#fair warning she looked absolutely CURSED as a puppy
lloonlloon · 2 years
Happy Birthday! I am politely requesting photos of your creature as puppies (bonus points for photos of the Sausage but I’m pretty sure she materialised on this earth full formed)
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I do have some baby sausage I swear I will find them
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fearlessreid · 1 year
Silver springs
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pairing: eddie munson x reader
summary: you and eddie broke up a week ago. a tragic story of how you fell in love and how it fell apart
warnings: swearing, mean!eddie, all the feels, steve and robin being the best friends ever, i think one use of y/n
category: angst with a happy ending (??)
3.5 K + words
italics mean flashback
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“You at least have to come out and eat” my best friend, Robin yells out from the other side of the door. I groan and smush my face into my pillow. I hear footsteps outside the door, I'm guessing Steve decided to pop by and try his attempts to get me to leave my room.
“How is she doing?”I hear Steve ask and Robin sighs “Not good obviously”, “Seriously? They've been broken up for a week?” he says, causing Robin to scoff “That's rich coming from the guy who was hung up on his ex for over two years”, “that's not fair”, the two start bickering causing me to yell “can you two shut up!”
Steve picks the door lock with a quarter and bursts in clumsily. I groan and smush my face back into my pillow. “That's enough of that, time to get up”, he pulls me out of bed and I fall to the floor, knocking over a picture on my bedside table. I huff and pick up the picture. I look at it with my heart stopping
I did not want to be here, the bar was not my favorite place, especially the hideout, it always smelt like body odor and desperate old men, but robin got her first fake ID, courtesy of steve and decided tonight would be the perfect night to go.
Steve comes to out table with our three beers in his hand, he sits down and I slap his arm “idiot, im driving” I scold and he shrugs “more for me I guess” causing Robin to laugh “dingus” She sing songs
A loud bass rings out through the bar and I whip my head around to look at the band that's playing.
His magnetic force enchants me. I immediately notice his hair, he's beautiful, his aura radiates magic I've never seen before.
Steve notices my staring and laughs “you've got it hot for the freak”, I snap out of my trance “who?” I ask rhetorically, “Eddie Munson ring a bell?” Robin asks and I nearly spit out my water “that's Eddie munson? When did he get hot”, “probably during his 5th senior year” steve laughs and robin hits him “it's only been 2 you jackass”
Their set ends and I excuse myself to get a glass of water. I walk up to the bartender, “hi can I get a water please”, “make that two waters” a voice beside me says and the bartender nods.
I look beside me to see Eddie, I smile “hi”, he returns the smile and returns the hello. “Your set tonight was amazing” I compliment and his cheeks lightly redden “thank you.”
The bartender places our waters in front of us and Eddie picks his up and downs it, places his glass on the table and stands up “see you around Y/n” he says and walks away, “bye ed-” I stop myself, wait, how did he know my name?
I trail behind him “how did you know my name?”, he turns around “you're friends with the hair right?” he asks and I nod. “I've noticed you”.
A sudden flash interrupts our conversation, I look to see robin with her disposable in her hands and a dumb smile on her face, “hate to interrupt” she starts “but steve is getting hangry”, I mentally curse steve and his stupid drunken love for fast food. I nod and start walking with her “i'll be seeing you” eddie says from behind us and robin giggles
“What was the picture for?” I ask and she shrugs “you'll thank me later”
Steve and Robin finally got me out of my room, took a lot of bribing. We are sitting at my kitchen table, with a bowl of cereal in front of me, there's not a lot of eating going on,mainly just me playing with my food.
Robin fake clears her throat, grabbing my attention and I look at her. “What if we go to the bar tonight?” she suggests and Steve nods. “Absolutely not” I protest, “please?” she begs, “no, you taking me to the bar is how I ended up like this”. She gives me puppy eyes and pouts. After a few seconds of hesitation I give in “fine”, she squeals and jumps up.
The bar is dirty and reeks of man, the tables are sticky and the floors are wet. I feel uncomfortable and nauseous, i should not have come out tonight
I stand next to robin and steve with my arms crossed anxiously. Robin smiles at me “see? Isn't this fun?”, I grimace “not really” I say and robin chuckles “need a drink and to find a dance partner that is not me or steve”.
She pushes me towards the bar. The last time I ordered something alone at the bar was when I met Eddie. This was a path I didn't want to go through again.
Robin finds me at the bar and drags me to the dance floor, Steve already gone and flirting with his conquest of the night. A cheesy pop song starts playing and robin starts seductively dancing and I laugh, following her lead.
I feel a pair of hands attach themself to my waist. I turn around to see a guy about my age, attractive enough for me to let myself enjoy it. As we dance and I feel his hands roam around my body, I close my eyes and allow myself to imagine, imagine that for one moment, me and eddie hadn’t broken up, that he was the one touching me like he did once before, that my life wasn’t completely fucked up.
I open my eyes to see images of eddie- wait I wasn't imagining that. I see Eddie over there, here, at this cheesy uptown bar that stinks of cheap perfume and is loudly blasting madonna. A blonde bombshell is standing next to him, giggling at every sentence he says as if he's a world renowned comic.
He reaches over to the blonde and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and leans in to kiss her.
“Dustin if you keep burping I'm going to kick you out of my house” I playfully scolded. Every Saturday I had the gang over for pizza and a movie, a tradition that had formed over the last couple months.
I walk into the kitchen and smile when I see Steve on the phone with the pizza guy. I send him a thumbs up and open the storage cabinet, reaching for the plastic cups and plates. The boys are arguing on the couch and I walk past them, flicking mike on the head. “Behave“ I say to them. I place the cups and plates on the coffee table, then a knock on the door can be heard.
I turn to robin “that can't be pizza, who else is here” I ask and robin smiles “I might have invited someone.” I stand to get the door “robin you invited a girl?” I playfully gasp and she purses her lips “not exactly.”
I open the door and freeze when I see who it is. “Hi eddie” I say surprised and he smiles “hi there” and I furrow my eyebrows “robin invited you?” and he nods. I spend a few moments just looking at him, admiring him. A laugh breaks me out of my trance “are you going to let me in” he asks and I mentally curse myself “shit, right, come on in”.
I've never taken to someone so easily, it’s effortless with him. The pizza arrived and we ate. I grab all the blankets I could find for everyone during the movie.
Eddie sits next to me for the movie, normally I tense up and become a nervous wreck, but I felt relieved and at ease. It was robins turn to pick the movie and she chose star trek, I tried to focus on the movie but I couldn't when all I could feel was eddie hand inching towards mine.
His pinky intertwines with mine and I look at him, that smug bastard is watching the movie, pretending like he doesn't realize the effect he has on me. I completely interlace our hands and I see a smile peaking on his face.
The movie ends and Steve piles the kids into his car, Robin is on the couch asleep and snoring and Eddie stays to help me clean up. We clean in silence and we end up by the door.
“I had a good night tonight” I say, a cheesy classic line. He smiles “I did too.” We look at each other and I feel the air getting hot. I can't stop looking at him, he's the art and im his worshiper.
He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear and leans in to kiss me, a kiss that runs my body hot, I feel like I'm on fire.
I push the guy off of me, all I hear is white noise, I can't see anything, and I can't breathe.
I run outside and slide down the side of the building, the tears are streaming down my face and I can't stop them. I knew it was a bad idea to come out tonight. I hear footsteps approach me and I look up.
“Get away from me” I say angrily, my sadness turning into fury. Eddie stops in his tracks, “I didn't know you were going to be here tonight” he says and I laugh dryly “well I am”.
He looks to the ground and then back at me “I don't know why you are so upset”, the anger rushes through me, “of course you don't,because i actually loved you”, now it's his turn to get mad “of course i loved you, dont even fucking say that”.
The memories rush through me, how we started and how we ended and how we ended up here. “I'm going to go, looking at you is breaking my heart all over again” I say and walk away.
“My jacket” I hear him say. “What?” I ask, “you still have my jacket, I came out here to ask for it back”, I dryly laugh “i'll mail it to you, and for the record, I never want to see you again”, i spit out and walk away.
I'm getting better, it's been another week, it doesn't hurt as bad, it helps that robin and steve haven't left my side.
I get home from work and kick off my shoes, in my kitchen and robin and steve waving around glasses of wine yelling out the new blondie record on the radio. I laugh at them “you two are crazy”, robin smirks “you need a glass of grape juice”, “robin stop calling wine grape juice” steve says and face palms. I laugh along with them, then songbird by fleetwood mac starts playing on the radio.
“Eddie carving a tree in the middle of a park is literally destruction of public property” I cover my mouth and laugh. He waves me off “babe, i’m carving our names so everyone in the world knows that we are together until the end of time” he says with a smile.
“And plus” he starts “i want our kids to know how crazy in love we once were”, I raise my eyebrows “our kids, huh” i ask and he nods “two girls and a boy” he confirms. I whistle “thats as lot of kids munson, you up for it?”, he nods again “with you i'm up for anything”.
We head back to his van and I turn on the radio, material girl by Madonna ends and songbird starts playing, causing me to gasp “I love this song!”
Eddie listens to the lyrics and nods “i like it” and my eyes widen “really? I ask and he nods “I mean it's not metal, but it reminds me of you” he says and my heart melts.
I hold his hand “well Mr munson, looks like we found our song” i say and he smiles “our song huh? I like the sound of that”.
“Are you okay” robin says and snaps me out of my trance, i smile and nod “I will be” I confirm.
It's been six months. I miss him, everyday in fact but it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm taking a walk through Hawkins and I pass through the park, the park we carved our names into with that tree. I smile sadly and walk towards the tree. I honestly wish they would chop down this tree but it reminds me of what once was.
“Fancy seeing you here” a voice behind says
I walk into my apartment, basically his home as well with grocery bags in hand “eddie are you home” I call out. He walks out of our bedroom with a piece of paper in his hands,
“What's that?” I ask him. He takes a breath in “its an offer for a record deal, from sony”. I drop the grocery bags, the groceries spilling and go to run in his arms but he backs up. My heart stops “what's wrong”.
“I think we should break up,” he says quietly. I feel my knees buckle and the pit in my stomach form “why?” I shakily ask.
“Well” he starts, “i'm never going to be home, phone calls are going to be impossible and i won't have the time for everything we planned”. I sigh “eddie i can go with you and as for kids, i don't need them, all i need is you” I poach and he shakes his head “no” he starts off -
“I want to be able to be a rockstar, parties every night with different people” he finishes. I felt like he just stabbed me. “So you are destroying everything we have built for one night stands and parties?” I ask through tears and he looks sadly at me “I guess so”.
“Eddie munson you are a selfish man, when we started going out you asked me why people always left you and this is why, you are selfish and you are-’ the last part goes unsaid but we both know what i meant to say ‘you are just like your father.’ sobs leave my throat and i crash to the ground and he walks out, he leaves, taking my soul with him.
I look behind me to see him and I shyly smile “hey” i say and he smiles back “i still come here sometimes” he says and i nod, “The sony deal fell through, so i guess this was all for nothing” he informs me and i frown “i'm sorry about that eddie” i say and sit down, resting on the tree.
“Yeah well it's what I deserve” he says and sits beside me. “I miss you” he lets me know and I nod “I miss you too”.
After moments of silence I feel his pinkie interlace with mine,like I once did, I interlace our hands. Maybe one day he will be my Eddie again but right now I'm not worried about that.
I stand up, “so i'll be seeing you around” I ask and he nods “definitely”.
Like I said, I'm not worried.
a/n: WOW, have i ever heard of happiness? nah.
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common grounds (oshamir) - chapter 15
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Pairing: Osha Aniseya x Qimir "The Stranger" Warnings: Still fite nite
A/N: Dividers by me! I want to thank everyone who has liked, commented, reblogged, and enjoyed this fic so far! Chapter 15 marks the end of Act I, and I hope you enjoy it. It's got some things I know y'all have been waiting for...
series masterlist
chapter 15: all's fair
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Mr. Wise entered the ring like the bishop of bloodshed, impeccably dressed in a spotless pale yellow suit. She looked back at the balcony as Wise gave his benedictions, but nobody was there. For some reason, it made her heart pound. The next time she saw Qimir, he’d be in the mask.
Kana followed her gaze upward. “The brawlers are moving through the crowd right now. You can’t see ‘em, but I can.”
“Yeah, how’s the weather up there, Kana.”
He nudged her playfully to get her to ease up, but she kept smiling through her nerves. “Hey, you’re not gonna see shit from down there, Osha. Want up on my shoulders?”
Her eyes went wide, but she nodded. Within a second, her vantage went from about five feet up to nine. She tried her best not to cling to Kana’s head, finding her balance and settling in just in as Wise introduced the first three fighters. The fourth broke the typical order of introductions, but Wise seemed as irreverent as he was slimy.
“We have two reigning champions in the cage tonight. If one win’s a fluke, and two are coincidence, then three’s gotta be a pattern—your three-month champion, Daybreak!”
Her jealousy from Kana’s earlier insinuations (and Medora’s, though they were unintentional) threatened to rear back again, but she made herself clap along with the others. The few times they’d crossed paths in the gym, Qimir never acknowledged Idise, but she would always bend a nod of hello towards him and Osha. What on earth had happened between them?
“…and in this corner, filling out the northern edge of the cage, in green—”
Osha cursed.
“—Sour Patch!”
He’d taken off his shirt before coming in. His entrance consisted of bouncing around the ring, radiating that same overconfidence that spelled the downfall of every other rookie before him.
“Kana, do you gamble?” Osha asked.
“Only when it’s funny.”
“Smiley’s taking him down.”
“Why do you say that?” Kana laughed. 
“Because Sour Patch has been flirting at me all night.”
“Not with you?”
“Absolutely not.”
He let out a long whistle. “You know, you looked like I kicked your puppy when I told you about the rumors with him and Idise. Glad to know you’re smarter than you look. You and Q.”
“W-what?” she said, a little bewildered.
“I take it back; you’re both idiots.”
“But you’ll take the bet?”
“From what you said, Smiley’s taking him down regardless. It’s just a matter of how fast you think he’ll do it.”
Osha hummed. On one hand, Qimir wasn’t the kind of guy who liked to waste his own time. Efficiency is an underutilized talent, he told her once, under the cafe lights. On the other, he once said he’d always prioritize doing things correctly—when they concerned her. The only thing that stood in the way was what she learned about his mentality when fighting in the cage: he doesn’t think about anything, but he feels everything.
Would he choose to handle this quickly or correctly? Would he even have a choice, with his feelings and instincts at the wheel? She made her prediction in line with how she wanted things to play out. “He’s gonna play with his food. But he won’t let him win. He’ll take him out last when it’s just three left.”
Mr. Wise called Smiley into the ring to the song of bloodthirsty cheers. Qimir had no trouble seeing her from atop Kana’s shoulders—he found her in the crowd like magnets found iron.
Unfortunately, Sour Patch also found her. He spoke her as Wise vamped. 
“Hey!” he called out, waving at her. “Godfather!”
From the other end of the cage, she felt the burning gaze Qimir shot between her and the idiot in green. She tried her best to ignore the heat, knowing she’d forget to breathe if she let herself look at him for too long.
You know he looks good, girl. Leave it.
Osha gave Sour Patch two sarcastic thumbs-up and tapped on Kana’s shoulder. “What’s your wager?”
“I say he knocks him on his ass in the first twenty seconds. If I’m right, you owe me ten bucks. If you’re right, I’ll let you off the hook for the second half of your shift.”
Osha laughed and reached down to shake his hand. “We’ll see, we’ll see.”
Wise went through the rules, showing the sounds of the bell, the whistle. He had the contestants put their hands on the cage, and Sour Patch looked over his shoulder to wink at Osha, blissfully unaware of the doom per square inch that had him in its sights.
Osha waved.
The cage door locked.
The bell dinged.
And Qimir descended.
Where most fighters typically took the first few seconds of their matches to size up their opponents, Qimir was made of raw, instinctual movement. She saw ten dollars flash before her eyes when he planted his feet and slugged Sour Patch so hard, he did a full two spins in place before falling flat on his back like a cartoon character.
She noted, perhaps smugly, that he hit Sour Patch in the same spot Osha had gotten Qimir that first spar. Kana laughed and squeezed her leg in victory, ten dollars richer. The crowd hissed in response to the force behind the hit, but he’d moved on already, throwing himself at Dizzykid.
The crowd to her left started going crazy, and she broke her concentration to see why: Idise had gone down, knocked out cold by the competitor in blue. “Holy shit!” Osha exclaimed, head whipping between the two focal points of the fight as they happened.
Kana cursed beneath her. “Wise fuckin’ cursed her with that three-times shit.”
Qimir didn’t disengage from his opponent, didn’t even see what happened.
Another few seconds passed, and to her delight (and dismay), Sour Patch got to his feet just before the whistle blew, signaling the fighters to grab the cage with both hands.
“I don’t care what you say; I still won my half of the bet,” Kana said quickly, looking up at her.
“Fight’s not over, Loharne,” Osha protested.
Like before, Qimir stalked up to the place closest to Osha and held on facing her. Behind him, Idise was dragged out with another contender. Her name chattered a little through the room, but Qimir didn’t look away. She was certain he’d find out once he turned around. She waved at him, and he wiggled his fingers in response before tilting his head back. Her lizard brain translated:
Baring his neck. Showing his loyalty—who he belongs to.
She probably shouldn’t have been thinking the thoughts she was while sitting on someone else’s shoulders. “Playing with your food, Smiley?” she jeered, feeding the flames.
He widened his stance a little, peering over his shoulder at Sour Patch before looking back at her, tilting his head to the side. Should I be? his body language asked.
She blew him a kiss.
The bell rang.
The match resumed.
Back into chaos.
Kana shook her leg a little. “Aren’t you the arsonist, playing with fire like that!”
“It’s a cold winter; what can I say?” she laughed in delight.
The fighter who took down Daybreak tussled with Sour Patch a little, and Osha noted with a wince that the annoying guy wasn’t all that bad of a fighter. Even stunned six ways to Sunday, he held his own. She supposed Qimir was right—the organizers wouldn’t stage a bloodbath, especially for the last fight of the night.
Qimir, on the other hand, didn’t seem fazed by Idise’s departure. He took on two at once, hips swiveling back and forth as he dodged and jabbed at his opponents. When he managed to kick one of them back a few steps, he practically climbed the other guy, sending him crashing to the mat in a devastating takedown with the crowd groaning in sympathy. Poor White-Top.
“Oh, this is a treat. Smiley hasn’t done matwork in a few months,” Kana narrated. “He’s pretty lethal just with hits and kicks, but he can wring submissions out of a goddamn rock.”
Osha craned her head to see him situated almost sideways against the other fighter in his grasp, one arm wrapped around his head. White-Top shouted as he struggled, legs kicking but going nowhere on the blood-slick mat. “Do you know what he’s doing?”
“Kesa-gatame, probably. Masqueraders don’t do a lot of groundwork except in the final few left; it’s pretty easy to stomp someone in a grapple, so they gotta get that submission fast—he tapped!” The crowd raged, and White-Top rolled out of Qimir’s grasp to curl in on himself against the fence.
Rolling with his momentum, Qimir kept low, sliding across the slick mat on his knees to trip up the other fighter. Time felt untethered, happening all at once and spread out over an eternity as Osha watched from on high. Just as Qimir was preparing to pound his current opponent into the mat, he looked over—
Sour Patch had knocked out the fighter in blue.
Three left.
The crowd surged with energy and noise, and Kana had to grip Osha’s legs to keep her from tilting off in the sudden press of bodies. He tried finding somewhere safe for them both to stand, laughing. “I can’t believe I’m about to lose and win to you.”
“I can!” Osha shrieked, throwing her fists in the air.
Qimir abandoned the fighter on the ground and rose to face Sour Patch, taunting him with a ‘come get it’ motion. He said something that made the green-masked fighter balk just for a second, and it was then that he took his chance, surging forward.
“What’d he say?” Kana said, ears a little blocked by Osha’s legs.
“He said, ‘Let’s go, Godfather.’”
Osha screamed her head off, drunk on the energy all around her. Qimir was a beast, taking the extreme offensive against Sour Patch. The fighter he’d abandoned staggered to his feet, intending to join the action—
Qimir kicked Sour Patch in the chest, sending him stumbling back three steps. It was far enough away for him to turn to the remaining opponent and point a bloody finger in his face. Above the crowd, she heard him snap, “Second place wins.”
The fighter jerked back a step and froze, but Qimir had already jumped onto Sour Patch, twisting them both to the floor with him straddling the guy’s chest. This time, he didn’t hesitate. Left, right, left, right, he swung his fists back and forth on either side of the guy’s face, batting away the weak attempts at blocking.
She watched the crowd cautiously. Was this what it was like when he’d sent that Lance guy to the hospital? Was this what Kana would call brutal?
Very quickly, Sour Patch couldn’t keep up the blocks, his arms falling limply to the mat at his sides. Once they had, the whistle blew four times for the final drag-out. It froze Qimir’s fist just a few inches from the blood-stained mask, but he shifted his momentum and rose, clinging to the fence and seeking out Osha.
“That was fucking awesome!” Kana shouted, almost jumping in place before he remembered Osha was on his shoulders. He started wading through the crowd, moving nearer to the cage door.
“What are you doing?” she protested, twisting her torso and craning her head to watch Mr. Wise announcing the winners.
“He’s not gonna wanna fight through this crowd to get to you,” Kana said. “And nobody’s gonna want to be in his way, either.”
Before the fight even starts, I think of what I want most, something waiting for me outside the cage. And then, when the fight is over, I ensure there’s nothing in my way between me and what I want.
She was set on her feet just as the crowd began to cheer, a final round of applause for all fighters. Kana lightly slugged her shoulder. “Hey! I’ll get that tenner from you next shift. Enjoy the night, Osha!” With that, he knocked her a few steps backward.
She turned to yell at him, “What the hell are you—!”
A large shoulder pressed into her middle, and Osha’s world tilted on its axis as she was hauled up into the air. “What the fuck?!” she shrieked, a moment before coming face-to-face with a very familiar spine—a very familiar scar.
Qimir walked far too quickly for her to make sense of where they were going, but the general direction was away from the crowd. He didn’t bother with the stairs, instead finding a dark corner to set her on her feet. She grunted as her shoulders knocked against a cement wall.
He towered over her, chest heaving. She couldn’t see anything but his eyes with the Smiley mask on, and even then, the hallway was so dark that she could only make out the faint glint in them. Osha’s indignation flared, and without thinking twice, she pulled off the mask to yell at him. “You’re such a damn—”
But she didn’t get to tell him what he was, because he was more focused on kissing her than hearing it.
He was sweaty and hot and reeked of blood and adrenaline. Qimir caged her in against the wall, kissing her like they both might die if he didn’t press as close to her as possible. They wasted no time, giving into their hunger with every slick slide of lips and each sweet little pain from tongues meeting teeth. They each made little noises far beyond their control, soft whimpers on her part and low growls on his.
His hands found hers, lacing their fingers together before he pinned her back against the wall. Their hands were slippery with sweat and other men’s blood, which only made her hold on tighter. He breathed harshly, still high on the thrill of victory, of the bloodsong. She swore she could hear its aria just from touching him.
There come times for each of us where primal instinct drives us—when what you want is at risk of being lost.
She could taste his ashen, wrathful jealousy in every slide of his tongue against hers. She could taste it as clearly as she could taste his blood—she dragged her attention (and her teeth) to his split lip. He hissed at the small bite but didn’t pull away. In fact, he dragged her closer, practically begging for her to do it again.
Could he taste her jealousy? Could he taste the sinful way her primal instincts had surged and burned like lightning when her (alleged) competition was dragged away from him unconscious? She bit down harder and licked into his mouth to make him taste it.
They’d both gone mad. That had to be the only explanation for their unhinged behavior. He still had blood on him, and she was ready to pull his shorts down and make things happen right here on the gym floor. More than a month and a half of yearning and desperation had led to this moment. They’d danced around (at times, with) each other in a spiral that shrank and shrank until there was no moving without touching, no touching without wanting, no wanting without breaking—no wonder the intensity was so devastating.
One of Osha’s hands broke free to grab at his hair and pull him closer. He snarled, nearly growling against her lips as his body responded in kind. He must have made her filthy by now, with all the blood and sweat rubbing off onto her every second they touched. Osha didn’t give a single fuck. All she cared about was more, more—
Qimir breathed out in a shaky sigh, giving a playful nip at her lips as payback for biting him. The hand she’d escaped roamed up her side territorially, claiming mine, mine, in each inch conquered beneath it. His hand pushed beneath the cropped edge of her shirt. Her goddamn heart nearly stopped when his fingertips brushed the lace edge of her bra, teasing just beneath the elastic before retreating, switching directions so abruptly it made her head spin.
Down, past her ribs. Down, past her waist. Inward, to touch that jeweled piercing he’d grown so fascinated with. Again—down, to her hip. Down, to her thigh—until he pulled her leg to wrap around him. That wandering, claiming hand rested itself beneath her ass before squeezing and pulling her closer to him, arching off the wall like a cat.
Like a lion.
The burning press of his need against her lower belly only cranked the heat in her blood. She just barely stood on her tip-toes because of how he held her. All that kept her from toppling over was the fact he didn’t want her to.
His hips rolled against her in an open, wanton search for relief. Flashing memories of his fight came to mind, visions of those same hips pivoting and shifting to drive more power into his hits. There was no ignoring how hard he was against her core, no explaining away the heat that amplified her own.
Her next moan was startlingly loud against his mouth, and his hand squeezed her ass again. He ground his hips down on her again, lips breaking apart to pant loudly. His forehead rested against her cheek, a smear of sweat keeping him from finding purchase.
Music starting up in the gym jolted them out of their primal reverie. He leaned back a little to rest his forehead on hers, catching his breath and letting his hips come to a stuttering halt.
His hair hung in black tendrils between them, some even sticking to parts of her face. He’d been moving with ferocity for the entirety of the ten-minute brawl. She’d seen him exert himself before, but had only witnessed him this wild twice: after their first swim session, and during their spar a few weeks later. He was riled up; his body still wanted to fight.
Or maybe there was a different primal urge driving him. One separated by a couple layers of fabric.
Osha murmured his name, the syllables slurring off her tongue—she was drunk off this feeling. Hearing her say his name brought him down to kiss her again, the chastest kiss they shared so far. She brought her other hand to his shoulder, holding him with her fingers linked around the back of his neck. The sweetness of this moment, threaded by all this tenderness, was easier to break than the previous, fueled with passion.
“Osha,” he breathed, nose brushing against the side of hers. It was the first word he spoke upon leaving the fight. “Osha…” His throat sounded scraped raw, like all that was left of him was her name.
She looked up at him with a giddy smile, one he half-returned. The fire in his blood wouldn’t let him soften more than that. When she toyed with the hair around his ears, he leaned heavily into her touch—a tamed wolf seeking out affection.
“Hello,” she whispered.
“Hello.” This close, she could feel the rumble in his chest almost firsthand, like his heart was speaking directly to hers.
“Hi,” she said, lips curling up in a helpless smile.
“Hi…” he laughed. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead more firmly against hers. When he found whatever center he’d been looking for, he nuzzled his nose against hers.
She tried her best not to pout as he let go of her ass, guiding her leg down so she could stand on her own. His hands fluttered across the rest of her body like butterflies unsure of where to land. Didn’t he know? Didn’t he know he’d claimed her as his and that he could hold her as he pleased?
He settled on cupping the sides of her face, giving him the perfect way to tilt her head forward and press a kiss against her forehead. “Hi,” he said lastly.
She let her hands drop to his hips, tugging him closer by the waistband of his shorts. He made a pleased noise, one foot still in the dangerous door that had borne them here. This far from the bustle of the crowd, the sweat on his skin had cooled enough to make him shiver. But Qimir hardly ever shivered from the cold outdoors, so it had to be for another reason—something to do with the brand-hot heat still pressing against her belly.
“You have a shift to finish,” he groaned softly. He pressed his face against hers, cheek to cheek—this gesture somehow felt more dauntingly intimate than the kisses, than the touching, than the whole grinding his erection on her.
She bit her lip, but her grin broke through anyway. “Kana gave me the rest of the night off. Won it betting on you.”
His posture changed again, returning to that sharp-eyed, prey-stalking creature he became when he fought—the kind he didn’t suppress around her. She still recognized him through the beast.
“The rest of the night?” he repeated, voice dropping to a low timbre.
“I could go tell him you don’t—oomf!”
He pinned her to the bricks again in another kiss. His hand came to the back of her neck, dragging her up to him like he’d hand-picked her for heaven—and his mouth came damn close. “Do not put me over your shoulder again,” she mumbled against his mouth.
Qimir looked like he was considering the caveman option for half a second but changed his mind. Instead, like a gentleman, he took her hand to lead her up the winding stairs to the dressing rooms. 
They zoomed past the other open doors like the hounds of hell nipped at their heels. He pressed her against the dressing room door the moment it was shut behind them, the earlier confidence returning to his hands as they explored her body. She moaned into his mouth, hunger clawing back up her throat with a vengeance—one that would only be sated if she consumed him, body and soul.
He groaned at the leg she returned around his hip, resuming their positions from downstairs. “Osha…” he whispered, grinding against her. He kissed down her neck to mouth at her shoulder.
“Bite me,” she panted. “You can bite me.”
Her hands went to his shoulders, and she moaned softly when his teeth sank into the soft spot where her neck and shoulders met. His hand had come up beneath her shirt to grip the back of her bra with enough desperation she worried the clasps would fail. The deeper he bit her, the more the room spun. The lamplight on the table made the room seem soft and ethereal, elevating the feeling into the perfect high.
His hips rolled against her as he shifted from biting to sucking—soothing what little hurts he made with kisses. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she hauled him back up by his hair, demanding his mouth on hers yet again. He groaned as she sucked on his lower lip, her teeth tugging at the cut on it once more. Through the kiss, he cursed softly, the word half-trapped behind his teeth.
“Oh, did you not want me to bite you back?” she teased, pulling back to lean her head on the door. She loved how much taller he was than her, how his body could wrap around her and blot out the rest of the world in his shadow. 
Qimir smirked, idly tracing over the throbbing, wet bite he’d left on her skin. His tongue poked out at the cut, and he hummed indulgently—like he was tasting her and not the pain. “Didn’t I tell you?” he rasped, eyes bright. “You have no idea what I want with you. Biting and fighting are the least of them.”
The fight. 
Playing with your food, Smiley?
She flustered a little, unsure of what to do with herself in the face of such desire. Rather than embarrass herself by trying to one-up him, she said, “Don’t you need to do your cooldown?”
“What if I’m just warming up?” he countered, running the tip of his nose against her cheek. She shivered.
“Would you like it if I helped out?” she asked. Qimir groaned and pressed his face against her shoulder, melting. He was heavy, but she was strong enough to hold him. At first, she thought he was reacting to her playing with his hair again, but after what he said, it seemed like only part of the reason. 
“I’ve dreamed you saying that before,” he grumbled. “In a very different scenario.” He pressed another kiss to her shoulder and drew back before she could dissolve into a wanton puddle beneath him. “When did you get so responsible, hm?” He kissed her nose, then her lips, unable to stop.
She had no answer for him, still rendered speechless. He dreamed about her?
Qimir took one giant step back and inhaled deeply. His absence didn’t leave her cold so much as it left her breathless—he’d taken all the air with him. “I am going to shower,” he said. He was doing it again, convincing himself to take the right course of action. “Then you’ll help me do cooldown. Are you alright in here to wait?”
It was the first time she’d gotten a good look at him since he was in the cage. She had no idea where the Smiley mask had gone after she took it off him, but she didn’t want that fucked-up thing anywhere near the masterpiece of his body right now. Still fresh from the fight, every plane and contour of his body practically gleamed—whether smeared with blood or shining with sweat.
The blood concerned her, of course—now the threat had gone, the aftermath remained. She couldn’t help peering closer, reaching to thumb away the blood on his arm—good, no cuts. There were a few bruises here and there, but—
His voice was tight, and every muscle in his neck and chest was tense. She was testing his resolve by continuously tempting him. It made her a little lightheaded to know she was so thoroughly desired.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay,” she whispered, about as loud as she could trust herself to speak. She tried for demure, attempting to reflect any desire to help her case.
It backfired spectacularly.
She was driven back to the wall again, their best-laid plans dashed to the side in favor of kissing. These kisses were intense, but not as harsh as the ones downstairs. She gripped his hair and kissed her way down to his jaw, leaving a bite over the place she now deemed her spot. He panted, open-mouthed, as she nipped and kissed over his throat.
When she dragged her teeth across his pulse, he shuddered, hands coming up to brace against the wall. She bit him in the same place he bit her, in the crook of his neck. He tasted like salt and adrenaline and goddamn heat lightning. A guttural moan, half-garbled around the syllable of her name, ripped free from his lips.
“If Wise comes up here while I’m like this, I might actually fucking kill him,” he gasped, bringing a hand to the back of her neck. It wasn’t to tug her back, nor to pull her closer. It just was.
“Then,” Osha panted, leaning back to look in his eyes. “How can I help?”
A near-vacant look crossed his eyes—fuck, he’s so horny he might fucking pass out, won’t he? Qimir breathed in deeply, closing his eyes and systematically disentangling himself from her. His expression was adorably devastated, like his whole world would crash down to rubble if he didn’t keep touching her.
“I am going to shower.”
“You are going to shower.”
His glare told her she was very far from helping the situation. She didn’t care.
“And then I am going to do my cooldown. And you are going to help me do that cooldown.”
“The cooldown you’re going to do after your shower.”
“Yes. Exactly. And I’m going to go shower right… now.”
Qimir… didn’t move. He looked rooted in place, but attentive—ready for instruction, she realized.
“Go, stranger.”
He went.
She didn’t dare to move until she heard the shower start. Only then did she breathe; only then did she attempt to wrangle her composure back from the edge. Osha went to put a hand to her chest, but saw the blood smeared around her wrist—whose it was, she had no idea.
She could clean herself up a little bit without going into the bathroom. But how tempting it was to open the door to innocently wash her hands, just a few feet from where he was naked and wet and—
“Osha, come on,” she hissed to herself, scrubbing the blood off her hands before she cleaned up her lipstick. Medora would have said something about the impressive staying power of a drugstore product—
A knock came at the hallway door, and it took a few seconds to recall what he said. If Wise comes up here…
His payday.
Mr. Wise didn’t seem surprised that she answered. He flicked his beady eyes above her head like Qimir would materialize in the small gap she left in the door. “You might want to come back later,” Osha said.
“He’s not the only one I have to make rounds to,” Mr. Wise said, looking a little annoyed.
“Well, what do you need?”
“I need to deliver the champion purse.”
“To the champion.”
“He’s busy.”
“This is a matter of principle.”
“You can give it to me. He’s in the—”
“I need to make sure it goes to him.”
“I’m just going to put it in his bag. You don’t need to—”
“This is a very serious part of the night, young lady...”
Osha was debating the merits of socking an old man in the face when Qimir shouted from the bathroom loud enough for them both to hear. “Don’t give her shit, Wise! Just give her the money!”
Wise didn’t look too pleased to hear it, but handed the cash over with a sigh. “Maybe someday I’ll be handing this money to you, for you.”
“You think I’ll fight in the brawl?” she asked, crossing her arms. “You think I’ll win in the brawl?”
“There’s a reason I’m called Mr. Wise, Osha Aniseya,” he said. The way he spoke her name sent chills down her back. “Ah. Before I forget, you… left this downstairs.”
He handed off the Smiley mask through the door.
“Oh.” She wasn’t sure if she should thank him, and chose to stay silent through her discomfort.
She suddenly had an image for Kana’s earlier story because Wise just… smiled at her before walking off.
The mask felt just as heavy as the money, laden with a different kind of gravity than the one that held her body. When she ran a thumb over the thick knit, her skin came back red—the same stain she’d just washed it off.
Blood. That’s what gave the mask and money their uncanny weight.
No honor or glory, indeed.
Most of the people invited to the brawl were like Sour Patch. They wanted two things they’d never get: fame and fortune. The purse was handed off where nobody could see it, and the attention was waylaid by the existence of the mask.
Even though they all knew who was beneath it.
She shuddered and set the mask face-down on the chair. Osha was coming to realize she had very little choice in the matter if the crowd and fight organizers wanted to see her in the brawl. Qimir, for as ignorant as he seemed to it, inspired quite a bit of chatter among the ranks. Very, very few fighters had ever held their masks for twelve consecutive months, and he was one moon away from doing just that. If that weren’t enough, his bloody spectacle from two months ago meant most eyes were on him.
And now that he’d hauled her away like the spoils of war, she was part of the game.
Holding the money in both hands, she looked back at the bathroom door. She couldn’t imagine herself in the cage with him. Wise made her seem more like a knife dropped between opponents than an actual contender. Would Qimir grab her, use her as an advantage against the six others? Or would he see her as a distraction, a hindrance to his ability in the brawl?
She remembered the way that fight had gone earlier in the night: the armed fighter getting grappled by the unarmed one, then turning the tides to draw blood.
If you recognize when the winds shift in each moment, you can make almost anything work to your advantage.
Which brought her to Idise. She’d been dethroned tonight, which gave Osha some measure of shameful relief—past the seething jealousy she felt upon hearing the rumors of her and Qimir. Kana had said the crowd—not just the crowd; he’d said everyone wanted to see what would happen if they were dropped into the cage together.
The crowd wanted a love triangle, but Osha could only imagine a massacre.
What would victory even feel like after that? She knew the people here more and more every day. They seemed to want to get to know her, as well. How the hell did they sign up to beat the shit out of one another month by month and remain friendly?
Osha could only hope that Idise didn’t want to fight her as much as she didn’t want to fight Idise.
She stuffed the cash at the bottom of his backpack, past a bundle of clothes.
The shower turned off, and her heart kicked into gear. Osha heard him bustle around on the other side of the bathroom door for a few seconds before sighing. “Osha?” he asked.
She stepped close enough to feel the steam from under the door. “Yeah? What’s up?”
“I didn’t grab my clothes before I came in. Can you give them to me?”
Her face flared with heat. Her thoughts from earlier returned, now imagining him naked on the other side of a door she may or may not be able to break down in a fit of nymphomania. “Yeah,” she said, a little breathlessly.
Don’t be weird, Verosha. What the fuck.
She cleared her throat and knocked on the door before twisting the handle. She shoved his clothes through the two inches of space she allowed herself to open the door. She felt a little silly keeping her eyes squeezed shut, but when he laughed, she didn’t feel embarrassed. Their hands brushed at the exchange, and her eyes popped open anyway, meeting his through the gap. “I’ll be right out.”
The bastard didn’t close the door again, leaving it slightly cracked.
He’s practically inviting you in.
She quickly retreated to her seat on the other side of the room. “I’m sorry about Wise,” he said through the gap. She couldn’t stop staring at it, so she distracted herself by unrolling his yoga mat for him and—oh, she offered to help him stretch, oh no.
“Did he give you trouble?” he asked, when the silence went on for too long.
“Wh—no. He’s just an old man. Being difficult is their number-one hobby.” She chewed on what to say next. There was so much to tell him, to ask him about. Nominations. Idise. His absence from the gym. Shit, the Lance thing. Indara’s conversation had somehow gone from unignorable to back-burner. She went for the weakest conversation topic. “I think he insinuated I’d be invited to the brawl. Kana said something similar.”
“Why’d they say that?” he asked.
Her doom emerged from the bathroom in a burst of steam, still scrubbing a towel over his head to dry his hair. I thought that only happened in soap operas, what the fuck. 
She couldn’t tell him why Wise and Kana (and the rest of the gym, for that matter) wanted her in the brawl. She couldn’t tell him her own goddamn name. Qimir let his towel fall to his shoulders and pressed his elbows to either side of the doorway. She thought he was using it as a come-on, all look how big and muscly and strong I am, look how wet my stupid fucking abs are, look at my huge goddamn chest, look at how low my sweatpants are and look at how easy it could be to just tug them—
“Fuck, my chest is tight,” he groaned, head falling forward. 
Oh. It’s just a chest stretch. You need to exorcise your horny brain, Osha.
“I rolled your mat out for you,” she said, gesturing pathetically at the floor.
“Thank you,” he said after a twenty-count at the door. He stalked forward, coming to kneel on the mat before her. He pulled her in for a kiss: slow, deep, and thought-disintegrating. “Missed that,” he sighed against her mouth.
“It’s been like five minutes,” she laughed, playing with the towel around his shoulders.
“Even so.” He snatched her hands from the towel to kiss each knuckle, then started his neck stretches without letting go. “Wise gave you the money, right?”
“Yeah, it’s in your bag.” She settled across from him. “What do you want me to do?” she asked. 
His eyes held all sorts of salacious possible answers.
“To help you stretch,” she huffed, getting flustered.
He pouted, but conceded.
He talked her through what to do, starting with him on his front to stretch out his quads. She was more used to their positions being flipped, with him helping her stretch after a training session. Once she’d pushed his heel nearly all the way toward his ass, he said, “I didn’t expect to grapple tonight.”
“Kana told me it’s not common in the brawl,” she said. “Said it gets you stomped.” She clung to the conversation because clinging to his body was proving detrimental to her sanity.
“Mhm.” He breathed slowly and relaxed into the stretch, allowing her to add more weight. “What else did Kana say?”
So, so much.
“He called what you did kesa-gatame,” Osha said, hopefully not bungling the pronunciation.
He groaned loudly. “I love hearing you talk about fighting.”
“I-I have no—you’re so ridiculous,” she muttered, feeling the urge to lean down and bite him—again.
“That’s so nice,” he murmured to himself.
She was going to die.
Every time they switched sides or positions, he would praise her.
Good job, Osha.
Oh, that feels amazing.
Thank you, Osha.
That’s it; you’re doing it right.
You can push harder than that; come on—there we go.
That’s my girl.
“It’s so easy to fuck someone up like this,” he said near the end, oblivious to her suffering. 
No. Goddamn. Kidding.
“Good to know,” she quipped, raising an eyebrow.
Laid out like this, she could see the blooming contusions across his body. He’d cleaned away the blood just as she had, but the marks of his time in the ring wouldn’t just wash away.
He wears marks from you, too, her horny brain whispered. And you from him. Their matching hickeys made her want to sigh all dreamy-like.
“You’re good at this,” he complimented.
“I’ve got a good teacher,” she parried.
He hummed. “They still don’t do assist stretches in the Temple, then?”
She was surprised he brought up the Temple himself. She rolled with it, but kept things vague. “We don’t—the Temple doesn’t like when fighters touch each other. Outside of fights, that is.”
“Probably a liability thing,” he mumbled. “I wonder why.”
His scars stared at her.
Osha only felt like she could move again when he rolled onto his back for the rest of his stretches. He wriggled around as he adjusted to a more comfortable position. Luckily, his eyes were already closed, so he didn’t see whatever face she was making—but Osha couldn’t quite erase it. When he opened his eyes and saw the tension in her features, he lay a hand on her thigh. “You okay?” he murmured.
She stopped herself from nodding on reflex, settling on a half-truth. “I’m sorry I brought up the Temple.”
His expression drew tight in confusion, then softened. “You didn’t bring it up. I did. You’re fine, Osha. I’m fine, too.”
“But I know it—”
“I do not blame you or look down on you for being a member of the Temple,” he said, squeezing her thigh. “Until recently, it’s all you’ve known. And you only just found out things could be different if you wanted them to be.” His thumb rubbed side to side across her knee. “I know that’s where your fight strategy comes from, and I still wanted your thoughts on the matches, didn’t I?”
She nodded, still frowning a little. She had been worried about that, yes, and in some ways still was. Her main problem these days was that she could hardly dedicate time to worrying about one topic before another, worse thing interrupted her life. 
God, she wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him everything she’d found out from Indara and Kana. She wanted to ask him all the questions that burned down to the marrow of her bones. Who is Idise to you? What happened two months ago? Where did you disappear to? Why did you disappear, and what brought you back?
Qimir was an optical illusion—the more she looked at him, the less she seemed to see.
His thumb tapped twice on her leg, reeling her attention back in.
“The dogma we were both raised in is not infallible, no matter how much we were taught it is. Vernestra isn’t God; I am not an angel cast from her light.”
Some people feel like gods to a child. And you can worship and worship them, but their judgment will still leave scars.
Osha exhaled shakily, giving him a small smile—all she could muster. Qimir kissed her hand again and shrugged.
“It’s probably not good to continue avoiding talking about the Temple if I ever want to move past what happened. So, really, I think you’re doing me a favor.”
“Really? I would’ve thought I—”
It was like he disappeared; his eyes went black. I said, ‘This is the last round, Qimir.’
His hand tightened, expression growing serious again. “You’re not Mae.”
How had he known she was thinking that? Did he know her well enough to guess, while she knew him less and less the more she learned?
Osha closed her eyes, putting her hand on top of his. When she opened them again, she turned to look at the Smiley mask. “Do you ever think… do you think you’ll ever stop?” she whispered.
He turned his hand over beneath hers to lace their fingers together. “I hope so. I have something now that I didn’t, before.”
“What’s that?” she asked.
It didn’t escape her notice that he left his chest and neck wide open for her. Belly-up, the primal side of her said. He was making himself vulnerable for her, an open target.
“I’ve got a very good reason to leave the cage.”
How do you let go?
When the decision is called, I think of what I want most outside the cage.
How long had he gone, making up flimsy reasons to leave the fight? She may accept her place as his reason to leave the cage, but would she ever be enough to keep him from going in at all? Her heart ached.
“There was a period where I could see myself staying there and never returning. I pictured myself getting stuck in the fighter’s mindset and burning into ash. And I almost...” He trailed off, fear and shame hardening his features.
“Does that scare you?”
He squeezed her hand. “Of course it does. I worked too hard to get to a place where I wasn’t fighting to stay alive each day. I’m ashamed that this is the only outlet I trust to regulate myself right now.”
“Did therapy not work out for you?”
“Did it work out for you?” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“I never went to—oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.” He let go of her hand to bring one of his knees up to his chest with a sigh. “Let’s keep going.”
With gentle words and gentler touches, he showed her how to assist with the rest of his routine. Whenever she leaned close enough, she would kiss whatever part of him she could get at. He did the same, just mouthing kisses on her at any opportunity.
She told him about the bet she made with Kana.
“…And now I owe him ten dollars, because you Looney Toonsed that guy right out of the gate.”
He laughed sharply, amusement cutting deep. He leaned over to his backpack and rifled through it until he pulled a ten from his winnings. “There,” he said, handing it to her. “On me.”
“It’s not fair for you to pay when I’m the one who lost betting on you.”
“What is it that makes you think I’m a fair person, Osha?” he asked.
She took the cash from him. “I don’t mean to insult you by implying you’re mild-mannered and polite,” she snarked. “It’s a fairness that’s… more like balance. You pay things back in kind when you perceive an imbalance. Even if there isn’t one.”
“Keep going,” he said, snatching the money back from her.
She tried reaching for it again, but he was faster, holding it out with his much longer arm. She pouted at him, still leaning over his body with her arm outstretched.
“You haven’t convinced me,” he shrugged, stealing a kiss because he could.
“I don’t think you’re fair like a judge. This isn’t judge behavior.” She gestured to the petty game of keep-away.
“I’d agree with you. So what fair am I like, Osha?”
“You’re fair like… like the law of the jungle. Fair, like when hikers ignore the signs and then get eaten by wolves. You impart a much wilder brand of justice than the kind that comes from laws.”
“You burn me, I burn you. That kind of thing. It doesn’t follow code or custom—if you never follow the rules, you never have to break them. But if you feel crossed, you’ll cross right back. You’re that kind of fair.”
He gave her the money.
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hearts4renaa · 2 years
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SUMMARY; falling in love with scaramouche included many things; betrayals, unanswered questions, and battles. in fact, so many battles that could be compiled together into a war.
PAIRING; scaramouche x fem!reader
WARNINGS; spoilers for inazuma and sumeru arc, mentions of scaras real name
GENRE; angst but not rlly angst, happy ending dw, songfic kinda
WC: 2.3k
A/N: bye i just got inspired for some reason...this took my 3 hrs to write and no its not proofread! my first contribution to the genshin fanfic community...ofc inspired by "the great war" by queen taylor
Battles weren’t uncommon in this world. In fact, Y/N and Scaramouche fought many of them. Be it physical battles, mental battles, or emotional ones, they’ve fought their fair share. But none of them will ever come close to the battle between them; nothing will ever come close to that war.
Always remember, uh huh, tears on the letter.
I vowed not to cry anymore, if we survive the Great War.
THE FIRST BATTLE started one lonely night in Inazuma, right after Y/N and the Traveler had their run-in with the Balladeer. Y/N clutched a letter in her hand, tears flowing freely onto the paper. The letter wasn’t signed with a name, but rather a small drawing of a flower. Despite the lack of signature, she knew. She knew it was from him. How could he do this? First, he leaves without a trace for years. Then, once she had finally come to terms with the situation, he sends a letter describing how he never wants to see her again. All right after he nearly destroyed their home country.
Y/N stood up from her position on the floor, as a newfound determination fueled by rage filled her body. She made their way out of the room, and made her way to the fireplace in the kitchen. The flames were mesmerizing, the motions moving gracefully to the tune of the soft wind outside. Before she knew it, she was thinking of him again. But not the current him, no, but the past between the two of them. She remembered it all, the flowers he would place in her hair, the midnight walks, the tea they shared. But most of all, she remembered how she cried for him. She remembered how she cried for days on end, begging to know if he was okay. In the end, she was left with years of no closure until he returned to Inazuma. But he didn’t return for her. He returned for the Gnosis.
She remembers walking in the streets and catching a glimpse of purple amongst the crowds. She remembers accompanying Aether throughout the journey, shielding him from the Vision Hunt Decree. She remembers walking into that domain only to be met with his cold gaze. She remembers passing out, only to be awoken by Lady Yae, the one who gave his letter to her. And standing here in front of the fire, it felt like she was reliving it all. I can’t do this anymore.
The tears returned, salt streams coating her cheeks. Her hand tightened around the letter as she held it above the fire. Let go, she thought to herself. You can let go. The letter fluttered into the flames, burning at the first touch. Mere seconds later, the letter was gone. But even with that, she just couldn't let go of him. She loved him far too much, which was both a blessing and a curse.
I won’t cry anymore. She told herself. If we are really meant to be, it’ll fall into place on its own. I won’t cry.
“You want to come with us to Sumeru?” Aether sounded shocked.
“Yes!” Y/N nodded enthusiastically. “I need a change of scenery, and well…you’re very capable. I could learn a lot from you.”
“Are you sure?” Aether questioned. “It’ll be a long journey, and a hard one too.” He looked over at Paimon, who was more than happy to have her join the pair. Paimon gave Aether puppy eyes. “But,” He starts. “If you’re absolutely willing, then we’d love to have you.” He sees Paimon float around in excitement.
Y/N smiled wide. “Oh, Aether, thank you! I promise I won’t hold you down.”
Aether laughs. “We both know you’re a good fighter. Glad to be travel partners, Y/N!”
Always remember, uh huh, the burning embers.
I vowed not to fight anymore, if we survived the Great War.
THE SECOND BATTLE began when Scaramouche realized who Aether was traveling with. What the hell was she doing here, so far from home? A small part of Scaramouche thought that maybe she had come looking for him, despite his letter. He quickly shaked the thought out of his mind. He never told her where he would be, so there’s almost no way she had any idea that he was here beforehand. Scaramouche had never been one to believe in fate, but a tiny part in the back of his mind hoped that maybe, they were destined to cross paths again. Perhaps that’s why he decided to observe the Traveler. After all, it lets him observe her without getting too close. Despite the letter he wrote to her, he still finds himself wishing to be in her presence again. What on Earth has she done to him?
He snaps out of it when he notices the Traveler walk up to Haypasia. Smirking to himself, he gives him a scare. “So, you think this is over?” He speaks, smirking when he sees the Traveler jolt in surprise. The two go back and forth for a bit, talking about how Scaramouche was soon to be a God. A true God, just like he had always wanted. Nothing could stop him now.
“And what do you think Y/N would say about that?” Aether says.
For just a moment, the facade drops and Scaramouche feels his eyes widen. As quickly as it came, it disappeared just as fast. A scowl makes its way onto his face. “Why would I care about what Y/N thinks? She’s just as weak as the rest of you.” That’s not true. Y/N’s one of the strongest people he’s known, both physically and emotionally.
“Maybe because you used to care about her.” Aether gives him a look. Whether it was anger or pity, he couldn’t tell. “Maybe, you still do.”
“Oh really? And what makes you think that?”
“Lady Yae. She told us everything before we left for Sumeru.”
That damned fox lady.
“Maybe I used to, but that’s all in the past now.” Scaramouche put up the best front he possibly could. “I couldn’t care less what she has to say about any of this. She’ll never understand. She’s too weak.” His eyes, and his resolve, hardened. He can’t allow himself to become weak again. He can’t allow himself to care about her.
The Traveler turned away from him, looking out the windows to see Y/N fighting alongside the others. “I think she still cares about you too, you know. It’s not too late to fix things with her. I think she’d be grateful to see you again.”
Scaramouche clenched his fist, so much so that crescent shapes from his nails dug into his skin. Anger bubbled up inside of him. “Enough!” He yelled, a large crack of thunder reaching everyone’s ears. “A word of advice, Traveler…” He floats above them, still keeping eye contact. “Learn to mind your own business.” The thunder is almost deafening, and the lightning strikes leave no area untouched. Scaramouche disappears from sight.
Later in the night, Scaramouche finds himself alone with his thoughts. Is it possible that she could still care about him? Even after the treatment he put her through? What could she possibly see in him? He was a Fatui Harbinger for crying out loud. He left her without a trace, tormented her home country. And yet, Aether thinks she cares about him? How stupid have people gotten?
If he went back to her…if she still cared about him…was it worth isolating himself? Would she want to see him practically destroying any humanity he had left? If fate did exist…if the God’s decided to give him a single blessing in the form of her, why was he fighting? Why was he so against her affection, so against letting her see him again. He wanted to see her, but he was so afraid of her betraying him, just like everyone else.
He’d been betrayed three times already, he doesn’t want her to be the fourth. But maybe, just maybe, if fate were to allow them to be together…
Maybe fighting wasn’t worth it at all.
It turned into something bigger. Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I’d been betrayed…
…That was the night I nearly lost you. I really thought I lost you.
THE FINAL BATTLE started when Nahida, the Traveler, and Y/N finally came face to face with Scaramouche. The sight of him made Y/N sick. This wasn’t the Scaramouche you knew. This wasn’t the Kunikuzushi you loved. Scaramouche’s laugh rang throughout the room in a haunting way. “Oh, Traveler. She cares about me, you say?” Scaramouche’s eyes were so cold. “Yet here she is, to fight against me. Traitor.”
Y/N gripped her sword tighter, looking over at Aether. “Aether, what did you tell him?”
Before Aether even has the chance to respond, Scaramouche cuts him off. “Why, that you cared about me, of course! Did you not hear what I just said?” Scaramouche’s gaze was menacing, staring down at the group with anger evident in his eyes. “But obviously, that’s not true. I’m glad the feelings are mutual, dearest Y/N.” Hurt flashed across Y/N’s eyes, but it disappeared quickly as Scaramouche descended further into this spiral of madness.
The fighting felt endless. Aether’s breathing became heavy, and his arms were so, so tired. Y/N was holding up only slightly better, but she could feel her strength giving out. Scaramouche taunted her. “C’mon Y/N, you can do better than that, can’t you? I expected better from you.” Scaramouche stopped in front of her, all his attention on her. Y/N had an idea pop into her head, and as much as it hurt to execute, it was for the better…right?
Y/N slowly straightened her posture. “Kunikuzushi…” Scaramouche froze in shock at his real name. She said his name like a prayer, and for that moment, time felt like it had stopped. She couldn’t see any of his expressions, but she could tell that he was caught off guard. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, more to herself than to him. “Aether, now!” She yelled out.
Aether rushed, giving the final blow. Scaramouche fell to his knees. For Scaramouche, the world went quiet. Nahida floated up, slowly taking away the Gnosis from his grasp. “No!” He screamed. “Wait, please!” His pleading hurt Y/N’s heart. “Anything but the Gnosis! That’s mine, don’t even try!” She winced at the pain in voice.
“I'll never go back!”
Scaramouche reached out, unable to touch the Gnosis. His eyes found Y/N’s, and whispered her name like a plea. “Y/N…” Scaramouche began to plummet towards the ground.
Her eyes widened, and she immediately dropped her sword, running as fast as she could to try and catch him. She barely made it before he hit the ground, knees scratching against the ground. Scaramouche landed in her arms, unconscious. “No, please no.” She muttered, frantically checking for a pulse. She let out the biggest sigh of relief upon feeling a little heartbeat. It was slow, but it was there. And in that moment, there was nothing else she was more grateful for.
We can plant a memory garden. Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair. There’s no morning glory, it was war, it wasn’t fair.
Days passed, and Scaramouche still had yet to wake up. Every single day was spent with Y/N by his side, only leaving to grab food, use the washroom, or bathe. Other than that, Y/N stayed with him the entire time. At that point, Aether and Paimon were beginning to get worried.
“Y/N?” Paimon called as the pair entered the room. Y/N shot up in her seat, despite being in her sleep deprived state. She waved with as much energy she could muster.
“Oh, hello you two!” She says with faux energy.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Aether asks.
“I’m fine. Did you two need something?”
“Um..” Paimon looked at Aether with a ‘what do I do’ look. “Y/N, don’t you think maybe…you should go home?” Paimon suggested.
Y/N shook her head. “No, I’m okay! I’ll stay here in case he wakes up.”
Aether sighed. “Y/N, you need to rest. You’ve been here for days.”
She looks at Scaramouche in his comatose state sadly. “But, I need to stay here. If he wakes up, I need to apologize to him.” Her eyes are sad.
“Please.” She cuts him off. “Just let me stay. I’ll eat and sleep after. Just a little longer.”
Paimon and Aether share a look. “Okay.” Aether finally spoke after a period of silence. “Just remember to take care of yourself, okay?” The two left the room.
“Finally, they’re gone.”
Y/N’s head snaps towards the direction of the voice. There he was, slowly sitting up in his bed and rubbing his eyes. “I hate that Paimon thingy, her voice sounds like squeaks.” Scaramouche complained, crossing his arms. He looked at Y/N, who was wide eyed with her jaw dropped. He scoffed at her. “Are you seriously this shocked to see me awake?” He asked with a teasing tone in his voice.
The tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes, and she immediately lurched forward to hug him. He was taken aback by the affection, but he returned it nonetheless. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” She muttered. “I haven’t hugged you like this in so long. I missed you.” Her tears wet his shoulder, but he didn’t mind as much as he thought he would.
“I’m sorry I left so abruptly,” He started. “I was-”
“Shh.” She cut him off. “We’ll talk about it later. Just let me make up for everything we missed out on. I missed you so bad. I know we were apart but…my heart has always been yours.”
Scaramouche’s eyes widened at the blossoming feeling in his chest. Years of being apart, years of being in a constant war of feelings. All of it led to this. All of it led to them being in eachothers arms, here to stay. They wouldn’t have to be separated again.
Always remember, uh huh, we’re burned for better. I vowed I would always be yours, ‘cause we survived the Great War.
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bleujae · 2 years
・♡・𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦・♡・
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♡ Summary: Saying the words "I love you" can definitely be nerve wrecking
♡ Pairing: Jungwon x fem!reader
♡ Genre: fluff
♡ Word count: 2.6K
♡ Warnings: mentions of cursing, *let me know if there's anything else I should add ^^*
"Guess I'm saying I don't not love you"
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“Where are we going tomorrow?” Sona whined over the phone, seeing her boyfriend on the other side with his cheeky smile. 
“I told you it’s a secret.” Jungwon answered in a sing-song voice, making Sona whine even more. 
“Why won’t you tell me?” She gave him her best puppy eyes, trying to convince him. 
“Because it’s a secret. And it’s not fair that you’re using your puppy eyes on him. You know that’s basically a weapon to me.” Jungwon warned his girlfriend, trying to resist her cuteness. 
“But you won’t tell me where we’re going.” Sona exclaimed while Jungwon almost facepalmed at her argument. 
“That’s why I said it was a secret, love~” Jungwon told her. “Just dress pretty like you do every day and I’ll surprise you.” 
Sona blushed at his statement. They’ve been dating for a year now but all the nicknames and compliments that Jungwon threw at her still made her heart do somersaults every time. 
“Alright.” She mumbled as she slightly covered her red cheeks with her hands. Jungwon cooed at how adorable his girlfriend was. 
“I’ll pick you up from class at 3 tomorrow.” Jungwon informed her, making her nod. 
“See you tomorrow, Wonie.” Sona waved to him, blowing him a small flying kiss. 
Jungwon chuckled as he pretended to catch it. “See you tomorrow, love.” 
Sona swayed side to side, making her light long white skirt slightly go out, moving graciously around her ankles. She smoothed her light blue cardigan that was buttoned down all the way as her hands went back into her cardigan’s sweater paws. She made sure the two small butterfly shaped claw clips on either side of her hair that was used to pin back her bangs were even. She checked her outfit one last time in the full length hung in her school bathroom before walking out to where Jungwon was waiting for her. 
“Ready to go?” Jungwon asked, extending his hand which Sona gladly held onto. They started walking to the exit and out of the school. 
“Did I tell you that you look really pretty today?” He complimented her, making Sona’s cheeks go flaming red. She coughed out slightly, not being able to say anything which, once again, made Jungwon coo at her shyness when it came to compliments. 
“You’re too much.” Sona mumbled, feeling shy at her boyfriend’s gaze. Jungwon couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, finding her absolutely adorable at the moment. 
Jungwon and Sona soon reached the bus station and saw that the bus was already approaching the station. The couple climbed onto the bus and paid for their fee before going to find a seat. 
Jungwon had his hand hovering Sona’s back as he led her to a seat, allowing her to take the window seat as he took the seat near the aisle. 
Jungwon took his earbuds, putting one side in Sona’s ear before sticking the other one in his ear as well. She sighed in contentment as she put her cheek on Jungwon’s shoulders, hearing a calming melody flow from the earbuds into her own ears. Her eyebrows wrinkled as each song passed, not recognizing the playlist. And Sona would know as she had listened to every single playlist Jungwon created on his spotify account at least a hundred times each. 
“Which playlist is this?” Sona sat up, facing him. 
“I made one last night. It’s all of the songs we either like or songs that remind me of you.” Jungwon replied, Sona’s heart warmed up just by his response. 
Sona never thought she could find a boy so perfect for her. She haven’t dated many guys but has been in enough relationships and situationships to realize how much of a daydream Jungwon was to her. 
It was the small things that he noticed about her. Sona loved music; everything reminded her of a song. She loved singing wherever she went and the fact that Jungwon was using music to express his feelings at the moment made her melt internally. 
“It’s a beautiful playlist.” Sona whispered as she rested her cheek back on his shoulder, naturally taking his hands into her small ones. 
And for the rest of the bus ride, the smile on Sona’s lips didn’t falter for a second. 
“Can’t you at least give me a hint on where we’re going?” Sona asked for the hundredth time, making Jungwon chuckle at her impatience. 
“You’ve said that every minute. Just be patient.”
“But I’m so curious!” Sona exclaimed. 
Jungwon patted her head. “I know, love. But we’re almost there.” 
Sona just nodded and continued walking next to Jungwon, swinging their intertwined hands. The statement, ‘can you please give me a hint’ was itching on her tongue but she held it in, knowing Jungwon wouldn’t answer her. She pouted her lips, wondering where he could be taking her. She looked around, having a vague memory of being here, but not really being sure if she’s just seen this in her dreams. 
“Don’t pout, Sona.” Jungwon giggled. “We’re here!” 
Sona gasped as she saw where they were. It was the place that they had, not their first date, but their second date. Of course, everyone remembers their first date the most; It’s the first. However with Sona and Jungwon, their second date was something that they could never forget about. 
This is the place where Jungwon had officially asked Sona to be his girlfriend. The wallpaper of Sona’s lock screen was still one of the many pictures they had taken that day. It was a silhouette picture of them in the park, Jungwon holding the girl up with Sona’s leg bent upwards. 
“Wonie…” Sona trailed off, looking around while all the memories of their second date were flooding back to her. 
“Come on.” Jungwon softly said, leading her deeper into the park with trees on either side of their pathways. The leaves that have turned from the summer green to the warm tones of autumn were surrounding them and Sona couldn’t help but stare up in awe of how beautiful they were. 
“Tada~” Jungwon spread out his arms to reveal a small picnic blanket with different snacks that they both liked on the grass. 
Sona gasped and let out a small squeal. “How did you set this up?” 
“I may or may not have asked Jay hyung to set this up for me…” Jungwon confessed, rubbing his neck. “With the help of Sunghoon hyung and Heeseung hyung.” 
“Of course Jay oppa would do this for you.” Sona giggled, making Jungwon pout. 
“Hey! I helped him with setting up a surprise with his girlfriend so it was only fair for him to say yes.” He explained. 
“Ok ok.” She chuckled as Jungwon led her to the blanket, both sitting down on the soft blanket. He pulled out the different snacks in the basket as Sona clapped her hands in delight. 
Sona wasn’t a huge food person. She was never someone to love food like others. But seeing all of her favorite snacks and drinks laid out in front of her made her excited. 
She picked up one of the chocolate covered strawberries, taking a bite as she looked around at the scenery a bit more closely this time since she was sitting down. 
“Ah…I remember when we came here last year.” Jungwon suddenly spoke up. “It was fall that time too.” 
“But instead, last time we couldn’t see all the pretty leaves since it was night time.” Sona pointed out. 
Let’s just say, their second date was more of a last minute date. They had meant to go on their second date later however with Jungwon feeling the need to see her that night and Sona’s overwhelming feeling of happiness of just being with him had brought them together that night. Jungwon had spontaneously showed up to her house, calling her to come down. They had randomly ended up at this park after getting on a random bus and getting off at a random station. They didn’t care where they ended up, they simply just enjoyed each other’s company. 
Even though they were just in their comfortable clothes consisting of sweatpants, hoodies and sneakers, it was still a magical night for them. And Sona wouldn’t change any details of her lockscreen wallpaper. 
“But the stars were really pretty that night though.” Jungwon remarked, making Sona hum in agreement. 
“Look Jungwon! You can see the stars so clearly from here!” Sona exclaimed, throwing her head back to see the beautiful, clear night sky. 
The little white dots that lit up the dark navy sky was a gorgeous view from where Sona and Jungwon were standing. The trees that stood tall around and almost framed the stars, making them stare in awe. 
“Isn’t the sky so pretty tonight?” Sona asked, still not taking her eyes off the sky. “And the stars. They’re so sparkly… Like… Cinderella’s ball gown”
Jungwon chuckled at the girl’s unusual comparison. He tore his eyes away from the sky and unto the girl in front of him. He took out his phone and secretly snapped a picture. “Yeah… really pretty.”
Sona unconsciously started taking random steps, her sole focus on the stars. And that was until she felt her foot step on someone else’s and her body collide with another’s. She quickly looked down from the sky and her breath hitched when she realized she ran right into Jungwon. Her eyes widened to see Jungwon so close to her face for the first time. 
And of course, Sona being Sona, in her nervousness, started to ramble and looked down to avoid the boy’s eyes “You know my favorite Disney princess used to be Cinderella? Because that ballroom scene was so pretty and I always dreamed of it as a little kid. The way you have your hand on my waist kind of reminds me of that scene with her blue dress. Oh wait, I heard a lot of people saying it was silver instead of blue but like the live action definitely made it bl-” 
Her words got cut off when she heard soft music playing into the dark night. She looked back up to see Jungwon smiling. He held out his arm which Sona hesitantly took into her own hands and he wrapped his hand around her waist. 
“We can make that dream come true now.” He whispered as he guided her body to move with the flow of the song he played. He occasionally hummed to the melody of the song which made Sona just melt internally. 
Sona was thankful that it was night time or Jungwon would’ve seen her red cheeks. In contrast to the chilly autumn night, her cheeks were burning to the point where anyone else could’ve mistaken her for having a fever. 
She was so content with the moment she was in, with Jungwon, she hoped it would never end. As the small set of songs that Jungwon chose came to an end, so did their impromptu dance under the gorgeous night sky. 
“You are so fucking adorable.” Jungwon whispered as he lightly picked her up and squeezed her, making her giggle. 
“That dancing thing was so random though.” Sona said, chuckling at the memory. 
“Hey but at least I thought of it. Or else you wouldn’t have gotten that pic.” Jungwon argued, pointing at her phone. He doubled tapped her screen to see the pic again, making Sona smile. 
“I still can’t believe you got that entire moment on video. You had time to play a song and set your phone on the bench before getting my attention.” Sona recalled. 
Jungwon shrugged. “I just really wanted to capture that moment. You really did look cute that night.” 
Sona blushed again, feeling the blood rushing towards her cheeks again. “My cheeks are gonna burn off one day because of you.” 
“See.” Jungwon exclaimed, giggling. “You are so fucking adorable.” 
Sona blushed hearing those words come out of his mouth. She buried her face into his neck as she was still up in the air in his arms. She was internally screaming at his sentence, suddenly feeling shy in his presence. 
Jungwon laughed at her reaction, feeling the warmth of her face on his neck. He gently placed her down, making her lift her head up from the crook of his neck. She saw how close to Jungwon she was, but this time she didn’t look away or ramble. 
Her breath slightly hitched when Jungwon leaned in a bit closer, making sure she was comfortable enough with what he was about to do. 
He smiled slightly when Sona leaned in a bit closer, just enough for their lips to brush up against each other but not quite touch. He took the last step and leaned in fully, capturing her lips into his. 
Everything about the kiss was perfect: to the way their hearts skipped a beat, the way their lips moved in sync, and the way the beautiful stars were the only witnesses to their first kiss. 
Jungwon was the first one to pull back, slightly breathless with tinted cheeks, just like Sona. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” 
“And then you asked me to be your girlfriend.” Sona said, dreamily. She couldn’t have expected a better way to be confessed to. 
“Best decision of my life.” Jungwon grinned as he stood up. 
Sona looked up at him confused, only to see Jungwon quietly offering his hand. She placed her hand into his and let out a soft squeak when he pulled her up to her feet. 
The force of his pull resulted in her colliding into his chest. His arms naturally wrapped around her waist as she steadied herself by placing her hands on his chest. She giggled as he gave a small peck on her forehead. And then one on her nose. And lastly a small kiss on her lips. 
“Happy one year.” Jungwon softly murmured as his lips left Sona’s. 
She giggled before responding to him. “Happy one year.” 
He opened his mouth again to say something but closed it back again, making Sona tilt her head. 
“You know we’ve been dating for a year… Been together with all four seasons…” Jungwon started off. 
Sona looked at him slightly weird. “Of course. That’s why we just said, happy one year, to each other.” 
“And in those four seasons, I was thinking about something.” Jungwon continued, feeling the hands around his girlfriend’s starting to get a bit clammy. 
“I think…uhm…I kinda.” Jungwon trailed off, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was having such a hard time saying what he wanted. 
Come on, it's only three words. 
“You kinda…?” Sona tilted her head to the other side, suddenly feeling a bit nervous with her boyfriend’s weird behavior. 
“I think I kinda… you know.” 
Sona furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. “Wonie, I can’t read your mind.” 
“I think…I mean I guess I want to say that…I don’t not love you…?” 
Sona’s eyes widened slightly, shocked at what he just said. 
Jungwon loves me…? 
Jungwon’s eyes widened as well, cringing on the inside. 
Did I just really say it like that? 
Many thoughts were running through his mind when Sona wasn’t saying anything. He was starting to feel disappointed in himself. He had rehearsed this scenario in his mind a thousand times. He even practiced with his friends just to calm his nerves. He wasn’t someone to ask for favors but this time was an exception. Anything for the girl he loved. 
“I mean, if you don’t feel the same, I obviously understand. I definitely won’t pressure you into saying anything that you don’t want t-”
His rambling was cut off by Sona’ s lips on his. He was first shocked but quickly kissed her back. 
“I guess they were right when they say that two people start to become like each other when they love each other.” She giggled. 
Jungwon's eyes became slightly bigger at her statement. “Does that mean….” 
“Yep.” Sona answered him. 
“Yang Jungwon. I guess I’m saying I don’t not love you too.”
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bonky-n-steeb · 2 years
I'll be yours for a thousand lives
— mob! bucky barnes x wife! reader
summary || when you get kidnapped, you realise your husband isn’t the good man you thought he was.
warnings || dom!bucky. dom/sub dynamics. daddy kink. unprotected sex. spanking. degradation. dumbification. oral sex. praise kink. punishments. subspace. pain kink. corruption kink. filthy bucky. protective bucky. possessive bucky. needy bucky. a lot of dirty talk. petnames (puppy [no pet play]). horny thots. little angst. kidnapping. PWP — MINORS DNI 🔞 if any of this makes you uncomfortable then please do not read!
I have decided to not do taglists anymore, so if you wished to be notified of my newest updates please follow @bonky-n-steeb-lib and turn on the notifications!
ahsjhdnsjjsy…. I hope you like this lol ;)
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“You had one job!”
You winced when you heard someone scream just as you blinked open your eyes slowly. You didn’t make any sudden movements, so as to not alert your captors and instead just lay still on the ground. You were still drowsy, but you willed yourself to stay awake.
You noticed there were three of them, the two guys who abducted you and the third, a middle aged man. They weren’t paying any attention to you and you would’ve crawled if your limbs weren’t tied together by a zip tie which was painfully digging into your skin.
You cursed yourself for being so stupid and landing up in this situation. Bucky had warned you, and yet you didn’t listen; and look where it landed you. You were more worried about how Bucky would feel if he knew of your stupidity.
The school where you were a teacher was close by to the farmer’s market. This evening, after you were done with your work, you decided to walk over to the market and buy some fresh produce. The road was known for robberies but you didn’t think much about it.
And just as you were walking, these two crooks had cornered you and pressed a sickly sweet napkin to your nose and the next thing you remembered was waking up here, in a warehouse. Bucky had told you, not once, twice, but many times, to not use that road and still you hadn’t listened.
“You had to go and choose the literal one person who is out of limits!” The older man was screaming at the two boys. “Okay fine! We did a mistake! But why did you have to inform him? We could’ve just let her go. I mean look at her, she’s not even awake yet!” One of the two guys chimed in.
“Are you out of your mind? If we would’ve just left her on the road he would’ve been even more furious and trust me, he would’ve found out that it’s us. And then not just yours, but my life would’ve been on the line too! And I have no interest in dying so soon.” The older man retorted back.
“You are supposed to protect us! You’re our boss.” The other guy complained. “Boss, my ass. If he knows that I’m responsible for this, he’ll literally rain hell on me. You two are the reason behind this mess, not me. I’ve called him and he’ll be here in some time and then it’s you and him.”
You wondered who were they so afraid of. And even more importantly what that man had to do with you. You were a school teacher with absolutely no connections. So then why did these people refer to you as off limits? Had they mistaken you for someone else?
“You’re a son of a bitch! We work so hard for you and now you’re literally sending us to our grave. This is not fair!” The boy cried out. “Yeah. This world is not fair. You should’ve known better.” The man just scoffed.
“But how were we supposed to know that she’s Barnes’ wife? We were just going to steal her belongings. But then we saw the lock screen of her phone and we knew who she was, so we got her to you and you’re only turning your back on us.” The boys were on the verge of crying.
Barnes’ wife? Did these people know Bucky? And was Bucky the one they were so afraid of? But why? Bucky was a reputed businessman and nothing more, as far as you knew.
“I have to be loyal to Barnes, he literally rules this place. You two can fight for yourself.” You gasped at the man’s words. What was even happening? What were these people saying? You wanted to ask them but you stayed quiet.
You waited with bated breath when you heard tires screech outside. The boys looked as if they were about to piss their pants and you had no clue what was happening. But then instant relief washed over you when you saw none other than your husband.
“Bucky!” You couldn’t resist crying out Bucky’s name the instant he stepped inside. You saw the change in his look when he saw you lying on the floor in your condition. He passed a murderous glare to the three of them as he rushed over to you.
You noticed that Bucky wasn’t alone, he had Sam, Steve and some other people you didn’t know of. Sam and Steve were his business associates, but after whatever had happened tonight, you weren’t so sure anymore.
“Are you hurt?” Bucky asked worriedly as he set on opening up your ties. Your hands were stinging, but still you denied. “No.” Bucky gave you a look meaning he knew you were hurt, and yet you were lying. You gasped when he produced a sharp knife from his expensive suit and cut off the zips.
Once you were free, Bucky did a once over to check if there were any major injuries. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you bathed in comfort and safety the familiar embrace brought along. When you parted from the embrace, Bucky still kept his hand on your waist and kept you close.
“These two are the ones responsible for this! When I knew of it I instantly called you. I…” Bucky gave the babbling man a look that instant shut him up. “These are your boys, aren’t they?” Bucky’s voice was purely menacing. “Ye.. yes.” The man stuttered.
That was all Bucky needed. With a single flick of his head, his men surrounded the three but before you could see what happened further, Bucky pulled you out of the warehouse. Once you were inside his car, he locked your seat belt as if you were now incapable of keeping yourself safe.
“What was that?” You asked when Bucky sat besides you and started the car. He didn’t say a word and instead focused on the road. You knew those eyes, you knew what they meant. He was angry, and you were worried the anger was directed at you.
“Bucky, you have to answer me! Why were those men so afraid of you? Why are you carrying around knives? Why am I off limit to goons? Who are you? What are you?” You were nearly screaming and Bucky’s hand tightened on the steering wheel. “We’ll talk when we reach home.” That was all he said.
The entire ride home, you were squirming in your seat, dying to know the truth. You were curious by nature, and the fact that Bucky was hiding a secret, a rather huge one, didn’t sit right with you. Gladly, it didn’t take much time for you to be in the comfort of your bedroom.
“How many time have I told you?” Bucky’s voice was stern and you gulped. “No, we aren’t doing this! You answer me first!” Unlike Bucky’s controlled anger, you were bursting with rage. “No. I’ll speak first! I have told you not be reckless and yet look what you did. You could’ve used your car and taken the longer route. But no. You just don’t want to listen!” You gasped at Bucky’s reaction.
“Stop diverting the topic! The most important part right now is that you’ve probably lied to me all this time. Tell me the truth now Bucky, are you a criminal?” Your throat constricted as you uttered those words. You noticed the way Bucky’s jaw clenched.
“I’m a businessman, and you know that. But that’s not important. You risked your life, and for what? Fresh tomatoes?!” He quipped. “Shut up! Stop acting as if I can’t take care of myself. I don’t need you to baby sit me!” Bucky’s eyes hardened at your words.
“You don’t need me?”
He raised his eyebrow just like he usually did and you shook your head defeatedly. “That is not what I said. I want to know what kind of business do you do, Bucky? Because you sure ain’t doing export import.” You sucked in a breath before continuing, “Don’t lie to me Bucky. Are you a gangster?”
You gasped when Bucky answered truthfully. You felt a weird mix of betrayal and anger. But you were probably more angry at yourself for being so stupid to not realise who he actually was. You had lived with him for years and loved him for even more, and yet you failed to realise that he was involved in such activities.
“I… I need some time.” You muttered as you clutched your head. Your head was aching at this point with all the emotions that were running haywire in your mind. You needed to call yourself down to think clearly and for that you needed to be alone. But before Bucky could stop you, you were gone from the room.
Bucky frustratedly ran his hand through his hair as he sagged down into the bed. He knew he had kept you in the dark and that wasn’t right of him; but he did it for your own good. He had been worried sick for you when you hadn’t come home on time and then when that idiot called him to inform you were him, he lost his shit.
He loved you more than anything in his life, and he couldn’t lose you. He knew you were everything he wasn’t — you were virtuous, kind and sweet. But that’s why you were perfect for each other. You provided him the comfort he so badly craved and he gave you the protection from this dark world.
He didn’t know how much time passed as he sat with his head in his hands. He looked at the clock to see it had been more than an hour since you’d arrived home. He agreed that you needed time to think, but he thought this much was enough. He knew exactly where you’d be — library.
He smiled to himself when he saw you curled up on the couch in the library. You must’ve been too tired as you were dozing on the couch. He cursed himself for getting mad instead of looking after you when you came home. Your face was a bit swollen from crying, but you were sleeping very calmly.
Not wanting to disturb you, he gently picked you up in his arms and began carrying you back into your bedroom. The couch definitely wasn’t as comfortable as the bed. He breathed in your scent as he held you close. Despite being careful while placing you on the bed, you still woke up.
You softly blinked your eyes as you stirred awake from your nap. Your lips curled in a small smile as Bucky effortlessly carrying you around always made you giddy with joy. You slowly got up from your sleeping position and sat on the edge of the bed as you finally asked the question that was worrying you for so long.
“Why? Why did you lie to me all this time?”
“Because I didn’t want to lose you!” Bucky exclaimed as he fell to his knees in front of you. It was a poetic moment, Bucky, a man everyone feared, falling on his knees in front of you. “I knew you won’t love me if you knew who I truly was. So I tried my best to hide it from you. I even made sure that no one else was able to tell you the truth…. I… I’m sorry.”
His voice broke as he apologised and buried his face in your lap. You couldn’t stop your hands from running through his soft hair; a habit you’d picked up years ago. The gesture made him look up at you, with eyes full of hope and a little smile on his face.
“I’m still your Bucky.”
You ran your hands from his hair to his cheeks and he nuzzled into the warmth. “Do you have many enemies?” Your question took Bucky by surprise. He stood up from between your knees and sat besides you on the bed. “I mean I do have some, but you don’t have to worry about that. I’ll always protect you.”
“I’m not worried about me… it’s just that,.. this is a dangerous field and… and I don’t want you getting hurt.” Bucky couldn’t believe his ears. “You know this is why I fell in love with you.” He said fondly. “Means?” You asked. “You’re always putting everyone else ahead of you, but you forget to take care of yourself.”
“That still doesn’t answer my question.” You retorted. “Have you ever seen me hurt or in trouble? No, right. So don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” You just hummed and Bucky knew you weren’t satisfied. “What is it?” He asked as he kept your eyes low on the carpet. You opened your mouth to ask something but closed it again.
“Is there anything else I don’t know about?” You finally asked. “No. You know I don’t hide things from you…” you gave Bucky a teasing glare and he corrected himself, “I mean except this, there’s nothing else that I’ve lied about.”
“You don’t have any… umm,.. anyone else in your life, right? I mean I won’t be mad. But just, don’t lie to me anymore.” Both of you were aware that you’d be super mad if Bucky ever cheated, but this question had been eating you for so long now. You had a general conception of how people in Bucky’s field were, and you could just hope that your husband wasn’t like that.
“Of course there’s no one else except you. You’re my wife, the literal love of my life. You’re my one and only. But it’s my fault that I made you feel this way. And I need you to know that you’re the most important person to me in this whole world. You mean everything to me and I can’t imagine my life without you.”
You finally cracked a smile when you heard his heartfelt words. Without thinking twice, you pressed your lips against Bucky in a sweet kiss. Circling your hands around his neck, you straddled him without breaking the kiss. He settled his hands on your waist and being surrounded by the man you loved so much have you a unique sense of satisfaction after all that had happened this evening.
“So you only love me?” You asked as you buried your face in his neck. “Yeah. I only love you.” Bucky smiled as he realised what was happening. He could feel your warm breaths on his neck before you started sucking and nibbling on his skin. You were getting all sweet for him.
“I am your puppy.”
There was a sense of pride in your statement, though it was muffled as you kept on marking his skin. “You are my puppy. Only mine. But you’ve been a bad puppy, haven’t you? Not following daddy’s orders and getting yourself in trouble. Tell me what happens to puppies who misbehave.”
“They get punished. But I’m sorry daddy!” You tried looking innocent, Bucky wasn’t buying any. It was just an accident in the beginning of your relation when you’d called Bucky your daddy. But it turned out that Bucky was just as into it as you were.
After that you’d both discussed what you wanted and settled on this dynamic. You were comfortable with Bucky and most importantly you trusted him. You had a safe word and Bucky always respected that. And the fact that you had control in any situation always made everything more exciting.
“Your pretty please isn’t getting you out of this puppy. Do you know how worried I was? Don’t you care for your daddy?” You quickly shook your head. “No daddy. I care for you, a lot.” Bucky hummed. “I know that puppy. But you gotta care for yourself too. And I gotta make you understand how important that is.”
You knew exactly what was going to happen, and it was exciting you even more. You pulled back to look into Bucky’s eyes and they were dark with lust and hunger and it awakened something inside you. A man this powerful, was so completely in love with you, yeah, it made you feel as if you were on the top of the world.
“You know what to do puppy.” Bucky’s voice was thick as he spoke. He leaned back on the bed and supported himself up with his hands. You nodded as you got down from his lap and started slowly undressing. You weren’t really sensuous, but Bucky liked how shy you were and that’s why he always told you to undress yourself so that it would be even more humiliating.
You slowly dragged clothes down your body and Bucky licked his lips as he took in every inch of your skin revealed to his eyes. Bucky crooked his finger towards him once you were naked and you went back on Bucky’s lap. Bucky was still fully dressed, and this power difference was making you squirm.
“How many rules did you break puppy?” His tone was a little condescending as he asked you. You chewed on your lip as you thought of it. “Umm,.. two? I was reckless and put myself in danger and… I screamed at you.” Bucky was still leaning back as you made yourself comfortable on his lap. “You’re missing one more.”
You tried thinking as hard as you could, but you couldn’t think of any other broken rule. You shook your head as you pouted. “Puppy, I haven’t even touched you yet and you’ve already gone silly for me?” Bucky said giving a devilish smirk.
When you still didn’t answer, Bucky have a purposeful sigh. “You don’t remember what you said?” He mocked when you shook your head dumbly. “You said you don’t need me. Is that true? Don’t you need your daddy?”
“Bucky, I didn’t say it like that. What I meant is that I can look after myself…” you couldn’t complete the rest of your sentence as Bucky grabbed your face in his hands and squeezed your cheeks. “Did I say that you could argue with me? I want a simple yes or no. Do you need your daddy, or not?”
“Yes daddy. I need you.” Your voice was needy and you batted your eyelashes for greater effect. Bucky loosened his hood on your cheeks a little before pressing a sweet kiss to your nose, but it was a deceiving move as his next words took you by surprise, “Then prove it to me.”
He let go of your face and once again leaned back. Your head was already hazy and you couldn’t comprehend the meaning of his words. “Huh?” He cooed at your reaction and you wanted to hide your face with shame. “Dumb puppy.” He again kissed your nose and cheeks just as deceivingly sweet.
“You can take care of yourself, can’t you? Go on then. Touch this pretty pussy for me and make yourself cum. If you can do that, you don’t get punished, and if you can’t….” The threat was eminent in his voice and you gulped, not with fear but with anticipation.
Bucky placed you on the centre of the bed while he sat leisurely in the corner, watching you. “Put a show for me puppy.” You nodded shyly as you spread your legs apart and started playing with your wet folds.
You sucked in a breath when your fingers touched your throbbing clit and began pressing tight circles over it. You took your time and you could see Bucky’s pants tenting as his eyes were focused on your fingers stroking your sensitive flesh.
A moan left your lips when you thrusted two fingers in as you rubbed your clit with your palm. Your fingers were much shorter than Bucky and they weren’t reaching all the spots he stimulated. But that was where the fun was, you both knew you couldn’t make yourself cum like this and the punishment was inevitable.
But seeing you writhe on the bed as you desperately tried to make yourself cum to bypass your punishment; that’s what Bucky liked to see. Your fingers were working fast and you felt a knot form in your belly. It felt like you were hanging by a thread, but the thread was too durable to let you fall into the abyss of pleasure.
“Please…” the plea felt unbidden from your lips and you realised what you’d said once the word was out of your mouth. By now, Bucky had started rubbing the tent in his pants as he saw the way your fingers stretched your hole. “Please what?”
“Please daddy, I need you!” You exclaimed with frustration as you couldn’t make yourself cum. “Hmm. Have you finally learnt your lesson?” He asked like a teacher reprimanding his students. “Ye… yes! Please. I need you. I can’t… I can’t!” You we’re nearly on the verge of sobbing.
Bucky was quick to hold your hand and stop you. You felt reluctant to pull your hand away, but you didn’t want to upset him further. Bucky changed your position such that you were lying face down on his lap. His pants were smooth against your skin, but you knew they’d feel irritating once the punishment began.
“What’s the safe word?” Bucky’s voice was serious as he asked you. You licked your dry lips before replying, “Brooklyn.” Bucky fondly patted your ass, as if giving you a compliment. “Good girl.” Your insides always fluttered whenever Bucky praised you.
“Tell me how many spanks you’ll get?” You were literally a teacher but currently you couldn’t think. Your head was floaty and on top of that desperate after not being able to cum. It was impossible for you to think straight.
You knew that for every rule you broke, you got five spanks, but you couldn’t really process the math in your head. Feeling shameful, you buried your head in the mattress. “Awww… it’s okay puppy. Daddy will do all the work for you. You broke three rules, and that means you’ll get fifteen spanks. Now count for me.”
Bucky didn’t give you any further warning as his flesh hand came down on your ass. You didn’t disobey him, and couldn’t every single slap you received. You were steady by the first five counts, by the next five, you were sweaty and panting. And when the last five were remaining, you were barely able to process words.
You were slipping and stuttering and Bucky cooed condescendingly everytime making your body burn with heat and shame. Once the last strike was done, your body was hypersensitive to everything around you, from the fine texture of Bucky’s slacks to his hands gently soothing your body.
“You did so well for me. You’re such a good puppy.” He murmured praises as he kissed your back. His hands kneaded your already sore butt and let out a broken moan. “Do you need me to make it feel better?” You nodded blindly with your face still buried in the covers.
You shivered as Bucky let you down on the bed and began trailing kisses from your back to your ass. He spread your legs and you let him do it without any resistance. You felt his hot breath on your heated folds and the sensation was making your dizzy.
Your moans were muffled by the bed as he began eating you out from behind. His hands held your ass cheeks apart as he lapped at your pussy while you shamelessly grinded on his face. If Bucky loved doing something, it was having your taste.
He was keeping you on your toes by shifting between flicking your clit, lapping up your slick, sucking your nub or fucking you with his tongue. After getting edged, it didn’t take much for your to be on the edge again. You clutched the sheets tightly in your hand as you grew closer to your orgasm.
But right before you could cum, Bucky stopped. You whined but Bucky shushed you. “I need to take my clothes off puppy.” You grumbled frustratedly as you knew this was all his plan. Bucky loved meticulous planning, and it was now that you realised that it must be because of the work he did.
You kept your face on your hand and didn’t move as you drank in the sight of Bucky undressing. You saw his body every night, and yet every single time, you found him sexier than before. The hard ridges of his body and the bulging muscles always made you drool at the sight.
“Look at you shamelessly drooling.” Bucky teased as he got up on the bed. You wanted to say something sharp back, but you were too floaty to do anything and so you just giggled instead. He nibbled and kissed your shoulder as he settled himself over you.
You felt his cock pressing over your slick folds and Bucky rubbed it along to get it wet before lining it up with your hole. Bucky entered you in a single long stroke. It wasn’t sudden, but rather slow enough to make you feel every inch of him.
Your eyes rolled back into your head when he pressed all the way in. You loved the way his thick cock stretched you out and his length rubbed all the right spots which you weren’t even previously aware of. It felt as if all the thoughts in your head were pushed out when his cock entered you.
He held your hips tightly as he began thrusting into you like an animal in a rut. You were letting out a string of moans and curses, that even you weren’t aware of, as he rammed into you like a man with a mission. You could hear his grunts of pleasure and that was like your favourite song to listen to.
One of his hands travelled to your head to press it down into the bed while his other hand was still clutching your hips tight enough to bruise. Bucky was wild in bed, but today he was set on making you understand how much you needed him; not that you really needed it.
“Are you liking this puppy?” His voice was strained and you loved that you were the reason behind him losing his composure. You nodded your head and he lightly swatted your stinging ass. “I need words puppy.”
“Ye.. yes daddy!” Your words were muffled by the bed as he held you down. You were getting off on how he was making you take it. The way he was holding you down was sending your brain into a overdrive. At this point, you’d lost all your coherent thinking and all that truly mattered in this world was Bucky’s cock.
“Are you close puppy?” Bucky could feel you clenching down on him. You wanted to reply, but the movement of his cock carving himself inside you was just too much to concentrate on anything else. Bucky knew you were floating, but he needed a little more.
“Did my fat cock fuck you dumb, puppy? See, you say you don’t need daddy but you go dumb the moment I slip my cock inside you.” His mocking words were taking you even higher. But when you still didn’t answer, Bucky weaved his hand in your hair and pulled back. You moaned out like a whore when he pulled your hair.
“Say you need me!” Bucky’s voice was demanding and yet desperate when he groaned in your ear. It was as if he needed to hear you say it more than he needed oxygen, and knowing the man Bucky was, you were sure that was actually the case.
“I need you Bucky!” You cried out. You felt Bucky let out a loud satisfied grunt in your ear as his thrusts grew erratic. “Fuck!… Cum for me. now!” As if on command, you trembled beneath him as you came. Both of you twitched and shook as you explored the fall of pleasure together.
You didn’t know when or how, but Bucky’s hand slipped into yours and you both interlocked your fingers as you orgasmed. Somehow, the locked hands felt more intimate than his cock buried deep within you.
The orgasm vibrated your core and curled your toes as stars burst behind your eyelids. Your orgasm was prolonged as you felt Bucky’s hot cum fill you up and slip out from around Bucky’s cock. You could feel the slick and cum tricking out of your pussy despite Bucky’s cock plugging you up and that act felt more filthy than anything else.
When your head cleared a little, Bucky was murmuring little praises in your ear as he usually did when you calmed down. Bucky was already holding you close, but you nuzzled closer into his warmth. “How are you feeling now?” Not just Bucky’s voice, but his eyes were radiating with care for you.
And at that instant, you knew deep down that he was still your Bucky.
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harrysgloves · 3 years
Three in a Tub
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Harry Styles x Reader x Florence Pugh
Story Summary: Florence and Harry help you relax.
Warnings: Language // Foreplay (Fingering, Female Receiving from Male) // Voyeurism // MFF // 18+ please!
A/N: Requested! Hope you all have a good Friday night 😈 xx
You sunk deeper and deeper into the almost scalding bathwater. Your muscles burned and you silently cursed yourself for agreeing to an intro into pole dancing class.
You were a complete and total pushover when it came to telling your friends "no" and both of them knew it. 
Sam, your long time confidante, and his girlfriend, Casey, were pretty much the only friends you had that you actually liked. The other ones that were still mostly Sam's friends, you could really do without. Especially now that the metaphorical cat was out of the bag, and most people knew about your relationship.
They were a bunch of famous hungry assholes.
Minus Sam and Casey, who only ever wanted the best for you. 
But this? This was absolute horseshit.
You'd tried your best to weasel your way out of going to that stupid class but if your friends with someone long enough- not even your cutest puppy dog eyes will effect them.
To be fair, the class was fun. You had a good time once you started to crack out of your shell. It only took seeing Casey falling on her ass and you almost busting your lip open to stop caring so much about everyone looking at you. 
You laughed and giggled, carrying on with your friend but it was the day after your workout class and you felt like you were only moments away from dying.
You had waited until you knew both Harry and Florence were out of the house before sneaking over to use their good bathtub. While they were still trying their best to convince you to move in, you still had another 3 months to go on your lease.
This bathtub might change some of your moral standings on letting them buy you out of your lease. 
You'd marry this bathtub if you could.
Once you'd finally limped your way into the glorious tub you swore you were never getting out. The time slipping away from you, your eyes closed as the water soothed your overworked muscles that ached all the way down to the bone.
"Looks like we got an intruder, Flor." The smug voice of your boyfriend echoed through the tile covered room. Your eyes instantly shot open at the sound.
"Know you wouldn't have to break in if you just moved here." She said in almost a sing-song voice as her steps carried her from across the room to one side of the golden clawfoot tub that sat directly in the middle of the obnoxiously large room.
"It's not breaking in if you have a key and the alarm code."
"Gonna have to change the alarm, Flor." Harry chuckled as he sat opposite of Florence, his ringed hands skimming the top of the warm water.
"Yeah, something she'd never guess."
"Like you two could remember something other than my birthday as your alarm." You huffed, a smile cracked across both of their faces.
"Why didn't you tell us you were coming over, love?" Harry asked as he gently flicked the water about, Florence's hand joining in to do the same.
"Bit embarrassing."
"Not embarrassing!" She smiled widely, the glimmer of hope that you'd finally agree to move in, flashing in her face. "You know you can come over whenever. Besides, your bathtub is shit at your place." 
"Why would it be embarrassing?" Harry questioned, his brows furrowed when he saw you sink deeper into the tub.
"Oh," Florence tried her best to hide her snicker as she shook her head, her hands instantly moved from the water to your sore shoulders. Her fingers dug deep into the muscles, causing a satisfied groan to escape you. "Had that class yesterday, didn't you?"
"Bit sore, love?" Harry smiled, he already knew the answer to his question. The smile on his face was all-knowing, and annoying, but you somehow still loved it.
"Yes." You whined, "Shouldn't have gone. My legs hate me." 
"Let us help." He offered, your head nodding almost the second the words left his mouth.
Both sets of hands massaged into different parts of your sore body. Harry's hands gently and firmly rubbed down your legs one at a time, while Florence continued to work deep into your shoulders.
You rested your head against the curved back of the tub, feeling better within a few minutes then you had in 12 hours.
"Still tense?" She asked as her fingers continued their dance down your shoulders, across your chest. Her delicate fingers rolled your nipples to hard peaks.
"Yeah," You gasped out the word, "a bit."
"Should probably help her out with that, right, H?" Her sweet smile curled at the end of her lips, you had seen that cute smirk enough to know you were in for trouble.
"Think so, can't have our girl feeling bad." His hands, those fucking hands of magic, ran higher and higher up your thighs, your legs fell open without having to be told.
"Someone's being a good girl today." You could feel her smirk against your neck, her face buried there as she watched Harry tease your opening. 
His fingers ran up and down your slit. Those pastel green eyes darkened with every shuttering pass he made. Drinking you both in with his eyes, studying the way you gently shifted closer to him. His lips parting in a silent gasp of awe at the way your back arched when he finally slipped his finger inside you. Your tight cunt clasping around him, begging for more.
"Tense everywhere aren't you, lovie?"
"Our poor girl." She cooed, her lips pressed feather light against that weak spot you had close to your ear. Her warm breath fanned across your already steaming skin. "Gonna fuck you properly tonight. Make you forget about how much your body hurts, hm?"
"Fuck." Harry groaned when you breathlessly nodded your agreement. A second finger pressed against your g-spot when he surged forward to capture your lips with his own. His tongue was demanding, dominating, taking everything and anything he wanted. 
It left your toes curling into the metal of the tub. Your hands gripped around the sides to keep you from slipping down.
"Don't think H can wait much longer to fuck you, baby." Florence whispered in your ear loud enough for you both to hear.
He merely groaned as he parted from your lips, head rested against your shoulder as he pumped harder into you. 
Florence's mouth quickly replaced his, her movements soft and meticulous. Her hand wrapped around the back of your neck to bring you closer to her. Only breaking away when you couldn't keep up any longer.
You were a panting, moaning, mess. Harry knew your body like the back of his own hand and the second his thumb ran tight circles around your clit you felt the impending build of your high quickly approaching.
All of the sensations of the both of them working together had you weak. Her puffy pouty lips sucked hickeys into your skin. His free hand laced around your neck as he leaned down for a messy kiss, his thumb pressed gently against your pressure point.
"Be a good girl and cum for me, sweetheart. Know you want to, fuck can feel you begging for it." His words were slurred together with lust and greed, and God, he was ready to get you into bed.
You could hear every single sound in stereo-  the sloshing of the water, lips against skin, your rampant moans that grew and grew
Your peak hit- consuming you completely. Your vision, your hearing, your sense of time and place all lost to the depth of pleasure. Your eyes rolled as your leg quivered. 
"So good for us."
"Fucking perfect."
"Love you so much, baby."
"Love you, sweetheart, you're okay. You're okay."
"I think my soul left my body for a second." You managed to breathe out before you could understand who was saying what. The sound of their laughter brought you closer and closer to the surface of yourself again.
The sloshing water and your body being moved around was your cue to finally open your eyes. Your head rested against his chest while Florence situated her back to your front. Her hand laced through yours, Harry chin rested on your shoulder.
"Love you." You murmured, the words still felt weird on your lips but you loved the way they both lit up when you said them.
"Which one do you love the most?" He asked without a moment's pause, your eyes instantly rolled as you groaned.
"Fuck, we're not doing this while I can hardly feel my face." 
"It's me isn't it?"
"I don't want to be around either one of you right now." You huffed as you tried to sit up a bit, both bodies trapped you in your place.
"We're in the bath together, love."
"You mean dirty water soup."
"Ew!" Florence screeched, instantly shooting forward and up out of the bath.
"Had to ruin it, didn't you?" Harry questioned with a laugh as he shook his head.
"Yeah, it gets you two to the bed faster."
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fqreverwinter · 3 years
“you belong with me”
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relationship: tobey!peter parker x fem!reader
summary: mary jane watson was your beautiful best friend. you were simply her tagalong sidekick. you had a crush on peter parker since freshman year, but you always thought he was staring lovingly at mary jane.
warnings: light cursing, school fight
word count: 2.8k
notes: hi! this is my first tumblr post/imagine! i am in love with tobey’s peter parker, and there is a lack of love for him on this site, so this is my contribution! hope you enjoy!
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Mary Jane Watson was absolutely perfect. She had gorgeous red hair, blemish-free fair skin, and striking blue eyes. Her voice was melodic and her smile was contagious. She had the best clothes out of anyone in Midtown High. She was the star in every school play and dated the most popular boy in school.
And you? Well, you were her best friend. Nothing more. You didn't have perfect skin or perfect clothes or perfect social status. You were simply by her side.
But you loved MJ. She had been your closest friend since you were little. Her grandmother lived next door to you in a little neighborhood in Queens. MJ's one flaw was her messy home life, but she covered it up perfectly. When her parents spent the night fighting, however, she stayed at her grandma's house. One day, when you were both in kindergarten, you spotted her playing outside one morning. You walked over and introduced yourself.
"I was gonna go on the swings in my backyard. Do you wanna come with me?"
MJ nodded. You smiled and brought her to your treehouse. The two of you spent the entire day chasing each other around your yard and continued to play every day she was at her grandma's. When you started school together in the fall, you became even closer.
However, when middle school started, your dynamic change. MJ became interested in boys and theater while you kept mostly to yourself. As her popularity rose, yours stayed stagnant. But she tried her best to include you in her new friend group, which you were appreciative of. You didn't particularly fit in, but you sucked it up, until she started dating Flash Thompson.
Flash was a stereotypical jock: loud, mean, and dumb. You had no idea what Mary Jane saw in him. She literally had every boy in the school following her like a lost puppy, but she chose the worst of them all.
Even though you were invited to all the parties and events because you were MJ's friend, you never really talked to anyone. You kept to yourself in the corner, watching and listening. You loved your best friend, but you didn't love being her best friend.
You always felt like you were glanced over. In the hallways, at dances, at lunch, you were just the girl at Mary Jane's side. Every one's eyes were always on her, but one pair hurt you the most.
It was no secret that Peter Parker was in love with MJ. Everyone knew it, except for her. Peter was an outcast. If Flash was the stereotypical jock, then he was the stereotypical nerd. He was awkward, shy, and too focused on school. And at every chance he got, he was staring at MJ.
And every time you caught his gaze, you wished he was looking at you.
You first started crushing on Peter in a freshman chemistry class. He was your lab partner, and you two instantly bonded over a shared respect for science. You didn't see him as the "freak" that every one else did. He was sweet and charming in a nerdy way, but you liked him none the less. Every day when he sat next to you, you couldn't help but feel butterflies and giggle like a little girl. But Peter never noticed. He was too busy gazing at MJ in front of you.
Once you were adopted into the new "popular" friend group, you drifted from Peter. You witnessed Flash and his friends bullying him, but you were too nervous to speak up, and admittedly, a little upset that he was in love with MJ rather than you.
You kept your crush on him a secret, but you still pined for him, even though you know you did him wrong. But every time his beautiful blue eyes fell on Mary Jane, you couldn't help but regret it.
Now, it was senior year. You hadn't really spoken to Peter since freshman year, other than a passing greeting. You were getting more and more fed up with the group you were stuck in. Mary Jane paid less and less attention to you, leaving you feeling more invisible than ever.
You noticed a change in Peter one day. It was after a field trip to a lab at Columbia University. He came to school the next day with a new breath of confidence and without his glasses. You felt heat rise to your cheeks when you saw his eyes for the first time. They were so icy blue, more blue than you ever noticed.
At lunch, you were stuck next to Flash, and Peter was sitting by himself. You watched as he looked at MJ walking towards the table, but she didn't even notice him. You felt sorry for him because you knew how it was to be in an unrequited love situation. Suddenly, MJ slipped on a puddle of orange juice. Almost like he knew it was going to happen, Peter turned around and caught her, then caught her entire lunch on her tray without missing a drop. You widened your eyes as your heart skipped a beat. MJ thanked him, but he was too shy to say anything back. She walked to the table and sat next to you.
“What was that?" you asked.
"I have no idea," she answered with a laugh. "But at least my outfit isn't ruined."
You laughed lightly, but gasped when a few stray peas launched at you and Mary Jane. You both looked up to see Flash covered in someone's lunch. He was beyond pissed as he turned around to see who flung it at him. Peter was quickly fleeing the cafeteria, a lunch tray dragging behind him.
"Parker?" he said in a furious tone. He brushed the pudding off of his head and followed him out.
"Oh no," MJ said, standing up and chasing him. You went after her as she called Flash's name.
"Flash, it was an accident!" she yelled as he squared up against Peter.
“My fist breaking your teeth, that’s the accident,” he responded through gritted teeth. You arrived to see Peter cowered against the much taller man. You felt your heart beat out of your chest in fear for him.
“Flash, let him go!” you yelled.
“Shut up, Miss Perfect,” he countered.
“I don’t wanna fight you, Flash,” Peter said as his voice trembled.
“I wouldn’t wanna fight me neither.”
Flash put his fists back up as everyone started egging him on. He swung, but Peter quickly dodged it. Flash kept throwing punches, but every time, he missed. Peter slid out of the way like he knew it was coming before it even happened. You stood there shocked, your hand over your mouth as MJ continued to try and reason with her boyfriend.
One of Flash’s toadies came from behind in an effort to surprise-tackle Peter. But as the boy charged at him, Peter jumped up and did a back-flip, landing securely on his feet. Everyone gasped, and even Peter seemed a little shocked.
“He’s all yours, man,” the toady said. Flash pushed him back then started taking swing after swing at Peter. He dodged every single fist. You couldn’t help but smile a bit. He went from a nerd to a trained fighter in less than 24 hours, and you found it kind of attractive.
Peter began fighting back. He met Flash’s fists with his arm, eventually grabbing his wrist and twisting it. Flash groaned in pain and looked at Peter with fear. Peter threw one punch to Flash’s chest and sent him flying across the hallway. He bumped into a teacher, who dumped his lunch all over his face. Some bystanders laughed while others stared at Peter in shock. He stood there frozen, his fist still raised and his breathing quickening.
Mary Jane turned to him with a look of surprise before running to her boyfriend. You kept your eyes on Peter, your jaw dropped and eyes wide.
“Jeez, Parker, you are a freak,” the toady added before running to his friend.
A few teachers and the principal rushed over, pushing through the crowd and getting to Peter. The look of pleasant surprise on his face changed to a frown as the escorted him to the office.
“Alright, everyone. Show’s over. Get back to class.”
The crowd began to disperse as you slung your backpack over your shoulder and walked over to MJ and Flash.
“Are you okay?” you asked him with as little sincerity as possible.
“That kid is gonna get it,” Flash huffed, wiping mashed potatoes off his forehead. You bit back your laughter.
“That’s enough, Mr. Thompson. Go clean yourself off then meet us in the office.”
Two teachers ushered him to the bathroom, leaving you and MJ in the hallway.
“I can’t believe Peter hit him like that,” she said in disbelief as she stood up.
“To be fair, he did throw the first punch.”
“But still. I thought Peter was just a quiet sweetheart.”
“Well, I guess none of us really know him,” you commented with a smile on your face. Mary Jane scoffed as you both stepped into your literature class.
Throughout the whole lecture, you couldn’t get your mind off of Peter. His image definitely changed after today, but you weren’t sure if it was a good or bad thing. But you were just glad you got to witness him beating Flash’s ass.
Halfway through class, you asked to go to the bathroom. You needed to step out and get your mind off of him. The teacher wrote you a pass, and you quickly left.
After taking a few minutes to splash some water on your face and fix your hair, you decided to go back to literature. You walked past the office on your way back and spotted Peter in a chair. He looked nervous, so you walked inside.
"Hey. You okay?" you asked, taking a seat next to him. Peter looked over at you with a smile.
"Oh, yeah. I'm fine."
"Are you gonna get in trouble?" you said with a laugh. He shrugged.
"I hope not. My aunt and uncle would be furious."
"Flash had it coming."
"I thought you were friends with him."
"Absolutely not," you joked. "I'm friends with MJ. He just happens to be her boyfriend."
"Right," Peter said under his breath, the smile falling from his face.
"I just didn't know you could fight, Parker," you taunted, trying to get him to lighten up again. "I doubt he'll be bothering you again."
"I didn't know I could either."
"It was really impressive."
"Think so?" he said, turning to you with a smile.
"Definitely. You've become the hero of everyone who's been picked on by that douche."
Peter laughed, the sound giving you butterflies. You hadn't heard him laugh genuinely since freshman year. You felt your face heat up, but you tried to hide it.
The door to the principal's office opened and the secretary stepped out.
"Mr. Parker, come in. And you better get back to class, young lady," she scolded. You hid a smile as the two of you stood up.
"Good luck," you whispered.
"Thanks. I'll see you later."
You waved before leaving the office and heading back to class. The rest of the day was a drag as you were still reeling over the events of earlier. God, you wished he saw you the same way. You still smiled at the memory of making him laugh. You were so madly in love with him and watching him beat up your worst enemy earlier just fueled that fire.
That night, you went to MJ's house to study for finals. While she rambled about her excitement to move to the city after graduation, you kept thinking about Peter. He lived just next door to the Watsons. You remember coming here a few years ago and just wishing he would come visit. But he was always too shy to talk to MJ.
"I don't know about you, but I've had enough civics for a lifetime," she said, flopping onto her bed.
"Yeah, it's getting pretty late. I'm probably gonna head home."
"Aw," she whined with a pout, standing up to give you a hug. "I missed hanging out with you. Do you wanna come over Friday for a movie night?"
"Sounds fun," you said with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow at school, MJ."
"Bye!" she called as you walked out the door. You pulled your coat close to you as you stepped into the sidewalk, but you were pushed to the ground by someone running into you.
"Oh, shoot. I'm so sorry. I-I didn't even see you there."
You looked up, fully prepared to go off on whoever knocked you down, but you gasped as your eyes landed on Peter Parker.
"Peter? What are you doing out so late?" you asked, holding your head.
"I could ask the same to you. Why were you out here?"
"I was leaving Mary Jane's. We were studying."
"Oh," he sighed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. I was just trying to make curfew."
Peter offered his hand and pulled you up. You were surprised by his strength, but then again, he knocked Flash Thompson on his ass less than twelve hours ago. Your head was pounding from your fall, and you winced as you got a little dizzy.
"Are you okay?" he said, steadying you by your shoulders. You nodded as your focus returned, noticing how close you were to him. The blush returned to your cheeks with a vengeance, and you stepped back to keep him from noticing.
"Can I get you something? A water? Painkillers? Anything?"
"Maybe some water," you said softly. Peter nodded and guided you towards his house. He sat you on the porch steps while he ran inside, returning with a water bottle. You thanked him and took a sip.
"So, did you get in trouble?" you asked, referring to your meeting in the office earlier.
"Oh, yeah," Peter said with a smile. "Two weeks of Saturday detention to end senior year."
"Well, that's not too bad."
"Nope. I'm pretty happy with it."
"MJ said Flash got the same for instigating it."
"What does she see in him anyway?" he blurted, as if he had been holding it in for years. You started laughing.
"I've been wondering the same thing. She could have any guy, and she chose him."
"Did you ever tell her that?" he asked.
"Heavens, no. I love MJ, but she's as stubborn as a dog. She'd never listen to me."
You pushed your hair back as you took another sip of water, feeling a little bit better. You heard Peter suck in a breath, making you turn to look at him.
"What's wrong?" you frowned.
"You have a bruise."
"I do? Is it bad?"
He reached over and moved your hair. The feeling of his fingers brushing up against your skin made your heart flutter. He shook his head, "It's pretty small. I'm sure you'll be fine."
You locked eyes, and you felt your heart rate triple. You had never been this close to him before. He was so beautiful.
On impulse, you leaned in and placed a quick kiss on his lips. Peter was shocked, staring at you with wide eyes and an open mouth. You shook your head, quickly going to stand up.
"Peter, I'm so sorry—."
He grabbed your wrist, spinning you back around. Peter pulled you into his arms and kissed you gently. You were taken back but melted into his embrace, draping your arms over his shoulders. You pulled back after a few seconds, breathless and in shock.
"I—I didn't think you liked me."
"I thought I made it pretty obvious," Peter responded with a grin.
"I thought you were in love with MJ. I always saw you looking at her—."
"I was looking at you."
You looked up at him with a smile. "You were?"
He nodded. "I was. I can't believe you didn't notice."
"I had a crush on you since freshman year," you confessed with a laugh. "But I was too scared to say anything."
"I did, too. But you were friends with all those people...I thought you were gonna reject me."
"I'm sorry I cut you out. I was just—."
"You don't have to apologize. I get it."
You smiled at him, quickly kissing him again. He just laughed and leaned his head against yours.
"I should probably be getting home. My parents are gonna flip."
Peter nodded, releasing you and stepping back. "I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow?"
You smiled, "I'll see you, Parker."
You gave him one last kiss goodbye before making the walk back home. It was hard to fight the smile on your lips and the blush on your cheeks as you walked. As soon as you got into your bedroom, you fell onto your bed and started laughing.
Through giggles, you muttered to yourself, "Oh boy, I'm in trouble."
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Bakugou Turns Into A Dog - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, crack, lowkey pervy Katsuki, cursing, (writing not spell checked!)
Request: Bakugou’s been hit with a quirk that has given him the body of a dog. He’s still has his own human thoughts and voice but now..he’s a dog. Just how will he abuse his new power with f!Y/N
It was supposed to be a normal day! Well, as normal as it could get for UA. But of course, trouble just had to strike, and of course the ones at the center of it all was the infamous Bakusquad. More specifically, the man the group was named after.
“I-...I can’t believe that actually just h-happened!” A cheerful blonde cried out as tears fell from his face and laughter rang out from his voice.
“C’mon man, don’t be laughing at what just happened. This is serious,” Kirishima said with concern as he looked down in his arms.
“Are you serious? This has got to be the best thing that’s ever happen since we met Bakugou!” Kaminari replied with while once again dying of laughter.
“Oh yeah? With what quirk lil pupper?” Denki slickly replied while booping his nose. Bakugou’s been making fun of Denki for the longest, this was the perfect revenge. His dear friend has been turned into a dog! Not just any dog, and not the dog you would expect. He wasn’t a german shepherd or rottweiler. Katsuki Bakugou sits in Kirishima’s arms as a fluffy, blonde, angry pomeranian.
Luckily, kinda, the only thing that changed about Bakugou was his body. He could still speak and understand the human language and he could still think like one too, but now it’s all that in a fluffy, round, adorable body. Now, he was all bark and no bite......sorta.
“OW!” Kaminari yelped as Bakugou latched onto his finger and growled. Passerbys watched as the young group of teens watched their friend throw his hand around in pain with a tiny floof dangling on it. Kirishima went in to grab Bakugou and calm Kaminari down.
“Damn, you little rugrat,” The electric blonde started, “just wait till Y/N sees you, she’s gonna die.” Kaminari teased. Once those words left his mouth, Bakugou’s puppy eyes went wide.
‘Oh hell no!’
Kirishima saw how his friend was shaking in his arms and grew concerned so he asked, “hey man, are you alright there Bakubro?”
Bakugou was extremely nervous. He couldn’t let his longtime crush see him like this! Like a weak, soft, puffball! If you saw Bakugou like this, the second he’d turn back to his normal self, he’d dive out the nearest window anytime you were around.
The entire Bakusquad knew of Katsuki’s little (HUGE) crush, and the fact that one of them was now able to use that information against him mortified the lil guy now.
“Aww c’mon Denki, that’s not very nice,” Mina said as she pet Bakugou’s little head before he snapped at her hand. Thankfully, she dodged it.
“Yeah well Kacchan hasn’t been very nice either! Damn mutt nearly bit my finger off!” This received a growl from Bakugou, which was unsurprising pretty normal.
“At least the cops told us the quirk will ware off in two weeks.” Sero stated. Kirishima joined in.
“Yeah. Sheesh, I still can’t believe what happened. That random criminal really jumped outta nowhere.” The red head said.
“Tch, I still can’t believe someone could be stuck with a shitty ass quirk like that. Turning people into pets. Ridiculous.” The blonde dog said.
“Imagine what it’s like being on the receiving end of that quirk. Must be just as ridiculous.” Mina teased.
Bakugou jumped down from Kirishima’s arms before speaking. “Yeah! No shit Pinkie!” He said while standing on his hind legs and motioning towards his new body with his front paws as if he were human.
As the group made it to the front doors of the dormitory, Bakugou stopped them before entering.
“Listen up dumbasses! Nobody better say SHIT to Y/N. Just say I’m some random dog found on the street and you guys opted to take care of me till you found me a home. If she asks what happened to me, tell her I was forced onto a trip with my parents. Got that?!” Bakugou strictly spoke.
“Got it!” The group said in unison, but a certain blonde had a different plan in mind. As they entered through the doors, Kirishima hid Bakugou into the side of his jacket but it only made comical sense that you were the first person to greet them.
“Oh! Hey guys!” You said with your award winning smile as you walked towards the group. Before anyone could say anything else, Kaminari spoke up.
“Hey Y/N! You wanna guess what Kirishima has in his jacket?” Denki exclaimed.
“Oh, no I’m sure Y/N has better things to do!”
“Maybe she shouldn’t,”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,”
The 3 friends were throwing out excuse after excuse to keep you from seeing the little devil.
“Woah woah! Hey! You guys! Chill. If you don’t want me to see then I won’t force you. It’s fine.” You kindly said.
‘Whew’ the squad all thought
‘She is so awesome!’ Bakugou thought while in the jacket
“Oh c’mon guys, show her the puppy!” Kaminari said. Now that grabbed your attention.
“Wait? Puppy?! That’s what you guys are hiding. Awww no fair!! Can I please see it! Please please pleaseeee!!!” You begged. After your constant pleading and the squad’s constant denial, Bakugou thought he could just give in this one time. He knew that his friends would cover for him and say he’s just some random dog and you would drop it so he began to stick his snout out of the jacket. Kirishima took it as a sign to show him to you.
“Oh my goddd!!! It’s so cute!!! Boy or girl?” You kindly asked while petting Bakugou’s head, something the dog was enjoying a little too much.
“It’s a boy,” Kirishima said. “We found him on the street so even though we’re kinda busy we wanted to take care of him and heal him up till we can find him a new home.” Mina added on.
“Guyssss c’mon!! Tell her the best part! Tell her exactly who that dog is.” Kaminari begged. The Bakusquad including the dog looked towards Kaminari with a warning look, but Kaminari didn’t care. The ultimate revenge starts now.
“Y/N! That’s Bakugou!” Kaminari exclaimed. As everyone started denying it, you looked towards the dog and saw that it did resemble Bakugou a lot, but then again Bakugou did look like an angry pomeranian time and time again.
Before you chose to listen to one or the other, you weighed your options. Kirishima the chivalrous and honest, the manliest man, or Kaminari the jester himself? It’s was obvious who you were gonna listen to.
“Oh stop that Kaminari. Bakugou may look like a fiesty fluff ball from time to time but he’s not really a dog.” You said while petting the pupper’s chin. Everyone sighed in relief at your words.
“But that’s really-“ Kaminari was cut of with Sero wrapping his tape around his mouth.
“Hey if you guys need a healer, I could use my quirk to help out with that. It may not be a full on healing quirk but it should help the little guy. Plus, I don’t mind spending the next...?” Kirishima helped you out.
“Two weeks,” he said.
“Right, I don’t mind spending the next two weeks with the little cutie.” You said. The dog’s eyes went wide at that as a plan came into mind but the Bakusquad once again started denying, saying it was fine but you insisted since Mina just previously said they were all busy. Throughout the chaos a VERY human like sound came from the creature in Kirishima’s arms.
“Woof.” Bakugou said with such a casual demeanor. He said ‘woof’ in such a human like voice, it was absolutely absurd. As everyone looked down at the dog, the only thing that could be heard was Sero awkwardly giving out a cough to break the silence.
“Ok...well umm that may be a sign that he’s ok with me taking him!” You said with an excited smile. Kirishima looked at the dog and as Bakugou looked back up at him, his best friend knew that he should give you the dog.
“Ok Y/N, he’s all yours. But you’re right about one thing. Since he does look like Bakugou, we named him Blasty, so that’s what you should refer to him as,” he said while placing the dog in your arms. The pomeranian was excited as what appeared to be a small smile showed up in his face and he squirmed around in Y/N’s arms, cuddling up against her pillowy breast.
“Awesome! For the next two weeks, it’s me and you Blasty!” You said while carrying Bakugou in the air facing you and looking at him. He was too cute so you pulled him in for a hug and kiss on his little head. Everyone could see Bakugou had a smug look on his face.
“Alright guys! I better get to healing him!” You said as you ran off with the pupper still holding a smug look, this time directed at Kaminari.
“Looks like your plan backfired dude,” Sero said.
“And it looks like Bakugou is gonna be enjoying these next 2 weeks a little too much,” Mina said and the group shared a laugh. Well, except for Kaminari who was kinda irritated that his revenge failed, but happy for his friend nonetheless.
Once you got back to your room you placed Blasty on your bed and started to check him for places where he needed healing.
“Huh, looks like you’re not really injured Blasty. Oh well, that’s fine! Just means I can spend more time with you without having to worry!” You said while rubbing his head. Bakugou leaned into your hand with a small and then rolled onto his back for belly rubs. He was hoping you would pet him some more but you didn’t.
“I’m sorry Blasty, but you need a bath before you hang around anymore. Let’s go!” You picked him up and he was wide eyed and bushy tailed. A bath. Whatever. As long as he got your attention. You placed him in the tub but realized you would be getting your clothes dirty, so you changed into some pajamas you wore the night before that were sitting in your hamper in your bathroom. Basically, you changed right infront of Bakugou. He was staring at you as if you were a meal. As you undressed infront of him he saw you in your panties and bra, matching of course, and damn your body was the exact definition of perfect. He licked his lips as he stared until you put on a cami top and black booty shorts.
“Damn..” he whispered.
When you came back to Bakugou you went down to his level and began to scrub him. You reveled in your touch and soaked in the hot water. When you took him out to dry him off you looked at the time and noticed it was pretty late.
“Alright, I guess we should head to bed. I’ll put on a move and we can sleep. Here, let me go set up some pillows for you to sleep on.” You said as you grabbed your spare pillows and placed them on the floor for Blasty.
As you got into bed you felt a little movement on your mattress. Apparently Bakugou hadn’t appreciated being on the floor. He wanted to sleep next to his future girl. So when you turned over and looked at him, he gave you puppy eyes.
“Oh...why the hell do you have to be so damn cute,” you said as you picked him up and placed him on your bed. Bakugou cuddled up in your chest and took in your delicious scent. You both drifted off to sleep while Bakugou was just having happy thought.
‘This is gonna be the best 2 weeks of my life!’
Ohhh what a week. You thought taking care of Blasty would be fun and exciting and adorable but it was that and more. It was also kinda frustrating. The damn dog would “bark” and growl at everyone, especially guys who tried to talk to you, and would only eat human food. He refused dog treats and never wanted to approach other dogs. Hell, this dog didn’t even go outside to use the bathroom. He went into the actual bathroom! Oh and don’t even get Y/N started on the “barking.” That dog had the most clear and humane “woof” any dog’s ever had! Another thing! This dog’s behavior is a little outta line. When Y/N would shower, it would try to follow her in and just sit there. When she would change, it would lay on her bed smiling and staring at her. When she would sleep it would ONLY cuddle into her breast or booty and one time when she woke up in the middle of the night, Blasty was up too. Again. STARING. What is up with this dog?
“Ugh!” Y/N said as she face planted the table. Her lunch completely disregarded and the Bakusquad (minus Bakugou because apparently he had to go on a trip with his parents...or so you thought) watching as the blonde mutt poked around her head on the table.
“Having fun there Y/N?” Mina asked to which Y/N replied with a stare and a twitching eye.
“Blasty is INSANE!” You roared out. The Bakusquad and Blasty (aka Bakugou) watched on. “Don’t get me wrong, I love having the little guy around but he has some weird habits for a dog. He won’t eat like a dog, use the bathroom like a dog, interact with other dogs, and don’t get me started on the barks! I’ve never heard a dog say WOOF like a human,” you took a breather before continuing, “another thing, Blasty is a lowkey perv sometimes. Well if he were human at least, but he has perv tendencies. Like the staring whenever I’m a little underdressed or in the tub or SLEEPING.”
With that rant, Bakugou felt his ears fell and he backed up into a corner on the table. He was starting to feel insecure. Had his crush really thought of him as a pervy little thing? When you saw Blasty’s reaction, you noticed he might’ve understood what you said.
‘Can he....no there’s no way.’ You thought about the dog. Was there a possibility he could understand everything you just said?
“Oh Blasty, don’t be so dramatic. I’m just saying, for a dog, you’re a little weirdo, but it’s okay because for the time being, you’re my little weirdo. I still got love for you!” You said while holding him up in the air. Once again, the dog had a reaction to your words.
The squad was starting to notice the gears in your head turn and Kirishima quickly took him away for a little “walk.”
“Oh hey Y/N, why don’t you finish your food and I’ll take Baku- BLASTY! For a walk. Yeah, maybe he needs some outdoor exercise.
“Oh no Kiri it’s fine I-“
“THANKS!” The red head said as he dashed out the cafeteria with the little floof. Oh well, might as well enjoy your last few minutes of peace.
“What the HELL SHITTY HAIR!? She was all up on me back there! You didn’t have to drag me away!” Bakugou spoke as Kirishima held him from his armpits.
“Sorry man, but you were the one who said you didn’t want your cover blown and she was starting to figure it out. And c’mon Bakugou, she knows you better than someone who would go on a trip with his parents. Not only that but your looks are so obvious. What dog had red eyes and spikey blonde hair?!?” The red head explained. The blonde dog only crossed his arms in a very human like manner and turned to the side.
“We’ll be fine, the quirk will ware off in another week so get over it. Besides, there’s no way she’ll know! We have everyone that was there covering it up for me. It’s fine!” Bakugou replied.
His best friend sighed before saying “alright man, if that’s what you want,” and placed him down to head back to the cafeteria.
“Thank you! Jeez, now let’s get back to the cafeteria. I wanna have lunch with my Y/N.” Bakugou walked on all fours with his head held proudly.
“You may be a tiny dog, but that huge crush on her that you got going on is still going strong,” the red head said.
“You’re damn right, Shitty hair!”
As the boys walked, they didn’t know that from around the corner, Y/N heard everything.
‘Bakugou?! Quirk??? CRUSH?!!?’ Oh this was too good. With this new information, Y/N walked off with a smirk and a plan.
The next few days passed and like always, you work up with Blasty, oh you mean Bakugou, on your chest. You slightly smiled knowing this past 2 weeks, your crush had been coddling over you. You got even more excited knowing your feelings were mutual. You woke up and got ready for the day.
Now, the same thing happened as always. You got up and went to the bathroom to shower and Blasty would follow. He would watch you undress and step in the shower and step out and change. You would pick him up, hold him tight, kiss his forehead, and then be out the room. This time, your routine felt a little different knowing it was actually Bakugou staring at you this whole time.
Oh. He had seen you naked multiple times. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or flattered. Oh well, he kept on staring is he must’ve been enjoying the show, except this time, you actually gave him one. You slowly stripped outta your clothes and made slight and soft R-rated noises as the warm water hit your skin. You bent over as you put on your underwear and slowly got dressed. You couldn’t believe yourself. Serving these looks to a dog.
Bakugous cheeks would be so red under that fur, the way you moved this morning was everything. He didn’t even notice the drool slipping from his mouth. As you stood there in nothing but your panties and bra, you turned towards Bakugou. And idea came to your head.
“Hey Blasty! You wanna help me pick out a look today? We sure are lucky the school staff has an all day meeting! Free day for us!” You picked Bakugou up and held him against your nearly bare breast. Bakugou just had to rub himself in between your mounds a little, and you noticed this, and released a slight whine.
“Mm..hey Blasty, stop that.” You placed him down and dressed into a mini skirt and tube top. You matched with a pair of everyday causal heels and went out with Bakugou following along. He would walk directly under your side and look up. He enjoyed the view of your lace panties and the jiggle of your ass everytime you took a step. Man, was this a perfect Friday or what?
Well it would’ve been if it hadn’t been for a certain Icy-Hot. What Bakugou didn’t know, was that you texted Todoroki the previous night to help you with this little plan of yours.
“Hey L/N.” Todoroki greeted you with kid kind eyes and gentle smile.
“Todoroki, stop that. I told you that you’re one of the people who can call me Y/N.” You said.
“Well alright, then I insist you call me Shoto in return.” He said.
“Only seems fair!” You said with a giggle to which Todoroki stared at.
“You have such a beautiful smile.” He complimented. You blushed at his words, especially since Todoroki really wasn’t one for..umm..emotions.
“Thanks,” you bashfully said while stepping a little closer. As Bakugou watched this whole interaction go down from below, he couldn’t help but release a small growl. No way in hell is Half and Half taking his girl!
“Actually, there was a reason why I called you over.” Todoroki said before speaking again. This caught your attention and Bakugou’s. “I was wondering if your wanted to go in a date with me. Tonight. It could be really casual and we could even do a small movie night here in the common rooms. Just you and me. What do you say?” He asked. Bakugou was fuming.
“A date huh? Mm, I’m sorry Shoto, but I’ve actually kinda been waiting for Bakugou to get back.” You said which made Bakugou flip his head towards you.
“Bakugou?” Todoroki asked.
“Yeah. I’ve had a small crush on him for awhile, and I was hoping my first date would be with him.” You explained. The cartwheels Bakugou’s heart was doing in his tiny body was ridiculous.
‘She likes me back She likes me back She likes me back!!!!’ The dog thought to himself. His tail began wagging and his smile grew bigger than ever.
“Well I heard he’ll be gone until Saturday,” Todoroki started, “so how about just for tonight, I keep you company with a movie, maybe some chocolate, maybe some flowers, and see where the night goes?” He asked. Bakugou snarled at the two toned boy with his fangs until he heard your voice.
“Sure!” You said.
“Really?” Todoroki asked.
‘Really?!’ Bakugou thought.
“Really!” You said, “Bakugou will be gone for another week so I see no harm in hanging as friends!” You smiled once more.
“Great! This’ll be amazing Y/- OUCH” Bakugou had interrupted Todoroki by latching onto his leg and holding on with his life as Todoroki did everything he could to shake the blonde mutt off. You reached for “Blasty” before apologizing to Todoroki.
“I’m sorry, Shoto. He gets like this sometimes.” You explained.
“Ah..no worries. Uh, I’ll see you later tonight?” Todoroki asked you.
“Yeah, definitely. See you then!” You said as you walked off with a grumpy pomeranian in your arms.
‘On every level. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?’ Bakugou thought to himself as you carried him away.
You walked into your room to with Bakugou to freshen up a little for your date with Todoroki. A little sprits of perfume here, a dash of blush there, and a little tweak with your hair. Your outfit was cute enough for a friendly little date. As you turned to Bakugou, you saw his sad puppy face.
“Oh, don’t worry Blasty! I’ll be back in a few hours! I’ll see you soon, ok?” You said as you kissed his forehead and made your way to the common room. Just before the door shut, Bakugou slipped out with you. If he couldn’t be on this date with you, then he’d just have to ruin it for Todoroki.
As you finally came in contact with the handsome boy, he greeted you and spoke of your plans
“We’ll be watching a movie, but we gotta get some great snacks first.” He said.
“How about just some popcorn and candy, they’re already right here in the dorms. Come over here and help me prep!” You said pulling on his hand and dragging him to the kitchen. Bakugou didn’t take too kindly to this and quickly went to tear Todoroki’s jeans and bite his ankle.
“Ouch!” Todoroki screamed in pain.
“Are you alright?” You looked around and saw his lower leg had been damaged.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a scratch.” He said reassuring your troubles.
“Well alright, if you say so.” You said and resumed your snack prep. But that was only the start of this horrible night. Throughout the date, Bakugou tortured the poor boy and did everything he could to ruin the little get together. He ate the popcorn and candy while your backs were turned, he chewed on the wires to the TV, stopping you guys from watching, and even peed on Todoroki’s leg while you guys just sat and talk. Although Todoroki saw this coming with Y/N’s plan, he had enough of torment from Bakugou. He decided to move into the final plan, right here right now.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing girl and any guy would be really really lucky to have you,” Bakugou watched this little speech from afar, growling at the two, “and I know you’re waiting for Bakugou, but since he’s not back yet, I kinda just wanna end this night with something special.” He said as he began to lean in, you had no intent on stopping him. Seeing this, Bakugou began to run towards the couple with every intent on stopping this kiss.
“HEYYY!!! Those lips are reserved for me!” Bakugou screamed and you both turned towards the little dog. Bakugou jumped into the air to leap onto Todoroki and at the strike of midnight, His body turned into a human again (fully clothed, don’t worry) and fell on Todoroki, making them both fall back.
“You stay away from my girl, icy-hot!” Bakugou said while on top of Todoroki, clinging to his shirt.
“She’s all yours, you angry pomeranian,” Todoroki said as he escaped and ran to his room. Bakugou only looked back at you with a fierce smirk. He walked up to you, grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss that you happily returned. He pulled away after a minute and began walking with you hand in hand.
“You’re mine now.” Bakugou said
“Whatever you say....Blasty.” You snickered.
Bakugou turned his head in shock. “You knew?” He asked.
“Of course I knew. I knew Blasty was you, I knew it was you whenever you stared at my naked body, I knew it was you whenever you cuddled into my chest, I knew it was you when I overheard you speaking like a human to Kirishima. It also helped that I just watched you transform back to your normal self. But me knowing it was you was the whole reason why I came up with this plan with Todoroki. It’s about time you made a move on me, Blasty.” You said with a teasing voice.
Embarrassed and frustrated at the fact he’d been caught, Bakugou let out an outburst.
“YOU FUCKING TEASE!” he screamed with his hands holding little explosions.
“Yeah, but now, I’m your tease. And it’s ok, because I know you like me. It’s easy to tell with that kiss and whole possessiveness. But that’s fine, because I really like you too Blasty.” You said with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck and Bakugou returned it with a smirk and a hug.
“Damn straight, Princess.” He said as he held onto you tight. “You’re mine.”
A/N: y’all this is not spellchecked bc after the week I’ve had, I just couldn’t. I’m sorry if this isn’t to your liking but I had to finish this so I sloppily wrote it down. I hope you enjoyed it at least! See you next time Bear Cubs💗🧸
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Crash Into Me
You’d been MGK’s assistant for years, but you never thought you had a chance at anything more with him until one stoplight changes everything.
Request: “ok im so sorry if this is 2 specific but ive had this idea for ages abt pining!colson x an insecure/clueless!reader who has been his assistant forever. she gets into a car accident and calls him hours later to tell him that a temp will be taking her place for a few weeks (bc of injuries) and he's like ?? why?? she explains nonchalantly, then kells kinda freaks out and shows up at the hospital all worried”
Colson Baker X Reader
Warnings: Cursing, car accident (descriptive)
A/N: This was cute 😊
Word Count: 3185
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“Alright Kells, I’m out for the night. I’ll email those tracks to the board when I get home and I’ll let you know if I get any updates for tomorrow’s press.” You told the blond man who was sitting on the couch as you put your laptop into your bag. You tried not to yawn as you heaved it over your shoulder, “anything else?”
You glanced at the kitchen clock that read 2 am and let out a small sigh. You were used to late nights given your job as assistant to a rockstar, but most nights you were able to leave before 8 pm. Tonight you and Colson had gotten really invested in the tracks you were editing and lost track of time.
“Y/N,” he turned to look at you with puppy dog eyes. He wanted something that you really weren’t gonna want to give him. “Could you come over early tomorrow to help me pick out what to wear for the Vanity Fair interview?”
You chuckled, “you know they have their own wardrobe department?”
He sighed, “yeah but you know me so much better than all those stylists. I trust your opinion more.”
You rolled your eyes as he tilted his head, begging you. “Fine, but I’m buying us coffee with your credit card.”
He broke out into a smile, “thank you, love you!” He called as you walked towards his front door.
“Whatever, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You told him, taking your car keys into your hands, and stepping out into the LA night. There was a soft breeze that shook the trees slightly, making you smile. It felt nice outside for the first time in a while.
Because of this, you decided to drive home with your windows rolled down, letting the wind flow through your hair. The roads were pretty barren by LA standards, so traffic was pretty much non-existent. You were sitting at a red light, your fingers tapping against your steering wheel as one of Colson’s songs played through your speakers softly.
You reached to turn up the volume as the light turned green. You pressed the gas, your car moving forward into the intersection. Suddenly you heard a loud squeal of brakes, looking over to your passenger window to the sight of two headlights barreling towards you. You tried to speed up to get out of the way, but it was too late.
The truck rammed straight into the side of your small car, pushing your vehicle over into the car next to you. You put your left arm up to shield you from any flying debris, but it was futile. The infrastructure of your car fell apart at the force, the dashboard collapsing onto your right leg. Luckily, your left leg managed to avoid the destruction.
You could barely feel the force of the whiplash due to the pain in your abdomen at the deployment of the airbag. Glass from the car next to you fell into your car through your open window, cutting into your skin.
And then all of a sudden, everything stopped. The truck that had hit you had stopped moving, allowing you to fully assess the damage. Your car was totaled for sure, and your leg was definitely crushed. You cried out in pain, breathing heavy and trying to see straight. You could hear the sound of sirens in the distance, giving you some sense of relief.
When the paramedics got to the scene, you were the last passenger to be taken out of the crash due to your car being in the center. A firefighter had to break the glass of your windshield, which was already cracked, in order to pull you out. When you told him your leg was stuck under the dashboard, he sent a team of men to lift it from your foot and another to pull you out of the wreckage.
They were all amazed you were still conscious but got very worried when you told them you couldn’t feel the pain in your leg. You rode in an ambulance to the hospital, the EMTs helping pick the glass from your skin and assessing your injuries. You made jokes with them to calm yourself down, something that you did with Colson and Rook whenever they got into accidents while you were out with them.
You thought about giving them Colson’s name when they asked about your emergency contact but decided against it. You didn’t want to worry him until absolutely necessary. You figured you’d see what the doctor had to say and if you wouldn’t be able to come back to work, then you would tell him.
Unfortunately, that’s exactly what the doctor said. In fact, you wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital for at least a week due to your shattered leg, bruised abdomen, and concussion.
The leg would require at least 2 if not more surgeries to repair and you would be on close watch for development of a more serious brain injury. After that you most likely wouldn’t be able to be back on your feet for another 8 to 12 weeks, which was kind of a requirement for your job.
It was almost 5am, so you weren’t necessarily thinking straight when you called Colson from your cracked phone. He answered, his voice conveying how tired he was. “Y/N? Everything okay?”
“Hey Kells, I’m not gonna be able to come in early tomorrow, or at all. I’m gonna start looking for a temporary replacement tomorrow if I’m feeling up to it. Oh! And I couldn’t send those tracks to the board, sorry.” You told him, only half registering the words you were saying.
The confusion was evident in his voice, “what? Why do you need to find a replacement?”
You realized you had forgotten to tell him what happened. “Oh, yeah! It’s kind of funny.” You started, chuckling but then realizing that laughing made your stomach hurt even more. “And by funny, I mean not funny at all. I got into a car accident. Some dude ran into my car in an intersection and now I’m in the hospital.”  
“Which hospital?” Colson asked, suddenly much more awake.
“Hollywood Presbyterian.” You told him, “why?”
He sounded like he was rushing around, which he was. “I’m coming to see you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, “why? I’m fine, you don’t need to do that. You have a big interview tomorrow, you should sleep.”
Colson sighed, “fuck the interview, I’ll be there in a few.”
“Colson you don’t-“ You started, but he hung up before you could tell him not to come.
Why was he rushing to see you in the hospital? Sure, you were friends, but he had much more important things to worry about right now. And besides, you were more casual work friends. He wouldn’t even know you existed if you didn’t work for him. Sure, you had a huge crush on him, but he was your boss, you were just someone he asked to do things he didn’t want to do.
 20 minutes later Colson ran into the hospital room, stopping when he saw you in the bed. Your face was red from chemical burn and a few cuts of glass. Your right leg was propped up with basic bandaging around it. His heart broke at the thought of how much pain you had probably been in.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly, moving to sit in the chair on your left side.
You shrugged, “I’ve been better.”
“Why didn’t you call me sooner?” He asked, eyes full of pity.
“I didn’t want to bother you unless it was serious. Figured I’d find out if I would have to miss work before telling you.” You said, squeezing your eyes shut as a headache washed over you.
Colson’s mouth gaped open, “you didn’t want to bother me? You got in a car crash and you weren’t gonna call me unless you would have to miss work?”
You shrugged again, “yeah. If my laptop wasn’t completely crushed in the accident I would’ve just found and sent a temp in tomorrow, but obviously that’s impossible.”
“Y/N you’re kidding me, right?” He asked, exasperated. You furrowed your eyebrows in response, causing a sigh to fall from his lips. “Y/N I don’t give a shit about a temp; I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Oh, I’m fine. A little shaken and these headaches are killer, but they gave me a lot of pain medication so, I’m fine.” You smiled at him, your thoughts racing as you tried to figure out why he cared so much about how you were feeling.
He nodded, hand reaching out and landing on top of yours gently. “So, do they have to do surgery? What all did the doctors say?” He asked, worry in his eyes.
You nodded, “yeah, at least 2 surgeries. One around 11 am and then depending on how that one goes they’ll schedule the next. And they have to watch me to make sure my concussion doesn’t get worse.”
He pulled out his phone, typing away. “What are you doing?” You asked, suddenly feeling very tired.
“I just emailed the PR liaison for Vanity Fair and told them I wouldn’t be able to make it to the interview.” He responded.
“Why did you do that?” You asked through a yawn.
He looked at you like the answer was the most obvious thing in the world, “because I have to be with you right now.”
You were very confused as to why he thought he had to be here. “Colson, I’ll be fine. You should go to the interview. You don’t have to stay here.”
“I do have to be here. I want to be here.” He said, sternly.
“Why?” You asked, trying to keep your eyes open.
“Because I wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“I’ll just call you after the surgery, it’s no big deal.” You responded lazily.
He shook his head, “I want to stay here with you, Y/N. Okay? I care about you.”
You were too tired to process what he was saying at this point, so you just let out a hum. “I need to make sure you’re okay. I need to see you being okay. When you called me, I swear I was gonna have a heart attack if I didn’t see you.” He continued.
You were barely awake at this point, letting out a simple, “I’m okay” before slipping into unconsciousness.
 Suddenly you were back in your car, “Bloody Valentine” playing from your speakers. The sky was dark green, almost like a painting. In front of you, the red light turned green. Like clockwork, you pressed the gas, moving into the intersection. Suddenly, the lights disappeared, and you heard the familiar chilling sound of breaks squealing. You looked over and saw those headlights coming towards you, getting closer and closer, brighter, and brighter.
You screamed at the sight, the familiar paralyzing fear coursing through your body again. “Y/N!” Your name played through the radio. That’s not in the song, you thought. “Y/N!” Colson’s voice rang out again before the truck made contact with your car.
You woke up in a cold sweat to Colson standing over you, hands shaking your shoulders lightly. “Y/N.” He said, relieved when your eyes began to open.
Your entire body was shaking like a poodle and your arms subconsciously reached for Colson, hanging onto his shirt for dear life. “It was just a dream.” He whispered as your eyes darted around the room. “You’re okay.” He reassured you.
“I’m sorry.” You muttered, hands leaving the fabric and moving to cover up your face. “I’m sorry.”
Colson sat on the bed next to you, legs hanging off the side as he stroked your face gently. “It’s okay, baby.” He turned to the nurse who opened the door, a worried expression on her face. He shook his head at her, “sorry, she just had a nightmare. She’s okay.” The nurse nodded but stayed in the room anyways, checking your vitals.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled again, the words seeming to be the only thing you could say.
Colson shook his head, “stop saying that, it’s okay.” You pouted at him, trying to scoot over so he would lay down next to you, but it was way too painful. “What are you doin?” He asked, a smile on his face.
You sighed, “wanted you to sit next to me but I can’t move because of this stupid leg.” You motioned to the leg in question.
Colson chuckled, “I can sit next to you in the chair.”
“That didn’t work last time.” You whined.
He looked at you with an expression that was both amused and confused. You were definitely still high on pain medication. “What didn’t work.”
“It didn’t stop the nightmare.” You frowned, hand reaching for his. He chuckled, standing up fully and looking at the nurse.
She flashed him an amused smile, “If you want, we can try to move her. I don’t know how much we can do without hurting her ribs, though.”
Colson nodded with a gracious smile, “hear that? We can’t move you because of your ribs.”
You glared at him, “I may be very high right now, but I’m not that high.” You said, making him giggle. “She said you could try.”
Colson let out an exasperated sigh, one arm going under your back and the other under your left leg. “Is this what it’s like taking care of me all the time?” He asked and you nodded your head firmly.
“Yep. Except I am much smaller than you, so you have less work to do with me.” You smiled as he lifted you off the bed, which quickly turned into a grimace. “Ow!” You yelped and Colson quickly set you down, slightly closer to the right side of the bed.
“Fuck, sorry princess. Are you okay?” He asked, voice soft.
You nodded, sucking in your bottom lip to block the whimpers of pain that threatened to escape your mouth. “You probably don’t remember, but one time you were so crossed that you called me to pick you up from a party. But you couldn’t make it out of the car, so I had to carry you into your house. And then you demanded to sleep in your own room, so you made me drag you up the stairs instead of passing out on the couch like normal.”
Colson let out a breathy chuckle, glad you weren’t hurt too much. He carefully sat onto the cot next to you, pulling up his right leg to sit on the bed. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you into him slightly. You shifted so that you were comfortable, left hand finding his own left hand and holding it. He brought his left leg up onto the bed so he was fully laying with you.
Your head rest on his chest, a soft smile on your face as his thumb rubbed circles on your hand. The nurse left, satisfied that you wouldn’t hurt yourself further. Colson pressed a small kiss to the top of your head, causing your eyebrows to furrow.
“What time is it?” You asked him, to which he responded by pulling out his phone and showing you the lock screen. 8:47am. You nodded, a frown on your face, “did you get any sleep?” You asked him softly.
“I’m fine, I was asleep for a few hours before you called me.”
You sighed, feeling guilty. “You should go home and get some sleep.”
You felt him shake his head from behind you, “I’m staying right here.”
Despite wanting to force him to go home, you couldn’t help the happiness you felt at his stubbornness to stay with you. “You know you don’t need to be here. I won’t be offended if you leave.”
He chuckled, “stop trying to get me to leave. I’m here. On my own accord, okay? I’m gonna take care of you.”
You paused, thinking about the word floating around your head. “Why?” you whispered.
Colson’s face scrunched in confusion, “what do you mean “why”? Because you’re my friend and I care about you.”
“I mean, yeah. But I’m not like a “drop everything” kind of friend, I’m just your assistant.” You muttered.
Colson made an “are-you-serious?” face and let out a snort. “Seriously? You are so much more than you give yourself credit for. You mean the world to me, of course I’d drop everything for you.”
You couldn’t think of a response, his words making your heart race. “oh.” Was the best you could come up with.
“Y/N, seriously, you think way too low of yourself. You’re amazing.” He said, nose burying into your hair.
You shrugged, “you only say that because I take care of you when you’re drunk and help you do all the things you don’t want to do.”
Colson’s expression softened, a frown forming on his face. “I’m saying that because I think the world of you. You’re the kindest, funniest, coolest person I know. I meant it, when you told me you were in the hospital, my heart almost stopped. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about you being hurt.” He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I wish you could see how much you mean to me.” He mumbled.
You were quiet for a little while, processing what he had said. “You’re only saying that because I’m in the hospital.” You muttered, a frown on your face. You were trying to keep your hopes low, knowing once you were out of here, he would regret saying any of this.
“Y/N, are you being serious right now? I’m saying this because I’ve been fucking in love with you for the past year and a half.” He said and you could feel your breath catch in your throat. “I can’t believe you don’t see it.”
You bit your lip, turning to look up to him. “I just- I didn’t want- you wouldn’t.” You stumbled over your words, taking a deep breath, and starting again. “I didn’t want to read too much into it or get my hopes up. I figured you’d never be into someone like me so I just told myself you were being nice. I thought you only treated me well because I worked for you.” You mumbled.
He frowned, holding you tighter to him, “I am so, so into you. You are the only woman in my life who has ever stuck by me through my worst shit. Like even when I was a total jackass you stayed with me. How could I not fall in love with you?”
You bit your lip, tears threatening to spill at his sweet sentiment. You’d never had anyone say something that kind about you. You’d always assumed people only kept you around because you did stuff for them, but here was the man you were in love with telling you that he cared about you for you.
“I love you too.” You whispered, leaning your head further into his chest.
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douz12a · 3 years
Twisted | Four
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Summary: In which Wonho goes missing after a failed job, and MX tries to rescue him while dealing with other twisted matters that put you in danger.
Pairing: Im Changkyun x reader (you).
Genre: Mafia AU (OT7) / action / romance / slight enemies to lovers
Warnings: Curse words, mentions of blood, injury, kidnapping, murder...
Words count: 1.9K
Masterlist: Preview | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Final.
Story inspired by this TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRxC5XmM/
“Watch me.”
Turning back, you stomped towards the small room again to get dressed. It only took you a few minutes to get ready and by 5:45, you were out and ready to go.
…Except that annoying jerk was now standing by your door, arms crossed and not looking as amused as he did back in the showers. Jooheon and Shownu also stood near him, both also wearing the same clothes still. Did anyone sleep last night except for you? And where did they even come from? You could have sworn no one was around when you woke up.
“Y/n, you can’t leave.” Shownu addressed you softly. For a mafia boss, he sure was a softie. You couldn’t figure out how he can be both.
“I’m not exactly following here. I need to go to work.” You replied, knowing exactly what he meant, but refusing to accept it.
“it’s too dangerous, y/n, if they know where you live then they surely know where you work.” Jooheon spoke up this time, coming closer to you.
“I can’t just not go to work, Jooheon, there are living beings there that I need to take care of. Are you asking me to let them starve while I hide here like a coward?”
“living beings? What is she talking about?” You heard Changkyun ask Shownu but you didn’t pay much attention to him, focusing on Jooheon, instead. At least you knew he’d help you.
“But-“ Jooheon started, only to be interrupted by Shownu this time.
“If you must go, then I.M and Minhyuk are coming with you.” You just stood there and stared at him, speechless.
Not only did he just assign you ‘bodyguards’ you didn’t ask for, he had to choose the worst two and make them into a nicely decorated package that is meant to ruin your life.
Isn’t that just fantastic.
“They’re absolutely not!” you argued. “Am I going somewhere?” Minhyuk joined the little gathering out of nowhere, scaring you.
“Either that or I’m locking you in that room.” Shownu challenged you. To be fair, his charisma was on such a different level from yours you couldn’t call it a challenge. This was like a game to him, and you were just playing your part.
“We stupidly lost Wonho, we can’t lose his sister too, y/n. You mean the world to him…to us” Jooheon explained slowly, his puppy eyes making an appearance again. You could swear he did that on purpose, knowing you couldn’t resist that look. You ignored the “speak for yourself” Changkyun muttered loud enough for you to hear.
“Fine, but if they disturb my work they’re staying outside.” You gave in, not having many options. You couldn’t exactly argue with Shownu, try as you might. He was a certified lawyer after all.
“I guess I’m going somewhere.” Minhyuk concluded, taking a jacket off a chair nearby him, you guessed that was his desk. You made a mental note to stay away from it, as well.
Sending one more glare towards Changkyun for snitching on you, you made your way to the door, he and Minhyuk on your tail.
This time, you were the one driving. Minhyuk sat right next to you while Changkyun sat in the back. The streets were empty, leave out the occasional appearance of someone walking their dog. Your clinic was only about ten minutes away from the gym, courtesy of your overprotective brother. He insisted on keeping you close, making you settle just a few blocks away from him. Even your apartment was just a few minutes away from his. If he didn’t have to work so much, it would have felt like you lived together still.
Parking at your usual spot, you noticed both Minhyuk and Changkyun looking out their windows, looking for anything suspicious. They even made you hand over the keys, Minhyuk going inside first to make sure no one was there waiting to strike. It’s only been 15 minutes with them and you were already wishing for the day to come to an end. What did you do to deserve this?
“Alright, all clear.” Minhyuk handed you your keys back, letting you in. You went straight to the back to check on everything, on everyone.
“When you said ‘clinic’ I was thinking of something else.” Changkyun commented from the front desk.
“Oh, you can actually think.” You threw back sarcastically, making Minhyuk laugh out loud. That was probably the first time you heard him laugh.
“Careful, princess.” Changkyun said, appearing behind you.
“Let me guess! when you joined MX, they told you Hoseok’s sister runs their private mafia hospital and keeps animals for fun.” You rolled your eyes, checking on the animals one by one, before going to fetch some more food and water for them. You had to keep two cats, a puppy and a hamster overnight, but all (but the hamster) were going to be picked up by their owners today, so you weren’t too worried about them. You hated to leave them alone at night. You wanted to hire an assistant to work the night shift, but Hoseok convinced you not to. Being overprotective and all… he just had to have his way with you. Plus, bringing an outsider was too risky if a member of MX showed up, injured. Because you couldn’t work 24h alone, you had to inform pet owners that their pets would be alone for about 8 hours every night. When you felt like they were uncomfortable with the idea, you just recommended the closest vet clinic instead.
“Take a seat, and please don’t scare the clients.” You said to no one in particular, after you were done. Sighing as you walked to the front desk, you turned on your computer and sat down to start the day’s paperwork. For some reason, you had more people stop by during weekends than weekdays, so you wanted to get as much work done before that started. It was one of the reasons why you woke up and started work so early (and also because you had no receptionist to do this work for you).
You were glad the paperwork served as a distraction, though. While Minhyuk stayed in the back, Changkyun thought the couch right in front of you was comfortable and so he sat there. He wasn’t doing anything, just sitting there looking down at his phone, occasionally glancing outside, but he still bothered you for some reason. At least you couldn’t see or hear Minhyuk from where he sat, why couldn’t Changkyun do the same?
“Can I play with them?” Minhyuk’s voice startled you. Scratch that part about not seeing or hearing him.
What was with these people and sneaking around? And here you thought Hyungwon was the spy in the group…if these two can sneak around like this, what can he do?
“W-what?” you asked, carefully.
“The pets, can I play with them?” He repeated, a small smile on his face. You felt goosebumps on your skin but tried not to look too nervous. For a killer he sure did have a face of an angel. MX definitely based recruitment on looks, there’re no way this was a coincidence.
So, could you trust a psycho cold-blooded murderer around little innocent creatures? That was the million-dollar question of the day.
“Sure!” you weren’t sure why your voice went up an octave, but both men didn’t seem to make much of it. You took your keys and led Minhyuk back to the pet cages.
Not so surprisingly, he asked you to open the cats’ cages. You should’ve known.
After making sure the cats didn’t feel hostile towards him (like you did), you placed the cats in their little playground then you made your way back to your desk, resuming work till your first customer came in. You took the time to order some necessities online since you knew you wouldn’t dare ask the two men to come with you to the supermarket, and you didn’t plan on going back to your place any time soon. To your delight, the items were delivered fairly quickly, Minhyuk receiving them instead, saying something in the lines of “don’t you watch movies? Delivery men are always the villain in disguise.”
Your first client of the day was a young college girl who came to pick up her puppy. You gave her a form to fill and sign while you went to the back to get it, noticing the cats having a blast with Minhyuk. When you came back, the girl was basically drooling while staring at Changkyun who paid her no attention. You cleared your throat and after a few other minutes, she was hesitantly on her way out, still staring at him.
You wanted to believe that would be the only time that happened, but your ‘friend’ attracted more attention with his looks and outfit than necessary.
“Why don’t you go to the back? You’re distracting everyone here.” You finally cracked. He looked up, eyes looking straight into yours while a smirk formed on his annoying lips.
“I’m distracting you, princess?”
“You’re disturbing me, fuckboy.” You snapped, not able to hold it in anymore.
He laughed as he uncrossed his legs, sitting up and stretching a bit (and flashing his abs) before walking slowly to the back. You sighed in relief before following him. You had to clean the cage that was emptied this morning. Better do it now than later tonight.
You three fell back into a not-so-comfortable silence, not to you at least. Both Minhyuk and Changkyun played with the cats and conversed while you cleaned, leaving occasionally to go tend to a costumer. By the time lunch rolled up, your workload doubled, and so did the amount of fun the men were having. If anyone could see that scene, they’d think those two were the real vets here, not you. They took turns to check around the area every hour or so and faced the CCTV to monitor who comes in and out the clinic, but aside from that they didn’t look like they wanted to leave the cats’ side.
You didn’t know how to feel. It was utterly conflicting. The Changkyun that sat on your clinic floor playing with Violette was the same one who shot a person in your bedroom last night, probably with the intention to kill. The Minhyuk that smiled so brightly at Gummy was the same one who coldly killed a man with his bare hands and dragged him away right in front of you, last year. You knew your brother was in the same line of work, you knew he could also be cold and scary, but you knew he would never take anyone’s life.
Or maybe he did, and you just thought you knew everything when you didn’t.
Either way, you couldn’t shake the eerie feeling you got from them even though you knew they did what they did for good reasons. To be fair, both times you witnessed them murdering (or attempting to murder) someone, it was to save you, and others. You couldn’t exactly complain. If anything, you should be thanking them both. You just couldn’t get yourself to do it…yet.
“…y/n?” You were shaken out of your trance by no other than Minhyuk himself.
“Huh? What?” you replied in a hurry, unconsciously taking a step back away from him.
“Kihyun called, they know where Wonho is.”
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
the solution is outsourcing // fred weasley
Summary: the reader is awkward… really awkward, but quite brilliant, really. Maybe that’s why Fred’s so interested
Request: hi lovely, love your writing! can i req a fluffy fred weasley x ravenclaw!reader please? maybe the reader knows something that’ll help him with a prank or something?
A/N: I had such a hard time writing this if not purely because I fell down a hunger games rabbit hole and felt like I was 12 again BUT ALSO halfway through this I was creasing because I kept having to tell myself that I absolutely could not name this ‘the highs and lows of high school quidditch’
Reader: Ravenclaw
Warnings: 1 swear word maybe?
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Hogwarts, as you discovered pretty early on, was not at as boring as most schools in the area. First of all, there weren’t any other schools in the area due to it being a castle nestled just within the Scottish Highlands and all. Secondly, being a school for wizards, it had its fair share of perks that came with the territory: from learning about thestrals to broomsticks to sleeping draughts and everything in between, life at Hogwarts had a certain je ne sais quoi that most schools just weren’t cut out for.
After the second time Harry Potter, a boy in the year below, was almost killed, you figured that Hogwarts’ flair came less from its magical subjects and more from the drama of constant near-death experiences. Regardless, though, you wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
Amidst the chaos, it was easy to forget sometimes that Hogwarts was still a school. A school full of teenagers. A school full of incredibly gifted and incredibly impressionable teenagers.
Not only were you extremely blessed to be learning all that you were but you were also fairly bright, and so you were often very dedicated to your studies, making sure to soak up all the knowledge you could from every possible source. But even you weren’t immune to the consequences of a high school social hierarchy; a fact that would probably explain why your mouth was drying up faster than the Sahara Desert watching Fred Weasley across the room.
He always had this look in his eye like he knew something everyone else didn’t, you thought, your attention divided somewhat unequally between him and your History of Magic textbook. He also always managed to look attractive. You hummed as he turned, starting to approach your table. Wait, what? Your table?
Undeniably, Fred was one of the most popular boys in school.
Both handsome and hilarious, he and his twin brother George were infamous for their pranks and notorious for their quidditch playing. Everybody knew who they were and if they didn’t, they would soon enough.
Your friends, usually so engrossed in their own discussions, grew silent and your hands stilled on your textbook, your fingers pinching at the old pages. It’s not like you often watched Fred Weasley across the courtyard… or classrooms… or the Great Hall.
To your defence, though, you were usually a lot less obvious and he was usually a lot less heading in your direction.
Why was he coming over to your bench? He probably wasn’t, you thought. It was probably just a detour. Or a prank. You swallowed, unable to tear your eyes off of him. The courtyard was loud with chatter, but you’d wager your heartbeat was louder. Why was he still heading your way?
“Hi,” he said leisurely, crossing his arms over one another as he stood next to your bench. His lean muscles strained under his jumper and though your perspective was warped by your goo-goo eyes and the fact you were sat down, it was still fairly obvious that he was tall. He had the aura of someone tall, you decided, and if his crooked grin was anything to go by, he was apparently completely aware of the effect he had on you and everyone else, for that matter.
You looked behind you, your confusion growing when you found only air and realised that he was, in fact, talking to you.
You frowned, your lips puckering as you tried to form a word, any word.
Maybe not that word. In fact, maybe any other word would have been better.
“Uh,” he said, leaning backwards and shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Hi?”
You cursed yourself under your breath.
“Hello?” you replied, your tone unsure.
“I’m Fred,” he said, his uneasy expression replaced quickly with the same charming smile.
Before your brain could catch up with your mouth, you scoffed. “I know.”
“Merlin,” you muttered under your breath, blinking and swallowing back the dryness in your throat. “I’m Y/N.”
“I know.”
The amused smirk playing on his lips almost definitely blew a fuse in your brain.
“I’ve been looking for you actually,” he said, placing his hand on your table and leaning over.
If his words weren’t enough to send you over the edge, his proximity plummeted your brain into some alternate reality where it was unavoidable to say awkward things to attractive strangers.
“Well, it’s your lucky day!” you chimed, your cheerful grin dying on your lips as you heard your own words. Why you couldn’t just behave normally was beside you.
Fred didn’t seem to mind nor notice how painfully awkward you felt.
“Isn’t it just?” he said, his surprised expression relaxing into a smirk. He turned to one of your friends opposite you and pointed to the empty space next to him. “D’you mind if I sit here, mate?”
“’Course not,” your friend said, shooting you an entertained smile and sliding up so Fred could sit facing you. His knees touched yours as he clambered over the bench.
“Now,” Fred said, his tone serious as a decidedly playful glint flickered in his eyes. “I need your help.”
You opened your mouth, probably sucking all of the air out of the quad in the process as your eyebrows knitted together. You didn’t think Fred Weasley even knew who you were. Thankfully, he didn’t wait for your brain-cells to cooperate to form a reply.
“My sister says you’re a genius. I’ll assume that’s true; I’ve never seen anyone actually read this,” he gestured towards your textbook with a lopsided smirk. “So, are you actually a mastermind or are you just fooling the rest of us?”
His eyes were so bright as he spoke, so expectant as well. Expectant? Oh, a question.
You let your gaze trail down his face slowly. His eyes were warmer up close, you thought, and he had lots of tiny freckles.
“Hello?” he said, waving his hand in front of you with a half-smile and an amused frown.
“Um,” you stalled, swallowing. “Your sister. Oh, yes, Ginny. Your sister. Ginny Weasley.”
You nodded, letting your mind catch up to the conversation and avoiding any glances towards his smiling features. “I tutored her last year. Can’t see why: she didn’t need my help. She’s rather sharp herself.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Fred rushed, already bored of the topic of his sister as he dismissed you and leant in closer. “She said that you were brilliant, though. Especially at Charms.”
Your face warmed at his words and Fred watched rather curiously as you looked away, placing your hands into your lap and fiddling with your quill under the table.
“I’m pretty good,” you said, mulling it over. “I think Flitwick just likes me.”
“Yeah, right, anyway,” he snorted disbelievingly. He pursed his lips before leaning forward on his elbows. “I need your help with a charm for a prank.”
“A prank?”
“A prank, indeed.”
You looked to your left, watching your friends pretend not to listen to your conversation. Your brain hadn’t fully caught on to idea yet that you were sat even in close proximity to Fred Weasley, let alone that you were talking to him. And now he wanted you to help him? You couldn’t decide whether stranger things had happened.
“Please?” he said, tilting his head to the side and widening his eyes. Before he sat down at your table, you didn’t know Fred Weasley; you only knew of Fred Weasley and so, what you didn’t know was that he was born with a gift. A gift that involved possessing a pair of the world’s greatest puppy dog eyes. He watched smugly as your indecision faltered and you cracked a smile at his silly expression. Something stirred in his chest at the sight of you.
“What’s the prank?” you asked, keeping up the façade of reservation. Fred knew, though: he’d got you hooked.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you said, waving your hands around wildly. Your friends had long since disappeared from the courtyard, off to their classes or to study elsewhere. “How are you going to give him the hair dye?”
“Ah,” Fred sighed animatedly, stretching his back from his hunched-over position. “That’s for me to know, isn’t it?”
You smiled, pursing your lips together as you shared a conspiratorial look.
Being around Fred, it seemed, was much easier than first anticipated. When you got over the initial shock of him a) knowing you exist and b) talking to you, you found yourself falling into a comfortable rhythm, a light banter of ideas. Every so often, though, you were struck by the slope of his nose or the crow’s feet at the corner of his eyes. You were lucky, you realised, that you had such a good excuse to distract you from just staring at him the whole time.
“Alright,” you said tightly, frowning at the parchment you had ripped out to scribble notes on. Fred’s eyes followed your face. “I think I can do it.”
His face lit up and your stomach dropped at how cute he looked, butterflies fluttering in its wake.
Your brows drew together and you bit your lip, fingers drumming lightly on the paper.
“Let me-“ you said, standing up abruptly and circling around the otherwise empty bench, slotting yourself beside him without a second thought.
“Right, so I think that if you take a simple transfiguration charm and then layer it-“ You paused as a deep crease imprinted on Fred’s forehead. “Look,” you insisted, leaning closer to him and pushing your notes around, using your finger to point at your words. “All you have to do really is layer the charms to make them harder to undo and then…”
Fred didn’t listen to the rest. He couldn’t, really. Not when he could feel your warmth next to him, your shoulder pressed against his and your breath fanning against his cheek every time you looked up. He couldn’t figure out how he never noticed you before. Gruffly, he swallowed, forcing himself to pay attention.
“You top it all off with a pre-emptive counter charm and the hair dye will last a while,” you nodded, pleased with your work. “His hair will probably grow out sooner than he can fix the colour.”
Turning to Fred, only slightly surprised that he was already looking at you, you grinned as he let out a deep throaty chuckle.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” he muttered, shaking his head with his tongue poking out between his lips. “You are bloody brilliant.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, he snatched up the piece of parchment, swung his legs over the bench and raced off, his cheerful demeanour almost making up for the way your heart sank at him leaving. You watched him disappear down the corridor and sighed, letting your head loll backwards. The idea that things would just go back to how they were plagued your mind as you packed away your books, resting your knees on the bench.
He’d always be Fred Weasley, the most popular boy in school, and you’d just be you. Back to normal.
“Oh,” Fred said breathlessly as he appeared behind you. You couldn’t help the smile that lifted your cheeks as you raised your eyebrow.
Your smile dropped, though, when he leant closer and pressed his lips ever so delicately to your cheek. Your eyes fluttered shut at the contact and you could feel the rush of blood to your face.
“I’ll find a way to thank you for your help,” he said, beaming at your surprised expression. “Promise.”
It took a week for them to finalise the prank, it seemed. You wondered whether you’d just missed the outcome until one morning, Draco Malfoy stormed into the Great Hall with a scowl and bright orange hair. His entrance was met with whistles and cheers and as you looked over at the Gryffindor table, your eyes widened as they met Fred’s. Whilst his brother and their friends laughed and jeered, he just grinned at you. With a small burst of courage, you waved. He pursed his lips in amusement before he lifted up a paper aeroplane in his hand, gesturing to throw it.
Your eyebrows creased at the idea, but you watched with your heart beating in your chest as the aeroplane soared over to you, dropping gently onto your empty plate. Looking up at Fred, you frowned, unable to keep the smile off of your face. He urged you to open it, making faces as if to say ‘what are you waiting for?’.
You chuckled; the paper rough on your fingertips as you unfolded it. Written in rather jaunty handwriting, was a simple question signed off with a simple ‘-F’.
You, me, Hogsmeade, this weekend?
You could’ve got whiplash from how quickly your head shot up. Even from so far away, the nervousness and anticipation on Fred’s face were beyond evident and painfully endearing. You nodded, biting your lip to suppress your smile. You’d have thought it was infectious given his own shit-eating grin. He shot you a wink and turned back to his friends and you found yourself working out exactly how long you had until your date with nonother than Fred Weasley.
harry potter tag list: (added later bc braincells - some didnt work)
@creator-appreciator @decadentwastelandtrash @loveisblindness @xinyourdreamsx @brainlesspasta @hariosborn @staringmoony @rexorangecouny @alittletoomanyobsessions @peachesandpinks @yuptha-tsme @obsessedwithrandomthings @dreamer821 @iprobablyshipit91 @in-slytherin-we-trust @haphazardhufflepuff @princesof-theuniverse @whovianayesha @msmimimerton @extra-trash77 @potterverseimagine @my-own-mindpalace @sxrensxngwrites @damonwhitlock @susceptible-but-siriusexual @answer-the-sirens @thisismysketchbook @ickle-ronniekins @harrysweasleys​
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Pocketful of Posies || Chapter 6
You’d been hiding for years and years now; from your family, from society, from alphas and packs. Suppressants were dangerous but effective and necessary for an omega who refused to be owned—but no suppressants were strong enough to fool the nose of a super soldier, who together with his pack would stop at nothing to bind you to them forever.
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pairings: dark!Avengers x reader
word length: 2.9K
chapters: 6/?
warnings: A/B/O dynamics, power imbalances, noncon and dubcon sexual situations, loss of autonomy, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat — this is a dark!fic, read at your own risk. more detailed content warnings are included at the end of the chapter to avoid spoilers, click through the read more, CTRL + F “content warnings”.
notes: slightly shorter than my usual, but i needed to get some stuff fixed up. if ya’ll like my stories please consider donating to my ko-fi— a bitch is poor lmao
Steve swept you up in his arms and turned to deposit you on the landing upstairs, evidently trusting the others to keep you contained for a moment. There was an audible scuffle going on in the den, Bucky would be heard growling from outside—snapping at someone who made the mistake of asking how he’d gotten out there so fast? Tony was growling at Peter who looked seconds away from begging for forgiveness.
“You guys made it safe, I’m happy to see you Nat,” Steve drew the redhaired woman into his arms and sighed in relief, but you couldn’t tell if it was a question or a statement; honestly you were having trouble thinking, your brain clouded with the sudden onset of absolute and uncontrolled panic.
The moment the black-haired man had been pulled away by the delta currently stomping back up the stairs, clarity had returned to you like a slap in the face. The golden fog that obscured your vision immediately dissipated and just as quickly you’d been overwhelmed with gut wrenching fear. You didn’t actually remember kicking Steve in the face or making a break for the stairs, but evidently you had and you cursed your hindbrain for running towards the stairs—you should’ve jumped straight out the window; you had a better chance at out running Bucky and whoever else was down there than the two alpha primes and their surrounding packmates.
Before you could even take a step towards the still wide-open window, the black-haired man appeared with a green flash and wrapped around you tightly. “Shhh , pet, no. No windows for you, darling, come now—back to your nest.”
In a moment of truly unusual harmony, your consciousness and hindbrain agreed that the bed was the last place you wanted to be. That wasn’t your bed, the omega hissed tearfully, you’d never made a nest—that wasn’t yours. It could barely be called a nest, even. There hadn’t been any careful consideration regarding the placement of the pillows and blankets, there were no articles of clothing or soft items that had been scavenged or stolen to elicit a feeling of safety or comfort. Worst of all was the way it smelled. Obviously, it didn’t reek, the mix of individual scents wasn’t a bad conglomeration, but your hindbrain whined at the unfamiliarity. This wasn’t your pack’s scent.
The cohesion was jarring, and you groaned. Regardless of the reasoning, your hindbrain was aware that you didn’t get to have a pack and that reminder always hurt. It desperately desired one, but an omega’s primary objective was survival.
After all, you in all of your fully conscious state knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you would never have a pack—it wasn’t a matter of wanting or not wanting at this point in your life. You were too old to be regressed into the type of omega that packs wanted, your body too badly reliant on the chemical reactions produced by suppressants after fifteen years to stop taking them. At your age, to be found by a pack meant death.
They would get sick of trying to fix you. You’d die from quitting the suppressants cold turkey. They’d beat you for disobedience until your body gave up. You were nearly thirty and that was ancient for an unbound omega and you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks. Especially an old dog who was bound and determined not to be taught.
“LOKI!” Bucky bellowed as he stomped past Steve and the redhead on the stairs, looking three shades past furious.
The man holding you let go very quickly after that, spinning you away and moving to intercept the furious delta with an equally unpleasant expression. Why couldn’t you have just fucking kept it together upon meeting Bruce—that blood in the water, shark nosed asshole, if you had reigned in your panic there was no way he could’ve scented you through your suppressants. Steve was a different story, but if you’d been quick and calm you probably could’ve made it.
You scanned the room quickly; Bruce was on the bed, checking on Wanda. Bucky and Loki were on the floor fighting, half entangled with Peter and Sam who were doing their best to put their own fight aside to keep the deltas from killing each other. Steve was still halfway down the stairs with the other redhead, talking to her quietly. Tony was—
“Okay, princess, okay,” Tony was wrapped tightly around you from behind, carefully keeping your head braced between his chin and shoulder when you tried to thrash. “This isn’t fair to you, you’re way too fragile for this right now. Put your head here, breathe with me.”
“Please let me go,” you didn’t realize you were crying until you spoke, words coming out in sobs. “I don’t want to die like this, please—”
“You are not going to die, little love,” Thor sounded so sad from where he came to stand in front of you. “I’m not going to bond you, not while you’re so upset. But the results of the tests Bruce ran showed that you are in danger. I cannot allow that and no matter how angry you are with us, we will not let you suffer needlessly.”
“I’m not suffering! I swear, I swear I’m not suffering I’m, I’m happy! I’m happy living my life the way I have been. Please, let me have the choice, I want to be alone, it makes me happy!”
Trying to explain to a literal God why you deserved personal agency was an exhausting business, especially when said God was as condescending as Thor. His indulgent and sad smile was nearly enough to tip you over the edge, but there really wasn’t a point in getting angry—he obviously couldn’t even fathom the concept that what he was doing was wrong. It’s not like you could do anything anyway, you weren’t built for violence but for running away. Every bone in your body vibrated with rage; the injustice was overwhelming.
For fifteen whole years you’d been just fine. You would’ve continued to be just fine, if it weren’t for some super nosed freaks crossing your path. What were the odds of the only people in the world who could scent you from beneath more than a decade’s worth of suppressant use would have a cabin in Quebec that you happened to clean—and run into said people because they happened to show up early; an incredibly unusual situation.
It made you think about Mrs. Hunt. She’d only called to give you a heads up because of the last time, when the homeowner had tried to assault you even while he’d thought that you were a beta . You wondered how long it would take her to realize something was wrong; it was getting late and you’d yet to return her cart despite telling her you’d be there shortly.
The real question would be whether she tried to help or not once she discovered your presentation. She could try to help, try to stick them with omega theft, but they could claim civic duty like Peter had earlier. Besides, that was contingent upon her wanting to help you considering you’d lied to her for so many years.
“You’re so distressed, won’t you let me purr for you?”
“Don’t! Don’t you dare take away—”
“Little love, please—”
“Don’t call me that. You don’t even know me,” you spat, turning to address the room at large. “What kind of fucking superheros are you? Let go of me! Let me go!”
Tony sighed and hefted you up into his arms, one wrapped around your torso while the other hooked under your knees and pinned you carefully across his body. You struggled uselessly against his strong hold; he wasn’t as strong as Thor or Steve, but his bicep was massive next to your head and you could feel his muscles through his clothes as he walked to the bed.
“We can’t, princess,” he murmured into the side of your head as he lowered both of you to the bed, sitting propped against a mass of pillows in the corner. “We’ll never find an unbound omega in your age range again. Plenty of omegas have been offered to us, but they’re all practically children. You’re our last chance—”
“There are plenty! You said plenty! Pick the oldest who wants to be in this fucking shit show and leave me alone!” Everyone tensed when the tone in your voice approached a shriek.
“We’re not taking an omega who’s not even legal to drink—”
“That alpha is like eighteen!” You tried to gesture to Peter, who gaped at you like you’d wounded him, but your arms were still pinned tightly to your sides.
“Peter is twenty-four, actually,” Tony spoke with mirth when Peter jumped onto the bed and crawled until he was pressed against Tony’s side and your back. “And before you ask, Wanda is twenty-six.”
“We’re so lucky to have found you,” the alpha half purred, pressing his nose into the back of your neck. “We’ll make you happy, happier than you are now.”
“It’s gonna be a rough start,” Bruce laid down in the nest a few feet away, welcoming the woman you recognized as the Black Widow into his arms when she slithered into the bed. “We have to balance your hormones, or you will die. You wouldn’t have lasted another year on those suppressants.”
“Death would be a reprieve,” you hissed shortly, freezing when the tone of the room immediately changed.
All attention was suddenly on you, Bruce still making direct eye contact with those sad puppy eyes, “I know that feeling, sweetheart—”
“We will do it another way then,” Thor interrupted, sending Bruce a quieting but loving look. “I said I would not bond you while you are in distress anda I will never break a promise to you. Open your mouth, this will be quick.”
Steve seemed to sigh in response and followed to stand next to the other prime, “I lost my chance. You’ll help her?”
Thor leveled the shorter blond with a careful look before nodding, both showing signs of deference and affection and respect that you did not care for. The rattle of a belt prompted Tony to turn you, setting you carefully between his legs while continuing to hold down your arms with what could appear to be an affectionate bear hug. He even linked his fingers with yours, squeezing gently as you tried to squirm.
“No. No, no no no, that’s disgusting, I won’t—”
“Shhh , I’ll do all the work little love, all you need to do is swallow.”
He was jerking his cock carefully, a flick of his wrist near the head catching your eye. That was a dangerous weapon, the same way you’d come to learn Steve’s was and you had no intention of letting it anywhere near your mouth. You clamped your lips shut, teeth grinding.
“Stubborn,” Peter snorted a laugh and you would’ve snapped at him had his hand not dove between your thighs, fingers gliding through the slick lips of your cunt until he found your clit.
You had to stop yourself from screeching, the head of Thor’s cock directly in front of your face. “Very. Come on now, open up.”
The fingers pinching your nose shut came as a shock, you’d crushed your eyes shut out without realizing it and they snapped open when your face was assaulted. Steve was kneeling on the bed, carefully cutting of your air supply with one hand and stroking your head with the other.
“Come on, precious, you’ve gotta breathe,” he stated softly, smiling when you were forced to pull your lips back to gasp for breath—until he realized your teeth were still locked together. “Really ‘mega?”
The next thing you knew his thumb was shoving against your molars, literally prying your jaw open. There was no way to fight it without hurting yourself, especially once he wedged his thick thumb between your top and bottom teeth. You barely had a second to anticipate the horror before an unnecessarily large cock found it’s way between your lips.
You tried to shriek, your brain finally catching up to the whole series of events, but it was no use. His scent was overwhelming and his dick stretched your lips, your jaw forced completely open. Thor groaned, a triggering noise as he very carefully pressed forward until your mouth was completely full and he was settled against you tongue.
“Suck for me, little love, just a little,” he grunted, just barely working his member between your lips while his huge hand stroked the rest.
It took a surprisingly small amount of time for a massive load of cum to shoot into your mouth. It was thick, and the way that Thor growled immediately made your pupils blow wide like you’d done a line of coke.  
Your body went lax immediately and you swallowed on instinct when a hand gently rubbed your throat. The fuzz in your brain was the result of arousal, a brutal orgasm that rocked your body at the sound in combination with your body’s sheer delight at the taste of alpha cum. Somewhere you realized that was disgusting but the haze in your brain made you more focused on the hand between your thighs rather than the indignity.
“Man, this shit ain’t fair,” Sam complained, panting from the exertion of trying to prevent Loki and Bucky from killing each other. “They get to cuddle and we—Hey!  Quit that, man!”
“All of you stop fighting,” Steve’s alpha order was brutal and effective.
The sounds of scuffling from behind Thor stopped immediately and there were huffs and snarls and low grumbles but the nest started shifting all around you. You were dropped back to lay against Tony’s chest, having inadvertently swallowed the entirety of the god’s massive load.
“She’s so cute,” Wanda cooed from somewhere to your left.
“We’ll need to go over what we’re doing from here,” Steve sighed once everyone had settled, still watching your dazed expression with a small smile. “But let’s just… nest for a bit, okay?”
The word nest triggered something in your half alpha-cum stoned brained and you looked around the den with a displeased expression. It was a terrible nest; all of the pillows and blankets were in weird heaps and the scent was so wrong. You didn’t really want to nest here, your hindbrain grumbled in agreement, but you’d fix the damn thing. You whined and wriggled until Steve gave Tony the go ahead to stop fully restraining you.
The bed was incredibly soft, which was an upside and crawling across it was like sinking your knees into clouds as you collected the soft heaps of blankets and pillows as you went. You wanted everything off so you could start from scratch, brain muddled by the wrongness of the current layout. You wanted to wash the sheets, the pillow cases, the blankets, all of it. The scent wasn’t right.
“Help her.” It was a quiet request from the Black Widow, who’d also started shifting around to remove the items. “She doesn’t like it like this.”
It was easier to get everything pushed away and in neat piles with the packs’ help, everyone immediately moving to help organize the pillows. You only snapped at the blond beta—Hawkeye, your memory supplied— once for putting a soft blanket on the pile with the not soft blankets. He immediately gave an apologetic burr to which your hindbrain purred back instinctually; evidently a good reaction.
“Why does she like Clint? They haven’t even spoken.”
“She doesn’t like him, she snarled at him!”
“She hasn’t purred at anyone else!”
“Shut up, fuckin’ idiot.”
The noise you made was one of discontent and disdain, the arguing deltas immediately quieting. You didn’t argue with the chirping growl that meant displeased omega, not in a real pack where the goal was to keep omegas pleased and docile. Somewhere your brain reminded you that this wasn’t your pack but the alpha hormones filling your blood and confusing you and yet somehow all you could focus on was whining and pushing at pack members to get them out of the way as your rearranged; clicking your teeth grumpily when you were handed a blanket instead of a pillow or vice versa.
You found yourself being corralled back into the corner, where Natasha and Wanda immediately wrapped themselves around you. Thor had found Bruce and settled beside and settled near your feet where you’d built an intricate nest wall of pillows and blankets. Two of the deltas, Tony and Loki seemed to be glaring at each other—even as Tony laid himself completely on top of the other and they both relaxed into comfortable holds.
It was interesting, watching the pack dynamics as they moved between each other. Clint wrapped around Natasha from behind the same way Carol found her way behind Wanda. Peter had weaseled his way into curling against Loki’s side while tossing a leg over the man’s hip, subsequently laying it over the backs of Tony’s thighs. Sam, Bucky and Steve all found their way into a neat grouping on the bed closest to the stairs, piled as close to the subsequent piles of superheros as possible.
There was some sort of pattern beginning to form in the back of your brain but you were still too confused, too sucked into your own omega hindbrain by the overwhelming introduction of alpha hormone to your system. Instead of following the thought through to the end, you found yourself warm and comfortable and full and falling asleep tucked between the groupings of presentations as if it wasn’t totally, 100% against your will.
 content warnings: forced cum eating, chemical manipulation, dead dove: do not eat
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
The Barrier
Author: @hutchhitched
Prompt 77: Married Everlark are coworkers and their marriage is on the rocks. They’ve been sleeping in separate rooms. Divorce looks inevitable. On a business trip, there is *dramatic pause* only one bed. Does the forced closeness lead them to really talk for the first time in months or does it drive them further apart? Smut not required. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Ratings/Warnings: M; allusions to infertility, divorce, self-loathing
  “What do you mean there’s only one bed?” Katniss hissed at her husband. “We were supposed to have our own rooms, and now you’re telling me we have to share a bed? Did you do this on purpose?”
Peeta glared at her, fury flaring in his blue eyes. If she weren’t so furious herself, she’d push a little harder, but the flint-like nature of his glower convinced her that she needed to steer clear, if only by shutting her mouth once she’d voiced her opinions.
“What kind of idiot do you think I am?” he practically spat at her. “It’s not like I want to spend time with you. I get enough of that at home.”
“A big one.”
“A big one, what?”
“You asked what kind of idiot I think you are. I think you’re a big idiot.”
“Enjoy sleeping on the street,” he said with unnatural calm and turned sharply on his heel. He’d only taken three steps before she crumbled. She had no interest in sharing a bed or a room with the man she’d married a decade ago, but she definitely didn’t have any desire to sleep in the hotel lobby, or worse.
“Oh, come on!” She called after him and hurried to catch up before he made it to the elevator. “You’re not going to leave me hanging. We’re here for work, and neither of us can afford a bad performance review this year.”
“It’d be worth it,” he groused.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Peeta stood to the side so those inside the elevator could clear out and then stepped into the box with his suitcase. He punched the button for their floor and leaned against the wall without bothering to glance her way as she struggled to get inside with her bag.
“Can we not?” he asked tiredly. “You can yell at me all you want in the hotel room, but it’s unseemly in public.”
“Unseemly?” She almost said more, but bit the inside of her cheek instead. She could wait until they reached their room to see how bad the situation was going to be before she said anything else. This whole thing probably wasn’t fair in any way, but she couldn’t help but feel like this was somehow all his fault.
The elevator ride concluded in silence, as did the walk from the elevator to their room. Peeta fiddled with the lock for a full minute and cursed as the red light flashed several times before finally figuring out how it worked and popping the door open to allow them to enter. He flipped on the lights as he entered, and she almost smiled at the familiarity of him scanning the corners for someone hiding in the shadows. He’d started that habit on their honeymoon when they’d not bothered to look before going at it against the door as soon as they closed it behind them. An errant cleaning lady who’d only been dropping off extra towels and pillows had gotten quite a show, very likely one she’d had absolutely no interest in viewing.
The honeymoon was a long, long time ago. So long, in fact, that Katniss wasn’t even sure if she even liked her husband anymore, let alone loved him. They hadn’t been intimate in forever, it seemed, and she hadn’t missed it at all. Well, that wasn’t true. She did miss it. She just wasn’t interested in doing anything with him. All the sexual tension, passion, and lust that had existed between them had simply dried up as real life got in the way. They’d taken out their frustrations and irritations on each other instead of looking for comfort in the other’s arms.
“Do you want to use the bathroom first?” Peeta asked as he set his bag on the edge of the bed and unzipped it.
“First, yes. If it’s okay with you.”
“I don’t care. Knock yourself out.”
He turned his back on her and stripped off his tie before unbuttoning his shirt. He got it over his shoulders and was working on his belt before she shook herself out of her daze and closed the door to the bathroom behind her. Taking her time, she showered and re-braided her hair before brushing her teeth and applying moisturizer. She was just about to pluck her eyebrows when a pounding sounded on the door.
“Can you hurry it up? I’d like to go to sleep sometime tonight.”
Irritated, she jammed her beauty products back in her toiletry bag and ripped open the door. Haughtily, she glared at him and swept by to head to the bed. When she saw what he’d done, she froze.
“What’s this?”
“What’s what?”
“Why are all these pillows in the middle of the bed?”
“They’re making a barrier.”
“Yes, I can see that, jackass. Why is there a barrier of pillows in the middle of the bed?”
“To separate us.”
“But you’re sleeping on the floor.”
“Why the hell would I sleep on the floor?”
“Because we’re not sharing a bed right now. We don’t even sleep in the same room at home anymore. Why would you think we’d do that here?”
Peeta gaped at her, completely dumbstruck. It took a while for him to put words together, but when he did, she wanted to smack him.
“Katniss, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re crazy if you think I’m going to sleep on the floor of a hotel just because you decided you don’t want to be married to me anymore. I’ve tried to be understanding, but this is bullshit. I’m not a puppy you can kick.” Peeta shook his head and squeezed his eyes closed and his lips together. She knew that expression because it was one he’d shown much too often in the past several months. That was the look he made when he was about to lose his temper. “Now, I’m going to shower. If you have shit to do, I’d suggest taking care of it while I’m in there because I’m tired, and I’m going to sleep once I’m done.”
She waited until he’d closed the door to the bathroom before ripping the pillows off the middle of the bed. Hell if she was going to sleep in the same bed with him. He’d made a mistake to leave her alone if he thought that was going to happen. She piled the pillows back up against the headboard and then climbed into bed. Once she was directly in the middle, she pulled the covers over herself, set an alarm, and turned off the lights. If she tried, she might actually be asleep before he came back out, and then he’d have to take the floor. They’d barely seen each other in the past few weeks, let alone touched. She certainly didn’t want to start that the night before a big meeting.
It felt like she’d hardly closed her eyes when Peeta exited the bathroom and walked over to the bed. Smirking to herself, she rejoiced in her petty victory. Except… The mattress dipped under her, and she jumped as her husband climbed in behind her. With a shriek, she sprang from the bed and stood clutching the sheets in front of her.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Indignant, she wanted to smack his face. His eyes shone wide and blue with faux innocence that quickly shifted to a self-satisfied sneer.
“I’m going to bed. I told you that before I went into the bathroom. Really, Katniss. You should pay closer attention when I tell you what I’m planning. Someone might think you don’t listen. Not very good for a relationship, you know.”
“I was there!”
“And I put up a barrier, which you demolished. Seemed like an invitation.”
“You are such an asshole,” she sputtered. “Get out the bed.”
“And you’re being a total bitch. Get back in bed, and we’ll stick the pillows back between us. I’m not sleeping on the goddamn floor because you’re too stubborn to actually talk about what’s wrong between us.”
“I’m not sleeping in the bed with you!”
“Then, have fun on the floor.”
Infuriated, she fumed at him with a slack mouth and a hollowed out chest. He knew exactly what to say to hurt her, and maybe that was the problem. He knew her too well, knew all her vulnerabilities and insecurities and disappointments. Because of that, she could hardly look him in the face. If she did, she’d have to admit all the flaws she had, and if she did that, he’d know the same way she does that she doesn’t deserve him. Not in a million lifetimes.
Gutted, she ducked her head as tears pricked at her eyes. He reached for her, but she flinched away from him. She couldn’t handle his compassion, which he offered even when they were at their worst.
“Don’t touch me,” she ordered as strongly as she could, which was a pathetic attempt at regaining control. “Don’t touch me. Just put the pillows back. Please.”
He nodded, and it was almost her undoing. Turning her back, she waited until the rustling stopped before climbing back under the covers and settling on her side. The silence was louder than any noise she’d ever heard. It was matched only by the rush of blood in her ears. She stifled a sob and squeezed her eyes closed as tightly as she could. It wasn’t until she was almost asleep that she heard him.
“Goodnight, Katniss.”
She didn’t bother to answer.
Katniss woke to a streak of sunlight on her face and a warm fuzzy feeling that stretched from the pit of her stomach to the tips of her fingers and toes. Safe and warm, she nuzzled into the pillow, only to realize it was hard muscle covered in soft cotton, and there was something stiff poking into her thigh.
She didn’t want to move, didn’t want to risk losing the feeling of being loved and protected and cherished. There’s been so little of that in her life. Since her father died, the only person outside of her family who loved her was Peeta. Peeta Mellark, her childhood sweetheart turned fiancé who became her husband way too young, loved her. Maybe he still did, but it was hard to cling to the possibility. More likely, he wanted a divorce. She’d probably face the rest of her life alone.
She closed her eyes and floated in the sensation of being cared for by someone who didn’t have to want her. The press of muscular thighs and cut hips and…hell, she wanted that. She needed it. Desperate, she ground against the thick shaft and moaned low in her throat. It was matched by one just as frantic and eager.
“Katniss,” he whispered, and she tipped her head back to accept his kiss. He’s a dream, someone who could see past everything she couldn’t accomplish, every failure, every disappointment. “Sweetheart, you feel so good.”
He rolled on top of her and hitched her legs around his waist. They rutted against each other, groaning and whimpering at the pleasure they received from their connection. He made her feel so much better. He made her feel like she wasn’t a failure. He made her feel worthy.
“I’ve missed you so much. Missed you so much.”
Hands scrabbled at her sleep shorts. Heat flooded between them and deep in her gut. She wanted him, craved him inside her, longed for acceptance. Something about him—
Peeta froze on top of her. His reaction was immediate, which only made her feel worse. She’d lost herself, forgotten who it was in bed with her. She’d led him on and allowed him to think their marriage could survive this when he’d be a million times better off leaving than staying with someone who couldn’t give him what he wanted.
“Don’t,” she warned. “Don’t talk to me like you can fix things if you only talk slowly and calmly enough. I’m not a child.”
“Sweetheart, please. Please let me in. I don’t want to lose you,” he whispered fiercely. “Please don’t do this to us.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“Tell me what’s wrong. Tell me what I did. Why did you pull away from me? What did I do that was so terrible?”
She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to breathe evenly, but sobs choked her. He hadn’t done anything. He’d only ever been a wonderful husband, and all that did was remind her that she couldn’t ever live up to what he should have. He was loved and respected and admired by everyone, and she was suspicious of the world. He could make anyone laugh, while she stood by awkwardly with an uncomfortable expression on her face. There were a million things like that, but the worst was what she couldn’t quite process enough to allow herself to embrace what he wanted to give her.
He wanted children, and she couldn’t give them to him.
She burst into tears, which she knew was the only guaranteed way to get him to back down from the brewing confrontation. He wasn’t so much of a masochist that he’d purposefully provoke a weeping woman, particularly not his wife, no matter how strained their relationship. Like she knew he would, Peeta released her and flopped onto his back on the mattress next to her. He didn’t try to comfort her. Instead, he allowed her to sob as her tears quickly converted from fake cries to full-fledged howling.
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed, and he accepted her apology without even demanding to know anything else. She knew he was frustrated, but he held the space for her, without pushing, as she worked through her outburst. Finally, she quieted, and he rolled onto his side and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.
“Better?” he asked with such gentleness in his eyes and voice and touch that she broke again.
“No!” she wailed. “It’s not better. It’s never going to be better.”
Exasperated, he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. Without a word, he stalked to the bathroom, and she heard the shower turn on and the unmistakable sound of him stepping into it. Embarrassed, she closed her eyes and tried to still her rapidly beating heart. Nowhere in her plan for this trip did she anticipate break down in front of her husband, but she also hadn’t foreseen that they’d have to share a bed. It wasn’t like they’d been doing that at home. Not for months.
“Shower’s free,” he announced as he re-entered the room with a towel slung low on his waist.
His hair, usually ashy blonde and wavy when it was dry, clung to his head as water droplets traced down his chest. A jolt of lust shot through her, something she hadn’t felt for a long time. Without a word, she passed by him to get ready. When she was done, he’d already left for their meeting. The day passed quickly, and too soon they were back in the room together with an awkward silence hanging between them. Peeta didn’t even bother to talk. He simply got ready for bed and curled up on his side with his back to the wall of pillows between them.
Katniss attempted to fall asleep for what felt like ages, but the only thing she could do was listen to the steady in and out of Peeta’s breath. The sound was so familiar to her, and it was even more dear than that. She missed him so much, and, if the morning was any indication, he wanted her as much as she needed him.
“Peeta,” she hissed. When he merely grunted, she moved one of the pillows that separated them and reached across the barrier. “Peeta, wake up.”
“What do you want?” he grumbled without turning toward her. “Sleeping.”
“I want you.”
Peeta rolled over, but he didn’t make any effort to touch her. Pillows still separated them, but the wall they’d built between them was much worse than the temporary barrier. They needed to talk, but she didn’t intend to. She could distract him, she knew. She’d always been able to with a smile and a kiss and her body.
“Talk to me first.”
“Why? What good will it do?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it would fix everything. Maybe, just maybe, we could save our marriage. If nothing else, it might make me think you want me and not just a night of meaningless sex. It’s not like we’ve exactly been jumping each other for the past several months.”
She sniffed at his sarcasm, although she couldn’t blame him. He’d put up with a lot from her, but he’d been kind of awful, too. His kindness earlier in the day didn’t make up for some of the cutting remarks and nasty actions he’d resorted to when he was frustrated. Still, his desperate plea for her to let him in struck at her heart, and she didn’t want to lie to him anymore. If she could just get started, the barrier between them could be dismantled.
“You wanted a baby.”
Her voice waved, but it was out there now. She knew it wasn’t her fault, had gone over the medical issues repeatedly, had processed all of it. Still, she felt like a failure. Knowing and feeling were almost never the same thing when it came to pain and disappointment.
“So did you.”
“It’s not the same.”
He signed loudly. Shifting away from him, she curled into herself at his irritation.
“Sweetheart, I love you. I’ve always loved you. Yes, I wanted a baby, but I want you more.”
“You don’t mean that,” she protested.
“I really, really do.”
“How am I supposed to believe it?”
Peeta sat up and grabbed the pillows between them and tossed them to the floor before grabbing her arm and tugging her toward him. He put his mouth next to her ear and hissed, “I want you more than anything else in the world. Do you feel that? Can’t you tell how much I crave being inside you?”
She shivered at the feel of him hard and plastered against her thigh. How he’d gotten there so quickly, she had no idea, but it gave her ideas, especially since she did some quick math in her head and realized it had been over six months since she’d slept with her husband. They still had a million things to talk about, a thousand misunderstandings to navigate, and a ton of baggage, but the removal of the barrier had begun.
When he hummed, she leaned in to kiss him. They had one more night in their shared hotel room. Katniss decided to take full advantage of it, and it didn’t take long before Peeta let her know how enthusiastically he agreed with her plan. Maybe they couldn’t fix what was between them, but it couldn’t hurt to try.
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lovenhlboys · 3 years
From a Distance (E.Pettersson x Reader)
Chapter 5
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Be added to series taglist
A/N: I have finally graduated!! now I have time so I can work on this until its finished, and trust me, it won't take too long, I'll release the other chapters on a faster, more regular basis since I don't have much else to do, and cause I've had the plan and ideas for the rest of this story for so long. I thank you for your patience with me and I hope y'all love it!! And as always Ash is my savior and I love her @imagines-r-s
change in POV is signalized by:
Y/N= regular ELIAS= italics
(any other info is on the masterlist)
Warnings: cursing, Mentions of Psych, baby & baby talk, loving of dogs, goalie being essentially psychic
Words: 3.3k
Summary: some reflecting on prior events happens.
Well, it has been quite the day for you. You never would have thought anything like this could have happened. “Freaking out” isn’t strong enough to describe your current state. You need to talk to someone, god you’re so happy right now. So you call Quinn.
“Hey, Quinny!”
“Sup Y/N/N?” he answers
“I’m picking up from work, and I'm about to head home, where you will be there too, with a bottle of our favorite wine and some take-out.”
“Got it, something important happened?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” you still couldn't stop smiling.
“Ok how important, expensive wine or REALLY expensive wine?”
“Uhhh in between,” you decided.
“Ahhh ok, can't wait. See you there, bye!!”
“Bye, Huggy”
You finish packing up and text Brock to tell him that you and Quinn are having a wine night, to make sure he knows to be somewhere else.
As you’re walking out, you call Holly.
“Hey, Babe!”
“God I always forget you interned in Dallas,” she says laughing.
“You pick that shit up quickly, I’m telling you. even the Fins were saying 'y'all'"
“So what’s up?” She asks.
“Are you free tonight, cause I have some very big news so it’s a wine night.”
“Umm, let me see if Bo wants to have the guys over and watch Gunnar” you hear her call her husband and ask him. “He said sure!”
“Okie Dokie! Text Quinn that you’re coming too, so he knows to get your usual from the take-out place” you tell her.
“Will do, and Y/N/N?" she says before you hang up.
“Do you want me to grab ice cream?” She asks, already knowing your answer.
“Of course!”
“Ok, see you there” she hangs up.
You drive home jamming out to your music, as everyone should. You still can’t believe what happened today. It feels like it happened last week but it also feels like you never left that break room. Hopefully, Elias won’t mind that you’re telling Quinn and Holly. As long as you tell them not to say anything to the other guys, all should be well.
Once you get home, the dogs greet you at the door, “Oh hi! Hi sweeties! Oh yes, yes hi Coolieee, oh you’re such a cutie,” you drop your bags and get down on your knees to get on their level. When you get on your knees, Milo knows it means you want him to hug you, so he hops up and puts his paws on your shoulders. “Hi, hi, hi, oh thank you for the hugs. Oh yes auntie loves you soooooo much mmwwaaa”
Quinn is there and has everything set up and ready to go, so you change into your sweats and grab your blanket, and sit next to Quinn on the couch, grabbing your glass of wine and food before you sit down. Now you just have to wait for Holly
“Sooo, what’s the news?” Quinn asks you.
“Holly isn’t here yet, we have to wait.”
”Oh so it’s that good?” He raises his eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” You question, taking a sip of your wine.
“Well, when the news isn’t that important you usually don’t care if she hears it after me, or I hear it after her. But when it’s super important news, you have the other one wait.”
“Hmm, well then yeah. It’s pretty fuckin’ great, I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling for like 5 hours.”
Just then Holly comes in the door with Gus under one arm and a grocery bag full of ice cream in her other hand, “hi puppies, yes I have your friend with me”
“Oh! Hi Burton!!” You say with your puppy voice.
“Ok, why do you call him Burton? I never understood that.”
“It’s from one of my favorite shows!” You exclaim
“Y/N/N I don’t know if you know this but you, your brother, and Quinn all have like 50 “favorite TV shows” I’m gonna need you to say more than that,” she says to you as she grabs her food from the counter, and heads to the couch. She sits on the side of you not occupied by Quinn.
“Ok, rude,” Quinn sassed.
“It’s from Psych. One of the main characters is called Gus, but his first name is Burton, and the police chief and one of the detectives calls him by his full name which is Burton Guster, so there.”
“Got it.”
“Ok, Holly no more distractions,” Quinn starts, sticking his tongue out at her, she returns the gesture. “So what’s the important news?”
“Oh, you didn’t tell him yet! So it’s really important!” she says.
“Hmm, I guess I do do that,” you realize, “I would actually like you guys to guess” you take a bite of your food, smugly. Knowing neither of them would even have an idea of what to guess.
“Hmmm,” Quinn hums, he looks like he has a mischievous grin “does it have to do with a certain Swede?”
“Wha-“ you choke on your bite of food, Quinn is giggling at your reaction, “the fuck? How’d you know that?”
“Well umm, a certain brother of yours may have asked me if he should do that plan.”
“Why would you do that?’ you whined, upset at your friends for teaming up on you. You couldn’t imagine what you would’ve done if that plan didn’t work out the way it did today.
“Did it work?” He asked with a grin.
“That’s not the point, asshole!”
“See but it worked! He doesn’t hate you anymore, now you can flirt your ass off and make him see you as more than a friend” he tells you.
You laugh, he has no idea what happened in that break room.
“Ok, I’m out of the loop here, what happened?” Holly interjects
“Ok, well my idiot brother and apparently my asshole best friend came up with this plan-“
“Actually Marky and Thatch knew about it too,” he stops you from interrupting, “AND, to be fair, you can’t blame Brock for going to us. I mean I’m your best friend, and the goalies are just good at planning and doing crazy things”
“WELL. Those dicks that I call my closest friends and family, decided it was a good idea to lock me in one of the Canucks break rooms with Elias fucking Pettersson because he hated me and they wanted us to get along”
Holly starts laughing, “oh my god, they did not” she continues to laugh and Quinn joins her. You roll your eyes at them both.
“Yes, they did. I was not a happy camper. But it worked out and he doesn’t hate me.”
“See, I knew it would work! And like I said, now you can work your moves and get him to like you as more than just a friend.” He grins again.
You grin “Oh, also that’s the other part.” You take a long sip of your wine, both Holly and Quinn stared at you wide-eyed, waiting for you to finish, “turns out he’s a great kisser”
“I’m sorry,” Quinn said softly, he took a breath “WHAT?”
“Yeah, would you like more details?”
“Fucking- yeah,” they said simultaneously.
You went on to explain the events that happened in that incredible breakroom
“How the fuck did he keep that a secret, and why?” Quinn exclaimed, clearly confused that he didn't know something so big about who he considers one of his best friends.
“I don't know, but both of you have to absolutely promise me that you won't tell literally anyone else, ok? Not Bo, not Brock, not Demer, Stech, Marky, nobody!”
“Yeah, yeah that's fine,” Holly said, waving her hand in dismissal, wanting to get past that and know more. “So how do you feel?”
“Like the luckiest girl in the world,” you said while giggling with a big smile.
“Y/N/N. I’m so happy for you.” Quinn says with a genuine smile.”
“Ok, enough about me. How were your days?”
“Not as interesting as yours, but Gunnar and I spent the whole day out and about with Bo, and now I’m having a great wine night with you guys so it’s been a pretty amazing day.”
“Yeah, well I spent the whole day waiting for Y/N to come to kill me cause I thought she’d find out I had something to do with that whole situation,” Quinn says.
“Well let me just tell you, Hughes, if it hadn’t ended up the way it did, I may have had a few words for you.”
“I know, that’s why I was panicking the whole day”
“OH MY GOD” Holly shouted as she looked at her phone
“What, what’s wrong?” You ask
“Umm, you are going to LOVE this shit, Y/N/N”
She thrusts her phone in your face. When you look down you see a picture of Elias holding Gunnar, with a toy you hadn’t seen before. Elias looks so happy, looking down at the baby Horvat. Then there’s another alert on Holly's phone, “ohmygod,” you mumble. The alert is another text from Bo, it’s a video this time. You press play. In the video Elias is playing with Gunnar, using a high-pitched baby voice “oh yes you love your new toy that the best uncle in the world got you! Yes, you do cause I’m your very favorite, yes I am. You are just so cute, so lucky you got your looks from your mama, yes you are.”
From behind the camera, you can hear Bo, “Hey, have you looked at him, he looks just like me”
“Daddy is crazy, isn’t he? Yeaaaaah” Elias says to the boy.
The video ends and you see what text Bo had sent along with the picture and video
Bowie 💙: Yes, he got him ANOTHER toy. If he keeps this up, we’re gonna need a bigger house just for the toys lias gets him
“This boy is going to be the death of me I swear to god,” you say, handing the phone to Quinn, and placing your head in your hand. That video was literally the cutest thing you’ve seen in about 5 years.
You continue to talk, you end up explaining what Elias had told you about not doing anything else yet, and what he had said regarding that. You all finish eating and eventually decide on watching some ’how i met your mother’.
After they leave, you spend the rest of the night replaying the events from the break room in your head. Imagining what will eventually happen with you two. You truly can’t believe it. You’ve never felt this way about anyone and you’ve only known he likes you for about 12 hours. Elias Pettersson is going to be a special, if not the most special person in your life. So you pull out your notebook and a pen that you always keep next to your bed and you write your thoughts down.
First, you write the date at the top then skip 2 lines
Elias Pettersson, I think I love you. I know it’s too early to say and we’ve only had one day together, but I need to write this down.
It looks ridiculous and cheesy now that I’m reading it but if my gut is right, which it normally is, I just had to write it down. I had to tell you. If not in real life, at least just in this notebook. As cliche as it sounds, maybe I can show you it one day. I mean I do love myself a hallmark movie, so maybe this can be like one of those.
You sign it at the bottom, close your notebook, and place it back in your drawer.
You’re such a hopeless romantic and you kinda want to make fun of yourself, like you would do if you found out any of the guys did this kind of thing. ( And if you’re being honest, you wouldn’t be surprised if your own brother would do something like this. Your parents kind of instilled a love of romcoms in you guys at a young age.)
So once your thoughts have settled, you close your eyes and drift off to sleep.
Elias’s night wasn’t that much different. He arrived at the Horvat residence with some snacks for the boys, and a new toy for Gunnar, as always. Every time he sees one he knows Gunnar will like, he buys it...it’s a problem.
“Petey!!” Stech shouts as he gets up to grab the snacks from him.
“So how was your daaaaay” Thatcher asks from the couch.
“I’m sure Brock has inform you of how my day went”
“‘Inform’ us he has. But OUR plan is what caused this. WE worked very hard on it” Thatcher says, chuckling.
“Wait, who all knew about it??”
“I didn’t!” Bo shouts from the kitchen!
“And neither did this little boy, he would never betray me,” Elias says, grabbing Gunnar from Brock on the couch and carrying him into the kitchen, the other guys follow. “And guess what Gunnar!!! I got you another toy, cause I’m the best uncle you have, yes I am.”
“Another toy Lias?? Really, I’m going to need to make a whole mother room for all of the toys you get him if you don’t stop”
“But why would I ever stop when he is the best boy ever! He deserves the world, yes he does,” Elias says, looking at Gunnar the whole time.
“Ok, now it’s time for him to have dinner,” Bo says, grabbing Gunnar from Elias.
“So… all of you knew?”
Stech, Brock, Demer, and Marky all nodded, with a guilty look.
“What about you? Elias said, looking at Nils. Nils looked guilty and nodded slowly “my own son? Really Hogs?”
“I’m sorry, I just wants to help you!!”
“We all just ‘wants’ to help you, Petey!” Marky said, mocking the youngest Swede’s mistake. All of them would do that to both of them, make fun of them when they messed up, they just wanted to help them, it’s all in good fun.
“Ok, I know but what if it didn’t work, what would you guys have done?”
“Elias my dear, the point is that it did work. And now Brock won’t have an aneurysm every time you and Y/N/N are in the same room together” Troy says, placing his arm around Elias’s shoulder.
“Yeah Petey, all we wanted was for you to like her as much as we do!” Thatcher said.
“Ok, I never hated her, I just-”, he paused trying to come up with what he was going to say next, “I don’t socialize well, it’s hard for me to talk to people, ok?”
“Which is exactly why we did this. Y/C/N/N is a sweet girl, we just needed to give you both a push since you’re essentially the same person” Marky said.
“LITERALLY” Brock shouted, “ I swear, the more and more I hang out with you, Petey, the more I realize you and my sister are the same. Like sure, she and Quinny are best friends. And like they’re both similar like they’re both shy, awkward, nice, and stuff but you two have the same humor, need for attention, sassy bite, etcétéra etcétéra.”
“Oh my god, you’re totally right! And their fake self confident-ness thingy!!” The other guys shouted assorted affirmations to Nils’s comment.
“What do you mean ‘fake self-confidence thing’?” Elias was confused.
“Both of you do a something where you say stuffs like “well I’m hot, so..” or “cause I’m the best” and my favorite “because the people likes me better than you” but neither of you feel that way far down. You both just like to act like you more confident than you are really.”
“Damn, he called you two out, and he’s so right” Bo chimed in with a chuckle. “Ok, well now that he’s done eating, Marky, can you and the baby Swede go out and pick up the pizza?”
“Yes sir, captain sir!” Marky said saluting Bo.
The rest of them talked while they waited for Gunnars stomach to settle.
“Hey Petey, wanna go grab drinks from the store with me,” Thatcher asks.
“I think we’re good actu-“ Bo starts
“Petey” Thatcher insists with a look that says that’s not exactly the reason why he wants Elias to come with him. And he knows better than to say no to a goalie who gives him that look.
“Yep,” he gets up and follows Demer out the door.
They get in the car and that’s when it starts “so,” Thatch says, “how long have you liked her?” He asks.
“I- uh what? What are you talking abou-”
“Oh save it blondy, I have a 6th sense about this shit.”
“Damn goalies. At least Marky doesn’t know,” Elias mumbles under his breath.
“Oh he definitely does, he just hasn’t said anything for some reason” he laughs.
“How do you know he just doesn’t know?”
“Cause I know this shit, bro. He may have even been messing with you since he and Y/N/N are cuddle buddies and shit. Just to get you to make a move or something”
“HE MADE ME DO THE OPPOSITE! I thought they were together for the longest time until she told me TODAY” That made Thatcher laugh, you know, Elias’s pain and suffering is just HILARIOUS.
Once he calmed down he continued to talk, “Ok, well you didn’t tell us the whole story of what happened in there, so spill” he said as they walked into the store.
“We may have talked”
“....bitch that’s not it, keep going”
“And we kissed a little,” Elias said, face turning red.
“That’s my boy!” Thatcher clapped him on the shoulder.
“You're only 3 years older than me”
“And you're only a year older than Nils, who you claim as your ‘son,’ so shhh” he retorted, “so I assume you two talked about it after, actually knowing you two, that may not have happened,” Thatcher said as they checked out.
“Ha ha ha, yes we talked about it Douglas,” Elias said with an eye roll. “I just told her that I can’t do anything till I do something” he said as they got into the car again.
“What’s that “something” you have to do?” The goalie questioned.
“Talk to her older brother that may just kill me if I tell him so, I’m not too pumped about that.”
“Have you forgotten how much Brock loves you? You’re each other’s work husbands, I think if you tell him he’ll be shocked, but he’d be ok with it.”
“But you didn’t hear what Brock had said about his friend chad in high school! He beat him up and cut him out, I don’t want that to happen to me”
“Petey, if you feel as strongly as I think you feel about YNN then I think you have to tell her, or that would be an extreme disservice to you, her, and honestly my mental health, so you have some work to do.” He said as they finally walked into the Horvat house again.
“Yeah, Petey you have to work on some stuff, like your hair!” Brock quipped.
“Shut up, frat boy, not all of us can have a luscious flow like you.” Elias jabbed back, “oh hi, how’s my favorite person here? Is your tummy settled now, can I finally give you your new toy?”
“Yes, you can,” Bo says, handing his child off to the blonde Swede.
Elias took Gunnar down to the floor, where his new toy was, and played with him while talking in his baby voice, at some point Bo took a video and sent it to Holly, and also his insta story. But that’s ok, he loved his little ‘nephew,’ and honestly, his day couldn’t have gone better.
Tagist: @calgarycanuck @suffering-canucks-fan @2manytabsopen @lovethepreds @callllumhood @mellany1997 @yourlocalgranolagirl54 @all-time-fanatic @Fitnessfreak498 @mysoftboybowen @peachyotps @kale-makar @kentjohnsons @iwantahockeyhimbo @aeyyy-ohhhh @peteysimp @nhlindblom @mitchsmullet @dolphinahabsfan @starswin @heunderwoo @hockeymockeryandlove @peteysimp
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faerienextdoor · 4 years
general relationship hcs with (some) pastas
Fair warning, I'm using and hinting at mine and my friends’ writing for these creeps :) enjoy  also as soon as i figure out how to open an ask box, I’ll be accepting requests
- oh where to start with this absolute himbo
- he melts around you. like he's your bitch, and you're his.
- he's the type of boyfriend that takes you out in the snow and shoves a handful down the back of your jacket, and laughs until you shove snow in his face
- it is snow war
- it ends with you cuddling him, wrapped in a blanket and content in front of the burning fire he got started just for you <3
- but he also has some weird... habits.
- drinks pickle juice.
- gets his hand stuck in the jar.
- looks at you like 🥺 until you sigh and help him. for the fifteenth time.
- he can cook some basic breakfast foods, and happily breaks out a cookbook to prepare you something as a surprise or to learn something with you!!
- baking with him would be a mess. he forgets flour goes everywhere and now you both look like you took a bath in cocaine
- but the cupcakes are mediocre at best. they aren't absolute garbage, so... cupcake points!
- he worries about how hoodie treats you. he doesn't remember anything when he regains control, but you've reassured him hoodie is just fine.
- and he is
- hoodie is like a rottweiler or a doberman.
- protective. intimidating. energetic.
- but also a giant fucking baby.
- this large ass man lumbers over and drops to his knees. places his chin on your lap and stares at you from the fabric of his mask until you stop what you're doing and stroke his head awkwardly
- you could swear he does those happy grumbled a rottie does.
- hoodie is silent but shows he loves you just as much as brian does. He strokes your hair silently, even places a kiss to the crown of your head as you sink into his beefy arms.
- he smells nice too. surprisingly.
- but that raises the question: if hoodie showers, does he shower with that damn thing on?
- you won't get an answer if you were to ask.
- brian introduces you to his grandma julia. and she dotes on you.
- the immortal old lady remarks that you’re the best s/o brian has brought to her yet.
- a lumberjack man with biceps like a fucking tree trunk
- how'd you land him? give me your secrets (/j)
- he's such a love bug. a tired stressed love bug.
- he finds /every/ excuse to have physical contact with you. it's like a little touch from you reassures him that you're real. you're like a dream to him.
- he's the best for cuddles. He holds you to his chest
- and you get special access to his moobs
- and he gently strokes your head, traces shapes into your back, etc. it's a special intimate moment each time.
- my man's is italian-american but can't cook to save his fucken life
- he always gets your favorite microwave meals though!! he never forgets.
- not feeling good? dw baby he's making it for you <33 shitty low tier bean and cheese burrito coming up
- slowly he learns the basics and surprises you with lunch or even dinner if you're lucky!!
- he loves you so much. and wants you to feel it and know it. all the time.
- god where to start with this bitch
- he's not jeff levels of bad ofc, but he's silent and... weird. creepy, some may say. he doesn't mean to be.
- and he's a hard ass. far more strict than tim.
- he follows you around like a giant fucken puppy and will spook you by grabbing you abruptly and holding you tightly
- you can't escape him. he really utilizes his physical strength
- he loves lifting you up and just... holding you. or carrying you off.
- protective and overbearing.
- but tim keeps him under control.
- he wouldn't want to lose you like he lost his last wife.
- you find pictures of a woman laying around and a small girl that bears a striking resemblance to her and tim.
- tim goes quiet and questioned but eventually caves and tells you about his family
- or what he used to have
- his wife died and his daughter disappeared.
- it broke him and you're all he has left now
- constantly needs your affection in return to his own
- pls love him
- why the fuck would you date him
- he's the absolute worst in so many aspects. But he genuinely tries for you.
- even if his gifts are shitty, it's nice to know he thoughts of you, right? even if it's a half dead flower or a rib torn from a deer caraccas.
- but you get the butt end of his shithead antics. ranch bath, specifically. he smelt like spoiled milk for a week after and you had to cuddle that fucker.
- and don't get me started on mayo bath
- but he still loves finding himself in your arms. or finding you in his. he's demanding affection wise, and will yank you into him for some cuddles. whether you like it or not.
- he isn't one for a lot of pet names, but calls you curse words or "sweetheart" in polish.
- and you get to see the side of him that only shows when he breaks down.
(bit of angst)
- he misses his family and the life he used to have. he'll reminisce what it was like in poland with his mom and family with you, and you sometimes swear you can see his brown eyes gloss over at the memory of her.
- he never talks about his dad, you've noticed.
- don't ask.
- he brushes off heavy conversations with some dumb quip ("wanna see my renegade?")
- he sucks at cooking. god awful at it. but he really tries for you. manages a bowl of oat meal that's edible.
- but he overloads it with sugar and for some reason, salt.
- he's confused. he thinks that's normal (it isn't)
- his idea of a date is napping with you. or rather, forcing you into nap time.
- I mean it when I say this man is strong in a weird fucken way. latches onto you with that iron grip and you won't be able to leave for at least a few hours.
- ethereal wlw woman.
- could break you with her heels. or a flutter of what eyelashes she has.
- you're lucky to have her, and she's just as lucky to have you!
- she's sweet and charming. very smooth and takes good care of you.
- her love language is a mix of physical touch and acts of service.
- she'll cuddle you all night, and then make you breakfast in the morning.
- she loves showering with you when she's comfy enough around you! it's super intimate and she washes your hair.
- massages the soap into your hair, suds spilling down your neck and back as her fingers scrub circles into your scalp.
- it's heaven on earth. such a domestic life.
- it'll take a while for her to settle enough in the relationship for you to see her without her mask
- you make her feel so loved and wanted
- secure, even.
- she's protective but not controlling or overbearing. shes that type of girlfriend that's just a worrywart and relaxes as soon as you're curled up in her arms. you fit there perfectly, too. like you belong there.
- which you do. at least in her mind
- she has such a gentle touch and hold on you. like she's afraid you'll combust in her arms if she holds you too tightly.
- she loves stroking your hair and having you nap
- using her tiddies as a pillow 👌
- she needs affirmation from you when it comes to her scars.
- she thinks that jeff ruined her. permanently marking her once spotless body.
- and she thinks you'll hate her or find her disgusting.
- that's why she freezes if/when you gently slip off her mask.
- she stares at you with those teary green eyes. then leans in and kisses you
- you make all of her worries disappear.
- she's also financially comfortable, but not really rich (on that topic: eat the rich)
- she spoils you every chance she gets. gifts, a nice dinner date, you name it
- she almost spoils you as much as she does her cat Emory
- little shit has the sparkliest fucken collar and acts like he's the shit
- he's your fur baby too now
- oh my god this disaster of an art boi
- he's convinced he's the luckiest man in the world (and he might as well be!!)
- he obviously wouldn't have been the one to confess. but it was really obvious by how he painted and drew you constantly, that some feeling for you was lodged into his beating heart.
- he treats you like the finest china. with the most care a man can manage.
- he's the definition of clingy and affectionate from the very start.
- he curls around your sleeping form perfectly when y'all cuddle.
- his hand dances in your hair, soothing you into a dreamless sleep each night without fail.
- he has a magic touch and a gentle voice.
- and he cherishes you so fucken much. (like a simp /j)
- he shies away from kisses at first, but will hold your hand and melts if you hold his face in them!!!
- he's greek, and often speaks sweet things to you in it. he's so comfortable around you that he speaks in his native language to you. that's an accomplishment.
- he loves when you baby him. helen loves being cradled and loved.
- taking a nap with his head on your chest also hits different. he's so in love with you
- he's afraid of losing you. who wouldn't be? you're amazing and you love /him/ of all people
- he thinks very negatively of himself. please scold him for self deprecating.
- he always worries he'll wake up and you'll be gone.
- so he holds you extra close at night. and follows you around when you leave for any reason. Trails behind you like a lost puppy in need of a gentle kiss.
- which, is what he essentially is
- and also: pls steal his sweater and wear it. he'll cry over how cute you are.
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