#f2f: melissabenoistisms
hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Go Dodgers! → Granielle and Benwood
Danielle: This had been a long time coming and the brunette was excited for it. Though she had been to a baseball game before, this would be the first time she'd go to a Dodgers game and it was with her husband and two of her greatest friends. It was exciting, fresh, and new, and she was so amazed at what was in front of her. The field was huge and there were so many people decked out in gear walking towards their seats. She herself would be walking just a bit slower than everyone else, but still going strong nonetheless. At least all of what she'd be doing would be sitting down and enjoying the game. Danielle's eyes wandered around to the people that surrounded her and gave a soft smile to everyone involved, leaning on her husband for support as they stood in line to get their tickets cleared. "I'm excited", she spoke out offhandedly, her tone of voice showing it. "No one's going to be showing up with birds anytime soon, right?"
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