#fabian aichner fanfic
dempseyregal · 2 years
Unexpected Surprise Part 1
A/N: This has been in my drafts for a while and I couldn't even finish it so enjoy the first part of this hot mess while I try to finish the other part
“Fabian, are you alright?” Marcel waved his hand in front of his face, but Fabian didn’t as much as blinked in response. “You’re leaving? But why Y/N? I though you loved it here!” His voice cracked with rage and hurt, but I couldn’t handle to tell him the truth.
I was pregnant, with Fabian’s baby, and couldn’t stay to wrestle until after the birth. I decided to go to Scotland and stay with my brothers’ wife until after the baby was born, I wanted to lay low. But all I told Imperium was that I quit because of personal problems within the family.
“Joe and Mark aren’t quitting?! Wolfgang is still creeping around, why don’t they quit too?!” “Because it doesn’t involve my brothers. Wolfgang isn’t even remotely related to me in anyway. My sister-in-law is expecting and there are complications with her health. I am leaving to take care of her.” I replied as I took my stuff and walked out of the dressing room while the three of them started debating and arguing with one another.
*8 and a half months later*
I was in the crowd at Takeover New York, flew in with Abigail to see the guys wrestle. They didn’t say who they were facing, just that my sister-in-law and I had to come watch them live. She was 5 months pregnant, and my little boy was fast asleep in my lap. It was the first time I stepped foot on WWE property since leaving.
Gallus made they way down to the ring and suddenly the lights went out and Imperium’s music hit. My heart dropped when I saw the three of them standing on the ramp, sadistic expressions on their faces. I looked at Fabian, his beard had grown, and his body had exploded to twice the size as when I saw him last. Marco started waking up in my arms and I panicked. “What if he sees him? He doesn’t know Marco’s his.” I whispered over to Abigail, and she looked over at my brothers, who also must have sensed my panic state as they went to work on distracting Imperium from walking around the ring.
The match was brutal to say the least.  Just when Wolfgang thought he had them pinned, Alexander Wolfe came from nowhere and caused a distraction, having Fabian pin him, winning the match for Imperium. I was frantically observing the ringside area for Joe and Mark when Abigail grabbed my arm. “He’s coming, let’s go!” She grabbed Marco’s bag but before I could follow pursuit, Fabian was at the barricade, grabbing onto my arm. “Y/N?! What are you doing here? I thought your sister in law had a baby alre-“He froze when he caught sight of Marco now fully awake, his big blue eyes staring back at Fabian with a toothless grin.
“I have to go.” I practically ran after Abigail to the backstage area, hoping and praying that their locker room was open so I could sneak in and hide there. TO my luck, it was and Abigail pushed me inside, closing the door behind her. I heard a commotion outside the door, German shouting and banging on the door. Joe and Mark burst through, pushing me into the bathroom. “Keep the lad in here until I tell you its safe to get out. These idiots want to see the baby.” I nodded and locked the door when he ran out, Abigail looking at Mark with wild eyes before he pursued our brother.
After a while, there came silence and a small knock from the door. “Y/N, come on out.” Mark’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. I opened it and saw the anger on his face. They were all seated in the locker room. All four members of Imperium and Wolfgang, Joe and Abigail were sitting around the table, Mark placing his huge hand on the small of my back.
Fabian jumped up but Wolfgang shot up to block his way. “Remember the deal Aichner. You get to see him but not too close.” I panicked once again and held Marco tighter to my chest. “You had a baby and didn’t tell us, Y/N? Why would you disappear like that?” Marcel spoke up while everyone just stared at the baby in my arms, smiling at all of them. “He looks just like you.” Walter pointed out to Fabian, who was focused on the giggling little human.
“He’s mine? Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve been there to help you during the pregnancy, I missed his birth! I missed the visits to the doctor!” I felt like bursting into tears. “I- I thought that you would want to take him away from me. I didn’t want you to know because I was scared.” I whispered and all eyes were on me in an instant. “Why would he do something like that Y/N?” Wolfe asked and Joe stood up, taking Marco from me and carefully putting him on the table in front of them to see.
I took a seat with them as Mark followed suit, sitting next to me, positioning himself in between me and his wife. “Our father tried to take us away from our mother when we were kids. So my mother tried to keep us a secret from the rest of the family afterwards scared that my father would come back for us.” Joe said as Fabian leaned froward, Marko grabbing his fingers and giggling as he pulled him close.
“I kept all of the ultra sounds and had videos made of my doctor’s appointments and the birth… SO when Y/N was ready, she could give them to you.” My sister-in-law spoke, Fabian looking over at her then at Marko. Marko had Fabian’s finger in his mouth, drool all over his hand. “Can I see it?” He asked and I obediently walked over to the little black case that I carried around with me. I handed it to him, and Marcel opened it, taking out the contents and handing them over to Fabian. Inside, photos of my scans, when Marko was born, Marko wearing an Italian supporter’s outfit that Mark bought him, a photo of Marko next to the Imperium flag I was gifted.
“I want the two of you to move in with me.” Fabian said while rocking Marko to sleep. I sucked in a breathe as I saw Joe tense up. “Its alright Joseph. He’s Marko dad, he has the right to have him around.” Wolfgang tried to calm him down while I held onto Joe’s hand. “You knew this was going to happen sooner or later Joe. We have to move.”
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Fabian Aichner + a huge mountain, with the shore just below it, waves crashing against the oceanside?
a huge mountain, with the shore just below it, waves crashing against the oceanside
location drabble prompts
whenever he needed to think, fabian would hike.
it wasn’t like the snow covered mountains of south tyrol, where he grew up skiing, but the sunny floridian days, the fresh air and the luscious trees, and the salty smell of the ocean always helped him clear his mind.
after a long, silent hike, he sat with her at the top of the mountain. the crash of the waves and the chirps of the birds were the only sounds between them.
she had lost count of how many waves had come and gone.
after several minutes, fabian finally touched her. his pinky intertwining with hers, his thumb gently caressing the top of her hand. the look on his face showing that he was choosing his words carefully.
“i’m sorry. i really am, and i need you by my side.” he finally broke his silence.
she knew exactly what he was apologising for. with his and marcel’s constant losses and walter finally being defeated, fabian vanished.
no calls, no texting back, no nothing. it felt like he never existed in her life. she understood him. even with how painful this period has been, she understood him. she knew the trio had to regroup and refocus.
“marcel and i… we– we’re going against msk tomorrow, and i can’t do it without you.” he finally looked in her eyes, “good or bad, i can’t do this without you.”
“i’ll always be with you, fabian.”
“sempre con te, principessa.”
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domesticblisss · 3 years
A and F with Fabian Aichner?
a - adorable (what do they find especially endearing)
fluffy alphabet headcanons
fabian is so enamoured with you that everything you do is adorable to him;
of course, somethings stand out;
like the way you stick the tip of your tongue out and bite it, in deep concentration;
or how you get goosebumps every time he rests his hand on your lower back;
but he is sure his favourite is when you blush when he sends you racy text or picture when you are out with your friends.
f - flirty (how do they flirt)
fabian is a bit shy, but not shy enough to hide his feelings;
he will always compliment you;
he will ask you if you want him to spot for you;
basically, he will offer to do anything for you;
when he noticed the feeling is mutual, he gets more cheeky;
he starts joking more, some of those joking with double meaning;
and of course he uses the fact of being italian as an advantage;
he will start whispering the most filthy sounding things that will leave you wanting to learn italian so you can respond to it.
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