#f/o family
arwenkenobi48 · 2 years
Your F/O reminding you that you’re the light of their life and they’ll love you and stay with you no matter what ❤️
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the-chimeras-claws · 10 months
RJ Boyle Profile
Note: RJ is a canon character that exists in the Marvel Comics Universe, he appeared in one 5 issue run by Kyle Higgins back in... 2018 I think? And hasn't been seen since. This RJ is very loosely based on him, but I changed his backstory so that he fit more with the MCU timeline I'm going for.
Name: RJ Boyle
Former Names: Asset, 1-8476489329 (HYDRA Serial Number)
Hero name: Uh tbd
Nicknames: Rar-Rar (by Kobik)
Powers: Highly trained Assassin
Age: 16 when found, currently 19
Pronouns: He/Him
Rosaline “Rose” Thomas (Romantic Partner)
James “Bucky” Barnes (Adopted Father)
Juniper Keen (Adopted Parent)
Kobik Barnes (Adopted Little Sister)
Victor Horowitz (Biological Older Half-Brother)
Isaak Horowitz (Biological Younger Half-Brother)
Unnamed Mother (Deceased)
Col. Ivan Horowitz (Biological Father, Deceased)
Cody (Adopted Older Brother, Deceased)
Suki (Adopted Older Sister, Deceased)
Rory (Adopted Younger Brother, Deceased)
Arthur (Adopted Younger Brother, Deceased)
Several unnamed Adopted Older and Younger Siblings from the Training Program (Deceased)
HYDRA (Formerly)
The New Avengers (Semi-Retired)
Backstory: RJ is the illegitimate son of Colonel Ivan Horowitz, a high-ranking HYDRA official. Stolen from his mother mere moments after his birth and raised in HYDRA uh… care? until the age of 5 when he was placed in an Assassin Training Program, headed by his father who also would eventually serve as his main handler (meaning he was also directly responsible for RJ's abuse). When he was a baby his mother came searching for him, trying to get him away from his father, so Ivan had her killed. In the program, RJ met Cody and Suki, two 16 year old kids who had been dragged into the program only about a year or two before him. They became older siblings to RJ, and were desperate to give him as close to a good life as they could. However, the program was hard, especially on the older kids who went through far more rigorous and abusive training. By the time RJ is 12 he's the only one left from the original batch, Cody, Suki, and the others dying either in training or on missions. A group of young kids were brought in, and RJ felt protective over them the same way Cody and Suki had been to him. He did his best to give them a little fun, but in the end he's the only one who makes it out. He starts going on missions at the age of 15, and is eventually sent to kill the Winter Soldier and the Chimera when they're baited into investigating a HYDRA compound. Juniper and Bucky manage to capture the boy and bring him back to the Avengers Compound, much to the dislike of literally everyone else. He's imprisoned and they start working to deprogram him despite the fact he's deep in the HYDRA shit. He's insistent they'll come get him, to which Bucky responds that if they got him back they would kill him, and that's thinking mercifully. When RJ begins to get frustrated Bucky shows him the scars from where a HYDRA officer whipped him until the Serum couldn't heal the scars, stating that this is what they do to their Assets when they fail a mission. He doesn't believe him, stating he'll be different. HYDRA attacks the Compound in an effort to get RJ back. However, they don't want him back for the reason he thinks, they plan on taking him back and either beating the crap out of him or killing him. They try to shoot him, but Bucky ends up taking the bullet. RJ realizes HYDRA doesn't want him back and that these people are actually caring for him even though they don't even know if they can trust him, so he ends up staying and joining the Avengers and kinda becomes Juniper and Bucky’s son and Kobik's older brother.
No one knows what RJ stands for, if anything.
He didn’t change his last name when Juniper and Bucky formally adopted him. They gave him the choice, obviously so they don’t care
Cody is actually the one who gave him the name RJ, and Suki had suggested Boyle for a last name. HYDRA didn’t give any of them names, just numbers, so they gave them to each other.
RJ didn't initially know his Biological Father was his handler, Bucky and Juniper found out after finding his file when they took the HYDRA base he was trained at. They took Horowitz prisoner.
RJ killed his father while he was in SABER custody, but staged it to look like he killed himself. The only ones who know this are Juniper and Bucky.
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Picrew used: link
Also this is what he looks like in Canon if anyone was wondering (ft. Dad! Bucky)
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Yes, I'm taken (I'm dating a fictional character inside my head)
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miiconsole · 1 month
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what i think will happen everytime i post
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sinningvin · 2 months
The best payoff about being autistic and having an f/o is that at a certain point you’ve got the characterization down after ages of studying your character under a microscope. Headcanons, Canons, Speaking, Humor, etc, all that came from months or years of constant love and fixation. And then you can imagine having conversations about ANYTHING with them. Your special interests, goals, dreams, hypotheticals, any jokes, vents, absolutely anything. And you can formulate their response in real time, and it’s like having a conversation, even though it’s just be an imagination exercise. If you’re up to the challenge, I recommend you try it.
Pro/comship scram
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Reverse Selfship Imagines:
🌸 Your F/O painting their nails to match yours, maybe adding your reoccurring symbols in your source
🌸 Your F/O making moodboards of you
🌸 Your F/O daydreaming of joining you in your adventures, or simply just basking in each other’s presences
🌸 Your F/O filling a sketchbook with doodlws, drawings, and all kinds of pieces of you! Renditions of favorite moments, expressions that they adore, poses they wanna see you in
🌸 Your F/O writing all about you, constantly, they can’t get you out of their head! Silly posts, gushes, drabbles, extensive fics
🌸 Your F/O listening to songs, closing their eyes, thinking about all kinds of scenarios between you two
🌸 Your F/O imagining you singing love songs to them while they go through their spotify
🌸 Your F/O listening to ASMR of you, it keeps them calm.
🌸 Your F/O matching your style, putting together an outfit they think you’d love, and pretending they stole it from you
🌸 Your F/O making or ordering little keepsakes. Love letters, bracelets, playlists!
🌸 Your F/O buying and trying anything that reminds them of you! Snacks, perfumes, and just loads of merch
🌸 Your F/O having every line you say memorized from watching your source hundreds of times
🌸 Your F/O’s phone is filled to the brim with screenshots and fanarts of you! Maybe there’s even a hidden ‘special stash’~
Proships and Proship variants, please DNI
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knubblersbabe · 4 months
F/Os with longer hair is always so fun! Like yes I will brush your hair and play with it! Yes I’ll braid your hair then add ribbons and flowers to it! Yes I’ll help you wash your hair in the bathtub! I love you <333
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lovelystarship · 3 months
⌗ thinking about the not-so-obvious displays of love between you and your f/o . them automatically chuckling at smth you found funny just because they heard your laughter . you being able to lean your knee on theirs to make yourself more comfortable in a sitting position and vice versa . their tension visibly melting away little by little , their shoulders relaxing the moment they spot you in the room . its just all so sweet yk
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iken · 5 months
imagine you and your f/o being the duo that people would always see together… like two peas in a pod. if one of you isn’t present, the main topic in question would be “where’s your other half?” it’s cute that you and your f/o are automatically paired together in any circumstance.
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v1-kisser · 5 months
Maybeeee Imagine your F/O walking into the bedroom while they know you're in bed, trying to be quiet in case you're asleep... n smiling when they see you cozy under the covers...
Maybe they're just arriving home and they can't wait to join you, trying to get ready for sleep as quietly as possible. You can hear drawers opening and closing, the sink running. See the light from the next room cascading on the floor. Maybe you sleepily stare at the shadow of your F/O brushing their teeth or pulling off their shirt. Safe and warm. Almost nostalgic. Knowing that they're near. Sitting in the pleasant fog of drowsiness while someone you love is preparing to come lay with you. And then the distant light flicks off. For a moment you almost miss it, the certainty of where they were... the intimacy without touch. But the second that their weight sinks into the bed, and their warmth graces your back, those feelings dissipate like smoke.
They mumble a "goodnight" in case you're awake.
Talk to you in the morning.
proship/comship dni
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wheat-angel · 3 months
For any selfshipper out there who finds themselves low on energy a lot, physically or mentally, to where it's hard to take care of yourself everyday:
You're F/Os still love you.
It's hard to find the time or energy to shower? They help you set a routine, but they won't scold you if you miss a day for whatever reason, there's always tommorow.
Cleaning up after yourself not coming easily? C'mon, let's do one thing at a time together. Maybe picking up one specific item and putting those away. Or maybe choosing a small section of the room that's "messy" to focus on.
Chores need to be done, and you're overwhelmed? Let's turn it into a game. Maybe a point for each thing you get done. Or maybe with each part of it complete, you get to get a little reward for them, and if you collect all of the little rewards, you get the big prize, hm?
Finding it impossible to cook for yourself? It's alright, even if you microwave something or order out, all that matters is that you're eating.
Missing medications? You'll be rewarded with hugs if you go do that for them, because that's important. And if it's got to be at a specific time, then your F/O will help you through the day as best they can.
All they ask of you is that you do what you can. They know it's hard and tough, but for you, they'll try to be as patient as they can. You need to take care of yourself because they want to see you being alright and getting through day by day.
They love you. Platonically, familialy, or romantically, it doesn't matter. They love you and care about you.
You're doing your best. Be patient with yourself like how'd they'd be patient with you. If you need to push yourself to do it, then let your F/Os be the ones trying to motivate you to do it if that helps you.
If anyone reblogs with tags or comments about how gross or disgusting these kinds of people are, you will be blocked on sight. Don't shame people for their struggles when you don't know them.
Also Pr0///shippers, their supporters and neutrals DNI. Everyone deserves human support like this and don't deserve to die, but this specific post is not for you.
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arwenkenobi48 · 2 years
Me: *humming happily while adorning my F/Os’ hair/horns with pink ribbons*
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donahdevotees · 7 months
If you have a fem f/o, romantic, platonic or familial doesn't matter, please like this post! (Also feel free to rb with your fem f/o ships <3)
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miiconsole · 11 days
hey idk if this is like a controversial take or if im weird for saying this but
as a nonsharing selfshipper, we shouldn’t say to doubles that they’re not our f/o’s partner. we know how much it hurts to be told that we aren’t our f/o’s partner, either by jealousy though seeing canon x canon ships, or being told it to our face by people who don’t selfship. but this doesn’t mean we should do that to doubles.
i was scrolling and i saw someone say along the lines of, “if you are __ f/o, you’re not.” and this was a character that was seemingly very popular within the fandom. this is hurtful and we all know this, and we shouldn’t explicitly tell them that they are not and you are. this is so mean. i don’t think i should have to say this part but if you were in their shoes how would you feel?
i don’t know it just bugged me ever since i saw that post and I just wanted to say that we should be more kind with our words towards doubles so they don’t feel invalidated either
also im not saying u can’t be nonsharing. im nonsharing with one of my f/os i just want to encourage people to be kinder
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espresso-ships · 1 month
Idk who needs to hear this, but
Whenever I see a self ship double, or a popular canon x f/o ship and feel sad/insecure about it, I like to imagine that it's an "alternate universe", meaning that it's just a different version of your f/o.
The real version? They're with you. They're yours, and love you only.
No one can change that fact.
They love you, so damn much.
No one else - nothing else - matters.
YOU are their canon partner.
"I am my f/o's canon and real partner" - say it, manifest it, because it's true.
It's real. 💕
[Pr0ship DNI. Please respect my boundaries]
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bearwuvimagines · 6 months
Imagine your f/o getting you a little treat at the supermarket. Like they’re just doing groceries and maybe they remember you’ve been feeling down, or you’ve had a big day, or they randomly decide to get you something because they love you. Whatever the reason, when they come home they just hand you a bar of chocolate/crackers/any little snack you like and maybe even give u a kiss on the forehead :)
(this imagine is for platonic, familial, or romantic f/os!)
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