#f tony scarapiducci x reader
delicatepointeofview · 5 months
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pov you’re an astronaut and you’re dating f tony
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naamahwrites · 2 years
Boots on the Moon - F. Tony x Reader
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Word count: 1,169
F. Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
Me being self indulgent because there aren't enough Ben Schwartz fanfics
Meal Armstrong's was the absolute worst place to work on the Space Force base. A majority of employees were acne ridden teenagers unaware of the concept of deodorant, and the pay was so low you honestly often considered becoming a sugar baby. Not to mention the constant sticky sweet ice cream you were usually coated in by the end of the day. But wanting to become a scientist on the site, you had to get the connections for an internship. And you figured being on the base would give you access to professionals in the field you wanted to get into.
The only semi-enjoyable moments of working were when F. Tony Scarapiducci showed up. Tony was Space Force's media manager, often working beside General Mark Naird himself. He came by a couple times a week, ordering the same thing every time: two scoops of "Boots on the Moon" ice cream in a medium sized sugar cone. You'd smile every time you'd see him or hear his voice, knowing the engagement that would follow. He'd always ask about your day, nodding along to let you know he was still listening. Leaning down on the counter in front of you, he'd tilt his head slightly and smile up at you. You swore it was the cutest thing you'd ever seen. And when you asked about his day you'd try and stay as engaged as possible while preparing his order (which honestly wasn't very hard because it had become almost second nature).
Today was an especially slow day, the sky was overcast and the wind was particularly chilly. Perfect weather for ice cream right? You twiddled with your thumbs, spacing out into the grey sky in front of you. "It's a beautiful day for ice cream, don't you think?" Jolting you out of your trance you came face to face with Fuck Tony Scarapiducci. You chuckled and took a deep breath.
"Jesus Tony, you scared the shit out of me." He smirked slightly.
"Sorry Y/N. I figured you're probably bored out of your mind, so why not stop by and pay you a little visit?" He winked at you. You watched as his deep brown curls slightly blew in the breeze, and how his face creased up slightly whenever he smiled. Shit I’m staring. He raised his eyebrows, smiling even bigger. Shit he noticed.
“So... Tony...” You cleared your throat, “How about this weather right?” That was so dumb oh my god y/n. You had to physically resist the urge to facepalm yourself. He chuckled and raised his eyebrows in mock surprise.
“How about this weather?! Are you serious Y/n?” He laughed as you awkwardly chuckled. 
“I mean, I don’t know. Small talk is hard. And I already know what you’re going to order so...”
“You wanna keep me around for longer L/n?” Alright I’ll bite. You leaned over, elbows on the counter. Your faces less than a foot apart, feeling warmth coat your cheeks in blush.
“And what if I do Mr. Scarapiducci?” the right side of his mouth tugged up in a smirk. He glanced around in exaggeration, feigning deep thought before returning his gaze to yours.
Almost whispering, he finally replied, “Then I’d say get me that sugar cone with two scoops of Boots on the Moon ice cream and we can get out of here when your shift ends.” Your heart began pulsating quicker, the sound murmured in your ears. Holy shit, did he just ask me out?! Are we going out on a date?! Thoughts raced through your head as you turned around and started assembling his order. Your nerves were evident, as your usual calm and collected demeanor was gone, and replaced by a mousey and evidently shaking bundle of anxiety.
Tony watched from a distance the change in your attitude. Being used to seeing the confident and self-assured Y/n, it was kind of refreshing to watch you be nervous. It also confirmed that you were likewise attracted to him. A smile tugged on Tony’s lips.
Hands shaking a bit, you finally placed the last scoop of ice team into the cone. Exhaling you began walking to Tony to hand it over to him. And of course because it’s you, a small puddle of melted ice cream from earlier in the day caused you to slip and fall on the floor of Meal Armstrongs. Taking the ice cream cone with you. “Oh my god! Are you okay Y/n?!” Tony rushed over to the inside of the booth to sit beside you. This is so embarrassing.
You sighed, “I’m okay, just a bruised dignity is all.” He chuckled, when an idea entered his mind.
“When does your shift end exactly?”
You glanced at your phone. “In like 15 minutes, why?” He then got up, picked up the “Closed” sign, and put it up in the counter.
“Let’s get out of here now.” You smiled, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
“I like the sound of that.” But looking at yourself you had to reanalyze. “But I am covered in ice cream right now.”
“I can think of something.”
“Are you sure that I don’t look like a complete doofus wearing this?” You ask, tugging on the Space Force merch that Tony graciously bought you.
“You look adorable Y/N.”
“Really?” You start sarcastically, “It’s an extra large, in bright orange. I look like a walking traffic cone promoting the least respected force in America.” His head falls slightly to his right shoulder, giving a look that reads as, are you being serious right now? He steps closer to you,
“Seriously Y/N, you look great.” He rests a gentle hand on your left shoulder. “And if you’re a traffic cone you are the sexiest traffic cone I’ve ever seen in my life, swear to God.” You lightly smack his arm in mock annoyance. Secretly, you love this kind of banter with him.
“Alright, alright, where are we going Romeo?”
“I was thinking... Clément’s?” You’re taken aback. Clément’s is this absurdly fancy French restaurant in Denver, you wouldn’t even know about it if not for Tony telling you that Zendaya ate there like two weeks ago. 
“Clément’s? Are you fucking with me?”
“I may or may not know someone who works in the kitchen... as the head chef.”
“I mean, that sound amazing! But honestly, it’s a bit above my price range. Like a lot.” He bits his lip softly, as if debating whether or not to say something.
“I mean I was thinking that I could pay for it. If that works for you, I mean, I was the one who asked you on this date.” He begins to ramble, “And my friend in the kitchen said that if I used the Space Force twitter account to promote the restaurant, he would give us a huge discount-”
“Us? You told him about me?” Tony blushes with embarrassment. 
“I may have mentioned something about wanting to take a beautiful woman out to dinner.” 
“Even one who looks like a nationalistic pumpkin?”
Hey fellow Ben Schwartz fans! Let me know if you liked this quick lil story. I started writing it a while ago but didn’t finish until recently. I’ll probably be writing a part two with y’all actually going out to dinner :)
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Sugar Kiss part 4
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 
Space Force Netflix
Fuck Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
Notes: That part was plan for the start of that story, but end up being sadly kind of pretty short but, keep writing it would totally mess the next part, so I hope you will still enjoy it.  
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
Space Force @ Spaceforce  1h
@ Moonlightcake I heard that your cake is as much pretty and sweet that the shop owner is that true ? 
Moonlight Cake @ Moonlightcake30 min
Well, it’s a really flattering rumor. I also heard that the kiss of a spaceman is as sweet as sugar. Did the spacemen hear about their 10% off if they came in store and said boots on the moon ?
After that famous night at the cake shop, you hadn’t been able to see F. Tony as much as you wanted. Like a good person, he had texted you to once again,apologize and informed you of the reason why Naird had interrupted you with so many calls. Apparently, they had to go to a really important meeting in D.C, an assembly even F. Tony had to attend with the Doctor and the General. Use to see him not that often, it didn't bother you, knowing that you could still visit the base and find a way to see him. But, life isn't usually not as planned and even despite your best effort, you end up not being able to see each other for two whole weeks. 
Relaying to text, pictures or videos of funny things of your days. The interaction casually started as he was still in Washington with a selfie with your failed attempt at a caramel souffle ( bake during a way too busy day for making a souffle) with the crying emoji.
Reply by F.Tony with a picture of what looks like a group dresses like in the handmaid’s tale supporting sign commented with “ They came in the wrong day LMAO.” 
“ I didn’t realize how much D.C looks sad now...I couldn't even find a good cinnamon bun here...what do you put in yours to make them so good...Can't wait to come back…” 
“ It’s a secret recipe, even Naird files aren't as secret as mine. But, if you can, I can maybe show you how to make them ? “ 
“ I’m a terrible cook, be aware. I come back tomorrow but I don’t know when I will be free. Naird seems happy but he just tells me about a lot of stuff we have to do. I will give you some news. Can’t wait to see you again.” 
“Can’t wait too” 
But, the twitter flirt, remained one of your favorite interactions with the media manager. Giving you a feeling of stability as your relationship was starting to finally go forward.  
Moonlight Cake @ Moonlightcake 1 min
Hey @ Spaceforce did you know that Japanese have a story about a princess on the moon ?
Space Force @ Spaceforce  1h
@ Moonlightcake I didn’t know, but for us you're the only princess we want to bring with us on the moon. 
It was also what brought you that sunny afternoon to the space base.
After the success of the promotion for the spacemen who had made your sale totally explose. You had decided to pay your uncle a visit, bringing with you the new sweet and salty combo you had worked so hard on. Informed by him of a visit of a rich woman who tried to sell his clean fuel to the general. You had decided to go in the afternoon, hoping with a chance, surprise F.Tony and convince him to have dinner with you. 
It had, indeed, been a surprise, but not exactly the one you were expecting.  
That whole journey had been, to F.Tony, a roller coaster of emotions and bad memories. Joy, disgust, anger, jealousy, fear,pride, relief. So, when the whole disastrous visit came to an end, the tall media specialist had a hard time to minimize his eagerness to see his old rival leaving. 
Still insisting on walking the pretentious media manager to the car, playing their good old game of who’s bigger than who and who will end up working for who. He discovered himself at losing focus of the exchange, replying almost by reflex while his mind was mentally doing silly comparison.   
Even after one year in Colorado, he was still missing his old life in a bigger city. The noise of busy roads,people wearing suits and business clothes everyday, stores and clubs staying open all night, being able to have good sushi at every corner.
 All those things he like so much  and that sneaky woman was remembering him only staying in front of him with his Jimmy choo shoes and her designer dress. But the small town wasn’t that bad either. Most of the people were nice, the food was way cheaper and most important of all, you lived there. You, with your warm smile, cute casual look and most important, the fact that he can totally trust you. 
Replying to her last repartee, sure to win their little battle. He could never have predicted the abrupt way she grabbed his tie and the sudden feeling of lips against his,her tongue invading his mouth. 
Replying at first to the kiss, letting his old attractions for that snake of a woman win, he immediately regains his mind when the soft memory of you starts to dance behind his closed eyes. 
“ FUCK” The tall men swear, breaking the embrace, the feeling of guilt already starting to spread into his body.
“ I think we have a public,” Hannah replied, giving a glance on the side, clearly amused before getting in the car without a goodbye. 
Stepping back, giving at his turn a glance at the building, his blood suddenly froze into his vein. 
“ Oh no...Fuck, Fuck, Fuck “ 
Standing alongside the general and your uncle, wearing the green apple dress he had confessed to you being his favorite, you were looking at him, a shocked expression on your face, the box of Moonlight cake you had so carefully carried, forgotten on the ground.
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Tag List :  @caitlin-rose28 @skullchik89 @ruefulposts @ssanjuniperoo   @scruffiejelly   @festmenyes @dannydevitostrashbag @humanbeingiguess ​ @qatiee @waffletoast215 @ formedinaway @ shipsandart @ hugedwarflover @peachylemasters @ diamond-doritos @imvibin69 @ benschwartzismyhusband @angloblango @nancbyers   @underthewillowtreerycb @redlipstick66
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I just had this idea for a Fuck Tony Scarapiducci fic. I think I should write it...right ?
Sugar Kiss : Part 1
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@Shatter314 request : 
could you do a f. tony one where they work close together and are secretly dating and everyone (maybe like chang and angela. or even mark) is really suspicious and they end up confronting the two of them and f. tony says something to them like "i'm sorry we didn't tell you but i just really love this girl". thank you so much and have a great day!
F. Tony x Reader 
Space Force Netflix 
A/N : Hi ! Thank you for your request ! It was a really cute request that I have a lot of fun to write. Writting the word suspicious also make me laugh and sing the famous Don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious of Jean-Ralphio and Mona Lisa from Park and Rec. I hope you will like it and that you let me know if it’s the case.
You had tried to be discrets. For months now, you only have dates outside of town, text each other under nicknames on your second phones and meet in an empty locked office when everybody is busy somewhere else. But most important, F.Tony and you have mastered the art of turning from lovers to professionals, as much as a social media manager and his assistant can be, in a bat of an eye.
At least, you thought had been discreet.  
Making your way to the office of F. Tony, your phone in your hands, giving a last look at the promotional picture of the astronauts. You push the door, expecting him to be at his morning meeting with the General Naird. It’s that why you gasp so loudly, when you find yourself into his arms at the minute you had pushed the door. In a fluid move,produced by a thousand of similar reunion, you closed the door that he quickly locks before returning his hands to your waist. His hungry mouth only leaves yours for only a few seconds before coming back for more. His tongue joining yours as you breath was becoming more quicker. 
“ Fuck Tony ! what are you doing, we will be caught…” You laugh, still welcoming his lips on yours, his masculin scents making you sense dizzy. 
“ No we don’t, they’re all at these important meetings about a war simulation and I tell them I have important things to do before joining them “ He explained, caressing with his fingers the back of your neck , sending thrills along your spine. “ Your hair looks nice today... is that a new perfume ?“ 
“ Thank you, tie looks really more nicer on you than on that mannequin and no, that's my regular perfume. But as your assistant I have to inform you that kissing me isn’t sadly at the top of your priority list for today. “ You playfully tell, trying to take your professional voice as his hand came back on your waist, pressing your body against his as he was now kissing your neck. 
“ It should. Put it on the top of the list,between my coffee and read the tweet of the day.”  He smiles, kissing you with a little bit more passion as you tried to step back, making you close your eyes and grip his suit jacket to keep your balance. 
“ Aww I come before the morning tweets, that’s such an honor ! “ You smile, trying to regain your breath before gasping at the feeling of his mouth leaving an hickey. “ Fuck Tony no ! I cross the path of people before coming here, they will discover us !” 
“ I made it so tiny they will not see it, promise “ He replied, falling badly at looking sorry. A huge Cheshire cat grin eating his face “ Your phone is ringing” 
“ I noticed thank you ! “ You reply, trying to be mad without success. 
Taking your smartphone, releasing yourself from your boyfriend's arms, you started to walk in the office, taking notes on the unused notepad on the desk, falling quickly back into your professional assistante self.
“ I have to go, we have a problem with the picture of the Chimp, Facebook tags it as if it was P.O.T.U.S… see you at lunch ? “ You ask, kissing his lips in a quick kiss before being brought back with a laugh. 
“Wait, they want me to be the press at the war...you know I will maybe not come back “ He joked, playing you the whole goodbye to the war scene, low voice and puppy eyes included. “ Can I request a kiss before facing a possible death “ 
Rolling your eyes, still amused, you pass your arms around his neck, passionately kiss him, letting him panting and smiling. 
“ See you tonight, I count on you to come back to me in one piece “ You joke, passing the door of the office, yourself still dizzy from the kiss.
“ Y/N, I think your necklace had a knock...wait...is that an hickey ?” Angela asked you, while you were sitting side by side at the table, eating your lunch, as she was waiting at the order to go to the fake battle.
Putting your hand abruptly on the incriminating mark, you nervously try to brush it off, taking a bite of your sandwich. 
“ A hickey ? Don’t be ridiculous, it’s probably a bruise I make myself I don’t know how. “ You protest. 
“ No no, that really looks like a hickey, girl... where do you get that, you didn’t seem to have it this morning when we talked…” Angela suspiciously tells, narrowing his eyes at you, a marvelous smirk appearing on his lips. 
“ Pretty sure I did it while brushing my hair, I had this knock I had a hard time to untangle “ You lie, nervosity making you lose your appetite “ I should go back to work, I have this problem with a chimp picture…see you later Angela…” 
Finishing to pack your lunch, leaving the cafeteria in a hurry, not sure of being able to lie more to your friend. you didn’t notice the strange look the Captain Ali and Dr Chang ,sat at the next table, exchange behind your back. 
The suspicion on F.Tony and you wasn’t new. Once a while, Angela, Chang and others had noticed some odd detail who could have raised eyebrows. But, without any proof, they preferred to shut their mouths.
Until the end of that day. 
You were looking at our feet, waiting for the general Naird to stop doing the hundred steps in front of his desk. Sat at your side, F. Tony still in his black multi pockets suit and hat, was trying to make an approach on the general. 
“ My General, is everything okay ? We’re here because we won and you want us to do some kick ass publication ?” He asked, giving you a side look, trying to silently calm you.
“ Not exactly F.Tony. I prefer to know why my press agent had killed one of my soldiers by mistake while reading a text message from his assistant. Text message suggesting that you did something wrong. I quote : ( They know . I told you they will discover us. )Let’s be clear here. I know that you clearly aren’t spies. But by what I heard, you disappear at the same time, have meetings behind lock doors and Dr. Mallory swore to see F. Tony coming back from one of these meetings with lips way too pink to be natural. “ He said, doing the little guillemet gesture with his fingers. “ Do you realize what your action could look like for an agent coming from outside of the base not knowing your expert in Bullshit and read that text ! “ 
“ I can explain” You start, not exactly sure of what you will say.
“ No, no need Y/N. I’m not stupid, i’m married. But for fuck sake, you’re both trying to send boots to he moon and you act like two spies in a military base. Your little secret adventure could have put you both in deep shit, you know that ! Did you realise that ?! They can ask me to fire you , for good this time F.Tony !”
Watching your eyes coming back to your feet, F.Tony lift his hand. 
“ General wait, i'm sorry we didn't tell you but it’s not a stupid little adventure. I just really love this girl okay !" The man confesses, taking your hand in his,making you bite your lips as your heart was beating faster “ I realise that we had made a mistake by doing all this a big secret and looking suspicious, but I take the blame. I felt for her from the days that she put a foot in my office with her big ideas and pretty eyes, the day that she show me that she was understand me ...and she worth way more than that but I try to be worthy of her every fucking day...so General Naird if you have to shout at somebody it’s at me,not her. But come on Mark...arem, General, you know that feeling...what the need to put a blame on that situation...“ 
“ It’s really honorable of you Fuck Tony.For the first part at least. I respect that “ Mark replied, an expression of surprise on his face you didn’t often see while he was speaking to your boyfriend. “ But from now on, for fuck sake, both of you, stop acting like horny teens in my base. Go, get out of my office.” 
Getting up off your chair, still shaken by the little speech of F.Tony, you follow him outside, stepping at the elevator as he was keeping the door open.  
“F... You mean it ? “ You ask, ignoring the flow of soldiers and officers who were pushing you to come in.
“ Of course I mean it, I could tweet it if you like... “
Smiling, you cupped his jaw in your hands, crashing your lips on his, kidnapping his mouth in a delicious kiss making him release the door. 
“ Y/N, we’re surrounded with people…” He whispers, smiling against your soft lips. 
“ Blame it on the fact that I love you too “ You smile, taking your place at his side, ignoring the obvious look of the military spacemen.
As his discret victorious "Yes" echoed in the elevator, you couldn't stop smiling. 
For the day on, you had tried to stay professional. Even if the news that you were in fact a couple had traveled in the base like a forest fire. But, once a while, mostly when F. Tony was following the General to D.C, it was still possible to catch you behind a locked door, having one of your lovely reunions.
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Tag List : @caitlin-rose28 @skullchik89 @ruefulposts @ssanjuniperoo  @scruffiejelly   @festmenyes @dannydevitostrashbag @humanbeingiguess @qatiee @ waffletoast215 @ formedinaway @ shipsandart @ hugedwarflover @ peachylemasters @ diamond-doritos @imvibin69 @ benschwartzismyhusband @underthewillowtreerycb
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Sugar Kiss Part 1
Fuck Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
Space Force Netflix 
Notes: I tried my best to stay accurate to the character of F. Tony and really hope you will like the way I write him. A comment will be really appreciated. 
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
 Y/N : Your name - S/L : Short / Long -Y/H/C : Your hair color Y/E/C : Your eyes color
Everything started two months ago, with a simple Tweet and a reply.  
                 Space Force @Spaceforce 
Hey @Moonlightcake  I heard that your cake could send us over the moon.
Moonlight cake @Moonlightcake   
Totally true and way more cheaper than with a spaceship, but we still want the moon Spacemen.
For Fuck Tony Scarapiducci, social media director of Space Force. The interaction and the many more after, with this little but successful bakery of Wild Horse Colorado, became soon one of his favorites. 
Moonlight cake @Moonlightcake   
Hey @Spaceforce, though at you today while doing some of our new Mars flavor Cupcake. Free sample for every soldier.  
Space Force @Spaceforce 
Mars never seems so delicious.  
Space Force @Spaceforce 
@Moonlightcake  Any plan to open a store on the moon ? 
Moonlight cake @Moonlightcake  
That’s our top secret plan to beat our competitor. We count on you, bring us the moon Spacemen. 
Of course, it wasn’t the little sassy war with Wendy’s he was hoping for, but the social customer service of Moonlight cake was entertaining and always succeeded to put an amused smile on his face. Things he was really needed that morning. 
Comfortably sat in front of the large desk of the General, his colorful tie contrasting with his classic white shirt and gray suit Tony was trying to hide his exasperation. The daily social media morning meeting with the military man was a true disaster. One by one, his ideas had been taken down and his brilliant tweets, morosely misunderstood.  
It wasn’t new, the four star general Mark Naird wasn’t really hiding his through concerning his job and never seemed to enjoy his genius use of the pop culture references, even the old one. But, F.Tony was persevering, trying to make the best he could and even more. One day, the man will see his utility in this media social world. 
But,sadly, this time will not be this morning. Getting up the chair, tweeting the approved message, F. Tony saluted the general before leaving the office, his eyes still glued to his screen. 
The bakery hadn’t replied to his last tweet yet, putting him in a strange state of nervosity. 
Lifting his hand to goodbye the one star general. A sudden unusual sound distracted him for the new celebrity tweet war. 
A well known laugh, light, joyful and totally delicious for his ears. A sound produced by one of the few persons able to make his heart do a double jump in his chest. 
Standing on the side of the desk, a beautiful young woman was enthusiastically talking to Brad, her apple green summer dress contrasting drastically with the cold decoration of the military building.In front of her, an half open white box was spreading a wonderful scent of warm cinnamon.
With her S/L Y/H/C hair and her splendid Y/E/C eyes. Y/N quickly became a well known face in the space base, always bringing a box of sweets to his favorite uncle, the one star general and general Naird second, Brad Gregory.
“ Y/N ! You look lovely, what’s bringing you here today ?! “ The tall man exclaimed, putting his phone in his pocket, an action he rarely does.  
“ She’s come to…” Started Brad.
“ Wasn’t talking to you bruh, so Y/N, missing me isn’t it ?” F. Tony flirted, sitting in the corner of the desk, offering her one of his bright smiles. 
“ Fuck Tony, hi ! “ You laugh, rolling your eyes in front of his flirty joke “ Thank you, I was just passing by to give to my uncle a box of fresh cinnamon roll I just baked, to share with the team, they’re still warm if you want one “ You offert, responding to his smile.
“ Cinnamon rolls, for real, that’s my favorite, do you spy on me ? “ He joked, taking a pastry.
“ Actually that’s my favorite too, it's why she…” The second interrupted. 
“ Really Brad, super interesting. Y/N, why don’t we go eat one of these rolls somewhere else, I know a little pretty place outside the base…” Tony tells, his eyes trying to catch your gaze. “ We could see together how you could make a little competition to Moonlight cake “ 
Adjusting your bag on your shoulder, you softly shake your head, an amused look on your face.
“ I can’t, the work needs me. I was just passing by, but I'm actually glad to saw you Tony and I will try to spy you more smoothly next time” You joke, heading to the door, you guest pass on hand. “ Bye uncle Brad, please say Hi to the general and Dr. Mallory for me ! Have a good day ” 
Looking you quit the room, F. Tony softly let escape a sigh. 
“ I really can’t believe that she’s in your family, she is so...pretty and funny, I should really try to not think of it when I will kiss her. I bet her lips taste as sweet as these cinnamon rolls. “ 
“ Tony, please that of my niece you’re talking about. But I'm glad her bakery goes well. It seems to me like yesterday that she was opening Moonlight cake. I always tell my wife that…” Naird second reply, closing the pastry box, showing in large letter the Moonlight cake logo. A sign Tony knew pretty well now. 
“ Brad...Brad...what...what did you say…?! “ An astonish Fuck Tony asked. 
“ That I always tell my wife that this girl brings joy everywhere she goes and…” The naive man repete, not aware of the bomb he had just dropped. 
“ No, no, not that...She, your niece, Y/N, she’s the owner of Moonlight cake ?! “ 
" Yes, you didn't know ? She started by herself, but now she has some good employer to take care of the store. Of course she still bake,but she insisted on managing the...How do you call it ? The blue bird on your phone." 
" Twitter, Shit ! Y/N wait ! " 
Running out of the office, the sound of his shoes echoing against the wall. Fuck Tony quickly scanned the large lobby, hoping to catch a glimpse of your green dress. But, it was too late, you were gone and he had made a total fool of himself.
And then, he heard it. Muffle by the fabric of his pants, the sound of a new notification. 
Space Force @Spaceforce  3h
@Moonlightcake Already heard about a space cake ? 
Moonlight Cake @Moonlightcake 2 min 
I prefer not to answer that. But,one of our baker was at Woodstock, so, I let you make your own deduction. And Spacemen, you really should come in store ,someday, try our cinnamon roll, I heard that it was your favorite.   
Closing his eyes,relieve, a smiles blooming on his lips, Fuck Tony slowly regained his office. He had a Instagram certification to obtain for Marcus the astronaut chimp and a cinnamon roll to eat.
To continu...
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Heyy it's so good that requests are open! Could I request some angst? Maybe with "Why do you care?" and "I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression" from that prom list? It's also fine if you just want to take one :)
Friends or more...
F. Tony Scarapaducci x Reader
Space Force Netflix
A/N : Hi ! I agree it was good to open the request and I will do it really more often ! Angst usually my strong suit, but I give it a try and I hope you will like it. If you do, please let me know as an anon or not !  Thank you for your request.  
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
You were in the control room that day, when the news about the pyromaniac astronaut came out. 
As much as you had tried, it had been hard for you and all of your co-worker to not turn around and watch, like in case of a car crash, the high general spit his guts against F. Tony. 
It’s true that it had been a true mistake. But, you still felt bad for the social media manager, knowing how difficult and messy it had been to find the volunteers.
For the past year, you had tried to create step by step a bond with the tall man. Succeeding more than you trough when, at the first laugh party, both drunk, you had shared a steamy kiss you never talked about after that night. 
Keeping your position at your computer, you wait for everybody to return to their work before going to the office of F. Tony. After such an awful scene, the little support of a friend will probably help him feel better. 
Approaching the door, hearing a muffled but still audible series of swears, you knock at the door, opening it slightly in the same move. 
“ What ! “ F. Tony shout.   
“ Hi...I thought that you might need a friend ? “ You simply tell, closing the door behind you. 
Passing a hand on his face, he faced you, more serious that you never saw him. F. Tony wasn’t the angry or the grumpy type in front of a problem. He was more the kind to accept the problem and work on a way to solve it, even if the solution he choose is completely stupid. But, right now, almost dominating you of all his stature, he was more looking like a tiger trap in a cage. 
“ I don’t need a damn friend, I need to fix that fucking situation ! “ He raged, taping now furiously on his phone. “ And then kill Brad “ 
Staying patient, trying to get closer, judging if the best approach wasn’t to simply leave, you made a few steps in his direction. 
“ That’s why I'm here, after what happened with the general I want to help you...” You said, watching him scrolling on his screen. 
“ Help me ?! “ He mocks, putting his phone down. “ The last person who said that to me was Hannah and you know what happened !“ He exclaimed. “ Anyway, why do you care !?”  
You knew you shouldn’t feel that way, but hearing him compare your offer of help as the false one that this snake of Hannah made him a long time ago, hurt you. Add to his angry and mocking attitude, your tone suddenly becomes more cold. 
“ Because I thought we were friends and maybe even more. You know it's funny, I even remember that you kiss me for a really long time one night. But maybe you don’t remember it since we never talk about it and you feel the need to ask me Why do I care. After all it’s not like you have a lot of friends to compare me to “ 
You didn’t know exactly why you had been so harsh or why you told him about the kiss. After almost a month, you had simply tried to persuade you that he simply didn’t remember and you had chosen to move on. 
It was a fact that F. Tony didn’t have many memories of that night. But, the gin tonic taste of your soft lips against his and the way you had loved yourself on his arms, your sleepy head on his shoulder, was one of his favorites. Unfortunately, the accumulation of all the problems and the recent humiliation he had to endure that day didn’t let him tell you, make him explode in a white rage
“ In my memories it’s you who almost fell on me, I only respond to your invitation ! ”
 “ You had pushed me on your way to the bar !” You gasp, getting closer, shouting. 
“ You was on the way with that stupid muscular spaceman ! “  He replied, shouting now too.
“ Maybe I should have kissed him ! “
“ Yeah, Maybe you should have ! ” F. Tony rage, jealousy slowly crawling in his body.
“ Wow I can’t believe that I though we’re at least friend”  
" I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression ! And as you can see I can resolve this fucking pyromaniac bad publicity problem by myself ! I don’t need nothing of you. I will just have to do a conference an make a list of all the stupid things they don’t tell me before. “ He replied, showing you a paragraph writing in a note app. “ If you can let me know, I have work to do “
Shame and anger now filling your veine, you close your fist, a million of sours replies flying in your mind. But, stepping back, turning on your heels you decide to simply let go, tears of anger and sadness already slowly flooding your eyes.     
“ And for your information I have friends ! “ He retorted as your hand touched the door handle. 
Biting your lips for a few seconds, you turn on yourself facing him one last time. 
“ No Fuck Anthony, they are not your friends. On a million of followers, you will maybe find two or three with whom you could become friends, but you don’t interact enough with them for that. No F. Tony. A friend is a person you can go hang out and call when you're in trouble or feel sad, even if it’s late at night. I think I was that person for you, but apparently I'm not. Good luck with all that. And for information...You’re an idiot ! “ You coldly reply, trying  without success to hide your emotion. 
Didn’t waiting for his answer, you stepped outside of the office, not noticing the shameful expression of his face in front of your gaze full of tears and the realization of what he had done. The only thing you heard was the Fuck he shout, as you take the way of the bathroom to calm yourself. 
The next day, as you enter your little office, relieved to not have met F.Tony in the stair. You suddenly stop on your track. 
On your desk was sitting an arrangement of most of your favorite flowers in a sky blue vase. Surprise, you take the little card hanging on one of the large leaves.
  “ I am an idiot, a moron, almost a troll. 
I’m sorry for what I said yesterday I was angry . Do you accept my request for friendship ?
Or more ? Because yes, I remember your pretty lips and i’m so glad that i’m the one you choose to kiss. 
Again, I’m an idiot and I’m sorry. 
Fuck Anthony Scarapaducci. 
#You talk a lot when your drunk and I remember your favorite flowers“
Giving a glance to the beautiful bouquet, trying to not grin like a fool. You reread the carte another time, hoping to do the right things, before taking your phone. Opening the contact of F. Tony, smiling at the tongues out picture he put for his contact when he gave you his number, you simply send him a quick text. 
“ Y/N has accepted your request of friendship...or more. “    
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Sugar Kiss Part 3
Tumblr media
Part 1 - Part 2
Space Force Netflix
Fuck Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
Notes: I get a little bit cared away by my inspiration so this part is kind of long. But, I hope you will stay until the end because it’s really important ! I hope you will like it !
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
F. Tony couldn’t really explain what kind of impulse took him that Friday evening on his way home. But, one thing was sure, he needed to see you. 
After one week of feeling ashame and stupid. Writing draft after draft of tweets not sure of the good things to write, apologies, joke, publicity proposition, before immediately erasing them. He became foolishly hopeful to cross your path on the entry of the General Naird office or in the lobby.  It’s only when Wednesday arrived that the idea that maybe you were mad at him slowly started to drive him crazy, leading him to be distracted and sad. 
On many occasions that week, people had asked him if he were okay, confused in front of his unusual silence and the way he was absently biting the nail of his thumbs. 
Even Brad, who usually had a smile each time the four stars general became angry at Tony, started to ask questions that Friday morning.
“ Are you okay ? You are sit on this chair for almost thirty minutes now “ 
“ Yeah yeah interesting. Brad...did...Y/N is the kind of woman to do the cold shoulder traitement...or things like that...did she bring you a box of somethings this week...did she get ill ? “ Tony asked, ignoring the previous question of the one star general about his state of mind.
“ Y/N ?  No I didn’t see her this week, she had that new product she was preparing to release so she was kind of busy. And she certainly is not ill, my wife always knows when one of us is sick. I don’t know how she does it, it’s almost like if she ....” Brad replied half mumbling to himself. “ Why do you want to know if she is the kind to do the silence traitement...what did you do F. Tony ? “  
The joy that maybe you weren't mad at him, abruptly chasing the dark cloud, making him jump out of the inconfortable chair.  
“ She had a cake release ? It wasn’t announced anywhere ! How should I were suppose to known that !” He exclaimed, already writing his next tweet for the moonlight cake twitter. Returning to his office, letting Brad wonders what’s happening and repeatedly calls his name. 
But,once the funny tweet was ready, he still couldn’t send it either, having a strange feeling that it wasn’t the right thing to do. Feeling that Fuck Anthony Scarapaducci didn’t had often in his life.
And there he was, standing in front of the bakery door, waving at you, a smile full of hope plastered on his face . 
Like always, you were stunning even in your simple casual jeans and t-shirt . At your expression, who’s quickly shifting for the most adorable smirk he ever seen, you didn’t expect to see anybody tonight.
Trying to calm the now fast beat of his heart and stop the fog invading his brain as you were reaching to unlock the door. A thousand of sentences started to spin in his head. But, none of the brilliant introductions or explanations for his presence really seem to justify the impulse who’s caught him. Letting him totally mute in front of your amused gaze.  
 “ Well, I know you didn’t really have close hours in space, Spaceman, but on earth it’s kind of a  popular thing. “ You joke, your smile illuminating his night. 
“ Yeah I know...We work on that...I was near and I thought to come see if you still were there...” He lied. “ I can come back another day if you prefer…?” 
“ And let me eat all by myself the two last cinnamon rolls of the day ? No, come in, save me of a devastating sugar rush “ 
" If you insist on offering me a cinnamon roll…" He smiled, passing the door.  
Looking around, admiring the simple but elegant Moon theme you had put in the main room.  Succeeding somehow to make something like space, usually cold, welcoming and warm just like you.  
“ Welcome to Moonlight cake F.Tony “ 
“ Thanks, I like it, it’s really...it’s really you, but with the moon...like Space Force is great but here it’s...really moonie...Instagram aesthetic...” He replied, realizing too late that he was babbling. Closing his eyes,cursing against himself. He suddenly opened them at the soft touch of your hand on his arms. 
“ Thank you, it was kind of the idea... F. Tony, I’m sorry but...are you...are you mad at me, for not telling you sooner about twitter ? Because I swear I thought that you knew“ You shyly ask, the expression in your face, a mix of curiosity, hope and sadness, hurting him. 
“ Mad at you, me ? Naah, of course no...I didn’t reply because of all this job the general Naird had for me this week. That man is so lost if I’m not here to read his tweet and arrange his meeting...” Fuck Tony reply, exaggerating his expression. The last grumble of his own fear that you were mad at him leaving his body like a stone out of his chest” And your uncle tell me about that cake release so I just think that you didn’t need that kind of distraction, that all I swear “  
Seeing you smiling again, the expression so painful for him, leaving your face. He caught himself smiling, like if your happiness was sufficient to make himself happy, like a human bluetooth device.
“ Take a seat I will come back with the pastries  “ You offer him, disappearing being the double door of the kitchen. 
Absently sitting on one of the bistro chairs of the counter, passing a hand in his hair to keep them smooth and in order. F. Tony gave another look around him, discovering your touch in every little decoration and design. Passing from the soft grey of the wall from the blue roses on the counter and the framed picture of the moon. 
“ Sorry for making you wait, I put a batch of cupcake in the oven for tomorrow. So, what brought you here ? “ You asked, contouring the long surface before sitting at his side, putting one of the dessert plates with the precious roll in front of him.
“ I um...I “ He started, fidgeting with his fork, the thought of telling you that he simply wanted to see your face crossing his mind before being shut down by his ego and fear of rejection “ I’m here to offer you my help with the media and talking about an idea“ He suddenly exclaimed, the fog of his brain vanishing.  
“ I'm listening “ You reply, tearing a piece of your roll.
And the simple things that you were truly listening to him,giving you all your attention ,gave him one of the best feelings in the world. 
" When I plan a meeting or press conference we always have the same company hired by the government who serves us awful coffee and hard as hell cookies. No surprise after that, that these reporters ask stupide and horrible questions, they are angry. But, if we serve them your soft, sweet pastry...happiness." He explained, taking a bite of his own sweet. 
" That seems a really great idea, but what makes you think they will accept the change. They will maybe not like what I have to offer or my price. "
" We will probably have to make a plan with a smaller size of your product, bite size, smaller but more for the same cost to bake. But trust me, after a taste of your stuff they will say yes to everything you will ask." He replied, sure of his affirmation. Naird maybe didn't take him seriously when he was talking about social media, but, even he was able to see that in planification, F. Tony didn't play games. " The reputation of Moonlight cake is perfect in the town and at the base. Link to the space force event you will become a legend." 
"Did you think about what it will cost me to do this ? Transport, staff and stock ?" 
" I had thought of it too. If you bring some regular stock, we can sell them at the cafeteria, to the soldier and staff, creating a limited event. So, you will raise your sales of the day and It will also give the chance to gain new customers. “ He continu, glad to not lose all his capacity in front of your brilliant gaze.   
"That's smart,but I'm only a small bakery in a town in Colorado. Government won't hire small business like mine usually" You asked, your knee brushing his as you instinctively approaching him, caught in the discussion. 
" Please, I'm Fuck Anthony Scarapiducci. " He smirks, approaching his face of yours, like if he was about to give you a secret. " I have important contact. " He wink, his heart racing,your delicious perfume waking up is sense. 
" And you will help me, just like that, for my pretty eyes? " You reply,almost in a whisper playfully flirting.
" Y/ N I could do so many things for just the sight of your pretty eyes…" F. Tony flirty confesses, his face at only few inches of yours, giving a glance to your lips. 
Your gaze locked, you slowly approche of each other, attraction pushing you like a magnet. 
Before being suddenly distracted by the loud noise of the oven clock. 
" I...I have to take the cupcake out of the oven" You shyly tell, taking a quickly step back.  
" Yes, no problem I um…" He started misunderstanding your shyness for regret, preparing already himself to leave.  
"I will come back in a minute, stay there please “ You ask, giving him a shy look back before coming into the kitchen,a smile on your lips. 
"Yes! I... I will wait for you here….that you come back…here " He replied surprise, his mind slowly realizing that you almost shared a kiss. That you would actually let him kiss you.
“ They are perfectly gold and smell divine “ You announce, coming back in the main room where F.Tony was waiting for you, lost in his thoughts. “ Are you okay, you seem really serious right now “ 
Lifting his decided gaze on you, his heart beating like crazy, he didn’t bother to reply getting up off his chair before cupping the side of your face with his left hands, his finger tangling into your hair. Approaching gently his face of yours, building his courage, he suddenly kissed you, passing an arm around your waist. 
The kiss, at first sweet and gentle, becomes quickly passionate. Putting your hands on the back of his neck and his shoulder, trying to keep your balance as your head was starting to deliciously spin. You feel his lips leave yours, making you miss the pressure of his mouth almost immediately. 
“ I really have to go...both of my phone's vibrate...Naird need me...I...I text you...I swear…” F.Tony whispers, taking a step back before kissing you quickly one more time in the lips. “ I’m sorry“
Turning on his heels, passing the door, a mix of emotion bursting inside his chest. He let you in shock in the middle of the bakery, your fingers brushing your lips, your heart and his resonating at the same beat.
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@caitlin-rose28 @skullchik89 @ruefulposts @ssanjuniperoo  @scruffiejelly   @festmenyes @dannydevitostrashbag @humanbeingiguess​ @qatiee @ waffletoast215 @ formedinaway @ shipsandart @ hugedwarflover @ peachylemasters @ diamond-doritos @imvibin69​ @ benschwartzismyhusband
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Heeey I just sent a request with “I think I love you” and “is that... my shirt?” But a forgot to say with who hahah Could it be with F. Tony? Thank youuuu 🥺🥺
Lightning Storm 
F. Tony Scarapaducci x Reader
Space Force Netflix
A/N : Hi ! I’m sorry I think Tumblr had ate the first part of your request since I only receive this part !  But, I manage to write you a little somethings I hope you will like it ! You also found one of my weakness, men shirt are the best ! I hope you will like it. If you do, please let me know as an anon or not !  Thank you for your request
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
You never expected to find such a complete laundry room in the house of a man who wears suits needing dry cleaning every day of the year. But, here you are, trying with difficulty to remove your soaking wet dress into the washroom of your boyfriend, Fuck Anthony Scarapaducci.  
Even with the perfect weather on the debut of the evening. The heavy summer rain had suddenly caught you off guard on your way back of a sweet and delightful date out of town. At first amused, you had to try to don’t be bothered by the temperature, sharing a few kisses under the rain, between two laughs and a short run to the car. 
“ The doors are open, quick before becoming even more wet” He succeeds to tell between two kisses and laughs. 
“ We’re already drench F.” You replied, when the sound of the thunder makes you jump, scares you more than you intended. Kissing under the rain was kind of romantic, being electrocuted in an electric storm isn’t.  
“ Wow, that one was close, “ He tell as a second boom and splash of light made you hug him harder. “ Hey, are you okay ? “ 
“ Yeah just...scared of the thunder...can I go home with you...until my clothes are dry and the storm passes ?” You asked, unusually shy. 
“ Oh... Sure, sure…” He replied, opening the passenger door, letting you sit in the car. 
It’s then in a rush that you had head at F. Tony house. After six months, a record for him, he was now used to some of your eccentricity, like staying under the rain to kiss, and he learned to love it more than anything else. But, seeing you shy and scared like that had deeply shaken him, almost as much as when he had lost all these followers on twitter. 
When you had first met F. Tony, you didn’t really think of him too seriously, taking him for kind of a social media douchebag. But, day after day, you find yourself looking for him, sharing meals and discovering slowly the adorable men he could be. Since, you missed his company when you or him had to go on your often trip to D.C and feel more better that you even been with any of your ex partners. 
Succeeding to remove your wet clothes, you quickly dry your skin with a towel before passing the clean panties you were carrying in your bag and one of the white shirts you found suspended. Thankfully, your boyfriend had a long body and his shirt was long enough for at least covering your ass and half of your thighs. You knew it was kind of a cliché, but it's isn’t like if you had another choice of clothes to wear.  And to be true with yourself, you somehow really enjoy wearing his shirt. 
“ Are you okay in there ? “ He asked in the next room. 
Following his voice, you discover him in the living room in a simple t-shirt and jeans, an unusual attire for him, trying to dry his curl with a small towel. 
“ Wow, I didn’t know you had such things as jeans and a t-shirt “ You joke, making a few steps in his direction,gently helping him to dry his hair. 
“ Well It feels weird even for me, I feel better in a …” He pauses before becoming suddenly mute, his gaze focused on your own attire, swallowing hard his saliva. “is that... my shirt?”
Hoping you didn’t make a mistake and ending up getting him mad, you lift your shoulder, biting your lips. 
“ I found it in the laundry room, so I think I could borrow it for a while...if you don’t mind ? “ You lightly reply, a playfully smile growing on your lips when you hear him starting to stutter.
“Ye..yeah..Yes...I mean...no...I mean you look stunning...beautiful...gorgeous…” He succeeds to reply not sure of the good adjectif, amusing you when he seems himself exasperated of his reaction in front of the splendide view of you in his clothes.
Laughing,you smile passing a slow hand into his thick hair before sitting with him on the couch, loving yourself into his arms, kissing his lips.
“ And you know the best part ? “ You ask. 
“ No ? “ He replied, his hands easily founding your waist. 
“ I will have to give it back to you. So we will have to see each other again really soon outside of the base. Or maybe I could wear it there too ? “ You joke. “ Do you go to D.C soon ? “  
“Tuesday, I have to go with the General and the DR. Mallory. It will be a hell of a boomer media nightmare again, I will probably have to plan a conference and plan a twitter Q and A. The Facebook of the chimp isn’t ready yet, I should probably try to think of a simple way to explain Flex to the general and....” He starts to enumerate before you shut him with another kiss letting him breathless. " I like the way you tell me I become boring...I guess that um...you can borrowed it until I need it" 
" You didn't bother me,I just thought that you were really adorable and gorgeous at trying so hard at your job." You confess, surprise in front of his shaken expression. “ And trust me I will find a way to wear it at the base, letting everyone know that I'm totally yours. “  
“I think I love you  “ He slowly let escape, pulling you close, kissing you until your head spin. 
“Well that’s good, because I think I love you too" You reply, resting your forehead against his, smiling. 
The sound of thunder and the light show of the lightning had continu for a while to shake the sky that night. The noise of the stopping machine had also resonated into the house multiple time. But, you weren’t afraid or interested in your own clothes. For both of you, nothing was more important than this sweet instant.
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Tag List :  waffletoast215 formedinaway  shipsandart @hugedwarflover peachylemasters ssanjuniperoo @imvibin69 benschwartzismyhusband  @diamond-doritos
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I got an request for you if you don't mind! How about the Reader is best friends with Angela and one day the Reader tells her about their crush on F. Tony and Angela tries to set them up?
The Crush 
F. Tony Scarapaducci x Reader
Space Force Netflix 
 A/N :  Hi, thank you for your request ! Having some hard time flirting I choose to take that way and it’s was really fun to write. I hope you will like it and tell me as an anon or not ! Thank you 
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
"So, I tell this guy that I'm an astronaut you see. And then he just offers me like that, in the middle of the bar, to show me his moon….unbelievable. “  
Putting back your spoon on your half empty bowl of Acai,accidentally dropping a few drops on your Space force media pass. You chuckle, giving an approving gaze to your new best friend, the Captain Angela Ali. 
“ Did this happen to you too ? Like, Hi, I work in graphic media for companies and they tell you they could Dm you their moon ?? “ She continu, eyes round, putting his spoon into his mouth. 
 " No, never “ You laugh.“ But you know , I don't try to date that much… I'm not really good with all these stuff " 
" what's your type ? " Angela suddenly asked, putting aside her now empty bowl. 
" my type… " 
"Yeah, your type of men ?” She pursued.  
"Oh...hm...I don't know. I like them tall...I usually prefer dark hairs... classy, like wearing suit style...and a great smile…" You innocently confess,your gaze inconsciemment following the high stature of F. Tony crossing the courtyard.
Following your gaze, a small marvelous smile immediately illuminates Angela’s face. She narrowed his eyes in an amusing expression. 
"Classic like Scarapaducci ?”  
" What ?! No, Yes...No. F.Tony and I...No,I mean yes...I mean, maybe.... I don’t know” You splutter, forcing you to look somewhere else that where he had stopped, tapping on his phone, or at your friend. 
"Wow….I never seen somebody try to convince herself and lie so bad at the same time before “ She joked, clearly impressed. “ So...you and Anthony then…” 
Giving a  glance where he was still standing, now speaking on his phone. You chew your lips, nervous that he could have heard his name.
“ Well, I wish that it could be a thing but you know…it’s just a silly crush...” You sadly confess. 
“ You should ask him out, knowing him, he will be so thrilled that he will tweet it” She laughed. 
“ Yeah sure, let me see that from here. Hi, we see each other on the elevator every morning and I pass in front of your office a lot for almost a year now. You're really handsome, want to hang out ? By the way I’m Y/N from the photographic media department. “ You joke, batting your eyelash.
“ Yeah, pretty sure it could work. But I think I have a better idea. “Angela excitedly replied, lifting abruptly his hand in the air, waving a Tony. “ Hey, F. Tony, come over here a minute ! “ 
Wasn’t expected it, you almost dropped your bowl on your skirt, caught it at the last minute, saving the fabric of a really embarrassing stain. 
“ Angela, what are you doing, that’s not funny !” You whisper, watching the social media manager heading your way, smiling kindly at you.
“F.Tony, you absolutely have to hear the genius ideas, my friend Y/N here just had for the graphic and pictures of the astronaut on social media ! “ She exclaimed “ You already meet Y/N right, she work in the same area that you “ 
Opening your mouth to protest that the ideas you were talking about were only at their first step and that you weren't exactly in his department. You suddenly shut it down in front of the so sweet expression on the face of F. Tony.
“ Hi, yes of course I know her. You do such an amazing job with the pictures and graphics. Plus, you always look so stunning. Is it you who wears this insane peach perfume ? It is discrete but I can smell it sometimes in the elevator and in the office area. That drives me crazy, it smells so good! So,tell me about your idea ! “ 
Surprised by his praise and the fact that he actually recognize you, you nod of the head, trying to not stutter. 
" In fact you know what, that's maybe a too long idea to talk here, why did you two don't go talk about it…around a coffee or better a diner ! You know ideas like that take time to plan" Angela suggest, putting the empty dishes on the trash, getting off of the bench " I have to go, I let you talk about that plan…or date " 
Watching your friend leave after activating her devilish plan. Letting you alone with your gorgeous crush. You clear your throat, offering him a smile, silently cursing Angela for the position she had put you in. Opening your mouth to clarify the situation, searched in your mind a way to flirt without looking like an idiot. 
"I think she has a good idea...for the coffee...or the dinner. I mean, I'm sure you will maybe like my idea about how to make a highlight on the astronaut. But you can say no and we can go to your office talking about it, it's just….I can wear my peach perfume if you like…
Cursing at yourself on your head, you bite your lips.
" No, no. That's such a good idea. Actually I tried to ask you out on a date for a while now. " F Tony confessed, taking you again by surprise. " So we say tonight ? I will come get you at your office." 
" Okay, see you tonight then…" You nod, excitement and joy bubbling in your stomach.  
Your date with F. Tony happens to be a true success. 
From the tweet he sent on his personal account , after realizing  that he first tweeted it on the Space Force one, about having a date with a gorgeous cutie. To the impromptus, but long time want and due kiss your share in the elevator letting you both breathless. 
At the end of the night, laughing at a funny story Tony was telling you about his past at American Apparel. You knew that you own at Angela a big favor, starting by a few of his favorite acai bowl. 
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Hi Marie!!! I saw that requests are open and that you reblogged some prompts. I'm very excited rn! Could I please request some fluff with F. Tony using the "I love you, but stop talking" and "Look, a shooting star! Make a wish" prompts???💜💙💜 Anyways, I hope you're having a good day!!🌌
Hi Anon ! I had a really good day thank you, I hope you have one too. I was really excited to write your request so thank you very much. The ideas came to me really quickly and I think I get the kind of fluff you wanted. I hope you will like it ! Please let me know ( anon or not) and don’t hesitate to send me another request if you want. 
Under the star 
Space Force Netflix 
F. Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.   
“ Damn it the network is really crappy here“ 
“ You're in the middle of a field F. Tony. Come here and put your ass on that blanket “ You shout amuse, watching him walking in the tall grass, his hand in the air, trying to catch a signal able to keep his phone apps alive.
The night, warm and clear, was thankfully in sync with your plan, letting you perfectly see the star and the so beautiful moon of this summer evening. 
It was your turn this time to decide the activity and, even if you knew that your social media manager of a boyfriend wasn’t really the outdoor type. You couldn’t resist the romantic idea of a date at watching the celestial sky, simply enjoying each other's presence. At least if you succeed in making him forget his phone for a few minutes. A war you knew, wasn’t always easy to win.  
“ We are not that far from the base, the WiFi is supposed to be strong enough to reach my phone. At least to show me my notification. “ F. Tony mumbling, now standing at the border of the blanket, the jacket of his suit , your favorite, bent on his arm. 
“ Fuck Anthony, lay down with me and watch this wonderful sky, please.” You ask. “ I know you don’t do it that often in the big city, but I really want to watch it with you tonight “ 
“ Ok ok baby “   
Finally laying down at your side in the grey blanket you had set the most comfortably you can. He briefly shows you his phone before putting it in his pocket, giving you all his attention. The only things you forget was, like the hyperactive child he is, the idea of staying in silence wasn’t really a option. 
You didn’t usually care about his constant talking, listening to his journey and ideas was one of the  things you liked to share with him. But tonight, realizing that he wasn’t really watching the sky , missing the main point of this date, too concentrated to remember everything of his day, you couldn’t tolerate it. 
" And then the General was so pissed for totally no reason, but Mallory was so bored and unsurprise that he was almost cool with it ! I don't understand what's the matter. It's not like if McDonald asked us to send their clown on the moon you know...omg that could make such a good …"
"F. Tony I love you, but stop talking" You simply asked, realizing only in front of his now surprised face suddenly overlooking you, the words you had so easily said. Three little words you were thinking but never said to him before. 
"You…" He started, a smile blooming on his lips. 
"Shuut " You hush, pressing your lips against his, enjoying the warm feeling of joy spreading into your body.
Regaining your position, your head now on his chest, his arm keeping you close, you slowly let your mind drift under the sound of the wind in the grass and the signing of the cricket.
“ Okay Y/N, I totally get why you wanted to do this and why I had to shut up. “ Fuck Tony finally said before promptly point somethings in the sky, excited like a kid. “ Look, a shooting star! Make a wish “ 
Looking at the star crossing the dark blue infinity, you softly smile, pressing yourself a little bit more against him.  
 "I don't need to, I have all I always wished for right here. " 
Feeling his contagious smile against your hair, quickly followed by a tender kiss. You let yourself get lost in the magnificence of the space, enjoying a peaceful night with the man you love.
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Sugar Kiss Part 2
Part 1
Space Force Netflix 
Fuck Tony Scarapiducci x Reader
Notes: I tried my best to stay accurate to the character of F. Tony and really hope you will like the way I write him. A comment will be really appreciated. 
If you had some idea for a cute mood board header for this , just let me know !
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
The light of the sun was pouring by the large windows of the front of the store. Splashing the pastel navy blue walls,making the pearly white tables glow and giving to the cupcakes, cakes and other pastries in the display a halo like a foodie filter. 
Placing the last maple bacon donuts in the white box of your twelve specialties,you quickly closed the top before giving it to the last customers of this mid journey rush. 
Even if the bakery had a regular flow of customers during the day. The most important part was usually in the morning, giving to the soldiers and citizens a breakfast on the go with a healthy / unhealthy muffin or a sugar rush with a little pastry, often joined by a coffee. The second was more in the middle of the afternoon, where the hard work of the day wakes up the craving of sugar, or, when dinner invitations are set and the idea of buying a cake for dessert in the simplest and laziest part of the preparation. 
“ Here you go, have a nice day and please come back soon “ You finish the transaction, offering him a professional smile. 
“ Thank you, have a good day too“  The man replied, pushing the exit door.
“ We just sold the last maple bacon donuts, but we still have some maple bacon square “ You inform Amber, the youngest member of your staff, working that day in the kitchen. 
“ I can make another batch if you want “ She offert, watching you from the kitchen door put the little sold out card in the donuts display. 
“ No, we will just make more tomorrow  “ You reply, giving a glance to the large window where you can see the cars of news customers taking their place in the parking lot. 
“ Okay, the eclairs are almost ready ! “ 
Your comeback in the small town of Wild Horse in Colorado,  three years ago, wasn’t really what you expected of life. At least for the first years. Sure, a good part of your family was there and you hadn’t to deal with most of the problems of living in a big city. But, as a baker, the job opportunity was a little bit restricted, forcing you sometimes to work from home, using your own small kitchen. 
Until last year. You were coming back from a personal delivery for a customer when you saw it. An empty store for rent, the perfect little shop for your cake and other sweets. 
Helped by your uncle Brad and his wife. You started your small business, ending soon to meet a bigger success that expected. Mostly due to the sweet tooth of the many soldiers of the new military space base, your hard work and the fact that everybody in that little town knew how good your pastry was. 
It takes you almost a month of running from the kitchen to the service counter and your generous but tired aunt, to realize you needed help. It was a true chance that Sylvia and Patrick, who were moving in town with their military partner, were searching for a baker job. Amber, at the time, was finishing school and wanted some work experience before trying to explore the world by herself.
Giving a glance at your phone, watching for a possible notification, you sadly put it back in the pocket of you apron. One week has passed since your last interaction with F. Tony via the Space Force Twitter and a small part of you, you had to admit, were secretly scared that he decided to stop the little game of tweet. 
Never did it occur to you that he didn’t know that you were behind Moonlight Cake and his Twitter. After all, you both meet during one of your visits to your uncle. Did he never watch the cake box you carried ? 
Well, to be fair, you didn’t either notice or remember a lot of things other than him that day. 
The time was rainy and it was one of the first times you visited the work space of Brad. You knew that you crossed the path of some of your regular customers and that the low grade general was constantly talking about something you can’t remember. You somewhere get introduced to the general Naird who manages to be polite but exasperated of your civil presence at the same time.
But, your attention had suddenly been caught by the tall man in the light blue suit, tapping on his phone, contouring the solar system art piece like a pro before standing behind the four star general. 
You knew at the first look on this hair gel, silk tie and leather shoes that this man wasn’t coming from town. Not that the mens of Wild Horse were ugly. Few were, in your opinion, actually kind of cute if you like the rural style, and they certainly could put together a suit and a tie if the occasion needed it. But, they still could never look as awesome as him.
“ Y/N, it’s F. Tony, F. Tony it’s Y/N my niece” Your uncle Brad introduces, his reserved voice telling you partly his opinion on the man. 
“ Fuck Anthony Scarapiducci Media Manager. Really glad to meet you “ He continu, lifting his hand to shake yours, caughting your gaze with his sparkly brown eyes.
In that instant, in front of this white smile, you had the fastest crush of your life. You had tried to hide it as much as you could, smiling as you shaked his hand and hoped to not look like a fool. 
“ Nice to meet you Mr. Scarapiducci, glad to meet you too” You had replied, secretly wondering if you  seemed too casual in your jeans and loose blouse.
“ F. Tony please, or just Tony...Will you work with us ? “ He had kindly asked, putting his phone in his pocket.
“ No, actually I have a little store in town, I was just passing by to give my uncle some lemon squares “ 
“ That's so sweet of you, visiting your old uncle like that “  
“ I’m not that old F. Tony…” Brad had vainly protested. 
The general Naird had suddenly talked, cutting your conversation, ordering at Tony to come with him on his office for a thing he called a stupid meeting. 
“ Follow us on Twitter and I hope to see you around sometimes “ The tall man told you, walking backward for a bit, following the quick path of the military man without turning his back. 
Smiling, you waved your hand and promised to come back often.  
And then, maybe a week later, the first tweet from Space Force to Moonlight cake came and you simply thought he knew. After all, he was always so nice and flirty each time that you visit the base. As well as in his tweet to the bakery. 
The fact that he didn’t, took you by surprise. You knew that you could have simply answered him that you were behind Moonlight cake, but, the idea of making him discover by twitter had seemed more safer and tempting at the same time.
But now, after a week without an answer, you start to doubt that it was a good thing to do.
Serving the last customer of the day, you slowly turn the open card to close. Another good day over.   
“ Y/N,I made a preparation in the fridge for tomorrow. If you don’t need me I will go home“ The voice of Amber calling you from the kitchen she just finished to clean.
“ Yes you can leave, thank you for today !” You answer, taking out the money of the cash register and putting it on the safe.  
“ See you tomorrow, don’t work to late “ 
Waving of the hand, you promise, cleaning the counter of the others hand.
Keeping you busy with the cleanup of the store, trying to think of nothing other than the preparation for the next day, you suddenly stand up, the table you were cleaning forgotten. 
In front of the glass door, a unusual shy smile on his lips, Fuck Tony Scarapiducci was waving at you. 
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Hi little pixels hearts !
Due to my vacation I write two-three request at the same time and while writing a Clyde one I had a problem...
How far I can get with the spicy stuff here ?
I use to write some smut in other fandoms ( here  and here for read an exemple) but here i'm not sure if it will be welcome. So please help me.
Smut or just Burlesque allusion ?
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Request are now Close !
Thank you everyone for your request !
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Prompt list • Masterlist • Character List :
• Ben Schwartz • F. Tony Scarapiducci • Clyde Oberholth • Sam •
( Please ask if you have question or for a character not in the list)
Take notes that I write request in order that I receive them. I ask you to be patient with me. I try to write the more fast I can, but sometimes due to language barrier and life in general, my progression are more slow that expected. Thank you.
I have the right to refuse a request if it make me uncomfortable or other reason. I will inform you if the request is deny.
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Coming Soon : August
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* At first, my apologies to being a slow writer * 
Here a list of the request and stories I hope finish for this month. If your request isn’t in the list don’t worry, I work on it ! It’s just that I’m not there yet. It’s just a way to let you know on what I work at the moment. 
Ben Schwartz
A strange feeling of envy ( Request inspired by Jessie girl song where read work with Ben on Ducktales while dating his best friend) 
Improv or real ( Request where Reader and Ben do improv together but where feeling start to play as well ) 
Clyde Oberholt
Rumor ( NSFW Test) 
F. Tony 
Sugar Kiss part 4
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