#extremely spiritual and deep analysis i know
nosockstensai · 1 year
🏀 Slam Dunk and the mysterious disappearance of Chapter 265's ugly Rukawa 🏀
A NoSocksTensai investigation (not really)
In chapter 265, after finally learning that passes are a valid strategy, our favorite ace from Shohoku goes on to reveal to Sawakita that there is a mysterious *third option* (aka three points shoots).
It's his moment to shine, he just shot a beautiful three pointer. The spotlight is on him. You would expect a glorious panel to celebrate this moment.
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But instead we've got this.
His face is...weird. It's flat looking and the perspective on his facial features is a bit off. Maybe it's not *that* shocking, but it threw me off the first time I saw it.
The art during the Sannoh match is overall absolutely breathtaking. Gorgeous. Magnificent. And god knows Inoue *loves* to draw majestically this pretty boy in action with his messy dark bangs and silly long eyelashes. As a consequence, I was a bit... confused by this drawing.
Over time, I learned to cherish ugly Rukawa for what he was, a curious but endearing sight that felt like it *shouldn't* be there. I thought the story would end here.
I was flipping through the french version of the manga again and...
Ugly Rukawa is not here anymore. He's replaced with a perfectly normal, perfectly good looking little Kaede.
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A side by side comparison, one can notice a lot of small differences.
At first I thought It was just an issue with the English scans. In the paper version, Rukawa is right in the middle of the double page and since these scans appear to have been uploaded by fans, I thought the fans may have tried to patch up the scans of the two different pages together, resulting in an odd-looking drawing...but upon closer inspection...
His lips and the crosshatches on his neck and cheeks are not even the same ??? Some crosshatches were added, some removed. It's *not* the same drawing. I doubt that the people who uploaded the english scans would go so far as editing a drawing and adding/removing details.
So... what happened to ugly Rukawa ? Was he exiled from the manga when it was re-edited ? Why was he there in the first place ? So many unanswered questions.
I feel like it is now my duty to investigate the matter further.
More to follow.
Or not. I'm lazy.
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thesirencult · 10 months
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This time of the year our spiritual senses are heightened. Possibilities, the past and the future, for a few nanoseconds we are in the in between. Throughout 2024 we will all be transformed. In this reading I will go over which parts of your psyche will be touched by the year that holds the meaning of number 8, transformative and abundant.
"New Year" readings ar available for 25€. If you are interested just shoot me a private message.
Hope you enjoy this general reading and may your soul find the guidance it has a thirst for... S
“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
Dear Pile 1,
2024 will transform the way you see change . Up until now you may have been resistant to changing certain aspects of your life. This could have something to do with your childhood and the way you, transforming and letting your emotions and intuitive sparks control, got you shamed and alienated.
This year you will learn the power rebranding has. It is never ever too late to change our direction and to let our instincts take the wheel for a change.
You will be transformed and blessed through the need for constant change and movement this next year and your ability to adapt will be sharpened.
At the end of the year, you will no longer see change as something that cause insecurity and fear. You will see it as the catalyst of the process of creating, YOU.
I know that right now you might be scoffing 1. Getting out of your safe zone is not easy for you. You may have prominent cancer on your chart, Saturn touching your moon or a strong moon placement.
Trust the process and let your soul go through the movements and cycles of transformation. Growing pains.
“Asking the proper question is the central action of transformation- in fairy tales, in analysis, and in individuation. The key question causes germination of consciousness. The properly shaped question always emanates from an essential curiosity about what stands behind. Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
Pile 2, we are all in this together.
I picked this pile too and I want to tell you how this energy makes me feel. Everything is possible, until you ask the question you want to ask and make your choice. Let me break it down for you.
We are in need of a deep self-searching period. For the next few days, until December 31st take your time to ask the right questions. First and foremost ask yourself "What do I really want and need?"
2024 will transform us because it will make us ask questions. Question everything and everyone. Having questions is not bad. Be humble. We don't have to know it all. This makes me feel like we are going to be learning something new this year that will put us in the position of "the student".
This year you will come closer to your inner child because, guess what? Children ask a lot of questions and they are the OG philosophers.
This is how philosophy and science came to be in our world, per Plato and Aristotle. Because humans dared to ask questions.
This year will transform you to your core. Be delusional.
The key theme here : This year will transform the prism through which we look at life. We will realise that it is much better to guide ourselves as a student and look at life as a big wonderful world. Believe in the impossible. Curiosity killed the cat but WISDOM brought it back to life. Take good care fellow Plutonians 🫡.
“When a woman is frozen of feeling, when she can no longer feel herself, when her blood, her passion, no longer reach the extremities of her psyche, when she is desperate; then a fantasy life is far more pleasurable than anything else she can set her sights upon. Her little match lights, because they have no wood to burn, instead burn up the psyche as though it were a big dry log. The psyche begins to play tricks on itself; it lives now in the fantasy fire of all yearning fulfilled. This kind of fantasizing is like a lie: If you tell it often enough, you begin to believe it.”
― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, quote from Women Who Run With the Wolves
This is your fake it till you make it year. Big imposter syndrome vibes will follow you around like a rainy cloud.
"Do I deserve all the good things which are happening for me?", you ask. The question you should be asking yourself is "Should I read Pile 2, too?" 😂. All jokes aside learn to question that voice that says that you don't deserve as seat on the table.
You are a master at setting the table, now it is your time to sit on your lil chair and relax while others bring you the food.
2024 will put you in a position of authority. You hold the wheel now so do what you gotta do and don't blame your little self (are you a Virgo/Scorpio/Capricorn?) for not getting all the way there. Little by little the castle gets built 🏰.
Disclaimer :
Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only.
Tarot readings are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. A tarot reading is never 100% accurate. All tarot readings given by me are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. A tarot reading does not replace professional medical/legal/business opinion and advice. It will not force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your free-will and common sense. The contents of a tarot reading are not legally binding. Any decisions made, or actions taken by you as a result of your tarot reading are your sole responsibility and have not been forced upon you, by me, your tarot reader. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my tarot readings. Please use your own common sense and judgment at all times. Tarot readings are also copyrighted and their creative content belongs to the creator.
As always, you CONTROL your life.
You have FREE WILL.
Freedom comes with RESPONSIBILITY.
Anyone that tells you otherwise doesn't have your best interest in mind.
Lots of love and kisses xoxo ❤️
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roselamoure · 2 years
Elvis Presley Zodiac Chart Analysis ♐︎ ♑︎ ♓︎
I here all the time from fans that Elvis Presley is a complicated man but I don’t really think so. He had many sides and facets about him that many people can‘t understand or find complicated. He is a very unique, outstanding and beautiful individual and as someone who is highly spiritual herself and a Capricorn herself, had many Capricorn men in her life, I want to explain and tell you everything you need to know about Elvis Presley and you will understand and see how much his Zodiac chart explains him and what a big role it plays in his persona and being. This is gonna be a very detailed and long analysis about Elvis so please be prepared and bare with me, it is for sure worth it, though. I want to bring Elvis Presley fans closer to him and bring all of you a better understanding to Elvis and who he was deep in his heart and soul. So let‘s start,shall we?
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As you all may know, Elvis Presley was born on the 8th of January 1935 which makes him a sun Capricorn. Capricorn people are known to be the most feminine of all the sign. They love the color pink but also love black. They love art, poetry, music, fashion and history. They are old souls deep down. I have met many Capricorn men in my life and they all were dresses as if they were going to fashion week. Elvis loved fashion and he was probably the best dressed and had immaculate taste in everything, cars, clothing, interior. Elvis is known to have a flashy, yet extravagant style. He loved luxury and expensive things. Gold, pink, black, Smaragd green, ruby red. It‘s comparable with the elegant „old money“ aesthetic that we know now. Italian fashion is a big part of that. He could easily have been a fashion designer and his passion for fashion really shows from his early days on. Capricorn men also tend to be big mama boys. They LOVE their mothers. Of course everyone loves their mothers, but for Elvis, his mother was his number 1 and he would have done everything for her. All the other Capricorn men I met where exactly like that. Capricorn men will always love their mother’s more than their girlfriend or wife. And from my observation I will give you the ranking of their priority list now.
Their Mother
Their job
Romantic relationship
We all know that Priscilla was not on Elvis‘s priority. His job always came first. He was married to his job and he would have done everything for his job. It was his identity. Priscilla therefore always came last. He never wanted to change for anyone and would never give up his career for anyone. Capricorn‘s are also very stubborn which is represented by the goat. They are extremely stubborn and hate when people tell them what to do. They are also perfectionists and can slip that in in relationships as well, therefore they have very high standards and a distorted image of romance almost. They expect a lot from their partners especially when it comes to looks. Capricorn tend to be superficial and they care a lot about physical appearance. They want their partners to find in their standards and always look perfect. Which we all know resulted in Elvis „controlling“ Priscilla‘s looks and the way she acts, thinks and behaves. They don’t have bad intentions with it. They just like the idea of „showing off“ their „perfect“ partners and how pretty or good they look. This is especially common for Capricorn men compared to the women. Capricorn men are extremely hard working and their careers are their everything. They get charged and nurtured through their job and it makes them happy to work. Without work, they would feel very empty inside and would feel like they have no purpose or meaning in life and would feel lost. It would be very draining. Therefore, Capricorn men find most happiness in their work and they love to work a lot and hard. It‘s in their nature. They always give their best and find life and happiness by working hard and giving back to others. Capricorns are also pretty controlling and they can get stressed out or feel uneasy if they have no control over anything. Capricorns are also very loyal but they often times can be in denial about bad traits they have. For a Capricorn it‘s always „my way or the highway“. Capricorn people love to be right, love compliments and love to have a successful career. They love looking good as well. They want to look „perfect“, which is due to their perfectionism. They are not well with criticism and they have a hard time accepting it. A result of that would be to get mad, aggressive and cut the person of eventually when want to boss a Capricorn around or tell them what they are doing is wrong and that they should change it. Capricorns biggest pet peeve is when people boss them around or tell them what to do. They despise it. Which is what we learned about Elvis as well, he would cut people off his life when they told him to stop taking pills or to do something. He absolutely hated it and would throw things at people and get super mad. Capricorns think they know it all, they have a complex and want to achieve perfection in everything they do and are. Capricorns also tend to be more on the traditional side. They have traditional values and likes in life and don‘t prefer modernity, yet are open individuals for everything. Since Capricorns are very hardworking, they even spend their free time trying to better themselves by reading plenty of books, broadening their perspective, better themselves and gain more knowledge in the world. They are very curious individuals and always want to learn new things and study. Capricorns are hungry for knowledge and they could easily spend hours locked in their room studying and researching about many different subjects in life. They want to know everything their is about the world and never feel like they have researched enough, which is totally what Elvis would do in his free time. He would read medical books as well to learn more about medicine. Capricorns are loyal, dependable and devoted being. They may appear cold at first, but are very warm hearted and generous and kind on the inside. Capricorns don’t open up easily and build high walls around them, they have a hard time trusting people. Capricorn‘s also are incredibly close with their families and value traditions.
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Capricorns keep themselves closed off from most of the world, so if they let you inside, they value you immensely. They spend a lot of time bettering themselves and strive for success constantly. Capricorns can be very unforgiving when you betray them or do them wrong. They will immediately cut you off from their lives. Capricorns hold not only high standards to their partners or friends, but also themselves. They are never satisfied with themselves and are their biggest critics. They can as a result of hard work neglect their needs and health and be their own worst enemy. Capricorns men would rather give more gifts to their partners rather than talk about their feelings. They can be somewhat materialistic. They are also very supportive and always willing to help others. They mostly show their love and gratitude through gifts or acts of service. In love, a Capricorn man would rather take it slowly to make sure they made the right decision and feel secure in their connection with the person. Capricorn men can also have a macho side to them and want to be seen as „cool“ and have a hard time talking about their feelings. Being vulnerable can be hard for them as they don’t want to let their guard as the „cool macho“ guy down. They are introverted beings. Image is very important to them.
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Like for part 2 for the moon and rising sign analysis🤍
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phlve · 1 year
Psychosophy Descriptions — LEFV
A person, a carrier of this type, is thoughtful, balanced, delicate, peaceful, and reasonable, inclined to the logical and philosophical understanding of the world. The thirst for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his character, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new.
His inner attitude: the world is systemic, thought can explain a lot, the world is open for research, everything is predetermined and not accidental, everything has a deep meaning, mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. The material world is imperfect and needs endless transformation for comfort and convenience, and I know how to make it perfect; something is wrong with my health and appearance; the well-being of the family and offspring are my main values.
As they get older, Augustine type people tend to have a religious outlook (“everything, including toothache, is God’s will!”)
Interest in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, psychology, mythology, religion, philosophy in all its diversity implies the presence of one's own firm opinion, and it is difficult to convince such a person. In the case of a high intellectual level of development of his personality and the presence of educational baggage, he feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition, deep, solid knowledge on certain issues, acquired in the process of self-education.
His character is manifested in a flexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on his own ideas; inclination to dogmatism, peremptory and unconditional confidence in one's own rightness; promoting their ideas and views.
In everyday communication, such person is an excellent interlocutor, quite emotional and pleasant. He is characterized by a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex and unusual art, such as cinema, graphics, folklore, oriental dances, and some spiritual practices. He is artistic, emotionally relaxed, his emotions are free and adequate to the moment communication, and he always knows how to say what is needed. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of the objective difficulties generated by the surrounding material world, and due to the feeling of being a “black sheep” among people.
A person of the “Augustine” type subtly feels the physical condition of friends and relatives and selflessly takes care of them. He himself has health problems, chronic diseases. However, despite his suspiciousness, he is engaged in prevention and tends to a healthy lifestyle. It is very difficult for him to eradicate bad habits (if any): the strong-willed qualities of character are poorly expressed. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. He feels a split and uncertainty in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, and carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Works to exhaustion, not knowing the measure.
Money is extremely important to him. If they are not enough, he tends to a minimum (if only he was guaranteed) and is content with little, dreaming of still earning a quality life for his family. He has a difficult sex life, because he is selective, cowardly, unpredictable in sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time risks changing sexual partners and preferences.
He is a person who is not self-confident in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes. In rare disputes and discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt.
He is interested in promoting his ideas, would like to meet a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits.
It is more convenient for "Augustine" to be led, subordinate, sacrificial in everyday affairs and events. He believes in Destiny.
In an extreme situation, he can act decisively and surprise everyone (including himself) with heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. Capable of records and victory in sports.
Source: The16Types
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sage-the-unwise · 2 years
I wanna hear some thoughts on my pathetic baby loser failson (beloved) five pebbles
oh hell yeah i love hate love this guy and i have SO many thoughts
so, some fun hcs for starters (only one and a half of which pertain to him in canon, the others are just vague sketches of what his vibe is like):
he would like tame impala but only partially in a male manipulator way
if he were a smoker i think he'd vape and then switch to menthols (something tells me he'd be the kind of guy to start smoking because he thinks it looks cool)
hes transmasc coded. real he/they energy
his construction suffered pretty extreme budget cuts due to the political controversy surrounding his placement over the Anointed Citadel (there was a defund five pebbles campaign led by the spiritual leaders there lmao) and thus he is noticeably smaller than the other iterators
he'd be a pretty great poet, and would make a killing in clout off posting poetry to instagram if that existed in rain world lmao (if his iterator comrades appreciated it, he'd post poetry to one of their global message boards, but not many of them care for artistic pursuits. he'd get a temp ban for wasting space)
if you dug through enough pearls in garbage wastes you'd find the equivalent of amateur tumblr poetry from 2012, all written (and some partially scrambled) by pebs himself. before moon's collapse, NSH made it a project to get their hands on some of it so they could make fun of him by reading it aloud in vc. that never panned out
pebs and NSH would've collabed to produce shitty soundcloud rap, but they'd have a falling out over the duo's artistic direction and they'd split up. pebs would try to produce his own backing tracks, fail at it, and give up, and NSH would go on to make insane 120 bpm hyperpop you could mosh to and open for 100 gecs
and now for some sad character analysis:
i think pebs has like, very big feelings and not a great grip on how to handle them. he isn't maliciously selfish but he experiences his own pain as so all consuming that he forgets that his actions affect other people and simply follows his impulses without much thought. this obviously doesn't excuse his actions - he's harmed his friends in some very real, tangible and painful ways and they should hold him accountable for that (were i to write a 5p recovery arc he would definitely get taken to task by the others, who are also Messy. it would perhaps be a very dramatic fight, but i think if their heads were clear enough and moon had some means of communicating with them you could get a good approximation of what restorative justice might look like for a bunch of alien supercomputers).
it's also implied that he's like the baby of the group, or is at least younger, and therefore has had less time to get to know everyone else and establish himself as part of the local group's regular social dynamic, so i would imagine he has insecurities about that which might fuel his impulse to isolate when he feels Bad. which was, of course, disastrous on one particular occasion. i think he feels deep guilt over that and it's eating him (like the rot), but he has no idea how to express his remorse, or that the person he killed has been revived and can be talked to directly (if only via slugcat messenger). i've always read moon as someone who, in pursuit of being the group big sister/mom friend, learned to repress her feelings in order to preserve group cohesion at all costs. i think a conversation between the two of them would either be really explosively messy (timeline where moon learns to let herself feel things and be angry) or it would have the longest silences you've ever heard (timeline where moon does not learn to stop repressing her emotions). either way it would take a while for them to make peace with each other, but i think they could pull it off. neither of them want to spend the rest of eternity lonely and bitter.
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namazunomegami · 7 months
I consider Geto to be more like Aizen and Gojo like Urahara, why do you think Geto is like Gin?
Although, I do think if it was Aizen in Geto’s place, he would’ve succeeded with his plans lol. Aizen don’t play like that.
Oh, anon, my love. Brace yourself for my upcoming analysis *cracks knuckles*
Some of the information I have gathered are from the Can’t Fear Your Own World light novels. If you don’t want spoilers, this is your chance to stop reading this post!!
Well, I can understand why people associate Aizen with Geto. I get it, both are powerful, inherently manipulative handsome blorbo materials with an evil plan… but…
Let me propose an idea for you, my dear. What if we start viewing Kenjaku as Aizen’s counterpart?
Both of their past is shrouded in mystery. We may never know why, when, and how they started their journey towards evil (unlike Gin and Geto but I'm gonna get back to this later). What we do know that they’re kinda… evil for the sake of evil (it’s a recurring thing in the main villains of Bleach, it gets repetitive after some arcs but minor antagonists are more fleshed out in that aspect).
Another obvious parallel: both Aizen and Kenjaku directly created the MC of their plot. Aizen with his Hollowfication fuckery with White and Kenny with... well, getting the backshots.
Absorption as a recurring metaphor: Aizen’s Hogyoku absorbs spiritual energy so Aizen can fuse it with himself later on to be an almost godlike being, Kenjaku absorbs power through their and Geto’s curse technique. It was a gamechanging moment when they absorbed Mahito and extracted his technique and when they absorbed Tengen.
And if I mention Tengen…
Their plans have something to do with an ancient powerful lifeform. In CFYOW, it is revealed that Aizen wanted to get rid of the Soul King and in the TYBW arc, the Royal Guards state that in order to make it happen, he needed to create an Oken, a key to the royal palace. The only way to have access to the Oken is if you acquire the bones from one of the Squad 0 members. And as we know, the Royal Guards are extremely ancient beings who created anything that Shinigami use to this day. I think Aizen wanted to aquire enough power with the Hogyoku to later kill the Royal Guards and use their bones to get into the royal palace.
Kenjaku has an old connection to Tengen, and since she had no vessel to merge with because Amanai was killed, her evolution can be used for Kenny’s plans, which is to merge humanity with Tengen for the sake of… utter curiosity.
So, both of their plans have something to do with creating a sort of primordial chaos. If Aizen succeeded, killing the Soul King would disrupt the balance of the whole universe. Balance between the World of the Living, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo is a key concept throughout Bleach. If the souls between the worlds are out of balance, the worlds will collide on each other. And before the Soul King’s creation, the world was in this inherently chaotic state.
Let’s stick to the plans a little bit more…
Aizen and Kenjaku has a solid plan. They’re crazily prepared, literally nothing can hinder their endeavor because they have subplans and other infuriating fuckery. Everything you do is going to move their plan forward.
And I think Geto has no well developed plan to genocide the non-sorcerers. It’s a headcannon of mine so take it with a grain of salt, but I believe that he has absolutely no idea how he’s going to make this plan work. Deep down I think he knows what he wants is impossible. Maybe he got burnt out during those 10 years and declares war for the sake of Jujutsu High finally killing him. He lost all his hope, killing him is mercy.
Aizen’s and Kenjaku’s plan has no emotional connotation. They’re pragmatists. They don’t want revenge, they're not evil to protect someone. Geto on the other hand has a very idealistic plan, it comes from emotion, selfishness. His main goal is not really genocide but to create a safe world for his loved ones.
And that’s when Gin comes into picture.
But before, let me talk about god complex.
Aizen obviously has one, he wants power equal to the Soul King, he kinda achieves it and he wants to replace the Soul King to control all beings in the world of Bleach. Aizen is dependent on his control, he must always have the upper hand in whatever situation he’s in. Even in Muken! And sometimes I hear fans saying that Geto has a god complex too. But I respectfully disagree with that statement.
What Geto has is a superiority complex. He wants to annihilate non-sorcerers and that’s it. He doesn’t want to lead the remaining sorcerers, he just wants them to be safe. It all stems from his traumas and downward spiral from Hidden Inventory and his beliefs that sorcerers are inherently better because they can’t create curses. He poses as a godly figure and is frequently depicted by Gege as Buddha but for me it’s not enough for a god complex. It’s just superiority. It’s basically the same thought process behind totalitarian regimes and other supremacy groups.
Plus, when Ichigo fights with Aizen who absorbed the Hogyoku, he senses a kind of loneliness from his sword. Isolation. An isolation that comes from him not having an equal in terms of power. It is a theme that I can associate more with Gojo rather than Geto.
But Gin… Oh, my sweet tragic man… how much I love him it's sickening...
The most obvious parallel between Gin and Geto is that they’re both doomed by the narrative. They can never succeed. They both die before accomplishing anything meaningful. They kinda need to, there’s no other possibility for them to live.
Gin’s plan is to get revenge on Aizen violating Rangiku, the only person he genuinely cares for and dedicated his whole life to protect. And besides being a mass murdering maniac, Geto wants an indirect revenge on non-sorcerers because in his twisted little mind, they killed Amanai, they killed Haibara, exploited him and Gojo by curses continuously popping up and they abused Mimiko and Nanako. Very emotionally driven plans and it all comes down to committing evil deeds for the sake of caring.
Gin and Geto come from literal nothing. Gin was a wandering soul in Rukongai, he spent a good chunk of his life in absolute poverty. Being a resident of Rukongai is basically means being the underbelly of society and Shinigami and other figures of political power do not care about them in the slightest. Geto’s parents are non-sorcerers. He has no fancy name, no fancy bloodline, no status in jujutsu society besides him being special grade from the moment he was scouted.
What they both have is talent, dedication, hard work. They’re perceptive, street smart. They both like toying with people they deem as inferior (and ofc they do it with a nice lil smile on their faces). And if I really want to force any similarity out, they both use polite speech.
And their defection has an emotional impact.
Aizen’s treachery is more like treason against society. Order. Status quo. Besides Hinamori nobody is hurt, they’re afraid, furious, disappointed. And you, as the viewer are rather shocked than sad, because you would have never guessed this plot twist. Gin’s and ofc Tosen’s treachery are treason against the people they love. In Geto’s case I think it’s a bit of both, but the latter aspect gets more focus.
When Gin leaves Soul Society Rangiku is a mess, Izuru is a mess because they both loved and trusted him. Izuru literally adored Gin as his captain. When Geto leaves Gojo is a mess and that’s the point I’m gonna catch Gege because we don’t see the reaction of the rest of Jujutsu High! It is not only Gojo who is hurt by Geto’s actions! Shoko, Nanami, Yaga lost him too and we have no idea how they handled the loss!
And now let’s talk about their failure.
Gin fails killing Aizen. Despite all the years he has spent with gaining his trust, he remained completely expendable for Aizen. And when he’s fused with the Hogyoku, Gin has no choice but to sacrifice himself. Gin recognizes his own failure, that he couldn’t avenge Rangiku and get back what she’s lost but at least he could apologize to her.
And after reading CFYOW it gets even more tragic. Rangiku had a particle of the Soul King. And even a mere nail of him means unimaginable spiritual power. Rangiku could have been a powerful Shinigami with enormous potential! And then Aizen took this particle from her, forever hindering her abilities, forever damaging her connection to the spirit of her zanpakuto. Of course Gin went crazy, and his only resolution was revenge.
And I think Gin is doomed because he waits for too long to kill him. He already knew the weakness of Kyoka Suigetsu’s hypnosis since he was a child. But he was waiting. Waiting until it was too late to accomplish anything.
And Geto fails killing all the non-sorcerers. He can’t create a safe world for his loved ones because his plan is inherently impossible to achieve. Though it’s not an apology, but he can tell Gojo that he never had any ill will towards Jujutsu High. Everything he did was for their sake. But he just couldn’t keep living in a world that has wronged him so hard that he can’t find anything that makes him happy.
And they both get to show a secret ultimate technique before their deaths. Gin has the "Kill, Kamishini no Yari" command he uses to poison Aizen and Geto has the Maximum technique Uzumaki.
And now another reason I’m gonna kick Gege in the butt.
Gin’s death has no impact on the plot itself but has an impact on the characters. We see Rangiku breaking down, ugly crying right before Aizen and Ichigo as she’s kneeling right next to his dead body and later in the next arc she reflects on how she deals with the grief.
Geto is the opposite.
His death has an impact on the plot. Kenny arrives, takes possession of his body and cursed technique, Rika’s curse is finally lifted, and she can pass on to the afterlife giving chance for Yuuta to carry on with his life. He can finally connect to people, make friends, an opportunity that he was robbed off since Rika’s death and him accidently cursing her.
But it has no impact on the characters. Gojo goes back to being goofy, there’s literally no signs of him being absolutely devastated for killing his only best friend. The only thing we got was the minutes long PTSD flashback before he gets sealed. I mean, it’s still something but it focuses on the past, when Geto was alive, a bit of hope that he was brought back but we have no immediate reaction of his death. And again, my problem with Gege that we get nothing from the other characters despite they lost him too. Like Mimiko and Nanako literally lost their father figure! And my poor girl Shoko… And you know… the whole plothole of what happened to Geto’s body after he was killed. Did Gojo just left him there or what? How could the brain worm crawl themself into him?
I guess that’s it. Sorry it got a bit long. Yeah, I think in terms of characterization and overall plot elements, Geto is the counterpart of Gin rather then Aizen. But I do believe that Gojo has a bit of Urahara in him, you’re right!
And again, thank u for letting me ramble about this stuff, probably gonna go back to edit some additional thoughts bc... i just know myself. Take care anon <33
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monte-charlo · 2 years
Wait no one asked for this but I’m back with a more complete Charles Chiron analysis:
Chiron conjunct ascendent means early experiences with pain - early trauma. Early trauma and instability leads to a weakened sense of self/questioning of right to take up space - leads to lack of self confidence and insecurity. Fundamentally, Chiron conjunct ascendent lies upon the deep rooted questioning of one’s right to exist.
Continuing with Charles Chiron it’s also in the 12th house and in Scorpio. Chiron for starters is seen as a ‘greatest healing wound’ and the 12th house is associated with the inner world/emotional/spiritual realm. Chiron in the 12th therefore implies a deep trauma and inner wound within the sense of identity / inner life. Can also encompass themes such as grief and loss / weak boundary setting / proclivity to self destructive behaviours through weak sense of self identity. Difficulty in being authentic with others but nonetheless a person relied upon emotionally by others as is seen as helpful/healing - strong need to please and help others. Chiron in Scorpio is seen as a wound of control and/or loss + death? Oh this is bad bc Scorpio Chiron in many ways is abt loss or the fear or loss in close relationships .. leads to difficulty in forming connections / purposeful distancing to avoid future loss - difficulty in understanding authentic relationships and can manifest in extreme self criticism and judgement and an inability to be authentic to others due to a misunderstanding about the nature of relationships which aren’t centred around loss/grief/control/power imbalance. Lots of capacity for extreme sensitivity to others and being a healing presence in the life of others but represents a very turbulent inner world and deep problems within interpersonal relationships due to fear of loss. There’s also some weird sexuality implications in Scorpio Chiron but I don’t want to go into that here 😭 Anyway tldr Charles’ Chiron is extremely spiritual and deep rooted in nature poor guy 🙏 I could fix him tho-
Don’t @ me astrology experts if this is rly bad I did the best based on my understanding of these positions and I’m a little out of practise !
My google history after receiving this anon:
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Also come back anon! I need to know more about those weird sexuality implications 👀 is it because he’s.. you know.. european?
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hi! I don’t know if ur still doing chart readings but if u could do mine I’d be so grateful. If not then I hope u have a good day man :^)
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I also have a question about enemy yonis since I found this out. My sun is purva bhadrapada and my moons in Bharani. Their yonis are enemies with each other. Would this particularly mean anything? I know my actual yonis with my Bharani moon but idk what that’s mean. If u can��t answer then that’s totally fine just curious lol :^4
also the “(1-sagittarius)” things under the nakshatras are the padas, just in case u didn’t know already :p !
Hey my dear here you go for your vedic d1 chart interpretation.
You are born in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra ruler is Sun.
You may have quality to lift people up. You maybe very active and productive person. You may be someone center of attraction and protector of others.
You may be someone very impressive to others. You may have strong will power( if you decide on something there is no way to shake you from doing that). You may have blessings of being Lively, intelligent and have ability of analytical thinking.
When it comes to hard work, you are never afraid, which fetches you success.
In your chart Sun-Venus conjunction in 7th house in Aquarius. Sun is your Nakshatra ruler, your Atmakaraka (strongest planet), and your Ascendant Ruler.
Sun is the center of the galaxy milky way and it is a Radiant planet. It gives light to other planets. You may be like that in some people's life.
You may be interested in getting government job or may become a good politician because of your criticizing nature.
You have charming personality and may have less or thin hair.
Mars is Exalted in Capricorn sits in 6th house(dushanth house). Mars is also Dk.
You may enjoy the happiness and contentment from land and property. You may get good support from brother along with decent status in society.
You will win over your Enemies. You may face some loss through goverment. This placement make you fighter ( not fist fighter)and courageous person.
Mercury is debilitated in sign of pieces sits in 8th house. You may face difficulty in communication, Learning new concepts and decision making will be hard for you.
This placement may give you a deep interest in occult and mystical subjects and a fascination with hidden knowledge.
Research, investigation and analysis, solving complex puzzles and uncovering secrets.
Moon-Rahu conjunction makes Ghrahan( lunar eclips) yoga in your birth chart.
Your father may have some health problems. You may be attached emotionally to your father or you may be living far away from your father.
You may interested in high level of spiritual knowledge.
You may do foreign travelings.
Now your 7th house is in sign of Aquarius ruled by saturn sits in 11th house. Mars is dk and in sign of Capricorn ruler saturn. Venus-sun sits in 7th house. Venus-sun Nakshatra ruler is Jupiter. Saturn Nakshatra ruler is also jupiter. Mars Nakshatra ruler is sun.
Your fs may be someone dominant in nature, very honest and loyal.
Your fs may be someone very religious or spiritual, versatile, expert in multi-tasking.
Your fs may be someone workaholic, extreme Introvert, mature, older from you.
You may meet your fs through older siblings, friends or team projects. You may do love marriage.
You should marry after 28 years of age.
Advice: Avoid giving loans and never give loans to others. 2) letting go of ego is key for you to have a good relationship. 3) learn to trust your Intuitions. 4) develop your research skills.
About yonis in vedic astrology yonis are important to see while horoscope matching for marriage. Otherwise i don't have much knowledge about it tbh. Have a good weekend dear🎐🍀
I am not professional. Still learning so please take what resonates with you 🙏
Meditate, do good karma, help who in need, love yourself ❤
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asweetprologue · 2 years
reader interpretation vs authorial intent
so there's a post i've wanted to write for a while now, and some of the reactions to this post I made on communion imagery in OFMD has finally spurred me into doing it. this is also going to be kind of long because i'm incapable of writing a short piece of meta
several people on the communion post made comments or left notes in the tags saying things like "hmm this would be really interesting if it was intentional!" or "good argument, not sure if I believe it's on purpose or not but this is cool." These comments are completely fine - and valid! - but they made me think about something that I've seen a lot from fandoms in the past, which I'd like to challenge.
authorial intent is not the foundation of textual meaning
I don't want to do a deep dive into "death of the author" here, so I'll just say: if you're interested in the concept of authorial intent versus reader interpretation as the basis of finding "ultimate meaning" in text, go read Robert Barthes' Death of the Author (it's only 6 pages), or watch this video essay about it. many people much smarter than me have made criticisms of Barthes' complete dismissal of authorial intent, but I think the concepts he presents are foundational for what I'm arguing here.
when we approach a piece and begin to unpack its symbolic, metaphorical, and subtextual meaning, we're not just looking for elements that the creators intended for us to find. Barthes' isn't completely right, of course; authorial intent does matter, and uncovering which parts of the text were intentional versus not can explain a lot about the work and how it lands. this intent does not, however, mean that the subtextual meaning we discover through analysis is "wrong" if the author didn't mean to put it there.
and I'm not just talking about the concept of "all interpretation of a text is valid." because first of all, it's not. if you read Lolita and you come away with the message that pedophilia can be romantic (which MANY people essentially do) then you've misunderstood the entire point of that book. that's a misinterpretation. there can, however, be valid interpretation of a text that goes beyond what the author intended, because writers are subject to the same subconscious interpretations of media that readers are. they are constantly, constantly, constantly borrowing and taking inspiration from other symbolic moments in our media and our lives.
let's go back to the communion metaphor for a second. my argument in that post was that instances of people eating or drinking throughout OFMD is symbolic of the relationships formed in those scenes. when people aren't getting along, they don't eat or drink, even when they're actively holding food or glasses. when they are getting along, or making commitments to each other, they tend to drink and eat directly on screen. now, this may have been fully intentional, or maybe not. maybe it was intentional in some scenes, and not others. But let's take a moment to unpack what "eating together" means in western society, and then come back to this point.
when we see people eating together (from the perspective of a modern western culturally christian lens) these things come to mind: family; home; companionship; trust; alliance; kinship; communion; spirituality; sex; fertility; transition; consumption; power; hospitality - and more that I'm probably just not thinking of.
which of these concepts come to mind is dependent on the context, but seeing people eating within a story will bring some of these elements to mind no matter how the author originally intended the scene to come across. It doesn't matter if the author knew their scene of a family sitting around the dinner table was going to evoke feelings of family and kinship; it does that anyways when readers watch the scene unfold, and the author probably put it there because they also have a subconscious association between family and eating a meal.
we are extremely sensitive to metaphor in our stories. we know that when someone sits at your table and they refuse to eat, they are refusing an offer of hospitality, which in turn means they can do violence against you. the concept of "sacred hospitality" is ingrained in us, and we know that if two characters eat or drink together, it's unlikely that they will betray one another. sometimes authors will specifically use this to catch readers off guard; the Red Wedding in game of thrones is a great example of this, in which a character violates these rules of breaking bread and enacts violence on their guests. we are so affronted by this because it is in violation of one of our most deeply held beliefs: if you eat with someone, they are your friend.
so let's bring it back to OFMD and the meaning of food in that show. it is very possible that david jenkins and his editing team had absolutely no intention of making food a meaningful way to explore relationship dynamics in their show. I would guess that some scenes, especially those taking place at a dinner table, are fully intentional, and that stede's intimate scenes of taking tea and eating bread with ed are meant to directly mirror the scenes with him sitting at hostile tables with his family and with the English. maybe when david told the actors to act aggressive through the meals, the actors automatically avoided eating, because on some level they too know the sacred rule: don't dine with thine enemies.
but even if it was ALL unintentional, that doesn't make the interpretation of those moments incorrect. because to someone watching the show, that's the impact they have. we know the scene with badminton will end badly, because the soldiers refuse to eat or drink. we know ed is falling in love with stede, because he accepts his tea. we know that Olu and Jim will end up together, because olu eats the cake that jim's nana makes while they all sit at the dinner table. it doesn't matter what the author intended, because the subtextual meaning is still there for anyone with the cultural background to read it. authorial intention still matters, and there's a lot we can learn about a piece of media by investigating what parts of it come from inherent beliefs, biases, and subconscious urges. but it's important to remember that all stories are a conglomeration of stories that came before them, and even when we borrow elements of past tales without intent, they're still borrowed. and it's still valid for readers to recognize their origins. the meaning you find in a text is always relevant, even if the author didn't know they put it there.
and honestly I think that's kind of beautiful, that we can speak to each other unintentionally; that our stories can communicate such depth without either the author or the reader consciously knowing why it hits so hard. these stories and interpretations are in us, and we're incapable of setting them aside. an author doesn't have to tell us explicitly that a group of people sitting down at a table to eat together means something; we know, we know that they're family.
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Numerology Life Path 7 - Your Birth Card and its Ruling Planet
Numerology Life Path Numbers and their assigned Tarot Card Meaning Series This is a post in my new astrology/numerology/tarot series, that only concerns you, if you are a Life Path 7. Posts on consecutive Life Path Numbers will follow. Originally, I wanted to do them all in one post, but my writing turned out to be so long, I decided to split the post and seperate the Life Path Numbers. The introduction part of the post will be the same for all Life Path Numbers, in case you only read a post about your own Life Path Number, and nothing else. Introduction The concept of a Birth Card links Tarot and Numerology together, in order to deepen our understanding of a vibration of a Life Path Number we are born with. The Birth Card, or rather Birth Cards, are Major Arcana Tarot Cards with assigned numbers, which correlate with Life Path Numbers. Understanding the meaning of tarot cards, mixed with the knowledge of Numerology Vibrations, helps create a more unique vision of your life experience. A person with any given Life Path Number, having several Major Arcana energies present in their lives, usually struggles with one of the energies more than the other. As a result, life will probably force them to focus on mastering one of these energies. In general, however, any Life Path describes both your biggest downfall and ultimate triumph - just like with an Astrology Chart, the highlighted numbers/astrology houses point to your biggest strengths and weaknesses. For a better understanding of this concept, visit my article “Natal Chart - A map of your issues?” Remember, that everyone, besides their Life Path Number and Birth Card also has a unique astrology chart. Thus, for some people embracing the higher expression of their energy is easier, for others it’s harder and it takes more time to master, and some energies become easier to deal with than others. Most human beings are somewhere in between, working on their path and having some achievements while struggling with difficulties at the same time. In the spiritual community, there are differences in opinion on linking Astrological Planets and positions to specific numerology numbers energies. My take is a result of my own personal experience, conversations with other people in my field and research, in order to give you the widest possible spectrum of ideas and increase the understanding of every Life Path Number. If you are a Master Number 11, 22 or 33, there will be a seperate post on how the Birth Cards apply to you as well. Even If you have only a basic understanding of Astrology, Tarot or Numerology, this post will still be helpful to you, because it describes the unique vibrational mix that comes from the expression of both these spiritual sciences mixed together. To calculate which Tarot Cards and what Life Path correspond to your birthday, click here.
Life Path 7 - The Chariot and The Tower
The energies of a Life Path 7 are ruled by the ephemeral, compassionate, wise vibrations of Ketu and Neptune. This can make it one of the most challenging Life Paths to navigate, as it requires a higher level of spiritual mastery and an ability to constantly assume a bigger picture perspective. That is a difficult thing to do in a world so highly revolving around materialistic concepts. Yet, if you are born with this Life Path Number, a certain free-spirited attitude and refusal to be sucked down into too many mundane details is something you need to develop within yourself.
Such a highly spiritual soul purpose associated with a Life Path 7 is due to Ketu being one of the primary rulers of this Life Path Number. Ketu, ruling detachment from the material realm, forces this life path to focus more on the energetic manifestation of their physicality instead of trying to navigate it through practical means. Ketu is also highly analytical, making this people excel at tasks, that require solitude, contemplation of abstract concepts and individual work. These people can make excellent writers or inspired researchers.
The other planet associated with a Life Path 7 is Neptune, the agent of universal, humanitarian compassion. That gives this Life Path a very loving, yet impersonal nature, where they express caring and kindness towards humanity and people in general, but may remain confused in one-on-one relationships. In this way, a Life Path 7 is a flip side of a Life Path 2, who thrives in intimate situations, but should open up more to group activities. A Life Path 7 naturally seeks out crowds, where they can occasionally show up and recharge on their need for a collective exchange of compassionate energy. Yet, in private situations, they can struggle to focus on their partner, open up or truly connect with another, as they are always absorbed in their own little world.
Because of Neptune being such a high vibrational planet and Ketu giving the ultimate higher-dimensional mastery, the spiritual consequences of wrongdoing for this life path are more severe than for others. These people need a moral compass, spiritually, the most of all life paths. In extreme cases, I have seen Life Path 7s fall prey to accidents and disease, if they succumbed to the temptation of their lower instincts.
Because of Neptune's influence on this Life Path there can be a significant difficulty in finding their way out in this material world, which can lead to poverty or other practical problems. If one neglects consulting their higher, intuitive nature and stays within the confines of the material, there may be an illusion of desire for a get rich quick scheme due to an innate lack of practical sense or ability to build without external help. These people, if they overfocus on the material realm, may get frustrated due to lack of dividends or practical rewards, or they may simply waste their resources away due to an internal feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction. If they get overwhelmed with this conflicting energy and forget to search within, they may forget their true purpose altogether. Yet, because of the foggy energy surrounding this Life Path, they don't have the capacity to intellectually or physically fully power through their problems like other life paths do, and they shouldn't even try. The only solution is going with the flow of their natural spiritual direction. That is imperative, as breaking out of this flow causes poverty, debt, sickness, forced isolation and all sorts of trouble in the physical world. Material prosperity will only appear in this person's life proportionate to their level of spiritual prosperity.
Associated Tarot Cards point the way for a Life Path 7 towards assuming a successful direction in this incarnation.
The Tower - This card is the testing moment, when we lose everything that we are used to having around us. But the purpose of this loss is always in our highest good. This is why things fall away at a critical point in our lives, when the foundation is so corrupted it can no longer support itself. The Tower is actually a tool of keeping things in check spiritually, meaning then when things go too far down the wrong direction, the Universe balances it with a Tower moment in order to prevent an imbalanced energy from growing further. The Tower points to this Life Path's ability to discard the excessive burden of material illusions and continuously purge in order to make sure one remains "pure", spiritually, free of self-deception and in tune with one's inner guideline.
The Chariot - The Chariot is linked to Ketu's thoughtless manifestation, that this Life Path possesses. A Life Path 7, regardless of their spiritual inclination, needs a firm direction not to drown in their negativity. Even for this Life Path, their spiritual nature needs to have anchor in the physical world, that keeps them on track with their journey. That anchor is balance, that the Chariot card represents, the balance between their inner shadow and light. A mature Life Path 7 knows how to preserve that balance, and drive that carriage effortlessly.
A Life Path 7 should never choose an easy way out, as it will backfire for them more than for anyone else. Not only will it cause misery internally, but also externally people will mirror it to them and they will be disapproved of for their wrongdoings more than any other Life Path number. It is as if others subconsciously sense their higher nature and place expectations on them to act accordingly with it, so where other Life Paths might get a pass, this Life Path number will not. In reality, it is the Universe's tool to assure that these natives stay on their correct, spiritual path, and it is Life Path 7s themselves that have a high level of subconscious, spiritual analysis and self-judgment. As a result, any negativity that comes their way from the outside is a projection resulting from their own deeply rooted high spiritual expectations, and an internal disappointment, if they are not met.
The best advice a Life Path 7 can hear is that it will always pay off for them practically to be kind and preserve their spiritual integrity. It is essential for this Life Path to realise, that any lower energies they invite for short-term gain will immediately backfire, and deep down they are unhappy with themselves for making any wrong choices in the first place. Ketu has a perfectionist nature to it, and a Life Path 7, whether they realise it or not, has a deep level of internalised spiritual perfectionism. An unaware Life Path 7 can become judgmental, trying to hold others to this high standard that they carry internally, while refusing to face their own actions. This process is simply a mirrored expression of a desire, to reach that point of excellence by themselves.
If you are a Life Path 7, solitude is something essential to your well-being. Make sure your lifestyle allows you to make time for yourself. It is in isolation, away from the external noise that may unnecessarily cause you to project your spiritual desires on others, that you can work on yourself, find truth and connection to your ultimate power of deep, analytical understanding of this existence.
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thed4rkhand · 3 years
So today we’re doing Yoongi’s chart and my analysis of it. Let me make it clear right off the bat, that since I’m not a professional astrologer, some things may not match up, further since we’re not super sure of his birth time, it’ll definitely affect the reading. What I can be sure of is that I’ll do my best and I’m completely open to constructive criticism from you all!
Now lets get on with some basic stuff, for those who have not yet read the post with Namjoon’s moon analysis, I’ll again reiterate some principles of Vedic astrology! In the scenario that you’re still confused with all this jargon, feel free to reach out and I’ll be more than happy to help you out.
Starting out, we have to note that while western astrology is usually more advisory in nature, Vedic astrology’s main purpose is to predict. Also, we usually go a sign back from western astrology (24’ back to be more precise) in Vedic astrology, so according to that for example, if you’re a libra rising, you become a virgo rising in Vedic astrology and so on and so forth. All planets will also shift back a sign, so a Capricorn Mercury will become a Sagittarius Mercury.
Now let’s be aware that the chart may be a bit different, but given the main d1 (Lagna) chart remains the same for about 2 hours, let’s focus on that and the moon chart (rashi chart) for this reading. We can also just look at d9 for strength but not house placements as that can be time sensitive. So, we can take a two hour margin of time discrepancy and still predict accurately.
For this reading, we have taken 9th March 1993 as the day and 7:30am as the time of birth, with the location set to Daegu.
Since this is a general chart analysis, we shall be covering topics briefly and discussing the moon, ascendant and sun. For an in depth reading, do pick a smaller and focussed topic as we can honestly keep going on and on about a chart.
Lets get started then-
Right off the bat, we can see that Yoongi is born into Pisces, with his ascendant at 10’35’, within the Nakshatra of Uttarabhadprada, within the 3rd quadrant or pada. He has venus situated in the lagna itself, in Pisces, thus exalted. His lagna lord, Jupiter, is in the 7th house, conjuct with the Moon, in the sign of virgo, where jupiter gains the upper hand despite mercury (lord of virgo) being enemies. The lord is directly aspected by mars in the fourth house. The lord of the birth Nakshatra is Saturn here, which sits in the 12th house, conjunct sun and mercury (dispositer of the ascendant lord). Lastly, moon, jupiter and rahu aspect the lagna of this chart. Of course there is so so much more here, but we’ve got a whole chart to cover!
(p.s I can already see this is such a fun chart to read)
Getting on with the reading, we firstly see that he’s born under Pisces lagna, this makes the native calm and collected, as well as fond of philosophy and psychology. What we often forget is, people born under Pisces are said to have been born under all the other signs in their past life, and cumulatively they use their skills and knowledge from those lives in their current one. Remember how on Bon Voyage trips and just about every RunBts, saga seems like the ‘dad’ of the bunch? cooking, cleaning, fixing stuff Joon broke, producing music and the stuff? And all those times that he is so very understanding of other? He doesn’t scold Jungkook, let alone anyone else? These are typical Pisces traits. They’re very domestic and understanding by nature, because they’ve been there before in a past life, and enjoy taking care of people.
The downside to this? They can be extremely manipulative if they want to be, they know exactly what to say, when to say, to whom to say and so on. They have an alarming grip on people’s emotions, and have a magnetic quality to them. Further, this is mostly an observation, you’ll often notice that most pisces natives are fond of alcohol (could be because they exist in a water sign? Could be because its the natural 12th house ruler of addictions too?)
Coming to the Nakshatra here, we have UttaraBhadrapada, the second last Nakshatra of the series. This Nakshatra is ruled by Saturn, and the presiding deity being Ananta or Ahir Budhyana, the deep ocean serpent in hindu mythology. The deity Ananta represents boundless expansion, be it of fortune, goodwill or knowledge. Ahir Budhyana, is a sattvic (sacred or untainted) form of lord Shiv, and resides at he bottom of the ocean. He represents the liberation from illusions and attainment of spiritual enlightenment and knowledge. The natives of this Nakshatra here embody these qualities of their deities. We see them as philanthropic and reserved beings, who enjoy learning about a variety of subjects and spirituality. Such people are extremely progressive in their thinking patterns, and often a magnetic pull like the deep ocean serpent has.
They’re extremely controlled and calculating in their approach, and think more than speak. This by no means is to say that they don’t speak, because such people are great orators by nature. They stand up for the underdogs and have a unique approach to topics. They are extremely interested in occult and metaphysical practices and theories. They however commonly don’t obtain higher education or do well in fields of fine arts, even their primary education is not something they excel at. (i once read that yoongi really likes reading about a variety of subjects, and also Paulo Coelho, definitely his UttaraBhadrapada here)
The bad side to this Nakshatra? They’re very critical and over-analyze everything and everyone. Sometimes, even unconsciously, they manipulate people to suit their needs and whims. They get side tracked too often and have difficulty focussing on one task at hand, often amounting to laziness in other people’s eyes, even if the native is extremely hardworking in reality. However when in comes to personal care, they tend to do things in a very half-hearted manner. These people are also prone to isolating themselves from others, especially when things get hard. Due to the sign falling in pisces here, people also tend to have many different mental burdens and disorders, which arise from their constant scatter-brained self and inability to make out between the spiritual and real realms.
They can also be heavy drinkers and abuse substances in such a Nakshatra, or enjoy partaking in occult practices while under influences. They might’ve also faced a very rough childhood with such a Nakshatra, neglected and misunderstood by people around him. The natives could also have moved away from their parents during their early adulthood for education or job purposes. Such people can have health issues like hemorrhoids, stomach ailments and hernias. Usually they lead a stable period full of health and success in the latter part of life, say about after 48 years(since the south node Ketu matures as 48).
Since Suga’s Nakshatra falls into the third pada or quadrant, its ruled by libra here. Libra here focusses on balance and cooperation. Such people may make a living working with other people, or in industries related to entertainment. They may make great debaters, and think excessively about what other think of them as. They’re very conscious of other’s opinion, even if they don’t show it, so we often find such people wearing extremely covered up and baggy clothes for example, or keeping a low profile. They may have a very practical and unbiased approach to most things in life. Such people are intensely into spiritual practices and often times fully devote themselves at hours at a time to worship of gods, angel or other beings. They may be the type to attract people very easily, or even be the kind to fall in love extremely easily.
The second placement we come to, is Venus in the first house, in Pisces. Venus here is naturally exalted (most powerful). Sure ill give you the generic explanation in a bit but, do you know which type of people usually have this placement? Actual saints and famed occultists. Sure many people within the entertainment industry too, but this placement can hands down be one of the most spiritual and divine placements of Venus in the chart. First ill go ahead and give the normal meaning and effect, and then lets dive into the crazy stuff (istg his chart is so goooood). Such people usually have really magnetic personalities, and given Venus is in Uttarabhadrapa, these are the people who you don’t notice at first, but then its like a whirlpool of being invested in them, as opposed to being in Revati Nakshatra (another Piscean nakshatra) which would be a more dramatic pull, based off an extroverted personality. These people can be very good looking, more feminine looking, could definitely look like their mothers with this position. Brilliant luck in fields of arts and entertainment and also genius level of creativity and talent. Here, people can have brilliant luck too, like god’s hand on their head kind. Accumulation of wealth and property can also be seen here.
Now onto the really fun stuff. These people are actually rarely concerned with someone’s exterior, because often times such people have such good intuition and spiritual powers (some are literally called mystics because of this), they can literally see through someone. For this reason, they actually don’t like associating with too many people, despite having a very charming personality. These are the kind of people that keep searching for ‘the one’. These people often give up everything and go ahead and become priests. The calling to god with such a placement is very strong. They also don’t like collecting too many material possessions, as they feel its redundancy in this very changing world. These people hold the few people they’re close to, very very tightly to themselves. These people also may have a very low sexual drive actually, (i know, I know, how can a strong Venus do this?) because an exalted Venus is about devotion to god, to one person, and leaving sensory pleasures behind in life. A debilitated Venus on the other hand (eg. Jungkook has one) might make someone very invested in worldly matters. These people are happy with being alone and single for a long time, they’re very satisfied with their own company. Such placements can make someone practice magick or astral projection too. (Venus in 12th sign of liberation, liberation from physical body)
Given that in this chart, Venus is his 3rd and 8th lord, we can make further deductions. Firstly, since 3rd lord is going 11 houses away, its an extremely auspicious placement here. Self made person, making wealth through communication, can also have very witty and intelligent responses to things. Since the third house also represents courage and valor, this can make someone very fearless and say whats on their mind bluntly. Since the 3rd house is part of the Kama Trikon houses (houses of desire), this going into the 1st house, which is a part of the Dharma Trikon houses (houses of morality), gives interesting results here. Firstly, such people are fiercely independent, and hate to be disrupted when there pursuing their goals and working towards them. They hate to take help from anyone, and as a result are extremely competent. secondly, such people have a moral high ground, to which they religiously abide. They’re extremely righteous and stand up for those who wouldn’t be able to for themselves. Since from here, it aspects the 7th house of agreements, such people are great at understanding and signing contracts for work.
Now with the 8th house, we have a bit of a conundrum here honestly. It belongs to 2 types of houses, the moksha trikona houses (houses of salvation) as well as the Dushtana houses (evil houses). While this placement isn’t all that bad, it isn’t he best either. firstly though, this is a placement where the native always wins over their enemies (8th lord 6 houses away from itself), be it enemies as in people, or simply obstacles in their life. This also confers a long lifespan to people, given that his 8th lord is also exalted here. However such people are prone to accidents, given that the 1st house is the body, 8th house is sudden events and the natural 8th ruler mars is a karka or signifactor of vehicles. Such people are also against organized forms of religions, since the Dushtana lord is sitting in a dharma house. The native is also extremely private and secretive given the 1st house of self has the 8th lord of secrets sitting in it. Since it also aspects the 7th house of other people, this person has that aura of mystery about them because of this. Such people are deeply critical in nature but can have extreme wisdom in cases of hidden objects or matters of the occult.
Now coming to his aspects. His Venus is aspected by moon, Jupiter and Rahu. The first two are benefic in nature and the latter is malefic. Moon-Venus and Jupiter-Venus are also mutually aspecting each other in pairs here. Moon here gives Venus the property of being constantly cynical of themselves regards to what others may perceive them as, given moon is emotion and the 7th house here is other people. Their thoughts here are deeply influenced by other people, they may always keep serving other people too, through acts of service. This also makes someone who falls in love very easily, but it is important to engage this person’s mind in a relationship, they just cant do without an emotional bond here. Since Moon also represents fame in a chart, this makes a person very famous, as they receive attention from many people, and people want to analyze them, and enjoy their work and presence.
Jupiter here, makes the person level headed and practical. The person wouldn’t be all touchy feely with people they like, because they would like to remain more in control of the situation here. They’d rather engage in a full blown debate with someone, than hold hands. This also makes them very worldly and teacher like, while also being attracted to very worldly people themselves.
Rahu’s aspect on the other hand, makes someone stand out in a crowd (Rahu signifies an outcast), they may have a rough and cold exterior due to this. They may also have had issues with body image (1st house is self), or mental health here. These people are enamored by all things foreign, and love exploring the other cultures. They may have issues identifying with their own community at large, and may identify with the downtrodden of the society.
Now going to Jupiter and moon conjunction in the 7th house. I wont go very deep into this, as its a super interesting concept, and it’ll be better covered in the second part of the reading regarding the moon itself, so ill keep it short and related to the ascendant. Also the mutual aspect part will be explained in more detail in the miscellaneous section later. Plus this is getting far too long for even me now.
Getting on with the reading for now, moon and Jupiter here are in virgo, in a loose conjunction (one is at approximately 2’ and the other at 18’). This is actually one of the not very yogas (combinations)in a chart, about 15% of people have these. Its called the Gaj-Kesari yoga (the elephant and lion combination), because people with this are so extremely lucky, its like the kings of the jungle are together to support it. They have the wisdom of the elephant and the courage of a lion. This is a raj yoga (royal combination). a native born with Gaj-Kesari Yoga is intelligent, strong, and prosperous. Gaj or Elephant possesses immense strength and is devoid of pride and the Lion is known for his foresight and skillful intelligence as well as his strength, quickness, skillful leadership, ability and courage. Thus, when Gaj-Kesari Yoga is formed then that person is extremely successful. They will be a kind and philanthropic person, who will always have sympathy for others. They will be quite humble regarding work, would like to talk nicely to people and aim to attain spiritual progress in life. Many people will recognize them as their mentor or guide and will act according to their instructions or advice. They may have a tendency attracting people and people being magnetized by them. They will be blessed with abundant wealth and become the owner of movable and immovable property(cars as well as homes). They will establish relationships with rich and reputed people of the society and enjoy all kinds of material pleasures in life.
Since this occurs in virgo, it makes a person intelligent, sharp and gifts them with amazing memory power. Such a person is knowledgeable and can become the head of a large educational institution. He may own incomparable wealth and can earn a good name and money from business as well. Often such people earn a high reputation in the Stock Market and make progress in life by working in any financial institution or insurance sectors.
Here jupiter in particular makes someone extremely cynical in nature, and their mind is always, and I mean always, thinking about romantic relationships or platonic ones. However given that jupiter is also the 10th lord here, they could be extremely focused on work too. Their life is surrounded by contracts, and may work with others for a living(7th house is house of courts and partnership). They could be very interested in the financial sector here, they could be extremely money minded and money means stability to them. Moon here on the other hand makes the person very moody, and extremely dependent on their spouse or colleagues. Since it rules the fifth house here, it signifies that such people are extremely creative in their work, may work for children or young adults, have a lot of past life karma related to work, and also that they’re extremely devoted lovers. They tend to criticize their close friends and loved ones, just because they’re so cynical and blunt, and want the absolute best for people. They may hurt people’s feeling without realizing it sometimes. (this was very brief but refer to point 12)
Now coming to Saturn in 12th, as the lord of the birth nakshatra. Saturn over here signifies working in the fields of music, but given saturn represents electronics, it could mean a producer too. Since its in Aquarius here, a sign of dual lordship, this resents a constant up and down of mood and life spirit. The person with such a placement is confused with what truly makes them happy in life, the spiritual realm or the materialistic realm. They keep going up and down the path of being spiritual, till 36 years (saturn matters at 36). They may face a lot of mental disorders here. They may have trouble sleeping at night. Given saturn is also work, they may earn through foreign sources in life. Such a person invests money into properties (saturn is houses) and lacks liquid cash. The person may have a weak left eye (12th house is left eye). They may earn from multiple sources in life, and have multiple talents. Such people have low sex drives as saturn is a dry eunuch planet, and in the 12th house of bed pleasures, it may not allow native to enjoy it. They may not be interested in worldly pleasures with such placements.
Lastly (finally?), we have to discuss the looks! Pisces ascendents usually have the short to medium height, and tend to appear a little fuller even when they’re very scrawny. (its because jupiter is the largest planet). Uttarabhadrapada natives tend to have a very innocent look to them, a very calming nature and vibe. however, like the deep sea serpant, they have very deep and magnetic eyes, and a very expressive face (yoongi memes). They usually have a very beautiful smile, and can literally attract people with it (again the snake like quality). They tend to have a very blank look usually, and if you ever notice, they’ll have the most stunning eyelashes actually, given the yoni is the female cow. They might also have the habit of moving their mouth around when their thinking, quite like ruminating.
Given venus sits here, is gives the person very attractive, effeminate features. Think extremely renaissance type of soft features. It can give them very delicate hands and feet with such a placement. The moon aspect here, gives them a rounded face and pale skin. They might have sparkly eyes and a roundish appearance here, also the tendency to gain weight around their face, with short necks. They make also look much younger than their actual age.The jupiter aspect again makes the native very other worldly looking, almost like you can imagine them in a dark robe literally performing rituals. It gives people a calm and teacher type of vibe to them. The rahu aspect usually just blows qualities out of proportion. Have you seen how small and angelic suga looks compared to the other? (not saying they’re not angelic but still), thats the rahu aspect. Again, rahu aspects only get better with time.
So this was my analysis! If anyone has any questions or doubts, hit me up! Let me know if you enjoyed it!
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readingsbylibramc · 2 years
birth chart reading for @lovewitchx 
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a bucket shape, with saturn as the handle of the bucket. your saturn is in the 12th house, hence matters regarding mental health and spirituality will be your priorities in this lifetime. you also have clear ideas about your future and who you want to be. even though you may have different passions and talents, you’re capable of only sticking to one and mastering it, giving your all.
your dominant planets are mercury, jupiter and venus. you are probably quite creative, or at least you have a passion for creative outlets; you may like music, reading, cooking, etc. you're also quite smart and deep, you're probably told you look more mature than your actual age. you may also be into reading, writing and studying anything, especially philosophy.
your dominant sign is pisces. you're a genuine, caring person who loves daydreaming. it's a sort of way to escape reality, but it gives you an enormous amount of creativity. you also possess a strong intuition, which can make you have a sort of sixth sense.
your dominant element is fire. you have a warm heart, even though it may be covered by your confidence and independence. in fact, you always strive for the first place. people may be intimidated by your presence, as you're a serious competitor. thanks to this competitive nature of yours you may be very positive and optimistic, making you a good and supportive friend/partner.
🌎 ascendant in virgo, 1° / 1st decan ruled by mercury
you have a practical approach to the world. you’re kind of logical, it’s hard for you to improvize. you always want to keep everything neat and organized, at least in your mind. you could have a natural coldness to your face. you may seem younger than you are, but still very mature and responsible. with your attentive eyes, you pay attention to every single detail you see. you’re a perfectionist, and you always want and try to be at your best state. I would say you’re quite competitive when it comes to your goals, but you don’t really do it to be above others. you do it because your obsession for details kind of stresses you out. improving and proving yourself is a way to boost your self-esteem, you feel fulfilled when you can achieve your goals. you are extremely intelligent and logical, you’re always up for a deep talk or simply for an occasion to gain more knowledge. you like being smart, you always want to know about everything. even the latest, trendy meme counts for you. your nature is very cautious; you’re rarely impulsive, you always think deeply about your decisions, as you don’t want to make any mistakes. because of that, you can be particularly picky. not only with material things such as movies, books, food etc. but even with people. it’s hard for you to open up to someone you don’t know at all. you take things slow, both in friendships and in relationships, just to preserve yourself. you may come off as kind of snobby, but you’re just misunderstood. you don’t like flaky bonds, you need security in your life. physically, as I’ve already mentioned before, you have this kind of strict look on your face. your eyes may be almond-shaped, and you could have a natural feline gaze. overall, you have something smaller about your features; you could have thin lips, a small nose, small eyes… you could have a smaller frame with thin bones, and you don’t gain weight easily. you may be of average height, and I’ve noticed that most virgos tend to have pretty long legs? no matter if they’re tall or not, their legs will still be longer than their bust.
virgo ascendant opposite aquarius venus: this aspect makes you more sociable and prone to interact with people. you’re also most probably very attractive, people are naturally drawn to you. the downside of this placement is that you may suffer from self-esteem issues, as you really care about others’ impression of you. maybe you’re a little bit clumsy too. it’s easy for you to gain popularity, but be careful as it’s not always good. popularity brings scandals too, so people you see in your everyday life could possibly start gossips around you. the good thing about this aspect is that you emanate loyalty, so you usually choose loyal and trust-worthy partners. this placement may also bring issues and problems in marriage with your future partner, even though I don’t think it’s your case. your venus is well-placed, so I don’t think there’ll be serious problems.
🌞 sun in pisces, 23° / 3rd decan ruled by neptune and pluto
this is the most intuitive pisces decan. you understand people’s thoughts just by looking at them, it’s like you’re staring at their souls. in fact, you’re extremely empathetic, you probably find yourself being a psychologist for your friends. or maybe, you’re actually a psychologist. you’re amazingly creative and imaginative, you have the ability to picture your ideas. this is an amazing talent, in fact most artists have pisces placements. the downside to pisces is that I’ve noticed that, since they know they’re vulnerable, they have the tendency to lie. they don’t do it out of cruelty of course, it’s a sort way to protect their ego. you could want to be seen as bolder than you are, hence you could struggle with identity crisis, especially during your teenage years. you have your own morals and beliefs, but you could feel influenced by others to change yours. luckily, this is something that gets better with time, as you start being more aware of your persona and you start loving yourself. you're most probably a very complex individual. after all, pisces is the most 'confusing' of all the signs. you're a sort of chameleon; you act differently based on where you are and who you're with. you could be a savage with someone, an introvert with someone else. you may even feel as if there's something wrong with your mind, as you just wish you could be like others. you should focus more on pisces' positive traits, though; you're extremely compassionate and considerate. you're emotionally intelligent, and this mutability of yours could make you succeed at many different jobs in your life, as it's very easy for you to adapt to and master new things, especially with your mutable dominance. if you work hard, you can surely succeed in anything you want.
pisces sun square sagittarius jupiter: this is a hard aspect, which could make you feel even more proud of yourself due to your fire dominance. you may feel like the universe is constantly against you, especially with your pessimistic pluto energy. you may feel unlucky, or even overindulge in things you like to cope with sadness or anger. you may have the tendency to overeat, buy useless things etc. you go from having a low self-esteem, to even looking very bossy without even realizing it. you struggle to keep your identity balanced, even though you might have not been aware of it at first. to achieve fortune and joy in life, you need to work hard for it. to do so, you have to learn your karmic lessons in this lifetime, which probably revolve around family issue and their impact on your interactions with others.
pisces sun square sagittarius pluto: probably during your childhood you couldn't make your own decisions. you might have been highly influenced by someone in your family, probably your father, and hence now you feel the need to have everything under control. maybe too much. you despise authority, you may even quite rebellious. maybe your parents have tried to convince you following their religion, ideals etc., without giving you freedom. or perhaps, they are overprotective and avoid to make you have experiences. I imagine that getting rid of your control issues, which are caused by this sense of not being in control of your life, may be the first step to finally heal your wound, which is somehow linked to the relationship with your friends and casual partners in your everyday life. start trusting others more, and don't be afraid of being 'fooled'. you're totally capable of understanding when someone is trying to hurt you, follow your intuition. even though it may be hard, even painful, it'll be the key to transform and overcome pluto's lessons to achieve your goals.
🌙 moon in capricorn, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by saturn and venus
n your group of friends, you’re probably the responsible friend, as you’re very reliable and mature, almost serious. you always want to be seen as a point of reference, yet you tend to shy away from the spotlight. even though you may desire it, you feel too shy and pressured being in the centre of attention. you don’t like talking about your feelings; even if you do talk a lot, you prefer talking about news, hobbies etc. you don’t want to be the subject of the conversation. because of this, you tend to repress your emotions, as you don’t want to be seen as vulnerable. you’re a nice listener, your friends can rely on you when they need to vent without wanting an advice, as you’re probably not the best at finding a solution to their problems. you may find yourself wanting to follow a schedule, otherwise you feel as if you’re too relaxed and you’re not being productive. this is also a placement that can indicate coldness in your family environment / childhood. maybe your parents were quite strict, but overall it was nothing too serious that hurt you deeply.
capricorn moon square aries venus: there are contrasting feelings in your relationships with others; after all, your capricorn moon wants to commit to someone and be loyal to them. on the other hand, your aries venus wants to be independent. you don't want to feel tied to someone, you still need your independence. those two desires of yours probably contrast each other, stressing you out. you want a calm, almost boring relationship, but with this placement you can't seem to have one. your feelings and self-esteem may depend a lot on your relationships, not only with your lovers, but also with your friends. if someone isn't loyal to you, you immediately start blaming yourself. in your life you may lack intimacy, and while it may make you feel better at first, based on the rest of your chart you actually need someone on your side. you can't do everything on your own. you need to find someone that projects your ideals of love. if you need a free-spirit, go look for one. it may take you a while, but if you learn all the lessons you need to learn from your breakups, you'll be able to live a peaceful life with your spouse.
🗣 mercury in aquarius, 27° / 3rd decan ruled by uranus and venus
mercury is exalted in the sign of aquarius, so this is definitely a beneficial placement! you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all. you're proud of your intellect, you can't help but show it off, but obviously others may be jealous of you or feel attacked. for your voice, I assume you have a very particular tone, maybe even a nasal voice.
aquarius mercury opposite leo saturn: this placement gives you limitations and lessons regarding the way you think and talk. it may be that you’re too shy to approach others and to say what you think, so you just don’t try. otherwise, if you actually take action and try to overcome this problem, you could get into trouble. that’s probably caused by the fact that you don’t really pay attention to your words. you’re quite straight-forward, and due to your fire energy you always seem as if you’re up for a fight. you may be particularly pessimistic, or maybe you lack confidence in social interactions due to these problems, which could be possibly caused by your parents, or perhaps interfer in your relationship with your family. in fact, you may argue quite often with others, and misunderstandings are also common. this is something that gets naturally better with time, but in order for it to happen you need to take action. you may for example start speaking with others more at work, anything that allows you to challenge your mind and voice, in order to make you gain experiences and become a master at it. many celebrities, once they mastered this hard aspect, got loads of success. you can do that too, you just need to work on it.
❤️ venus in aries, 25° / 3rd decan ruled by mars and jupiter
with venus in aries, loving you is an adventure. you enjoy fun, exciting relationships. you're the type who's looking for a risktaker, even dangerous partner. you hate boredom, and this may be your weakness regarding this placement; that is, once the relationship starts getting more serious, you feel as if it's going down, when it's actually the opposite. hence, you just run towards a new adventure. this placement may even give you the reputation of being a player. you have to understand that relationships can get boring, but that's not necessarily a red flag. it just means you two are starting to feel comfortable together. you also enjoy physical contact, therefore cold partners are a no no for you. you need someone who's affectionate yet bold, and that would spoil you with attention and gifts. you enjoy the little things about love, such as remembering your anniversary or even giving you small presents, especially if they're homemade (like breakfast, poems etc.). you also try to avoid flaky people, as you don't like making relationships seem too light.
☄️ mars in aquarius, 12° / 2nd decan ruled by uranus and mercury
you find strenght and energy in your innovative ideas. when you’re having a hard time, you often come up with solutions by yourself, without anybody’s help. you enjoy being at the center of attention for your smartness, just like your sister sign leo in a kind of way. you may be very competitive, and sometimes you don’t even realize it, making you ask yourself why people always try to fight you. you’re very driven by your sense of humanitarianism; you have no problems defending someone apparently weak, even though that someone may not be right, making you look like the devil’s advocate. you may also be interested in everything that stimulates your mind, from reading thrillers to playing mind games. you may also have a knack for stuff like technology, science, maths, media and education. I’ve also noticed that aquarius placements love animals, plants and art above all, but not famous paintings; you may love works from foreign artists (e.g. van gogh), or maybe symbolic paintings that aren’t very well-known.
aquarius mars opposite leo saturn: this placement indicates that something or someone is trying to restrict you, they're trying to prevent you from following your dreams and taking your own choices for your life. that someone is most likely an individual that has a lot on impact on you, it's someone very authoritative. or perhaps, it may even be a bully or abuser of any sort or just your insecurity to hold you back. as a result, you either rebel and get extremely angry, or you hide all of your disappointment inside of you. but soon or after, all of your intense feelings are going to eat you alive if you keep going like this, it's a very unhealthy behaviour. you could find it extra hard to achieve your goals, as when you try you always come across some hardships. what matters the most, is that you try to be more positive, you could even try manifesting more patience or serenity. you can't hold onto anger so much, or it will just fill you with negativity that could damage you. let it all go, focus on your goals and try to understand how to be more patient. in fact, you may often feel like you need to do everything as soon as possible, when it's not like that. you can allow yourself to be more calm and live life as it comes, it will make you feel much better with yourself and you'll also get more mature, which is crucial to learn your saturnian lessons and increase your self-confidence.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in virgo. you appear as someone intelligent, possibly judgmental and critical. in fact, you’re a perfectionist, and most of the time you appreciate it when someone takes care of themselves just as much as you do. you’re also particularly pessimistic, and this could be annoying for those around you. you’re very logical and pragmatic, and you may even be a bit judgmental. you can read people’s mood very well, it’s easy for you to understand whether someone is sad, angry, happy… because of that, you always try to make people feel at ease, you’re always kind with people, and that makes you extremely likeable. you’re probably a very genuine person. it’s hard for you to hide your real emotions, and even if you wanted to hide them you wouldn’t be capable.
your 2nd house is in libra. you find beauty and aesthetic in material things; you most probably love clothes, art, music… anything that isn’t exactly a priority in life, but that allows you to express your personal taste, which is very refined. with this placement I’d suggest that you should pursue a career that allows you to express your creativity, as arts and beauty allow you not only to make money, but also to increase your security and confidence. you could also spend money in venusian things like clothes, make-up, decorations and anything that involves beauty and aesthetic.
your 3rd house is in scorpio. you probably love witty jokes and sarcasm. you’re extremely honest when you think and speak, and most of the time you have no problem expressing your opinions. you could possibly be very good with words and be good at convincing and manipulating others. usually this placement makes someone kind of mischievous when it comes to words, especially with your impulsive aries energy that may make you hurt people unintentionally. your mind is very deep, you’re probably not really into small talk. you may also love anything that is considered taboo, like astrology, horror, nudity, death… you’re also quite secretive, you’re seen as an enigma. you don’t want to share much about you. last but not least, you value honesty above all. you only speak the truth, and hence you also want it back. you may as well be into conspiracy theories, science and anything that can expose what’s behind the universe, the government etc. you have amazing communication skills and also an entertaining sense of humor that is able to light up the room.
your 4th house is in scorpio again. jupiter and pluto are also placed in this house. you could come from a foreign place, or perhaps you moved houses a lot during your childhood. perhaps, you have someone in your family that is from a different culture or religion from yours, or perhaps they’re able to speak more than one language. your parents could have been very successful at school, they could actually be professors. you might’ve always been a smart kid, you could’ve grown up learning more languages and you were most likely good at school too. you also got to make lots of experiences during your childhood, you might have travelled a lot. your relationship with your family is most likely very good. it could be that there might have been a few misunderstandings between you and your parents, but nothing too serious. maybe, they could have been a bit distant, it could be that they had to travel a lot for work and hence you felt lonely; or maybe, it’s the opposite, they were a bit too affectionate and overwhelming, possibly possessive too, and you may have been babied or spoiled a bit too much.
your 5th house is in the sign of capricorn, with also your moon placed there. capricorn usually brings a feeling of seriousness to the house it’s in. you could be a bit more introverted, probably you’re not the type to frequent clubs, parties, etc. you’re more serious from that point of view. your hobbies could actually drain your energy for you; let’s suppose you’re into videogames. you could literally spend the whole day playing videogames, as you take your hobbies very seriously. you’re not the type to start a project and then leave it, you’re very resolute. also, you most likely have ‘mature’ hobbies; you could be into politics, economy, history… you could be into slower types of music, for example, or perhaps you like reading about world issues. with your children you may be quite strict, as you see them as a responsibility. also, you may often be attracted or attract older or more mature partners. you’re most likely a very romantic and artistic person, you may be fond of music, dancing, singing, acting… anything creative that stimulates your senses. yet, you may be a bit picky when it comes to hobbies; you probably only like reading specific types of books, you only listen to a certain music style, and so on. you may also be into spirituality such as psychology, astrology, law of attraction, yoga, mediation, etc. you try to be nice and kind to everyone, as you don’t wanna be seen as someone unpleasant to be with.
your 6th house is in aquarius, with also your mars, neptune and mercury placed there. people with aquarius in their 6th house need to change their routine throughout their life. probably, when you were you younger they taught you things that aren’t healthy for your body and health. you may have to change your diet, your medicines… also, you may sometimes procrastinate in your day-to-day life. for example you wouldn’t mind skipping a day of school or work to play videogames. this placement also indicates that you may often come across unpredictable events in your daily life. you may often see strange, unordinary things, or perhaps it’s your routine that is like that. you may lack consistency when it comes to diets and health, for example; you may start a diet and keep it for a month, then you get tired and drop it all of a sudden. you could also develop unexpected diseases. you may pursue a career that looks unexpected for you at first, something that you never thought you’d do. it will most likely be a creative, artistic job. it will be a very pleasant job, it won’t even feel like a duty to you as you’ll choose a job that you like and that you’re passionate about. regarding your health, throughout your life you may often come across sudden health problems, illnesses may come out of nowhere, especially with mars in this house that makes you get hurt quite easily. you have a very logical, pragmatic mind. you try to be as well-spoken as possible, especially with strangers, but when people get on your nerves you can’t help but kill them with your words. before expressing your opinion on a certain matter, you like making sure that your thought actually has proof to be supported. you’re very analytical, and hence you also overthink a lot. especially when it comes to people you care, you start overthinking so much about little things like late replies to messages that you create a variety of hollywood-worthy scenarios in your head. you also pay lots of attention to details, and you can’t tolerate typos and grammar mistakes. you always try to speak and write in the most correct and polite way as possible.
your 7th house is in pisces. the sun and uranus are also sitting in this house. with this pisces descendant, you attract people that are pretty much very intuitive and soft; they could have pisces placements, or at least they’ll be extremely artistic and emotional. yet, you may as well surround yourself with 'broken’ people. that is, people that aren’t exactly in the best state of their health, whether physically or mentally. with the sun in this house, you could meet them in a fun situation, like a party, a vacation, a night out… any situation where you’re supposed to be chilling and having fun, you may meet your future spouse there. also, in a relationship you probably hate feeling suffocated. while your pisces descendant may make you enjoy skinship, you may sometimes also need your space, you still need your freedom. also, pisces makes you idealize your crushes/partners way too much, to the point that you create an image of someone in your head that turns out to be the opposite at the end. you ignore your partner’s flaws, as they seem perfect to you. you may also end up having lots of partners before settling down, as you may struggle to find the right person for you. yet, after that you’ll feel completely satisfied with your relationship, it will bring you lots of love and success. jupiter here shelters you from potentially abusive and toxic partners, I definitely see you having a stable and happy marriage/relationship in the future.
your 8th house is in aries. generally, people with aries in their 8th house are very confident when it comes to taboo topics; they have no problems showing their interest in them, especially with people they’re intimate with. you constantly try to improve yourself by coming up with new projects, you love challenges. they help you growing up into the person you want to become. you may come across some hardships regarding yourself, your identity. but, when you face those fears and start loving yourself, you’ll naturally become more mature and 'transform’. you’re an extremely goal-oriented person. you want to be the best at everything you do, not only to be better than others but also the best for yourself. you’re very astute, it’s impossible to trick you, and you always find a way to be in charge and get what you want. yet, you can get quite obsessed about your goals, that you could do extreme things to get what you want. in fact, people with this placement can even manipulate others, as they’re totally capable of doing that.
your 9th house is in taurus. venus is also placed in this house. with this placement, I feel like you may use your intellect to gain financial security and material possessions. while this is a good thing, as it helps increasing your confidence, don’t forget that your intellect is more important than money or any other thing. don’t underestimate it. you’re totally capable of learning and understanding things by yourself, hence don’t wait for others for help. you should start dealing with your own experiences alone, without anybody else’s help. this placement can also be someone a little close-minded; in fact, you’re probably very stubborn and firm about your beliefs. you hardly ever allow others to change your mind. you may also be into poetry, philosophy, and just anything that can stimulate both your mind and feelings. in fact, your mind is constantly wandering somewhere else, allowing you to travel with your fantasy. you’re also probably attracted to foreign things, like people, music, fashion, languages, movies etc. you love learning about anything, and you may also have a good memory. in fact, it’s common for you to be the one who explains things and possibly even leads a group, and this could unluckily make you seem as a know-it-all. you do take pride in your wisdom, indeed. your deep way of thinking is also where your desire for freedom comes from, as you wish to be able to expand yourself through travelling and new experiences. you may be the type that likes making new experiences regarding love, and you often date your crushes. yet, you feel too limited in a relationship. you don't enjoy committing to someone if that someone isn't perfect for you, you're only completely loyal to the one you consider your true love. you can't give up your freedom, your thirst for adventure and experiences for someone else. basically, your ideal partner would be a risk-taker, someone loyal but not too clingy, that is down to go on a road trip in every moment. someone impulsive, that could help you stepping out of your comfort-zone. you're probably into those youthful love stereotypes, e.g. high school dates. you want your relationships to be filled with excitement, you despise boring, traditional and cheesy things. you may also find yourself being attracted to unavailable people; that is, you could fall for people that are already taken, or maybe they're physically unavailable, e.g they live abroad or in another city in general. you're also attracted to foreigners, and people that have a wise, yet bubbly aura around them.
your 10th house is in taurus again. when it comes to work, you’re quite materialistic. you want to earn a great income from your job, you aspire to be wealthy, and luckily with virgo ascendant you probably don’t lack ambition. yet, as I’ve already mentioned in the previous sections, you shouldn’t procrastinate nor be lazy, you should break free from your limitations and work hard to visualize and achieve your goals, or it may be hard for you to have a stable career life. you may be drawn to artistic careers, such as designing for example, or even things like cooking or baking. you could be a singer, a rapper, a writer… even a therapist or a counsealor, as well as an actor or comedian. you will probably get to communicate something in your career, you may want to spread a certain message or you may have to interact with other people for your job. you could also be in charge, you may get a very high position in your agency or you could even have your own business, I don't see you having to depend on others ar all. you would do well at a variety of things to be honest!
your 11th house is in cancer. this placement indicates that your friends, they’re your comfort-zone. you feel understood when you’re with them, they’re pretty much like a family to you. you can tell them anything, you put all of your trust in them. or at least, if you haven’t met anyone like this yet, you’ll surely meet a friend that is like a soulmate to you. they’ll also be very important for your growth. in addition, it could also be that you’re still friends with someone from your childhood or even high school days, and hence you could literally grow up together. you could also have some step-siblings. you could also have very big goals you want to achieve in your life, probably since your childhood. as a result, you may end up pursuing your dream career for instance.
your 12th house is in leo. saturn is also sitting in this house. this is kind of a tricky placement, as leo rules the self, the ego, and the 12th house rules fears. you could be afriad of being too confident, of feeling worth it, or even just by being in the spotlight. perhaps, you have stage fright. this fear of embracing your persona makes you very insecure, even though you probably don’t show it. also, since your 12th house is the house of dreams, you could often make dreams that involve yourself. you hardly ever dream of someone else, and if you they’re probably your lovers, possibly your friends. you may also make daydreams or sleeping dreams of creative, utopic scenarios. you most likely have lots of dreams, that could even predict the future. you may be a bit too pragmatic to embrace your spirituality. I think you’re already working this out since you’ve booked an astrology reading to discover more about yourself, but remember that you should definitely try to get more in touch with your soul! even doing simple stretching, meditation or yoga can help give you some space to think about your identity, your wants and your needs. the 12th house is also the house of fears, and since its cusp falls in capricorn, you may be afriad of authority, like the police for example, or anything that appears to be much bigger and more supported than you. it may also manifest in fear of not being organized, and also fear of money / success loss.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love, you attract pisces, capricorn, aquarius, leo, and cancer placements. your future spouse will most likely have some of their planets in leo, cancer, aquarius or pisces; they’ll be well-balanced, with a stable job and finances. yet, they won’t be too much of a workaholic, as they’re also most probably a chill individual who loves relax and vacation as well. you’re most likely going to meet your future spouse abroad. or perhaps, they are foreign and they travel to your country. you may also meet them in a place related to foreign culture, so maybe in a place filled with tourists, or perhaps in an exotic restaurant, perhaps at a sushi bar if you’re not japanese for example. it may also be time for you for new experiences, perhaps you’re doing something for the first time, such as trying a new sport or taking a plane. you may also meet your future spouse at work, or through a colleague of yours. your children will have capricorn and cancer placements: they’ll be extremely reliable and intelligent; they could be a bit rebellious during their early years, but they will become more mature as time goes by. they’ll be very creative and quite sensitive too.
👶🏻 family life
your mother was probably the more dominant figure in your family. she’s very smart and optimistic, and she could be into fashion and self-care. yet, she could be a bit moody, over-emotional and impulsive. overall, she’s a very joyful person who’s always ready to crack a joke and put a smile on others’ faces. she may be a sagittarius, a scorpio, a capricorn or a pisces. as for your father, he is more laid-back, but probably very stubborn and also quite protective too. he may have taurus or sagittarius placements in his chart, as well as virgo and scorpio. if you have siblings, your relationship with them may be quite pleasant. probably, you used to get along very well with them, it was pleasant for you to hang out and talk to them. they could have gemini, leo, virgo, libra or taurus placements in their chart.
📊 career
you’re a very ambitious person, and hence I don’t see you being the type to scrap projects. especially with your taurus midheaven, you’re motivated to complete your works in order to show that you’re able to succeed, you want to be the best in what you do. I can also see you being a good therapist, psychologist, possibly even a doctor of any kind, even though I’d avoid practical and boring jobs if I were in you. your strong pisces energy struggles to be cold-minded at times, and hence working in a stressful environment could be dangerous for you and for your mental health, as you may absorb others’ negativity and stress. actually, I feel like the most suited career for you would be something that allows you to be in charge, to be your own boss as you know what’s best for you. you may also do well with a creative career; you may become a writer, a dancer, a singer, a stylist, a model, an actress… anything that isn’t too practical could be good to you, and if it allows you to express your creativity it’s even better.
👚 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably love clothes that can show and enhance your body. you may love wearing crop tops, skirts, bralettes, shorts... anything that leaves a part of your body uncovered, yet that still looks elegant and classy. you could also enjoy baggy clothes, paired with fancy accessories and heels. for colors, you go from wearing bold colours like red, burgundy and neon, to darker shades like black, dark blue etc. you probably also love neutral shades, like kaki, beige and so on.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, the focus was on yourself. maybe, you had trouble with self-esteem and identity in general. you had to work hard and finally understand who you were to fulfill your past life purpose. hence, this lifetime your focus will be on the bonds you create with others. even though at first you might feel almost scared of the idea of marriage, this lifetime you're here to develop this matter. after all, you may despise love for your troubled past. with your north node in the 7th house, you're naturally lucky in love. there's nothing to be afraid of, you only need to take small steps and open your heart to someone, putting your worries and insecurities aside.
🤔 major transits analysis / september 15
with pluto being conjunct your natal moon, this year may be very emotionally turbulent for you. you feel confused and drained, as you're going through an inner transformation that is going to turn you into a new person. you may be getting into conflicts very easily, but at the same time the people you lose during this period were probably not good for you.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, I hope it resonated with you :)
- libramc xx
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Pagan Paths: Reclaiming
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Many pagans and witches are also political activists. Pagan values — such as respect for the planet and for non-human forms of life, belief in equality regardless of race or gender, and personal autonomy — often lead people to social or political action. However, as far as I know, there is only one pagan religion that has actually made this social activism one of its core tenets: Reclaiming. Reclaiming combines neopaganism with anarchist principles and social activism.
This post is not meant to be a complete introduction to Reclaiming. Instead, my goal here is to give you a taste of what Reclaiming practitioners believe and do, so you can decide for yourself if further research would be worth your time. In that spirit, I provide book recommendations at the end of this post.
History and Background
Given Reclaiming’s reputation as a social justice-oriented faith, it’s not surprising that it grew out of activist efforts. Reclaiming began with well-known pagan authors Starhawk and Diane Baker, who began teaching classes on modern witchcraft in California in the 1980s. Members of these classes began protesting and doing other activist work together, and this pagan activist group eventually grew into the Reclaiming Collective.
Out of the founders of Reclaiming, Starhawk has probably had the biggest influence on the tradition. Starhawk was initiated into the Feri tradition by its founder Victor Anderson, but had also been trained in Wicca and worked with figures such as Zsuzsanna Budapest (founder of Dianic Wicca). These Feri and Wiccan influences are clear in Starhawk’s books, such as The Spiral Dance, and have also helped shape the Reclaiming tradition.
Like Feri, Reclaiming is an ecstatic tradition that emphasizes the interconnected divinity of all things. Like Eclectic Wicca, Reclaiming is a non-initiatory religion (meaning anyone can join, regardless of training or experience level) with lots of room to customize and personalize your individual practice.
However, to say that Starhawk is the head of the Reclaiming tradition, or even to credit her as its sole founder, would be incorrect. As Reclaiming has grown and spread, it has become increasingly decentralized. Decisions are made by consensus (meaning the group must reach a unanimous decision) in small, individual communities, which author Irisanya Moon calls “cells.” Each cell has its own unique beliefs, practices, and requirements for members, stemming from Reclaiming’s core values (see below). Some of these cells may stick very closely to the kind of paganism Starhawk describes in her books, while others may look very, very different.
As with any other religion, there are times where a governing body is needed to make widespread changes to the system, such as changing core doctrine. When these situations do arise, each individual cell chooses a representative, who in turn serves as a voice for that cell in a gathering with other representatives from other cells. BIRCH (the Broad Intra-Reclaiming Council of Hubs) is an example of this.
At BIRCH meetings, representatives make decisions via consensus, the same way decisions are made in individual cells. While this means changes may take months or even years to be proposed, discussed, modified, and finally passed, it also means that everyone within the tradition is part of the decision-making process.
Core Beliefs and Values
Like Wicca, Reclaiming has very little dogma. Unlike Wicca, the Reclaiming Collective has a public statement of values that clearly and concisely lays out the essentials of what they believe and do. This document, which is called the Principles of Unity, is not very long, so I’m going to lay it out in its entirety here.
This is the most recent version of the Principles of Unity, taken from the Reclaiming Collective website in February 2021:
“The values of the Reclaiming tradition stem from our understanding that the earth is alive and all of life is sacred and interconnected. We see the Goddess as immanent in the earth’s cycles of birth, growth, death, decay and regeneration. Our practice arises from a deep, spiritual commitment to the earth, to healing and to the linking of magic with political action.
Each of us embodies the divine. Our ultimate spiritual authority is within, and we need no other person to interpret the sacred to us. We foster the questioning attitude, and honor intellectual, spiritual and creative freedom.
We are an evolving, dynamic tradition and proudly call ourselves Witches. Our diverse practices and experiences of the divine weave a tapestry of many different threads. We include those who honor Mysterious Ones, Goddesses, and Gods of myriad expressions, genders, and states of being, remembering that mystery goes beyond form. Our community rituals are participatory and ecstatic, celebrating the cycles of the seasons and our lives, and raising energy for personal, collective and earth healing.
We know that everyone can do the life-changing, world-renewing work of magic, the art of changing consciousness at will. We strive to teach and practice in ways that foster personal and collective empowerment, to model shared power and to open leadership roles to all. We make decisions by consensus, and balance individual autonomy with social responsibility.
Our tradition honors the wild, and calls for service to the earth and the community. We work in diverse ways, including nonviolent direct action, for all forms of justice: environmental, social, political, racial, gender and economic. We are an anti-racist tradition that strives to uplift and center BIPOC voices (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). Our feminism includes a radical analysis of power, seeing all systems of oppression as interrelated, rooted in structures of domination and control.
We welcome all genders, all gender histories, all races, all ages and sexual orientations and all those differences of life situation, background, and ability that increase our diversity. We strive to make our public rituals and events accessible and safe. We try to balance the need to be justly compensated for our labor with our commitment to make our work available to people of all economic levels.
All living beings are worthy of respect. All are supported by the sacred elements of air, fire, water and earth. We work to create and sustain communities and cultures that embody our values, that can help to heal the wounds of the earth and her peoples, and that can sustain us and nurture future generations.”
The Principles of Unity were originally written in 1997, to create a sense of cohesion as the Reclaiming Collective grew and diversified. However, the Principles have not remained constant since the 1990s. They have been rewritten multiple times as the Reclaiming tradition has grown and the needs of its members have changed. Like everything else within the tradition, the Principles of Unity are not beyond scrutiny, critical analysis, and reform.
For example, in 2020 the wording of the Principles of Unity was changed to affirm diverse forms of social justice work — including but not limited to non-violent action — and to express a more firm anti-racist attitude that seeks to uplift BIPOC. This was a major change, as the previous version of the document explicitly called for non-violence and included a paraphrased version of the Rede (often called the Wiccan Rede), “Harm none, and do what you will.” This change was made via consensus by BIRCH, after a series of discussions about the meaning of non-violence and the need to make space for other types of activism.
Aside from the Principles of Unity, there are no hard and fast rules for Reclaiming belief. As Irisanya Moon says in her book on the tradition, “There is no typical Reclaiming Witch.”
Important Deities and Spirits
Just as with belief and values, views on deity within Reclaiming are extremely diverse. A member of this tradition might be a monist, a polytheist, a pantheist, an agnostic, or even a nontheist. (Note that nontheism is different from atheism — while atheism typically includes a rejection of religion, nontheism allows for meaningful religious experience without belief in a higher power.)
The Principles of Unity state that the Goddess is immanent in the earth’s cycles. For some, this means that the earth is a manifestation of the Great Goddess, the source of all life. For others, the Goddess is seen as a symbol that represents the interconnected nature of all life, rather than being literally understood as a personified deity. And, of course, there are many, many people whose views fall somewhere in between.
In her book The Spiral Dance, Starhawk points out that the deities we worship function as metaphors, allowing us to connect with that which cannot be comprehended in its entirety. “The symbols and attributes associated with the Goddess… engage us emotionally,” she says. “We know the Goddess is not the moon — but we still thrill to its light glinting through the branches. We know the Goddess is not a woman, but we respond with love as if She were, and so connect emotionally with all the abstract qualities behind the symbol.”
Here’s another quote from The Spiral Dance that sums up this view of deity: “I have spoken of the Goddess as a psychological symbol and also as manifest reality. She is both. She exists, and we create Her.”
In that book, Starhawk proposes a perspective on deity that combines Wiccan and Feri theology. Starhawk’s Goddess encompasses both the Star Goddess worshiped in Feri — God Herself, the divine source of all things — and the Wiccan Goddess — Earth Mother and Queen of the Moon. This Goddess’s consort, known as the God, is similar to the Wiccan God, but includes aspects of Feri deities like the Blue God.
For some, this model of deity is the basis of their practice, while others prefer to use other means to connect with That-Which-Cannot-Be-Known. Someone may consider themselves a part of Reclaiming and be a devotee of Aphrodite, or Thor, or Osiris, or any of countless other personified deities.
Reclaiming Practice
As I said earlier, Reclaiming began with classes in magic theory, and teaching and learning are still important parts of the tradition. The basic, entry-level course that most members of the tradition take is called Elements of Magic. In this class, students explore the five elements — air, fire, water, earth, and spirit — and how these elements relate to different aspects of Reclaiming practice. Though most members of the tradition will take the Elements of Magic class, this is not a requirement.
After completing Elements of Magic, Reclaiming pagans may or may not choose to take other classes, including but not limited to: the Iron Pentacle (mastering the five points of Sex, Pride, Self, Power, and Passion and bringing them into balance), Pearl Pentacle (mastering the points of Love, Law, Knowledge, Liberation/Power, and Wisdom and embodying these qualities in relationships with others), Rites of Passage (a class that focuses on initiation and rewriting your own narrative), and Communities (a class that teaches the skills necessary to work in a community, such as conflict resolution and ritual planning).
If you’ve read my post on the Feri tradition, you probably recognize the Iron and Pearl Pentacles. This is another example of how Feri has influenced Reclaiming.
Another place where the teaching/learning element of Reclaiming shows up is in Witchcamp. Witchcamp is an intensive spiritual retreat, typically held over a period of several days in a natural setting away from cities. (However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, some covens are now offering virtual Witchcamps). Because each Witchcamp is run by a different coven, with different teachers, there is a lot of variation in what they teach and what kind of work campers do.
Each individual camp has a main theme — some camps keep the same theme every time, while others choose a new theme each year. Some camps are adults-only, while others are family-oriented and welcome parents with children. Typically, campers will have several classes to choose from in the mornings and afternoons, with group rituals in the evenings.
Speaking of ritual, this brings us to another important part of Reclaiming practice: ecstatic ritual. The goal of most Reclaiming rituals is to connect with the divine by achieving a state of ecstasy.
Irisanya Moon says that Reclaiming rituals often use what she calls the “EIEIO” framework: Ecstatic (involving an altered state of consciousness — the transcendent ecstasy of touching the divine), Improvisational (though there may be a basic ritual outline, there is an openness to acting in the spirit of the moment), Ensemble (rituals are held in groups, often with rotating roles), Inspired (taking inspiration from mythology, personal experience, or current events), and Organic (developing naturally, even if that means going off-script). This framework is similar to the rituals Starhawk describes in her writing.
There are no officially recognized holidays in Reclaiming, but many members of the tradition celebrate the Wheel of the Year, similar to Wiccans. The most famous example of this is the annual Spiral Dance ritual held each Samhain in California, with smaller versions observed by covens around the world.
Further Reading
If you are interested in Reclaiming, I recommend starting with the book Reclaiming Witchcraft by Irisanya Moon. This is an excellent, short introduction to the tradition. After that, it’s probably worth checking out some of Starhawk’s work — I recommend starting with The Spiral Dance.
At this point, if you still feel like this is the right path for you, the next step I would recommend is to take the Elements of Magic class. If you live in a big city, it may be offered in-person near you — if not, look around online and see if you can find a virtual version. Accessibility is huge to Reclaiming pagans, and many teachers offer scholarships and price their classes on a sliding scale, so you should be able to find a class no matter what your budget is.
If you can’t find an Elements of Magic class, there is a book called Elements of Magic: Reclaiming Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit, edited by Jane Meredith and Gede Parma, which provides lessons and activities from experienced teachers of the class. Teaching yourself is always going to be more difficult than learning from someone else, but it’s better than nothing!
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Reclaiming Witchcraft by Irisanya Moon
The Reclaiming Collective website, reclaimingcollective.wordpress.com
cutewitch772 on YouTube (a member of the tradition who has several very informative videos on Reclaiming, told from an insider perspective)
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phlve · 1 year
Psychosophy Descriptions — LVFE
A person of the “Laozi” type is thoughtful, balanced, delicate, reasonable, prone to logical and philosophical understanding of the world around. The thirst for intellectual knowledge is one of the main features of his character, and he pays special attention to the knowledge of everything new and unusual. Trusts himself more than others. On important issues, he has his own strong opinion, and it is difficult to convince him. He is a democrat by conviction and an optimist by outlook. Freedom as a philosophical value is of decisive importance in his worldview. This word and honor are very important in relationships, especially in love and friendship, so more often he is a good friend and family man.
His inner attitude is approximately the following: the world is systemic, thought can explain a lot, the world is open for research, everything is predetermined and not accidental, everything has a deep meaning mediated by cause-and-effect relationships. Freedom is a great value. Freedom of choice is a condition for human development. The material world is imperfect and needs endless transformation for comfort and convenience, and I know how to make it perfect; something is wrong with my health and appearance; the health of the family and children are the main values.
A person who is a carrier of the Laozi type is always interested in various philosophical and mathematical models of the world order, mythology, philosophy, and psychology in all its diversity. Perhaps he leans towards asceticism, pacifism, socialism. In the case of a high intellectual level of development of his personality and the presence of educational baggage, he feels comfortable in science, primarily theoretical. He has an excellent memory, excellent erudition, deep, solid knowledge on certain issues, acquired in the process of self-education.
His character is manifested in a flexible form of communication, a critical analysis of the surrounding reality, based on his own ideas; propensity to dispute, dogmatism; peremptory and unconditional confidence in his rightness, promotion of his ideas and views.
A person of the “Laozi” type is self-confident in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes and addictions. In disputes and discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset make themselves felt.
He is interested in promoting his ideas and views, dreams of meeting like-minded people, creating a team of active, intelligent and decent people working on the principles of intrapreneurship.
In ordinary communication, “Laozi” is an excellent interlocutor, a little emotional and a little boring, outwardly, as if absent-minded. He is characterized by a great sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex and unusual art, cinema, graphics, folklore, oriental dances, some spiritual practices. In the company he is emotionally relaxed, and always knows how to say what is needed. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the periodic feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of the objective difficulties generated by the surrounding material world (partially changing which is part of his plans), and also due to the feeling of being a "black sheep" among people.
A person of the “Laozi” type subtly feels the physical condition of friends and relatives and selflessly takes care of them. He has problems with his health, he is suspicious, but he constantly takes care of him and tends to a healthy lifestyle. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. Feels split and insecure in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings, but he is cruel in a difficult or extreme situation. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Money is very important to him. If they are clearly not enough, strives to a minimum (if only it was guaranteed) and being content with little, dreaming of still earning a quality life for his family. He has a difficult sex life, because he is selective, cowardly and unpredictable in physiological sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time taking risks in changing sexual partners and preferences. He needs success in love and sex.
In everyday life, "Laozi" manifests itself as an unemotional person, and often his mood depends on the mood of those around him. By vocation, a person of the “Laozi” type is an inventor, researcher, lawyer, traveler, defender of nature, children and the elderly, a sage and an aesthete. He suits the social role of support, rescuer, consultant, guru.
In an extreme situation, "Laozi" acts decisively and is able to surprise everyone (including himself) with the adequacy of actions, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. In an extreme situation or sports activity, he will be able to achieve records and win.
Source: The16Types
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lunarfly · 3 years
Hermione as Harry's Light (by Evaluna)
Hello! This is an essay written many years ago, before the release of HBP&DH. It doesn't belong to me so credits to the original writers(Evaluna, Turambar & Mad-I Moody)! It was written on the CoS forum, I'm not sure if it's still saved there but I have a word document with all of the essays. Anyways, this essay has no ship/character bashing. Again, this essay isn't written by me, but it's one of my favorites. Enjoy!
Quote by Mad-I Moody:
"1."Ron's mum's lit a fire in there [Harry's bedroom] and she's sent up sandwiches." -Hermione couldn't know that if she had immediately dashed up to Harry.
2. "Ron and Ginny say that you've been hiding from everyone since you got back from St. Mungo's." - She's obviously talked to them about this at some point between their arrival back from the hospital and her arrival at 12GP.
3. "The others have told me what you overheard last night on the Extendable Ears."
-Does this indicate that she's had time to talk to the other members of the Weasley clan? Sources point to yes!
Now, isn't it sensible to assume that, in the instances wherein Hermione talked to the Weasley family, she was, at least, thoughtful enough to ask about Mr. Weasley?
Saying Hermione came only to be with Harry cannot be true therefore, because:
1. She doesn't go to see him the MOMENT she comes through the door
2. She gets Harry right out of the sulking room and takes him into a room with Ron and Ginny, with whom she has quite obviously been talking.
3. There is no indication that she wants to be alone with Harry"
Mad-I: Disagree. Not just from a textual analysis standpoint; there we have each our own interpretation. My strongest disagreement comes from what I see as a critical ‘septology’ issue [overarching theme of all 7 books]: Harry overcoming his own internal darkness [despair, hopelessness, isolation] before able to wage and win [or overcome] the external darkness [Voldy, evil, fear, hatred and division]. See below post. IMO the Hermione as Lifeline or Light for Harry scene is representative of what Harry must confront and for what he must stand and fight:
--darkness and the battle of good over evil,
--despair [depression] and the battle of love over [here, self-] hatred,
--isolation and limitation [e.g., Harry imposes on himself a prison for his mind], and the battle of love as emanation over barriers, constraints, and perceptions
It begins with himself. And IMO it doesn’t end. But anyway, it progresses from there to encompass the world. On his own, this scene shows that Harry is vulnerable in that he needs a source of love [for himself] to sustain him; only then can Harry be a source of love [for the world] in his [upcoming and perhaps ongoing] battle with darkness. Harry needs love in this regard perhaps more than anyone else in the world, and yet he’s had very little of it, with Sirius mostly kept apart from Harry. Except for Hermione, who has always been there for Harry? With Hermione’s return, once more for Harry there is connection and hope, and the belief in unlimited horizons and potential - some would call it faith -- when with Hermione. For ship and for series, IMO, I believe that Harry’s ability to acknowledge his need for love [for me, this means for Hermione] is the first step on his path to the light.
What the scene does imply is that Hermione’s conversation with Ron and Ginny and the others’ [may include Fred and George as well] was extremely brief and in the majority focused firmly on Harry. So brief in span that the snow had not yet melted even after climbing the stairs and so focused on Harry and his situation that Hermione had the grasp on all the main details already when she first pounded on the door. This is a young woman on a *mission*. A mission to save Harry. Hermione reaches Harry and saves him from himself, from his dark side, from his own personal hell. I personally think this is one of the most critical scenes in the book for Harry and his battle for good over evil, probably the most important one. The battle is within as well as without, and Hermione is the bringer of light to balance his darkness, to bring balance to his soul AK and Earendil:[thanks for SF ref!] a soul is a universe in and of itself <kabbalah, so one could say Hermione is bringing balance to the universe, in this sense]. Some may say it is not romantic..er…well…to each. But it can certainly be argued that the light and dark imagery, in bringing light from darkness, in the balance they provide one another, in the give and take [in interactions, in providing insight [in this scene=hers/giving love to him through her actions when she comes] or providing courage [in this scene=his/accepting her love through his actions when he follows] between them are the yin and yang that represent in both religious and esoteric texts the love on many levels required for spiritual completion of the marriage of two [bodies and souls] as one, separate but together [again, see the smoky caduceus-like vision that Dumbledore views after Harry’s vision prior to their arrival at number 12, which is followed shortly thereafter by the arrival of Hermione.
With this, one can make a case for striking symbolic romantic and platonic love imagery simultaneously, as well, in terms of a soulmate love that is “complete” on an esoteric level, a bonding of body and soul, the material and spiritual. I see no inherent contradiction, probably because I’m not an ancient Greek philosopher named Aristotle. [‘What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies’. --Aristotle] The difference being that we in our day can allow for this kind of soulmate love
between a man and a woman, as well, and that we can allow love to exist on many different levels between a man and a woman, not just Eros or what the Greeks narrowly defined as romantic love. The esoteric concepts of a true bonding of souls between a man and woman did of course contain all of these forms of love, sealed with emotional, physical, and contractual public commitments intended to represent the bonding of two souls as one before God and heaven. IMO how can this scene not be important for Harry, particularly as we all know that love is critical to overcoming all that Voldy is and represents? And whatever type you feel exists them between them, IMO there is deep love. So in fact I think this can be argued strongly as a H/Hr scene. For those who disagree, nonetheless it’s all-good since a deep soul love exists regardless if it is ‘very’ platonic. This is, after all, just a hair’s breadth from ‘total consciousness’.
One more point I mentioned before that I want to bring up in context of reinforcing Hermione’s critical position as Harry’s Light, Lifeline, or Savior. Arguably, since Hermione is key to bringing Harry back from the edge [regardless of what comes later], IMO the larger symbolism is that Hermione is “the one” who will always save Harry from his greatest enemy - himself, his dark side. After that, and only after that, can Harry save the world. She will help him choose light [represented by…Hermione] over darkness [his own despair and hopelessness, his feelings of being unclean and unworthy]. Even I can see some traditional religious symbolism here, but there’s much esoteric symbolism as well. Nonetheless, Ron’s gift of…what, frankincense and myth? Is that why the perfume smelled unusual?... Ron’s gift only seemed to highlight his deeper, intuitive understanding [at some level] of Hermione’s fundamental importance to Harry. Yin and Yang. Inexorably intertwined - just thought I’d throw that in here as well! And for what purpose would Ron is shown as gifting her with such symbolic honor if not to perhaps choose to give his life for hers, thereby saving Harry’s light and thus saving them all. Particularly, if Ron betrays or obstructs Harry and Hermione [this may happen if Ron is rejected by Hermione or “loses” her to Harry, per 6th step scene, falling away from the path to Hermione's door], then Ron may sacrifice himself [from betrayal guilt] to save Harry and/or Hermione [same scene, where Ron falls at Harry's feet] thus restoring his character and his legacy in addition to doing his critical bit to save Hermione &/or Harry [=the world].
(Turambar) I agree that the Christmas scene is one of the most significant in the book.
Just on what you said about the light/dark: it's interesting that JKR accentuates the extremities in various ways to bring out that contrast.
She uses biblical language - appropriate considering the timing - such as "unclean" and "possession" to describe Harry's self-disgust. His feelings of being unfit to be in the company of others brings another biblical image of the leper.
He completely isolates himself for a period rather than just behaves in a moody/angry fashion in company. He's "starving", cold.
Hermione is not mentioned at all from the time of the dream to her knocking on his door - an obvious device to enhance the surprise and impact of her arrival.
There's the imagery of evil (snake) and love (hippogriff) and as I've said before that suspicious dream occurs just when Harry is at his lowest ebb.
I agree with what FP said: the sequence shows the limitations of his relationship with the Weasleys and Sirius and conversely the growing significance to him of Hermione.
Both times he's considered running away when in a depressed state - here and before the First Task - the option has been to run to the barren, loveless Dursleys. To the house that's not a home and the family that isn't a family (to him). Both times he's got through the bad patch with a bit of help from Hermione.
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geminihalos · 4 years
Hey!! I hope that you are having/have had a lovely day. I'd absolutely LOVE to know what you think of my chart! Thank you very much :)
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Hello there! Once again to you and everyone who’s about to read in on this, I’m sorry I haven’t been as active as you would all want me to. I’ve been feeling physically unwell these days, and my tendency to overwork my energy has gotten the best of me, so I will try to answer as many as I can. I hope you enjoy this one
💜Haha, so this part is extremely repetitive, but might I remind you that it is the most crucial part of this analysis, and that is your aquarius stellium and your 12th house stellium. 
💜You aquarius stellium is important as it highlights the dominant energy within your chart and you tend to show these qualities the most when talking to people, and this stellium being in the 12th house (making it a stellium as well) means you generally direct your energy towards you own spirituality, your dreams, your secrets, and your mysticism. This makes you an innovative dreamer in short.
Now let’s get into your specific placements
💜Aquarius sun in the 12th house: You are pretty reserved when expressing your unconventional self. Your unique perspective and self-expression are what you take pride in and you like to always express your ideas through your own spirituality and your own thoughts conscious and subconscious since the sun is the 12th. People can see your personality as either confusing, secretive, or extremely wise no matter how unconventional. 
💜Moon in Leo in the 6th: You have a generous and fun emotional nature. Everything you consider entertaining brings you emotional comfort and makes you a creative person because Leo’s are also artistic despite it being an almost water sign thing. Moon in the 6th makes you feel emotionally fulfilled working or doing something productive in the routine, and you might be prone to workaholism when emotionally low/high. This might mean you might contribute to artistic kinds of works, like creative designer because it makes you feel as if you are a child in an adult's body but in a productive way.
💜Your moon is in the 29th degree, which means that it could express some qualities of the sign after Leo (Virgo). Confident emotional analyzer. But it could also mean that you might have trouble with your emotions until you learn how to deal with them, and then you will prosper well in that area of life.
💜Mercury in Aquarius in the 12th: Once again, kinda like the sun, but only you direct your mental energy and ideas (Mercury) towards your deep inner self and what you consider secret (12th house). You can be very emotionally and psychologically intuitive/smart healthily because you can detach yourself and learn about the subconscious better than most can without losing yourself too much. Since Aquarius is practically drawn to weird ideas, your ideas can be very strange at first, or risky genius type things. 
💜Your mercury is also at 0 degrees which is equally as important as the 29th degree because just as 29 is the end, 0 is the beginning. This means that you can express qualities of cap mercury along with the Aquarius, or you can be purely aquarian in mindset. Rigid and stubborn in ideas, but nevertheless stable.
💜Venus in Pisces in the 1st: you show some Pisces qualities of dreaminess, absent-mindedness, and cuteness towards the outside world. You show the most loving side and diplomatic side of yourself passively, but nevertheless directly to the outside world (1st house)
💜Mars in Taurus in the 1st: You assert yourself and your physical energy (”war spirit” lmaoo) towards the outside world in a slow, steady, and strong way. Also means you are passive on the outside as well, but when you get angry, it also gets released outwardly since mars are in the very first layer of you (ASC); people can feel your anger first hand, and you are bad at hiding your aggression. 
💜Since Venus and Mars being opposites in the same house, people can see you as extremely hot and cold, like you can appear loving at first, but then aggressive as fuck.
💜Jupiter Virgo in the 7th: your highest self/best version of yourself when you are feeling productive, organized, and stable. You feel happy with the qualities represented through jupiter but Saturn in Cancer in the 4th is the restriction you put on yourself whether consciously or unconsciously. You feel uncomfortable expressing emotions and nurturing qualities, but nevertheless, work with it and overcome it because you can. Saturn in the 4th means you feel the most inferior towards your familial figures and you feel restricted because of your authority figures. (strict fam)
💜ASC in Pisces means that you appear dreamy and dazed when you are generally out in the world, but they use that to your advantage. You are intuitive and appear to have emotional depth whether you say you do or don’t. Your house system is also intercepted meaning that the signs don’t go in zodiac wheel order, but instead to signs repeat themselves. For you, it’s Gemini in both the 3rd and 4th house cusps. Doesn’t change much but that means aries and libra qualities will be hard to relate to since the house skips over those signs completely.
That’s all I have, thank you for waiting patiently😊😊. I hope this can explain things for you!
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