in his sleep, slowly coming out of unconsciousness. He put his bundle on his lap and watched him wake up.
“Good morning Sleeping Beauty! Man you took your sweet time waking up. I started making a scarf for Vanya. What do you think?” He held up his bundle of yarn which in no way, shape, or form resembles a scarf and smiled.
Diego squinted at Klaus and attempted to sit up. Ignoring his statement about the scarf Diego asked, “What happened?”
Klaus sighed and set his yarn aside, “You got stabbed in the leg and then passed out when you looked at a needle.”
Diego examined the bandage around his thigh, “You did this?”
“Yup. It’s not the prettiest but you’re no longer bleeding so I’d call it a win.”
Diego lifted the bandage up slightly to take a look at stitches underneath. They were slightly eschew but seemed to be effective. “Doesn’t look too bad…Thanks.”
“Sure thing. I mean you did get stabbed saving my ass so I kind of owed you.”
“Damn right. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before you piss off a guy twice your size who also happens to have several friends with big pointy things that can hurt you.”
“Yeah I doubt it but thanks anyway.”
“What did you say to that guy anyway? Whatever it was really pissed him off.”
“Um something about his mother and group of baboons?”
“I mean I think? It’s all kinda a blur. I say things, you know how it is,” he said waving a hand dismissively.
“Well it looks like I’m not gonna be walking around too much with this leg. Since it’s your fault you can help me out. Go get me a sandwich. I’m hungry.”
“Excuse moi? I am not your servant.”
“Fine. I’ll just limp my way down the stairs and hope this massive knife wound doesn’t cause me to fall down and hurt myself further. You know, the wound that I got saving your hide.”
“It was kind of your fault, Klaus,” Ben interjected.
Klaus hissed at Ben. He grimaced in disgust but reluctantly stood up, his shoulders slumped. Throwing his arms in the air he shouted, “Fine! Jeezus you get a guy stabbed once and he won’t let it go.”
“Thank you, Klaus,” Diego shouted at Klaus’ retreating back.
Klaus responded by throwing up his middle finger as he walked out of the room.
“Oh I could get used to this.”
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hanzo-shimadacree · 8 years
Secrets Within Our Cores
Chapter 1    One year has passed since the disasteroid incident and people have now come to love their beloved ghost hero Danny Fenton, A.K.A Danny Phantom. Ever since they found out that he was a hybrid, ghost hunters have stopped going after him. He and Sam were dating, but later on breaking up because they found some complicated things in their life. They are still good friends and recently, she started to date Tucker, which of course Danny didn’t mind. He has gotten better with his ghost powers, however, he felt as if he wasn’t as powerful as Vlad.
    ‘Speaking of Vlad,’ Danny thought while he ate his cereal, ‘I haven’t seen him in a while’. To be honest, the young hybrid kinda missed the Fruitloop. He has been asking if Plasmius ever got back from space, knowing well enough that there are portals in space that can lead back to the Ghost Zone, but no one has seen him. Phantom grew a little concerned thinking something happened to him and decided, ‘After school, I’m gonna visit Clockwork. Maybe he’ll know.’ School was slow and it was lunch when he went to sit with his two best friends. “Sup Danny,” Tucker said.
“You alright Danny,” Asked Sam. “You kind of seem a little out of it lately.”
“I’m fine. I was just thinking of seeing Clockwork today.”
Danny looked down a bit. He was nervous to tell them, but he knew Sam won’t let him off the hook about it. “I want to ask him about a certain ghost. I want to know if  he’s still around.”
Sam didn’t know who he was talking about and just shrugged it off. It’s best if she didn’t know. School was finally over and Danny flew to his house, letting his family know where he was going, and flew through the ghost portal. He still had some old enemies fight him, but they weren’t as bad as before. Sometimes they won’t fight and just hang out when they feel like it. Skulker stopped hunting him, but that wasn’t an excuse to just fire past him for the heck of it.
    Danny entered the clock tower where he spotted the time master. “You probably know why I’m here,” Danny played.
    “Yes, but you don’t have to be snarky about it,” Clockwork joked back. “But there is something you need to know.”
    Danny saw the look in the ghost’s eyes, he was upset for some reason. “Okay, what is it?”
    “There is a ghost in the Ghost Zone that is able to hide from the timeline. I have been having problems not being able to see him. His name is Korenos, also known as The Heart Thief.”
    Clockwork showed an image of the ghost on his main timestream screens. The ghost looked half dead. Some parts of him were just exposed bone and he had a nasty grin that can give even the most rotten ghosts chills. “I had not been aware that he has corrupted ghost cores in order to force them to do evil things. He has not been bothering others for a while beca-”
“Then why do I need to know about him?” Danny interrupted.
    He scowled at the young hybrid, which made him shrink down apologetically, then he continued. “Because, he has been doing it one one ghost.” he showed another picture and Danny’s eyes widened. The ghost on the monitor was Vlad.
“But, why him?”
“Because he was unique at the time. Korenos sensed a strong power within him and forced Vlad into becoming how you knew him now.”
    Danny was stunned and looked at the image of the older hybrid. “What else did he do to him. I mean like how did he even find Vlad?”
“Vlad was still at the hospital when he knew about his powers. When the doctors were gone, he managed to fly away without being noticed.” he smiled a little. “He risked flying far from the hospital to go see your parents wedding. Since he couldn’t actually be there, per hospital’s orders, he snuck off.”
    Clockwork showed Danny Vlad’s past of when he flew to the wedding and saw those two get married. What surprised him was that Vlad was actually happy. A little upset, but happy to see his best friends ‘tie the knot’. The image went fuzzy and Danny looked at Clockwork. “That was all I was able to see. The blurred parts are from when Vlad ran into Korenos.”
“Then how did you know all this?”
“Because, there was a ghost who was brave enough to tell me about Korenos and I had to find out for myself. So, I released someone who turns out to have his overshadowing him the whole time.”
    Clockwork looked up and so did Danny. Danny was pale when he saw Dan Phantom laying down on a beam, asleep by the looks of it. “The Korenos from his time had overshadowed him for ten years until I freed him, separated the two, then trapped Korenos inside a thermos.” he pointed to a thermos on a table where Dan use to be at.
“What was his story?”
“Dan was fused between to two, that was true, but before Korenos overtook him, Dan merged back with his human form. The only reason why Vlad from that time thought Danny died, was because Dan knocked over a skeleton and a few packs of blood on the floor. When Korenos started to take over, his human cloths ripped apart and lied on the floor on top of the skeleton. Dan told me Vlad’s memories of the Heart Thief. How he shot a needle into Vlad’s neck, which caused him to turn bad and the small amount of feelings for your mom tuned to an obsession. Vlad didn’t want to be with her and most certainly did not want to separate his two friends from each other.”
    Danny was dumbfounded when he heard that Vlad was trying to move on. “Does it wear off somehow?”
    Clockwork nodded. “Korenos goes to inject Vlad every time it wears off. But when it does, Vlad’s body gets rid of it by him vomiting it out. However, it is spilled out along with a lot of blood.”
    Danny, himself, felt nauseated. “Can I please find him? I- I want to help. Please Clockwork.”
    The time ghost smiled at the young Phantom’s determination to help the older hybrid, who used to be considered as his enemy. “Go see Frightknight. He will show you where Vlad is. I will notify him with a messenger ghost to be aware of your arrival.”
“Where is he at?”
    Clockwork looked at him. “The old caverns of Parah Dark’s castle.”
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