#facetedspades: 76
flashofyellowlights · 2 years
“Next problem… we might die." (From 76)
I Can't Find the Meme for This So
“ ... Oh. ”
That much was clear the moment he got to the supposed step 2 of their plan-- she just didn’t want to say it. Good thing he did it for her, would have been awkward to be such a downer if he didn’t have the same thought. Now to be fair, he did say might. That leaves room for other options. Maybe they wouldn’t die immediately if they got caught. Perhaps there’s a chance they get dragged in as prisoners. She’d take that over being killed like an expendable prop. 
... Does Talon take prisoners?
Probably not. 
A shuffle from below has her suck in a breath. Talon’s got their scent, so any pleasantries should be set aside for the sake of urgency. 
“ Well... As grim as that is... I-I have to say dying by your side would be an honorable end. ” 
No point in giving a bullshit speech to reassure him when the both of them just know better than that. Hands smooth over the scratches along her Caduceus staff, figuring that despite the shitty shape it’s in, it’ll work just fine for the time being. So long as she keeps herself alive, she can keep him safe. Well-- to the best of her ability, at least. 
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" Though I promise I'll do my best make sure that doesn't happen, okay? Whenever you’re ready, Jack... I’ll be right behind you. ”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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⛈ Find my muse after some kind of trauma - @facetedspades​ 
She felt safer in the MEKA, but was not helpless outside of it. But this was different,  they had torn through her so quickly that ejecting was the only solution. Get out and run. Run run runrunrun run Hana! She managed to duck inside a store, listened to the continued carnage outside with her hands over her ears, whispering something quietly to herself in her own tongue, calming herself, hands shaking a little as she pulled the gun to the sound of boots. Firing off one poorly aimed shot past him toward the door.
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burnlaws · 3 years
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🧪   -  for our muses to be trapped in an evil scientist’s liar together. (76) @facetedspades
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Metal walls, cages, and other things that didn’t look too pleasant. Blood, the smell like copper and rust that lined the floor and the walls but didn’t come up on her hands when they touched them. She had a heavy head, aching as she pulled herself up on the bars noticing she wasn’t alone.  Hand went for weapons. The dynamite, the sawed off shotgun, anything, but came up empty. Her belt was gone, her duster too. Hat off as well with pretty white hair mussed from being knocked in the head.       Only the stranger in her sights. 
                                           “So...Come here often?”
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heavenmcde-archived · 3 years
@facetedspades​​ sent: [ WARN ] (76 to Mercy)
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The shout of her name makes her jump, not her codename, her actual name. Caduceus staff in hand, the medics attention is darts around to see what she was being warned about. The oncoming barrage of missiles were heading straight for her. Her wings activate, allowing her to fly out of the way of the missiles and to where her former commander stood. There’s a small grateful smile on her features as she checks him over, makes sure he isn’t injured or required assistance.  ❝ Thank you Jack. Are you okay? ❞ 
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apoapsis · 2 years
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@facetedspades​ said,
              ❝  you have more of a reputation than you might think.  ❞ [ s:76 ]
              It’s rare for him to find moments of peace in this terrible world he’s awoken within, and although he isn’t supposed to leave the facility without supervision or asking permission, slipping out of the compound has become a necessity to keep his head clear. Being underground all the time leaves him depressed and unmotivated, but out here under the blanket of the night sky, he feels less claustrophobic and confined. He’s in an old prototype of his combat suit without the bulk of the armor attached-- somewhat safe to be wandering about, but not impractically so.
It’s because of this brief moment of serenity that he isn’t paying attention to his surroundings, staring up at the sky in an attempt to locate Jupiter despite his poor vision, and as a result, SIGMA nearly jumps out of his skin when someone breaks the silence, practically right behind him. Whipping around, he’s greeted by a very discomforting figure-- one he actually recognizes, although he has no personal connection to him. It’s one of TALON’S highest priority targets, and he’s heard plenty of horrible, horrible things to cement it in.
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              “-- Reputation...? No larger than yours I would presume...“ SIEBREN retorts placidly, opting to remain calm as he lifts himself from the patch of grass he’d been settled upon, an unseen force lifting him into a fixed axis away from the ground.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure...? You do not seem the type to talk!”
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blackwatch-cowboy · 3 years
@facetedspades​ asked: “What do you dream about?” (from 76)
     “The past...when we were happy.” Jesse muttered as he flicked his cigar away, stomping on it with his boot.
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“That was a long time ago.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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❰❰ THREAT ❱❱ sender holds a weapon up to receiver as a threat - @facetedspades​ because why not both.
Unnatural yellow eyes peer forward like small campfires toward him. Though no fear or reaction to the pulse rifle aimed to kill. She remained still staring down the barrel with her weapon inches from her.
         “Do it.”
She slowly straightened to her full height, those firelight eyes shifting from the barrel to the mask lit up. “Do it.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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💭 (any of them for Jack?) - @facetedspades
Jack it’s roast o clock.
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We need you.
I am not sure I can do this by myself without the crutch you provided. You taught me so much and now I’m being forced to use it practically and my perfectionism is destroying me.
          I am not you.
There was cracks in your stature but only the keen could see it and I know those cracks are fractures now, and that your mission - whatever it is - has consumed you.
Just come back to us...
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You are brave.
         You put up with so much for so long, and while I never got to know you or took the time try, I remember what it was like when you were our shield. When Blackwatch fucked up you were there at every turn trying to protect us and while I didn’t know that then, I know that now.
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Why did it get this far?
            Maybe I’m bias because I walked behind enemy lines with the Blackwatch team and I never batted an eyelash but you never once yanked the chain. Did you think what we were doing was right? A necessarily evil?
Did you want this to happen?               did you ever think... what might happen to us? what might happen to him?
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Get it together.
             We have so much farther left to go.
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burnlaws · 3 years
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“Get your blade away from my throat and I’ll take mine away from yours.” (76) - @facetedspades​ from x]
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There was a rabid, feralness to a woman who thought she was about to be jumped upon. The silver hunting knife that was strapped to the inside of her boot was always a last result. There had been people talking about someone cracking down on gangs. Someone that was haunting the nightmares of everyone who ever committed a crime. And well, Ashe wasn’t one for ghost stories. But this was pretty real. His blade to her throat but hers there vice versa. If she was going to die she was going to take him with her.
                “I heard stories, I dunno if I wanna do that, Soldier.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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❰❰ SHOULDER ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the shoulder (Jack to Angela) - @facetedspades
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It was familiar in all the was she had remembered. An attempt at comfort that didn't quite feel right but was genuine. He was trying. She wondered if he blamed himself, for what had happened to them. Or maybe he didn't care at all. She turned the icy gaze to the hand on her shoulder, and inhaled sharply.
"Are you going to scold me?"
She mused, gently pressing the cigarette to her lips. "It's hypocritical for a doctor to smoke, is it not?" she muttered against the warmth of the end, pressing it to her lips for another drag. The plumes fluttered forward and into the chilled air.
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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❝ I guess blood’s a little thicker than evil.  ❞ - @facetedspades​ Jack
“I do not think that’s how it goes.”
              Genji sheathed the sword back into place when the voice, despite all the modifications, was familiar. He was good at that. Lot of change in his own voice through out the years, he could pick out the baseline. That and heightened senses helped.
“Blood of the covenant,                                    is thicker than the water of the womb”
He recited in English, “But I do believe it is right, don’t you?”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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“ are you here because you truly want to be, or because you don't want to be alone? " (76 to Angela) - @facetedspades​ 
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Why did he always pin her to the wall like this? She stared up at him, the truth of his words sinking in. 
                 “I used to do just fine on my own.”
The key word being used to. Overwatch had grown to be her family so very quickly that when it was ripped out from underneath her she had never quite felt a loss so similar to losing her parents. She had iced those feelings early on, dove into work and school. Got degree, after degree. Made a name for herself. And then he found her... Took her in to this group of people who wanted to make a difference and then it was gone.
                                       “Sounds like you’re deflecting.”
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jisatsu-tai · 3 years
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🧍 - for a starter where MY muse arrives to an event / mission without warning. (76 @ Angela) @facetedspades
“I’m pinned down, I repeat, I’m pinned down!”                   Metal wings clanked and clinked along with the solid sound of heavy brick that cracked with the amount of bullets being pumped into them to get to the one angelic woman who was nearly lying flat on the ground with her hands over her head. It wasn’t looking good. Even if someone could get to her, there wasn’t anything saying they’d get out of this fight. There had been more Null sector than anticipated and she scrambled to get out of view before she was hit. Trying to calm herself enough to focus, look at her surroundings, make a plan.              The sound of helix rockets but not the heavy footsteps of a meka was...
She had seen him once, just before she had come back, he came to see her with Ana. He was hurt, not healing. But Angela didn’t have the equipment to handle something like him.
                 Shouldn’t you be in a hospital?
“Six units!”She wondered if he was in their com station, watching them this whole time. Huh, such a softie.
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blackwatch-cowboy · 3 years
@facetedspades​ asked:💭 (for 76)
    ‘I have made a grave mistake bringin’ Jack to this private hot spring. F’all the vacation spots I offered he had to choose this one?’ Christ, how is he this oblivious to how hot he is? Does he know he aged like a fine wine?’
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 ‘Crap. He’s getting in. Don’t look. Don’t look, don’t loo-’ 
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