#extremely fuckin tired of it
worshipfulmercy · 4 months
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i have so many thoughts about his gender and how he's kind of textually a woman and/or abinary (read tags if interested)
#i dont stand for cis rust cohle. that's not real. come on...#like... super dissociated from his body and his desires. and he has to keep a tenuous hold on his identity via various forms of self control#('contemplating the idea of allowing his own crucifixion'#being sexless#being able to compartmentalize his identity to fit a need)#says himself that relationships between men and women don't work and are only fit to procreate#says his daughter's death spared him from the sin of being a father#the act of being a man or being a woman are two extremes that are too harshly defined for him#edges drawn too sharply and not allowing for any flexibility which he needs#to be a man is to be the executioner and to be a woman is to be predestined to be the martyr that is what he believes#these are choices too difficult for him to make so he leaves them unmade vague up in the air for other people to stare sneer and interrogate#and it's worse yet when his body is equal parts weapon and a stress relief mechanism to others#gets his bodily autonomy stripped so often it's second nature to him. uses barbiturates like a 50's housewife#he cleans up real fuckin' pretty— hisself and the messes he's roughly shoved into#he's tired of talking to other people like a human being— he speaks another language entirely. one more visceral and raw#one that says the truth and nothing but.#if i think about the scene in episode six with maggie and what it means—#if the two of them are women#or if one of them is something that isn't exactly a man—#i think i will lose it#rust's looser swagger (or lack thereof) in contrast to marty's prevalent machismo btw... fascinating#his kind of deer-like charm. he Looks vulnerable only he's protected by an impermeable barrier#like don't fucking touch him. you can't#rambled so MUCH. sorry. but if you understand you understand#rust cohle#true detective#disasterpiece.png
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 months
shoutout to all the other daily grind girlies (gender neutral) out there who are at their fuckin limit today
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selfspinninglies · 8 months
wish I could peel off my skin like an orange hours
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imwritesometimes · 3 months
Me: I'm gonna fire up one of these games I got on the huge steam summer sale wooooo buddy first day off in a long time!!!!!!!
Life: coming in hot with a folding chair
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cream-and-tea · 1 year
how do werewolves work in lmd (plus anything else like that)
(this got very very long)
(just as a warning)
(also i’m going to tag @transmasc-wizard bc i remember you asked about this a while ago and a lot of this response comes from what i had typed up to respond to YOU lol)
(okay here we go)
there are (putting it very very basically) two main kinds of magic in the Ghost Story Universe: mortem (Death Juice) and vita (Life Juice). they draw from the same source (God Juice) (which is also the source of the apocalypse but that’s another post entirely) and are kind of different aspects of one thing, but still act as opposing forces. equals and opposites, can’t have one without the other, etc etc. the point is that even though they’re two different types of magic they share the same set of rules and operate under the same basic facts. one of the most basic being that magic is physically taxing to use. no magic comes without a cost
so this is pretty straightforward. and generally it isn’t anything too debilitating, but the more powerful the magic and the more magic used, the more damaging the physical effects become (for example: early on agnes’s chitchats with the ghosts she sees don’t really wear on her because it’s a very passive form of her power, but as the plot progresses and she actively draws on it more and more she starts to develop chronic headaches). the more active magic bullshit you do in succession —> the worse you’ll be feeling the next morning. people would usually need to rest for upwards of a few days after performing a major act of magic and the reason The Library focuses so much on endurance and repetition is to prevent that from happening. it’s to the point that some majorly powerful stuff is possible but the benefit of it is almost completely outweighed by the potential damage it would cause.
rambly worbuilding aside, this is really just a preface so it makes sense when i say: vampires and werewolves are what happen when people push their magic to far.
they’re basically the most extreme end of the spectrum for either kind of magic. vamps are a result of overusing vita (blood life stuff), and wolfs are a result of overusing mortem (spooky death stuff). this happens to people when they’re drawing on so much magic that their body literally cannot support it anymore and starts canabilizing itself in order to support the magic and prevent the person from just. coming apart at the seams. a Regular Person body is just incapable of handling that amount of power, so in turn they have to draw their sustenance from a different non-human source. the comparatively small piece-of-magic-apocalypse-juice in them mutates and co-opts the functions of their body in order to save that body from collapse. both vamps and wolves have to feed CONSTANTLY or they risk their bodies giving in and all their organs straight-up failing. it’s a slow transformation process and sort of representative of how much Whatever Caused The Apocalypse has become so deeply ingrained in every part of the new world. again: it presents differently but it’s all the same stuff in the end.
the world is full of monsters and weirdness and general spooky bullshit but vampires and werewolves especially have an ENORMOUS amount of stigma surrounding them because of the fact that most people still see regular magic users as recognizably human, and view the transformation as a transition from Human Person With Emotions Who I Should View As Such Despite This One Weird Thing to Inhuman Monster. most magical creatures aren’t seen as sentient in nature and many of them are actively dangerous to humans, so if someone pushes their abilities to far and ends up undergoing the transformation then it’s seen as a shift from being one of Us (normal people just trying to survive this crazy broken down to world) to being one of Them (unnatural monsters that came about as a result of the evil forest and apocalypse and want to destroy humanity), except that obviously the people who are turned are the same people they were before, just with an extra set of challenges and probably more bloodlust (which i can see being a bit of concern but c’mon. are u really going to let a little killer instinct get in the way of a lasting and meaningful relationship. weak).
They’re also used as an excuse when it comes to hatred of people born with magic at all. bc sure it SEEMS harmless when you kid is learning from their dead grandma or healing a little bit faster than normal, but with ONE WRONG MOVE they could become A VISCOUS BEAST or a BLOODSUCKING MONSTER and do you really want to take that risk?? wouldn’t it be better to stamp that out now before someone gets hurt??? even in places like The Library, which usually serves as a safe-haven for people born w magic, vamps and wolfs are seen as somehow Lesser. The Library toutes them as cautionary tales and failures of magic, basically a warning of what not to do to their students.
to get into the more specific abilities and effects and What Being A Vampire Or Werewolf Means i’ve made some handy little lists (ft. calliope and luca macnamara, a book 2-3 character that nobody knows about lol) (please click tumblr absolutely wrecked the quality):
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so. yeah.
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bardkin · 1 year
feeling like you're "not disabled enough" to quit your job or at least ask for accommodations fuckin' sucks
#venty tags because i'm angry and tired of my fuckin' job. ya'll are free to skip this one if you're not in the right headspace <3#my fuckin' rsd just really got to me today.#your muscles hurt and ache & they hurt enough to be noticeable more often than not.#you expect them to Stop Fucking Hurting SIX MONTHS into having A Job and they seem to have only gotten worse.#but they don't hurt bad ''enough'' to keep you bed ridden.#you get frequent enough headaches but none that are on the level of full on migraines.#they're enough to make you feel like shit but they don't make you physically ill.#so you go in anyway - even though taking pain meds does fuck all for any of it 90% of the time.#your brain fog is Bad but you can force yourself to snap out of it long enough to get a requested task done.#you're barely able to remember how to do multi-step shit that gets done Every Fuckin' Day and thus should be seared into your brain by now.#you're demotivated and depressed but you know none of your coworkers will Get It & you go in anyway -#so you almost have a breakdown at the end of each month but you smother it until you finally get home that day.#you're always exhausted no matter how much or little you sleep or how long or short your work day Actually is -#and every day is a fuckin' slog that only gets worse the later in the week it is.#& if you say anything about how much you hurt or how tired you are...#it's either brushed off or becomes an open invitation to infantilize and/or ''jokingly bully'' you.#you get told to ''toughen up'' or ''get better sleep'' and that ''you can do it.''#ugh. fuck.#i'm in a bit of an ''extremely fucked'' situation bc my work isn't corporate. it's incredibly close-knit & family run.#small business as hell being a service dog training thing.#granted - my boss is disabled / chronically ill so she May understand if i ever say anything.#but my fuckin' coworkers are Glaringly able-bodied & neurotypical. and they're the ones who do most of the ribbing. all of the ribbing.#it's not constant but it's consistent enough that my rsd has me somewhat convinced that most of my coworkers are probably sick of me.#i frequently have intrusive imagined scenarios where i get fired & at least one person says ''good riddance'' or something like that.#i'm a scrawny depressed queer who's only kind of good at sweeping up.#and i can barely do that these days without having to sit down every handful of minutes.#it's just kind of all around fucked rn.#i can't wait to get out of here.
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raspberrybluejeans · 1 year
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timeconqueror · 2 years
Socializing is all well and good until your social battery runs out but you still got places to be
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
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The first Rodrigues holiday spread that actually doesn't look half bad. Although I don't know how I feel about a bunch of sticky handed kids and a big communal bowl of shrimp lol.
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lesenbyan · 1 month
Ask box closed bc I am frankly fuckin tired of Gaza fundraising spam and they're the only asks I get
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darthrrevan · 4 months
it's weird I lived in europe for a year and now the prospect of going back for 7 weeks has me very anxious
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agayconcept · 8 months
#aaaand this is why i've applied for extra help through disability for household chores#my mother threw a tantrum bc i ran out of clothes and needed to do a laundry#but bc i cannot carry the heavy bin up 2 flights of stairs and thru an extremely heavy door#that means she had to do it#so she just threw a bunch of shit in that i DID NOT want in there#and she shrunk and ruined my brand new 'Trans & Tired' t-shirt that cost me $35#and i just looked it up and its gonna cost me nearly $48 to ship a new one to myself. for a tshirt. what the fucK dude#i am. So unamused#i do not have 50 bucks lying around for a fuckin shirt#and theres no chance in hell she'll offer to help w the cost like i woulda done if the situation was flipped#ughhhh#sorry i know this is such a minor problem comparatively but like.#a) she does this shit all the time out of spite and then throws her hands up when it results in consequences like this#b) that shirt was something i was saving up for for ages and qent to like 3 different markets in the hopes of getting in my size#bc its a small business owner and its limited quantities#c) this is once again why i wanna shake her by the shouldera when she complains that i requested outside assistance#this is why !!!#bc u refuse to help me with things and then when its unavoidable and u have to u throw a fit and end up ruining my clothes#or breaking my stuff or making the apartment inaccessible to me#and u rant and rave about having to do it for ages#only to then turn around and shout at me for trying to help w that by getting someone else in to assist me w laundry / cleaning etc#my guy#if i look up the word hypocrite on urban dictionary its just gonna be a picture of your face#*went *shoulders no i wont fix my typos im too annoyed to care#she knew that shirt was not to go in the laundry. we discussed it several times. but she got mad and put it in anyway#and now i have no shirt. cooool beans. this is why i cant have nice things#i am aware this is a very minimal problem in the grand scheme of things. but i was so excited to wear that shirt to an event next weekend#i rly was. but nooooope
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snekdood · 10 months
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the "leader" is more like "leaders". normally one might think of stalin or something, but hes just a blueprint, the actual leaders are the ones at the top of the social pyramid within these spaces, such as popular tankie blogs
this ones obvious. i dont feel like i need to say anything. we've all seen how ppl act on here when you question any of their beliefs or the effectiveness of them, etc. and if you challenge them at all or say you dont agree, suddenly you're a horrible person or even a bigot of some form
i underlined "denunciation sessions" bc theres a big emphasis on here to denounce the old "unwoke" parts of your life. not so that ppl should change for the better, but because there's a pressure to change immediately and throw all your old beliefs out the window without even really unpacking them. its their way or the highway and you have to choose right now and its not a multiple choice test. i also underlined "debilitating work" bc theres an emphasis on reblogging things to "spread awareness" or whatever as soon as it pops up on your dash, and if you dont, you're a horrible person, etc.
while i dont really think many of the options given necessarily apply, they sort of do. you dont need "permission" to date, but you'll be berated for dating the "wrong type of person". you'll be told to change or quit jobs if the job does something tumblr communities dont agree with, even if you need the job, and usually they'll call it "boycotting" to make it seem more legit. they'll discourage you from moving to any state or country that they deem isnt progressive enough.
this one goes without saying. instead of it being some random air of superiority, it's "we're the most moral, correct and progressive people" superiority
this one also goes w/o saying, people on here think incredibly black and white all the time, its definitely encouraged.
this one ALSO goes without saying
this one is obvious as evidenced the past two months. everyone saying "believe victims" and that "rape is always bad" in the past but then coming in to defend hamas' actions at every turn and deny the rape or even say that "if it did happen it was justified". which is a fucking wild way to think about the world and you should be locked up.
also obvious. tankies love to guilt trip. nevermind if it backfires on them and makes ppl resent them and move to the right after. i mean, after all, all they cared about was the power they had in telling ppl what to do, not actually giving a fuck about anything or having any convictions.
yes bc if you interact with anyone ppl on tumblr generally dont like, you'll also be shunned. if you have family members who aren't "progressive" enough and you still accept them into your life and hang out with them, even if you dont necessarily want to or dont necessarily like them fully, the fact you still interact with them at all is bad, apparently.
obviously, bc who would want to stick around a place like this once they realize whats really going on. its why they demonize ppl like me or anyone who questions them too much and pushes us to side, to use us as examples for the new, younger people coming in that they get to manipulate and tell them to avoid you and avoid being like you, since you ever dared to question them. they'll call you whatever they need to, make bullshit up about you, JUST to lure ppl in and tell them how much better they are than you, or that if you listen to them they can avoid being like you.
i mean. yeah? maybe it doesnt seem that way but. ppl asking for money all the time through paypal or whatever? or the overall goal of "taking the billionaires wealth and redistributing it", while its a statement i generally agree with, i dont trust that the people saying it will be that responsible, and would probably just hoard money for themselves, and deprive it from people they "dont like" on purpose, almost as revenge for a real or perceived slight, or just bc they dont like someones "bad vibes".
yeah you're apparently supposed to take having tumblr mutuals very seriously, treat them like best buds even though you've probably never messaged eachother or messaged eachother twice about inane things you saw on tumblr. its not a total stranger bc its someone on tumblr so its fine actually! see, they say they're queer and a leftist in their bio, totally safe! thats all it takes! also activism is reblogging or something ig
if you go to other sites, you're looked down upon. if you make friends outside of tumblr communities, you're looked down upon.
people feel like w/o the communities they've built on tumblr, they have no safety net elsewhere, probably bc they've cut contact with WAY too many people, probably plenty of people who didnt even deserve to be, and probably bc they disagreed on like 1 or 2 things. regardless, they cling to the tumblr "safety" net for dear life. "if no one else got me, i know tumblr got me, heres my paypal" essentially. you cant trust the world outside of tumblr to take care of you never of course, its all bad and horrible and can never be fixed or useful in any capacity, etc. burn it all down and start it again with tumblr users in charge and then it'll be perfect, or so they think.
#cults#ex cult#tankies#yall make progressives look so so bad.#yall actively hurt leftism at every angle.#the way ppl on this website act is no joke part of the reason why conservatives think leftists are in a cult.#its bc the more extreme of leftists kinda fuckin are#sure conservatives make shit up about us too like the whole 'child grooming' shit but they're still not exactly wrong for seeing#some of yall as culty. idk what to tell you. they just take advantage of the perception of the culty part of the left to push a narrative#about leftists in general and sprinkle in conspiracy theories for THEIR own rw cult to keep them in check and to maybe lure in#people who are paranoid- bc ppl have every reason to be paranoid of the culty parts of the left- but conservatives take that and then also#add in a couple lies for their own agenda and benefit. a mom could be concerned about drag queens talking to kids and maybe stumbled#upon kink discourse- maybe even possibly on here- and found minors interacting with the discourse and then goes to the right and they#say that 'yes the left wants to groom your kid into becoming gay and doing 'HEINOUS' 'brutal' kinks! and drag queens are part of it!'#or whatever tf along those lines. and then maybe shes still on the fence about it but some extremist on the left being ironic#embraces all these accusations and shitty perceptions and says they're true to- in their minds- push the right ppl away#even though theyre also pushing ppl on the fence to the right. maybe they do it out of irony or bc theyre just tired of the bs but either#way feeding into it actually doesnt help- not to surprise you! gotta be more careful around paranoid ppl.#your apathy about how you come off isnt always a good thing.#a better example might be when conservatives go 'oh the left is so horrible and violent' and ppl in the middle are like 'really?' and look#over to us for a moment and see the assholes in the back going on about gulags n shit along those lines- only confirming the bias#made against them.
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ipatrichor · 11 months
so i'm watching a subz vod and this man started stream angry at vitalasy for leaving him and is now pretending to be vitalasy while building what looks like a graveyard. so. uh. he's definitely coping Just Fine with the grief then huh
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mosspapi · 1 year
Why did our prof give us homework to do in "graphite" - not pencil, not graphite pencil, just "graphite" and not tell us how to use that. I'm assuming she means the "6B graphite crayon" from our materials list but like. I've never seen this shit before. Is it the same as using a pencil just a different shape and more expensive. Or do I need to do smth special with it. Google won't give me any answers except where to buy it. I'm dyin scoob
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i am very depressed rn gotta vent in the tags
#feeling extremely unfulfilled#i'm currently visiting my grandma with my mom#and being deadnamed and misgendered constantly for a week does numbers on me#but i'll be out of here in a few days and i'm both excited about it and dreading it#i needed a break from everything but now i'm getting really tired of my family#but on the other hand once i get back from my trip i have 4 days to move out of my shit apartment#and god i hate moving so much#also just depressed because my brain is convinced i can't really get what i want. especially in my dating life#the only people that want me are fucking miserable to be around#on one hand you got absolute assholes i don't associate with but on the other you have people with really bad abandonment issues#and they'll get really fuckin pissed at you if you leave because they're placing all responsibility for everything in their life on you#and i know i shouldn't put myself through that and a few friends have told me it isn't healthy for anybody involved#but it's difficult when the other person is friends with most of your other friends#and i don't feel like i can leave because those friends don't want me to#there's no easy solution to anything it feels like#i wanna just dump him. i dumped him once before but somehow ended up back together. and he's sweet and a good person#but i'm so exhausted. and i don't feel like i can leave because he'll just freak out and get really angry at me again#it's super unhealthy i know#idk man i wanna go but he just wants to keep me around forever#i just can't anymore i'm not happy#but i'll be the bad guy if i break things off and i won't have any friends
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