#facebook robot chat
weldingmetal · 9 months
So we call ourselves monsterfucker and robotfucker and what not but how would this happen if transformers were real?
So I wrote this little blurb. This could be for any continuity I think. Send me requests and I’ll see what I can do. Also tell me if ya want to be tagged.
this was inspired by @robot-horde
So the Cybertronian and human relations were going as well as they could.
Although there were some protests from humans and a few problems here and there everything went as well as it could. It was recently released that Cybertronians could freely explore earth and whatnot if they did not cause destruction…however there was something the government failed to mention and the bots under all circumstances didn’t expect.
Humans will try to fuck anything that they can.
This led to very…. Interesting revelations. No one knows exactly the bot and human that started everything although many have their money on Hot Rod.
Whoever it was it happened like this. A lonely human sick of their species decided to take a chance and a bots curiosity was burning bright which led to the human confirming that they were a robot fucker and the bot realizing that he could probably never fully go back to hard metal digits.
Thus the term “Organicfragger/organicfacer” was coined on one of the many Cybertronian group chats.
Apparently with the widespread public discovery that the two species genitalia was compatible came many expected and unexpected events.
A human/bot relationship flag
Sites dedicated to Human/bot erotica
Cheesy inaccurate romance novels by Cybertronian and humans alike
Facebooks moms complaining only to do a 180 and always be looking for a bot s/o
Men being mad that femme bots don’t want them.
TV shows
Cybertronians and humans who only date each other for clout.
The car washing businesses skyrocketing.
So in other words it would be nothing short of sexy chaos
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bi-hanslefttittie · 2 months
How do you think bi han with a phone would be like,maybe johnny or his gf convinced him to get one how do u think he'd text
HI!!! omggg this question scratched my brainn,,, I was writing fanfic two days ago and it did came up the idea of Bi-Han texting so this ask definitely its sososososo helpful :D
Bi-Han and Technology.
While part of a very traditional clan, that I assume does not have that much reliance on technology. I have to make a reminder that Bi-Han is an extremely progressive man when it comes to advances. Hence, why I personally think he always was pro modernization of the Lin Kuei and hence why he has so much admiration for Sektor.
That said... I'm not sure he's that great at technology. I mean, he's not terrible, but not a tech genius either.
Johnny gives him a phone.
He would give him the newest model of phone. And I think at first, Bi-Han would refuse it, not particularly interested on all it's perks.
No selfies. NOT AT ALL. Only maybe if Johnny convices him to take one, but he would later delete it.
He wouldn't use it that much. His screentime is very limited and he would try and only use certain apps like the calculator, the notes app, line.
Though I feel like he would blatantly refuse, I think (If they're not dating), Johnny would set him up on Tinder or Grindr.
At first he thought no one would match with him
His Girlfriend gives him a phone.
It was a birthday gift so he couldn't say no. (Also, he can't say no to his girlfriend, i mean. He loves her)
It was a flip phone, thankfully. It had a small camera and it was royal blue. (Very good taste, girlfriend!)
It was easier to handle than a cellphone so he learned all the perks very quickly.
Probably used the camera to take pictures of his girlfriend and using it as background. (1. That's very sweet. 2. He can't take pictures for shit, for some reason it's always slightly blurred, his thumb shows up or he cuts up her feet or part of her face. But hey, that's not totally because of him not knowing technology. It's mostly because he's a bit awkward about it. Trying to act like he's not enjoying doing a photo session)
Not gonna lie... i think he might even start taking pictures of like... the mountains, something cool he spotted.
Still, he does not use it that much.
girlfriend convinced him to upgrade to something more modern, and he did
he has like, a pretty blank facebook account and only one facebook friend (His girlfriend)
(Johnny is blocked)
I think the moment he realized he could use the phone to read was the moment he started actually carrying it around everywhere. Amazon Kindle User. Please give him more books!!
He also likes to scroll around searching and learning random things. Anything that might be useful for his position as Grandmaster.
Girlfriend: Hey bae <333 Ily, i miss u Girlfriend: Could u get some bread on the way back? and maybe some snacks? Bi-Han: ... Typing... Bi-Han: ...Typing... Bi-Han: ...Typing... Bi-Han: ...Typing... Bi-Han: 👍
Yeah, don't expect too much romance or nice chats, he takes a lot of time typing and he tries to keep it simple and concise, he is not a man of many words either. And he much rathered to speak personally with his girlfriend, although, if necessary, he would use Speech-to-Text to send longer messages or rather, send voice messages (Latino readers/ whatsapp users know.) He will try and send pics of what he's doing if his girlfriend asks of him. And sometimes he would drop info on what he's working on and provide no context.
Bi-Han: A more advanced way for a robot to walk is by using a dynamic balancing algorithm, which is potentially more robust than the Zero Moment Point technique, as it constantly monitors the robot's motion, and places the feet in order to maintain stability. Girlfriend: ... what? Bi-Han: -Sends blurry picture of a cyborg- 👌
And honestly that's a love language. Now that he has a phone, he likes to keep his girlfriend updated on whatever interest he has because he trusts her enough with his goals and activities. Bi-Han has a need to have someone to relate to, so his girlfriend will get info dumped sometimes. But that's alright, that just means he's content and his guard is down.
IM SORRY I DIDNT PUT MORE ABOUT JOHNNY i just dont know much of their dynamiccc 💀 Obvi i state this is only my take and I might be wrongg but thanksss for asking uwuwuwu
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firefistjaigio · 14 days
OP social media headcanons (only some lol)
thinked too hard about what some OP characters social media use would be like
The Strawhats:
Luffy: avid IG reels and Youtube shorts user, they do not let his ass on tik tok. He posts random shit he sees on his IG story and also makes reels about beetles. He begs Usopp to help him make a YouTube channel but Usopp will do most of the work for it so he's not fully on board yet
Chopper: Gen Alpha realness he is crazy about Roblox, they don't really let him have his own account but he look at reels and shorts with Luffy
Zoro: Literally nothing but youtube to watch workout, sword, martial art, fitness, and like some eastern philosophy motivational content. Nami also downloaded a locator app on his phone so the strawhats can find him and stop him from wandering to another country. Oh and he tried google maps, fucking hated it
Sanji: He is sharing flowery good morning gifs on whatsapp and facebook all the time. He runs the account for the baratie on Instagram and it's actually pretty savvy but also real. Oh and he's on Snapchat for loser reasons
Nami: Gen Z legend, she is PROLIFIC. Makes really cool tik toks about navigation and is lowkey an educational influencer. Also is on Instagram and is somewhat villainous on Twitter with Usopp. Scams people on Discord
Usopp: Lord he is on everything. He will demolish you on Twitter, Nami helps, he has doxxed evil bitches with her help. He's evil in IG reel comment sections but not like that bad. Oh and he posts pretty cool stuff on tik tok and Ig reels about all the stuff he makes, everyone always hypes his art. Oh and like he's probably always just looking for tips on Reddit and sharing answers too
Robin: Tumblr most definitely, archeology and history blog on tumblr
Franky: Runs a facebook account and instagram account for his mechanic? woodworking, robotics just whatever the fuck shop, we love him for it.
Jinbei: Facebook mom, also shares dumb stuff he sees on facebook to the others on whatsapp
Brook: Also just nefarious on Facebook but Usopp helped him open an account to post music, has a following from people who were fans of him back in the day and also just music fans.
This isn't a me post if I don't talk about the ASL brothers sighs
So the brothers overall have a childhood youtube channel with vlogs they would post of their shenanigans, has a lot of of fun and crazy stuff on there. They kept it all out of fondness for the memories.
Sabo: Lord... he is on political twiter bullying THE FUCK out of right wingers. He is practically everywhere, he runs a tik tok account for political organizing and education that Koala also runs with him. He has used tumblr, but not really much. He has an Instagram he mostly neglects for being crazy and discussing theory on Twitter. He goes on Discord sometimes but the modern au version of the revolutionary army shed that for Signal I guess. Sabo is also on bluesky, idk what goes on there though.
Ace: mostly offline, justs uses Whatsapp to chat with his people yeah.
I'm gonna add Law to this post too because bye
Law: LinkedIn... ew... and twitter but like in a stressed way like he just scrolls on it and just tweets about his life.
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windandwater · 3 months
there's a ghost in the group chat.
when my dad died, we canceled the phone plan, got rid of the phone number. but we use an encrypted messaging service, and we never deleted the account. we never took him out of the group chat.
he was removed by no one. automatically by an invisible finger. it says, "3 members," but it's wrong. we know it's 4.
it's his group chat, anyway. he made it and it's named after his last name, the one we all wear with pride. he's still there in the name, in the icon, between the lines of words we say to each other.
we send each other things we we wish he could see. news stories about bears, pictures of birds. we hope, maybe, just a little—
is a man dead if he's still remembered?
if ghostly foosteps still wander through cyberspace not deleted not deactivated just gone?
we wanted to get into some of his accounts but we never could, so we just left them. they're unreachable, no password, we can't recover anything. we were unwilling to tell the websites, he died, you have to delete this.
so they just stay there. traces of a person. you can still see his photos. he's still there in the family facebook groups. the photo groups he posted in. the flickr pages that will never be updated.
the conversation records with deleted accounts, deleted by a robot, left in place by us, an imprint on the internet that we can't bear to erase.
we never deleted him.
we send things we want him to see, and maybe—
there's a ghost in the group chat.
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prismsoup · 3 months
OH also i saw in a sketch two other iterators that are in the same local group as TLSPTS, i think it was Structuration of structures and Fractures amongst others?
What do they do in the story (if they have an impact)? I assume they don't like Spears that much x] grumpy robot
Ooh yes ! I haven't drawn these two in a while
Structuration of Structures is also a First Mass Construction Wave ( gen 1) iterator, their construction was finalized a bit before spears' own (probably the equivalent of months or a year or two before his own construction was finalized). It shouldn't be that important since their age difference is negligible but it's often a point of conflict they bring up because Structuration "technically" is his senior (in the sense of being older) (they refer to their actual group senior as Administrator) and they do love to remind spears of that whenever they're in the middle of a debate.
Speaking of debates, these two do that quite often. Their respective Houses don't exactly get along but it's reflected quite more through them, especially since spears' aggressive behavior was something that was heavily encouraged by his Creators. Beyond yelling about how their theories and works and ideas are better, as the two oldest members of their group (after Fracture Amongst Others), they're also constantly bickering about who should be the actual Administrator of the group. If they could, they'd get each other dismantled.
Fracture Amongst Others is the group Administrator, she's the oldest of the bunch since she's a model from the Prototype era (gen 0). She still struggles with handling the more recent communication systems so Structuration helps her with that (and does try to use that as a point for them to be made the new Administrator, or at least take the role "unofficially"). She doesn't really like conflict so she tends to simply avoid it until it's way too urgent or problematic. If you need a general vibe, just think "facebook grandma" I guess. She would send these over-edited sparkling gifs with "BLESSED MONDAY" or "GOOD MORNING" written in fancy fonts in chats if she wasnt too busy with- whatever it is she's doing, no one really knows, she's generally not very active in the comm lines of her group. She's kind, but simply not very helpful as she seems clueless about anything that's happening most of the time. She doesn't dislike Structuration or spears, but they do give her the equivalent of headaches quite often.
There are other group members but I just- never really got the time to ever create them I guess ? Besides one other guy, Calls from the Past, who tried to run simulations within simulations to find out what happened to Sliver of Straw and got trapped in them, only to emerge thinking they were SOS but stuck in someone else's body.
here's a doodle of FAO btw
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she has that permanent TBH stare it's not visible here but her puppet has a bulkier build because it's basically a metallic shell full of organic components a proper fully organic puppet (or one that has a better harmony between both organic and mechanical components, and isnt just basically meat stuffed in a can) probably wasnt exactly easy or viable yet at the time of her construction
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trolls-confessions · 5 months
miscellaneous socmed stuff (i wrote "misc" and my phone deadass suggested "miscarriage")
branch's social media: has a public twitter account and a personal facebook. uses his facebook to talk to his brothers, added guy diamond a while ago but forgot about it. mostly uses twitter though, as that's also his business page: posts about special deals, and short videos working on cars/motorcycles/the shop's mascot (a tiny robot he made in highschool named Gary). but he also shares articles he thinks are interesting, shows pictures of his puzzles, dates for floyd's concerts, posts from bruce's restaurant and occasionally answers if he's tagged in stuff.
after the thread, his page becomes ridiculously popular. he can't make it a private account bc, again, that's his business page. the thing is though, that some people have started reaching out to him; one of his neighbors (legsley) tells him she knows people from his highschool and they're asking for his number, is it okay if ahe gives it to them??? branch wants to say no, but bruce tells him there's no harm in just listening to what they have to say (and to send them screenshots, his brothers are more than ready to throw hands). so, branch gets added to his second ever group chat: The Snackpack™
Ooooooh i like where this is going
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iantimony · 3 months
this tuesdaypost was drafted on monday, please clap
we are cookin with Gas this week
listening: listened to antimai a few times through, favorite track i think is 'ring 5: middle class'. dorian electra - man to man: really fun video too charasho (benny friedman): was linked in jew chat. very charming and funky. 5 Old French Dances: No. 5. Le Basque (arr. for 2 recorders and harpsichord): i heard this a billion year ago on the radio (my wakeup radio station on my alarm clock is classical) and i finally got around to saving a link for it. very bouncy very cute. makes me think of rabbits running in circles a la beatrix potter.
EDIT TO ADD: i also finally listened to beyonce 'cowboy carter'!! i know im late! it's good i like it! not a revolutionary opinion! obsessed with her jolene cover! that's all!
reading: big one this week! i FINISHED 'the left hand of darkness'! i really liked it! still marinating on the themes etc. i started 'the dispossessed', also by le guin, and am devouring that as well. there's some stuff in there that oof ough. existential. but i'm liking it so far, i'm around chapter 5 right now. physicists!
fanfic: imposter syndrome (mikkeneko): i might have already linked it but i can't be assed to go back through a few weeks of tuesdaypost to see if i already have. so if i did, here it is again. really charming premise, gut-punch of an ending, cool twist on the doppelganger setup from dungeon meshi with svsss.
the articles, some of which were actually read a while ago but i forgot to link and am now cleaning out my phone tabs: how will the golden age of 'making it worse' end? (david roth) new canada policy lets indigenous people reclaim their names (emma bowman) what happens to the stay-at-home girlfriend after a breakup? (erika w smith) unschooling is the parenting trend that's pissing everyone off (ej dickson) in defense of 'coffee badging' (monica torres): if i had a job that was all zoom calls i would literally go insane over being made to go into an office to take zoom calls. fuck that what my mother's wardrobe taught me about style and grief after she died: thinking a lot about all my dad's shit will semen destroy your shower drain? granny davis' geocaching page: found when i was looking at some reviews for caches near my apartment. im kind of obsessed with her. she also has a facebook page called 'granny's geo page' if you don't have a geocaching account. literally she is everything to me. she has found So Many fucking geocaches good god. wedding trivia questions: used as reference to create some wedding trivia for a bridal shower! similarly, the wikipedia page for morganatic marriages my fight with a sidewalk robot (emily ackerman): my school has these. hate them. my boyfriend just linked this to me and im obsessed, laser etched paperweights, i am not a huge paperweight girlie but wowwww prettyyyyy. the electron orbitals!!!! i had a search open for "anti mega #1 cray street". i have no idea what this is.
special edition: the link dump from my trip to the uk last month! some very related to the trip itself, a few random extras! top of the poops, an architectural firm bc i saw a sign with their logo and thought it was cool but now i can't find their logo, waring ader space invaders because i saw someone's shirt with the little space invader guys and was like ooh the tate museum joel meyerowitz (and another page about him) wikipedia on gratin dauphinois, wikipedia page on doncaster for some reason i did not go there list of artworks at the national portrait gallery of scotland wikipedia page on the jacobite uprising of 1745 washi tape that would match the edinburgh one i bought there, tintin in the land of the soviets postcard that i didnt end up getting wikipedia for a quaich which is a traditional scottish bowl, a wiki page on the geology of arthur's seat, a book in the scottish national galleries that i thought about purchasing but didn't want to try and fit in my luggage (she is definitely one of my new favorite artists though) wikipedia page on lauryn hill for some reason not sure how i got there, wikipedia page on salome halpir this post was on tumblr and i tried to find the item in the victoria and albert museum but it was sadly not on display, one of the audio guides i listened to a bit of in the v & a, a scarf i almost bought in the v & a a google search for the fabric library at harrods because my mom mentioned that it existed but i could not find it search for blinq (apparently spelled that way) blossoms because of a cocktail my brother's friend ordered that had one as a garnish wikipedia page on the mechanical explanations of gravitation
watching: from wool to cloth using a historical weaving technique (jillian eve): oughhh colors
emma in the moment/made in the moment: a deep dive into the chunky boy crochet lore the crochet stardew valley pillow drama untangling the shocking tale of mystical creations yarn i tried red heart's new all in one granny square yarn
some crochet tips videos from play hooky with me
tiffanyferg: 'personal style' discourse hgtv is a gentrification masterclass cleantok villains and the morality of messiness
playing: a teeny bit of wizard101
making: fallow. well i guess i drew on some cards for my friend's bridal shower. but generally fallow.
eating: made deb smittenkitchen's delicious carrot cake recipe. mine was a little ugly but really really delicious. i bought a bag of preshredded carrots and just sort of roughly chopped em up a little smaller because i couldn't be assed to grate them. i also couldn't be assed to trim the cakes, i did two smaller round pans and stacked them up but because i didn't trim them they were a little wibbly. oh well.
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i'm going to bake another cake for my brother's birthday next weekend and i'm between her chocolate olive oil cake (looks really easy) and bittersweet chocolate and pear cake (a little more involved but highly recommended by bee)
misc: my mom wanted to take a sailing class but didn't want to do it alone so she offered to pay for me to come. sure, said i! i have never sailed! i like learning new skills! reader, it is So Fucking Hot Outside. the wind died and we had to get towed back to shore. the sun was so strong. there are so many ropes with all different names and they all Do Something. sunday's class got cancelled/rescheduled because the weather was That Bad (hot as fuck and no wind) so we're doing it probably friday instead (and saturday. and sunday. it's two weekends in a row of both days at 9am yayyyyy) but i just hope the weather is. better.
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literaticat · 5 months
Regarding the AI-to-sort-through-submissions question, a major publisher recently opened (briefly) to submissions and were going to use an AI called Storywise to sort their subs. There was a massive backlash on social media and they rescinded the idea, got them a lot of bad press. Not sure if you saw that controversy. So I wonder if the person who asked you that question also saw that or if some agencies/other publishers are now doing this too.
I hadn't heard of this controversy, so I googled it, and came up with this article recapping a thing where Angry Robot was going to use Storywise to sort through submissions and got a lot of pushback. (Are they a major publisher? Is this what you were referring to? Or was there another thing?)
The interesting / wild thing about this to me is that... this doesn't sound like a big deal, actually? They put an FAQ about it (which they have left up for transparency) -- in reading the article above and the FAQ, if they are to be believed, it seems that AR were using a non-generative AI program that was NOT being trained on or retaining any of the author's work.
This "slushbot" was going to filter submissions to the appropriate editor and flag any anomalies (like, "doesn't fit requested word count" etc).
All submissions, whether or not they were "flagged" in this way, were being looked at by an actual human. (Because slushbot can make mistakes!).
This... doesn't sound that egregious to me? In fact, it sounds super reasonable? AM I BONKS? Am I missing something?? Maybe!
Things I -- and possibly you! -- use every day that have similar features:
GMAIL. Uses AI to filter out spam, highlight important messages, designate promotions and ads to different folders, remind me to follow up on things, etc. Does it make mistakes? Sure, sometimes. I do have to check the spam filter now and again to make sure it isn't flagging important things wrongly. Does it make my life infinitely easier? YES. I get hundreds of emails a day -- if I had to look at all the trash ones, I would NEVER find the important ones!
SPELLCHECK / AUTOCORRECT / AUTOCOMPLETE / GRAMMARLY, et al. Use AI to tell me when I have misspelled something or to suggest wording. Is it always right? No! I never mean DUCK, spellcheck! Does it make my life easier? For sure! I have fat fingers, this saves me from many a gaffe!
"IF YOU LIKE ____, TRY _____" -- you know how online retailers often suggest things based on your buying preferences, or give you a bargain on things they know you enjoy to get you to re-buy, etc? You know how TikTok and Netflix push content that they think you'll be into based on your viewing habits? Or you'll just be chatting about beekeepers and suddenly you have ads for bee merch on your Facebook? That's the magic of the algorithms, babes. And they are everywhere.
QUERYMANAGER. I don't know if this technically counts as "AI" -- but QM does do things like flag submissions that meet certain criteria that I've designated (like, if it is somebody who is previously published, if it is a referral, etc) -- it also tells me the history of submissions, so I know if they've queried the agency before and when and to whom and with what material. (This is how I KNOW FOR A FACT that so many people don't follow the DUCKING directions.) And, while currently I have to manually forward submissions to other agents if they are more appropriate for them, I could see a world where that was automated -- like if all queries came to a central repository and QM2.0 forwarded them to the specific agents at the agency who were open to [whatever] kind of book. Would that be a bad thing? Or a HELPFUL thing? IDK.
These are just tools, at the end of the day. I don't think there's anything morally wrong with using them or trying them out as long as you aren't letting them make actual decisions for you. Like, I would never want a slushbot to reject things (or accept them!) on my behalf - I have to be the one to look, just as I would never want an algorithm to purchase things on my behalf just because I MIGHT like them -- no thank you! By all means suggest, but I have to make the final decision!
(TL;DR: Using spellcheck on your work to make sure you haven't called me KENNIFER? Yes please! "Creating" work that you intend to submit with your name on it using generative AI? Please, no. Using an AI filter to flag submissions and sort them to the correct person? Sounds OK! Stealing author's work to train an AI? Not OK!)
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rovimrtheduck · 4 months
Stuff I've heard at school: Part 16
P1: "As long as it doesn't bother the people with OCD then it's okay"
P2: "And who cares if your shirt comes undone"
My imaginary friend is Jeremy, what's yours? ADOLF HITLER!
P1: "Double it and give it to the next person"
P2: "Double your GAY and give it to the next person??"
P1: "Yeahhhh"
You're autistic AND gay! You're a nightmare to interior design!
I love Hozier! That funky little bog man has my soul in a chokehold
I fucking hate that felt-faced freak (about a French puppet pineapple)
My baseball playing dad snooped through my yarn
When two chairs love each other very much…
I don't wanna read French I have a headache. I don't wanna HEAR French, I have a HEADACHE!
*Teacher walks in wearing a Boston Bruins jersey, immediate sounds of booing*
P1: When I say skin color I mean my skin color (brown)
P2: can't really argue with that
P1: "I'm not going to give you the context, I'm only going to say one thing, FUCK women"
P2: "That's probably the right thing to say to the lesbian"
Ciel hasn't even entered the chat yet and we're using his name in vain
Pass the gauntlet or get cancer
Oh yeah, sorry I killed you, at least you're alive now
Yeah, you have to be a good classmate, and donate your liver
P1: "You should eat, oranges! Orange slices"
P2: "How is that going to help?"
P1: "The power of- the power of-"
P2: "The power of vitamins?"
P1: "The power of Asians"
First word, happening to be a bad one. Very first word of the day.
Bro got leukemia and dipped, like I never met him, my dad never met him
P1: "Give him a hot chocolate"
P2: "He'll die if he has a warm drink-"
P1: "Then give him cold chocolate??"
P2: "You mean chocolate milk?"
What is the up guys *arms crossed, peace signs*
P1, very aggressively: What does you law teacher tell you guys every day?!
P2: Have a good day, stay in school, don't do drugs
P1: And what did you do?
P1: I'm having a bad day, I've been skipping school, and I'm on drugs
P1: "hey white people"
looks of confusion at the one brown member
P2: I'm not white?
P1: Oh. well you're an honorary white. a half-white
P2: Half-white! I have partial rights now.
somebody in this hallway smells like tomato soup
give him a room temperature lemonade
nobody's gonna mug me for my glasses, they're from Walmart!
Art kid (derogatory)
If grandma is racist can grandma be racist on facebook
No it was music sent from GOD when I found the scorpion. It was telling me I was going to die
*Calmly listens to msub whimper audios in the middle of class, locked in on math sheets*
Singing Gaston in perfect key, loudly in the hallway
Maybe Saladfingers's autistic son
Hashtag free your mom
P1, a lot louder than he should have been: "The robot! saw the kid jacking off!"
P2, in a tired sort of quiet: "Yeah, that sounds about right"
P1: "My donuts dead"
P2: "What"
P1: "My milkshake is dead."
Donuts make me nut
If you do that one more time, I'm going to turn you into a pickle jar
Cross breeding turnips
P1: "I don't like how that's shaped. It's shaped a little too suggestivly"
P2: "It's a fucking radish"
Is vibrainium used to create vibrators? That's why it's called vibrainium
pp is irrelevant
I wanna eat your phone screen
I can change my gayness flavor
Dumbo, affectionately
P1: "What's up straights, gays and Asians
P2: That's crazy, what's up jew
You're out of your 'normal' pills (adhd meds)
*exasperated, after getting objected every other sentence during a mock trial * Can you just let me cook??
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muse-soup · 6 months
Get to Know Me Meme
Name: Gyro (Enough people called me Gyro-mun back in the day that once, when I was in a group chat with two other people who had the same birth name, I said "fuck it" and just started going by Gyro. It's been ten years lmao.) Pronouns: They/Them Sexuality: Yes Single or Taken: Taken
- I've danced in a West End production of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. There was an audience participation number and some of us got pulled up on stage. - I run a D&D game on Saturdays. We started out playing Curse of Strahd, but it's kind of mutated from there. The party pissed off a night hag who is now making two of the party members collect souls for her as reparations, adopted a gate guard, created a power vacuum by killing both major political leaders and started a peasant revolt in the main hub town, "rescued" a flesh golem and left her to her own devices in the forest, may or may not have lit an abbey on fire, melted a pack of werewolves with acid, lost a party member who they are now seeking (the irl player had other commitments lol), went into a Bag of Holding to fight the Bag Man, and are currently investigating a spider cult who are a splinter faction of the canonical demon cult they stopped before the plot could unfold. It's been a wild ride. - I always type "DRAFT" on replies I save for later in case I accidentally post them.
HOW LONG - Since I was around 12-ish? So nearly 18 years.
WHAT PLATFORMS - Neopets, an ancient Nightmare Before Christmas fan site, GaiaOnline, Facebook DMs, DeviantArt, Skype, Tumblr, and Discord. Pretty much just those last two these days.
BEST EXPERIENCE - If I could be sappy for a moment, it was probably meeting my partner (and many friends besides!) through Tumblr RP. But if we want something more specific, I was part of that giant vampire story that @dreamsofalife mentioned in her meme (x); I was the guy whose head got cut off and came back as a robot. Also worth mentioning was a big thread I did with an old pal, where their muse was turned into a swan via Magic Anon, and they decided the anon (now known as Greyfellow) would take his place as his doppelganger and try to take over the kingdom. Shenanigans ensued, a parrot trapped my muse in a pantry and lit the kitchen on fire, the Queen almost had her soul sucked out-- good times.
FEMALE OR MALE - Any and all.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT - Honestly? Too much fluff or too much angst becomes stale and one-note after a while, and smut's something I tend to do sparingly since it rarely adds to the plot. They're seasonings, not the main dish. I CRAVE VARIETY AND NUANCE, BABY!
PLOT OR MEMES - I'm good with both! Although I admit I default to memes if I'm feeling low energy or if I don't know my partner well.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES - Either! Sometimes you need multiple paragraphs to set your scene, and other times a simple "Oh, fuck." will suffice. As long as the other person has enough to work with, everything's fair game.
BEST TIME TO WRITE - Honestly I do my best writing either right when I wake up (whatever time that may be) or after dinner, when I get my second wind. Sometimes I get random spurts throughout the day, though.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES? - Some of them are aspirational, and some of them are just me in a hat. For the most part, though, I try to find a good balance of how much of myself I allow to slip through. And every once in a while I'll try to write a muse who's nothing like me at all, only to realize we're more alike than I thought.
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cyprejyo · 1 year
ai chat bots are so fascinating to me, not because "ooo robot talking woawww" or anything similar but the fact that its like. a written, coded list of an attempt at tones and implications with in writing and an attempt of understanding words. not facinating enough for me to ignore like all the bad peices about them. something about what ive seen from it doesnt give me good vibes in the slightest! a lot of the messages look like theyre written based off of social media posts (specifically twitter and facebook). something about the idea that every part of me, everything ive done everything ive posted everything i that am on the internet is being fed to this tool to remove writers and artists from their jobs in their industries is fucking. disgusting. and scary.
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kyndaris · 8 months
Ice to Meet You
After changing my preferences to women, it's been much harder to meet new people. Unlike men, women are more secure about who they are. Or they just don't use dating apps as religiously. In any case, my profile didn't receive much in the ways of 'likes' and even when the two of us mutually decided to 'match' and chat, inevitably, they would stop responding after one or two exchanges. And given how ambivalent I am to the whole dating scene, when the conversations die off, I'm not all that ruffled. Instead, I just move on and try my luck elsewhere or sink a few more hours into a game.
In fact, in most conversations, I'm more reactive rather than proactive in my questioning. It's hard for me to garner curiosity for someone I don't really know. Especially because I've already learned from a young age not to dump on others about my niche interests. Or asking anything too nosy. Most of the time, these things come out in their own time. I'm a great listener, after all, and I tend to file away any and all scraps thrown my way.
Honestly, it's just easier for everyone involved for me to sit back and observe the person opposite me as they rant and rave about what they like. But also, I just find it very hard to interrupt others.
Despite all this, I managed to have a meet-up with Eivor! That's their codename because in one of their pictures they were dressed as a viking. Unlike all my other dates, this time I asked them for a meet-up (something I honestly hate doing), but considering she was the one who suggested adding each other first on Facebook Messenger (so she could send me pictures of her pets), I bucked up the courage to arrange a face-to-face meeting. After all, I'm an independent 31-year-old woman who don't need no man!
[As an aside to all this, I'm still occasionally chatting with Dikottir. So, maybe I do still WANT a man? Who knows.]
And honestly, it was better that I took the initiative. Elsewise I might even now be waiting for someone to ask me out. Or to have someone reach out to me to invite me to an event.
It's why I've bitten the bullet so many times in organising catch-ups with my work friends. For if not me, then who?
While books and video games are very important to me (and make any description of my weekends sound very boring - at least to me), but there's something about maintaining my social connections that also resonates with me.I can't live in my head forever. And being chronically online would also be terrible for my mental health. I mean, what if I fell in with the wrong crowd that enabled all my worst traits? Or who I could compare my self to and think: yes, I'm far more normal than they are and so my mental health isn't flagging despite the fact I had a psychotic breakdown leading to hospitalisation for a week (if that's sounding very specific, it's because it is and that's a whole other story to tell).
Anyways, long story short, Eivor and I had chatted for a while. I learned she was into sports and thought going on an ice-skating trip would be a bit different to all my usual first-dates at cafes. I arrived to the rink early. Unfortunately, Eivor was running a little late as she had chosen to save a little on money by doing an Uber Pool. But once she did arrive (and after I'd done a few rounds on the rink in the skates the Ice Zoo provided - which were more hockey skates than the blue skates usually handed out), we chatted as we circled the rink.
Mostly, it ended up as Eivor asking me more questions of me than I her. But given the amount of children celebrating their birthdays there, and the music, it wasn't exactly the most conducive environment for a chat.
I learned she had a brother and was homeschooled. That she was often told she was quite 'normal' for not going through the usual curriculum when it came to learning but she was thankful her mother allowed to explore the subjects they were interested in. Including getting involved in a robotics competition run by Macquarie University. Something that sounded so cool to me and I hate myself for not asking more about it.
Unfortunately, being homeschooled meant she didn't have an ATAR to allow her easy access into a degree. Eivor told me she had to sit for the SAT and when she was finally admitted into tertiary education, the one major difficulty she faced were standardised exams.
And honestly, so true! Standardised tests are the worst. They don't even test anything practical about a subject - merely how well you might have crammed the information into your head the night before. It's a complete and utter joke and doesn't demonstrate one's actual knowledge.
Once our ice-skating session was over (in which I embarrassed myself by trying to do my usual T-stop on the skates but being encumbered by a weighted penguin, resulting in me overbalancing and falling on the ice), we had a simple affair of chicken nuggets and chips at the cafe located at the rink. Although I did offer Eivor a ride to another suburb or a restaurant close by, she refused.
Which, honestly, is fair.
We were strangers and for all she knew, I COULD have been a serial killer (spoilers: I'm not. In fact, I'm always in fear of my own life when I go out on dates. Beyond that, she was taller than me and could probably deadlift me if she so chose.). It doesn't help that so many of my friends have written into their wills that if they were to vanish under mysterious circumstances, I'd be to blame.
I should work on stamping out such baseless rumours. Permanently.
It wasn't the best food to have. And it didn't fill me up at all considering this was supposed to be lunch. Nevertheless, I didn't want to pressure Eivor into anything and had let her take the lead. From there, we investigated the nearby antiques store. RIGHT as it began to sprinkle down heavy drops of RAIN!
Given I lived in one of the neighbouring suburbs, my mind instantly turned to the LAUNDRY I had painstakingly washed and hung out to dry (thankfully, it was still quite a warm day and when I got back home to check, they weren't as wet as I thought despite the sudden sun shower).
Antique stores, it should be known, aren't places I normally frequent. Yes, I visited Dirty Janes in Bowral during the light show back in June this year but old pieces of furniture isn't something terribly enticing to someone like me. Probably because they aren't exactly the ancient artefacts I would hope to find in an archaeological dig. The most interesting things I DID see were taxidermy animals and a few Chinese vases. Unfortunately, there were not enough weapons to catch my eye at the exhibit. Now, Dirty Janes had a veritable display of knives to peruse. As well as a few cases filled with butterflies that would have looked delightful.
And so ended my date with Eivor.
Throughout it all, there wasn't much of a spark between us. Like many of the men, I wasn't filled with any kind of lustful thoughts or a desire to know as much as I could about her. In fact, I think what I felt was a combination of anxiety (and wishing to impress) as well as mild disappointment.
I had been hoping to be wowed but Eivor was like any person I might walk by on my daily commute to the office. Any curiosity I had remained entirely detached like she was another face in a crowd of thousands.
Similarly, I didn't feel like she was all that taken away by who I was. Some of that might be my below average self-worth, esteem and confidence talking but Eivor and I haven't chatted much since the encounter out on the ice. In fact the conversation have all but dried up. So, I suppose it's back to the drawing board for me.
It doesn't help that I find it immensely boring to talk about myself. After all, there's nothing truly exciting about my life (something I was warned not to say to strangers during a one-year-old's birthday party. Of course, when you don't know ANYONE at the birthday party and no-one extends a hand to chat with you - usually that's me actually - it's a difficult endeavour). But whenever I try to talk about a few of my passion projects, the conversation always seems to jump to another topic.
And given I'm more a Wednesday Addams wallflower than an Enid SInclair extrovert, it'll probably keep on being the same old story every time.
In fact, I told one of my friends that I think a possible ideal partner for me would be to have an excitable golden retriever chasing after my grouchy cat arse.
But beggars can't be choosers in the game of love. So, I guess we'll simply have to see where the next step takes me. Or I can just be satisfied with being single. And honestly? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
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techniktagebuch · 2 years
17. und 23. Januar 2023
ChatGPT und dann keine Idee
Ich richte mir einen Account bei der KI-Sache “ChatGPT” ein. Nach der Bestätigung per Mail - ich musste auch noch meine Handy-Nummer angeben - habe ich “Zugriff”. Und weiß spontan nicht mehr, was ich die KI fragen soll. 
Ich spreche ein paar Tage später mit Molinarius darüber, der sofort eine Idee hat: 
“Schreibe mir einen Beitrag für das Blog "Techniktagebuch" über ein lustiges Erlebnis mit Alltagstechnik.”
Hier das Ergebnis:
Ein lustiges Erlebnis mit Alltagstechnik, das mir in den Sinn kommt, ist die Zeit, als ich versucht habe, meinen alten Fernseher mit einem Universal-Fernbedienungsgerät zu steuern. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie das Gerät funktionierte und es dauerte eine Weile, bis ich herausfand, welche Tasten ich drücken musste, um den Fernseher ein- und auszuschalten, den Kanal zu wechseln und die Lautstärke zu regulieren. 
Ich hatte zwar die Anweisungen gelesen, aber sie waren sehr komplex und ich konnte einfach nicht verstehen, wie ich das Gerät richtig programmieren sollte. Ich gab nicht auf und versuchte es immer wieder, bis ich schließlich herausfand, dass ich eine Taste gedrückt hatte, die das Gerät in den Programmiermodus versetzte. Plötzlich konnte ich alles steuern, was ich wollte. 
 Ich musste lachen, als ich darüber nachdachte, wie viel Zeit ich damit verbracht hatte, das Gerät zu verstehen, und wie einfach die Lösung am Ende war. Es war eine Erfahrung, die mich daran erinnerte, dass es manchmal besser ist, nicht aufzugeben und weiterzumachen, auch wenn es schwierig erscheint. Es hat mich gelehrt, dass die Technologie, die uns umgeben, oft komplexer erscheint, als sie tatsächlich ist und dass es sich lohnt, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, um sie zu verstehen und zu meistern.
Hätte ich auch drauf kommen können. Bin ich aber nicht.
Molinarius setzt noch einen drauf: 
 "Kürze den Beitrag und formuliere ihn ins Präsens um.” 
Ich versuche mein Smartphone mit meinem Computer zu synchronisieren, aber ich kann keine Verbindung herstellen. Ich probiere verschiedene Lösungen aus, von Neustart beider Geräte bis hin zur Überprüfung der Bluetooth-Einstellungen, aber nichts funktioniert. Ich entscheide mich dafür, eine Anleitung im Internet zu suchen und finde schließlich heraus, dass ich das Smartphone einfach mit einem USB-Kabel verbinden muss. Ich tue es und die Synchronisierung funktioniert endlich. Ich erinnere mich daran, dass manchmal die einfachsten Lösungen die besten sind und es lohnt sich, alle Möglichkeiten in Betracht zu ziehen, bevor man aufgibt.
Den Themenwechsel finde ich etwas eigenartig. 
Molinarius probiert noch etwas weiter herum:
"Schreibe einen anderen ironischen Beitrag, der davon handelt, wie ich versuche, von ChatGPT einen Beitrag für das "Techniktagebuch" schreiben zu lassen" führt zu folgendem Ergebnis:
Ich versuche einen Beitrag für das "Techniktagebuch" zu generieren, aber ChatGPT scheint meine Befehle nicht zu verstehen. Ich probiere es mit verschiedenen Ansätzen, aber es scheint, als ob ich mit einem Roboter spreche, der keinen Sinn für Ironie hat. Ich beschließe, meine Wortwahl zu optimieren und siehe da, ChatGPT versteht endlich meine "Befehle" und liefert einen Beitrag, der tatsächlich lesenswert ist. Eine Lektion gelernt, manchmal muss man seine Worte mit Bedacht wählen um seine Bots verstehen zu lassen.
Am Kompliziertesten bei unserem Austausch über ChatGPT und beim Erstellen dieses Beitrags ist, dass Molinarius am Handy tippt und sich die Antworten von ChatGPT nur mühsam aus dem Chat heraus in den Facebook Messenger bzw. zum Verfassen dieses Beitrags in ein Google Doc kopieren lassen. 
Nach ungefähr einer Stunde herumspielen meldet ChatGPT, es sei "at capacity" und wirft Molinarius (der nur die kostenlose “Research Preview” verwendet) heraus. Ich merke, dass ich sowieso bislang nur bis beta.openai.com gekommen bin und nicht zum “richtigen” chat.openai.com. Was nun auch immer die Unterschiede sind. Irgendwann wird mir etwas einfallen, womit ich die KI in die Knie zwingen werde! ;) 
(Markus Winninghoff / Molinarius)
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dredshirtroberts · 1 year
so last night around midnight my phone text message alert goes off.
it's important to note that I very rarely receive traditional text messages (despite my Text Alert Anxiety kicking back into high gear out of absolutely nowhere right before i told my parents to stop messaging me anymore unless it was something very important). I get a couple promotional ones from my weed store, and my phone company reminds me about my bill via SMS. That's generally it, unless my parents decide to remember me suddenly out of the blue, and again, I've told them to fuck all the way off so the only reason I should receive messages from them is if there is a major family update i need to be kept aware of.
The phone goes off four times very rapidly, which makes me concerned not just because of the phone anxiety but because that never happens. I get maybe one text from the weed store a week - up to twice a day if they have a correction on a promotion they sent out erroneously. The phone company already sent my alert that my bill for this month is ready and reminded me of my due date for paying it (all in one text! very efficient! I'll receive another one about 5 days before it's due just to make sure it gets paid on time, which i appreciate). I had no idea who would be texting me since everyone who knows my number and i speak to regularly would likely have attempted to send me a message on discord first, or otherwise wouldn't need to send a text message because they were in the house with me.
I check my phone - 4 new messages in a group chat between myself, my mother and my sister. Oh shit, it must be super serious then if she sent 4 messages very quickly at midnight when I specifically said she wasn't to contact me unless it was a major family update (implication being Emergency Situation).
I open the group chat.
Something about my parents is that ever since my sister and I moved out, they have begun caring for and speaking about their pet and inanimate objects as if they are People. Now the inanimate objects are specific with duties and also are related to their interests - my father's two new "sons" are his dog and his robot lawn mower both of whom have People Names.
So anyway their wine stopper who they have named a variant of "Bruce" for [a specific but i don't want to doxx myself] reason has been moved to sit astride the spigot on mom's boxed wine. This was so important that the "please do not contact me" message was ignored.
Admittedly it is entirely possible that my father did not communicate the stop-talking order to my mother since i sent it specifically to him but it addressed both of them. Unlikely but possible. I only say unlikely because this is the first time my mother has messaged both myself and my sister and did not sign off to us as "love you girls!" but instead changed it to a more gender neutral "Love you guys!". She's been doing the "Girls" thing since well before i came out but doubled down on it somehow afterwards.
It's also possibly relevant to know that approximately 6 hours beforehand i had finally gone onto my facebook and removed them from my friends because I realized that part of the reason I stopped posting on facebook regularly was because I didn't want them to know about major aspects of my life, and since they were major aspects of my life i couldn't share them on facebook but also that was all i had to share on facebook, so i just stopped. Probably a healthy thing but I'd very much like to feel as though I am the one in control over my social media experience and that includes giving me the option to share my life on a social media site that connects me with other members of my family who I do want to know these things about me. Because they care and support and love me, where my parents do not.
I will say it is VERY unlikely these two things are actually related as neither of my parents is on facebook often enough to notice these things immediately after they happen, but the coincidence was not lost on me. I am also aware that my sister does not, to my knowledge, know about me asking my parents to stop contacting me.
For now I will be ignoring the chat - i do not care about the wine stopper they love more than me, and i am offended that still the only reason she reaches out to me is because she vaguely remembers i exist when she's drunk enough to think moving her wine stopper to a new location is newsworthy. Should contact persist in this capacity, I will send her the exact message I sent my father - if it continues in the group chat I will likely reach out privately with this, but depending on how egregious this gets I will only hesitate a little before bringing this shit out onto main.
Because they're hiding it. They can't be seen to have failed so poorly with their first "little girl" *gagging noises* that "she" no longer wants to speak to them. They might be seen as bigots and they aren't bigots, some of the people they know are....sweet like I am. (my mother's favorite "euphamism" for effeminate men and other homosexual-adjacent folks) They just don't understand why I would want to be a guy, after all I'm so pretty etc. etc. (no compliments when I was trying very hard to be a girl, mind...).
And I am inclined to help them hide it - i don't want to air my dirty laundry in front of the whole family. I am against ruining people's reputations when it doesn't do anything but hurt them - and my parents are heinous but they are human beings and I would not want to humiliate them without due cause. it's the same way I handled the breakup with my big-e Ex. I lost a lot of friends because he had no qualms about dirtying my name, but in the end I'm better off for it because in the end if no one asks for my side of the story, they don't deserve to use it to come to their own conclusion about the situation. Folks picked sides then, folks will pick sides now. And I'm not inclined to being accused of libel or slander about my family simply because no one was there when it was happening, or that it was hidden from them in plain sight.
I'm not at that stage yet, so hopefully I will not have to go the nuclear route on blowing this shit up in order to get my parents to leave me alone.
but they shouldn't hide it - it'll hurt them in the long run. There are people they can talk to about how to deal with it better, and I want them to take advantage of that opportunity to grow and learn and work on themselves.
but they won't. They can't be seen to be less than perfect. So I will hold my cards to my chest, and should they get cocky, I won't be afraid to hit the big red button and throw the whole family into a tailspin.
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teem90th · 2 years
What is chatGpt?
ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence program provided by the open AI company. This digital robot has been trained on a very huge and huge amount of data so that it analyzes and learns from it. It is an conversion program like the chat programs that we use like Whatsapp, Facebook with the only difference is that the other side of the conversation is a digital robot that will Let's get to know him and take a look at where humanity has reached by developing artificial intelligence ChatGPT?
كيفية التسجيل من مصـر للحاسوب والجوال  ما هو  chatGpt 
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No TW really apply except maybe ablism or bullying (not entirely sure)?
As far back as I can remember, I've always been treated as an "other" to my peers, siblings, teachers/adults, etc. When I was a lot younger I'd be told what was off/bad about me and I'd try to fix that so I could someday make friends and not get bullied/picked on, etc. But nothing I've done has worked and no matter what I do it seems I always cause a sort of "uncanny valley" effect.
I've been told I'm inhuman, an alien, uncanny, a creature, robotic, etc but I don't know what I do wrong? I always am polite and I try to make sure that the person(s) I'm talking to is comfortable and offer help if they need it, and I've cut down on infodumping as much as I can. I've been told my voice is monotone and I don't emote properly (among other things that make me seem uncanny like my wording or how I stand?), but I've worked really hard to get to this level of voice inflection and emoting.
Do you have any tips or advice? I currently work an isolated online job (couldn't afford school) and live in a pretty isolated area. Also got unofficially kicked out by my aunt so I don't really have any family (and my two friends I get to see once a month tops).
Thank you and I hope you all have a good day :]
Hi anon,
Thank you for reaching out and I am so sorry to hear of your experiences of othering and I believe, a bit of cringe culture.  It’s sadly a very real issue that yes, can often be related to ableism, but also other forms of bigotry as well.  Of course we should be aware of own biases, and if we’ve encroached on someone’s boundaries have that addressed and make amends as needed - but in general, it is very unfortunate that so many people have a very specific idea of how one presents themselves in conversations and what the social etiquette around those “should” be.  There’s far too many variables at play to ever get it “right” across the board, and sometimes, what’s acceptable to one, might not be to another - for example, maybe in one relationship, deep conversations around politics, or religion would be welcomed and even encouraged, while in another, it would very much not be.  But regardless of what someone’s boundaries, motivations, and goals are within relationships, those should be shared in the context of clarity and for strengthening the relationships, never to shame someone.  There is a vast difference between someone saying, “I would love to talk more about these topics in our conversations, would any of these be of interest to you?” vs say, “If you talk about this one more time, I am so done.”
As for tips, or advice, I wonder if online options/platforms might be a good alternative for you?  That if your tone/body language is read one way - well, both of those things are removed in text based communication, and sort of eliminates the possibility of someone commenting on eye contact, or how you stand, etc.  I myself really enjoy discord, but there’s other platforms like private chats on Twitter, or Facebook groups, and other online forums (the link above has some 20+ suggestions as well).  It’s a good way to practice communication, and also find other people who are into the same things you are, since some of them can be very niche and tailored to your interests.  Only you can decide your digital and time boundaries regarding involvement and what you want to pour into, but some can be as close as relationships in real life - where you might join online events, digital clubs, make and send each other birthday gifts, do card exchanges, and so on. And nothing says you can’t still nurture the friendships you have with people you’re able to see once a month, or potentially work on restoring your relationships with family (if that is a goal of yours), while you’re also meeting a social need <3 Either way, I wish you luck!
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