Galatians 6:9 instructs us
to NOT get tired of doing what is good.
WHY⁉️ Because at the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing IF we don’t give up.
#DontLetGo!!! #DontGiveUp!!!
#FaintNot #HoldOn!!! #CleaveToYourPromise #YouWillReapYourHarvest
#Winning #HisFavorite #GodsGracenGlory #JesusBeExalted #JesusIsLORD🔥👑🔥
iLove you 💋
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I'm weary.
I'm tired of being a responsible grownup?
Who can I tag in?
Tag your prayer partner(s) in the comments.
#LetUsPray 😢🙏🏾✝️
Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. [7] Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. [8] For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. [9] And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. [10] Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
#Fellowship #BibleStudy #BibleScriptures #BookOfGalatians #FaintNot #DoNotBeDeceived #HouseholdOfFaith #BodyOfChrist #BibleTok #AfricanTok #BlackChristians #AfricanDiaspora #ChurchTok #Transparency #ImWeary #PrayerWarriors #PrayerCircle #FeelingFragile #ImAlright #GiveMeAMinuteOrADay
#RestingNotQuiting #TaggingOutNotTappingOut #Repost #LinkTree #Fanbase #StormyFaye
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
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mrsvanessa2020 · 4 years
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#prayersfortheworld #prayersforamerica #praygoodwinsthistime #faintnot #behopeful #faithoverfear #demscare #votestraightblue #prayforjoe #prayforkamala #spreadhopenotcorona #coronavirus #covid19 #therona #thevirus #wearamask #itscovidstupid iwillvote.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CG24IUgsLZf/?igshid=2hbmydbf3uvr
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faintnot · 5 years
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His Bride will bring to rememberence, walking the path He has made for Her.
For by His stripes we are healed.
He alone is the Savior of the world and the world will not reverence Him.
I will praise my Messiah, I will exalt His Holy Name.
I was as a dead but am now alive.
Asleep but now awake.
He brought these dead bones to life.
He took this heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh.
I was altogether worthless and so he sought me out.
The value of a object is directly proportionate to what lengths the owner will go to in order to possess it.
Behold the Man.
I was born again.
There is no comfort in this life, and your idols cannot comfort you in the grave.
The days of man are as a shadow, he works so that he may eat, and so he may partake and yet a man is never full.
A man taken by silver will never be satisfied with silver, and a man taken with gold will never be satisfied of gold.
A man is never satisfied.
The Holy One spake "Ask of me and I will give thee living water"
Yea your Majesty, I am satisified and thirst no more.
All my desire has been made unto thee I look forward to the day you divide the sky, and put all things under your feet.
He who formed the world was in the world and the world knew Him not. 
He who crafted the universe dwelled with his creation and gave Truth and we crucified Him.
He was bruised for our transgressions and He opened not his mouth.
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter.
He decended into the deep, and became a curse for us.
He is the way and the truth and life, and there is no other name given under heaven by which we may be saved.
Those who awake from sleep will prevail against the machinations of this life.
You who will have your eyes opened will see His design and He will lift the veil the world put over your eyes and you will be set free.
Free Indeed.
Is it enough to believe he is the I AM? Do not demons believe and tremble? I believe not only that He is God, but I believe God.
Therfore I fear before Him and heed His ordinances, and delight in them.
His Word is light and without is darkness.
This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world but men prefer darkness because their deeds are evil.
There is a great evil done under the sun.
So that judgement for a wicked work is not executed speedily.
Therefore man has fully set his heart to do evil.
Therefore, I will delight in thy words, and in the multitude of my thoughts your promises comfort me.
Every day you shape me and restore the image distorted by sin, and forge it unto the likeness of thy Son.
You restore the innocence transgression stole.
I am your servent, and you have called me a son.
Order all my days according to your ordinance.
Your redemption is unto the uttermost, you will thouroghly purge your threshingfloor and you have your fan in hand.
There is no rest for the wicked saith my Lord.
As for me, I will serve the Lord, and I will praise him in the great congregation.
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daveandmia · 6 years
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But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31 KJV)
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meladiamond · 6 years
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#SpeakItIntoExistence #SpeakLife #Peace #Abundance #OpportunityforGreatness #Triumph #Victory #BeautyForMyAshes #MelaDiamond #FaintNot
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ga1ministries · 7 years
#FaintNot #ItsComing
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kyralanae-blog1 · 7 years
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#DontQuit #FaintNot #InDueSeason
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💓And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9💓 #ladyardyleslie #keepyourheadup #greateriscoming #faintnot
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se1ze · 7 years
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#greatmorning #finish #staycommitted #weregoin2thenextlevel #shift #Thenewme #faintNot
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enchantedisabella · 6 years
Peculiar words I associate with names part 2
Cris @faintnotion :
flitting (short-lasted)
victory (an act of winning)
laurel (a plant)
triumph (synonymous to victory)
coronation (the ceremony of crowning a sovereign)
aeneous (brassy, a type of golden-green)
adroit (quick or skillful, adept in actions or thoughts)
astral (of or pertaining to the aster; stellar, star-shaped, pertaining to the stars)
capricious (impulsive, whimsical, unpredictable)
celadon (a type of pale green)
celerity (speed; alacrity; briskness)
cislunar (of or relating to the space between the earth and the moon or the moon’s orbit)
dulcet (sweet-sounding, mellisonant)
euphoria (feeling of great happiness)
lithe (flexible; marked by an effortless grace)
mellifluous (sweet-sounding as honey)
mercurial (fickle; erratic; ingenious)
mystique (a special, esoteric skill)
piquant (aromatic, appealingly provocative or appetising)
reverie (an idle thought, surrendering to daydreams)
roseate (rose-coloured)
Anyway, here’s your name aesthetic, I hope you like it!
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mrsvanessa2020 · 8 years
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#canyoufeelmenow #restifyoumustbutdontquit #nomatterwhat #takecareofyourself #selfcare #selfcareisnotselfish #doyou #bestrong #holdonwaitaminute #illness #disease #illnessandall #itsok #ontimegod #yesheis #wewinintheend #faintnot #amen
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grace2build · 6 years
Giving up is common place, and it is easy to do what the majority succumb to. But to allow your weakness to give way to God's strength, and rely on Him to hold it together when everyone would totally understand if you didn't; that is genuine strength. - Jonah #FaintNot
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meladiamond · 6 years
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#MelaDiamond #LuxedLife #BlessedandHighlyFavored #WalkingByFaith #FaintNot #BeautyForMyAshes #QueenedandCrowned
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mrsvanessa2020 · 8 years
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#BlackHistoryMonth #blackhistory #americanhistory #america #mlk #martin #martinlutherking #martinlutherkingjr #ihaveadream #liveyourdreams #justice #peace #equality #weareone #worktogether #cometogether #faintnot #wewinintheend #fairness #standstrong
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