#fabian aicher
chicagodilfpunk · 3 years
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i think it is incredible how marcel and fabian always got each other’s back, no matter what
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Fabian Aichner + a huge mountain, with the shore just below it, waves crashing against the oceanside?
a huge mountain, with the shore just below it, waves crashing against the oceanside
location drabble prompts
whenever he needed to think, fabian would hike.
it wasn’t like the snow covered mountains of south tyrol, where he grew up skiing, but the sunny floridian days, the fresh air and the luscious trees, and the salty smell of the ocean always helped him clear his mind.
after a long, silent hike, he sat with her at the top of the mountain. the crash of the waves and the chirps of the birds were the only sounds between them.
she had lost count of how many waves had come and gone.
after several minutes, fabian finally touched her. his pinky intertwining with hers, his thumb gently caressing the top of her hand. the look on his face showing that he was choosing his words carefully.
“i’m sorry. i really am, and i need you by my side.” he finally broke his silence.
she knew exactly what he was apologising for. with his and marcel’s constant losses and walter finally being defeated, fabian vanished.
no calls, no texting back, no nothing. it felt like he never existed in her life. she understood him. even with how painful this period has been, she understood him. she knew the trio had to regroup and refocus.
“marcel and i… we– we’re going against msk tomorrow, and i can’t do it without you.” he finally looked in her eyes, “good or bad, i can’t do this without you.”
“i’ll always be with you, fabian.”
“sempre con te, principessa.”
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hookhausen · 4 years
Fabian Aicher, Marcel Barthel, and Walter are all champions. 😭😭
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All thats left is for Alex is get a championship of some sort.
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blueonwrestling · 4 years
ah good fabian aicher and marcel interfiered, and they still lost.
at least swerve is looking strong.
guess the tag and cruiserweights together is quite fun.
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maceikblog · 3 years
Co się dzisiaj działo? #51 20.2.2022
NCAA: Pittsburgh Panthers-Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets 62:68
Robert Morris Colonials-Illinois Flames 88:96 po dogrywce
Kwalifikacje mistrzostw europy w waterpolo: Polska-Białoruś 10:17
Krykiet, mecze Twenty20:
Sri Lanka (155/5, Kusal Mendis 69*, Dushmantha Chameera 2/30) pokonała Australię (154/6, Matt Wade 43*, Kane Richardson 2/28) 5 wicketami
Indie (184/5, Suryakumar Yadav 65, Harshal Patel 3/22) pokonały Indie Zachodnie (167/9, Nicholas Pooran 61, Roston Chase 1/23) 17 runami
UAE Tour, 1 etap:
65. Michał Kwiatkowski
71. Rafał Majka
80. Filip Maciejuk
Ekstraklasa: Warta-Radomiak 3:1
Górnik Zabrze-Raków 1:1
Lechia-Lech 1:0
2 Bundesliga: Darmstadt-Hansa Rostock 1:1
Liga Europejska piłkarek ręcznych: Nantes-Zagłębie Lubin 27:28
Campionato Sammarinese:
Domagnano-Faetano 1:3
Folgore-Virtus 1:2
San Giovanni-Tre Fiori 0:1
Bundesliga: Bayern-Greuter Furth 4:1 (dwa gole Roberta Lewandowskiego)
Energa Basket Liga Kobiet: Zagłębie Sosnowiec-GTK Gdynia 74:59
Futsal Ekstraklasa: Górnik Polkowice-Team Lębork 2:3
LaLiga: Valencia-Barcelona 1:4
PlusLiga: Trefl Gdańsk-Projekt Warszawa 3:0
NHL: Penguins-Hurricanes 3:4
PGNIG SuperLiga: Wybrzeże Gdańsk-Pogoń Szczecin 24:25
Premier League Pool, dzień 7:
Mieszko Fortuński-Omar Al-Shaheen 5:2
Mieszko Fortuński-Albin Ouschan 2:5
Mieszko Fortuński-Jayson Shaw 5:3
Mieszko Fortuński-Alexander Kazakis 5:2
Mieszko Fortuński-Francisco Sanchez Ruiz 5:3
Airthings Masters, 2 dzień:
Jan-Krzysztof Duda przegrał z Liemem Quang Le
Jan-Krzysztof Duda przegrał z Ericiem Hansenem
Jan-Krzysztof Duda zremisował z Ding Lirenem
Jan-Krzysztof Duda zremisował z Vladislavem Artemievem
Igrzyska Olimpijskie w Pekinie, Dzień 15
Narciarstwo alpejskie, slalom drużynowy
1. Austria (Katharina Truppe, Stefan Brennsteiner, Katharina Liensberger, Johannes Strolz)
2. Niemcy (Alexander Schmid, Emma Aicher, Julian Rauchfuss, Lena Duerr)
3. Norwegia (Maria Tviberg, Fabian Solheim, Thea Stjernensund, Timon Haugan)
9. Polska (Maryna Gąsienica-Daniel, Magda Łuczak, Michał Jasiczek, Paweł Pyjas)
Bieg na 30 km kobiet:
1. Therese Johaug (NOR)
2. Jessica Diggins (USA)
3. Kertu Niskanen (FIN)
21. Izabela Marcisz
57. Magdalena Kobielusz
Curling, mecz o złoto kobiet: Japonia-Wielka Brytania 3:10
Hokej na lodzie, Mecz o złoto mężczyzn: Finlandia-Rosja 2:1
Pozostałe konkurencje medalowe:
Bobsleje, czwórki męskie:
1. Francesco Friedrich/Thorsten Margis/Candy Bauer/Alexander Schuller (GER)
2. Johannes Lochner/Florian Bauer/Chritopher Weber/Christian Rasp (GER)
3. Justin Kripps/Ryan Sommer/Cam Stones/Ben Coakwell (CAN)
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dermontag · 3 years
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Sonntag, 09. Januar 2022 Der Wintersport im Überblick Kombinierer liefern ein bärenstarkes Rennen Sieg und Podestplatz für die Kombinierer, Sieg und Panne für die Bobpilotinnen: Der Wintersporttag liefert aus deutscher Sicht reichlich Gelegenheiten zum Jubeln und Mitleiden. Die Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse des Tages im Überblick. Der deutsche Nordische Kombinierer Vinzenz Geiger hat den Einzelwettbewerb in Val di Fiemme gewonnen. Einen Tag nach seinem zweiten Platz siegte der 24 Jahre alte Oberstdorfer vor Österreichs Johannes Lamparter und Einzel-Olympiasieger Johannes Rydzek. Rydzek war nach dem Großschanzensprung noch auf Rang 19 positioniert und verbesserte sich auf den zehn Kilometern noch auf den Podestrang. Am Samstag hatte Lamparter noch vor Geiger und Eric Frenzel gewonnen. Alle profitierten von der Absage des Norwegers Jarl Magnus Riiber, der Rückenprobleme hat. "Taktisch habe ich nicht viel falsch gemacht. Ich habe mich auf einmal wieder richtig gut gefühlt. Dann war es Vollgas und versuchen, die Gruppe zu sprengen. Das ist voll aufgegangen", sagte der zufriedene Sieger Geiger in der ARD. Er sei bereits "heiß" auf Olympia in Peking (4. bis 20. Februar). Riiber hat alle seine aktiv bestrittenen Wettbewerbe in diesem Winter gewonnen. Zweimal fiel er nun mit Rückenproblemen aus, einmal wurde er disqualifiziert. Hinter Geiger und Rydzek schafften es auch Frenzel (7.) und Manuel Faißt (10.) unter die besten Zehn. Direkt dahinter folgten Fabian Rießle und Terence Weber. Bundestrainer Hermann Weinbuch hat mit Blick auf die Spiele in China ein extrem breit aufgestelltes Team zur Verfügung. Starker Lesser riskiert zu viel Biathlet Roman Rees ist beim Heim-Weltcup in Oberhof Sechster im Verfolgungsrennen geworden. Der 28-Jährige war nach seinem fünften Platz im Sprint mit Chancen auf die Podestplätze angetreten, konnte sich nach drei Schießfehlern aber nicht noch weiter nach vorne arbeiten. Beim Sieg des Franzosen Quentin Fillon Maillet (2 Fehler) hatte Rees im Ziel 44,9 Sekunden Rückstand. Den zweiten Platz sicherte sich der Schwede Sebastian Samuelsson (1 Fehler) vor dem norwegischen Routinier Tarjei Bö (3 Fehler). Der deutsche Ex-Weltmeister Erik Lesser hatte bis zum letzten Schießen sogar Chancen auf seinen ersten Podestplatz in dieser Saison. Der 33-Jährige leistete sich in seinem Wohnort aber doch noch zwei Strafrunden und fiel nach insgesamt drei Schießfehlern auf Rang acht zurück. Im Thüringer Wald war es trotzdem seine beste Platzierung im Olympia-Winter. Erst am Freitag hatte sich Lesser überhaupt für die Winterspiele in Peking qualifiziert. Benedikt Doll (3 Fehler) schaffte es von Rang 38 auf 15 nach vorne, der Sprint-Vierte Johannes Kühn fiel nach sechs Strafrunden auf den 22. Rang zurück. Philipp Nawrath (3) wurde 25., Lucas Fratzscher verlor 30 Positionen und kam bei schwierigen Bedingungen mit starkem Schneefall und Wind nur als 52. ins Ziel. Nachwuchshoffnung rast zum Olympia-Ticket, Dürr verpasst Podest knapp Die deutsche Skirennfahrerin Emma Aicher hat sich rund vier Wochen vor Beginn der Olympischen Winterspiele das Ticket für Peking gesichert. Der 18 Jahre alten Nachwuchshoffnung reichte beim Slalom-Weltcup in Kranjska Gora ein 13. Platz, um sich für das Mega-Sportevent im Februar zu qualifizieren. Lena Dürr wurde beim Sieg der Slowakin Petra Vlhova starke Vierte und verpasste ihr drittes Slalom-Podest der Saison nur knapp. Paulina Schlosser konnte nach ihrem Unterschenkelbruch, den sie sich am Vortag im Riesentorlauf zugezogen hatte, nicht starten. Für Gesamtweltcupsiegerin Vlova war es im sechsten Slalom des Olympia-Winters bereits der fünfte Erfolg. Zweite wurde die Schweizerin Wendy Holdener mit einem Rückstand von 0,23 Sekunden gefolgt von Anna Swenn-Larsson aus Schweden (+1,06). Die US-Amerikanerin Mikaela Shiffrin schied nach einem Fahrfehler in Durchgang zwei aus. Nolte gewinnt, Jamanka passiert bitterer Malheur Laura Nolte hat auf ihrer Heimbahn in Winterberg den vierten Saisonsieg im Zweierbob eingefahren. Mit ihrer Olympia-Anschieberin Deborah Levi hatte sie 0,13 Sekunden Vorsprung vor Teamkollegin Kim Kalicki. Die Wiesbadenerin fuhr mit Leonie Fiebig. Dritte wurde US-Pilotin Kaillie Humphries. Zweierbob-Olympiasiegerin Mariama Jamanka patzte am Start mit Deutschlands schnellster Sprinterin Alexandra Burghardt und musste sich mit Rang neun begnügen. Im ersten Durchgang lief das Duo zu weit, sodass der Schlitten beim Einsteigen aus der Anlaufspur geriet und gegen die Bande krachte, was einen enormen Zeitnachteil verursachte. "Ich habe schon viele aufmunternde Nachrichten aus dem Team erhalten. Lieber passiert es hier als dann bei Olympia in Peking", sagte Burghardt. Rennrodlerin Taubitz geschlagen, Loch gewinnt endlich Im spannenden Duell um den Sieg im Gesamtweltcup musste Julia Taubitz diesmal ihre stärksten Konkurrentin Madeleine Egle den Vortritt lassen. Die Österreicherin gewann den Rennrodel-Weltcup in Sigulda und konnte damit den Rückstand auf die im Gesamtklassement führende Taubitz verkürzen. Den Podestplatz knapp verpasst hat Natalie Geisenberger, die auf der engen und schwierigen Bahn in Lettland auf Rang vier kam. Anna Berreiter aus Berchtesgaden wurde Zehnte. Taubitz musste die Leistung ihrer Konkurrentin nach zwei sehr guten Läufen anerkennen. "Madeleine war uns heute um Weiten voraus und hat eine richtig starke Leistung abgeliefert", sagte die 25-Jährige. Felix Loch hat dagegen endlich Grund zum Jubeln. Der dreimalige Rodel-Olympiasieger, der am Samstag im Weltcuprennen in Sigulda den Sieg noch knapp verpasste, sicherte sich am Sonntag im Sprintwettbewerb den ersten Saisonerfolg. "Ich habe nie groß gezweifelt, dass ich vorne mitfahren kann. Es macht wieder richtig Spaß", sagte der 32-Jährige, der vor Weihnachten eine Corona-Zwangspause einlegen musste und noch nicht in Bestform an den Start ging.
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NXT UK American Assessment for (5/29/19)
NXT UK American Assessment for (5/29/19)
Last week, the highly anticipated rematch between Pete Dunneand WWE United Kingdom Champion Walter ended in shocking fashion. As Dunne looked to be on the cusp of victory, the duo of Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel interfered, assisting Walter in retaining his championship. Walter, along with Aicher and Barthel, stood tall over the fallen Dunne. What is the meaning of this alliance? How will it…
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solowrestling · 6 years
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WWE VIDEO: Superstar di NXT vince l’Evolve Wrestling Championship #Evolve, #NXT, #WWE La superstar di NXT, Fabian Aicher è entrato nella storia
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roywaelchi · 6 years
The skatedeluxe Team wins the Vans Shop Riot in Cologne
On 16 June 16 2018, the German final of the Vans Shop Riot contest took place at Northbrigade Cologne. After our boys have always nto been eliminated in the last years, the skatedeluxe team was now finally able to win the Vans Shop Riot for the first time.
SKATEDELUXE | SK8DLX (@skatedeluxe_skateshop)
Overall 14 shop teams competed. As usual at the Shop Riot to two teams went into a two-minute elimination runs at a time. In contrast to the recent years, each team also had three tries to land a best trick after their runs. Already in the first elimination rounds it was indicated that the winners will either be the farmer boys of SHRN (Daniel Ledermann, Josha Aicher & Max Pack), the last year’s winners of team Titus (Jost Arens, Patrick Rogalski & Yannick Schall) or the skatedeluxe Team with Denny Pham, Douwe Macare and youngster Willow Voges Fernandes.
Willow | FS Ollie | © Fabian Reichenbach
Denny Pham | FS Bluntslide | © Fabian Reichenbach
Douwe Macare | BS Kickflip | © Fabian Reichenbach
Due to the fact that Denny and Douwe pushed themselves into top form and youngster Willow Voges Fernandes had always delivered solid runs, the skatedeluxe team had a close victory over team Titus in the semi-finals and also won against the crew of SHRN in the finals.
Props to all competing teams, especially the boys from Münster, Munich and the youngsters from Mantis as well as to the Northbrigade crew. We’ll do our best the Euro finals in Milano!
The video recap will be ready soon. In the meantime, check our Vans Shop Riot Story on Instagram!
skatedeluxe on Instagram
more about the skatedeluxe Team
The skatedeluxe Team wins the Vans Shop Riot in Cologne published first on https://laderaskateboards.tumblr.com/
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domesticblisss · 3 years
A and F with Fabian Aichner?
a - adorable (what do they find especially endearing)
fluffy alphabet headcanons
fabian is so enamoured with you that everything you do is adorable to him;
of course, somethings stand out;
like the way you stick the tip of your tongue out and bite it, in deep concentration;
or how you get goosebumps every time he rests his hand on your lower back;
but he is sure his favourite is when you blush when he sends you racy text or picture when you are out with your friends.
f - flirty (how do they flirt)
fabian is a bit shy, but not shy enough to hide his feelings;
he will always compliment you;
he will ask you if you want him to spot for you;
basically, he will offer to do anything for you;
when he noticed the feeling is mutual, he gets more cheeky;
he starts joking more, some of those joking with double meaning;
and of course he uses the fact of being italian as an advantage;
he will start whispering the most filthy sounding things that will leave you wanting to learn italian so you can respond to it.
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domesticblisss · 4 years
Näher | PT.07
Walter x Axel Dieter Jr x Fabian Aichner x Female Reader (Nicknamed ‘Hase’) Mob AU! Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word Count: 1848 Warnings: Very tiny bit of angst and a whole lot of smut. It’s a foursome my dudes, oral (female and male receiving), fingering, PiV, cum play. Summary: Walter has some secretive business and Hase is not happy. A/N: Well, blame this lmao. Pt.01 | Pt.02 | Pt.03 | Pt.04 | Pt.05 | Pt.06
Things with Walter has been going great after he came to Miami to be with us. The business is once again thriving and my counselling work with them was downgraded to a two day of the week thing. Walter says it is better for me to focus on the record store and that he worries about me after the whole Bobby Gunns incident, which, very reluctantly, I agree with him and decided to not argue about it.
The record store was going great, to my surprise. With the resurgence of vinyls and cassette tapes, the store became a hit with the locals and a must go to for the tourists. I am lucky to have built a trusty team to work with me and to have Shotzi as my manager, best friend and confident.
Today was another busy day at the store until Walter FaceTimed me.
“Hi, honey.” I greeted him, he smiled at me but had a serious face on. I knew something was happening. “Is everything ok? Why are you in your car?”
“Hi, love. Everything is fine, I’ve got some business to make and I need you to close the store.”
“Walter! The store is full,” I changed the camera for him to see, “I can’t just close it like this.”
“Yes you can. Ask Shotzi for help.”
“Walter, is this another Bobby thing?”
“Hase...” He sighed, running his free hand through his face, “No, I don’t think so. It’s just a precaution thing. Close the store, tell everyone to go home. Go home. Axel and Fabian are there. I love you.”
He turned the call off before I could even say goodbye.
I made some lame excuse about urgent family matters but Shotzi got right away what was happening, and helped me with the customers, who were understanding enough.
Getting home was nerve wrecking. I found Axel and Fabian arguing in german in the living room, about how stupid Walter was to go where he went alone. I couldn’t help myself and barged in on their conversation.
“What do you mean with Walter going alone? Where are Tim and Alex?”
“In the office.” Fabian blurted out getting a slap on the head from Axel and a “Dude”.
“Where did he go?”
“Who is he making business with?”
“Why did he make me close the store?”
“Fine, since you want to treat me like a child, I’ll just throw a tantrum like one until I get my answers.”
Three crystal vases, one guitar, a Matisse painting, Axel and Fabian shouting, asking me to stop as I made my way to Walter’s Farbegé eggs collection, and grabbed one. Raising my hand, I asked “Are you telling me where he is?”.
When they were about to open their mouths to answer, I felt a presence behind me, his hand softly engulfing mine, taking the egg away from me.
“Hase, was ist das?”
“Where were you?” I asked as I turned to face him.
“You need to calm down, Hase.” Walter said and gave me the look. The look he would always give me when he knew I wanted to hook up with Tim. “She needs to relax, boys.” with that, I felt Fabian’s and Axel’s presence circle behind me.
“Yeah, I need to relax.” I said smiling. See, Walter and I have talked about this several times before but never made a move to invite them over. I guess he was saving it for a special moment, i.e., when he fucked up like he just did.
Walter kissed me, and I felt a new pair of lips on my neck. Fabian’s. Just as soft as I always imagined it would be. Axel was getting eager behind me, squeezing my ass and nudging Fabian so he could get a little bit of me for himself. Laughing at his antics, I disentangled myself from Walter’s hold on me and turned around to meet the blonde man.
“Always so needy, huh Axel?”
“The only needy hure here is you, babe.” he got back at me as I took his lips in mine.
A few minutes later and Walter instructed us to take it to our bedroom, making a show of carrying me bride style as the boys followed behind. He helped me take off my sundress and took his shirt off, lying in bed and positioned me between his legs, making me use him as a pillow. Axel didn’t waste any time, took his clothes off and laid between my legs, eating me out. Fabian was shy, having only taken off his shirt and was fumbling with his belt.
“Come here, don’t be nervous.” I tried to calm him down.
“Are you sure it’s ok?” he asked, his hands holding my hair into a ponytail as I took his pants and underwear down in one swift move. His cock was beautiful. Average length, thick and girthy. I let him have his way with me. He was slow, too careful, as if I were some sort of porcelain doll that would break if not handled well. Walter noticed his hesitation and pushed my head forward. “She likes it rough, fuck her face.” I smiled as wide as I could with Fabian’s thick meat buried in my mouth. Walter’s words awakened something inside of him and his actions took a 180 turn. His hips started pistoning, fast and rough, hitting the back of my throat each time. Axel got faster too, sucking my clit and fingering me like there was no tomorrow. All of this combined with Walter’s big figure behind me, holding me, caressing my breasts, and kissing my neck while he sang his praises to me was enough to make me cum in no time. I had to push Fabian away so I wouldn’t choke on his dick as my orgasm took over my body.
“Are you ok?” Fabian asked worried.
“FUCK! Yeah, I’m good.” all I could do was nod and laugh, asking them to wait a little.
Walter noticed that Axel was grabbing a condom, and quickly intervened. “Axel, up here. Let Fabian do it.”
“But? Why? I want-“ Axel started to protest but Walter was fast to dismiss his complaints.
“This is about her, about what she wants, not you. You already made her cum once, let Fabian do it. Besides, Tim is not going to be happy if he finds out Fabian touched her, let him have this one, Ax, he probably won’t have another chance.” Fabian tensed and I laughed, murmuring “I’m sorry” to him.
“Fine” said a very reluctant Axel, throwing the closed condom to Fabian.
“Don’t be a piss baby, Axel. I’ll let you cum in my face.” I told him and got a very excited smiled in return.
Meanwhile, Fabian was lining himself in my entrance, slowly inserting his cock in my pussy, getting used to it.
“She’s really tight, isn’t she?” Walter asked behind me and Fabian eagerly nodded back.
His thrusts got faster quickly and his thumb never left my clit.
“Come ‘ere” I asked Axel, taking his cock into my mouth. Walter took it in his hands to help me, moving my head up and down Ax’s dick, the motion and sensations making him cum in record time. Following what I had promised him, he was quick enough to pull out and come on my face and tits. Fabian and I didn’t last much longer, the way he filled me up and how he thrust in me sent me into over drive, the second orgasm stronger than the first, my walls squeezing him so hard that he came too.
I was too weak to say anything and Walter knowing how I usually get, told the boys to leave us alone.
He kept holding me, shushing me and rubbing random shapes on my stomach until my breathing evened out.
“Are you ok?”
“Mhm” was all I could say, blissed out.
“Did you enjoy it?” he kissed my forehead.
“Yeah, I loved it. But there’s just one thing missing.”
“What is it?”
“Hase, you’re worn out. We can do it later.”
“No, now.” I whined. “I can feel how hard you are on my back.”
“Fine, get up.” I did as he told me, lying stomach down as soon as he was off the bed. Walter grabbed a pillow and put it under my stomach to make it more comfortable for the both of us.
As always, he started slow, kissing the whole expanse of my back, my ass and slapped it, kneading it as he made his way inside me. He was relentless, fast, and rough, making me cum even faster. He kept fucking me through my orgasm, the way my walls squeezed around him made him slow down a bit, the sensation so out of this world that a fourth wave came, bringing Walter to the edge with me this time.
His knees gave in and he fell on top me, laughing. We stayed like that for a few minutes, until he asked if I wanted him to run us a bath, to which I agreed to. He was gentle when he took me off the bed, helping me walk slowly to our suite’s bathroom. He made sure to clean my face of Axel’s remains before we got in on the tub, with him behind me once again.
“Are you happy?” he asked
“I am. Will be even more if you tell me where you went alone today that made me close the shop.” I pressed on. He sighed in defeat and answered me.
“I had a meeting with Malcolm Bivens.”
“You had a meeting with Malcolm Bivens?! Alone?! Walter, what the fuck?!” I shouted.
“Hase, calm down. It’s fine. I’m here in one piece, aren’t I?”
“Well, but you couldn’t be. You were worried enough to call me and asked me to close the store! What do you want with him anyway?”
“Did you know he’s like, this really tiny guy? I thought I was going to meet this huge man that was stronger than me but no, very tiny guy. Looks like a little ant.” “Walter...” I sighed “He’s still dangerous.”
“Yeah, but don’t worry. I found out him and Tim worked together before Tim went to Germany and they ended things in good terms. I offered him an alliance. That Karrion Kross guy is trying to expand his business and thinks he is a threat to us. With Malcolm’s support, we are bigger and stronger than ever, Kross will think twice before trying anything.”
I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and a relaxed smile on his face. I kissed him and laid my head back down on his chest.
“Next time just tell me where you’re going, ok?”
“Why? So you are worried about me?”
“I was worried today and you saw what happened. Next time, you will tell me, ok?”
“Yeah, ok.” he gave in.
“Good. I need to clean the mess I made in the living room.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll help you, liebe. Now relax.”
Hase, was ist das? - Hase, what is this?
Hure - Whore
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domesticblisss · 4 years
Us, Forever
Fabian Aichner x Female Reader Rating: PG Word Count: 869 Prompt used: Soulmate AU! A and B find out they are soulmates after touching each other for the first time. Warnings: Language. Summary: Reader and Fabian haven’t found their soulmates. Yet. A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves.
They met when they got signed on NXT. The three of them were paired together on their first week, the team consisting in Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel as the physical forces and her, as their mastermind.
They were inseparable. Marcel was the extroverted one. Very outspoken, funny, a hit with the girls (and the guys too) always getting the three of them in trouble. Fabian was the more of the introverted type. He was quiet, unlike Marcel, his jokes were reserved for his two friends but that didn’t make him any less attractive to the public. C’mon, beautiful italian man, sweet, caring blue eyes dressed in his cute punk outfits? It would be weird if anyone wasn’t into that.
From the day they met, she felt something towards Fabian, like an energy that pulled them together, something she couldn’t explain. She couldn’t help but feel jealous whenever someone touched him when they went out for drinks and dancing, afraid one of them turning out to be his soulmate.
Speaking of soulmates, none of them have found their respective ones yet. The soulmate talk comes up in one of the rides on their first week together, as they were getting to know each other.
“Look, all I know is that I want her to have massive tits.” Marcel speaks excitedly.
“You want big tits? That’s all you want on someone, Marcel? You gotta have someone to be your companion, someone you can count on for anything. Someone to be there for you on the good and bad days. Their looks don’t matter.” Fabian tells him, annoyed.
“Yeah, yeah. All of that with a nice pair of tits would be cool.” Marcel continued.
“You really are insufferable. And you, principessa?” Fabian looks at her from the rear-view mirror “Have you found your soulmate yet?”
“Not really. To be honest, I don’t think I have one.”
“What do you mean you don’t have one? Everybody has one. Yours will come in due time, when you least expect it.” Fabian smiled at her.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“No guessing, it will. Now what are you looking for in your soulmate?” He asks her, once again looking at her from the mirror.
“The same as you.” She answers and they smile at each other.
Fabian feels a warmth grow inside him every time she looks at him with those kind eyes. She is beautiful, giving and does anything she can to help others. When he described his soulmate, he described having her in mind. If he were able to choose his soulmate, it would be her, no doubt.
Even though she is working as their manager now, she is a wrestler first and they do weekly training sessions together. It’s mainly Marcel and Fabian training together and then they coordinating her, as she avoids touching them.
“Could you teach me some of your flying moves sometime, Fabian?” she asks him after they finish training.
“Do you have anything to do now? We could stay a bit longer, Marcel has a date and he’s leaving, so it’s just the two of us and he won’t be here to give you shit if you get something wrong.”
“Yeah, sure! That’s better.”
Fabian is a great teacher, he’s calm, patient, explains things as many times as she needs to understand it or until she gets the moves right.
She’s now on the top rope, trying to get her double springboard moonsault right when Fabian sees her foot slip and runs to catch her before he falls on the ring. It feels like time stops around them. Their breathing evens, flashes of their future together passes by their eyes. A nice house, a wedding, dogs, the two of them growing old together.
He keeps holding her close to his chest, not knowing what to do and it takes her a little extra force to get out of his tight embrace. She sits down beside him and he does the same. They share a few minutes of silence together, staring at each other’s eyes, trying to think about what just happened, and what to tell each other.
“So, I guess it’s you then!” She breaks the silence, laughing nervously.
“You have no idea of how much I was hoping it would be you, principessa.” Fabian tells her, his hands caressing her cheeks with his knuckles. He continues, “That first day I saw you, when Regal introduced us, I felt something I couldn’t explain, I just felt like I needed you.”
“Me too! I was so afraid of touching you and in the end, it turning out to be someone else.” She sits on his lap, hugging him.
He lets go of her, holds her face and looks deep in her eyes, “It’s us now. Forever.”
“Us, forever.”
They kiss. A passionate kiss, full of want, full of love. Years of worrying about being alone being wiped out. The kiss is abruptly stopped by the sound of Marcel’s voice.
“Hey, what’s going on? What are guys doing? Why are you kissing??? Are you— wait, are you guys soulmates?”
Both of them eagerly nodded back, smiling at each other.
“God, fuck no. This is even worse. You two are insufferable together.”
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domesticblisss · 4 years
24 Hours
Marcel Barthel x Female Reader x Fabian Aichner Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word count: 2008 Warnings: Smut/A little angsty. Oral (female and male receiving), threesome, double penetration, PiV, anal. Alcohol mention. Inspired by Sky Ferreira’s song, 24 hours.
If she could describe their relationship, she would describe it with “I don’t know”. Simple as that. One big I don’t know. She doesn’t think they could be called friends with benefits, well, they talk almost weekly, ask how each other’s lives are going... does that makes them friends? She likes to call themselves “I’m in town, let’s do something with benefits”.  They don’t live that far from each other, it’s a 4 hour drive from their respective towns, and an even smaller flight. Their schedule rarely match, she knows how busy they get with training and travelling for live shows and she’s constantly travelling for her own job too.
They met a few years ago, the three of them far away from the places they now call home. She was in Los Angeles to meet a potential new client to her company and Marcel and Fabian, just arriving from Europe, on their first tour with NXT.
She met Marcel first. Tall, blonde, energetic. The sharpest cheekbones she has ever seen, green eyes that made her breathless. He sees her sitting at the bar’s counter and decides to try his luck. To be honesty, she wasn’t looking for anything, but how could she say no to that angel face that she knew was trouble. He was funny, his thick german accent making her swoon. They kept their conversation going for what felt like 40 minutes until they hear a strong but at the same time soft man’s voice shouting Marcel’s name.
Marcel introduces the new guy to her, “This is Fabian, my partner! We wrestle together.” Fabian is... something. Tall, but shorter than Marcel. Bald, but she can see the hint of a thick beard coming in. Broad shoulders, morning sky blue eyes, more reserved. Marcel does almost all the talking, but only nice things comes out when Fabian decides to speak. He also got an accent, she can’t pinpoint from where exactly, assumes it’s european too and later finds out he’s italian. “A german and an italian, what a combination...” she thinks, mesmerised by the way Fabian stares at her and this knowing look Marcel gets in his eyes when he glances at the both of them.
They decided to move to a table, to get more comfortable. A few beers for them, a couple of gin and tonics for her and they stay there chatting, exchanging experiences and laughs for hours. The bar is getting more crowded as time passes and it’s almost midnight when Fabian asks “do you want to get out of here? somewhere more quiet, more private?”
“With the two of you?” she wonders, incredulous.
“We’re like a 2 for 1 package deal!” intervenes Marcel.
She stops, looks at their faces for a few seconds. Fabian is serene, just waiting for his ‘yes or no’ answer, Marcel looks like an eager kid at a candy store, about to explode with excitement but trying to hide it behind a nonchalant mask.
She wets her lips, looks at the both of them and agrees with it, “Sure. Where are you two staying at?”
They ended up going to hers, it being a five minute walk only.
What she thought would be a 1 hour top kind of night turned out to be a 48 hour weekend, with them stopping only to eat, drink some water and rest for a bit when it got too much. When she asked them if they need to workout or practice they answered in union “Oh, it’s gonna be a cardio weekend”.
Those little time out moments they spent getting to know each other. The boys told her how they started wrestling, places they’ve traveled and people they’ve met. She told them about how she started her own marketing company a year ago and how it’s slowly growing.
“I’m here for a client meeting, actually. A big, big client. I was at the bar celebrating.”
“So that means you got the contract, right?” Fabian asks excitedly.
“Yeah!”, and with her confirmation, Marcel agrees it calls for a celebration.
The celebration turns out to be 3 back to back orgasms for her. She was sure they would have had continued if she didn’t beg them to stop once she couldn’t feel her legs anymore.
The weekend went on like this. By the time the trio had to leave, they had exchanged contacts and addresses, finding out how close to each other they were.
They kept in touch, always reaching out to see how the other was, letting them know if they were around. That was their dynamic. A few encounters that lasted, 2, 3, 24 hours that, sometimes, she wished it would never end.
 One summer, tired of all the work she has been doing, she decides to take a vacation. This comes up during one of their conversations and Marcel has the great idea of inviting her to watch them perform live, “You could stay with us, if you want to, of course”, Fabian chimes in.
Agreeing with it, she packs her stuff and leaves on the next wednesday. She decides to drive there, using those precious little hours to clear her head. The GPS system and radio are on and it’s time to go.
The first couple of hours goes smoothly. She sings along to her favourite tunes, dances a little and makes a quick bathroom break. When she’s back in the road, the GPS alerts her that an accident happened, doubling her arrival time. Deciding to let the boys know, she sends them a quick audio message on their group chat, “Hey, some accident just happened on the highway. Traffic is awful... I’ll probably get there by the time the show starts.” Fabian is the one to answer her, almost immediately, telling her that’s it’s okay, that when she arrives she should look for Harry Johnson from Relations that everything will be sorted out, finishing with a “Please drive safe, tesoro ❤”
That tesoro and heart emoji combo haunted her for the rest of the trip.
They never called her any pet names.
The rest of the trip went by without any troubles. She arrives 10 minutes before the show starts, with Harry waiting for her by the door, being greeted with a backstage pass and a front row seat ticket.
She was delighted with the show. The sheer athleticism, the lights and the charisma were out of this world. But she couldn’t believe was how well Marcel and Fabian worked together. They knew each other’s moves to perfection, they knew exactly what to do, when to attack their opponents, when to save each other. Their perfect partnership made them win the NXT Tag Team titles for the second time that night.
She ran backstage looking for them, meeting the duo at their dressing room.
Marcel was the first one to greet her, hugging her so tightly she couldn’t breathe, “I’m so happy you came to see us, liebe!”
The boys took turns on taking their showers to keep her company, deciding that it would be better to head straight to their apartment. Marcel went ahead of them, letting Fabian accompany her, guiding her back to their place.
It was a silent drive, with soft music playing on the radio. He kept his left hand on her right thigh all the time, rubbing soothing circles on its insides. On red lights he would either seal their lips together or pepper her cheeks and neck with light kisses.
As soon as she got through the door of their apartment, Marcel was on her, clinging on her lips like a starved man, “do you know how much we have missed you, liebe?”
“We can’t believe you are here, Tesoro. We shouldn’t stay that long without seeing each other again”, says Fabian, while kissing her neck.
“What is it with the two of you and pet names today?” she says between moans, both Fabian and Marcel hitting her sweet spots. Marcel stops and asks what she means with it, she says that this is the first time they ever called her something like that and all he says before lifting her up to snake her legs around his waist is “I’m sorry, let us right our wrongs”
The german takes her to his bedroom, Fabian following close behind. As soon as they arrive, they waste no time on taking their clothes off. Marcel lies on his bed, ordering her to sit on his face which she takes no time to comply.
“I brought lube and the plug, they are on the pink bag on the front pocket of my suitcase.” She tells Fabian when they break their kiss, and she can feel Marcel moan beneath her. Fabian wastes no time to grab it, covering two fingers in lube and inserting one at a time to get her used to it. He takes is time with it, going slow as to not hurt her, after a minute, he slowly inserts the plug.
She grabs him by the hand, brings him down to a quick kiss and as soon as he is up, she stars sucking him. Slow licks and stokes, increasing as she feels him lose control, he grabs her by the hair, making her deep throat his dick.
Between her legs, Marcel takes some time to breathe, mesmerized by the scene unfolding above him, “You two are so fucking hot” and goes back to his job.
They stay like that for a while, with her only stopping sucking Fabian when she reaches her high.
The boys switch places, Fabian now lying down, helping her take the plug off to switch it with his throbbing cock. Marcel is not left behind, lining himself between her thighs and entering her in one swift move.
Their great work on the ring transfers to the bedroom, with the both of them working in sync to make her lose her mind. It isn’t long before she comes again, taking Fabian with her. Marcel keeps his thrusts hard and deep even with her walls closing around him, making him reach his own high a matter of seconds later.
He collapses on top of them, making the other two laugh. They stay like this for a little while, basking in each other’s presence, taking in their scents.
Marcel decides to get up when he feels his dick going limp inside her, grabbing a towel to clean her up a little, and Fabian opts for grabbing a bottle of water for the three of them.
They get back to bed with her, silence consuming them. After a few minutes, all the thoughts she has been suppressing for sometime now comes back to her.
“What are we?”
“What do you mean, liebe?”
“Are we friends? Acquaintances? What is this thing we have? I’m sorry and if you guys want to end it after this, it’s okay, but I have to say it, I’ve been keeping it inside for so long… the days we have together are the best ones. Ever. It sucks that I can only see the two of you for so little time, one day or a weekend is not enough. I always look forward to your texts, even when it’s you sending some stupid gaming meme I don’t get or Marcel thirst trapping. I hate that we live so close to each other and see ourselves so little… FUCK I’m ranting, I’m sorry. I should probably leave.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Fabian stops her, “first of all, Tesoro, you are not leaving and we are not ending anything. Marcel and I were talking about this last week, that’s why we decided to invite you to the show tonight. We love you and we didn’t know how to say it. Wait, I guess I just did? Anyway… you have your life and we didn’t want to mess with it, but, if you want to, we could try and work something out.”
“So, what do you say, liebe? Could we work something out?”
“Yeah, we can work something out…”
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domesticblisss · 4 years
Someone New
Fabian Aichner x Female Reader Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word count: 1450 Warnings: Smut. Inexperienced character (both of them are of age, aroung 20), oral, PiV, mentions of bad experience with previous partner (nothing explicit). Summary: Fabian got a thing for the new girl in town.
She’s new in town, got there a few weeks before spring started. A young thing in her twenties, nothing and no one on her back but her suitcase. A young woman by herself in small towns are always frowned upon, but she’s just happy, happy that she can start over. Whenever someone asks her what she’s doing there, her answer is always the same “I just want a new beginning”.
She made her way around town pretty easily, rented a little one bedroom cottage house near the city’s downtown area and got a job on a family deli she went on the day she arrived in the place she now calls home.
Alma is the first person to friendly greet her, noticing the scared look of someone starting over somewhere new in her precious eyes. A beautiful woman in her mid-forties, she owns the deli that was passed to her by her father and to him by his own father before. Alma strikes a conversation with her, asking where she comes from and what a big city girl is doing such a small town, “You’ll get bored soon, little angel”, she tells her new neighbour as she caresses her hair. “This is exactly what I need! Do you, by any chance, know a place that is hiring? I don’t care what it is, I can do anything!” she asks Alma while taking a bite of the best spaghetti she has ever eaten.
“This is your lucky day, my dear!” Alma happily tells her, “You see, my son doesn’t care about his family business and I need someone I trust to help me out. Yes, I know we just met, but I see a lot in you!” A few days later, Alma invites her for a family dinner as a welcome to the city.
Alma’s place is... beautiful. A simple double story house with a large front yard full of roses and beautifully decorated inside. Alma’s greeting is as cheerful as ever, taking her inside, Alma introduces her to her husband, Filippo and her son, Fabian.
She’s mesmerised by Fabian. He looks about her age, tall, beautiful morning sky on a summer day like blue eyes, black hair and the most expressive set of eyebrows she has ever seen. She notices he’s a bit shy, having his mom do all the talk for him. From what she has gathered, he works on the town’s ski station and aspires to be a professional wrestler. “Fabian, why don’t you take her around town tomorrow? Show her the mountains and some of the castles too!” Alma tells her son, who shyly agrees.
Fabian is a sweetheart. He doesn’t talk much, and she has to keep feeding him little bits of information so he maintains some sort of talking going on. He ends up getting more comfortable around her by the end of day and when he takes her home, he kisses her cheek goodbye and asks her if she wants to do something next saturday.
Just like that, saturdays became their day. Every saturday they would do something different together. They would visit museums and castles, eat pistachio gelatos and sightsee around the city. One saturday, she calls him proposing something new “Fabio, why don’t we switch things up a bit? I would love to make dinner for you, as thank you for putting up with me every week. Huh, what do you say?”.
“Bella, first of all, why do you insist on calling me Fabio? But yes, I’d love to.” he says, shaking his head with the “Fabio” nickname. “Great! Come around 8, Fabio.” she giggles, hanging up the phone.
Fabian is freaking out. He has never been on a date. Yeah, he has gone out with a few girls, had a girlfriend during high school but never took it to the next level. Alma sees the state her son is in, sits him down a tells him “She’s a special girl. Be nice to her and respect her wishes. Oh, take her bottle of wine! She likes rosé.”
He arrives at her house at 8pm sharp with a little panicked look on his face, which she notices but doesn’t comment on it, letting him in, she thanks him for the wine. Dinner goes incredibly well, they talk about movies, she asks him about his wrestling training, but there’s something he has been meaning to ask her for a long time “I don’t mean to intrude, and you really don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but why did you move out here?”. She lets out a shaky breath before answering him “I’ve... I’ve had some bad experiences with people from where I’m from, so I just decided that I needed to start fresh, start as someone new.”
Fabian apologises, not knowing what to tell her. She tells him it’s okay and that she is doing better than ever. They finish dinner as if nothing happened, he insists on doing the dishes and, reluctantly, she lets him.
They move to her living room, with her turning the tv on on some random music channel. She notices Fabian is back to his shy self once again, the same face he had on the first day they met. Sensing he wants to say something, she asks him what’s going on.
“You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. Inside and out. I can’t bear with the thought of someone hurting you. Is it weird?” he tells her nervously. She stares at him, looking deep inside his eyes and asks him “Fabian?” “Yeah...” “Could you please kiss me?” Fabian is a bit taken back by the question, but slowly closes their distance. His kiss is a shy one, soft lips pulling her to him, his hands holding her close by her beautiful face. They never separate, laying on her couch and pulling her on top of him, he feels his length harden and sees that she notices it, feeling her nimble fingers work on his belt buckle and his zipper. In a self-conscious moment, he pulls back, telling her he had never done this before. She leaves his lap, pulls him up by the hand, pecks his lips and sits down with him by his side.
“Are sure about this? You’re a special guy and you need to do this with someone you find special, not the weird foreign girl.” she nudges him. He kisses her with all the passion he could muster and tells her about how he has thought about it countless times.
“Okay then, sit down. Let’s make this really special.” she says as she kneels before him. She gives his lips one last peck, sliding down to his neck as she helps him take his shirt off. She peppers his chest and stomach with kisses, lifting up only to take his trousers off and her own dress. His cock springs free as he takes his underwear off and she starts slowly palming his half hard erection.
“Tell me to stop if it’s too much.” she says as she licks a stripe up the underside of his dick. She works on his length, her head bobbing up and down as she looks at him. She senses he’s about to cum and stops, getting up to his lips level, telling him how much of a good boy he is, and he gets so flustered. She stands up and goes to her bathroom to find a condom, when she gets back, she is met with the image of him palming himself. Throwing him the condom package, she sees how nervous he is and helps him put it on, then slowly sinks down on him. He hisses with the feeling, getting used to it as she keeps a slow speed.
Feeling more confident, he starts thrusting up, meeting her strokes halfway. He doesn’t last long, gripping her hips tight as he cums. It takes him a while to gain his voice again, panting as she gets off his lap and lays down on the couch, getting her legs on his lap.
“Wait, you didn’t cum. Let me eat you out.” he tells her as he squeezes her calf. She lets out a little laugh and says “It’s okay. This was about you, this was about making it special for you. We’ll have plenty of time for it later.”
She pulls him to lie down on her chest and they stay like that for what feels like hours, just feeling each other’s breathing, each other’s body. “Oh god! I didn’t even take you to the bedroom. We gotta do it again, make it really special.” she says laughing and he kisses her once again.
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domesticblisss · 4 years
Someone New | Pt.02
Fabian Aichner x Female Reader Rating: Mature (Minors DNI) Word count: 1262 Warnings: Smut. Inexperienced character (both of them are of age, aroung 20), oral (female receiving) alcohol mention. Summary: Fabian’s relationship with the new girl progresses and he wants to try something new. Pt.01
They became inseparable after that eventful Saturday night. Dinners together, movie marathons after work, her going to see Fabian’s practices and him actually showing up more at the deli. Alma was ecstatic to see her son more often, even more when she sees how happy he is with her. “You know, the first day when you came over, the moment I saw you coming through that door, I knew you would bring so much joy to this place, bella”, Alma tells her on a sunny Thursday morning, getting her off guard and leaving her speechless.
Her phone vibrated on her back pocket. Pulling it out and unlocking it, she smiled seeing it was a text from Fabian.
→ Went to the store and got that argentinian movie you like so much and a few others. what do you say, amore mio?
→ We could order some Giorgio’s pizza and I got a couple of bottles of that wine you like so much…
She bites her bottom lip trying to suppress a giggle that threatens to escape. “How did I get so lucky…” she thinks.
← Mmm, I guess… is tiramisu in this offer too???
→ Anything for you, bella.
→ I’ll get out of work earlier today, do I go straight to yours or do you want to come over to mine this time?
← Yours! Grazie mille, gioia mia.
She locks the phone with a smile on her face and greets the costumer that just got in.
They arrive together at Fabian’s place. She gets there and is greeted with a sight of a very clumsy Fabian trying to hold pizza and tiramisu boxes and open the door at the same time.
“Amore, let me help you.” she greets him and gives his cheek a kiss, grabbing the keys from his hand.  
Settling down after entering Fabian’s apartment, they grab plates, wine glasses and her favourite rosé bottle, going straight to the couch. Fabian puts “Medianeras” on first, knowing her love for the movie because of how much she talks about it.
The movie is over, and Fabian talks about how sad the main characters separate lives are but how he is glad they met each other. Next, it is “Frat Star”, a comedy to lighten the mood a bit.
They decide to lie down on the couch, with Fabian behind her, hugging her. It is a very funny movie, they laugh several times. But it is kind of raunchy too, she feels Fabian growing harder and harder on her back. The inevitable sex scene comes on. It is an oral one, where the main character goes down on his interest, making her cry with how good he makes her feel.
Behind her, Fabian is rock hard, trying in vain to hide and not make her notice it. She scoots back, rubbing her ass on his erection. Pausing the movie, she asks him what is wrong.
“Iwannamakeyoufeellikethistoo” he whisper mumbles
“Sorry, carino, I can’t understand you.”
“I wanna make you feel like this too. I want to eat you out.” He says and his face goes red as a pepper.
“It’s okay, carino. Now or do want to finish the movie?”
“Now, please, now.”
“Okay! God you’re so eager.” She laughs and kisses his lips.
He gets out from behind her and she scoots back, laying her head on the couch’s arm rest and getting a pillow underneath her ass.
Fabian is back to her lips, “I don’t know how good this will be, but I’ll try my best for you, amore mio.” he confesses, as he helps her take her shirt off. She reassures him that he will do just fine and if anything, she will guide him.
He trails a path of wet kisses and little bites from her chest to her stomach, stopping right where her pants are, sitting up to unbutton it and taking it and her underwear out eagerly, in one motion. She laughs at his demeanour, one hand caressing his arm, asking “you really want this, huh? Also, take your shirt off. Please?”
Fabian does what she says, telling her she has no idea of how much he has thought about it.
He gets back to where he needs to be, kisses her thighs a couple of times, kisses her mound and goes all in. Eager and clumsy are two words that really defines him. His tongue is a bit stiff, a little too many teeth going on, but hey, at least he knows where the clitoris is.
She lets this go for a while, trying to see if he will catch up with the way she is moving her hips, but he is a bit clueless. She calls him and lifts his head with her hands.
“Baby, look… Fuck, I don’t know how to say this. Look, I do not want to hurt your feelings, but… it is a little rough. Do you know where the clit is?”
“Sorry, carina… yeah, it’s the little pea looking thing…” he says as he lightly brushes his thumb through it.
“See,” she shudders with the contact “that’s how you gotta do it with your tongue. The clitoris is very sensitive. Don’t let you tongue get stiff but also not so soft. Use it whole, the tip and its body. Kiss it, suck on it, lightly. The same goes for the whole vulva itself.” He nods and gets back to it.
He goes in shy, testing the waters and paying for attention to how she is reacting. Surprisingly, he is a quick learner. He gets more confident, applies a little more pressure but still in a pleasurable way. It is a matter of minutes before he feels her hands in his hair and legs close, trapping in his head.
To her annoyance, he raises his head to ask, “can I use a finger?”
“YES! One, two… please!” she quickly nods.
When he comes back to her mound, he comes back with a purpose. His ministrations are surer, he licks and sucks her clit like there is no tomorrow, inserts one finger and then the second, getting an instant reaction from her.
He feels her hips lift up, having to hold her down. One of her hands is holding down on the couch cushion, the is attached to his shoulder, scratching him.
“Amore, don’t stop. Please!” she begs him, her walls constricting his fingers as her orgasm explodes. She whimpers, the sweetest sound he has ever heard. He gets up and starts kissing her thighs, his fingers still working while she comes down from her high.
He comes up to her and it’s the most beautiful sight he has ever seen. Her hair is messy, some of it sticking to her forehead, her breathing is uneven, her chest going up down quickly, her lips carries the laziest smile and when her beautiful eyes open, they give him this look of adoration he can’t describe.
She grabs the arm he used to ravage her and brings his fingers to her lips, making sure to make a show while cleaning them up.
“Babe, that was…”
“So fucking good…”
“Yeah?” “Yeah.” They agree with each other.
They stay in each other’s arms for a while, cherishing the moment. Fabian then gets up, goes to the kitchen and grabs her a bottle water. He positions himself between her legs once again while she drinks her beverage.
“Amore, what are you doing?”
“Gotta practice. I want to be the best for you.”
“Oh god!” she groans, and his lips finds their way once again.
Grazie mille: Thank you very much
Gioia mia: My joy
Carino/carina: doesn’t have an exact translations, it’s something like “dear”
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chicagodilfpunk · 3 years
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Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aicher)
2x NXT Tag Team Champions
May 13, 2020 - August 26, 2020
October 26, 2021 - Current
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