#fahc hc
lime1991 · 2 years
“Race washing real people” those are not real people they’re characters from a minecraft roleplay.
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daphuu · 3 years
A FAHC Michael Jones headcanon that my roommate put into my head yesterday:
Michael and Lindsay going to McDonalds in one of Michael’s chrome cars but Lindsay has to sit in the back seat because Michael’s BigMacs get the front seat privilege slskdjfkslslfjjfkdlsldjfjfksl
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haptap-hunter · 4 years
Immortal FAHC: Fiona Headcanon
Shes a new immortal, veteran assassin. She died her first death on a job and decides to look for more immortals. She finds the AH crew and hears of their antics and their inability to die.
Sooner or later she joins them and Gavin shows her the ropes. Well more like the fucking around they can get up to in Los Santos and thus the Chungə GTAV videos happen.
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gvnchvcks · 4 years
You said to send in an ask if we were curious about your FAHC sexuality headcanons and I'm never not curious, so hit me with it!
Omg yes, thank you for asking lmao. They're pretty basic, but:
Geoff: I hc him as straight and demisexual. I just really get that vibe from him, plus I also identify as demi and idk many demisexual characters, so i was like, yes. Projection is fun and spoiler alert a lot of these are me projecting lol
Jack: Listen you can pry trans Jack out of my cold dead hands, I LIVE for that hc. She's a queen, no questions asked
Ryan: I also hc him as demisexual, but also bi. Just like Geoff, I get that vibe from him
Gavin: this poor boi is the definition a disaster bisexual, when he found out he was attracted to men as well as women he lost his mind, theres just so many people to love!! How will he ever find the time (is it obvious I project onto him hard? Lol)
Michael: Yet another bi, but a bit less of a disaster lol. I feel like it took him the longest to come to terms with his sexuality, but when he did, well. Let's just say this boy is proud. He hates drawing attention to it though. "I like dudes, get over it, got a problem then fuck you bud"
Jeremy: 5 feet and 4 inches of Pansexual pride babeyyy, he'll love you no matter what, and he has plenty of love to go around
Lindsay: ik the point of a hc is to like, add something to a character, but I just think she's already perfect as the bisexual queen we know and love today
Matt: I admit I haven't thought about it much, but like? I also really like the idea of Matt being pan. Idk why. I really don't. I feel like he just, likes people?? Humans. They're great and he loves them
Trevor: in case you didn't see a previous ask I did, I hc him as bi as well! This hc came from a friend I have who loves Trevor and literally said that his GTA character gives him hella bi vibes. So yeah. Trevor is bi bc my friend is thirsty. Wasnt a fan originally but it's really grown on me and now I love it
Alfredo: gay asf. Love wins
Fiona: at first I wanted to keep her as bi as well just like Linds, but I love the idea of lesbian!FAHC!Fiona. I also hc her as smooth asf so I imagine her being a total lady killer (sometimes literally)
Aaand there we go! Ik they're a bit basic and probably what you'd expect, but these are just the things I'm comfortable with. (I've considered making pride icons using these hc but I haven't decided yet, plus art is hard lol)
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HC about the FAHC pls
1. Gavin is the golden boy because he can convince anyone about anything. Wherever he goes?? He owns it. Prison is his in days. He comes to Los Santos and knows immediately who he needs to find. He and Burnie have some kind of strange, dark past together but they trust each other without question and it always makes people uneasy. (”When you’ve done what we’ve done, you don’t question loyalty.”)
2. Michael Jones acts like gutter trash and he comes from old money. People seem to think he’s got some kind of trailer trash background when in fact he grew up in stiff shirts and awful bowties and he ran as soon as he could, nothing on his back but a leather jacket and a baseball bat. He found Gavin, and Gavin took him to Geoff. (”Stop bringing home strays, Free.” “Absolutely not.”)
3. Jack is genderfluid. Sometimes hes a boy. Sometimes she’s a girl. Sometimes they’re neither. The crew takes some getting used to it, but they’ve killed over people purposefully misgendering their companion before. (”But whats in your pants?” “A knife.” )
4. Geoff has tattoos for all the members, spread all over his body. Even Ray, who moved on to greener passages with Joel and Tina. Only one tattoo has ever been covered up, and he never talks about it. Jack knows, but says nothing, and the crew learns not to ask.
5. Ryan and Jeremy knew each other before they came to the Crew, even though they came at different times. The first time they meet in the crew, Jeremy calls him Ryan and everyone freaks out because he’d only gone by Vagabond up til then. (Ryan complains that Jeremy ruined all his fun )(”YOU CAN TALK?!”)
( +1 - Fiona, Lindsay and Matt can and will destroy entire rooms when they fight over things while on mission control during heists.) ( +2 - Alfredo Diaz is destruction wrapped up in a vague bisexual human shape that carries a shotgun and if you even glance at Trevor he will put a switchblade into your stomach. )(”Thats not entirely true. Jeremy can look.” “Why Jeremy??” “He’s my favorite.”)
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achievementmicoo · 7 years
Hi i was the one who sent in the family photo hc!!! I have another one that i absolutely adore. I wanted to make a comic from Geoff perspective seeing jack before transitioning having a mood/vision board. It started out with cute dresses and make up and a nice vacation spot for geoff and her to visit on holiday. Mostly her life with goeff being happy even tho she lives in a shitty apartment in a shitty phobic area. Pt 1 (im on mobile sorryy)
But as time goes on they get into some nasty business and meet nasty people (turned family).Slowly she replaces vacation spots with mugs shots and dresses with guns and Geoff starts to worry. He pulls her aside one day after seeing her placing up a bloody picture of gavin that was featured on the front page of the los santos newspaper. He asks why she has changed why she supports them all and why she has given up her dreams of pampering and vacations. Pt2!
But she just smiles and says that this is her dream and she wouldnt change it for the world.  (Or st like that but it got abandoned a very long time ago)
When Jack told him she wanted to start transitioning he supported her wholeheartedly, of course. He could see how much happier she was whenever she got to let loose and let down the front that the unforgiving neighborhood around them made her use. She started wearing dresses, cute, flowing and full of bright colors and patterns, she started experimenting with makeup, and was of course a natural at it, and for the first time in a while, Geoff saw her smile brighter than ever. The area around them didn’t lighten up, however. There were still people that would eye them in disgust, people who would shout things out their car windows, and people that made Geoff fear for her safety, but she never seemed to back down, not when Geoff was by her side. 
Nonetheless, he wanted her to have a place where she felt safe, so he bought her a tiny house by the beach that he could come and visit her in, one that she could lay out on the beach in the warm sun and sand and be herself. But they get close, and some of Geoff’s personal life bleeds in. It soaks the pretty corners of her life, the ones she kept out of their unconventional life, and her life goes from pretty red nails and summer dresses to broken knuckles and bloodied heist gear. He still has this image of her, her hair blowing in the light breeze from the ocean, the sun giving her a warm halo of light and highlighting each freckle on her skin, a smile gracing her lips as she talks animatedly to him, stuck in his mind. It vastly contrast to the woman standing before him, a gun shoved in her back pocket and her hair tied back, hanging a battered picture of their Golden Boy, a sneering, bloodied smile on his lips, on their wall like a trophy, her bruised knuckles smoothing the photograph with care. 
Its hard to picture the same person on the beach, and it worries him. Has he taken that safe, carefree warmth away from her and plunged her into this life? He voices his concern one day, and Jack laughs, and its warm and the freckles on her cheeks are the same ones Geoff remembers in the sun on the beach. She grabs his hand and squeezes it. “This is my life, this is my dream, Geoff. It’s who i want to be. I never really wanted to be a princess, but queen of Los Santos sounds pretty damn good to me.” And Geoff laughs too, because he realizes now that the waters inside Jack were never calm, they were rough and wild and hungry, and Jack couldn’t have fit in better with the Fakes if she tried.
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rimmothy-timmothy · 3 years
Tumblr media
Do you walk in the valley of kings? Do you walk in the shadow of men Who sold their lives to a dream? Do you ponder the manner of things In the dark? The dark, the dark, the dark
did someone ask for bamf gav? no? too bad y'all are getting it anyway :)
its been literally a year since i last drew anything fahc, whoops. and how fitting that the last time and this time are both this mf.
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somegrumpynerd · 4 years
Gavin sometimes gets sent on hitman-esque missions, long trips where he has to infiltrate a location to assassinate someone and get out undetected. Despite his goofy nature and unpredictable aim, he’s shockingly capable at killing people silently when left to his own devices, it never fails to surprise and impress others. Of course going undercover means he needs to go alone, it’s easy to disguise one member of the Fakes but not so much two or three. It makes these jobs lonelier, especially when they last days at a time, but they’re some of Gavin’s favourites simply because of how the rest of the crew get.
As soon as he’s out of the house everyone seems to get needy for his company. It’s not like they aren’t used to being without him - much like Matt he often disappears into their little hacking den for hours at a time, and nobody seems to bat an eye then. But almost every time he returns to his safehouse from scouting an area or meeting a target he’ll have so many texts from the rest of the crew, all sending him pictures and questions and jokes. When he gets home from these missions he gets so much attention too - pulled into hugs and onto the couch for games, Jeremy even lifted him up and carried him around for a bit once out of excitement.
He does wonder if it’s because they all think he’s gonna mess up and get himself killed on these missions (which is fair, he supposes, but still rude) or if they genuinely just miss him when he’s out of arm’s reach. Either way, Gav’s happy to take the affection when it comes.
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fakeinspirationcrew · 7 years
Okay but quick hc
Gavin and Michael (or Ryan or Lil J) “playing” gladiators, with Gavin as the emperor. 
Michael’s got some poor sap beaten and broken on the ground, begging for his life, and he just looks over to his boi with the sharpest, nastiest grin. Gavin’s got his thumb out, facing to the side, and you can see Michael practically vibrating with excitement as he waits for Gavin’s judgement. The victim is sniveling on the ground, grasping at the hem of Michael’s jeans with bloody hands and pleading pathetically as though that could save him. And maybe it could, at another time. Michael lives for the fight but is less fussed about the ending, as long as he wins. But when Gavin’s thumb tips to point groundward, head shaking slow in mock disappointment, there is nothing in heaven or hell that could save that unfortunate son of a bitch. 
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ursifors · 4 years
no one ever wants to talk about how fake ah crew are all idiots and probably wouldn’t recognize jeremy outside of his rimmy tim clothing. like jeremy sleeps at the penthouse for the first time and gets guns drawn on him in the kitchen when he’s making cereal for breakfast because he’s  wearing an oversized tshirt that reads “miss independent” over the chest and sweatpants and has wicked bedhead 
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dooliaz · 5 years
fahc alfredo headcanons !
he often makes his goal in any heist or op FAHC plans to just... steal a police car
(michael: oh fuck its the police alfredo, hollering out the window: GET READY TO GET FUCKED BY THE LONG DICK OF THE LAW michael: never mind its worse)
one time, alfredo accidentally joined a cult. don’t ask him how, he’s still fuzzy on that because he thought it was a joke up until they all met in the woods and started talking abt ritual suicide at which time he just said “aite, ima head out” and just. left
was a sugar baby for a few years! was so lovable to one of his old clients that he got written into his will and now owns a vineyard
the crew make excuses to go to the vineyard every so often bc it’s got a sickass pool + it’s far away from the city. it’s the classiest safehouse FAHC have access to.
this also means alfredo has a legal cover for all his income. he does, indeed, own a wine company. it is, indeed, called The Sauce.
sure, he’s all fun and games when with the crew. all jokes and lightheartedness and dumbassery. sometimes, he’s destructive and reckless but. BUT. he’s able to recognize high stakes. he knows that when he’s got a job to do, he has to focus. so he locks onto whatever mission assigned to him with a seriousness that comes off almost scary. he can joke around it but none of it’s too funny. it’s a fine line he walks, ease of humor not hindered by his laser-focus
(and when it’s all over and he’s back to goofy smiles, it’s almost a relief to anyone who watched him get so intense.)
fistfights are a different thing altogether. he is disgustingly cheery when it comes to fistfights. it probably helps that every single one he’s ever gotten into either ends with him talking his way out of it or the other person knocking themselves out bc he’s awful at them unless another crew member helps him out.
his aim is absolutely bonkers, on point, doesn’t miss a single shot. but since he joined the crew, his arthritis has been kicking his ass so he’s made a semi-smooth transition from long-range support to close-quarters deception. he still snipes as needed but it’s a rare and special occasion when he does.
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spiritofsnows · 7 years
do you ever think about the fakeah crew splashed across every newspaper and tv in the area after some heistjinks and Ryan’s the only one who can go buy milk (at the convenience store he robbed last week) cause no one recognizes the Vagabond with dad jeans, scruffy hair, and no mask or face paint?
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gamelpar · 4 years
listen man i wanna give you some fahc headcanons but everyone has already thought of them and im blank
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gvnchvcks · 4 years
The last ask about Gav and tattoos had me googling if you can get tattoos done that look like gold and apparently you can't because the metallic ink would be super toxic, but you know what you can get? Temporary tattoos that are shiny like gold or have glitter all over them and I bet fahc Gav has a horde of them
LIKE, yes. He absolutely does. Imagine they're like committing just some petty convenience store robbery for fun one night, just he and the Lads. He's sent in first to get a general layout of the store by walking around as just a cas customer, when he spots them. There, at the end of an isle alongside other dumb small gas station toys. A package of gold and black temporary tattoos. He immediately texts Michael, telling them the place is primed and ready for the hit. He's the only customer there afterall. Then, one cashier being held at gunpoint and a lotta unnecessary collateral damage later, they're sprinting out towards their getaway vehicle.
"Wait, I nearly forgot somethin'!" *runs back in and comes out a few seconds later with like 7 packs of temp tattoos*
"???? Hey what the fuck"
Imagine when they get back to the penthouse, Gav runs straight to his room and locks the door and everyone is like ?? Weird flex but ok
Then he comes downstairs for dinner like a whole HOUR later, and what a sight he is to behold. A glittery tribal design around his eye, a gold and black dragon going around his neck. He's not wearing his blue button up, just a plain tee, and COVERING his arms are the designs. Circling around his arms and even his fingers, matching his rings. He ofc is EXCITED!!!
"Guys, looooook~ Loook at how cool and tough I looook! I'm like a real bloody hardened criminal!!" Followed by a very giddy giggle and a little dance, showing off his arms, flexing what little muscle he has lol
And the crew just, l o s e s it.
An orchestra of "you're a fuckin idiot" and laughter. Talking about how he's just like a kid who got into their mom's makeup.
And ever since that day, he still buys or steals them whenever he can. Mostly for the joke, but also because they're cool!! He likes the designs, and he has so many too!!!!
Alright anyways this is 10000% canon. A real thing that happened. Don't question it. Thank you for my new favorite thing, anon ily
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boxesblr · 4 years
I started a fahc fic where ChilledChaos is involved because I’ve been watching more of his content and I love the dynamics he has with the AH crew!
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treh-co · 4 years
I feel like being a creator in the ah fandom is just seeing other people's art/fic of the Main AUs and collecting hcs to work into your own mental versions of them like a bird stealing shiny bits from the street to add to its nest
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