#f2f: theflashgrant
hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Honey, I Rode On My Snowboard Drunk → Granielle
Even though today was spent away from her husband on their joint vacation, Danielle was glad for it. She was able to get much needed alone time. Usually during the start of every day here in Switzerland, she and her husband would call to check up on their daughter back in Vancouver with her mother in law, getting to hear all of the things that they had did the day prior and then they would go about their day. After doing so with Grant this morning, he and Caity had some plans and that left the brunette with her son for the rest of the day. It was spent lounging around the hotel, going from place to place to see what the amenities had to offer, before she’d go back into the suite she had with her husband and relax for the afternoon. As her son slept, she was able to catch up on a few movies and viral videos on her iPad and take a nice warm bath. The baby monitor would be on the counter next to her, just in case her son needed anything while she was taking time for herself.
After a few more stolen minutes, Danielle had gotten out of the bath and put on a pair of pajamas. She had nothing else planned other than dinner in the suite and a continuation of the movies and viral videos she saved so she could watch with Grant when he’d come back. With another call to her mother in law via FaceTime, she was able to sedate her own worries about how her daughter had been behaving and clicked the end call when she heard the lock to the door click open. That must have been Grant, she hoped.
“Honey”, she spoke out and picked up their son from his place in the room, the little boy awake and exploring the world around him by looking. “Did you have a good time snowboarding today?” @theflashgrant
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ariagrans · 5 years
“Grant!!” Ariana took a running jump as soon as she had found one of her favorite people in the world, a smile tugging on her drunken lips as she wrapping her arms around the other. “I’m a little drunk. But hi, I’ve missed you.” @theflashgrant
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elizajanetc · 5 years
f2f - taystin
Eliza had been having an internal panic for over a week now, even though she hadn’t told a single soul about it. And the last thing she wanted to do was spend time with someone who knew her well enough to see through it all, she just wanted to get drunk and pretend her feelings weren’t real. Which is how she ended up at the bar with Grant of all people. He was the last person she would ever open up to, which is why she had given him zero choice when she had shown up on his set to make him go out with her once he was done filming. Now they were sitting at the bar, Eliza drinking a rum and coke, trying to figure out how to be around each other. “You’re still the worst, by the way,” she told him with a shrug before taking a sip of her drink, “It just so happens that being around someone I don’t really like is what I need right now.” @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Oh That’s A Mess → Granielle
It was cutting it close to dinner time and Danielle had almost finished with what was on the menu for tonight. Tonight was all about comfort food and the brunette had made a few small fares. Already things were slowly coming together and she was able to walk away from the kitchen now to see what her family was doing. Everyone seemed to be gathered in the living room of the Vancouver apartment--and by everyone, she could see her daughter and four dogs playing about while the television was on for background noise--and her smile that grew from seeing Alison and the puppies playing about only managed to grow when the dogs’ tails wagged near her. “Be careful guys”, the brunette started out, letting out a laugh when she would sit down next to her husband and son.
“Aren’t you a handsome one like your daddy”, she bent down, cooing at Matty for a few moments. Her fingers were brushing along the infant’s cheek, trying to goad the little one into opening his mouth and mumble a few sounds if he could--but what caught her by surprise would be the wind that brushed her hair into her face. Her eyes widened slightly and she turned to her husband in confusion. “What just happened?” @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
New Routines → granielle
Danielle was exhausted, there was no doubt about it. Though she was glad that her husband had been home all day to help her out with their two kids and bunch of dogs, she was more or less completely overwhelmed with the situation at hand. It was well past Alison’s bedtime (and not to mention Matty’s as well), but the little girl made no move or budging in order to get some rest. There was a look upon her daughter’s eyes that recognized that she had as well--and that was the sheer look of determination for something that she clearly wanted to accomplish. Even now, the little girl was still dressed in her normal wear of a long sleeved shirt and baby jeans (because Vancouver was cold as heck), holding onto a book while Danielle held onto a pair of warm pajamas for the little girl to wear. 
“Come on, Ali, it’s way past your bedtime”, the brunette pleaded with her daughter and Alison’s pout came into clear view. And to face facts, Danielle was a sucker for her daughter’s pout, usually giving in to what the girl wanted if it was within reason. “No, book”, the little one retaliated and maybe that was the case, but Danielle had read Alison multiple stories before their little stand-off right now for bed time. That was when the brunette let out a soft sigh and shook her head, telling her daughter no in the meantime. “Pajamas. It’s bed time”, she reiterated, firm in her words before Alison started whining that she wanted to stay up to have more stories.
“I wonder how your father is doing with Matty”, Danielle mumbled out to herself, wondering just how Grant was holding off taking care of Matty’s night time routine on his own. @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Trimming The Tree → Granielle
Christmas with Grant’s family was a tradition that Danielle would look forward to without saying much about it. It was her own little secret, being able to enjoy what his side of the family was like during the holidays. Ever since they started dating, it was their own little vacation and oasis away from the cold of Vancouver to be able to spend in the cold of Virginia, but it was the best way to be able to do so. There were many traditions to be had, but one thing that was totally adorable and she jumped at the opportunity to do so every ear would be trimming the tree. Of course, that meant she’d be able to sift through all of the ornaments that the Gustin family had collected over the years and ask questions about every single one of them, even if she had heard them so many times before. It just warmed her heart and brought a smile to her face ever single time.
Danielle would be sitting down right now, her pregnant belly becoming more and more evident every day, and it was on the insisting of her mother in law that she sat down any chance she could. Her daughter, Alison, was busy with her while looting through the decorations. Her brother in law and her sister in law were unraveling all of the lights on the other side of the room, and her husband was within arms reach in fluffing the tree that the family had picked out earlier that afternoon. “Tommy”, the brunette called out to her husband, using the nickname that Grant would only allow her to call him. “Is the tree ready to be decorated because I think Alison’s got the ants in her pants in order to do so. I can’t believe she’s already learned what a Christmas tree is supposed to look like”, the brunette continued on. It amazed her every single time how fast Alison was able to learn things, but her mother said that she had been the same way when she was younger. It was the same reason why she did so well in school and finished it so young in life.
“Tree”, Alison spoke out, one of the easiest words she’s learned so far. “See”, Danielle laughed out to her husband. “I think someone’s ready to help trim the tree.” @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Unexpected Visitors → Granielle
Danielle had woken up on Thursday as any other day. Sure, it was the day of her most favorite holiday of the year--even though the celebration only resonated with the US--and she was more than excited to start on the festivities of the day; but there was a part of her that wanted to be lazy and lounge about. She had to start on her many dishes of the day, making enough just to be able to have a small family Thanksgiving. This year, instead of going to either her Mom’s side of the family or her Dad’s, she opted along with Grant to stay at home and have Thanksgiving all to themselves. She wanted to celebrate with their daughter, showing the little one how important the day was to her, and all she managed to do now was psych herself up in order to start her actions. Once she was able to pull away from her sleeping husband, giving Grant a soft kiss on his cheek to bid him good morning, Danielle got up to get started on her morning routine.
After freshening herself up from the night’s slumber, her head peeked into her daughter’s bedroom. She loved the little nook that Alison had while at the Los Angeles house. It was definitely something to behold. However, the little girl was still sleeping as soundly as ever and she realized that this was the first time that she had gotten up before anyone else had called her to in a while. “Mama’s got her groove back”, she whispered to herself, humming softly as she left the door to Alison’s room open, just in case the little girl had woken up and needed anything else, and went downstairs in order to put on a fresh pot of coffee. The day would definitely call for it--and she was pretty sure that breakfast was going to be first thing on everyone’s mind like it was for her. Pancakes were always a big hit with her family, and she smiled at the thought of being able to make them on such a big day.
As she got the ingredients ready to prep for breakfast, the loud hum of an engine outside in her driveway confused her. She wasn’t expecting anyone this holiday and lord knows that her sister had plans tonight as well; so who could it be? Placing the last of the ingredients down--a milk carton she had carried from when she heard the roar of the engine--onto a place on the counter, she crossed her arms and walked silently to the door. There was a window right next to it that Danielle liked to look at to see who was passing by or who would come up the steps to her front door and that’s when her eye caught the familiar RV that her parents owned. Her brain racked in confusion. Of course she didn’t invite her parents and they had said nothing about them coming as well--so why did they show up so unexpectedly? The brunette was lost in her thoughts until the doorbell rang, her eyes darting straight to the door. How was she going to explain this to Grant?
“Mom, Dad”, she sighed out as she opened the door, offering them a chance to come in. “I didn’t know you were coming”, she started out and before long, she found the reasoning of their visit. They wanted to surprise her and Grant, also wanting a trip to see the Pacific Ocean and she nodded her head. “Why don’t you get yourself comfortable in the kitchen and I’ll go wake up Grant”, she asked of her parents and showed them the way. How was she going to explain this to her husband? The brunette hated surprises, but these were her parents. There was nothing she could do about it at this rate. All she could do now was try and go with the flow until it all would blow up. Her feet carried her all the way upstairs, a soft mew escaping her lips as she opened and closed the door to the bedroom she shared with Grant quickly. “Honey”, she spoke out, louder than usual. “Mom and Dad are here. I didn’t know they were coming and I don’t know if we’re going to have enough food to eat. What are we going to do?” @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Telling Ali → Granielle
Saturdays were meant for lounging around in the Gustin household and this Saturday proved no different. The little family had managed to sleep in for the good part of the day—and considering all of the night shoots that Danielle had to do this week along with the pregnancy acting up on her; it was desperately needed in order to function properly. She was lucky in the sense that her little family seemed to be up to the task as well, and she didn’t get a chance to wake up until well into the late morning. Grant must have let her sleep in and though she was thankful for it, she needed to get up and running for the day. With a soft stretch of her limbs, the brunette seemed to make her way to the bathroom to get started on her morning routine. The energy that she had was just below her normal, but that didn’t stop her from getting up and getting ready all the same.
Coffee was usually part of that routine, but Danielle couldn’t take her usual cup. Instead, she opted for a little bit of decaffeinated coffee, to confuse her taste buds and jump start her with her usual gusto, and moved around the little apartment to find where her husband and daughter would be. The dogs, it seemed, had been walked and were now lounging on the couch in the living room with various positions to show they had been utterly wiped out. “Me too, guys”, she mumbled out to them, reaching down to pet Bella. The little one had gotten so much extra attention from her lately because of the cancer and she could see the little patch of bald where the surgery to take out the tumor had taken place. “I gotta go find your dad now”, she continued to speak and pushed herself away from the dogs with her mug of decaffeinated coffee in hand and started to move about once more.
She found her husband and their daughter in the nursery, the only other bedroom in the apartment besides theirs, and hummed at the sight. Danielle’s head leaned against the doorway and her free arm crossed over her side to brace herself at the scene in front of her. “Good morning”, she whispered out to the both of them, not wanting to disturb or startle them in any way; but still, she needed her presence known in their little private time. “What’s going on here?” @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Labor Pains → Granielle
Labor was different for every woman. All of the pregnancy books Danielle read the first time around all had the same mantra--every pregnancy was it’s own snowflake. There were no two that were alike. The same could be said about labor pains that would accompany them afterwards. With Alison, Danielle wasn’t in too much of pain at the beginning. She even went to work all the way up until her water broke right on the set of STAR Labs. She remembered being very calm and collected and the pain wasn’t unbearable with her little girl. Even though she had been in labor for 36 hours after that, it was safe to say that it was one of the most surprising things ever to find that she was one of the lucky ones when it came down to her first time around.
However, now as she was laying in the hospital bed in Virginia surrounded by a couple of her in-laws and her husband, the pain was anything but tolerable. Every part of her was uncomfortable, even begging her brother-in-law to throw her out of the car when they were arriving to the hospital because of the shooting pain she had felt. Each contraction she felt was like a punch to her gut--the type of punch that knocks the air out of someone--and the breaths she’d take afterwards were like she was gasping for air after drowning. “I can’t believe you did this to me”, Danielle growled out into the room after one wave of contractions started washing over again. Her attention was solely focused on Grant, eyes ablazed and hair wild and sticky from the sweat that started to drip from her. “Look at me”, she whined out now, pointing to herself once the pain subsided. “Look at what you did to me.” @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
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A collection of songs that provide inspiration to the relationship belonging to Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker from so-so-scandalous. You can find the playlist here.
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Shocked Exchanges of Plans→ Granielle
Life working on a television set was fast paced and long hours and Danielle was all for it. The brunette’s schedule these past few days ended up as hectic as a four television series, four part episode crossover can be. The weather was rainy, terrible, cold; but it was all worth for this weekend to relax. She had a weekend in Los Angeles to look forward to with Caity’s bachelorette party. As of right now, she was more or less working on a few things to get ready for the day--dressing her daughter in warmer clothes while the little girl wrangled and wriggled about. It was more or less the norm right now. Alison just wanted to play with the dogs that would come up to her and ask to play. “Alison”, Danielle started to lecture her daughter to put on her jacket. “It’s raining. You gotta wear your jacket to keep you dry.”
Once she was able to get her daughter situated, she picked up the little girl and handed her over to her husband, scrunching her nose in the process. “It feels like she knows she’s going to go to Los Angeles this weekend. She’s not having the jacket today”, she told her husband, brushing her hands on her legs now. “When are you going to Nick’s bachelor party?” @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Congratulations, You’re Pregnant → Granielle
Title: Congratulations, You’re Pregnant Characters: Grant Gustin and Danielle Panabaker @theflashgrant Setting: A doctor’s office on December 2nd Content Rating: PG Summary: What was supposed to be just a routine doctor’s visit for Danielle and Grant to check on why Danielle had gotten so sick lately turns out to be something completely more.
Grant had been worried about Danielle the more time went on and she seemed to be getting worse. He didn't know how or why she was this sick, especially since she usually never got sick. He knew she wasn't invincible and it was bound to happen, but this was looking serious and he didn't want to just wait it out any more. Danielle needed to see a doctor and he just hoped that it was nothing too intense and that they could give her something to help her since she was clearly miserable and he felt awful for her. Luckily she was able to get out of bed so that they could go to the nearest walk in clinic in Vancouver, knowing they'd get more attention as opposed to if the doctor had to come to them. He put Danielle's name on the list and eventually they were led to a room, Grant holding Danielle's hand as he sat down next to her in the chair by the table. "Hopefully we'll find out soon what's going on," he said to his wife, squeezing her hand gently.
Danielle had been miserable for the past few days, but enough was enough. Today was the day she'd figure out what was wrong with her. The aches and pains that she had had come and gone, but added with the nausea and the vomiting that had occurred just the day prior had her so worried. She needed to make sure everything was okay. Grant had taken care of everything for her and she was so blessed for it. Now they were in the exam room waiting on a doctor to get to her. Grant's hand squeezed hers and she gave him a soft smile in return. "I know", she whispered out to him. "It comes and it goes now, which is really weird. I want to make sure that there's really nothing going on", she continued on, confiding in him her worries until the knock on the door came along. A female doctor came into the room, which was great to have, and she gave the other woman soft smile. "Danielle, is it", the lady asked of her and Danielle nodded gently. "Aches, pains, and a bit of nausea and vomiting off and on", the doctor listed out her symptoms and she turned her head to her husband for support. "It's off and on", the brunette spoke out into the room, confirming the doctor. "We'll get to the bottom of it", the doctor spoke out with a soft smile and that eased Danielle's worry, squeezing Grant's hand with hers once again.
Grant listened as the doctor came in and started asking Danielle a few questions, hearing her explain what she had been feeling for the past few days. He tried doing everything he could to make her feel better or more comfortable but none of it helped for too long and that's why they were sitting there, hoping to figure out why Danielle was feeling this miserable. Smiling at the woman who said they would get to the bottom of it, he glanced at his wife and gave her a smile as he waited for the doctor to start giving Danielle some tests. She asked some more personal questions, confused as to why some of them were about her sex life but Grant just stayed quiet, hoping that they would have an answer soon.
Danielle answered every question that the doctor had given her and some more; but she didn't think anything of it. Most of it had been about her last menstrual cycle and what day it landed on. However, every doctor managed to ask such a thing. After those questions, they came in and drew some blood, allowed her to do a couple of bathroom tests as well as checking her vitals and whatever else they could just in case; and she'd hope they'd have a diagnosis soon. Once the nurses and doctor had left she and Grant alone, Danielle turned back to her husband and ran just a couple of fingers against his hair. "Are you nervous", she asked of him, wondering if he was doing okay with being in an exam room. From their past, it seemed as though he didn't like doctors very much at all. "They're very thorough here, aren't they", she mused to Grant now, but was interrupted with a few knocks on the door again. The doctor came in with an amused expression and tilted her head at the couple, which caused Danielle to tilt her head in confusion at her. "It's all good news", the doctor spoke out and Danielle let out a breath and leaned against Grant's frame. However, the next few words caused her eyes to widen. "Congratulations. You're pregnant." Pregnant. Pregnant without even trying and Danielle couldn't believe it. "Really", the brunette let out and squeezed her husband's hand in rejoice. It was interesting timing, when she wanted to have another baby and here they were, having another baby. "Baby, did you hear that", Danielle asked of Grant now. "I'll leave you two for a moment alone", she heard the doctor say before walking out of the room again, but Danielle didn't notice. All of her attention was focused on Grant now, but she had a feeling she'd be in this room for a while. "Grant, say something."
Grant shrugged when Danielle asked if he was nervous. "I just want you to be okay," he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek gently. When the doctor said she would be back after getting the results of Danielle's tests, Grant nodded and waited as patiently as he could, even if it felt like time wasn't even moving. When she came back saying it was good news, Grant furrowed his brows, wondering how this could be good news. Suddenly he heard the word pregnant and he felt like his heart had stopped. How could Danielle be pregnant? They had talked about a second child not being anything in the near future, wanting to wait until the timing was better and now all of a sudden Danielle was pregnant. He was in a complete daze now, barely hearing the words Danielle was saying to him knowing that he was going to be a dad again. "How?" He blurted out, blinking a few times. "How are you pregnant? You're on the pill, we're being safe..."
Danielle was taken aback by Grant's questions, but they were legitimate questions to have. They were safe, she was on the pill, but even then nothing was a guarantee. "I don't", she started out, not knowing what to say. "Sometimes people get pregnant while on the pill too. It's not always a guarantee", she continued to speak out, stopping her sentences abruptly. The brunette had no idea how to answer the questions that her husband had, mostly because she was so confused on the reaction that she had gotten out of him. Of course, it was to be expected. They were on different terms when it came to having a second child. Danielle felt as though they were ready; and when she had brought it up a couple of months earlier, Grant had said they weren't. All of this had come just after the Thanksgiving from Hell that they had with her parents and the support that she had shown for Grant during then now seemed moot. And now, seeing Grant's reaction as such had cause her own to die down. "Is that all you can say", Danielle started out now, her words whispering enough to mask the disappointment she had flowing through her now.
Grant was shocked to hear that Danielle had been on the pill but still got pregnant. She said sometimes that happened and Grant couldn't help but scoff. The fact that it was happening now when he was so set on them waiting to have another child just felt like some karma he didn't realize he deserved. Of course he wanted to have another baby with Danielle at some point, but that day wasn't now and it was happening whether he liked it or not. He was still speechless and when Danielle asked if that's all he had to say, Grant sighed. He knew she was happy about this, it was no secret that she wanted another baby as soon as possible and would have one tomorrow if Grant asked. Now she was having one without them even planning it and Grant didn't know what to think. "You know how I feel about this, Danielle. It's so soon. Ali is only one. We're still filming and we're so damn busy and...fuck," he breathed out, rubbing his face with his hands.
Danielle , upon seeing Grant so stressed out about this, had wondered if this was something that they were going to have to deal with long term. There was no doubt in her mind that the baby that they were growing now would be so loved and so perfectly cared for; but Grant's reaction made it seem otherwise. "Baby", she spoke out now, trying to get him to calm down. There must have been a million thoughts surrounding the both of them now and the brunette sought comfort in the fact that she had her husband by her side. If only she could make him see the same way. "Baby, stop. Look at me", she continued on to speak, taking both of his hands in hers to get his attention. It wasn't much, but it was all that she could do at this point. "I do know how you feel about this, but what if the universe is saying that we're ready for this? Ready for him or her to come into our lives? It's going to be hectic and it's going to be hard, but I know the team that we are and we can do this. We've done it before. We can do it again. Please just--". There was a knock on the door now, interrupting her of her speech, but she wasn't done yet. They were being ushered out of the room now, paperwork and prescriptions for extra vitamins that Danielle needed to take in her hands as multiple explanations were spoken to her. "Trust me", she said as they walked out of the clinic. "Just trust me."
Grant listened and looked up at Danielle as she spoke, knowing she had a point. Obviously this was happening for a reason but Grant still couldn't wrap his head around it. He wasn't ready for this and he was experiencing so many emotions, knowing that it was going to happen regardless. He still truly felt like it wasn't the right time but they were going to have to deal with it anyway. They were interrupted by the doctor and Grant cleared his throat, listening as she explained the protocol now that they knew Danielle was pregnant. She had been through one pregnancy already so he knew it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before but once the doctor was finished, they started making their way out of the clinic. "Yeah, I will," he said quietly, still trying to process this whole thing.
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Seven Dogs a Barkin’ → granielle
Bowling on Saturday night had been fun. Spending time with Carlos and Candice outside of work had been soothing. There was no need for anything related to work. It was just friends hanging out with friends. At the end of the night, they parted ways and the Gustins ended up back home in their apartment. Night ended up normal for the brunette, saying goodnight to her daughter and dogs before the day had come. Once day came, everything changed. Her daughter was still perfectly asleep, seeing the little girl on the nanny camera in her crib safe and sound, but what got her the most had been the seven dogs that were currently in bed with them.
Danielle’s dog, Bella, had just recently gone through radiation therapy after removing the tumor that they found on her and was currently resting along Grant’s side. Jett and Krypto were surrounding him as well on the other side and Danielle reached over her table to pull her phone off of the charger in order to take a picture of the scene. The sound of the clicking camera had perked up Buddy, one of the dogs that they were babysitting, who had currently rested at the ottoman on the edge of the bed. “Shh”, the brunette whispered out, placing her finger on her lips to silence the puppy in question, but unfortunately that set off an alarm between the other dogs and they all started barking.
“I didn’t mean to startle you all”, Danielle half yelled, half whispered out so she wouldn’t wake up Grant; but even that was futile. Seven different barks started happening, seven different voices greeting each other in the morning had been resounding through the apartment. She just hoped that Alison wouldn’t wake up crying for the day. “Shh, babies”, she said as she grabbed the tablet with the nanny cam to make sure Alison was asleep still. @theflashgrant
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Of Marriage and Long Conversations → Granielle
Jennifer and Jesse’s wedding had been something entirely. A celebration of life and love was always something to be celebrated. The wedding was nothing short of admirable, and the brunette had been there and by her husband’s side throughout the night. There were thoughts that pondered and surrounded her head leading up the days prior to the wedding, but couldn’t be brought up at the reception. Danielle had too much respect for a wedding day to burden anything with heavy thoughts. So she relented and relaxed, enjoying the night as it went on, and when it came time to go home, she did just that. Again, she didn’t leave her husband’s side as the night came to a close, but as the night did she couldn’t help but wonder if she should bring up what had been bothering her the days and nights before.
Marriage was about work, and the effort she had put into maintaining their relationship had been insurmountable; but she couldn’t help but think their life wavering. Now they were getting too busy with work and a child, and making plans for intimacy. She had never wanted to do that. In her vows a year ago, she had promised to the both of them that she’d never dare to let the spark of their love disappear and now it has done so. As she walked up the steps to the home she had with her husband and the thoughts that surrounded her at this point poured its negativity into her, her face turned sour and a frown stayed pressed on her lips instead of her usual signature smile.
At least her sister had said her goodbyes as they walked into the doorway and mentions of their daughter sleeping soundly upstairs had eased her worry about that just a little bit. Just twenty seconds of courage now to muster up the nerve to talk to him about what had been going in her head. Twenty seconds and everything would fall into place.
“Tommy”, Danielle breathed out, trying to catch her husband’s attention before he would go upstairs and she’d be unable to catch him. “Humor me”, she said again and this time held her hand out to him. The other hand went to the skirt of her dress and pulled it up slightly so that she’d be able to walk without tripping—the tulle of the slim dress had been perfect for the weather that was in Los Angeles tonight—and lead the way towards their living room downstairs. The room itself was decorated by Grant as a present to her for Valentine’s Day earlier that year, and she smiled every time she set foot in it.
With a sigh, Danielle sat down and used her free hand to smooth her dress, licking her lips and bringing her hazel eyes to meet his green. Twenty seconds of courage, she reminded herself, and squeezed his hand gently. “Do you still love me?”
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Go Dodgers! → Granielle and Benwood
Danielle: This had been a long time coming and the brunette was excited for it. Though she had been to a baseball game before, this would be the first time she'd go to a Dodgers game and it was with her husband and two of her greatest friends. It was exciting, fresh, and new, and she was so amazed at what was in front of her. The field was huge and there were so many people decked out in gear walking towards their seats. She herself would be walking just a bit slower than everyone else, but still going strong nonetheless. At least all of what she'd be doing would be sitting down and enjoying the game. Danielle's eyes wandered around to the people that surrounded her and gave a soft smile to everyone involved, leaning on her husband for support as they stood in line to get their tickets cleared. "I'm excited", she spoke out offhandedly, her tone of voice showing it. "No one's going to be showing up with birds anytime soon, right?"
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
San Diego Parties → Granielle
TITLE: San Diego Parties CHARACTER(S): Danielle Panabaker and Grant Gustin @theflashgrant SETTING: San Diego, California on July 22nd, 2017 CONTENT RATING: PGSUMMARY: Grant and Danielle spend a little time together at an after party during San Diego Comic Con.
Danielle breathed out a sigh of relief. The whole day had been a hit with just running around rampantly from one interview to the next and she felt like she couldn't breathe at times. That was the nature of Comic-Con. There was so much to do at once and so little time to appreciate all of it. Right afterwards would be even more stressful. It was just enough time for her to get out of her dress that she wore that morning and change into the party that would be happening that night. However, right now she was more inclined to just take a breather backstage. There was still a mess and chaos about switching from one show to the next, but at least she would be able to take that small break and collect herself. In the meantime, she went straight to their handler who were offering bottles of water and maneuvered her way right towards her husband, instantly feeling the stress of the day releasing from her frame after wrapping both arms around his waist. She was still holding onto water, which made it awkward with the angle, but the relief that she was feeling couldn't tear her away from Grant. "Hi", she whispered out to him and rubbed her nose against his shirt. "I feel like we haven't been together all day today. So weird."
Grant had always felt overwhelmed dealing with Comic Con, having to do so many interviews and going from place to place. He felt so disconnected from his wife and of course his daughter who was with his mother all day so once it was finally over, he was happy to head back to the hotel to just chill. They had wrapped up their panel and everyone was starting to make their way out and back to the bus to head back to their hotel rooms, something Grant was grateful for. He didn't know if they would be going back out to a party or not but right now Grant was just trying to catch his breath, sipping on some water when he felt someone wrap their arms around his waist. "Hi," he smiled, placing his hands on top of Danielle's. "I know, we were really only next to each other for like two things," he sighed. "Sucks when it's like this but it is what it is, right?"
Danielle still had her nose buried into Grant's shirt as time went on, listening to him talk and nodding when appropriate. She usually didn't mind work functions like this, knowing it was difficult to navigate and she'd never have the time or the luck to sit next to him all the time; but it was just tedious and tiring on her emotionally more so that she couldn't be there for him or rely on him when things got too overwhelming. Even now, as they heard that they did have to go through and go to the after party together, she knew they'd somewhat be separated for work. "It is", she groaned out and tilted her head up to look at him. Her pony tail was a mess and there was a bit of make up that was running down her eye, but the only thing left for them to do would be to go back to the hotel room for dinner and then getting ready for the night out. "I can't believe I wore heels today too with all of this walking. Why didn't you talk me out of it?"
Grant smiled and ran his fingers through Danielle's ponytail once turning around in her arms. "You should've went braid but I like that it's up," he told his wife, kissing her forehead gently. "Hey I don't control what you wear, you shouldn't have chosen heals when you know this day is long to begin with," he said. "It's a lot of walking and standing, my legs definitely hurt," he said. "I wonder how my mom is doing with Ali. I miss her," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Lets get this show on the road and make everyone get back to the bus so we can go to the hotel room and see her," he said to his wife. He started walking out with her hand and hand and eventually they were on their way back to their hotel room. Once they got there, Grant used his room key and smiled as he saw his mom sitting with Ali in her lap. "Hi," he cooed at Ali who was reaching for him. "Dada," she said happily and Grant started kissing her face all over.
Danielle gave Grant a pout when he started teasing her about her choice in footwear, but in all honesty, it went with the outfit and she didn't think nothing of the functionality until now. She didn't get to say much until they left, lacing their fingers together and walking out of the area. It was great to be able have that downtime accordingly, walking hand in hand towards the bus and up the lobby towards their hotel room. It was a quick trek, but a trek nonetheless, and nothing else mattered when she heard the familiar voice of her daughter upon greeting them. "Hi there", she said as she broke away from Grant to be able to sit next to his mother, kicking off her heels gently and wiggling her toes. "I hope she wasn't any trouble", she said to her mother in law before reaching for her husband and daughter. It was as if seeing the little girl gave her a renewed sense of energy and all she wanted at this point was her family closer towards her.
Grant held onto Ali tightly, missing her so much all day and now keeping her close to make up for it. She seemed to be loving it, latching onto him which made him smile. "I can't believe you're going to be one in a few days," he said to his daughter. "I can't believe it either, time flew by," His mom said which made him smile and nod. "How did everything go today?" She asked and Grant shrugged. "Hectic as always but it was a good time," he answered while shrugging. Grant handed Ali to Danielle knowing she missed her just as much as he did before running a hand through his hair. "She wasn't any trouble. We had a great day, even went in the pool a little bit," Tina said which made Grant smile. "Sounds nice," he said before letting out a yawn. "I'm already exhausted and yet we're expected to show up at a party soon," he chuckled. "I'm hungry. What should we get for dinner?"
Danielle sighed once Ali was placed into her arms and gave her daughter a grin while Grant and his mother spoke. She would be bouncing Ali in her lap in order to play with her for a moment or so before getting a chance to speak on their day as well. "We saw Tyler. He's working hard on the yacht and should be done soon", she mentioned out to Tina before shifting her seat a bit in order to give Grant room to sit if he wanted. The yawn was contagious and soon she was letting one out of her own, giving her husband a look before, laying her head onto his shoulder in the process. "Did you have fun at the pool with Grandma", she whispered asked to her daughter and got a nod in return, which was great and brought a soft smile to Danielle's face. "Should we call room service to see what they have or should we go down to one of the restaurants in the hotel? I'd rather we just get a couple of burgers and some fries up here, that way we can rest up. Mom? What do you think? Are you hungry?" Her head whipped to turn to Tina now, the pony tail flying with her as well just in time to get an answer from the older woman before handing Ali back and reaching for the phone.
Grant smiled softly and nodded when Danielle mentioned Tyler working there and being done soon. "Yeah, we should probably wait for him to decide on what we're doing. I'm sure he wants to see you since he hasn't yet," he said to his mom. It was crazy to think that the three of them were here and the only one missing was Gracie. He sat down on the bed and sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "I think room service is the best option. I'll just text Tyler and tell him to meet us up here," he said, taking out his phone to do just that. "I can eat, it's around dinner time so I'm good with whatever you guys decide," Grant heard his mom say. "Burgers and fries sounds amazing, I'm sure Tyler will be down for that. Lets just order it so that it'll be done soon because I'm starving," he said, not wanting to wait until Tyler got there to order.
Danielle nodded her head and placed Ali on Grant's lap so that she'd be able to order for all of them. It was great to have family here to help them out in times like this, with Grant's mom being here to watch Ali and Tyler here working for the CW, and the thought put a smile on her face of them all enjoying dinner together. After ordering room service, she let out a small stretch and walking into the bedroom portion of the hotel room to change out of the dress she was wearing quickly, not wanting to dirty it and came back out of the room to check on her family. "I know we have to leave in a little bit for another event after dinner", she spoke out. "Is it alright if Ali stays with Mom tonight? We can get her in the morning to get ready to fly out." They had a full weekend ahead of them, but all Danielle could register was her little family. As she stood and waited for answers and food, the brunette brushed her fingers against her husband's hair gently, humming when her daughter started mumbling more nonsensical words.
Grant waited while Danielle ordered the room service, talking to his mom and holding Ali again while they also waited for Tyler to join them. He came up a little while later and he handed Ali to Tyler so that he could bond with his niece for a little bit, smiling at the sight. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You don't mind keeping her right?" He asked his mom who shook her head. "Don't mind at all, we can all meet up in the morning," she said. They would have to go right back to Vancouver and he was bummed his mom would be going back to Virginia but he was glad she was able to come to Comic Con since he wasn't used to seeing her around this time of year anyway. Their food came a little while later and Grant ate rather quickly, barely eating all day with the exception of a little bit of lunch. "That hit the spot," he said once he was finished, knowing they didn't have much time since they had to go out. "Guess I got to figure out what to wear to this thing."
Danielle stretched and maneuvered to give the rest of everyone in the room a bit of space as well as get some of her own. Usually, she'd be all for it and in the moment, but with the day like today, she was more inclined to be quiet and let everything happen in its own accord. It was great for a little while until it came time to have dinner and room service came, bringing with them a large table and their orders. Immediately, she was engrossed on her own food, handing Alison a few fries here and there to see if she'd take it and eat it herself, which was amazing to see. She ate in silence, listening to all of the conversation that happened until she was done, and smiled softly once her husband had finished eating. She was still chewing on half of her burger, bringing her finger to her mouth to finish her bite quickly, and hummed her approval. "It's nothing too fancy. You don't have to worry about anything else", she told her husband. "Maybe just change your shirt and you'll be okay."
Grant nodded when Danielle said it wasn't too fancy. He was going to keep his jeans on and just put on a nicer shirt. He decided on a black v-neck shirt, smoothing it down and running a hand through his hair. "Okay I'm good," he said, making his way to Ali so that he could say goodbye to her. "Goodnight sweetheart. Daddy loves you and he'll see you in the morning," he said, tickling her stomach gently before giving her a kiss. "Thanks for watching her, Mom. We'll see you in the morning," he said, giving her a big hug. "See ya man, unless you're coming around to take more pictures," he said to Tyler, fist bumping him and waiting for Danielle to be ready. Once she was, they made their way down to the lobby and into the room where they would be having a mixer. "So many people," he muttered to his wife.
Danielle finished up her meal and made her way to get ready for the party that she and Grant had to attend. After saying her goodbyes to her daughter and extended family, she laced her fingers with her husband's and walked as slow as she could. Again, it was to savor the downtime that they both hadn't had together in a while and in a sense, made it take longer just so she could have the most time with her husband as she possibly could. Once they got to the mixer, there was so much already happening and Grant's whispered mutters brought her head up to face him properly. "You have me", she told him, giving him a soft smile. "I'll never let you fall." It was meant to be a pep talk, but it was the truth. Danielle vowed that she'd stand by Grant's side, through thick and thin, and be the support that he needed and this was no exception. She stood on her toes this time to give him a quick peck on his cheek, using their connected hands to wrap his arm around her waist so that she would be able to wrap her closest arm around him, and she took one step forward. "We'll head to the bar and get a drink. How does that sound?"
Grant took a deep breath and nodded, knowing Danielle would make him feel better and that he'd be able to relax with her by his side. He looked around and smiled softly when she kissed his cheek. "I know, thank you," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it gently. When she suggested going to the bar and getting a drink, Grant nodded, knowing it would calm him down and be the best way to stay away from the crowds. Everyone seemed to be crowding the main dancefloor so if they were up by the bar on a stool, they'd be around just a few people, hopefully some friends they would find and that's it. Grant ordered a cranberry and vodka and started swinging around on the stool anxiously as he waited for his drink.
Danielle arrived at the bar and ordered a glass of champagne while Grant ordered his drink. There were soft giggles that escaped her when he started spinning in his stool and she shook her head. "You're so silly", she told him before stopping him by holding onto his knees and getting in between them. The brunette stood in front of her husband, tilting her head at him. Of course that meant she stood in his line of vision, and maybe she wanted that to happen so at least she would be able to calm him down. "We don't have to stay long", she murmured out now. She knew it was an obligation that they had, but it wasn't as if they had to stay the whole time at the party anyway--not when she was worried about her husband and the crowd that that was there. "We can just make our appearances and go home if you'd prefer. All I want is for you to be comfortable. Everyone else can understand."
Grant grinned when Danielle called him silly, still swinging around until she stood in between his legs, something he was grateful for. "You're a much better distraction," he said, leaning up to kiss her sweetly. When she said they didn't have to stay long, Grant nodded, appreciating that Danielle was looking out for him. He really didn't feel comfortable at these things yet and wasn't sure he ever would, always feeling anxious and even more so ever since his attack. "I think we can stay long enough that's acceptable and then head back to the hotel room. We're both exhausted anyways so no one is gonna question it," he said while shrugging. Once their drinks came, Grant clinked his glass to his wife's before taking a long sip of it. "Such a long day," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Sit down, we've been standing a lot today."
Danielle smiled as Grant started agreeing with her, clinking her glass with his and taking a sip of her champagne. Her eyes stayed glued to him when he was talking next, watching him run his hands through his hair, and shook her head afterwards when he told her to sit down. "No", she whined out childishly. Her hands were now free of her drink, setting it down right next to his before she placed them on his chest. "I like being a better distraction for you here. I have plenty of time to sit down when we get back to our room tonight." And maybe she was being stubborn, but she did bring up her hand to brush her fingers against the strands of his hair, letting out a soft hum in the process. "It's so nice seeing you with your hair cut, but I know you dread it when the time comes. You look so handsome right now." Her words were truth and her fingers continued the process of adoring his hair, but they lingered on behind his ear and laid back down on his chest once again.
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