#execution date
ohitslen · 2 months
*Vampirizes your Vashwood*
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keep reading for more :)
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If there needs to be much closer close-up please let me know!
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u5an5 · 5 days
spanish dub this, french dub that
why is no one talking about the fact that in polish dub Wade on their first meeting straight up asks him out for a date?
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
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16 more images below the cut (content warning for a non-graphic implication of execution by electric chair):
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Part 2 of their date. Light and L visit a small gallery hosting an "L vs. Kira" exhibit (which may indeed have been a planned activity on Light's part). They have varying levels of fun.
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hotmessmaxpress · 4 months
Mig/Bezz fake dating au, part 1
Celestino’s new girlfriend is a smokeshow. She’s absolutely far too sexy to be dating Celestino, but she’s clearly smitten with him. She laughs at all of his jokes, even the stupid ones that make Bezz cringe. They look at each other with stars in their eyes, and Cele talks to her like she’s a princess. 
It makes Bezz sick. 
He knows that Cele has never claimed to be anything but straight. Bezz genuinely has no reason to believe that Cele could be gay, or bisexual, or that he would be into him if he were gay. He can’t help but be jealous, though. He and Cele have been friends for so long, and they are on the same page on everything. Bezz knows that he knows Celestino better than his girlfriend, and he always will. They’d be so good together. 
He isn’t sure what sparks the idea of trying to make Cele jealous, but once it’s in his head he can’t stop thinking about it. He thinks about it basically every time he sees Cele with his girlfriend, and he grits his teeth and thinks about what it would be like to have Cele look at him like that. If Cele just gave him a chance, they could be so happy. 
The more he thinks about it the more a plan starts to form, and he begins thinking about who he could use to make Cele jealous. It would have to be someone that could make it believable; Bezz considers trying to find a stranger, but he knows he would feel too awkward to make the romance believable. Besides, the idea of using a stranger for something like this doesn’t sit right with him. It needs to be a friend; someone Bezz knows won’t catch feelings but who would feel comfortable pretending to have feelings for him. 
He texts him abruptly. 
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Mig’s agreement sends a thrill through Bezz. He knows that, despite Mig’s hesitations, he’ll make it believable. 
Bezz invites Mig over to plan.
When Mig arrives, Bezz has to focus on staying calm. He’s just so excited at the idea of making Cele finally fall in love with him. 
“Thank you for your service,” he says seriously, taking Mig’s hand as he comes in. 
Mig looks incredulous. 
“This is going to blow up in your face,” he warns. 
Bezz huffs. “I know that you think that. But what if it doesn’t and he falls in love with me?”
Mig snorts. “Then I will officiate your wedding.”
Bezz thinks he’s kidding but he doesn’t care. 
“Deal,” he says, seriously. “Now, we need to talk about the rules. We have to make it look real, or he’ll know what I’m trying to do and it won’t work.”
He drags Mig to the couch by his hand, and he sits right up next to him. 
“We already spend a lot of time together,” he says. “We talk all the time. It won’t be hard to make it look like we’re really dating.”
Mig looks expectantly at him. 
“We just need to talk about, um,” Bezz hesitates. “How far you’re willing to go.”
Migno gives him a flat look. “Are you asking me to put out?”
“No!” Bezz denies, spluttering as Mig finally breaks and laughs raucously at him. 
Bezz flushes, elbowing Mig. 
“No, I mean are you willing to kiss me? I know the point is to make Cele jealous but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
Mig looks at him, grinning, and then launches himself at Bezz. He plants a kiss on Bezz’s mouth, and Bezz squeaks in surprise. Mig pulls away, still grinning. 
“If I’m going to do this I’m going all in, baby,” he promises. 
Bezz wonders for a moment what he has decided to get himself into. 
Their first test of their fake relationship is a fairly easy task. It’s a regular day at the ranch, where they’ll spend most of the time riding anyway. Bezz finds himself nervous, though. He and Mig meet up and drive together, and Bezz is thankful that the bumpy road toward the ranch distracts him from some of his nerves. 
“Don’t be nervous,” Mig says, reaching over to squeeze his leg. “It’s just a regular training day. Maybe you hold my hand for a bit. Maybe I grab your ass.”
Bezz snorts. 
“Other than that, it’s a totally normal day.”
Bezz nods, taking a deep breath as he parks the car. He tries not to focus too hard on acting natural, knowing that will probably have the opposite effect. He knows he’s overthinking things, but he can’t help it. He is nervous to see what Cele’s reaction is. He takes their things out of the trunk, and he squeaks as Mig squeezes his ass. 
He nearly bashes his head on the trunk as he whirls around, but there’s no one around. 
“You need to calm down,” Mig asks. “Is that how you would react if we were really dating?”
Bezz huffs. “You wouldn’t do that if we were dating!”
Mig laughs. 
“Yes I would! That’s why you need to relax. It’s going to be fine! Otherwise you’ll need to break up with me and it will be messy.”
Bezz finishes hauling their things from the trunk with a groan, giving Mig a severe look. Mig seems to feel a little glee at Bezz’s anguish and Bezz can’t help but stick his tongue out childishly. 
“You asked for this,” Mig reminds him unhelpfully.
Mig continues to bother him as they carry their things into the changing room at the ranch, and Bezz finds himself relaxing. It’s normal to act this way with Mig. 
Despite that, Bezz has to admit that he does a better job of pretending they’re dating than Bezz does. He doesn’t go overboard; he sticks close to Bezz’s side, and their normal banter takes on a flirty edge. He’s just a little touchier than normal, pressing their helmets together or taking his hand for a moment. When they’re all finished and showered and hanging around talking, Mig drags their chairs next to each other. 
He leans over to whisper in Bezz’s ear. 
“Put your arm across the back of my chair.”
Bezz’s brain short-circuits for a moment before he follows Mig’s directions. 
Mig leans back against his arm, otherwise not calling attention to it. Still, Bezz sees Cele look curiously at their position, and Bezz takes it as a small victory. He lifts his hand to the back of Mig’s neck, and plays with the hair there. 
He hears Mig stutter in his conversation with Luca, but otherwise the action is totally normal. Bezz finds that the repetitive motion has a calming effect on him. 
It doesn’t occur to Bezz that others will think anything of their behavior until he locks eyes with Pecco, who looks pointedly at where his hand is wrapped in Mig’s hair, and he raises an eyebrow. Bezz can feel his face heat up, but he smiles and shrugs. Mig seems to notice, and he reaches over to squeeze Bezz’s leg.
Pecco doesn’t seem overly shocked, a fact that Bezz files away for later. He had thought they’d at least get some sort of reaction, and the longer they go on with very little fanfare the more he relaxes. Mig was right, and it’s not actually that different than they normally are. 
By the time they’re ready to leave, Bezz is happily holding Mig’s hand. They’re laughing and joking as usual, and it’s comfortable and normal.
His eyes keep flickering to Celestino, but he unfortunately hasn’t been able to catch his eye. He’s a little disappointed that Cele hasn’t really reacted, and he wonders if he should step up the public affection next time. He asks Mig when they get in the car.
“We have to do it slowly,” Mig answers. “We can’t go from holding hands to humping each other, Bezz.”
Bezz guffaws. 
“I don’t want to hump you! I was thinking maybe we kiss.”
Mig shrugs.
“Okay. Next time we are with Celestino.”
The next time they are out together as a “couple”, Celestino is not present. They are meeting Pecco and Domizia for dinner, and Bezz is surprised when Mig takes his hand. 
“Unless you want to tell them we’re not really dating, we need to keep up the act,” Mig points out. 
“Oh,” Bezz says. He hadn’t thought of that. 
Mig holds the door open for him, and Bezz smiles and thanks him. 
Pecco and Domi are easy to find, and Bezz is delighted to see her. He kisses both of her cheeks and steps out of the way for Mig to do the same. He glances over to see Pecco watching them carefully, and as he sits down he knows his face is red. 
“So,” Domizia says, pointing her finger at Bezz and Mig, and looking at both of them in turn. “What is all this?”
Bezz grins sheepishly and shrugs. “It’s new,” he says.
“No it’s not,” Pecco says, and Bezz looks at him in confusion. 
“Come on,” Pecco says, rolling his eyes. “This is the least shocking relationship development I’ve ever seen. You two have basically been married for years.”
Bezz stares at him, brain fully shutting down and waiting on a reboot. 
“No we haven’t,” Mig protests.
“You basically have,” Domizia says, taking a sip of her wine. “You always drive everywhere together. Bezz is always falling asleep on you. You are always out together.”’
Bezz opens his mouth to argue that he’s far more married to Celestino, which is the problem, but his brain finally turns back on and he remembers that the goal is to make people believe they’re dating, not to argue about it. He forces a smile. 
“It really isn’t that much of a change, is it?” 
He makes eye contact with Mig, who seems a little shell-shocked by the casual manner with which Domizia dropped that bomb. 
The rest of the dinner goes well, and Bezz is smiling when they get back in the car. Bezz drives, as always, and he reaches over to rest a hand on Mig’s thigh. 
Neither of them brings up the comments Domi and Pecco made about this not being a surprise, and Bezz wonders if he’s imagining the awkward air between them. He specifically chose Mig for this task because he thought it would be the least awkward. 
Bezz wants to break the silence but he doesn’t know what to say. Instead, he takes his hand off Mig’s leg and drives the rest of the way home in silence.
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watchyourbuck · 6 months
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Buck + excessive sharing about his love life (7x04)
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cestacruz · 1 year
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The little tikes electric chair trend from Twitter got me
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behold: my least favorite string of words in the entirety of Tears of the Kingdom.
#totk critical#totk#tloz#gerudos#when will my brain return from the imprisoning war....#I just stumbled upon it again doing research yesterday and....#there's so many layers as to why it aggravates me#that it's spoken from the perspective of a masked woman as to embody all gerudos while removing her own identity#in the context of her loyalty to rauru as well#that giving birth to a bad man makes you responsible for his actions (he's not a toddler anymore he's an adult ok)#or more metaphorically that your initial conflict with hyrule makes you Sinful and cursed and you must Feel Bad Now *shame shame*#that she's passing on that ageless guilt with no expiration date onto the shoulders of *a teenager* and it's considered GOOD???#(wind waker shaking crying right now)#ALL OF THAT to prop her up to swear her loyalty to the people planning to go murder their ancient king (sure he's a Bad but still???)#using some sort of weird ass original sin scenario that is arguably not any gerudo's fault but Ganondorf's#(or if it is then it's not shown so ???)#the vibes are so so so off I just really !!!!! don't like#this is stuff like this that makes me reject that it's a good story about alliances being formed in good faith#because this is just manipulative#maybe the alliance angle everyone's stronger together was the intention but the execution is another story entirely#gerudos never benefited from ganondorf's actions also#so it's not even a case of making reparations for the way you benefit from systemic oppression due to your ancestor's actions#gerudos won literally nothing in ganondorf's war#apparently he even subjugated them if they weren't on his side (like.... a king would.... not to excuse it but the double standard here)#so it just instrumentalizes the ageless sin of motherhood + suffering under a bad monarch billion of years ago for war#so uhhh.... yeah that's not... that's pretty bad imo#the gerudo girl could have went “hey girl this man used us and still hurt us to this day let's kick his ass once and for all”#and this would have been a different story entirely#a little cheap but not.... That Bad
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shaunashipman · 1 month
what i found most interesting about the entire bvddie poker scene was that it confirmed that not only has eddie friends and hobbies outside of being with buck, he also deliberately must have not told him?because in no way does it not randomly come up between besties who spend sm time together. it's not like eddie is doing anything bad either, there is no good reason to keep it a secret. additionally, we know that buck is often the one babysitting chris, and poker usually takes place in the evening/at night, so like??? the way that buck hasn't known about this part of eddie's life for sooo long is just fascinating to me because it feels like eddie had to go out of his way to keep it a secret lmao. especially in direct comparison to the emotional cheating art of eddie in s7! we see buck having awareness when eddie uses buck as a babysitter for chris, re the timing and all, even that eddie wore cologne, just saying. bvddie shippers salivated over the poker scene, which, fair enough, buck and eddie looked great in it. but what was most memorable to me is that once again we were shown how bvddie is not nearly as codependent as shippers like to pretend they are and actually don't share everything with each other (and are cool about that, too).
nonny, these are all such good words. it feels like if you even imply that maybe buck and eddie don't live in each others pockets as much as buddie shippers act like they do, that you're saying their friendship is nothing and that they don't care about each other.
I'm actually really tired of having to put a disclaimer that yes, buck and eddie are very important to each other and their friendship is very important. but I've seen co-dependent friendships and relationships on tv—theirs ain't it. also, the insistence that eddie is the biggest influence on buck's growth really rubs me the wrong way. the biggest influences are bobby and maddie
I really hope RG's comments in the article pan out during this season, and we can see eddie hanging out with the others more
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sleepyorchidmonster · 8 months
Once upon a time, NRC's Board Game Club decided to organize a chess competition. Thanks to Azul's marketing genius, the event became really popular, with plenty of students from outside the club participating.
However, due to an accident (Floyd was bored and Grim annoyed him, everything is now on fire), most of the club's chess sets were destroyed. To solve the problem, contestants were encouraged to bring one of their personal sets.
This idea made for an ecletic set up, especially since most students are crazy rich. Idia brought the set Leona gave him for his birthday, Malleus found an old heirloom from Briar Valley, Kalim isn't even a competitor, but he still got a set made of solid gold and encrusted with precious gems from the Scarabia storage room, and so on... (Cater took a bunch of pictures of all the different styles).
In an effort to make up for Grim's mishap, Adeuce also decided to help, remembering that Heartslabyul has a room filled with different games that students often used.
There were dozens of chess sets, but they just HAD to choose the pretty one atop of a pedestal, with a sign saying "NO!!" in bold letters (in their defense, Heartslabyul is nonsensical, also they were in a competition with Sebek and that was the best set).
A few days later, right before the event, the game club students began to organize the space for the matches.
Only for the Heartslabyul set to come to life and start fighting people, that is...
Apparently, the Queen of Hearts left a small contingent of her best soldiers to protect the school, just in case. Hidden as a deck of cards and a chess set, those soldiers can be summoned by simply opening their cases/boxes, though they shall only answer to the Heartslabyul housewarden.
She also forgot to tell anyone else about the plan, trusting that a single rule of "When in trouble, get the chess set or the playing cards" would suffice.
So now we have a bunch of gigantic marble statues wandering around campus, looking for hostile forces or their leader...
After a few fights, a statue crashing a dormhead meeting and kidnapping Riddle, and plenty of discussion, the students FINALLY manage to calm the statued down, explaining how it was all a misunderstanding.
All's well that ends well, but now the chess pieces want to watch the actuall chess matches.... something about wanting to know the prowess of great warriors and future leaders...
And that is how we get an chess event in twst, with a few extra cards and special outfits, since this just became a formal event, what with the piqued interest of a bunch of ancient royal guards.
The main event cards would be Leona, Idia, Azul, Malleus, Lillia and Jamil, since they're the actual contestants for the competition, while Riddle also gets an SSR, since he is supervising the gigantic chess soldiers, in a role similar to the Queen of Hearts.
Since the statues insisted on participating in the competition's finale, the last match is held in the school's Coliseum, with a cute twstune to wrap things up.
Then the victor gets crowned and the chess pieces leave.
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troius · 11 months
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okay so it seems u want the burnt-out gifted kid series (disclaimer)
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Confessions of a Burnt-Out Gifted Kid (part 2/?)
I have no idea how I survived high school lol
part 1
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accelerandy15 · 7 months
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I'm happy for u two!!! 💋X💋 💛💙
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blitheringbongus · 2 years
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What if they kiss AND they cuddle?
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st4rd0lly · 6 months
Been thinking about Chuuya finding me humping him blazer, and he feels so bad because he doesn't mean to neglect his partner but his work keeps him busy :( and then he dedicates the entire night to apologizing in the most satisfying way possible
OH MY GOODIJDHJDNNSND YES YES YES !!! he walks into your guys’ shared room after getting out of work, he’s been dying to see you all day but then he sees you humping his blazer in frustration :(( he folds right then and there, he practically spoils you the entire night :( he’s quick to get you on your back and have your legs spread before going down on you to make you cum at least 3 times on his tongue and even more times on his dick <3 it turns him on so much though seeing you so needy for him to the point where you use his stuff to help you get off… he doesn’t wanna leave you alone but the fact that you desire him so much gets him all riled up
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aroacettorney · 8 months
Love(?) languages: Ludgercasey Edition
1. Physical touch threats
(c203) Ludger pushed Casey against the wall. "Tsk!" Ludger's strong right arm grabbed Casey's wrist. A dagger hidden in the palm of his left arm's prosthetic sprung out, aiming at Casey's neck. However, Casey, a veteran mage who had faced many real battles while solving numerous incidents, was not one to be trifled with. From the moment her wand flew away, she summoned water from the underground canal, creating countless spears. The moment Ludger aimed the blade at her neck and the water spears surrounded him happened simultaneously. Their gazes intertwined in the air. Casey smirked, "Impressive man. A mage hiding such skills?" "Stay still. Any nonsense and you'll have a hole in your throat." "Try me. I wonder, will you be faster, or will I be faster at killing you?" "You're just bluffing." Ludger and Casey glared at each other, not averting their gazes. Sharp swords and water spears crackled with murderous intent.
2. Un-quality time
(c257) "Casey Selmore. I recommend that you not pursue me any longer." "Ha. You provoked me and now you want me to stop? Do you think I will?" "Are you bluffing? I admire that spirit." "Let's see if you can remain so condescending when I catch you." "Do you not value your life?" "If I cared about something like that, I wouldn’t have done this job in the first place." "Then try hard to chase after me. This is a game." "What?" "You chase me, I run away from you. Of course, in the meantime, I plan to finish the events that have unfolded beyond this city and throughout the kingdom." "……Do you think I’ll let that happen?" "The beauty of the game is not knowing who will win. But I think I'll have an advantage if it continues like this, so I'll give you a hint." "Who are you to decide that!" "I will move to the next major city, Dartanx. If you want to catch me, come there." "Why should I believe what you say? You could escape to somewhere else for all I know." "If you’re scared, you don’t have to come. Of course, it would be your regret later after someone dies there." "Fine. I'll go. Wash your neck there and wait." "I look forward to it."
3. Receiving gifts Incurring debt
(c490) "I knew it would be like this. Are you sure you did that on purpose?" "But isn’t it fortunate that we now have separate rooms?" "That’s right. That's really fortunate. I could have been completely helpless against a wolf-like man." "That’s not something someone who is more foxy than anyone else in the world would say. And let me tell you, you owe me twice." "Ah. Is that so? I would not have reacted if it weren’t for you? Debt is 1." "But I saved you. Surely you don't underestimate your own value that much? Debt is 2." "It doesn’t matter because I’m the troublemaker that the family is so willing to give away. Debt is 1." "If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have been assigned a new room because of this incident. Debt is 2." [...] "Fine. I’ll give in and make it 1.5." "Wait a moment. What even is the concept of 1.5 in debt? Just clear it cleanly.” "Then round it up to 2." "I'll give in and make it 1.5." "Ha. Since I am the one who erased the debt, I guess I can be generous and let it go.” "How annoying." "You’d better pay off your debt to me quickly. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’ll ask for." "Ha! You're bluffing. Do you think I’d be scared of that?" "……" "……You’re bluffing, right?"
4. Acts of service sabotage
(c237) "So, how did you two meet? What's the relationship between you?" Attempting to force a joint gathering, Casey immediately directed her questions at Selina. Selina, initially intending to protest against this intrusion, unexpectedly found herself entangled in a barrage of questions and responded almost involuntarily. "Uh, well, Professor Ludger and I are both teachers at Ceoren." "Oh! Really? Could I ask what major you teach?" "Uh, Spiritology." "Wow! That's impressive! Dealing with spirits is considered challenging unless you have a natural affinity, right?" "I guess?" Normally, Selina should have been furious, but due to her weak demeanour, she was naturally swayed by Casey's words. Ludger looked at Casey's behaviour with disapproval, but Casey ignored his gaze and continued the conversation naturally. "As for that human, I mean, Professor Ludger, how did you end up here together? This is really a date, right?" "Oh, no! A date? No way! It's not like that!" Reacting vehemently as if pricked by a needle, Selina's intense response made Casey catch on. Selina seemed to have a liking for Ludger. Casey felt a twinge of pity. 'How could a girl who is so beautiful and genuine fall for such a bad guy?' If you look at Ludger's behaviour, it was nothing more or less than his attitude towards his co-workers. To think that she would harbour an unrequited love. Moreover, Ludger's true identity was not as innocent as he seemed. 'This won't do. I need to save her from him.' Casey was passionately planning to sabotage Ludger's date(?) as if saving someone's life.
5. Words of affirmation provocation
(c237) At that moment, Selina couldn't resist her curiosity and asked, "Um, how did you two become acquainted? What's the relationship between you?" Selina had a hunch that there was something between Ludger and Casey. Not only did Casey's behaviour of recognizing Ludger and casually engaging in conversation indicate it, but Ludger, who usually kept his emotions hidden, was overtly displaying his displeasure. 'If Ludger reacts like that, it's not an ordinary relationship.' Although Ludger's response seemed just as irritable as usual, Selina felt it resembled the interactions between close friends. 'It must be a misunderstanding. It has to be.' As Selina was praying silently for this to be true, Casey replied, "Ah, this jerk... I mean, this person, right? We just happened to meet. Of course, we're not that close. Well, that much?" "You don't need to bother too much about this useless person who only causes trouble for me," Ludger added. "What? Hold on a second. Aren't your words a bit too much? Calling me useless!" "I simply stated the obvious." "Well, I can relate to that sentiment." Listening quietly, Betty chimed in at Ludger's words. "It's hilarious. When it comes to measuring nuisances, you're worse, you know?" "Hmph. That's just your personal opinion." Seeing the banter between the two, Selina's expression darkened, "Oh, so you two are really close." Selina's gaze shifted towards the fork she held in her hand.
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vriskaserketdaily · 10 months
Do you think Vriska would wear chola/ruca fashion?
i mean based on the description given in this paper i had to read for a sociolinguistics class a few years back (mendoza denton 1996) she kinda . . . already does?
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at least, it's not too far off from what she wears
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