#f2f: yochriswood
hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Mood Swing Shenanigans → Panawood
Waking up at sunrise to film the last few scenes of The Flash for the year had Danielle in such a sour mood. She missed her sleep, missed everything about her bed, and the exhaustion that she had coming from her pregnancy was slowly killing her. At least the baby whom she had an appointment yesterday afternoon was healthy and thriving. That much she could be happy about. However, with her exhaustion, it had put her in that same sour mood that she woke up in and deeply craved for her workday to be over just so she could go back to her bed and back to sleep. The brunette did her scenes as best as she could, maybe giving out a few more strings of curse words than her usual, and there had even been a slam of her hand against one of the walls of the building on accident. The clumsiness that she usually had had got the better of her more so now than ever and she couldn’t resist another slew of curse words flying out of her at the notion. Today was just not her day.
Even more so, the notion of going home had gone out the window. For the next few days, her family would be in full packing mode to get ready to Virginia and even though her exhaustion had gotten the better of her, she knew she had to do it. Danielle wasn’t really the person to procrastinate such an easy thing, but hell was this baby making it really easy to. But where could she go to nap if she didn’t want to be at home or on set? Mulling over her choices, the brunette had her driver turn down towards a familiar street. Grant would be okay with Ali and the dogs for a while. Danielle just needed a place to escape.
Chris and Melissa’s apartment was the first place she thought of—a place where no one would bother her and yet would be a safe haven for her to crash. In a moment’s notice, she was knocking on the door to the apartment rather loudly, the exhaustion had overtaken her and made it something into anger, and huffed on the other side of the door. “Please”, she begged into the apartment. “I need a nap. I just wanna come in and take a nap.” @yochriswood
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F2F → Benwood
Taking off her heels for a quick moment, Melissa sighs and lays herself on Chris’ lap, grinning up at him as a laugh bubbles from her throat. “As much as I love Premiere’s, they are so crazy and I think that I can still see white flashes from the cameras, every time I still blink a bit.” Mel jokes and reaches up to scratch his beard. “What did you think about the screening, babe?”
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
f2f → panawood
Where have you been for the past hour? @yochriswood
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Go Dodgers! → Granielle and Benwood
Danielle: This had been a long time coming and the brunette was excited for it. Though she had been to a baseball game before, this would be the first time she'd go to a Dodgers game and it was with her husband and two of her greatest friends. It was exciting, fresh, and new, and she was so amazed at what was in front of her. The field was huge and there were so many people decked out in gear walking towards their seats. She herself would be walking just a bit slower than everyone else, but still going strong nonetheless. At least all of what she'd be doing would be sitting down and enjoying the game. Danielle's eyes wandered around to the people that surrounded her and gave a soft smile to everyone involved, leaning on her husband for support as they stood in line to get their tickets cleared. "I'm excited", she spoke out offhandedly, her tone of voice showing it. "No one's going to be showing up with birds anytime soon, right?"
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F2F → Benwood
Placing the keys onto the little key hook that was hung beside their door to make sure that they never forgot their keys, Mel sighed softly and made her way over to the couch, proceeding to just fall on it, laughter bubbling up from her throat when the three pups came up to her. It had been a long day of filming episode thirteen of Supergirl and she honestly could not wait until they finally got to go back on break for the Holidays. As she sat herself correctly, she turned over to Chris and smiled, arms extending out so that he could walk over to her and sit beside her. “Hey, so I actually didn’t end up watching last night’s mid-season finale because I wanted to watch it with you so, wanna watch it with me right now, babe? I can make us some popcorn right now real quickly?” Mel suggests with a shrug of her shoulders, turning the t.v on.
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F2F → Benwood
“Okay, your mother’s lasagna definitely beats my own version of it, I will say that!” She admits with a laugh, sitting down on the couch and looking up at her boyfriend with a grin. “I love getting to be here and spend time with you and your family.”
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F2F → Benwood
Parking the car, she softly sighs and locks it, the anxiety and frustration in her increasing as she thought about what Chris had last texted her. Making her way inside, a soft smile was placed onto her lips when the dogs came up to her, happy to see her. The smile fades quite a bit when she sees Chris though, a pout replacing it as she stands in front of him and crosses her arms. “You wanted to talk about earlier.”
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hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Meeting the Godparents → Benwood + Danielle
With the new addition to the Gustin family, the whole clan had managed to pitch in and do their part. Danielle and Grant held most of the responsibility, considering they were the parents of the newest bundle of joy that arrived to the world just a few days prior, but they still had a bit of help along the way. Right now, everyone had gone off to do their own thing and Alison had wanted Grant’s attention for the longest of times, which only left Danielle able to connect with the little boy that had made his debut earlier. Matty was a handful, and he let everyone know it, but he was by far one of the most interesting babies that she had ever had the pleasure to meet. Maybe she was biased, but she knew she had a good one in her little boy.
With a soft sigh, she had caught a glimpse of the time and hummed to herself. On a whim, she had made a small little date to FaceTime Chris and Melissa yesterday so that Matty would be able to meet the godparents she and Grant chose for him and maybe now would be the right time to do so. Grabbing her phone, the brunette brushed her fingers along the screen and started pressing a few buttons, humming softly when the loud ringing of the call didn’t wake up the little boy napping in between her legs on the bed she had with her husband at his childhood home. She called Melissa first, she didn’t know why, but it seemed just right at the moment. @melissabenoistiisms
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